The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 28, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Doctor Mitchell's Hugh 'ynn, ficc
Mrs. Hurton Harrison's Sdii of Old
Bret Hnrtc's Three Partners.
Mar Nordau's Drones Must Die.
Canon Farrar's IKirkncss and Dawn
Lllllau Dell's From Girl's Point of View
Edna Lyall's Wayfaring Men.
W. W. Jacobs' Man) Cargoes,
(Sailors' Stories.)
Edna Phlll pott's Lying Prophets.
Parks' The Game of Golf. Illustrated.
Authors' Headings; Sclcctlous from
American Wrltcis
Mary E. U'llklus' Jerome.
Mary llcaumont'sjoan Scaton.
Standard Dlctlouaty, complete In one
large volume, $i:.
E.iersliclm's Life and Times of Jesus,
new edition, r rice 52, reduced from $6,
Webster's Large Dictionary, Old
Edition, price $2.07. (Good type,
good paper and leather cocr. )
:s Lackawanna Aa
Have a Cigar?
limiiki Hon t nro If
1 do. All, thH U u
Garnsy, Browi & Co,
120 Wyoming Ave.
The Best Wc Give Our Patrons.
Why Not Have It?
2oS Penn Avenue. A. 15. WARMAN.
:c ucxawanm ays.
ltie opened a General Insurnnco OHlco In
nf llnllntinl Tlnnti
licit Sloclt Compnnlri ropresontod l.nro
Uucs especially .ollUtcd. 1 tic-phono J8u:j.
Thero is not such sriMt IncongrulO be
tween a fnshlonuulu tea und a supper at
the Young Women's Chilstlnn association,
and still a description of those pleasant
affairs would tumid bctttr it gloi
straight and not mixed. To bu Bute it
nasn t as unfortunitc as if the mixture
h id been made up of u prize fight nnd thu
Young Women's Christian association or
a fatdiionablo tea and a report of pollco
court matinee, but it may bo well to te
nia! k that some thing happened to the ac
count of both Mis. JUUuwun'a tea and
the Voting Women's Christian association
Mippcr in that lhc became, inextrlcublj
entangled in estetda's piper The
Young Women s ChilslUn assoelatlun
t-upptr, thi. Bucecss of which was largely
Uuo to tho able direction of ails Kmtllnu
Itlchmontl, ntttul tho association about
? It is to bi hoped that tile organiza
tion will not fti I sitlsllcd with this Je
suit us to omit tho annual dinner which
lias become such a feature in our city.
Tho nit exhibition announi-id to bo
glen tinder the auspices of the ladles if
the I'tnn A nuo Hiptlst chuhch has been
postponed until January owing to tho
impossibility of sccui lug the drawings. It
is to ho hoped tl at this unlquo entetlaln
ment will bo secured ns piomlstd for It
will certainly be ct.o to attiact much at
tention. PEKKOXAL.
Miss Hattlo Roland, of South Wnhhlng
ton aenue, has returned from a ltslt to
Haw ley.
M N. 15 Klllam. or I'aupack,, TIKe
tountj, is tho guest of his ban, 15 1
Klllam, esq
Colonel A. 15 Itlalr has returned horn
a si. weeks' hunting tilp at St. John'p,
Mrs John T. 1'crry and son, of Slonioo
avenue, and Mrs. Peru's sister, Miss
Ttete, left yesterday for Philadelphia.
P. D. Jones and Miss Mary Keese, both
of thin city, wcro married by Alderman
John T. IIowo last evening. They weie
Aella Greene, whoso numheis have ie
ceied tho genial pralso of Longfellow,
"Whlttler anil other poets, will icuu his
pocuna at Uim Park this evening.
Charles LJebenstcln. of Chicago, who
will bo general manager of Jonas I,ong's
Sonsdipaitmcnt store In this city, nrrlw'd
hero esteulay and Is stopping at thu
Miss Truo Powers, of Iloston, Is In tho
city. She will bo a bridesmaid nt tho
wedding of Miss Carolyno A. Wolfo and
3: G Wordetv in Elm Park church next
Cards havo been Issued for tho marrlago
nf Miss Louisa Prances Hralnard, laugh
ter of airs. Ann Hralnard, of Marlon
street, Green Itldite, to Henry O. Lucas.
The ceremony will bo performed in St.
Paul'B church Wednesday morning, Xo
embcrlO Miss Carolyno V Dorsey's pupils will
hold their second monthly recital at her
studio, 107 Wyoming vcnue, tomorrow
evening Mimed Olive Jadwln, Hclun
Holse, Mabel Jayne. Hvangellno Dorscy,
Dratrlco AlcComb, Busla Gross, Kathrn
it,y J. T !?
. l e
Young Iluds
Heal llrnnd and
I)e Leon Stylos
. WATERS, The Hatter
'j on
HWmvVomilar Punch
I' ft) lmlnliiclt. UN my
W A ( A I f.norlte
?'l VI
S . '
Mahei, Lulu Coiwlcntlnc, Lllllo Seward,
l'lora Malta) , Llllle llensoli, Nina Olm
Btend, Uarilo He, Hnzcl Skinner, Jeliulo
Hweot, Cora Scholtti, Cornellft Moredo"k,
l'lora Mettinnls, Ll7le llrant, and Irene
Cooper wi:i take part. Aitliur Vim tlor
dor will sing
Mntclitiinn on Scrmi ton Struct At
tncltcit b a Colored .11 mi.
Timothy O'Connell, a night wntch
nmn employed nt a foundry on Seventh
Btroft, was nttneked by n coloieil man
at a lato hour Tuesday night nnd In
tho sctilUc that en.suoj O'Connell was
slashed In the body with a razor in the
hands of the roloied man.
O'Connell dnlms that tho nttiuk was
without tho slightest tnowicntlon. Tho
colored man mndi- for him and th
wntfhmnn tlnew his u-(4nllnnt to the
gtound. He- did not dlsiover tho
wound on IiIh body until some time
afterward when trn blood had snaked
Ills shirt O'Connell went at unco to
tho Lnckawnnna hospital where- his In
JuiIch w to dressed. The police me
looking for tho coloiod man
Made an Glfort to Kill Hcrsslf In the
Police Slatlon Will Be Taken
to Hillside Home.
Mary Jnsen, the young woman who
wns ndjudged to be Insane l' the l'oor
bontd plnslclans-, Tuesday, made an
nttempt to cut her tluoat with n table
Knlfo In the ixillro station csteiday.
She wns pieentpl bv the quick action
of John Hawks
The woman was to hao been sent to
Hillside Home iHterday, but hoi dc
paiturc was delncl until todav. Dur
ing her Imnrlhonment she wetit most
of the time and at -i "0 o'clock ester
dny afternoon she had beiomo desiier
ate fiom constnnt grieving.
Putiolmnn Hawks, acting desk ser
geant, hemd n peculiar noKo nnd upon
going to the cdl whole the Josen wo
man was impi isoiuri saw her with a
toblo knife In her hand She was mut
tering to herself' "They shan't take
me; I'll go back to Johnson's nnd stay
thete: thei shan't, I'll kill mjhelf'"
The policeman, taking in the situa
tion at iv glance, (illicitly reached
through the Iron bais and giasped the
knlfo 1ut an tho woman messed It
against her throat.
Thu blade was dull and f intimately
no wound was made. After a brief
stiuggle tho knife wns secured.
The woman had evidently stolen the
Knife when she was glen her dinner
Msterda, with tho intention of using
It In the way which was frustrated.
Volunteer I'lrcincii .Undo Over I'ic
Hundred Dollars.
Tho Volunteer riicmon'.s association
nut Inst evening in Mini's hall nnd
lerkonid up what tho looent lliemeii's
convention extui slops to WIlkes-Hai p
netted. After deducting expenses th
Mini lenialnlng for tho tteasuty was
The committee icsponlblo for this
un pieced en ted ruecess Is John J.Kaulf
muii, J. W. Hall, I. Goodman, A. K.
Voi his and V W. Xltzhmuu.
Clinigeil with llmlirzleniont.
Philip Comtts wns air sted ye.steiday
at the instance of his cousin, Thorn is
Comus, on a chnige of embezzlement.
The pro'-eeutor Is in the butcher buM
nctsb at Haibeitown, and he authorized
his cousin to miko colli ctlons. Tho
cousin did so but he negl cted to ac
count for any ot the mouev. Thiitj
seven dollms wete thus nppropilated.
Comus was held under $"00 ball to ap
pear at court
I'lilds Tool, an Oinrcoivt,
Charles ridds was nt rested yestet
day by Patrolman Hnggerty and was
placed In the station house on th
chnige of larceny Fldds enteied the
State house on l'enn avenue estirdny
afteinoon and stole an owicoat, the
piopeity of W. :. AVescott, of Tac
toijvllle. He was captuied In Itaj
moiiil court, ridds will bo ulveti a
healing this morning
Took a Jolil Match.
A joung man. who n fused to give
his name, was nnesteii by Olficer Dy
er nnd I'atiolman May on l'enn ave
nue yesterday tor the laicenj of a gold
watch fiom Henry Haettlch's Jeweliy
store on Penn avenue. He wa lodged
In the police station and will be given
a. hearing this muinlm;.
Iiiiiii'fet Not Ni'ccnvu).
Deputy Coroner Ponnj packer yester
day viewed the lcnuilns of Levitts; Car
mltz. the man who was jun down and
killed by a Dehtwaie. Lackawanna
and Western freight train at Nnv Aug.
Monday afternoon. No Inquest was
I shall hold an examination for pro
visional certificates foi night tchool
teachers In the lloaid or Control rooms,
November a, beginning at 8.15 a. m.
Applicants wilt bo examined In tho
common blanches designated by law.
Geoige Howell, Supetintendent.
1 - i .
Ale jnu eeitaln that you alwnja get
what you order when you go shopping?
Advettlsed articles aie ftequently JtnU
tated. Look out'
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, in
Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 6
p. m.
Miss Carolyne V Dorsey, teacher ot
elocution, oratory unci delsarte, 107 Wy
oming avenue.
'I o Cure a Cold In Ono I)ny.
Tako laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money it tt
tuts to cure. 5 cents.
I'AItlNK In Scranton, Oi t 27. 1S97. Mis.
Carrlo PhilllpH Panic, aged 31 jears. at
the residence, 127 South Hide Paik ave
nue Puneral on Satuiday afternoon ut
tho rcaldenco at 'i p. m. Iiitcimeut at
Washburn sticet crjnctory.
JONDS In Scranton, Oct 27, 1817, Mi
Henry D Jones, wlfo of ex-City Asses
sor H. D. Jones, at tho family nomo on
North HyJo Park nvonue, after a Blx
week..' UlnesH. Tho func.vil will tnko
jilacoon I'rlday nftornoon Services will
bo held In tho Simpson Mi thodlst Hpl.
coital church. Burial will bo niado lit
Porcst Hill oemeterj.
KHAUNIJY. In Dunniorc.Oi t. 27. Helen,
4-month-old daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. A. Kearney, of Pourth trett l'u.
net nl tomorrow afternoon at 'A o'clock
Interment villi bo mado in Mt. Cuimol
LDWIS.-ln Factory! 111?, I'a.. Oct. 20, 38U7.
John Lewis, ago to years, Punernl ser
vice Thursday at 3 p. m.
MOOSH.-In Scranton, Oct. 27. 1807. IVI
ward Mooso, agJ 2tl years Puneral Pr.
lny afternoon at 2 30 o'cloi k from the
homo of bin sliter, Mrs. John LhanJU.
415 South WoBhinaton venuo.
Marriage of Miss Lillian Farnliatn lo
R. A, Williams Last Evening.
Ceremony l'crfoiiueil by Itcv. 1'. 1.
Doty in thn II inn ptun Street .11.1'..
Cliiircli--.UUs Augusta C. Stoat
edded to George II. I'incli lit tho
1 1 o mi! of the Ilride's 1'nrcnts,
Other .llurringcs of tho Day.
One of the piettlest homo woddlngs
In the North Hnd In recent years was
thnt of MIpo Lillian Fnrnham and
Itlehnrd A. Williams, ot Hast Market
stieet, Inst evening, at the home of
th brides paients, Mr. and Mrs. Cail
ton rnrnham, of Nny Aug avenue. Tho
hi Idnl couple were unattended.
The ectemony wns performed by
Itcv. Geoige H. Guild, pastor of the
1'iovldence Piesbyfrlnn church at 8 SO
o'i lock In the midst of a veritable
bower of chrysanthemums nnd tioplcnl
plints The bride wns becomingly nt
tlied In a gown of white orgnndto made
over blue silk and trimmed with white
lace Thf wedding marches were
played on the piano by the bride's
sister. Sirs. L. W Jtoss. The ceremony
was followed by a puppet. Ml. nnd
Mis. Williams have dispensed with a
wedding tilp and aie residing on Von
Stoich avenue
Among those who witnessed the cei
emony were. Hev nnd Mrs G. K.
Guild, Mr. nnd Mrs. IX. A. Williams,
Mr and Mis Bnon Washburnc, Mr,
and Mis. John Moans, Mr and Mis.
Minor C. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Spaffoid, Mr. nnd Mrs John Peuice,
Mr. and Mrs N. H. Rice, Mr. and
Slw, M C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs
M. D. Fnrnhain, Mr. and Mrs II. S.
Cmmer. Mr. and Mrs. j. h Mulley,
!.. and Mis. L W Hoss, Mis. Phebu
ratnhain, Mts. S. S Vail, Mltses Su
san Williams, Alice Von Storch, Madge
Von Stoich, Addle Peaioj. Amnnda
Cur, Anna Motel, Addle Von Stoich,
Cora ruinhnm, Leone rainham, nnd
Messrs Chat Icti Cair, Joseph Carr,
Hollo Cnir, Charles Parnh'im, Frank
Fnrnhnm, Chailes Pearcc, Fred Fatn
hnm, of S(ranton, and Mr and Mis.
G C. l'emce.Mrs. Sophia Williams nnd
Hairy Williams, Carbondale: MIfks
Curile and Mary Williams, West Pitts
It n, Miss s Doia nnd Jessie Robinson,
Clark's Green, and Howard Carr,
Last evening, In tho Hampton Sticet
Methodist church, Miss Hsthcr A. Hon
Held, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geoige
Hniilleld, of 111S Rock stieet, was unit
ed in mairlnge to William W. Rwnles,
of Peckvllle, In the presence of many
friends. The pulpit platform and altar
lulling were ilecoiated with chrysan
themums, which added to the chtum
of the scene. At S o'clock the bride
and her biother-in-liw, James Mitchell,
parsed down the aisle. They weie ac
companied by Miss Agnes Harvle. of
Dunmoie, as maid of honor, mid a
niece ot tho bride, Fva Mitchell, ns
llower girl. The ladies nil eatrled
chisatuheniums. The bridal patty
weie met at the altar bv the pastor,
Rev. V. I. Dotv, the gloom and his
best man, Thomas Walker, of Peck
vllle. Rev. Mr. Doty performed the
ceiemony, the bride being given away
by her biother-ln-law.
The bilde wns gowned In cadet blue
broadcloth, with white chiffon, frilled
ribbons, and pearl lace tiimmlngs. The
maid of honor was similarly attired.
The flower girl wore white silk. The
ushers wore Hdwin Protheroe, Thomas
Davy, Charles Rennett, of this city,
nnd John Pioberts, of Olyphant Mis.
F. P. Dotv plaved the wedding mnrch.
Immediately nfter the ceremony the
bridal party icpalrod to the residence
of the bible's parents, viheio an Infor
mal leceptlon was held and a bountiful
lepast served to the Invited guest3.
Roth young people enjoy a large circle
of fi lends. They will reside at Peck
vllle, vi here Mr. Swales holds a posi
tion with the Delawuro and Hudson
Tho guests juosent were1 Rev. nnd
Mis. F. I'. Doty, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mitel ell, Mi. ami Mis. II. Coats, Mr.
nnd Mrs. James Carey, Mt. and Mis.
W. G. House, Mr. and Mis R. T. Stone.
Mr und Mrs, II C Hlnman, Mr. and
Mis. Wllllniu Haivle, Mr. ami Mis.
l!ice Klcklcr, Mi. and Mis. T. James,
and Mrs. Skene h; Mi. and Mis. John
.Tnmes. Nantlcoke; Mr. nnd Mrs .7. D.
Roll, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hell, Peckvllle:
Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Ward. Olvphnnt;
tho Mlsois Mary Walker, Agnes Har
vle, Louise Scholletterbeck, Maiy Da
vis, Annie Coats, Anna and Hnima
Tiijlor, Gince Hlnman, Phoebe George,
Small Hrace, Geoiglana nnd Alice
Ronlleld and Alice Swales, and F. L.
Williams, Harry Saxton, John George
Rruco NIcholl, Chailes Rennett, Edwin
Piotheroc, Thomas Davy, Judson Hln
man, Rallegh Whitman and John Pin
belts, of Oliphant.
Mis AucuMa C. Sloat was united
In marrlago to George B. Finch, of
Fourteenth street at high noon j ester
day rtt tho icsidento of the bride's
piionts, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sloat, of
M.! Hjnon street.
The coiiplo wei unattended nnd the
biido wore a pietty travelling bull of
gieen cloth with satin tiimmlngs. Tho
ccrtmon was perfoimed In tho parlor
bv Rev. F. P. Doty, pastor of tho
Hampton stieet Methodist church.
Onlv fho Immediate f i lends of the con
tracting parties weie present. After
the eucmimy a wedding repast was
enjoyed by those present and later
Mr. and Mrs Finch depmted on their
.vcddlng tour via tho 12 15 Delaware
Lackawanna and Western train lor
No iv "i'oik city and Springfield, Mass.
I'pon their icturn they will reside with
Mis. Finch's mother at 420 Fourteenth
Miss Katie Mackey of WoodlocU, N.
Y and Michael Ryan of Stone ave
nue were married In St. Peter's Cathe
dinl Tuesday afternoon "by Rev. Father
Gougll. Miss Jessie McGouldrlclc wns
the bridesmaid and Michael Muy
Mr. and Mts. Ryan aro now enjoy
Jng a weddlncr tour nt tho completion
of which they will tako up their resi
dence on Willow street.
. riirri'll-Hcnncgnn.
At St. Thomas' church, Peckvlll".
ycMterdny morning Rev T. J. Comer
ford Joined In marrlago Patrick Far
i ell, ot Mechanlcsvllle, N. V., nnd Miss
Anna Hcnnegan,one of Archbald's moat
prominent joung ladles. Michael Mc
Oovonii of this city, wns groomsman
and Miss Mary Corcoran, of Archhald,
A icccjHloii was held at MoyU's hotel
ollov'.nf; the ccromon;' und later the
newly married couple left for Mr
chnnicsvllle, whcie they will mnke
their futute horn.
The ceremony which made Thomas
Ollhride and Miss Mamie Roche man
nnd wife was performed In Holy Cross
Catholic chinch, Rellevuc, jesterdny
nf tot noun by Rev. John Loughran. Tho
bride was nttlrcd In blue broadcloth
and wns nttended by Miss Jennie Welr.
The groomsman was J. P. Donohoo.
Mr. and Mrs. Gllbrldo will reside on
Third street. They aro both well
known nnd popular joung people.
Rev. J. J. U. Feeloy yesterday united
In mnrrlnge John Creeden nnd Mar
gatet Walsh, both popular young peo
ple of the central city. The ceremony
vini pei formed nt St. Peter's cathedral
at J o'clock and was witnessed by a
luge throng of friends of the contract
ing patties.
Daniel Creeden was groomsman and
MIS3 Hlten Curt an bildesmald.
In St. John's Catholic hurch Tues
day afternoon, Miss Kntlo Relllv of
Rroolc street was man led to John
Coggins of Ileech street by Rev. Fath
er Moilltt. The bildo was attended by
Miss Maiv O' "vlallcy and the groom
by L'dwnrd Rellly.
A reception wns held nt the bride's
home which was attended by many
fi lends of th? contracting parties.
Miss Maile Gallagher, of Oak street,
was mairled to John Caw ley, of Rrltlc
avenue, in Holy Rosnry church at 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon by Rev. J.
J. O'TooIe.
A reception wns held at the bride's
home last night. Mr. and Mrs. Caw
ley will reside In Ninth Scranton.
Thomis Langan. of Uellevue. and
Miss Mnrj Connors, of Lackawanna
avenue, weie united In marrlnge yes
terday afternoon at St. Petei's cathe
dral by Rjv. P. J. Gough.
John Iltiban was best man and Miss
iSarah Rutke bildesmald.
James O'Malley and Margaret Far
rell were yesteiday afternoon married
at St. Petei's cathedral by Rev. P. J.
Gougli. Miss Maiy Rellly was brides
maid and Charles Feney, best man.
At the resldcic of Mr and Mrs.
It K. lirooks 1171 Capouso avenue yes
teiday, Miss TUlle Lcncht was mar
l led to Hlier Akcis by Rov . C D Moore.
Iloth of the oung people reside In this
Alderman Kelly of lite Eighteenth Ward
Will Have to Answer It
at Court.
Alderman John I. Kelley, of the
Hlghteenth wmd. Inst night was held
under $300 bail on a charge of extor
tion, pieferrcd by John Martin. The
ball wns furnished.
Kelly was nlven a hearing at 7.30
o'clock Alderman Howe called upon
Mm tin, the prosecutor, to icpent the
charges madJ In the information
ngalnst Kelley.
Martin did so. stating that at a case
before Alderman Kelley on the night
of Sept. 11, ho was compelled to pay
$S 4 j as costs. This sum is more than
twice as much ns the costs allowed to
an alderman by law. Martin swoie to
this fact on oath.
Alderman Howe, when Martin had
concluded, biusquoly said "Alderman
Kelley, I will hold you for couit In the
sum of 300." Kelley piotested vlgoi
ously. He wanted to be heard, he
wanted to make a defense, hu could
clear himself, he said. Alderman Howe
drew his attention to ttio fact that a
case can not bo "it led" in an alder
man's couit. "The court Is tho place
to do that," said Alderman Howe.
Alderman Kelley then attempted to
have the case leoponed. This privi
lege, also, was denied him. After tho
hearing Aldeiman Kelley to a Tribune
reporter said: "I can explain eveiy
Item of those costs."
His I'cct Caught Itntwccu the Uuinp
crs ot Curs.
John Lynch, a 12-year-old boy, while
on his way to school esteidav morn
ing got on a car .standing at the Leg
gett's Creek breaker.
Presently the cur was put in motion
nnd ran against other cms, Lynch's
foot being badly Hinashed between the
bumpeis. He was conveyed to his
homo In the Maivlne patch.
Rietv indication points to n rousing
Republican victory for tho rnUro
ticket next Tuesday. Tho p.utj's
lighting blood is up at last and that
portends a Watciloo for the enemy.
Rut no individual Republican should
iclax his efforts This Is tho chanco
of a life tlmo to rivet and clinch Re
publican supremacy In once Demo
cratic! Laclmwiinnu.
Ilnrgniiin in Ileal Hstnte.
Rona-llde and tine. Rlggest baigains
ever offered In real estate In Scranton.
Prices cut In two for tho (list twenty
puulnseis. Cm pet factoty is located
on this plot Call on plot eind see
iiRents at unci?. Bring a deposit with
you. Tripp Farm Land Co.
I'lincy CiiiiiiciI Corn
120 dozen canned goods at wholesale
prices. Cuuiscn.
4"H"M- -M-f 4- -M- 4-H-4 4--H-
If you want a
X Barrel of first-
class see us to
Found the Intruder in the Toll House at
Entrance to Boulevard,
Wright Wns Shot in tho I, eg nnd
Hlood Stuliis on tho Ground lndl
cntn Hint tho Unknown Wns Also
Injured.-Lcll u Trail Iroin the Lit
tle llulldlng to tho IVoods-.Polico
Ara Trilng to find the Mini IHio
I'lrcd nt WiigJit.
William Wtlghl, a joung man who
collects toll at the entjance to the
Hlmhurst boulevatd, appeared at police
headquarters at fi o'c'ock yesterday
morning mid exhibited a wound in Ills
light leg. He said that while entering
the toll houo nt a Into hour Tuesdav
night he wns hot nt by an unknown
man and th ball cntned his leg.
Wright was taken to the Lnckawan
n.a hospital wheie the bullet, 38 cullbre,
nan extracted from Its lodging place
under the cuticle un the side opposite
to the cnlC of the log whei the ball
Wilghl In his Htorv to Chief of Pollco
Robllng snld ho wns In tho central city
until 10 15 o'clock Tuesday night and
upon leaching the toll house discover
ed the door open ll Mepped partly
Into the little-loom when he heard In
a commnudlnir voice, "Hold up your
hands'" and saw a dailt object In a
fur corner
Wilght hud his levolver ready for
Just such nn emergency and fired ono
shot at the object. Tho burglar or
ttnmp, which ever he wns, returned tho
tiro nnd Wright felt the sting of a
bullet In his leg. In the confusion the
man escaped. Wright claims that this
happened nt about 11 o'clock.
Why ho did not seek immediate' medi
cal assistance or repoit the case to
the police befote six hours had passed
Wright did not explain
Chief Robllng upon hearing the story
dispatched Pntiolmen McMullen and
Feoniy to the toll house. They found
the Interior of the house mmked with
blood stains, tho furniture was all
tumbled about and eveiythlng pointed
to a struggle of some kind.
Mounted Ofllcer Dyer also made nn
Investigation yesterday afternoon and
discovered what appealed to bo blood
otalns on the load The stains led to
the woods but could not be traced fur
ther. This cieates the supposition that
Wrights hhot was effective, how much
so cannot be stated. The police are
tiling to find Wilghts nshallant.
20 Lbs. Rest ('.. .Sugar
8Sc: candy, 20c, worth 30. Coursen.
If yon feel "All Pluved Out"
Tnko Horsford's Acid I'hosplintc.
It lepalrs broken nerve fotce, clears
the brain and strengthens the stomach
SMYRNA RUGS, 30x60 inclies, $2.00 cache, former
price $2.50. Don't fail to get one at this price. They are
great bargains and cannot be duplicated.
Japanese Rugs
New lot just received in 6x9, 7.6x10.6 and 9x12 feet,
Newest patterns. New colors.
ite Fur Rugs
Cheaper than ever before. Also plain, black and grey.
Baby Carriage Robes, all kinds.
Neither too long nor too short neither too heavy nor
too light. More absolutely new stock than any house of
which we know. More time, more care, more fiue work and
trimmings than any tailor will put into twice as expen
sive garments. More good values than j'ou have ever seeu
for the top notch ot excellence, of quality, of selection, is
now here. Or as au intelligent customer briefly puts it:
Top Coats at Bottom Prices.
Henry J. Collins, Lt., Lacka. Ave
Si "Not only licnltli but mornlH are promoted liv the cultiuitlojiof music.
SS Itelincd plcusiiio4 lllto niuulo HtunU In tlmwiij of (,'iosscr lastes. mn
J. ALFHKI) PCNNINGTON. Director AdJms ie anJ l.lnclcn ht. S
Music, Fine Arts, Languages.
J5 Htuileiitsinii) cnternny ortliedcpiutinciitH NOW. I'rospeotm (second S
SS edition; tcut on implication. .J
1 11 to J 11) .Meridian htrcet,ucrunlon, 1'iv. Tcieplione au8".
nrnl-ii, Dryeri, Japan nud Hliln jle hlulii.i
Your Money Earned by Gardui linlusuy
Why tuit bo Just ns careful In hilling
lour Clothing? Don't ion know there Is
u vast difference in dinllug nt the UIOIIT
STORU-OUR STORH. u proved storo
whero ou can, with conlldence, rely on
Just what we till ou' If wi say It Is All
Wool," It must be ns such mid tho prlco
Is lower thin ion enn buy elsewhere. Wo
aro telling tho plain truth. That's our
wav of doing buMncss.
Don't i ou think It Is tho bcrt
Men's Strlctlv All Wool Suits, In lllue or
151 ick nnd Fanry Mixtures, worth J10 1,
ut XI E0 the suit
Men's Hlue Klack and Hi own All Wool
Kercey Overooats, woith $10 W, oath price,
$7 50
That is the name of this
hat, and it's all right,
can't be beat for
We aie sole agents for this
Halters and Furnishers,
412 Spruce Street.
n 1 1 i m ISbbbSI
9 Lackawanna Avenu;
liirpsillui, Wlilto l,ul, Coal Tar, t'ltcli
S20 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pi
Wholesale ami Kctall
Ready nixed Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Keoiioinleal, Durablo.
Varnish Stains,
Producing Perfect lnillutlonorilvponilTO
Roynolcls' Wood Finish,
Eepcclally DcsiRiiod for Inside Worls.
Marble Floor Finish,
Dm able nnd Drlci (illicitly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
Sohmer Piano Stands at the Head
AND J. W. nUERNSBY Stands at tho lfe I
in tln Music true!.. ou i m ulunis ?iC
better barcrnin nt Ills liriutlful w.irorooms
than at any other placo in the city.
Call und bcii for yourself befoiu buiuj
205 Washington Avenue,
J. V. dUERNSEY, Prop.
n. J12 and 314 Lack. Ave, Scranton, 13
Not a store in the
state can show you such
a variety of the latest
novelties for Decorating,
and will sell at old tariff
prices. Call and see for
Nhtropolitan China Hall,
110-112 "Washington Ave.
Meara Building.
In Black, Brown, Gresn, Etc,
Now on Sale.
Hotel Jarmyn Hattsrs,
Including tbo palnloi oxtractineo
tteth by an entirely now process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
3Ji Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Lowest Prices In
Hats and FuruMi
11 :iJ!
I Hi