j ipTr ,-T4 t illlap'lill7fraw-i" ! WM"" ' TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MOItNINGr, OCTOBER 25, 1897. ooooooooooooooooo I IK $3.00. By all odds the hand somest outdoor shoe for woman's Autumu and Winter wear. Made of close-grained Box-Calf, on Bull Dog Toes or the Coin Toe, which is the popular toe. Button and laced, heavy welted soles, inpervious to dampness. Also Misses for and Children; heels and spring heels. o t 410 SPRUCE STREET. ooooooooooooooooo CITY IN'UTES. Wodncfil.o and Tlmr-iiluy, Oct 27 rind 23, will bo donation dujs at St. Joseph's KoundlhiB home Tonlq-ht the Welsh lngers will filw a concert at tin lucrum undor the auspices of tho Rolurt "Mori is lodst of IxoriUwi. Ue (J L Alrli'h will six alt at the Itoi cue mN'lon Momla nlqht nml on Tiu-s lay cnlHK- thoro will be un uniihoriary iee O St Groin, of 510 Spiiup ntiept, lost nn Kldridge bicjclc from In front of his resl-tlc-nco Satunlay night. The poIlT failed to locate tho wheel jesterduy. Tho new pavement on Mtilbrriy street wan pirtly Inspected Saturday oj .o eial membeis of tho Joint pavements commit too or council1!. A furthoi Inspection .Mil bo made It wl'lbo rcincnilitiot Hint l)r T.ifl died nbout thrco months hko In this city, lenMiiK a MnuiB wlff On Thuisda sho also died of peritonitis at her home lu New York state. Thoro will bo n meeting of the Junior JtcpublU an club tomoiion night In the Central lUpublliaii club looms to nuke airansjomentF lor attending tho mim meetings to be hold this week Tho joint llio department and auditing e'ommltteoH oftouncil wilt meet tonight. The foirmr will consider tho leasing- of n htoamei for the franklin company whllo Hie Minpan"s piei nt steamer Is bc.ng n pa I re 1 l'ollowlng are tho exchanges of tho Peranum dealing House nssocntion lest voek, which amount to M,J9.!.1S more than for the roriovpondlng week In 1SS6: .Mon day, I47 SPl JS. Tucsdiy, $Ufi,013 r.9; Wed nosddy, J1.MSS99, Thursdiv, $170,J-7.47; Krldnj, $123,773 14. 8iitimln, 1C0 j77 31 . to t it, J WJ, Sin 78 The first of a m rlos of public suppers will bo served In the Young Woman's Christian association tomorrow. Thoro will bo four suppet.s, one to bo given by each of four "divisions" organised for llio purpose among tho members and of ficer. Mlsi i:nipllm Ttlihmond Is ehalr nian of tin- diIson which will give to mauow nU''it's .supper. The price will be 25 ecnts A legular confeience of the Baptist Pastor's organization will be held todiy In tho Vi nn Aenuc lliptlst church. A piper, Puritan Tjpe of fhrlstlanitj." will be lead b Itev. J 11. Kills At this moi nlng's meeting of tho Lutheran 1 as- 1or.il association in Ho. V C. L bailor's Htudv si paper. "Scriptural Iloctilno of the Hob Spirit," will bo read by ltev. J. W. ll.u dolph. BUNCOERS ABROAD : BEWARE ! It Is the trick of the ISij.inlzcd De mocracy this fall to make falso charges against Iteputllcan methods, raise a big dust, hire Republican mal contents to org-inlre llepubllcan bolts and then coax IndMduil Republicans to elegit their party on tho replevin, tation that "party ties needn't count for anything In an oft joar" Hy this trick. If It shall woik, tho 13ranltes will get a foolhoM for a hopeful light lu national cumpalgns, and make Just bo much mora troublo for StcKinlc, the Republican congress and the causes of sound meney. You now bco through this trick. Aro jou going to let It work? i)i:si:ttvi:s thi: hijst. Tho nomination of William K Reck for leglstor of wills was a compliment to a man who deserves tho Inst that his party i in gio him Sir, Heck has the qualltlca tlons and has been tho kind of a Repub li'.in that clcsino heaity lecogultlon Hyde Park Courier-Progress. Our Shapes, Materials and Combinations Are artistic in design, perfect in workmanship and as wor thy your commendation as were our efforts of previous seasons. Leave Your Order With us as early in the week as convenient. The styles will be right and prices mod erate for high class material and execution. i or I b 324 Lackawanna Ave. SCHfliSSPENCEIl Correct Millinery u NEW PASTOR HEARD AT HOLY TRINITY Congregation Is Greeted by Rev. Charles Q. Splcker. COMES FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO lie Is n Sou of Dr. Splcker, of ilia iiiithcrau Tlirologlcnl .Seminary nt Jit. Airy, I'n. ..lu III .Morning Ser mon Ho ricdccd Iliinoclf lor I.u tlicrnnUm nml Against New Doc-trincs-.IIc Will Ho I'ormnlly Installed ns I'mtorNov. 28. Ilev. Olmiles a Splcker, of Cleve land, Ohio, vestenlay begun tils duties us pastor of the congiegatlon of Holy Tilnlty K angelical Lutheran cliuru'i, though he w 111 not be formally Installed for u month. He Is but 27 venis old, tinmiurletl and, It Is lepoitod, I one of tho brightest and most iuomlsliiR of the yount;i clergy Uo eloped In recent years ut the Evangelical Lutheran Theological seminary at Stt. Ally, notr Philadelphia Though n ounc man, Sir, Splokei has for evpial je.us been engaged In l.H tnll'm--, icmly nil tho time In a misslonuiy cunnclt The new minister received his eai'v and aeaelemlo education at the Kutz tovv normal school and at Sluhlenbei:; college, the Lutheian stK'ul of this synod, at Allentown. After his giadu atlon fiom the pemltiaiv rt Alt. Atry he was sent to Evans City. Pa., lier3 he performed a splendid in cslon work. For two and a half vcai.i Ml Spl icer hus been pastor of llolv Tilnlty church at Cleveland In tl at time tho congiegatlon giew liom Jlltv to nen.il 250 membeis and to bo one of the most active and promisintr In that ft nod. While In Cleveland Sir Splcker un'i piovlslonal piesldent of the Western conference of the l'lttshutg snod anJ was the .seetetaiy of tho same. dr. spiincnn, Tiin rATiinn Sir. Rpleker Is a son of Rev. Oeoii;o I Spleker, D D, Ph.D.. well-known tluoughout this country's Lutheiun Ism as professor qf chinch histoiy and t lit old testament at the Mt Airy seminal. Dr. Spleker was once pas tor of St. Sllthael'H church at Allen town, which has nearly 1,400 membeis, one of the laigest Lutheian congrega tions In the I'nlteel States He has been heard In Scranton several times, his most lecent lsit being two Sab baths ago, when ho was engaged to occup the Holy Tilnlty pulpit and conduct the Harvest Home services. The Installation of the neve pastor will take place on the First Sunday In Advent, Nov. 2S. The president of the conference and others from outside tho city will be here to participate In the ce remon . Sir. Spleker made a happy advent yesterday among- his congregation, who have been without a pastor since last JIarcli. At the morning and even ing sei vices there was a filled church His morning sermon was Introduced by a few simple rematks to tho effect that It was God's choice which called lilm to labor In a new Held, a work of honor undor any conditions as It was in God's caute. His experience had not been full, but whatever he had had and of his best talent he pioposed to make use In the Interest of his con gregation. PURE LUTHEUANISSf. The text was fiom Hebrews, xlll S, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever," It might .seem stiange. In a comparative hense, said Sir Spi'lcher, but lie cume with noth ing new-no new doctrine, no new gos pel; he brought the same old light and tho same tiuth. After presenting the salient position of the Lutheran church lie remarked that ho stood upon the .same giound, the Identical foundation of which Jesus Christ was the corner stone. While the splilt of llbeiatlon, to do away with all cieeds. was abioad, he would hold that the AVonl of God as taught In Luthet an Ism was the only faith; the confession of faith, a dis tinct doctrine of Lutheranlsm would bo his doctrine. He came to preach the whole gospel, to labor and to ad minister tho sacrament. In the evening1 "The Ideal Congie gatlon" was the subject of Sir Splek er's nddiess His text was fiom Acts x: 33, "Now therefore ore we all here present before God, to hoar all things thut aie commanded thee of God " He dwelt particularly on the fact that his and his hearers' woik could not be pleasing In the sight of God without a diligent and concentiated effort for gooel. The church was expected Indi vidually, no less than collectively, to be cood church men and women and pood Lutherans xne spit It of the text should be afllrmed In that they were all present, In time, with one common puipose and to teek understanding' of what was commanded them of God. Y. W. C. A. GOSPEL SERVICE. Led by Miss i:vnin--Arrnui.'iiiK Tor llio Evangelistic .Meetings. There was a largo gathering1 nt e.s tciday afternoon's gospel meeting- for women In the Young Women's Chris tian association rooms. The leader was Sllss Delia P. Evans. The topic of her address1 was "God's Work In Natuie." JIIss Emma Hayes gave a talk upon the appioachlng state convention in Wilkes-Dane, Nov. 11. Slis. H. T. Jayne and Miss Pmlth sang a duet. The pianist was Sllss Edith Swingle. A week of evangelistic meetings is being arranged by the association of ficers. The meetings will be in cliaige of Sirs. J S. Slorvell, of tho Moody Bible school at Northfield, and who lioi e a prominent part In tho recent evangelistic meetlngB in Chlcngo and on the Pacific coast. The Scianton meetings will begin next Sabbath at 3 45 o'clock In tho Tenn Avenue Baptist church. There will bo meetings each evening at 7 30 o'clock In the Young Women'H Chris tian association rooms On the Sun day afternoon nnd evening following there will be meetings In the Second Presbyterian and Elm Park Slethodlst churches, respectively. Sits. F. D. Brevvbter and Sllsa Blanche Dolph will havo charge of the music for all the meetings. TWO V0UNQ MEN ORDAINED. Itccoirc'd Sncrnmont ol Holy Orders ut Cathedral Saturday Morning. In St. Petei'a cathedral Saturday morning tho sacrament of Holy Or ders was conferred by Bt. Rev. SI. J. Hoban on Rev. William Glslon, of Cai bondale, and Rev S. Szpotnnskl, of Nantlcoke. Bishop Hoban was, assist ed by Rev. T. F. Coffey, of Cat bondale, and nev. D, J, MacGoldrlck nnu itov, J, J. 11, Feeley, of tho cathedral. The spongers for the new prUeta were Rev. Domenlco Landro, of this city, for Fa- thor Glslon, and Rev, n. arumlcvvltch, of Nantlcoke, for Father Ssspotanskl. Stany of the frlcnda and relatives of the you nt; men were piescnt and wit nessed the Impressive ceremonies that raised them to the pilesthood Yester day Father Glslon lead his llrst mass nt Cnibondale. and Father Szpotanskt at Nantlcokc. SABBATH NEWS NOTES. A special music programme was Riven lu tho evening at tho Second Presbyte rian ehuich. Evengcllstlc cervices will be held each evening this week In the 1'iovldenco .Methodist church. Rev. Georgo'SI. Scholdy preached lu tho evenln? nt Zlon Gorman Lutheran church on Slllllln avenue. Pravor and praise service was held nt tho Hellevuo Welsh CahlnUtle church jcslerday instead of alio legular pleach liiff services. The paMor, Rev. J. T. Stor rls, is atti'inllng tho svnoit at West Han gor Tho Hceond of a series of eve nine le tures on "Tho Stieets and Their Story" was dellvoied by Rev. Dr. Joseph K. Dixon In the Penn Avenue Baptist chiucli. Ills topic WdH "The rushion and Polly or tho Streets. ' Aaron V Dowel, esq, of tlrcen Ridge, occupied Ho pulpit of the PI mouth Con gregational dim rlt esterday at both sou vices. Air. Rower Is it welt known speak er nnd his audiences at both services wcie largo and appreel itlve Rev. P. P. Doty, pastor of tho Hampton Street Slethodlst ehuich, occupied his pul pit at both services esterday. Tho topic, for his tnoinlng sermon was "The Scrip tuial Dootrhio of Regeneration,'- nnd his matim i of treating the subject wis lore ful Rev llatrj Ciesson Slcllenry, rector of the Ginco Episcopal chuiih, of (Irout Rend, Pa., occupied tho pulpit of St. Da vid's Episcopal church nt both set vices. Doth his sermons were eloquent nnd given with good deliveij Tho topic of hli evening sermrn was "A Private lnterpto tutlon of the Serlptun s " WHAT ABOUT MACHINERY The Meeting Last Night lu Working men's Hall Considered Matter from Laborer's Point of View. The legular Sunday evening meet ing for dlhciisfclng questions concerning the general wolefnie of the country wus hold In Worklngmen's hall Inst night. The subject of last Sunday, "13 Slachlnciy a Benefit to Woikmen.'" wus continued and uresonted by Sit. A. T..wkci field In a matter of fact manner. Hu eiuoted the following poetical de eilption of the present state of af fairs which was received with much applause by the audience. There's an overproduction of cotton, An oveiptoductloii of corn; Too much of evei thliiij is giown; Too manypecplo born; A surplus lcld of wheat nnd bread, Of potatoes, onts nnd ie. Hogs and hoinin, bam and eggs, And home-made pumpkin pie; Dut too little money to buy. Too much to eat, too much to weir. And cattle on too nam hills; Too nun agricultural tools, Too many sciapcr, plouglis and drills. There's surplus now of clothing Of even grado and kind. Too many books and papers. And too much thought and mind; lint with llttlo money of ni kind. Too many men to do the work, Too many women to weep; Slore da light than the people need. And too much night for sleep; Of benefits a burplus, An oversupply of girls; Too many birds and blossoms, Sloro be-es than thero aro hives; But no money to mako girls wives. Sloro sunshine and more shadow Than Is needed for tho dell; An overproduction of giavestoncs, 'Sloro coffins than we can sell; An overproduction of Ignoiance, Sloro chlldien than there's schools; Too manj ioor, too many rich, And lots too many fools Who act as monej's tools. SI. J. Coleman spoke of the neces sity for n general oiganlzation with a plain and practical platform on. which all tiuly iitrlotlc men can unite to remedy the pie-sent unsatisfactoty condition of the countt y. John Goebol was the next speaker and illustrated tho results of the InttoducUon of labor paving mat ninety by quoting Instances which show that In some trades 40 per cent of tho men formerly needed ore now out of wnik rind can not go at other trades or work because In every line there are now more men than wanted. Pen Castles ex-factory Inspector, then gave a number of his expeilentes and complained that worklngmen often fall to demand their rights when tho la-vs have been made to secuio them, John Giay, called attention to the ren son wage workers do not demand the enforcement of law, saying that it Is becaniso they have learned that If they do they ore ellschaiged. The subject for next Sunday even ing will be, "What Does Henry George Propose." OIRL HAS DISAPPEARED. Lett Homo Snturdny nnd Has Not Unturned Since. Clara Bldenbach, 19 yeats old, left her home at S19 Elm street, Saturday afternoon, and has not returned. The police were notified yesterday. The girl was seen at midnight Sat urday night on Prospect avenue. She was then wnndeilng aimlessly about Her parents fear that harm will befall her. The girl la described as follows: Five feet, two inches; corpulent; blue diess, apron, sailor hat, low-cut shoes, black hair.' Hoy Disappears. Willie Davis, aged C years, left his home on Archbald street, Bellevue, Saturday. The police were usked to find him. Steam Ilciitiiig nnd Plumbing. P. F. t M. T. Howley, 231 Wyoming ave. A PUBLIC BENEI'ACTOH. Pi lends of education will not forget V. S Laugstaff's good work for education. Tor fourteen ears, though a staunch Republican, ho has represented a Demo cratlo ward on tho school boaid. That fpeakn volumes In his favor as a good man We could give many Instances of his services. In helping Hdo Park oung women and men, to got positions in our Bohoolsi and other places. 11 do Park Courier-Progress FELS-NAPTHA soap is as much an improvement over other soaps as the electric iignt is an im provement over the tallow-dip. It makes all cleaning work easier, and does it without the use of hot water. I'liLS & CO,, Philadelphia. MET DEATH ON AN ASH DUMP Jolm Kiipslck's Body Was Found wilb Life Extinct. OASES KILL A RUSSIAN POLE Ho Hud Hotted Ills Coat Into n Pil low nnd l'robnbly l.nld Down to Hc.t"Arnis nnd Los Were Burned. Coroner I.ongstroct Sees the Body nml Decides nn Inquest Unncccs-siiry--i'lio Homnlna Wcro TnLcu to Kiipslck's Home. The deadly gases which arise fiom the huge ash dumprt in the viclnit of the mines, caused another death dur ing Sntuiday night or eaily yesterday morning. The victim was John Kup lck, a Russian Pole, of 410 Laurel street. Kupslck met hl death on the- ash dump of the Cauga breaker. His body was found lying In one of the f-evornl depiesslons caused by the sinking of the ashes beneath tho tinek, which inns along the top of the dump. James Wethers, employed as a foio inun nt the- bleaker, dlwoveitd Kup slck' body. Ho hod tolled his coat Into n bundle and used It for a pillow. There' weie no wldenees of violence about the body or the scene and the supposition I.s that Kupslck was either Intoxicated or weaiy, nnd lay down to sleep In the spot which proved his death-bed. The dump lies In whnt would be n hoi t cut between Provi dence uml tho mans homo. The arms and logs of tho body were quite badly binned After the dlseov uv bv Pot omnn Wethers the body was left lu charge of Patrolman Thomas Thomas until the nrilval of Coioner Longstieet, who decided an Inquest un ne'eessar It was not until late lu the day that Kiipslck's Identity was lentned He was n laborer In the Cauga mine, but was probably Ignorant of the tatal dump gas a- he has been but seven months in this counti. He has been man led two eai.s but had no chil dren t'ndei taker Jones took chaige of the remains and prepaied them for builjl. Last night the weie tenioved to Kup hlck's home Cnliforuin Excursions. Peisonally conducted. Leave Chica go every Wednesday. Burlington Route to Denver, thence v la Denver & Rio Giande By. (the scenic line of the world). Paitles travel In Pullman tourist sleeping cars fitted with every convenience, which go through to Cali fornia nnd nio In charge of special agents of long expedience. For par ticulars addTesa T. A. Grady, Excursion Slgr. C V.. & Q. It. 15, 211 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Dickson, Pa., Oct. 13, 1897. I was tioubled for veais with neivous head aches. I puichascd a bottle of Hood's Saisapaillla and It did me so much good that I continued its use until I was perfectly cuied. Annie T. SIc Nulty. Hood's Pills are the favorite cathar tic. MAKING THINGS HI No lack of interest here. No lack of business. We've the wit that's wanted to gather the things that are wanted and the wit to sell them as people are ready to buy. Ladies all over the city arc talking about our Stylish Hats, and the more you count the pennies the more you'll be satisfied to spend your money here. We call special attention to the low prices on Ribbons, Tiimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Ostrich and and Fancy Feathers. Take no one's word for it, come and see for yourself. A. R. Sawyer, 132 Wyoming Avenua, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Gas tritis nml all Stoinat h lllsnr. deis nosltlvelv cured. Diover (jiaham's 1)h pepsfu ltemedv Is u Mieclllc. Ono dose re niovennIl distress ami u permanent cure of the most c hi utile mid suvero cases U guaran teed. Do not milter! A nil-cent bottle will conv luce the most s,kepllcut. .Matthews llios., JJiUjcUitH, SI20 Lacka wuunu avenue. Special Prices for Monday. Bright Plaids and Checks, fine worsted finish, uould he con sidered cheap at 15c toe Serges and Henriettas, all wool, regular 40c goods 29c JUack Mohair Luster, 40 inches wide, regular 65c goods 43c DON'T FORGET that we arc headquarters for fine dress goods. Kid Gloves Notwithstanding the great ad vance in prices we are still selling our M. & II. Gloves at S1.00. Wc believe this to be the most flexible, best fitting glove at the price to be found in the city WEARS & REV. DR. REED WAS ILL. Could Not Speak in the Elm I'nih Church Vratordn). The members of the congregation of Hint Pnik chinch nro always leluctant to lose nn opportunity to hear their own pastor. They dread the summer vacation -when a series of supplies, prench they ever bo eloquently, tire scattered over tho Sundays, and they are sure to welcome Di. Olllln with enthusiasm on his return. Ones of tho visiting clergymen, however, whom they hold In high favor Is Rev. Dr. Oeoigo Edward Reed, of Dickinson col lege, nnd tho announcement thnt he Is to spealc Is certain to be received with pleaMure. It was therefore a disap pointment yesterday when the pastor stated that a Midden Illness had de tained Dr. Hoed nt his home. Dr Olllln then said that he had been so fortunate as to secure Dr. Hughes, foimerly mlsslonnry In South Africa, who would ppeak on this occnslon. Dr. Hughes gave un able sermon on the text found In Slatthew xvlll: 20, "Theio am I In tho midst of them" Hl.s subdued, plentdng manner of de livery, his charming diction nnd many fitting lllustiatlmis made hl address one of gient Interest. The deep and slnceie spltltuallty of his thought gave additional effect to the morning's dls e otlise THE GIRL FROM IRELAND. Will lie Presented nt Davis' by Kate Rooncy and Company. A beautiful farce-comedy, entitled "The Girl from Ireland," with Kntle Boone as "The Gill," will be presented nt Davis' theatre tho first half of this week.openlng this afternoon. "Tho Gill from Iieland" Is one of the heuson's successes Katie Boonev Is the bright paitlcular star; but the en tire company have enough to do lu thelr.dlffeient linos to share the honois and help piovlde a deal, wholesome show that Is decidedly pleasing, DESERVES A RE-ELECTION. Lackawanna, never hnd a more capablo recorder of dceMls than Charles Hcuster. Hi' deserves a re-election, because he Is competent and because ho has alwaR been falthtul to his part. Hjde Paik Couiler-Piogiess. Tlio Welsh I'ric Mngcrs Fiom tho land of pong and poetry will innke their first uppeaiatice In Scran ton at the Lvceum on Slonday even ing, Oct 23th. Compare These Prices With what others ask; then come to this store and compare quality ior quality. You'll admit our prices are the lowest in Scranton or any other place for that matter. Fifty other very special Monday bargains at the store today: Ansonia Best alarm clock made Alarms Ansonia movement. worth and sold most places for one dollar. To day we offer them for 68c Rogers' Genuine "1847" in Knives tnree patterns., chased, bright and oxydued. bought for seconds, but are perfect and best plate. Never sold under $2. Monday price set $1.48 Dollar A lot of silver- Silverware P''lted butter dish es, pickle jars, syrup cups, castors, sugar bowls, cake baskets, fruit dishes, etc. Many were sold for Si.o some even more. All go today at choice, $1.00 Onyx Tables Solid brass frame with 8-inch clear, perfect ony.w Every way Sc value. We otter it as an induce ment for you to see other bargains. Today only - $2.98 The Rexford Co., 303 Lacka. Ave. THESE PRICES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY. Underwear and Hosiery. Children's Natural Wool Sanitary Underwear Size 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 30c 35c 40c 45c 50c 55c 6oe Wool Underwear protects children and saves doctor bills. Misses' Natural Wool Underwear, fine ribbed, regular price 65c 50c Children's Underwear, white wool, broken assortment at half price. Ladies' Fine Fleeced Lhiderwear 25c Ladies' extra fine soft 50c goods 350 Ladies' Egyptian Cotton 56c Men's Fleece-lined Underwear 50c Men's Natural Wool 75c goods 590 Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes, $1.25 goods 95c Mch's Cotton Hose, 8c goods j;c Men's Heavy Cotton I lose, 15c goods, 3 pair 25c Ladies' I osc, black, seamless 9c Ladies' Hose, black, fleeced, 17c goods, 2 pair 25c Ladies' Hose, black, white feet, 17c goods, 2 pair 25c HAGEN WHITECHINA for Decorating. 0 Just opened several 0 casks of Havilaud & Co's A and Deliniercs choice WinTK, newest uovel 0 . ties, latest shapes. X $Oft'xvaTV(giW . MILLAR & PECK, 131 WYOMING AVENUE. jr Walk in and look mound. t O00COO0KOOf Talk Costs Nothing, Are Stubborn Things. It is easy to say things in print, to assert that the values offered are the lowest, to endeavor to create a belief on the part of the reading public that there is only one good house in this particular line of busi ness, and that the house making ,s assertion is, of course, the only one. All this may be done, and is done, in every city. This Is Not Our Way of Thinking We are aware of the fact that there are others in the field. We expect keen competition and we intend to meet it in the right way by selling reliable goods only, and charging as low a margin of profit as we can sell them for "and "live," Our Announcements Are Honest Statements Of facts. We invite inspection and comparison or prices and goods, and know that a great many peo ple will find it to their benefit to do so, THE KLINE SIE CO 326 Lackawanna Avanue. "Famous Old Stand." i&fei sfTJr 7 W "a 0 0 0 0 But Facts 415 and 417 Lackawanna ' Avenue Scranton, Pa. rt 1 Pass by. See if you will not want one of these. Compare prices. Stendlng Tissue, regular 10c. packngMo Quill Toothpicks, 1G In package 4c lvoiy Toothpicks 4u Darning Cotton, all colors, 2 for....4u Stocking Darners 4u Tracing Wheels 4o Petroleum Jelly, 10c. bottle 4o Pearl Buttons, per dozen..... 4o Thimbles, steel, celluloid, or alumi num 4(3 Stevvuit's Safety Pln, nil nlzes, per dozen 4u Lamp Wlck. till sizes, 2 nrds 4n Kid Curlers, per doreii, 10, S, C and. ,4c lionlng Wat 4o Puce Powder, white and pink, regu lar 10c. box 4o Eo-glasses, Spec's ol Gogglts 4o Chlld'fl Back Combs, extra value... .-to Collar Buttons, luigo head, perdosi..4c! Hat Pins, long shanks, per dozen.. .4o Aluminum Hnliplns, 4 for 4c Bone Hairpins, 12 for 4o Baby Plus, rubber or bone..,., 4a I Chamois, fin face . 4c Cm tain or Diapoi Hooks, 2 diuen 4c Clocbet Cotton, all colors, per spool. 4c Ciochet Silk, all c,olois, per spool., .4o Pilling Silk all cnloiv, pel skein... 4o Costume Bells, per dozen 4c Cutset Clasps, per pair 4o Needle- Books, 13"i assented needles.. 4o Shoe-Httlngs, per dozen .....4a Leathei Shoe-stilngs, per pair 4u Biass Rings 3 dozen 4cj Elastic Sleeve-holders, per pair 4o 2 Spools Situ nine Cotton 4c 2 pieces White oi Black Tape 4o Take a look at the extra good bargains we have iu combs it will pay you. THE GREAT 310 Lackawanna Ave. J. II. LADWIG. 'S XOOOOOOcX00000 6 Days Sale. 000 00000000000 Bargains In Every Department oooooooooooooo 'S 224 LACK. AVENUE. M. & II. CORSETS, made on French model, dura- -able and perfect fitting. . .50c J. 15. CORSETS, regular $1.00 goods 75c FLANNEL SKIRT PAT TERN, made front fine cashmere wool, fretted.. $1.69 FOR COMFORTS. Silk olines in light colors, to close 05c (Itegular l'J'vO sooiR) Mulls and Lawns, to close. .03ic l'ctl Spreads, full size, 90c goods 69c OOOOOOOOO We Will Reduce Prices on Comforts, Blankets, Table Linens, Huslins And Sheetings. This is the place to buy. rt STORE 5ft6. 3Mathr -Me-.. -aaa