8 THE SOItANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 19, 1897.. Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds TlflH SPECIAL- HALM OP F1NH WHITE CIIYSTALS HAH NEVKIl UEKN Al'I'HOACHBD IN THE HISTOItY OV THE TltADli THOSE EXTRA WHITE AND YERY BRILLIANT STONES ARE SOLD LOWER THAN THE REOU. LAR PRICES ON ORDINAIULY COM MEItflAL STONES. CALL AND LOOK l'lIBM OVER. THEY WILL SURELY aURPRISE THE MOST EXPERT. E. SCHIMPFF 317 Lackawanna Ave. Will ODD OLD Of course yoit have heirlooms in form of Old J'urniturc, and then, perhaps, your modern fur uishings area bit worn: Why not have them toned up restored? Re-Upholstering Is a special line of work with us. We do it well and we do it for a9 little as possible. We have all the new and desirable coverings. WILLIAMS i I'MUTT Carpets, Drapsrles, Wall Papers, SCRANTON. PITTSTON. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TACTOUYVILLi: Miss Jennie Gardner has been spending a few days with her friend, Mls Lena Clark, of Wood street, Scrnnton, Pa. Tho Rlker family reunion was held at the home of Norman Rlker, at West Nich olson, last Saturday, Oct. 1C. Next year It was decided to hold It In the grove, at the home of Mis. Catharine Brown, near West Nicholson. Tho game of foot ball between Keystone in ademy and Scranton high school was unn by Keystone and was one of the hardest fought lMtt'.cs on the Keystone grounds so far this season. An account w.is published in brief in yesterday's Tilb iini', the score being (i to 0 In favor of Kny ctnne. Dershlmcr. of the Keystones, was t'n- star player of the game, and made the only touchdown In the game, and Norton kiekrd the goal. The teams are pretty ivinly matched In the game, Keystone being tho stronger of the two at critical moments. At no tlmo during the game was Keystones goal In danger. Matthew-t-nii'H kicking was also it feature of the game. The referee was Professor Urom l'.v Smith; umpire, Mr. Molt; timekeeper, .lay Roud; llne-smen. Green and Brown. Time of halves, 2Z and 20 minutes. Time of game, one hour and thirty minutes. Tho following Is the schedule of Key ttonu's team fiom this date: Saturday, Oct. 23. Keystone vs. Tunkhannock high s'-honl, at Tunkhannock; Saturday. Oct. ::. Keystone vs. St. Thomas colegi-. at Keystone grounds; Saturday, Nov. li. Key Fione vs. Scrnnton high school, at Scran ton; Saturday, Nov. '. Keystone vs. St. Thomas college, at Scranton. Date.n for games that are still open wltn Keystone, Nov. 13, L'Snnd 27. They would like to hear irom the School of the Lackawanna for a g.uiiei Nov. 13 or ihe 27th (the 13th nt Kev c tone grounds and the 27th on the grounds of the Laekawai nas. The Methodist Episcopal church Is b"lng tn ated to a new autumn suit In the shape of paint. The Finn woman who llgured conspi-u-ously In tho arrest of E. E. Ellsworth last Wednesday for desertion, was also ar rested on Thursday at Foster for aliena tion, and Is now devoting her affections to the inside of a cell In the Montrose Jail, The Athletic association of Keystono neddemy Is advertising a grand concert for the benefit of the association, to tako plaee on Wednesday evening next, Oct. 20. The boys arii deserving of patronage. Photographer W. N. Manchester has li .orators at work putting the finishing oat of paint on his handsome and com uinilioiis ne-.v residence on Main street. I.angstatT Hose company at a special meeting last Friday evening decided not in attend In a body the monument cere monies at Tunkhannock today. Quite a large number of members reported to be unab'.e to get off from their respective places of work, therefore the decision not to attend. I'aulowna Rebekah lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet in regit l.t r session this evening. A good attend ance Is expected, as business of an Impor tant nature is to come before the lodge. Henry Carpenter, formerly proprietor of tho Piercevlllo hotel, has moved Into the Harry Hrlggs property, near this town. Miss Kitty Henwood, of Scranton, has been visiting friends for Ihe past few days In tills place. Archbald Brown Inaugurated the sea son by a squirrel hunt and captured one small animal. Owing to the fact that tho conductor of the Lnckawei.na anil Wyoming Musical alliance could not be secured for the tlrst neleoted dates, the committee have llxed upon Nov. P! to 19, Inclusive, with a piob able Informal session on Monday evening previous, Nov. 15. Tho director secured is Mr. S. S. Myers, of Cleveland. O., a well known composer nnd convention In Htruclor. Mr. Myers comes highly rec ommended and It Is believed that i most Interesting and Instructive meeting will be held on tho dates given above. A new featuro of tho alliance will be tho compe tition b at least three choirs on the four part songs, "The Linden Tree," Haupt man. and "A Spring Song." PlnKiitl. Tho choirs In training are composed of twenty-four voices eaeh, from Nicholson, un der the direction of Mr. L. N. Shields; 111 HINTS TO CARPET BUYERS. Tlireo reasons why yon should buy your Carpet from us: First Bo. cntiso wo carry tho laro-il lluo of Carpata in Scranton docotul Because everythltiK is of tlio latest dealgus, utid tho quality the best, Third liecause our prices tiro ulways tlio lowest. WALl PAPERS-Wentlll have some goods that wo aro soiling at 5 CENTS A ROLL, worth 10 cents. FURNITURE Upholstered Chairs, Tables and Couches at about one half tholr regular prices. J. SCOTT INGLIS. l'(ictoryvllle. led by Mr. W. N. Manches ter, and Wavcrly, Dalton and Qlenburn, ted by Mr. Thomnri Hall. The competition will occcv nt the Thursday evening con cert of tho ulllanco and wilt prove an at tractive feature. AVOCA. Mr. nnd Mrs. OcorRo Bcynon, noted ulnpors from Wales, spent Sunday at tlio Davis reiddence, on York avenue. Rev. L. E. Van Hocsen will contlnuo liouFckcepInK In the Methodist Episcopal parsonnpo. His two Hinall children re turned from Askam laRt evenlnc. where they have hern living1 since the lcath of Mrs. Van Hocsen. Miss Nelllu Judge, of Mill Creek, spent Sunday with Miss Agnes Gibbons. W. II. Dick & Co. has purchased the grocery stock of John Hnstce In the North End. They will conduct business at tho old stand. 'Misses Kate Maloncy nnd Anna Mc Nulty spent Sunday with friends In Wllkes-Uarrc. Mr. Thomas H. Miller, of Wllkes-Harre, was a visitor In town yesterday. Mrs. William Hopgood, of West Pitts ton, Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. N. E. Hosklns. Mrs. Miles Connell, of the North End, Is critically 111 of pleuresy. Messrs. William English and William Jennings, of Scrantnn, spent Sunday nmong friends In town. Dr. W. II. IJergo has purrhascd a handsome new Concord buggy of A. W. Gay. of Wyoming. Tho new lights have been put In ope ration In the silk mill, and owing to the elevated locality Is notlccablo through out all parts of the town. The milk maids of the International as sociation whose headquarters are at Peckvllle, hold their scml-nnnua! conven tion In the Mooslc auditorium on Satur day. Delegates from sixteen towns re sponded. An excellent programme was rendered, nfter which several Important topics were discussed. Master Robert Webber was pianist. A pretty feature was the milk maids' drill by sixteen ladles dressed In red nnd white cos tumes. Tho proceeds, amounting to $2n, will be donated to the church and par sonage. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alonzo Ellis, of the North End, nre .entertaining Mr. Ellis Dunk ley, of Wyaluslng. The Primitive Methodist congregation wns favored by Madame Heynon, one of the Welsh prize singers on Sunday eve ning, when she sung nn exquisite solo, "The Children's Home," accompanied by Rev. J. Johns, much Interest wns man ifested in Its rendition by the large con gregation, who were so unexpectedly treated. Miss Mary Reynolds, of Scrnnton, was the guest of Miss Anna Deeble yester day. Rev. John McCJulnness. of Scranton, was the guest of Rev. J. Jonea yester day. BTJNCOERS ABROAD : BEWARE ! It Is tho trick of the Bryanized De mocracy this fall to make false charges against Republican methods, raise a big dust, hire Republican mal contents to organize Republican bolts and then coax Individual Republicans to desert their party on tho represen tation that "party tics needn't count for anything In nn off year." By this trick, if It shall work, the Hryanltes will get a foothold for a hopeful light In national campaigns, and make Just so much more troublo for MeKInley, the Repi.l llrnn congress nnd the cause of sound n orey. You now see through this trick. Are you going to let it work? roKLST CITY. The fair of the Hillside Hose company. No. 1, is evidently going to bo a grand success. Tho pationage so far being beyond the most sanguine expectation. Saturday night tho William Walker Hose company, of Mnylleld, visited the fair and last night the Enterprise Hose com pany, No. 1, of this borough, attended in a body. The last two nights, however, bid fair to eclipse any that havo passed. Tuesday night being the date set for the Lawrence band and orchestra to be pres ent, Mr. Lawrence. Is widely known as the leader of the famous Lawrence band and orchestra, of Scranton, and It re flects credit on tho management ot the fair that they have provided such a. splendid musical treat for their patrons. The band will discourse before and after the opening, after which the orchestra will entertain the best part of the eve ning. Several hose companies from out of town are expected Tuesday and Wednesday, and this In connection with the fact that about $500 worth of articles are to lie disposed of these evenings will, no doubt, causo the boys' ability to en tertain their friends to bo taxed. Miss Helen Dunnier, of Scranton, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dunnlor, of Delawaro street There Is no school this week, the corps of Instructors being absent attending tho county teachers' institute which is in session at Montrose. Hon. Phllo Burrltt, of Unlondale, called on his Forest City friends yesterday. Thomas G. Watklns has opened n res taurant nt tho Forest City terminus of tho Carbondale Traction company's road. It will bo a great public convenience. Harry, the -1-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, of Delawaro street, met with a very severe accident yestetday noon. While about to descend a flight of outside stairs ho tripped and fell over tho slue to tne ground below, a distance ot about fifteen feet. A ragged gash was cut on tho right side or his head, but ho seems to bo otherwise uninjured. It re quired four stitches to close the'wound. Dr. William R. Blakesleo was a visitor In Scranton yesterday. The ono hundred and thirteenth meet ing of tho Honesdale District Ministerial association, opened at Clifford yesterday and is also In session today. Rev. G. B. Stone, of tho Forest City Methodist church, Is in attendance. Mrs. H. F. Aldrlch was the guest of .Mrs. William J. Davis, of Scranton, Sunday. A few days ago Farmer Yarnes, who lives on the Island farm, at White Oak lake, near Aldenvllle, Wayne county, was arrested, charges! with having stolen a spaniel belonging to John R. Bell, of Forest City. Ho sold the dog to Thomas J. Pentecost for $1, stating that It was his Enterprise Hoso company attended tho Hillside Fire company's fair In uniform last night. The fnlr Is proving very suc cessful and the firemen will net a good sum as a result. It ends Wednesday even, lng. Another water plug will bo put In at tho corner of Hudson nnd South streets. A number of cases of diphtheria, called membraneous croui for euphony, have been reported to the board of health. There have been several deaths among small children recently from tho disease. A POLITICAL POINTER If you Indorse tho freo trade and free silver Chicago platform as tho Lacka wanna Democracy docs, "fully and without reserve," then work and vota for Srfiadt, Horn, et. ul. If you be lieve in MeKInley, protection and pros, pcrity, turn these agents of Bryan down. 419 LACKA. AVE Royal make the food pure, wholesome and delicious. mi POWDER Absolutely Puro ROVl 6'HISO P0DtR en.. M YORK. THE MARKETS. Wnll Street Ilnvictv New York, Oct. 18. For the first tlmo in several weeks prices of stocks wero nt no tlmo during the. day below the level of those prevailing at tho close tho night be fore. There were occasional slight reac tions today with no better apparent causo than synrpathy with Sitgur, which wero Itself marked by strong advaneo and was turned backwards nt times only by profit-taking. Speculation halted during the morning In expectation of a decision by tho Supremo court ut Washington In the Nebraska max imum freight into case. Although this decision is expected to be In favor of the railroad and was looked to to glvo on upward ' Impetiis to prices, tho an nouncement that the handing down of tho decision had been postponed was followed by a decided Increase In the activity of the trading, attended by a rise' In prices. The strength of the Granger stocks and thu awakened Interest and Improvement In tho Vanderbllts were very notable. Tho vigorous upward moveraent of this powerfully influential group caused a striking advance throughout the list. A featuro of tho market was the neglect ot the Industrial", except Sugar, as com pared with the recent trading, and even Sugar shownl a falling off in activity as tho day progressed, and tho trading In tho railroad stocks developed greater anima tion. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, .Meats InilM ing, rooms fO3-70G. open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. Am. Tobacco Co .... Sl'.i 817 Sl'i M1 Am. Cot. Oil 22 22 22 22 Am. Sug. R"'g Co ..lSli, ltli UVU H1U Atch., To. & S. Fe .. W 1IU 13'(, lt'i A., T. & S. F., Pr .. 2i"t 3Ug 2tl'.t 2V,, v lies. v Kjllliy il .1" i'8 ia8 Chicago Gas JM4 !UJ, Vi)l U3'a Chle. & N. W 122, 123 122'i 123j Chic, B. & Q ;- OlC's W !U4 C. C. C. & St. L .... 311-fe ST. Wi S3 Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 3ia W, 3'.i Wa Chle., R. I. &. P SO 87 it M i7 IX, L. & W 155 15 155 158 Dist. .t C. F 10-H 10--', 105, 10 Gen. Electric 33 SI'j 33?i 3Vi Lako Shore 17114 171'j 17114 17114 Louis. & Nash ft! 'a MT8 oft M? M. K. & Tex., Pr .... St! 35 31 35 Manhattan Elo lOO-li 101 10t4 101 Mo. Pacific 29 30 2ST 30 Nat. Lead 3114 35 31 U 35 N. J. Central 9314 Dili 9J t'lii N. Y. Central 107'9 10st 10718 10S14 N. Y L. E. & W .... HV,, 1C38 1G 1G N. Y., S. & W Pr .. 33 35'4 33t 3514 Nor. Pacific, Pr 52 Ws 51" B2'!4 Ont. & West ir, lfl 10 lti Omaha 7S-, 7Si, Pacific Mall 32 331s 32 3314 Phil. & Read I'll, 24 21 S4V6 Southern R. R 10 lo'4 10 10'4 Southern R. It., Pr.. 30 31t 30 31?4 Tenn., C. & Iron .... 27 27 27 27 Wabash, Pr 20 21 20 i'114 West. Pnlon S7i SS 87 kS',4 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open- HlgTi- Low- Clos WHE.VT. lng. est. est. lng. December !)2 92 91 91 May S9'i 89 88 88 OATS. December 18!s 1S 1S'4 1S14 May '21 21 20 21 CORN. December 2fili 2". 2ft 2C May 30 30' 29 29 LARD. December 4.25 1.37 -I.25 -1.37 PORK. December 7.115 7.92 7.5 7.90 Scrnnton Ilonrd of Trade l'xchnnge Quotntions--Alt (Jiiotntionn Unsed on I'nr of 100. STOCKS. Bid Asked. 20 SO iw '95 150 'so 17 75 250 10O 105 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. ... National Boring & Drill's Co. ... First National Bank 650 Elmhurst .Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Packing Co Lacka. Iron and Steel Co Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M'f'g Co Scranton Traction Co 15 Scranton Axle Works Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Rcplacer Co Scranton Bedding Co Dime Dep. & Dts. Bank 145 Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep Co.. 115 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage duo 1920 115 People's Street Railway first mortgage due 191S 115 Scranton .1 Plttston Trac Co. ... People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 5 City of Scranton St. Imp. 6 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co loo 90 100 102 102 S5 100 New York Produce itlnrkct. New York, Oct. IS. Flour Weaker In tone but not quotably lower. Wheat Spot weak; No. 2 red. 98c, f. o. b., alloat; Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale and Retail Shoe House Buying goods for spot cash cheap and selling them for spot cash cheap and taking advantage of all discounts, has enabled us to sell all sorts of stylish and durable footwear for less money than shoe merchants pay by buying direct from the manufacturer. Our constant endeavor has been to purchase and sell only the best grade shoes and sell them at a lower price than any other house, Our constant growing business will testify ta our wonderful success. men's shoes. . ,. . ;ttt . ,0. iI-fj jiuii .iitrii ti luii iiuuu'M'wi'ii ounre, onlf-llnod, opor.t toi. worth $1.00 pair; ut HAS. too pair Men's Calf shoes, worth KM nnd UM; nt ll.fti and J1.0S. 'i'lO pair Men'H I'ntent Leather Shoen, worth $5.00; nt JJ.JW. 160 pair Men's 3-nole, ralf. luind-hcwcd Shoe, nt tl.'M; worth KM. l.ftio pair Men'H Cohkiihh anil I.tu-n Blioen, for work and for Htreut iIivks worth 11.50; at Se, 1.DU0 pair IloyH' Hiliool Hhoen, at (Xm., 79c, iifc. nnd 1.'.'.1. Youths' Hlioes, nt mc.. 7:o., nnd tiSc. IloyH1 hlKh-cut School SIioih, at J1.I3. Youths' hlBh-eut Hchool Hhoea, at $1.19. Men's Sllppern, nt 4'Jc. The above arc only a few of the many bargains. We offer only the best. We are searching the shoe markets throughout the land and we always buy good, stylish footwear of all sorts at about 50 cents on the dollar from concerns in need of ready cash, and besides we are satisfied with a small profit and we do the largest retail shoe business on the avenue. We invite you to call and examine our goods before buying else where and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. IVIYER D AVIDOW, SffiSut" 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. No. 1 northern New York, 95c, f, o. b.i afloat; No. 2 hatd, 7c., f. o. b afloat; options opened easy nnd sold nil day In consequenco of -unsatisfactory cables! foreign offerings, liberal receipts nnd Im proved crop news, closing ac. net low er; No. 2 reel, January, 9la95 15-liic, closed 94c; May, H0n92c, closed "Jlc.j October closed 9Jc; November, Ulc; December, 93n9ntc, closed 93c. Corn Spot weak; No. 2, 31c f. o, b afloat; options barely steady, closing c. lower; -May, 31a3,ic closed 34c.j Novomber, 304c; December, 31a31-?4c., closed 311,c, Oats-Spot weak; No. 2, 22a224c; No. 3, 22'.4c; No. 2 white, 2514c.; No. 3 white, 23c, track mixed, western, 2Sa3lc: track while, 25ii31c.; options dull ami weak, closing 14C net lower; October closed 224c; De cember, 23'ic. Beef Steady. Cut Meats Dull, Butter uQlet; western creamery, 14c. ; do. factory, 9.11.1c. i Elglns, 23c.; Imi tation crenmery, lZalGc; state dairy, 12a 19c.; do. creamery, lla23c. Cheese Qulot; largo white, 9c; small white, 9'ia9c; largo colored, 9c; small colored, 9i,4n91iC.; part skims, ii7c.; full skims, 3akr. Eggs State and Pennsylvania, 10al7c; western fresh, 17c. Tallow Dull; city, 3 7-16c; country, 3c, nominal. Petro leum Weak; rcllncd New York, $5.10; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $3.50; do. in bulk, $2.63. Philadelphia Provision iMnrkct. Philadelphia, Oct. 18. Wheat Wag llic lower; contract grade. October, USVVJic.; November, Dece-mbcr and January, lumi nal. Corn Weak and c. lower; No. 2 mixed October and November, SWjnole. 1 December and January, nominal. Oats Nominal; No. 2 white, October, November, December and January, 27a27c. Potatoes Quiet but steady, white, choice, per bushel, ftMCV. ; elo, fair to good, ,"0a55c. ; seconds, lSul.x. Flour Unchanged. But tor Steady; fancy western crcamety, 22e; do. Pennsylvania prints, 21e ; dei. western do., 21c. Eggs Steady; fresh, nearby, 18c. :do. western, lGulie'. Cheese Steady. Reflncel Sugars Unchanged. Cotton c. lower; middling uplands, 0 7-lc. Tallow Quiet nnd unchanged. Llvo Poultry Fowls, 9c; old roosters, fie; spring chick ens, 7aSc ; ducks, 8a9o. Dressed Poultry Firmer nnd In better demand; fowls, choice, S!ia9c; do. ilrsts, good, 71'.; chickens, large, Italic.; medium d"- So. 9e. ; eomon and scalded, 6aSo. Receipts Flour, 4,000 barrels, 7,500 socks; wheat, 21,001) bushels; corn, 12,000 bushels; oats, fil.KM bushels. Shipments Wheat, 119,000 bushels; corn, 21,000 bushels; oats, 17,000 bushels. Chicngo Grain .llnrkct. Chicago, Oct. IS. The leading futures rangeel as follows; Wheat December, 92aDlu91c; May, KHlaSS'ic Corn-October, 25a24a2ltc; December, 2ii!ia2ti'sa 2'4c. Oats October, ISnlSc. ; December, 18aftSal8!4c; May, 21a20c. Pot It December, $7.G5a7.90; January, $S.C7',2a8.85. Lard Dee-ember, $l.25a 1.371s; January, $1.40 h t.524. Ribs December, $.50a4.CO; Janu ary, $l.55al.05. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Quiet; No. 2 spring wheat, MaSGc-i No. 3, 7!uS7c; No. 2 red, 91a93c; No. 2 corn, 2la24c. ; No. 2 yclow, 24u 2i?ic; No. 2 oats, 18c. ; No. 2 white, (. o. b., 22a23c: No. 3 white, f. o. b., 21a22c.j No. 2 rye, 5014c; No. 2 barley, nominal; No. 3, 37c; No. 4, 45a37c; No. 1 flax seed, Jl.Ola 1.05; prime timothy seed, $2.75; pork, $7.S5a 9; lard, $1.35al.37; ribs, $l.50al.S0; should, ers, 4a5c; sides, 4a5c. ; whisky, $1.22; sugars, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, PS.OoO bushels; corn, 633, 000 bushels; oats, 413,000 bushels; rye, 12.OJ0 bushels; barley, 117,000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour, 27.000 barrels; wheat, 13S,WK bushels; corn, 49'!,000 bushels; oats, fil,0U3 bushels; rye, none; barley, 31,000 bushels, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. IS. Good cattle firm; com mon to medium, $4.50a4,10; Blockers and feeders, $3al.50; Texans, $2.S0a3.80 for steers; western, $3al.85; choice to fancy calves, S6.25.iS.75. Sheep $2.50a3 for poor native up to $2.50a3.40 for best Hocks; west ern rango sheep, S3.25a4.10; fceeers, $3.25a 3.80; lambs, Sl.57a5.50; feeders, 51.40a4.75; feeding sheep, $3.60a3.G5. Receipts CatMe, 20,000 head; hogs, 36,W0 head; sheep, 17,000 head. Hogs-$3.60a3.90. Knt Liberty Cuttle Market. East Liberty, Pa., Oct. IS. Cattle Ae tlve and higher; prime, $1.83a5; common, $3.25a3.73; bulls, stags and cows, $2a3,G0. Hogs Steady; prime assorted medium weights, S4.20a4.2T; best Yorgers, $4.15al.20; common to fair Yorkers and pigs, tlal.10; heavy hogs, $l.05a4.15; roughs, $2.75a3.50. Sheep Higher; choice sheep, $l.20a4.30; common, $2.75a3.23; choice lambs, $5.20.1 5.50; common to good lambs, $la.".lo; veal calves, $6a6.50. IJiillnlo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 18. Cattle-Active; Choice steers, S5.10a5.25; medium to heavy, $4.75a4 90; coarso rough, $lal.U3; choice heifers, $4.2Ta4.70; fair to good butchers, $3.50a3.C5; cows, $3.70a4; export bulls, $3.75a4; oxen, $3.40al."0. Hogs $1.10 u4.13; pigs, $3.25a4.13. Lambs Cholco to extra, $8.50; sheep choice to selected weth ers, S.35a4.50; fair to cholco mixed sheep, $3.65a4.25; culls and common, $2.5033.50; export hheeip, $3.75a4.50. Oil .Market. Oil City, Pa., Oct. 18. Credit balances, C5; certificates, no bids; sales, two at 63; sales on November options, U3; shipments, 1GS.4SS barrels; runs, 16S,Si barrels. Now York, Oct. IS. Petroleum Penn sylvania crude, no market; nominal. NICHOLSON. N. C. Tiffany Is Improving his residence by the addition of a bay window. Justice McKlnncy Is kept very busy theso days. He has a law suit hooked for each day this week. Mrs. E. L. Bacon spent the Sabbath with friends In Dunmore. On Saturday last occurred tho marriage Are much In little; always Pills ready, efficient, satlsfac- lorytjireveiitncoiuor lover, cure all liver lll. nick head ache, Jaundice, constipation, etc Price 55 cents. The 011I7 l'illt to take ith Ilood'i Sarsaparllla. Hood's YER DAYIDOW, 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. m tt T) Ki of Mrs. Eliza Cody, of Nicholson, nnd Fred Smith, of Lynn, Pa. Miss Agnes Howell, of Green Ridge, was tho guest of Mrs. Charles Williams over Sunday. Tho dry wenther nnd the falling of autumn leaves have mndo forest fires quite numerous In these pnrts. FOR SKlN-T0RTURED SI He -1 H m. HillCil And rest for tired mothers In a warm bath with Get ricti HA SoAr.aiulasltiKlo application of CcTtcunA (ointment), tho great skin cure. Coticuha RRMF.ntcs afford Instant relief, and point to a speedy euro of torturing, dis figuring, hiniilliatlnc Itching, oil ruing, bleed ing, crusted, scaly skin and scalp humori, with loss of hair, when all else falls. PeldttirnoatioiittlnwotH, rorTianacotunCHiM. Coar.,Hnttl'roi.. notion. ..... . or- " Uow to Curt Skin-Tortured ll.Wf t, net. skin scnly;,!,nKA.,'' PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE And you wilt rcnllzo how easy if is to fur nish your home luxuriously with n trifling outlay, u little ut u time, and you don't miss It, BARBOUR'S HOME CREOITHOUSE 425 LACKAWANNA AVE. I iBiiU'S Lager Brewery Manufacturers of the Celabratt H Hi EH CAPACITYi ioo.ooo Barrels per Annum ASKlWfflE&SSiaETOK GIVES TilL BrTIiGnTVlP ANDl5A&59iyTELYSAFfi FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO SCRANTON STATION. Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale and Retail Shoe House i nnirc eunrc - " 1 isj onvL.j l.SiiO pair Ladles' DoiiRola Ilutton nnd Laeo Shoes, patent leather vamp, worth from KM to $3.00; nt $1.13. 750 pair Ladles' Donirnla Ilutton nnd Laeo Shoes, at $1.29, $1.19, $1.79 nnd $1.9S; worth $2.50 mill $3.00 pair. 1.000 pair Ladles' $1.50 Shoes, nt JiSc. Wo also have a larue stock of ladles' lino liand-turneil shoe, from A to MM, nt prices $2.00, $3.00 mid $3:50. Misses' lilgli-ctlt School Shoes, nt 9Sc. nnd $J,29. Children's Shoes, nt 39c, 59c. and 70c. Ladles' Slippers, at 39o. Mm? W - u Kkl AtiV E J-Zr HI WW In U. f PA I it 1 s 1 1' All Kinds of Work Done Cheaper Than Any Other Dentist in the City KERR'S G Represent tho ltighost standard of oxcollonco at the mini mum of cost. That's tho easiest and plainest way wo can put it. Years of oxperienco lias taught us what is best for sorvico, and a perfect lctiowlcdgo of tho public tasto enables us to select what is right in styles. Carpet selling at our storo novor was brisker, and tho reason for this is simply that wo'vo got what tho people want. As to figures, thoy'ro misleading on paper, but con vincing when you got them quoted with tho goods before you. Givo us a chance on theso linos and wo' 11 cortainly sell you your Fall Carpets. Of courso wo'vo got cvory other kind of Floor Cover ing that yon can think of, and thoy'ro all for sale on tho low-price- for-good-qualities plan. .. Behold a Coat w IIICII you may prlo. which over will do. Itgnt your eyes, e en mien it unt mm soiled and torn. 'You'll happy ho that you have worn 11 coat linn is aim iooks ut nico others sell for twicotho price; W. J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming Ave., ffi,. MADE (VIE A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUKE slLf.Xtrioui 7Jtar-riiUtnj Mem or?. Impotence, Keelejaetif.eto., caused hr AtititA nr other xceiues and lndts cretlons. 21ieu niilclilu anil turtlu reetore Lot Vltulltr la old or loanir. and Ctamaaforttudy, ba lnss or marring. 1'reTitnt Insanltr an Consumption If taknn fa time. Tbeira.s sliows la.medUto ImproTo mentand effects n CUUC ntere oil other fall In elat Dpoa Imilnff the cenulns Alnx Tablet!. Thei hare cured thousand, and nlllcuro jou. w e stra a pos Itlvo written Kiiarantes to effect a cure C( RTQ ,n oachcawor refund the money. PrloaOU U lOiper peckaaei or eU pknes (full treatmentl for fiW. Bj mall. In plain wrnrrr. upon receipt of price. Circular '""AJAX REMEDY CO., Vli'i1"iit'" For sulo In Scranton, r.1.1 by .Mntthewa Bros, and Morgnn & Co. A SPECIALTY. Primary. Secondary or Tertiary IlIiOOI) 1'OIHON permanently CURED IN 15 TO 85 DAYS. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come here we will contract to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no charge, if we fall to cure. taken mercury. Iodide potash, and still have achei and pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oa any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling, out, it is this Secondary WE GUARANTEE TO CURE. We solicit the most obstinate cases nnd challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always balfled the skill of the most eminent physicians. $500,000 capital behind our unconditio nal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application, too page book ftnt free. Address COOK IU2MEDV' CO., 307 &30 nasonlc Temple, cnibAUU. ill. Far Sale, by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce straet S)f iLiQ nwniMM 1 llll Teeth Extracted Until Further Notice. !S5 ARPETS 1 408 Lackawanna Avenue. L OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to BttsN ncs$ and Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Ex tended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, -Surplus, -Undivided Profits, $200,000 320,000 88,000 WM. C0XXELL, President. HEXItY BKL1N, Jr., Vice Trcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, Best in the Market. Drexel Lawn Mowers, Best cheap mower made. Prices $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.25. Baldwin's Dry Air Refrigerators All sizes, The most per feet refrigerator manu factured. THE T & CONNELL CO., 434 Lackawanna Ave. THE K1C POWDER CO., aOOMS I AND 2, COIfl'LTH B'L'B SCRANTON. PA. B1INING AND BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOBIC AND ROW. DALE WORKS. LAPLIN & RAND POWDER CCS ORANGE OUN POWDER r.loctrlc Batteries, Electrlo Exphdors, for or., plodlus blasu, Safety lue, aud Repauno Cbemlcal Co. 's 111(111 EXPLOSIVUS, Whan In doubt what to use for Nervous Debility. Loss ol rwer, Impotency, Atrophv. Varicocele and other wealtnetsci, from any cause, use Sexine I'llli. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. If ar.lMt.4. ci tro.tft rcMii r&uiVr. Mailedfortl.00;GboieaeV00. With 15.00 orders we pire a cuaraniee to euro or refund tfia money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, O. Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlno avenuo and I SSiJ