TIIE SORANTOTST TltlBUNE-TUBSD A.Y SIORNINGK OCTOBER 19, 1897. THREE COURT ROOMS NOW IN OPERATION Judge McCIurc, of Union County, Lends n Helping Hand. DAY'S LIST QUICKLY DISPOSED OF A Witness Who Mail No HcRnrtl for Court miiiiititlcArclibuIil Olrl Ilns Two .Men Arrested for tho Sumo Uriniol'rnvldoiico Women Con victcd of Hclng it Common Scold. Dofciiilmils Escnno TlirouRli Non Apiienrnncc o( Accusers. Tho uccond week's hcssIoii ot tho October term of criminal court opened yentcrdny with three Judges Pitting, tho usslatanco ot lion. Harold S. Mo Clure, of Union county, lmvitiK been MH'urcd In oxpectutlon of the Van Horn murder case taking up all tho time ot the court In room No. 1. Tho postpone ment of tho. murder trial left tho lint for the dav Insiifllclent to Keep tho three rooms busy and as a conse quence an early adjournment was had, Judge Ounster, the last to bo relieved, re tiring at ."1.30 o'clock. Milton W. Lowry represented the commonwealth In the superior court room, where Judge McCIurc presided. Attorney M. .1. MeAntlrew looked after the extra stenographic work. l)ne of the cases that came up In No. 3 developed wmic Interesting fea tures. Panlel Forbes, the owner of a South Side quarry, was prosecuting Leon OU'hefskl for tho theft of some several loads of llagstones. Olchefskl alleged that ho had a contract with Forbes to take all the stone ho want ed at so much per foot and was simply nrtlng under that contiact when tho alleged larceny occurred. IN A HAD MOOD. Tills defense was very aggravating I i Forbes who It mluht incidentally In- remarked was In a mood admitting of easy aggravation and he proceeded to give von to his feelings In an un constrained innnucr In almost every answer he made to tho cioss-cxamln-ing attorneys. "That fool I'olander can't work no such bluff here" was one of his re plies when Attorney Olver asked him concerning tho alleged contract. And then he rejoined "What tho h differ ence does that make anyhow." When the laughter following these breaks had been suppressed, the court looked daggers at the witness but evi dently realizing that he was to be plt b'd rather than punished allowed his offense to go 'unnoticed. In Judge Module's court Kdward (icorge, of Dunmoro. was charged by Jacob ZIntel, of Archbald, with being ills ought-to-be son-in-law. George for a defense showed by the dockets of 'Squire Munley, of Archbuld, that John Young, of that place, was held for tho same crime some tlm. U fore he was accused. The gran 1 Jury Ignored the bill against Young. Th' .Intel girl ad mitted on the stand that she had had both men arrested for the same of fjrse. Tho Jurv was out nt adjourn n tr,t. Not guilty, costs divided, was tho finding of tho Jury in the case of Thos. Connors charged bef ivo Judge Kd vards by llotelkeeper Sr'tcphen Flana gh'un. of Luzerne ntreot, with assault and battery. Attorney 1.1. F. Conroy npicared for the dele-is.- and City So- llcltor M. A. McOlnley assisted Mr. Thomas on the commonwealth's side. John Todra, accused of aggravated assault and battery upon Joseph Hrown, of Lloyd street, vo returned guilty of simple assault and battery. le was defended by Attorney It. A. Zimmerman. Attorney (jtoige Itenlo assisted District Attorney Jones In the I rosecutic.i. A COMMON SCuLD. Knto Fhinaghan, of Providence, was cttn'loted cf bein,; a cemmon scold. The charge was prcfened by her broth-er-in-law, P. J. Ward who, among ether tl ing, alleged that . o was com polled to r:iove from Piovlrtfiee on ac count of tho conduct of the defendant. Any doubt which tho jury might have had as to the defendant's guilt was removed when she cot on tho stand. Attorney John J. Murphy was assigned to defend her. Tho caso ot larceny and receiving, preferred against 15. Uerkavltz, by Jo-M-ph Frankovlteh, was non-prossed, the prosecutor for tho third time fall ing to nppear. Joseph Smith failed to npnear to pro.secuto the charco of assault and Lattery he had made against James '. Pweet and he was directed to pay tie cofts. A similar case in which John Salmon was defendunt, and Langtry Sliuker prosecutor, and an other in which John Barrett was de fendant and II. M. Scidman prosecutor, hrd n similar disposition. Ti'o ceo of assault and battery In hiih C'.theilnp Vincenus, of Throop, was defendant and Mary Sardineller, Wonderful Medicine i&m Tor Bilious nnd Jf ervouo dteordcrs.such as Wind nud Pain In tuoBtomach, Olek Headache, Clddl. ncss,Fullno33 nnd Swelling after moals, Dlzzt ness ond Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings ot Heat, Loss ot Appctlto, Shortness ot Breath, Cos llvenocs. Blotches on tho BUln, Disturbed Sloep, rrlshtfulDroaiao.audnUNorTous and Tremb ling Sensations, tc, whoa theso symptoms are causod by constipation, as most ot them aro. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE ilEUEP IN TWENTY MINUTES. Ibis Is no Action. Erery sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one Bos ot these nils cud tlicy v.ill bo acknowledged to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. EEECII.V.U'S I'lLLS, taken as directed, will quickly rostoro Females tocompleto bealtti. 'Ihcy promptly romovo obstructions or Irregu larities o( tbo systom. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they act llko magic a tow doses will work won. dors upon tho Vital Organs) strengthening tho muscular system, restoring tho long-lost com. Flexion, bringing hack tho koen edgo ot appe tite, and arousing with tho Uotebud of Stealth tho tvholo physical energy ot the human frame, Tneso are tacts admitted by thousands, In all classes ot society, and one ot tbo best guarantees to tbs Nervous and Debllt. tated la that Uocchamfs I'llln linvo tho Lurcst Solo of any l'utcut Modlcluo lu tho World. WITHOUT A RIVAL. Annual Sales more lhan 6,000,000 Boxes 250. at Drug Stores, or will bo sent by U.a Agents. B. 1". ALLEN CO., SM Canal St., Keir York,. post paid, upon receipt of price, Boot Ires upon application. it3aYi.w s?r r n. V 2TM prosecutrix, wits fettled, tho defendant paying Hit tests. A- nol-oros vai entered In tho caso ot Henri' Martin, John Richards and Joseph Sulllvnn, charged with assault and battery by Chief of Police Hob ling. The defendants paid tho costs. Cnplnsen were Issued for a number of non-appearing defendants, among them James G. Price, charged by H. 11. Klbrocht, with ltirceny and receiving; Jennie Smith, clmrjrfd by William Howley with Leering n disorderly house; Peter Cnrtlik, c'.arged with assault and battery upon William So vosky, JSvn SMinrenburg and Lizzie Murtln, charged with robbery by Ceo. Henderson: and Michael McNulty, charged with burglary by Stephen Flanaghan. ONE-YEAR SENTENCE. .Tudgo Archbald ot tho opening of court called up Lewis J. Scott and Lilly May Scott, of Carbondale, con victed ot keeping a disorderly house and sentenced them each to pay a lino of $30 nnd undergo Imprisonment In the county Jnll for onu year. Nelllo Llttlck, of Dunmore, for malicious mischief, wns given twenty days In the county Jail. WAIT. Until Thursday. October HI,' nt O n. in. Tho Chicago Combination Clothing Co. Hnvn Leased tho Im mense Store, 'ill Washington Ave nue, Sciunton, Pn.. Next to the Store formerly Occupied by Con nolly V Wallnce's Dry (Joods Store, Directly Opp. tho Court House, nnd Vi Open Their 'iOth llrnnch Storo to tho Public with n t.rnnd Ten Days' Opening Sole. Wo want your trade. Our place must become the trading place of the pcopla Our storo Is your store. Come and bo convinced. Every man, women or child; the mechanic aa well as the laboilng man or farmer, tho rich as veil as the poor, all will find it to th!?lr advantage to visit our store on the opening days. We have come to stay, but in order to become uulckly ac quainted with the people of. Scranton and surroundlnc towns wo have In augurated the n w firm's fnll and wint er stock with the 10 Day Opening Sale and give the people the benellt. A sale never before heard of In this part of the country. To l plain, It will be no sale, it will be the greatest slaughter of new Mer chandise in tho city. Did you ever heat' of buying a fine tailor made suit worth $13 for .$.".. CS? No you did not, but you can get one nt this sale. A line $J pair of pants for 7IK-. Just think of it, you can buy a good man's suit for S'.GS. Hut remember only during this. opening you can get tlieso liar gains. Come to this great Special Sale, it will pay you if you have to travel 100 miles. An opportunity like this never comes again. On account of this immense sale tho store has been close! for 'lve days, px-pi-pssly for the purpose to arrange for this sale. Remember no postponement. This great opening sale will continue and last but TEN DAYS. Everything will be sold at retail, at CO per cent. 1-ss tlrm actual wholesale cost o manufacture. To show what gigantic bargains will be offered, a few prices are mentioned, and there are thousands of different bargains, which, for want cf space, we cannot mention tere. Wo advise you to bring this bill with you so that there bo no mistake and you get exactly the goods we adver tise. In order to properly arrange for this Gr-at Sale the storo will be closed until Thursday, October 21, at 9 a. m when the Great Ten Day Opening Sale w.'.ll commence anil last Tin Days. Union Casslmero, Single and Double Rreasted Sack, regular price $9.00, now $2.99. Good Substantial, AVear-Glving Business Suits, worth $13.00 for S3.C3. Elegant Cheviot Suits, Black and Mix ed Colors, Sacks, Round and Squuro Cut. retail price $10.50, now $:,.?.:. Re gulation, Heavy lilue, G. A. R. Suits, usual IIS.OO quality now $3.73. Cork screw, Diagonal, and Fancy Mixed Worsted, Sacks and Cutaways, regu lar price S1S.00 and $20.00, for S7...0 HHip ami Black Pilot Heaver and Fiive Whip-ford Suits, worth $23.00, now) SS..10. Fine Clay Worsted and Thlbets, usual price S.'S.oo, now $9.C0. Evening Suits of the very Finest Materlnls und Cutom Made, worth from $18.00 to $37.00. now S9.C3 to $13.73. Men's good Working pants, worth $2.00 for CS cents Worsted Pants, worth $2.50 and $3.00, for $1.23. Cheviot and Casslmere Pants worth $3.50, for $1.. Men's Fine Dress Pants, worth from $4.00 to $8.00, now M.G.1 to $3.10. Youths' Casslmere nnd Worsted Suits, worth $5.00, for $1.90. Youths' Extra Fine Dress Suits, In Cheviots, Fine Worsteds nnd Fancy Cassimerea, worth $7.00 to $13.00, now $2.M to $0.9S. 5000 Pairs Boys' Knee pants at 14c sizes 3 to 14 jr-ars. Men's ,Sorvlcablo Spring and Fall Overcoats, worth $11.00, for $3.40. Fine Silk and Satin Lined Fall and Winter Overcoat:, worth $18.00 to $33.00, for $1.20 and .$12.3 Storm Overcoatsi for from $3.00 to $6.00. They are worth S9.00 at least. Men's Medium Weight Overcoats, In M.'ltons and Kerseys, nil shades, worth from $12.00 to $20.00, now $5.20 to $9.70. Prince Albert Suits In Clay, Worsted and Corkscrew, worth $23.00, now $9.73. All the new and noli- by Patterns. Single and Doublo-Breast-ed. Good School Suits worth $2.00, now I k7cts. Nobby Dress Sul's worth $3.00, now $1.18. Fine Dress Suits in Fancy I C.isslnvres and Worsteds, worth from 4.M to $9.50, now $1.S5 to $3.23.,Odd Coats, Odd Pants and Odd Vests will be almost given away. Children's Blue Pilot and Chlnchllll Reefers, worth from $4.00 to $0.00, now from $1.75 to $2.75 Children's Capo Overcoats worth from $2.00 to $6.00, now during this sale from C9o to $2.50, Hats worth $3.50, now 75c. Boys' Hats worth $1.50, now 15c. Blcycla Hose worth $1.00, now 15c, Colla-s, Cuffs, Driving Gloves, Neck ties. Hondkerch!ef3, nil kinds of shirts and Underwear. Silk Suspenders, woith 50c nnd 75c, now Vc. Overh'alls, worth 75c, now 37c. If you value money you can't afford to miss this chance. As this sale Is Honti-ilds. we wish to Inform the Pub lic to be very capful to see that you get tho right place. We have coino to stay. But this stock must bo sold out In 10 days. THE CHICAGO COMBINATION CLOTHING COMPANY., 211 Washing ton Avenue. Next to tho Store former ly occupied by Connelly and Wallace, Scranton, Pa. Dry Goods Ston;, direct ly opposite tho Court House. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THIS SALE. Rulo No. 1, No ono will he allowed in tho storo before 9 a. in. and after 0 p. m. Store open Saturdays until 11 p. in. Rulo No, 2. No special discounts will be given to merchants or storekeepers. Rulo No, 3, All clerks are requested to exchange goods. Please report any Inattention of clerks to our cashier. Caro fare pUJ to all out-of-town buyers when properly vouched for. RIKER FAMILY REUNION. Plcnsant (lathering nt the Itcsldcnco nf Mr. nnd Mr. .Norman I). Hiker. Tho first reunion of tho Rlkcr family was held at tho rcsldcnco of Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Rlkcr. West Nichol son, Pa Saturdny, Oct. 10, at which tlmo tliero were about ono hundred do cendants of Mr. Hiram and Mrs. La vhia Rlkcr, present. After somcthno spent In renewing old acquaintances, dinner was announced nnd all wero seat ed In a lnrgo tent, erected upon tho spacious lawn for that purpose, Dinner being over a business meeting was held nt which tho following olllcers wcro elect ed: President, Mr. N. D. Hiker; vlco pres ident, Mr. C, H. Rlkcr; secretary, Mrs, Mnud Stark; treasurer, Mrs. Catherine Brown. Letters ot regret wcro read from several members of tho family who re side In tho West who wero unable to he present. Short speeches wero then mado by several, after which tho guests departed for their several homes, agreed that ono nnd all had spent a very pleas ant day, and one long to bo remembered. At tho homo of Mrs. Catherine Brown tho next reunion will bo held. Among those present were: N. IX Hiker and wife, C. H. Hiker and wife, J. B. Hiker and wife, Foster Hiker and wife, Normnn Brown nnd wife, timrllo Brown mid wife. Edward Brown and wife, D. Palmaturo and wife, Jon Reynolds nnd wife, Frank Parko nnd wife, John Wagner and wife, Rev. nn Cnmppli nnd wife, Mrs. Catherine Brown, Arthur Brown, Mrs. Peter Hiker, Miss Pearl Hiker, Mr. George Hiker, Hay Hiker, Nellie Alkcr, Earl Hiker, Mrs. Mnud Stark, Hazel Stark, Dudley Stark, Millie Stark, Ella Wagner and sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Fuller Miss Mny Bcllo Fuller, of West Nicholson; Mr. Cramer, of Car bondale; Samuel Rlkcr and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Mead, of Montrose; Mllo Oakley nnd wife, of Le raysvllle; Miss Vina Justin and Jay Jus tin, of Clark's Summit; George Brown and wife, of Plttston; Mr. H. E. Rlker nnd wife; H. D. Morso and wife, Frank T. Sturges nnd wife, Miss Mlnnlo Norrls, Sterling Rlker, Chester Hiker, Allen Rlk er, Robert Hiker, Edward Morse. Smith Morso, Fred Sturges, Normun Sturges, of Scranton. TAYLOK. The funeral services over the remains of the lata Patrick Monroe, of Old Forge, took place yesterday afternoon from his hi to home. Ho had been 111 only two weeks with typhoid fever. Ho was IS years old, and Is survived by a wlfo nnd two children. Services wcro held In tho St. Lawrence church. Hendhom, by Rev. J. F. Jordan, nnd were largely uttended. Burial was nr.ide In the Mlnooka Catholic cemetery. Tho Prlco Library association will meet next Friday evening. Every member Is urgently requested to bo present. Independent Social club will hold their regular weekly social this evening in Weber's rink. Miss Lzlzie Blnckwell, of Milwaukee, has been the guest of Miss Mary Scherer for tho past few dnys. Tomorrow evening Miss Barbara .Phil lips and Mr. Joseph Coombs will bo united In marriage. Lackawanna Council, No. 61, D. of P., will hold Its regular semi-monthly meet ing on Thursday evening nt their rooms in Taylor hall. A full attendance Is re. quested as there Is special business to be transacted. Pride of Lackawanna Lodge, No. IS, will meet this evening In Reeso's hall. This evening the music reading class of Professor D. E. Jones will meet In the rooms of the Methodist Episcopal church. A large list of names has been secured. Tho Turn Vereln club bus postponed their drawing which wns to liuvo taken plnco this month until Nov. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winters spent the Sabbath with relatives In Winton. Tho record of hoisting cars for one day was established in tho Pyne colliery on Saturday; 952 cars wcro hoisted. LYIMIANT. William Sohcnk and Miss Anna Inslln wero quietly married, nt the Blakely Baptist church last evening by Rev. -, H. Ellis, the pastor. The young couple aro well known here nnd have a host of friends who wish them unmarred happiness. They will reside with Mrs. Elvira Jones, on Susquehunna street. Rev. B. F. Hammond left yesterday for a short trip to New York state. Mrs. Samuel Lloyd, of Gibson, Is visit ing her mother In BInkely. Deborah Powell, of Scrant'-i, spent Sunday with her parents her,'. Miss Llzzio Dougherty, who lias been spending a few days at her home here, leturned to Bloomsburg Stato Normal school yesterday. Mrs. Kdward Jones, of Scranton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lloyd, of Blakely, on Sunday. Miss Agnes Williamson has returned from n, visit at Plttston. Miss Maggie Jones will leave tomorrow to visit relatives at llonesdule. Frank Wescott. of Dunmore, was n visitor In town Sunday. Miss May Watkins, ot Forest City, Is the guest of her brother, Ccorgo Wat kins, ot this place. Mrs. J. F. Lolan, or Dlmmlck, Susque hanna county, Is visiting her father, John Walker, of Dunmoro street. IlALLSTliAl). Mrs. Frank Lawrence was In Bingham ton Saturday. William E. Hlnes was In Scranton Sat urday. Slmm Lee was Injured at Apulia, N. Y Sunday. He wo taken to tho hospital at Syracuse, N. Y. Henry Trowbridge, is 111. James Oariagg attended tic funeral of a relative at lllnghamton Sunday, Tho Men's land of tho Baptist church cleared over $W from their chicken plo supper Saturday night. Mls.3 Fannie Slmmrell, of Tuscorora, N. Y spent Bunday with her friends In this place. Saturday was pay-day on the Delaware, Lackawanna aim Western at this point. Mr. and Mrs. James Snover, have re turned homo nfter a three weeks' visit at Chicago and Kvunston, 111., und Milwau kee, Wis. Our public schools aro closed this week owing to tho county instltuto In session ut Montrose. Rev. S. C Swallow, of Harrlsburg, Pro hlbltlon caiidk'uto for st-ite treasurer, ami Qulncy L. Morrow, of Philadelphia, addressed a meeting held In the R. C. Du Bols Hook and Ladder company's hall last evening. Mrs. P. It. Carpenter lias returned homo after a visit with friends In Nicholson. Tho debating and literary committee of tho Railroad Young Men's Christian as sociation had their regular weekly moot ing last Thursday evening. The subject was: "Resolved, That intemperance has been a greater curse to the world than war." Tho atllrmativo sido consisted of Charles Honey, v. 1. Browne, John M. Simmons and Fred W. Church, nnd tho negatlvo was represented by 8. Bruco Chase, Fred D. Lamb, Frank W. Swl gert and Melvln Oatheny. Tho Judges. T. H. Hays. Hufus Smith and Michael Hays, decided in favor of tho negative side. Tho Fubject for tho next debate is: 'Resolved, That thero is more plensuro in anticipa tion than In participation." Tho prlncl pals aro: Afllrmatlve, John M. Simmons; negative, Fred D. Lamb. A POLITICAL POINTER If you Indorso the frco trade and free sllvor Chlcugo platform aa the Lacka wanna Democracy does, "fully and without reserve," then work and vote for Schadt, Horn, et. ul. if you be lieve In McKlnley, protection and pros perity, turn these ugents of Bryan down. LADIES DO YOU KNOft DTI. FELIX LE BRUM'S Steel g Pennyroyal Treatment is the oriKlnnl nnd only FllKNCH fiafo Hud reliublo cure on lha mar. ket. l'rire. $1.00; sent by icnil (Jenuiue sold only by Wm. 0. Clark, 316 lnn Av Scrnnton, Pa Y SAD FATE. The Now York newspapers recently published tho details of the sulcldo of a socloty woman who beenmo crazed by hendacho And drowned herself In tho harbor. What a sad end to a life that ought to havo been completely happy I Doubly sad because ndvanced science could havo Fnved hert Mitnyon has n spectrin for nil kinds of lieEdacho, which cures In three minutes nnd leaves no de pressing effects. Ono or two doses wilt stop Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Hond nehes from indigestion, Nervousness, Overwork, Colds. Intemperance, or Rail road or Ocean Travel. In striking contrast to tho above sad caso Is that of Mrs. E. Hardin, 3.ar0 Ger mantown Avenue. Philadelphia. Pa., wlfo of tho Clerk of tho Board of Education, who says: " For thirty years I suffered with sick hendaihe, whtch appeared In attacks of severe pain, so Intense that I was obliged to remain In bed for days nt a time. These attacks appeared al most every week, nnd at no tlmo did T ever receive relief, although I consulted the most skilled physicians in the city. Tho headaches seemed to wear them selves out and then commence anew. At last I was Induced to try Munyon's Headache Cure. The relief was magical nnd nlmost Instantaneous. I followed un tho treatment and was completely cured for three years have passed and I have had no return of tho headaches. I have recommended Munyon's Remedies to a number of my friends, and I have re ceived their most sincere thanks for many worderful cures that have been ac complished bv thefe little pellets." Professor Munvon has a sepnrato spe cific for each disease, the only logical system of medicine. IS RUPPLYINfl OTHER PEO PLE'S "Wants' Tiutorcm ITM "WANT COLUMNS" EVERY I)Ai. Why Not Yours ? HELP WANTED MALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. UTANTED-TEN STONE CUTTERS. Apply nt otllco of Uurko llro"., llurr building. GENTS C1ET.S FIFTY CENTS ON" EACH dollur; no experience neecwary. Wrlto for nsents outfit. Address THE CATHOLIC NEWS, 5 Uarclay Street, New York. "WANTKIJ-MEN TO CANVASS FOR f(Mt selling Sis-cent nrtlclo that uny ono can sell tliat can btil anything. Room O, Dime Bank. WANTED AGENTS-S75 PER MONTH und expenses paid active men If right; Floods hold by umijilo only; samples, ulso ior.se nnd carriage furnished FREE. Ad dress JOilllKltjJIox CitilS, lloston, .Mass. SALKSMEN-SCHOOLSUI'I'LIES: COU.V try work; Sioo talary mouinly, with liberal additional commissions. 1C O. EVANS ,: CO., Chicago. 7ANTED-AN IDEA. WHOCANT1HNIC of somo simple thine to uatcut? Pro tect your Ideas; they mny bring you wealth, Wrlto JOHN WEDDEHliURN & CO.. Dent. C. "J!!, Patent Attorneys, Washington, 1). C lor their Si sot) prlzo oiler und list of 1,000 Inventions wanted. XrAKTEO-As"AG:NTINEVERYSFxT V tlon to canvass; $1. onto $5.00 n day mnde; sells ut sight; also a man to sell Staple Goods to dealers; best side line S7ft n month; fnlury or largo commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Munul'uutur ng Company, Cincinnati. O. T ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' every town to Hillcit stock hubserlp tlons; n monopoly; big money for iments; no capital required. EDWARD C. FIS1I & CO., liordcu Block, Chicago, III. II ELP WANTED FEM ALES. Advs. Under This Mead One Cent a Word. "W J.11I'.!I-1II i.iui.n AT UJSl'K AT nines-is iiuii'.ii, f ranKiin avenue. lir-ANTKl) GIRL FOR GENERAL housowork, small family. Apply oil! Harrison avenue. 1UANTED-MIDDLE AGED COLORED woman lor general housework, good cook, to sleep homo nights. -1 IB Mlllllnitvc. LADlES-l MAKE DIG WAGES DOING pleasant homo work, and will gladly send full particulars to nil sending 12 cent stamp. MISS .VI. A. STEUHINS, Lawrence, Mich. Yl'AXTKU-liliy AGENTS IN SCRAN- ton to sell und Introduce Snyder's cnlce Icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent und very prolltnble. Wrlto for piiillculurs nt onco and get benefit of holiday trade. T. II. SNYDER A CO., Cincinnati, 0. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-TWO ENER ' gotlo saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed Stl a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Wrlto lor paitlculnrs, enclosing ftumpi MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY; No. il John street, New York. FOK SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. I70R HALE-A NICE BOISE, GREEN Rldgo section, neur North Park; larne lot; will make terms easy to right party. Address 11, G Tribune olllce. irORSALE-FINESADDLEl'ONYAllOUT J fourteen hands one Inch In height; pony Is also good driver. Address M. II, . Trlb 11110 olllce. T70R SALE-FINE TRAP CHEAP, lfj-l X1 1'enn nveuue. LOST. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. TTwIhTeEN R I DalTsTREKTYE Xj terday, a feather boa; tinder will bo suit, ably rewarded by leuviug itnt 15'JD Sander son avenue. ESTUAYED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. Vj xepti Alnsley, .Meridian street, 'J white spotted cows; If not culled for within 11 few days will bo disposed of uccordlng to law. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Adv. Under This Head One Cent n Word. IfaTATElFMILTPAmtO -J the city of Scrnnton, Lackuwunuu county, Pciiusylvuiilu. deceased. Letters of administration, with tho will minoxed, upon above estate, huving been duly grunted to tho undersigned, all persons having claims or demands ugnlnst tho said estate will please present sumo for payment, und ull those Indebted to suld eutute ure re quired to muko Immediate payment of tho umounfHdue, W. J. TRACY, HUGH It. ANDREWS, Administrators, C. T. A. W, J, TRACY, Attorney for Estate. October 1H, 18tl". CITY SCAVENGER. A11.11RIGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS mid tens pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. IIRIGUS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 N. Muln.uve., or Ekitos" drug store, corner Adums und MiUberry. 'liiephouelUIIU. rUIAH. COOPER, CITY SCAVENGER. J All orders promptly attended to, day or night. All the latest uppllunces. L'hurges reiiHonuble. 710 Scruutou btieeu House 11'.! 5 Wuahbum street. Khe Irifoune MIL ; 1& 1V VVl)IimLUll YVCIIUC. Jf j 1 j ii.m Ni..'- fcv '' vvwwww AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL OUR MIC. STORM door; sntnple prepaid upon receipt of price, AMERICAN STORM DOOR CO., Port Huron, Mich. KLONDIKE AGENTS WANTED FOR lurge Illustrated book of Klondike, Jive hundred pages; price Sl.fio: outfit toe. Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO,, Lnkc side Hulldlng, Chicago, HI. R ELIAULE AGENTS WANTED; NO other need apply. Ilox 1UU, ttcruiHoii, Pa. WANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT BUILD tng nnd Lonn stock; reference rc qulred. Address I'ENN, care Tribune. IJirANTED SOLICITOUS; NO DELIVER. VV ing, no collecting; position permnnent; pay weekly; state nge. GLEN BROTHERS, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Citizenship price s? 1. Go lng by thousands. Address NICHOLS, Nupervllle, 111 AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro plasters; prices from $3 upward; nlnry und expenses pnlil; outfit free. Address, wltn Mump. MICHIGAN MFU CO.. Chlcugo. AGENTS-TO SELL CIGAHS TO DEAL ere; $2 weekly nnd expent.es: expert enco unnecessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO., 48 Vun Blireu St., Chicago. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cento Word. F OR RENT-FFRN1SHED BOOMS, FIRST claims. .1(17 Mudlson avenue. ROOMS WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent, a Word. W ANTEl) '"HJLLYjJJAPAHTMENTf? furnished or unfurnlsh; ull modern conveniences and best locution. X. Y Trib une olllce. DOARD AND ROOMS WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. VOUN'jLCiTJHETrToTfl L two furnished rooms, with board! loca tion must bo llr.t-ciass; Scranton or Green Illdtje. M. W., Tribune otllco. ROOKS. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, HEnOoYTpYlVnAUroT olllce, HuriMlns In second-hund books. HoolcllndlnsuHpcclalty. JOHN GRIFFITH. UUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Vord. AN .OPPORTUNITY TO GO INTO Ill'SI ness. S'J.uoo will buy tho entire inter est In n Rood thrivins business. $r00 or $1,000 down and balance on payments, WjrUotoH.jI.M., box lftO, Scranton, Pn. 83,000 WILL Pt'IUTIASE AN ESTAI1 lished business which bus paid since Jan uary , 1805, over gli.omi clear of all ex. penses; must sell on account of other bnsl ness und fulllUK health; everything confiden tial. C F caro Tribune. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, CCdlNsTBUWNirXxprlTG nulls cured without the least palu or drawing blood. Cousultntlon and nil vice Kiven Jree. E. M. HETZEI Chiropodist, 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ladles attended nt their residence if desired. Chur'cs moder ate. KINDEROARTEN REOPENINO. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. X ten, formerly conducted by Miss Hoard man, will be reopened by Miss Prntt und Miss Wilcox on Monday, Sept. 13, at OlA Mulberry street. For terms or other Inform, utlon, address or apply nt t)It Mulberry St. SI'I UATIONS WANTED. S'irlLvrToSr'wANVEl to do wushini; und Ironing by the duy or house cleaning or any kind of work Ad dress fi'.'il Lackawanna nveuue, third lloor. VOUNG MAN "2 DESIRES POSITION AT J. bartending; hundy man around a place; beat references. Address J, II., ll'J Frank lin avenue. VOUNG MAN 21 WANTS WORK IN X store or ofllce; can write Ensllsh nnd Germun. Address W. E. M., General Dellv ery, Scruntou, Pa. WANTED-HET OF HOOKS TO WRITE up in ov minus utter 7 o'clock. Ad dress HARRY WRIGHT, 1122 Wyomlui; avenue. UTANTED-POSITION AH HOUHEKEEP- VV or by un American widow, nijed 49,1 with no lumlly. MR. IX DECKER, Pitts-J tun, 1-11. 1 I iftUJ U3 Blanket Talk. Our new, enlarged quarters enable us to show a much larger and more extensive line of Blankets than formerly. We've paid special attention in stocking the new store-with Blankets to have only reliable goods and the prices we have named on our entire stock are lower than good Blankets have been sold for in spite of the rapid advances in the price of wool. Our entire line, from the cheap Domet Blank et, at 45c. a pair, to the finest California wool, is well worthy the attention of Blanket buyers. AWDRDABODTCOMFORTABLES Comfortables that will make you comfortable. We've been at much trouble to secure a stock of the right kind, the kind that temper cold winter nights, well stuffed, soft, fluffy, handsomely made of choice silkoline and knotted with worsted. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, THE PATENT We Make It. We Warrant It. We Wholesale It. L 1. own w NEW YORK HOTELS. An estoblbced botel under new manacmient end thoroughly abreast of tho times. Visitors to New York will find the Everett in the very heart of the snopplEB dlitrlct, conrenlent to place of arauMtnent anil readily acre mlblo from all parts if tho city. EUROPEAN PLAN. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, tJEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day nnd Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, SI. 50 Per Day and Upwards. GEO, MURRAY, Proprietor. The St. Denis Ureadway and Eleventh St., New York, Opp. Grace Church. European Plan. Rooms Ii. 00 a Day and Upward!. In a modost and unobtrusive way there are few better conducted hotels In the motropoll tlnm tho Ht. Denia. The groat popu.arlty It haa acquired can readily ho tracod to its unique location, lu bomollke atmosplicro. tho peculiar oxcellono. of its culaluo and aurvlca, and its very moder ate price.. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOU STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Adv. Under This Head One Cent a Word. rjMlK ANNUAL MKKTlNd OK KTOUK 1 holders of TI10 (Scranton Packing Coin puny will he held nt the otllce of tho coin puny, 70 Wyomlui nvenne, Hcruutou, Pa., on Wcilnesduy, October 'J7th, 18(17. nt tl o'clock u. in. J. L. CO.N'NKU.. Hecrvtury. riMIK ANNUAL MKKTINO OP T1IK X vtockhohlerKof TheHulnirbuti llulldlni; and Louu AhkocIiUIoii of Hcruutou for tho election of olllcers und directors, nnd the trunmictton ofauch other IhuIiicmi us muy bo brouuht before the ineetlui;, wilt be held at otllce of tho iiBsochitlon In Bcninton, Tues. duy, Oct, 10, ut 7.IIO P, m. II. T. JAVNE, Becretury, SnowWhite 111 t Wu, M, BATES. rralPVjl ' U "' EATIJ 1, BE. I CALL AND EXAMINE Our new line of Condie & Clark Also our Extensive Stock of FOOT BALL GOODS. ' FLOREY'S 222 Wyoming Ave. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION. "'-& A v & t"VIl7t V) lYil IKI OUR PRICES AND OOODS nro Just rlsht. snvo tlmo und money by deulluK with us. Special Driven in overythlni: a sports 1111111 needs. Uuiih, PUIiing Tackle, Cuuvns Hoods Huae Hall, Foottmll nnrt Athletlo Goods, nt prices thut defy compctlon. A.W. . ACL, 324 Spruce St Stetson Hats Have Brains in Them Yes,' there are brains in Stetson Hatsbrains in making them and brains in wearing them. j New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft , Hats on sale. It's a wise head that wears a Stetson Hat. Thcc nnd Other Oood .Style Hold by CONRAD, 305 Lackawanna Avenm Go Cubs r1"- '. ' !".!!!' '!'!'!" " '.'I -""' "'i ' ;-;1"1 w j"Jii.f "