The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Lackawanna onmy.
Readers will please note that ndvor
ttnemonts, orders for Jab work, ana
Items for publication lert nt the estab
lishment of Shannon fr Co. newsdealers.
North Main street, will receive prompt rt
tcntlon; office open from S a. m. to
p. m.j 8 MUL4MM3H8
Mr. and Mrs. William Burnnrd, of.
Ilncoln avenue, will soon leae this
city and reside In Honcpdalo, v,wrc
Mr. Burnard expects to engage In busi
ness. On Thursday evening a number
of their friends assembled to wish them
success, and a very pleasant evening
passed In social entertainment ultlt
music, and refreshments. Among those
present sere: Messrs. and Mesdamrs
I Schoonovor, W. H. lionhunt, S. 11.
Swingle, James May, S. T Ilutnard
nnd Gardner, Mesdames James Norrls,
A. Dolph, Misses Etntnn. May, Maty
and Selina Burnard and Llewellyn
The races at Anthracite park tomor
row will prove nttiactKe to loers of
sporting events. The Gentlemen's driv
ing club have obtained entries for this
meet of some leading tt otters. A num
ber of horses entered last week nt the
Bloomsburg races will be enteied here.
A Bpcclal feature will be the team J ace.
For this J. L,. Crawford has entered
two teams; County Tieasurcr Schadt,
of Scranton, one team; L. A. Tatter
non and J. J. Simpson, of this city, one
team each. The olllclal programme for
the coming two days will be an
nounced tomonow.
Announcement was made Satin day
that William Glslon, one of Carbon
dale's well-known young men, would
be ordained to the pilesthood Satui
day morning, Oct. 23, at St. Peter's
cathedral in Scianton. Mr. Glslon is
a graduate of St Maiy's seminary at
Baltimore. Ho graduated with honors
and was considered one of the best
students of his class. The ordination
ceremony will take place at 8 o'clock.
Ttt. Rev M. J Iloban, coadjutor bishop
of the diocese, will officiate. Mr. Gls
lon expects to say his llrst mas at St.
Rose church Sunday, Oct. 24.
The Century club lecture and con
cert course will open on Wednesday
evening at tiro Academy of Music,
when the Park sisters will appear.
This quartet of lady musicians have
great talent and are well-known fa
vorites. They have just returned from
their second tour in Bur ope, which was
a continued success. Miss Bdlth M.
Norton, the talented humorous and
dramatic reciter, will appear with the
Park sisters. It Is certain that a largo
audience will welcome them.
The V. S. W. fair will open in Watt's
hall this evening; and will continue
each evening during tire week. An en
tertainment will be given each even
ing and the Brooklyn drum corps and
the Marvine piccolo corps w'U open the
fair. The programme for this evening
is as follows; Specialties, MIes Twin
Walkers; jig, Mlf-s Mamie McNulty;
lecltatlon, Katie Gallagher, Scranton,
leel. Miss Loretta McNulty; vocal duet,
Miss Mamo and Thomas Walker.
The Republican campaign opened In
this city on Saturday evening at the
Grand Opera Houo with an enthusias
tic welcome to the speakers and can
didates present on that occasion. Be
fore the meeting the Junior Republi
can club, of Scianton, of some one
hundred members, was met by the
Mozart band at the city station and
a short parade preceded the lally at
the hall.
The Christian and Missionary alli
ance will hold a convention in Carbon
dale Thursday and Friday of this w eek.
Rev. Stephen Merrltt, of New York;
Mrs. Fuller, a returned missionary
from India; Mr. Mitchell, of Soudan,
nre expected.
Dr Herbert S. Hayford, of New York
city, has accepted tho position of resi
dent physician at Btnergency hospital.
He has a diploma from tho post grad
uate medical college in New York c lty
and comes -very highly recommended.
Hon. Charles Murphy has roturnod
to his home in Hancock after a visit
in this city.
Dr. W. J. Lowry Is homo from tho
Railway Surgeons convention In New
York city.
Mrs. Sarah Gardner and grandson,
Gardner O'Boylo, havo returned from
a visit in Unlondale.
Mrs. Eucene Scates and her daugh
ter, Mrs. James Cooper and child, of
Ligonier, Indiana, aro tho guests of
Mrs. Israel Crane.
Miss Manie Lannon has accepted a
position In Munn's music store on Sa
lem avenue.
Mrs. Joseph Hammerle. of WJlkes
Barrc, ia visiting her parenta in this
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Berry have return-
Go to your doctor for
advice; he is the best man
to tell you what medicine
you need. Go to your drug
gist for your medicines; he
knows more about drugs
than a dry goods man.
Stick to your doctor and
to your druggist if you are
a sick man, but don't go to your
druggist for advice. If your
doctor tells you to get Scott's
Emulsion it is because he
knows it to be the remedy
in all conditions of wasting,
the one reliable, permanent
Get what you ask for.
cd from a visit w Ith their son, Trank,
nt "Wctorbury, Conn.
Charles Wedeman, of Unlondnle, Is
visiting in this city.
Mrs. Josephlno Rlnsland Is visiting
friends tn Scranton.
Mis. Sarah Marsh, of Dunmore, Is
Milting friends In thin city.
At the meeting of the Ministerial as
sociation of tl.o Honesdale district nt
Clifford tomorrow morning, a theme
will bo presented by Pierce Butler, of
tills city, on the question: "Does the
Doctrine of Holiness Receive Proper
Consideration'" In the afternoon Dr.
Y. C. Smith' will present an exegesis of
Matthew, xvl'13-19.
Mlts Mary Rlmland ha1) returned
fiom a two months' visit in Scranton.
Mls Gertrude Morgan, of Blngliam
ton, is visiting relative In this city.
Miss Veronica Gorman, of Scranton,
Is the uuest of lisr sister, Mrs. P. A.
Mrs. Annlo Binder, of Now Yoik
city, who has been the guest of icla
tives in this city, left Saturday for
Nnrrow sburg.
Mi. and Mrs. Harry Vandeimnrk.wh'o
have been Isltlng the former's par
ents on Wnshinuton street, left Satur
day for Washington nnd Now York.
Miss Anna Htisson will leave today
for Scranton, wh?re she will spend the
w inter.
Miss Cornelia Stamp has returned
from a visit in Honesdale.
The American nctu-is, Agnes Hern
don, supported by a powerful company,
will present "La Belle M.ule" nt the
Grand Opera house this evening.
Accorllng to the registration of vot
ers In this city, made last May, tluro
aie 3,S?1 persons entitled to vote nt
the election.
Professor McLaughlin's dancing class
will hold its iltst mating tomorrow
evening In the Crescent's .low hall In
the Sabm building.
At a recent meot!nr of the Commer
cial Travelers' Home association In
Blnghamton, G. F. Swigcit. of this
city, was re-elected chairman of the
board of managers'
Tha lew Conlurv club of this city
have arranged a lecture course and a
FCties of concerts for the coming fcea
son. Over 400 tickets have been sold
At the twelfth annual meeting of the
Womans' MMslnary society of the
Lackawanna Presbytery at West Pitts
ton, Mrs. J. Z Burr, of this city, was
re-el cted president, and Mrs. C T.
Mtaker, coi responding secretary.
Assembly r- " Daughters of Nao
neui a very inrasum, &-ckii tm, itoci- ,
intionswerogrvcn ny auss i-uiur ji.i- j No imrt changes were made ex
kins and cultar solos by a gentleman t tl t tl (,omctory nml loaa front-
J T .. 'lF11tt- llll!. H .1
iinin jraim.i. tvm.a.n uuiunn .ui-i
John Merrltt each made a short ad-
dr c-s.
The Fell township school board at
their last meeting elected John Mcoty
as trcis.uior.
Patrick Cubb. who was killed in
Ma field on Thursday aftoi noon by tho
Sntatoga xnipt.s. was w el known to
tho loot ball players in this tltv as
captain cf the Maylleld eleven. He was
eroding the track nw Alumni park
to attend tl.o foot ball game between
the Slayfield and Carbondrle High
school teams whi-rr he was struck by
tho "V"3s and Instantly kllltd. He
was hl'.i lv iteenn'l by a lar,re r.i.m
l)"r of frier,i!s
It Is the trick of the Brynnlzcd De
mocracy this fa'l to tnako fnlso
charges against Republican methoils,
raise a big dust, hlro Republican mal
contents to organlzo Republican bolts
and then coax Individual Republicans
to desert tl elr pirty on tho represen
tation that "piity ties needn't count
for anything In an off year." By this
trick, if it shall work, tho Bryanltes
will got a foothold for a hopeful fight
in national campaigns, and make Just
so much mora troublo for McKlnloy,
tho Republican consres and the cause
of sound cy.
You now sco thiough this trick. Aro
you sting to let it woil;.'
This evening a testimonial concert
will be held in the Calvary Baptist
church for the benefit of our tow ns
mnn, John T. Watkins. A lino pro
gramme will be rendered with the as
sistance of Miss Sadie L Kaiser, who
Is one of tho leading concert sopranos
of the dav. Miss Bessie Parker, the
great elocutionist of Wyoming semi
nary, will also be present, and Prof.
T. Reeves Jones, of Scranton, tho gieat
teacher of music, will act as accom
panist. Thomas Beynon.who Is known
throughout the whole valley as a pos
sessor of a magnificent terror v olec, w III
nlso .sing several of his choice solos.
It is not often such an array of talent
ns is presented by Mr. Watkins and
his friends can be heard. Tho rate of
admission is low, and a most enjoy
able concert will be offered.
Tho fair and festival of the Calvary
Baptist chutch at tho Weber rink came
to a close on Saturday evening, after
a most successful run of three nights.
Tho fair brought large crowds from
Providence, Scranton, Mooslc nnd many
other places. The door prize for Thurs
day evening was won bv ticket No.
250, The holder of this lucky number
could not be learned that evening, so
the prlzo was held awaiting its owner.
Tho second night of the event was
even more largely attended. Miss
Morianr Feiber, of Hide Park, was
tho successful contestant tho second
night in securing the beautiful set of
blankets. Saturday evening over ono
thousand people were In attendance.
On this evening tho principal contest
of tho fair, the scholarship, was held.
Tho competitors were Mrs. Thomas
and Mis. Jones, both of tills place. Tho
amounts were ns follows: Mrs. Thom
as, $103.59; Mrs. Jones, $1"S 03. Total
amount, $243.01.
J. V.. Davis, of this place, attended
the Bloomsburg fair last week.
MfS. John Lewis and Mrs. Henry
Evans, of Hyde Park, weie tho guests
of friends in this place yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Lewis, of Wallsville,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V
Davis, of this place, jester day.
Miss Susie Harils, of Moscow, was
tho guest of Iter parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
David Hairls, of Union street, yester
day. BmTilem division, No. 57, Sons of
Temperance, will meet this evening In
Van Horn's hall.
Mrs. Cunningham and Mis. Leach, of
Seattle, Missouri, visited Mrs. II. J.
Daniels last week.
Thomas Jones, of Pond street, is rap
Idly recovering from his recent illness,
Mr. and Mrs. L B. Ciui, of this place,
ato In Philadelphia, attending the
funeral of tho late John Brown, one
of tho oldest postofilco employes of that
city. Tho late Mr. Brown is a brother
of Mrs. Curl.
Mrs. John Chattam, of Kdwardsvllle,
Is visiting friends in this place.
Miss Mamie and Master Warner
Francis, of Wyoinlng, were tiro guests
of relatives in this place yesterday.
Y. Okano, of Toklo, Japan, occupied
tiro pulpit in the Welsh Congregational
church last evening. Mr. Okano
prcaclred to a large and well pleased
Don't forget to attend the testimonial
concert at the Calvary church this
evening. It will be a grand treat.
If you indorse tiro frco trade and freo
silver Chicago platform as tho Lackawanna-
Democracy docs, "fully and
without reserve," then work and voto
for Sohndt, Horn, ct. nl. If jou be
lieve In McKlnloy, protection and pros
perity, turn theso agents of llrjnn
l'lcnslng r.iitortiilmiioiit in Prospect
Pcrsonnl mid Social Xrwi.
This evening and Tuesday evening
nbout sixty children of Sacred Heart
church w ill at Enterprise hall produce
the operetta " A Merry Company or
the Cadets Picnic." They havo devot
ed much tlmo in the preparations of
tiro entertainment, and undoubtedly
will bo rewarded by crowded houses.
The principal characters will bo taken
by Rost Quiim as Florence tho-llttlo
old woman, Joe Collins as the little
old man; Frank McAndrevv as the
captain of the Cadets; Rose Coylo as
Bevslo and Maty McLaughlin as Gertie,
Mrs. John Lutsey and son of Clarks
Green are visiting relatives in town.
Sir. David P. Bvans and family have
moved to Scranton.
Professor Hunt nnd Wilson of Car
bondnlo will furnish tiro entertainment
at the Citizens Band Fair next Wed
nesday evening. The Get mania band
of Cnrbondale will bo present on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Barnabns Carter and children
of Cemetery street are visiting friends
In Nantlcoko.
P. A. Sherwood has entered his horse
Kate Medium In the 2.33 races to bo
held at Anthracite patk on Tuesday
Tho ladles of the Baptist church wlH
serve an oyster supper on Thanksgiv
ing day. Vnbles will be spreid at
I five o'clock. A concert will bo given
by the children at eight o'clock. Tick
ets for both will be 23 cents. Sepfrat.1
tickets will be sold. Supper, IS cents;
entcrtnlnrnerrt tickets, 12 cents.
A cow entered Louis Gronilivs sum
mer kltclun on Friday evening dis
posing of l loaves of bread and pan
of a sack of flour.
Committees from Ar'bald nnd
.Tormvn rnnnrHq runt nt Arehbald Frl-
day evening and agreed on the bound
aiy ne botucon thc Uvo boroughs
Jn(. lt ,ull hereafter bo In Jermyn.
Their action now awaits tho sanction
of the two councils.
A surprise party was given last Fri
day evening In honor of Mr. Charles
Hotrarth at the homo of his son Mr
Jom IIognrtIli Tho pnlty ulshlng to
M)fn(1 a ,Icnant cvenlnB ,Uth him,
Mp hIJ (leparturo lor Knffiana tomor-
,. ,,a ,.;. ,,,. M,. ...r
M)- J()hn Tom M nnd JIn.
, M fl yl Jw h Be!!kw!t
,. ,, ,Ilo T,, ,,,. ti,. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenslade, Mr. and
Mrs. William Rawling, Mrs. William
Sklnn, Mr. and Mrs. Blythe, Mr. and
Mrs. George Pendrcd, Mrs. Fred Hors
well, Mr. and Mrs. George Bucking
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker,
Mr. I. Buckingham, Sir.', nnd Mru.
Thomas Donthwaite, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Reeves, Mrs. Hartle, Mrs. Step
hens, Miss R. Seynrore.
Inv Itatlons havo been irsued by Mr.
and Mrs. Theron Moon of Second street
to the marriage of October 27th of
their daughter JennLe to Mr. Richard
Hocking, of Main street.
Mrs. James AVoodmaney of Blng
hamton, N, Y., ds tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Q. L. Backer of Scott Road.
A supper will bo given under the
auspices of the Indies of tho Congrega
tional church on Wednesday next. All
ato Invited to attend.
Sir. nnd Mrs. J J. Jones of Great
Bend have returned after spending a
few days with Mrs. William Malnes.
Mrs. M. Jones, of Harford, and Mrs.
W. W. Fletcher, of Carbondale, weie
the guest of Mrs. Townsend on Thurs
day. James Renolds and family who
have been residing In Joseph Nether
ton's house on Third street move I in
to the Jciinyn homestead on Wednes
day. m
A shoit session of tho town council
was held Saturday night. Mr. O'Hal
lorun was the only member absent. The
llrst business was to reconsider a for
mer motion and have the bills passed
separately Tho bills passed were as
follows; Stieet commissioner's time,
J233.S9. electric light acount, $202, O.
W. Schlager, $22; M. D. Brown & Co,
$in.21; A. Cooper. $10, Jones Bros,
$23.75; Lally Bros , J2S.93. The bills
fiom tho ofllcers of tho board of health
were deferred till tho next meeting.
A contract was read lrom tho Game-
well Fire Alarm company, agreeing to
put in ten boxes and all necessary ap
paratus In the borough for $1,500, to be
paid In a period of two years from date
of contract. It was referred to tho
borough attorney for advise. Mr. Jor
dan, cf tl.o llro company, was present
and uigcd the council to purchase a
team of horses, stating that a llro
alarm svsli.m would be of little ser
vice without proper facilities for get
ting to ilres. No action was taken.
Anthony Soloman, an Italian, was
slightly Injured on Thursday afternoon
whio alighting fiom a Delaware and
Hudson coal train at the Dunmore
stieet crossing. In stepping from tho
cans he was thrown violently to the
ground, rendering him unconscious for
somo time. He was assisted to his
home on the Hats, where ho received
medical attention.
T. A. Horn and sister, Miss Ella
Horn, of Carbondale, wore visitors In
town yesterday.
Miss Agnes Lynott.of Scranton, spent
Thursday w Ith friends here.
Bernard Golderr, of Dunmore, has
purchased tho photograph gallery from
Mr. Washer, of Lackawunna street.
The members of tho choir of tho Con
gregatlonal church aie preparing to
give a sacred concert in tho near
The Catholic Young Men's Total Ab
stinence and Benevolent society aro
making preparations to hold a fair dur
ing the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Dr. Pier, of Avoca, spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. W. T
Schlager, of Blakely.
Mrs. John Dougher, of WllkeH-Barre,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs. John
O'Malley, of Dunmore street, yester
day. Mrs. Andrew Patterr and Miss Ella
Patten, of Carbondale, visited relatives
hero this week.
J. M. Moinmn and children have re
turned home, after a visit with the
former's mother at Scranton.
Miss Mlnnlo Davis, of Scranton, whu
has bedn tho truest of Mrs, Frank
Simpson, has returned home.
f4H4- 44-4444 4-f44444444-444H44-H
Alny Yet Ilnvo to Be Done on the Syndicate Plan.
Prom tho Providenco Journal.
Few people reallzo how great an
undertaking a modern novel is. An
thony Trollopo used to sny that a lit
erary career looked easy because all
It required was pen, Ink and paper.
Thero was no expensive preparation to
bo gone through, no costly plant to bo
set up. The novelist, particularly, sim
ply sat down nnd wrote. Trollope
did a good deal himself to support
this idea. By sticking to his chair so
many hours a day and wilting so many
pages an hour, with so marry words
on a page, ho became orro of the most
prolific novelists of his time. Tho lato
Mrs. Ollphant was another author
whose fertility was eauso for wonder
ment, nrrd yet she did her work so
quietly und those who were Intimate
w ltlr her hardly knew when she did lt.
In an appreciative notice in the At
lantic Monthly Miss Harriet Waters
Preston quotes Mrs. Ollphant ns de
nying that she worked at " a break
neck pace." She was "very constant,
though very leisurely." And, Indeed
ono whoso "Inspiration" never failed
could easily turn out three large vol
umes a year by writing a thousand
words a day. Wo have lately been told
that some of tire newly-discovered
geniuses can do better than this. But
with ono of them, nt least, speed Is
not tho question. The novels of Mr.
Hall Calne nro too Important to be
tossed off lightly. He tells us himself
of the herculean labors which Iris new
book, "Tho Christian," required of
Mr. Calne had an interview loccntly
with a London lepoiter, to whom he
unbosomed himself with great free
dom. The reporter commented on tho
great man's "fagged appearance." "It
is 'Tiro Christian,' " explained Mr.
Calne. "It has been a cole-sal under
taking." There was 'physical exhaus
tion" and "mental hot r or" to boot.
The novelist's tnsk Is obviously moro
serious than It was in the days when
Sir Walter wrote a novel In thieo
weeks. But Sir Wnlter was not so
conscientious as Mr. Calne. Novel
writing was a primitive art in those
days. Everything In '"Tho Christian"
was founded upon the closest expert
Investigation. AVhen tho reporter sug
gested that Mr. Calne had acquired
the langunge of the betting world, Mr.
Caino "laughed significantly." Of
course he had! How could ho help lt
nfter collecting a small sporting library
and taking tho sporting papers for
several months? As for the Cockney
isms, they too were accurate. Mr.
Albert Chevalier, the distinguished
"coster" singer, had seen to that. As
a matter of fact, the proofs of "Tho
Christian" had been ready by "not loss
than twenty persons, each a specialist
in somo walk of life." Thero is some
thing like a novel for you! nothing
done in the old-fashioned haphazard
way, but even thing scientifically ex
act. Thus dictionaries and encyclo
paedias are brought out why not
Upon this hint the reporter spoke
and called Mr. Calne a '-realist." Mr.
Calne did not jleny tho soft impeach
ment. In fact, he was so much of a
realist that he hoped for tho approval
of the doyen of the guild, tho great
Tolstoi. "From what I have heard In
directly," observed Mr. Calne, "ho
(Tolstoi) has been following the publi
cation of my story with great Interest,
and I hope, from tumors which have
reached me, that he may write upon
this subject." Let us hope that he
will, and that Mr. Caine's modesty will
not compel him to withhold the Rus
sian novelist's letter from an anxious
public Tho trick of extracting a post
card from Mr. Gladstone or a para
graph in Harper's Weekly from Mr.
How ells Is about played out; let us
have Tolstoi for a change by all
means. Wo should like to hear also
from the specialists in various walks
of life who saw tho proofs. How
much does Mr. Calne owe to them?
Surely he should havo given them a
kindly word In a preface.
Other Interesting1 revelations were
obtained by this- Intelligent London
reporter. "The Christian" was mostly
written in bed. beginning at four in
the rnorrring. When Mr. Calne finished
it he wrote "Thank God'" on tho last
page "with feelings of real gratitude"
This has been eliminated in tho printed
volume, perhaps for fear lt might ox
press the feelings of the reader also.
Four In the mornlnsr is nn uncanny
time to write, but Mr. Calne explains
that then his brain "Is incomparably
at Its best." Such being tho case, let
us hopo ho w 111 never bo tempted to
postpone his task to the evening hours.
Even nt Its best, his brain apparent
ly works none too freely. "The iinal
manuscript," he declares, "was revised
again and again. If jou come to
Greeba" Mr. Caine's letreat in the
Isle of Man "I will show lt to jou.
It shows siens of work." There were
proofs, too. four sets in all two for
the English magazine and the English
book, two for tho American magazine
and tho American book. Three trans
lators also had to bo looked after, to
say nothing of "letters from all parts
of the world" with which Mr. Caine's
"very able secretary" could hardly keep
pace. "Tho commercial sldo of tho
production of a novel by an author
enjoying popularity," Mr. Calne notes,
"Is not tho least curious " We should
IseoldunderposittTO Written Guarantee,
nvflnrnnriKiv nL'Amnmv. in curs uenKjumni
byantborwwl agents only, to cure Wean Memory,
Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, listeria, Oiric
Dizziness, warceiurnesfl, ens, iitsteria, umcic
ne83, Niulit Losses, Kvll DrramB, Jjick of Contl-
1, j
uonce.jNorvousneas, jjbssiiuuo, nuurnins, lomn.
ful Krrors, or lixcoeeivo Ueo ot Tobacco, Opium,
nr Linuor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At storo or by mail, $1 a
box; six lor 3; with wruien Euuiiuntc 10
euro or rcftiuil money. Multiple pnclc-
nue, containing hvo Unys' treatment, with full
instructions, 2& cents, Ono sample only sold to
oachporeon. AtBtoroorbyiuail. -,
sjS&t2rnod Label Special fTul CrAnntl.
IPyf ffft, Tmnnlflnpv. I",nafl nfVWJr
RfifSr Power, .Ix6t Manhood,
.w..,jw - w. ..- -,.. .a. w
siwn Mtoriiit? or uarrennessj,
fiBPOn&orbyiaarl. VARCER
Win. Q. Clark, 216 Penn, Ave,, Scranton, Pa
ypalfh is Wp.alth
I "IE "nil - ... I BnAia'"1
ft? M LRYtA Hi.
mmMi'ejfcJt!k. v
W$M. . fS&A '&?
fjOMBWgjKaTn eat m e wf jjgf
say as much. Labors like theso will
break down even Mr. 'Cnlne. Thackeray
and the rest of his plodding predecess
ors never had to bear such burdens.
But the novel In these days is a ser
ious thing. It will soon requlro a
whole Start of authors to produce one.
Mr. Caino should form his nt once.
Otherwise his health may give way.
Whv Sho l)lnppolnted Them.
From the Iloston, Traveller.
Tho president of tho Woman's Ad
vancement society was visibly agitated.
So was tho secretary.
"Mrs. Nlmbclung:, who was to deliver
tho address at today's meeting, cannot
bo present," Fald tho former.
"Why not?" asked the latter.
"Her husband has been seriously ill for
three or four days."
"But a woman of her strength of prin
ciple won't neglect her work in tho great
cuuo to attend to tho paltry needs of an
individual and a mala individual at
"Certainly not, but he writes he
For Internal and External Use.
Colds, Coughs Sore Throat, Influenza, Bron
chitis, Pneumonia, huellmg ot the
Joints, Limibajjo, Inflammation,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
frostbites, Chilblains, Headache, Toothache,
C'UIIKS 'J Hi: WOKU" 1 M.NS In from ono
to twenty minute Miro.B 1IOU11 niter
muling thlx ndprtlhi rueiit need nnjono
fcUll Ml Willi 1'AIN.
Ratfua'- Ready Itellef li a Sure Cure for
hvery Pain, sprains, llrutses, I'alns In
the Hack, Chest or Limbs. It Was the
I IrM and U the Onlj
That Instantly stops tho most oteiuclntlng
pains, ullavM inlliimnmlloii, and cures Con
KeMIons, whctltii of tho I litres, Stomach
llowl-i or other glands orurs.iuii by ono ap
plication. A half lo a tcnspnonful In halfn tumbler of
wntLi' will In h tew minutes euro Clumps,
Sp isms, soiu stonuuli, Heartburn, Nervous
ncs, Wi c i Ifssncs, Sik Head iche, Dlnr
ihii'a, I)vuiter,, Colic, 1 latuleney unci all
tut' uml uins
llnri is ncu a remedial agent In tho world will euro lover nml initio and nil other
iiiuliirious, hllltms and other fever, aided lij
k'AhWAYS PIIJ.Sj, ho quickly as RAU
I'lfty Cents Per Mottle. Sold by Druggists.
HADWAY it CO , r,5 I3I.I M SI"., XHW YOlllv
Anil jou will reulUoliowciiy t U to fur
nish your homo luxuriously with a trllllug
outlay, a llttlo nt u tlmcv und you clon't
miss lt.
404 Lackawanna Avenin,
Capital, -Surplus,
Y.M. T. SMITH, Pres.
Deposit Accounts of Corpora
tions, .Merchants, Finns nnd Ineli
Vidtinls Solicited. Throe Per Cent.
Interest Pnid on Savings Deposits.
Tliis Company Acts ns Trustee,
Executor, Administrator, Gnnr
dinn, L'tc, Under Appointments
by the Courts, Corporations or
Fnucy Koclcsiunys, Knst
Kivers, .Maurice Kiver
Coves, Mill Ponds, &c., &c.
Leave your order for Bine
Points to bo delivered on
the half shell in carriers.
i a ram, m nl hi
For Sale by Mill & Cannell, Protheroe &
Co. and A, 13. Strong,
School Shoes.
Wo oinrht to noil ALL of the School Shoos that will be sold In Scranton this s
(1... ... .....,. Ll MAnnl n-M .- I. ........ ..r fttTAf 111V ...... ,...
fall, llut wo won't. Homo people nro nucti
5 umilil niiv 91. on for nahoo that IS nearly
nniiooinniiH nearly
5 rcnlly Rood alioe. Tlie-so people's trade we
tm tiln wlin lllcn to innkfl Hiiro nf w hat thov are
K don't wnnt Job lot of truihy MutT. We aro better prepared than anyone else to
S servosnolr peoplo nnd wo will pell them ncboolnhooi "or nny other kind" that will S3
53 provo cheapo Jthan any other hIioch they can buy, 5
5 Corner Lackawanna and
5 N. 11. See our rYutor Hoots for I.adloV Wcnr nnd tho Jamoi A. UnnlUor Co.'s S
S Shoes for Men,
Neverslip and Hold
fast Calks and Shoes,
Qibbs' Rubber Cush
ion Horse Shoes, Wag
on and Blacksmith
Supplies, rierchant
Iron and Steel.
126 and 128 Franklin Ave., Scranton
. n
Bit! Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mino Ralls
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Ufcmlock
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on the Buffalo and Susquc.
'annua Knilrond. At Minn, Potter County, Pa., on Coudcrsport, and
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GLNKKAL Ol'PlCE-Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
Schedule In Effect November 15. 1S9S.
Trains Leavo Wilkes-Barre as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburp, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville. Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts,
burg and tho West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and tho West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Harloton
and Pottsvillo. . ,
J R. WOOD. Gen'l Pasi. Agent.
J. H. HUTCHINSON, Ocneral Manager.
Central Knilrond of New Jersey
11 ni.iv, nn,i Susauelranna Division.)
Stations In New WSkUffiny
Ftictt N. 11 . and Whitehall or""1"1;,, .
Antliraclto 'coal U!,ed exclusively. Jnaur-
m. aunuajs, - jj !' "
Forl'onR liranch, Ocean Grovo, etc., at
8r SSeaaa.n: "eWon and Harrlsbunr.
Ua Allentown, 8 20 a. m., 12. lo, COO p. m.
Sunday. 215 P. m- .. , ., .,
MnB l"aVo NeVvorkfoot of 1.1b-
i) m PanVeWers arriving or departing
from this terminal can connect under
covmr with all the elevated rat roads.
Broadway fable car, and ferries to
lt.ooklyri and Staten Island, making aulck
transfer to Sr from Orand Central De-
uot and i'"G Is,nnd lallr,oa(1- . , ,
PI,ea"o Philadelphia. Beading Terminal.
9 w a. m . " W anJ 4-30 "' Bunday'
"'Through tickets to all point-; at lowest
rate may l hat c application In ad
S&e1 toy.he ticket cgnut etatlon.
CJen Pass. Ast.
Del., Laekn. and "Western.
Effect Monday, Juno 21, 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East.
1.40. 2.50, 5.15, 8 00 und 10.20 u. m. i U.5j and
3 Express for Easton. Trenton, Philadel
phia and tho South. C.15, 8.00 and 10 20 a.
m , 12 53 and 3 3J p. m.
Washington and way stations. 3 45 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, C10 p. m.
Express for Wnifhumtoii. Oswego, El
mlra. Corning, Bath Harm Hie Mount
Morris and Buffalo. 1210, 2.3o. 9.00 a. m.
nnd 1 53 P. m . inak nff closo connections at
Buffalo to all Points In tho West, North-
west and Boumwesi.
BinUiamton und way station. 1 03 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 1 00 and C 10
P Bin'ghamton nnd Elmlra express, C 53
P Express for tTtlca and ntclifleld Springs,
2 25 a m anil 1 53 p. in.
Ithaca, 2 33, 9 00 11. m., nnd 1 53 p. m.
For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes
Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsbuig and Dan
ville, making clie connection nt North
umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg,
Baltimore. Washington and the South.
Noithumberlard and Intermediate sta
tions, GOO, 10.20 a. m , nnd 1 53 nnd COO p.m.
Nantlcoko und Intermediate stations,
8 OS and 11 20 11. m Plymouth and Inter
mediate Mntlcns, 3 40 and S.17 i. m. For
Kingston. 12 40 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sloeplng coaches on
all expis trains.
For detallod Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. I Smith, Dis
trict Passonger Agent, depot ticket olllco.
Kric nnd Wyoming Vnlley.
IN Effect Sept. 19. 1897.
Trnlns tp.ivo Sprnntnn for New York
1 orul intermediate points on Erlo railroad,
E?f l'"",.Vrl and Elizabeth.
Rawexurtbs) u. m., l-'. (express with
BunWr car) '3 03 (express) p rn.
rn. nt
"0 SSSnk, Allei tow nhle
i, r inton and Philadelphia, 8 20 a. m.,
'PH' SB? 609 (except Philadelphia) p. in.
ortv street, North reiver, ui '","'
am .1 10. 1 30, 4 15 (express with lluttet
?..',; i,,) p. m. Sunday. 4 30 a. in.
1 t mo Now York, foot Whitehall street.
poor Indue of QUAIjITV that they -
air mioucry, raincr tiinu ray si.v&ror u m
all aliodclv. rather tiinu nn
won't got. Wo will got tho trade of peo- E3
it. vvo vvnigoi uiotrnuooi peo- s
Those who aro good Judges and J
Wyoming Atciuic3. 5
Lending mnkes of Bicycles
nnd Sundries, Nickcl-Plntlug
nnd KcpntrlnK DiiTicult Kc
pair nnd Machinist Job Work
a. Spccinlty. Power Bolt und
Rod Threading nnd Taping,
Power Shearing nnd Punch
W. A. KHMMimnR,
Jl'g'rsoflllcyclo Dv?
PA., Manufactured of
also for Hawlcy and local points ot 7.05
a. m. and 2 2 p. m.
Atrlvo ut Scranton from abovo points
at 10 23 a. m 3 15 and 9.33 p. m.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
On Monday, July E, trains will leavo
Scianton as follows:
Tor Carbondale G 20, 7.53, 8 53, 10 15 a.
m.: 32 00 noon; 121, 2.20, 3.52, 5 20, C 23, 7.57,
813, 10.45 p. m.; 12.10 a rn.
Kor Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., U 20 a. m.,
2 20 p. m.
Tor Honesdale C 20, S 53, 10.15 a. m.;
12 00 noon; 2 20, 5 23 p. m.
Tor Wilkes-Barre fl 43, 7.50, S 43, S 33,
10 15 a. m ; 12 05, 1 25, 2.2S, 3 S3, 4.41, C 00, 7.50,
9.50, 11.30 p. m.
Tor New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehlsh Valley It. It., C 45, 7.30 a. m.; 12 03,
1 23, 4 11 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11 30 p. m.
Tor Pennsylvania It. R. points C.43, 9.3S,
a m ; 2 28, 4 41 p. m.
For vcstern point via TjChlRh Valley
B. It., 7.50 a. m ; 12 05, 3 33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9 50, 11 30 p. m.
Trains will arrrvo at Scranton as fol
lows: From Carbondalo and tho north 6 40
7 to, 8 40, 9 31, 10 40 a. nr.: 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2 24, S 23, 4 37, 5 43, 7.43, 9 43, 11.23 p. m.
From Wilkes-Barro and the south G.15
7 50, 8 50, 1010, 1155 a. m.; l.lfi, 2.14. 3.48,
5 20. C 21, 7 53. 9 (, 9 43 p. m.; 12 Oo a. m.
J v. mmniOK. G. p. a. Albany. N Y.
II. W. CltOSS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Railroad System.
Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively, Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
&. II. It. It. at C 45, 7 50 a. m and 12.03, 1 23.
2 2S. 4 41 (Black Diamond Express) nnd
11 20 p. m.
Tor PittRton and "Wilkes-Bar -via D.
Ij & W. It. It . C 00, 8 03, 11.20 a. m 1.63
3 40, COO and 8 47 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Harloton, rottsvllle.
and principal points In tho coal regions;
ia D. & H. It. B , C.43, 7 50 a, m., 12.05 and
4.41 p. m. , ,,
For Bethlehem, Easton, Beading, Har
risburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. It. B.. C 43, 7.50 ft. m ,
1"05 1.23, 2 23. 4 41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4 41 nnd 11.30 p. m.
For Tunkhannock. Towrtnda, Elmlru.
Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D.. D. & W. It. It.. COO, 8.03 a.
in . 12.40 and 3.40 p. m.
Tor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo.NIagara
r.ilK Chicago and all points west via D.
& II. R. R.. 12 05. 3 33 (Black Diamond
TvPac n r.o anA 11.R0 n. m.
Pullman parlor and pleoplng or Lehigh
Vnlley chair cars on all trains betwesn
Wilkes-Barro and New York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Brldgo.
CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., Phtla..
Pass. Agt.. Philadelphia, Pa
Scranton Olllce. 309 Lackawanna avenua.
New York, Ontnrlo and Western.
Time Tablo In Effect Oct. 3, 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton for Carbonaala
at 10 53 a. m. and CIO p. m.
For Cadoila. connecting with main Una
trains north and south, at 10 55 a. m.
Train leaves Cadosla for Scranton at
2.05 p. m.
Trains leavo Carbondalo for Scranton
at 7.34 a. m. nnd 3.3t p. in.
J. O. ANDERSON, a. P. A.
Fine Line of
Diamond anil Combination Rings
Sterling Silver Ware and
Sterling Novelties.
Finest stock of Watches,
all the latest styles and sizes
at very close figures.
The largest Jewelry House
in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
130 Wyoming Ave,