The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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Wmjr--j"'Lj"M-ii r jTiiir'inr Q-'u LJ"xniLJ"J-j rui'u LrK"""!! rf
The two mun had held on steadily
rldlni; since two hours before dawn,
Kolnjf nil day without stopping, save
for a brief noontide halt. During the
afternoon of yesterday their track had
lain across an utterly desolate patnpn,
therefore they had pushedon to reach
cultivated country again, and water
before nightfall.' Now, toward evening
they found themselves near a Ions
lake, bordered with neds, the haunt of
numberless wild fowl.
A small rocky valley, down which
the active Chilian pnnles wearledly
scrambled, crew greener toward the
lake shore, wheie a stream which the
traveleifl had followed for some time
widened into n V-sha.oed marsh.
"It Is near sunset, Pedro. Let us
camp here for the night," said Ramsay,
shivering slightly; for Che fever had
taken him two days aspo. "Own the
truth, man! You have lost your bear
ings, and don't know whether we are
nine miles or nine leagues from the sil
ver mine. Besides, the horses, poor
beasts, will be dead beat.'
"Of what good is a horse that can
not do his CO miles when asked?" re
turned the Chilian guide. ' Uut, truly,
the devil seems to have been driving
round on those hills, changing their
shapes since I came this way."
He cazed with discontent deepening
on his swarthy features at the hills be
hind, hiding the sandy desert, far be
yond which rose the mighty range of
the Andes, still veiled In ro.y haze this
hot December evening. Then, In sudden
"Theie is a rich Englishman who
lives near a lake In thto neighborhood.
He has smelting works and u large es
tate. The house may be close nt
"Or It may he on the opposite shore,"
said Ramsay, wearily dismounting.
"Hobble the horses, and let us go up
to yonder hilly ground Jutting into the
"Then If you can see signs of a
hacienda, we'll make a last push for It.
If not, I reit."
"Why not, patron?" said the huaso,
using the almost Invariable courteous
Chilian assent to assertions or re
quests. t'p among rocks and brushwood
master and man climbed, till, advanc
ing to the far crest of the hillock, they
scanned the lake shores attentively.
Northwards, at a mile's distance, a
wooded headland arrested their vision;
south and west there was no human
habitation In sight, though the ground
here and there showed signs of culti
vation and the pasture was good.
night ncross the lake the sun was
sinking gloriously red, against a back
ground of the pale olive green and lilac
hues seen so often In a Southern-Pacific
bky. Soothed by the spectacle, Ram
say sut down on a rock to rest and
smoke; and with Indian Impassibility
Pedro did the bame. All giingo. were
mad, he knew; If this one liked staring
at nothing, he was more easily pleased
than some of the foreign lunatics. But
presently Pedro became aware that
there was something to be seen among
the rocks below. Signing to Ramsay,
both men peered stealthily past screen
ing myrtle bushes and witnessed an
evening dome&tic scene In animal life.
The ground rose in two broken ledges
from the marsh, and on the upper one
a dog-fox and vixen were playing with
their cubs near some crannies where
as doubtless their home Presently
ihe mother left the rest, and stretched
herself sleepily in the evening sun
light midway on the grass ledge. One
cub followed to bite her neck, but, on
being lepulsedl, returned to gambol
with his brothers. As he watched
them, Ramsay also noticed vaguely a
low withered tree, standing in the
marsh 20 yards below, alone, and partly
submerged, with a hollow cleft in Its
- All at once the peon touched his mas
ter's arm and pointed open-mouthed
towards the vixen. She had risen as
if in terror, both her head and brush
curved towards the ledge. Then, while
her four paws beemed firmly planted
gripping the turf, bhe was drawn
broadside some yards towards the edge
by Invisible means. The other foxes,
old and young, meantime disappeared
in the twinkling of an eye into the rock
As both men eagerly gazed, the vix
en's tension relaxed. On the brink she
recovered herself and standing still for
three or four sconds, as If dazed after
deadly effort, she turned tall and dart
ed towards her lair. Two springs only
on the third she paused in mid-ilight!
Once more ahs resisted, but was
dragged back towards the edge, this
time tall foremost. At the same time
a rush of wind bounded llkp a bh-h in
the stillness. Ramsay knew now he
had heard the same sound two minutes
before, but had fancied It a light breeze
among the leaves. Craning hla neck
forward, Jock believed he could see an
agonized expression In the creature's
eyes, as Against her will she slid inch
by Inch over!
The fall was not great. A lower gras
sy terrace surmounted the marsh. Even
as they whispered, the watchers saw
the victim rise. A second time but
feebly, like a mouse released from
the deadly grip of a cat the poor she
fox crawled away with drooping brush
towards the sheltering rocks. Ramsay
searched the marsh with a sportsman's
keen glance, to discover whether the
crfature had been lassoed by some in
visible means, nnd where was the na
tive hunter. Then he bounded to his
feet and pointing toward the withered
tree, his arm btlffened with amazement,
exclaimed, "Look!"
The cleft In the tree trunk was visi
bly widening, and gaping, till It looked
U linked to COTTOLENE.
proves your health because
makes It more digestible,
destiued to drive from the
impure, unhealthful, unclean, product called lard, which I
1 has done so much to make
Rightly used, becomes as indispensable
in every well regulated home as
flour, sugar or salt.
Tha Ktnutna Cnttol.n.
on to trti pound tltn, with our trade-marks
"OitloUm" and ' head in cottm-plantu-riallt
-on .very tin. Not guaranteed If aold In aar
other way. Made onlr by
Chisago, 61. Louis, New York, Montm),
rnii iiiuii uiizcue.
like a hldfious bark lipped mouth that
wns drawing a long Inspiration. Again
there came the same sound in the nlr,
and the vixen, curled In a. helpless quiv
ering ball, was borne live ynrds, as on
a wind bkiU, disappearing right Into
the hollow of the tree. The withered
wcoden lips contracted over the crea
ture's living head; two dead branches
above stirred slightly, llko antennae,
the cleft closed, leaving a Jagged scar
In the tree-trunk, f hat was all.
The scene was still nnd peaceful as
before. A Might of wild duck circled
twice over the lako and then nllghted
on the surface with distant nuacks. He
hind In u. fuchsia thicket a native
thrush was singing. The tree was im
movable. Wondering If he could be dreaming
Ramsay turned to the peon. Pedro's
copper skin had taken a pale yellow
hue, and ho was shivering, though a
Chilian peasant Is brave to savagery.
"The lamparagua! Fly!" he paspsd,
with a cry of horror, and plunged
downward nmong the rocks. Jock over
took him Just as the huaso leaped bare
backed on his horse.
"Stay for me, mv lad, at the valley
head in safety. I'll not leave the bad
dies and blankets," said the Scotchman
coolly. Dut hla own breath Muttered
In h'ls throat more than from the run,
and while his hands tugged at strap
and buckle, hit head turned to glance
at the tree that remained motionless
In the distance.
Rejoining Pedro, who wnlted half n
mile away, the master found the peon
on his knees, crossing hlmiolf, and
gabbling over and over every scrap of
Latin prayers he could remember,
which the padres had taught him in
boyhood. They were few, and ho mixed
them bo ludicrously that his listener
almost laughed.
"Holy Santa Rosa miserable sin
ner!" ended Pedro, rising, and saddling
up with remarkable haste while throw
ing off some ejaculations of this rare
access of piety. "It was a witch, senor;
the country Is full of spirits. Holy
Saint Peter, I ducked your Image last
autumn in the sea. Forgive! but those
fishermen are such blasphemers, and
rail ngalnst you at the flrst bad weath
er. I adjure all evll-llvers, holy "
An awful oath followed as the pony
swerved. Ptdro stuck his huge rowels
In the beast's Hanks and cantered fur
iously away, his poncho filling with air
as he worked his arms like a wind
mill's sail, shouting, "Ride, ride, pa
tron' Leave this God-forsaken coun
try, quick'"
"Aye, If only our horses can travel."
muttered the Scotchman
True enough, the tired beasts soon
showed that they could not be roused
long beyond an nmbllng motion, not
unlike the gait of a Peruvlnn pacer;
but which, when unbroken all day, may
cover a great distance before nightfall.
Not till they had gone some miles could
Ramsay persuade his terror-sttlcken
guide to talk sensibly.
"What is this beast-tree? Lampara
gua you called It. Does it exist else
where in Chili?"
"Who knows, senor? I only heard of
such rare trees as northern witches
fiom a rough roto who came from this
country. I remember it was one even
ing In July, ten years ago, as we sat In
a circle on the ground round the bras
ler. We thought he was Improving a
tale, ns wo had in turn improvised or
recited songs and legends telling lies
for fun, as the patron may know is our
custom. There was naught more I can
call to mind, save that he swallowed
animals and lived In marshy places
Saints preserve us! Ride on on to the
mines. Stop here? Never!"
Ramsay dated not lose sight of the
man. At least Pedro krn-w something
of the country. He might strike their
right track soon. So the soft twilight
of the south dicw round them, as they
rode wearily. And the night came,
black and moonless, as they bent in
their saddles, more weary yet. The
reins lav loose on the horses' necks
now, Pedro trustlnsr to the animals'
instinct; for "the good land" could not
bo far where men lived, and there
were homesteads and supper and pro
vender. When midnight was past, Ramsay
felt his strength going from htm. By
the faint starlight they had Just
splashed through a gravelly stream, In
which the horses stopped to drink be
fore reluctantly stumbling up the far
bank wheie their hoofs struck muffled
on jrrasB.
"Pedro, T can hold up no longer,"
called the engineer feebly, reeling In
his saddle, as an ague fit shook him
like a rigor. "Leave me If you will. I
must lie down."
Guessing by his master's voice that
the latter must be very HI, the peon
hastily came to Ramsay's help In dis
mounting, then guided him to the
shelter of some bushes that were faint
ly discernible. Here ho placed a saddle
under the sufferer's head, and laid a
blanket over him.
Not far off there was a small grove
of shrubs, darker than the surrounding
twilight, beside which rose a big tree
with a hUEC bulbous base and exposed
roots like those of a cotton tree. Near
this Ramsay's horse atrayed, cropping
the grass, so Pedro, following, tethered
him to one of these roots, which ho
had discovered by stumbling against
them in the blackness,
"Caramba!" he muttered. "Stay
there; animal not to be trusted." Hla
own beast knew him and never went
far from Its owner's side.
Then the guide sat down beside his
exhausted patron, who slept for fevered
snatches or woke to ramble In deliri
ous talk. So the time passed till the
faint light strengthened.
This great ehortcnlnR Im-1
it improves your food J '
nutritious, palatable. It is
kitchens of the world that
us a nation of dyspeptics.
1 sold annwhm In
All at once Ramsay fancied he heard
Pedro's voice crying out In a tone of
desperation or was It terror? "Mo
voyl I'm oft to bring you help!"
The sick man did not hoed, though
vaguely conscious he was left alone.
It seemed to him that ho was in a hos
pital, Tho doctor would come round
presently; If not, it was peaceful to Ho
still. Was that his mother lifting tho
hair on his fevered brow?
Then he started awake as a horrid
cry roused his dulled ears. (It was the
scream of a horse!)
What was this well-known valley?
Where was he? For. raising himself
weakly on one olbow, Ramsay saw a
stream running past rocks which wero
strangely familiar and yet when had
he seen them? The river emptied Itself
In marshy land. The dawn showed a
dark gray surface beyond, llko a sea
or lake.
With a cold terror the sick man rec
ognized that he lay not two hundred
yards from the marsh of the lampara
gua; that headland; the water! All
night they must have ridden In a circle.
The horrible stream, wus already fad
ing from his sick memory llko a dream,
when a snorting and scuffling noiso
caused Ramsay to turn slowly hla weak
head. He saw his horse Btamplng,
pulling back from Its halter, and with
distended eye-balls staring terrified at
a tree, to a root of which It was fas
tened. What was wrong? Tho tree
had two baro topmost branches like
horns, and some lower ones also with
out leaves, yet this was summer-time;
in December. It was with
ered! And, there about its onion
shaped bole was, surely, a dark scar,
a crack! Oh, horror! the top of the
tree was that of the lamparagua, In'
the marsh. And now, as Jock stared
with fever-awakened eyes through the
dim daybreak, the lower branches
moved slowly downward, clutching the
horse's halter with claw-llke twigs;
the crack in the side of the Thing was
widening. Again a fearful sound woke
the sleeping glen; the horse's cry of
terror. Jock tried Instinctively to Mnd
his revolver, but his senses reeled as
tho tree aperture gaped, opening up
ward. The horse was drawing toward
It nearer! fighting, struggling. Then
two shots rang out, and a man fainted,
and know no more.
When Jock Ramsay came to himself,
the sun was high In the heavens. He
was sheltered by wild myrtle from its
heat, and though very weak, his senses
had come back. Memory was slower.
Ah-he remembered! Opening his eyes
in a wide stare of apprehension, Ram
say saw himself lying alone. There was
a thicket near, but not the awful tree.
Pedro was gone; so were the horses.
But perhaps perhaps that last vis
Ion of the Thing engulilng the poor
roan cob had been a nightmare, a
fevered frenzy. Feebly reconnolterlng
the ground, the sick man noticed that
he lay on a grassy slope between the
stieam and the rocks where the foxes
lived; a mall cape. Behind his head
the ground must be open up the val
ley. There lay safety, away from the
horrible marsh and the lamparagua
If there were such a hlripnmt rim-,
Drawing the myrtle leaves asid?, as
one might a curtain, Jock feebly turned
himself to examine the glen. Then his
lingers clenched, his breath stoppsd,
and a thrill of horror froze his spine.
The Tree was there! Out In the open,
on the grass, with not a bush near It,
right between himself and safety.
Take It quietly! For manhood's sake,
think out this business, and don't turn
faint like a school girl seeing a enake.
First, was the whole affair a dream?
Was that withered tree out yonder on
the sward the very lamparague? For,
If so, there were several, or it could
change Its situation. It was neither in
maish, nor by the fuchsia thicket. It
O God!
For, as he peered, Ramsay believed
that the tree was moving. It was hor
ribly near, and It was surely creep
ing forwaid by Inches. He held his
breath, nnd marked a grass tuft at its
bulbuos base.
Now now it had passed beyond the
tall silvery grass plumes and spear
leaves, and was close by a stone was
stealthily rounding it. Ye-3, the Thing
was approaching him; doubtless It had
Mayed. quiet till now, gorged with Its
morning meal, but It was slowly Hear
ing Its next victim. With oyes fas
cinated by fear, Ramsay saw Ite roots
moving rorwarcl lll:e giant, knotty suck
ers that gripped and held fast In the
herbage, noiselessly moving with the
motion of a tortoise.
The hair of the young man's Mesh
stood up, an Icy coldness numbed his
blood. Then with a strong effort he
gathered his tenses to think out es
cape. The rocks ahead were his only
chance. There among the crannies,
where- .the foxes had their dens and
hid In safety, he could hide. But he
could not rite! His head was dizzy with
fever; his strength was as running
water; his legs and feet seemed not
his own, mere useless weights to be
dragged on by sheer pluck. For he
had alraedy started
Grasping the myrtle stems to give
himself an Impetus, Ramsay was
crawling away toward the rocks, foot
by foot. He lay outspread like a liz
ard, for his only strength remained in
his arm3 and chest. Inch by inch, ho
crept onwaid as fast as ho could go,
clutching at the grass tufts, at the
sage bushes, drops of presplratlon run
ning down his face.
Faster, faster, If It could only be
done! The man had covered some
yards; surely the tree moved more
slowly. Ah!
A blast blew backward over Barn
say's head talslng his hair. By In
stinct he dug his nails Into the ground,
Mattened his body as much as he pos
sibly could. The Indraught was It air
had rushed by Into a deep cavity,
while a bound like that of an escape
pipe hissed in the air. Then it was
As drowning men are eald to see a
thousand past scenes In n few mo
ments, so In an agonizingly lucid Mash
Jock Ramsay reviewed his life. Then
he recalled yesterday evening, how
the wretched fox had gotten breath
ing time twice, as once, ho had now.
How long would this horrible game
last? The beast-tree paralyzing the
human being; ho thought of a snake
fascinating a rabbit.
Slowly, moro feebly, the victim still
crawled. Why did that second blast
not follow? Could the lamparagua be
so near. It needed no aid beyond that
If Its cruel hooked branches? He must
Turning his head, as he still dragged
himself onward, the fever-stricken
wretch beheld a strange sight. He
had left his blanket behind upon the,
ground when Mrst making his escape,
and It was now wrapped round the
tree hole, as If the lamparagua had
failed to suck it In, and was wrestling
with this unknown prey, both branches
holding It fast outspread on clayllko
twigs. It was a respite! A few sec
onds, moro of air, light, life!
Yes, the beast-tree was standing
still; yet It h'ad covered more ground
thigk hunted prey, during the time
bogljlx d. Ilumsay felt for the
revolver In his pocket. There was ono
bullet left, he knew, and if escape wcro
hopeless, then
At last! The rocks were near. The
man began scrambling painfully up a
steep Incline of loose earth and round
ed stonss which resembled a moraine,
nnd that gave no h'old to his desperate
grasp. Looking up, ho saw with hope
less eyes that there had been a slight
landslip lately, which had left tho hank
projecting overhead, so that ho could
not reach the top; looking down, that
the lamparagua was slowly but stead
ily approaching once more over t lie
grass, foot-root following foot-root.
There was a torn piece of crimson
blanket hanging on ono bough.
He must struggle across tho face of
this treacherous slide to whero a clump
of yuccas were smoldering, their stems
blackened as ono often Bfes them,
whether from spontaneous combustion
or sun-Mred In some inexplicable man
ner, no man knows.
Fire! Tho smoking plants suggested
a thought to the man. He sayod still,
holding on half-way up the scree. Ho
felt for hi? matchbox; there wero two
matches left.
Then Ramsay, Instead of longer seek
ing escape upwards, flung himself In
still more desperate eagerness down
the steep slope again toward his ene
my. Ho was at bay.
Where the grass began, the man
ttnpped and stooped, plucking dry
blades and twlgo with tho haste of one
who has but a few moments to live
should this plan fall of success. Not a
drop of rain had fallen since last Oc
tober; the scorching summer heat had
burnt the grasa to tinder. There came
the spurt of a match.
Two moments: live 1
Tho flre-spark.kindllng. seemed about
to spread, whan a roaring wind-gust
thiough tho valley's stillness blew it
out, and tho man felt himself sucked
Irresistibly toward a clumu of prickly
par, to which he clung palpitating,
with his face pressed against tha
thorny broad discs that tore the skin
to bleeding. Ah! that was over!
For the last time one chance was left
one match! Again Ramsay snatched
what dry fuel lay within his grasp, as
he sheltered beneath the bushes. Ills
papers, cheque book, nil were In a
small valise he had Instinctively thrust
over night under his saddle pillow.
There was one letter lsft In his breast
pocket which he had carried there two
years the last one ever written by his
mother. II?- tore it out.
With shaking flnger3, nnd blinded by
blood drops he dared not wait to wipe
from his eyes knowing the while that
the lamparagua. was stalking a yard
nearer at each motion Its victim care
fully struck the match. Sheltering the
tiny flame with one hand, he turned
the wax stem gently till it lit. Next
the letter; and the lire licked the
words. "My Dtirest Son," then blazed
and crackled In the funeral pyre of
broken bramble and dried myrtle leaves
that burnt a dead women's last token
of love to her youngest born. Gladly
would she have known It sacrificed on
the slight chance to save his, life. Ram
say thrust both hands deep Into the
burning mass, and recovering strength
In the excitement of hope, he &lagg;red
toward seme clumps of tall grass of
the pampas a few feet away. Tho
sparks fell, making a trail as he went
that caught the dry herbag?. Hurrah!
How the giant grass stems took fire.
Waring high in a. glorious bonfire!
A hasty glance over his shoulder.
The lamparagua was not twelve yards
distant; Its Jaws were widening. But
the fire was was between them.
There came a rush of wind ending In
a sound more fierce than a wounded
linn's roar. The man was caught "by
the blast as he stood upright, weak yet
defiant, matching his puny being
against ths strength of the brute-tree
with the help of the mind within him
controlling the fiery element as a weap
on. Sucked forward, blinded by smoke,
scoiched, Ramsay fell on his face and
lay still with a last conscious effort to
pave his lite. Beyond his body the
myites and fuchsias were crackling,
the tall chajual blossoms blazed like
high torches, the Are was spreading,
leai.lng up to the boldo branches in
yonder thicket, running over tlu open
ground In a low sheet that burnt the
lamparagua roots.
Kor half u minute the Thing stayed. try
ing to stand Its ground. Now It was In
full filght! The great sucker-feet wero
traveling over the binning herbage, drag
ging Its tree-trunk with agonized etlorts,
yard upon yard, toward the stream.
Klve minutes later there came a gollop
lng of horses dowa the valley; men's
shouts. But Rambay did not hear them.
Ho seemed to Ho prone nt death's door,
too weak to enter unless spirit hands
lifted him over Its threshold and brought
him within to bo at peace and rest.
But they were earthly hands that were
trying to pour some brandy down Ram
say's throat. When his eyes opened,
Pedro was supporting his master's head,
while a group of men around were watch
ing the btranger curiously, foremost
among whom was an Kngllih gentleman.
"Coming to all light?" said the latter.
"A near shavo that. You began to smoke,
I take it, finding yourself pretty nearly
lost and famished, so the valley got tired.
We have been out searching for you since
morning, when your man rode up to my
hacienda, worn out and demented. We
passed the head of the valley at 10 o'clock,
but could see no sign of your horse, which
A city business man, who
gets to work at nine in the
morning, takes an
hour for lunch and
leaves for home at
four or five in the
afternoon, little un
derstands the
hardships of the
life of the farmer.
who starts to work
at break of day
ana irequcnuy
works on into the
night by lantern-
i A man to endure
rtjthe hardships of a
: farmer's Hf muct h
robust physlcallv at the outset, nnd if 1ip
would live a long ,,i. , always lieepawatcli.
ful eye upon his health. He should re.
member that it is the apparently trifling
disorders that eventually make the big dis.
eases. It does not do for a hard working
man to neglect bilious attacks or spells of
indigestion If he does, he will soon find
himself flat ou his back with malaria or
crippled with rheumatism. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all
medicines for hard working men and wo.
men. It makes the appetite keen and
hearty, the digestion perfect, the liver ac
tive, the blood pure and rich with the life
giving elements of the food, and the nerves
strong and steady. It builds firm muscles
and solid flesh. It is the greatest of all
blood-makers and purifiers. It cures mala
rial troubles and rheumatism, It is an un
failing cure for biliousness and indigestion.
An honest dealer will not try to substitute
some inferior preparation for the sake of a
little additional profit.
"I was a sufferer for four years with malarial
feer aud chills," writes Robert Williams, of
Kiowa, Barber Co . Kan. " Four bottle of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cured me
nnd I now weigh 6o pounds instead of jto, my
old weight." '
Costlveness, constipation and torpidity of
the liver are surely, speedily and perma
nently cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets, They are tiny, sugar-coated granules.
One little " Pellet " is a gentle laxative, and
two a mild cathartic. They never gripe.
They stimulate and strengthen the jaded or
gans until a regular habit is formed and may
then be discontinued without a return of
the ttouble. They stimulate, invigorate
and regulate the stomach, liver and bowels.
Medicine stores sell them, and have no
other pill3 that are "just as good."
Tj&SiilU' SdKLtoTO)
Pedro said ho had tied to a tree. What's
tho matter?"
For Ramsay struggled up, and was star
ing round.
"The treel It v??3 out there beforo tho
fire; Pedro, you know where Is It gono?"
Pedro only hlvered and stared. Some
of the other peons, muttering, and giving
sidelong glances at each other, crossed
tho burnt ground looking about them,
Ono saw a partly submerged tree nt some
distance down stream, Moating slowly Into
tho marsh. 111s attention was caught by
a gleam of omethlng scarlet tangled in
the topmost wlthetcd bough.
A few days later Ramsay was stretched
at cajo In a cane deck-chair, with a tall
glass of Iced drink In tho wicker socket
by his arm. Overhead a veranda was
shaded with massis of roses, stephauotls
and blgonnla. Sunshine Hooded tho gar
den stretching beyond llko a dream of en
chantment, whero tall palma above high
flowering trees, and oranges and lemons
were mingled lower with gardenia aud
Jock had Just Untitled after talking dur
ing some 20 minutes, so feit thirsty, ex
hausted und excited.
"That's tho whole story," ho ended.
"Now, do you bellevo me, Mr. Campbell?
Till now, I fancy you thought me mad."
"No, but possibly a bit delirious In your
fever, so that you Imagined some tale Pe
dro told you of the lamparagua had really
happened to yourself. That was all."
said tho kindly host.
"Man alive! There Is Pedro to witness
also. And where Is my horse? And our
own lad eaw tho toin red blanket In tho
marsh!" ciled Ramsay.
"True, quite true," nodded Campbell,
coolly reflecting. "Well, my dear fellow.
If It Is any satisfaction to you, I do be
lieve you nro one of the few living human
beinga who have seen tho lamparagua.
What Is more, for some years back I have
heard rumors of such a thing, und that It
haunted this lake nnd others adjoining it,
both on my estate. But to confess the
truth, I fancied the story was a conven
ient legend of my cattle-herds to account
for missing beasts. Yes, 1 believe. But
hardly any one eUe will, even In Cnile,
among our own wise educated class. Of
course tho peones know. They are nearer
nature than we."
Strange Mrssnsc Printed Concerning
Attitude of (iliidstnne.
A corresyondent of the Westminster
Gazette, writing of a distorted French
telegram, toll a stor.v which he got
from Lord Onslow on his return from
Now Zealand: "Many years ago Mr.
Gladstone, speaking of Mr. Parnell,
made ue of the oft-quoted phrase,
"Marching through rapine to the dis
memberment of th" empire.' On the
same day there was a horse race, in
which the winners were respectively
Veracity, Tyrone and Lobster. These
facts were cabled to New Zealand to
gether in the U3iial shorthand sfvla of
the cable. The result was that the
next duy the New Zealand papers con
tained the following extraordinary
paragraph: 'Mr. Gladstone denounced
Mr. Parnell as marching through rap
ine to the dismemberment of the em
plie, and -said that he Irish lader had
the veracity of a Tyrone lobster."
Always Reliable. Purely Vagatable.
I'crfcellv tatU'less, elegantly routed, regit,
late, nui'ily, cleans and strengthen. HAD
WAY'S I'll, I.s, for tho cure of nil disorders
of Momac'li, Ilowels Kuluejif, Jllnddur,
Nenous Ulseases, Dizziness, vertigo, Cos
tlvesncss, Piles.
Observe tho following symptoms, result
Ins from diseases of the dlgestlvn organs:
Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of
b'ood In the head, acidity of tho stomach,
nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full
ness of weigh: of the stomach, sour eruc
tations, sinking or Muttering of tho heart,
choking or suffocating sensations when
in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots
or webs before the slsht, fever and dull
pain In tho head, deficiency of perspira
tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain
In the side, ehest, limbs and sudden flush,
es of he't, tuirnlncr In the flesh.
A few dose3 of RADWAY'S PILLS will
free tho system of all tho above named
Price ssc per box, Sold by Druggists or
sent by mail.
55 Elm Street, New York.
Cor. 1 1 tli Street nnd L'nlverMty I'laco,
NEW YOHK. Oue block mil of
Uroudway. Jsotcd for two things
Flrst-clnss rooms nt pi. 00 n day and up
ward, on the European plan.
An wtsblUhed l.otcl under new wananfment
cad thorouL'hu abreast of tho times. VUlton it
New York will find the Everett la th very heari
f tha thoDDlnK rllitrlf t. eonvemest to pinrei of
amusoin'nt and reatlllr rcesultila iroci all part',
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Plica,
Day nnd Upwards.
Day and Upwnrds.
EO. MURRAY, Proprietor
The St. Denis
Droadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Uroce Church. -European I'Ua.
Rooms $1.00 at Day and Upwnrds.
In a modest nnd unobtrusive way tlioro ar
few bettor conductedliotels In tba metropolis
than thn Ht. UcDia.
Tho tfrout popu arlty It hat iirqntred can
readily be truced to Its unlqti location, Its
bomollko ntmosntiero, the peculiar excollono
ot Its culalus ana service, aud its very moder
ate price.
WM. M. BATES. xJrn'CJt'M 8- - SATL
fir 1 J
Li II Li',ijj",jlj ly'jVji
HS7cQc tablcPr cparation for As -slmitating
ling ihc S tamochs arulBowcls of
ncss nndRest.Contalris neither
Omurn.Morphine norlDriral.
Not Nahc otic.
Janf&m Seed'
JlxiM. SJU
initt Sttd
flctmStcd -C0nfid
Apcrfccf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
and Loss of Sleep.
lac Simile Signature of,
QLxwo. - il
r-.iMri-11 n
I -ms J - J
i.rri .rl,l r, i' i':t H
my a?S1
Copyrighted US", y Wo&iK's WoBU Pib, Co., N. V infringers will be proeecuted to the full eittnt ot the law
r ! MB mMjaMnuflmaBn ausaniMMaHBMHBaaBBmaMMMaaBBMaBnaBl wmmammmmmimmm
AH Former Offers Eclipsod-Ko Room for Doubt-Mind what wo Say. 8300.00 for
a Full Sst of Answers, and a Valuablo Watch and Chain If you
Sond at lonst Von Correct Words.
Never beforo was such a remarkablo offer mado as this. 'e, tho publishers of Woman'
World, dellbeiatcly promise to pay $300.00 la cash for a full list of corroct answers, and vro
further asree to Klonn elegant $30 Guarantee American-Made Watch and Chain to you If you
send at least 10 correct words. How Can Wo Afford To Do It? Ecad and learn our method. Wo
intend to obtain over ono million rcguUr subscribers for our grqat maeazino known as Woman'a
World, and we have determined to spend all the money o lmo mado in tho past flvo years and
all wo shall earn In tho nutflvoj ears, If necossary, to attain this object, because wo know that
after wo lwo mado tills extraordinary yet fnr-slglited Investment wo can easily mako a profit of
million dollars a car afterward. Wo maku our calculations upon nn enormous scale. We have
the monsy, brains and reputation to do Itl
An Hns-uGsvQ and Prof Stabile GorAesS. jou are to do Is to tupp!y lettis of the alphabet In tho places of tars In tha Hit nf words tfYen telow
fo as to mskp woidu ttiat retiJaptua lotlifl d-ciiptlo.t .arc it at tnt rlKht of each et of ml'ilnr letter. Yoa
nro to mate nauj 'vordstv you tan toilt the dctlnlilon. but must only upnlvas many letters a there are
tars. 1 or nanipl wo Mil frll you that tho full atmrr ot No. 1 1 ,M;NN!VVANIAi because no other lettert
than I , V, . N, A, can be mippllra to make tho in. mo or a fttute Again, In No. 9. for example, ) ou nuiet
make all the THinnuMfoii nf lMi?ra tint Mil tlou ihenamuor a President, anrt Intnle initance.juttto fftve
you a 'tip. e Mil mention that Uiult two letter In the last name are Mc. Xowcariywutupply the whole name!
Btf at First Yqm ESon't
near In mind,
a full hut of unsue
id, youaretorecetrr $UOO.OO)nrahanda$&0.00 Guarantee TTatek and Chain If you send
ners, or you will receive the W 00 Watcft and Chain (without tho cash) It you send at leait
tit t ontct words.
........ ..... Sanwofa
E r E ZX!5a'
N I if K 6 T8 tSSStSSSS.
j, j, m Another pUcaln tea United
jv .. . .a. a A well known Country, f ull
Kfl ,t i atrlomia.
iJr 6 ON A lrse river In America.
. j tnt l Ap!acet'!ttitan(!onillnol3
- Mm pcoplu call ihLlr home.
publication lwiedin VY. City
Crerj word needed to make tho lift ccmpltttt ha. been printed million of times In Geographies, Dictionaries,
Vew!))er and other acrctulblo meuiumi or Information. When you havo made a large a list a. you can, send
jour lUt with ij cent! tJ pay for tlnei month.' .uliHcrlptlon to Woman's W rld. A. noon as your letter 1.
acelved, vto shall turn thi tamo oler to tho ttell-lnfurmeu committee or ou have sent at least
'ncorreetwords, kholUejJ you by txprcts. rrepald. our i0.00 tiuarautre American. mud Watch and
bain, wltT the understanding that. If yu nnd as represented, you ar. t become a i.irular lutocrlber to
i oman'a World. In accordance with onr airautremeni. and offer as Indicated henw. send you theTaluabla
0 co iluarantro Watch and Chain. Furthermore, ir tho committee decides that you hare trot a full correct list,
u shall racelvo $300.00 In moner. all i the S20.00 Watch aud chain. t hen ) ou send your list of words, don't
.11 to name your nearett expre.somie, as ttellat post-office address, so tho piiw may reaca you promptly,
on t fcrset tu inenttuii whether you want a lndy ' or centlcman'e watcb.
"iPAj TUEG W arr tlioronshly reliable ni.d onr pubUeation has been etfablUhrd for 10 year.
sUi4LJ iniwt If you Mini a 11m of worms Mtiiuiit enclosing iwentywivetenu, your letter will be thrown
i the waitj baket. If no ono enti in a lull Ufct of corteet words wo will j ay the taoOOO to tht person tending
leliiKtlUt l.lleed not expert moie than ono full llt. If anv. we wilt divide the 4800.00 equally ff
or lei pen-on tend full lint", thereby guatanteeln, at least $30.00 to eavb. or if more than ten perrons
nd full correct lints we will pay iO,0 lit rath to tho uthere that follow and will giro every contestant tho
autlful and practical watcn nnd rralu which wo will buy back for 6000if not aiet resented. It U under
ood that when yon get th wutch you . In 11 either becumo a regular euhitrlber to Woman World or send
ie watclt and chain ba.c t?us. H UiuitheT underlet. od that if you are rilrs-itUlied with the prize awarded yoa
r the manner of conuuctlnc any part of thliconU tt. )tt shall return what you hare received and we win pay
our money back, thereby eatlsfaction w you.
This contest Is honestly conducted. The only money you need lend with your Hit of words
Is 35 cents, to pay for trial subscription. If You uru uln-ady a subscriber, bo dure to mention It,
uul tliouow subscription w'll bi utemkd on tho old ono. If jour list Is correct, ns per aboio
i. struetlons, our irl0 will bo tent bvcxpriM without delay, and It jou don't feel fully satisfied
ut jou liavo w ou at Icat $V).oo worth, tficn ou needn't become a regular aubscrlbor to Woman'a
v'orld, nllhoudi maut no ipio limumo tlmt our ituzazlno Is loterojtlns only to ladles. It Is In reality
nually lnteiostlnjtto husband., fathers, brothers ami all other members of tho family, yot If you
'(fliojou may our nui;azin sent tontrlend whllo tho prize will como to jou. Dfstanoo from
mv o:k maKos no dlllerenco In brlnslnc j ou j our nrlroof money and a watch, l'eoplo who livo in
,i -away State or l'ro luces have tliosimo opportunity as tliosu who llvo In New York. Now.lf
m aro interested In Kra.plue this mot remarkablo oiler, send jcmrllitut onco, with 13 cents,
Iver (carefully wrapped) or 1 1 two-cent stamp, and jour prUn win be forwarded promptly. A
i our reliability we refer jou tu Clarke's luul, 1J4 'assua St., X. Y. or to any .Mercuutllu Agency.
Address, plainly:
I'rta Hep!, TOT ITS WOBLD PUB. CO., Korlh William SI, to YorkCKy, tt. Y.
riVli''sni?iir t vi 4
KIIUI lib, IN. Y.
In order to introduce our
Boodn wo malie the follow -lux
oiler, sood lor tho next
llurrv iliiV, nnlv 1'iinn
reetlpt of gts.ob 'wo will
ma to nuy render or Tin:
TitiiiUNB ono cao
or our good, con-
tnlnlniv .ltt.,n lint.
till of wine uml ono
bottle of our oxtrit
lino double il stilled
(Ira iv llrandy, ull
DrHt-elnm ami put
up In elegant style,
assorted, in follows:
1 )t llottlo (iiuiid
1 lit. Hot, Donwiiro
1 ' " ltlesllnv;
1 " " Tohnv
1 ' BwoetCu-
tuw ink
1 lit. Hot,
1 " "
1 ' "
I ii i
I ii ii
X m Hot
, Sherry
Sweet Is.
T,, i.n.ln I
iinipu iiramly.
Tills offer U inailo
mainly to Introduce
our Uraiid Imperial
tec Champagne unit
ntlr flnn ,lntil,1,,tl,a-
;t v. i'v,mi
tlllcil a rape llrandy. This ease of oods Is
ottered nt about one-half Its actual tout uinl
It will plexs-o ui If our frlcmli and patruns
will tuKe advantage of till and help w ni'io
tiuce oursoods,
Htm.'' (aaW-'l
m m
K5H 7&
G&storh is tit cp in cEc-sbe bottles onlr. It
h set sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything ol:s on the plea or promlss that It
u juit as good" nnd will onswer every pur.
pose," bca that yoa cet U-A-B-T-O-a-l-A.
Tho f:s-
Ca&ffi$&k jwjk
SuGcoodl, Try Again.
is I 6 tt -i: it tririritV
The name of a man noted for recelTlni;
SM,no a year .Ury.
L. . , j. j. . , Nam of another rr.l
PmL "dent, lie umiuiIuwI
J r P f N Kara, of a dliUnt Country.
CHI f "fc.N'amt of another dlitnnt Country.
A noted army
W it t r 1 OT it ti .nrai of ius
" aienturyago.
Git F it EE A popular kind of drlak.
it A it ER Another popular drink.
The Eye Specialist
HOSE omoj 1 at
21B Laclcawnn.
iMPQOPtll fc),
nn avenue, in Will,
lams' White Front
f-hoo Store, examines
lint eye free in the
most accurate way,
umlhls nrlees for cno
j.C tiTm
0tfT VSS "i ,ucll, "re uh
nnnnr rvj than elsewhere.
tucli's are cheaper
j in.
. MCU'i mentnble indl tte
to the proper care of
the eyes seem to pos.
ess most people until
the tlmo ionics whoa
beiiduclics. linnerfeot
$ m
Islnn.or other results
ofsuch nenlect clvo wurnlnn that mitura Is
rvbelllmt against sueli treatment of one ot
tho most precious nlftn. Korntm vision Is a
blesslns unappreciated until It has beenloit
ami restored; Its lull value I then realized.
Therefore, yon should not lose a day befor
hu ln your ej es eMimlned. f bis service wi
t'ladly lender tree of charge,
215 Lackawanna Avenue
In the White Front Shoe Store.
Thtfan llnv (Innaule
real in .in uoun. wn
Iiliout ,,,
uteri s Hiuii t ii
la und Inlri'iluiia tail
Inirciluiia fail. V J
.tat-iWliaKSs . aorsaw