The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Eackawanna County.
tReaders will pleaea noto that adver
tlacments, orders for Job work, and
Items for publication left at tho estab
lishment of Bhannon & Co., newsdealers.
North Main street, will receive prompt at
tention; offlcs open from 8 a. m. to 10
p. m.
Services at the funeral of James Grif
fiths were conducted on Sunday after
noon by Itev. T. E. Jupson, of the
Berean Baptist church. A large num
ber of friends were pressnt. Court Lily
lodge, No. E0, Foresters of America, at
tended In a body. Mnny beautiful flor
al offerings were brought. A beautiful
anchor on which 'was Inscribed
"Brother Forester" wan presented by
tho brethren of Court Lily. The llower
bearers were: William 11. II1II. Arthur
Lacke and George llobbs: the pall
bearers weret James Wetherby, George
Ward, John It. Thomas, William L.
Ward, Daniel M. Davlcs and James
Solomon. Among the friends present
from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs.
James Ord, Llewellyn, John and Emma
Gammon, of Scranton: Air. and Mrs.
James Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John on:s
and Samuel Evans, of Jermyn.
The funeral services at the burial of
Peter J. Murray and a solemn requiem
mass were solemnized at St, Ron
church yesterday morning by Rev. J.
J. Griffin. A large number of friends
were present. The Carbondalo conclave
of Heptnsophs, No. 39, attended In a
body. Tho pallbearers were: John
Mannlon, Thomas Howard, John Gal
way, P. Conlon and John Cook. Among
out of town friends present wera: Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Costello and P.
Wnlsh. of Dunmorc; Thomas, James
and Mary Itessllng, of Plttston. and
Mrs. M. McCorrnlclc, of Dunmore.
On Sunday evening at St. Rose
church Rev. T. F. Coffey delivered a
sermon to the Catholic Total Absti
nence societies connected with the par
ish upon tho life of Father Mathew.
The occasion being the one hundred
and seventh anniversary of the birth
of the apostle of temperance, It was
observed In an appropriate manner.
Tho work of Ills life was stated and
many Interesting facts were mentioned.
An earnest appeal was made to those
not Identified with totnl abstinence
principles to take the pledge and exert
an Influence for temperance.
caeo is brought beforo Alderman Lowry,
unless settled beforo Friday evening.
Air. ami Mrs. T. F. Walsh and two sons,
of Scranton, wero guests of Airs. C. Ale
Tlghc, of this city, on Sunday.
A young son arrived yesterday at tho
homo of Air. and Airs. Al. 11. Campbell on
Church street.
Charles Hyde, of Scranton, passed Sun
day with his parents In this city.
Tho Delaware and Hudson collieries In
this city wcro Idlo yesterday.
Allss Anna Flynn, of Scranton, Is visit
ing friends In this city.
Aliases Alame Jordan and Maggie Dever,
of Scranton, visited Air. and Airs. Joseph
Powderly, of South Tcrraco street, on
Allchucl AIcGovcrn, of Scranton, was
visiting friends In this city on Sunday.
Plans and specification for a new build
ing for Dr. 11. C. Wheeler are being mado
by Contractor Edgctt. Tho proposed
building It erected will bo on North
Church street.
Iteddy Connolly and Patrick Cuff have
arranged for a foot raco at Anthractto
park In a short time.
Frank Itoemmelmeyer has been tn
WIlkea-Barro arranging tho stock In AI.
Alosts' new store".
A daughter camo to gladden tho homo
of Air. and Airs. John Courtrlght, of Wy
oming street.
Aliases .Marlon and Hesslo Hurr attend
ed a delightful party given at her home In
Green Itldgo by Miss Ira Bennett last
Dwlght Ithtncvault. who wca so seri
ously Injured vhllo coupling cars on the
uravuy road, Is doing as well as could
bo expected.
Airs. Crawford, of this city, will attend,
today, tho marriage of her niece, Allss
Ellne Herbert, In Jersey City.
Benjamin Davy, of Wllkes-Barre, was
tho guest on Suday of Air. and Airs. Ed
win Aloon, sr., of Tcrraco street.
Air. and Airs. John Solomon, of Jermyn,
spent Sunday In this city.
Airs. E. C. Werkhclser nnd Airs. T.
Boyd, of Easton, were guests of Air. nnd
Airs. T. H. Eincr, of this city, on Sunday.
Owen Coleman, of Scranton, spent Sun
day with his parents, Air. and Airs. Peter
Coleman, of this city.
Air. and Airs. C. F. Crossman, of Scran
ton, and Air. nnd Airs. P. A. Btvcnburg, of
Clifford, were guests on Sunday at tho
homo of L. C. Wctherly, of this city.
Robert Emmet O'Uoyle, of Scranton,
wa3 In this city yesterday.
Air. and Airs. Gecrgo Davis, of Spring
street, aro rejoicing at tho birth of a
daughter. Also Air. and Airs. Richard Da
vis at the arrival of a little girl ut their
A largo building at RIchmondale,
which was occupied as a hotel by Mike
Krotskl, and a building adjoining, was
destroyed by fire yesterday morning.
At an early hour flames were discover
ed on the roof of the hotel; they spread
so rapidly th'at tho household goods for
the most part were destroyed. The
huildjng was Insured in a Carbondalo
agency. The cause of the fire Is not
The Democracy of this city will hold
ft political rally at the- Academy of
Music tomorrow evening. It will lie
held under the auspices of the Demo
cratic county committee. The follow
ing speakers are expected: Colonel F.
J. Fltzslmmons, George S. Horn, Hon.
J. J. O'Neill, Hon. Edward Jlerrllleld,
M. F. Corny and D. J. Campbell.
The funeral of Charles W. Hine. one of
our city's esteemed citizens, will bo held
this afternoon at tho house on Cemetery
Etreet at 2 o'clock.
W. J. Ilyrno expects to spend the win
ter In Europe. Ho expects to Ball for Lon
don the last of this week.
Allsses Isabella Watt, Helen Shields
nnd Nellie Gallaghy and Newell Van Ber
gen and Fred Berry witnessed tho loot
ball gamo between tho Blnghamton and
Scranton teams on Saturday afternoon.
Allss Stella Hathaway will leave on
Wednesday for Philadelphia and Join Airs.
D. K. Alorss as a companion for tho win
ter. Ex-Sheriff Fahey, of Scranton, was In
this city on Sunday.
The Delaware and Hudson paymasters
were in this city yesterday paying the
men at tho gravity shops.
Airs. Henry Watt and daughter, Mar
garet, of Scranton, and Allss Fannlo
Watt, of Now York, aro visiting nt tho
homo of Air. and Airs. L. A. Roberts, of
South Church street.
James Archbald, Jr., of Pottsville,
general manager of J. J, Albright, was In
this city yesterday tho guest of Thomas
Carey. They made an Inspection of tho
Belmont property.
J. G. Evans attached tho goods which
Wlllam Scull wus moving on Saturday.
S. GUby has chargo of them until tho
the account.
The physical existence
of mankind is something
like an account in a ledger.
Health on one side dis
ease on the other. All the
pure air, good food, ra
tional exercise and sound
sleet) eo on one side of
It sums up health and
strength. On the ot'ier side, are bad air,
poor food, overwork and worry. That foots
up weakness and disease.
When your appetite or sleep is disturbed;
when the stomach and liver are not work
ing properly, or the bowels are not in regu
lar condition; you are losing vitality and
strength j figures are going down on the
wrong side of the ledger. Unless this is
stopped and the other side of the account
is built up, you'll 60on be a physical
The most profitable account a sick man
can open in his Ledger of Life is with Dr.
Pierce's Golden Aledical Discovery, a
wonderful and scientific tonic which im
parts a direct and healthy stimulus to the
entire nutritive organism. It strengthens
Die digestive fluids and the liver, and en
ables the blood-making organs to produce
pure, red, highly-vitallied blood.
It is not a mere temporary exhilarator.
Jt feed the constitution with genuine, per
tnanent power. It writes big, round sums
on the health side of the account, and
wipes out the figures of weakness and dis
ease. It animates the vital forces and
builds up healthy flesh, muscular energy
and nerve-force.
For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been
chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y. His formulas are everywhere recog.
nlzed as the most effective remedies in the
world. His "Pleasant TeUets" are the
most perfect and scientific cure for consti
pation ever invented. They are not violent
In their action, but perfectly sure, and at
the same time comfortable. Their great
reputation has called out a score of imi
tations, which druggists sometimes try
to substitute, but there is nothing "just
as good."
Tho members of Hogarth's Temperance
band aro making very extensive prepara
tions for their fair, which will open on
November 10. This organintlon Is but a
llttlo over four years old, and In mat timo
has mado rapid progress, but aro not sat
isfied to remain us they are, and are aim
ing still higher. Tho boya feel confident
of meeting with success. This young or
ganization has given several open air
concerts In and out of town, and have al
ways received much credit. They aro
making ararngements for a lino entertain
ment to bo given each night and feel con
fident of securing tho patronage from the
peoplo of Jermyn and surrounding towns.
Mr. and Airs. Curtis E. Helmes spent
yesterday In Scranton.
Dr. S. C. Swallow. Prohibition candi
date for state treasurer, and Qulncy L.
Morrow will leeturo at tho Alethodlst
Episcopal chureh on Friday afternoon,
Oct. 13, at 4 o'clock sharp. Air. C. D. Win
ter, nominee for prothonotary, will also
mako a few remarks.
Air. and Airs. Harry Evans, of Plttston,
spent yesterday in town.
Allss Alundano Bymcr spent Sunday tho
guest of Allss Anna. Curo at her homo at
Last evening the Installing team of
Bushbrook lodge visited tho Olyphant
lodge and Installed olllcers. On Friday
evening tho Installing team, together with
the second degree team, will visit tho
Prlceburg lodge, at which time a great
many visiting Odd Fellows will bo pres
ent. On Oct IS and 19 an entertainment will
bo given in Davis' opera house by chil
dren from tho Sacred He-art parish, en
titled "Tho Cadets' Picnic."
Special services havo been continued
at tho Alethodlst Episcopal church. Last
night tho Rev. L. D. Karschner, of Lake
Como, preached. For tho balanco of tho
week the following will bo present: Tues
day evening. Rev. D. S. AlcKellar, of Clif
ford; Wednesday evening, Rev. S. C. Slmp
klns, of Pcckvillu; Thursday evening.
Rev. W. L. Thorpe, presiding elder of
Honesdalo district, residing at Honesdalo;
Friday evening, Rev. J. B. Sweet, of Ilydo
An anniversary high mass of requiem
will bo celebrated tomorrow morning In
Sacred Heart church for the late Charles
Airs. John Solomon and Airs. Walter
Baker attended the banquet given by
Vametta lodge. No. 23, Rebecca, degree,
of Scranton, Thursday evening.
Frank Dllts and Allss Annie Ellis, of
Carbondalo, wero visitors hero on Sun
day. D. P. Evans and family will move to
Scranton today, where they will mako
it their futuro home.
Lcroy Taylor, of Scranton, spent Sun
day with friends in town.
Allss Clara Williams mado a business
trip to Scranton yesterday.
Air. and Airs. Will Treln, of Plttston,
spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. Becchcr
Crawford, of Second street.
Tho Allsses Ltzzlo and Eva AlcLoughlln,
of Forest City, are visiting friends In
Beeeher Crawford, who has been ill
with typhoid fever, is so far recovered as
to bo on tho street onco more.
A delegation from tho local lodgo of
Foresters wero at Carbondalo yesterday
afternoon attending tho funeral of James
Grilflths, who died suddenly while at
work In tho New Buffalo mine.
tlvo by tho pastor, Rov. W. II. Holder,
and in tho negative by W. Beatty.
Tho members of St. Paul's German
Catholla Evangelist church havo com
pleted all arrangements for tho enter
tainment which they will hold in Smith's
Aluslo hall Wednesday evening. Oct. 13.
Alcssrs. Blrkbcck, Greatrlx and Barrett
wero In Scranton on business yesterday.
Ono of tho largest, audiences that has
ever assembled In tho Congregational
church at tho mnny entertainments held
in that edifice was present last evening.
Tho progrnmmo was well carried out. All
tho participants ncqulttlng themselves
very credltnbly. A neat sum was real
ized. Thomas Burke, of Dunmorc, has opened
a tailoring establishment In the Gallagh
er building on Lackawnnna street.
Tho Catholic Young Alcn's Totnl Ab
slncnco and Benevolent society held a
very successful social In tho club of 95
hall Inst evening. A largo number .from
out of town enjoyed tho affair.
John Shearn. tho Lackawanna street
barber, has sold out the effects of his
phop and hns entered Into tho employ
ment of John J. O'AIalley, tho tonsorlal
Charles Haltlngcr left yesterday for a
short Btay at Newark, N. J.
Allss Allco Lltllbrldgo Is homo from
Philadelphia Aledical collcgo on a short
Airs. John Lally is visiting relatives at
John Shenn, of Jersey City, N. J., who
has been tho guest of Air. and Airs. John
O'AIalley, of Dunmoro street, has re
turned home.
Allss Agnes Dougherty, of Chicago, Is
the guest of Allss Alary Carbine, of Lack
awanna strejt.
Air. nnd Airs. Thomas Langan, of Brook
lyn, aro visiting tho former's parents
at this place.
Allss Sadie O'AIalley is homo from
Bloomsburg State Normal school for a
week's vacation.
Alessrs. Edwnrd Joyce and Joseph Gll
llgnn wcro visitors in town Sunday.
J. F. Jones spent yesterday ut Car
bondalo. Allss Kntlo Newcome, of Archbald, Is
tho guest of her sister, Airs. John Block
berger. Allss Alary A. Sweeney, of Green Ridge,
Is visiting relatives here.
Allss Allco Kcnney, of Scranton, spent
Sunday here.
Why Go
to Alaska
when you can get it right at
home ? Your grocer sells it.
Chicago. St. Louis. Now York.
fa g , t53
x Y Y
5 The
5 Newark
5 0 1
School Shoes.
The 1
Newark g
Wo ought to sell AM. of thoBohool Rhocs that will bo sold In Scranton this
fall. Hut wo won't. Homo peoplo are such poor Judges of tjUALlTY that they
would pay 91. OU for n shoo that Is nearly all shoddy, rnthor than pay fl.un for 11
really good shoo. These peoplo1 trado wo won't get. Wo will get the trade of peo
plo who like to mako sure of what they aro buying. Thoo who aro good Judges nnd
don't wnntjob lots of trashy stufr. Wo nro bettor prepared than anyone else to
servo such peoplo and wo will ell them school shoos "or any other kind" "that will
provo cheapo Jtlinn any other shoes they can buy.
Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues.
Don't forget to nttend the Calvary fair
and festival at Weber's rink on Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday evenings of
this week. Remember n door prizo will
bo given awny each evening.
Atust tho Prlre library bo closed on
nccount of non-support from our Tay
lor young men? This Is a question that
Is being discussed by Its most promin
ent members and officers, who have for
fourteen years gone down Into their
pockets to keep up tho association. A
meeting will soon bo called, and If tho
peoplo do not respond the doors will
havo to bo closed and the books stored
until tho time comes for Its support.
Tho Independent Social club will con
duet their regular weekly social this eve
ning In Weber's rink.
Yesterday nfternoon the funernl of tho
eleven months chad of Air. and Airs.
James Tlbbs. of Rcndham, occurred. Bur
ial was mado in tho Brick church ceme
tery. Allss Ltzzlo Davis, of Green Ridge, spent
tho Sabbath with her parents, Air. and
Airs. Evan L. Davis, of Alnln street.
Don't fall to nttend tho Knlscr-Watklns
concert on Alondny evening, Oct. 18.
Tickets for salo at business places.
Airs. George AInnsteel nnd Airs. II. J.
Daniels wero the guesls of tho lattcr's
parents In Petersburg yesterday.
Air. nnd Airs. C. H. Van Horn removed
their household effects to Shlckshlnny
yesterdny, whero they will permanently
Allsses Atagglo Thomas and Gwen Da
vis, of Hydo Park, spent tho Sabbath
with Allss Gcrtrudo Watklns.
Notice appeared In tho obltunry notes
yesterday announcing the death of
Emma, the 17-year-old daughter of Air.
nnd Airs. William W. Evans, of Rcnd
ham. Sho will bo burled this afternoon.
Services will bo held In the house. Burial
will bo mado In tho Forest Homo ceme
tery. Republican candidato for clerk of tho
courts, Thomas P. Daniels, was hero on
business yesterday.
Dispatcher Evan Powell, of the Scran
ton Traction company, was hero on busi
ness yesterday.
A Gait-Load of Gold
"If you dumped a
cart-load of gold at my
feet it would not bring
such joy and gladness
into my life." So writes
a prominent man after
using the method of
self-treatment that has
restored so many men
who had been wrecked
by excesses, over-work
or evil habits of youth.
A little book that
makes it all plain may be had without charge
by writing THE ERIE MEDICAL CO.,
U Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
No C. O. D. scheme : no patent medicines
Just the book under plain letter seal.
A Collar,
Cuff or Shirt
Linen Last Long
Scranton laundry
Protectors and Cleaners ol Linen.
022 Washington Ave. 323 Dlx Court.
Ring 'Phono 702. Call Wagon or Drop
Postal. Eureka Coupons Accepted.
53 N. n. Seo our Foster Hoots for Ladles' Wear nnd tho James A. Banister Co.'s s
Shoos for Men. S
mm tm
Book Binding
Neat, Durable Book Binding Is whatyou
receive If you leave your order with ths
une Building, Scranton, Pa.
! 7fflH
I rlirrt
11 i
o y
A fine dwelling bouso nnd lot for salo
on Alain street, for further Information
apply to George Trevorton on tho prem
ises. Rev. S. C. Slmpklns nccompanled his
mother-in-law. Airs. Jackson, to her homo
ut Camden, N. J., yesterday.
Albert Chapman was homo from Wyo
ming seminary to spend Sunday with his
parents, Air. nnd Airs. Henry Chapman.
J. D. Peck had a valuablo cow hurt
so badly by being struck by a street
car hero last Saturday that It was neces
sary to kill her.
Airs. Ellen Hatemnn, of Hawlcy, Is
visiting at tho homo of Air. and Airs.
Z. P. Travlss.
Air. and Airs. Corey Jenkins spent Sun
day with friends In Hydo Park.
Air. and Airs. William Kestcll spent
Sunday with Air. and Airs. Herbert Froar
nt Green Ridge.
Air. and Airs. M. S. Shaffer, of Wilkes
Barro, spent Sunday visiting friends and
relatives In town.
A new bridgo Is being built on tho
road which leads to tho Prlceburg ceme
tery. William Stevens was a visitor lu Prov
idence, Sunday.
On Alonday evening, Oct. IS, tho Wes
ley leaguo of the Prlmltlvo Alothodist
church will glvo a fan social In tho
school room. Tho fans will bo soli for
15 cents each, which will entitle tho pur
chaser and lady to cako and coffee. An
excellent programme will bo rendered.
Tho proceeds will bo donated by tho
leaguo workers to tho pastor's salary.
A new mall box has been erected bo
twecn Fadden's and Alahon's hotel.
Next Thursday evening, Oct. 14, nn
Interesting discussion will take placo at
tho meeting of tho Sonlor Wesley leaguo
of tho Prlmltlvo Alothodist church. Tho
subject will be "Ought Ludles be Ac
corded tho Privilege to Vote at National,
State and Municipal Elections?" The dis
cussion Will b opened In .the mrma-
Hen's Suits,
For thirty years this concern lias done busi
ness in this city. Most of you are pretty well used
to our ways. From the start the growth has been
steady sometimes slow, sometimes fast but
sure. We try hard, but we don't please all. We
don't expect to have all the trade never. There
are other good stores that try and do please quite
a number of people that do sell good goods per
haps as cheap as we do. We don't know. We
do know we sell goods economically that's why
we sell so many.
Tlnti'f rif1ipvf n firm rlifir. wants vmi tn think
$8, $10, $12 and $15 they have a monopoly of merit and low prices.
There's no patent on it.
The market for the best materials, for the
best makes, the highest grade of work is equally
open to us. The fabrics the tailor uses are thrust
upon us, and we have them made in the latest
style by Ai tailors.
Wherein do we beat the other fellows ?
What is the advantage in buying here ?
Our goods are marked in plain figures, we
have one price to all alike. The right prices. We
guarantee everything we sell to give satisfaction
or we give the money back. We pay for every
mistake yours or ours. Most stores payf their
salesmen a premium to get rid of old stock we
have no old stock. And we do not pay premiums,
Very few merchants are satisfied each wants
to serve everybody and so do we.
We can't serve evervbodv. If we trv to suit
$8, $10, $12 and $15 the man who wants to pay a big price for an aver
age price suit, we can't suit those who must make
their money go as far as it can.
And that's a great big lot of people more than
ever come into this store so we choose to serve
them. That's every young man who gets $5, $6,
$8, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 a week, We put
before him such things as make his salary go as
far as it can not a cent wasted.
The gist of this advertisement is: Big boy,
small boy, young man, old man, who can't afford
to waste a cent. You cannot waste money here,
if you do the fair thing by us for the fair thing
is to come back and tell tis if the least thing goes
Fall Overcoat,
Boys' Suits,
$1.98, $2.50, $3, $4,
$4.50, $5.
Neverslip and Hold
fast Calks and Shoes,
Gibbs' Rubber Cush
ion Horse Shoes,Wag
on and Blacksmith
Supplies, Herchant
Iron and Steel.
Leading innkes of Bicycles
mid Sundries. NIckcl-IMatlng
and KermlriiiK Difficult He
pair nnd Machinist Job Work
11 Specialty. Power Dolt nnd
Rod Threading nnd Taping,
Power Shearing and Punch
M'K'rHofllloycle Dept.
126 and 128 Franklin Ave., Scranton
Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Kails
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Ile-mlock
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on the Buffalo and Susquc
ianna Kullroad. At Allna, Potter County. Pa., on Cnudcrsport. and
Port Allegany Rallrond. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFFICE-Board of Trade Building, Scranton. Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
Schedule In Effect November 15, 1895.
Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as F0II0W3
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and the West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown,
nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts,
burg and the West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and the West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD, Qen'l Pass. AeenU
J. B. HUTCHINSON, General Manazer.
Central Knilroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh and Supquehanna Division.)
Stations in New York-Foot of Liberty
street jJ; H.. and Whitehall Terminal.
Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur-
Trans leave. Scranton for Plttston,
wnifoV narre etc.. at 8.20, 9.15, U.W a. in..
lJkmioE'Mo; 7.10 .m. Sundays, 9.00,
VoV MrS; & a. n,. .03, COO .
mFoSrSc.tPy.T20a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth.
8 4) (express) a. m 12.15 (express with
liuffct parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m.
Sunday 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.4j p.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Uethle
hem Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m
12X IM? 3t00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
SlForaLonB'',lira,nch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
8-Foar neadlnfff Lebanon and Harrisburg.
via Allemown. 8.20 a. m., 12.15. G.00 p. m.
lpbttllliierOa. rn, 12.13 P. tn
a m , U0. 1.30. 4.15 (express with ilurtet
nnrliir enr) p. m. Sunday. 1.30 a. m.
P Leave New York, root Whitehall treet.
South Ferry, at 8.53 a. m.. 1.23. 3.5j
i) m PassVnRers arriving or departing
from this terminal ran connect under
cover with all tho elevated ral roads,
nroadway coble cars, and ferries to
Brooklyn and Staten Island, making quick
transfer to and from Orand Central De
pot and o"B Island Railroad.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal.
9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, C.2o
"'Through tickets to all points at lowest
rato may bo had en application In ad
vance to'tho ticket tVmvm:
Gen. Pass. Ast.
J. II. OLIIAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
also for Uawley and local points at 7.03
a. m. and 2.25 p. m.
Arrlvo at Scranton from above polnta
at 10.23 a. m., 3.15 and 9.33 p. m.
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday. July 5, trains will lcavo
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondale-C.20, 7.53, S.55, 10.15 a.
m.: 12.00 noon; 1.21. 2.20, 3.52, 5.25, fl.23, 7.57.
9.13, 10.13 p. m.; 12.10 a m.
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., B.29 a. m.r
2.20 p. m.
For Honesdalo 6.20, 8.53, 10.13 a. m.;
12.00 noon; 2.20, 6.23 p. m.
For WMIccs-Harrc 6.45. 7.50, 8.13. 9.3?,
10.45 a. m.; 12.03, 1.23, 2.2S, 3.33, 4.41, C.00, 7.50,
9.50. 11.30 p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Valley It. It., 6.45, 7.50 a. m.: 12.03,
1.25, 4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11.00 p. m.
For Pennsylvania It. U. points C.43, 9.3S,
a. m.; 2.2S, 4.41 p. m.
For western polnta via Lehigh Valley
It. It.. 7.50 a. m.; 12.03, 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9.50, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will arrlvo nt Scranton as fol
lows: From Carbondalo nnd tho north 6-40
7.45, 8.40, 9.31, 10.40 n. m.t 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2.24. 3.25, 4.37. 5.15. 7.13. 9.43, 11.23 p. m.
From AVIlkes-Barro nnd tho south 6.13
7.50. 8.50, 10.10. 11.55 a. m.; 1.16. 2.14. 3.48.
5.20. 6.21. 7.53. 9.0".. 9.43 p. m.; 12.05 a. m.
j. w. nunnicic, a. p. a, Albany, n y.
II. W. CROSS, D. I. A., Scranton, Pa.
Del., Lncku. and "Western.
Effect Monday, Juno 21, 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and alt points East.
1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a. m.j 12.5o and
s 33 t) m
Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia ami the South, C.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a.
In.. 12.53 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations. 3.4u p. m.
Toby hanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m.
Express for Hinghamton, Oswego, El
mi ra. Corning, Hath. Dansvllle. Mount
Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.35. 9.00 a. in.,
nnd 1.55 p. m.. making close connections at
Buffalo to all points in tho West, North
west and Southwest.
Hinghamton and way station, 1.03 p. rn.
Nlahoison accommodation, 1.00 and 6.10
'''nin'ghamton and Elmlra express, 5.53
Express for IJtlca and Richfield Springs,
2.33 a. m. and 1.65 p. m.
Ithaca. 2.35, 9.00 n. in., nnd 1.5o p. m.
For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes
Rnrre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
ville, making close connection at North
umberland for Wllllam3port. Harrisburg,
Baltimore, Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 6.00. 10.20 a. m.. and 1.55 and 6.00 p.m.
Nantlcoko and Intermediate stations,
8.0S and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3 4Q and 8.47 p. m. For
Kingston, 12.40 p. tn.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
nil express trains. ......
For dotallod Information, pocket timo
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, DIs
trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket ofllco.
Uric nnd WyomlnR Vnllcy,
IN Effoct Sept. 19. 1897. ,
Trains leavir Rcranton far New York
( and Intermediate polnta on Krlo railioad,
Lehigh Volley Knilroad System.
Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively, Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
H. R. R. nt 0.43, 7.50 a. m nnd 12.03, 1.23.
2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) nnd
11.30 p. m.
For Plttston and WIlUes-Barre via D.
L. & W. R. It., 6.00, S.0S, 11.20 a. m., 1.53
3.40. 6.00 and 8.47 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville,
ami principal points In the coal regions)
via D. & II. It. R.. 6.13, 7.50 a. m., 12.03 and
4.41 p. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
risburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & II. R. R., 0.43. 7.50 a. m.,
12 05, 1.25. 2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4.41 and 11.30 p. m.
For Tunkhannook. Townnda. Elmlra.
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & W. R. R 6.00, 8.03 a.
m.. 12.40 and 3. tn p.m. , ,
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo.Nlagara
Fall. Chicago and all points west via D.
& H. R. R., 12.03. 3.3.T (Black Diamond
Express), 9.50 nnd 11.30 p. m. ...
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley chnlr cars on nil trains between
Wilkes-Barro and New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.,
A. Vi. NONNE1MACHER, Asst. Gen.
Pass. Agt.. South Rethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Office, 309 Lackawanna avenue.
New York, Ontnrio nnd Western.
Time Table In Effect Oct. 3. 1S97.
Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale
at 10.53 a. in. and 6.10 p. m.
For Cadosla, connecting with main lino
trains north nnd south, at 10.53 a. m.
Train leaves Cadosla for Scranton at
2.0f p. m.
Trains leavo Carbondalo for Scranton
at 7.31 n. m. and 3.34 p. m.
Fine Line of
Diamond and Combination Rings
Sterling Silver Ware and
Sterling Novelties.
Finest stock of Watches,' ,
all the latest styles and sizes
at very close figures.
The largest Jewelry House
in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
130 Wyoming Ave.