The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 11, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    J. tfrttfummA mnil lt -iffit-3 (WvTSSSS!
"TO( tfc?rv " "' "" 1""r"'
"- "
l wfit.
Do wo offer greater bargains
than just now. Wo have .a lino
of Ladies' Fine Dongola hand
turned Shoes, wo aro disposing of,
to mako room for our heavy Fall
Goods. An excellont chanco to
got a bargain. For a few days at
Good stylo toes. These
aro in both all leather and cloth
The Delaware, I.ackavwinn i ami West
ern company paid lis milium n Satnulay.
The Junior Republican ilub will meet
Tuesday nleht ut the C Republican
club rooms.
11. Krnest ComeRjs' leal t slate npency
lias sold the piopi rtj at 12H and 121b Mul
berry street for $",1ii0 It -M. Ives owned
the propertv It rents for $14 u month.
The Deliuvme, L-ickawaniia and VV'i fi
eri! company will Ilnlsh p.iiiiK the tmln
men todaj. Tht Deliwaro and Hudson
company paid the tralnment of the Oiuv
Ity dllsion on Satuula.
The McAU auxllliry will meet at the
house of Mrs. T. II. Wathklns, .".'0 Mmnoe
avenue, on Mond y afternoon, (Jet. 11, ut
J SO o'clock. All Interest! d In the vvuik
arc cotdlill Invltid to attend
The icKiilar mcetliiK of the HaptHt Pas
tors' cnnferencB will Ijh In Id In the Peim
Avenuo Bnptlst ehuith Monda at 10 M
Itov. J. S Thomas of Pec k Hie, will read
u papei on "The Distribution or Walth "
The opening (ntdtaiument of the llall
load department of the Young Jl'ii's
Christian association will be sHen tonight
ut 8 o'clock In their hill, tZ Liekawanna
nenm It will be Rlvn 1i local talent
ami will he in dunce of the lidlia' auxil
iary committee of the issoclatlon.
Closing Up the Windttor Has nil
tcrrsting Srtiucl.
As a lesult of the closing up of the
"Windsoi rildny night, a couple of
consphacy cases nre Ukily to ensue.
The piopiletot T. Hunt liiock,
through his attorney. John r. Scragg,
went Into court Saturday, nml
ileclaiatlon to the effect that the note
for $1,515 20 dated June 15, 1S91, upon
which the fathei Oeotge S. Block Is
sued execution, was paid In full
thirteen daj.i after It was made and
that It was suireptltlously lemoved
from his house by his father. It Is alleged, In explantion of the
endoisement of Milton It. Hltst, the
original holder of the note, that ho
and the elder lirock hae entered Into
a conspiracy to defiaud the jounger
Brock by compelling him to pay the
note twice.
Court gi. inted a rule to shou cause
w hy the Judgment should not be
opened anil the defendant let Into a
defense, all inoceedlngs to be stay
ed In the meantime Mr. Scragg
states that his client Intends to have
wan ants issued for the an est of his
father and Hirst on the chaigo of
tonspliacy to defraud.
There Is n Possibility Thnt There
Will He Three Trial Judges.
A tin eo weeks' term of cilmlnal
rouit begins this mornlnjr.
Owing to the laigc list of cases and
the fact that the Van Horn murder
tilal comes up riming the second week,
Judge Archibald Intends to hae thieo
coiuts In session anil If a third Judgo
can be secured the superior court room
will be brought Into lequlsitlou.
Passengers for New Yoik city should
take Lehigh Valley railroad. Sleeping
car placed on tinck at Wilkes-Barre
9 00 p. m. for occupancy. Leaves at
2.20 a. m , arriving New York S 23 o. m.
Jteservatlons nt City Ticket Office, SOS
Lackawanna avenue.
GHI:VI:H In Scranton. I'a . Oct. 9. isu7.
t Adolpli Grewer, ago CJ cais. Punciiil
M from his late residence Tuesday at 2'J)
p. m. Intel ment In Dunmoro cemetery.
Our imported aud domestic
creations represent a perfect
harvest ot ideas, from which
you are at liberty to glean
and profit to your heart's con
tent. Our representations in
Trimmed and
Untrimmed Hats
And Bonnets, Ostrich
Plumes and Tips,
Birds, Fancy Feathers,
Ornaments, Etc.,
Are simply exquisite. And
our prices are right. You will
always find them below the
figures quoted elsewhere.
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Strange Man end Woman Who Live in
(he Taylor Woods.
Picks Tip itlnny a (Junrtcr by Pretend
hie to Peer Into the I'litiiro lor the
People of Tnylor and Its Vicinity.
Sho Prefer 1,1 fo in the Wood Ui n
l'ont-Up Existence in n Civilized
Comiminit) "About to Move from
Present Plncc oi Abode.
A gypsy sorcerer of the feminine
persuasion, with the inevitable pack
of fortune-telling ctuds, accompanied
by a mnn whose tribe or nationality
cannot be discovered, have for the past
week lived In a small patch of forest
lund known as the Talor woods, sltu
ated on the ninth side of the village of
Teltz patch, along Kejser creek and
to the right of the main load west of
the rler. The people of that tame
FolU patch nie bewildered, ni stilled
and awe-struck by the unnatural hnb
Its of the pair and dmlng all the week,
paitlculatly yesteiday, crowds of peo
ple visited the woods to stand at a
distance and watch them.
The gypsv Is of the conventional
type of gypsies tall, rimrk-sklnnetl, and
dark hair, llowlng as wild as herself.
Blue eyes that aie onld and a haughty
beating are characteristic of this no
mad of Talorwoods. She seems to caie
for no person but the man whom she
calls her husband. During the day
she makes regular trips to the settle
ments on the ninth and goes fiom
house to house, telling foi tunes for ten
cents per.
The man never leaves the woods,
unless It Is for piovlslons at some stoie
In Taj lor. They look their meals over
a fire of logs gathered ftoin the woods
and at night sleep on the giound, with
no covering above them save the sky.
At this time of the year, as Is fully
appreciated, the air Is chilly and morn
ing fiosts have been fiequent. Last
Thursday morning the man, after
awakening, was ,-o stiffened from the
cold that in walking along a cliff he
tumbled a distance of fifteen feet and
rolled down the side of u hill, lie was
picked up half unconscious by a vv oik
man on his wa to the Holden collleiy,
new by. The poor fellow was cut about
the head and face. He was assisted
to the top of the hill, where he dis
missed the woikman with the winds:
"Don't bo further with me; she would
not like It."
A Tilbune tepoiter eateidav visited
the unconventional couple and found
that all that had been lepoited
about them In Tujlor was Hue.
Immediately upon reaching Tailor
woods the presence of the man nnd
woman woie seen In a score of ash
heaps where the pair In their testless
i ambling had prepared their food.
The woods Is peculiarly harmonious
to gypsy life with Its misteiy anil
loinance. Sti etching along from the
old Bumgai dner faim-house to the
"apple orchard" along the main road,
and then taking a graceful curve to the
west nlong the abandoned Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western rallioari
binnch to the Archbald and Sloan col
lleiles Is a continuous cliff, varjlng In
height fiom twenty-live to fifty feet.
Glowing ui) In the massive rocks and
coveilng many small caves that have
a local history nre trees and shrubbery
of many j ears' growth and ciowning
this Is the woods.
The lepoiter stiolledabout for a half
hour befote a thin column of blue
smoke wns notlieil nt the extreme
westerly side of the woods. The man
anil woman were found eating their
supper. They looked upon the visit ns
an Intrusion at first und the woman,
with a peculiar accent, said: "What
do you want here.'" The leportoi ex
plained to their satisfaction, and the
woman, who had arisen to her feet,
lesumed a lazy position on the giound
by the side of the man.
The couple weie eating potatoes from
a black pall. Thev had no spoons,
knives or forks, using their hands,
only, to pass the food fiom the pall to
their mouths. A huge loaf of biead
was laying on the glass nnd fiom this
the man with Ills pocket-knife cut big
slices. The flic, which had cooked II12
potatoes to some degree of perfection,
wns smoulrierlng, and observing this
the woman brusquely oidered the man
to get mote wood. Left alone the
gjpsy talked in n icservcd way. She
"That man will never bo no good
ufter that beatln' he got last Thurs
day." "Whit was that?" ventured the te
porter. "Oh, he went to get some beer and
was, attacked by four men. They beat
hlr. bad, they did. His pall was
smashed and he came back to mo
As may be guessed, her husband hal
deceived his gypsy queen and made a
play for sympathy after falling over
the c'.ff.
The woman went on to say that the
place was getting too public and tint
they must move out boon, She didn't
Know wheie to go next, "It's getting
pietty cold now," she said, "and 1
guess we'll have to go back to the
home," haying the vvoid ns if the idea
wns verv distasteful. Kor two years
fhe lived In n house, but lust spring
sho could stand that sou of a fettered,
pent-up existence no longer and took
to the woods. Then she muttered bome
thlng In an unknown tongue, as though
When asked how they managed to
get provisions, she said veiy proudly:
"We buy them," and as proof of their
ability to do so exhibited a largo roll
of monov
In a business-like way she then
brought forth n pack of gieasy cards
and offered to tell the reporter's for
tune. A decision not to tempt fate
wns made on the spot.
Presently her husband returned with
the wood and then tho womnn became
ns uncommunicative as lier bllent bus
band. Both showed by their manner
that the leporter's absence would Le
more welcome than his presence and
efforts to Uarn nnythlng further about
the history of tho strange pair proved
Theie is a Htoiy current at Tuylor to
the effect that tho man a few years
ago was an engineer on the Delawaie,
Lackawanna and AVestern road; that
ho became infatuated with the dark
eyed gypsy and when he linked his for
tunes with hers accepted her vagabond
style of life. At nil events It Is evident
that he Is not a gypay and that he haa
not always lived the strange kind of
an existence lie does at present.
When dizzy or drowy take BEECH
IlcRnn Vcstordny nnd Was Observed
in Mnny Churches.
Yesterday began the World's Week
of Prnver of the Young Woman's
Christian association. The event In
this city wns signalized by evening
gospel sermons to women in manv of
the churches In 1 espouse to the request
of tho local association. Thursday will
be the association's Day of Piayer.
The nfternoon gospel meeting In the
association rooms was led by Mrs, L.
M. Gates. Miss Hschenbach rend a
paper on "World's Work," nnil Miss
Doersam a letter from Miss Maiy Hill,
secretary at Muriras, India, and townrd
whose suppoit the Hcrnnton association
Is contributing. A paper, "Call to
Player," was lead by Mlsi Mary
Knupp. Mrs. Hnndnlpli Jones, vocal
ist, and Miss Clara Long, violinist, as
sisted In the service.
In the evening Hip general socio
tnry, Mrs Nellie Lowiy, addressed the
(ungtegntlon of Simpson Methodist
Episcopal dun eh.
Three set vices will bo held ut the
association 100ms Thuisdny at 9 n. 111.
and 12.15 and 7.20 p. in. Miss Doeisnm
will lenri the noon and Mrs. Lowiy the
evening meeting.
AT THE Y. M. C. A.
Snbbatli Afternoon Gospel Sen Ice
Wns Interesting mid llclpliil.
The afternoon gospel sei vices In the
Young Men's Chilstlan association are
becoming mole Interesting each Sun
day, und the attendant e of voting men
is continually growing luigei. The
meeting was ndritessetl jestoiriay by
Mr. Sanboin, of the Rescue Mission,
w ho took foi his subject "Decision."
The music, under the direction of J.
M. Chance, was Instilling nnd beauti
ful. The new oichestra phised well.
The Itomanra, for tiombone and full
inchest! a, W4s a delightful seleitlon,
with John S Till 11 ns soloist. Thomas
Beynon Ming in a vciy Impressive
manner and with good voice the solo
"Take Time to Be Holy." Much Inter
est Is being taken In these meetings,
which nre doing a gieat deal of good.
Consolidation of Breweries Goes Into
Practical Effect Tbis MorningOffi
cers to Be Elected This Week.
Toda thebiewciy consolidation goes
Into iiiuilUal effect. All the pilnclpal
bieweiles of Luzerne, Lackawanna and
Wa.v no counties, excepting Stegmoler's,
of Wilkes-Barre, and the ale breweries
of Howell & King, of Plttston, and the
Ke stone Blew lug company, of Dun
moie, nie In the combine. The two ale
bieweiles. It Is expected, will be
biought In befme long, but negotia
tions nre off with the Stesmalers.
The first meeting for the oiganba
tlon ot the companv will be held dm
lng the piesent week at the offices of
the Lackawanna Blowing company,
coiner of Monsey avenue nnd prplar
stieit. Joseph Hughes, nf Hughet &
Glennon, is spoken of as the likely
piesldent, and P. J. Casey, ot Casey it
Kelly, will In nil probability be chosen
tieasmei. After the dlicctors organ
ize nnd get things in mnnjng oidei a
suite of olllces for headquatteis will be
secured In tho cential cltv. For the
piesent the heariquaiters will be at the
Lackawanna brewery.
It may be a month 01 two befoie any
changes takes place In the w 01 king
foices of the various allied bieweiles.
When the weeding out process begins
the collectoi.s, solkitois, bookkeepois
and the like will be the first to have
their numbers ieduied
The money and stock for the dif
ferent plants wns paid over at Phila
delphia las.t Friday.
Snid to lie Trying to Get Control
Hoads Near Knstou.
It is lepoited that the Delawaie,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad
company Is making effoits to secur
contiol of the I-aston and Quakertown
railroad and continue the line now
building between Quakeitown and Rle
gelsvllle to Iaston. This would give
the Lacknvvanna people a loute to Phil
adelphia. It In also said the Lackawanna com
pany is tiling to effect a lease of the
Uaston or Northern railroad, or a light
of way over the hiirigc about to be
built across the Lehigh river at Has
ton. By this anangement the Lacka
wanna could run tialns thiougn Eas
ton, tap the slate blt, and connect
with their main line near the Dela
vv are Water Gar.
Rev. Samuel Lewis, of Coaldale, occu
pied the pulpit at both services of the
Pl mouth Congregational church jes
tcrday. Rev. S. P. Matthews, pastor of tho
Scranton Street Bnptlst chuich, exchang
ed pulpits for jestirday morning's ser
vice with Rev. W. G. Watklns, of Prov
idence, Tho sacrament of the Lord's suppei
was administered In the First nnd Sec.
ond Presbyterian churches In tho morn
ing. In each church thcro was an even
ing pinlse service.
In St. Paul's Catholic church, Giccn
Ridge, last evening. Rev. John Loughran,
of tho church of the Holy Cioss, deliver
ed a sermon. Bent diction of tho blessed
sacrament followed.
A delightful praise servlco was held
In the Second Prcsbyterlun church last
evening .vir. cnance, tno ctllclcnt mu
sical director, arranged a programme of
artistic met it, which was rendered with
much expression by tho excellent choir.
A lirge congregation wns present. Dr.
Robinson gave a short talk on the sub
ject "Back to Christ."
Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph. D , pastor of
St, Mnrk's Lutheran church, pioached
two eloquent sermons yesterday. Ills
toplo for the morning was "The Unity
of tho Church." That of tho evening
was "Tho Objective Realities of ralth,"
Yesterday by request several stimous
weio preuched in West Scianton church
es In referenco to the work and aim of
tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion, In conitderatlon of tho coming
week of piayer foi that noblo Institution.
Rev. J. 1. Moffatt, pastor of tho Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church, preach
ed In accordance with tho icquest nt
yesterday morning's service, His toplo
was "Mutual Help." He offered several
timely uuggestlous. Rev. Thomus De
Gruehy, pastor of the Jackson Street
Baptist church, acceded to the request by
preaching upon tho topic "Our Young
Women" at the evening servlco. Rev. S.
F. Matthews, pastor of tho Scranton
Strict Baptist, devoted his evening ser
mon to tho purpobo of tho request and
drew out several new Ideas fiom his
toplo "Tho Value of Woman and Her
Heartburn, Gus.
trltli and all
Stomach DUor-
der poittlvely cured. Qrover Urnham'a Hi
pepulii ltomeuy it n Kiicclde. One done, re
moved nil dlstrwi, umlu permanent euro of
the moHt chronic and Nevere tuxes is cimran.
teed. Do not nuffer! A nil-cent bottle will
convince the moil Hkoptlcul.
.Muttliowa itios., Unitfisistu, U'JO Laclia
vtauuu avenue.
Holy Trinity Congregation Celebrates an
Annual Cliurcu Day.
Itnv. Dr. J. C. Snicker, Pntlicr
or the Coming Pnstor of the
Church, Conducted tho Services.
Harvest Sermon in tho Morning nnd
Exercises Pci'iillnr to tho I'cMlvnl
In the Kieniiig--linrgc Congrega
tion Wns Present.
The Hni vest Home fentlval, nn nnnu
al event, was lelclirnted jestcrriuy by
the congregation of Holy Trinity Luth
eran chut eh. A special seimon wns
pleached In the morning but th eer
clseb jeeullar to tit 3 festival weie giv
en In the evening, chiefly by the young
people und niwinbeis of the Sabbath
si hool,
Tilnlty rhunh Is at piesent without
a pastor, but je-tei day's iei vices weie
conducted by Ilcv. Dr. J. C. Spleker.
of Mt. Ariel, Pa. He Is th fathr of
P.ev. Chniles G. Spleker, of Cleveland,
Ohio, who will assume the postulate
01 the congiegatloti on Sunday, Oct.
21. Di, Spleker came wholly unpre
pated for the Haivest Home festival
but his seimon of the moiiilng was ti
highly I'ommendibl' effott and one
well lecelwd by a laige aurilnce of
The Is a day unlveihilly ami
most ilgldly obeiveri by Itefoimed
Lutheians. It Is designated bv the
chinch ut a rial for common expus
slun of Btatltule nnd pinlse to God
for his bounty an 1 love, llaivest fes
tivals me alwuis attended with dl
plns oi Btnln, fi lilts, llowers, etc.,
pecullnt to the autumn neusnn ami
pi.ictlcal evlrienies of a muultic nt and
cnie-taklng Dletj.
In Tiinltv church veslerriav the dls
pla.v was quite lame and well ai-lnn-jfed
and contained those ni tides ot
haivet most familial to joung and
old and of a Kind to luttluilnrlv lin
pics th fnrni'M with the Father's
gteat blessing. The fruit, gialn and
other mateilnls weie ni ranged about
the altiu, the body ot th chinch befog
flee ot riecoi.itlon. The woul "II-A-R-V-E-S-T"
appealed suspended above
the pulpit and leading riesk.
The evening vcivlce attincteri a laige
audience which occtiple 1 about nil the
i'cntlng spate In the smill 1 lunch. A
ptogramme appiopiiate to the Festi
val wns lendeieri, the sonss, recita
tions, etc., each contelnlng a m nliment
of plentj and goodness.
The service began v.lth an anthem
bv the choli, plain by Dr. Spleker
and singing bv the school Kittle Vet
tet K'llted "Bloom und Fruit,' nnd an
exiclhe "Hat vest Home" was lender
eri bv the following boys anil girls:
Mary Geilock, Iv.i Biad"r, Jennie Sea
mans, Lottie Bllckens, Maile Stock,
Olaia Bohle, Hairy Konecny, Hnny
Schuler. Hit haul Eckels, Emily Stone.
Miss Floienc Wainoi sang a solo
and the school snug "I'ral'-e to God,
Immoital Praise" A duet was pleas
ingly iend"ied by Miss Scheuer and
Mr. Davie end Grace Blown recite!
"The Kind Little Girl " A holo by Miss
Ellzubeth Sch'eur end a recitation by
FloiencJ Wainer conclude.! the first
pait of tho progiamme.
Dr. Sple'cer made a bilef and Infoi
mal address, the keynote of which was
nn appeal for good works and giatl
tude by old and loung In leturn for
God's genetoslty and perpetual endow
ment of plenty upon the earth. Then
The limit of the prevailing stiles in
Hats and Bonnets is the limit of our
stock. We've gathered with extreme
cue from the leading fashion centers
and while cost is not exclusive the
styles nie.
Buying for three Inige stores and
business gi owing, the mote generous
we can afford to be. Hence these
Two styles In Fur Felt Trimmed
Walking Hats. All colors, at 98c. Easily
Untrimmed Hats at COc, 75c, 98c
and $1.23. Usually sold for 73c. to $1.75.
We Invite the most critical compari
son. A. R. Sawyer,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
i ;. ill
We intend celebrating the day by
reducing the price of almost every
thing in the store. Immense stocks of
Silks and
Dress Goods
Fiuest assortment
prices Monday.
in town.
followed ' The Gathering of Offerings,"
tho reapers being Llllfe Blaschke, Ka
tie Wlnterstlne, Grn'a Gerlock, Husls
Schubert, Kttn, Wetzel. Azuba Swartz.
D. I, Davies sang a solo und Jennie
Seaman recited "Sunday School Har
vest." Thp exercises concluded with a
song hy tho school nnd the doxology
and benediction.
The music was uivder the dlt cotton of
K. It. Prothcro?, dlrctor, rr.ri Miss
Llda Gnrngnn, orcnnlst.
Distressing Accident to Christopher
Spathfclt nt His Quarr).
Christopher Spnthfelt died at his
home on Adams uvenue, Dunmoie,
Snturday from the effects of powder
burns he sustained a few days before
at his stbne quany on the east moun
tain. Mr. Sputhfelt had a keg of powder
In 11 little blacksmith shop at the
quairy nnd while doing some work nt
the foige a spaik Hew Into the keg of
powder. An explosion followed and
Mr. Spathfelt was badly limned.
Jeafli on Saturday lesulteri,
He Is survived by a wife and
The) .11 11 tic n Very Hud Combination
lor Mr. fiitvin.
Thomas Lavin, of the West Side, was
out for a spin on his blcicle Saturday
morning nnd at Wyoming avenue and
Linden street 1 an into 11 tlolley car
bound for Providence.
Mr, Luvln was thrown to the pave
ment nnd sustained a number of pain
ful nits and bruises
We want you to
tell others the good
things in our lamp ii
department. One
hundred which
came yesterday are
in many respects
the most beautiful
we have ever seen.
Spent much trouble h
in uieir selection
the price was
right we have
marked them right.
We offer this
as one of the
best bargains
in tlir dpn.irtmfnt. An
M elesant antique bronze base
lamp, patterned after a
rrencn model and an exact
i duplicate of a $ 150.00
7 Intvirt Hnn1 noinA1 rlarn-
Itllllk'. ...,,V. pLtlll..U V.X.WV
; rations.
S $19.75.
Value is $30.
Gold plated brass
uase anti onyx
column. Twenty-
five inchesome silk shade,
with handsome silk shade.
Worth $5. We've marked
it $3.90.
Solid polished
brass table with
clear perfect onyx
top 8 inches square. Made
by the only really famous
maker in America. $3.90.
Library Handsomely de
Lamp corated in pink
F and red rose
narcissus, etc.
26 inches hinh
inch globe. $2,25.
Lackawanna Avenue.
)H eight
1 30''
Prices reduced Monday on all Ta
ble Linens and Napkins. Splendid
new goods to select from. Now is the
time to buy. A great assortment of
Comforts and
Monday we reduce the price on every
Comfort and pair of Blaukets in the
store. We guarantee to sell cheaper
than the cheapest.
Wedding j
Gifts . . . . !
Our Specialty, f
Tho pooplo of this re
gion apprccitito tho fact
that nt our store can bo
found tho most desirablo
selection of Wcddiug
Wo aro continually
adding to our largo stock
tlic newest nnd the best
goods from all parts of
tho world.
Largest Assortment,
Lowest Prices,
V Walk in nnd look around. 9
j 11 j UIIUjLUv.
We are confident that no
house can show a better line
or shoes than the one we are
exhibiting today. Variety,
style and good workmanship
characterize the stock and the
prices are very moderate.
These offerings are but an
index to the many others that
are quite as noteworthy:
the lntct toes anil iloublo Hole:
would be cheapnt Wl'u I or this
Lenox and Cornell toea nnd extia
muvy sole; usual price SJ.oo For
SHOKS, good vnlueiit SI. HI. tor
this neck ......
SUOKS, In ?scurk, Oneiu und
London toos: neer sold for less
than$''.UO. I'ortuis week
A large line of Ladies' and
Misses' Shoes at bargain
You will agree with us in
saying that this Footwear is
the best ever shown at these
prices. They are correct in
style and just the right
weight for Fall and Winter
326 Lackawanna Avenue.
Sale Monday
lii ills
Lackawanna .
of the
Gold Region
with Every
25c Purchase
Sold at
4c. Each
310 Lackawanna Ave.
224 LU. MIE.
Boys' and
Children's School
Hats and Caps.
New nillinery,
New Jackets, Capes,
Wrappers, Etc.
Summer Goods at a Great
Sacrifice. One Price and
Cash Only.
Agents for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary
Woolen Goods.
224 Lackawanna Avenue.
1 .
Unbleached Canton Flannel He
Good Shaker Flannel 4c
Good Dark Prints 3Ac
Good Apron Gingham ;
Best Aprou Gingham 5c
Best Indigo Blue Print 1 4c
Heavy Bleached Crash 3c
Sc. Outing Flannel 5c
10c Outing Flannel 7c
One case Men's Heavy Natural
Wool Underwear, 75c goods, for 59c
Ladies' Fine Natural Wool Un-
wear 75c
Ladies' Fiue Fleeced Underwear 25c
Ladies' Fine Egyptian Cotton
Underwear 50c
and 417
Avenue Scranton Pa.
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