THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6. 1897. Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds THIS SPKCIAL SALE OF FINE WHITH CRYSTALS HAS NKVKn WEEN APPROACHED IN THE HISTORY OF Till: TRADE. THOSE EXTRA WHITE AND YERY BRILLIANT STONES auk sold ixjwiiu than the regu lar pricks on ordinarily com meikmal stones, call and look tiiij.m over, they w1i.i surely surprise thr .most expert. E. SCHIMPFF 317 Lackawanna Ave. WILLIAMS ooooooooooooooooo New C.ui'taitii, cw Dnipurics, Now Carpets. Now on bale, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo A vKlt to our .store will convince yon of the variety of new tluhigns and color inM hliown'ln each depart ment. oooooooooooooooo NEWS WHITTLINGS FROM WHITNEY The Snake Industry Thriving at Deep Hollow. HEROINE OF HICKORY GROVE Mli i.rncc Waterman Similiters n ltcpIllc--VIils)crlnps of Interest to llio Itnllroud lloy--A Prosecutor Wanted Personal t m h R M U L I I NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONKbUALH. Tho nmiiinl p.irncle of tho Hnnchdnle l'lw ioiniiin will take place Oct. in. The pioiiiennile concert and supper will li- held In tin- nrmorj In the evening. Mi. ami Jilt. J. i:. Richmond returned on Saturday Horn their summer home. The entutalnment rourw to lie given under the auspices of Y. P S. C. E. of the Presliyteilan church 1st to he held In the Opei. i house. A few moio course tickets may ho had by applying to mem Iicih of tho committee. Hon E. H. ll.itdcnbcigh has recovered btifllclently from nil operation performed on him two weeks ago, to ho ublo to ride out. He thinks tho cause of his IcniB Illness has been iemoed anil ho will soon regain his usual health. Dr. Cehoine. the actor and hypnotlzer. mill tioupo of musicians will appear ligaln thin ewnltur at the Opera house. Tho four "Lueiers" nro fine musicians. The tioupo will be at D.unllle Thursday evening. On Monday evenlnfr DIstilct Deputy W. II. Vmeoo lnstalh d the newly elected of llcers of Freedom Lodge, No. S3, I. O. of o. v.. as follows: Otto Ilatltr, noble giuml. A. J. Rchliein.' Nice grand. A. (.'. Lindsay, tieasurer, George S. Ross secretary, and Lewis Ilollts. assistant scretniy. Sir. Charles Wllmarth, of Al ilcmllle, assisted at tho Installation. II AM. ST 12 AU. SIis. T. J. Connor was in Scranton Monday. Sir. and Sirs. C. A. Wllmot were vis iiliiK filenil.s at Klnghton, the Hist of the .Miss Carrie Bummtrton, who has been hpeiiilliig heveial days lhlting friends ut SutUehaiina. ILckoiy Glove and Lo ci. st Hill, has retnrnid home. Our s-ccond base ball club will be nt Montrose today (Wednesday), where the will contest tor honors with the club ot that place. Sir. and Mis. J. II. Van Loan are lsltlniT f I lends In Harford. The men's meeting In the Young SUn's Chiistlan association hall next Sunday nftt moon will bo addressed liy Sir. O. Phelps, of Great IJontl. A imetlng will bo laid In the Itullroail Young Slen's Chiistlan association hall tomoiruw owning (Thuisday) for the iniipose of ntgunlzlnt; a debating and llteiaiy eommlttie Addresses will be made by Supoilnteiulent Charles E. Stox 1iy, l'rotcssor 11. W. Pease, Professor 11, 11. Hendrlck and IMItoi S. Uruco Chi'se. C. J. Langley's stole, on Sluln street, I as been selected ns tho luaihpiai tcrs for i 1 place for the lilnghamton, New I ' "Mc phone line. ! L. StacDonald 1ms leturned 1 n pleasant visit with fi lends 'i Port Crnne. '.'ton iltcd at Ashley ' ' mn k. ' . aav- 1 . . . . i do. .. i iUiiius was held lr the Methodist church Sunday evening. Six weiu iecilved on probation Into tho church, ono by letter and four persoiiB veie baptized. The thirtieth nnnual session of the teachers' Institute of Susquehanna conn ty will bo held In tho high school build ing In Slontroso beginning Monday, Oct. 18. Tho evening attinctlons aro: Mon day, Itev. Thomas Dixon, of New York city: Tuesday, Dr. Hiilly. of Lewlshurg, Pa.; 'Wednesday, tho Smalley Grand Con. cert company of Chicago, Thursday, Professor II, Dcnsmore, of Kansas. LE sa I'oit EiTiii:n hex. O TlilM remedy lielnir lu. TJected directly to the. gUk seat of those, dlscnsca "of tho Genlto-Urlnnry II On-.nnn. reoulroB no - -i. ... cuauge or uiei. Cnro I guaranteed In 1 to il nlnvM. Hiuull plain pack. Wm. O, Clark 36 Pcnn Ave,, Scranton, Pa. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Oct. G. Over In the Deep Hollow section of Great Bend township, a number of tho denizens have established n Bnake farm. There aro twenty mounds of eaith on tlio sunke farm, jirepared In such a way Hint the snakes use them for nests, and th-re are nbout a dozen nests In each mound. The nests are expected to ttiin nut nbout a dozen rattlesnakes each year and the stock will Increase rapidly. The prospectorg have a con tract with a Philadelphia patent medi cine llrm. that Is making a rheumatism cure, for -"" snakes next season at $2.75 each. Others will be sold to New York dlmu museum managers and circuses will purchase n few. Great care Is taken of the young snakes. The newly-hatched snakes, If not properly raieil fot by the mothsr, are taken to a hut neniby. and there fed with bugs caught for that purpose. Sometimes the eggs nio hatched out 'under tho stove. A ilnzrti very large snakes, with their fangs diawn. are kept about tho homo of one of the llrm ns petp. Tho snakes nie excellent mouseis much letter than cats. The proprietors wan der about the faun, taking no other piecautloii against the teptlles than to wear thick boots. Tim cream op the news. Itev. P. J. Gough, the late able and popular filiate of St. John's Catholic church, has been transferred to tho cathedral In Scranton. During his May among us ho has m'ado very many ft lends, who l egret his lemoval hence. He has Just lotuincd ftom a llylng trip to G' rninny. P.ev. J. W. Malone, late of the Scran ton cathedral, succeeds Itev. P. J. Gnugh as curate of St. John's. Father Malone celebrated mass in the Starruc ca church on Sunday After a niotraetsd Illness of con sumption, Thomas Hest died at his homo on Lnurel sticet on Saturday, nged M yenis. The funeral occuned from St John's Catholic' church on .Monday afternoon, Itev. J. V. Slalono o.'Ihiatlng. At the rt-sldence of the biide's par ents. Mr. and Sirs Stephen Sherman, on Wednesday evening. Pert Wood ward, of Lansboro, and Sllss Maude Sherman, of Susquehanna, will bo united in marriage. AN "OWHD" TO TALI The melancholy days have como. The saddest of my recollection The fiirme' sbocketh his corn And husketh bis pumpkins. And county lairs are now the proper thing; The cold winds whlstleth Thiough tho tiecs and through Tho oung mans summer clothlnpr. And he wondereth what ho didst With his summer wages. The babo ball suit is Laid on n high shelf; And soonly will tho young man Get on his skates (steel ones) And skim oer the glassy surface Of the lake. The summer resorter fleetli Back to his home, And the man led folks Leave their suburban homes And siek tho steam-heated blocks'. And even the trees Iiegln to leave 'Twas ever thus! ItAII.HOAD WHISPERINGS. After a few days' short time, tho Etle shops were on Monday placed on full time. During tho temporary absence i night Ticket Agent Chambeilaln, at about 10 o'clock on Friday night, a thief forced the door of the Erie ticket olllce, giabbed $15, exodusted Instanter, and is still at large. In his haste the thief failed to rllle the cash drawer. AVhlle assisting In making up a train In the Susquehanna yard on Sunday evening, Geoigo Snrliigstlen, of Tioga Centie, N. Y fell between two cars and was Instantly killed. He was 23 years old and unman led. During the month of September about Pi.OiO mote cats were handled in tha Susquehanna yaid than In the corres ponding month of last year. The funeral of George Tlbhlts, one of the oldest englnteis on tho Susque hanna division of the Elie, occurred in Honellsvllle on Filday. Some of the Erie trainmen are ciedlt--d with forty and forty-live days In September. Two summer passenger trains have been taken off the Erie west of Port JervK Owing to a rush of business, an extra locomotive has been placed In the Sus quehanna yaid. HEROINE OF HICKORY GROVE. Miss Grace Waterman, a comely young school teacher, Is Just now the heroine of HUkoiy Grove. For some time past she has vearned to distin guish herself by killing a rattlesnake. A few davs since her wish was grati fied In a very unexpected manner. Af ter closing her Oak Hill school for the day, she had occasion to pass through a meadow, and In doing so she saw, Just ahead of her, a splendid specimen of the rattler. Placing her books upon the cround, she struck at the snake with her parasol. The reptile was ready for battle and Instantly colled himself around the parasol. Miss Waterman dashed the parosnl against it tree and the snake was killed. Picking up her books she continued on her way, but in a moment she discovered that she was surrounded by snakes of different sizes, all of them In positions of at tack or defense. The plucky git I armed herself with a stout hickory club and at once commenced striking the rep tiles right and left. In nbout five min utes she had killed every ono of them, fourteen In number. Several of them were over four feet in length. Three of them had fifteen rattles. Miss "Water man arrived home little worse for her B m mx u'M'. m. .m' S Infant Food Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk J A Perfect Substitute For V W Mothers milk. For 40 Years the icaoino Brand. . INFANT HEALTH vntFRCE. V NY. ONDtNSEO MILK. HIW YORK. V strange encounter Her friends nre showering her with compliments. WANTED A PROSECUTOR. On Friday night Ftedeiick O'Dell, a Hiushvllle farmer, came to town, and, nfter put chasing some clothing and slurring away n few beers, started for home. He was joined by Michael llear ilon, a well-known young man of the town When In the western end of the botough, lleardon drew a revolver, and demanded O'Dell's pocket book, new hat and pants, O'Dell gave them up and went home. On Sntutday he camo to town and swore out h search war rant and the stolen piopcity was found in lleaidon's home. Renulon was soon ariested and placed in the lockup. The case was called befoie Justice Tiffany at 2 o'clock on Monday, but during the morning the piosecutor was "seen", nnd when the case was called he was non est. An effoit will be made to se cure his attendance today. .SOStE'SlTNDRiHS. "Columbia," the new national hymn, written by Rev. D. D. Jenkins, the gifted Unlondale clergyman, is meeting wltli a icadv sale, and making the author famous It is enthusiastically received wherever It Is rendered. Tho rowiond gentleman wiites good poetry, mid his lines mean something. He has a billliant futtue. Hon. Amos J. Cummlngs was tempo! -n ry chairmnn of the recent Dcmociutlc convention In New York, lielng tempor niy chairman of a Tammany conven tion Is a possible honor, but for down ilght pleasuio Amos would prefer to sit in .1 boat and troll for pickerel on the raging Susquehnnna. Some yeais since, a Susquehanna county man was offeied n foielgn con sulship, the salaty of which was $3,000 and the expenses $4,500. He wtote the Seciotniy of Stato that If the govern ment would loan him $1,500 he would take the Job; otherwise It might go to Hoboken or words to that effect and he would continue to practice law and skin clients. He has never yet seen the $1,500 nor the olllce across the salted sea. Softly the evening star Was shining In the west, And Luna from her golden ear Shed gracious peace and list A maiden, stany-eved. Looked up with lashes wet; Her loer whispered, "Stowed or fried V" Sho faltered, "Stewed, you bet!" IN THE COUNTY. The next Women's Christian Tomper nnco Union county convention, will be held In Thomson. A mid-year conven tion will bo held at Ilenick Centre. Jerome Dewitt, esq., a native of this county, is the Democratic candldatefor mayor of ninghamton. Thete was a large attendance at the county fair. The receipts weio about S1.700. G. E. Stanton has been appointed postmaster nt Glenwood. The Jefferson Bianch Union of Chiistlan Endeavor societies will hold Its next convention at Herrlck Centre, on "Wednesday, November 10. Rev. J. S. Lewis has been appointed to 1111 the vacancy In the Springvllle Slethodlst Episcopal chinch, occasioned by the death of Rev. Abram Scofleld. IN A LINE OR SO. Sirs, lone Walton, of Scranton, will Inspect Moody Relief Corps this even ing. She will be accompanied by Sirs. Susie Lootnls, ato of Scinnton. The Kalsei-Watkins Conceit com pany gave a splendid enteitalnment In Hogan Opera House on Thursday even ing, before a small but veiy apprecia tive' audience. Faulty advertising had much to do with the small attendance. Erie Hose company will hold Its twelfth annual ball in Hogan Opera House, November 21. The car movement over tho Eric In the month of August was the greatest since October 1, 1SD0. The movement for September without question ex ceeded the rejeord of any month since the const! uctlon ot the road, These are Republican days, Whitney. THE MARKETS. Wnll Ntroot Hnviriv New York, Oct. C Not for many wock3 has Wall street bom so dull iib today. It woh offered as nn explanation that the ovo of tho Jewish dny of atonement called many brokers nnd operators .rem the street. Hut there was a manifest disposition to rcffrnln from trndlng. nnd yesterday's sharp reaction seemed U ud monlsh the bulls that conditions aro not yet ready for n resumption of tho nil wince. Tho favorable factors which de veloped during tho day, although they nftccted for a time the individual stocks to which they applied, were Ineffective In cnuslng n gcneiul ndvance, und most stocks closed lower. Total sales of stocks were 3IC.C00. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mean build ing, rooms 705-700. Open- High- Luw- Cl03 lne. es.t est. In?. Am. Tobacco Co .... S!i'i S'!, W SSU .Am. Cot. Oil 2l4 SPi JU1 in Am. Sus. Ilo'ir Co ..117 HS'4 Atch.. Tol & S. Ft- .. lli", 1S'4 A., T. & fl. F., Pr .. 324 SJ'i, Can. Southern fw'a Ches. fit Ohio 24 Chicago Gns ldOiJ Chic. & N. W 12G-;, Chic, U. fit Q Si C. C. C. & St. L .... 47i Chic, Sill. & St. P .. SC7W Chic, H. I. & P 'JOT Delawaro & Hud ...1174 Dlst. fit C. F 12s, Gen. Electric 374 Lako Shoro .17i'i Louis, fit Nash IW, SI. K. & Tex.. Pr .... 34'i Manhattan EIo 10IK SIo. Paclllc 33i Nat. Lend 3S N. J. Central !W N. Y. oCntrul IKS N. Y U E. & W ... 17 N. Y.. S. & W.. Pr .. Sin t, Nor. IMrltle. Pr .... r,P Out. St West 17? Omaha 82K. Pacific Stall 3Vj Phil. & Rend 2(',ia Southern 11, Il 11 Southern It. It,, Pr.. 3.i", Tetin.. C. fit Iron Texas Pacific Villon Paclllc Wabash Wabash, Pr West. Vnlon V. S. Leather V. S. Leather. Pr CHICAGO 30"4 12S 211k, 31U 8'i, GRAIN in ; 2 Hi 100 12(5 M' 37i4 97'i HPi 11714 12'H 3714 lTli'n OP', 39'4 "iW)4 SPA SS ai ill 17 3U"i 5 IS IS 821, 3fi',i Mn 1H4 MP, 12'i 2PH Si-.. 22' ', !Ph Ml, CfiK 14G'i li 32 f.7'i 21 M'4 12f.l4 !I7' 37'i M BO", 117'i 12 Si 17(i'j ra 101 3314 Si 98 110'i 17 . fi.Vi 17 M 3VJ, 2H',i, 11 33 sur, 12' 23 S'i 21V,. W, ', K 15 32' 4 21 12fi',i 117 '4 37U !.' 901 i 117, 12k 3CJ4 17iJ'i HOVi 39' i Ifil'i 33 3S tw HOi 17 31 l-H 17 81 So1 W 11 .",1 30 12'i 2.1' 4 8"j 21 W XV, Cti'4 12aHe. Receipts Flour. 4,000 barrels, 13. two sacks; wheat, bushels; corn, 81, 000 bushels; oats, 2,500 busheX Shipments Wheat, 3,000 bushels; corn, 3,300 bushels; oats, 4,000 bushclt, Chicago Grain Mnrkct. Chicago, Oct. r.. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: Wheat October, new, 8flc: December, new. g9ta91'S,c. : Slay, 89a91,c. Corn October, !Sa28Wci De cember, 29Hn29'f,c. ; Slay, 33Vf,n33f,c. Onts October. lsnl!lc; December, 19;nl9'i,c,; Slav, 228a22f4c. Pork-October. $S 0214; Do omf)cr, 8.1fii?i12',t: January, .10a9.IO. Iird October, $l.45al.42'4; December, $l.G2'; .Inmiary. $4 !7'4n4.G5. Rlb October, 4.S7'4a1.W; December. Sl.72n4.70: January, $l.72'sa4.72H. Flour Easy; No. 2 spring wheat, 8(inST8c.; No. ,1 spring wheat, 7SaS,"c; No, 2 red, !MV.S No. 2 corn, 2Sa28',4c; No. 2 yellow. 2iVf,a2S'ic.: No. i oats, 19',al9'4c; No. 2 white, f. o. b 22',ia 23c; No. 3 white, f. o. u 21n22'4c; No. 2 rye, 4j'4a40c; No. 2 barley, 110ml nnl; No. 3. f. o. b., 27!ta3Cc; No. 4, f. o. b 27a33c; No. 1 llax Feed, 92',4a9)C,: prime timothy aeed, $2.r.2'4: pork, per linn el, J8.03a8.10; lard. $l.47V4a4.M; ribs, I.S.').i5.20; dry salted shoulders, $".i5'',c: ihort clear sides, 5Ma 5c; whisky, $1.22. Sugars Unchanged. Receipts Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 182, 000 bushels; corn, 500,000 bushels; oats, fi3l,00(i bushels; rye, 17,000 bushels; bailey. 108,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 4,0u0 barrels; wheat. 107,000 bushels: corn, 19,000 bushels: oats, 41S.000 Lushels, rye, COO husn elsj barley, 23,000 bushels. WHEAT. December S9 Slay S9'i OATS. December 19 Slaj 2J CORN. De-cumber 20", Slay 33 LARD. December 1.52 PORK. December 8.15 MARKET. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. In?. 9 91 19 22 2!i" 20 8S 89 P S'lW. 31 1.50 8 12 91 91-v, 19 22 29 1.50 8.12 Srrnnton Ronrd of Trade Exchnngo (uotntioni--All Quotations Itascd on Par of IOO. STOCKS. Rid. Asked. C50 350 'is Pcranton fit Plttston Trac. Co. National Uorlng fit Drill's Co. lir?t National uaiiK .... Elmhuist Iloulevard Co Scranton Savings Hank 200 Scranton Packing Co Lacka. Iron and Steel Co Third National Bank Throop Novelty Sl'f'g Co , Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Weston SHU Co Alexander Car Rcplacer Co Scranton Redding Co Dime Dep. & DIs. Bink 14t Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep Co.. 115 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage duo 19J0 115 People's Street Rillway first mortgage due ISIS 115 Scranton & Plttston Trac Co. ... Peoples Street Railway, Gen- eial mortgage, due 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co ... Lacka. Township School 5 City of Scranton St. Imp. 67o Sit. Vcinon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co IOO 25 80 ioo 130 80 17 73 210 100 103 llnst Liberty Cnttlc .llnrkot. East Liberty, Pa., Oct. 5. Cattle Slow; prime, $4.90a5; common, $3. 1013.70; bulls, stngs nnd cows, $.'i3.73. Hogs Steady; pilme medium weights, $l.50a4.ri: best Yorkers. $1. Hal 30; heavy hogs, $; pigs, $l.30al.4"i. grassers. $4.25al.33: rouglis. $3a4. Sheep llnrely steady: choice, $l.20a. 4 25; common, $2.5IM3.40; cholev lambs, $3.30 no 50; common to good lambs, $la5.13; veal calves, $0a7. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Oct. S. Native cattle, $I.COa-..10; cows and heifers, Sl.73a4.50; bulls, $2.20i 4.25. Hogs $; pigs, $3 TO.i3.SD: com mnn lots, $3 23.13 50; native sheep, 2.25al; western range sheep, $3al; native lambs, $3a5; western lambs. $t.50a4.85; feeder sheep, UlttillS, Receipts-Cattle. C.Cw) head; hogs, 23,fliX) head; sheep, 20,000 head, Hilllnlo Live Stock. East Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 5. Cattle Easy nt esterday's prlves. ogs Fairly steady; Yorker.i, good to choice, $l.(3al.5o; roughs, common to good, $,1.71a3.90; pigs, good to liiolct' $4.41.149, Sheep und Lambs About steady; limbs, choice to ex tra, $; culls to common. $lal.9o; sheep, choice to selected wethers, $1.35,1, 4.50; culls to common, $2.23a3.03. Now York I.ivo Slock. Chicago, Oct. 5, Beeves No finding. Calves Steady but slow ; veal", $3a8; grassers, $3.5Oi3.05. Sheen and Lambs Flat and lower; fully l,(XiO bead unsoM; sheep, $!2"al; Iambs, $3a3.30. Hogs Steady at $,90. Oil .Market. (Now Yoik. Oct. 5. Petroleum Penn sylvania I'luilc, no market; nominally 85. 115 90 1M 102 102 S3 100 n AVOCA. New York Produce .llnrlict. New York, Oct. 3. Flour Feaily ac tive nnd a shade firmer: Sllnuesotu pat ent, $3.15i5 50; winter straights, $150al73. Wheat Strong; No. 2 led, 9Sc. f. o. b , atloat; No. 1 1101 thern Duluth, 97c, f. o b., nollat, No. 2 haid, 97c, f. o. b alloat; oidlons opened stionger on higher cables and drought news, reacted under realiz ing, but advanced aguln and closed lr;a 2'lc net higher; No. 2 led, Slay, 92,i 92c, closed 9ic; October, 93'..c; No- ember, 93'i91c. ; December, !3a9lc, closed 9lc. Corn No. 2, 3l'4c, t. o. b., atloat; options llrm, advanced, closing ja c net hlghei ; Slay, 3Sa35Uc; October closes, 03c; (November, 3IUc: December, 31aS3c Oats No. 2. 23'4c; No. 3, 22c, No. 2 white, 2i)e. ; No. 3 white, 20c; track mixed, western, 23'sa21',jc.; Hack white, 20'sa32c: options quiet but firmer, closing lie net higher; October, 2J',ic; December, 21UC Beef Steady. Cut Sleats Steady. Butter Quiet; western creamery. 14a22c; do. factory, 9j13c; Elglns, 22c, Imitation creameiy, 12a1Cc ; state dairy, 12al9c: do. creamery, 14a20c. Cheese Quiet; laigo white and coloied, 9a9c.; small white and co'.oie'd, 9',2c: part skims, C'4a7c; full skims, 3nlc. Eijrs Quiet; state and Pennsylvania,'-c: western flesh, lCVsaVTc. Talow Dull. I'etrolcum Dull. HINTS 10 CARPET BUYERS. Tlirco rensous why you should buy your Carpets from us: First Bo cause wo carry tho largest lino of CarpoU In Scranton. Second Uecauso evcrythlui; Is of tho latest designs, nnd tho quality the best, Third Because our prices uro always the lowest. WALL PAPERS-We still have eonio goods that wo aro soiling at 5 CENTS A ROLL, worth 10 cents. FU RIM ITU RES Upholstered Choirs, Tables and Couches at uboutone. half their regular pilces. . SGOTT INGLIS. 419 LACKA. AVE. St. Mary's church wns the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday afternoon whin James Ward and Cella Conway, both popular people of this town, were Joined In the holy bonds of matilmony by Rev, M. 1'. Crane. Tho brldo nnd her attend ant, Sllss Josephine Hanington, of Wyo ming, weiu handsomely attired in dark green gowns with braided trimmings. James Robinson waited upon tho groom. After tho ceremony a reception was ten dered tho friends of the contracting par ties at tho home of the biide's mother. Sllss Conway Is an estlmablo lady, nnd for a number of years has been em ployed as housekeeper at tho parochial residence. Mr. Ward Is collector for tho Piudcntlal Insurance company, Thoy will reside In a neatly furnished home on tho West Side. At a meeting of the school board held on Monday evening Sllss li: Reap was transferred to Primary A, room No. 3 building. Sllss Kate Campbell will take chaigo of Primary H, No. 2 building. The change will take effect next Monday. John LIney was granted tho uso of a room In No. 1 building to open select night school. Rev. J. J. McCahe will officiate today at tho marriage of his brother, Louis, to Miss Fltzslmmons, of Pleasant Jtount. All members of tho Avocn Iloso com pany aro requested to meet in their rooms tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock to pre pare for the afternoon parado at Wllkes Barre, Stephen llomanak, n laborer employed In the Iingcllffo colliery, was Instantly killed yesterday morning by being struck In the head with a heavy pleco of over hanging rock. Deceused was about 23 years of ugo and boarded with his broth er, Jacob, on the We-st Side. Ho has been In this country but 11 few months. The funeral will take placo tomorrow morn. Ing with n requiem mass. Interment will bo made In St. Story's cemetery. Tho condition of Miss Ella Sheddy re mains tho same, and up to a into hour last evening hud not regained consciousness. Philadelphia Provision .llnrlict. Philadelphia, Oct. 3. Wheat-Firm and 2',4c higher: continct giade, October, 91a 92c; November, December and Januaiy, nominal. Coin Firm nnd c. higher; No, 2 mixed, October and Novembir, 31a32c ; December and Junuaiy, nominal. OaU Nominal; No. 2 white, October, November, December and J.muury, 27a27'-c. provis ions Steady with modnate demand; smoked beef, city, $19.i20; beef hams, $23 50 a'Jfi; pork, famll, $12.50al3; hams, S. P. cured, Inn tierces, 7aS'4c ; hams smoked, $9al0c; sides, ribbed, In salt, 3a3Vjc; do. smoked, OaVV.; shoulders pickle cuied, fc",a'i.'s3.: picnic hams, 7a7',.c; bellies, In pickle, 7'saS'..e.; breakfast bacon, flalOc Laid Pine city letlned, In tierces, Cc, ; do. do. in tubs, GafaHc; do. western, In tub?, 5'i.c; do. butchers', loose, 3',n3'4e. Butter Firm; fjney western creameiy, 22e ; do. Pennsylvania pilnts, 22a23c; do, western, 22c. Eggs Steady; fresh nearby, 17'2c; do. western, 1fi'4al7c. Cheese Quiet but steady. KWIntni Sugars Firm, lair demand. Cotton Finn, c higher; mid dling uplands, 0c. Tallow Dull ni'd weak; city prlmo In hogsheads, 3'c; country. In bat nils, 37c: dark, do., 3c; cakes, 3c; grease, 3c Live Poultrj Dull nnd lower, fowls, 10c; old loosters, 7c; sill lug chickens, 9al0c; ducks, SaO'Sjc. Dressed Poultrj A shade lower; fowls, choice, lie.; broilers, inrgo, Ual2c; do. small and scalded, 9a9'ic; turkeys, large, Induced by the uso of coca, opiate or nar cotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad. They undermine health nnd shatter tho constitution and the patient is steadily growing into a worse condition often resulting in tho tcrriblo slavery and misery of tho cocaino and opium habit. Sleep Induced by the uso of Hood's Snrsa parllla does not perhaps como as quickly, but it comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vltalltcd and enriched blood. This feeds the nervej with life-giving energy and builds up tho system and constitution from the very foundation of all health and life tho blood pure, rich, red blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. 1. Whether Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous.orheridltary, from Infancy to age, speedily cured by warm baths with Cuticura Soap, gentlo anointings with CrricimA(olnt. ment), tho great bkln cure, and mild does of CoTiccr.A, Resolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures. Ii H4 thrnnshont tht world, romi Daua so Cam. Cubp , Snt Prop. , Ilo.tOb. atf-"How to Cira Ercry Bloc! Humor," free. CBPC lillMftnC Filllnc llilr and Btby fllem- THE PATENT OUR We Make It. We Warrant It. We Wholesale It. TIE 1ST 111. ill, ILL CO. 9 E. rs Lager Brewery Manufacture of tho CelobtuU ki n KLONDIKE GOLD. DR. HILL & SON The first to use Klondike gold for crown and bridge work. Our prices as low or lower than tho lowest. All work warranted for a, life time. Sixteen years in Scranton, old and reliable and up to date in all branches. Don't forget the new in vention we have for taking the pain out of aching and sensitive teeth, sa they can be pulled without the least! bit of paiu. SEE THE PRICES. Teeth Cleaned $ .50 Full Set of Teeth.. Amalgam Fillings Silver Fillings , No charge for extraction when a set is made. 4.00 .25 .50 Your teeth taken out and a set put in the same day,all without pain L OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Busi ness and Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations In tended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, -Surplus, -Undivided Profits, $200,000 320,000 WJI. C0XNELL, President. 1IENRY BELIX, Jr., Vice Prcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. LACKAWANNA TRUST -SAFE DEPOSIT COfflPANY, 404 Lackawanna Avenui, SCRANTON, PA. Capital, Surplus, $200,000 100,000 mm i Will Be Closed Today on Account of a Holiday. WM. T. SMITH, P.cs. HENRY J. ANDERSON, Ylce-Pres. JOHN W. FOWLER, Treas. Deposit Accounts of Corpora tions, .Merchants, Finns and Indi viduals Solicited. Three Per Cent. Interest Paid on Saving. Deposits. This Couipimy Acts as Trustee, Kxecutor, Administrator, Guar dian, lite, Under Appointments by the Courts, Corporations or Individuals. BROWN 'S HIVE 224 Lackawanna Avenue. Behold a Coat 5,000 Small Pickling Cucumbers This morning at Pierce's Market. This will be chance to buy KI the last pickling season, cucumbers this i ii piil is ml lira $100 To Any Man. WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE WHICH you may prize. lile-lioci- will rte. llslit your e os n'en lieu It's old nud soiled uml loin. 'You'll happy be Hint jou lmo wuriiueout that I iinilloolw at nlcoaa others sell for twlootho pi ice; W. J. DAVIS, til rnmlmr Avo Arcads .lJ iijuiiiiusnrvi, ju lldlnj. SCRANTON IAUNDRY CO CAPACITYl 100,000 Barrels per Annum Of WctiknoRH In -Men They Trent ami I'liil to Cure. An Omaha Company places for tho first time before the public a MAGI CAL TItKATMENT for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration or Lite Force In old and younir men. No worn-out French remedy; contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a WONDERFUL TREATMENT. MaRlcal In its effects postive In it cute. All reuders, who nio sufferinB fiom a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical suffering peculiar to Lost Manhood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY. Suite 717, Range Kulldlng. Omaha. Neb,, and they will send you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on these diseases, and postive proofs of their truly MAGICAL TREATMENT. Thousands of men, who have lost all hope of a cure are being restored by them to a perfect condition. Thti MAGICAL TREATMENT may be taken at home under their direc tions, or they will pay railroad faro and hotel bills to nil who piefer to go there for treatment. If they fall to cure. They aro perfectly lellable; have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O, D. fake. They have $2fi0,000 capital, anil guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar; or their churges may be deposited in a bank to bo paid to them when a erne is effected. Wrlto them today. lssttk (la'ituicA or Tin: past.) DO YOU WANT Yonr Llnons to Last Long ? To Look Bright and New ? That's All We Want You Want. Give Us a Trial. Scranton iaundr Protectors and Cltancrs ot Linen. W Winliliiuton Ae. tfJJl UU Court. Phone 70 Talks tor U. A Postul Tulks to Us, At the Olllcrl Talk to Yoij WOLF & VVENZEl 40 Adams Ac, Opp. Court Hous:l PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUF Bole Acentsfor Richardson .Uoyntonl Furnace and Hansr- t-tnnrilr, mil,- curellver llls.easy to take, IIUUU S flllS easy to operate, 25 cents, For Sale by Hill & Conncll, Prothcroe Co. and A. U. Strong, EVERY in:ttotsnee4aellble, monthly, rernlstlnt medlcins. Only htrmlMt I tho pureit df up itaoula bo uwJ. It jou ul tna otx Dr. Peal's PensBWO&9 ThtT u prompt, tile al certain in man. in t tnnine vr. rai i "ri nolnt.,l.W. Addreu fiuHiuanU., UeTelind.OI For Sals by JOHN H- PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlng avenu oPruce street. i