The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 05, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Dckmvanna County.
(Readers will plense nots that adver
tisements, order for Job work, and
Items for publication left at tho estab
lishment of Shannon & Co , newsdealer.
North Main street, will rocelvo prompt et
tentlon; olllcs open from 8 a. m. to 19
P. m.
The officers of Cnmbrnln lodge No.
58, I. O. O. P. ttero Installed on Satur
day evening: 1y District Deputy
Grand Master Charles O. Raker, of
Jeiymn. Tho grand ofllccrs who as
sisted were as follows: Brand worden,
John Mellow; grand treasurer, P. I.
Miller; grand secretary, W. J. Toman;
grand guard, "W. O. Hill and grand
marshal Walter Baker all of llush
brook lodge No. 850, of Jcrmyn. The
following offlccrs weio Installed:
Noble grand, G. W. Evnns; vice grand,
A. W". Bayley; secretary, C. A. Kose;
treasurer, A. P. Fey: worden, a. W.
Hughes; conductor, A. Ii. Wright;
It. S. N. G., Henry Kiantz; U T. N. G.,
Joseph Wallace; R. S. V. O., It. Hlnlr;
li. S. V. G., S. N. Uajley; O. G., Ilobert
Holland; I. G., J. Long; chaplln,
William Opll, sr.
The Ilov. Dr. I'lace, of tho Metho
dist church, nddrebsed the Knights of
Pythias, who attended the Sunday
evening service In a body, upon
"Human Brotheihood, Friendship and
Benevllence." He explained tliloso
principles of the golden rule ns tho
fundamental docilities of the organ
ization. The address was found piac
tlcal and eloquent. The choir under
the direction of W. D. Kvans, render
ed the anthem, "By the Rivers of
Babylon" with line effect.
A pleasant party was given on
Satuiday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
S. White, of Birkett street, in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert White, who wcto
recently married. The evening passed
very delightfully with games and
social recreations. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Craig, Misses Myia
Hill, Hattle Mason, Gertrude and
Myrtle Slhlns, of .Teimyn; Messrs.
William Howells and Oscar Wright,
Misses Louise Howells, Grace Slmrell,
Phoebe Trescott, Clara White, Messrs.
Benjamin Pellows and Charles Potter.
The firemen's relief fund for disabled
and Indigent members will receive
$300, coming from Insurance companies
doing business In the state. This
amount has been received by City
Treasurer Connor and Is now await
ing the call of the local firemen. The
warrant Is numbered 2,714 and Is for
the sum of $300,15. Tho lepresentatlves
of tho fire companies will doubtless
organize a relief board, so that it can
be paid officially to this board.
John Dempsey is charged by Bern
ard Kelleen with beating, kicking and
abusing in various ways, a driver boy
on Saturday. A for Deinp
eey's arrest Is in Officer Gllby's hands.
The defendant, who Is a miner In one
of the South Side mines, will appear
at Aldeiman Atkinson's court to an
swer the charge.
A pleasant hIcclo ride thiough Xew
York stato was recently taken by Edmond
Wells, of Clifford. He traveled nearly
1,300 miles, isltlng tho largo cities. At
Utica. he won a second prize in a. two
mile handicap race. Ho was absent flo
Captain George L. Kilborn, of Brook
lyn, N. V., who 'has been spending his two
weeks' acatlon as tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Rose, of Spilng street, has re
turned to his duties In tho custom house,
where for thirty-two years ho has held a
responsible position. He is a veteran who
bears many marks of wounds reeched at
Georgo Duval, of Scranton, s-pent Sun
day as the guest of G. W. Evans, of W no
Frank Mackin, Edward Gibbons and Ed
ward Bechtold. of rittston, spent Sunday
with E. T. Kelly, of South Church stieet.
J. J. O'Neill, head clerk at J. B. Shan
non & Co.'s store. Is taking a vacation.
Miss Jo3ephlno Bun, of Church street,
was tho guest of Mrs. Bert Baker at
Bcranton on Surday.
Matthew Do Laney left for Philadelphia
yesterday, where he Is taking a medical
course at tho University of Pennsylvania.
C. B. Munn, ex-city editor of tho JleraH,
Is acting business manager of tho Car
bondalo Leader during K. D. Lathropo's
James Muirln left for New York yes
terday In order to enter Columbia college.
Patrick Walsh, of Havro do Grace, Md.,
A sea-captain
may navigate
1 his ship safely
across t li e
ocean, but when
1 he comes into
port he must
have a pilot who
knows all the
difficulties and
dangers of tlmt
particular channel. In the voyage of life
there are many perilous places where we
need the help of a pilot who has a thorough
knowledge of the special difficulties and
dangers to be avoided.
In those delicate physical weaknesses and
diseases peculiar to women a general prac
titioner or ordinary doctor has no opportun
ity to become thoroughly proficient. Still
less to be trusted is the advice of any mere
nurse or unscientific person.
umy a specialist wno Has gtten a life of
itudy to this particular field of practice, is
pompcicui iu neat me uiseases ot woman's
ntrtcaie ana complicated organism.
Any woman suffering from thesp dptlr.-itf.
koubles may obtain the most eminent pro-
iuai uuviL-c uee 01 cuarge Dy writing
LUr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi-
ii ui we jiivauua- noici ana surgical in.
iue, oi uunaio, jm. y. Uurlng nearly 30
frs' at the head of his splendid staff of
f lausw, lie nas successfully treated many
nanu uj w4jc uj ousuiiate icminine
Is "Favorite Prescription " was devised
Ibe sole purpose of curing the diseases
weaknesses 01 me Jeminlne organs.
flier lucuicinc uas oeen SO marvclously
tssful in this particular field of prac-
nu uiuci iiicuiwiuc so completely
araes all the dangers and nearly all
ains of motherhood.
lit with pleaiure 1 recommend Dr. Tierce's
Ite Prescription to Buttering ladles," writes
I'crguion, llox J9, Douglas Station. Bel-
.u, niaiiiiui'a niivr nuiieriUK lluloltl
I thank Clod I found relief aud cure In
n 1 ininK uoa i louna r
rce'i j'avortte Prescription,
I greatest book for women ever pub
I la Dr. Pierce's thousand pace illus
!" Common Sense Medical Adviser."
ee in paper covers for cost of mailing
21 one-cent stamps: clotli.bouml 11
bt. Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Is visiting his nephew, V. II. Walsh, ot
Gordon avenue. Mr. Walsh was a resi
dent of this city forty-two ears ago. Tho
trees wcro then standing whero nro now
tho main streets of tho city.
Tho Simpson baso ball club defeated tho
Jcssup Starlights at Anthraclto park by
a score of 11 to 0. TIcrnoy and Ledger
wero able playcis for tho Simpsons; Cos
tello and Barrett held a llko position for
tho Starlights.
Tho Indlnn3 defeated tho Cottage foot
hall team on Saturday. Murrlii, Forbes
Pendleton nnd Cinno did good work for
tho Indians, while for tho Cottage, John
son Hope and Gordon excelled.
Georgo W. Cross nnd family will movo
In a fow days from Plttston to Carbon
dale. Mr. Cross is engaged ns salesman
for tho Hendrlck Manufacturing com
pany. Mls Delia. Chumnrd Is preparing to
form classes In china painting In this
city. This nfternoon nnd evening sho will
glvo an exhibition of decorated china.
Tho Knights of Father Mathcw will hold
their annual banquet on Thursday oveii
Ing, December 2. A committee ot ten
members will make arrangements for tho
Trinity guild will hoM a social supper
this evening at tho resldenco of Mrs. J.
P. A. TiiiKley, of Ulver street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Itorst are tsltlng Mr.
Borst's brother In Hoboken, N. J.
Tho Delaware nnd Hudson collieries of
this city nro now working on full time.
It Is thought that tho order will remain
In effect for several weeks at least.
In tho Fourth district of Fell township
the court has appointed L. B. Lewis
Judgo of election nnd David Morris, ma
jority hihpcctor, to Miccerd the former of
ficers, BIchnrd Beers and Thomas Johns,
who had 1 (.signed.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burdlck, ot Lin
coln nvenue and Terrace street, nro 10
cclvlng congratulations at tho arrival of
a llttlo fcon
Thomas Campbell and Geoigo Ward, nro
In Wllkes-Barre representing tho Mitchell
Hose company.
Mrs. Patrick O'Connor Is dangerously 111
at her homo on Wyoming sticct.
Mrs. Carl Sehroeder, ot Salem avenue,
Is dangerous! 111. Dr. Burnett, of Scran
ton, held a consultation with Dis. A. and
S. S. Nile. An opeiatlon was found nec
essary and it is thought that her condi
tion la favoruble.
Dr. A. D. Preston, of Scianton, spent
Sunday with friends in this city.
Miss Biidgct Mcllalo and rlece, Miss
Mary Mclvln, of Scranton, nio visiting
at the homo of Michael Gllmartln on
South Main street.
Mrs. David Z'.cley, Jr., returned to her
homo in Biookljn, N. Y., on Saturday
after a vllt with her mother, Mis. It.
Mnnvllle, at Farvlew.
Chailes Soft ley, ot Scianton, was a
visitor In Carbondalo on Sunday.
Mis. Margaiet Nlcol, of Salem avenue,
Is visiting in Scranton.
Mrs. G. B. Sampson was visiting her
Scranton friends last week.
Mrs. James Munay, of BiooKlyn street,
Is dangerously ill.
Mrs. J. i:. Brown and daughter, Mil
dred, and Miss Jenlr.c l'.idden, nio spend
ing tho week with friends in Plttston.
Tho Woman's Home Missionary society
cf tho rirst Presbyterian chuich are pre
pailng a mission box of clothing which
will be sent to Greenwood, Wis.
Mrs. Goodwin sang tho beautiful solo,
"Ho Was Despised," at tho evening ser
vlco of tho Baptist church on Sunday.
Miss Gorman, of Scranton, Is visiting
Mrs. A. P. Duffv.
Miss Mamo Hubert, of Scianton, who
has been visiting Mi's Mary Carpj, of
Faivlew, icturncd homo yesterday.
T. M. Thomas nnd Miss illnrtlin Zcig
ler United in Jlnrrlngo.
Saturday evening was tho scene of
much gaiety at the home of Mr. and
Mis. Jostph ZelRler, of Glen Tannery.
Tho occasion was the marriage of their
daughter, Mlts Maltha, to Mr. T. M.
Thomas, of tho samo place.
Ituv. L. A. Ldndemuth, of tho MooIc
Presbyterian church, officiated nt tho
ceiemonj-, which took place at tho
church, which was tastefully dccoiated
with cvcigieen nnd potted plants. Tha
bildal party enteied tho church nnd
marched up the nhlo to tho strains of n
wedding march plaved by Miss Uretta
Church, to tho altar, befoio which stood
an cvli green piece cntwlntd with aiuumn
leaves and llowers so as to form a laigo
Tho bride was attired In a dies of old
roo trimmed with laco and chiffon and
carried a bouquet of bildal roses. Tho
bildcsmald, Miss Jhime Stull, was at
tired In white mgandie, over creen. The
bildegioom was attondul by Mr. John
Davis, of Spilng Brook.
After tho ceremony tho guests repaired
to tho home of tho bride's patents, whcio
a bountiful lepast was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas weio tho recip
ients of uumcious costly and useful pres
ents. An enjojablo time was spent until
12 o'clock, when tho guests dispersed.
There wero slxty-llvo piesent, arnon,
whom tho out-of-town guests weie: Mr.
and Mrs. William Stull and chlldien.
Robert and Hllzahcth, of Mexico: Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Stull and child, Albert, of
Pis mouth; Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Van Scoy
and Mlsies Margaret and Sarah Van
Scoy, of Avoca; Mr. and Mrs. IM. M01
gnns, of Plttston: James Oliver, of Avoca;
Morgan Davis, of Stroudsbuig, und Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Stull and chlldien,
Clayton and Barnest, Gertrude D , nnd
William M. Hamlin, of Moosic.
Chnrles Clark, nn extensive coal dealer
of Niagara Talis, was the guest of Sup
erintendent Walker, on Friday last.
Luko Luvln, who has teslded here for
a number of years has left for tho west
ern pait of tho state.
Thomas, oldest son of Mis. Alexander
Green, of Poplar street, Is very 111. It
Is feared It may develop Into a fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter AVobster, of
Scranton, spent Sunday tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Prynn.
Miss Maggie Mulholland spent Sunday
with her parnnts in Scott.
Tho Initiating team of Rushbrook
Lodge consisting of tho following: D. D.
G. M.. Chailes Baker; G. W John Mel
low; G. T J. J. Miller; G. S W. T.
Toman; G. G W. O. Hill, G. M.. Walter
Baker, attended a meeting of Cambrian
lodge, at Carbondalo, on Saturday eve
ning. Reuben C, tho 3-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Davis, died yesterday
morning of diphtheria. Tho funeral will
bo held this afternoon.
Miss Lillian Jenkins, of Parsons, who
has been visiting her uncle, Mr. Walter
Murray, returned home yesterday.
.Miss Bdlth Vocsto Is visiting friends
In Wllkes-Barro.
Mrs. Theodore Spettlguo and daughter,
Mary, who havo been visiting tho form
er's patents In Wayne county, havo re
turned home.
Mr. II. J. Holmes, of Albany, Is visiting
at tho home of Mr. Gomer S. Davis.
Miss Gertrudo Ploutz, ot SusQUfhanna,
Is vlsltng nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jay Tuthill.
Tho school board met In regular session
last Saturday evening and transacted
some important business. The selecting
of another teacher to fill tho vacancy of
Miss Gvvcii Williams was laid over unltl
tho next meeting.
The employes of tho Glassy Island, Del
awaro and Hudson colliery, will bo paid
The supper which will be sci ved by tho
Ladles' Aid society ot the Methodist Kpls
copal church tomorrow (Wednesday)
evening will be ready nt 6 o'clock. Tho
proceeds will go to defray the Incidental
expenses of the Church, Everybody Is In
vited. The wedding ot Milton Root and Ml"
Winifred Reynold will take place t the
homo ot Miss Reynolds' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. lleynolds, on Wednesday oven.
Ing, Oct. 12.
Mr. and Mrs, Gcorgn Shay returned
from vlsltng friends nt New Mllford.
A slight flro occurred at tho blcyclo shop
of Messrs. Craig and TJnklepaugh last
evening by tho turning over of a lighted
kerosene lamp, but was soon extinguished
by tho use of a fow palls of water.
airs. Ilobert McMalnes and her son,
Bobert, of Gratsy, will Icavo tho latter
part of this week to visit with friends and
relatives in Canada.
David D. Jones, teacher ot music, Is
about to begin a sorles of coifcerts In
the Methodist Bplscopal church. Tho
first will bo held Oct. 13, It will bo a
grand opening of tho annual music read
ing class, which was organized a few
years ago by Professor Jones. Tho par
ticipants wero all members of tho last
year's classes and, no doubt, will show
wonderful Improvement In their singing.
A number of young peoplo havo already
signified their Intentions to Join Profes
sor Jones was a pupil of Richard Howells,
esq, T. C. O. of Abordarc, South Wales,
nnd nlso ot T. J. Davles, Mus. Bac, of
Word was received hero from Wllkes
Barro yesterday morning announcing tho
death of John Coblelgh at tho above
Tho valuation of tho borough nt pres
ent Is as follows: Real estate, $119.53;
aggregate amount of county tax, $3,401.11;
agr.regato value of all property taxable
for county purposes, $49S,?30; amount of
money at Interest, $21,317.
It has been stated that tho Delaware,
Lackawanna und Western will commence
un eleven. hour shift today in this place.
Independent Social club will conduct
their regular weekly social this evening
In Weber's Rink.
Professor and Mrs. John T. Wntklns, of
Scranton, wero the guests of relatives In
this place on Sunday evening.
Tim joung men ot Taylor are prepar
ing to fix tho skating pond In tho mule's
held, whero last year's pond was situat
ed. They nro determined to havo one
of the best for their winter's resort.
The rumor which has been going
aiound that tho backer's of Alfred Har
ils would glvo James Prendergast six
Mtidj Btart In ono hundred dlstanco Is
vvltho.. foundation. They wish to an
i.iunco In this column that It Is all out
side talk, as the runner did not in any
way give his consent.
I.aekawnnna Lodge, No. 04, Daughters
of Pocohontas, will hold an impoitunt
business meeting next Thutsday In Tay
lor hall. All niembeis aro urged to be
Tho funeral of Claia, tho Infant child
of Mr. and Mts. Frank Coxgrove, of Old
Kotgo, took placo on Saturday nnd was
hugely attended. Tho pall-bearers wero
Misses Nelllo and Kate Coyne, Kate Gal
lagher and Magglo Gallagher. Burial was
made In the Mlnooka cemetery.
Mr. Alfred Wilson left yesterday for
Seattle, Washington, to make his future
The Stat light foot ball team of tho First
ward, challenge the A. O'Haia foot ball
team, of tho same ward, to a game next
Saturday on tho School House grounds.
M Glvnn, captain.
Casper Ott, a resident of this place, who
was employed ns a headman at the Pyno
collery, met with a terrible death yes
tculay afternoon at about 4 o'clock, by
falling down the shaft. He was terribly
mangled. Ho was afterward taken to his
homo on Washington street.
Mrs. George Morris, of Feltsvllle, Is
slowly recovering from her prolonged Ill
ness. The McKlnley Republican club held a
very Impoitant session last evening In
the hotel of William Morris, of the
First ward.
Tho eisteddfod committee will meet this
evening In their usual meeting place.
Mr. M. J. Grogan, of this place, at
tended a bocial In Olj pliant last evening.
Messrs. Bdward Walsh and William
Fox, of this place, were callers on Pltts
ton lclatlves yesterday.
A largo lumber of boys and girls weie
received Into tho Sodalities of tho Blessed
Virgin and tho Angels at the St. Patrick's
church on Sui day evening. The church
was tilled with the friends ot the sodal
ists. The altar was beautifully decorated
by tho sisters of tho convent. Tho ser
vices wero opened with hmn, "Como Holy
Ghost." by tho members of tho sodali
ties, Miss Nettlo McDonnell presiding at
the organ. Rev. M. E. Lynott, of Jermyn,
then addressed tho eodallsts In an able
and eloquent manner. Ho took for his
tet tho words: "Ho liath given His
ansels chargo over thee, to 10tp thee In
all thy ways." At tho conclusion ot the
s-ermon Rev. P. J. Murphy lccelved tho
members into the sodalities, each mem
ber being pteentod with a badge. Bene
diction was given by Rev. Father Ljuctt.
The visiting clergjmen piesent wero: Rev.
J. J. rceley, of Scranton; Rev. J. II. Shan
ley, of Dickson City; Rev. J. T. Comer
lord, Rev. M. J. McIIalei Archbald; Rev.
J. 31. Smoulter, 01 phant.
Mrs. C. A. Benjamin was called to
Dunmoio on Saturday by tho Illness of
her sister, Mrs. Parsons.
Mrs. Hitchcock, of Providence, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben
jamin, returned to her homo on Sunday
Tho Willing Workers will meet at Mert
Calvlns on Wednesday nfternoon to sew,
and will servo supper at night. All aio
cordially Invited.
Mrs. Asa Phllo and son, Harry, re
turned last week from a short visit with
her daughter, May, at Salem, Wayne
D. P. Smith spent last week fishing In
Wayno county.
Invitations aro out for tho wedding of
our enterprising young merchant aud
postmaster, W. B. Parker, to Miss Ruth
13. Miller, daughter of John Miller, of
Waveily, on Thursday evening of this
Tho sixth loom has been opened at tho
school houso with Miss Smith as teacher.
Tho Nonpareils wero defeated by the
Athletics, of Olyphant, at a game of base
ball Sunday afternoon on tho Prlceburg
grounds. &ccre, 12 to 1,
Miss Mary BUen Wrlghtson, of Green
Ridge, spent Sunday with her parents on
Lincoln street.
Sarah Jano Plow right, of Peckvllle, vis
ited her parents hero Sunday.
Henry DIcrks nnd Charles Eley are
erecting dwelling houses.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorras Morgans, of New
Jersey, aro visiting relatives In town.
Unto for tho Hearing ot'tlio Cnsc Will
Probably lie Fixed for October 18. H
New Tork. Oct. 4. Mrs. Augusta Nack
and Martin Thorn wcro arraigned In tho
Queen's county court at Long Island City
to plead to the charge of murdeilug Wil
liam Guldensuppe, Both pleaded not
guilty. Thorn being without counsel,
William r. Howo was appointed by tho
court to conduct his defense. Mrs. Nack
was represented by Bmanuol Friend. The
court Intimated that he might fix tho
trial of Thorn for Oct. IS or Nov. 8. Mis.
Nack's tilal to begin upon the conclu
sion of Thorn's. Decision on this point
will bo announced tomoirow.
Guldensuppe, a muBseur in a Turkish
bath houso In this city. Is alleged to
havo been murdeicd by Thorn In a cot
tago In Woodsldo, L. I., to which, it is
said, the victim was enticed by Mrs.
Nack In July last. After tho murder, ac
cording to the prosecution's theory,
Thorn decapitated and dismembered the
body of Guldensuppe, tho trunk being
thrown into tho Bast river at ono place,
nnd tho legs, 'wrapped up in old carpet,
being similarly disposed of at anothor
point. Tho head has never been found.
Guldensuppe and Mrs. Nuck had been
Intimate, but soma time before tho dis-
ous half century. Prejudice, Ignorance and Incredulity hnvonll been swept aside, and the
medical profession nnd public alike now recognize In this lino of medication the most ef
fective menus within human power to combat disease. Quickened circulation, Brighter
Bye, Improv cd Spirits, tlieso follow within '1 1 hours after using tho extracts. Sold in small
triangular bluo bottles, Doso; 0 drops. PRICB.
Weak and nervous men who havo tried all tho Qunck remedies, may turn with confi
dence to tho ANIMAL Y.X TRACTS. They Cure I Free Book upon application to Washing
ton Chomlial Company, Washington, I). C. For snlo by Mntthows Jtros , :I20 Lacka. Avo.
appearanco of tho former they had quar
relled and Thorn beenme, as alleged, Qui.
densuppe's successor In Mrs. Nnck's af
fections. Tho motive In the caso Is held
to bo primarily revenge for a beating and
tho Influence of Mrs. Nack, who desired
tho death of Guldensuppo becauso ho
abandoned her for another woman.
Taylor University Students Mnltrcnt
1111 Kdltor.
Waco, Texas, Oct. 4. W. C. Brann, ed
itor of Brann's Iconoclast, was the vic
tim of a mob of students from Taylor
University, a Baptist Institution, yes
terday afternoon. Mr. Brann was sitting
in his publishing houso when four of
the students called him to the door,
seized nnd thrust him Into a hack, which
was rapidly driven to the collcgo campus.
His captors were armed with revolvers.
At tho campus a mob of 200 students
wero gathered, a majority of whom wero
armed. They seized Mr. Brann, pulled
him about and threatened to shoot him.
Finally a ropo was produced, and crlea
of "hang him" arose on all sides.
Mr. Brann, under threats of death, was
compelled to sign a statement declaring
that an artlclo appearing In tho October
number of the Iconoclast, and reflecting
on Taylor University, was untrue, and
further agreeing that ho would leave
tow 11.
This artlclo was the cause of the action
of tho students. Gieat excitement has
been caused by tho Incident, and crowds
aro discussing it In tho streets. Tho no
tion of tho mob Is generally condemned,
and Judging from tho expressions heard
it Is thought tho matter Is not at an end.
Mr. Brann declares that ho cannot be
driven from the city and will contlnuo
bis publication here.
Poor Catlottn's I.ndy in Waiting
Stabs Herself.
Vienna, Oct. 4 Arna Stiller, who was
formerly a lady In waiting to tho former
Bmpress of Mexico (Charlotte, sister of
tho king of Belgium, and widow of Em
peror Maxlmllllan), is dvlng In a hospital
of this city, as tho result of attempt
ing to commit suicide by repeatedly stab
bing herself In the neck and cutting oft
the end of her tongue.
The unfortunato woman, who Is 74 years
ot age, was found In her bed covered
with blood. She had led tho life of a
recluse ever since sho returned to Europe
with tho ex-empress.
Rheumatism Cured in n Day.
"MYSTIC CURC" for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to
3 days. It3 action upon tho system is
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the disease
Immediately disappears. The first doso
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl
Lorenz druggist, 41S Lackawanna ave.,
The Eye Specialist
VlHOSK is nt
"" til.l Lackuwnn-
IMrvnnnfn h?n&t Im avenue, In Will-IMPtiUW-Ki
LiTAXS lnms- White Front
thoo Store, examines
tho ejo freo In tho
movt accurate way,
and his pi lees for spec-
Zr 'vs' im mui's ure cueaper
Wl UUIIUrUw mini eni nerp. JV. la-
rSsSf V-jv-w? intntnblo Indifference
t'w'VSRSRr to tlle proper caroot
Wj9ffv thoejes seem to pos.
CfSl fSgC7lffS ess most peoplo until
SP0,R tho time iomeswhen
-' headaches, imperfect
v Islon,or other results
of such neglect glvo wuinlng that naturo is
rebelling against such treatment of ono of
the most precious gifts, formal vision Is a
blesslns unappreciated until It lias been lost
nnd restored: its lull value is then realized,
Therefore, j uu should not loao a day beforo
having our ej es examined. This sci vice wo
gladly render tree of charge.
215 Lackawanna Avenue
In the White Front Shoe Store.
Ho Di
Has full and complete stock
of all tlie latest up-to-date
styles iu
Belts, Waist Sets,
Rogers' Silvsr -Plated Wara,
Sterling Silver Spoons,
at the very lowest
possible prices at
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
aooas 1 and 2, cwLTHarrq,
Electric Battorles, Kloctrlo Expliden, for as
plodlug blasts, tiafety Fuse, uud
Repauno Chemical Co.'s Exp!obivns,
Cereblne, from the llrnln. For diseases of tho Drain and
Nervous Hystom.
Mcdulllne, from tho Spinal Cord. For Bpllcpsy, Locomo
tor Ataxia, etc
Cardlne, from tho Heart, For DHeases of tho Heart.
Testlne, 1 or Premature Hecny in Men.
Ovarlnc, For Dlseanes of Wotnon.
Tliyrlodlne, for Obesity aud Hlctu Diseases.
Since tliclntroductlon of tlieANIrlALEXTRACTS
Four years ngo greater advance has been made In tho
Cure nf btrvmi Illttn4e tlinn Wild nlitnlnpri 111 tha ttrOV I-
Episcopal Clcrgjmnn to Join the
Catholic Church.
Boston, Mass., Oct. 4. Itcv. V. Ii.
Iluckey, former rector of tho Church of
St. John tho Evangelist, at Newport, 15.
I., sailed yesterday for Europe, whero It
Is understood ho will Join tho Roman
Catholic church. Sir. Iluckey, for tho
post seven years, has had chargo of St.
John's Episcopal church, which Mrs. W.
W. Astor and her family, tho Pauls, and
many other prominent cottagers, at
tended. Recently Mr. Huckey experienced a
chaugo in his religious convictions, nnd
determined, It Is stated, to Join tho Catho
lic church. Thero Is a considerable rom.
anco connected with Mr. Buckey's stay
in this city and his church work.
Yonng Girl Cremntcd.
Pembrook, N. Y., Oct. 4, Tho farm
houso of Healy Bumcrlskl was destroyed
by flro dm Ing tho night. Ills 7-ycar-old
daughter, Clara, was burned to death,
nnd another daughter, Mary, was so badly
burned that sho will die. Tho father was
serloisly burned In trying to savo his
Shin llruptions Cured for 35c.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Bar
ber's Itch, nil Itching nnd burning
nkln diseases vanish when Dr. Agncvv's
Ointment is used. It relieves In a day
and cures quickly. No caso of Piles
which an application will not comfoit
in a few minutes. Try it. S5 cents.
Sold by Matthew s Bros. 11
"i Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
U the orisinal and only FRENCH,
unto and reliable enre on tho mar
ket. Friee. $1 00; eent by mall
Qcnuino sold only by
Wm. Q. Clark, 316 Ion Ave., Scranton, Pa
Philadelphia Lawn Mowers,
Best iu the Market.
Drexel Lawn Mowers,
Best cheap mower made.
Prices $2.50, $2.75, $3,00
and $3.25.
Baldwin's Dry Air Refrigerators
All sizes. The most per
iect reti
feet refrigerator mauu-
434 Lackawanna Ave.
1 worthy ofns much nttentlon ns the best
parlor. Cnll nnd sto our stock of flno Bed
Iloora Suits at low prices nnd easy terms.
340 Adams Ave., Opp. Court llouss,
Bolo Acents for Rlchnrdson-Boyntoa'a
Furnaces and Ranzso.
L L I '
I The
b iewarK
They'rotho csseuco cf nil that's good In tho art of sbocmnklng. Tho most skilled
workmen In tnln country have contributed tbelr share of work In getting together
this stock of Fall Footwear. Thcro's a marked perfection In tho stylo and workman
ship. In fact, our wny of asserting tholr excellence does not half convoy their many
Roodqunlltlcs. 'Twill pay you to call nnd seo this stock, ns it will bo of pocunlary
ndvantngo and othcrn lso essential to J our being well dressed,
Men's Fine Shoe", sizes 0 to 11, widths AA to KE.
Ladles' Fine Hhoes, sires 2Hj to H, widths AA to Bit
Misses' nnd Children's Shoes, ull sizes and widths, from A to EK,
Comer Lackawanna and
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Pa.
Dill Timber cut to order on short notice, llnrdwood Mine Ralls
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Ho-mlocU
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on the Buffalo and Susque
'lanna Railroad. At Minn, Potter County, Pa., on Coudersport, and
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFFICr.-Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
I uiniiuiiniii uuuiuuuj
Schedule In Hlfect November 15, 1S9S.
Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
HarrisburK, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazletort,
Pottsville, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
3.16 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the Wost.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and the West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Harleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass. Asrent.
J. B. HUTCHINSON. General Manager.
Central Railroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.)
Stations in New York-Foot of Liberty
street. N. K., and Whitehall Terminal.
Anthiaclto coal n.ed exclusively, Insur
ing cleanliness mill comfort.
Tliin TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 22. 1397.
Tialns leavo Scranton for Plttston,
Wilkcs-Barre, etc., at 8 20, 9.U H, ", "
1.M3, J 00. 3.0.-i,j;.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.W,
Fur Mountain Park', sVo n. ni 3 OS, S.OO p.
m. Sumla s. 2.15 p. m.
For Atlantic City, 8 20 a. m.
l'or New York, Newark und l.llzahetn,
SL0 (express) a. m., 32.43 (express with
Buffet parlor ear), 3.03 (express) p. , m.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m. Tialn leaving 124j p.
m aiilves at Philadelphia. Jleadlns? Term
inal. 6.23 p. m. und New Yoik 0.00 p. rn.
For Miluch Chunk. Allcntown, Bethle
hem, F.aston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. in.,
12.43, 3 03, BOO (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sunday, 2.13 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
S 20 a. in. and 12.45 p. m.
For Beading, Lebanon and Harrisburg,
via Allentown, 8.20 u. m., 12 43, 3.00 p. m.
Sunday. 2.15 p. m.
For Pottsville, 8 20 a. m . 12 4j p. m.
Returning leavo New York, foot of Lib
erty street, North River, at 910 (expiecs)
am. 1.10. 1.30, 413 (express with Buflet
parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4 30 a. m.
Leave Now York, foot Whitehall street.
South Ferry, at 8 53 a. ni 1.00, 1.23. 3 53
p. m. Passengers arriving or departing
from this terminal ran connect under
cover -with all tho elevated railtoads,
Broadway c-ablo cars, and ferries to
Brooklyn and Staten Island, making quick
transfer to and from Grand Central Do
not and Long Island Railroad.
Leavo Philadelphia. Reading Terminal,
9 00 a. m 2 00 and 4 iO p. ni. Sunday, 6.23
aThioush tickets to all points nt lowest
rate may be had en application In od
anca to tho ticket at tho Ration.
Gen. Pass. Ast.
J. H. OLHAUSEX, Gen. Supt.
Del., Lacku. nnd Western.
Effect Monday, Juno 21, 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and nil polnta Last,
1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8 00 and 10 20 a. ni.; 12.53 and
3 33 P 111
Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia und tho South. 5.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a.
m . 12.53 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations, 3.4j p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, C 10 p. m.
Express for Blnghamton, Oswego. El
mlra; Corning. Bath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.33, 9 00 a. m.,
and 1.53 p. m , making close connections at
Buffalo to all points in tho West, North
west and Southwest.
Rlnghamton nnd way station, 1.03 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 anil CIO
p. m.
Blnghnmtoii and
Elmlra express, C 53
p. ni.
Fxnresa for IJtlca and Rlchdeld Springs.
2 33 a. ni. and 1.55 p. m.
Ithaca, 2 35, 9 00 n. m., nnd 1.63 p, m.
For Northumberland, I'lttstou, Wilkes
Bane, Plymouth, Bloomsbmg and Dan
ville, making clo-ni connection ut North
umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg,
Baltimore, Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 0 00. 10 20 a. m.. and l.W and 0 00 p.m.
Nantlcoko and Intermediate stations,
8 03 and 11,20 a. III. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, i 49 and 8.47 p. ni. l'or
Kingston. 12.40 p. m
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
For detailed Information, pocket tlmo
tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, Dis
trict Passenger At'ent, depot ticket olllce.
Erie nnd Wyoming Vnllcy,
IN Effect Sept. 19. 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton for New York
cui4 Intermediate polnta on Erlo railroad,
The I
Wyoming ATcnucs. 5
also for Haw ley and local points at 7.03
a. m. and 2.23 p. m.
Arrive at Scranton from above polnta
at 1023 a. in., 3.15 and 9.33 p. m.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
On Monday, July C, trains -will leavo
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondalo C 20, 7.53, 8 53, 10 13 a.
m.: 12.00 noon; 121. 2 20, 3.52, 5 23, C.23, 7.67.
9.15. 10 45 p. m.; 12.10 a m.
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., COa. m..
2 20 p. m.
For Honesdale C.20. 8.53, 10.15 a. m.;
12 00 noon; 2.20, 5 25 p. m.
For Wllkes-Barre C 43, 7.50, 8.43, 9 3S,
10 43 a. m.; 12 05, 1.25, 2 23, 3.3J, 4.41, COO, 7.50,
9.60. 11.30 p. m.
For Now Yorlc, Philadelphia, etc., via,
Lehigh Valley K. R., 6 43, 7.50 a. in.; 12 05,
1.23, 4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. polnta C.45, 9.38,
a. m.; 2.28, 4 41 p. m.
For western points via Lehigh Valley
R. R 7.50 a. m.; 12 05, 8 33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9 50. 11 30 p. m.
Trains will airlxe at Scranton as fol
lows :
From Carbondalo and tho north 6 40
7.43, 8 40, 9 31, 10 40 a. ni.: 12 00 noon; 1.20.
2 24, 3.23, 4 37, 5.45. 7.43, 9.45, 11 23 p. m.
From Wllkes-Barro and tho south 0 15
7.50, 8 50, 1010, 1155 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14, 3 48.
5 20. 6 21, 7 53. 9 05. 9.43 p. m.; 12 03 a. m.
J. W. BURDICK, G. P. A, Albany, N Y.
II. W. CROSS. D V A . Scranton. Pa.
Lehigh Vnllcy Rnilrond System.
Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively, Insur
ing Cleanliness nnd Comfort.
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
A II. It. R at C 43, 7 50 a. m., and 12 05, 1.25.
2 2S, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and
11 30 p. m.
For Pittston tnd Wllkes-Barre Ia D.
L. & W. R. R.. 6 00. 8 OS, 11.20 a, m., 1 63
3.40, 6 00 and 8 47 p. m.
For White Haen, HaIeton, Pottsvlllo,
nnd principal points In the coal regions
la D. & II. R. P , 6.43, 7.50 a. m 12 05 and
4.41 p. m.
For Bethlehem, Uaston, Heading, Har
rlshurg und principal Intermediate sta
tions via. D. & It. R R. 6 43. 7 50 a. m..
12 03, 1.23. 2 2S. 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4 41 nnd 11.30 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlia,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6 00, 8 OS a.
m . 12.40 and 3.40 p. m.
Tor Geneva, Rochester. Ruffalo.Nlagara
Falls. Chicago and all points wast via D.
& II. R. R , 12 05. 3 31 (Black Diamond
Express), 9 50 and 11.30 p. m
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lhlgh
Valley chair cars on all trains betwn
Wllkes-Barro nnd New York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CIIAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt , Phlla.,
A. W. NONMI3MACHER, Asst. Gon.
Pass. Agt.. South Bothlchein, Pa.
Scranton Ofllce. 309 Lackawanna nvenue.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
Time Tablo in Effect Oct. 3. 3897.
Trains leavo Scranton for Carbondals
at 10.63 iu m. and 6.10 p. 111.
For Cadoshu connecting with main lino
tinlns north and south, utlOKa. m.
Train lcaes CadoMa for Scranton at
2.03 p. m.
Tiains leavo Caibondalo for Scranton
at 7.31 a. m. nnd 3 34 p m
Fine Line of
Diamond and Combination Rings
Sterling Silver Ware and
Sterling Novelties.
Finest stock of Watches,
all the latest styles aud sizes
at very close figures.
The largest Jewelry House
in Northeastern Peunsylva-,
130 Wyoming Ave,