The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1897, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Lackawanna gettnty.
(Readers will pleate noto that adver
tisements, ordirs for Job work, nnd
Items for publication left at tho estab
lishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers.
North Main street, will recclvo prompt at.
tentlon; office open from 8 a. m. t 10
P. m.
Attempt to Hurn n I), nnd II. i'limp
On Monday evening the Delaware
nnd Hudson pump house on Brooklyn
street was entered and robbed of vari
ous tools and other articles kept there.
A pile of wood and material for a
quick fire was placed against tho
building and set on fire. Fortunately,
James Campbell, who has charge of
the pumps, made his evening lnspec
tlln and discovered the blaze, which
had not gained much headway. It Is
not known who were the robbers, but
It Is not unlikely that It was nil done
by tramps.
The regular six moon election for
the ofllces of Lackawanna Tribe, N.
EOS, Improved Order of Red Men, ww
held on Tuesday evening. The follow
ing officers were elected: Sachen,
Thomas Boyle; senior sagamore, Jib
Hawkins; Junior sagamore, Heny
Buchcrt; prophet, M. II. Tappanj trus
tee, Frank Elmer. Other olllcers ae
elected annually and hold over.
The chiefs-elect will bo raised tp
Oct. 12 by Deputy Great Sachem Jom
E. Bone, of this city.
At their last meeting Cnmbrin
lodge, I. O. O. F elected olllcers 'or
tho coming term as follows: Nolo
grand, George W Evans; vice-graid,
A. "W. Bagley; secretary, C. A. Koie;
treasurer, A. F. Frey; trustee, Edw.rd
Inch; representative to Grand locje,
Joseph "Wallls; Janitor, E. A. Dlts.
Tho Installation ceremonies will be
conducted by District Deputy Gnnd
Master Charles F. Barker, of Jernyn,
on Saturday evening.
The Wayne county falr.whteh opned
yesterday and will continue for rirce
days, was well attended by people rom
this city. Four cars on tho grsvlty
road were filled with passenger! for
Honesdale, who visited the fair. Anong
those who drove over yesterday norn
lng were: Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Ma
laun, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Snyder.MIss
Amy Klnback, Messrs. II. B. II. Kin
back, Charles Drake, Clarence and
Thomas Morgan, James Getungs,
James O'Boyle, David Lewis anl son,
William Healey, Fred Watt andC. W.
graduate courso at thd Jefferson Medical
college. Ho expects to open nn olllco In
Honesdale. lrena Scurry, who has been at
tending a training school for nurses at
Philadelphia, lins returned home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1'. F. Lcnnlmn, of Wilkes
Ilarre, lmvo returned homo after a visit
to tliclr daughter, Sirs. T. J. Lamb.
Thomas O'Conncll la considering tho
mutter of erecting several brick build
Ihi;h on 1'nrk place.
James Klrkwood and son, T. A. Klrk
tvood, are In Philadelphia. Tho former's
eyt3 will receive treatment at tha Will's
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Smith, of Blngham
ton, who lmvo been spending part of
their vacation at II, T. Jackson's, on
Wyoming street, havo returned home.
Ilio Alumni Football team 1ms been re
organized for tho senson. Patrick Bren
na'.i 1ms been re-elected captain and a
number of thoo who played last season,
aru again In tho team. In a fow weeks
tno men will bo ready for work.
.' Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Glenn and fnm-
I'y of Simpson, nttcndod the marrlago
of Patrick nines, Mrs. Glcnns brother,
to Mls3 Lizzie Langan, at Pittston, yes
tciday afternoon.
John Dawning, sr.,of South Park street,
after nn absence of two weeks caused
by illness, has returned to his duties in
tho gravity car shops.
Tho announcement has been made of
tto coming marrlngo of Miss Elizabeth
Gerrlty, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James
Gcrrlty. Tho event will occur at St.
Roso church Wednesday, Oct. 20.
Tho autumnal danco by tho Ellto danc
ing clans will bo given nt tho Burko
building tomorrow night. Ttirnbull has
chargo of tho decorations. Tho Mozarts
will furnish tho music.
For tho rest of tho month tho Dela
ware nnd Hudson collieries wilt bo on
half time. Tho order was given yestcr.
The vestry of Trinity church met on
Tuesday evening and received tho resig
nation of tho rector, Bov. Charles L.
Fltchett. Tho resignation wns accepted
to take effect on or beforo tho first of
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, Inclusive.
from Pcckvlllo wore: Mr. and Mrs. Phl
lotus Sncdlcor, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kln
back, Miss Katlo Klnback, Mr. and Mrs.
James Kay, Mrs. John Qrlsdale, Miss
Pearl Grlsdalo, Mrs. Emma Kendall,
Mr. and Mrs. Chariot Kny, Miss Edith
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Jones, Miss Annlo Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Mason Pickering, Mr. nnd Mrs. Z. P.
Travis, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wall, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Columbus Oreen, Mr, nnd Mrs. Ed.
Jones, Mrs. Joo Slckler, Mr. Jaka Depew
nnd Miss Edna Dcpow.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, Inclusive.
Tho Klots Throwing compniv'fl silk
llll Is working night and day. About
R40 girls and boys are employed by
rday, while eighty boys hav night
work. Some fifty new hand havo
' been recently engaged from Forest
City, Jermyn and other placet A car
load of machinery, the last reeded in
the mill, has Just been recel'cd from
the W. A. Morrison company.of W111I
mantic, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Berry, f Cnnann
street, left yesterday for a t.vo weeks'
visit with their son in Waterlury, Conn.
Dr. D. L. Bailey and W. W. Watt
were amonir those who atended tho
Wayno county fair yesterday
Miss Graco Tallmnn, of Nrth Church
street, is visiting her parents in Jack,
Mrs. Daniel Kelly, of Otego. is spend
lng a few days with friends in this
Mrs. William Krants, of Belmont street,
has received tho intelligence other broth
er's death, Georgo Grant. Ho died H
Scotland tho ninth of this month.
F. II. Derby and Daniel Scurry, of the
Carbondalo Cycle club, attended tho clnm
bake given by tho Suburban Wheelmen
of Blnkely, last evening.
J. Russel Jones, tho popular manager
rf the "Indians," Is ill with an attack of
tho grip.
Miss Anna Taylor, who has been spend
ing tho summer with her mother, Mrs.
Ell Dickenson, of South Church street,
has returned to her home In Baltimore.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Rogers, of Den
ver, Cot., Mrs. Healey and Mrs. Sidney
Hayes, of Scranton, nro guests of Mr.
nnd Mrs. II. O. Watrous, of Washing
ton street.
Dr. II. C. Wheeler has had plans pre
pared for a brick dwelling on his Church
Btiect lot.
Dr. II. C. Many, of Honesdale, visited
nt tho homo of F. T. Gelder. on River
street, on Tuesday. Ho has Just return
ed from Philadelphia, after taking a post
A grand testimonial concert will bo held
In tho Calvary Baptist church on Oct.
IS, In honor of our own John T. Watklus,
who leaves -omo tlrr.o In December to con
tinue his courso In tho Royal Academy in
London. Homo of tho best talent in tho
state havo been secured to take part In
tho programme. Miss Sadlo Kaiser, tho
famous soprano, will also bo present. The
programme will appear In this column
later. Admission, l'j cents; reserved seats,
35 cents,
Master Thomas L. Jones, of this place,
was tho guest of friends in Hydo Park
Tho funerals of tho lato Isaac Watklns
and William Thompklns, who met death
In Jermyn No. 1 mines on Tuesday by an
explosion, will occur on Friday and Sat
urday respectively. Tho former will bo
burled In tho AInrcy cemetery and tho
later in, tho Forty Fort cemetery. "
William Masters hereby challenges Wil
liam Davis for a horso race, Including
three heats, best two In three, for a purso
of $10.
Dr. J. L. Grlffltbf is having a beautiful
fence erected around his new property
on Railroad street.
Yesterday Supervisor P. J. Qulnn nnd
his corps of workmen, of Lackawanna
township commenced work at tho new
road which Is to bo connected with tho
new road with tho borough at North
Tuylor. Tho road will (pass through Isaac
II. Felts' land to tho Archbald. Tho road
will bo of great benellt to the pedestrians
who travel that way.
Mrs. William M. Evans and son, Milton,
of Hydo Park, was tho guest of her
mother In Rendham yesterday.
Lackawanna Valley Council, No. SI, Jr.
O. U. A. M., will meet this evening in
Van Horn's hall. At this meeting Repre
sentative II. J. Daniels, who attended
tho grand session In Altoona, will mako
his report.
Tho employes of tho Archbald colliery
will receive their monthly earnings for
September tomorrow.
Mrs. Frank Lowry nnd Miss Graco
Lowry left yesterday for East Strouds
burg for a two works' visit.
Knights of tho Golden Eagle, No. 2(7,
will meet thli evening In Iteeso's hall.
Tbero fs talk of organizing an In-door
baso ball team. Last year when tho Na
tional gamo was finished tho Reds aid
not disband, but continued with tho In
door game, and were soon counted tho
crack team of tho county.
Yesterday afternoon tho funeral of the
Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Evans,
of Old Forge, took place. Services wero
conducted In tho house. Burial was made
in tho Marey cemetery.
Messrs. B. J. and W. J. Davles, of thl3
place, attended tho fair in Honesdalo yes
terday. Tho Homo Guard will meet tomorrow
evening in their usual meeting place.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
S to Oct. 1, inclusively.
Tho I), nnd II. Fnu IIouso Unilly
Damaged by rinmas--A I'nlso
Alitrm--IUglnvny Hobbcrs nt Work
About 12.43 yesterday tho whlstlo nt tho
Dclawaro nnd Hudson breaker sounded
tho alarm of fire. Tho fow members of
Crystal Fire company, who wero not nt
work, wero soon upon tho sccno of ac
tion. Tho llro wns discovered In tho fan
house, used to provldo fresh air for min
ers. All tho windows wero barred up
and on nccount of tho denso smoke, It
was ullllcult, for some time, to locato tho
flames. When tho smoko had sufficiently
cleared away It was found tho tiro was
In tho shaft siding, tho origin of which
was attributed to a hot Journal on ono
of tho engines. Tho Hoso company work
ed for about nn hour before tho llro wns
put out. It Is very lucky that tho build
ing was not destroyed, for if it wns, it
would necessltato shutting down tho mlno
until tho building was rebuilt, as this
Is their only means of forcing fresh nlr
Into tho mines.
At G.45 an alarm of ftro was sounded,
but upon Investigation, no llro could bo
found. A largo brush heap was burning
on Third street, which no doubt was tho
causo of tho alarm.
A party composed of a number of
young people enjoyed a straw rldo to
Vandllng last evening.
On Sunday evening last a Hungarian,
whllo walking from Peckvlllo to his homo
at Mayilcld yard, woo set upon by thrco
men near tho water tank, south of tho
Dclawaro and Hudson depot, who beat
him severely, also relieving him of his
mency nnd watch. After his experience
on tho railroad ho got on a street car.
Ho was covered with blood, his clothes
wero torn and wns minus a hat.
Magglo Forbes, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Forbes, of Pcnn avenue, who
died on Tuesday morning of typhoid fe
ver, will bo burled this afternoon at 3
o'clock in Calvary cemetery.
E. F. Edmunds, of tho Mnyfleld house,
refused nn offer of threo hundred nnd
fifty dollars for his trotting horse, Har
ry D.
District Deputy Grand Master Charles
F. Baker, of this place, will Install tho
officers of Cambrian lodge. Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, nt Carbondalo, on
Saturday evening.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, inclusive.
Mrs. Ira Porter is vlfltlng with rela
tives In New York state.
D. C. Bced was iprefcented with a bi
cycle last week by his eon, Harry, of Jer
sey CttK.
James Brodhcrd and family, of Elk
Lake, nro visiting nt tho homo of his
father, Mr. Samuel Brodhead,
FIro plugs havo been put In plnco nt
Lawroncovlllo to accommodato tho now
hoso company recently organized.
Llttlo Aaron McCutchcon met with
what might havo been a serious accident
on Saturday ovenlng.Hc, with his broth
er, was crossing the Lackawanna brldgo
when tho llttlo fellow mado n mi&stcp
and fell over tho embankment but escaped
with fow bruises.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, inclusive.
At tho morning service held In tho
Methodist Episcopal church last Sunday
tho pastor received right persons Into
church fellowship by letter.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Mctno
dlst Episcopal church will hold a meeting
In tho church parlors Thursday afternoon
at 2.30.
A home missionary meeting will bo held
In tho Methodist Episcopal church next
Wednesday, Oct. C, both morning and af
ternoon. Ladles from Scranton, West
Pittston nro to bo present to speak. All
nro Invited to attend.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, Inclusive.
Dr. A. F. Merrill: secretary, Arthur Chi.
ohestor: financial secretary, George T.
Hatfield; treasurer, P. II. Carpenter;
executlvo committee, J. D. Ltndsley, W.
E. Wltllnms nnd Charles Honey.
John A. Menrs, of Scranton, wns In
town Tuesday.
.Mrs. 1). F. Bornstcln nnd children nro
visiting In Wllllnmsport.
Wllllnm Knocllcr wns In Blnghnmton
Mrs. A. J. Tyler, of New York city, Is
tho guest at tho homo of John Tyler,
or. Pino street.
C. A. Hotdcn Is having a building erect
ed on his lot on Main street. Tho build
lng, when completed, will bo used as a
steam laundry nnd will bo opcrntcd by
Mr. Holdcn. Wo wish him success In his
n;w enterprise.
If. S. Jamison visited at Afton, N. Y.,
Robert Coddlngton, of Blnghamton, N,
y vhlted hero tho first of tho week.
The Hnllstead Herald, Hallstcad's rep.
resentatlvo newspaper, appeared Wednes
day as a weekly, instead 'of a seml-wcck-ly,
ns It has been published for tho past
year. The paper now consists of eight
In placo of four pages, nnd is filled with
cholcn nnd cntcrtnlnlng reading matter
that speuks much for tho ability and
get-up of tho proprietors, Chaso &
Church, who havo mado many noticeable
Improvements on tho paper since it has
been under their control. Wo wish them
unlimited success with tho Herald.
Visit tho Dallas Fnlr. Open from Sept.
23 to Oct. 1, Inclusive.
Are Here.
ness nnd suffering by keeping your
blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsa
parilla. Weak, thin, Impure blood Is
sure to result In disease.
HOOD'S PILLS arc easy to take,
easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, bil
iousness. 25c.
A number from this place arc In attend
ance at tho Harford fair.
Mrs. J. P. Loderlck has returned homo
after an extended visit nt Newton, N. J.
Fred D. Lamb will visit tho Parlor city
Tho Good Citizens leaguo club elected
tho following olllcers for tho ensuing
year ntji meeting held Monday evening:
President, John Young; vlco president,
for those who will go today nn get n pack
ace. of UHAIN-O. It takes thonlnco of colfeo
nt about 14 tlio cost. It Is n food drink, full .
oriiealtu. nnu can bo given to tlio children ns
well ns tho adult with great benefit. It Is
rnndo of pnro grains' nnd looks nnd tastes
llko tho UiiCHt grades of Mocha ofJiiuicoU'ee.
It satisfies everyone, A cup of Grnln-O Is
better for tho system than 11 tonic, because
ltso bnellt Is permanent. What colleo brenks
down Grnln-O builds up. Ask your grocer
for UBAIN-O. 15c. nnd V!5c.
Health is Wealth.
la eoldnndor positlvo "Written Guarantee,
bjr authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memoir,
Dizzinoes, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Qtilck
nosB, Night Losses, Kvil earns, Lack of Conn
dence, Nervousness, LnssUado, nit Brains, Youth
ful Errors, or Exceesivo Urn of Tobacco, Opium,
nr Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At storo or by mail, SI a
box; six for 15; with written enaranteo to
euro or refund money. Sample pack
age, containing fivo days' treatment, with fall
instructions, 25 cents. Ono sample only sold to
cacn person. At storo or by man.
835"ne1 Labol Special
txtra btrengin. ..
For Imcotoncy. Loss of
Pnwfir. Lost AinnhcKxI.
Sterility or DarrBnnossi
Si n uox; bix lor f u, wun
written srunraiitApl'J
tn mi. Mln .U1, lava A, ntn.nil
flBFOR&orbymall. t
Wm. Q. Clark, 326 I'enn, Ave., Scranton, Pa
"sir im '
U :r"yfgS'
A Desperate Woman.
Experts in insanity tell
us that when anvone ?oes
Insane, frequently their whole nature is re
versed. They do and say exactly the op.
posite things to what they would do in
.their sane minds. A mother whose mind
breaks down under extreme nervous ten
sion may turn upon the one object in all
the world most precious to her her baby.
The terrible nervous tension under which
many women live and suffer because of
some weakness or disease of their sex,
keeps them on the very verge of insanity.
The constant drag and drain upon the com.
plicated and delicate organism affects the
whole nervous system and works upon tlio
brain with an almost irresistible madness.
Thousands of suffering women have been
literally saved from the insane asylum by
the timely influence of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It Is the one perfect and pos
itive specific for every derangement of wo
man's special organism. It is a scientific
and permanent cure for those severe,
chronic, complicated cases which doctors
usually consider hopeless. It is the only
medicine of its kind devised by an educated
and stilled physician.
Mrs. Surah It. Kalns, of Hayton, Cass Co.. Mo.,
In a letter to Dr. Werce, write.: " It was in the
winter of 1S90 that ray sufferings commenced. H
was cloe to my time of confinement. I took the
grip, and that with the labor pain, all went to
tiy head. I sutTered dreadfully, and when I gave
birth to my little boy I kept getting wor.e. I
doctored but nothing did me any cool. I had
nervous spasms and was delirious Oh. no tmurue
can express my sufferings, I was advised by a
lady to try your medldne and I did. I got one
bottle of the Favorite Prescription and one of
the 'Oolden Medical Discovery.' 1 had taken
two-thirds of the medicine when it commenced
its work. I bejn to reel better, and still con.
tlnued getting Utter. In a short time I felt like
another woman. I gained strength nnd flesh. I
am now forty-one years of ag. This is true, and
it was your medicine that saved my life."
u2?J' Sletcc'.e 'coo-page illustrated book,
"The People's Medical Adviner" sent, paper'
bound, free for the cost of mailing only,
one-cent stamps; or. cloth-bound 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Euffalo, N. Y.
A "smoker" was given by tho suburban
Yheelmen Tuesday evening In their rooms
n Scott street. About forty members
and friends wero present and a mo3t en
joyable time) was provided. Tho pnncl
pil diversion wero cards and music.
A'jout 12 o'clock refreshments wero
served. Thoso present were: T. It. Der
b, Daniel Scurry, Carbondale; T. V.
Lcng, J. Kllttcroft, Scianton; A. 1 Klzer,
Pu'kvlllc; Professor Arnold, Plttslield,
M.-hs.; F. L. Northup V. J. Uartliolcl,
Join Thomas, Oscar Azer, A. I Shaw, O.
W. Houser, D. A. Itoblnson. G. S. Wil
Uans, Thomas Evans, II. 15. Matthew
Fon, K. A. Dakln, ltobert Shaw, William
Winters, T. M. Voyle, Dr. I L. Van
Slcke, Dr. Van Busklrk, S. M. Snook,
M. F. Hamdcn. E. C. Owens, '.. D. Ed
wank, Arthur Wlddowfleld, D. W. Harris,
D. L. Jones, W. D. Parry, Georgo Watts,
T. E. Williams, W. L. Schlager and A. U.
Scrface. ,
"A 31g Heart" will bo tho attraction
at tho Father Mathew Opera houso Sat
urday evening. Monday, Tuesday nnd
Wednesday evenings of next week tho
Wood dsters will appear In a ilrst-class
vaudovilo performance, and Oct. 8, Field's
mlnstros will show here.
W. L. 5chlager's bleyclo was stolen from
tho lobly of his olllco in Scranton yes
terday. P. A. Ihllbln, of Archbald, was a caller
In town yesterday.
Misses .Vnnto and Elizabeth Jordan aro
spending .ho week In New York.
Mrs, E. J. Cochrano and daughter,
Cecil, aro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J.
Tho Infatt, child of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sweeney, tf Upper Dunmoro street, died
yesterday altcrnoon, Tho funeral will tako
placo this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made in St. Patrick's ceme
tery. On Tucsda) afternoon Jacob Knntz had
his thumb cut off by a buzzsaw whllo at
work in Johnson's blacksmith shop,
William Winters was In Bcranton yes
terday. Miss Allda McIIale, of Green Illdge, Is
tho guest of her brother, J. It. McIIale, of
Dunmoro street,
Andrew Patttn, of Carbondale, circu
lated among friends hro yesterday.
Visit tho Dallas Fair. Open from Sept.
18 to Oct. 1, inclusive.
A birthday surprlso party was tendered
Walter Graham at his lomo on Hickory
street Monday evening, jho occasion be
ing his thirty-fourth birthday. About 9
o'clock the crowd begnti to gather and
presented him with a harVlsomo chair as
a token of tho high ostein In which ho
was held, Mr. Grahaml then thanked
them very kindly, Refreshments were
then nerved and a social time enjoyed
by all. Those present wire: Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Nyhart.of rrcyldencej thoso ,'
e i
Our Fall Opening began
some days ago and is going
on all the time, Like the
milliner who buys bonnets
one of a kind and
the dry goods
man who shows
only one pattern
of a cloak, we
have exclusive
suits which come
one of a size and
are exclusive.
They are for
mothers who want
their boys dressed
different from oth
er boys and for
men who prefer
something out of
the ordinary. At
this time, while
the new stock is
complete and full
of sizes, we invite
you to a critical
and friendly in
spection of what
we have to show.
Leave the buying
until you
Mothersi have
your second
thought for the
boys wives! give
your husbands a
hint or two. Come here af
ter you have looked at Bon
nets and Jackets and see
what's new in Fall Clothes.
1 11 Stlit Clothiers,
I If
1 1
3 ' B
Newark 5
1 E
They're tho ciscnco of nil Hint's good in tho art of shoemnktng. Tho most skilled
workmen In tills country lmvo contributed their share of work In getting together
this stock of Full Footwear. There's a marked perfoollon in tho stylo and workmnn
ship. In fact, our wny of asserting tholroxcellenco does not half convey their ninny
goodnunllllcs. "fwlllpny you tocnll anil see this stock, ns It will bo of pocunlury
advantage aud otherwise essential to your being well dressed.
Men's Kino Shoes, sizes 0 to 11, widths AA to KK.
ladles' l'ino Hhoes, sizes 'JKj to 8, widths AA to Kli
Misses' aud Children's Shoes, all sizes aud widths, from A to EK.
Corner Lncknwannn and Wyoming Avcnuc3.
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bittenbender & Co.. Scranton. Pa.
Dill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Kails
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hi'-mloclt
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo nnd Susquc
'lanna Kallroad. At iMIna, Potter County, Pa., on Coudersport. and
Port Allcgnny Kailroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFFICE-Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
$ uiniiuunui u.iuuiuuj
Schedule In Effect November 15, 189S,
Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts,
burg and tho West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
. bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and the West.
0.00 p. m., week days, for Harloton
and Pottsville. . ,
J R. WOOl), Oen'l Posj. Asent.
J. B. HUTCHINSON. Ueneral Manaser.
Central Kallroad of. New Jersey
(LchlKh and Susquehanna Division.)
Stations in New York-Foot o Liberty
street NT H.. and Whitehall Terminal.
eAa.MtnVtinl used exclusively, lnsur-
Inir cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for I'lttston,
r' &&&& ,11.30 a. m.. 200
3.03, 0.00 p. in. Sundays, 3.00 a. m., 1.00, .o
P Fof Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. ,..,.
For New York, Newark ami Elizabeth,
S20 (express) a. m.. 12.43 (express with
Buffet parlor car), 3.03 (express) p. m.
Sunday. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving U.U p.
m. arrives at Philadelphia, UeadltiB Tcrm
. 1 ,i on,i Km York G.00 I), in.
For Tlaaich Chunk, Allentown, Bethle
hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a, m.,
12.45, 3.03, 0.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m. ,
For Lonsr Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
8,20 a. m. and 12.43 p. m.
For Heading, Lebanon and llarrisburs,
via Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.43, 5.00 v. m.
Sunday, 2.15 v. in.
For Pottsville. 8.20 a, m.. 12.45 p. tn.
Returning leavo New ork, foot of Lib
erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express)
a in!, 1.10, 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet
narlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m.
Leavo New York, foot Whitehall street.
South Ferry, at 8.03 a. in., 1.00, l.Z, 3.5j
p. m. Passengers arriving or departing
from this terminal can connect under
cover with all tho elevated railroads,
Broadway cable ears, nnd ferries to
Brooklyn and Staten Island, making quick
transfer to nnd from Grand Central De
pot and Long Island Railroad
Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal.
9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, C.2g
"'Through tickets to all point- nt lowest
rato may bo had on application In ad
vance to tho ticket ccent at tho station.
Gen. Pass. Agt.
J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt.
also for Hawley and local points at 7.03
a. in. and 2.25 p. m.
Arrlvo at Scranton from above points
at 10.23 a. m., 3.15 and 9.33 p. m.
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday, July 0, trains will leavo
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondale 6.20, 7.03, 8.03, 10.15 a.'
m.: 12.00 noon; 1.21. 2.20, 3.02, 5.23, C.2S, 7.07,
9.15, 10.45 p. m. ; 12.10 a, m.
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc, 6.20 a. m.,
2.20 p. m.
For Honesdale 6.20, 8.53, 10.15 a. m.T
12.00 noon: 2.20, 5.2G p. m.
For Wilkes-Barre 6.45. 7.00, 8.43. 9.33,
10.45 a. m.; 12.03, 1.25, 2.23, 3.33, 4.41, 0.00, 7.50,
9.50, 11.30 p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Valley R. R., e.43, 7.00 a. m.: 12.03,
1.25, 4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.43, 9.33,
a. m.; 2.23, 4.41 p. m.
For western points via Lehigh Valley
R. R., 7.60 a. m.". 12.03, 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9.60, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will arrlvo at Scranton us fol
lows: From Carbondalo and the north 6 40
7.4G, 8.40, 9.31, 10.40 a. m.: 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2.21, 3.2;, 4.37. 5.4o. 7.45, 9.45, 11.23 p. m.
From Wilkes-Barre and the south 6.13
7.00, 8.00, 10.10, 11.05 a. m.; 1.16. 2.14, 3.43,
5.20. 6.21, 7.03. 9.03, 9.43 p. m.; 12.05 a. m.
J. W. RI'ItniCK, G. P. A, Albany. N Y.
II. W. CROSS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Del., Laekn. and Western.
Effect Momlny, Juno 21, 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East.
1.40, 2.00, 0.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a. m.S 12.03 and
3 33 T7 HI
'Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia and tho South. 0.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a,
m.. 12.03 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington artd way stations, 3.4j p. m.
Toby hanna accommodation, .0.10 p. m.
Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El
mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris artd Buffalo, 12.10, 2.33. 9.00 a. m
and 1.53 p. m.. making close connections at
Buffalo to all points In tho West, North
west and Southwest.
Blnghamton and way station. LOG p. m.
NIaholson uccommodatlon, 4.00 and 6.10
P- '" , -.. r
P'nx'prcss for Utlc.a and Richfield Springs,
2.33 a, m, and 1.53 p. m.
Ithaca, 2.35, 9.00 11, m., nnd 1.0j p. m.
For Northumberland, I'lttston, Wilkes
Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
ville, making cloo connection at North
umberland for WJlllamsport. Harrlsburg,
Baltimore, Washington and tho South.
Northumberland and Intormollnto sta
tlona, 6.00. 10.20 a. m.. and 1.05 and 6.00 p.m.
Nantlcoko and Intermediate stations,
8.03 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3 43 and 8.47 p. m. For
Kingston, 12.40 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on
all expnans trains.
Kor umauou iniormauon, iiockci um
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket olllco.
Lehigh Valley Railroad System.
Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively. Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& II. R. R. at 6.43, 7.50 a. m and 12.03, 1.23,
2.28. 4,41 (Back Diamond Express) and
11.30 p. m.
For Pittston and Wllkes-Barro via D.
L. & W. R. II.. 0.00, 8.03, 11.20 a. m., 1.03
3.40, 6.00 and S.47 p. m.
For Whlto Haven. Hazleton, Pottsville,
nnd principal points In the coal renlons
via D. & II. It. H-. 6-43, 7.30 n. m., 12.03 and
'For BethlPhem. Easton, Reading, Har
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. It. R.. 6 43. 7.30 a. nv,
12 03 1.25. 2.28, 4.11 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4.41 nnd 11.30 p. m.
For Tunkhannock. Townnda, Elmlra,
Ithaca. Geneva and-principal Intermediate
stations via D.. L. & W. It. R.. 6.00, 8.0S a.
m.. 12.40 and 3.40 p. m.
For Geneva. Rochester, Buffalo.Nlngara
Falls. Chicago and all points west via D.
ft H R. R.. 12.03. 3.33 (Black Diamond
Express), 9.50 and 11.50 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Valley chair oars on all trains between
Wllkes-Barro nnd New York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CHAS. S. LEE, Oen. Pass. Agt., I'lilla.,
Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Ofllce, 309 Lackawanna avenue
III Ilffoct June 3?tll, J SSI
North Uuund.
Houtb Bound.
, tM
ir m
(Trains Dally, Ex.
I ll')t ciuuuaj.j
p iiiArrivB i-euve
23 M. v. r ruDKiin t;
10 a
Eric and Wyoming Valley,
IN Effect Sept. 19. 1897.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York
and intermediate points oa Erie railroad.
6 18 1 09
6 0713 86
6 0012 40
5 MU 0
ft 47 IS a
D 41 1314
n 20 M19
S 16111 9
8 001114
hi 07 mso
n ei'tiim
4 18.U 83
4 431118
4 40 U IS
4 88 11 11
4 311107
4 28 II 0)
4 J5I11 03
4 K 11 00
1 1'l!IY,7
West 4nd street
Arrive Leave
l'reston Park
piesbant Mt.
Forest city
White tlrld.o
Olythaut .
l M
7 40
6 28
6 42
6 St
2 31
2 41
7 0' a 06
70s se
78(1 S 8411
7 37,f3 88
7 4. fS 48
7 44
7 6M
7 88
7 63
8 45
3 61
8 84
8 89
18 1211
a l&N
k UP
4 20
Throon 8ON410
rrovidenco . in 10
Parle l'lsca
('Leave Arrlveli
All trains run d&llv xcnt RunafV.
t. Blgnines that trains stop on sljaal for pas-
eengers. . . . .
Secure rts Ha Ontario Vtrn befora'
Rurcbasing tlcketi and sto money. Day and
Ight Kipreis to the wesN
J.O,Auaerton,Oen.ra8s Agt.
T. FUtcrott. l)lv. tftin. A tsfeoran.toji. I'a.