The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1897, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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l '
Ufe$t Side
Was Tendered to Chorister Evan Miles
In the Welsh Calvanlstlc Methodist
Episcopal Church.
The congrcKntlon of the Welsh Cal
vanlstlc Methodist church, of South
Main Avniue. gathered at the church
last night nnd tendered the church
rhorlstor Evan Miles nnd his family a
fnnvell and testlmonal concert. Mr.
Miles and family will depart some
time this wvek for tlrltlsh Columbia
where they will hereafter reside.
Hov. Hugh Davles, pastor of the
church acted as chairman and deliver
ed the opsnlng address In which ho
drew the attention to the cfllclriit ser
vices In the church work, of the de
pal ting nnd particularly the woik he
had done In directing tlra music. The
Anthracite glee club then rendered a
selection alter which Daniel Moses,
superintendent of the Sabbath School
spoke In behalf of the school. Tim
sch'ool tendered Mr. Miles and family
their regrets nt his departure, butj
wished tlwrn a pleasant voyage and
success In their now home. After a
duet by Messrs Davles nnd Jenkins,
Miss Rachel Powell recited an np
proprlto selection. A quartette com
posed of the Messrs Ileese, Jenkins,
Owens, and Davles sang and Reese
and Powell then presented a testlmon
al of the congregation's regard In the
shape of a well filled purse, 'ine pre
sentation was made with a few fit
ting remarks and the surprised recepl
ent responded with a few words ex
pressing his deep appreciation.
Prof. W. JI. Warren sang, and Mrs.
George Howell spoke In behalf of th'e
Dand of Hope society. Mrs. Howell
upoke In a similar attain to the pre
ceedlntj speakers. Thy quartette rend
ered another selection and D. C. Bow
ell, addressed the gathorln-j on behalf
of the musicians and bands hereabouts.
The worth ni.d ability of Mr. Miles as
a tenor fcinger and chorister was testi
fied too mid his going away deeply re
gret by all. Prof. David Stevens tang
nnd the farewell address was given
by Rev. Hugh Davles. This part of
the session came to n. close with a
selection by the Anthraclto glee club.
Mrs. D. 11. Thomas acted as aecom
palnst. There were many friends present from
other portions of the city, and a gen
eral farewell hand shaking and the
expression of regret was tendered Mr.
Milfs and family. Mr. Miles rendered
a pelectlon himself as n sort of farewell
An unexpected participant was Mr.
Prober, of Wales, who is visiting hero
He Is a pianist of great ability and Is
a son of the famous bard Mr. Pros;r,
of South Wales. He gave several pleas
ing selection on the piano.
William Hammltt, of Hampton
Street, employed In Ansley's planing
mill met with severe Injuries while at
woik early yesterday morning. The
iirGil with Anlnml Kxtrai'ts. Free boolc
,'ushlngton, 1). C.
On Thursday, Sept. 30, and
Friday. Oct. 1, we will make our
first display of Novelties in Fall
Needless to add that the ex
.hibit will be one deserving of
your attention, and as usual the
public in general will be wel
come visitors on the days
t '
Globe Warehouse
and City
younp nvn was working at one of the
mnclilnes when one of the larxo belts
broke and the whirling leathsr struck
him In the fnco Inflicting several bad
cuts anil povere contusions. Ho wont
to his home here hln wounds were
diossed by Dr. A. A. Llndabury.
Miss Minnie S. Gibbons, the talented
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gib
bons, of 1033 Lafayette street, nas
united In marriage to William F. Hosle,
of Broadway, yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The event took place nt St.
Patrick's church and the beautiful
ceremony was performed by the rector,
Rev. J. B. Whelnn. The bride was at
tired In a pretty brown traveling suit,
nnd was attended us bridesmaid by her
sister, Miss Kittle Gibbons, who was
costumed In a gown of blue cloth. Both
ladles can led bridal roses. Mr. Hosto
was attended by William II. Gaughnn
ns best man. The ceremony over, the
couple were driven to the Deyaware,
Lnckawnnna and Western depot.whero
they took the 3.33 o'clock train for New
York city, to enjoy a short wedding
trip. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs.
Hosle will reside at 20S Broadway. Mr3.
Hosle Is a reflned and cultured young
lady, with a charming disposition, and
Is a graduate of Bloomsburg State
Normal school. She has been n public
school teacher for some time. Mr.
Hosle is a Unotyper at the Truth office,
nnd is well known for his affability.
Both young people enjoy a wldo circle
of acquaintances.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of
Jackson street, are entertaining Mrs.
Charles Davis and daughters, Edeila
and Esther, of Elmlra.
Samuel Glnader, of Merrlfleld street,
has returned from n visit to New Yoik
Michael Duffy, of Price street, Is en
tertaining Edward Dunn, of Oxford,
N. Y.
Thomas Davies, of Wilkes-Barre, has
assumed the position at Musgiave's
pharmacy left vacant by the departure
of Frederick Nelce, to attend college at
William Watklns and George Frle
gold, of Plymouth, visited West Scran-
ton friends early In the week.
Miss Anna Lake Is home from a trip
to New York city.
Thomas Morgan, of North Sumner
avenue, Is at Wllkes-Barre.
Miss Leah Hammltt, of North Brom
ley avenue. Is the guest of friends at
Miss Ruth Harlow, of North Hyde
Park avenue. Is visiting at Plttston.
MIs3 Mary Harrlson.of Cameron ave
nue, is entertaining Miss Genevieve
McAvey, of Wilkes-Barre.
Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Lincoln ave
nue, Is home from a trip to Niagara
Mrs. A. A. Robertson, of North Re
becca avenue, has returned from a
visit at Buffalo.
John Morgan, of Sumner avenue, Is
In Philadelphia on business.
The funeral of the late Mn. J. W.
Quick will lake place from the r sl
dence 1319 Jackson Street, Friday
morning at ten o'clock. Short services
will bo held and tho remnlns will be
taken to Brooklyn, In via ths one
o'cl'ork Delawnro Lackawanna and
Western train.
Wo laundry stiff collars with soft
button holes. Crystal Laundry.
Fred Cramer, of Nortl) Garfield Ave
nue, was discharged fiom tho West
Side hospital yesterday having under
gone treatment for ncuto rheumatism.
Dr. E. Y. Harrison, Dentist, Meara
Hall. 113 S. Main nvenue.
The Jackson Street Baptist choir,
under the leadership of Kvan J. Davles,
chorister, entertained tho Inmates of
the Hillside Home yesterday with a
flno vocal and Instrumental concert.
The latest and best styles. Roberta,
120 North Main.
Ucst Side liuslucss Directory.
prhcnologlst, 412 North Main avenuo.
anything you have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and eo tho
stock of J. C. King, 7U1 to 7(M West Ixck.
awanna avenue
Tho funeral of John Kelly will bo held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho
home of his sister, on Deacon street. In
terment will bo mado In tho Catholic
cemetery at Olyphant.
Dr. J. J. Sullivan, Jr., left for Philadel
phia yestcrduy, where ho will cntor tho
University of Pennsylvania.
Sclden Beagle, of Norwlck, N. Y Is
tho guest of his sister, Mrs. C. D. Howe,
of Grace street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Mason, of Edna ave
nue, are visiting Mrs. Mason's father,
Randolph Crlppen, of Dalton.
Mrs. D. E. Fitzgerald Is seriously 111 at
her homo on West Market street.
A. S. Whitney, of Jermyn, Is spending
a few days nt tho homo of Martin Apple
man, on Parker street.
Tho Junior Baptist "ioung People's
union of tho West Market street Welsh
Baptist church, held a teccptlon In th
tarlors of the church taut Tuesday af
ternoon. Cake nnd Ico creum wore Bcrved
to tho large throng of little ones who
wero present, nnd they were treated with
a musical programme of rare excellence.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. F. Crossman, of Throop
street, called on friends In Carbondale,
The Ladles Aid society or the Welsh
Congregational church are preparing for
their annual tea party, which falls on
New Year s Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stevens nnd Mr.
and Mrs. B. O. Robinson are spending a
few days' outing nt Lake WInola.
Tho funeral of the Infant son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Thomns Harrington will tako placo
this afternoon ut 2 o'clock from tho fam
ily residence, on Mnrvlno avenue. In
terment will bo made In Hydo Park Cath
olic cemetery.
Mrs. William II. Williams gavo a re
ception last evening at her home, on Oak
street, In honor of her fiftieth birthday.
A largo number were present and extend
ed Mrs. Williams their congratulations.
Surper was served. Mrs. Williams was
tho lcceplent of a lnrgo number of use
ful presents.
This evening Miss Fanny Crosbv, the
b'Ind poetess, will appear In tho Metho
dist Episcopal church nnd will recite some
of her own poems. An excellent musical
programmo has also been gotten up In
connection with the literary pari of the
evening's entertainment. The presence of
Miss Crosby should alone servo to at
tract a largo audience.
Margaret Sims, the young child, who
met with a serious accident last week, Is
recovering rapidly.
The following programme will bo ren
dered this evening in the providence Metb
odlht Episcopal church:
Organ voluntary Miss Hello Green
Son,; Choir
Recitations, "Our Baby," "Mama's
Lullaby" Miss Crosby
Vocal solo Miss Mary Davles
Recitations, "American Homes and
Hearts," "Soldiers Reverie,"
Miss Crosby
Duet.. ..Raymond Robinson, Graco Evans
Recitation, "Tne Slelghrldo"..Miss Crosby
Violin solo Wlllard Benjamin
Song Oholr
Recitations. "The Singer and tho
Han'," "Tho Maple Tree,"
Miss Crosby
Solo Miss Helen Dawson
Recitation "Uncle Josh's Tea Party"
Song Choir
Recitations, "Grandpa's Rocking
Chair." "Three Score and Ten,"
Miss Crosby
Duet. ..Misses Mary and Margaret Davies
Recitations, "We Know Not," "Good
Night" Miss Crosby
Bong Choir
At the South Side Young Women's
Christian association, 1021 Cedar avenue,
an evening school for young women will
open October S. All tho English branches
will be taught, certlllcates being granted
at tho cloho of tho year's work. Litera
ture, German and embroidery will also be
taught. A new featuro of the work this
year will be a class In physical culture.
Come to tho ofllce at tho rooms and reg
ister for tho classes. Any young woman
Is Invited to Join our evening school.
Reasonable rates and good Instruction.
The func-ral of tho late Dennis Ward,
of 32S Laurel court, took place yesteiday
morning at 9 o'clock. A requiem mass
was celebrated In St. Peter's cathedral
and Interment was made in Avoca Catho
lic cemetery.
Miss Mary Kochomann, of Prospect ave
nue, nnd Fred LoRornarln, of Lackawanna
avenue, were married In St. Mary's, Ger
man Catholic church yesterday morning
by Rev. Father Christ, who also celebrat
ed a nuptial mass. Georgo Krort was
gtoomsmau and 'Mist, Ermine Orban
Urrt MoGrath. of South Washington
avenue, leaves today for the University
of Pennsylvania, where he will tako a
courso In dentistry.
Mrs. Albert Westpfahl, of Prospect ave
nue, is visiting friends In Ilawley.
Miss Anna Williams has returned to
her homo In Peckvllle, after visiting
friends on Remington avenue.
Tho Misses Mohady, of Arehbald, are
the guests of Miss Kathryn McCann, of
Cherry street.
Miss Gertrude MeGee, of Cedar avenue,
left yesterday for East Stroudsburg,
where sho will enter tho Normal school.
Patriotic Council, No. S2. Junior Order
United American Mechanics, was Institut
ed last night in Hartman's hall.
We laundry stiff collars with soft
button holes. Crystal Laundry
A surprlbo party wns tendered to Hob
ert llossar nt his home on Jefferson ave
nue Tuesday evening In honor of his
birthday. All present spent a pleasant
tlmo and nt a lato hour refreshments
wero served after which tho guests dis
persed to their homes. Those who com
posed tho party were: Tho Misses Huttlo
Fischer. Mabel Waterman, Anna Water
man. Menta Miller, Mabel Frederic!, Car.
rlo Fischer. Huttlo Colvln, Grace Ar
nold, Alice and Kdna Buckingham;
Messrs. Churles Bray, Ueorgo Bast, Kl.
burn Harding, Ira Nolan, Otto and Illch
ard Weber, Albert Bray, l'almer Price,
Tom Kynon, Louis Brady, Frank Edgar,
Arthur Brown, Bay Frederlcl and Churles
Mr. and Mrs. DeForcst, of Hanover,
N. Y., aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Carr, of Dickson avenuo.
Tho members nnd congregation of tho
Fresbyterlan church tendered a reception
to their new pastor, Ilov, Isaua Lansing,
In tho church parlors last eevnlng after
prayer meeting.
Mrs. J. B. Berry nnd daughter. Lillian,
of Wllkes-Barre, are visiting Mrs. Per
rys son, S. It. Terry and family, on
Capouso avenue.
Mrs. S. C. Dorsey, of Delaware street,
Is spending a few days with friends at
Great Bend nnd Blughamton.
Mrs. Stoddard, of Thompson, Is visiting
friends In the Ridge.
II, II. Dewey nnd daughter, Lillian,
of Brooklyn, N. Y nro tho guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Smith, of Jefferson
Tho funeral of Edith Charlotte, Infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Shoemaker,
will tnko place today at 12 o'clock from
tho family residence, HIS Capouso ave
nue. Burial will bo mado In tho West
Plttston cemetery.
Miss Anglo Shannon Is qulto 111 nt her
homo on Fordlium street.
With much regret wo chronicle tho un
timely and unexpected dcmlso of tho lato
John Gallagher, ono of the victims of tho
Jermyn mine crtastrophy. Tho deceased
was highly esteemed by his fellow towns
men. He was a member of tho Division,
No. 9, Ancient Order Hibernians, and the
Irish Catholic Benevolent union. Tho
former society held a meeting last night
to make arrangements for his funeral,
which will take placo Friday afternoon
from his lato homo, on Main street.
Mlko Kane, the local fistic gladiator.
Is billed for a four-round nugument be
fore the American Sporting ctub at Scran
ton tonight, with a man from 1'Salns.
Tho St. Joseph boclcty have decided not
to take part In tho Futher Mathew cele
bration at Hnzleton on Oct. 11, but In
stead they will conduct their annual ball
at their hall on Main street.
Mrs. A. H. Cotnpton, who has resided on
Davis street for the past year, removed
yesterday to Dalton, Pa,
Mrs. John J. Williams, of Snyder ave
nue, Bellevue, died yesterday afternoon
nt 3.40 o'clock. Tho deceased had been
In poor health for moro than two years
and had been prnctlcally an Invalid for
about seven months. She was born In
Bryn Mawr, Breconshlre, South Wales,
nnd wns 32 years of age. She came here
with her parent's, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Jenkins when quite young nnd has resid
ed In this city ever since. Her maiden
name wns Miss Mary L. Jenkins and
for many years she taucht at old No. 13
school. The deceased was a faithful
member of tho Bellavuo Welsh Calvlnlstlc
Methodist church always taking an active
part In church work until poor health
prevented Sho Is survived by her hus
band and one child, Verna, a little girl
7 years of age, and by her father, Thomas
Jenkins nnd one brother, John Jenkins.
Tho funernl services will be held Satur
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at tho Welsh
Calvanlstlc church. Interment will bo
mado at tho Washburn street cemetery.
Mrs. Samuel Evans, of 1319 Lafayette
street, died at her homo at 9 o'clock last
evening of paralysis. Tho deceased was
over 73 years of age and has been In poor
health for several years. Her oldest son,
John S. Evans, of Lafayette street, died
about threo months ago, and her grief
and her advanced age left her In weak
condition. Paralysis followed. Sho was
born in Carmarthenshire. South Wales,
In 1824 and was married in 1845. Mr. and
Sirs. Evans came with their family to
this country In 1J33 and settled at Dan
ville, Pa. They afterwards removed to
tho West Sido In 1800. residing here ever
since. Mr. Evans died nbout eighteen
years ago. She was a member of tho
First Welsh Congregational church and
was very well known for her charitable
ness and kind disposition. Tho survivors
aro one son, Mullcarrler Elenzer Evans.
nnd ono daughter, Miss Elizabeth A.
Evans, a teacher at Public school No. 18.
Tho time of funeral will bo made known
Discharged Engineer Figures His
DninngCN nt 91,125.
George Nlssenson, of New York city,
yesterday brought suit against C. B.
Scott, of this city, to recover damages
In the sum of $1,125 for ulleged breach
of contract.
Nlssenson, who Is an electrical en
gineer, claims that he came on here
from New York to work for Scott
under a year's contract for $40 a week.
He began working under the contract
Sept. 3, 189C, but was discharged Jan.
4, 1897. He was idle for eight weeks
and then had to accept a Job for $10 a
week less than he had been getting.
He now wants to be reimbursed for
eight weeks' salary at $10 a week and
the difference between his contract sal
ary nnd the nmount he was compelled
by circumstances to accept, or ten dol
lars a week for twenty-eight weeks.
He also claims $23 for expenses In
curred while looking for a Job and $500
for special damages.
His attorneys are Robert 'Peck and
A. A. Vosburg.
Her Alleged Husband's Brother,
However, Says Dillcrcutly.
Ytsterday morning when Deputy
Register of Wills J. H. Hopkins reach
ed his ofllcu he found In waiting one
PasquaU Aiello, who nought letters n
administration In the estate- of hlsi
brother Bueno Aiello who died In this
city last Saturday.
The deceased, the applicant claimed
hud no nearer relative than himself.
Ho admitted though that his dead
brother had lived with a woman, but
claimed she was not his wlfo.IIo had
never been married to her, Pasquale
tald, and further the woman has sev
eral husba'nds living In vurlous parts
of the world. He was given the de
sired letters.
Four home later tho woman referred
to como In making 't'lalm to being
Alello's widow demanded letters of ad
ministration. A citation was Issued on
tho brother and the rival claims will
be heard before the register tomorrow.
Aiello left considerable property both
In this countiy and Italy.
Ho Begins Proceedings to Recover
910,000 Duniiiges.
I. II. Burns nnd E. II. Shurtleff, at
torneys for Thomas Aubrey, have com
menced proceedings against Sheriff P.
H. Clemons to recover dumages In the
sum of $10,000.
T6e alleged offense wns committed
during the preliminaries to the trial
of Aubrey and A. D. Spencer for their
connection with the Phoenix Contract
company frauds.
The sheriff, In carrying out the be
hests of a wtlt of attachment, took
possession of the books, papers and
letters In tho ofllce of Aubrey, who was
secretary of the Phoenix Contract com
pany. It Is also alleged that In order
to get at these articles, desks and
drawers wero broken open and other
like offenses committed.
Tho Neptune Bnglne company met last
night and decided to entertain tho Good
will Hose company of Allentown, on
Firemen's day. Schlmpff's hall wub se
lected ns tho placo for tho evening's en
tertainment. The corrected lino of march for tho par
ado Is: Form on Wyoming avenue, right
resting on Linden Linden to Franklin, to
Lackawanna, to Eighth street, counter,
march to Adams, to Bpruco, to Pcnn, to
Mulberry, to Jefferson, to Pine, to Wash
ington; puss In review at city hall; to
Spruco, to Wyoming, to Lackawanna, to
Penn, to Linden and dismiss.
Chief Hlckey received a communication
yesterday from tho Jimlor Hoso and
Truck company of Chambcrsburg, stating
that tho company would bo hero on tho
ovenlng of October 7, making their head
quarters at tho Westminster.
Tho Hook and Lnddcr company met
last night nnd tabled Indetlnltcly a mo
tion that tho company would entertain
the Liberty company of Reading.
The new combination wngon for tho
Columbia company will not bo completed
until November. A telegram received
yesterday from tho Hallwoll company an
nounced that fact.
YcBterday afternoon, tho 2-Inch water
pipe, which supplies tho power nt tho
Examiner ofllce, broko In two whero It
wns connected to tho motor, Hooding tho
olllce before tho water could bo shut off.
It Is probable that tho Examiner will bu
delnyed In Its lssuo this week.
F. M. Williams has taken out counters
nnd shelving In rooms formerly used by
him for gents furnishings, and Is reno
vating and fitting It up for tho now post
ofllce. Will Foot, of Troy, at ono tlmo a
Nicholson boy, was calling on old ft lends
hero Tuesday.
Visit tho Dallns Fair. Open from Sept.
28 to Oct. 1, Inclusive.
At a special meeting of Enterprise Hoso
company, No. 1, held recently, It was
decided to purchnso a 13-Inch flro bell,
that will strike from fifteen to twenty
times to one pressuro of tho foot, Tho
company will also purchnso fenders for
Its hoso wagon.
Miss Gwennlo Griffiths, who Is employed
In the family of E. F. Ames, met with
a very painful accident Tuesday after
noon. Sho wns about to go down stairs
when sho slipped and fell to tho bottom.
Sho was severely shaken up and one car
was so badly cut that It was necessary
for tho attending physician to take five
stitches to sew up the wound.
Mrs. G. W. Boucher ami daughter, Rcn
na, John Lang, Miss Ethel Alexander,
C. M. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. II. E.
Rlefler and John W, Larrabeo wero
among tho Forest City people who at
tended tho Wayne county fair nt Hones
dale, yesterday,
visit the Dallas Fair. Open from Bent.
2S to Oct. 1, inclusive. "
Thlitconth's Time Roll Ilns Itccn
Sent to Hnrrisburg.
Adjutant L. F. Mattes yesterday
completed and forwarded to Harrls
burg the time sheets and other papers
necessary to procure pay for Thir
teenth regiment members for the time
they were In service at Lattlmer.
The officers expect the proper pay
warrants will be received very soon.
Grnnd Special Excursion
to the Klondyke Gold Fields. Special
train to Seattle; special steamer to St.
Michaels, and special steamer from St.
Michaels to the Gold Fields. Leave
Buffalo midnight of March 9th; leave
Seattle Wednesday, March lGth. Tour
ist sleeping cars, lowest rates, berths
reserved and tickets sold through to
For nil Information as to rates, sup
plies and cost of same, write at once,
as the boat Is fast filling up, to F. J.
Moore, General Agent, Nickel Plate
Road, 23 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y.
The buyer can have tho advantage
over the seller if he Is firm. Take no
substitutes. Stand llrm for what you
want and you'll get It.
To Ctiro n Cold in Ono Dny.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money It It
falls to cure. 25 cents.
Sleeping car for New York, via Le
high Valley railroad, mav be occupied
at Wllkes-Barre after 9:00 p. m. Ar
rives New York 8:23 a. m. Tickets at
309 Lackawanna avenue.
k Olllh 11 TIT A I MIT m
1 bicfl J eweiry
Things Hummed Yesterday.
Seems as if we never were so busy. Sorry
some had to wait more salespeople today. Choose
where you will the price is half fair worth here
and there it's less. Two more days for you to buy
at these lessened prices.
Sterling Solid silver
Hat Marker hat m.i'
ers dain
ty shapes, engraved with any
initial. These are worth half
a dollar, During sale 10c.
Ladies' Chain Gold
Bracelets l,u?ted.-
set with
rubies, sapphires, emeralds
pretty shape of links. Story
attached to them we'll skip
it. Interesting part's the
price, SI. 18.
Three dollars not too much.
Fountain Fountain pen is
Pens always handy.
Here's one:
Chased rubber and 14k. gold
pen made by popular firm
You pay $2 for same pen
everywhere. Two days 8Uc.
Sterling Best qual-
Back Combs j1 Frenc
horn comb
sterling silver back in pret
ty pattern, 50c.
Umbrella Sterling silver
rJnsns In newest tie-
1 sign two
months ago they were 50
cents, 15f,
The Rexford Company,
303 Lackawanna Avenue.
Don't Go to Alaska
All Grocers Sell It.
Cleans Bvcrything.
Chicago. St, Louis. Now York. Boston. Phlladclphl
We make the
Acs Guarantee a F"lt.
A written guaranty for 10 vcars with all
polled us to enlarge our parlors Is duo to tho uiiilirinly high gnulo worKdono by skilled
dentists nnd tho ton-year protectlvo guarantee don. DO NOI UU Dl-ClilVlil) or misled
by imitators. We have no connection with any dher olllce In tho city. Cut this out and
bring It with you In order to get the bencllt of clulp rates.
Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming
Stetson Hats
Have Brains in Them
Yes, there are brains in Stetson
Hats brains in making them and
brains in wearing them.
New Fall Styles in Stiff and Soft
Hats on sale. It's a wise head
that wears a Stetson Hat.
Thcso and Other Good Styles Sold by
CONRAD, 305 Lackawanna Avenin
Cuff Buttons
men's dumb bell
pattern link buttons, gold
plate and hard enameled, 1C.
Their vnluo is CO cents.
Watch Gold filled chain
Chains links gold sold-
ered, handsome
design. Regularly $4. Now
Lots of them oil
the market ths
are not wortJi
owning. These are extra
heavy stei ling silver mount
Oil and were si. -nc.
Gold A thousand )ld
Rings rings you can tuy
two or three now
for what one ought to be.
Solid gold, set with rubles, sn
einetald. gurnets, etc w
Lndles' IUiir good wolght
and neat scttiugs, valtio $.'.' QRr
to 1 - -ou
Hold Htng-set with opal
und two diamonds; wis ;! QO
gu 'Jo. During sale .pa.oo
Other King bargalts In profusion
at store.
W- i i ti w hi; iiiii i i IJl'!Vfal '" ' '-" V T"
a. x.
75c up
$2.00 to $5.00
Wo extract teeth, fill teeth
nnd apply golil crowns and
bridge work without tho leiist
particle or pain by n method'
.patented nnd used by us only.
No sleep-producing ngents or
eocnlne. Come und hnvo your
teeth ext rutted In tho morn
ing and go home In the even
ing with now teeth. .
We arc responsible and
do just as we advertise.
We will tell you exactly
what your work will cost
oy a free examination.
wrtlc. Thn lnrnn tmifmin wiiini, h m
(Over Newark Shoe Rtore.)
Entruneo ou Wyoming avenue,
icOWS 1 AMD 2, COIn'LTHB'L'ra
Elcctrio Ihttorles, Eloctrlo Exploders, for os
pldllug blasts, Safety Fuso, aud
RepatmolChemlcal Co.'s nipL'ovcs.
Lyceum Theater.
First Time in Hcranton. Tho beautiful
Isnbclle Ciesson and Ustclle Clayton,
In the charming romantic comedy,
Puritan Romance
Supported by W. II. Klwood, Jlyron
Callcc. A. C. DeLtwyn, O. W. MacDonald,
L. M. Martell, Joseph Muitln, Grace Hunt
lnyton, Virslnlu lluchnnun, lmogcno Eberle.
Auguxta Dcrgln and Kunnle Hunt.
bpeclul bcunery und oltucts.
No advance In prices.
Ono Concert Only,
and His
Itogulnr Tour.
Assisted by
Miss Sadee Kstcllo Kaiser, Soprano;
Miss Jennie Hoyle, Viollulstej
Mr. Arthur 1'ryor, Trombono.
Itcgulur prices, ISox olllco now open.
Academy of riusic
Kels & Hiirgundcr, Lessees.
II, K, Lon, Local Manager.
Monduv Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. t, B
li. MutlneuTiuduy und Wednesday.
John W. Isham's
UiRger nnd Stronger than ever.
Mine. Kiower, l'red J. riper, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Tom Melntosb, tho famous liver Sisters,
Malloi v Hrothers, Smart and Williams, and
a grund chorus ot forty olces.
EVKNINO ritICKS. . lfic, 'Jfic, fJ5c, 500,
MATINKKl'ltlCKH lfic, 'J.V.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2,
People Who Can Sing,
People Who Can Dince,
People Who Can Make Fun,
An Kntcrtuliiiiient That Hntertalui.
Regular Prices, 10, 20 or 30 Gents
All opera chairs sold reserved for orenlnir
performances. Secure them ufternoons ut
tho box olllco or by 'phone, HST2, or afto
house opens ut night at bos olllce.