THE SCBANTON TRIBTTM MONDAY MORNING, SEPTBMttBH ., 1897. Lackawanna County. GARBONDALE, (Readers wilt please note that adver tisements, orders for Job work, and Items for publication left at the estab Hshmcnt of Shannon & Co., newsdealers, North Main street, will receive prompt at tention; ofllca open from 8 a. m. to 10 P. m. RACERS IN GOOD FORM. An Interesting I'rocrninmo nt An tlirncltc I'nrk. Those who visit anthracite park this afternoon will witness some of tho mostj exciting races yet Been In this dlotrlct. About fifteen of the horses that are entered arrived Saturday morning, while several have been in the park stables for some weeks, un dergoing ' careful and (systematic train ing, .-which may bring them first un der the wire this afternoon. All of the horses entered are In tho lest of con dition, no that close and exciting fin ishes are assured. The bicycle riders have also been training' faithfully for the race, and the one who secures the diamond ring will win It on his merit alone. Lee has been showing up in great shape lately. In a recent trial half-mile he made the cir cuit in 1.02 2-5. In competition he ough't to be able to lower this so he will probably prove a dangerous man this afternoon. INJURED BY A RADIATOR. Serious Accident to John JJurlio of Alnln Street. John Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Burke, of Main street, is being in tho city hospital suffering from a frac ture Df the right thigh. The Injury was sustained by a largo radiator which is to be placed in the Burke building on Sixth avenue, fall ing over and pinning the unfortunate boy to tho ground. The' persons who came to the boy's assistance were unable to lift the ra diator as its weight is about six hun dred pounds, and It was not until the Jad'B cries brought persons from Main street that he was removed from the terrible position, Drs. J. A. Kelly and II. C. Wheeler, who examined the boy, advised his removal to the city hos pital. FOOT BALL SEASON OPENS. The foot ball season in this city will open this afternoon when the high school and Cottage street foot ball tearns will meet on the gridiron. The game will take place at Farvlew and as both teams have been practicing faithfully it will be clos and exciting. The 'next game ' of the high school team will probably take place on the loth, when, they nr-'et. a team from Honesdale. The teams 'will line up ns follows for today's game: High School. Cottage. Mitchell c Keane E. Kelly rg Cogglna Blair , IB Hyland Murphy rt...., Hyland Housen It Mason Pendleton ' re Nelson F. Murrln le..., McGowan Crane qb Gordon Rutherford rh Hope Forbes Hi McHole J. Murrln fb McLairi MOZART'S PICNIC. The popular Mozart band offer many attractions today at their excursion to Falrvicw. A grand concert will be giv en this afternoon, when Bauer's and a Honesdale band will Join In combina tion with the Mozarts. The programme rendered by some 150 pieces Is as fol lows: March, "Belle of Philadelphia," Fulton: overture, "Gullderoy," Bennett; waltz, "Lucale," Archer; selection, "Faust." Gounod; negro oddity "Plc nnnlnlcs on Parade," Lauerrdeau; Med ley selection, "Popular Pabbles," Wels- ind; march, "Schorcher," Rasey. There tvlll be a lase ball game by the Hones lale and Carbondale teams and many attractions. OFFICERS ELECTED. Lackawanna encampment, No. 1C, I. O. F have elected the following of ficers: C. P., Kdwara uau; a. v., i. Colvln; S. W., J. B. Rldholls; J. W., Christopher Schultz; treasurer, C. IA. Case; trustee for eighteen months, Paul Burton. The oftlcera will bo In stalled on Friday evening, Sept. 17, by District Deputy Grand Patriarch P. J. Vetter, of Scranton. G. W. Hughes was elected representative to the grand encampment, which will be held In Wllkes-Barre next May. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grennell nnd daughter, Lola, of Wcndato City., Minn., are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ely. E. C. Harnden and wlfo left Saturday for a visit with relatives at Waverly, N. Y. Miss Sadie Wisely has returned from Waymart, where she has been visiting RilsH Alico Qulnlan. Miss Nellie Dougherty, of Wllkes Barre, who has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Mary Dougherty, on Pike Btreet, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spencer and fam ily, who have bfcen spending the sum mer in their cottage at Waymart, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Barger are en Joying a trip to Mr. Barger's former home in Ohio, which he has not seen In twenty years. P. H. Gllleren, J. F. nnd M. McDon ald, have returned from Philadelphia, whero they represented tho local Young Men's institute, at tho stato conven tion. Miss Blatchley, of Bloomsburg, who has been visiting Mrs. II. C. Smith for some" time, has returned home. Charles Sharlock, who has been spend ing his vacation In Nineveh, has re turned home. Rev. and Mrs. T. E. Jcpson have re turned from a month's vacation spent at Utlca, N. Y. Mrs. C. E. Snover, of Belmont .street, Is visiting at Bald Mount. Miss Sadie Cummlngs has returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Flttstdn. Miss Maggie Turgg, of Scranton, who has been visiting in this city, lias re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy, of Omaba, Neb., aro guests of Mrs. Mary Olblln. on Dundaff street. II. F. Clark, of Dennis' drug store, has returned homo from his vacation, Mrs. David Rellghe, of Scranton, and brother, David Loftus, of South Dakota, A GREAT SURPRISE IS IN STORE fortnoM who will ko today and et n pack- ugeoi uivrtux-u. jiiukoii It fakes the place ofuolleo ut ttboUl ti tho cost ui u ioou urinKi iuii of lieultU. und cuu be el von to the children m well a the adult with great benefit. It li made of pure grain and look and taatel llketbe ftnett grades of Moolmof Jnvacotree. It Mtlifle everyone. A cup of (lrnln-0 U lietter for tho ytem than u tonic, becutue ltd ienem 11 permanent, wniu couue Dream uown uruiii'U rorOUAIN-O. builds up. Ask your grocer locanaiioe. are tho guests of Mrs. James Norton, of Fallbrook street. Ilcnwood Ilonc, of South Wyoming street, Is visiting friends In Forest City. Miss Hrtty McCawley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is tho guest of Mrs. T. II. Elmer, on Seventh avenue. Mrs. Joseph Iiamtnerle, of Wllkes Barre. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson, on Illvor street. Misses Mary Prlco nntl Llzzio Dunnl gan, of Wllkcs-Barre, havo returned home after spending soveral days in this city. Mrs. I T. Qelder and son, Harold, are visiting at tho homo of I. J. Many, in Olyberry, Wayne county. Miss Emma Barrett, of Fallbrook street, has returned after spending a month with relatives In Blnghamton. Dr. Burnett, of Scranton, was In tho city Saturday in consultation with Dr. J. S. Nllcs. John Olenn, of Pittston, has returned home after spending a few days with his son. Justice of tho Peace Glenn, of Simpson. Mrs. A. S. Baker, of Green Ridge, who has been spending tho summer at Crys tal Lake, has returned home. Mrs. John Lynch and children, of Park street, nnd Miss Tllllo Murphy, of Spring street, have returned from a visit of two weeks In Brooklyn, N. Y., nnd unageport, conn. M. V. Oruver, of Waymart, was a visitor In town Saturday, Miss Mary Navln and Qeorgo Shum mcll, of Pittston, aro visiting friends in this city. ' Thomas Klllecn, of Brooklyn street, has returned homo 'after a week's so journ at Atlantic City, Capo May and New York. Miss Lulu Rellly, of Susquehanna, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. V. Wnlker, of South Main street. Miss Bertha Hunslckcr, who has been spending her vacation in Collegovllle, has returned to tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Miles. Messrs. J. M. Boland and Michael Mc Donald, of Dundnft street, havo returned from Atlantic City, Mrs. Robert Crack and children and Miss Marjorlo Davidson, of this city, aro visiting In Thompson. Miss Kathcrlno Walsh, of Torraco street, has returned from a visit at Os wego, N. Y. Professor Runbsy arrived homo Satur day night from Johnstown, Pa, Ho has been traveling with the Corse Payton company. Mrs. Hannah Leonard has returned from Crystal Lake, whero she has been sojourning. Miss Mnmo Nlcol, of Olyphant, is a guest of friends in thl3 city. OLYPHANT. An interesting caso was argued before Justice of the Pcaco Cummlngs on Sat urday evening in which Jumos B. Martin was plaintiff and the Catholic Mutual Benefit association defendants. Martin, who is a member of tho association, en tered action for tho recovery of sic bene fits which ho claims are due htm. Ho Is an electrician and whllo In tho employ of the borough last January accidentally fell from a telegraph pole whllo stringing wires and waa Injured. He says ho no tified tho president and secretary of tho society of his Injuries and asked for bene fits. The officers claim that tho notlco given was not sufficient, although tho by laws or resolution did not state whether a written or verbal notification should be given. Attorney James E. O'Malley ap peared for the plaintiff and Attorney C. P. O'Malley for the defendants. As tho society Is a beneficial organization and not a chartered body, each member be comes a defendant. Justice Cummlngs re served his decision for a week. Much In terest was manifested In tho proceedings and many good legal points were brought forth. Miss Mary Carbine spent yesterday the guest of friends at Duryea. JIlss JIame Murphy, of Arcbbaia, was tho guest of Miss Rachel Evans, of Lack awanna street yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Mary McCormac, who died on Thursday last, took placo Saturday morning. A high mass of re quiem was celebrated In St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock after which the re mains were foorno to St. Patrick's ceme tery, whero they wcro interred. Miss Jennlo Price is visiting relatives at Providence. Miss Nclllo KUIcullen, of Philadelphia, Is tho guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Klllculen, of Dunmore street. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Orchard spent Sat urday with Mrs. Jennlo Voyc. JEK.MYN. Mrs. Graham, of Main street, called on friends In Carbondale on Saturday. Messrs. William Boundy and Thomas Seymour, proprietors of the "Nelllo May," which piles the Crystal lake, claim they havo carried 5,000 passougers this season. This would make a receipt of $300. Dr. I. S. Graves has purchased a lot on tho southeast corner of Crystal lake, and will soon erect a summer home. The Press of Saturday says: John Rose margy, of West Maylleld, received a let ter yesterday from his son, Richard, who went with Thomas Martin, of this town, last March .to tho Yukon gold field. Tho letter was dated July 1 and a significant feature Is that he makes no mention of Frank Belcher nor of any sickness In Dawson City. Roscmargy at tho time of writing was In the best of health and well pleased with 'himself for having gone to the Klondike. He had worked one month at $15 a day and had then quit to go pros pecting. He Is very enthusiastic about his prospects and says his only regret Is that he did not laKO nis lamer aiong with him, for In two years any man can mako enough there to be Independent the rest of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Netherton, of Forty Fort, are visiting relatives in town. Mr. and) .Mr:1 Ferdinand Lang, on Wllkes-Barre, spent Saturday with the latter's brother, Mr. Armln Battenburg, of Main street. Mr. William T. Davis, of Mayfleld, is quite sick. Miss Annette Griffiths, of Montrose, is visiting friends in town. The following ladles spent Saturday at Farvlew: Mosdamea M. J. Shields, C. E. Fesscndcn. Graham Waring, Thomas Hunter, W. S. Badger, II. A. Wlllman, Misses BarthaCoon Mandane Rymer, Ma blu Jadwln. Georgo E. Mcrrltt, will not enter the bicycle races at Anthracite party today, and does not Intend to enter a race again this season. l'ECKVILLE. Miss Mary Chapman has returned from nn extensive visit with Miss Matthew, at Olyphunt. Rcbert Whitley, of Wyoming, called on Mr. nnd Mm. S. M. Rogers yesterday. Albert Chapman and I-conard Simp, kins will return to resume their studies at Wyoming seminary tomorrow (Tues day). Pride of Orient, EaBtern Star degree, will held a regular meeting Tuesday evening. All members aro requested to bo present. Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Cains, of Win ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, yesterday. A special meeting of tho Wilson Hoso company will bo held this evening. All members are requested to bo present. Delegate election was quite exciting hero last Saturday, All tho delegates wero out with their forces, searching for voters. Thero wero nvo candidates In tho First ward and four in the Third. T. U. Spnngenburp and A. A. Ayers were the successful parties In tho First ward, and George Moulex and Andrew Nicholas In the Third wnrd. After tho votes had been announced Mr. tipangenburg had a brass band out, and they rendered some very line' selections, after which Mr. Spangenburg invited them and the voters lof the ward Into' his place of business, the Harrison house, and gavo them alt a good I4tne, W. H. Walker and A H. Carpenter were elected as the vigilance committee for tho First ward. Tho.num ber of votes cast In the First ward were 109; and in the Third ward, 168. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review, New York, Sept. 4. Tho market held remarkably steady today considering tho fact that a Sunday o-.d a holiday are to Intervene fooforo tho resumption of trad ing and Mint realizing has been on quite a largo scale all week. Tho market was under considerable prcesuro after tho opening on offerings to realize and de clines wcro general throughout tho list extending to a point in Northwest and Canada Southern and in Missouri Pa cific. Tho market was rallied by tho ad vanco In thu Northern Pacltlo Issues, Sugar nnd Missouri Pacific. Sugar roso li after a heavy opening, Missouri Pa- cltlc advanced 1. Tho extreme rise In Northern Pacific, preferred, was V,' on sales of 39,000 shares, leading tho list. St. Paul moved narrowly and below lust night's cIor all day. Tho total sales of tho day wero 303,035 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM .LINN, AL LEN & CO., stock brckers, Mears build ing, rooms 705-706. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co .... W H 9!l Am. Cot. Oil M 26 2314 Mi Am. Sug. Ro'g Co ..154 'l55i 151 155 Atch., To. & S. Fo .. 13',J 1574 15V4 35i A., T. & S. F Pr .. Sl'i 43ft MVi. MVi Can. Southern 69 59 RSVi 58Vi Ches. & Ohio iV.i 26:) 20 SiVi Chicago Gas lOIVi 101 10U4 1014 Chic, & N. W" 12CH 120i 125 1264 Chic, B. & Q 9S4 9S IBJi 9SV4 Chic, Mil. & St. P .. 9SH 9S4 9SV4 Chic, R. I. & P 92 92 2 Delaware & Hud ...119T4 12014 119 D., L. & W 1C0 162 160 Dlst. & C. F 14 14 144 Gen. Electric 33 38'A 33 Lake Shore 177Va 1774 17714 Louis. & Nash 63V4 63ft 63V4 M. K. & Tex., Pr .. 38 SO 33 Manhattan Elo 100 IW',4 106 Mo. Paclllc 39 39 38 Nat. Lead 3S 39 3SV4 N. J. Central 95 96 93 N. Y. Central 110 1UV4 110 N. Y L. 13. & W .. 17 17 17 98! 92 120 161 14 38 177 M 36 106 39 :o 96 111 17 16 38 52 18 bO 37 27 11 86 33 14 17 9' 23 9o 3 70 19 N. Y. S. & W 18 18 18 N. Y S. & W.. Pr .. 38 38 3S Nor. Paclllc, Pr .... 50 52 50 Ont. & West 18 18 18 Omaha 81 80 SI Paclllc Mall 3S 38 37 Phil. & Read 27 27 27 Southern R. R 11 11 11 Southern R. R.. Pr.. 36 36 36 Tcnn., C. & Iron .... 32 33 35 Texas Pacific 14 14 14 Union Paclllc 17 17 17 Wabash. S !) 8 Wabash. Pr 23 23 23 West. Union 95 03 93 W. L 3 U. S. Leather, Pr .. "Oft U. S. Rubber 19 70 19 70 19 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. December 94 91 93 93 May 94 94 93 94 OATS. December 20 20 20 20 May 23 23 23 23 CORN. December 32 32 32 32 May 33 33 35 .33 LARD. December 4.85 4.87 4.82 4.82 PORK. December 9.02- , 9.02 8.93 8.92 Scrnnton Bonrd of Trndo Uxchnngo Quotntions.-All Quotations Bnscd on Par oflOO. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Scranton & Pittston Trac. Co. ... National Boring & Drlll'g, Co. ... First National Bank 650 Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Packing Co Lacka. Iron and Steel Co Third National Bank 330 Throop Novelty M'f'g Co Scranton Traction Co 15 Scranton Axle Works Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replacor Co Scranton Bedding Co 20 to ioo '95 150 80 17 73 230 100 103 Dime Dep.. & Dls. Bank n . ... Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep Co.. 145 Colliery Engineer 100 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1920 115 ... People's Street Railway first mortcaco due 1918 115 Scranton & Pittston Trac Co. ... 90 People s Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 Dickson Manufacturing Co .. Lacka. Township School 5. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 115 100 102 102 So 100 100 New York l'roduco Market. New York, Sept. 4. Flour Receipts, 18, 477 barrels; exports 12,522 barrels; sales, 4.000 barrels; dull but nominally firmer with wheat. Wheat Receipts, 151,475 bushels; exports, 218,413 bushels; sales, 015,000 bushels; futures, 00,000 bushels; spot firm; No. 2 red, S1.02W, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 orthem, nominal; No. 2 Pennsylvania red, $1.02; options opened stronger on tlrm cables and enormous weekly wheat und Hour shipments, afterwards ruled dull at a slight reaction Induced by realizing sales, closed tfaftc. net higher; May, 9S'4a 8Sc, closed 9Se.; September, Jl.0Oai.O0Vs, closed J1.00; October closed SS'4c; Decem ber, 07 9-lCaS7iic, closed c. Corn Spot steady; No. 2, 33c. elevator; 3CHc afloat; options opened stronger on cables and heavy clearances for thr week but eased oft later owing to realizing and closed un changed to ic. net advance; September, iUkUKiUc., closed W!c: November closed 37140.; December, 37a37c, closed 'i!c. Oats Spot quiet; No. 2, 23in23?ic; No. 3, 2Sc; No. 3 white, 24'.ic; tracko white, Sla 32c; No. 2 white, 25Vic; track mixed, west ern. 23'4a25c.; options Inactive and nom inally steadier at Uc. net advance; Sep tember closed 21c. Hay Keasy; shipping, 40a43c; good to choice, EOaooc. Hops- Quiet; 1S9J crop, 3a4c; HOG crop. 6aSc. Cut Meats Quiet; pickled bellies, 7',Sa8V4c.; do. shoulders, CViaSVic; do. hams, 8V4a9Vic. I.ard Steady; western steamed, J5.25; Oc tober, J3.10, nominal; refined, quiet; con tinent, $5.60: South American, $6.15; com pound, 4?4a5e. Pork Quiet; old mess,, $9.50a9.75; new mess, J10.25al0.75; short clear, $10.Wal3; family. J10.50alt.B0. Uutter Firm: western creamery, 12al8c.;do. fac tory, Baiza; Eigins, isc; imitation cream ery, 10al3c; state dairy, 10alCV&c.; do. creamery, 12alSc. Cheese Dull; large white, 9V4c; small, 9Ha9:ic.; large colored, 9Uc: Bmall colored, 9Ha9ic.; part skims, 6,a7c.; full skims, 3Ha4c. Eggs Firm; stato and Pennsylvania, lTal8c; western fresh, 10c. Tallow Nominal. Petroleum Steady; united closed 72V4c. bid; reflnefl New York, $5.73; Philadelphia and Haiti more, $5.70; do. In bulk, $3.20. Chicago I.ivu Stock. Chicago, Sept. 4. There was the usual dull Saturday market In cattle. Business In hogs was fairly active. Sales were at $3.80a4 for heavy packing lots up to $1.35 cwawi Sj7 Perfect k S Infant Food 6ail Borden mte Brand Condensed Milk A Perfect Substitute For . Mothers milk, for an k' & fej YEARS THE LEADING BRAND, jj S "WANT HAim'hT FREE. V . B for choice butchers nnd mixed lots, with choice assorted light nt Il.35a4.45. The. bulk of tho hogs sold for Il.15a4.30. Tho market for mhecp and lambs was steady. Sheep sold nt in extreme range of 2a. 4.25 for culls to prime natives; western rangers comprising tho bulk of tho offer ings and selling at J3.33n3.83. Lambs sold at J4.50aB.15 for western and at J5.20a3.0 for good to extra natives, culls bringing !3.55a4. Larger receipts of eheep and lambs are expected next week. Receipts -Cattle, 600 head; hogs, 15,000 head; sheep, 4,000 head. IluHnlo Live Stock. Bast Buffalo, N. Y Sept. 4.-Cattle-lte-celpts, 2 cars; steady. Hogs Receipts, 38 cars; active; Yorkers, good to choice, J4.50a4.55; roughs, common to good, J3.65a 3.80; good to choice, $l.50a4.55. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13 cars; steady to urm; lambs, good to extra choice, J3.73aC; culls to fair, $I.T5n5; sheep, choice to selected wethers, $i.40a4.50; culls and common, $2.50 a3.73. ForLndics Only. It is patent to all thinking people that ladles require on account of their peculiar organism and functions rem edies quite different from the storner sex. AVhlle the FEMICURE LIVER PILLS act directly and pleasantly up on the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, they at tho same time won derfully regulate and strengthen the functions and organs peculiar to tho sex. They relieve Constipation, Head ache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Bllllousness, Falntness, Irregu larities', Backache Bad Complexion, etc. A pill a dose. 25 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave., Scranton. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tlafce- rW$S"S- ilmllt lifxituio HOTELS AND SUMMER RE SORTS. THE MURRAY HILL MURRAY HILL PARK, THOUSAND ISLANDS, The best located and best furnished hotel on the St. Lawrence river. Accommo dations for 300 guests. Opens June 25th, I897. F. R. WHITE, Prop. THE MATTHEW, 302 First Avenue, A811URY PARK, N. J. Near the Deach and Promenade. All conveniences and comforts for per manent and transient guests. Excellent table, tho bst beds, and most approved sanitary equlprcent. For particulars, etc., address 0. W. MATTHEWS, Owner and Manager. SPRING HOUSE, Heart Lake, Pa. U. E. Crofut, Prop. Strictly temperance, newly remodeled and furrlshed. Fine groves, large lawn, dancing pavilion, croquet grounds, etc. Bicycle boat, sail boats, 15 row boats, Ashing tackle, etc., free to guests. Take D., L. & W. via Alford Station. Write for terms. :S1E Nothing in the Retai Trading of this city in years can compare with our record in Shoe Selling for last Sat urday. We have practically been doing the shoe business of this town, and we have sold thousands of pairs at prices that were a revelation. It would seem as if every pair of shoes we sold was tell ing the story of the sale; how we bought them at one-half their regular price and sold them in the same way. One satisfied customer brought another, and so on ad infinitum. There's the story of our success in shoe selling. We will go on this week in the same way, but probably the selling will be bigger, as the attractions are possibly greater than before. We would advise intending buyers to come during the week, as it was impossible for us to wait on one-quarter of the customers who crowded, or rather, over-crowded our store last Saturday. THE 326 LACKAWANNA AVE. KL1HE ff PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH ACHES AND PAINS. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumba go, pains and weakness In the back, spine or kidneys, pains aroi'nd tho liver, pleuri sy, wcllliiK of the Joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Radway's Ready Relief will afford lmmcdlnto ease, and Its rontlnucil use for a few days effect a per manent cure. A CUKE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS A half to u tcaspoonful ofReadv Relief In a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as tho discharges continue, and a flannel saturated with Ready Relief placed over tho stomuch and bowels will afford Immediate relief and soon effect a cure. INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoonful In half a tumbler of water will In a fonr minutes cure Cramps, Spacms, Sour Stom ach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nerv ousness, Sleeplessness, flick Headache, Flatulency, and all internal pains. Malaria In Its Vnrlous Forms Cured nnd Prevented. There is not a rcmodlal agent In the world that will cure Fever and Aguo and all other Malarious, Billion-, and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS, so quickly as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from cl.ango of water It Is bet ter than French brandy cr bitters as a stimulant. BB SURE TO GET "RADWAY'S" and sco the name Is on what you buy. Price 50 Cents Per Bottle. Sold by Druggists THE 81001 POWDER CO.. BOOMS I AND 2. COffl'LTH VL'H, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUMfr. DALE WORKS. IAPLIN & RAND POWDER C6f ORANGE QUN POWDER Electrlo Batteries, Kloctrlo Expbdors, for oi plodlng blasts, Hafcty Fuse, and Repauno Chemical Co.'s explosiVbs; PRICE, Mccormick & co., New York. STOCKS, GRAIN AND COTTON MEMBERS OF Hew York Stock Exchange, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Hew York Produce Exchange, Hew York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. SCRANTON OFFICE. Rooms 305 and 306 Board of Trade Building, Telephone No. 4252. T. N. RUTTER, Manager. The Finest Line of BELT BUCKLES Ever seen in Scranton. Silver Gilt and Silver set with Ame thysts, Carbuncles. Garnets and Turquoise, mounted on Silk, Leather and the latest Thing, Leather covered with silk. May be found at MERGEREAU & CONNELL'S, (GENTS FOR REGINA MUSIC BOXES, 130 Wyoming Ave, YOUR BEDROOM la worthy of as much attention an the beat parlor. Call ana eo our etoclt of fine Bed Itoora SulU at low prices and easy terms. Sfw BARBOUR'SHOMECREDIT HOUSE 42S:JACKAWANNA AVE. tJlllllllllllllIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIHHHKl s I THEf'tWAnK'S &V SSHoE0sL Mothers and their children always leavo onr store smiling? We'll tell you. consider our ('liltdren's Dspurtmeut one of the most Important in our store, nnd this reason are alwnrs on tuo lookout for Komcthliic lttar limn m'vn onr w never find In this department unythlng that Children Impnr, mothers pleased with tho satisfaction all around. Try a Pair of tha Newark's I THE NEWARK SHOE STORE, I m S3 I Corner Incknvanna and Wyoming Avenues. iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilimilllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiin WACONMAKERS, We Carry a Full Stock of Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles, Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops, Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth, Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips, AND A FULL LINE OF IRON, STEEL AND BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES. Bittenbender & Co., Scranton. Pa. LACKAWANNA LUMBER GO., MANUFACTURERS OF GIG SBWEO . HIE HEMLOCK Al HIRIOI 10U B1U Timber cut to order on sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Pcele Prop Umber promptly l'urnlshcd. MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buffalo a innnn miuroau. At Alina, Potter County. Pn on Coud Port Allegany Kuilrond. Capacity-400,000 feet per day, GENERAL OFFICE-Board of Trade Building, Sera .telephone No. 4014. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA, Manufacturers of Lo cooiotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. aueral Office: SCRANTON, PA. RAILROAD PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect November 15. 189 J. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts, burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, 'Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l PaiJ. Aeent. J. B. HUTCHINSON. General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Stations In New York-Foot o Liberty atreet. N. R., and Whitehall Terminal. Anthraclto coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanlnes and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JU"'"' ""U'.ve. Scranton or Pittston 1 45 2.00, 3.05, 5 00. 7.10 p. m. S: a", m.. 1.O0. 2.15. 7.10 p. m. , For Mountain Park. 8.20, U. v liKes-DBi 10, k""l "-J"'"! ":.Al,c T . no pULIUUj.) ""I 30 a. m.. 1.00, Sundays. 3.00 a. m 1.00, 2.15 3.03, 5.00 P. m. Quuuuya, .w u Ir nVorS!tyNerk- A Elizabeth. S20 express) a. m., 12.43 (express with Buffet Sarlor car) 8.05 (express) p. m. yutret pa""' m" Train lenvlnc 12.45 p. m nrrlvesat Philadelphia. Beading Term Kaf 5 "2 P. m! and Now York 6.00 p. m. For Siaucta Chunk, Allentown, Uethle u vistonnnil Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m VMS' 103 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. ToLoBrXh Ocean Grove, etc.. at s "(i n m. and 12.1a p. m. wnr Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, vU Alleown,' 8.20 a. m.. 12.15. COO p. m. "pottwlWsfl i a. rn.. 12.4Sp.rn. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib ertv street. North River, at 9.10 (expretB) ml 10 1.50. -15 (express with Buffet ; ?orHScThaTt street, cmfth Ferry, at 8.53 a. m.. 1.00, 1.23. 3.33 n m Passengers arriving or departing from this terminal can connect under cov?r with all tho elevated railroads. E.,. cable ears, and ferries to Brooklyn Staten Island and Coney Is K making Quick transfer to and from Grand Central Depot and Long Island RLeaved'Phlladelphla. Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m.T 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, ti.25 "Through tickets to all points at lowest rate may he had on application In ad va&eVthe ticket agent at $" Gen. Pass. Agt. J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. Del., Lacka. and 'Western. Effect Monday, Juno 21, 1S97. Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Ex nresB for Now York and all points East. f.40, 2.50, 6.15. 8.00 and 10.20 a. m.: 12.55 and Exm-css for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a. in.. 12.55 and 3.33 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tnhvhanna accommodation, 6.10 p, m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mira Corning, Bath. Dansvllle. Mount Morr'l" " Buffalo. 12.10. 2.3$. 9.00 a. m. ..ji 55 n m., making close connections at Buffalo to nil points In tho West. North, west and Southwest. Blnghamton and way stPtlon, 1.0a p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p'j3mn'ghamton and Elmlra express, 6.65 m. n TsJnrthu narre. Plymoutn, n;oomsDurg unu uan vllle, making close connection at North limberland for W lllamBport, Harrisburg, BaltlmorS Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate, sta tlons 6.00. 10.20 a. m.. and 1.65 and 6.00 p. m, Nantlcoko and Intermedlite stations, 8 03 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.47 p. m. For Kingston. 12.40 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, Dls. trlot Passenger Agent, depot ticket olilco. Erie nnd Wyoming Valley. Effect Monday, May 31st, 1897. Trains le&va Scranton a follows: For TCxnrcss for Utlca and Richfield Springs 2.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca. 2.35. 9.00 a. m., and 1.65 p. m. &. Vinrthumberland. Pittston. Wilkes New York and Intermediate points on IS II THE tWARK'S OCHOOL OHOES bus tho leant suspicion of Hlioddlness. S prloe, business growing ovory day and S ' S tm School Sheas Next Tims. I short notice. Hardwood Mine Ralls d Hemlock Scranton, Pa. TINE TABLES. Brio railroad, also for Hawley, Lake Ariel and local points at 5.00 a. m. and 2.28 p. m. Additional trains tor Lake Ariel and points intermediate at 8.45 a. m. and 5.20 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. On Monday. July 0, trains will leavo Scranton as fellows: For Carbondale-6.20, 7.55. 8.55, 10.1S a. m.; 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.20, 3.52, 5.25, 6.25. 7.57. .15. 10.45 p. m ; 32.1C a. m For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New. England points, etc, 6.20 a, m., 8.20 p. m. Fore Honesdale C.20, 8.55, 10.15 a. m.t 12.00 noon; 2.20. 5.23 p. m. For Wi!kes.Barre-.45, 7.50, 8.45, 9.SS, 10.45 a. m.; 12.03, 1.25, 2.2S, 3.33, 4.41, 0.00, 7.50. 8.50. 11.30 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley R. R., 6.45, 7.50 a. m.: 12.05, 1.25, 4,41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex press) 11.30 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.45. 9.38, ..; .3, t.i p. m. For western points -via T.chtgh Valley . ii.. y.wj a, m.: 32.05, 3.33 (with Black ummona .Express), 8.50, 11.30 p. m. Tralnft will nrrlVA nt flcmntnn n frtl- lows: From Carbondale and the north .40 7.4d. 8.40, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.i 12.00 noon; 1.20. 2.24. 3.25. 4.37. 5.45. 7.43, 9.45. 11.25 p. m. From Wllkes-Barro and tho south 6.15, 7.50. 8.50, 10.10. 11.55 a. m.: 1.16, 2.M. 3.4S. 5.20. 6.21. 7.53, 9.03. 9.43 p. m.: 12.03 a. m. J. W. BURDICK. G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. H. W. CROSS. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad System. Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively Insur ing Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EFFECT JUNE 14. 1S97. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & II. R. R. at 0.45, 7.50 a. m and 12.03, 1.23, 2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.30 p. m. For Pittston and Wllkes-Barre via D. L. & W R. R.. 6.00, 8.03, 11.20 a. m 1.53 3.40. 6.00 and 8.47 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvllle, and principal points In tho coal regloni via D. & II. R. R-. 0-45, 7.50 a. m.. 12.0o and 4.41 p. m. Fo.- Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har risburg and prlr.clpal Intermediate sta tions via D. & II. R. R.. 6.45, 7.50 a. m., 12.05, 1.23. 2.2S, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex press), 4.41 and 11.30 p. m. For Tunkhanr ock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedlato stations via D L. & W. R. R., 6.00. R.08 a. m., 12.40 nnd 3.40 p. m. For Genova, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Chicago and all points west via D. & H. It. R.. 12.05, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 9.60 and 11.30 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley chair cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. P ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Ger.. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Fhlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa. Scranton Ofllce. 309 Lackawanna avenue. SCItANTON DIVISION, III Cffoct Juno 27111, ISftr. North Hound. rjouth Hound, GK 2031201 J02i904 - & . Stations P m 5 8 3 (Trains Bally. Ex. i & 13 IS ccpt Sunday.) Q Ig a p uiArrlve Leave a u 7S5lN. Y. Franklin St 7 40 .... 7 10 West 4nnd street .... 7 55 .... 7 00 Weehawken .... 8 10 .... p iip m Arrive Leave a Mr m .... 6ii 1 15 CodaMa C10! 2iS ,,,.L .... 8 18 109 Hancock 6 16 311 .... ... 60711250 Starlight 628,323.,.. ,,,. ooogG rreston I'ark 6 83 2 31 ,.,, ,,., 5 54 19 40 VVlDWOOd C .' 2 41 .... .... 5471223 Poyntelle 660 tin .... .... 6 4112 14 Orson 6 65 253 .... ,,., 6 80(12 03 Pleasant Jit. las Sta, ,, .... ftMtlllD Unlondalo 70s 809 .... 5161149 Forest City ? SO 819 .... .... 6 coil 54 Carbondale 7 St 3 3t .... ....14 67(1180 AVhltellrldge 7 37.13 38 ... .... (4 51lfll23 Mayfleld 74213 18.... ,...4 48,112) Jermyn 744I3 4S.... ....44311 19 Archibald 7 50 SSI .... .... 4401115 WlUton 7J8 854 .... .... 4 851111 rcclcvllle 7S3 8 59 .... .... 48itl or olyphant 8rs,404.. ....4 281103 Frlceburif 8 04,4 07..,. .... 4V5I1M Throop 8 0S 410 .... ,,.,4221101 Providence 81014,, .... 419(1057 rark Place 18 121117 .... ... 416 10 55 Bcranton a lo 4 so .... r iiu Leave Arrive a. ut u All trains run daily except 6unaay. t. slzoifles that trains stop on signal for pas sengers. Fecure rates tla Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day and . Night B i press to the West. J.O.Andcreon, aeo.ra" Agt. T. FUtcroft. Plr. rasa. Att. Boranton. r,