JF f t. G THE SCKANTON TniBUNB-WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 25. 18T. wnHft. UJest Side ALMOST A FATAL ACCIDENT. I-lttlo -Vlltio Howoll Tell Into n Cesspool. Tho residents of Ilollevue Heights were stnrtlcd by an occuranco yester day which nearly cost tho life of Wil lie, the little 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mis. John Howell, of 01 Archbald utreet Shortly before 2 o'clock Willie had Rone out of the house for a walk with n neighbor's little girl, but Instead the boy wandered to the foot of tho yard. Tho little girl missed the child In ntantly and what was tho horror and Brief of the mother to find her baby loy had fallen Into tho cesspool. A oielghbor, Mr. Jones, attracted by the cries, rushed over and extricated the almost submerged child. Dr. J. J. Rob erts was hastily summoned and the heroic efforts of tho neighbors were Bcconded by medical skill. The mother was prostrated, but loving hands and the quick action at Inst brought their reward and the child exhibited signs of returning life. Though the! afccldent liappened about 2 o'clock, Willie, ap parently none the worse, was toddling around last evening. YELLOW JACKS DISTURBED. What might have been a serious ad venture, but which fortunately result ed otherwise, occurred to a party of IWest Scrnnton ladles while enjoying an outing at Bald Mount Monday. Tho party consisted of Mrs. John II. Fel lows, Mrs. George II. Fellows, Mrs. Lucy Fellows and the Misses Hattle and Effle Fellows. They were driven to the mountain top by Mrs. John Fel lows' coachman. Shortly before arriv ing at the top two or three of the ladles alighted to get a few baskets of wood toll, Intending to use It for the house plants. Imagine their horror and re sultant desire to flee, when one of the party suddenly disturbed a full-fledged and very active yellow Jacket's nest. You, dear reader, may have been In just such a predicament at some time or other and are well aware how per sistently these yellow-coated species of the bee will follow you. The ladles ran out of the bush Into the road and hast ily climbed Into their carriage, begging the coachman to drive away quickly. The others In tho party were at a loss to know what had happened, but they all soon discovered, Including the horses, upon whom some of the bees liud rested. Away dashed the team without the driver's signal. Luckily tho road was clear of fallen timber and wa.3 uphill instead of down, as the coachman had hard work to again get control of the maddened team. The attacking force also departed and the situation was soon relieved of Its dan Kor. Their fi lends, highly amused, yet Rlad of their escape, are having the story repeated ofttlmes since. FUNERAL OF MRS. CASSIDY. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Cassldy, of Sloan street, occurred yes terday morning. The remains were borne to St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock and Rev. F. P. McNally, assist ant rector, preached the funeral ser mon. A large number of the friends nttended the service and afterwards accompanied the funeral procession to the grave, where the dead lady was he Schools i$0 t s nssn'iwws in a couplo of weeks, when new dresses and all tho other parapher nalia will bo wanted for the children. Knowing well that tills means much buying of Children's Dress Goods, we've resolved to make a special bid for the lion's share of tills year's trade, by offering at greatly reduced prices all tho latest textile productions for the coming fall trade. This Sale Begins Tuesday, August 24th, and continues for ten days. Mothers who are compelled to make tho most of limited incomes will find In this sale an opportunity for great saving of cost, without any sacrlllco of style. SOME OF OUR OFFERINGS. One Case double plaids, splendid assortment of patterns. New bouclc effects. Sale Price, 9c One Case double fold Plaids, fine cashmere weave. Very dressy. Sale Price, 12Jc Fifty Pieces Plaids; beautiful silk stripe effects in a very line casmere weave. All new. Sale Price, 19c Thirty-five Pieces high grade novelty Plaids, 38 Inches wide, charming color combinations with rich silk stripes. Sale Price, 39c Thirty Pieces 38 inch cashmere Plaids; a cloth of matchless beauty. Sale Price, 39c Thirty-five Pieces 28 Inch fancy Plaids, exceptionally choice goods of very fine quality. Sale Price. 50c Forty Pieces Dresden Suitings In small and med ium check effects. Very desirable for lovers of quiet style. Sale Price, I2y2c and City laid at rest. Tho casket was strewn with floral offerings, laid there by neighbors who had known the deceased In life and respected her. The pall bearers were: Richard Kelly. Doin Inlck Qerrlty, Nicholas Durkln, Thomas Sheridan, Patrick Noone and Daniel Toolln, Interment was made at the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. QOINO TO HALLSTEAD. Tomorrow the Franklin Engine com pany, No. 1, will be out of service for the day. They will go to Hallstcad, whero they will be the guests of tho Hallstcad fire laddies, and will also participate In tho parade of tho after noon. Tho company, twenty-live strong and In full uniform, will leave here on the 9 o'clock Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western train and will bo accompanied by about sixty Invited guests. The hose wagon, Just from the repair shop, together with thfc steamer, newly painted and polished up by the permanent men, will bo shipped to night. The occasion of their visit Is the observance of Firemen's day at Hallstcad and Is In tho nature of a re turn visit. The Hallstead company are always the guests of the Franklins when In the city. Word comes from Hallstead, "We are waiting." POST MORTEM CONDUCTED. Coroner Longstreet, assisted by tho house physicians of the West Side hos pital, conducted a post mortem yes terday afternoon over the late Anton Hartman, an account of whose sudden death while seeking admission to the hospital appeared In yesterday's Issue of The Tribune. No Jury was empan eled, the coroner thinking It not neces sary. The result of the post mortem revealed the fact that the deceased came to his death by heart failure, superinduced by pleuritic pneumonia. PERSONAL MENTION. David R. Samuels and son, John, of Archbald street, have returned from a sojourn at Atlantic City. Miss Alda Davis, of Archbald street, Is home fiom a visit with friends at Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Elizabeth Fawkes, of Lansford, has returned home after visiting Mrs. G. W. Engle, of South Rebecca ave nue. Miss Anna Davis, of Twelfth street, Is the guest of friends at Wllkes-Baire. Miss Eflle Knowlton, of Price street, has cone to Windsor, N. Y., to com plete her studies for the position of teacher. Misses Rachel Jones and Anna Broad bent have returned from a sojourn at Lake Carey. Miss Annie Price, of South Hyde Park avenue. Is visiting relatives at Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. William Watklns, of Decker's court, has returned from an extended visit at Beury, W. Va. Mrs. Thomas Leyshon and children are sojourning at Lake Idlewllde. David Lewis, of West Locust street, has returned from a visit at Lake Idle w llde. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Hampton street, are visiting relatives at Kingston, Pa. William Evans, of Clarke Bros., is sojourning at Lake Wlnola. Miss Mary Timlin, of North Lincoln arehotise "'"?WI .I1H, Will Open Forty Pieces 3G Inch, all wool suitings and stripes, checks and mixtures es pecially designed for children's wear. Sale Price, 25c Thirty Pieces 38 Inch fancy Crochet Suitings In a quality worth considerably more money. Sale Price, 33c Twenty-five Pieces genuine Scotch mixtures, 38 Inches wide, and almost lndestructablc, medium colorings. Sale Price, 37Jc Twenty Pieces 38 Inch Imported black check goods in fancy colorings. A very special value. Sale Price, 39c Forty Pieces 38 Inch all wool serges, fine twills, full lino of popular shadings. Sale Price, 25c Storm Serges Our line of storm serges in navy bluo Is larger than any e have ever shown. All prices and weights In special values during sale. areboijse 555 1 f mM Suburban avenue has returned from a visit at Plttston. Mrs. M. J. Williams and family, of South Main avenue, aro enjoying a Btay at Lake Winola, Louis H. Jones, of North Hyde Park avenue, Is at Lake Carey. Mrs. Roger Evans, of Jackson street, has returned from Clifford, Improved In health. Mrs. Joslo Knauss, of Jackson street, Is the guest of friends at Stroudsburg. Miss Lulu Evans, of Lafayette street, Is visiting friends at Mauch Chunk. Miss Lizzie Lewis, of Eynon street. has returned from a visit at Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Mame Morgan, of North Hyde Park avenue, Is tho guest of friends at Mt. Cobb. MINOR NEWS NOTES. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Freeman, of Lafayette stroet, fell yes terday while playing with some com panions and severly Injured its arm. It was supposed at first that the limb was fractured. A physician was sum moned and the child made comfortable. John Burroughs, of Mooslc, swore out a warrant before Alderman Johns, of tho Fourth ward, charging ex-Mayor Patrick Loftus, of Mooslc, with selling liquor on Sunday. Mr. Loftus went before Alderman Millar, of the Eighth ward and waived a hearing entering ball for his appearance at court. AVaco council, Daughters of Pocohon tas, conducted a social at the residence of Mrs. T. C. Wheeler, of South Main avenue. There was a good attendance and an enjoyable evening was spent. The porch and lawn was gaily decor ated with bunting and Chinese lan terns. Ice cream and cake were served. George H. Fellows, of Tenth street, announces himself as candidate for delegate to the Republican county con vention from the Second district of tho Fifth ward. The West Side Athletic club will con duct their annual picnic at Laurel Hill park on Saturday, Sept. 4. The com mittee on arrangements Is making big preparations for a splendid time. Games, athletic contests, etc., will be features. Refreshments will be served. The Sunday school of St. Mark's Lutheran church will give an outing to the children of tho school on the church lawn this afternoon. In the evening theie will be an Ice cream social on the lawn. The teachers of tho school have arranged to glvo the schol ars and friends a pleasant entertain ment. This evening, corner Jackson street and Main avenue, an open air meet ing will be held from the Gospel wagon, at 7:30 o'clock. Lewis Georgia and Vlto Plccimanlo, both of Ninth street, are neighbors, and w ere friends untl Monday evening. Now Plccimanlo Is under ball as a. re sult of the serious charge of theft pre ferred against him by his erstwhile friend Georglo. It seems that while Georglo was absent from home last week some one entered the house and removed some wearing apparel. Upon his return, Georglo missed the articles and alleges that Vlto Is the guilty par ty. A warrant was sworn out before Alderman Kellow and at the hearing yesterday he, of the long name, was held In $300 ball to answer at court. West Side Business Directory. MRS. TENTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND prhenoloRlst, 412 Noith Main avenue. NOTARY PUBLIC. B. Q. MORGAN & SON, NOTARIES Public, Real Estate, Foreign Exchange and Ocean Ticket Agents. Rents col lected. Prompt monthly settlements. Ofllce 1101 Jackson street, over Mus grae's drug store. HARRIET J. DAVIS, FLORIST.-Cut doners and funeral designs u specialty; 101 South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. SECOND HAND FURNITURE-Oash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and sec the 6toek of J. C. King, 7U1 to 70!) West Lack, awanna avenue. NORTH SCRANTON. The North End Conclave of Hepta sophs held their regular meeting last evening In Tenner & Chappell's hall. The gathering wns honored with the pres ence of the supreme officers of the order throughout tho United States. They .tv ere: Supreme Archon M. G. Cohen, of Pittsburg; Supremo Medical Director J. II. Christian, of Baltimore, Supremo Or ganizer John W. Creutt and Past Ar chon A. M. Peters, of Danville. Follow ing the buslnct-s meeting n smoker was conducted, confined to members of tho order only. Tho evening was Intercept ed with speeches by tho supremo of ficers and several members of tho local conclaves. The officers aro hero to at tend the Joint excursion of Northeast ern Pennsylvania lleptasophu, which will bo run to Lake Ariel tomorrow. Alderman Edward Fldlcr and John Hall returned jesterday from Ocean Grove, N. J. Joseph Casey had a warrant Issued for his wile's airest yesterday on the chargo of committing an assault and battery upon him. Alderman Flldor gave the caso a hearing and held Mrs. Casey under 300 bail. James. Purcell, who has been visiting relatives In this section the past month, returned jesterday to his home In New Orleans, La. MUses Elsie Shires and Mary Davis returned yesterday fsom Hart Lake. Miss Etana Huff, of Parker street, left on Monday for Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Ilev. W. V. Davis preached last eve ning In the Welsh Baptist church at Carbondnle. Miss Nclltli DcGraw, of Pcckvllle, 1b the guest o Miss Lena Clark, of Wood strcot. Roslna Davis, tho Welsh evangelist, will give an address at tho Welsh Bap tist church, on West Market street this evening. It Is expected that In anticipa tion of the appearance of Miss Davis a large audience will bo present to greet her. ns this will be the last opportunity of hearing her, for she sots sail for the Old Country in a few days. Tho funeral of Mrs. Thomas Webb, whoso death occurred Monday from a complication of diseases, will take place this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from her late home, 231 Holllster avenue. Religious sendees will bo conducted by the Hev. Charles Promer, of the Primitive Meth odist church. Interment will be made In Chinchilla cemetery. The funeral of tho Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Saltry, who died yes terday morning, will be held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, on Parker street. Tho funeral will bo private. Interment In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Giles ClarK, of Wiod street, Is visiting her brother, A. 8. Whitney, of West Ablngton. 1 Oarflcld lodge, Loyal Knights of Amer ica, will conduct an excurslori to Mount tain Park Sept. 11. Miss Lucy Moran, of Hollow utreet, Is visiting relatives at Olyphant. Mrs. John Lewis, of Charles street, Is spending a week with friends lh South Gibson. The Christian Endeavor choir held Its second rehearsal last evening In tho Providence Presbyterian church. Tho singers turned out In large numbers, and expressed themselves as highly prat Iflcd with the prospect of the choir be coming a permanent organization under Gail Borden (Eagle brand Condensed Milk, as No Equal as an Infant F66b. "(NFANT HEAlTrfsw FREE.' 1C',5t2.!& tho leadership of rrofessor Reese Wat klns. Reeso Evans, n. goto tender In tho West Ridge colliery, wns painfully In jured yestorday morning whllo at his post of duty. Young Evans hnd opened his gats for a car loaded with rails to pass through, when It Jumped the track and pinioned him against tho rib. Ho was Immediately extricated and conveyed to his home on Spring street. His In. Juries are confined to Bcvcro bruises about the chest nnd back. The funeral of Abbte, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell, was conducted yes terday afternoon from their home, on West Market street, and wns attended by numerous friends and relatives of tho family. The remains were Interred In the family plot In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. GREEN RIDGE. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stono commem orated tho fifteenth anniversary of their wedding Monday oenlng by entertain ing a number of their friends at their home, on New York street. Refreshments wore served nnd the guests enjoyed a pleasant and social time. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were the rcccpltents of many hand eomo and costly presents as a memento of the anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Youst, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Swaitz, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Ira uosencrantz, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Perry, Mrs. Maycock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Youst, Mrs. B. Frlant, Mrs. Rebecca Davenport, Miss L. Perry, of Wllkes-Baire, Miss Mary Boyer, of Fort Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Singer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Ma jor, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Barzlor, Chnrles Btone, Mrs. Kathrne Stone, Mrs. Forns lor, Miss Mamie Stone, Miss Daisy Per ry, Boyd Perry, H. L. Vaughn, Mrs. Ed. Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Lanford Benjamin, Misses Anna, Carrie and Bessie Devol and Mrs. Will Mulley. Miss Frances Elwell, of Penn avenue, has Just returned from a short visit with friends at Hartford. Mrs. M. C. Carr has gone to South port, Conn., where she will spend somo time visiting friends. Mrs. Wlnt, of Capouse avenue. Is en tertaining Miss Agnes Howell, of Cali fornia, formerly a resident of tho Ridge. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Cobb went to Oxford, N. J yesterday to attend tho funeral of Mrs. Cobb's mother. Miss Emma Brundage, of Dickson ave nue. Is taking a pleasure trip to Buf falo, Niagara Falls and Toronto, Can. Sho Is accompanied by Miss Agnes Paul, of New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelley, of Ca pouso avenue, are the happy parents of a young son, born yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Uthmnn, of Baltimore, are guests of their son, G. B. Utliman, of Breaker street. Mrs. L. W. Peck nnd fiJmlly. of Ca pouce avenue, and Miss Pauline Shook, of East Market street, have returned from a two weeks' stay at Ocean Grove. Harry Syner nnd son, Walter, of Honesdale, were callers In tho Ridge yesterday. Nelson Gorton, of Dclawaro street, spent Sunday and Monday In Blngham ton, N. Y. Professor W. R. Longstreet, of tho Mansfield State Normal school. Is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Luther W. Peck, of Capouse ave nue. L. F. Bower, of Green Ridge street, Is at Ocean Grove for n short time. John Blake and daughter, Abbie, nnd Miss Emma Woolhcater, of Equlnunch, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Dunn, of Boulevard avenue. SOUTH SCRANTON. Arthur Grumbach, 6 years old, died Monday morning. lie was a son of Ad am Grumbach. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. Paul's church. The funeral of Philip Schmltt was held yesterday afternoon at his late homo on Cedar nvenue, and at tho Hickory Street German Presbjterlan church. Itcv. W. A. Noidt officiated. Camp 439, P. O. S. of A., attended In a body. Miss Henrietta Schneider, of Willow street, has returned from Now York city. The first nnnlversary of Division 23, Ancient Order of Hibernians, was cele brated by a Bmoker Monday evening at Muldcrlg's hall. Misses Mary and Stella Itosln, of Bhch street, havo returned from Elmlra. Mr. and Mrs. Richard isnpe. of Maple street, ate In Providence, R. I. John Wcstpfahl and daughter. Miss Wanda, are In Buffalo, N. Y. IJUNAIORK. The tax duplicate for 1SS7 has been placed In my hands for collection. All taxes paid promptly will be subject to an abatement of 5 per cent. W. C. Burke, collector, 20S Chestnut street. Theodore Zlegler, of Taylor avenue, Is spending his vacation at Lako Wl nolu. Miss Kato Elston. of Carbondalc, Is the guest of Miss Besslo Krcggar, of Cherry Btreet, this week. Mrs. Lewis Carlton, of South Sterling, Is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. II, Lan caster, of Blakely street. Theodore SJiegler, of Taylor avenue, Is tho guest of Lake Wlnola friends this week. Mrs. r. J. Wlnans, of Blnghamton, re turned yesterday after visiting Mrs. Georgo Lancaster, of Blakely street. The Ladles' Aid society of tho Metho dist church will hold a social nt tho home of A. B Baker, of Mill street, tonight. Ever) body cordially Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Lancaster, of Sterling, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Luncaster, of Blakely street. The borough council met In thn bor ough building last evening for the pur pose of meeting tho tax collector only to go over tho exoneration list. Mrs. W. P. Brown and daughter. Ade. line, of MIddletovvn, N, Y.. aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Knight, of South Blakely street. MINOOKA. The choir of tho Greenwood Presbyter ian church Is mnklng arrangements for an Ice cream festival, which will bo held nt the residence of Mr. Wlllard Reynolds Thursday evening. Admission, 25 cents. Mrs. Rowland Davis will leave today for Shawneo Lake for a fow weeks' bo Journ. John Fasshold, of Helena, Mont., spent jesterday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Fasshold, of Greenwood, He returned home last evening. Griffith T, Davis, candidate for pro thonotary, will leave today for Harris, burg, to represent the Third leglslatlvo district at tho stato convention. Tho St. Joseph's society will conduct a ball this evening at their hall, on Main street. The articles which wero not sold at their fair will bo disposed of. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Til fij- 4 un tirj OBITUARY. Yesterday morning at 7.30 o'clock, W. F. Clements, of tho well-known firm of Gaugo & Clements, of Moscow, died af ter a two weeks' Illness of typhoid fever. Tho decensed was CD years of ago, and for a great part of his Ufa resided In Moscow, where he wns prominent In ev ery good movement, nnd whero ho wns recognized by his townsmen ns one of tho roremost citizens. Ho wns a staunch member of tho Moscow Methodist Epis copal church, and for twenty-flvo years was tho superintendent of Its Sunday school. Ho Is survived by his wife and one son, H. Lament Clements, a grad uate of Wesleynn, nnd now teaching music In New York city. Tho funeral will tako place tomorrow afternoon at 1.30 o'clock from tho Moscow Motho dlst Episcopal church. Interment will be made In Moscow. Mrs. Margnret Robinson, wife of Select Councilman Robert Robinson, died early jesterday morning at her homo on Alder street, In tho Eleventh ward. She had been 111 for quite a long time. Her husband, ono child and tho following brothers nnd sisters survive her: Charles J. Hang, Robert J. Haag, Harry C. Hnag, Mrs. Harvey Long nnd Miss Dora Haag. The funeral announcement will be made today. Mrs. Robinson was 26 years old and a daughter of tho late Dennis Haag. Patrick, tho 12-year-old son of Patrick McGowan, of Dunmoro street, Olyphant, died yesterday of diphtheria. The funer al will take place tomorrow. Interment will bo mado In Archbald Catholic cem etery. A. J. Stanton, G2 years old, a promin ent resident of West Plttston and book keeper for Howell & King, tho brewery firm, died last night from a paralytic stroke. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. Aro Holding Meetings In tho Gospel Tent on Illnlr Avcnuo. The gospel tent Is now located at 1300 Blair avenue. Large congregations gather nightly to listen to the plain and practical gospel truths presented. This week Elder I. N. Wllllnms, of Corydon, Pa., president of the Penn sylvania conference of Seventh Day Adventlsts, will be present. He ad dressed the people In the tent last night on "The Meaning of the Service In the Earthly Sanctuary." Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. on "The Eastern Question or the Downfall of the Turkish Empire," from a prophetic standpoint. This is a very interestmg line of prophecy and a live question at the present time. WASILEWSKI WANTS FREEDOM. Accused .Murderer Applies to Court for a Writ of Ilnbcns Corpus. Anton Wasllewskl, one of the throe men lodged In the county jail on sus picion of having murdered Albert Wln dergratz. In Pell township, on Aug. 19 last, yesterday made application, through his attorneys, O'Brien & Kelly, for a writ of habeas corpus to secure his release. He alleges that he Is In nocent and that there was not the least scintilla of evidence, to connect him with the crime, adduced at the hearing before Justice Glynn, who committed him. Judge Archbald fixed Friday morn ing next at 9 o'clock as the time for hearing arguments on tho petition. TO HAVE A HORSELESS 'BUS. Hotel Jcrmyn Will Hnvc One for Its Transfer Service. A horseless carriage of the 'bus type Is to be used by the Hotel Jermyn In making trips between the hotel and the railroad stations. Hugh Keenan, the manager of the hotel's transfer depart ment, Is now in New York city making the purchase of the new style of ve hicle. Electricity will be the motive power. The batteries will be supplied from the hotel plant. It Is said the 'bus will cost $2,000. It will be the first vehicle of the kind in this part of the state. Ithciimntism Cured in a Dnv. "MYSTIC CURE" for RHEUMA TISM and NEURALGIA radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, drug gist, 41S Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. TH! PATENT We Make It. We Warrant It. We Wholesale It. THE WESTON ILL CO. i FRESH Jersey Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apricots, Canteloupes. viimu AmuvALs every MOItNINO. KR New York Dental Parlors ONLY ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. In order to Introduce our work in nit parts of Rrrnnton we wilt do work until Aug. 3filh for the following low prices: SAVE MONEY. Qava Daln rulx snT tebtii ss.oo GOLD CROWNS 93,00 I asassasassssesfcsfcfcs m SniitS) Premier typewriter, .?S llcst Value Writing Machine. First in Improvements, Honest (lonstruclion and all IliAli-grado Typewriter Essentials. T t t mt nooiarvr ritnn. Che Smith Premier typewriter Scrnnton Ofllce Room No. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, Best in the Market. Drexel Lawn Mowers, Best cheap mower made. Prices $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.25. Baldwin's Dry Air Refrigerators All sizes. The most per fect refrigerator manu factured. THE I & C01ELL CO. 434 Lackawanna Ave. Professional Physicians nnd Surgeons. DU. KAY, 208 Penn ave., 1-5 and 7-3 p. m. Diseases of women, children. Telephone. DR. I1ATESON. 337 N. WASHINGTON avenue, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. C. L. FREY HAS REMOVED HIS offices to tho Jewell Dutldlng, 30j Spruco stiect. MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D.. HOME opathlst. No. 228 Adams avenue DR A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Womlng avenuo nnd Spruce street. Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 13 NORTH WASH ington avenue. DR. ANNA LAW. 30S WYOMING AVE. Ofllce hours, 9-11 n. in., 1-3 p. m., i-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND 20S Board of Trade building. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Resi dence 309 Madison avenue. DR C. L. FREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Oftlce telephone 1303. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX. OrFICE 234 Adams. Residence. 12IS Mulberry. Chron lo diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys, nnd genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours 1 to 4 p. m. W G ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon.' Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital. 121 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone 2C72 Lawyer?. JAMES II. TORREY. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at Liw. Rooms 113 and 414 Commonwealth uuuuing. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND eounsellor-at-law. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. FDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY nooinB 312-13-14 Commonwealth Bldg. ir-FFREYS & RUDDY, ATTORNEYS-at-lawV Commonwealth Building. WARREN fr KNAPP. ATTORNEYS Vnrt Counsellor?-at-law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. ircwiTP & jnSSUP. ATTORNEYS AND rMinpellots at law, Commonwealth bulldl ns, Washington avenue. PiTTGRSON &WII.COX, TRADERS' PATjlJlank Building. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common, health building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. r-HAN'K T OKELL. ATTORNBY-AT-Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. ' TAMFB W OAKFORD. ATTORNEV Bt.I aw Rooms 514, 515 and 61C, Board of Trade Building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. Wyoming ave.. Scranton. t, A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ,t nMnwanna ave., Scranton. Pa. 1-. .w --- C R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, uommuu"-" ", --. ...., . C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D B REPLOaLE. ATTORNEV-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. B F. KILLIAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. JAB. J. II. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 45 Commonwealth bldg,, Scran ton. WATSON, DIEIIL, HALL & KEMMER ER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law. Traders' National Bank Building; rooms 6. 7. 8, 9 and 10: third floor. Detectives. BARRING & M'SWEENEY, COMMON wealth building. Interstate Secret Sir vice Agency. ttMfc My- U WEwSBSsSSJSJKHIHHBSSVSSMSJSBftBaSSSSSKSSSlSWVII'SI For Sals by JOHN H- PHELPS, Spruce street. PAIN. gold fiixino 91.00 Save Money SILVER PIIXINUS 800 Tliene are the only Dental Parlors In Rernnton Clint hn e the PATENT APPLIANCES nnd Ingredients to extract, fill nnd ntiply gold crown nnd porcelain, undetectable from nnturnl teeth, nnd war ranted for ton yearn, without leant partlcloofpnln, OIT.N DAILY 8 TO 8. SUNDAYS 10 TO I. New York Dental Parlors Cor, Lncknwnnnn and Wyoming Ave. Entrance on Wyoming A vs., Oor Newark Shoe Htore. TwpreMrtl lite Otitt l.i (! Co., s,reu$e,n.Y., u.$.h. 1, Arcade, Scrnnton, Pa. The Finest Line of BELT BUCKLES Ever seen in Scranton. Silver Gilt and Silver set witli Ame thysts, Carbuncles. Garnets and Turquoise, mounted on Silk, Leather and the latest Thing, Leather covered with silk. May be found at MERCEREAU & CONNELL'S, AGENTS FOR REGINA MUSIC BOXES, 130 Wyoming Ave. Directory. Architects PERCIVAL J. MORRIS, ARCHITECT, Bourd of Trado Building. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICH rear of COS Washington avenuo. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY & SON, ARCHITECTS. Traders' National Bank. Dentists. DR. I. O. LYMAN, 325 N. WASHINGTON avenue. DR. F. L. Jl'GRAW, 305 SPRUCE street. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON. 113 S MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C SNOVER. 421 LACKA. ave. Hours. 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR CU LACKA wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa manufac turer of Wire Screens. Schools. 8CHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collego or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER II. BUELU Scc.U. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house. 1350 North Main ave nue; storo telephone, 7S2. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZElGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR, balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert -work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's muslo store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' sutiDlles. envelopes, paper bags, twlno. Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO . WHOLE, sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postotllc. Agent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher. Printing. THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING C ! North Washington Avenue Llnotyp Composition of all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed In this region. When In doubt what to ute for Nervous Debility, Loss o( Power, Impotency.Atropuy.Varicocele and other wealcneues, from any cause, use Sexine Pills. Drains checked and full vigor quicklr restored, 1 1 oeg lcvd. eh troibffl rrtill huttr. Mailedfor$1.00;6boics$5 00. With $3.00 orders we give a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO,, ClCTCland, O. Y, W Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlnrj avenue and SAVE k ft ' i m m Hi rt ' flSjj