THE SCRANTON TliEBITN-E-WEDNESDAY MORNINGr. AUGUST 2C, 1S!7. In m BASE BALL GAMES PLAYED YESTERDAY Rain Disturbed (lie Eastern and National League Schedules. TOMMY OILLON'S GREAT PITCHING ltltcttrcs the IHsonsWltli Only Ono lilt nml ,No Jtiinc-Unltlmorn nnd Cinclnniitl AVI n in tlio National, nml thu Phillies Win Two Comes nml Pnss tlio IMrntcs Who Lost to Ilrooklyn. Itcsiilt. Ecranton 3 Buffalo o Toronto at Wllkes-llarre, raln. Syracuse nt Providence, rain. Montreal at Springfield, rain. I'crccntngo Hccord. P. W. L. P.O. Toronto 97 E'J 33 ,(S Syrucuso 105 K3 - -0i) ' Ulirtulo 105 02 43 ,5M Springlleld 97 G3 .667 Providence 100 61 49 .010 Scranton 91 45 40 .193 Montreal 99 33 CO .333 WIlkcs-Rarro 91 SS CS .271 Toilny's Cnnics. .. TORONTO AT SCRANTON. , WILKES-P.ARRE AT BUFFALO. SYRACUSE AT SPRINGFIELD. MONTREAL AT PROVIDENCE. DILLON A WONDER. dla Pitching, Aided by Bonner's Field ing, Gave the Bisons But One Lonesome lilt. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Buffulo, N. Y., Aug. 21. Tommy Gll lon, the little round-bodied, crook necked Miner pitcher, broke the East em league record here today by retir ing the heavy-hlttlng Bisons with one solitary hit. The Miners won by mak ing three runs nnd choking the Bisons off without a run. It was n game of peculiarities. Barry, the ex-Hlson and ex-Miner shortstop, played with Buffalo and made the lone some hit off Gillon, while Shortstop Sullivan, who was traded to Scranton for Barry, made a two-base hit which llgured In the Miners' run-getting. Barry's errors contributed toward the Scranton victory. Frank Bonner played the most won derful and accurate second base seen on the Buffalo grounds this season, accepting all of the fifteen chances, mnklng thirteen of his club's nineteen assists and contributing largely toward Scranton's victory by the magnificent support lie gave Gillon. By Associated Pros'". Buffalo, N. V., Aug. 21. It was a pitch ers' battle today 'and Scrsmtdn won. Gillon pitched magnificent ball. Ho was , absolutely Invincible. The Bisons got one i hit only nnd that camo from a substitute player, Barry, Score: '" BUFFALO. A.B. R. H. O. A. 33. Gilboy, If 4 0 0 2 0 0 Grey, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Clymer, of 4 0 0 1 0 0 Wise, 2b 3 0 0 4 3 0 Grcmlnger, Sb 2 0 0 0 3 1 Field, lb ; 3 0 0 10 -11 ' 0 Barry, ss 3 0 14 5 3 Zohner, c 2 0 0 4 10 Brown, p 3 0 0 2 0 0 Totals 2S 0 1 27 13 4 SCK AN TON. A.B. R. II. O. A. E. Walters, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Sullivan, ss 4 112 3 1 Bonner, 2b 3 1 !o 2 13 0 Massey, lb ......i... 4" 1 1 1G 0 1 Eagan, If 4 0 2 0 0 0 Grlflln, rf 4 0 12 0 0 Boyd, c 4 0 0 2 10 'Mngulre, 3b 3 0 0 2 0 0 Gillon, p 4 0 10 2 0 Totals 31 3 0 27 19 2 Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Scranton 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hit Sullivan. Three-baso hit Massey. First base on balls Off Brown, 1; off Gillon, 1. Hit by pitcher Grem lnger. 2; Zahnor, Magulre. Struck out By Gillon, 2; by Brown. 4. Wild pitch Brown. Left on bases Buffalo, 6; Scran ton, 4. Double plays Barry to Wise to Field. Sullivan to Bonner to Massey. Urn, plre Pop Smith. First base on errors Buffalo, 2; Scranton, 4. Time 1.40. ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Lancaster First game R.H.E. Lancaster 0 0 1,10 5 0 2 21113 1 Norfolk 000 10 000 12 6 4 Batteries Sprogel and Wente; MeFar land nnd Cole. Umpire Brady. Second game R.H.E. Lancaster 0 010 0 0 12 0410 3 Norfolk 20001 110 5 9 Batteries Yeager and Roth; Pfnnmlller and Cole. Umpire Brady. ADWilY'8 PILLS. Always Reliable, Pttrely Uegefable Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen Radway's Pills for the euro of all disorders of the stomach. Bowels, Kidneys. Bladder, Nervous, Diz ziness, Vertigo, Costlveness, Piles. SICK HBADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, AM) ALL DISORDERS QF THE LIVER Observe tho following symptoms, result ing from diseases of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward plies, fullness of b'.ood in tho head, ucidlty of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full, ness of weigh: of the stomach, sour eruj. tatlons, sinking or fluttering of tho heart, choking or suffocating sensations when In a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain In the heart, deficiency of persplra tlon. yellow ness of tho skin and eyes, pain In the side, chest, limbs and sudden flush. es of heat, burning In tho flesh, A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free tho system of all tho above named disorders. Price 35c per box, Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. Send to Dr. RADWAY &ro:. Lock B.x S; New York, for Book of Advice. World of At Richmond First game H.H.E. Richmond 3 0 0 2 4 2 11 013 11 2 Rending 200010 000-3 7 1 Hatterles Schmidt and Foster; Mc Mackln, Relny and Hcydon. Second gnmc R.H.E. Richmond 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2 1 1 Reading 01200001-4 6 0 Hatterles Stlmmcll and Foster! Wood ruff and Ileydon. Newark nt Patoreon Wot grounds. Athletics nt Hartford Rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results. Baltimore. 3 Chicago a Baltimore 5 Chicago 5 Philadelphia 8 St. Louis 7 Philadelphia I4 St. Louis a Brooklyn 10 Pittsburg 4 Cincinnati 9 Washington 6 Cleveland nt New York, wet grounds. Louisville at Boston, raln. I'crccntngo Hccord. P. W. L. P.O. Boston 102 71 31 X Baltlmoro 97 65 32 .070 Clnclnnxtl 93 62 31 .616 New York 97 CO 37 .019 Cleveland 93 G2 46 .531 Chicago 103 49 M .476 Philadelphia 101 46 M .4M Pittsburg 100 43 57 .430 Loulsvlllo 103 44 59 .427 Brooklyn lot 43 53 .426 Washington 100 40 CO .100 St. Louis 103 27 78 .262 To-dny's Games. Chicago at Baltimore. Loulsvlllo at Boston. Pittsburg at Brooklyn. Clevland at Now York. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Washington. At Philadelphia First game R.H.E. Philadelphia C 01000010 S 13 1 St. Louis 0 01101130-7 11 4 Batteries Taylor and MeFarland; Southoff, Hnrt and Murphy nnd Dougless. Umpire Kelly. Second game R.H.E. Philadelphia 2 7 0 10 0 4 01413 1 St. Lculs 0 1000010-2 10 2 Battorlea Wheeler and MeFarland: Hart and Murphy. Umpire Kelly. At Brooklyn R.H.E. Brooklyn 2 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 10 13 1 Pittsburg 12 1000000-4 15 2 Batteries FIshtr, Burrell and A. Smith; Klllen and Sugden. Umpire Carpenter. At Baltimore First game R.H.E. Baltlmoro 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 7 0 Chicago 00000 10012 4 2 Batteries Hoffer and Robinson; Grif fith and Donohuo. Umpire O'Day. Second game R.H.E. Baltlmoro 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2511 0 Chicago 113000005 7 1 Batteries Pond, Amole and Clark; Friend and Klttrldge. Umpire O'Day. At Washington R.II.E. Washington 13 0 0 0 0 0 2 0611 0 Cincinnati 1 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 9 13 2 Batteries vSwalm and Farrell; Brelten steln and Peitz. Umpire Lynch. FITZSIMM0NS HERE TO-MORROW. World's Champion lighter to Appear nt Athletic Pnrk To-morrow. Bob Fltzslmmons, the champion of all the champions, will appear In Scranton at Athletic park tomorrow at 3.30 p. in. He will give his bag punch ing exhibition and will spar four rounds with Dan Hlckey, who trained him to whip Corbett. When Bob spars for the edification of the public It means a sparring exhibition in all that the term Implies, and after his exhibition the base ball game between Toronto and the Miners will be played. The admis sion will be twenty-five cents, as usual; grand stand, twenty-five cents extra. In the evening, at Laurel Hill park, Fltzslmmons will spar four rounds with Hlckey end try out an unknown heavy weight, secured by his manager, Mar tin Julian, for points, and In addition n. number of well-known local boxers will app ar In preliminary bouts. The admission will be only twenty-five cents, ai d seats will be free. This ex hibition will begin at 8.30 p. m. DIAMOND DUST. Toronto here today. Two out of three from Buffalo. Morse and Gunson will be this after noon's battery. Tho Mlnets have won all but three of tho last 14 (fames played. There Is a sneaking suspicion that tho Grays will have to hump themselves to stay In fifth place. Tho Scranton players were guests of Kid McCoy nit Woodlawn Beach Sunday, says the IJuff.ilo Times. Tho Wllkes-Barro players wero In this city last night en route to Buffalo, where they play three games beginning today. Sandy Grllllii Is leading Scranton with the stick. His batting, always good, seems stronger than ever this season. Wllkes-Barro Record. Bonner is playing National league ball at second baso for Scranton, and no com ment Is nocoss.iry about his hitting, which is .367. Wllkes-Barro Record. Mr. Cooper, the advance man for Hob Fltzslmmons, Is pcre arranging for the appearance of the red-headed champion in Scranton at tomorrow's Toronto Seranton game. Cocper is negotiating for Fltzslmmons to appear at Wllkes-Barro next veek. A dispatch to Tho Trlbuno from Wllkcs-Barre last night stated that Shortstop McMahon, who was hit on tho head by a pitched ball on Monday, had Improved. He Is confined to his bed, however. Blood oozed from tho popular player's head nil Monday night. The physicians think a Bmall vein was brok en, but they say tho skull was not frac tured. Yesterday's Scranton-Buffalo gamo was a corker In more thnn one respect. Only bIx putouts are credited to tho two out fields; one hit off Gillon; 0 lilts off Brown: Bonner mado two-thirds of tho Minors' ussists and one-thlrd of alt their field ing chances; Massey mndq over live ninths of "the putouts; tho 'player who wusn't good enough for Uuffnlo helped Scranton win, and only about (threo Buf falo players aro recorded as .being "at bat" per Inning. Tho release of Sullivan to Scrnnton nnd tho recull of Barry Is another evl denco of what knocking will do. The cranks and press at Buffalo howled loud and long when Barry was sent to tfcrnn ton and wanted him back ugaln. Sulli van Is plainly tho bettor player at this stage of the game, but Manager Mowo yestoiday consented to tho exchangio In order to please the Buffalo patrons Innd press. Scranton has profltted by Itho dcnl. Barry Is tho faster of tho tiro players. Ho Is not, however, as seasoned as Sulllvun, nor us good a fielder nor as good a sticker. If they had had nn equal amount of practlco this season, It would hnvo been n toss-up between them but ns it Is, we pick Sullivan oh tho better of tho pair, and Barry Is a good man at that. He Is a conscientious, lively, clean player, and won In Scran ton a host of friends, who wish him well. SCRANTON BARKEEPS WON. Heat Their llinglinrnton Ilrnthrrcn by a Score ol SS to 10. The Scranton and ninghamton bar tenders, or, as they termed themselves, "mixologists," played a game of baso Sports. hnll In a sea of mud nnd more or less raln nt Athletic park yesterday after noon, nnd the Scranton dispensers of convivial fluids won by a score of 23 to 10, or thereabouts. It was a day for mud players and tho fellows who swam the best cut the most figure In the con test. Tho Parlor City barkeepers were clad In tho redest of red uniforms, black stocking." nnd white caps wheif the game started. The color was a cross between maltose and ochre at the fin ish. Two hundred spectators, despite the rain, saw the flounderlngs of tho two teams. Al Cnrr, manager of the Lackawannas, was the umpire. Following were the players: Blng hnmton Billy Hlckey, p.; Lawless, c; O'Brien, lb.; Osbourne, 2b.; Hlnes, 3b.; Colleen, s.s.; Hummer, r.f.; Sampson, l.f.; Kent, cf. Scranton Keegan, c; Roach, s.s.; Archbald, lb.; Thomas, lb.; Zang, 2b,; Colwell, 3b. nnd cf.; Hano way, l.f.; Jones, cf. and 3b.; O'Brien, r.f. AMATEUR BALL NOTES. The Actives challenge tho Sliders to a game of ball to bo played on the Ac tives' grounds Saturday at 2.30 p. m. sharp. Answer as soon as possible through this paper. J. McLane, man ager; E. Karpcr, captain. The Actives would like to have all of their players on tho grounds Satur day morning at 9 o'clock. J. McLano, manager; E. Harper, captain. Tho Mayflowers, of Bellevue, challenge the Walnut Street Stars, of Dunmore, for a gamo Sunday, Aug. 29, at 2 p. m., for $1 a side, on tho Clover Field grounds nenr Bellevue breaker. Tnko Bellevue car. Joseph Moran, manager; John Cor coran, captain. Tho Mayflowers will cross bats with tho Athletics Sunday, Aug. 29, at 10 a. m. sharp. Joseph Moran, manager; John Corcoran, cnptaln. Tho West Sldo Imperials challenge the West Sldo Athletics to a game of ball Aug. 29 In tho morning on the West Sldo Athletics' grounds. Answer and please stnto the time. Burnett, manager. Tho South Side Stars challenge the William Street Stars for a game Aug. 29 at 10.30 a. m., on your grounds. An swer in Tho Tribune. John Cook, cap- iain. iiio South Sldo Stars challenge the Baso Stealers, Cow Boys. Bottlers, Elec tric, Eagles, or the Willow Street Stars for game Sunday, Aug. 29, on tho Mill grounds. First come, first served. An swer In The Tribune as soon as possible. John Cook, captain. Tho Trilbys challenge the Sliders for a game of ball Aug. 29 on tho Sliders' grounds, Answer through Tho Tribune and Truth. E. Slattery, captain. Tho Mystics challenge tho Lilacs or tlio Rosetts for a game of ball Satur day afternoon on the Mystic grounds at 2.30. Answer In Tho Tribune. How ard Call, captain; J. Bryden, manager. Tho Orioles, of Priceburg, wish to know which club the Athletics, of Bellevuo, aro going to play, as thero will bo a picked up club to meet them at tho corner. Do not play the picked team. George Moses, manager. Tho Lilacs, of tho South Side, defeated the Royals, 2-0, and tho Falcons, C-3. F. Reap, manager. Tho Mlnookas challenge the Lacka wannas for a gamo on MInooka grounds Aug. 2. Pleaso nnswer as soon as pos sible. P. J. Phllbin, captain. The Lilacs, of tho South Side, chal lenge the Rosettes, of the same place, for a gamo Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock on the Stars' grounds, and the Tycoons for a game Aug. 29, at 2.30 p. m on our grounds. Will give a return game. Answer In tomorrow's Tribune. F. Reap, mnnnger. Tho West Side Sliders challenge the Scranton Juniors for Friday morning at 9.30 o'clock, the Rosettes for Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the Lilncs, of tho South Side, for Sunday. Answer in Tho Tribune. The ailders accept the challenge of the South Side Grays for Thursday at 9.30 a. m. on our grounds. Tho base ball team of Camp No. 333, Patriotic Order Sons of America, chal lenges tho team from Camp No. 178 to a gamo to be played on the grounds of the West Sldo Browns Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tho prize to bo played for Is the DeWItt pitcher. Tho Dunmore Nonpareils challengo tho West Side Browns to a game of ball Au gust 29 on tho West Side grounds nn1 also challenge tho Actives, of Dunmore, to a game on August 2S on mt auhu grounds. Answer as soon as possible if challenge is satisfactory. John J. Cole man, manager. Thu West Side Starlights have change.! tlelr ramo to the "Merriwell Boys." They challengo tho South Scrantor Grays tho South Sldo Stars. Lilacs, of the Smith Side, or any club In tho city or county under 15 years of age. When any club accepts cur challenge pleas direct us how to reach your grounds. George Da vis, captain and manager. Answer only through The Tribune. Tho Grassy Island base ball club chal lengo tho H. A. Holford tenm, of Peck vl'.le, to a game on August 29 on tho Prassy Island gronds. James Allen, man ager. Answer though The Tribune as soon as posrlble. The Dockash club, of the Scranton Stove works challengo the West Side Browns to a game of ball on the Brown's grounds on Sunday nfternoon next. An swer through The Tribune. KE00II MAY GO TO LONDON. Gnmo is licing Arrnngcd lictween Him mill tho niiglHh Champion. The Brunswick Balke-Callender com pany, whose championship pool medal Is now held by Jerome It. Keogh, of this city, Is Interesting Itself In the arranging of a contest between the Scranton boy and John Roberts, of London, the English champion and claimant of the world's championship. It Is generally believed that Keogh Is the best player that ever handled a pool cue In America nnd that he Is tho man and now Is the time to make tho effort, to have the championship medal an American possession. Keogli Is not only willing but anx ious to make the match, and If the flnnnclul end of tho affair Is satisfac torily arranged he will go to London to play. M'CUE-FITZSIMMONS MATCH. They Will Uox Twenty Hounds nt -Music Jlnll Sept. 3. Another good boxing bout Is prom ised for Music Hall, Thursday night, Sept. 2. Marty McCue nnd Hugh Fitz. Simmons, both of New York city, have been matched for twenty rounds. They will weigh In at 120 pounds. The two aro among tho best at their weight in New York or Brooklyn and have won base: ball rark, Toinqrrowjit 3.30 p. ni. . The SInrvcl or thu Century, Btyb Fitzsimmons ChniiiiMou of Champions, in his marvelous bag puijchlng exhibition and a hot four round go with Dun Hlckey. Ball UWe, 430. TOKONTOS VS. SCRAN TONS. Amission, 35 cinti. L. A U R - hTUl, PARK, Thursday Night, 8.30 p. m. GRAND UUXlFa CONTEST, unit iiiTTGfMunuc ic mu nif.inu Hobby Dobbs vs. Billy Vllbhons, James Judge m. 11. Collins. Ten other four-round bouts. Aunusiion, 23e, decisions lit about alt thetr recent meetings with' the best men at their weight in th vicinity of those two cities. Tho American Sporting club, which gives tho McCue-Fltzslmmons affair, will on Sept. 16 present a star bout be tween "Bobby" Dobbs nnd Martin Judge. Judge Is no stranger tn Scran ton, His most recent work was on Monday night In Philadelphia, when ho stopped Walter Watson In one round. lllcyclo Knees Postponed. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather, It was impossible to hold the races of the Wlndyguft Wheelmen yes terday morning. They will bo held on Friday, August 27, at B a. m., at tho Driving Park. RING NOTES. Tommy Dixon, the Rochester feather weight, has been sufforlng from neu ralgia but is better and wants to match with Oscar Gardiner. Corbett continues to play first base nnd draws his $500 for each game. This Is netting him more money than ho could mnko In the ring. It is tho lucre Jim Is after. McCoy Is fighting to make money. Ho doubtless feels that It Is wlso to have a nest egg laid aside In case ho should run up against a knock out In tho Ryan battle. Ryan's confidence Is something In Ryan's favor. Advanco Agent McDonough Is In the city nrrnnglng for tho vernscopo pictures of tho Cnrson City fight at tho Acad emy of Music next week. REMEMBER Tribune "Want Ads" are payable in advance. Don't ask to have them charged. HELP WANTED MALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. "IX7ANTED-MKN TO CANVASS FOR VV fast selling 20-ccnt nrtlcle that nny ono can sell that can sell anything. Room O, Dime Dank. WANTED AT ONCEA YOUNG MAN of somo experience, as stenographer and ofllce assistant. Address, M. WANTED AGENTS-S75 PER MONTH nnd expense paid nctlve men If right; poods sold by sample only; samples, also horse and carriage furnished FREE. Ad dress JOBBER, Box S308, Boston, Moss. SALESMENSCHOOL SUPPLIES: COUN try work: 8100 snlnry monthly, with liberal additional commissions. K. O. EVANS & CO, Chicago; WANTED-AN IDEA. WIIOCANTHINK of some simple thing to-patent? Pro tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. WritoJOHN WEDbERDURN & CO., Dept. C. 215, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C., lor their 81800 prize oner and list of 1,000 Inventions wanted. X7-ANTED-AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC- tlon to canvass; 84.00 to $3.00 n day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell Staple Goods to denlers; best side line 876 a imontb; salary or large commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton honp und Manufuctur ng Company, Cincinnati, O. 7ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 1 ' every town to solicit stock subscrip tions: n monopolv: ble money for nccnts: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH & CO., iiuiut'ii iiui;U vsunugui AiJ HELP WANTED FEMALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. Vi fANTED-A COOK, AT 033 JEFFER- eon avenue; reiurenco required. w 7ANTED-A GOOD COOK AT 603 LIN- ucn street. WANTED-A COMPETENT WAITRESS. MRS. E. P. KINGSBURY. Apply nt fi'JS Cluy avenue, between the hours of 8 and O a. ni. und O to 8 p. m. LADIES-I MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleasant home work, nnd will Kindly send full particulars to nil rending 2 cent mump. M1S& M. A. STEI1U1NS, Lawrence, Mich. VVANTED-LADY AGENTS IN feCRAN- ton to sell nnd lntroduco Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write for juullculurs at once and get bonelit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER A CO.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY--TWO ENER- ' getio saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed 8H a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for pnitlculnrs, enclosing stamp, MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY? No. 72 Jobu street, New York. FOR KENT. Advs, Under This Head One Cent a Word. TORE TO LET WELL LIGHTED, GOOD cellar; good buslnes; steam heated. JONES, 311 Spruce street. Open evenings. OFFICES AND APARTMENTS-TEAM heated; conveniences; bnndsomcly decorated. JONES, 311 Spruce street. Open evenings. 17011 RENT-TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED J1 or unlurnlsbed. Apply Thursday from O to 12 a. tn. and 2 to 5 p. m. MRS. BOGUS, Room 13, 311 Spruce street. FOR RENT-STORE, 314 SPRUCE street. Excellent location; steam hent Also line offices on second floor, lust Rultod for doctor or lawyer. Apply, RALPH A. GREGORY, Agent, 605 Hoard of Trade Building. FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. F OR SALE-NEW SET (15 VOL) IN ternational Eneycloncdla. Will kdl for 820, worth 513. W. II., 1312 Academy street. I?OR SALE-A FINE YOUNG SPAN OF . dark chestnut horses. For description Inquire nt Everett's Stable, Dlx Court, Scran ton. I?ORHALE-riNE TRAP CHEAP. 1541 Penn avenue. REAL ESTATE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. IT- LEO ANT, SUPERIOR AND HEALTHY li houses on Jefferson nnd Monroe ave nues: modern conveniences; newly painted and decorated. JONES, 311 Spruce street. Open evenings. OTS FOR SALE7)NNIc7lOLSHEmm'8 and l.onnlne. Address A.A.NICHOLS, Agent, Clark's Summit, Pa. TMiKGANTNEW RESIDENCE IN UPPER I j Gieen Ridge; purt cash, a rare opportu nity. Addres lock box 2011. F OR HALE-DESIRAHLE LOT, WITH bouse on tear. (11H N. Wnshlnntnn nv. nue; owner leaving city. 001 (julncy avo. DRESSMAKING. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, v wj ww-"-' TVfADAME JOHNSON, FASHIONABLE 11 dressmaking, 631 Hrock Court. SPECIAL NOTICE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. pOLD-A MEETING WILL HE HELD vT Frldny evening, August 27, 7.110 o'clock nt 416 Penn nvenuo to complete arrange ments for going to Alaska. All Interested Invited. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. fN RE: "SlSlEyrVnXUEARK X Bank. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, uu Auditor anpoluted by the Court or Common Pleas of Lnckawunnu County, to .make distribution of the funds In tho hands ofs. II, Mott, Esq., assignee of the Hyde Park Hank, will uttend to the duties of his up nolntment, nt his ofllce In tho Coal Exchange Building, Scranton. Pa., on Saturday, the 26th duy ofWeptembor, 1807, at 10 o'clock ik m., at whluh time mid place all parties having claims on said fund must appear and present their claims or forever be debarred from coming In upon suld fund. JOHN M. HARRIS, Auditor. Connolly REMOVAL SALE. Our store has been the great shopping center during the past ten days. It will be greater than ever during the next ten. The prices we have placed on our stock to sell it, preparatory to our removal to our new store, are the lowest prices at which good dry goods have ever been sold in Scranton. If you have not visited us yet, come at once ; if you have, come again. There is always something that you haven't seen, for in a large stock like ours, and in our lim ited space, we can only display a small fraction of our goods at a time. We started out to sell this stock of dry goods, and to make this sale the greatest sale you have ever known. We are satisfied, from the crowds of people who are constantly with us and the favorable comments we have heard, that we have succeeded. $SK-We expect the New Store to be ready about September 1st. I CONNOLLY & 209 u At reduced prices, still continues. We have $100.00 Bicycles ranging in price from $50.00 to $75.00. You can buy department store bicycles at any price. We have none. It is bad policy to buy a bicycle that will turn out to be a neck breaker. Remember, we are the largest dealers in the city, and can offer you better inducements than anv one in the city. Not in business for one year, but here to stay. Sterling, Stearns, Are Bittenbender & Co., 126 and 128 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-A SITUATION, HY AN EX Tierinnreri -nnnir lndv as clerk in store or assistant In otHce. Address, M. H., 001 Price street. UTOATION WANTED-ASAN ERRAND ) girl. Apply, 1112 Swetlnnd street. SITUATION WANTED-BY A WOMAN to go out washing and cleaning otllces by the day. Address, 033 Mineral street, Sand Banks. SITUATION WANTED-HY YOUNG MAN with experience as hotel waiter. Ad dress, 115 Penn avenue. OITUATION WANTED-AS A SECOND O hand bread nnd cake baker In city, or first hand In country. Shop experience, ten yearn; sober; Intelligent; married. Address, GEORGE M. NOLL, 1005 Price street, Scranton, Pn. SITUATION WANTED-AS HUTCHER; flrst-class meat cutter and bologna maker; good peddler. Strictly temperate. Address, HUTCHER, 1018 Jackson street, City. AN ELDERLY LADY WOULD LIKE A few engiiBementH as nurse, or would ac cept a position us housekeeper. In the homo otu respectable working man; wages no ob ject to a good homo. Address C. P. L., Gen eral Delivery, city. SITUATION WANTED-RESPECTAHLE married man, experienced In ofllce work desires n position; will work nt any honest employment; can furnish references. Ad drum J. 11, , Tribune Ofllce. PITU.VTION WANTED-HY A COLORED Ci man, In a wealthy private family; can Airnlsh you with twelve years' expeilence. Address In the rear of 411 Mndlson avenue, City. Cull at 6 p. m. SITUATION WANTED-DRUGGIST, REG O Istered, young man, single; 8 years' ex perlence; speaks xeveral langunges: Al ref erence; llrst-cluss prescriptions. A. K. L., Tribune ofllce. YOUNG MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UN derstands meat, fish, oyster and grocery business, desires position In or out of city. Address 1520 Plttston avenue, Scranton, Pa. ANTED AH aTaUNDRESS ONNEW kind of work by the day; run give ref erences. Address T. E., 701 Elm street, SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNG man to work In a grocery store; good references. Address Box .102, Dunmore, Pa, WANTED-SlTUATION nY A GERMAN girl lu small family; good references. Address 103 1 Lucke street. SITUATION WANTED-AS A GROCERY clerk; has had 7 yeurs' experience In the grocery line; b peaks 5 different languages; or salesman on the road; can furnish satis factory references. Address C. W , Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-UY A FIRST ) class baker In hotel, bakery or cracker bakery. Address CHAS. S. FERNSLER, 1028 south Washington avenue, Hcruntoii. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT O washing; washing and Ironing taken home also. Call or address L. U., 33 1 North Sumner avenue. SITUATION WANTED-UY A YOUNG man to take care of horses or any other kind of work. T., 001 Price Street. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood. Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HET2EL, Chiropodist, 330 Lackawanna avenue. Ludlos attended at their resldenoe If desired. Charges tuoder . ate. & Wallace W1U Washington Avenue. mi in Barnes Bicycles the Three Best Wheels Hade. SWEEPII R IG icycle: ARGAINS kAAAAAAA 2 Gents' Keatings, new $42.00 1 Ladies' Keating, new 42.00 Second-Hand Spaldings 30.00 Second-Hand Keatings 30.00 Also 1 Second-Hand Columbia for 28.00 1 Second-Hand Hunterfor 20.00 Many other bicycle bargains from $10.00 up, be sold immediately. AGENTS W ANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. K LOND1KE AGENTS WANTED FOR lnrgo llltmrateu oook or Klouulke, live lmndrtM niiiies: price SI. nil; outfit 100. Ad dress NATIONAL PL'HLISIHNG CO,, Lake side Uulldlng, Chicago, III. R ELIAHI-E AGENTS WANTED; NO other necu nppiy. iiox iuu, scrumoii, Pa. WANTED-AGENTS TO SOLICIT BUILD- lug and Lonn stock; relorence re quired. Address PENN, enro Tribune. WANTED-SOLICITORS; NO DELIVER, lng, no collecting; position permanent; nay wceklyj.stato uge. GLEN UROTHERS, AGENTS-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Citizenship price ?l. Go ing by tuousunds. Address NICHOLS, Nupervllle, 111. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro plasters; prices from $3 upward: Hilary und expenses pnld; outfit free. Address, with stump, MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AOENTH-TO SELL CIGARS TO DEAL ers; 8Jr weekly and expenses; experi ence unneccssaiy. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO., 48 Vuu Huren St., Chicago. CITY SCAVENGER. AIUiRiaaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. HRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 N. Muln;ave., or KlckeV drug store, corner Adams und Mulberry. '.telephone tl04Q. CHAS. COOPER, CITY SCAVENGER. All orders promptly intended to, day or night. All tbo latest uppllunces. Charges reasonable. 710 Scruulou street, llouso, 1126 Washburn street. X i Franklin Avenue G. M. FL0RF.Y, 222 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa Musf TO Jiirlsch's Is the place. These prleos talk for themselves. All wheels guaranteed and are'07good4. List. Selling Prlco Olives, SI 00.00 $ 70.00 Gales, $S0.00. 55.00 Stormers, $75.00 G0.00 Suburbans, $05.00 40.00 Stormers, $00.00 49.00 Winners, $50.00 30.00 NiiKRets, $00.00 27.50 Orients, $100.00 100.00 Trinities, $100.00 100.00 Positively the Cheapest I'lnce In Scranton to Purchase a GOOD WheoL 324 Sprues St In Jermyn Building. MICTIONS STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING, qHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JL stockholders or The Scranton Forging Company, inr the election of directors unit the transaction of other business, will bo held ut the office of the company, In the city of Scranton, on Wednesday, August 28th, 1807i at 3 o'clock p. in. K. F. CHAMBERLIN, Secretary.