The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 17, 1897, Morning, Image 1

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Exciting Incidents at the
Scene of the
. Strike. ,
Duel Between Two of
Sheriff's Deputies.
Crlmliinl and Civil Suits Have Been
Instituted Agninst the l)c Armitl's
iind the Hcnring in the Injunction
Case Kopt Iloth Sides lliisv All Dny
In tlio Pittsburg Ucgion-Mnrcliing
in Virginia.
Pittsburg, Aug. 1G. Today was
fraught with exciting incidents In mat
ter pertaining to the miners' strike.
Mutiny in the strikers' camp, a mur
der In the deputies' ranks, filing of
criminal and civil suits against the
DeArmltts, and the hearing In the in
junction case ngainst President Dolan
and others kept both sides to the strug
gle busy and on the qui vive all day
Two deputies, Robert Kerr and Frank
Anderson, employed as guardians of
the New York and Cleveland Coal Gas
company fought this afternoon, and
as a result Kerr cannot live until morn
ing. Anderson Is proprietor of a dive on
Water street, this city, and Is known
as a bad man. He was In charge of the
.deputies at Sandy Creek. It is not
known what the men fought about,
but they met on a bridge crossing
Plum creek, and after a few words,
Anderson was seen to hit Kerr, who
retaliated and a rough and tumble
fight flowed. Anderson succeeded In
..drawing his revolver and placing It
close to Kerr's abdomen,, fired the
ball tearing through the victim's Intes
tines and lodging In his back. The
physicians say he will die.
A constable tried o arrest Ander
son, but he was prevented by deputies
who said they would hold him until
th'e arrival of the sheriff, which may
not be before morning.
The hearing In the injunction case
before Judges Stowe and Collier was
perhaps one of the most Important and
Interesting events held in a Pennsyl
vania court. It was a hearing In w hlch
both capital and the rights of labor
were Interested and the decision Is ex
pected to have a telling effect on the
conduct of the great coal miners' strike
which has been on since July 5.
From the testimony adduced and
from the expressions of the court. It
can safely be said that there will be
some surprise. That the injunction will
be materially modified there Is believed
to be no doubt, which In Its face would
indicate a victory for the strikers. The
preliminary decree has been continued
rending a consultation of the Judges
and an opinion will probably be hand
ed down by noon tomorrow.
Judge Collier said In court today
that the strike would go down In his
tory as one of the wonders of the cen
tury and remarkable on account of tho
utter lack of disorder for which the
strikers are commended and have the
sympathy of the court.
At Sandy Creek, a score or more of
foreigners rebelled against the quality
of the food served and threatened to
march. They were finally subdued on
threats of arrest.
In addition to the civil suits entered
ngainst President W. P. DeArmltt, by
his former employes, for wages, three
criminal suits have been brought
against Samuel DeArmltt, a brother of
the president.
Mrs. Anna Crotol, who was evicted
on Saturday by Samuel DeArmltt, has
brought a criminal suit, charging as
ep.ult and battery. She says he held
n hatchet above her head and threat
ened to kill her.
John Crotol, her husband, also sues
DeArmltt for larceny. He claims that
DeArmltt took away with him a gal
len keg of wine and a JIG revolver of
Crotol's. The conference of labor lead
ers announced for tonight has been
postponed until tontorrovi night.
Falrmount, W. Va., Aug. 16. Wood
and O'Connell headed a large body of
miners who marched to the Montana
mine last night, intending to camp
there all night, but the rain early this
morning discomfited them and not
much work was done. For several
days If the claims of the organizers
nre correct, several men in the mine
have been members of tho Mine Work
ers' union and would come out this
monrlng but they thought more mis
sionary work was necessary to make
the movement nmong the miners.
Rea and Carney returned from Tyr
ronnell this morning and unother fail
ure there makes the strike situation
here very discouraging to the organi
sers. The men who are at work In the
Fairmont district do not want to strike
and it is very improbable that they
"It is surprising the effect the or
ganizers have on the men," said tho
operator today to the Associated Press
representative." The monongah men
will not listen to anything their friends
may advise and continue out. Every
night they make long marches without
avail and never appear to get discour
sed. Another thing, the operators
are not getting rich out of this strike.
Indeed the prices we are getting It
keeps us busy to pay .our men and the
dozens of special policemen and guards
made necessary. Not a ton of coal Is
helng shipped east either, as the soft
coal workers of Pennsylvania keep that
market supplied. Then again, Just be
fore the strike the three biggest mines
in this region received Immense lake
contracts which must be filled."
At present 6010 men at Monongah, 40
nt Prltchard, 60 at Montana, 400 at
Clarksburg mines, SO at Palatine, 20 at
New England and 60 at Judge Mason's
mine arc all out.
Cumberland, Mil,, .Aug. 16. Prom In
formation received here tonight serious
trouble Is likely to occur among the
miners at Corinth, W. Va., caused by
the release of three Italians who were
arrested charged with threatnlng to
blow up the mine and brick plant of
the Oakland Coal company. The re
lease of the men tended to encourage
the other strikers who armed with
guns went to the house of six men who
had been at work, broke Into It and
destroyed their property. Ex-Deputy
United States Marshal Wheeler was
guarding the miners and was shot at
but made his escape to Oakland and
reported the facts to Superintendent
Anderson, who resides there. Since the
rioting has commenced there Is no tell
ing where It will end, and great alarm
Is felt.
Greensburg, Pa., Aug. 16. Wild dis
order prevailed in the vicinity of Her
menle and the Ocean Coal company's
works tonight. The 200 -miners who
came from the river district today were
successful this afternoon In bringing
the miners at Hermenle out. About
175 inen quit work about 3 o'clock. They
all marched over to the Arona and
Madison works and proceeded to Mil up
with "pollnka." They threatened the
miners at Arona and Madison, who
number about 250 men, Intimating that
If thev did not quit work they would
be turned out.
People Arc Throwing Awny Their
Pncks mid Provisions and Aro
Hushing Headlong to the Klondike
Washington, Aug. 16. William J.
Jones, United States commissioner to
Alaska, assigned to St. Michaels, has
sent to the Interior department the fol
lowing report on the gold rush, In a
letter dated at Lyea, Alaska, Aug. 4:
"There are nearly 1,800 people at
Dyea and Rkagaway routes, and both
trails are blocked. People are throw
ing away their packs and provisions
and rushing headlong to the mines.
Great distress, hardship and suffering
and possible death from hunger and
oxpnsute Is sure to follow next winter,
an opinion that Is enteitatned "by all
old Alaska prospectors who have vis
ited that part of the world in late years
and know the situation."
Four Thousand People Homeless by
the Hunting of n Russian City.
Berlin, Aug. 16. A dispatch to the
Kreuzzeltung from Warsaw says that
the town of Ostrow, In the prvlnce of
Seldlce, RusBta, has been destroyed by
Four hundred houses have been
burned down and 4,000 people are home
less. Four persons have been killed
and many children are missing.
The most remarkable feature of the
conflagration is that It began simul
taneously in four different parts of the
Parades of Female Prisoners In Eng
Innd to Bo Stopped.
London, Aug. 16. A long-existing
scandal has been ended by a complaint
upon the part of Sir John Brunner,
the well-known philanthropist of Liv
erpool, and a member of parliament
for the Norwich division of Cheshire,
who drew the attention of the home
secretary, Sir Matthew White Ridley,
to the habit of transferring woman
from the Liverpool Jail to Knutsford
prison In big gangs, chained together
like slaves.
It developed from Inquiries made by
the home secretary Into the subject
tnat as many as twenty-two women In
one gang have been thus paraded. Or
ders have been issued to stop this prac
French Scheme to Ilnise n Revenue
From Deadheads.
London, Aug. 16. A parliamentary
committee of France, which was ap
pointed to Investigate the subject of
theatrical passes, has recommended to
the chamber of deputies the adoption
of a law to abolish season tickets for
all dramatic and musical entertain
ments, and for Imposing a heavy stamp
tax on all tickets.
The rate proposed for passes Is CO
centimes. On this basis the Income Is
reckoned at 1,445,000 francs on free
passes In Paris alone, and a total of
3,543,755 francs on all classes of tickets.
Revived Him Long Enough to Name
Ills Assnilnnt.
New York, Aug, 16. Harry Magee,
who was assaulted on Aug. 5 In a
Coney Island dance hall, was visited
by Coroner Coombs today to take the
man's antl-mortem statement.
Magee was unconscious, but by stick
ing needles into him he was brought
back to life long enough to make a
statement to the effect that he was
struck with a beer glass by Thomas
King, the floor manager of the dance
hall, who Is under arrest. Magee re
lapsed Into unconsciousness, and can
not live.
Tarls, Auk. 16. A sensational rumor,
which Is not yet confirmed, Is In circu
lation tonight that the wound of Prince
Henri of Orleans is not healing sufficient.
ly and that the patient is suffering from
high fever. The physicians, It Is said,
decllno to give any definite Information
as to his condition.
Nnrragansctt Pier Damaged.
Narmgansett Pier, R. I., Aug. 16. Nar
ragansett Pier was swept by storm and
fire this morning. A portion of the sea
wall of Ocean road was damaged to the
extent of $500 and lightning struck a big
barn owned by 'Ed-nerd Davis, of Provi
dence, and the building was burned to the
ground with contents, entailing a loss of
$10,000. The Gladstone hotel, the John
Carver cottage, the Aiiowal cottage, the
Hotel Continental and the Chandler
House were also struck by thunder bolts,
but suffered little damage.
The Fate of the Assassin of Premier
Says Ho Was Prompted by tho I'n
slon for Vengeance That Wns
Aroused When Five Anarchists
Were Executed nt Hnrcclona.
Vergara, Spain, Aug. 16. Michel An
glollllo, the anarchist assassin of Pre
mier Canovas del Castillo, who was
tried by court martial, was found
guilty and sentenced to death.
Upon hearing the sentence Angloll
Uo turned deathly pale and had to be
assisted from the court room. About
two hundred persons were present at
the trial. The vicinity of the prison
was almost deserted, the public being
apparently indifferent, in view of the
certainty that the death penalty would
follow the court martial.
Angloltllo heavily manacled, sat be
tween two gendarmes and Immediately
In front of him the Judges. On the
table nearby lay his revolver and other
material evidence of the crime.
The president of the court read the
declarations of eye witnesses, after
which the written statement of the
prisoner was read by the clerk of the
court. Anglollllo, In the course of ilia
statement, said that he left Foggla In
October, 18S3, nnd went to Marseilles
and Barcelona, where he took the
name of Jose Santos. At first he had
no thought of becoming an anarchist,
but while at Coromlna he began to be
Interested In anarchist doctrines. He
then returned to Marseilles and after
his expulsion from that city, he went
to Belgium and London, where he
passed most of his time in tho society
of anarchists.
When the execution took place at
Barcelona on May 4 of five of the an
archists convicted of participation in
tho bomb outrage at the Feast of Cor
pus ChrlBtl, he conceived the Idea of
assassinating Canovas. Without seek
ing an accomplice, he proceeded to
Spain and carried out the resolution.
Anglollllo went on to say that the
passion for vengeance led him to com
mit the crime. As he was unacquaint
ed with the manufacture of explosives,
hi used the revolver.
The public prosecutor described the
crime as "premeditated murder," and
asked the court to Impose the death
Lieutenant Gorrla, whom the court
had assigned as counsel to Angollllo,
urged that the prisoner was demented
at the time of the shooting, and made
a strong appeal to the benevolence of
the Judges. k
While his counsel was presenting this
plea Anglollllo listened In silence. Then
he asked peimlsslon to speak for him
self, which was granted. He thanked
Lieutenant Gorrla for his efforts and
denied that he had any accomplices,
or that he was an accomplice of those
who committed the bomb throwing out
rage at Barcelona, or that he had par
ticipated In Becret gatherings of an
archists. When he began to discuss
anarchist theories; the president of
the court interrupted him, and threat
ened to stop him If he pursued that
line of remark or touched upon any
matters not connected with the trial.
Anglollllo persisted In speaking of
politics, nnd of the wars In Cuba, and
the Phllllpplne Islands. The president:
"All tha,t has nothing to do with your
Anglollllo replied: "I must Justify
The president retorted: "That Is no
Justification. Moreover, you can con
vince nobody In that way."
Angloltllo began again, but the pres
ident declared the trial ended and or
dered the court room cleared.
After the prisoner had been conduct
ed to his cell the Judges deliberated for
an hour and then announced the sent
ence of the court.
Fusion Populists Wnnt Something
Resides Silver for tho Cnmpnign.
Topeka, Kas., Aug. 16. The new pop
ulist state central committee of Kan
sas is considering a proposition for a
national conference of populists, demo
crats and socialists to decide upon a
new Issue upon which to make the next
campaign against the Republican par
ty. It Is suggested that a campaign
cannot be successfully made on the
silver question, and that a new Issue
is demanded upon which the antl-Re-publlcan
forces can unite.
Prominent Populists leaders hero
want the campaign made upon a plat
form of opposition to trusts and com
binations and favoring the abolition
of all federal courts excepting the su
preme court.
John Masterson Kills His Nephew
npd Himself.
San Francisco, Aug. 16. John Mas
terson, aged 75, shot and killed John
Kurran, his nephew, and fatally
wounded himself today. Kurran was
the proprietor of a grocery store and
employed his uncle as clerk. A few
days ago ho discharged the old man.
This morning Masterson appeared at
the store and after a few words with
his nephew, drew a pistol and fired
three shots nt Kurran, who fell after
the third shot, which took effect In the
left breast.
Masterson then attempted to kill the
youth who had succeeded him as clerk,
but the latter lied. Masterson turned
the weapon upon himself, Inflicting a
fatal wound in the head.
What nn Autopsy on the Ilody ot Darn
, - ' Ciishmnn Revealed.
Bristol, Vt., Aug. 16. The autopsy
on the body of Dora Cushman, the 15-year-old
girl whose body was foun'd in
a pasture at Lincoln, yesterday, dis
closed evidence whlrh the physicians
say shows that death resulted from
poisoning. It was also disclosed that
the girl was in a delicate condition.
William Brlttel, an intimate friend
of Smith Davis, who disappeared from
Lincoln yesterday, has been arrested.
Brlttel has admitted that Davis told
him of tho Cushman girl's condition
and said he had procured some medi
cine which would bring her out of the
trouble. It was learned further that
Brlttel acted as messenger between
Davis and the Girl, telling the latter
that Davis had tho medicine and that
he would meet her in the woods and
give It to her.
It Is thought the girl went to the ap
pointed place and took the dose, which
proved fatal, and Davis fled when ho
saw tho effect of It. The authorities
have traced the fugitive as far as Rut
land, where he bought a ticket for
Manchester, N, II.
Mrs. Knto Gnllnghcr Found with Her
Thront Cut.
Galveston, Tex., Aug. 16. Mrs. Kate
Gallagher, for twelve years a school
teacher In this city, who lived with her
son Vergil at Thirteenth and K street,
was found today with her throat cut
from ear to ear and tho body charred
beyond recognition. After killing her
the murderer set fire to the bed. Vir
gil, the twenty-year-old son of the
murdered Ionian, was nrrested and
confessed he committed the crime to
get money to spend on a variety act
ress. The crime was deliberately planned
nnd executed. The young man had
packed his trunk and was ready to
leave. He had the furniture Insured
and with the money expected to leave
Texas as soon as the ffre lnsuranco
oould be adjusted, but the Are was dis
covered In time to prevent the destruc
tion of the house.
Thousands of Dollars Worth to no
Dredged Tor.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 1G. J. J. Wil
liams, of this city, has closed a deal
whereby he pre-empts two of the larg
est lakes In Arkansas where pearls
have been found. This deal settles all
doubts about the remarkable pearl dis
coveries that have recently been made
In the Arkansas bayous. On Murphy
Lake, In a couple of hours, Mr. Wil
liams dug up 42 stones ranging In size
from a pea to an acorn, and three of
the gems are worth $500 each.
One Jewelry house In Memphis has
bought $10,000 worth of the stones. The
pearl craze has superseded the Klon
dike fever, and parties are already In
the field prospecting. Mr. Williams has
found It necessary to surround the lakes
with a cordon of guards, and the banks
are illuminated every night to keep
thieves away.
Serious Accident Cnuscd by
Breaking of Coupling Chnin.
Ottumwa, la., Aug. -6. &y the, break
ing of. a coupling on a chain of cars
in the mine of the Wapello Coal com
pany, today twenty men were
more or less badly Injured, three of
them fatally. The fatally Injured are:
James Darby, Dan Coulson and Charles
The 200 men employed In the mine
were on a train of twenty-five cars
going down an Incline from the mouth
o' the shaft to their places of work
when the coupling of the last two cars
broke, letting the rest down the grade.
The cars struck a curve In the track
and men nnd cars were piled together
In a heap.
Prevents Lynching of tho Assnilnnt of
His Daughter.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 16. Will
Phillips, who assaulted Miss Sallie
Jones, daughter of a wealthy Georgia
planter, residing near this city and
who was arrested In Arkansas, was
taken to the Jail at Lafayette, Walker
county, Ga where the crime was com
mitted. A mob had been orgalzed to lynch
Phillips as soon as Miss Jones Identi
fied him, but her father prevailed on
them to let him go to trial.
Posses are In pursuit of the assailant
of Mrs. and Miss Heathcock, and ev
ery road and avenue to Chlckamauga
park Is being guarded by armed men.
If caught, the men will be lynched.
Austrian Soldiers Wounded in the
Mock Engagement.
Vienna, Aug. 16. At the recent sham
fight at Neusonl, Hungary, when the
infantry were fired on by the Honvids,
It was found that some of the former
were wounded. It turned out that the
rifles of the Honvids contained pieces
of lead.
The police have made several arrests.
Meeting of Clonkmnkcrs.
New York, Aug. 16. Preparations aro
being made for the big mass meeting of
Cloak Makers, which has been called for
Wednesday night. At this meotlng It will
doubtless be fettled whether or not the
Greater New York branch of the United
Brotherhood will go on strike. Prelim
inary or shop meotlngs will bo held In
small halls nnd synagogues on the east
side to discuss tho situation and tako
counsel as to the advisability of forcing a
general strike at the present time, which
is tho Cloak Mokeis' best season.
Insane Convicts Escnpo.
Washington, Avg. 16. Edward Marsh
and Qeorgo Wroe, two insane convicts
at tho St, Elizabeth government Incane
asylum, escaped from the Institution last
night by lowering themselves from their
rcoms by ropes made of bed sheets.
Marsh was sent here from the govern
ment prison at Leavenworth, having
been convicted lr. Texas. Wroe was sent
here from the Trenton, N. J., prison. Both
men aro at large.
Denth in the Surf.
Capo May, N. J., Aug. lO.-J. Sergeant
Price, of Philadelphia, vice president of
the Land, Title and Tivst company, of
that city, was taken from the surf today
In an uncorsclous condition. He died soon
afterward. The life guards, who res
cued Mr. Price carried him" to his cottage
where several physicians, by resorting to
artificial respiration In restoring him to
consciousness, but he soon lapsed into
unconsciousness end died.
Car Plunged Over the Chute.
Savannah, Ga,, Aug. 16. About 7 o'clock
this morning at tho government works on
Tybee island, an engine pushing a flat car
up an inclined plane to the sand chute,
could not be stopped by tho engineer and
the car was plunged ovor the chute.
Six men were precipitated twenty feet
below. Five oX them aro badly Injured
and may die.
Lamentable Ignorance Displayed
Klondike Explorers.
Tho Only Two Routes to tho Gold
Fields Necessitate the Encounter
or Almost Insurmountable Dllll-cultios--Indinns
Aro the Sole
San Francisco, Aug. 16. Mr. Thomas
Magee, well known as a conservative
business man and a careful observer,
who accompanied his son to Dyea,
writes the Associated Press fiom that
place to the effect that the Ignorance
displayed by the crowds who aro flock
ing to the Klondike fields Is lament
able. Of the four hundred passengers
who sailed with him on the steamer
George Elder, half of whom were from
San Francisco, not one In twenty had
any definite Information as to how to
reach his destination. While the routes
were well known, the details and con
dition to be met with are not consid
ered, most of tho searchers for wealth
hoping to settle all doubts and uncer
tainties when they reach Juneau. In
stead, however, further confusion was
created by the appalling statements
that there were only two routes, each
of which necessitated the encounter of
almost Insurmountable difficulties.
There were plenty of advocates for
both routes at Juneau, but most of
them were found to be Interested par
ties. The two starting points, Dyea
and Skaguay, are separated by four
miles of salt water. The Dvea trail
goes over the Chllcoot Pass and In
volves a climb of 3,500 feet, while the
other, which Is not yet completed, has
a 2.660 foot climb over the White Pass,
and besides being six miles longer, Is
boggy In places. The Indians who aro
the sole packers.carry all pack over the
Chllcoot Pass from Dyea. Nearly 500
pack animals are now en route and on
arrival will be pressed Into regular pack
trains which will remove the chleX ob
stacle for the transportation of sup
plies over the thirty-five miles of land
and which is much more formidable
than that over the COO miles of water
on the other side of the pass.
August 7, a miner was drowned about
a mile and a half from Skaguay. A
teamster charged ten dollars for bring
ing the corpse into town and this so
enraged the people that he was or
dered to leave town at once. He was
offered $2,000 for his wagon and team
before he left for Juneau.
A Pngc in n Newspaper to Be Trans
nitttcd. in nn Hour.
London, Aug. 1.6 The postofflce offi
cials here are deeply Interested in the
experiments In telegraphy made by
Professor Crehore, of Dartmouth col
lege, and Lieutenant Squler, of the Mll
itay school at Fortress Monroe, Va.,
who claim that their device enables
messages to be transmitted with ex
traordinary rapidity.
The inventors said today: "The ex
periments over short circuits in the
United States have been entirely satis
factory, but we were unable to secure
facilities for long distance operations,
and so we came to England and asked
the help of the government. We ex
plained our scheme to Superintendent
Preece, of the telegraph lines depart
ment, and his interest was Immediately
aroused. He promptly placed the gov
ernment plant at our disposal and di
rected his subordinates to give us every
possible aid In trials making over the
London and Birmingham line."
It Is understood that the tests made
have been satisfactory. The Inventors,
however, are reticent. They desire to
avoid publicity until the practicability
of their scheme has been fully demon
strated. They seem to fear possible
rivalry. It Is claimed that their device
will transmit enough matter In an
hour, over a single wire, to fill a page
of a newspaper.
An official of the British postofllce
said: "There Is no doubt the Ameri
cans have a most valuable Idea, which
may result in greatly changing tele
graphing. We aro not quite satisfied
of its practicability, but the experi
ments of next week will settle the un
certain points."
Messrs. Crehore and Squler are going
to France and Germany to show their
invention to the telegraph officials.
A Ilusbnnd Angered nt tho Tnblc At
tacks His Wife.
New York, Aug. 16. Gustav John
son, a carpenter, forty-five years old,
was held today, without ball to await
the result of his wife's Injuries. Late
last night he quarreled with his wife,
and broke a large platter on her head,
inflicting a scalp wound. Johnson ad
mitted that he had assaulted his wife,
but declared that he was Justified.
"Judge," he said, "listen to me and I
will tell you how I am abused. On
Monday last my wife placed a steak be
fore me, and it was so tough that I
could not eat it. I told her that I could
not, and she said that I would have to
swallow the steak before she would
cook anything else. After chewing a
piece for some time, I gave It up. Every
night since then my wife haa placed
the steak before me. Last night I got
angry and flung the platter at her head.
What would you do, Judge, under the
circumstances? Suppose you were
h'ungry and tired and starved for al
most a week!"
He walked oft to prison, declaring
that prison could be no worse to him
than his home.
Then He Got Drunk nnd Forgot
Whom He Hnd Loft Them.
Chicago, III., Aug. 16. "Your Honor,
this man pawned his legs to buy li
quor," said an officer In Justice Foster's
court this morning.
"What man7" demanded the magis
trate, and a couple of policemen held
up II. W. Harrington for Inspection,
The prisoner was without legs. The
officers explained that he was found on
Clark street last night hopelessly drunk
and unable to propel himself. He told
the officers that he had pawned his
1 cork legs and could not remember the
pawn "broker's location. Tho Justice dis
missed tho prisoner and instructed the
police to assist him in the recovery of
his artificial limbs.
Consul General Leo Has Spent 910,
OOO In Relieving 1100.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 16. Consul
General Lee, in a report to the state
department, says that the $10,000 placed
to the credit of the relief fund on May
22 last was equivalent to 10,975 Spanish
dollars. This fund, which, he says,
was expended with the greatest care
and economy. Is nearly exhausted.
With it about 1400 destitute Americans
have been fed and provided with neces
sary medicines.
It cost SM cents, United States money
for each person per day, or even less,
for transportation is taken from the re
lief fund. One hundred and eleven
persons have had transportation pur
chased for them to various points in
.the United States.
About 95 per cent, of the 1400 desti
tute persons are naturalized American
citizens, but who have resided in Cuba
for a long time and whoso business Is
there. Many of them, the reports say,
do not speak English. A large number
have never been In the United States,
being the wives and children of na
turalized citizens.
Most of the Establishments That
Stopped Temporarily Hnve Itc-Biimcd--5,000
Operatives Em
ployed nt Lonvsdnlc Mills.
Fall River, Mass., Aug. 16. Most of
the cotton mills which have been
stopped temporarily started on full
time today. The Improved condition of
the cloth market and the reported ad
vancement of the cotton crop served to
restore a measure of confidence among
manufacturers. The curtailment has
amounted to about a quarter of a mil
lion pieces.
The Eddy woolen mill opened Its
doors this morning after a four
months' curtailment. It Is planned to
start only tho dye house at present,
other departments being opened as tho
work progresses. The factory employs
about 300 hands.
Providence, R. I., Aug. 16. The Lons
dale company's cotton mills started to
day after a week's shut-down, giving
employment to about 5,000 operatives.
It Is stated here that the demand for
woolen and cotton goods Is on the In
A Patient Escapes to His Mother!
Knowing ofTnther's Denth.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Aug. 16. John
Flood has been an inmate of the Hud
son River State hospital as nn incur
able Insane patient for twelve years.
He recently learned that his father had
been killed and, Imagining that his
widowed mother needed his hplp, es
caped He knew keepers were after
him, so hid In the woods and got a
message to her.
Within an hour mother and son were
clasped in each other's, arms, weeping.
She hugged and kissed her boy, and
brought food to him.
Then she asked him to go back to tho
"Why, certainly, mother, I'll go
back," he said. "I only came away be
cause I heard that father was dead
and I thought you needed my help."
Mrs. Flood assured her son she was
not In want, and he contentedly walked
back to the asylum.
Joseph Lndno Gets 5,000,000 lor
His Boom Town.
New York, Aug. 16. Joseph Ladue,
the owner of Dawson City, in the Klon
dike, the land of which cost him but a
few nuggets, announced tonight that
he had sold all his possessions In Daw
son City and tho Alaskan gold fields
to a New York syndicate for $5,000,000.
A few years ago Ladue was a poor
man so poor that the father of the girl
whom he wanted to marry forbade the
match on account of Ladue's seeming
Inability to support a wife. Then Ladue
went to Alaska.
Old Soldier Suicides,
Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 16. John Raabe, an
old soldier, who was on a visit here from
Lincoln, Neb., committed suicide today.
He climbed a tree and tied one end of a
rope to his neck and the other to a limb.
Then he dropped down. Death resulted
from strur.gulatlon. Ho was reputed to
bo wealthy.
The Herald's Weather Forecast.
New York, Aug. 17. In the middle states
and Now England, today, clear, cooler
weather will provall, with fresh westerly
and northwesterly winds, preceded by lo
cal rain or thunder storms on tho coasts
of New England. On Wednesday, In both
of these, sections, fair and slightly warm
er weather will prevail, with light north
westerlyjaTid northerly winds. European
steamers now leaving Now York, Phila
delphia and Boston will have mostly
southwesterly and westerly winds to the
Weather Indications Todays
Pair; Cooler.
1 General Pythlans Invade the City.
C&novas' A&scssln Sentenced to Death.
Ignorance Displayed by Klondlka
2 Sport Bate Ball Games of a Day.
A High-Sea Foker Story,
3 State Chairman Harrlty's Popularity
on the Ware.
Threo Thouswd Miners Strike at Ha
zleton, 4 Editorial.
The History of tho Code of Honor.
5 Local Uniformed Rank K. of P. at
Laurel Hill.
Convention of the C. T. A. U. and I.
C. B. U.
6 Local Busy Day In the Courts,
Clover Pickpockets Arrested.
New Court Rules Handed Down.
7 Local Lackawanna's Divorce Mill in
Democrats of tho Third Legislative
District Nume State Delegates,
g Local West Side and City Suburban.
9 Lackawanna County News.
10 Neighboring County Happenings,
unnanclal and Commercial,
Grand Lodge .. Sessions
Begin Today in the
Court House.
Uniformed Rank in Its Tents
at Laurel Hill.
Scrnnton Mnkcs Its Welcome to tho
K. of IVs Illg Stnto Gnthcrlng.
Vcstcrdny Devoted to tho Reception
oT Hundreds of Incoming Knights.
Annual Election l'nkcs PInce To.
dn--Tomorrow Is the Big Dny nnd
Will Witness tho Annual Pnrndc.
Uniformed Rnnk nt Lnitrel Hill Will
Drill nnd Cnmp Independent of tho
Grand Lodgo Doings-Knights of
Exnltcd Cfllco Are in the City.
At midnight last night there had ar
rived in this city nearly 400 representa
tives elected by Knight of Pythias
lodges thioughout the state to attend
the twenty-ninth annual meeting of tho
Grand lodge beginning this morning
Of Indianapolis,, Major General Com
manding Military Rank of the Knights
of Pythias ot the Country.
In the court house. The total grand
lodge membership numbers 455 elected
representatives, the officers and 15 past
grand chanceHors, a total of 487, and
he fore noon today nearly all of theso
will have arrived. This constitutes
quite a throng of strangers but there)
are In addition here or enroute. sev
eral hundred members of 'lodges oC
the Uniformed Rank, which Is en
camped in tents in Laurel Hill park,
and hundreds again of members of low
er degrees of the order who attend for
only the purposo of fraternizing with
fellow members.
Early in the day the Knights; and
Sir Knights ("Sir" after they attain to
the Uniformed Rank) began to arrive.
They came In twos and threes, and In
larger parties, but it was not until
late In the afternoon and on the night
trains that they came as companies of
the Uniformed rank. Possibly before
most Scrantonlana have arisen thla
morning, and surely before noon, the
Pythlans nnd the Fathew Mathew and
I. C. B. U. men, who are also in con
vention here, will have engaged every
bit of hotel accommodation in the city.
In nil the hotels cots were being pre
pared last night for service, and they
will be needed If the signs aro true.
Scranton has become too lusty and
hlg, how ever, to be turned upside down
by any gathering or gatherings and
this was shown last night on the streets,
In the regularity of service on the
street car lines and In ritany other
ways. The throng was immense but
It was never dense: It was fed and
housed and had little cause to com
plain. Early In the nfternoon some of the
officers of the Grnnd lodge arrived.
Vice Grand Chancellor C. F. LInde, of
Philadelphia; Supreme Lodge Repre
sentative H. O. Kline, of Pittsburg,
and H. M. Wadsworth, of Philadel
phia, and Grand Trustees W. B. Hart,
J. W. Beebo and William Nlchol, all of
Philadelphia, und early today all the
grand officials will have been con
ducted from their trains to the
Hotel Jermyn, which will be their
headquarters. Lodge representatives ar
riving at any depot were greeted by
members of the local reception commit
tee and piloted or directed to their
hotels. The pame attention was showed
to lodges of the Uniformed rank. The
Influx was so gradual that at no time
was there a marked procession of ar
rivals on the streets.
Tho vUltors found In their honor an
elaborate array of color and design
on many buildings In thi business dis
trict. While not as elaborate as dur
ing the Templar eonclavo of o year
ago, the decorations were general, lav
ish and of a credllable kind. They bor
greeting not alone to the Pythlans but
to the Father Mathewltes nnd tho L
C. B. U. men ns well.
A prominent early-afternoon arrival
was Major General James R, Cama
hnn, of Indlunapolls, commander of th
military rank of the country.
This morning the Grand lodge secret
sessions will besln In the court house
with a w elcome by Mayor Bailey's sec
retary, R. J. Beamish, to the visiting
Pythian representatives.
The annual election will take placo
. -..