The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 05, 1897, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Eacfiaraitta County
Readers will pleaso noto that adver
tisements, orders for Job work, nnd
lUms for publication left at tho estab
lishment of Shannon & Co.. newedealcri.
North Main street, will receive prompt at
tention; olllco open from 8 n. m. to 10
P. in.
Rev. T. P. Coffey Joined Miss Mnry
rianncry of Land Btreet, nml Churles
Bontac of Jeffrey street, in holy mat
rimony nt St. nose church yesterday
morning. The bride was attended by
her sister, Miss Lizzie Flnnnery, whlla
Thomas J. Kennedy, formerly of this
city, but now of Scrnnton, was the
Broom's best man. After tho services
nt the church, a wedding- breakfast
was served nt the bride's home. The
Vrldnl party left for a short trip to
New York. They will reside on South
Main street after their return.
Tho Ladles' Oulld, of Trinity church,
held n. very pleasant Ice cream social
on the grounds at the homo of Hon.
C. 13. Itettew, on Tuesday evening. A
largo number were present and on
Joyed tho occasion. The lawn was bril
liantly llchted by four largo engine
headlights, while many Japanese lan
terns made the grounds very attrac
tive. During the evening Hunt nnd
Wilson rendered a selection of mando
lin and guitar music. After the opc-i
ii lr concert at Hotel American, t
Mozart band were present and favored
tho company with a serenade.
Early yesterday morning Patrol
man McAndrewis discovered Abinm
Glazier moving along In a suspicious
manner on Pike street near No. 2
shaft. He found upon Investigation
that a pack which Abram carried con
tained six chickens. As he made con
flicting statements nbout them the ofn
cor brought him to tho city jail. About
noon Mrs. Mary Brown mado comp'ulnt
nt Alderman Jones, charging Glazier
with having stolen her chickens. The
alderman required ball In the sum of
$100 which was furnished.
Michael Kenny.proprletorot tho For
est house at Simpson, was charged by
John J. Meehan with keeping n disor
derly house nnd yesterday morning a
warrant for his arrest with sevcinl
Inmates of the house was Issued nt
Justice Glynn's office. It appears that
Meehnn had visited tho place, remain
ing nil night. During his stay. It Is
alleged, while Intoxicated, ho lost con
siderable money. As ho could got on
satisfaction, as to his loss, he decided
to seek help from the law.
A meeting of the Mitchell's hose com
pany was held on Tuesday evening at
their rooms. The question occupied
the attention of the members as to a pro
position to attend the state firemen's
convention this fall nt Wllkes-HaTo.
After due consideration It was unani
mously decided to attend. The ques
tion -ns to a band then was discussed,
nnd the company decided to employ tho
Mozarts for that occasion.
John Comma, an Italian, residing at
Edgeiton, was instantly killed at the
mine on Tuesday afternoon by the fall
of coal from the roof. His partner,
Frank Scobble, was seriously Injured
and was removed to tho Carbondale
hospital. Dr. Shields, of Jermyn, at
tended the case before the injured man
was removed. Comma was nbout 32
years of ago and leaves a widow and
two children.
Misses Anna and Agnes Brennen, of
Dundaft street, have returned home
from nn extended visit In West Vir
ginia and at Niagara Falls.
William Stewatt, formerly a resi
dent of this city. Is spending n few daj a
at tho home oLJ. S. Berry on Cunaan
street. S
' S. A. McMullen, uccomranted by his
mother and niece. Miss Helen Borry,
started Tuesday night for Lanesboro,
Iowa, which is Miss Berry's homo, sho
having visited In this city for tho past
ye,ar. Mrs. McMullen will spend some
time In tho west but Mr. McMullen ex
pects to return in two weeks.
Mrs. John Gallagher is lying danger
ously ill at her home on Brooklyn
' Mrs. Thomas Moyles, of Simpson,
wnS taken suddenly ill yesterday.
"Tears, idle tears, I
know not what they
mean," wrote the poet
i ennvbon.
Hut tears al-
f ways mean
There are
tears of mel
ancholy, tears
of joy, a;.dof
despair, and
those saddest
most pathetic
tears of the
nervous over
wrought wo.
man who has
been bearing
I up as bravely
ias she may
under a daily
burden nf
weakness and dragging, torturing pain.
No, wonder women weep. The wonder is
that they are not oftener in tears for all they
have 'to bear and suffer ; and the saddest
thing about it is how little their sufferings
are understood, Even the doctor, nine
times in ten bays : " Oh, a little nervous
ness, that's all " or "neuralgia," or " insom
nia," or "dyspepsia." If he suspects the
real cause he insists upon examinations and
local treatment, about the very worst thing
possible to a nervous, overwrought woman.
There is no need of these repugnant
methods. Any woman may itiMire health
and strength in a womanly way by the use
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
cures the weaknesses and diseases of the
feminine organism absolutely and com
pletely. It was devised for this special
purpose by one pf the most eminent' and
xperienccd physicians in this country; au
pert speciallu in women's diseases.
For nearly jo years Dr. Pierce has been
chief consulting physician of the Invalids"
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
Any womanjmay commit him by letter, free
of charge,. Her letter will be answered not
by a mere nurse or uneducatta, unscieiitlGc
person, but by the most competent medical
authority anywhere obtainable.
All women should read Dr. I'icice's thou-sand-page
illustrated book, "The People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser," It con.
tains more cl?ar and comprehensive advice
en medical' subjects tha.t any other book
ever published. A naner.bound ennv ser.t
Jreo.fqr twenty-one one-cent 6litnps to pay
the roil o mailing Jpy,
ur ciom-Dounu
ivi luiiiyiias iiaiups.
w& y m
124111 j
-Z ZJ -
Thero arc grave fears for her recov
ery. Mrs. O. L. Orlfiwold nnd son Charles,
of Pottsvllle, were the guests of Mrs.
J, S. Uerry, Tuesday.
Mrs. William Courtrlght Is very 111
at her homo on Wayne street.
Misses Amelia and Louisa Dans, of
Park street, will leave todny for a two
weeks' visit nt Kast Orange, N. -J.
Dr. Lamb was called to Wllkes-Barro
yesterday afternoon on professional
Mrs. A. Duffy nud Mrs. Sullivan, of
Fallbrook street, are vlsltlnc friends
In Mooslc.
George Ynrrlngton, of Newton lake,
who has been HI, Is rapidly Improving.
Miss Lucy Casper, of West Plttston,
Is the guest of Mrs. G. D. Samson on
Canaan street.
Mrs. William Shcror, of Archbald
street, spent yesterday with friends
in Scrnnton.
Announcement Is made of the en
gagement of I'. A. putty, of tho firm
of Larkln and Duffy of this city, to
Miss Hose Gorman, of Scrnnton. Tho
wedding will occur next month.
Tho little four-year-old boii of Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Urunner, of the West
Side, fell whllo plnylng Tuesday and
dislocated his shoulder. Dr. D. Ii.
Bailey reduced the dislocation.
Miss Karlo Sherer has returned homo
from Now York, where she has been
vliltlng for the past five weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Moon nnd daugh
ter Mario, spent yesterday at Crystal
Mosdames Henry Chapman, John
Maxwell, William Carter, Rees A.
Price, John It. Price, David Chilton,
Porter Smith, Samuel Davis and Hen
ry Hussler enjoyed nn outing yester
day at Crystal lnke.
Miss Maud Wheeler loft yesterday
for Poyntello, where she will remain
several weeks.
May, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Davis, of South Wyoming
street, fell nnd fractured her left arm
Mrs. Augusta Dakor and Miss Carrie
Benedict have returned from a visit
with friends in Scrnnton,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Itawlson arc
spending a few days at Crystal lake.
George Smith and son Frank, of Ter
race street, have returned home from
Philadelphia, where the latter was un
der treatment at a hospital. He is
much improved.
Miss Mildred Greene, of Waverly,
and Louise Slocum nnd Helen Shields,
of this city nro guests at the Slocum
homestead near Clifford.
Miss Ella Bradley, of Blnghdmton,
Is the guest of friends on Falbrook
Miss 'irnco Williams, of Salem ave
nue, Is staying nt Crystal lake.
William Shannon started on his
wheel for BliiEhnmton yesterday
morning where he will stay ten days.
B. It. Hall, of Honesdale, Is visiting
In this city. v
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Stewart left Tiiei
day for Ocean Grove, where they will
stay two weeks.
Yesterday aftcrnon tho St. Thomas col
lego team came to town with tho Inten
tion of wiping tho earth with the Reds
of this place. But the Reds proved to
bo their equals In every part of (he game.
Morris, who pitched for tho homo team,
was Invincible. Only six hits wcro mado
oft his delivery. But his support was very
poor. Griffin, who pitched for the col
lege boys, was hit rather hard, but with
such men as Logan and Posner behind
him his support was much bettor. Tho
bcore stood G to 5 in favor of tho collego
In tho seventh Inning, when tho gamo
broke up In a wrangle, tho homo team to
tho bat. Tho scoro up to that Inning was
ns follows: . R.II.E.
Taylor Reds 0 1 t 0 0 3 -5 8 8
St. Thomas Collego...2 0 2 0 1 1 0-0 0 5
Batteries For St. Thomas. Grlffln nnd
Logan; Reds, Morris and Kcllet. Umplro
Knights of tho Golden Eagle. No. 207,
will meet tills evening nt Reese's hall.
Evan Jones, of Wllkes-Barro, Is visit
ing friends In this placo for tho past few
District Deputy Mrs. Davis, of the Prldo
of Lackawanna lodge. No. IS, and daugh
tet. Mrs. Phillips, of South Scranton, vis.
itfd this place on Tuesday evening.
Junior Order United American Mechan
ics, No. 81, will meet this evening.
Messrs. Owen Watklns and August
Fisher aro sojourning In New York city.
A grand cantata, entitled "Dreams of
Fairyland," will bo produced by tho
Juvenllo choir of tho Welsh Congrega
tional church, under the directorship of
Mr. William SI. Thomas, this month.
Mrs. David Bevnn, of Taylor sheet, Is
confined to her homo with sickness.
Sir. Richard Thomas, of Hydo Park,
was p caller In town on Tuesday.
On August 14, Miss May, the accom
plished daughter of Sir. and Sirs. James
Morris, sr and Mr. Tallle Gillllths, n
popular young man of this place, will
bo united In bonds of matrimony.
Washington Camp, P. O. S. of A., ana
Lackawanna Valley council. No, 81, Jr.
O. U. A. 51., will attend a dlvlno worship
at tho Methodist Episcopal church next
Sunday evening. Pastor William Frisby
will preach a special sermon, and tho
choir, under tht loadeishlp of Prof. D. E,
Jones, will render several selections.
The delegato election In this borough
will be one of iho most exciting contests
eer witnessed.
A party of Taylor young people spent
Slonday at Nay Aug falls. A most en
joyable tlmo was had. At sundown a
seasonablo lunch was served. Tho after
noon hours wcro passed pleasantly In
games nnd other diversions. Those who
composed tho party wero: Misses Ger
trude Wntktns, Jennie Harris, Lillian
Evans, Llzzio nnd Cordelia Owens. Ger
trudo Morris nnd Henry Powell, Edgar
Stone. Henry Reeso nnd Wtlllo Griffiths.
5llss Jennie King, of tho South Side,
was tho guest of friends In this placo
Tuesday evening,
5lr. John Rundlo, of Nicholson, Is vis
iting his parents In this place
Daughters of Pocohontas lodge will
meet this ovcnlng at their hall.
A company of homo talent, under the
direction of Harry W. Oross, nro re
hearsing "The Congressman from Texas,"
which they Intend to produco Wednes
day nnd Thursday of next week.
The many friends of Prof. R. W. Davis,
of this placo, will bo pleased to learn of
his election to tho prlnclpalshlp of tho
Jfimyn schools, Sir, Davls.who has been
principal of tho schools In this borough
for tho last thirteen years, Is opo of tho
best Instructors in tho btate.
Sir. Thomas Jordan and daughter. Sirs.
Hosle, of Scranton, were visiting Sirs.
Patrick Mageo, of Hill street, Wednes
day. Tuesday afternoon, at Edgerton, John
Comma was Instantly killed and Frank
Bcroblu was seriously, If not fatally. In
jured by a fall of lock. Both aro Italians.
Comma was ubout 32 years of ago, and
leaves a wlfo and two children.
Tho funeral of Sirs. Anna Hunt .was
lie- Monday and was largely attended.
SIlss Mary A., Early, of Scranton, was
a visitor In town during the week.
Sir. and Mm. 51. J. Kearney, Misses
Balllo Corcoran and Nellie Kearney are
enjoying Atlantlo City breezs.
Tho excursion to Harvey's lake Aug.
21, under tho auspices of tha Rlvorsldo
and Bluo Ridge Accidental fund of Peck
vllle, will draw a large crowd from here.
A party of young people of this place
enjoyed a straw ride to Crystal lako
Tuesday evening.
Miss Ktla Mulholland la visiting frtondi
In Bcronton.
W. It. Dodson mado n. Dullness trip to
Scranton yesterday.
Mis. Harp, of Flttuton, Is tho guost of
Mrs. John Tlgue, of South Main street.
Mr. James Hoslc, of Scranton, and Miss
Klllacn, of Carbondale, and Thomas
Dooley, of Plymouth, spent yesterday
nt tho homo of Patrick LauRlinty, on
South Main street.
C, F. Baker mado a business trip to
Scranton yesterday.
Mrs. Beccher Crawford was a caller
In Scranton yesterday.
Mrs. Jonathan Davis and son, E.lniond,
of WVul Pittstoti, Mrs. James Jtobinsuil
and Mrs. Thomas Bovan, ol Carb tndale,
spent yesterday with Mn, John E. Hum
phrey. Mr. and Mrs Monroe Brown and untigh
tor, of Sctnnton, spjut Sunday with Miss
Enimu Scutt.
J. D. Stockers' dog becamo mad yes
terday af teritoc and whllo r'.nnlng wild
through tho public streets, bit several
vnluablo canines. The dog, becoming ex
hausted, wondered into Edmund's livery
stable, whero Peter Butler put a pistol
bullet throush its heart, thus putting
an end to tho excitement, caused by tho
dog running -nlld.
Tho following young ladles and gentle
ir.en comprised a party who yesterday
drovo to Crystal lake, whero they spent
the day: Mltses Anna Ocndall, Annie Hen
wood, Polly and Emma Solomon, Laura
Bill and Oertrudo Davis, Dr. S. E. Moyci,
John Bookings, Illchard and Frank Gen
dull, John nnd Georgo Dyer. Tho party
returned last evening much benefited from
their day's outing.
Mr. John Gardner, of Cemetery slrcet,
nttended tho funeral of Sirs. Lydla Wall
at Starrucca yestorday.
Mrs. Isaac Wrltor, of Carbondale, and
daughters, lluth. and Marie, wcro tho
guests of Mrs. William O. Hill, of Main
street, yesterday,
Mrs. Snyder, of Tomklnsvll'.c, Is visit
ing friends in town.
Cora Battenburg has returned frorr a
month's visit to Glcnburn.
"Tho Itanch King," a masterpiece of
dramatic art, will bo producod under
tho direction of II. XV. Gross, the tal
ented actor, for the benoflt of Jennyn
Citizens' band, on Aug. 14-10, at Enter
prise hall. Cast: Donald McDonald, tho
lanch king. 11. W. Gross; Ned MrNonald,
tho ranch king's brother, Joo Tennis, Jr.;
Wolfrcd Mannerlng. a scheming scoun
drel, J. J. Roche; Wallace Young, Man
nerlng's confederate, M. E. Bennett; Jim
Brennan, one of Mannerlr.g's followers,
J. J. Far.-ell; Mr. Hastings, Alllc's father,
Archlo Martin; Murphy O. Donovan, heir
to tho throne of Ireland, William Nichol
son: Dan, the Irishman's colored ad
versary. Georgo Pcmlred; Kato Mnnner
lntr. Mannering's wife. Miss Gertrude
'Vnll; Allco Hastings, Hastings' daughter,
Miss i:. Burritt; i'ug, a ray or sunsiune,
Miss Mnbla Davis.
G. O. 1'lyer, special agent of Lancashire
Flro Insurance company, called on tho
resident agent of that company, C. V.
Halms, yesterday.
Misses Josephine and Hattlo Hill hnvo
returned from a -week's visit In Carbon
dale. At tho regular monthly meeting of tho
Jermyn school directors Tuesday evening.
Professor R. N. Davis was elected prin
cipal of tho schools, In place of S. D.
Borard, resigned.
Sirs. Slyra Oakley returned last even
ing from a fortnight's stay nt Asbury
Sirs. J. S. Callender nnd grandson,
Clarence, nro spending a few days In
Fleotvlllo with Rev. and Sirs. William
SIlss Cnrrlo Snyder, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with Miss Nellie Peck.
SIlss SInmlo Richards, of East Orange,
N. J., Is visiting nt tho homo of Sir. and
Sirs. Wlnt Brundnge.
Emory Brong Is visiting friends In Mon
roo co'inty.
SIlss Edith Chapman Is visiting her
friend, Miss Nellie Bell, at Jermyn.
Tho Liberty polo will bo raised. If tfio
weather permits, next Saturday evening,
Aug. 7.
SIlss Lula Baker who has been visiting
nt tho home of Sir. and Sirs. Elmer
Daken nt the Powder mills returned to
her homo at Hoboken, N. J., yesterday,
Tho outside department of the New
York and Scrnnton Coal company played
n gamo of base ball with the Holford
team last Tuesday afternoon, which re
sulted In a Fcoro of 18 to 10 In favor of
tho Ontario boys.
Tho funeral services over tho remains
of tho lato Joseph Croup occurred at tho
homo of his daughter, Sirs. P. J. Hollls
ter, on Hickory street, yesterday after
noon, and were attended by a largo num
ber of tho friends and acquaintances of
tho deceased. Beautiful lloral tributes
wero placed upon tho elegant casket,
which stood In the parlor. Rev. S. C.
Slmpklns, of tho Slethodlst Episcopal
church preached an eloquent funeral ser
mon and gave a glowing tribute to tho
deceased. Tho singing was furnished
by a qunrtotto consisting of John Wune,
Albert Chapman, SIlss Jennie Frear
and SIlss Sophie Slmpklns. At tho closo
of tho service tho remains accompanlod
by a largo cortege of friends wero born
to Prospect cemetery. Tho pall-bearers
wcro A. R. Dunlap, John Tuthtll, 8. J.
Callender, Geo. W. Thomas, William Bell
nnd Georgo Newton. Tho pall-bearers
were selected from Harper lodge, 707, In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, of which
tho deceased was nn old member, Tho
other members of tho lodge were also in
Walter Lloyd has Just returned from
Nowton lnke, bringing back twenty-two
pounds of bass and thirty pounds of
Don't forget tho picnic to bo hold In
tho grove, near the Storr's breaker, by
tho Storrs Sllne Accidental fund on Sat
urday. Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company will pay Its employes at tho
Storrs mines on Friday.
Wllllo Jones, of Carmalt street, is 111.
SIlss Owns, of Syracuse, Is visiting
'lends here.
..Ames Wilkinson, George Eley, Joseph
Wall and Charles Schmidt. William Erba
and John Ward aro some of tho men who
nro announced as candidates for dele
gates to tho Republican county conven
tion. If all theso men get elected, we
will surely get our county officers.
The postofllce was moved on Saturday
from W. C. G ' store to 'an office
next to William AicLmughlln's hotel.
Issoldundor positive Written (Suarnntco,
byoQthorUoil agents only, to cure Weak Momory,
Diiziness Wakefulness, l'ite, Hysteria, Quick,
ness, NiKbt Losses, Kvil Dreams. Lack of Conll.
denco.norvousness, Lassitude, oil Uratno, Youth,
tul Errors, or Ezcessivo Vto ot Tobacco, Upturn,
or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At store or by mail, tl a
box; six for 15; with written euarnuteo to
cure or refund tqnuey. Huniplo imclc
"jje, containing fivo tlaysr troatmeut. with full
instructions, 3 cents, Ono saronlo only Bila to
uuvu iwiwui ut eiuro ur uy istui.
tS"Rod Label Special
txtra strenath.
For Impotency. Loss ot
Diuruuy or uarrennessj
si a doxi BIX lor 80. with
written uuaraute
- " VUk W U uy M4 Of AAV Mil
r nnrn in VI riura At fj-
Bcrunupr uy mail.
I Wm, Q, Clark, 326 l'cnn, Ave., Scranton Pa
Health is
ft vvan.
nr.;?w???. l Vwtrv. sv 1 1 ' ' w WmX l
!1M fife WfcSrf
sssi wmr2HtLamtMffKs.
St. Louts, Now York, Boston, Philadelphia.
IU Stnifl) Premier typewriter.
Ilcst Vuluo Writing Machine.
first In Improvements, Honest
Construction and ull lllh-raIc
Typewriter llssentitils. T T r
art nooKLtvr ritcc.
Cne Sitmft premier typewriter w.t svram, n.Y., u.s.h.
Scranton onicc Room No. 1, Arcade, Scranton, Pa.
Hotels and Summer Resorts.
Tho openlnp of this famous resort un
der new management will take place
early In June.
Situated In tho southern corner of
Susquehanna county on tho shores of
beautiful Crystal Lake, Fern Hall 13
one of the memt attractive places in the
State of Pennsylvania to spend a few
weeks durinc the heated term.
Every facility Is affordtd for the en
tertainment of Us guests.
Purs Mountain Air,
Beautiful Scenery,
Guisina Unsurpassed.
the table being supplied from Fern Hall
Postal Telecraph and Long Distance
Telephone service In the hotel.
Tally-Ho coaches make two trips
dally from Carbondale.
Write for Terms, Etc., to
C. E.
Crystal Lake, Dundaff, Pa.
SPRING HOUSE, Heart Lake, Pa.
U. E. Crofut, Prop.
Strictly temperance, newly remodeled
and furrlshed. Flno groves, largo lawn,
dancing pavilion, croquet grounds, etc.
Ulcyclo boat, sail boats, IS row boats,
fishing tackle, etc., freo to guests. Tako
D., L. & W. via Alford Station. Write
for terms.
The best located and best
furnished hotel on the St.
Lawrence river, Accommo
dations for 300 guests.
Opens June 25th, I897.
F. R. WHITE, Prop.
Everything must be sold. See
the great bargains just
opened ou 2d floor,
consisting of
Ladies' Suits, Waists,
Skirts, Wrappers, Millinery,
Ladies' and Mens' Furnishings ,
Hats, Caps, Hoisery, Glides,
Underwear, Etc,
sWill Be Sold at About One-
Half Price Until the
Entire Stock is
Insist on the
The best Washing Powder
made. Best for all clean
ing, docs the work quickly,
cheaply and thoroughly.
largest package greatest economy.
"Ireprewmot the Order
1 tbt Hh."
Hotel Le Chevalier
Ocean Grove, N. J.,
OHers you a special low rnto u.
One Dollar Per Day
302 First Avenue, A8BUUY PAIIK, N. J.
Near the Deuch and Promenade.
All conveniences nnd comforts for per
manent and transient guests. Excellent
table, the bpst beds, and most approved
sanitary cqulprrcnt.
For particulars, etc., address
Owner and Manager.
Cor. lltli Street and University Placo,
NEW YOUK. One blook west of
Uroadway. Noted for two things,
First-class rooms at 31.00 a day and up
wnrd, on tho European plan.
An eftabllfhcd betel unlar new management
and thoroughly abreast o( tho times. Visitors to
New York will And the Krertttln the Tory heart
ef tbe shopping district, convenient to places ot
amusement ana readllr accessible Irom all parts
i( tbe city. EOllOPEAN fLAN.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
Day and Upwards.
Day nud Upwards.
$3.50 Per
S1.50 Per
GEO. MURRAY, Proprietor.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Grace Church. European Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards.
in a modest and uuobtruslvo way there are
few better conducted hotels In tho metropolis
than the St. Denis.
Tbe creat popularity it baa acquired can
readily be tracad to its unlquu location, Its
homelike Atmosphere, tho peculiar ezcollenos
ot Ua cnlslne and service, and 1U vory moder
ate prices.
New Lot
Hats and Caps,
305 Lacka. Ave.
Made a
ut i)y, VSAty !r5wvell Man
lOtliDay.WffF Of Me.
THE OPCAT 30th bay.
produce! tbs abors reaulta In'ao days. It ct
?9wertully and quickly. Cures when all otucra (all
oug men will regain taeir )ot manhood, and old
meu will recover their youthtul vigor by ualaj
KKTIVO. It quickly and aurely retorea Nerroua
ntsj, Lott Vitality, Impottncy. Nightly Eroluloaa,
Lost Power. Falling Memory, 'Wattlni Dlteuei.and
all effect ot ilf-tbua or axctia and lndlccretlen,
nhlch unfit, one (or atudy, butlneea or roarrl&g. II
not only cure, by aUrtlng at the teat or dJtiM, but
Isagreat ncrtetonlo and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to rule cheeki and re
storing the Ore of youth. It warda off Intimity
and Coniumptlon. Inelit on having nEVIVO.M
other. It can be carried In veit pocket. By mall,
S1.00 per package, or tit (or 80.OO, with a poel
tlvo written guarantee to cor or re (nnd
the money. Circular (ree. Addreai
'or bale by MATTHEWS uuoa. utuf
filst Sornutoo, P.
S 4 4
ii fiiiiii!
Insures a good ondlnpr. Our August Shoo Salo began yesterday morning S
iud it proved a good beglnnlug.tlio store bolng crpwdod nil dny Wo ex- K
peotcd it tho values ollercd nro so unusual thnt tllserlinlimtlhg buyers -noon
flud It out. Ou tables conveniently nrrantred are tflidi'fc mnfkml
ioc,fi(w,n.s)mmn.ou mat wero $i.ou, su.oo, 12.GO, 53,00, $4.00 and 5
P $5.00 a pnlr. botli Ladles' and Gentlemen's Shoes. On other tnbles nro S
m! Children's Shoes, all uinrked at prices so low it will bo tlmiilv a nues- E
OT ttntl fl. I.lwl .m ...ll. ..m nl.. ...III .... .- I. '.. '... M
wvm w. Ku.hi.iK ma nun vuu wi?u, uui Diuiu lit iiruvu ii uurifiiiii iiniri
for prudent buyers. You're suro to iltiil tho slirowd shopper hore and
you can't make a mlstako if you follow tholr example. S
a Corner Lackawanna nnd Wyoming Avenues. i
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bittenbender & Co.. Scranton. Pa
gui an peib. hie mm m miiod lumber
Bill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Rails
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled" Il&mlocb
Prop Umber promptly Turnlshcd.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co., on the Buffalo and Susquc
in,!,rond At Mlna, Potter County. Pa., on Coudersport, and
Port Alleguny Railroad. Capacity 400.000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFFlCE-Uoard of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
Locomot ives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
, Oeaend Offlcei SCRANTON, PA.
Schedule In Etfcct November 15, 189S.
Trains Leave Wilkes. Barre as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and the West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsvllle, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg ana the West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazloton
and Pottsvllle.
J. R. WOOD, flen'l Pan. Agent.
J. U. HUTCHINSON. Qeneral Monaster.
Ccntrnl Hnllroad of New Jersey
(Lohlgh nnd Susquehanna Division.)
Stations in New York-Foot of Liberty
street. N. K., and Whitehall Terminal.
Anthraclto coal used exclusively, insur
ing' cleoniness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkea-Barre. etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a. m..
12.43. 2.C0, 3.03. 5 00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 8.W,
a. m.. 1.00. 2.15, 7.10 p. m.
For Mountain Park. 8.20, U.SO a. nv. 2.00,
S.05, 5.00 p. m. Sundays. 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.1o
P. m.
For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth,
8.20 (express) a. m 12.45 (express with
Buffet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. in.
Sunday, 2.16 p. m. Train leaving U4.. p.
m. arrives at Philadelphia, Beading Term
inal, 6.22 p. m. nnd New York 6.00 p. m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle
hem, Enston and Philadelphia, 8.20 n. m.,
12.43, 3.03, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
For Lomj Branch, Ocean 3roe, etc., at
5.20 (throush car) a. m. and 12.4n p. m.
For heading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg,
via Allentown, 8.20 a, m.. 12.45, 5.00 p. m.
Sunday. 2.15 p. m.
For Pottsvllle. 8.20 a. rn.. 12.4.1 p. m.
Returning leave New York, foot of Lib.
erty street, North Blver, at 9.10 (exprers
a. m 1.10, 1 30. 4.15 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. in. Sunday, 4 30 a. m.
Leave Now York, foot Whitehall street.
South Ferry, at 8.55 a. m.. 1.00, 1.25, 3.55
p. m. 'Passengers arriving or departing
from this terminal can connect under
rover with all tho elevated railroads,
Broadway cable cars, and ferries to
Brooklyn, Staten Island and Coney Is
land, making quick trasfer to and from
Grand Central Depot and Long Island
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal
9.00 n. tn., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, U..S
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rate may be had on application In ad
vance to tho ticket aent nthestaHon.
Gen. Pass. Agt,
J. II. OLHAUSEIX. Gen. Supt.
Del., Lnckn. and Western.
Effect Monday, Juno 21, 1S97.
TrninB leave Scranton aa follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East.
1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 10.20 n. m.i 12.03 and
3ExIr!res for Easton, Trenton, Phllndel
phiaPIna the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a.
m.. 12.55 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations. 3.45 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 0,10 p. m
Express for Binghamton, Oswego, El
mlrn Corning. Bath, Dansvllle. Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35, 9.00 a. m.
in,i l 65 d m.. making c os connections at
nuffa'lo to nil points in tho West. North
west and Southwest.
ninuhamton and way station, l.t p. m.
Nicholson accommodation. 4.00 and 0.10
P-BTnghamton and Elmlra express, 5.55
rJSpress for Utlca and Richfield Springs,
2 35 a. m. nnd 1.55 p, m.
Ithaca 2.35. 9.00 a m., nnd J.55 p. m.
For Northumberland.' Plttston, Wllke-t-narre
Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
viiiV making closo connection at North
umberUnd for Wllllamsport Harrlsburg,
Baltimore. Washington and the South.
Northumberland and IntermedintA sta
tions 6.00. 10.20 a. m and 1.65 and 6.00 p. m.
Nantlcolm and lnterme4lato stations,
8 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.40 nnd 8.47 p. m. For
Kingston, 12.40 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trains ....
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc. apply to M. L. Smith, Die
trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket office
Krle nnd Wyoming Valley.
, Effect Monday, May 31st. 1897.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: For
New York 'and. Intermediate, points on
4 SI
4 n
Erlo railroad, also for Hawloy, Lako
Ariel and local points at 5.00 a. m. and
2.2S p. m.
Additional trains for Lako Ariel and
points Intermediate at 8.45 a. m. and 5.20
p. m.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
On Monday. July C, trains will leave
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondale-.20, 7.55. 8.65, 10.15 a.
m.: 12.00 noon; 1.21, 2.20. 3,62 E.25., 0.25, 7.57,
8.15. 10.43 p. m.; 12.10 a. m
For Albnny, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, Now England points, oto, C.20 a. ra.,
2.20 p. m. v
Foro Honesdalo 6.20, 8.55, 10.15 a. m.;
12.00 noon; 2.20, 5.25 p. m.
For Wllkes-Barre 0.45. 7.50, 8.45, 9.33,
10.45 a. m.: 12.06, 1.25, 2.2S, 3.33, 4.41, 6.00, 7.60,
9.50, 11.30 p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Valley It. U 6.45, 77&0 a. m.; 12.05,
1.26, 4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11.30 p. m
For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.15. 9.3S,
a. m.; 2.28. 4.41 p. m.
For western points via Lehigh Valley
R. R 7.50 a. m.; 12.03, 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9.50, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will arrive at Scranton as fol
lows: From Carbondalo nnd tho north 6.40
7.45, 8.40, 9.31, 10.40 n. m.i 12.00 noon; 1.20.
2.24, 3.25, 4.37, 6.43, 7.46, 9.45, 11.25 p. m.
From Wllkes-Barro and tho south 6.15,
7.50, 8.50, 10.10, 11.65 a. m.; 1.16. 2.14, 3.48.
6.20, 6.21, 7.63. 9.03, 9.43 p. m.J 12.05 a. m.
J. XV. BIIRDICK. a. P. A., Albany. N. Y.
II. XV. CROSS. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa.
Lehigh Valley Knllroad System.
Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& H. R. R- at 6.45, 7.50 a. m., and 12.06, 1.23,
2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and
11.30 p. m.
For Pittnton and Wllkes-Barro via D.
L. & W. R. R.. 0.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m 1.63
3.40. 6.00 and 8.47 P. m.
For White Heven, Haz'.eton, Pottsvllle.
nnd principal points In the coal regions
via D. & 11. R. H., 6.45. 7.50 a. m 12.05 and
4.41 p. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. It. R.. 6.45, 7.50 a. m.,
12.05. 1.25, 2.28. 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4.41 and 11.30 p. in.
For Tunkhanrock, Towanda, Elmlra.
Ithaca, Geneva und principal Intermediate
stations via D L. & W. R. It., 6.00.
8.0S a. m., 12.40 and 3.40 p. m.
For Geneva. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, Chicago and all points west via D.
& H. R. It., 12.05. 3.33 (Black Diamond
Express), 9.50 and 11.S0 p. m,
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley chair cars on all trains botween
Wllkes-Barre and Now York, Phlladcl
uhla. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla..
Pnss. Act.. South Bethlehem, Pa.
Pornnton Office. 309 Lackawanna avenue.
In Effect June 27tu, 1S07. -
North Hound. Mouth Bound,
80312011 iioiMioj
5 & p. Station. Jg -
g USA (Trains Dally. Ex. g filg &
13 IS I cupt Sunday.) O Iga
v m Arrive Leave a u
7SJN. Y. Franklin rit 740 ...;
7 10 West 47ml street .... 75 ....
700 Weeuawken .... 8 10 ....
f n p u Arrive Leave a x r u
.... 6aiis codasu pi io siis .,.;
.... Bl? 109 llaiicocK 0 16 211 ....
... 6 071H5C storllibt oss aw ,,,,
.... B0012 4G 1'iestourark UM 221 ....
.... 5 54 12 40 VYllinona 6 42 2 41 ....
.... R 47ll2 8l l'oyntells 6eo 2 50 ....
.... 5 4112 14 OrbOO Ots 26S ....
.... 5 CO, I II 03 Pleisant Mt, 703 3CO ....
.... H2j(ll! Unlondalo 7v 3C9 ....
.... 816,1149 Forest city ttosiv..,,
.... fi cull Si carbonda'o 731 3 Si ....
.... f4 67,MIW WUItuJIrldgO 7S718 88 ...
.... H5l!tll2i MarUeld 7 4213 48.,,.
.... 4 131123 Jermjn 7411843...,
.... 4 49 1113 Archibald 7oM3&l ....
.... 4401115 Wlnton 7R8 8t4 ....
.... 4831111 reclcvlllo 763 3M ....
.,..4311107 Olrrkaiit f2 401 ....
.... 4 88 1105 Vrleebure 8 01 407 ....
.... 4 25110) Tbroop 8 00 410.,,,
.... S2 It 00 Trovldence 8 10 4 14 ....
.... 410(1057 l'arlc 1'ILCO (8 12,1417..,,
... 4 15 1055 rcranton dlt420..
r m U x LtaTo Arrlie turn
All trains run dally except Sunday.
I. alanines thn trains stop oa signal for pas-seng-ers.
fecure rates rla Ontario Western beforo
purchasing tickets and save money. Day and
Nlgut Eipress to the West.
J. C. Anderson, aen.Vass Agt,
T. Flltcroft. Sir. Fazs. Ant. acranton. Fa.