THE SOR ANTON TltlBTOTID-THURSDAY atORNTyq. AUGUST , 1897. 1 m "&?. EASTERN 1$VGUE BALL GAMfcS No Halt iic.tlic Miners' Tumble Down VICT dKjpfi&te JOR THE BISONS MtiitfcftfiowVKscnpcd llcing Shut Outi-irHtiIoncQ41rcnks tho Stars' Striu'yir-' Victories. I'huis'lt'JEilir'nVMonl Victories---Springfield rcnl--ltain at Toronto. Itcstilts. Hullalo.' 7 Scranton I Springfield - Ji Montreal 3 Providence n Syracuse 8 Wllkej.Barre at Toronto, rain. 1'crcciitago llccord. "" , I'. W. &'rnciia S7 53 Toronto , 82 -IS RulTa!o ..t., 87 SO Sptlngflold ., 73 1" Providence .... .83- . Pernnton w...,.7lj 31 Montreal 30 Wllkcs-Uatro .....7S 2a L. p.c. 81 .COO 31 .8 37 .575 31 ,!70 40 .518 12 .417 HI .375 53 ,'M Toilny's Clinic. bcranton at buffalo. wilees-barre at toronto - ,. springfield at montreal, phovidisni'k- at Syracuse. GOOD, SNAPPY GAME. But It Was Seven Scrnnlon Runs Shy of the Proper Number to Win. Buffalo,-August I. A good game was put up by lintir teams today. Gray was Invincible and that Is the whole story ,of trie, defeat of Scranton. Score: buffalo. A. II. It. 3 0 3 1 ...... 1 1 O. 3 3 1 3 O 0 0 o 3 1 E. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sllhoy, If Grey, rf Clymer, c ...... Harry, of 2 Wise. 2b 3 Grcmlnger, 3b 3 ritlil, lb 4 Sulllv.ui. ss 3 L'rquhart, o ..'. 2 Gray, p :...r.V. '4 Totals ,.2S 7 " SCRANTON. A.B. It. Walters, ct, 3 1 27 12 II. O. A. E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Beard.' ss i... .;.....;. 3 0 1 Bonner. -tbVr....:f. 1 Mnssey. lb 4 Kagiin, If 4 Grlffln, rf 1 Boyd, e 1 3TugTllri 31, 4 Glllon. 11. 4 11 O 1 2 . 1 0 jf :.;r ' -- - - - - Totals 34 1 S 24 12 0 Buffalo 3 0020002 7 Scianton .". I 000000001 Karned runs Buffalo 5. Two.baso hits Field 2, Gllboy. Throe-buso hlts-Oly-nier, Sullivan," Beard, Babe on balls Walters, Gtlboy, Grey, Sullivan. Wise, OrdmlnReV. Urqunurr, lilt by pitcher UrfluharJ. Struck out-Giay. i'lclrt. Wild pftc I -Glllon. Left on bases Buffalo 4. ScWhtorrV" Doublo plays Musboy, un assisted. Sacrifice hit Beard. Stolen TjaseBonner. Time 1.50. Umpire. 24 0 0 0 0 ' Wen Willio Wim mi IJnigmn. Montreal, Que., Aug. 4. Montreal could not find Mains, whllo Belcourt proved an; wny juarl for Springfield today. Score: f . ., MONTREAL. A.B. It, II. O. A. E. Shannon, ss 4 1114 0 Lynch. If 4 10 2 10 Shearon, rf 4 0 10 0 0 Dooley, lb 4 1 2 10 0 0 Rlchter,. cf. , 4 0 12 0 0 Henry, 2b 4 0 2 2 10 Smith. 3b 4 0 0 B 2 1 Bcrgo", c., 4 0 0 2 2 1 Bilcourt, p. ,..'.... 2 0 0 C 0 1 Gannon, p. '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ..'..' '..'...'..31 3 7 21 10 3 SPRINGFIELD. A.B, It. II. O. A. E. Fuller, ss '.... 1 1 0 1 0 Green,-If. ..r 2 3 110 0 Bannon, rf 5 10 10 0 Brouthcis. lb. ...i.. 4 2 3 II 0 0 Hogeis, 2b 4. 1 1 1 0 0 Gilbert, 3b 10 13 3 0 Smith, cf 3 1110 0 Duncnn, c. ........... 3 2 1 t! 0 0 Mains, p .. 4 0 10 5 0 Totals 34 11 10 27 0 0 Montreal 0 00001020 3 Springfield 3 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 111 Karned runs Monti cal, 1; Springfield, 2. Two bapo' Jills-f"Joen. Stolen bases Green, 2; TlrouthLiH, Duncan. Bases on balls Off Belcourt. 3; Gannon. 1: Mains, 2. , Struck put Belcourt. 2: Mains, C. DoubLo plays Lynch to Shannon to Henry.' Wild pitch Belcourt. Left on bases Montreal, 5; Springfield, 3. Time 2.00. Umpire Tip O'Neill. Stars Oiitlmttod nnd Outlieldcd. Syrnouse, N.V,f Aug.-4. Tho Providence Grays outbatted and outflclded tho homo team hfrtf today, winning the gamo hand. Hi. oiuiy. SYRACUSU. A.B. It. H. O. A. E. Eagau, 2b 3 2 2 2 2 0 Garry, cf 4 2 13 0 0 Smith. 3b ..',..' 2 1.1.4 2 1 Lezotte. rf ;. .. 0 10 0 0 Earl, lb ..,.,....,,.. 4 1 1 8 0 0 Bannon, It 4 0 13 0 1 Schlebeck, ss 3 113 2 2 Ryan, c 5 1 1 4 1 II Malarkey, p 10 0 0 2 0 Kissinger, p 3 0 0 0 3 0 '- fi V w Totals 33 S 9 27 13 4 , PBOV1DIJNCE. 1 A.B. It. II. O. A. E. Welgand, 2b C 1 3 B 0 1 Lynn cf B 3. Ji i. 0 Knight, If 5 ' 2 r" 0 0 Dixon, c 5 2 2 3 2 0 Druuby, lb B 1 2 G 0 0 Cnoney, t-H 3 1114 0 BassQt,t, 2b 4 113 0 0 Coo'gan'r rf 5 0 0 1 0 0 Braun,' p 2 0 10 0 0 EaifOjlij, p 3 0 114 0 Totnls 43 11 15 27 II 1 Hyraaisa.,.,,..,., 31002000 s ProvMence,3 0 3 0 12 0 2 0-11 Earned runs Syracuso 1, Providence 5, T.wOjbaBe- hits Ryan, Eagan, Schlebeck, Ufo'ilby, Dixon, Eagan. Three-base hits Eagan. Homo run Smith. Stolen bases -tlrfKan.vaaxry, Lezotte, Welgand, Ly ons. Double playB Gariy to Schlebeck to FfganjT First ori ball-Off Malarkey 1; off tKlsslriger 1; off Braun 4: olT Eagan 4. Hit' by pltchor By Eagan 1. Struck out By Malarkey 1, Kissinger 2, Braun 1, Providence 5. Sacrlftco lilts Smith, Schle Eugan 1. Left on bases Syracuse B, beck, Coonoy, Time 2.15. Umpire Docs cher. ATLANTIC LEAGUE. ft: Flford. Co nit, Aue.M.-rPatcison won out'' m tho.nfnth today. Dolicrty held Hamburg on third, and v,hen protest wus world of made Umpire Mnco called him homo. This was tho winning run. Score: H.H.E. Hartford 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0- B !) 2 Patcrson OS 0 00 0 00 16 11 3 Hatturles Cnstrlght, Pry and Hoacnj Flaherty and Westlukc. Umpire Mace. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 4. MeMackln'tt wenkness In tho ninth gavo today's gama to Norfolk, after a hard struggle. Score: R.H.E. Norfolk 10(513 1003-916 1 Heading 0 0 0 3 3 0 000-612 2 Batteries Bishop and Snyder; McMack I ii and Heydon. Umpire Snyder. Itlohmond, Va., Aug. 4. Tho Athletics outplayed Richmond at every) point 'to day. Score: 11.11.13. Richmond 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 3 2 Athletics 00005 101' 7 8 2 Hatterlcs I.eovor, Schmidt and Poster, Osborno and Pox. Umpire Denny Long. NATIONAL LEAGUE. RCMlltS. Cincinnati 14 Pittsburg 3 Cincinnati 4 Pittsburg 4 (Six Innings.) Louisville 9 Cleveland o (Forfeited.) Louisville 7 Cleveland. 4 St. Louis 13 Chicago 12 Urooklyn.. a Washington 1 Percentage Itccord. XV. L. P.C. SS 23 .C90 S3 27 .ftil 53 2S .054 .11 .013 43 3'J .535 41 4"5 .477 3S 43 .451 40 43 .455 40 50 .411 35 48 .422 31 53 .309 23 W3 .233 Boston St Baltimore SO Cincinnati 81 New York SO Cleveland St Philadelphia S ntthburg 83 Chlcaro 8S Louisville M Brooklyn S3 Washington S4 St. Louts S.0 Todny's Games. Baltimore at Huston. Cleveland at Chicago. New York at Philadelphia, l'ittsburg at St. Louis. HURST THROWS A BEER GLASS. Scrappy Pennsylvania. Umpire Ar rested for Assault and Battery. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 4. Tho Beds and Pittsburg played two games today. All ien pitched the first game for tho visitors and tho Reds found him very easy. The second gumo was called In the sixth In ning on account of darkness, with the score a tie. Hurst had glvpn tho Reds tho worst of a decision and an Irate rooter rolled a beer glass Into the diamond. Umpire Hurst picked up tho glass and threw It Into rooters' row nnd hit John Cartuy elles over the right eye, Inflicting a seri ous wound. A patrol wngon vyas Immedi ately called and Hurst was arrested, charged with assault and battery. Red Blttman took Hurst's placo 'as umpire. Score: First game R.II.n. Cincinnati 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 0 -14 15 4 Pittsburg 00000 10,023 B 0 Batteries Rhlnes nnd Pcltzj Klllen and Sugden. Umpire Hurst. Second game R.H.H. Cincinnati 4 0 0 0 0 04 C 3 Pittsburg 100 20 1 J 0 3 Batteries Dwyer, Hhret and Schrlver; Gardner and Merrltt. Umpires Hurst and Blttman. Cleveland Players Too (Jay. Louisville, Ky Aug. 4. Two games were to have been played today, Tmt In the second Inning of tho first game, with tho score 3 to 2 In tho homo team's favor, Burkett called Umpire Wolf a vile name nnd was ordered out of the game. Cap tain Tebeau refused to put a man In to bat for Burkett and after waiting flvo minutes Wolf gave the gamo to Louis ville. 0 to 0. The Indians played ns if they did not care whether school kept or not In the s-econd gamo and the Colonels won eablly. Scoiu: lt.H.H. Loulsvillo 21021010 7 12 2 Cleveland 0 102010004 0 1 llaterles Frazcr and Wilson; Brown and Crlger. Umpire Wolf. Poorly Played Came. Chlcngo, Aug. 1. Tho Browns closed their season hero today by taking a hard fought but loosely played game from the Colts. Both sides batted hard from tho start, all four pitchers being pounded hard. Score: R..H.E. Chicago 2 0 2 0 14 0 2 112 10 4 St. Louis 0033012 1313 17 4 Batteilcs Thornton, Callahan and Kltt rldgo; Donohue, Coleman und Douglas. Umpire Pfuffer. Eleven Innings. Biooklyn. N. Y Aug. 4. It was not until tho eleventh Inning that tho homo team was able to claim victory today. Schoch's two-bagger and Grlm's single did the trick. Scoro: It.II.IJ. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 12 12 1 Washington ...0 00000100001 0 3 Batteries Dunn und Grim; Mercer and Parrel!. Umpire Kmslle. Corhctt to Ho in tho (ininc. Itockford, 111., Auk. 4. Jim Corbett, ex-champlonshlp pugilist, Is to play first base through the "Western asso ciation the latter part of August for a percentage of the receipts of each club. Ho starts ut Burlington August 17. DIAMOND DUST. Red-headed Gllboy caught SO games two years ago. Walters irade 11 bits In tho fivo games with Toronto. A Chicago fan selects tho following ns the best make-up In this country: Nichols, I . " pitcher; Robinson, Baltimore, catcher; Tenney, Bpstpn', first base; Kid GJeason, New York, econd; Collins, Bos ton, third; Herman Long, Boston, short stop; Heeler, Baltlinoie, rjght Held; BUI Lange. Chicago, center, and Fred Clarke. Louisville, left. Hero's a state of things: "President Franklin pleaded with tho bleachers on .Monday not to roast Jim Field. Ho said Field was a good player and that If he wcro released by Buffalo, dozens, of clubs would bo glad to get him." That's what tho Buffalo Express says. If the players are so roasted at homo it's all the more to their credit that tho club oecunlrs Its present high position. For Bilious and Nervous Dinorders such hi Wind und Pain In tho Stomach, Hick Headache, Olddinet.8, Fullness and Swelling after ineuls. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush. Ings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Blotches on tho Skin, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all J'Mrvous nnd Trembling (Sensations, &c, when theso symptoms nrecauHed by constipation, us most ofthom are. Tllll FIRST DOSU WILL OIVB klU-lllH IN TWIJNTY AUNUTI1S. This Is no fiction. Every bullerer Is earnestly invited to try ouo box of the Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be A WONDERFUL IVI.EDICINE. JIIAM'S PILI.S, token as directed, will quickly rcatore females tocomple HUliCl AM'S I'lLl.b. toucn ns (l rettei . They promptly remove obstructions or Irregularities of iho system. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER they act like magic a few doses will net wonders upon the Vital Organs; strengthening the Muscular System, restoring the long lost romploxion, bringing back the keen edgo of n p pe tlte und mousing with tho Rosebud of frame. These nru facts admitted ty thousands In all classes of society, und oho of the best guarantees to the Nervous und Debilitated Is nuituteil is un uny I'utcnt Medicine In the World, WITHOUT A.,TtrVATj. "he. at Drill Stores, or will ho sent bv U. I New York, post paid, upon receipt of price. $pom. WHEELMEN MEET AT PHILADELPHIA The Quaker Clly Thronged with Bicycle Riders. MANY CRACK RACERS ARE PRESENT Over 1,500 Itldcrs, Many of Them Women, Cover tho Ton Miles of" tho First U1111 to tho Country Club House of tho Century Wheelmen. "Johnny" Johnson Meets with nil Accldent--Hcndqunrtcrs for Women lit Odd Fellows Temple. Philadelphia, Autj. 4. Close, sultry weather characterized the opening day of tho eighteenth national meet of the League of American Wheelmen, but It failed to suppress the enthusiasm or lesson tho number of arrivals. Tho number of wheelmen nlready regis tered is far In excess of any previous two race meets, and up to a late hour tonight every railroad train brought additional visitors. Prominent nmonR today's arrivals were Albert Mott, of Baltimore, chair man of tho national racing board; Herbert Foltz, chairman of tho In dianapolis racing board; Albert Bass ett, secretary and treasurer of tho National L. A. W.; Sterling Elllcott, ex-president of tho league, and Wil liam II. Kllnltcr, secretary of tho As sociated Cycling clubs of New York city. A. D. Peck, secretary-treasurer of tho Massachusetts division, who will act as a starter in the races, ar rived safely after havlnjx wheeled all the way from Boston. G. F. Kast, president of the Loulsvillo Leaguo Wheelmen, who will act as clerk of tho course," arrived today. Ex-ehairman of the racing board, Howard 12. Ray mond, came In on nn early train and was In conference with George Gideon, last year's chairman. During1 tho morning Chairman Mott, Thomas Hare, chairman of the race meet exe cutive committee, and Abe Powell, official handlcapper for this district, went carefully over the list of entries and examined the record of each pro fessional and amateur. Two entries delayed In transmission were received today. .They were J. Frank Mohler, and Andre Boullng, of tho City of Mexico. They are tho amateur cham pions of Mexico and are reported to be very fast riders. STREETS DOTTED BY RIDERS. From the first gleam of daylight un til long after midnight tho asphalted streets, suburban roads and park drives were dotted by riders of both sexes. Although the humidity was high, tho sun was behind clouds most of tho. day and lessened the discomfort consider ably. The first scheduled run of the meet was started at U o'clock from the national headquarters. Over 1.500 rid1 rrs, many of them women, covered the ten miles to tho country club house of the Century Wheelman, riding along the river dilvo in Falrmount park, nnd the picturesque Wlssahlckon valley. After refreshments, the return to the city was made, and a much larger num ber rode out tho Lancaster pike, the finest mncadnm road In the country, passing the country homes of some of Philadelphia's wealthiest and most sub stantia! citizens. The Indianapolis del egation, headed by Mayor Thomas Tag gart, Postmaster Lahn and Superior Court Judge Hackney, of ShelbyvlUe, spent nearly all of last night and all of today securing pledges for the '9S meet. This morning Omaha began to rival them In their efforts, headed by W. J. Shradcr, Edgar B. Henderson and L. T. Broadstone. THE HACERS APPEAR. By midnight many of the racing cracks had made their appearance.moat of whom went immediately to the track at Willow Grove, fourteen miles from the city, and established themselves In their quarters. "Johnny" Johnson, of Minneapolis, met with nn accident lato last night and may not be able to enter. He was being paced In the Willow Grove trade by "Jack" LIndley, when the latter's renr wheel broke nnd threw LIndley. Johnson "spilled" over him and severe ly bruised his right side. LIndley was slightly scratched. Special attention is being given, tho women visitors, by an 'auxiliary com mittee of local wheelmen. Headquar ters have been opened In the Odd Fel lows' temple, across from the national headquarters. Tomorrow nlcht a feto will be given In their honor at Belmont mansion In West Falrmount park. Word was received today that the first section of a large delegation of New York city riders left Jersey City this morning on bicycles to a'ttend the meet. Between 35 and 40 of tho New York riders arrived here shortly after 7 o'clock. The few that dropped out came in later by train. The run was paced by J. F. Starbuck, but no attempt was made to break any record. The two women who started, Mrs. F. C. Kimball, of tho Commonwealth Bicy clists, of Boston, and Mrs. Etta Hud ders, of New York, were among tho first to arrive. Tonight all the visiting Leaguo of American Wheelmen members were given a ride on the Delaware followed by an entertainment at Washington park on tho Delaware. Tomorrow w 111 be devoted to rune, and an all night smoker at the national headquarters. Knees Postponed. Columbus, O,, Aug. 4. Tho grand cir cuit races wcro postponed today on ac count of rain. will mi pleto health. For a Health the whole physical energy of tho human u tliat Ueecliam'a Pills hiva th that lieechani's Pills have the Largest Sale of Annual Sales over 6,ooo,ooo Boxes. H. Acent. P. F. ALLEN & CO.. Ilnr, Canal Htrrel. Hook freo upon application. MUNYONS Thousands ore an unllv cured bir PrnfA.anr Mnnvnn through correspondence who cannot come to nil olTlce. Ifyou ore In doubt about your disease, wrlto dlreot to Prof. Munyon, 1605 CURES Arch Hlrout, uy Philadelphia, MAIt Pn.. for free iHlL medical ndvlce. Miinyon's Remedies for sale at all druggists. Mostly 25 cents. RODE FOR A WAQER. One of Florov's Employes Docs n Good Pleeo of Hiding. To win a wager of a few dollars, An drew Medlen, an employo of C. XV. Florcy'u blcyclo repair department, rodo from tho latttr's storo on Wyom ing avenue last night on hit) bicycle, up Mulberry strct to tho Elmhurst boulevard, thenco to tho speedway without dismounting'. When tho wretched condition of Mul berry street Is taken Into considera tion tho ride was certainly a plucky one, Tho wheel ridden was one mado by Gcorga Kline, also an employo of Florey's. AMATEUR BALL NOTES. Tho Sliders Juniors defeated the Glory Four team by a score of 3 to 2. Paul Barret, manncor. Tho Sliders challenge the following clubs for a gamo Saturday afternoon, Aug. 7: Tho West Side Browns, Trllbys, West Side Athletics or tho Klondlkes; tho Klondlkes preferred. Tho Rappors, of Archbald, challenge tho Halfords, of Peckvllle, to a game of ball, on tho Archbald grounds for Friday, Aug. C. A return game will bo given. Answer In tomorrow's Tribune. William Casey, manager. Tho Sunsets, of Archoald, champions of upper Lackawanna county, nccept tho challenge of Peter McDonnell's select club, of Jermyn, to a series of thrco gnmes, for a purso of $25, tho first game to bo played Aug. 12 at Alumni park, Mayfield. M. F. McDonnell, manager. Tho Sunsets, of Archbald, and Star lights, of Jessup, will play n gamo of ball on tho Archbald grounds Tuesday, Aug. 10, at i p. m. A good gamo Is ex pected. Tho Taylor Grays accept tho challenge of tho Llttlo England Stnrs for Saturday afternoon on their grounds. William Em onds, manager. Tho Taylor Grays challenge tho Provi dence Stars for Friday afternoon on Tay lor grounds. Answer In the afternoon pa pers. William Edmonds, manager. Tho Golden Orioles defeated the Cracka jacks. The latter's pltcners were pound ed all over tho field. Tho following Is tho score: R.H.E. Golden Orioles 4 S 3 4 3 0 0-22 38 4 Crackajacks 3 3 0 0 12 1-1114 7 Batteries Orioles, Woodward nnd Deane; Crackajacks, BTuck, Call, Lorlm or and Call, Lorlmer. Umpire, Meade. Tho Golden Orioles accept the challcngo of tho Gibson Streot Orchard Boys for Friday afternoon. The Orioles would Hko to slnto that tho umpire did not award Monday's gamo to the Orchard Boys, as wo can prove by tho umpire himself. Bert Woodward. JULY BUILDING PERMITS. They Arc for Improvements the Aggre gate Cost of Which Will Be $125,673. To Whom Granted. The building permits granted by In spector Nelson during the month of July wero for improvements, the ag gregate cost of which will bo $125,679. Those to whom permits were granted are: C Benjamin, doublo dwelling, two sto ries, wood; North Main avenue, First ward. John Co'llgan, doublo dwelling, two stories, wood; Elm street. Eleventh ward. B. Moses, block of four stores, one story, brick; Pcnn avenue, Sixteenth ward. If. D. Brown, double stories, wood; Harrison ward. John Williams, single stories, wood; Webster dwelling, two avenue, Tenth dwelling, two avenue. Tenth ward. Mrs James Lewis, extension to dwell ing, two stories, wood; Brook street, Twentieth ward. Morgan Sweeney, doublo dwelling, two stories, wood; Irving avenue. Twelfth ward. Patrick M,essott, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Irving avenue, Twelfth ward. John Jermyn, extension to stores, "two stories, brick; rear Wyoming avenue, Eighth ward. Georgo B. Smith, barn and carriage house, two stories, wook; Webster ave nue, Tenth ward. I. Peters, slnglo dwelling, two stones, wood; Flhr.ore avenue. Fourth ward. Howell Harris, double dwelling, two stories, wood; Division street, Fifth ward. J. L. Hardwlng, block of six tenements, three stories, wood; Breck court, Six teenth ward. James Kelly, double dwelling, two sto ries, wood: Ash street. Seventh ward. Thomas O'Mnlley, slnglo dwelling, two stories, wood; Second street, Sixth ward. James B. Helm, extension to dwelling, two stories, wood; Meridian street, Fifth ward Bittenbender & Kemmerer, carriage house, one story, brick; Hallstead court. Sixteenth ward. Peter Morel, doublo dwelling, two sto ries, wood; Sanderson avenue, Thirteenth ward. Henry Tlgue, slnglo dwelling, two sto ries, wood; Prlco streot. Fourth ward. A. Bentele, two single dwellings, two 6tories, wood; Mulberry street. Seven teenth ward. Peter Welnss. single dwelling, two Bto rles, wood; Harrison avenue, Seventeenth ward. Dr. Gunster, private dwelling, two and on-half stories, brick veneer; Mulberry street. Sixteenth ward. Board of Control, No. 15 school, two stories, brick veneer; Stone avenue, Twen tieth ward. John Scholl. single dwelling, two sto ries, wood; Hickory street, Nineteenth ward. P. J. McHale, slnglo dwelling, two sto ries, wood; Frlnk street, Twenty-first ward. Mrs. John O'Toole. single dwelling, two stories, wood; Railroad avenue, Sixth ward J. D. Evans, private dwelling, two sto ries, wood; Delaware street, Thirteenth ward. Scranton Prlvato Hospital, four stories, brick; Wyoming avenue, Sixteenth ward. Henry Winkler, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Maple street, Nineteenth ward. Holy Family Slavish Roman Catholic church, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Capouse avenue, Seventh ward. Thomas Harris, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Grant avenue, Fifth ward: Sehroeder & Wormser. double dwelling, two stories, wood; Linden street, Seven teenth ward. William Snyder, single dwelling, two stories, wood; Boulevard, First ward. ll AN IC STOCK FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, riVE?fTYniTAl?Es'C 1 bnnk stock, fifty-three months' pnld; estimated to mature In ninety-six mouths. JOHN MOON, Curbondale. REAL ESTATE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. T?OR SALE-DESIRABLE LOT, WITH J.1 bouse on rear, U1H N. Washington uve. nue; owner leaving city, uoi Qulncy uve. FURNISHED ROOJIS FOR RENT. Advs, Under This Head One Cent a Word. T WO FRONT ROOMS AT 337 WASHING- ton avenue. STOCKHOLDERS' J1EETING. TUOTIETslEREHY GJVENTHE 1 stock liol ters of Tho Scranton Axle Works that the annual meeting for the elec tion of officers and the transaction of such other business ns may come uetore the meet lng. will be held nt tho office of the company at their factor)', on Thursday, August 20th. Xav I. nl u o ciook ). lu, Mtntuoi.ii'u. in .... RICHARD 11. WElSENFLUE.Secretarv. Scranton, Pa., August otb, 1B07. Connolly & Wallace OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SHIRTWAISTS Reduced to 39 Cts., 75 Cts. and $1.00 3 s 3 CONNOLLY & I At reduced prices, still continues. We Lave $100.00 Bicycles ranging in price from $50.00 to $75.00. You can buy department store bicycles at any price. We have none. It is bad policy to buy a bicycle that will turn out to be a neck breaker. Remember, we are the largest dealers in the city, and can offer you better inducements than any one in the city. Not in business for one year, but here to stay. Sterling, Stearns, Are Bittenbender & Co., 126 and 128 cm TT XSLVIL 0 Tribune " Wants" ARE BRINGING LARGE RETURNS TO OTHERS. THEY AVILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU. TRY THEM. HELP WANTED JI ALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CHEF BOB Linden street, at once. AT WANTED AQENTS-S75 PER MONTH and expenses paid uotlve men If right; goods sold by sample only; samples, also horso and carriage furnished FREE. Ad dress JOB1JEU, Box 5308, Boston, Moss. SALESMEN-SCHOOL SUPPLIES: COUN try work; 8100 salary monthly, with liberal additional commissions. R. O. EVANS & CO., Chicago. WANTED-ANIDEA. WHOOANTHINK VV ofsomo simple thing to patent? Pro tect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEUBUHN & CO., Dent. C. 2n, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. U, for their 51800 prize olTer and list of 1,000 Inventions wanted. WANTED-AS AQKNT IN EVERY 8EC tlon to canvass: S4.00 to Srj.00 a dar rnade; sells at slgbt; also a man to sell Staple Goods to dealers; best side line f 76 a .month; salary or large commission made: experlenco unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ng Company, Cincinnati, O. 7 ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN V every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for ngeuts: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH & CO., Borden Block, Chicago, III. HELP WANTED FEJ1ALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 1003 Mou sey avenue, Green Rldgo. WANTED-GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN ernl housework. Apply MR3. CHAS. SCHANK, 412 Willow street. LADIES-I MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleusunt home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp. MISS M. A. STEBUINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell und Introduce Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars nt once and get benefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-TWOENER-getlo saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed SO a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Wrlto for pnitlculars, enclosing stamp, MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY? No. 72 Jobn street, New York. FOR RENT. Advs, Under This Head One Cent a Word. TTOR RENT-AN 8-ROOM HOUSE, WITH I modern improvements, new, corner Washburn undliromlcy avenue, Inquire of the premiBcs. FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. TOD PRINTING OFFICE FOR HALE, ALL ) In good condition. Address P. O. Box 100, Tunkbnnnock, Pa, I ?OR SALE-BABY CARRIAGE. 1705 Capouse avenue. I70R SALE-BALED SHAVINGS AT Belles' Livery, 330 Adorns avenue, 35c per bale. 170R HALE-A FINE YOUNG SPAN OF V dark chestnut horses. For description Inquire at Everett's Stable, Dlx Court, Scran ton. F OR SALE-FINK TRAP CHEAP. 1611 Pcnn avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent Word. BUSINESS (WHOLESALE) OLD E8TAB fished; bear Investigation; reason for selling, going to the Klondike; part cash, I Uttiuute, uuiv. ur (CUI MIHIV, II UCWIIVll, 1U- nress F. A. DANN. 281 Hudson Street. New 1 York. Worth from $1.00 TO $3.00. WALLACE, n 1 E Barnes Bicycles the Three Best Wheels AGENTS WANTED. Under This Head One Cent a Word. Advs. WANTED-AGENTS TO SOLICIT BUILD lng and Loan stock; referenco re quired. Address PENN, care Tribune WANTED-AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR quirk selling novelty; big profits; cnll Room 0, Dime Hank. WANTED-SOLICITORS; NO DELIVER, lng, no collecting; portion permanent; pay weekly: stato age. ULEN BROTHERS, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOINO TO do about Safe Citizenship price 91. Go ing by thousands. Address NICHOLS, NnpcrvlIIe, III. AGENT8-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro plasters; prices from $3 upward; salary nnd expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with btainp, MICHIGAN MKG CO., Chicago. AGENTS-TO SELL CIGARS TO DEAL ers; $25 weekly and expenses; experl enco unnecessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO., .18 Van Buren St., Chicago. BOARDERS WANTED. ANTED TWO REFINED GENTLE men boarders. Centrnl location. Sur roundings first-class. Meals prompt; but must find their own amusemonts. To Much, n good homo can be found by addressing X., Tribune office. CITY SCAVENGER. A. ILBRIGOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 N. Malu;ave., or Elokes' drug store, corner Adams und Mulberry. Telephone I104O. CHAB. COOPER, CITY SCAVENGER. AH orders promptly attended to, day or night. All the latest appliances. Charges reasonable. 710 herautou street. House, 1125 Wasbburu street. CHIROPODIST AND JIANICURE. CmtNlTlliuNU)N8'0U nulls cured without tho least pain or drnwlng blood. Consultntlnn and ndvlco clven freo. E. M. IIETZEL. Chiropodist, i: -. -... -i , .'130 Lucknwannn avenue, i.auies uuenucu Charges moder- nt their residence if desired. nte. EX ECUTORS' NOTICE. INSTATE OF BENJA-MINH.TllifoOP.JL It I)., late of the City of Kcrantou, County of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania. Letters testamentary upon tho above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands UK.dr.Bt tho said estate will present them for payment, and those Indebted thereto will please make Immediate payment to HARRIET F. THROOP, THEODORE G. WOLF, EVERETT WARREN, Executors and Trustees. WARREN & KNAPP, Attorney for Estate. SITUATIONS WANTED. 3N WANTED-BY A YOUNG do housework; a smnll family Address 140 S. Lincoln avenue, proferred. city A WIDOW LADY WANTS WASHING and Ironing nt home or go out by the day. 415 Gibson street. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG mun who must havo work at once; Is willing to do most nnythtng; Is sober nnd reliable. V OOl Price street. SITUATION WANTED-AS DRIVER I1Y a young man who can handle and take care of horses; grocery or milk team pre ferred; referenco from present employer, J. J,, Tribune office. "IITANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG man In nn ofllco or store; many years' experience; can speak Welsh. Box 001, Plymouth, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-AS TRAVELING salesmau, collector, bookkeeping; will lng to fill any honest position; well-known in Luzerne und Luckawanna counties; sober and reliable; good references. W. F. M., 15 12 Dickson nuenue. W ANTED-1IY EXPERIENCED WOMAN to go out by tho day; Is u good washer and Ironer, or can do any kind of work, Ad dress 520 Luckawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTED-AS BOOKKEKP cr or stenographer, by a young man w ho will be unemployed for a few weeks; willing to fill position while the holder of the name Is on vacutlon. Address A, (J., Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE--aged lady as nurse; has hod 17 years' ex ft perience; con give best of reference. Address .M,,Trluunoomce, . D RUGGIST REGISTERED PHARMA- cist, wants position: elsht years' expe rience; first-class prescriptions; Al refer ences; single, speaks several languages; will tako rello o work. A. K. L Tribune office. DENTIST GRADUATE GOOD, ALL around man, furnishes own Instru ments, chair und cabinet, wonts situation us assistant or to tako charge of office, A. U., Tribune office. CENT-A-WORD. j A s 209 ?hX!ae- Hade. Franklin Avenue 5, 0 Iks AND J AT FLOREY'S, 222 WYOMING AVENUE 10 Jurlsch's Is tho place, Theso prices talk for themselves. All wheels guaranteed and aro'O" goods. List. Selling Price Olives, $100.00 - S 70.00 Gales, $80.00 55.00 Stormers, $75.00. G0.00 Suburbans, $65.00 40.00 Stormers, $00.00 49,00 Winners, $50.00 39.00 Nuggets, $60.00 27.50 Orients, $100.00 100.00 Trinities, $100.00 100.00 Positively the Cheapest Place In Scranton to Purchase a GOOD AVheeL m Spruce St. Id Jermyn Building -AT- ARBOUR'S. High Grade easy terms. Wheels 01 125 Lnolcawnnna AveniiJ SPECIAL THROUGH (JARS Dally (except Sunday) via Central RailroaJ of Naw Jersl 1 During August,' 1B07, leaving Scran- iuu ui e.-fiu u. in, or LONU BRANCH. OCIiAN UROVC. . . ASBURY PAl UUL.MAK luceon iseacu) SPRING LAKU. SUA UIRT, 1 Returntngleave Polut Pleasant 11.40 al Spring Lake 11,52 a.m., lielmsr.ll.57 al Asburyl'urk and Ocean Grove 12.05 n Long Brunch 12.24 p.' m. Arrive Sorail 7. no p. in. This will be kent un for tho entire ! especially for the uccomiiiod-JUonc-f famll as ii win cnuuio passengers to secure one tain cowfortablo scuts the enttrejournev. Mill i IIS Rik I f J j. i fa i a v - -