The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 21, 1897, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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V t
CacKawamta County.
Benders will please note that adver
tisements, orders for Job work, and
Items for publication left at tho estab
lishment of Shnnnon & Co., nowsdealcr.
North Main street, will receive prompt at
tention! oinco open from 8 a. m. to 10
p. m.
Iltiftlncs Trunsnctod at tlio Sessions
Hold .Monday livening.
Tho select council met on Mondny
evening when Messrs. Surpert, Mc
Nulty, Qllhool and Dllts attended to
various Items of business. The mayor's
rv-nppolntmcnt of P. V. Molllt us fire
chief, was presented and referred to
tho proper committee. A committee re
ported favorably as to an ordinance
authorizing tho city to acquire some
land, between River street and tho
Lnckawanna river. A resolution au
thorizing a warrant for tho sum of
$201, payable to Mayor O'Neill to be ap
plied for this purpose, was adopted. A
communication was received from J.
F. Wheeler, the city controller, regard
ing the furnishing of rooms for city
c-'llclnls by the city.
Stfno time ugo a warrant was Issued
in favor of II. O. Wntrous for olllce
rent, tho amount being $20 per month.
Tho controller returned It unsigned,
on tho ground that this regular ex
penditure requires nn appropriation
from the councils. The office for which
tho rental was to be paid was not regu
larly leased, or otherwise arranged for
by authority of councils. Tho commun
ication was received and ordered placed
on file. Tho question of an olllce for
the solicitor is still perplexing.
Swimming .llntcli nt Crystal Luke.
A laigo crowd were nt Crystal lake
op Monday and witnessed a swimming
match between John Harrington and
Michael Jordnn of this city. Tho dis
tance for the swimmers was from tho
boat house across the lake, then a turn
around thu boat anchored near tho
shore and return. Tho men started In
good form, and with stendy strokes
made rapid progress. Harrington,
however, after reaching the middle of
the lake began to gain, and was about
twenty feet ahead when the boat was
reached. On tho return he continued
to gain, until nt tho flnfllsh he Vas
about one hundred feet In advance of
Jordan. F. A. Ellis, of this city, was
referee, and he announced that Har
rington's time was thirty eight min
utes: Jordon being l'-nlf a minute be
hind. The entire distance was about
ore mllo and the contest was for a
purse of twenty dollars. Harrington
gave an exhibition of his ability in
diving and fancy swimming,
in fancy swimming.
Pleasant Hinliiluy Party.
A party was given In honor of Mrs.
Dinah Smith, of South Church street,
tho occnslon being her sixty-second
birthday. Her daughter, Miss Thom
as Morgan, of Seventh nvenue. Invited
a number of guests, who brought many
congratulations and good wishes.
Many handsome gifts were received
and a very pleasant entertainment en
gaged. Among those present were:
Mesdames Miles, Edward Lewis.
Thomas James, Benjamin Reynolds,
Daniel Davis, Y. D. Brundage, Sarah
Phillips, Harry Watts. Juno James,
VV. D. Jones, W. Salmon, James Her
bert, B. J. Evans and daughter of
Plttston; Miss Alice Brundage and
Byron Davis, of Scranton.
Taken to tho County Jail.
Constable Daniel Healey, appre
hended one John Brennan, well-known
as "Peg Leg," yesterday morning and
took him to the county jail. Com
plaint was entered before Justice
Glynn that Brennan had abused his
family, was drunk every day, and did
not support his wife and children. Af
ter somo search, tho constable found
him and he Is now In Jail.
Engineers Picnic at Pnvntclle.
Tho George K. "West division, No.
468, of Engineers are making their ar
rangements for tho annual picnic and.
clam' bake. It will be held August 26
at Poyntelle, and a good time will be
enjoyed. The committee of arrange
ments consists of Moses Myers, Oscar
HudBon, V. Kinney, L. Barnard and
W. Wolcott.
The Misses Katie and Delia Ituane,
of Green Hldge. spent Monday with
friends In this city.
Miss Nellie Gerrlty, of Plko street,
spent Mondny with her sister, Mrs.
John McLoughlln, of Blnkely.
Brooks and Charles Kafka left yes
terday for Clavk'8 Summit, where they
will visit wKh friends.
Mrs. John Moon, of Belmont street,
ivho has heen 111, Is Improving.
R. D. Mnthew and Samuel Lewis are
sne to twenty minutes. Not one hour
ifter roadlncr this advertisement need any
For headache (whether sick or nervous),
toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumba
go, pains and weakness In the back, spine
or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleuri
y, swelling of tho Joints and pains of all
WndB, tho application of Radwny's Heady
Relief will afford immediate rae. and tts
continued use lor a lew nays crtect a per
manent cure.
SUMMER complaint;
A half to a teaspoonful oflteady Rellof
In a half tumbler of water, repeated as
aften as the discharges continue, and a
flannel saturated with Heady Hellef placed
over tho stomach and bowels will afford
Immediate, rellot and oon eitect a cuiv.
INTEHNALLY A half to a tcnspoonfnl
In halt a tumbler of water will In a fow
minutes euro Cramps, Bpanns, Sour Stom
ach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Ncrv.
ousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache,
Flatulency, and all Internal pains.
Miliaria In Its Various Forms
Cured ami Prevented.
There is not a remedial agent In tho
world that will cure Fever and Ague and
ill other Malarlpus, Hllllous and other
fevers, aided by UADWAY'S PILLS, so
Travelers should always carry a bottle
it Hadway's Heady Relief with them. A
(ew drop in water will prevent sickness
sr pains from change of water, Jt Is bet
ter than French brandy cr bittern- as a
,tlmnH h'ure TO Get hadAvaVb"" "
and sco the inmo Is on what you buy.
I Price 50 Cents I'er Dottle. Sold by Druggists
vlitltlng relatives of the former In Ca
naan. L. T. Montgomery, of New York city,
Is visiting in this city.
Mrs. Alvlm Vaughn, who han been
visiting her sister, Mrs. P. K. Bargcr,
has returned to her home in Provi
dence. Mrs. Robert Whitfield und children
and Mrs. Emma Porter and son nro
taking a week's outing at Crystnl lake.
Charles Barthon, of New York city,
who has been spending several days in
this city as the guest of C. A. Kafka,
has returned home.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Louis Cotter and Mr.
and Mrp. A. L. Cramer spent yesterday
at Crystal lake.
Miss Mary Sheridan, of Plttston, is
the guest of Miss Mamo Boylan, on
Pike street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Klrt Wlckwlre, of Sa
lem avenue, are visiting friends in
Miss Phoebe Smith, of Providence is
a guest nt the home of Warren Tap
pen. A. O. FIdlan nnd wife are spending
the week at Lake Wlnola.
The Honesdale team were ready on
Monday to play the Alumni, but tho
rain prevented the base ball game. The
contest will soon come off.
Miss B. K. Gllmartln, of South Main
street, will leave today for Philadel
phia. During her three weeks' visit she
will spend several days nt Atlantic
Professor and Mrs. Cummlngs, of
Georgia, are visiting Dr. S. S. Shields,
of this city, and Dr. M. J. Shields, of
Thomns Bevan, the esteemed sexton
of Trinity church, will not visit the old
country, but will take a two months'
vacation in Bethany, Wayne county.
He will stop with a former resident,
John Crago.
The Park Paving company have In
formed the city councils that arrange
ments for repairing their pavement on
Belmont street nre to be carried out
according to agreement, very soon.
A. P. Trnutwcln Is home from New
York city.
Mrs. Louis Brunner and two sons are
visiting at the homo of Nelson Court
rglht, In Nineveh.
Miss Julia Errett, of New York, Is
the guest of Miss Jennie Kearney, on
the West Side.
Mrs. T. It. Lathrope and family and
M. D. Lathrope are spending the week
nt Preston Park.
Miss Laura Dlx. of Garfield avenue,
left yesterday for Susquehanna, where
she will visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Humphrey, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mr. nnd
Mis. John Orchard will leave tomorrow
for a trip that will Include New York
and various seaside resorts.
Mrs. O. R. Van Gorder, of Terrace
ptreet, was taken suddenly ill Mon
Harry J. Hall, Eugene Hudson, Ray
mond and Myron Hockenberry left yes
terday for Stanton's pond, where they
will camp for a week.
Frank Nlles, of Wichita, Kansas, Is
expected In a few dayp to visit his
parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. Nlles, of North
Main street.
Miss May Boyle, who has been visit
ing her sister. Mrs. A. F. Glllls, of Park
Place, for the past few weeks, returned
to her home In New Mllford, Pa., yes
terday. John O'Connell, of North Terrace
street, left yesterday for a visit nt
Misses Louise and Anna M. Mofflt, of
Scranton, are visiting Miss May Ker-
rlns, of South Main street.
Mr. William Errett and daughter
Julia, of New York city, who have
been visiting Miss Ella Kearney, of the
West Side, returned home today.
Mrs. Tljbmas Martin received a let
ter from'Uer husband on Saturday tell
lnp of his safe arrival in the Yukon
region of Alaska, also telling' of the
hardships experienced on the road af
ter leaving' 'Seattle, Wash.
Walter Griffiths, who has heen visit
ing In Buffalo for the past three weeks,
returned home on Monday.
Mies Mnme O'Connor, of Honesdale.
Is isltlng friends In town.
Mls'j Beatrice Cawley, a resident of
Minneapolis for some time, returned
homo on Saturday, and left today to
visit a sister who Is ill at Ph adel
:hla Charles Potter spent yesterday In
Miss Llbble Henwood Is camping at
Lake Ariel with a party from Uarbon
dale. The St. Aloy-slus society held a meet
ing Sunday at which It was decided
to inn an excursion some time in
August. John J. Burns, of Mnyfleld,
was elected to represent the society nt
the national convention of tho Catho
lic Total AUstlnenco union, to be held
at Scranton In August,
The Misses Jennie and Mary Secor,
of Dunmore, are visiting their aunt,
Mrs. John Solomon, on Main street.
Tho Citizens' hand will render tho
following concert nt the Baptist church
lawn on Erday evening: Mnrch, Bean
Monde; overture, Diamond; descrip
tive, Brownie's Picnic; overture; Rival;
overture, Jubilee Potpourri; waltz.
Woodland Whispers; descriptive, 01
MUsIssip; overture, Snap Shot; march,
The Y. P. S. C. K. of Baptist church
will hold a lawn soclafiftn Friday eve
ning at the church. "M
The St. Aloyslus will hold a special
meeting on Thur3jay evening. All
members are requested to be present.
Tho new fire alarm whistle for May
field lias arrived, and will he placed
In position today. Trtls whistle H sup
posed to be one of the finest in tho val
Tho Young People's society of the
Susquehanna Street Baptist church
held a pleasant entertainment and so
cial In the church last ovenlng. A fair
sized audience attended. The follow
ing programme was well rendered:
Solo, D. Z. Davis; 'recitation, Jennie
Ward; duet, Gus Williams and Katrina
Blitz; recitation, Bertha Williams;
homophone selection; recltatlpn. Ben
nle Wllby; solo, Mrs. Lizzie Hughes
Brundage; homophone selection; duet,
D. Z, Davis nnd W, T. Evans. After
the entertainment cako and Ico cream
were served,
A horse, with a light wugon attached.
owned by Jacob Spitz, while standing
in front of George Spitz's store, on
Lackawanna street, yesterday after
noon, becamo frightened and started
off nt a lively pace. It collided with a
telegraph pole In front of the postolllce,
upsetting the wagon.. Louis Elsenburg,
Who was in tho wasron at tho time,
was thrown to tho ground and slightly
Injured. The horso was caught on
Delaware street.
..Mis Anhla Protidrt.Tias rfiturned
home from,4i. .IwarWoeESrXvIslf "with
relatives at 'Krn'gsToTanduVaVdlvllle.
thoro Was nd mellpg-'or hip council
last evening on account of no quorum.
There wero only five members present.
There will be a meeting Friday night,
Tho Jolly Bachelors' Social club has
John L. Davis announces himself a
delegate from tho Second ward, Blako
ly, subject to the decision of the voters.
Misses Edith Mason and Mnggio
Mackintosh left Monday to spend a fow
weeks at Lake Hopatcong, N. J.
Hector Jones and daughter, Miss
Edith Jones, and Mrs. William V. Da
vis will call today for Europe, where
they will visit relatives for the next
three months.
Roy Kelly has gone to Asbury Park
for a short stay.
Mrs. J. Knous, of West Scranton,
and Miss Thccda Morris, of Plymouth,
wero guests nt tho residence of D. Y.
Davis, on Lackawanna Btrcet, yester
day. Misses Maggie nnd Ella Jones, of
Scranton, visited Mrs. D. L. Jones" on
Richard Moyles, of this place, will
be married to Miss Margaret Nawcome,
at Archbald, today.
Carrie and Ray Norman are visiting
friends at West Scranton.
Tho action determined upon by the
borough council at Its regular meeting
held last Friday evening to institute a
thorough Investigation of the ugly
rumors that are gcnernl throughout tho
borough, implicating tho councllmen in
certain dishonest and disreputable pe
cuniary transactions connected with
tho recent Intended purchase of the
electric light plant is highly commend
able and a step in the right direction.
At that meeting it was resolved that
tho burgess and borough solicitor bo
appointed commissioners to Investigate
tho charges of dishonesty and malfeas
nnce indirectly, and In some cases di
rectly, preferred against the members
of the council, with power to subpoena
any or all witnesses, take testimony
and report to tho council the result of
their Investigation.
On Monday evening at tho Welsh
Congregational church a reception was
tendered Mr. Jnmes M. Thomas, who
was an nctlvo member of the church
and who recently moved to Providence
to reside permanently. Mr. Thomas
has resided hero for a number of years
nnd hns been a member of the above
church during this period of time. The
programme was arranged by the com
mittee nnd was rendered as follows:
Address, by chairman, Pastor Ivor
Thomas, Hev. J. M. Lloyd; solo, Thom
as D. Edwards; soprano solo, Miss Su
sie Davis; selection by Orpheus qunr
tello; Messrs. William G. Howells,
John B. Francis, Mrs. Robert Llew
ellyn nnd Mrs. B. O. Jones; solo, James
E. Watklns; selection, "On the Sea,"
Anthracite Glee club; address, by
David F. Davis; duet, by Mr.'Willlam
Jones and Mrs. Robert Llewellyn; ad
dress, by Bards; soprano solo, Miss
Nelllo Taylor; address, J. E. Watklns;
address, by Thomas A. Price; recita
tion. John Gynn; duet, Messrs. William
Jones and John Tubbs; duet, Thomas
Owens and Mrs. Llewellyn; selection,
by Anthracite Glee club. At the close
of the meeting n beautiful picture was
presented to Mr. Thomas by the mem
bers of the church. Refreshments were
served after the meeting to all those
Miss Mnry Fletcher, of Wlnton, was
tho guest of friends In this place yes
terday. The social at Fallon's hall, Old
Forge,, on Monday evening was large
ly attended.
Knights of Pythias, No. 402, will meet
this evening nt Reese's hall.
Misses Barbara Eden and Jennie
Kellar, of Dunmore, who have been
spending the past few days with
friends in this town, have returned
Mr. Edward Edwards, of Hyde Park,
was a Taylor visitor on Monday.
Mr. W. Smith, of Wlnton, circulated
among friends In this town Monday.
Several of the Taylor collerles only
worked part time tho closing days of
last week though full time is tho sche
dule. This was duo to lack of big
cars to take the coal from the breaker.
This evening Miss Nettle Day, an es
teemable young lady of this plnce,
and Mr. Alfred Beagler will be united
In bonds of matrimony at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Watklns, of Main
John Wilburn, of West Mlnooka, who
was Injured at the Pyne mines a few
days ago is slowly Improving.
Professor and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of
Prlceburg, are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs.
Robert Llewellyn, on Union street.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral of
Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Thomas, of Washington street, was
held. Services at the house. Burial
was mado in the Forest Hill ceme
They Will Do n Feature of Hullulo
Hill's Wild West.
How time does fly! This reflection is
awakened by the announcement that
Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress
of Rough Riders of tho World is com
ing to thts. city on Friday, July 3(1. It
does not seem very long to middle-aged
men when they were boys and reading
Ned Buntline's thrilling romances
about Buffalo Bill. Very few peoplo In
tho east thought then that Buffalo Bill
was anything moro than the creation
of an extremely fertile Imagination. It
did not take very long for the truth to
become known and it greatly injured
tho reputation of the author as a novel
ist and he came to be properly set
down as more of a chronicler than a
creator. The public learned that Buf
falo Bill was a real Identity and a most
Important one too In his country's war
faro with the Indians. Instead of be
ing a moro dime novel hero ho was
soon recognized as a hero in real life.
ee Ms Pail!
Get one like It from
your grocer and try
You will like it, but you won't
like the imitations. Avoid them,
0nalu hn trad msrkt "0(IoIb" an!
tfftr't Aa! (a MHoalanl wraren eTry tin.
Villi N. 1C. FAIIUIANU; tOTll'ANY,
Chicago, Bn Yorktl'blladilpbU. I'lltiturj.
Plain "Words From Mro. Plnkham, Corroborated by Mre. Oharloa
Dunmoro, That Ought to Bring Sufforlns
Womon to Thoir Sonsoa.
If you wero drowning nnd friendly hands shoved a plonk to you, and you
refused It, you would bo committing suicide I '
Yet that Is precisely what women nro doing If thoy go about their homes
almost dead with misery, yet ref uso to grasp tho kindly hand hold out to thcml
It is suicidal to go
If It goes on,
" Commenco tho
Compound. Thousands of women in this conditiou hnvo
been cured by it. Keep your bowels open with Mrs. Hnkham's Liver Pills,
and If vou want further ndvlco, write to Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mass., stat
ing freely nil your symptoms sho
tho verv best ndvlce. Sho has given
suffering justllkeyourself, many of whomllved miles away from
clan. Her marvelous vcgetaoio tompounu nas curcu
many thousands of women. It can bo found at any
respectable drug store.
Jlns. Ciia.i.i:b DUJJMonn, 102 Fremont
Hill, Somcrvlllc, Mass., says: "I was in
night; my doctor did not seem to help
tinf tnom in find nnv relief until I took
ham's Vegctablo Compound. I had Inflammation of ?
tho womb, a hearing-down pain, nntl tho whites very
badly. Tho pain was so Intense that I could not sleep at
night. I took Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for eight
and am now nil right. Before that I took morphine pills for my pain; that
was a great mistake, for the relief was only momentary nnd the effect vile. I
nm so thankful to be relieved of my sufferings, for tho pains I had were some
thing terrible. I am, indeed, very grateful for tho good Mrs. Pinkham's reme
dies havo done mo."'
His work as a soldier, hunter, guide,
and scout, which gave hltn his real
tune, once ended, he wisely took the
rfdvlce of some of his ndmltvVs to show
his wonderful personality to the pub
llu that already had rend so much
about It. His success was Instantane
ous, For a time he confined himself to
the stage, but Its narrow bounds wero
too mall for him ,and then caane his
Wild West.
A visit to this exhibition means some
thing more thun a diversion for an af
ternoon or evening. It means a gllmpsa
Into American history. Your children's
children must nil learn all they may
ever know about It out of books. Bet
ter let them learn it at the knees of
your children.
Sawyer of Freedom, N. II., Closes n
.Mail Contrnct with tho Government.
A question which may give the post
oftlce authorities at Washington consid
erable trouble, says the Sun, is how
they are going to arrange the quarterly
payments of Mail Contractor Sawyer.
Sawyer began on July 1 his contrnct of
carrying the mall between Freedom, N.
H., and Centre Osslpee, the nearest
railroad station, for one cent a year. As
the mall contractors are paid quarterly,
the question has arisen at Washington
how Sawyer Is to be paid, but the de
partment is understood to have passed
it over for the time being, as the offi
cials say they are not crossing a bridge
utll they come to It.
Another Interesting phase of this nov
el mall contract Is being discussed by
tho patrons of the office. The question
Is being asked how the department is
going to retain any of the contract
money In the event of Sawyer missing a
trip. Uncle Sam Is very close-fisted in
these matters, The mail contract Is an
ironclad agreement and excuses don't
go for not collecting or delivering mall.
For each trip that Is missed Uncle Sam
reserves a portion of the contract mon
ey. The probabilities are that payment
for tho first three-quarters In Sawyer's
case will be omitted, and for the year
ending on June 30, 1S98, the whole cent
until they come to It.
There Is an Interesting story connect
ed with this mall contract. For six
years Charles B. Danforth carried the
mall between Freedom and Centre
Osslpee. Danforth runs tne stage coach
nnd local express between this town
and Rochester. N. H. He received $160
a year from the postoffice department
for tho work. Freedom Is almo3t nine
miles from Center Osslpee. Carrying
the mall means that the carrier must
bo.up with the birds and drive over the
rough country roads, meeting the first
east-bound train at Centre Osslpee at
7 a. in. The mall from Boston arrives at
1 p. m., and by the time it Is delivered
nt Freedom it is nearly 3 p. m. This has
to be done every day In the year except
Sunday. There were several bids for the
place this year. Danforth has a mortal
enemy, named Sawyer, who Is also his
neighbor. He heard Sawyer was after
his Job. So to bo sure of beating Sawyer
he put his figure at $5 a year. When tho
bids were opened later he waschngrlned
to learn that Sawyer's bid was one cent
a year. Sawyer got the contract and on
July 1 entered upon the performance
of Ms new duties. Sawyer has no busi
ness that calls him to the railroad cen
tre dally, so this Is one of the cases In
which a man is willing to work for
nothing to spite a neighbor.
HEALTH MEANS a perfect condi
tion of the whole system. Pure blood
Is essential to perfect health. Hood's
Sarsaparllla makes pure blood and thus
gives health and happiness.
HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite fam
ily cathartic and liver medicine. Price
CALL UP 3682,
m TO 151
M. AV. COLLINS, Manager.
ar located th finest fishing- and hunting;
rounds In tbe world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points In
Mai no, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Canadian and
United Btates Northwest, Vanvouver.
Beattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Oars
attached to all throuEht trains. Tourist
cant fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
roar be bad with cond-claso tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further Information, time tables, eto
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
353 Broadway, New York.
day after day with that dull, con
stant pain in tho region of tho womb and that
t bloating heat and tenderness of tho abdomen,
which make tho weight of your clothes an
almost intolerable burden to you, It is not
natural to Buffer so In merely emptying tho
bladder. Docs not that special form of suf
, fcring tell you that there is inflammation
JjShnll I tell you what It is?
"""it is inflammation of tho womb!
polypus, or tumor, or cancer will set in.
uso of Lydla E. Pinkhnm's Vegctablo
stands ready and willing to glvo you
tho helping hand to
St., Winter
pain day and j
mo. I could
Lvdia E. Pink.
103 Wyoming Ave.
(Second Floor.)
largest Dmtal Establishment in tbi
World 18 Offices la the U. S.
Wo extract teeth, fill teeth and apply gold
crowns und brldci work without tho least
particle of pain by a method patented nnd
uswd by us only.
Ir fhiprw for palnloss extracting
1U wMUrge when teeth aro ordered.
We Guarantee a Fit or No Pay.
Gold Crowns and Rrldge Work a specialty.
Tho lnrse pntronnpe of the Now York Den
tal I'urlors Is ana tn the uniformly hlgh-grado
work done by nlillleil dentist und thu ten
year written tfuarunleo given.
Corner Lackawanna and Wy amine; Aves.,
(Over Nownrk Shoo Store.)
Hours, 8 to 8. Snnilny 10 to !
Great preparations are be
ing made for this Annual
Tickets, $1,00, Children, SOc
Has full aud complete stock
of all the latest up-to-date
styles in
Belts, Waist Sets,
Rogers' Silvjr -Plated Ware,
Sterling Silver Spoons,
at the very lowest
possible prices at
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
"Mi:4 KEV1VO
Made a
1st Day,
Well Man
of Me.
the apevr 30th
Jtrn-jaaxraxx muivriniD-sr
produces the abort, results ln'.30 days. It scU
powerfully tad Quickly. Cures when til others fill
Vou-g nen will rcgtla their lost miabood, sad old
men will recover their youthful vigor by uilaj
11IEVI VO. It quickly and surely reitoret Nervous
ness, Lout Vitality, Imnoteucy, Mfbtlr Kraluloaj,
Lott Power, Tailing- Memory, Wutiiut DUeaeti, aso;
all effects ot sel-abuse or eiretta&d Indiscretion,
.ttulch unUU one (or study, business or marrUie. It
not only cures by starting at the seat ol d-seue, but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood bnllder, brim
log back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing tlis (Ire of youth. It wards off Tnoanlty
and Comumptlou. Inslit on having HKVIVO.n
otber. It can be carried In vstt pocket. By mill,
SI. 00 per peckue. or six for 85.00, with poet
tlvo written guarantee to care or refund
mo money, circular tree. Addreas
1v... li-i. u- , .V-fnipvvo Muiw .7;.....
ror ! bu'JJI5,Sj,Jto wra'
aBSk a
9ESm i iftlHSPIp
1 rn ' HI
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j We hardly know where to begin; it's like trying to find tho beginning of a clrclo, g
S When wo say we havo everything desirable Ih Oxfords wo are Just tolling you the S
C sltnplo truth. Wo'vo tho stock: all It necdi Is for you tocoaio nnd mitke your choice. 5
g Our Men's Shoes deserve moro thnn pnvsing nbtlco. Tliero is nn lmlcscrlble some- ;
tlittiK about them which stumps them ns "High Class." It Is tho result of tho best S
work, applied by tho host workmen In the country to tho licit shoe materials. The S
J as. A. Uanlstcr Co.'s Shoos for men have few, If any, equals. 3
S Corner Lacknwnnna and Wyoming Avenues. 5
m Sole Agents for the Jas. A, Usnlster Co.'j Shoes for Men. 3
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bittenbender & Co.. Scranton. Pa.
ISili Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood MIno Rails
Rawed to uniform lengths constantly on band. Peeled litunlock
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and Susquc.
ianna Hnilrond. At MIna, Potter County, Pa., on Coudcrsport. and
Port Allccnny Railroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day.
G1LNEKAL OFFICC-Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Schedule In lilfect November 15, iSjS.
Trains Lcava Wilkes-Barra as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury,
HarrisburK, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burp; and the West.
10.15 n. m.. week davs. for Hazloton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norristown,
and Hhliaacipnia; ana tor uun
burv, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burp; and tho West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
HarristJurR, Hhilaaeipnia, uani
moro, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3.15 p. m., Sundays only, fop Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and tho West.
6.00 p. m., weok days, for Hazloton
nnd Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent.
J. B. HUTCHINSON. General Manager.
Central Jtnllroml of New Jersey
(Lohlsh and Susciuehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur
ing cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton r Plttston,
Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20. 9.15. 11.30 a. m.,
12.43. 2.00. 3.0C, 5.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00,
Fr Mounuyviflc. .W a. m.. 2.W.
3.05, 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15
'VSr Atlantic City. 8.20 a: m. ,....
For Now York, Newark and El zabeth,
8 20 (express) a. m., 12.15 (express with Ilur-
n. m.
4j. VfniK-h Ohunk. Allentown, liethle-
hem Easton nnd Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m.,
ri 305, 5 00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
ToiraLn"DDranp-h. Ocean Grove etc at
S.20 (throuuh enr) a. m. anil U.ib p. m.
pnP rteadlnK. Lobancw and Harr sburs.
la Allentown. 8.20 a. m., U'.ti. &.w P- ni.
SlaP0Usvllle.,8:3) a. m.. 12.13 P. m.
Returnlnc cavo N"w Yorl5- f,?5 r Llb;
ertv "tree": North lllvcr. at 9.10 (ox press
am 1.10, 1.30. 4.15 (express with BUItet
iiarlof cur) p. ni. Sunday. 4.30 a. m.
1 "cavePliiladclphla. Reading Tormina .
0.00 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.S0 p. m. Sunday. 6.
aThrouBh tickets to all points at lowest
rate may be had on application in ad
vance to tho ticket nsent at rto .tatlon.
' Gon. Puss. Agt.
J. II. OIIIAUSDN, Gen. Supt.
Del., Lacku. and Western.
Effect' Monday, Juno 21, 1S97.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex
Dress for New York and all points East.
F.40. 2.W. 6.15, 800 and 10.20 a. in.; 12.65 nnd
3'ExMesR for Easton. Trenton, Philadel
phia ana the South. 5.15. 8.00 and 10.20 a.
m,. 12.53 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations. 3.15 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p, m.
Exuress for Blnghamton, Oswego, El
mlra Cornlne, Bath. Dansvllle. Mount
Morris and Tluftalo, 12.10. 2.35. 9.60 a. m..
inn II W p. m.. malting-closfl connections nt
nuffalo U all polntB In the West. North
west and Southwest.
IllnShamton and way station. 1.05 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10
"'nTnghcmton and Elmlra express, 6.55
P'Eltpress for Utlca and Richfield Springs,
5 v. n m. and 1.65 v, m.
tihanv 2.33. 9.00 n. m., and 1,65 p. m.
For Northumberland, Plttston. Wilkes.
Barre. Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan
ville. maklnB close connection at North
ymberland for Wllllamsport Hnrr Isburg.
Baltimore, Washington and tho South.
Northumberland and ln'"medlate stn
tlons 6.00. 10.20 a. m and 1.55 and 0.00 p. m.
Nanllcoke and Intermediate stations,
8 0S nnd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth nnd Inter
mediate stations, 3.40 and J.47 p. m. For
Kingston, 12.10 P. ni.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on
all expres trains.
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. I.. Smith, Dls
trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket ofllco.
Hrle and Wyoming Valley.
Effect Monday, May 3lBt. 1897.
Trains leave Bcranton as follows: For
New York and Intermediate points on
Erie railroad, also for Hawley, Lake
Ariel and local points at 5.09 a. m. and
2.28 p. m. . . . . .
I AUU lionai trains lor iuko Ariel ana
points intermediate at 8.45 a. m. and 5.20
Additional trains for o Ariel ana
ret parior cur;, yj iiwuw ;-
ntfrA-iTi nt Philadelphia, Heading T
! s r n m. nnd New York fl.00 p.
P f H
4- $ s
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday. July 5, trains will leave
Scranton us follows:
For Carbondale 6.20, 7.55, 8.53, 10.15 a.
m.; 12.00 noon; 1.21. 2.20, 3.52, 5.25, 0.25, 7.57.
9.15. 10.45 p. m.; 12.10 a. m
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc, 0.20 a. m.,
i.20 p. m.
Fore Honesdale 0,20, 8.55, 10.15 a. m.;
12.00 noon: 2.20, 6.2s p. 111.
For Wllkcs-Barre-C.43, 7.50, 8.45. 9.38.
10.45 a. m.1 12.03, 1.25, 2.2S, 3.33, 4.41, 6.00, 7.TO,
9.60, ll.M p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
LehlKh Valley H. It., 6.45, 7.50 a. m.; 12.05.
1.25, 4.41 p. m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. points C.43, 9.38.
a. m.; 2.23, 4.41 p. m.
For western points via Lehigh Valley'
R. R 7.50 n. m.; 12.05, 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 9.60. 11.30 p. m.
trains win arrive at scranton an 101
lows: k
FromvCarbondnlo and tho north 6.40
7.45. S.40, 9.31. 10.40 a. m.: 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2.24. 3.25, 4.37. 5.45. 7.45. 9.46. 11.25 p. m.
From Wllkes-Barre and tho south 0.15,
7.50. S.30, 10.10. 11.65 a. m.; 1.16, 2.11. 3.18.
6.20, 0.21, 7.53. 9.05. 9.46 P. m.J 12.05 a. m.
J. W. BURDICK. O. P. A.. Albany, N. T.
II. W. CROSS. D. P. A., Scranton. Pa.
Lehigh Valley Railroad System.
Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
IN EFFECT JUNE 14, 1897.
For Philadelphia and Now York via I.
& H. R. It- at 6.45. 7.50 a. m and 12.05, 1.25,
2.33, 4.41 (Clack Diamond Express) and
11.30 p. m.
For PlttFton and Wllkes-Barre via D.
L. & W. R. P... 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m 1.55
3.40, 6.0O and 8.47 p. m.
For Whlto Iteven, Hnzleton, Pottsville,
and principal points In tho coal regions
via D. & H. It. K., 6.45, 7.50 a, ni., 12.05 and
4.41 p. m.
Foi Bethlehem, Easton, Rending, Har
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. 11. R.. 6.45. 7.50 a. m.,
12.05, 1.25. 2.2S, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 4.41 and 11.30 p. m.
For Tunkhant ock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D.. U & W. R. R., 6.00.
S.08 a. m., 12.40 nnd 3.40 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, ButTnlo, Niagara
Falls, Chicago and nil points west via D.
.t H. K. It.. 12.05, 3.33 (Black Diamond
Express), 9.60 and 11.30 p, m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley chair cars on all trains between
Wllkes-Barro and New York, Philadel
phia. Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge,
ROI,MN H. WILBUR, Gen. Btlpt.
CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.,
Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Olllce. 309 Lackawanna avenue.
In i:f feet June C7tli, 181)7.,
Nqrtl! Hound.
8011th nouud,
j l8 (Trains Dally, Ex.S
1 ' I cept Sunday.) u
io a
ft a
r tiiArrlre Leave a u
72JVN. Y. Franklin St. .... 740 ....
7 10 West 4nd street .... 75s ....
700 Weehawken .... 8 10 ....
p 11 p 11 Arrive Leave a !) m
.... C!2 1 15 nooaiU 010 in ..."
.... 18 ion nanfoet mean ....
... 0 0T12i6 &t&rlljrbt oss'sK....
.... on,ia6 l'reston ParX osa 831 ....
.... 6 5412 40 Wlnnood B i if 41 ....
.,., MTtst) Ioyntell9 ono uso ....
.... 5 4112 14 Orson CSj 3 53 ....
.... o:!3ca rieasant Mt. 705 8C6 ....
.... n is IIU9 Unlondalo 7w 3C9. ...
.... 6 Hill 49 Forest city : to 3 19
.... 6(01131 carbondale T.lil 8 811 ..
.... f4 67fllSO White llrldgo 7C7,f8 8Sj ...
....M.M'Iim MaytU'ld 7i!H43 ....
.... 4I8.U2S Jermyn 7 II 8 45.,..
.... 4 43 1114 Archibald 7 60 3 61 ....
.... 4401115 Wlnton 7f.S 3(4 ....
.... 4381111 reck-Tllla 78S 869 ....
.... 4 311107 Olirrhaut 6 02 4 04 ....
.... 4 &s 11 01 friceburg B 04 4 07 ....
.... 4 as 11 OS Throop aou 410 ,...
.... 4 1'ilioi Providence bio 414 ....
,...4 19(1057 Park Place . fd 13 (4 17 ....
... 4161065 tcranton t d li 4 so ....
r uli n Leave Arrive a up m
All trains run dally exceDt fiundar.
f. signifies thai trains stop on signal for pas
BOngorH. Kecura rates rta Ontario & Western beforo
purchasing tickets and save money. Day and
h'liut Eipieutotue West.
1 J.C, Anderson, den. raw Act.
T. FUtcroU. Dlv. Pass. Art. sor antou. Pa.