THE S0EA2TTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNTNC, JULY 1, 1897. 9 i Lackawanna County. CARBONDALE, ncflflcrrt will please- note that adver tlctncntB, orders for Job work, nnd Items for publication left fit tho estab lishment of Shnnnon A Co., nowsdealcrj, North Main street, will receive prompt ut tcntlon; otllco open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. ALUMNI MEETING. Annunl Itciinlnn of tho llich School Grniluntos. rh, Cnrhoivlnlp Hlih School Alumni rtSKoclatlon held the seventh annual itunlon nt tho assembly room of the central school on Tucsclny evening. Over one hundred members enjoyed the occasion The desks had been re moved and the class rooms thrown open, so that the hall was Well adapt ed for tho reception. The decorations wero simple but beautiful and appro priate. Tho was arranRed by Mr. Shepherd and was worthy tho oc casion. Miss Martha Hards as toast rnlfctress, wus Introduced by Norman Geldery president of the association In a neat address. Mrs. Hards responded in a witty manner, and admirably Ail ed her responsible position throughout the evening. Frank B. Schoonover re sponded to tho subject of "Athletics" in a humorous way. Emmons L. Peck speke in behalf" of "Our Alumni at College" and gave his own experience in a very happy manner. Mlfs Margaret Kllleei responded to tho toast "The Hales of 'OB." Her re marks were enjoyed by all as she prophesied respecting her favored class of '96. Mis? Orace Munn spoke for the class of '97 and In a very pleasing way described the advantages of her class. Mathew Murphy was called to respond to "Our Banquets." Ho gave a very creditable speech. Professor Hocken berry'gave an earnest address In re sponse to the toast "Our Girls." Ills admirable remarks were most appro priate. He spoke with much feeling of Ella MflDonough, so suddenly taken from them, and mentioned in a beau tiful manner two of tho departed members of the alumni. Miss Lizzie Collins imd Mrs. Bridget McGarry nee Gavin. The musical features of the evening were much enjoyed. MIses Berry Es tabrook Pengelles, Messrs. Singer and Hockcnbeiry sang an opening selec tion. Misses Corby and Herring playe.l a piano duet In a very charming man ner. A piano trio by MIfscs Corby and Herring and Mr. B. L. Singer closed the programme. rlannl left yesterday for an extended trip through Europe. Harry Bartlot will leavo tomorrow for his home In Illinois. Willie Mertfi of Scranton Is visiting relatives In town. Stanley Maxwell has resigned his po sition at Hotel Harrison. Mrs. It. A. Barrett, her mother Mrs. Smith and' two sons, Dan and Dean, leave today for Ocean Grove, J. 13. Hill of Pond street has received the sad news of tho death of his mother, .who died last week In South Wales. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bonham and son have returned from a visit to White's valley. Thomas P. Duffy, csn... of Bcranton, was in this city on professional busi ness yesterday. Miss Nellie Blglln of Scranton Is vis iting friends In town. Mrs. George Moon of niver street, who has been ill with erysipelas is Im proving. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Beck spent yesterday In Honesdale. Miss Stella Hathway leaves today for Preston Park where she will act as ac countant for that hostelry. Mrs. F. J. Murdock of Peckvllle vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tlngley Tues day. Mrs P. II. Jlurrln and daughter Em ma and son Charles attended tho com mencement exercises of St. Patrick's academy at Olyphant Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Bobbins and Mrs. J. Gaughan have been called to nancock, N. Y., on account of the death of their nephew, Jerome Furey. Mrs. A. Niles has returned from a visit In Vermont. Mall Carrier Gallagher of Wllkes Barro was a visitor in this city yester day. The proprietor of the Grass Variety store who intends to retire from busi ness in this city soon will locate in Cali fornia. Mrs. M. ti. Meaker, son Robert and mother, Mrs. L. L. Queal, left yesterday for West Bralnbrldge, N. Y where they will Bpend their vacation. Mrs. Thomas Brennan Is entertaining her daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Brennan of Green Grove. cents, prize SO cents In cash: standing hop, skip and jump, entrance feo ton cents, prlzo $1: standing broad Jump, feo flvo cents, prlzo 60 cents', amateur bicycle race, one mile, en trance feo twenty-five centB, first prlzo bicycle lamp, second prize cyclometer. Persons wishing to enter above races, etc., can secure entrance tickets by ap plying; to committee, James 11. Bell, chairman; Chas. O, Jenkltw, secretary; II, E. Maliws, treasurer; T. U. Span genburg, Henry Purday. As chief marshal of tho parado to take pluca July 5, I heroby respectfully request that societies Intending to par ticipate In this parade as a body, ap point a marshal, and for them to con fer with th undersigned not later than noon July 4. Youns people desiring to take part, arrayed in a fantastic or grotezque garment ore Invited, provid ed, however, same an within the bounds of propriety. Mounted men, school children in fact ovory citizen In terested In this movement and parade, are hereby Invited. Everybody come and let us make the day a fitting ob servance of Independence day. Lino of march nnd other detail wljl appear in the columns of Saturday's public press. Respectfully, C. J. Ganzemul ler, chief marshal. PR1CEBUKG. some time, returned to Iher homo in Norwich, N. Y. She was accompanied by Mrs. Matthewson. Mrs. John Blockberger and children returned home last evening after a visit with relatives at Archbald. Miss Tessle Mallon, of Scranton, who has been visiting Miss Elizabeth Dougherty, returned homo last evening. Clerks Orpnuizo. A meeting of tho clerks of the city was held on Tuesday evening to ar range for the permanent organization of a branch of tli retail clerks nation al protective association. Maurice Forbes was made chairman, and M. J. Horan secretary of the temporary or ganization. The state organizer, Nel son G. Teets, of Scranton, and a. dele gation from the Scranton association will attend a meeting on Friday even ing when a permanent organization will be formed. At the last meeting lnterstlng Information was given in regard to the advantogps of the union. A committee, consisting of Elmer Bro kenshlre and Maurlca Forbes will wait upon ull tho clerks throughout the city and ask them to be nresent on Friday night. The following committee were appointed to meet the atate organizer and the Scranton delegation at the sta tion: George Alvord, Frank P. Kelly, William Eaton, W. Tt Cardem b.mli Frank Wolcott. A vote of thanks was tendered Superintendent O'Malley of tho Prudential Insurance company for the use o his ofllca where the meeting was held. PECKVILLE., Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taylor have Is sued Invitations for the marriage of their second daughter, Miss Grace C, to Councilman William J. Snedlcor, for Wednesday evening, July 14, at 8.30, oi their home on Main street. Irs. W. J. Guest nnd son. Paul, nre visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Callender, of the West End. G. 1$. Newton and C. F. Peck attend ed the funeral of Dr. B. II. Throop last Wednesday. Rev. A. D. David, of Thompson, was a caller on his many friends at the West End last Tuesday. Grassy Island Delaware and Hudson breaker worked fourteen and three fourth days in June. Mrs,. Henry Kennedy and Mrs. Frank Bwrnes returned home yesterday after an extensive visit with friends and rel atives at Susquehanna. Mrs. W. J. -Broad and son, Wlnfleld, who have been visiting with relatives In New York stato for the past two weeks, returned yesterday. The committee on paiiuie issues a special invitation to all the young men to turn out on Independence day. Independence day games under the auspices of Wilson Fire company, will be as follows; Wheelbarrow race, 100 yards, prlzo watermelon, donated by D. II. Barry tack race. 10U yards, ten packages fire crackers; egg race on bicycle, 100 yards, entrance feo ten cents, prle bicycle bell; tug of war, twelve on each side, prize box cigars, donated by T. U. Spangenburg; foot race, 100 yards dash, entrance feo five Miss Carrie McLaughlin, of Main street, cntcrtainpd a, large assemblage of her friends Tuesday afternoon In honor of her twelfth birthday. Games of all kinds were indulged in by the young folks until about six o'clock. Among those present were Josephine Langan, Florence Kennedy, Valedla Orlffen, Rebecca Weir, Annie Jones, Clara Hager, Gertie McLalne, Carrie Auckland, Mamie Gilgallon, Edith Eley, Beatrice Miles, Annie Blatnlk, Nettle Fuegllen, Lily Jones, Annie Summersi Lottie Bray, Grace Eley, Lu la Wleland, Candella Barrett and Flor eneo Malnes, of Jermyn, and" others. Mrs. Peter Hebrand, of Lincoln ptreet, received a dispatch from New Jersey on Monday morning, stating that her father had died. She left for that state and is at present staying there. The engine room and shifting shanty belonging to tho air shaft and owned by O. S. Johnson, In some unknown manner caught on fire on Tuesday af ternoon and was burned to the ground. The air shaft and Its belongings are situated back In the woods and the men at the slope were obliged to carry water from the creek In fighting the lire. JEIOIYN. Mr. Michael Walsh has returned home from the Georgetown University. John B. Griffiths and Ralph Rymer have returned homo from Wcalcyan University. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunter spent last evening In Carbondalc. Mrs. Edwin Burrett and daughter, spent last evening in Carbondale. Superintendent AVlllIdln Wolker left yesterday for Syracuse, N. Y., to In spect the new electric drill which Is In operation at that place. If It Is a suc cess tho Hillside company will purchase a number for use In the low veins. II. J. DeGraw Is quite ill at the home of his brother In Scranton. Professor William M. Taggare Is vis ltlng in Lancaster. Mrs. Preston of Hancock, N. Y., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Bad ger on Cemetery street, Peter Butler anticipates running the restaurant of the late Michael Moyles. The Hickories and the Mayfleld team played at Alumni Park yesterday after noon , which resulted In a victory for former by a score of 7-13. Mesdames II. A. Willman, M. J. Shields, Geo. Watklns, John Mellow, Charles Baker and W. S. Badger speti yesterday afternoon the tfutttrT of Mrs. A. J. Baker of Duryea. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanford aro vis iting at Scranton. Mr. Thomas Long, who has been 111 for some time Is slowly Improving, The Sliders of Jermyn succeeded in defeating two clubs yesterday, Tho first game was with a tettfn from East Side, score 18-9. In the second game, Against the Tigers of Mayfleld the score stood 14 to 10. We, the BUdcrs, of Jermyn, accept the challenze of the Peckvllle Juniors and will play them on our grounds on Wednesday, July 7. If satisfactory answer through Tho Tribune. T. Reese, manager; E. Breen, captain, Mr. Thomas Lee of Cnrbandale, was a caller In town yesterday. Mr. Henry Smith, who has been In Alaska for some llttlo time, is expected home the comlnir week. A large number of the Farmer's (Al liance and Industrial Union of this place will attend a convention of the order at East Benton today. uiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiHfHiiiHHmiiiHiHiiiHHiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiinHHHimmi - 1 THE I NEWARK S 4 1 m m THE B NEWARK WHERE TO SPtND INDEPENDENCE DAY Now Is tho tlmo to purify your blood, and Hood's Sarsaparllla 1b the best medicine for the purpose. Thousands of great cures prove that it Is the ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. " , To Curo n Cold In Ono Day. Take laxative Bromo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If it falls to cure. 25 cents. S 111 buying footwonr, always think of tho prlco and never consider tho S S3 ...ltt.. A .t ... Ilm.. t. 1. ....... I.. .,..1... I. Al. ....l .11 " aunlltv. A creat mnnv times tho lowest In nrlco la tho most costlv. Our guide In .buying Is tho quality and v won't have any shoes to show you but what nro first class, nud something that will give good service, ninko old customers como hack and bring now ones. JtiHt now It's hot wenther shoes you want. Wo havo thorn. In all varieties, sizes nnd widths. Shoes to lit all feet, nnd If you'll lcavo It to us, you'll bo llttcd properly, Independence July 3. EjTHE NEWARK SHOE STORE, j ' Comer Lnckawnnim and Wyoming Avenues. S S3 j Sole Agents tor the Jas. Ai Banister Co. ' Shoes for Men. - gg nillllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIllillltllllllllIllillllIIIIII1lllll11lllllllllllllll0llli7 -AT- Laurel Hill Park 27 MONDAY, OLYPHANT. Uirtliduy Snrpriso 1'nrtv. A largo number of friends celebrated tho twenty-first birthday of Miss Min nie Tdllman at her homo on Highland street. The visit was unexpected but mest delightful. Ths Hereon orchestra. gave some favorite selections and vocal pieces, Some beautiful presents were hestowed as marks of friendship. Among thore r resent were: The Miss es Jennie Purple, Kula Carey, Nora Purdy, Amy Kinbaok, Ella Purdy, Sarah Chilton, Sarah Courtrlght, May Jones, of Jermyn; May Balle Fuller, of Nicholson: Messrs. Eert Dlv, Isaac Singer, Melvin Tappan, Frank Han ford. Albert 13111s Walter Nye, Walter Carey. G. W. Hly, Loon Ely, Freeman and Itay Tallman. The school board meet last evening and appointed the following com mlttees Building committee, Richard Pettlgrew, William McNally, S. AVil liams, M. D. Flynn, Thomas Donnelly: teachers committee, William Hayes, T. D. Evans, Th'omas Lenaihan, Thoma3 Neaon, Thomas Donnelly; finance com mittee, James J. O'Malley, Thomas Nealon, J. D. Evans, Thomas Donnelly, M. D. Flynn; supply committee, John D. Powell, James J. O'Malley, Joseph Kelly, Thomas Lenahan, Thomas Don nelly: printing committee, Thomas Lenahan, William Moyes, John D. Powell, Joseph Kelly, Thomas Don nelly; heat and light committee, M. D. Flynn Itlchard Pettlgrew, William McNally, S. Williams, Thomas Don nelly. The board's regular meetings will be held on the last day of each month. Miss Katie Kelly, who has been quite 111 for the past two weeks, Is able to be out again. A. F. Day, of Mahoney City, was a visitor In town yesterday. Miss Buela Brown, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. B. Matthewson for JULY 5th Is at tiij most atlractiva resort in Pennsylvania, LAM GRAND GALA DAY. Great Athletic Features, Including, 2 Ulcyclo Itacei, Kaoli Itucex. nunclne. Vaulting with Pole, and In fact all the old-time bcottliu Pastltnos. Afternoon nnd Evening. The FamousDeGomas, ferS ersnndGymnaste, will give a thrilling per formance on u wire no feet from the ground. A grand fireworks Ulsplay will accompany this feature In the e cuing. WAGONiVBAKERS. We Carry a Full Stock of Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axle3, Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops, Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth, Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips, AND A FULL LINE OF IRON. STEEL Hi BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES. Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Pa. LACKAWANNA LURfl DANCING, Afternoon and Evening. Music by Highland Pipns and Law rence Band. ANTkJAGl A marvoloua enro fcr UKUMi.ttMKSH can be clvan secretlvat home. It Is harmless. All rlmcfMRM rti wHrn iirnovn npmicai i;o., n nrnaavav, nw vnrir. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY MAILED FREE. Refreshments in abun dance on the grounds. All kinds of amuse ments, boat racing, base ball, fishing, etc. Grand fire-works dis play in the evening. Grand band concert and music for dancing by Ger mania band ar orches tra. TRAINS JVERY HODR. Tickets Adults - S1.00 Children - - 50c Admission - - - 25c Grand Stand - - 10c Evening - - - - 25c RIAUUFACTURIR3 OF OH S1ID Ptll. ffl fiffl MMMID mm Hill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mjue Rails sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled llr-mlock I'rop Timber promptly Furnished. MILKS At Cross Fork. I'ottcr Co.. on the Buffalo and Susque hanna Uailrond. At Mina, I'ottcr County, Pa., on Comic rs port, and Port Allegany Hullroad. Cnpaclty 4U0.000 feet per day. GHNKKAL OFFICE-Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. MADE NiE A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ddjy&JVcrrrou Jieaf Fall Ins Mem otr, Impotencj tiloep leu noes, etc.. oaatf d QK& cretlons. 'X1ev quickly anH luretv V restore Lott Vital I17 in older jounc anil fltamaaforstadr( business or marriage. lu uonBumpuo icmedi&ta lmtii mentand effects a CUKE where all other fall In Prevent Insanity ant fVin.nmtitlnn it "-, .- ;- -. ww ... .- enintiinw. 'ineirnM enows immediate im 1st upon baring the genuine Ajax Tablets. Thej hare cored thousand and wi 1 1 care you. We aire a pos Hire written guarantee to effect a care CA PTC in each case or refund the money. Prioo WW w lOipor package! or elx pJcbm (full treatment) for $2,60. Uy man. in piain wrmppar. upon recnipt ok phn. ( ircuiar AJAX REMEDY CO., cSf" For nalo In Scrnnton, Pa., by Mattbews Broi. and Morgan & Co. Knights ofl'vlliias. The offlwrs of Carbontlalo lodtr?, No. 2:0, Knights of Pythias, wore Installed on TueMlny evenln?, liy District Depu ty Grand Chancellor D. J. Orr. assisted by Urotheis Smale. Van Gorder and Vail: Chancellor Commander, W. V. Evans; vice chancellor, Itiaac Rogers; prelate. William Coflln; master at arms, Frel Thomas; keeper of record an? seal, William II. Musters; master of flnanqe, William II. Brokenshlro; snacter of exchequer. Morgan Thomas; master of work, George Gilbert; Inside Kttard, J, Walker; outside guard, James Williams; trustee, W. B. Chase; representative to grand lodge, Wil liam H. Masters. The Tribune Is the Renresentative Newsnaner nf Nnrtheactmi Pennsylvania. L" "' " O Is o lore lies SttttltfOtt Erihttte,, siiess A Quiet Wedding. Miss Mattlo Norton and Samusl Vail were urlted In marrlagi yesterday morning by llev. T. E. Jepson at tho Baptist parsonage. The young people are well known and havo many friends ,to wish them happiness. They aro now enjoying a wedding tour which will Include Atlantic City, Philadel phia, New York and other places of Interest in the eastern states. on their retujn they will reside la their n. ,v home on Canaan street- Directors of the Crystal Lnko Water Company, The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Crystal Iako Water com pany was held yesterday afternoon at their office on North Main street. Tho following directors will servo tho com ing year: J. B. Van Bergen, Alfred Pascoe, & A. McMulloii, C. R. Manvllle, Edward Clarkson, Joseph BIrkett and C, E. Spencer. Tho present oitlcerH will probably be re-elected to serve, tho coming year. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Professor A. Bumsby and family will leave tomorrow for a eii weeks' visit In Norwich, England. Engineer C. W, Smith of Eighth ave nue, has been making extensive Im provements to his house and it presents an attractive appearance, Mrs. Henry O'Neill pf Forest City, who Is suffering .from anejvous trouble, has been removed -to Emergency hos pltal In this city. l. II. Devoro left last evening, for a business trip to New York and Phila delphia. Gabriel Pugllano and Antonio SI- Issued Every Horning in the Year (Sundays Excepted), CONTAINS, AAIONO OTHbR SPECIAL FEATURES, The Best Local News. v The Best Telegraphic News. The Best Sporting News. The Best Religious News. The Best Social News. The Best Market News. The Best Vicinity News. IN SHORT, IT CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS, CAREFULLY EDITED, AND SYSTEflATICALLY ARRANGED. Best ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER ? IF NOT, YOU ARE THE LOSER Tho Pace and It Outside Every Get Tribune in Today Is of Morning the Has the lias tbe Philadelphia Before Best. Since Its Journalistic Out- Best and Breakfast. Only Birth Race Distanced Newspaper Pittsburg Subscribe 60 Constantly' in All In and For It Cents Set This Its the Is ' How a the Section, Competitors State Delivered, and Month. Sees 10, 12 or 16 Pages Brimful of the Latest News. Not a Padded Line in It. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKE8-BARRC, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeacnl Office: SCRANTON, PA. RAILROAD TIHE TABLES. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule In liflcct November 15. iS5. Trains Leave WilkesBarre as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Harleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and the West. 3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harris jrg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the Wect.' 3.15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and tho West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pan. Ajent. J. B. HUTCHINSON. General Manajer. e j W MM Mr DELAWARE AND HUD30N TIME TABLE. On Monday June 14,1807, tralnB will leavo scran ton aa follows: For Carbondale 5.4a, 7.M, 8.B5, 10.15. a. m.; 12.00 noon: 1.21, 2.20, 3.5!. 6.23. 6.25, 7.67, 8.10. 10.30, 11.65 p. tn. . . nv.r Aihanv. Saratoga. Montreal, Host- ton. New England points, etc. 5.4o a. m.; 2'Fot Ho'nesdale-fi.43, 8.55. 10.15 a. m.J 12.00 noon, 2.20. 5.25 p. m For Wllkes-Uarre 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.SS. 10.45 a. m.: 12.05. 1.20, 2.28, 3.33, 4.41. 6.00, 7.50. 9.30. 11.30 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehlgrh Valley Rallroad-S.45, 7.45 a. ra.; 12.05, 1.20, 4.41 (with Black Diamond Ex press), 11.30 p. m. ...,- For Pennsylvania Railroad points .4o, .ss a, m.: z.30. 4.i p. m via Lehlvh Valley Railroad 7.45 a, m.; 12.06, 3.33 (with Black For western points, Central Katlroad of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna pulsion.) Anthraclto coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JLNE 27, 1897 Trains leavo Scranton for Plttston, aF:MounVaarPk. 11.30 a. rn 2 05, 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15 PFor Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. ..... For New York. Newark and El zabeth, 8 20 (express) a. m 12.45 (oxprees with Bur I et parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. bun da2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Termln ., ei.. m .ml Now York .D0 D. m. ForMnueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethle ..; i..,in nnri Phlladelnhla. 8.20 a. m.. 1' 45 3.05. 5 00 (except Philadelphia) p, m. BU"ton "BPra"oh. Ocean Grove, otc. at 8.20 (through car) a. m. and 12.4a p. m. For Reading. Lobanon and Harrisburg, la Allentown, 8.20 a. m 12.45, 5.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a. m.. 12.43 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) am 1.10. 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buttot narlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6.25 Through tlcketa to alt points at lowest rate may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at e slo ' Gen. Pass. Agt, J. ir. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. T-llamnn IVnPAoA Wl 1 i . SO Ti. Trains will arrive" at Scranton aa fol lows; From Carbondale and the north .40. 7.40, 8.40, 9.31, J0.40 a. m.: 12.00 noon; I'.VS. 2.24. 3.25, 4.37, 5.45. 7.45, 9.45 and 11.25 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and the south o.40, 7.60, 8.60, 10.10, 11.55 a. m.: 1.16. 2.14. 3.43, 6.22, 6.21, 7.63, 9.03. 9.45, 11.52 p. m. J. W. BURDICK. G. P. A., Albany. Is. T. H. W. Cross, D. P. A Scranton, Pa. LEHIOH VALLEY RAILROAD SYS TEM. Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively Insur ing Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EFFECT JUNE 14. 1S37. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & H. R. R. at 6.45, 7.45 a. m., and 12.03, 1.20, 2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express) and 11.30 p. m. , For Plttston and Wilkes-Barro via D. L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m 1.5a 3.40. COO and 8.47 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton. Pottsville. and principal points In the coal regions via D. & H. R. R., 6.45, 7.45 a. m , 12.05 and For Bethlehem. Easton, Rending, Har risburg and principal intermediate sta tions via D. & II. R. R., 0.43, 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, 2.28, 4.41 (Black Diamond Ex press), 4.41 and 1.30 p. m. For Tunkhanrock, Towanda. Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal' Intermsdlats stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08 a. m., 12.40 and 3.40 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D.' fr H. R. R., 12.05, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 9.50 and 11.30 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley chair cars on oil trains between Wllkes-Barro and Now York, Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, 1 ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gon. Supt. CHAS, 8. LDE. Oen. PaBS. Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNDMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass, Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa, Scranton Office. 309 Lackawanna avenue. Del., Lackrt. and Western. Effect Monday, June 21, 1S97. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex. press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.W, 6.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a. m.: 12.55 and 'S P' " t., nv.nIm ThUnilol. phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 10.20 a. m,. 12.55 and 3.33 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. rn. Express for Blnghumton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning. Bath, Dansyllle. Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.33. 9.00 a. m.. and 1.56 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo t6 all points In the West. North, west and Southwest. Blnghamton and way station. LOo p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 PBTn'ghamton and Elmlra express, 6.65 '''E'xpreas for Utlcn and Richfield Springs, 2.33 u. m. and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca. 2.35. 9.00 a. m., and 1.63 p.J m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, B'.oomsburg and Dan vllle. making cloe connection at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington nnd the South. Northumtierland and Intermediate sta tions, COO, 10.80 a. m and l.&S and 6.00 p. m. Nnnticoke and Intermediate stations, 8 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth nnd inter medlnto stntlons, 3.40 and 8.47 P. m. For Kingston, 12.40 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith. DIs trlct Passenger Agent, depot ticket olllco, New York, Ontario and "Western. Effect June 27, 1897. Trains leavo Scrnnton for, Carbondalo and Cadosla (Hancock Junction), at 10.55 a. m. and 4.15 p. in. ... . , 10 65 connects with main line trains north and south. . Trains leave Cadosla for Scranton al 6.10 a. m. and 2.05 p. m.. Trains leave Carbondale for Scranton at 7.34 a. m. and 3.34 p. m. J. S. ANDRRBON, G. P. A. T. FLITCROFT. D. P. A. ON THE LINE OF THE . CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the. finest flihlnp and buntln? grounds In the. world. Desorlptlvo booka on application. Tickets to all points la Mai no, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United State Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle. Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sloeplng and Dining Gars Urle and Wyoming .Valley. Effect Monday, May 31st. 1897. Trains leave Scranton as follows: For Now York and Intermediate points pn Erlo railroad, also for Hawley, Lake Ariel and local points at 5.00 a. m, and 2.28 p. m. Additional trains for Lake Ariel an.l points intermediate at 8.45 a. m. and 6.29 p. m. attached to all throught trains. Tourist can tuny nttea witn Deaaing, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families) may bs had with second-class tickets. Ratea always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, et&, a application to a V. SKINNER, Q. E. A., 353 Broadwuy, New York. WOLF & WENZEL, 340 Adams Ave., Opp. Court Hous :. '()' PRACTICAL TIHNERS anl'PLUWBERS Bolt Agents for Itlcbirdion--Bornton's , Furnaces and htnvi 'l nfv i WtoJtiSHrhs' 1 sjsiilliilsriifil'isii m 1 n ' Uk dMwJihuslfli! .r r ,-r ..