THE SORANTOST TIUBTTNB-SATURDAY MORNINGr. JUNE 20, 1807. .1 ,? X Musical YesterJay afternoon nt 4 o'clock In the Second Presbyterian church Mr. Chance, gavo his first puhllo pupils' recital be foro the perents and -friends of the stu dents. It was one of the most nttlstla recitals ever given In Scranton. All of the In dividual selections were test pieces and they were rendered with excellent tech nique, smooth phrasing and noticeable musical feeling. The piano numbers wero executed from memory with good repose Miss Mabel Itcnnlo gave three organ se lections, nil of which were dlfllcult, but sho handled them with the hand of a mas ter, showing unusual talent. Mr. Chanco Is surely an exceptionally line teacher and ho has eVery reason to be proud of his pupils and their work. Messrs. Croft and Dryer nbly assisted by giving tho song numbers In splendid volca and style. Following Is tho programme as per formed. Organ, March In 13 flat'.. E. Silas Mabel Ilennle. Voice, Margarita Meyer-Holmund Mr. Croft. Organ, Offertory, (n D flat ....Th. Solomo Mabel Ilennle. Voice, In This Celestial Dwelling.. Mozart (Sung In tho German.) Mr. Dryer. Organ, March' l'ontlflcalo Lemniens Mabel Itennle. Piano, Frolic of the Hutterflles Uohm Mary Gearhart. Voice. Arm, Arm, Yo Uravel Handel Mr. Dryer. Piano, Last Hope Gottschalk nulh Hnnley. Voice, O Day of Miss Goetzo Mr. Croft. Piano, Waltz, In A flat Chopin Mabel Ilennle. Voice, Duet, The Two Sailors Perry Messrs. Croft and Dryer. A successful concert given by the stu dents of tho Thlelo School of Musi", took place last Tuesday evening. Tho pro gramme was chiefly made up of compos ers, whoso names nro never absent from n programme representing good tmislc, and the pupils, big and little, beginners and advanced, played and sang their numbers worthy of a public performance. Ti'p chief and necessury branches of a school of music, piano, violin and tha voice, were most creditably represented by soma advanced pupils. Taking It all In all, It was a students' conceit which would have done honor to nny of our prominent schools of music In our luiTi'S cities. Speaking of prominent school"), why could not Scranton have a schDol of music on a largo scale, where music, puie and simple, and strict and honest teaching would be Its sole purpose? Sute ly we have good teachers among ua and t:v cities of the size of Scranton can bring forth teachers and performers Ilk', Mr and Mrs. Thlele, who, before they came to us, taught at one of tho finest conservatories of muslo In New Yolk city, and who havo always been connect ed with tho greatest artists. If some of ouv wealthy musical peoplo who desire to seo Scranton take her place among other musical cities, would substantially Interest themselves and .thereby bring about a faculty composed of theso teach ers, and our old resident teachers wo would have a conservatory of music to which wo could point with the of pride. This students' concert, which reflects tho utmost credit on tho teacher?, and which gave unbounded pleasure to tho parents of the pupils and in 'ted guests, too, is only an evidence of what covld be accomplished on a grander .stale with greater resources. The praise-deserving pupils wero: MrJ. O. W. Randall. Miss Elizabeth Heisor. soprano; Mr. F. Cromwell Hand, b.irl tpne. Mr. William Allen, Mr. Jesse snov er, Mr. Albert Moses, violin; Mr. John O'Molley, Master John Hlntermelster Mr. Edmund Thlele, Miss Gertie Moses, piano. Including string orchestra. II II II The advanced pupils of 'Miss S. M. Becker, assisted by Miss Irene Kann, vo calist, and Miss Clara Long, violinist, gave a muslcale on Thursday evening at Miss Becker's home on Monroo avenue, Green Ridge. The class Is composed of Louise Robinson, GuBSie and Lesa Spelssc, May Hackett, Carrie Hitchcock, Ger trude Courscn, Fred CnstV Sue Rip ple, Lalla Phillips, Sadlo Falkowsky, Ha zel St. Amand, Lorencla Dlmmlck and May Doster. Miss Becker's younger pu pils gave a recital on Tuesday afternoon. Among those participating were Mls3ea Floy Klntner, Anna Faunce, May Blan'cn ard, Sal'.Io DuBols, Josie Slebecker, Loulso Davenport, Susslo Ripple, Emma Frey, Mollie Hitchcock and May Doster, and Masters Harold McAskle, Floyd Brutzman and Horace Chandler. At both entertainments the pupils displayed marked1 ability in planoforto work which reflected credit upon their tnlented In structor. II II II Tho Scranton School of Musld and. languages will give a public pupils' ie ,cltal next Thursday evening In the.,beau ltful m'usic rooms of the Institution In the Carter building, Adams avenue and Linden street. Admlfslon will he by ticket only. II II II The new organ In Dr. Pearco's church, Wllkes-Barre, will have no superior In the statfi save In Pittsburg. It was planned by Professor J. Alfred Penning ton, of this city. Tho bulldeis, Messrs. Farrand r.nd Votey, of Detroit, tho leading exponents cf electric organ building In the United States, and builders of many celebrated Instruments, will put Into the new Instrument the splendid results of A Wonderful Medicine Tor Bilious, and Nervous dlsorders.such as Wind and Fain In tho Stomach, Sick Headache, aiddi noss, rullaess and 8woll!ng after meals, Dizzi ness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings ot cat, Loss ot Appotito, Shortness ot Breath, Cos tlronoss, Blotches on tuo Sklu, Disturbed Bleep, rrlgntful Dreams, and nil Norvoua and Tremb ling Sensations, 4c, whon theso symptoms aro causod by constipation, as most of thorn aro. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no fiction. Ercry sufferer 13 earnestly invited to try ono Box ot thoso Fills and they will bo acknowledged to be ft WONDERFUL MEDICINE. EU3ECIIAHIS PILLS, takon as directed, Trill quickly rcstoro Females tocorapleto health. Thc7 promptly removo obstructions or Irregu larities of tho sjratom. For a Weak Stomach istion Disordered Liver bey act llko maslo cfew doses will work won. Uro upon tho Vital drscnoj otrongthouluc tho puscular system, restoring tho long-lost com loilou, bringing back tho koen edge ot nppo. tie, and arousing with tho Iloacbud of Iltulzu the ivholo phyiilcal energy ot tie i u ma u frame. Those aro facts admitted by thluaanils, la r.H'Closaos ot society, and ono of till beat guarantees to th Horvous and Doblll tattd la that llccclinru's 1M1U Iiavo tho Largest Salo of nay I'ateut IUcdlcluo ta ho World. 'Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 Boxes 9o.Rt Drue Stores, or will bo sent by U.S. Agent, li. V. ALLEN CO., SSI Canal St., Hew Xork, post paid, apon receipt ot price, Boole Hot upon application. OossSpo their most tccent achievements In tho domain of electrical science, Tho organ will be opened In a grand concert hivui by Clarenco Eddy, of Chicago, and J, Alfred Pennington, of Scranton, nt witlsh lime a full description of the magnlllcent Instrument will uppoar In this puper from the ren of Professor Pennington. Miss S. L. Hardenbcrgh Is In New York city attending Iho convention, of tho Nwttonal Music) Teachers' armoclatlon, which Is one ot the Important musical events of the ptesent perioJ. .Miss Katharine Ttmuerman, tho well known singer and vocal teacher, of this city, has Just been engaged by tho First Methodist Episcopal church of Wllkes Barre (Dr. W. H. Pearco's church), as contrnlto "soloist for tho coming year. The church Is planning to havo one of tho finest choirs outside of New York city. Miss Tlmbcrman wlM continue to resldo In this city, and henco there will bo no break In her connection with the "Scran ton School of Music and Languages" as principal of the vocal department. Her duties In Wllkes-Barre will begin Sep tember 1, when the new and magnlllcent organ, the splendid gift of Mrs. Bennett, will have been comploted. Tho Wllkes Barre Rcoord spc-aks of Mlsa Timber man's singing at a recent Sunday evening servlco In tho Wllkes-Barro cnurch us follows: "In tho evening .Miss Katharine lumberman, of Sjranton, delighted ai laigo congregation. MIs3 TImberman has a contralto voice of rare excellence. It Is powerful, deep and resonant, her meth od Is excellent nnd her phrasing is line. Sho has an easy, grueeful bearing, and her articulation makes her wotds easily caught bv her bearers. Miss TImberman has had the good fortuno to recelvo a thorough musical education. She Is said to bo as charming lh private lifo as sho Is one the platform. Miss Tlmbermun sang two numbers the first "By tho Wa ters of Babylon," tho other tho hymn, "Knocking." After the congregation hal been dismissed somo who remained had .t still further treat, she kindly consenting to sing somo other selections. Miss Clare Horan, pianist, will give a muslcale on Thurpday evening, July 1, at Mr. E.,E. Southwoith's studio on Wy oming avenue. Professor nnd Mis. W. P. Schilling sailed for Getmany on Wednesday last, where they will spend three months. Dur ing .their tojourn Mrs. Schilling will re ceive special Instruction In voice culture from the best teachers In tho old country. II II II Mme. Mathilda Marchesl, tho great Paris singing teacher, Is coming to Amer ica, having slened a six months' contract with II. E. Johnson for $10,000. Sho will give voca' lessons In New York, Chicago and Boston. Her season begins hero Oc tober 1 next. II II II Tho strife which lms at times convulsed tho Handet and Hoydn society, ono of tho best known of Boston's musical organiza tions, since the resignation of Carl Zer rahn, two years ago, culminated at the meeting of the board of government this week. By a vote of 9 to 4 Mr. SSerrahn was asked to resume Iho conductoishlp of tho society, and as a result President E. II. Hagar. Vlco President G. F. Dan iels and C. W. Stono announced their in tention to resign. Zerrahn's only rival for tho position of conductor was B. J. Lang, who has led the society for the past two seasons. Mr. Zerrahn Is now travel ing In Euiopc, but It Is more than likely that ho will accept the Invitation to lead tho society once more. Before his withdrawal h.e had been the conductor for forty-ono seasons. Then some of tho directors became dissatisfied and his res ignation was asked for and accepted. BUCKNELL STUDENTS. Degrees Bestowed nt the Torty-Scv-en th Auniinl Commencement. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Lewlsburg, June 25. The graduates from Bucknell university are as fol lows: Bachelor of arts George Fenner Baker, Dauphin; "Wlllard Maine Bun nell, Montrose; Vincent Barrett FIsk, Erie; Anna Kate Goddard. Philadel phia; David Solomon Grim, Kutztown; Maud Elizabeth Hanna, Bradford; Kosa Louise Hartley, St. Thomas, Ont.; Frank Holllnshead. Philadelphia; Ed ward Charles Kunkle, Newberry; Her bert Baldwin Moyer, Norrlstown; Er nest Roland Myers, Huntingdon; Fer dinand Fields Nelson, Hlchmond, Va.; Romeyn Henry Itlvenburg, Clifford; William Hammond Itodgers, Allen town; Louis Browning Slnnette, Buf falo, N. Y.; Herbert Charles Stanton, Chinchilla; Carl Summerbell, Dayton, O.; Nellie Taylor, Factoryvllle; John MoCalmont Wilson, Franklin. Bachelor of philosophy Herton Itos coe Collins, Roaring Branch; Jerome Clark Fetzer, Milton; Edward Percy Gilchrist, Wade, Fla.; William Wilson Goodwin, Jefferson; William Ham mond Parker, Jenklntown; John Yeo man Stlnton, (Creek) Wilmington, Del.; Harry Thomas Sprague, Lewlsburg. Bachelor of science LaRoy Tyson Butler, Lewlsburg; William Frederick Elchholtz, Sunbury; James Alexis Gule, Catawlssa; John Moore Gundy, Lewlsburg; George Albert Jennings, Great Bridge, Va.; RoTjert Ottens Koons, Conyngham; John Vandllng Lesher, Northumberland; Mary' Owens, Lewlsburg; Palmer Lewis Williams, Scranton. The following honorary degrees were bestowed: Doctor of Divinity upon Rev. J. W. Weddell, of Philadelphia; Rev. Wil liam V. Wilson, of New Monmouth, N. J.; and J. S. Wrlghtnour, of Oil City. Master of arts upon Colonel George Nox McCain, of Philadelphia; and Mrs. Mary E. Cobb, Philadelphia. Doctor of sclenqe upon T. J. Smith, M. D., of Brldgeton, N. J. MAD D0Q AT H0NESDALE. A Itnbid Cur Creates Incitement, and Is l'huilly Strangled, nt Dyburry. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Ilonesdale, June 25. Honesdale. has had a genuine mad dog scare. A dog travelled the streets In town snapping every dog ho met. Several attempts were made to shoot the dog, hut he mado his escape and was followed up the Dyberry where he was finally killed. The town immediately authorized the police to dispatch all unmuzzled dogs found on the streets. The muzzle deal ers did a good business ns it Is said there and three hundred dogs In town and taxes paid on. twenty-seven, the remnlnder have no owners. FINE NEW LIBRARY. Corncr-Stono of Hnnusomn Gift to tho Town ofTow iiiidn Laid, Towanda, June 25. The cornerstone pf the new Towanda public library was laid yesterday. The new building is the gift of Frank R. Welles, of Paris, Franco, at one tlmo a resident, and the son of U. M. Welles, of this city. It will cost the donor $10,000. Tho original Towanda library was established in 1879 by a young ladles' musical society, nnd now 1ms 3,000 volumes. SLIDERS WIN THE VOTING CONTEST Will Receive n Complete Set of Uniforms from ttic Tribune. WGST SIDE BROWNS ARE SCARED Lnclmwnnnns Capture Third Prlzt. ItMnsn Lively right, nnd I) urine tho Closing Dnys Wit Rendered Delightfully ITncortnln by the Lend ing Clubs forming Combinations, l'nndcnionium Broke Loose When the Result Was Announced. When the court house bell struck 9 o'clock last night there was more noise to the square inch in front bf the Trib une building on Washington avenue than that particularly lively portion of tho city's liveliest street possibly over before "witnessed. It was in the shape of cheering, yelling, and whist ling nnd was all caused by the an nouncement of the result of the Trib une's amateur base ball club contest. Tho Sliders won. For the past two weeks the indications pointed to their being the victors and yesterday they had suclv a clean lead that they were confident they would bear off the cov eted first prize. Their friends and hundreds of others who have followed the contest with Interest were on hand to see the finish and when the an nouncement came that the uniforms were theirs they let their enthusiasm loose In large chunks and for a time there was an ear splitting burst of noisy rejoicing. THE FINAL VOTE. Tho final vote was as follows: Sliders 41,348 West Side Browns ....:... 32,954 Lacka wannns 19,428 West Side Harmonics 13,510 High School 2,220 South Side Club 2,020 Nay Aue Stars 600 Pino Brook Crescents COO Mayfleld 457 Taylor Grays 420 North End Stars 37G Jolly Nine 354 Tycoons 115 Old Forge Dodgers 97 South Side Grays 55 Green Rhine Actives 51 South Side Violets 40 Sailors 23 Kadulcs 15 Laurels 15 Actives 5 The first prize which goes to the Sliders Is a complete set of uniforms, to be made by C. M. Florey, the Wyo ming avenue sporting goods dealer, and to be equal In every respect to uni forms worn by the professional clubs of the Eastern League. The West Side Browns for their plucky fight will be re warded with a catchers outfit, mask, pad and glove, all of the best make. The third prize which goes to the Lack awannas Is three Louisville bats and half a dozen league balls. Over twenty clubs started in the con test when it began a little over two months ago, but as time rolled on the tall-enders lost heart and In a months time the fight simmered down to a struggle among the Sliders, Browns, Lackawannas and Harmonies. Three weeks ago It was anybody's race, one club leading one day and another the following day. Then the wily politic ians among your amateur ball tossers commenced working combinations and for the last two weeks the fight has been between two clubs, the Sliders and the Browns, the Lackawannas go ing "snooks" with the former nnd the Harmonies becoming allies of their neighbors, the Browns. The former combination proved the strongest and before many days .they had their opponents on the run. Day by day the Sliders kept on gaining and at the beginning of this week were so far ahead that the Browns virtually gave up the ghost and satisfied themselves with strengthening their grip on second place. The Sliders never for a m'oment relaxed their efforts, however, and 'came in a handsome winner with S.391 votes to the good. THE WINNING CLUBS. The Tribune extends its congratula tions to the three winners and only hopes that the contest and Its fruits may have a tendency to boom amn,tour base ball hereabouts.' The member- bershlp of the winning teams Is as fol lows: Sliders Schlager, Tropp, Murphy, Thomes, Riley, Todd, Schroeder, Cor bett, Scott, Schultz, Harrington, Lurmor. West Side Browns J. Jeffrys, John Jones, Thomas Durkln, Davis, Gomer Davis. S. Hcermans, Jrtmes Al len, Thomas Thomas, Tony Goyjs, Harry Sayers, Walter GUmore, Henry Allen, An thony Mcllugh, Frank Reese, Stephen Markwlck, manager. Lackawannas Sweeney, Gaughan, Cole man, Morris, Ruane, Flnneuy, Burke, Oawley, Golden, Crossln. Al Carr, mana ger. AMATEUR BASE BALL. Hickories of Jcrmyn Dcfcntrd by tho Ulyphnut Browns. Tho Hickories of Jermyn wero de feated at Olyplmnt yesterday by the Browns of that place. The game was uninteresting and devoid of any special features. Gendal, of tho vinttois," was pounded all over the lot. The support he received was very poor. The score; OLYPBANT. A.U. R. H. (). -A. L Meehan, cf ...' 6 3 1 '4 0 1 Patten, ss 0 2 2 1 3 3 Cleary, 3b 0 12 14 2 Connors, 2b 4 2 2 0 10 Cavanaugh, p B I 1 1 3 1 Welland, It 6 2 3 110 Garbett, c 4 2 0 C 2 0 Burke, rf 5 3 0 2 11 Sheij'.dan, lb 5 1 1 11 0 0 Totals 45 IS 12 27 It 8 JERMYN. A.B. R. H. O. A. IS. Price, ss 5 0 1 3 2 4 Gcnitall, p , 5 110 12 Flnnnlgan4 c 10 0 2 2 0 Farrc'.l, 3b 5 112 11 Roe, If ., 4 1 .2 7 (S. 2 MoDermoU, 2b .... 1110 4 1 Loughney, cf 4 2 13 0 1 Hughes, lb 4 1 1 h 0 1 Smith, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Ftnnerty, o 3 0 0 2 2 3 Totals 38 7 7 ? 12 15 Olyphant ...l 4 3 10 0 17 1-18 Jcrmyn 0 4110000 17 Bac on balls-Off Gendall, S. Hit by pitcher Cavanaugh, Flnnerty. Pussod bulls Flannlgan, 1; Flnnerty, 3; Garbett, 1. Sttuck out By Cavanaugh, 5; by Gen dall, 2. Two-bate hit Connors. Three, base hit Wellard. Homo runs Farrell, Loughney, Cavanaugh. Umpire Lennon. THIS AFTERNOON'S QAME. Vovthe Buyer and Travelling .Hen Mill Lino Up. At tl'e afternoon game of. hall be tween the buyers and the-traveling Vr.en NERVOUS PROSTRATION. A Now Joraoy Woman lixprossoo Hor Gratltudo to Mrs. Fink- bam for Rollof. 11 Will you kindly allow mo," writes Miss Mary B. Saldt to Mrs. 1'lnkham, "tho plcasuro of expressing my gratl tudo for tho wonderful relief I havo experienced by taking your Compound? I suffered for a long tlmo with nervous prostration nnd general debility, cau&cd by falling of tho womb. It seemed as though I my back would never stop ach ing. Icould not sleep. I had dull hendaches. Iwas weary nil tho time, nnd lifo was a burden to mo. I sought tho seashore for relief, but all In vain. On my return I "IB rar iR'X resolved to '' ' give your medicine a trial. I took two bottles nnd was cured. I can cheerfully state, if more ladles would only give your medicine a fair trial they would bless tho daythcysawtheadvertl&cment.and there would be happier homes. I mean to do all I can for you in tho future. I havo you alono to thank for my re covery, for which I am very grateful." Miss Maiiy E. Sahjt, Jobstown, N. J. at Athletic park the teams will line up sh follows: Buyers Lathrope, c; Trim, p.; IToyt, lb.; Davies, 2b.; Holleran, rf.; Law, cl; Richards, It.; Patkcr, Blglow, Phillips and Erune, subs. Traveling .Men Blandon, c; Schlager, p.; Fllley, ss.; Di'ggan, lb.; McTlguu, 2b.; Depue, 3b.; Currfii, If.; Clemon, cf.; Da vis, rf.; Vail, Bernctt and Reynolds, subs. Umpire, J. B. Law, of Plttston, and W. L. Botts, of Scranton. Bauer's band will give a concert In connection with the game. The eon cert will begin at 2 o'clock and tho game at 2.30. Ladles will be admitted ftce. AMATEUR BALL NOTES. The court house employes base ball club challenge, tho city hall clerks to a game of ball for next Saturday af ternoon. The court house club Is made up as follows: Mlrtz, catcher; Bonn, pitcher; Wenzel, first base; Klrchoff, second base; Wetter, third base; Cos tello, short stop; Fcrber, left field; Robathan, center field; Pryor, righ field; Charles Heuster, manager. No. 18 school team challenges the Rosetts for a game on Gammon's Hill any day next week. W. Snow, cap tain; Frank Mughes, manager. The No. 18 school would like to know If the Athletics are going to give them a return game. The Nay Aug Stars and the Har mony base ball clubs will play a game on the Star's grounds June 27 at 2.80 o'clock. II. Rlefenberg. The South Side Stars accept the chal lenge of the Electrics for a game June 20 on the Steel Mill grounds. Will meet you at No. 11 school. Be sure and come over at 2.30 p. m. J. Cook, captain. The Bushwhackers challenge the North End Stars or the Taylor. Reds, Olyphant Browns or any club In the city under 20 years. First come first served. Captain, Edward Lee, The West Side Athletics accept the challenge of the Taylor Reds for Sat urday, June 26, on the Athletics' grounds. T. TIerney, manager. The Newsboys challenge the Rosettes to a game of ball Monday, Juno 28. Answer through The Tribune. Charles Relsman, manager; Mike Goodman, captain. The Sliders wl 1 play this afternoon at 2:30 v. m. on the Mosps Tavkn hospital grounds. All members are le qucsteu to be present. E. A. T" ip captain. The Sunlight, Jrs., of Taylor, nave otgari7ed for tho following season. Thoy would like to play any club in the "i'.v under 13 years of age. The Junior players are a follows: E. Evdns. catcher; M. Ropjr. r'veher; C. Why:r. ss.; r. Ti'Jer, lb.: H. Maher, 2b ; U White, 3b.; G. Lewis, If.; P. Noher, cf.; W. B. Hornbaker. rf. The Dunmore Nonparlels will play the Young Americans of Olyphant, Sunday afternoon on the Sport Hill grounds. The Nonparlels will line up as follows: Edward Ohow, short stop; Thomas Payton, catcher; Michael O'Nell, 3b; Thomas Thornton, pitcher; Charles Calson, 2b; James Tighe, lb; John Mc Donald, If.; Peter O'Horo, cf.; Thomas Regan, rf.; Joseph Holleran, sc. The Strong Lackawannas wil play the Strong Athletics, of Olyphant, Sunday afternoon on tho Balla Head grounds. Mc,Dermott and Garbet will do the honors for the Olyphant boys. Tho Axle Works base ball team would like to play the South Side Stars a game of ball on Cauley's grounds July 1 at 2:30 o'c ock. Answer through the Tribune. Walter SImrell, manager; Frank O'Connor, captain. The Young Americans, of Olyphant, nccept the challenge of the LUlles, of Atchbnld, for this afternoon (Satur day), on the Mott Haven grounds. A. Osmond, manager; M. Murray, cap tain. The Taylor Reds challenge the Arch- FOR No 10 Bettles the Stomach. No. 10 corrects tho Dlgeetlon. No. 10 relieves Heart-burn. No. 10 stimulates the Liver. No. 10 glvoa zoet to tho appetite. No, 10 prevents dlitress nftor oatlng. No. 10 dissipates Biliousness, No. 10 clears tho comploxlon. You have tried "77" for Grip and Colds, now try No, 10 for Dyspepsia. INFANTS... For Teethlns, Crying and Wakefulness, use No, Colic, All druggists, or aent for 2fia, flOc, or 1, MJDICaL UUOK.-Dr. Humphreys' Home opathic Munual or nil Diseases mailed, free. Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William and John Hts., Now York. MA JaKA MM aMM.SvtV? mTfX3KM nsT wJmr &V tiling wiVZVVJBn Jiiilwlllilk a mmmA jwkTotH Tm liens'' IeA's-A mam Connolly mi 2 1-2 YARDS SQUARE. IDE FROM ATLANTIC COTTON Torn by the thread and hemmed one inch at bottom, two inches at top. All ready to use at the same price you would pay for the goods by the yard. CONNOLLY & TTT vYTP 1 JLL4 ALLdK t( A ? ge "I was simply deluged with tliera," was the re ply of a well-kuowu bus iness man, when asked how many replies he re ceived from a Tribune Want Adv. Try them; you'll say the same thing. HELP WANTED MALES. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. ANTEI) EXrKIUKNCED TOHACCO mid clear salesman ho In acquainted with the trade In Scranton, Wllkes-llurre and surrounding country. (Jive experience and reference. Addien, S. 1'. HEbH & CO., Rochester, Jf. Y. WANTED AGENTS S7S PER MONTH uiuluxpensei paid netle men If rlsht; floods Bold by sample only; samples, also lorse and carriage furnished l'HEE. Ad dress JOIlHElt, l!ox 5!)08, lloston, Muss. SALESMENSCHOOL SUPPLIES: COUN try work; Sioo salary mommy, with c juienu nuuiiionai commissions. EVANS & (JO., Chicago. TyANTED-AN IDEA. WHOCANTHINK V of somo simple thlnic to patent? Pro tect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEUbEHliUltN CO., Dept. C. "Jit, Patent Attorneys, Washington, U. U. lor their SI 800 pilzo oiler and list 01 1,000 Inventions wanted. WANTED-AS AGENT IN EVEHY 8KC IT Hon to canviws; y 1.00 to S5.00 a day made; hells at sight; alxo n mun to Nell Staple uoous 10 dealers; Desi siue line S7ri a montn; salary or largo commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Slauufactur iig Company, Cincinnati, O. 7 ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stool: subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for ngents; no capital required. EDWAUD C. FISH & CO., Borden Illock, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED FEMALES. Ads. Under This Head One Cent a Word. piRL WANTED FOR GENERAL UT housework; must go home nights. Ap pjy 030 Madison avenue. IrT WANTED TO DO GENERAL housowork. 020 Oxfoid rtreet. ADIES-I JIAICE DIG WAGES DOING pleasant homo w orlc, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent Mump. JUfeS M. A. STEBHINS, Lawrence, Jllch. 7ANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN- ton to sell 'and lntroduco Snydei's cake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very prolltuble. Wrlto for particulars at once nnd get benefit of holiday trade. T. li. SNYDER k CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-TWO ENER getlo saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed 9(1 a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for paittculors, enclosing stamp, MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. 72 John street, Now York. FOR SALE Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. I?OR SALE-A FIND YOUNG SPaSToF " dark chestnut horses. For description Inquire nt Everett's Stable, Dlx Court, Scian ton. 170R SALE-FINE TRAP CHEAP. 1541 X1 Penn nvonue. 17011 SALE-A SILVEirNP"LATI'iDCONN J' doublo bell euphonium, nicely engraved, with trombone bell, gold llntd; neailynow and cost SOU; will sell nt a bargain. Address this week to E. W. UAYLOR, I.aRaysille, I'n, bald Sunsets or the Hickories, of Jer myn, to a game of ball on the Tay 'or grounds for Monday, July 5. Please let us know at once. First answer first served. Gomer E. Davis, man t'Cer. The Taylor Rosebuds challenge tho Tycoons, Mayflowers or Alerts, of Hyde Park, to a game on Taylor grounds for Monday morning, July 5, at 9 o'clock. First answer first served. K'an Davis, mir.ager. The game of ball between tho young Hickories nnd the Carbondale Alumni :ef-jl.ed In a victory for the latter. The score was; Jcin.yn 0 0 0 12 0 10 04 Cnrbondale 2 14 0 0 0 0 2,'!) The Hickories Junior and the Non parties, of Pticeburg, will play this af ternoon on the Kast Sldo grounds, Thu Hustlers, of tho South Sldo, will play the West Side Browns June 27, on Connoll Park ground. Will meet the Browns ot Genet street. P. Mer rick, cautaln. Sii)s Mo Prevaricated. Sporting Editor of Ttlbune: Sir: Allow mo to correct tho nrtlclc which appeared in Thursday's issue of tho Tribune. Tho person who wrote that article ought' to be ashamed of himself, when ho Bays prevaricating was never set down as one of the traits of a gentleman and treat it as he did. When he says that the Edlaons did not defeat the Golden Orioles he Is telling a great prevarication. When the Ed lsons defeated them the Edlsons were minus their out-flelders and therefore walloped them with an infield and 0, ram WALLACE, REAL ESTATE, Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. DOUHLECOHNEnH-ADOnnLECOHNF.n bus a specific value: There tire not uiann good ones left In Scranton. A dounlo corner means 00 feet on the itventio and 100 feet on the street. For 11 Bentlcmnn'B placo w lth ampin mound, residence, Btablux, and unobstructed lews and light It Is Just the de sideratum. For Investment In row of build ings or doublo houses It present all that you want. Cull for circular, map nnd Informa tion, JONES, 311 Spruce utreet. T?lNECENTHALLOTS ON ADAMS, JEF V ferson, Madison and Monioo avenues nro rapidly going nt lower prices than Scranton citizens will evor see again. A fow good ones are loft at 10 minutes' walk from postolllee. Theso nro Miluable and superior lots, and ore a lure opportunity. JONES, ill Spruce St. I?On SALE-GOOD HOUSE AND SEVEN , (7) acres of land nt Chinchilla; good spring wutcr, plenty of fruit; a bargain. 8DU Noith Main avenue. LOTS FOH SALE ON NICHOLS HEIGHTS and Lorraine. Address A.A. NICHOLS, Agent, Clark's Summit, Pa. F OK SALE CHEAP A lots at Lake Wlnoln. FEW CHOICE Address I). M. HESSLEll. Paterson, N. J. F OR SALE DESIHA11LE LOT, WITH house on rear, (118 N. Washington ave nue; owner leaving city. (101 Qulncy ave. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. nails ciued without tho least pain or drnwlng blood. Consultation and advice given Free. E. M. HETZEL, Chiropodist, iliio Lackuwanna avenue. Ladles attended at their iesldence If desired. Charges moder ate. LOST. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, IOsTv1SmHtDAY OX PENN OR J Franklin avenue, u huckster's account book, rnmtu cover. Under will be rewarded by lug Mine at this olllce. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF GAS, rpiIE SCRANTON GAS AND WATER CO. -L and the Hyde Park Gus Co. In accordance with the policy of these com panies to reduce rates from time to time, us may be warranted by increased consump tion, notice Is hereby given that on and alter July 1st next, the price of gas will bo One Dollar and Twenty Cents per one thousand oublo feet eonsuraod, subject to the following discounts; Five per cent, on all bills, whera the consumption for the month amounts to less than twenty-llvo dollars; ten per cent, on all bills where tho consumption for tho month amounts to tvent-llo dollars and upwards. Provided the bill Is paid on or be fore tho 2()th day of tho month In which tho bill Is presented. lly Order of the Hoard. G. 11. HAND. Secretary. Scrnnton, Pa., June 21st., 1807. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. hioti7eel1Ictors X. of Taylor, County of Lucknwunna and State of Pennsylvania: Notice Is heieby given that an election will bo held at tho pluces for holding municipal elections In tho said borough of Taylor on Saturday, tho lOJh day of July, A. D. 1807, between tho hours of , a. 111. and 7 p. m., for the purpose of.ohtalulng the assent of the electors of said Horouirb to Increase the In debtedness of said Ilorough to an amount not exceeding 7 per centum upon the lust as sessed uluatlon of tho taxable property therein. Theumountof the last assessed valuation or the said Ilorough of Taylor Is 8108,180. There Is no existing debt In said liorough of Taylor. Tho amount oflthe pioposed Increase Is twenty thousand ($2(,oi)(l) dollars. Tho percentage or tho proposed Increase Is 4 (1080-408480. Tho pm poso for which the Indebtedness of said Ilorough of Taylor Is to bo Increased Is to manufacture electricity for commercial purposes for the supply and uso of the Inhab itants of said Ilorough by means of aro and lmitndesi-ent electric lights or any other form or style or electricity which may bo deemed most expedient und desirable for those who may desire to use the same In their dwelling houses, store rooms and other places in said Ilorough. The ordinance authorizing said Increase of indebtedness of said Ilorougli was adopted by the corporate authorities or slid Ilorough of Tuyloron tho 25th day or .May, A. D. 1807. J. E, WATKINS, llurgess, II. E. HARRIS, Pres. of Couuell. Attest:-G. J. POWELL, Clerk or Council. AGENTS WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. GNT?CorFREET7OATlTAL needed; one ugent one day sold titty bicycles; weekly pales pay big protlts; wa make a high grads bicycle as low ns $22.00. Write quick, excellent territory. ALPINE CYCLE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. W K DON'T WANT HOYS OR LOAFERS, but men or ability; 300 to tjinuu u month to hustlers; state and general agents; salary and commission. UACINE 1'IRE ENGINE CO., Raolnc, Wis. EXPERIENCED RETAIL CIGAR DEAL er to hnndlo goods In your city. P. W. JACOI1S, Akion, Lancaster county, Pa, WANTED-SOLICITORS; NO DELIVER, lug, no collecting; position permanent; pay weekly; state age. Rochester, N. Y. ui.w jmuiuciiH, WANTED-GENERAL AGENTS IN BV. cry county; also lady canvassers; some thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J, C. H1I.I1ERT, 1 11 Adams UM'iuio, hciunton.l'a. A' GENTS-WHAT ARK YOU GOING TO do about Safa Citizenship price 81. Go ing by thousuiids. Addre.13 NlliHOlJ Nuperll!c, III. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, sliver, nickel and copper electro plasters; prices from 83 upward: salary und expenses paid; outfit fiee. Address, .with stamp, M1CHIUAN JIFtl CO., Chicago. A GENTH-TO SELL CIGARS TO DEAI. jx. urs; 020 weekly and expenses; ex perl enco unnecessary. CONSOI, MFC! CO,, 48 Van lluien St., Chicago. battery. To say they wero the easiest team the Edlsons met this season would be useless. Eugene Cualck. A-WOM) Wallace 209 hioae- CITY SCAVENGER. CHAS. COOPEIt, CITY SCAVENGER. All orders promptly attended to, doy or night. All the latest appliances. Charges reasonable. 711) Scranton street. House, ll'Jo Washburn street. A11.1JR1GGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . and eess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. UIIIGGS, Proprietor. ave., or inciter and Mulberry. drug store, corner Adams Telephone CO40. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED-DY A MIDDLE aged lady as housekeeper; can give best of references. E. J., Tribune olllce. (SITUATION WANTED-UY YOUNG GIRL, J age 18, as nurse. Address JI. 11., Scran ton Postolllee. QIT UATION WANTED AH A CANDY O maker or a teamster, or willing to do uny kind of work. Address J. T., Tribune, YOUNG .MARRIED .MAN WANTS POSI tlonns bookkeeycror nny office work; hit experience and best of references. Ad dress F. W., Tribune olllce. WANTED-A POSITION AS SALESMAN or manager, by a married man, 3(1 years old, of go nraetlcnl exnerie cars old, of good address, with 21 years' iractlcnl experience In general merchandise business; thoroughly understands every de tail pertaining to Fame; can furnish A No. 1 rererences as to rliaracter, ability, etc. Ad dress EXPERIENCE, 041 N.Washlngton nvonue, city. (SITUATION WANTED RY A MIDDLE- kj aged man. sober and Industrious; will ing to do anything, but would prefer to take care of horses; thoroughly understands tho erstanus tno (Hit Deacon care of horses, AUUrCSS J. M; street, city. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A POSITION as bookkeeper, can furnish best of ref erence nnd has hud experience. Salary no object. Address R. A., Care of Tribune POSITION WANTED-ASltOOKKEEPER X or willing to do any klndof office work. Address D, bux 53, Chinchilla. A REFINED MIDDLE-AGED LADY DE sires a position as housekeeper, com panion or nurse; willing to go In country or abroad. Can furnish best New York City or Scranton references. Address, SIRS. E. C. care Tribune. WANTED-HY A POLISH GIRL, WHO VV ulso speaks German, n position for general housework: good lroner and washer. Address FRANCISOA WACHOSKI, 130 Seventh street. D RUGsHX POSITION WANTED BY graduato of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; registered In Pennsylvania; best city refeience. Address Uox 04, Pleasant Mount, Wayne county, Pa. A YOUNG MAN 20YEAIIS OF AGE, DE A sires position as assistant In olllce or collector; lias bad experience as traveling salesman. Address F., 1437 Cnpouse ave nue, city. WANTED-A POSITION I1Y A YOUNG man; would llko to work for a rrlvats family us coachman; has had over two years' expeilente with horses; can furnish best of references. Address R. W. J., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-LITTLE GIRL' would like a place as errand girl. Ad dress JIAME DONNELLY, Scranton Post office. POSITION WANTED-EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position; willing to work; can furnish reference. Address II. C, Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-DY YOUNG JfAN a.te 10, us assistant bookkeeper or clerli; three years' experience; best references. Ad dress J. JI,, care Tribune. A STEADY JIAN, WILLING TO .MAKE himself generally uterul, wishes a posi tion, and In return would give his services as cornetlst In church work on the Sabbath. Address MEZZO, Tribune office. WANTED-A JOI1 AT ASSISTANT bookeeplug or ivlll work In grocery store; with experience. Address C. F., 020 Cedar avenue. OITUATION WANTED-BY A BOY 15 O years of age, to work In a restaurant ns waiter, or unv honorable work. Address H. V. JI., 1002 Jackson street, city. SITUATION WANTED-UY A YOUNG O married man, sober und has good habits, as driving or uny other honorable work. Age 20 years. Address ARLIE LOTS, Trlbuns office. SITUATION TO DO WASHING AND lronln.r nt home or go out by the day cleaning offie or stores. Call or address L. 1J., 337 North Sumner avenue. A SLAVONIC YOUNG JIAN WANTS A PO sltlon In store or some other business. Undeistands English and several other lan guages. Addiess, .7. SPORINSKY, Scranton llustness College, Scranton, Pa. Iu all sorts of -AT- MYER OAVIDQW, 307 Lacka. Ave. A M F FOOTWEAR Fay J ?