The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1897, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Books, the Best Presents
for School Graduate, Weddings
Birthday and other sifts.
We have larjje variety of choice
volumns and nets,, In various bindings.
All the desirable now books
for summer nnd vacation reading.
standard text-books for expectant
Fine Stationery In largo variety.
Wedding and Social Invitations
Engraved nnd Printed to order
on short notlco nnd right prices.
Blank Account Hooks;
All desirable styles and all grades.
Krow Kay nud other games,
Children's Carriages,
the best values In this city.
Boya' Wagons, Velocipedes and other
Wall Decorations, Window Shades,
Curtain Poles.
222 Lackawanna Ave
Have a Cigar?
Thanks Don't enro If
I do. Ah, this 1b u
Popular Punch
I'm In luck. It's my
Garney, Brown & Co,
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Cleanliness, Color and Finish
Is the TRIO We UullJ Upon.
308 Perm Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
Have opened a General Insurance Ofllce tn
116 IK llnl UK K
Best Companies represented. Largo
lines especially solicited. Telephone) 1803.
! ! it. BO jfiVjiliJ
The Tribune will pay a reward or $5.00 lor
Information which will lead to th'i con
viction of any person who steals or, with
out the owner's consent, mutilates a copy
of Tho Tribune after Us delivery to a reg
ular subscriber.
Miss Eva Barrett has returned from
Eden Hall.
Mlis Liza Kenney, of Parsons, Is ls
ltlng Mrs. John Harrington, of Luzerno
Miss Katherln Conway, of Tine street,
has returned after a visit to Klmlra
Mrs. Jacob Bauman, of Cherry Ridge,
Wayne county, visited Scranton friends
Miss Anna Burke, of Green Ridge, has
returned for tho summer vacation from
Eden, Hall.
Mrs. William II. O'Connor and daugh
ter, Miss Margaret O'Connor, of Dun
more, are visiting In Archbald.
Misses Annie and Maggie Garrahan and
Miss McGroarty, of Wllkts-Barre, aro
visiting Miss Lizzie Gannon, of Madison
Benjamin D. Reynolds, of South Gib
son, Susquehanna county, was In the city
yesterday the guest of Dr. Harry Rey
nolds, of Linden street.
Conrad Wenzel and daughter, Miss
Emma, of West Lackawanna avenue,
left yesterday to attend the national
saengerfest at Philadelphia.
Mrs. George R. Sailer and Joseph
Trethaway, of Green Ridge, were In
WJlkes-Barre to attend the funeral of
their grandmother, Mrs. J. TrethUway.
She was 82 years of age. She visited Mrs.
Bailer last summer.
Ilospondnnts in tho Diinnioro Contest
Uoinc Little Work.
A. J. Schnell, John "Wymon, John
"Waltei, George "Weaver, John Wells,
V. P. Woodward, Henry Stelnzhorn,
Fred Yardo and John Dexter were the
only witnesses examined yesterday by
the respondents In the Dunmoro con
test. Ceorgo Weaver and John Dexter
failed to produce tax receipts. Tho
others are qualified.
Mother Wnnts Her Children.
Mrs. Annie Gate3, of Peckvllle, and
her three children, Eddie, aged 14, Erie,
aged 12, and Eva, aged 8, united In a
petition presented to court yesterday
for a writ of habeas corpus to compel
the father, John II. Gates to glvo over
the possession of the children to tho
mother. Carpenter & Fleltz represent
ed the petitioners.
Tho Tripp Fnrm I.nnd Co.
Tripp Farm Lots ready for sale.
Oet our prices.
Head W. Gibson Jones' Annoiinco
ment in Itonl Estnto Column
before you lose your chance for a cholco
The delight
of all wear
ers Combination
Underwear, One
Dollar ana une
Per Suit.
Laolc awanna
"-?" -7K
On, A7
St i .&
t iCV
... ii
Halter, Jr
Preliminary Organization Perfected and
the Movement Started.
At n Meeting In Albright Library I,nst
Night Over $:i,000 Per Year for
Two Years H'ns Subscribed Tor Its
."Hnliitulnnnco--l'romliu'iit Scrnii
ton Women Aro nt the Hcml of
tho ProjectWoman's Mooting
A movement preliminary to the es
tablishment of a homeopathic hospital
In Scranton was Inaugurated nt a
meeting of well-known nnd lnlluen
tlal men and women nt the Albrlcht
library list night. Over $2,000, or aljout
half the cost of maintaining a fifteen
bed hospital for one year was (sub
scribed nt tho meeting.
The hospltnl movement was Inaugu
rated last Friday at a meeting of. wo
men nt the home of Mrs. A. M. Decker.
At that time a preliminary organiza
tion was perfected and Mrs. H. M,
Boles elected president, Mrs. C. D.
Simpson, Mrs. W. T. Smith, Mrs. G. II.
Smith nnd Mrs. T. E. Jones vice-presidents.
Mrs. Henry Helln, Jr., treasurer,
Mrs. M. W. Holgnte corresponding sec
retary, and Miss Emellne II. Richmond
recording secretary. Circular Invita
tions to attend InBt night's general
meeting were Issued and about sixty
or seventy persons responded. Among
them were:
Col. H. M. Boles, Col. George San
derson, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. "Wntklns,
Mr nnd Mrs. Henry Bolin, jr., Mr. and
Mrs. A. II. Storrs, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ben
Dlmmlck, Mrs. F. II. Jermyn, Mrs. F.
M. Vandllng. Mrs. E. L. Fuller, Mrs. A.
M. Decker, Dr. J. "W. Coolldge, Miss
Susan E. Dickinson, Dr. and Mrs. F.
D. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hol
gate, Miss Emellne Richmond, Mr. and
Mrs. S. II. Stevens, Mrs. C. D Simp
son, Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson,
of Wost Pittston; F. P. Christian, Mr.
and Mrs. F. L. Phillips, Dr. Roberts
Major J. AV. Oakford, Dr. II. B. Ware.
Mr. and Mrs. It M Scranton, Dr nnd
Mrs. G. J. Berllnghoff, George DeWitt,
Dr. A. A. Linderbury, L. M. Bunnell.
Colonel Boles was chosen to preside
nnd In response to a request he out
lined the hospital project. It was
started, he said, not In opposition to
tho allopathic school of medicine, but
according to the wishes and needs of
rich and poor who believed in the
homeopathic school, but who, If they
entered any of the present hospitals
In this part of the state as pay or
free patients would be obliged to re
ceive allapathlc treatment. It was due
also to homeopathic physicians, Colonel
Boles explained, that they should not
be barred from the benefits and facili
ties of hospital practice.
According to the present rules of the
Lackawanna and other hospitals In tho
city and vicinity, the new school of
physicians or homeopaths are not per
mitted to practice therein. Tho pro
moters of the homeopathic hospital
were not to be understood as criticis
ing tho rules of the allopathic associa
tions, but It seemed nothing more than
Just that their new school bretheren
should have equal opportunities for ad
vantageous practice and learning.
The executives of the Blair estate
hod offered the homestead property at
the corner of Washington avenue and
Mulberry street fot hospital purposes at
a rental price of $500 per year, so Col
onel Boles stated. He further re
marked that the officers of the hospi
tal movement had estimated that $4,
000, divided as follows, would about
maintain a 15-bed institution for a
year: Rent, $500; heat and light, $200;
water, $00; two nurses, $540; servants
and attendants, $540; fool supplies, $1,
800; telephone, $o0; incidentals, $310;
total. $4,000.
In responso to calls by the chairman
there were remarks by Dr. J. W. Cool
ldge, Dr. II. B. Ware, Dr. Theodore
Johnson, of West Pittston; J. Ben Dlm
mlck, Colonel George Sanderson and
Henry Belln, Jr. The two latter sug
gested that inasmuch as there seemed
to bo no question about the need of
the Institution, those present should
begin In a prnctlcal way to create It.
It could not be started without a pledge
of funds and they suggested subscrip
tions on the spot. The suggestion was
offered as a motion by Mr. Belln and
was ndopted.
Mrs. C. D. Simpson, the first vlce-prc-sldent,
and Miss Emellne Richmond,
the recording secretary.were appointed
a temporary soliciting committee. They
secured the following pledges from
among those present:
Marjorlo Christian, $500; Colonel and
Mrs. H. M. Boles, $200; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Belln, jr., $200: Mr. and Mrs. J.
Ben Dlmmlck, $100; Mr. and Mrs. T. II.
Wntklns, $200; Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Vandllng $100; N. G. Robertson, $30;
Dr. and Mrs. J. AV. Coolldge, $100; Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Simpson, $200; Mra. A.
H. Storrs, $25; Mrs. A. M. Decker, $25;
J. AV. Oakford, $50; L. M. Bunnell, $25;
Mrs H. B. Arare and son, $100; Dr.
Theodore M. Johnson, $30; Dr. A. A.
Llndabury, $25; Dr. G. J. Berllnghof,
$25; Mrs. E. L. Fuller, $25; George De
AVItt,$25. The subscriptions were pledg
ed annually for two years. That of
Marjoile Christian was by her father,
F. P. Christian.
A meeting for women In connection
with the hospital movement was an
nounced for 10 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing at tho home of Mrs. S. M.Decker,
019 Jefferson avenue.
It is not settled that the hospital will
be located in tho Blair homestead, nor
In fact are any of tho arrangements
definitely decided, but the hospital Is
assured and a permanent organization
will soon bo perfected. It will have to
be self-supporting for two years, but
after that stnte aid will be granted to
the extent of $7 per week for each In
digent patient.
It was announced at last night's meet
ing that there are but 100 homeopathic
hospitals In this country; Scranton
ranking thirty-fifth In population
nmong tho cities of tho United States,
is without one.
Now Allon Tax Law Making Itself
Felt Iloro.
Tho new law requiring aliens to give
up three conts a day from their wages
will have the effect, no doubt, of ma
terlally Increasing tho number of citi
zens In this and such other counties as
have a large number of unnaturalized
Many of thes, particularly English
spenklng aliens, aro indifferent as to
whether or not tlity become citizens,
They do not take enough interest in
the country or its Institutions to go to
the trouble nnd expense of taking out
papers and becoming contributors to
tho Bupport of tho benefices they en
Joy, This new law makes it not only
more troublesome and expensive- to be
an alien than a citizen, but It also by
reason of the clauro requiring the em
ployers to do the collecting makes
them undesirable in a measure as em
ployes. An Instance of tho fact th'at tho law
is going to have the effect described In
tho above speculation, occurred In one
of the court house offices yesterday. A
foreigner who has been In this coun
try ten years applied tor and secured
his first papers. Ho wanted to know
how soon ho could secure full citizen
ship papers, and when told he must
wait two years ho was very much ex
ercised and wanted to know if there
wasn't any way of getting second pa
pers forthwith, or within a few
months. Ho offered to give the clerk
who was waiting on him $10 if ho
could arrange to got him his citizen
papers within bIx months.
Thomas Morgan Fatally Injured Going to
Farvlcw and Edward Vannan Killed
While Returning Home.
Two accidents occurred yesterday to
passengers going to nnd returning from
tho Queen's Jubilee celebration at Far
view. About 7 o'clock last night Ed
ward A'annan, of Carbondalc, a young
man 2G years of age, got aboard a train
of thirty-two open gravity cars at Far
view to return to his home. He sat
about in tho middle of the train and
when four miles from Farvlew the con
ductor demanded his ticket, he could
not produce It and was put off.
After the train was In motion he
tried to again get on and fell between
two of the cars and was literally cut In
two. Alongside of his dead body his
ticket was found. The remains were
placed on the train and taken to Car
bondale and wero afterwards removed
to his home on Canaan street. Mr.
Vannan was a painter. Coroner Long
street will hold an Inquest today.
At 10:15 a. m., while the through ex
cursion train was going to Carbondale
a coupling pin broke and the last car
of the train left the track. Thomas
Morgan, of Nantlcoke, and Conductor
David Nlchol, of Green Ridge, were on
the platform at the time and were
thrown to the ground. Conductor
Nlchol struck on his shoulder nnd es
caped without broken bones, but sus
tained a number of severe bruises.
Mr. Morgan struck on his head and
was fatally Injured. He was taken to
tho Lackawanna hospital In this city.
It was reported there last night that
Morgan Is suffering from concussion of
the brnln, and that his chances of re
covery are very slight. He Is a man
CO years of age, nnd has a wife In AVales.
Or lilac tho Bounty Collector Is Be
coming iMoro Active.
During the past twelve years this
county has paid bounty on 24S3
wild or noxious animals. This
Information was gathered by Clerk
Robathan, of the commissioners'
office, at the request of Stato ZooIoj
gist B. II. AVarren, and was forwarded
to his department yesterday.
Foxes number 02S; next comes minks,
numbering 838; then hawks, 327; wild
cats, 187; weasels, 122; owls, 47; wolves,
That all these wild and noxious ani
mals wero not killed In the earlier years
inclosed in the compulation Is shown
by the following table:
1895 Foxes, 69. 1886 Foxes, 102;
minks, 63; wild cats, 24; hawks, 244;
owls, 29; weasels, 40. 1S87 Foxes, 100;
minks, SO; wild cats, 24; hawks, 84;,
owls, 18; weasels, 82. 188S AVUd cats,
13. 18S9 Foxes, 13; minks, 1C; wild
cats, 19. 1890 Foxes, 102; minks, 67;
wild cats, 10. 1891 Foxes, 68; minks,
72; wild cats, 8. 1892 Foxes, 95; minks,
148; wild cats, 13. 1S93 Foxes, 70; minks,
100; wild cats, 31. 1894 Foxes, 130;
minks, 137; wild cats, 19. 1895 Foxes,
101; minks, 71; wild cats, 29. 189C
Foxes, 10S; minks, 84; wild cats, 16;
wolves, 4.
A bounty of $1 Is paid on each fox;
25 cents on a mink; $2 on a wild cat;
50 cents on a hawk, owl or weasel, and
$10 on a wolf. These bounties all told,
together with tho fees for affidavits,
when tho bounty was collected through
a justice of the peace or alderman,
amounted to $2,291.70. The average
annual bounty for the twelve years was
$190.. In 189G over $200 was paid In
Dining Cnrs
and colored porters In charge of day
coaches on the Nickel Plate Road, and
through sleeping cars Scranton to
Chicago via. D., L. & AV. and Nickel
Plato Roads. Tho shortest, quickest,
most comfortable and picturesque
routb between Scranton and all points
west. Call on M. L. Smith, Dlv. Pass.
Agent, D., L. & AV. It. It. for informa
iton. Notice.
Wo are still doing business at the
same old stand where wo have been tor
twenty-two years past and most re
spectfully solicit the patronage of the
public as heretofore In awnings, tents,
flags and all kinds of society goods
and decorations.
S. J. Fuhrman & Bro.
Lehigh Valley Rnllrond.
Remarkably low rates to San Fran
cisco, Cal., account of Y. P. S. C. E.
convention, July 7-12. Tickets on salo
Juno 27 to July 2 Inclusive, with final
return limit to Aug. 17. This rate Is
open to the public, and tickets aro
good for stop over at Niagara Falls
returning, within time limit of ticket.
Three solid trains through to Chicago
dally via the Lehigh Valley route. Ap
ply to agents for detailed Information.
Scranton office, 309 Lackawanna ave
nue. 260 XX White Envelopes for 17c at 3e.
Store, 623 Lack'a. ave.
Now That
"you will neod to cull on the
X Printer to help yon to get
your goods and ward
before the public. Printer's Ink
helps business along wonder
fully. When you uro In need of
printing, If you will telephone
and ask them to send n repre
sentative. It may be tq your and
their advantage. Telopbono
Queen's Jubilee Demonstration Was n
Tremendous Success.
Nntlonnl Airs of America nnd Grcnt
Ilritnin Sung it nd IMnvciN-Tlioga
Who Wcro Fortnnnto UiiohrIi to
Secure l'rl.csMrii. David M.
Dnvis, of Tnylor, Drought tho J.nrg
cst 1'nniily with IIcr--Mrs. William
Rich Ilnil tho Second Largest.
There was a magnificent celebration
of the Queen's Jubilee at Farvlcw
yesterday, one of the finest In the coun
try, perhaps, and It was Under the aus
pices of the United British societies of
Northern Pennsylvania. The weather
was dellgh'tful and the demonstration
attracted about 8,000 persons to the
popular Mooslc mountain resort.
The excusionlsts began to arrive at
10 o'clock a. m and from that time
until 3 o'clock In the afternoon trains
arrived at the park at short Inter
vals and deposited their thousands.
AVhllft Englishmen or tho sons and
daughters of Englishmen, predomi
nated In the good natured crowd gath
ered In the picnic grounds, there wns
a good sprinkling of Scottish', Irish and
AVelsh and n number of Germans also
helped to swell the crowd.
At the park tho arrangements for
tho entertainment of the crowd were
all that could be desired and were in
charge of the following committee
men: Finance-Charles Law, Pittston; Will
lam Armstrong of Wllkcs-Uarre, vieo
president of tho Sons of St. George of
Pennsylvania; Dr. James Stein, Scranton.
Invitation Off rgc Urquliart, Wilkea
Barre; William Maylin. Scranton;
Alexander Thon pscn, Pittston.
MuMc-Crptaln T. C. lMrkur, Wllkes
Barre; Dr. J. J. Mason. AVllkes-Bane; U.
A. Edwards, Wilkes-liarre.
Transportation James Smith, Scranton;
C. Law, Pittston. Gtoige Urquliart,
Prizes Francis Kcay, Wllkea-Bnrre;
Joseph Fldlan, Scianton; AV. B. Beau
mont, Scranton; Harry Guler, Willtes
Barre. Games Dr. James Stein, Scranton;
Alexander Thompson, Pltteton.
Refieshrttnts Robert Wallace, litt
ton; James Blimey, AAT.kes-Barre; Alex
ander Thompson. Plttiiton.
Programme Francis Kcay, AA'Ilkes
Barrc; Alexander Thompson, l'Utston,
and William Maylin, Scranton.
The chairman of tho general com
mittee In charge of the celebration wai
AV. J. Trembath of AVllkes-Barre, nnd
tho secretary was A. L. AAMlliams of
the same place.
It was the original Intention to have
tho exercises begin at 11.30, but owing
to delays In reaching the park on the
part of a large number of persons it
was almost 3 p. m., when Captain T.
C. Parker of Arilkes-Barre took his
position on a rock jutting out from the
sloping hillside below the first ob
fcervatory and announced that the work
they had gathered to perform would
begin. Just above him In the grand
stand Bauer's and Alexander's com
bined bands, numbering fifty musi
cians In all, were stationed and under
the leadership of Professor Alexander
opened the exercises by playing "The
Star Spangled Banner." The Queen's
Jubilee Choir of AVllkes-Barre, for
merly the Arlon Cllee club, consist
ing of seventy-five mixed voices, sang
"America" under the direction of
Gwllym Amos.
Captain Parker then announced that
owing to some unfortunate circum
stances tho orators who were to ad
dress the large assemblage were unable
to be present. lie regretted It for It
was an occasslon to Inspire any orator.
On this day the nations of the world
were paying tribute to the world's
greatest queen and If those who were
bound to her by no particular ties were
moved to do honor to her, how much
more should those he was addressing
rejoice on this, her Jubilee, for were
they not of the same blood?
A medley of airs, peculiar to tho
United Kingdom, were rendered by the
band and the choir sang, "God Save the
Queen." Those In the audlenece arising
to their feet and with heads uncovered
joining In the chorus. The band.played
the accompaniment.
The first of the prizes of the day were
then awarded. Mrs. Joseph Stewart, of
Brook street, Dunmore, was awarded a
baby carriage for tho "finest twins."
They were girls, seventeen months' old.
The second prize was awarded to Mrs.
Edwin M. Eshleman, of 936 AVebster
avenue, Scranton. Her twins were two
year and seven months old. The next
selection by the choir was "Columbia,
the Home of tho Free," written by Geo.
Coronway for the occasion and sung to
the AVelsh national air, "Hen AVlad fy
Mrs. David M. Davis, of Taylor, was
awarded the first prize, a silk dress, for
bringing tho largest family to the
grounds. She had thirteen children
with her. The two oldest are twins, 21
years of age, and the youngest one Is
ono year old. The second prize, a sew
ing machine, was awarded to Mrs. AVI1
llam Rich, of Providence, who had nine
children with her. The oldest was four
teen years of age and the youngest, five
The prizes to the lodge having the
largest number of members present
and the lodge selling the greatest num
ber of tickets were awarded to Gar
field lodge Sons of St. George, AVllkes
Barre. Both prizes wero lings Several
prizes wero awarded to those who won
athletic contest. Three cheers for the
president of the United States and the
queen of England closed the exercises.
The combined bands gave a concert
and afterward repaired to tho dancing
pavilion, where they furnished musln
for the dancers, wlch 'pastime was in
dulged in until 7 p. in., when tho last of
tho excurlonlsts left forth clr homes.
A. Grcnt Convenience Tor Traveler.
Pullman's Palaco Car Company have
added tho American Newspaper Annual
to tho libraries on the "Pennsylvania
Limited," "Colonial Express" and other
trains of that class. Tho AA'agner Pal
aco Car Company havo mado similar
provision for their passengers. This
work is also in tho libraries of nearly
all tho Ocean, Coast Sound, Lake and
River Steamers.
Thft American Newspaper Annual is
an encyclopedia of newspapers and
periodicals published in the United
States, Territories and Dominion of
Canada, and of gazetteer facts of the
places in which they aro published.
These gazetteers facts embrace popula
tion, political complexion, transporta
tion and banking facilities, leading pro
ducts and industries, and other Infor
mation which Is of especial lntetest
when traveling through these places.
The work Is published by N. AV. Ayer
,& Bon, the well-known Newspaper Ad
vertising Agents of Philadelphia, and
hns long boon recognized as tho au
thority on all mutters of tills kind.
AVo feel confident that no more use
ful volumo can be found In tho libraries
of th cars and steamers, nnd nono
to which reference will oftener bo
made. Tho newspapers of the coun
try and tho traveling public generally
will, wo aro sure, be greatlv benefited
and gratified by this provision for their
Soven Wcro Awnrdcd by tho Commis
sioners Yesterday.
Bids for tho construction of seven
new stono arch bridges wcro yceter
day received by tljb county commis
sioners aa follows:
Bridge over Snyderreok in Dickson
City borough: Lackawanna Stono com
pany, $495; Robert Bernhard, $286; AVI1
liam McLoughlln, $500; AVIlllam Adair,
$450; A. It. AVetherby, $440; Martin
Cawley, $393.
Bridge near Ellas Smith's saw mill
In Newton township: Snyder nnd Mc
Loughlln, $325; A. It. AVetherby, $320.
Bridge over Tnylor creek, Scott
township: AV. P. Snyder, $335; AVarren
Brothers, $650; Harrison Gardner, $350;
Martin Cawley, $375; A. It. AVetherby,
Bridge over Kennedy creek, North
Ablngton township: H. S. Stevens, $470;
Newton & Adair, $223; A. It. AVether
by, $300.
Two bridges over AVillow brook in
South Ablngton township: Ernest V.
Mott, $200 each; Cawley, $375 each.
Brldgo over Whitney creek In AVest
blngton township: S. A. AVhltney, $435;
Adair & Snyder, $225; H. E. Capwell,
$3C0; AV 9. Ross, $3S0; C. J. Thomas,
The contract was awarded to tho
lowest bidder In each case.
SIcnni Heating nnd Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howie y, 231 Wyoming ave.
Peter Meyer, contractor and slater,
Boots slated nnd repaired. 1034 Luke
AVo cannot emphasize too strongly the
truth contained In the following bargains:
Teat our veracity and Judgment and you'll
be tho gainer.
At 19c.
One lot ot assorted Hats for ladles and
children In srood quality, fully worth 50c.
At 47c.
Special selected lot of Turbans and
rress Shapes, assorted colors, reduced
from 75c., Se. and $1.00.
At $1.47.
Only 19 Trimmed Hats to go at that
price, $3.00 Is the actual value.
At $2.47.
This selection numbers 25 Trimmed Hats
reduced from $5.00 and $5.00.
If you want flrst selection come early.
132 Wyoming Avo.
Light colors, no advance
in prices.
$4.50 per hundred
Now buy Cuban hand
made cigars. AH Hav
ana. E. Q. Coarsen
Wholesale and Retail
Including tho painless extracting of,
teeth by an entirely new process.
5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
3ii Spruce St, Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
In Piano, at the Sckantox School of Music and
LAKQUAora. A Midsummer Teum, lasting five weeks,
will begin next Monduy.
Address the Director, J, Alfred Pennington, Carter
Building, Adams Avenue and Llndeu Street.
-fi. k ji -ST
H ill
Wo nro going to tnlk Itofrlgora
is positively guaranteed with tho
product of tho lino wo aro selling.
Constructed on scientific princi
ples, avo "claim to havo tho most
iu tho nntrkot. Thoy uro mado of
Tho insido iB lined with zinc
with solid wood backing. Tho
walls aro packed -with charcoal
shcating and tho ico chamber is of
with corrugated galvanised iron
ico racks. Perfect circulation
guaranteed. Tho prices com
mence) at
The Eye Specialist
y 1IOSK omee Is at
j TT Ulfi Laeknwan-
UinnnN n 0?c na avenue, In Will-
IMWJUPUJ JZpC lams' White Front
sTSVYnlSiy hoe Store, examines
XSiP SGCAPM the eye free In tire
most accurate way,
and his prices for spec
tucles are cheaper
than elsewhere. A la
mentable Indifference
to the proper care of
tho eyes neein to pos
sess most people until
the time comes when
heuducheK, Imperfect
fc, nnrvnrrvb
3ySi ,rMi.
vimun,or oiuer results
of such neglect give warning that nature Is
rebelling against such treatment of one of
the most precious clfts. Normal vision Is a
blessing unappreciated until It has been lost
and restored: Its full value Is then realized,
Therefore, you should not lose a day before
having your eyes examined. This service we
gladly render free of charge.
215 Lackawanna Avenue
In the White Front Shoe Store.
Ily the use of my new local anaesthetic. No
sleep-producing agent. It is simply lapplled
to the gums and tho tooth extracted without
a particle of pain.
AH other dental oporatlons performed posi
tively without pain.
1 $8 11 1
These are the samo teeth other dentists
charge from 916 to $23 a set for.
Gold and Porcelain Crowns; Gold, Silver
and Cement Fillings, at one-half the usual
cost. Examination free. Open evenings 7 to
6. Sundays 0 to 11 a. in.
316 Spruce Street,
Next Door to Hotel Jermyn.
Like cut, 450, in the new sreca com
bination and natural varnish finish.
76c, Si and $1.25 Each,
i mm
1118 :,
3Z0 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pa,
Wholesale nnd Kctnll
Ready 'Mixed Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Economic!, Durable.
Varnish Stains,
rroduclngPcrfect Imitation ofExpenslr
Reynolds' Wood Finish,
Especially Designed for Inside AVork.
Marble Floor Finish,
Durable and Dries Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
Sofiiiw Piano Stands, at tba Hud
AND J. W. rjUERNSBV Stands at the Hsad
In the Uuslo traolc You can always gt ,&
better bargain at his beautiful warerooms!
than at any other place In the city.
Call and see for rourself, before bujlnc.
205 Washington Avenue,
- 3
1 4th of July 1
ma 5
s Whiz ! Bang ! Boom I g
M aro loudest but dangerous, for men S
fi nnd boys. 3
d est IS in. long, to the tiniest baby's. S3
a 720 to the package, for 10c Perfect- S
3 ly safe for smaUcst ohildren.
S ROCKETS from 1 oa. each to O lbs , B
S3 Including magnesium star, changing a
Sstar, floating festoons, bandog eualr, 3
parachute, peacock, plume and many ja
other designs. S3
H UAND1.ES of every description. C
"3 Whistling devices, Jackdn-bos, sau- a
B clsntons, aerolites, Indian Juggling,
S batteries and everything in tho line of ?
S pyrotechnics. U
E Jobbing line now open. S
S 3ii and 314 Lack. Ave., Scranton. 3
Estimates for city and town celebra- S
tlons on shortest notice. S
Show which way the
trade wind blows our
Advance Sales of
Straw Hats
Indicate by their
movements that a
hurricane is blowing
into the store.
We are showing all the new shapes and the
latest braids at prices that will net be lower
during the season.
Be Ready for
Warm Days
Sole Agents for
412 Spruce Street.
Use a B Christian's.
General Agent for Wyoming
Valley for tho
W. uS.
Water Filter
Positively the only self-cleaning Water
Filter In existence that is attached to tho
main pipe und niters all the water that U
used In the whole building.
Sold on Its Merits
and the price Is within the reach of every
body. No excuse for drinking and using bad
water any longer. Highly indorsed by tbe
.physicians and highly appreciated by tho
public. In general. Invented, patentod and
manufactured In this city.
DUNN, The Hatter.
' s '3j. '