The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1897, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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I- Relieiods
For the purpose of furthering Sun
day school work among Protestant de
nominations Lackawanna county has
been divided Into eight districts and
ns a part of the plan, delegates from
the eight districts will meet July 1 In
the Young Men's Christian association
building In this city. Tuesday night
an organization of District No. 1,
comprising the city of Scranton, was
effected .in the First Presbyterian
church. It wns the Inst district to or
ganize.' -Following were the ortlcers
chdspn: TJ, P.. Hicks, president; L. T.
Mattes, vlco-prcsldent; George Halde
man, secretary; E. E. Evans, treasurer;
suplrihtandent of home department,
MlssKrlgbaum. The executive com
mlttpe donststs o'f W, W. Lathropc, II.
II. McKean. and Rev. Foster U. Gift.
L. FBbrfer presided over the meeting.
He 1b' the secretary of the Dickson
Manufacturing company and was one
of the most active In bringing about the
present organization whose county ofll
cers are: W. W. Fletcher, M. D., Car
bondale, president; W. F. Nye, Carbon
dale, vice-president; Miss Delia P.
Evans; Scranton, secretary and treas
urer; F. E, Nettleton, Scranton, sup
erintendent of home department. The
July 1 county meeting will be attended
by at leastl 100 delegates.
At the annual meeting of the Young
Women's Christian association Tues
day evening the following 1896 olllcers
were re-elected: President, Mrs. E. II.
Ripple; vice-president, Miss W. D.
Kennedy; recording secretary, Mrs. C.
P. Derman; treasurer, Mrs. F. D.
Watts; vacancies by expiration on the
board of managers, Mrs. L. M. Gates,
Miss S. C. Krlgbaum, Mrs. William and
Mrs. William Manley.
Rev. James Hughes, D. D who ar
rived rpcently from Klmberly, South
Africa, lectured Tuesday evening In
the First "Welsh Baptist church. His
subject was "The Land of Gold and
Diamonds." Dr. Hughes has labored
for seven years In the missionary fields
of Africa, and he has an intimate
knowledge of the customs of the na
tives and Of the geographical condi
tions of that country. He has filled
the pulpit of the First Welsh Baptist
church fr several Sundays.
Itev. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Dixon,
of 406 Jefferson avenue, will give a ser
ies of receptions this month to the
members of the Penn Avenue Baptist
church of which he Is the pastor. Tn-J
first was on Thursday evening. Tho
others will be given on next Tuesday
evening, Tuesday, June 22, and Tues
day, Juno 29. Those whose names be
gin with the A, B, C and D weio re
ceived ThuiFday. Next in order will
be those whose names begin with E,
F, U. H, 1,1 J end K; L. M, N, O, J Q
and It; S. T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.
As the time for the great National
Christian Endeavor convention ap
proaches, Endeavorers all over the land
are becoming more and more interest
ed In the preparations for their recep
tion nnd entertainment at San Fran
cisco in July. TheT final and definite
setU?ment ipf the railroad rates Is
grea'tly simplifying' the work of the
various transportation .managers, and
the reports of their efforts to organize
parties for "California '97'-' assure the
local committee that the first estimates
of the, attendance will be reached and
perhaps exceeded. The state of Cali
fornia Is becoming thoroughly aroused
to the Importance of the great gather
ing, and the various counties are pre
paring to entertain the visitors with
that lavish hospitality which Is so truly
typical of the "Golden State."
"The dark side of an actor's life or
a peep behind the scenes" will be the
subject of an address by Mr. Charles
G. Mitchell, of Blnghamton at the
Railroad Department of the Young
Men's Christian association tomorrow
afternoon at 3.45 o'clock. Mr. Mitchell
was converted under tho preaching of
Dr. Race of the Century M. E. church
of Blnghamton and Is studying with a
view of going Into Christian work.
With father and mother actors, brought
up on the stage from early childhood
Mr. Mitchell has an Interesting story
to tell. Railroad men and their fam
ilies are cordially Invited to attend.
The transcontinental rates to the
National Christian Endeavor conven
tion at San Francisco have been Anally
and definitely fixed as follows: One
way tickets to San Francisco will be
eold on Juno 29th and 30th and July 1st,
Id and 3d, at the following rates; From
Chicago, $25; from Milwaukee, $26
from St. Louis, Cairo, Memphis and
New Orleans, $23; from Peoria and
Bloomlngton, $24; from St. Paul and
Minneapolis, $26; .from Missouri river
ponts, Kansas City to Sioux City, In
clusive, Columbus, Kan., Mlnneola and
Houston, Tex., $22.60 and other points
In proportion. Parties must arrive In
San Francisco not later than July 9.
For the return passage, tickets will
be 'Sold at the same rates on July 12,
13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 19, 22. 26 and 29, and
August 2, 5, and 9. On the return trip
parties, must reach destination not
later than August, IB. Stop-overs will
be permitted on tho west-bound trip
at Cheyenne Trinidad, El Paso, Col
orado common points and points west
thoreof. East-bound stop-overs will
be allowed anywhere within the state
of California; also at Banff, Havre,
Livingston, Shoshone Falls, and points
west thereof. East of Chicago, and
other starting points mentioned above,
the railroads Ijave made a rate of one
fare for the round trip. For particulars
apply to local railroad agent, or to
Bklns on flro with torturing, disfiguring,
itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply
huuiors, Instantly relieved by a warm bath
with Cuticuka Boap, a single application of
CVTICVRA (ointment), the great akin euro,
ud full dose of Cutiouba. Kesolvkst.
'Irwiiu 1 BHgj " Haw 10 Cun Tort u rim lUmon,'
BABY'S SKIN "'iBjgfiaBSftlvaS
Neu)s of the Week
tho Pennsylvania transportation man
ager, J. C. Manning, of Plttston.
Rev. Jacob Davis, of Plymouth, war
In the city last week. '
Rev. John Cavanaugh will preach In
the following named places on tho
Sabbath; Wavcrly, 10.S0 a. m.; Factory
vllle, 3.30 p. m.; Highland, 7.'.G p. m.
All welcome.
Tho F. M. Methodists will have Sab
bath sohool at 2 p. m. and holiness
meeting at 3 p. m. In Co-operative hall,
126 North Main avenue, Hyde Park,
this Sabbath. All welcome. John
Cavanaugh, pastor.
There will be an excursion of the
Church of tho Good Shepherd (Episco
pal) today to Lake Ariel. The train
will leave tho Erie and Wyoming depot
at 8.30 o'clock. The round trip fare will
be 75 cents for adults and 40 cents for
F. W. Pearrall, secretary of the Rail
road Younjc Men's Christian associa
tion will address the men's service In
the Young Men's Christian association,
222 Wyoming avenue, at 3.4E o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. Men are cordial
ly Invited to be present.
Mrs. E. H. Ripple gave a talk on
"How to Make Our Homes Attractive"
Thursday night at the South Side
Young Women's Christian association
rooms, 1021 Cedar avenue. Tho Misses
Rose had charge of the musical pro
gramme. Rrefreshments were served.
At the Washburn street church to
morrow morning the Sunday school
and regular morning service will be
merged and an Interesting programme
carried out In observance of Children's
day. In tho evening there will be
preaching as usual by the pastor; Rev.
J. P. Moffatt.
The Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Presbyterian church
gave an entertainment of music nnd
tableaux Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
at the residence of James Archbald,
No. 424 Jefferson avenue. Envelopes
and offerings were received at the door.
Membets of other congregations were
charged 50 cents.
Tho Rev. Rogers Israel left Monday
for South Bethlehem to attend the con
vention of the Diocese of Central Penn
sylvania on Tuesday. Ho left early in
order to attend the annual meeting of
the trustes of Blshopthorpo Diocesan
seminary for Girls, which took place
Monday evening at Bethlehem. Mrs.
Israel accompanied him.
Elm Park church Prayer and praise
service at 9.30. Children's Day services
at 10.30 a, m.; collection for educational
fund; exercises by tho children; address
by tho pastor, C. M. Glffln, D. D. Ep
worth league at 0.30 p. m. At 7.30 Mr.
Chas. N. Crittenton, of New York, will
speak on tho "Florence Mission Rescuo
Work," as carried on among the largo
cities of this country.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. J. B. Sweet, paster. Morning prayer
meeting at 9.30. 'Preaching service at 10.30.
Sermon by the rastor. Text, Isaiah CI, 1.
Subject, "Tho Mission of tho Messiah."
Clas3 meeting led by S. Wrlgley at close
of morning service. Sunday school at 12
o'clock. Junior leaguo at 3 o'clock. Ep
worth leaguo at 6.30 o'clock. Leader, John
J. F. York. Evening preaching service
lit 7.30. gfcinmon y tho nastor. Text,
Isiah, 01 4. Subject, "Restoration." AM
Beats free. A cordial welcomo to whoso
ever will. On Monday evening at 7.30 tho
first quarterly conference will be hell
under the presidency of Rev. Dr. Eckman.
St. Luke's Parish .Rev. Rogers Israel,
rector; Rev. Edward J. Haughton, curate.
Trinity Sunday. St. Luke's church, 7.30
a. m., holy communion; 9.15 a. m Sunday
school; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer and
sormon; 7.30 p. m., everting prayer and
sermon. St. Mark's. Dunmore, 8 a. m.,
holy communion; 10.30 a. m holy com
munion and sermon; 3 p. m Sunday
school; 7.30 p. m., bvenlng prayer and ser
mon. St. George's, Oryphant, Edwards'
hall, 3 p. m., Sunday school; 4 p. m., even,
lng prayer and sermon.
First WeSsh Congregational church,
South Main avenue Rev. David Jones,
pastor. Regular morning and evening
services at 10 and 6 o'clock. Sabbath
school at 2 p. m. Preaching by pastor In
Welsh. Subject of morning sermon, "Tho
Duty of the Church Towards Her Chil
dren." Subject of evening sermon, "Res
toration." Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist church,
South Main avenue Rev. Hugh Davles,
pastor. Morning sermon at 10 o'clock;
sermon In Welsh. Sabbath school at 2 p.
m. Evening service at 6 o'clock, sermon
In English. Subect, "the Life of David."
Preaching by pastor.
Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist church,
South Main avenue Rev. John T. Morris,
pastor. Morning service at 10 o'clock;
evening servlco at C p. m. Sabbath school
at 2 p. m. Preaching by pastor.
Grace Lutheran church, corner Madison
avenue and Mulberry street Rev. Foster
U. Gift, paBtor. Services at 10.30 and at
7.30 p. m.
First Baptist church, Scranton street
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor. The usual
preaching services morning and evening
of the Sabbath. Prayer meeting, 10 a. m.,
leader Deacon Morris. Bible school, 2 p.
m Dr. B. G. Beddoe, superintendent.
Industrial school, Saturday, 2.30 p. m.,
Miss Anne 'E. Morgan, leader. Young
people's prayer meeting, 6.30 p. m., leader
Georgo Watkina. All arc cordially In
vited. Plymouth Congregational church Ser
vices at the usual time, 10.30 a. m., 12, and
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor at 6.30 p. m.; preaching servlco nt
7.30 p. in. Children's day exercises. Tho
suujtct of evening sermon by the pastor
will bo "Thero Is a Spirit In Man." Tho
public most cordially invited to all these
Green HIdgo Baptist church Rev. W.
J. Ford, pastor. Children's Day exer
cises In charge of tho Sunday school tit
10.30 a. m. At 7.30 p. m. the pastor will
preach a sermon appropriate to tho day.
Second Presbyterian church Rev. C. E.
Robinson, D. D.. pastor. Services 10.30 a.
m. Children's Day; special services; ser
mon by the pastor; music toy the orches
tra; singing by tho choir and Sunday
school, Recitations by tho children. All
are cordially Invited to evening service
and union meeting at Elm Park church,
led by Mr. Crittenton.
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
church Children's Day services at 10.30
o'clock a. m.; baptism of children In con
nection with this service. Epworth league
servlco at 6.30 p, m. Preaching by tho
pastor at 7.30.
First Church of Christ (Scientist), No.
619 Adams avenue Sunday servlco 10.30
a, m. Testimonial meeting Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. All welcome; seats free.
First Presbyterian church-Services will
be held on Children's Day, June IS. r.t
10.30 a. m. and 4 p. m. Dr. McLeod will J
preacn in tne morning ana administer
the sacrament of baptism. The afternoon
servlco will bo devoted to the Sunday
school. Tho Cedar avenue' mission will
hold Its services at 2.30 p. m. Dr. Mc
Leod will preach In the evening In Dick
son chapel, Dickson City.
Oreen Rtdge Presbyterian church Rev,
J, L. Scott, D. D of the McDowell Me
morial church, Philadelphia, will preach
at 10.30 a, m. and 7.45 p. m. Bible school
at 12 o'clock, Meeting of Endeavor so
ciety at 0.46 p, m. All are welcome.
Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue,
Dunmore Morning prayer meeting at
9.30 a. m. Preaching at 10.30 by the Rev.
W. P. Ray, of the John Hawley BlbU
school at lUwleyvllle, Conn. Sunday
school at 12 m. (Preaching At 3 p. m. by
W. P. Ray. Communion servlco at 6.30 p.
m., by tho pastor. Evangellstlo servlco
at 7.30 p. m. by W. P. Ray. All made wel
como. W. I. Knopp, pastor.
First Presbytorlan Church of Taylor
Rov. L. R. Foster, pastor. Children's
day servlco at 10.30. Sabbath school nt
12 m. Junior Christian Endeavor servlco
nt 3.30 p. m. Evening prayer service at
il toward Place African Methodist Epis
copal church Rev. II. A. Grant, B. D.,
pastor. Children's Day programme will
bo observed morning, afternoon and even
ing with Interesting exercises; 10.30 a. m.,
subject, "God's Lovo for His Church;"
2.30 p. m "Children's Jubilee;" 7.40 p. m.,
continuation of afternoon exercises.
Jackson Street Baptist church Morning
service, 10.30, ovangcllstla service conduct
ed by Charles N. Crittenton, of Now York,
assisted by Frank Wallace, soloist. Wo
trust all will receive a spiritual uplift.
Afternoon services, the home Blbleschool
at 2 p. m.; Continental mission at 2 p. m.
Evening service, 7 p. m., praise and song
servlco; special singing by choir and
children's chorus; 7.30, preaching by Rev.
J. K. Dixon, D. D., of the Penn Avenue
Baptist church. Topic, "Tho Alps of
Providence Presbytorlan Church Pas
tor, Rov. George E. Guild. Children's Day.
Services morning and evening. Morning
servlco entitled "In the Day of Thy
Youth." At the evening service Rev.
Frank Mllman, of Philadelphia, will give
a short address on the theme, "Tho High
way of L'fe."
Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal
Church Rev. J. L. Race, ipastor. Morn
and evening children's day services un
der tho direction of tho Sunday school su
perintendent, Mr. W. II. Clearwater, and
the pastor. The programme for tho day
is entitled "The Young Poplo's Repub
lic." At 6.30, meeting of the Epworth
leaguo; leader, Miss Hilda Evans. Sub
ject, "Reflections for the Department, of
Finance." All our teats are free, and the
ushers will do their best to provldo you
with a comfortable seat, If you are thero
In time, and tho welcome committee will
give you a cordial greeting, so that all
Btrangers feel at home. The baptism of
children nt tho morning servlco.
Penn A muo Baptist Churoh Penn avo
nue. between Spruce and Linden streets.
Morning service, 10.30. Dr. Dixon will
preach "Essentials of Dlsciplesllp." Full
chorus choir. No evening service, the
congregation uniting in a union service
nt Elm Pork Methodist Episcopal church.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Nay Aug mis
sion, 1320 Mulberry street, at 3.30. Pastor's
reception, 406 Jefferson avenue, Tuesday.
Midsummer entertainment of primary
school at church Tnursday evening.
People's Prohibition Church Rov. Dr.
Bird, pastor. There will bo regular
preaching service at Fuller's hall on
Lackawanna avenue, opposite Wyoming
avenue, on Sabbath. Afternoon subject,
"If Christ Camo to Scranton." Evening
subject, "Alarming Signs of National De
cay and Disintegration." Alt welcome.
Tabernacle Congregational Church
Hyde Park avenue. At 9 a. m.J- prayer
meeting; 10 a. m.. preaching Thome, "Ho
Must Be Lifted Up." Communion after
sermon. At 2 p. m., Bible school; 6 p. m.,
preaching. Tiiemfe, "Ddath Not from
God." Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Church
Rev. L. R. Foster, pastor. Prayer and
praise service at 10.30 o'clock. Sabbath
school at 2 p. m. 8cnlor Christian En
deavor servlco at 7 p. in. Evening ser
vice at 6 p. m. Sermon for young people.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing. Band of Hopem Tuesday evening.
Ladles' Aid every Wednesday afternoon
at 2.30 p. m.
Volunteers of America Meetlngo aro
now held In a tent on Linden street, op
posite tho Court House. Meetings every
night at 8 o'clock. Sunday services: Gos
pel feast, 3.45 p. m.; special scrvicia oun-
School, Lesson for June 13.
2 Tim. 3, 1-7; ill, 14-17.
... i -- -t
Secretary of the American Society of Religious Education.
AH who study these lessons aro request
ed to send their.names, poitottlce address
and denomination to the author at Wash
ington, D. C, for enrollment.
PRELIMINARY. It is believed that
Paul was approaching the end of his
career (2 Tim. lv,8), when ho wroto from
ftio city of Rome his second letter to
Timothy, probably about CO A. D or
four years before .the destruction of Jer
uealem. Twelve other epistles (or thir
teen If Hebrews Is assigned to him), had
fallen from his pen. In them ho had
dlBcUHsed the great doctrines of the
church, occupying from the first to the
last writing, ut least fifteen years. Dur
ing that time ho had traveled extensively
In Palestine. Asia Minor, Macedonia,
Greece, Spain and Italy.. He has now
como to old age (Phllem 9), but possessed
of all his powers. Looking backwards
and recalling the events of his useful
though many times arduous service, or
looking forward and upward to his re
ward (2 Tim. lv, 8), he is certainly quali
fied to give advice. It Is always Interest
ing to note tho closing utterances of a
great man, to study tho substance and
tho style of his speech, and to learn the
spirit by whlcn ne is uominaieu.
PERSONAL. What does Paul say to
himself? After tre usual manner of tho
time (see the Epistles of James and
Peter), he begins with his own name,
using not that which his parents gave
him, but that which he acquired at Pap.
hos (Acts xlll, 9). Ho calls himself "an
apostle of Jesus Christ," not hesitating
to take the rank among tho twelve (Matt.
x, 2), whom Jesus ordained. He declares
that ho obtained this ofllco "by the will
of God," that Is, he was not put into It
by men as Mathlas was, (Acts I, 20, a
fact which ho emphasized In his writings
(Gal. i, 1), as ono of particular Importance.
The purposo of his appointment as an
apostle ho sets forth, that ho might
publish that eternal life (verse 1) which
God had in view ror manKinu oy tne in
carnation of his son Jesus Christ, In
thus announcing his name and orll:e,
Paul was not egotistic. It was a neces.
sary Introduotlon to what followed, that
right views of 4ilm might bo had. Advlco
must bo weighed In the scales of good
J;idBment concerning Him w'ho gives
it. This letter Is not written by a man
merely, but by a man In this high ofllco.
SALUTATORY. What are Paul's
thoughts and feeling concerning tho ono
to whom ho wroto (verso 2)7 Ho applies
no title reverend, bishop, elder, deacon,
evangelist, pastor but calls him Timothy.
That name told the story of his mother's
devotion (Acts xvl, 1), and signified honor
ing God. Paul calls him, "my dearly be
loved son," and explains elsewhere (1
Tim. i, 1), that his relation was one cf
faith. Timothy was converted under
Paul's preaching, and by him received
into companionship and ministerial ser
vlco (Acts xvl. 1-3). Through this rela
tion had come those Intimacies (Bom. xvl,
21), whloh had endeared each to the other,
the heart of tho older naturally turning
with prldo to his young associate. In his
opening salutation Paul pronounces a
blessing upon the young man, a three
fold blessing of grace, mercy and peac,
a summary of all .spiritual good. And
in this he recognize God as Father, and
Jesus as Christ (Messiah), or Lord and
Master, These opening words apparent
day evening. F. W. rearsall, secretary
of the Railroad Young Men's Christian
association, and tho Yokenwn band will
conduct tho meeting. Everybody Is In
vited to attend our meetings. Olllcew In
charge, Captains Dickinson and Morrows.
Alleges Thnt His $1,000 Vn Stolon
from Him.
Constnblo James Penman probably
didn't know when he was conducting
that sale on Penn avenuo this week
that there was a man In tho crowd
with $1,000 In his pockets.
Such, however, Is tho claim that S.
Seldman now makes. Mr. Seidman
was present at the sale nnd bid on a
suit of clothes. He was awarded the
palm by Constable Penman, but he af
terward refused to take tho clothes.
The bystanders then Jumped on Mr.
Seldman and beat him.
He went bf fore Alderman Fuller ana
swore out warrants for assault and
battery for tho arrest of Morris Cohen,
t.pwIb Cnnmnn. George Mark and
Moses Cohen. Wednesday night ithey
entered ball.
Yesterday Mr. Seldman went before
Alderman Howe and swore out war
rants charging the four men with at
tempting to rob him of $1,000, which
ho had In his pockets at the tlmo of
the assault. They entered ball In tho
sum of $200 each to appear at court.
Tli- Aro Requested to Register with
Dr. Jnmcs Stein.
rne competitors for the beauty prizes
vhlch are offered by tho British
American societies In connection with
their excursion to Farvlew on Juns 22,
are requested to send their names to
Dr. James Stein, chairman of the pro
gramme committee, bv June 20. The
first prize Is a gold watch and chate
laine set with diamonds and can be
se,en by calling at Dr. Stein's ofTlcc.
The second prize is a fine
ladles' crystal brooch which Is artistic
ally engraved. As Judges of the bs.tuty
contest tfireo of the best known artists
In their lines have been secured. They
are William Park, stone seal engraver,
64 John street, New Yprk; Felix Gil
christ Klernan, portrait painter, 42
Cortland fctreet, Now York; Henry
James Bull, lino engraver, Ono Hun
dred and Eighty-eighth street, New
1 in '
The Company Prepnring for n Pros
porous Summer.
Judging from the Improvements that
aro being made at the Northwest col
liery near Simpson, the company Is
preparing for a prosperous summer.
Repairs are being made upon the
breaker, and a new trestle Is being
Work has also been commenced upon
five large water tanks. The tanks are
being built In order to be prepared
should a drought, such as" that of last
summer, occur again this year. The
colliery was obliged to shut down sev
eral days last summer owing to a lack
of water. Carbondalo Herald.
Wns Sorry.
New Ofllca Boy A man called liere to
thrash you a few minutes ago.
Editor What did you say to him?
"I told him I was sorry you weren't in."
Irish Hulls.
An Irishman, quarreling with an Eng
lishman, told him if he didn't hold his
tongue foe would "break, his impenetrable
head, and let his brains out of his empty
skull." Tld-BIts.
ly subordinated Timothy, but at the same
tlmo they honor him, and must havo been
received with great favor.
THANKFUL Paul next opens his
heart as If unable to control his generous
emotion toward the one beloved (verses 2
and 3). He declares his thankfulness for
tho friendship of Timothy, us he had done
for the fidelity of tho Roman Christians
(Horn. I, 8), and of the Ephesian saints,
(Eph. 1, 16). He professes that his ser
vice for God antedates his conversion and
reaches back to his forefathers (Acts
xxil, 3), an announcement that Ms whole
life has been consecrated. Ho says that
In prayer he ceases not to remember
Timothy day or night, according to his
habit of personal petition (I Thcs. 1, 2).
Ho refers to Timothy's tears, -shed per
haps at their parting (Acts xx, 37-38), or
under tho Influence of instruction given,
and expresses an earnest desire to see
him, expecting that the meeting would
Kive him Joy. How -wonderful that tho
heart of man can thus recall tho sweet
associations of other days and yearn for
a ro-unlonl Separation by a thousand
miles awakens memory, Intensifies love,
and kindles roly desire and hope.
HEREDITARY. Thus far the letter
had exprrsftd tho value of the relations
subsisting between tho two men, and the
regard arising from those relations. Next
the thought turns to an estimate of Tim
othy's real worth (verse 5). It was after
all -his "unfeigned faith," that made him
so dear to tho ppostle, a quality which
had been previously mentioned as tho end
of all holy dcslro and achlvement (1 Tim.
I, 6).) A man free from all hyoocrlsy,
truthful and good, Is universally admired.
Besides, Timothy camo of good stock. His
father was a Greek, but his mother and
grandmother were pious Jewish women,
who turned to Jesus on Paul's first mls
sloni ry tour in Iconlum (Acts xlv, 19).
It Is evident that the regard for Timothy
was increased by the fact that ho was
descended from such good women. How
ever much wo may rejoice over the con
version of ono raised up out of degrada
tion, wo can never have as much genuine
confidence In him as in cne who has an
Inheritance of virtue. After tho mock
senttmental'sm of some It Is high tlmo to
put a premium on -thoso who come of
truly good families, and who honor their
parents, by walking In their footsteps
(Ex. xx, 12).
REMINDING. All this -nas intended to
prepare Timothy for Paul's first advice
( 6 and 7). The son of such a
mother, held In high esteem by the emi
nent apostlo to the Gentiles, was remind,
ed of the ofllce into whloh he had been In
ducted, for ho had been ordained to the
Christian ministry by tho Imposition of
Paul's hands (Acts vl, 8), and ho Is now
urged to groat faithfulness (1 Tim. lv, 11).
"8tlr up the gift of God," ho says, a fig
ure of speech In which grace Is likened to
fire that needs to be stirred up lest It go
out (I Thes. v, 19). In this there is a
suggestion that pcsslbly Timothy was re
tiring In his disposition, disposed to
BhrVk from public service. He is remind
ed as a further Incentive that the Bcrlp
turo was .not given to awaken his dllrl
dence w tear, but rather to Impart
strength and love and mental soundness.
Ocntlng from his superior, his old precep
tor and dearest friend, th-eie words must
havo awakened Timothy to a higher ap
preciation of his duty as a minister of
ChrUt.' Many men need only to bo re
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. N. O. Parke, of
Plttston, on Tuesday celebrated their
fiftieth or golden wedding anniversary.
Between two and three hundred of
their friends from Plttston 'iind vlcln
'ly offered their congratulation!! at a
reception In tho afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Parko were married on June 8,
1S17, nt the resldenco of her father,
W. C. Glldersleeve, In v Ilkes-Barre,
by Rev. Samuel Parko. At Thuisdny's
reception there were preient three per
sons, who attended the weddlnj; fifty
years ngo. They were: Mr3. Theodore
Strong, of Plttston; Mrs. B. C. Say re,
of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Laura
Brown, of WIlkes-Barre. IV. and Mrs.
Parke were assisted In receiving by
Mrs. P. H. Atherton, WIlkes-Barre;
Mrs. W. G. Parke, Scranton, and Mrs.
C. R. Parke, Scranton. By request no
presents were made. Tho Scranton
guesta present were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Parke nnd family, Dr. nnd Mrs.
C. R. Parke, Mr. E. B. Sturges, Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Piatt, Mr. and Miss Mattes, Mrs.
C. D. Simpson, Mra and Miss Boles,
Mr. A. W. Dickson, Miss Piatt, Mrs.
Gaston, Mrs. J. A. Price and Mrs. and
Miss Poore.
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Simpson, in cele
bration of their fifth wedding anniver
sary, gave a masquerade party Tues
day night at tho Country Club lodge.
Muslo was furnished by Bauer and the
catering was by Huntington. Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Kingsbury, the parents of the
host and hostess, who were en masque,
received tho guests. Those present
were: Major and Mrs, Everett War
ren. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kingsbury.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Robertson, Mr. and
Mra. A. H. Storrs, Dr. and Mrs. C. R.
Parke, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. T. II.
Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reynolds,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller, Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin HenBhaw, Mrs. James, Miss
Vlnal, New York city; Miss Richard
son, of Hornellsvllle; Miss Archbald,
Miss Belin, Miss Clare Reynolds, Miss
Welles, Miss Parke, Miss Matthews,
Miss Flora Matthews, Miss Louise Mat
thews, Miss Anderson, Miss Hunt, Miss
Dale, Miss Coleman, Miss MoLeod,
.Tnmoa 1r.. L. T. Bliss, W. P.
Kingsbury, J. M. Boles, Frank Fuller,
Paul B. Belln, A. G. Hunt, A. E. Hunt,
Jr., Theodore Fuller, Reynolds Bedford,
Lawrence Fuller, R. M. Scranton, H.
D. Merrill, C. B. Sturges, Edward Mof
fatt, Claude Walker, A. Z. Hunting
ton, James Decker, Thomas Archbald,
Mr. Seymour, of Blnghamton.
The social event of the season nt
Faptoryville was the marriage of Mr.
Frapk L. Crane, of this city, and Misrt
Carrie Harding, the accomplished and
lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hard
ing, of Factoryvllle. June is the moi-.h
of rosea, weddtngs and perfect days and
Wednesday was a typical June day,
sunshine followed shower and roses
were at their loveliest. The wedding
ceremony was performed at the man
sion of the bride's parents. The inter
ior was completely decorated with June
rosco, cornatlons, and laurel blossoms.
The large drawing room was a bower
of beauty, the color scheme was pink
and white. A canopy of greeu, large
minded of obligation to be modo faithful
(2 Pet. Ill, 1).
EXHORTING. The lesson commitTeo
has abruptly broken tho apostle's lino of
thought by omitting all that follows the
seventh verse, and beginning with the 14th
of tho following chapter. Fortunately tha
disconnected .parts, when brought to
gether, appear like a continuous composi
tion. Timothy is urged, not only to dili
gence, Tnit to loyalty to the teachings
which had been delivered to him (verses
It and 15). Paul would save him from any
speculations or digressions and hold him
to the things which he had learned (Jude
3). There was In that day danger of false
doctrine contrary to tho spirit of Christ,
subversive of tho soul (Acts xv, 34). Paul
had experience on that point all through
his ministry, and now is anxious that his
young friend should stand fast. As a spe
cial Incentive ho reminds Timothy of
whom he had received these teachings,
namely his Spiritual Father, and that he
had been from childhood Instructed in
Scripture (verso 15). Hence there was no
occasion for turning aside to tho tradi
tions and vagaries of men.
FURNISHING. He who has tho Bible
l fnllv furnished for the work of the
ministry. This Is made evident by sev
eral considerations. First, vthe Scriptures
wero "given by Inspiration of God" (verse
10), and, therefore, they aro both reliable
and authoritative (2 Pet. 1, 21), what can
not be asserted of any other literature;
second, they are uble to make one "wise
unto salvation through faith" (verso 15),
giving all tho Information needed aa a
basis for the faith; third, they are profit
able "for doctrine, for reproof, for cor
rection, for Instruction," so that the
saved may go on up Into tho heights of
excellence: fourth, they cover the whole
range of thought and action In the Chris
tian llfo (Rom. xv, 4), fo that by them the
Man of God may bo (perfect (verso 17):
fifth, their outlines of human relations
and duties are so ample that by means
of them a man may toe thoroughly pre.
pared for all good works. These facts
concerning the Bible were enough to hold
a young minister to the one only stand
ard of faith and practice.
CONCLUSION.-Prlmarlly this lesson la
for ministers. It shows how those, who
havo preached tho Gospel for many years
and are about to pass away turn to tnoso
who are to follow them, anxious that tlwy
should maintain tho faith In Its purity and
discharge their duty fully. No true min
ister can bo Indifferent to tho future. His
work and Its fruit will uppear after, ho
is gone, and, If earnestly desirous to ad
vance the cause of Christ, he must seek
to perpetuate with successors what he
has begun. The lesson also has a mes
sage for all Christians, It Is not enough
for any man to live for the present, meet
ing Its obligations es they rise. He must
deslro others ta enter into and to com
plete his unfinished work (IValm xc, 17).
In like manner-they who are coming Into
places of trust, both ministers and lay
men, do well to look reverently to their
seniors 'and inquire after tho good old
way of righteousness (Jer. vl, 16), The
treasures bequeathed by the fathers ought
over to bo prized. And whatever new
thought or method may be proclaimed to
tho world, of one thing all may bo as
sured, that man will never outgrow tho
Bible, To hold and teach its truths Is
the highest duty, and honor of each gen.
enough to Include tho entire weddln?
pnrty occupied one corner of the room.
Promptly at noon the strains of the
wedding march from Lohengrin told of
tho approach of the bridal party, made
up ar follows: Dr. James McLs.vl and
Rtiv. Mr. Wilbur camo arm in urm,
fcllowcd by the lollowing ushers:
Messrs. Crane nnd Horton, Jay Hard
ing and Louis Harding', Joseph Jermyn
best man and Miss Mable Harding
tridcsmnldj Mnster William and MIos
Mary Halstcad, with huge bridal bo
quets; then tho bride, Miss Harding,
nnd groom, Frank L. Crane. The
ceitmony was the beautiful and Im
presslvo one of the Presbyterian church
Including the betrothal with a ring.
The costume of the bride was brocaded
satin, pearl white In color, with Duch
esse laco and pearl trimmings. She
canted a boquet of bride's roses with
maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid was
beautiful In organdie over pink taffeta.
After congratulations a dainty wid-
dlng breakfast was served to about 75
guests, by Hanley, caterer. Bauer's
orchestra furnished music. Ths bride
was the recipient of a large number of
very choice, beautiful and costly pres
ents. Among tho guests from out of
town were Superintendent and Mrs.
A. Reasoner, Mr. James Horton, Mrs.
Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis,
Mr. Harry Horton, New York; Mr. F.
P. Fox, Elmlra; Mr. and Mrs. Ball,
Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. L. Harding, Og
den Harding, Mr. S. W. Harding, J.
Harding, Miss Mabel Harding, Blng
hamton; J. P. Harding, New Mllford;
Mr. G. S. Harding, Miss Emma Hard
ing, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Walker, Mr.
Andrew Walker, Misses Clara and
Anna Wilcox, Besslo Wheeler, Nlch-
h olson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dickson,
Dal ton; Mr. and Mrs. Watt, Glenburn;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jermyn, Glenburn;
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hallstead, Mrs.
Burnham, sister of groom and Miss
Crane, Mr. Burnham, Mr. Charles
Crane, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hallstead,
William and Mlary Hallstead, Mrs.
James McLeod( Mrs. E. N. WU
lard, Mr. and Mra. Brown, Mr.
James Hughes, Miss Clara Hughes,
Mrs. Mary Matthew, Miss Lizzie How
ell, Mr. Thomas Moore, Mr. Joseph Jer
myn, Miss Cohen, Mrs. Edward Lyon3,
and a number of friends from Factory
vllle. Tho happy couple left on a wes
tern tour while tho Scranton people re
turned here on a special train. On
Tuesday evening Mrs. W. F. Hallstead
entertained tho out of town guests
at dinner. Covers were laid for twelve.
A ladles' handicap golf match will
be played today on tho Cour.'ry club
Next week Saturday night wilt be
fete night at the Count' cIud. Thero
will be an opcn-alr concert; by Bauer's
The annual banquet of the High
School Alumni association will be held
on the evening Qf June 22 in the high
school building. R. J. Beamish will be
toastmaster. Senator J. C. Vaughan
and Professor G. W. Phillips, principal
of the school, will be two of the speak
ers. i
The Alpha society met at the Coun
try club Monday evening. Following
the meeting dinner was served to the
following: Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Watson,
Misses Archbald, Richardson, Ander
sen, McLeod, Williams, Hunt, Welles
and Messrs. Joseph Boles, A. Hunt,' A.
E. Hunt, Jr., L. B. Fuller, T. S. Fuller,
James Blair, Jr., J. H. Brooks and J.
W. Decker.
In Albright library lecturo hall the
graduation exercises of the Lacka
wanna hospital's training school for
nurses were held Thursday evening.
James P. Dickson, president of the hos
nltal board: Rev. Rogers Israel, of St.
Luke's church; Dr. L. M. Gates and Dr.
H. V. Logan took part In the exercises.
Following were the eight graduates:
Misses Edith Hut-on, Anna Katharine
Van Hatten, Leila Camlllus Rafter,
Maud Anna Moore, Elizabeth Anna
Saul, Jessie May Lane, Carrie Bell
Lewis and Cora Estelle Savlge.
Miss Mary J. Davis, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Evan J. Davis, of South Main
avenue, and Dr. Thomas Jenkins, of
Albany, son of Druglgst John L. Jen
kins, of Jackson street, were married
Wednesday evening at the bride's home
by Rev. H. H. Harris. The bridesmaid
was Miss Sarah Meredith and the best
man William J. Davis, the bride's bro
ther. Rev. Benjamin Jones, of WIco
nlBCo, Pa., an uncle of the bride, as
sisted in the ceremony. Following a
reception and wedding supper, which
were attended by nearly 200 guests, Dr.
and Mrs. Jenkins left on the 1.40 a. m.
Lackawanna train for New York city.
They will reside at Albany, N. Y. The
out of town Buests at the wedding
were: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rolands,
WIlkes-Barre; Mrs. Jones, Slatlngton;
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reese, and Mr.
and Mrs. James B. Lewis, Kingston;
Rev. James Hughes, Klmberly, South
Africa; George Wade and daughter Bes
sie, Sibley; Mrs. Thomas, Taylor;
Misses Lucy Kleghorn and Frances
Klrke, Albany: Dr. A. E. Falkenbury,
Albany; the Misses Pet, Emily and
Gertrude Davis, Plymouth.
Tho Scranton Free Kindergarten as
sociation graduation exercises and an
nual meeting were held Monday even
ing In the Albright library assembly
room. The graduates were: Miss Susan
Frank and Miss Frances R. Jordan, of
this city; Miss Isabel McKechnle, of
Cleveland; Miss Sadie Sweeney, of
Archbald, and Miss Helen Santee, of
Mr. and Mrs. Harland PInkney, of
Dunmore, havo Issued Invitations for
the marriage of their daughter, Miss
Augusta Florence, to Albert I. Hol
lander, on Thursday evening, June 24,
at 8.30 o'clock, at St. Mark's church,
Dunmore. A reception will follow at
the PInkney home, corner of Church
and Bloom streets. The bridal couple
will be at homo after August 1 at 417
Drinker street,
Stephen A. Smith, of Brook street,
Dunmore, and Mlsa Kato Hagen, of
tho South Side, were married Thurs
day evening In St. Mary's Catholic
church, South Side. They are now at
Niagara Falls enjoying a wedding
tour. Upon their return they will re
sldo at Dunmore.
Mr. and Mrs. John. DIehl, of Jack
son street, gave a party Wednesday
evening In honor of their guest, Miss
Bello Scott, of Washington, N. J.
Miss Elizabeth Metcalfe was tender
ed a, surprise party Thursday evening
at her home on Wyoming avenue by
a number of her friends.
A surprise party was held Thursday
evening at the home of Thomas Prosser
on Larch street. During the evening
games and muslo helped to pass away
the hours and at midnight refresh
ments were served. Those who attend
ed the party were Misses Emma De
Witt,' Venice McPeek, Ida Cleveland,
Mary Baker, Bertha Miller, Isabella
Hazleton, Ada Kirk, Lillian Sharp and
Messrs. Thomas Prosser, William Haz
leton, Herbert Hill, John, v Wilson..
Harry Struble, Frank StrubTe, Jdhn
Skeoch, Ray Lcltner nnd Sidney Pem
rldge. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morris enter
tained tho following friends at their
home on Jefferson avenue Thursday
evening: Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Gcrlock, Miss
Greening, Attorney Boyd, Miss Eliza-,
beth Thomas, of North Scranton; Mrs.
Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Norrls, Mr. and
Mrs. Glllon.
Miss AHco Menner Wright, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lo Grand Wright, of
733 Capouso avenue, will bo married
to Dwlght U, Bannister, of Lo Roy,,
N, Y at the Wright residence on
Wednesday, Juno 1G, nt 11 a. m.
B. W. Tollman, of Bronson & Tallman,
and Miss
J. D. Hackett was In Now York city,
this week.
City Superintendent Georgo Howell Is
in Philadelphia.
Dr. Anna Clarko has returned from re
short vacation trio.
Charles Dorfllngcr, of White Mills, was
In tho city Thursday.
Miss Naomi Jackc, of Cedar avenuo, In
visiting friends 1n Buffalo.
Miss Edith Davis, of Green street, la
homo from a visit to Nantlcoke.
Miss Kate Henry, of Blck avenue, visit
ed Carbondale friends this week.
C. A. Battcnburg, of the city solicitor's
ofllce, was In Carbondale Tuesday,
Miss Minnie Smurl, of WIlkes-Barre, is
visiting friends In tho North End.
Charles E. Daniels has returned fop
the summer from Dickinson Law school.
iMlss Amelia Goeble, of this city, left
Wednesday evening for Londotn, England
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Torrey, of Hones
dale, .are visitors in Scranton this week.
Dr. Falkenbury. of Albany, Is tho gUest
of Druggist J. L. Jenkins, of Jackson
William Fletcher, of Balnbrldge, N. Y.,
Is visiting Frank Russell, of Putnam
Miss MoGlnley, of Mauch Chunk, is tho
guest of her brother, Attorney M. A. Mc
Glnley. Edward Gcrvell, of Factoryvllle, Is vis
iting John Renchler, of North Lincoln
Mrs. Martha Parker, of Milwaukee,
Wis., was a visitor to West Bldo friends
Mrs. Alfred Sherred, or Mill City, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. William Bor
tree, of Price street.
Mrs. L. M. Gates left yesterday for
Hillsdale, Mich., where sho will spend two
weeks with relatives.
Mrs. William Webber and daughter,
Ada, of Drinker street, today sailed for
England on the Teutonic.
Miss Josephine Medway, of Adams ave
nue. Green Ridge, la spending a few days
at Old Point Comfort, Va.
Grand Chief Hunslckcr, of the Knights
of Pythias of Pennsylvania Is visiting
the lodges In this vicinity,
Thomas G. Jones, of Spring Brook,
sailed Wednesday for Europe. Ho will
spend some time In Woles.
.Miss Debby Davis, of South Gibson, has
returned after a visit to Mrs. Charles
Coleman, of Delaware street.
Oliss Mary Ann Heaney, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Robert
M. Heaney, of Gibbons street.
Mrs. James Lewis, of Kingston, at
tended tho Davis-Jenkins nuptials on tho
West Side Wednesday evening.
Morritt Gardner and daughter, Mrs.
Charles N. Baker, of Green Rldgo, aro
visiting In Susquehanna county.
Mrs. Joseph Rttd, of Yrflesvllle, has
returned nfter a visit to Mrs. Charles
Lanlng, of North Lincoln avenuo.
T. J. Jennings, P. J. Langen, Thomas J,
Moore and niece were registered at tho
St. Denis in New York this weok.
Mrs. F. Mathesius, after four years'
residence In California, Is visiting her
father, J. F. Hctzel, of Olive street.
Rev. 9. Freudenthal, superintendent ofi
tho Hebrew Orphan asylum at Baltimore,
is visiting S. Sutto, of Madison avenue.
Bliss May Miller has returnea to nor
home In While Haven after a Visit to
Miss Amy Whitford, of Mulberry street.
Sidney Broadbent, of Washington ave
nue, yesterday celebrated the forty-ninth
anniversary of his arrival In this country.
Mrs. K. Clark, of 645 Adams avenuo, is
entertaining 'Miss C. A. Strong nnd sis
ter, Miss J. C. Stctn, of New Brunswick,
N. J.
John Lowry, David Nichols and John
Coslott, of tho West Side, have returned
from a fishing trip at Promise Land pond.
Pike county.
The Misses Fet, Emily and Gertrudo
Davis, of Plymouth, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Evan J. Davis, of South Main
avonue, Wednesday.
Miss Mamo Hodges, of Scranton, an3
Miss Margaret Hall, of Prlceburg, havo
returned homo after a two weeks' visit
with friends down the valley.
Charles Hartley, formerly of this city,
w'ho has been winning fame and fortuno
in New York as a mimic, will close hli
season on June 22. Since last fall he hn-
played to over 100,000 persons right In
New .York city, and took part in twenty
charitable entertainments.
IIorDcmiso Duo to nn Enlargement
v of tho Heart.
Mary Theresa Kellar, aged 21 years,
died suddenly at 5 o'clock yesterday,
morning at the home of her step
father, Milton MacFarland, of 311 Pear
street near the South Steel works.
Coroner Longstreet held an Inquest
yesterday afternoon and In his post
mortem examination found that tha
cause of death was enlargement of tho
heart or In medical phraseology "an
eurlsln of the aorta."
The death was a most sudden one.
The young girl worked at her house
hold duties until 3 o'clock Thursday
night and retired as usual. She has,
however, for the past two years been a
sufferer from spells of fits. Her brain
teemed to lose Its power and sho would
be partlaliy Insane during the attack.
Ono of these spells came over Mlsa
Kollar at about 4 o'clock yesterday.
She died ir the greatest agony, wlrth
ing and uttering Incoherent sounds,
and nothing could bo done to alleviate
her suffering.
Coroner Longstreet's Jury consisted o
Dr. D. B. Hand, Dr. A. Kolb, Gustavo
Smith. Thomas Moore, Fred Fuller,
and Emerson D.Owen. They returned a
verdict in accordance with the post
mortem finding. Coroner Longstreet
stated that the girl might have been
living new if she had not so exclttd
herself at work Thursday. Her death
though wns only a matter of tlmo aa
the disease Is Incurable. The Insane de
velopments was the result of an In
sufficient blood flow to tho brain.
Remnlns Laid nt Rest in Dunmore
Cntliolio Cemetery.
The funeral of tho late John Cogglns,
who died at Chinchilla, took place yes
terday morning from tho homo of his
sister, Mrs. A. J. Mahon, on Third
street. A requiem mass was celebrat
ed at St. Peter's cathedral at 9.30
o'clock by Rev. F. F, Carmody. Tho
debcon was nev. J. A. O'Reilly and
the sub-deacon, Rev. J. W. Malone.
A large concourse of sorrowing friends
followed the remains to jDunmoro
Catholic cemetery where Interment
was made.
Th pallbearers wero M. M. Ruddy,
Martin Flynn, J. J. O'Boyle, John
Fltzpatrlck, Patrick O'Malley and Ber
nard McGreevy. The flower bearers
were Patrick Cummlnga and Fronts