The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 24, 1897, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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Lackawanna County.
fRcadors will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, una item for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers, North Main
etreet, will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from 8t,m. to 10 p. m.
Vns Arrested for Mulling Thrcnts
nnd Taken llcforo Mayor O'Neill.
Saturday mornlnsr Deputy Sheriff.
Berber arrested a young man by the
name of Gavin and placed htm In the
A Judgment note was recently given
by'the young man's mother to a cred
itor. Recently the noto expired nnd
ns she was unnble to pay the necessary
amount an attachment was placed on
her household coods. When the deputy
attempted to perform his duties Gavin
Interfered and threatened to cut the
deputy's heart out If any article was
livled upon.
The latter placed him under arrest
and brought him to the city and locked
him up. Later Gavin was given a
hearing before the mayor and after
some advlco and promises- of good be
havior in future ho was released.
Uccltnl ol'IIiunlot.
Edgar C. Abbott wilt recite "Ham
let" this evening at the Cycle club
rooms nnd there is promise of n good
audience. Some fifty names of our
prominent people have been secured
on the subscription list, for the recital
will bo afforded through subscription.
Tickets will be sold at the door to any
who may desire to attend.
Mountain Pond Improvements.
Some needed Improvements will bo
made this season around Mountain
pond, west of this city. Messrs. James
J. Gorman, J. J. Walsh and Thomas
King have placed a number of new
boats upon the pond. And If necessary
more will be added, as the locality be
comes better known.
Ilnccs Arranged Tor Mcmorinl Day.
There will be a ptogrammo of races
at Anthracite park next Saturday,
which will be observed this year as
Memorial Day. Arrangements will be
made for trotting, pacing, running,
team and green races. Bicycle taces
will be given and also three exhibition
miles by fast ttotters.
Injured in the Mine.
Saturday morning a son of Domlnlck
Collins, of Scott stieet, was painfully
injured In a mine by a heavy piece of
coal falling on his left hand and exush
ing the ends of the middle and Index
fingers. The wounds wero dressed by
Dr. J. S. Nlles.
Miss Jennie Solomon, of Jermyn, is
visiting relatives In town.
Mrs. Jofjtrph Vannan has returned
from a visit in Waymart.
Marcus Frleder has returned to New
York after spending a week In this city
Miss Sarah Courtrlght has returned
from a visit In Honej,dale.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Cushlne, of Promp
tbn, are visiting relatives In town.
The First Presbyterian Sunday school
held a memorial service yesterday for
its late superintendent, Mr. Bolton.
Mrs. W. W. Snow, of Piompton, Is
vlhltjng friends In town.
Miss Sadie Lewis spenfl Sflay in
George Rankin is visiting friends In
Wayne county.
Miss Annlo Grady Is visiting friends
in Olyplutnt.
Miss Amy Klnback entertained her
Sunday &chool class with an outing
Saturday afternoon to celebrate her
filth anniversary as Its teacher.
At tho convention in Wllllamsport
Phl!lp J. Vetter uas appointed grand
marshal of the grand lodge, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows of Pennsyl
vania, and Mrs. Phoebe Sklllhorn was
made a member of the Jtebekah com
mittee on homes for widows and or
phans. Mrs. Alary Toolan and Patrick Too
lan, of Brooklyn street, have brought
f tilt against the Traction company and
the elty for damages to their proper.
ty by laying the track In fiont of theb
property. They claim damages In the
sum of $5,000.
Duilng the pas,t week a committee of
tho city councils, consisting of Messrs.
Kealon, McNulty, Robinson and Lewis,
accompanied by Mayor O'Nell, Clly
Engineer Friek and Fire Chief Mointt,
were examining the necessary equip
ments for an electric fire alarm sys
tem for Oarbondule. It Is thought that
twen. boxes will affotd the necessary
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts are vls
Mting in Wllkes-Barre.
Miss Sarah Darte, of TJrzah, Is visit
ing In this rlty.
Miss Mary Ferrell was a visitor in
Ilonesdafe last week.
Howell Davis, of Scranton, sang at
the morning and evening ssrvlces In
tho Berean Bantlst eliumh vtnviinv
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Carpenter, of Hal-
Eieau. nave returned home after a visit
iivlth Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tlnelov. nt
River street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kafka wero
visitors in Honesdale last week.
Mrs. J. D. Fox, of Washington street,
is Jll with diphtheria.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ennls
and daughter, of Port Jervls, N. Y.
Mrs. Stlllman Hadcock has returned
to her horn In Hancock, N, Y after
a visit in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. William Elk and fam
ily hav moved to South Canaan
Job jpv Abbott, of Wllkes-Barre,
Fpent k jnday in this city.
Hotehteeper Thomas Campbell, of Sa
lem avenue, attended a district con
vention of the Loyal Knights of Ameri
ca at Kanticoke on Friday evening.
The Hendrlck Mission society aro
making preparations to hold a "feast
of roses" at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A, P. Trautweirn on Lincoln avenue",
June 15. An excellent programme will
be rendered and refreshments will be
At tho debate between the Blpgham
ton and Carbondale high school stu
dents Friday evcnIi.'T,', the decision was
rendered In favor of tho negative, giv
ing the victory to Blnghamton.
jlr&. William Passmore, of Park
street, Is seriously ill,
Mrs. Louis Bruner and two children,
of Belmont street, aro visiting friends
in Hawley.
Tho Missea Alexander, of Forest City,
ore visiting their brother, Charles E.
Alexander, on Blrkett fitreet.
ProfeHBor A. P. Thomas has returned
from Atlllns.
Miss FrAda Harris waH a visitor at
Uia noma of S. Singer Friday evenlnff
At a cltlzena' meeting held at tho
lioso rooms last Friday evening to
make arrangements for the purpose of
observing Decoration day which was
largely attended, Burgees S. B. Wil
liams was chosen president; Chief of
Police Ganwycr Mulier, secretary, and
William T. Build, treasurer. The fol
lowing representatives from the differ
ent organizations were president;
Sheridan lodge, Knights of Pythias, W,
G. Sears, A. Frazcr, J. L. Jones, Isaac
Chceney, Jr., und Z, P. Travlss; Wilson
FIro company, Nlles II. Johnson, T.
M. Spangenburg, W. J. Broad; Blnkely
council, Junior Order United American
Mechanics, M. B. Wademan, Thomas
Warren, Bert Dlkeman; Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school, C. C. White,
Frank Hoyt, D. R. Lathrope, R. C. Lln
tern nnd A. U. Thorpe; the Womans'
Christian Temperance union, Mrs. Ed
ward Crulg, Mrs. William I'age, Mrs.
William Budd; Warappa council of Po
cahontas, Mrs. P. Snedlcor, Mrs, A. A,
Ayres, Mrs. W. C. Warren. Tho fol
lowing committees vere appointed: On
decorations, K. Murdock, S. Smith, N.
H. Johnson, William Day; subscription
committee, Charles Jenkins, C. J. Oan
yer Mullcr, S. M. Rogers, N, H". John
son, A. U. Thorpe, T. U. Spangenburg;
committee to piocure singers, P. Sned
lcor, Mrs. A. A. Ayres, Mrs. P. Snedl
cor; commltteo to procure carriages
'to convey the old veterans and all dis
abled citizens In the parade, S. R. Wil
liams, J. I,. Jones. Tho following com
mittee was also npnolnted to procure
forty-five young girls, each one to rep
resent a state In tho union in tho pro
cession and bo conveyed In cartlagcs:
Mrs. Coiey Jenkins, Mrs. Arthur Peck,
Mrs. P. Snedlcor, Mrs. J. J. Berry, Mrs.
A. A. Ayres, Mrs. William Page, Mrs.
William Budd, Mrs. E. L. Craig. Chief
of Police Ganyer Mutler was selected as
grand martbal. Another meeting will
be held again next Thursday evening
at tho Wilson Fire company's rooms.
All members of Warappa tribe, 211,
Improved Order of Red Men, are re
quested to meet at their wigwam at
8.20 sharp next Saturday morning to
take part in tho memorial servlce-s.
The Junior Epworth league will hold
a social at tho Methodist Episcopal
chuieh parlors on the afternoon and
evening of Decoration day. Tee cream,
lemonade and cake will be for sale.
S. E. Spangenburg, of Carbondale,
visited at tho home of his brother,
T. U. Spangenburg yasterday.
Invltntlons are out announcing ths
mariiage of our assistant postmaster
Elmer W. Swingle to Miss Esther Etta
Moylo, at th? Elm Tark church at
Scranton, on Wednesday, June 2, at
12.43 o'clock.
The Misses Lillian, Graco and Beat
rice Morris, of Scranton, spent Sunday
' with their sister, Mrs. W. W. Watklna.
The lumber nas arrived on tho ground
for tho erection of the large Sterrlck
Creek slcre.
Lieutenant James G. Stevens post,
Grand Army of the Republic, attended
divine servico at Archbald last even
ing. As the citizens committee desire that
the Grand Army of tho Republic should
have a liberal supply of flowers for
Memorial day citizens are requested to
send their donations to tho residence
of Burgess Williams, Main street, on
Friday ne.t. The committee will send
for any contribution of flowers If th'e
donors will send or leave their names
with Kenneth Murdock, chairman of
decoration committee, Harrison house.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Waters are visit
ing friends in Norwich, N. Y.
Mr. R. T. Robinson, of Goshen, N, Y.,
Is filling the position of agent at the
New York, Ontario and Western sta
tion In the absence of Mr. Waters.
Miss Mable Moase, who has been vis
iting her sister, Miss Flora Moase, on
Main stret, returned to her homo at
Mount Pleasant on Saturday.
Mrs. Edwin Lutey and family, of
Michigan, are visiting tho founer's
mother , Mrs. Chris Whitney.
The Hickories were defeated yester
day In their opening game by the Mill
Creek club by a score of 14 to 21.
Mr. Richard Gendall and William
Sampson, of Wyoming seminary, spent
Sunday In town.
The entertainment to bo given Fri
day evening under the auspices of the
Epwoith league In tho Sunday school
room of tho Methodist church will con
sist of the following programme: Piano
solo, A. W. Walkey; vocal solo, Miss
Hatchings, of Mooslo; violin solo, Miss
Davis; vocal solo, Mrs. J. D. O'Connor;
"Little Buttercup," Ruth Gendall;
piano duet, Ernest Bovard and A. W.
Walkey; vocal solo, Miss Hutchlngs;
violin solo, Miss Davis; leeltatlon,
Miss WInchell; exhibition of the hu
manophone. Admission 10 and 15 cents.
The entertainers, who will give "The
Children of the Forest," in the First
Baptist church on Tuesday evening,
will render the following: Chorus,
"Mighty Army," children; "Spring
time," Miss B. Brown; "Lilies," Maud
Ward; recitation, Miss C. Westcott;
recitation, Miss M. Miller; chorus, "Tho
Maker Is Coming"; "Little Vine," Miss
V. Lane; "Blue Bells," Miss E. Jes
sup; "Beautiful," Miss B. Sprague;
"Raindrops," Miss J, Berry; chorus, "Is
There No Gladness in Jesus;" "Tho
Angel," Miss E. Brown; solo, Mrs.
Clemow; prayer, Miss E. Waters; "The
Door," Miss L. Stephens; "The Lord
Relgneth, Miss R. Thomas; solo and
chorus, "Step by Step;" "Tho Raven,"
Miss D. Sherwood; "Why the Roses Are
Red," Miss L. Sprague; "The Sermon,"
Miss S. Adams; dialogue, "Tho Trap,"
P. and R. Curley; recitation, Miss F.
Allen; chorus, "A Beter Day Is Com
ing;" "Roses," Miss A. Williams; "Tho
Robin," Miss R. Darrow; leeltatlon,
Miss J. Harris; "Blue Bird," Miss M,
Roe; chorus "Sunshine in My Soul;"
solo nnd chorus, Mrs. Clamow and com
pany; "God's Lilies," Miss T. Roe; dia
logue, Misses Martin and Cooper;
"Light," Miss II, Bonndy; sojo, H. My
ers; "Tho Owl," Miss I, dherwood;
"When We Meet Again," Miss A. Mait
land; chorus, "Bring Them In."
Mr. Walter Snyder has declared his
Intentions of running for delegate to
represent the First ward In tho coming
county convention,
John E. Qulnn, of the Traction House,
Mayfield, will retire from the hotel
business In a few days. It Is rumored
that Peter Mullen will assume tho man
agement when Mr. Qulnn retires.
Another fight occurred among the
foreigners Saturday night. Several of
Wiem had been drinking during tho
evening and naturally losing their
senses,' engaged In a drunken brawl.
One Hungarian received a largo cut
on the back of the neck and head nnd
others were painfully Injured.
Somo little excitement was felt Sat
urday evening about 10 o'clock when
the firo alarm gong was sounded In
Mayfield. It took but a few minutes
for the Mayfield Flro company to reach
tho scene of action, which was on
thenar ' v. k. '
Hill street and found the fire to exist
In a small shanty which fire they toon
The smoker and social event at the
Odd Fellows' hall on Saturday evening
was largely attended, and was pro
nounced one of tho best that the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, No.
C68, has yet undertaken, A smoker was
given In connection with the pro
gramme, after which refreshments
wero served. The literary and musical
exercises wero in charge of William G.
Howells, chairman of the evening. He
opened the programme with a few pert
inent remarks, which were followed by
a tenor solo by Edwin Bowen. Fol
lowing this Professor M. J. Lloyd, of
Prlceburg, gave a zither selection, Mr.
Lloyd Is considered one of the best
zither musicians in the valley. James'
13. Walking then recited "Charge of
the Light Brigade," and D, M. Davis
sang a solo. Professor Gwllym Mor
lals delighted the audience with a solo.
A feature of tho programme was the
comlo singing of Professor David T.
Jones. A large delegation of members
from James Connell lodge, No, 170, of
Scranton, and Duryea lodge were
The Jermyn and Greenwood collerles
distributed monthly earnings to their
employes for April on Saturday,
Miss Sarah Watkins and Mr. Wil
liam Wilson, of Factoryvllle, spent
yesterday with the Xormer's relatives
in this place,
Mr, and Mrs. Jesso Gangwer and
daughter, Ituby, have returned homo
from a few days' visit at Centretnore
land. At tho meeting of the borough coun
cil on Friday evening It was decided
to grade Railroad street, west and
Grove street east of Main, and to com-
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Copyright, 1897, by Mitchell & Miller.
plete Main street opposite the prop
erty of David X. Lewis. The bond
Ing of the borough and for electric
light purposes was laid over until a
special meeting, which will be held to
morrow (Tuesday) evening.
Thomas Dvans, a student of the
Keystone Academy, of Factoryvllle,
has been spending the past few days
with his father on Washington street.
The closing school exercises of the
schools of this borough will bo held
on May 2G.
Tomorrow evening tho Turn Verelns
club, of this town, will hold a recep
tion at Neagley hall. A good time is
expected. A large number of Invita
tions have been extended to friends.
Emblem Division, No. 67, Sons of
Temperance, will meet this evening.
This (Monday) evening an Ice cream
and lawn social will be held at Baker's
lawn, Rendham, under tho auspices or
the Epworth leaguo of the Stewart
Memorial church.
The High Schools defeated the Lilacs
on the school house grounds Satur
day morning by a score of 8-4,
Tho Taylor Oroya defeated Anthra
cites, of Hydo Park, In a one-sided
game on the school grounds Saturday
morning by a score 12-4. Batteries for
Grays, Thomas and Hammond; An
thracites, Williams, Thomas and Hop
kins. Umpire, Jones.
Mr. John C. Richards is attending
the Gymanfa at Mahanoy City, as a
delegate from the Welsh Baptist
Tho Taylor Reds wish to extend their
thanks to all those who assisted them
In making their entertainment and so
cial a success.
Motorman William Fuller, of Scran
ton, was a caller in town yesterday.
Dr. J. S. Porteus will leave this
morning for Kaston, where he will rep
resent the Knights of Templars of this
Has been ruined by the improper fitting of shoes. You know when a shoe
looks well and wears well, the rest you have to leave to the dealer. Then isn't
it much better when buying your footwear to go to the dealer who is up in his
business and careful in fitting your feet? THE NEWARK SHOE STORE offers
these advantages to shoe buyers and will be glad to make good to their custom
ers any mistake that might occur. We are receiving new invoices of seasonable
footwear daily, and the handsomest styles and colors to be found are in our store
We are making many new customers and every one is surprised at the
low prices we are naming on best quality goods.
Tl I
Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming
Martin Mazel, a Hungarian, whllo
walking along Jones street, Saturday
night was attacked by several of his
countrymen and badly beaten with
stones and clubs. Mazel made his Way
to Justice of tho Peace Cummlngs' of
fice and had warrants sworn out for
Joe Mlkofsky, Mike Borus, Lewon
Mondra, John Borus. They were given
a hearing and each held In tho sum of
$300 for their appearance at court.
The excelsior Hose company at a reg
ular meeting held Friday nlgh elected
the following officers: President, T.
Frank Jordan; secretary, John Pettl
grcw; treasurer, James Jordan; fore
man, William Twaddell; first assistant,
William Burke; second assistant, John
Pettlgrow; plpemen, P, Cannon, David
Williams, George Mason, Alexander
Fergubon, George Twaddell, Frank
Farrell; axemen, J. Burke, Joseph L.
Davis; driver, Alfred Cooper.
Messrs. Davis, Thomas and Jones, of
Carbondale, were visitors In town yes
terday. The borough council will meet In spe
cial session tonight.
Fire destroyed the residence of Mrs.
Thomas Prltchard on Hill street, early
Saturday morning. The occupants suc
ceeded In saving most of the household
effects. The building was Insured.
Misses Maggie Powderly and Agnes
McCann, of Carbondale, visited rela
tives at his place yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hull, of Scran
ton, spent yesterday with Mrs. Maria
Hull, of the West Side.
Andrew Kennedy, of Rendham, was
the guest of his parents here yesterday.
Homo Amenities.
Mr. Jason "The woman's page in this
hero paper says that women la bcgglnln'
to learn how to think for themselves.
Where on earth will you bo when that
comes Into fashion?"
Mrs. Jason "I s'pose I'll go on In tho old
wal; thlnkln' fer you." Indianapolis Jour
nel. Fully Qunliflcd.
"Our loathsome contemporary," says a
recent issue of tho Plnnkvllle Bugle,
"makes a few slurs about braying us in a
mortar. Wo want to tell him right horo
and now that wo aro fully capablo of do
ing our own braying In double column, on
tho first pago, If necessary." Indianapo
lis Journal,
bl EJIItin 3 This remedy being In
Jocted directly to the
seat of tlione diseases
of the Gcnito-Urlnary
Organs, requires no
chanao of diet. Cure
Snarantccd In 1 to 9
ays. Htuallplalnpncli.
age, oy man,
Bold Only by
Wm. Q. Clark, 326 Pern Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Prices TUsht. 305 Laeka. Avo.
aro located the finest fishing and hunting
grounds In the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points In
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Canadian ana
United Btates Northwest, Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Gars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
car fully fitted with bedding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants of families
may be had with aecond-clasa tickets.
Rates always less than via other lines.
For further information, time tables, e to
on application to
a V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
3S3 Broadway, New York.
" gSViV
Made a
nt Day. raf'afeLKfvveii rvian
16th Day. Wflj of Me.
JtPIlXDiriJOIX 3rl3ai3VE3IIX"S"
produces the above results lu'UO days. It tcti
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall.
Yourg men will retain their lost miahood, and oM
men will recover their youthful Tleor by ulni
ItEVIVO. It quickly and aurelr reitotn Herrcos
CfM, Lott Vitality, tnpotency, Ms htly Kmlnlotu,
Lout Tower, railing Memory, WmUo Dlteues.anl
all effect of telf abuao or e;oM and lpdlacretlon,
tvblch units one fer etudy, bsilneaa or uarrlaf e. It
Dot onlj cured by (tertluc at the teat of disease, but
la a great norvn tonlo and blood builder, briox
Ins back the pink glow tonale cheeks and re
storing the (Ire of youth. It warda off laetnlty
and Coniumptlon. Inalat on harlot ItEVIVO, no
other. It can be carried in Teat pocket. By nail,
S 1,00 per package, or six for tifl.OO, with a posi
tive written guarantee to cure or refund
tho mosey. Circular free. Address
For Male by AlATTUEWS UK03., iru
slit tforanton. Pa,
4?. nib
1 1 MHHi W W U ik I 1 k.
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops, ,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips, : -
Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Pa,'
D P1A. lilt HH Ai
Hill limber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Rails
sawed to uniform lcjigtliH conutuntly on hand. Peeled Hemlock
Prop Timber promptly Turnlahed.
MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co,, pn the Buffalo and Susquc
ianna Kailrond. At Alina, Potter County, Pa., on Coudcrsport. und
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity-400,000 feet per dnyl
GlSNliRAL OFFlCli-Boardof Trude Building, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
Schedule In Effect November 13, i3?5.
Trains Loavo Wllkes-Barre as Follows
7.30 a. m,, week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
10.16 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3,15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3,15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and the Wost.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD, acn'l Pan. Agent.
J. B, HUTCHINSON, Ueneral Manajcr.
Central Railroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur
ing cleanllnesB and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkcs-Dnrre, etc., at 8.20. 8.15. 11.30 a, jn.,
12.45. 2.00, 3.08, B.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00,
a. m., 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m.
For Mountain Park, 8 20. 11.30 a. m 2,00.
3.05, 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2,15
p. m.
For Alianuc jiiy, o.iu a. in.
For New York. Newark and Elizabeth,
8 20 (express) a. m.. 12.45 (express with nut
let parlor car), 3 05 (express) p. m. Burl,
day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m.
arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Termin
al, 6.22 p. m, and Now York 6.00 p. m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle
hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m.,
12.45, 3.03, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
For Lone Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
8.20 a. m. and 12.45 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg,
via Allentown, 8.20 a. in., 12.45, 5.00 p. m.
Sunday, 215 p. m.
For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m 12.45 p. m.
Returning leave New York, foot of Lib
erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express)
r. m.. 1.10, 1.S0, 4.15 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4 30 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4 30 p. m. Sunday, 6 23
a. m.
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be had on application In ad
vance to the ticket agent at the station.
Gen. Pass. AgL
J. n. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
Del., Lacktt. nnd 'Western,
Effect Monday, October 19, 1693. ,
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East,
1.40, 2.50. 5.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a, m.; 1,10 und
t.ii p. m.
Express for Easton, Trenton. Phlladel.
phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. m
1.10 and 8.33 p. m
Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p. m.
Express for Blngnamton, Oswego, El.
mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a. m.. and lis
p. m., making close connections at Buffalo
to all points in the West, Northwest and
Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. m.
Blnghamton and way stations, 1.05 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 6.16 p. m.
Blnghamton and Elmlra, express, 5 53
P. in. M ,
express tor uuca ana uicnueia springs,
2. 25 u. in. and 1.55 p. m.
Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9.15
a. m., and 1.5
p. m.
For Northumberland. Plttston. Wilkes.
Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan.
vllle, making close connection at North
umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg,
Baltimore. Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 6 00, 9.66 a. m., and 1.55 and t W p. m.
Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.01
end 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermediate
stations, 3.40 and 8.47 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city
ticket office, $2& Lackawanna avenue, or
depot ticket office.
Lrlc and Wyoming Valley,
Effective Jan. 4, 1S97.
Trains w'lll leavo Scranton for New
York, Newburgh and Intermediate points
on Erie, also Iir Hawley and local points,
at 7.03 a. m. andii.23 p. tn.i and arrive from
above pclnts'at V).J3 a. m. and 9, p. in.
Mines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
n T T A Tr A r T.- A V r
On Monday, Nov. 23,
trains will leave Scran
ton as follows:
For Carbondale 5.45,
7,55, S.D5. 10.15, a. mi;
12.00 noon: i.zi, z.zu,,
fj'sS, 6iG. 7.57, 9.10, 10.3?,
11.60 P. m. . .
l. ... t-.. ... n ATnnfroal I !"
21"; H0nesdale-.. 8.85, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00
noon, z a. &. v- . .. 7 ,r. s 45
For wilkes-Ba.rro-6.45. 7.4... 8.45.
mi o m . 12.05. 1.20, i.iH, .. .
lYSn.: 8.r (wh Btaclc"' Diamond Ex-'
PFor Vennsyivania Railroad polnts-6.43,
9lor western polnVvla Lehigh Valley
RMUoad-7.45 a.' m.: 12 05, 3.33 (With Black
Diamond Express) 9.50, 11.30 p. m.
Trains will arrive at Scranton at follows:
From Carbondale and the north-.40,
7 40 8 40, 9.34, 10.40 a. m.j 12.00 noon; 1.05,
2.24 3 25, 4.37, 5.45, 7.45, 9.45 and 11.25 p. m.
From Wllkes-Barre and the eouth-5.40.
7 60. 8 50. 10.10, 11.55 a. m.: 1.18. 2.14, 3.13.
I.B' 6.21. 7.53, 9.03, 9.45. 11.52 p. m.
37 BURDICK. G P. A. Albany, N. Y-
n. W. Cross, D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa.
Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia and New York via
& H. R. R. at 6 45. 7.45 a. m.. 12.05. 1.20. 333
(Black Diamond Express) and ".SO rn.
For Plttston and Wllkes-Barre via. D;
L. & W. R. R.. 6.00, 8.08, U.20 a. m.. I.60
8.40. 6.00 and 8.47 P. m. .. ,
For White Haven, Ha?leton. Pottsville.
and principal points In ths coal resions
via D. & II. It. R., 6.40, 7,45 a. m., 12.0j and
4.41 p. m. .
For Bethlehem, Easton. Reading. Har
risburg and prinrlpal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. R. It., 6.45. 7.4.1 a, m..
12.05, 1.20. 3 33 (Black Diamond Express),
4.41 and 11.30 p. m. ,, , .
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra.
Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intermedlato
stations via D.. L. & W. R. It., 6.00, 8.0S,
9.55. a. m., 12.20 and 3.40 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, Chicago and all points west via p.
& H. R. R., 7.45 a. m 12.05. 3.33 (Black Dia
mond Express), 9.60 and 11.30 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehlgo
Valley chair cars on all trains between
WIlfces.Barro and New York, Phlladel.
phla, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CHAa 6. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.,
Pass Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa.
P"rntnn nmc. 309 Lackawanna avenui.
In Kflcct October 4li 800,.
North Hound.
soutn nottnd,
lu. I
U m, Q.
P -M ,-.. T,.M W
4 MlllUtUI iAUJ, A.A
17; 1 cept. ftunuuT.
m.p MiArnve iaei
7 as. y. vranKiin si
7 101 West 4Vod etreet
m suv irnahmvl'iin
Uancoct JubcUoDi
12 40
Preston l'arU
FletBaat Mt.
12 23
IS 14
13 08
I 13
Forest C4tV
6 50U184
.... KMW
.... I& 43 (USi
ttiH I
White Urldre
W inton
n W.,
0 41 U a
6 81 118
6 8JJ11S
6 Jft.1l 11
6 931107
6 JO 11 05
ri4f !-
0 18 11 m
1 is 11 h
1 1SW0C.7
6 10fl0 5&I
r afiA ul-eare
All trains run daily except Gundat.
f. signifies that trains stop on signal for, fas.
sengere. "
fieoure rates via Ontario 4 Western betor
purchasing tickets and ssTe money. Bay sat
Wight Kipressto .he West,.
J.O, Anderson, Den. Pass. Agt
7, TUtorott, Dlv, l'aaa, Agtbcianton, l'a(
yivfbti! CO.
WfSW m I
B&Zt''Q M SJ
Jtfe. J M.S,i J itJtj ,. tJfc-.t,i, . Jtk-tA. JmTt