The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1897, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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(Se ixaton CrtBunc
111!) uU Weekly. No swndar lHtUon.
Uy The Tribune Piibllshlnfj Company.
I'M YctkltrpnwnlntliR
ritANIC H, (HtAY CO.
room 41, Trlhuno IlutMInc, N-w York ntr.
Dally R" cents n month.
Weekly $1.00 n jear.
mird at Tim fomomrti at wrantom. .. as
SCRANTON, MAY 14, 1807.
"Wo rcBrot the necessity for liuvlntt
to ncolil common council: but In view
of Its course, what else can It ex
pect? The Saturday Tribune.
The Tribune- tomorrow will lie an
other magnificent slxteen-pago paper,
interesting as to content!), and attrac
tive In appearance. In addition to Mr.
Footo'u admirable prize story, it will
contain n selection of letters of travel
and description and a fund of Instruc
tive miscellany which, added to the
leKUlnr news, literary and editorial de
partments, will round out a number of
exceptional met It. It Is our aim to
produce on Saturdays a paper fit to be
talu'ti Into the home circle for rending
at spure moments on Saturday and
Sinduy. Thnt there Is a Held In this
community for such a journal Is shown
in the rapidity with which the circula
tion of the Saturday Tilbuno Is In
creasing. Last week, notwithstanding
that an unusually largo edition was
put on the press, every ropv was Hold
before 8 o'clock In the morning. To
morrow, we hope to have a sufficient
supply to meet all demands, but the
safe plan for newsdealers and agents
is to order extra copies In advance.
No reasonable man will object lie
cause the president wishes to be ab
solutely sure of his ground before tak
ing up the Cuban matter. Hut It would
be unfnlr to the will of the people to
delay action one moment longer than
It it most decidedly not to the credit
of the Pennsylvania legislature that It
should virtually have killed the Hamil
ton good roads bill by supci adding to
it an nmendment Indefinitely postpon
ing the date at which the measure is
to become effective. It Is Impossible to
believe, in the face of the overwhelm
ing expression of public opinion which
lias hem made In favor of this bill, that
the legislature's course with reference
to It has been other than wantonly neg
ligent. As in the matter of libel re
form, a large percentage of the mem
bership of the state house of represen
tatives has seemed to go counter to the
course of manifest wisdom and Justice
solely through, lnheient perversity.
The constituents of these members
-v 111 be false to their own interests In
future If they do not hold them to a
strict accounting.
The nentleman from Susquehanna,
Sir. Moore, who offered the amendment
that took the life out of the bill, has
taken the pains to explain that his ac
tion was prompted not by malice but
by kindness. It Is to be wished that
Mr. Moore had gone enough further In
Ills apologetic excursion to make clear1
how kindness for the good roads move
ment could liavo dictated an amend
ment which bids fair to set that moe
ment back nt least two years. If It be
Ills notion that the farmers In his dis
trict are opposed to the Hamilton bill,
how does he account for the strong
support which that measure has re
ceived from tho agrleultuial element
in all other parts of the common
wealth? If, on the other hand, he 1
conscientiously opposed to efforts to
improve upon the rut-strewn dirt thor
oughfares of the days of his grand
fathers, why does ho not have the
frankness to declaro himself openly
and courageously, and not pose as tho
friend of the movement whose only
evidenced woik is that of manifest un
friendliness? We are free to confess that wo havo
quite lost patience with that- concep
tion of tho legislative function nowa
days to common which considers prop
ositions for the public welfare not from
the standpoint of their real utility but
in a spirit of sheer contrariness. It Is
about time for the friends of good
roads in Pennsylvania, to got their
lighting boots on and to go after the
smart bolons who blockade progress In
this direction for no other conceivable
reason than that it projects them into
transient nubile attention.
Tho Scranton public is assured of a
treat In tho lecture which Colonel
George Nox McCain will deliver this
evening In tho Penn Avenue Uaptlst
church. Colonel McCain's description
of Venezuela, its natural peculiarities
and Interesting people, Is not only
vivid but decidedly instinctive; and It
will merit the attendance and atten
tion of every Serantonlan Interested In
our South American neighbors.
Why Not n Balkan Empire?
Among tho possibilities growing out
of the Orneco-Turklsh war that which
probably gives most concern to the
European diplomatist 1b the likeli
hood of a Ilalknn alliance, thnt is.
nn offensive nnd defensive compact
among Servla, Itnumonla, Hulgarla
and Montenegro. The fact that these
states, upon whom Greece depended
for, holp In her onslaught upon the
common Turkish foe, held back as If
In concert for ulterior ends, give color
to thu surmise that Important negotia
tions may be in progrexs among them.
A complete poljtlcal union in unllkel
at this time. The powers would- at
once provont or disrupt it. Hut clocqr
harmony and an -unwritten law ory
unified notion In nffalis 'relating to
the Porto nre at least possible, nnd
should those conditions materialize It
would have an Important hearing on
future European polities. ".
Should these four principalities be
merged into one, tint one would have
an area of nearly lOO.'OOO' square miles,'
or about equal to Spain; a population
Of nearly 10,000,000, or greater than
that or Hrazll; and an effective .Ifiht-
lug foreo of over 100,000 officer and
men. It would control one of Europe'
most fertile grain IteMa, would bring
together some of the hardiest racial
stock In the world and could go in to
the business of confederated govern
ment almost In freedom f-ni debt. A
Italknn confederation might nut be
able to resist Hitssla unaided, should
Hussla iindettnke to force the sover
eignty of the crnr upon It, but It could
glc the bear 11 lively tussle, and could
make shoit woHt of the Ottonmn em
pire. Such a, confederation may Ik?
only a dream or, the far future, but
It Is not more Improbable now than
was confederated Germany a decade
before lllsuiatck began to pull the
Htilnttw for Its consummation.
The main obstnrle appears to be that
the Balkan: lack a Klsmarck,
Tho esteemed Times makes a des
perate attempt to Justify the course of
the Democrats In common council in
wantonly tying up tho city appropria
tions; but It must understand that
there la a difference between reason
able amendment and puiely factional
pique. In the last estimates commit
tee the Republicans hud a majority
and by every 111I0 of fnlrnns3 weie
entitled to Impress their views upon
the appropriation ordinance. The
tilckery of the last common body In
killing that ordinance by u par
liamentary ruse exhibited flagrant dla-i-"gard
for the uenernl -welfare of the
city, and the entire course of the pres
ent majority In U13 lower branch has
been on the nino picayune level. What
may have occurred y-nrs ago Is not to
the point. It Is the present of whlcn
wo ate speaking. The Republican
select council never yet tied, the city
nuances into a knot.
Two Lessons front the Past.
Tho depaiture of Mr. Calhoun for
Cuba, under a special mission to report
tho true situation in that unhappy
Island to the president, for 1.1s guid
ance In the adoption or a Cuban policy,
lecalls to a correspondent of the New
Yoik Sun. two previous intshleiis of
similar import. In 1810, while Uuetirr.
Ayres was In revolt against Spanish
domination, President Madison des
patched Joel Poinsett as .1 special
agent to the seat of the revolution,
with the following Instructions, drawn
by Secretary of State, afterwarJ Presi
dent, Monroe:
As a crisis Is approaching which must
produce great changes In the situation of
Spanish America anl may dissolve alto
gether Its colonial relations to Europe,
and as the Koographlcul position of thu
I'nltcd States and other nlnlous consider
ations nlve them an Intimate interest In
whatever miy affect the dotlny of that
pint of the American rontimnt, It Is our
duty to turn our attention to this lmpor
ant subject and to take such steps not In-comp-itlblo
with the neutral character
and honeit policy of the United States as
the occasion renders proper. With this
view, you have been selected to proceed
without delay to Jluenos Ayres. You will
make It your object, wherever It may be
proper, to diffuse the impulsion that the
United States cherlh tho slncerest good
will toward the people of Spanish Amerlei
as neighbors, ns belonging to too same
portion of the globe, and ns having a mu
tual Interest In cultUatinu- friendly Inter
course; that this ril-posltlon will exist
whatever mav be their internal system or
European relation, with rcpect to whlc.i
no Interference of any sort Is pretended,
and that, In the event of a political separa
tion from the parent country nnd of the
establishment of nn Independent sys'em
of national eocrnmcnt, it will coincide
with the sentiments nnd policy of the
United States to promote the most friend
ly lelations and the most liberal Inter,
course between the inhabitants of this
hemisphere, ns having all a common In
terest and as lying under a common obli
tiatlon to maintain thnt system of peace,
Justice, nnd good will which Is tho only
source of happiness for nations.
Two years later Ven'suvla derlnred
Its Independence from Spain and sirut
ed to battle for freedom. The lTnlted
Slnteo promptly recognize 1 thi Vene
zuelans as belllger-its and "President
Madison Bent Alexand r Sc tt to
cai with these Instf tie) Ions:
A principal motive in delaying to recog
nize In greater form the independence of
tho government of Venezuela proceeds
from a deslte to ascertain how fur those
provinces arc competent to Its support; by
which Is to bo understood the lntelllgen
of the people, and their union and decision
In Its favor. If the people are resolved to
maintain their lndnpendc nee, their success
steins to be Inevitable. You will be sensl
he that the United Stato cuimot fall to
toko a deep lnteiest in tho establishment
of a republican govt rnment In those pro
vinces, from a belief that the people will
bo happier under It, and the greater con
fidence which must exist In consequence
of It between us.
It will be noticed that while these two
letters of Instruction contained no word
that could bo construed as unfriendly
to Spain, they were distinct in their
expressions of sympathetic Interest fur
the success of the republican move
ment, nnd between the lines they dls
clused the genesis of the policy now
regarded us sacred by every trui Amer
icanthe Monroe doctrine. In aeh
case the Stiuth America a republicans
triumphed and it was American rec
ognition and encouraaement that
helped them to do it. In Cuba today a
war for freedom Is being waged, and
for two years we have made no ofllet U
effort to nsccrtaln the facts, but in
the face of gross, outrages known to
havo been praotlced by tho Spanish
soldiery and officials upon American
citizens in Cuba nnd at great coat to
American property in that island, this
government has policed the seaboard
cities and patrolled the seas in order to
aid Spain in prolonging an unnatural
It Is proper thnt thin om of disrepu
table Indifference should lie halted, and
the 'machinery set in motion for even
tual action In the interest of human
ity, Amc-dcnnUm and civilisation. .
Senator Quay's conception of civil
service reform appears to be more or
less synonymous with civil service re
peal, so far ns the Cleveland pattoin
Is concerned; nnd wt gueas he is about
The question raised hi the New York
courts as to whether the Salvation
army Is a nulwano depends for Its an
swer on the point of view. Satan would
probably hold that It Is.
S&fow let the Tuilc turn around and
wjean out me nve "unrwtmn" powers,
ayd all will be forgiven,
The hill Introduced on Wednesday at
Ilarrlsburg prohibiting the playing of
baae ball or foot ball on Sunday, under
penalty of $28 fine -or Imprisonment
for ten days, Is a sensible proposi
tion which ought to tuuw. The enact
ment and enforcement of such a stat-
tite would Impose n wholesome Influ
ence upon the rising generation.
Turkey's demand upon Greece for
$15,000,000 Indemnity might just as well
Ive multiplied by ten, so far as any
piospect of getting It la concerned.
Greece- could with difficultly pay $18.
Paul Kruger might with profit study
the end example of King George.
Gossip at
the Capital
Spoclal Correspondence of The Tribune.
Washington, May lit.
I have taken considerable pains within
the last few weeks to llnd out, by caierul
Inquiry among members of the house who
hae been nt, their hoitnes, to what extent
It Is probable the sllvr Issue will In
tiude Into the stato campaigns of this
j ear. You knou members of the hoUBt
are not oppressed Just now with thu big
strait's of statecraft, and have tlmo to
think of home politics, and even to be
stow an occasional Klnnco at the manner
In whlcM this or that Issue may affect
their perronal ambition, though, of course,
every good congressman thinks of himself
last and least.
The lestilt of my Inquiries Is all the moro
Interesting on account of a report f.ent
broadcast that the silver Issue would bo
the Issue above all otl eis In the Ohio elec
tions, upon the conclusion of which the
return of Mai It Ilanna to the senate de
pends. To sum up "the substantial por
tions of the rrplies to many questions It
may bo sail that the assertion is quite
general that while free coinage wljl be
tolked of more or less, candidates will not
be nominated with reference especially to
their silver views, and lines will not bo
drawn upon that question. Tho feeling
of the Democratic leaders may be well es
presseii m the words of one of tho chler
est of them.
"It would be folly,'' said this eminent
Mlvcr Democrat, "to attempt to intrude
the money question Into state or locrl
politics In this off year. The people feel
just as strongly on tho subject ns they
did last year, but It would do no good to
mix It 110 with local and state questions.
Tho iiollcy of tho Democratic party at
this time Is to wait the failure of the Ib
publlcau policy. You. anay think that li
not great statesmanship, but It Is the
statesmanship of all history, or. at least,
the hlxlu'y of popular government. There
is no use of denying thnt the politicians
of all parties make extravagant promises
In regprd to the benefits likely to accrue
from the success of their respective prin
ciples. Prcfbnbly never beforo were prom
ises more extravagant than last year. I
do not belli vo the success of the Di n
ocrats would have bi ought the prosperity
nromlsed In tho event of the adoption by
the country of the free coinage Ideu. To
begin with, the passant of a free coinage
trill would have been doubtful, or the re
1 ult only of a prolongi-d struggle. Hut
we were not successful, and the Republi
cans weie, and It Is the Republicans and
rot the Democrats who must make good
the lies of the campaign. I am re illy
jubilant that tt Is their Job, and not our..
I believe, however, that if we had suc
ceeded, and had been able to enact a fr, e
coinage bill without delay, thus lieglmilng
at ome to Increase tho circulating medi
um of the country, wo would have been
In better position than are our Republl
cin friends, who are not only finding It
illfllcult to pass their tariff bill, as a re
sult of which they have promised pros
perity, but ore quarrelling among them
selves and accusing each otner of being
dominated by trusts, and are throwing
7mni betivi en the botiii and the senate In
the most unparulleled and frlphttul man
ner. To hear the opinion of tle leadcis of
the house In regard to the, leaders of tho
senate one would think the latter were a
t-et cf thieves, and I suppose the opinion
of tho senate leaders in legard to the
house leaders Is equally pi -arant and
complimentary. With this condition of
nffalrs w- shall try to win fall elections
as far as we can on local and state re
form issues, and upon tho growing dis
content with tho action an 1 non-action
of the Republican leaders In e-onsre?s.
We shall simply do all we e-an to strength
en our lines for the congressional contests
of next year. Thnt will he sufficient, and
I have not tho hast doubt that wo will
elect a sweeping majority of tho house
and make a gain of one or two members
of the senate, which body we icully con
tiol at this time.'
That was really a delightful little com
edy that was enacted In the president's
room a day or two ago. when a delega
tion of Utah "magnates" called to urge
the president to be present at the celebra
tion In July, at Suit Dake City, of the
"pioneer Jubilee" of Utah. The president,
quite softly, promised to conblder the
Invitation favorably, provided tho tariff
I 111 were oet of tho way by that time.
Looking around upon the company pres
1 nt, he said:
"Jly the way, there U nearly a quorum
of tho senate present, d'-ntlemen of tho
senate, what do you think about It?"
"I don't see why wo should not dispose
of tho tariff bill within six days after we
n't at It," tali Senator l'ettlgrew solemn
ly. "Oh, we'll rush the bill right through,
after the PUh," nald Cannon.
"I don't see any reason why wo should
not flnih up everything nnd adjourn by
the first of July," said Cullom, with that
profound seriousness for which the wear
er of the' mantlo of Abraham Lincoln is
The president smiled, tho senators
smiled, tho delegation from Utah smiled,
dnd all were still smiling when thp pi evi
dent bowed, the company of comedians
out of door.
"The dcclfcion of the Supremo court of
the United State In regard to the iler
llner patents." said a noted public man
to me today, "forcibly reminds me of the
rmaik of a famous general that 1'rovl
dence Is always on thu side of the largest
and best equipped n'mles. Tho Supreme
i-curt, being next to Providence in thl
uroat country of ours. Is always on the
slclo or the big corporations, tnererore ino
bis corporations are always right. Yes, 1
know, the coutt decided In a way against
railway popllug, but the law was es.
pltcU In that cane, and the decision will
simply result In a rbinge of the law by
I'oiigrtos I do not mean to iWow tho
least doubt on the Integrity of the court,
1 am with the gieat and virtuous Dr. Do.
pew in that. 1 am sorry, however, taut
this unbending integrity Induced the court
to make a decision that deprive 1 the pea.
pie of the whole countrv from the free ua
of the telephone for another term of yeais,
all on uecount of the shrewd tactics of
that wonderful corporation which ma.
nlpulatcl Its patents for this very puipose.
Hy tho way, did you notice the curious
recovery of IM1 tehphoim stock In the
market after a period of depression? Just
nbout the time when It was known (how
did it come to be known?) that tho court
wus nearly ready to announce lu decision,
the stock began to rise, uud within tho
lust day or two previous to the promulga
tion of the opinion It fairly Jumped. It
rVe'S seem to mo that the eminent justices
should be more careful In regard to tho
young men they employ as their private,
The new secretary of agriculture Is cer
tainly the most comprehensive nnd uni
versal gentlsmen who bus eier held down
a chair hi the department of pumpkins,
lie has Just Issued two "brochures," one
entitled "Dietary Studios In New Mexico"
and tho other "Dietary Studies of the
Negro lu Alabama." It Hc.em to be a
dominating economy with llm to discover
how little a human being needs for the
maintenance of life, lather than to dis
cover how plenty of food of the very best
kind can be placed within the reach of
all. It has been suggested to the kecre
tsry that he direct his "scientists" to de
vote a pn ' ; hist to "Dietary Studies of
cor--c iv 1 an 1 cabinet officers at Wasti
Cii'tni "
Speaking of the Important matter of
congrcasional alimentation, a famous con-
gressmnn tho other day Invited one of his
visiting constituents, an'ollhe-seeker, of
course, to luncheon with him In the sen
ate restaurant.
"What will lou eat?" said the states
man. "Oh, any old thing will suit me," said
the O. S. ,
"Well, give your order. Nothing Is too
good for you, you know."
"Well," said the O. H remembering that
he hid no end of favors to salt of the
statesman, "Just give me a sandwich and
a cup of coffee."
"is that really all you want?"
"That's ell."
"Well, waiter, you may fetch me some
green turtle soup at once, nnd then a nice
plate of lamb fries, one of your Incom
parable shrimp salads, ncy llerinuila po
tatoes, with crpnm dressing; raw sliced
tonntoos, covered with crushed Ice; H few
stalks of fat rtparagu, and Just a glas
of snuternc. .And, waiter, you may put
a stnull bottle of CHcquot on Ice for mo.'
It Is unnecessary to sny that the O. S,
hugely enjoyed his ham sandwich and
cup of cofTee.
This mny be supplemented with a.lttllo
story told by Colonel Joe Johnston, who
has been a postoirice Inspector for long
years, and Is an old chum of Dockery, of
Tho other day, after dinner nt Wlllards,
the two stepped to the clgnr stand to get
what is Indispensable to uvciy true Mis
sourlan. "Let's hnve some of the kind or rlrtnrs
Dockery nlwnys smokes," said Colonel
Johnston. "Here, Dockery, take one, and
put two or three In your pocket," added
the colonel, with much exhibition of con
scious llheinllty.
Dockery availed himself or tho treat,
but without great enthusiasm.
"Now," said the colonel to tho man of
cigars, nnd beaming with comfortable
f cling, "givo me somo good cigars for
The treat to something c'.so was on
Dockery. '
. ..
sin: i,i:auxi:i) tui: i.r.sso.v.
It sometimes happened that the mother
haves Duello nnd baby Mnllnn to keep
house for themselves, the mnld being 111
the dltant regions of the kitchen. All
has gono well, but if the door boll rlnys
I.urilu a'.ways opens tho door and euys
'Come in." The mother came homo one
day, however, and found he babies en
tertaluln a doubtful looking soup can-vnt-srr.
She tulked seriously to her small
daughter, telling her that she must never
admit a stranger when mamma was out,
and for want Of better reasons to'd her
that someone might come In und would
steal something, l.ucllo listened to it nil
and nodded soberly.
it was afternoon of the very next day
thnt the mother left them for ten min
utes, and within that ten minutes two
lady friends walked up tho steps to make
a call. Duello opened the door Just a
i'ttle way nnd stood with the knob held
stoutly In her hand. Sho did not wait for
them to speak.
"I can't ask you to come In," she snld,
" 'cause my momma said you might steal
1 a
imosiu's sroiit or stkvexs.
Urom tho Washington I'ost.
"A great many stories havo been told
about my distinguished pireleocr-sor. Thad
deus Stevens, whose district 1 have the
honor to represent." snld Mr. Ilroslus, of
I'ennsylvenln, yrsterduy, "but hero Is ono
that !i new to mo."
"Stevens was championing some bill In
congress which aroused the opposition of
the combined Southern members. Ho
m-ido a, brilliant speech In favor of It and
equally brilliant speeches wore made on
the other side, and tho unsliof of It was
that Stevens was outvoted after a veiy
bitter nnd paselcnatc partisan debate.
"Stevens was still boiling with disap
pointment and bitterness, when Toombs.
of Georgia, 111 a taunting way, asked
"Well, how do you feel over your de
feat?" Tool?" snapped back Stevens, 'feel? I
feel like the poor man at the rich man's
gate, who was licked by tho doss."
From the Olyplinnt Record.
The police of Scranton are an humano
a body of men as can be 'oturd In tho
country, but they are human and liable to
errors. Hut as long as tnrre is in the j;iec-
trle City ns vigilant an oraan ns the
Scranton Tribune, they must expect their
mistakes to be corrected and rebuked. The
forco 13 to be congratulated that so few
misdemeanors can be laid to Its charge,
and tho pecplc ought to be pioud of the
vigilant Tribune. It evei look3 after the
Interests of the aeoplc.
Daily Horoscope Ilrawn byAiacchus,
Thu Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 1 1C a. m., for l'rlday,
.May U, 1S07.
A child born on this day will notice that
tho fellow who rlts down nnd yells "hard
times" Is generally overtaken bv disaster
The wlso land boomer dependeth not
solely upon tho brass band for Inspiration
when the columns of good newspapers are
It Is only when n man Is In lovo that a
magnifying glass is necessary for him to
perceive the freckles on the counteminco
of his best girl.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
does not mean that ono should spend his
Hparo momenta "chucking"' dlco for beer
and bad cigars.
Washington pie Is tho latest Philadel
phia delicacy. Of course It Is made of cher
ries. Attention 13 called to the fact that cu
cumbers and colic both begin with C.
It Is always difficult for advance agents
of prosperity to find tho men with dlior
dered livers.
Sonss of Spring.
Vo shortcake searon cometh. Now
Of berries red doth savor
The boarding house pate; and fruit
Thut's dried huth lost its flavor.
Of all the Insidious
T mi tattons Invidious
Contrived by tho devtl for pulling men
There Is no more delusive,
(Seductive, abesive.
Than the snare to a man with Ids wlfo out
Ho feels .such delight fulness,
I own it with puln.
A bachelor raktshnesg,
iWliat-w Ul-you.tuke-lshnesa
Nnr.e can explain.
Ills wife ma) be beautiful,
Tender and dutiful,
Tls not that her absence could cause him
Hut the euis'd opportunity,
llalcful Immunity,
Scatter his kiruple as day scatters night,
Detroit Tribune,
llegliw (Saturday, Slay ir. Last Ouo
Week. Watch the Window.
4U7 Bpruco Street, Tho llotunda,
Hourd of Trade Ilulldlug.
Printed Foulards in black and blue grounds, new designs," at 25c
Fancy Jap and India Silks, light colors for fancy waists, at 29c
Double Warp Changeable Silk, very popular combinations, 50c .
All Silk Brocaded Satins at 5P cents
Some of the good things offered at our great sale of Dress Fabrics:
34 Inch Hlxed Suitings, H2 3-2 cents
36 Inch Fancy Wool and Silk and Wool Checks and Mixtures, 25 cents
50 pieces of the atest 38 inch Novelties at 3P cents
Separate Dress Patterns of Silk and Wool, Parisian Novelties, at 50 cents;
Most of our $1 and $1.25 Fine Fancies reduced to 75 cents.
TSSDon't lose sight of our GREAT CLOSING OUT CARPET SALE. We
have already saved the public thousands of dollars this season, and are still in
position to save you a good many more dollars.
Special Sals of
We offer this week, to
reduce stock, extraordi
nary values in Curtains:
40 pairs Nottingham Lace, C9c. a pair;
from t5c.
SO pairs Nottingham Lace, SSc. a pair;
from $1.10.
IS pairs Nottingham Lace, 31.15 a
pair; ftom $1.37i.
20 pairs Nottingham Lace, $1.CS a
pair; fiom $1.73.
IB rairs Nottingham Lace, ?1.C3 a
pair; from S2.00.
12 palm Nottingham Lace, 51.93 a
pair; from S2.S0.
20 pairs Irish Point, ecru and white,
S3.T5 a pair; from $1.30.
10 pairs Irish Point, ecru and white,
$1.33 a pair; from $3.30.
12 palis Irish Point, ecru and white,
$3.30 a pair; from $3.'JG.
10 pairs Irish Point, ecru and white,
$0.50 a pair; from $7.30.
10 pairs Irish Point, ceru and white,
S.37Vi a pair; from $10.00.
12 pairs Brubsels Net, $3.50 a pair;
from $6.73.
12 pairs Iirussels Net, $6.73 a pair;
from $7.S3.
12 pairs Brussels Net, $7.75 a pair;
from $9.23.
12 pairs Brussels Net, $S.S0 a pair;
from $10.00.
12 pairs Brussels Not, $10.23 a pair;
from $12.00.
Also special prices on
Tamboured Muslins. An
inspect on will convince
you that it is to your in"
tercst to purchase now.
530 AND 512
Sweeping reduction in nil HnM to cava
innvliiK stock, on account of o.tiiHlvo alter,
ntlous on our first and second lloura. Now D
tho tlmotohuy
China, Glassware,
Bric-a-Brac, Lamps,
Silverware and House
hold Goods, Cheap.
Keonomlcwl lKuwkaspra will do well to
atteml thlHha'e.
Two ir,.fMt illaek Walnut Counter ntid
120 feet of good Shelving for ealu cjheap.
d22 Lackawanna Avenue,
Some of This
Week's Attractions
Suppose you try a new line of economy this
season and pay us for your New Suit Just half what
you expect to, pay the Merchant Tailor.
Can't wear Ready-Made Clothes?
You can if they are the Boyle and Mucklow
kind. Try it, Scores of the best dressed men in
town wear them and they like them..
I . Tvk&
Wo havo placed on t-nlo today ono thous
and four hunilicd palis of Ladles' ltuet
Shoes, nil iuth", from II to K, on tho Phila
delphia Toe. They aio ood miIuu for $l. ''.".
Uur prlco whllo they lust will bo
50c. a pair.
Always Iluy Shoo Slnros. WIioIcmiIo
uud llctall. Tclcphono No. Sir,'.'.
Of Blood
drip from the merciless Sultan's sword
ns he plys his terrible slaughter of tho
defenseless whllo
Drops of I ok
from the mightier PHN pt Gladstone,
the Grand Old Man, havo aroused to
Indignation the Christian "World,
"Wo havo pens and ink onough and
In all vatiety to supply whatever de
mand U made,
ALSO I-ottor FUm, complete, with
arch perforators and covers, $1.00,
cialty. FOUNTAIN PKNS, with gold mount
Ins. for $1.50 only.
piles. STATIONERY Wddlng Cards, In
vltutlonfc!, Announcement, etc., etc.
Reynolds Broi
vVr V
lssLSLrZ "?
:r nl
sfcv p5g2r'
t .Jffe
$w im
HotclJcrmyn Dulld'ns,
pur r
General Agent for tho Wyomlnj
Ulstrlct for
Jifnlnp, UlaiitlngiHportlng, BmoUchm
and tho ltcpaiiuo Chemical
mm explosives.
Safety Fuse, Caps and Kxplodcra.
Uooms si'.', 21ft and ait Commonwealth
liulldlng, Scranton.
Ib constructed upon i-lrlctly (.clentlflo
principle, liy which low temperature and
dryneuofnlriiro naturally and luovlta
My obtained.
THE AI.AWIvA posgessesa provision cham
ber free from odor.
THE ALASKA has preserved fresh meat
peifcctly for throo teelctf In tho h
THE ALASKA produces hotter results with
It-en lco thnn any other ltcfrlgorator.
Till: ALASKA Is a dry.alr Heft-Igcrator,ana
tho host ono over patented.
THE ALASKA la tho Hefrlgerator to buy If
ou want tho boat.
THE ALASKA is sold hy
Coal of tho best quality for domosils usa
and of all fdzee. Including liuokwhoat and
Illrdnoyc, delivered In any part of tho city,
at the lowobt prlco
Orders received nt tho Oflloe, first floor.
Commonwealth building, room No 8;
telephone No. 01 or at tho mine, tele
phono No. 27.', will bo promptly attended
to. Dealers supplied ut the mine.
t. s: