TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -THUnSD AY MORNING-, MAY G. 1897. . Cbe Rome Reading Circle Momi and Uyd M&. afc By , authoq 1(j ........ (Copyright, 1S07, by "WO SYNOPSIS. Fifty thousnml ycais nqo In tho child Jiocxl of tho human Ricethcro dwelt u, tribe along what Is now tho river Wcy In Kn gland, ot which tho cunning and cratty TJyti 1b tho chief. Uya 1b much attracted by Kiklenti, ono of tho fairest maidens of tho tribe, but the Kill If nfrald of Mm ami lteeps out of hl way. The chief become Jealous of lnli-loml, one of the yonns men, because Kmlcna shows a preference for him. One nlpht Uya marks t'sh-Inml with the ileiith-wortl, which means that tho next day tho tribe must hunt tho jounp man down and kill him. The next tfay Ugh-loinl and Uudena nie tosether, "when suddenly they see tho whole tribe coming toward them, leaping nnil crying. In a flash they underntand, and hand In hand tluy etart to lice before the pursu ers. TAIIT II. They ran straight It was their only tehnnce taking whatever ground came In tho way a spread of stinging net tles, an open glade, a clump of grass out of which a hyena lied snarling. Iiehlnd them tho chase trailed out nnd bcattered, with Uya ever nt their heels. Kudena kept the first place, running light and with her breath easy, for Ughloml carried the Flro Stone in his band. It told on his pace not at llrst, but nfter a time. Ills footsteps behind her suddenly grew remote. Glancing over her shoulder as they crossed another open space, Hudona saw that Ugh-lotnl was many yards behind her, and Uya close upon him, with antler already raised In the nlr to strike him down. Vnu and the others were but just emerging from the shadow of the woods. Seeing Ugh-lomi In peril, Eudena ran tddewnys, looking back, threw up her arms and cried aloud, just as the ant ler Hew. And young Ugh-loml, expect ing this und understanding her cry, ducked his head, so that the missile merely struck his scalp lightly, mak ing but a trivial wound, and Hew over him. Ho turned forthwith, tho quart zlto Fire Stone In both hands, and hurled It stiaight at Uya's body as he ran loose from the throw. Uya shouted, but could not dodge it. It took him under the ribs, heavy and Hat, nnd ho reeled nnd went down without a cry. Ugh-loml caught up the nntler one tlno of it was tipped with Is own blood and eame running on again with n red trickle just coming cut of his hair. Uya rolled over twice, and lay n mo ment before ho got up, and then he did not run fast. The color of his face was changed. Wan overtook him, and then others, and he coughed and la bored In his breath. Hut he kept on. At last the two fugitives gained tho bank of the river, where the stream ran deep and narrow, and they still bad fifty yards In hand of AVau, tho foremost pursuer, the mnn who made the smiting stones. He carried one,- a large Hint, the shape of an oyster nnd double the size, chipped to a chibol edge, In either hand. They sprang down the steep bank Into tho stream, rushed through tho water, swam the deep current In two or three strokes, and came out wading again, dripping and refreshed, to clamber up the further bank. It was undermined, and with willows growing thickly therefrom, so that It needed clambering. And while Eudena was still among the silvery branches nnd Ughloml still In tho water for the antler had encumbered him Wau camo up against the sky on the oppo site bank nnd tho smiting stone, thrown cunningly, took the side of Eu dena's knee. She struggled to the top and fell. They heard the pursuers shout to one another, nnd Ugh-'oml, climbing to her and moving jerkily to mar Wau's aim, felt the second smiting stone graze his ear, and heard the water splashing be low him. Then It wns Ugh-loml, tho stripling, proved himself to have come to man's estate. For running on he found Eu dena fell behind, limping, and nt that be turned, and, crying savagely and with a face terrible with sudden wrath and trickling blood, ran swiftly past her back to tho bank. And Eudena kept on, running stoutly still, though she must needs limp at every step, and tho pain was already sharp. So that AVau, rising over tho edge and clutching tho straight wlhow branches, saw Ugh-loml towering over , him, gigantic against the blue; saw his whole body swing round, nnd the grip of his hands upon the antler. The edgo of the antler came sweeping through tho air, and he saw no more. Tho wa fer under tho osiers whirled and eddied nnd went crimson six feet down tho stream. Uya following, stopped knee high ncross tho stream, and tho man who was swimming turned about. Tho other men who trailed after they were none of them very mighty men (for Uya was more cunning thnn strong, brooking no sturdy rivals). Blackened momentarily at the sight of Ugh-loml standing there above tho wil lows, bloody and terrible, between them and the halting girl, with the huge antler waving In his hand. It Beemed as though ho had gone Into tho rimplci, Uotcbca, bUckheadi, red, rough, oily, motliy eklu, Itching, oculy scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, and baby blemlthet prevented by Coticuiu Soxr, tb mot effective nUu purify, lug and beautifying eoap In tbo world, a uelloa purtut and iwcetett for toilet, lath, and nurtory, (yticura IiwMthronrhouttlnwotU. rami D.iirpO. Cor., Sola rrepi., Bmioq. j llow to bcmuUfjr 1st Skln,"fttt BLOOD HUMORS atcTOkn&Ui&. " ' NiaJh ifiaw PIMPLY FACES kory of the Stone age; ' Wfi 'WELLS' .. 'TUP TIMf MftfHinE l , , ,.te ,,.., I lliIUU.V II. a. Wells.) water a youlli, and come, out of It a mnn full grown. lie knew whHt there wns behind him. A brnnd stretch of grass nnd then a thicket, nnd In thnt Kudena could hide. That wee clear In his mind, though hlrt thinking ioveis were too feeble to seo what should happen thereafter. Uya Mood knee-deep, undecided and un armed. Ills heavy niouth hung open, showing his canine teeth, and he panted heavily. His side was Hushed and bruised under the hair. The other man, beside him curried a sharpened stick. The rest of the hunters came up one by one to the top of the bank, hairy, long urmed men clutching; Hints and sticks. HE WENT TO AND Two nut off along the bank down stream, and then clambered down to tho water, whole Watt bud come to the surface struggling weakly. They gib bered at him wlthuut any suno attempt to help, and presently bo went under again. Two others threatened Ugh luml from the bank. Ho answered back, shouts, vague In stills, gestures. Thou Uya, who had been standing, hesitating,' roared with rage, and whirling his lists, camo plunging through1 tho water. His fol lowers came splashing after him. Ugh-loml clanced over his, shoulder nnd found Eudena already vanished Into the thioket. ' Ho would perhaps have waited for Uya, but Uya preferred to spar In the water below Mm until the others wore beside nliii. Human tactics- In those days, In all serious lighting, were the tactics of tho pack. Fiey that turned at bay, they gatliered around and rushed. Ugh-loml felt tho rush coming, nnd hurling tho antler at Uya, turned about und fled. When he halted to look back from the shadow of the thicket, he found only three of his pursuers had followed him across the rh'er, and they were going back again. Uya, with .-t bleeding mouth, was on the further side of tho stream again, but lower down, and he held hl3 hand to his sl'de. The otluus wero la the river dragging something to shote. For a time at least the chase was Intermitted. Ugh-loml stood watching for a space, and snarled at the sight of Uya. Then ho 'turned and plunged Into the thicket. In n minute, Eudena came hasten ing to. Join him, and they went on hand In hand. Ho dimly -perceived tho pain she suffored from the cut and bruised knee.and chose 'the easier ways. Hut they went on all that day, mile nfter mile, through wood and thicket, until at last they came to tho chalk land, open grass with rare woods of beach, and the birch growing near wat er, and they saw the Wealden moun tains nearer, and groups of horses graz ing together. They saw no men, for in those days men were still only just como Into this part of tho world, nnd were moving but slowly along the rlver ways. Towards evening they came on the river again, but now It ran In a gorge, between high cliffs ot whlto chalk that sometimes overhung It. And high up tho elilf was a little shelf by a tree, whereon they clambered to pass the night. They had had scarcely nny food: It was not tho tlmo of year for berries, and they had no time to go asido to snare or waylay. They tramped In a hungry, weary silence, gnawing at twigs nnd leaves. But over the surface of the cliffs wero a multitude of snails, and In a bush were the freshly-lnld eggs of a little bird, nnd then Ugh-loml threw nt and killed a squirrel In a beech tree, so that at last they feu well. Ugh-loml watched during the night, his chin on his knees; and ho heard young foxes crying hard by, and tho noise of mammoths lown the gorge, and the hyenas yelling nnd laughing far away. It was chilly, but they dared not light a lire. Whenever he dozed, his spirit went abroad, and straightway met with tho spirit of Uya, and they fought. Eu dena, too, dreamt evil things of Uya, so that they both awoke with the fear of him In their hearts, and by tho light of the dawn they saw a wooly rhinocer os go blundering down tho valley. During theday Ugh-loml found great Hints sticking -out of the cliff face, greater than any he had seen, and he dragged some to tho ledge and began chipping, so as to be armed against Uya-when ho came again. And at one ho laughed heartily, and Eudena laughed, and they threw It about In derision. It had a hole In It, They stuck their Angers through It, It was very funny Indeed. Then they peeped at ono anther through It. Afterwards, Ugh-loml got himself a stick, and thrusting by chance at this foolish Hint, the stick went In and stuck there. He had rammed It in too tightly to withdraw It. That was still stranger 'scarcely funny, terrible almost, and for a tlmo Ugh-loml did not greatly care to touch tho thing. It was as If tho Hint had bit and held with its teeth. Hut then ho got familiar with the odd combination. Ho swung It nliout, nnd perceived dimly that tho stick with tho heavy stone on the end struck a better blow than anything he knew. He went to nnd fro swinging It, and striking with It: but later he tired of It nnd threw it aside. In tho afternoon ho went up over tho brow of the white cliff, and lay watching by a rabbit warren until the rabbits enmo out to play. There were no men there abouts, and the rnbblts were heedless. He threw a smiting stone he had made and got n kill. That night they mndo a fire from Hint sparks nnd bracken fronds, and tnlkcd nnd caressed by It. And Uya'n spirit came ngutn In sleep, and sud denly while Ugh-loml's was trying to fight vainly, the foolish flint on the stick came Into his hand, and he struck Uya with It, nnd behold! it killed him. Hut afterward came other dreams Of Uya for spirits take a lot ot killing, and he hnd to be killed again. Then after that tho stone would not keep on the stick. He awoke tired and rath er gloomy, and was sulky all the fore noon, In Bplto of Kudena's kindliness, and Instead of hunting he sat chipping a sharp edge to tho singular Hint and looking strangely at her. Then be bound the perforated Hint onto tho stick with strips of rabbit skin. And nfterwards he walked up and down the ledge, striking with It, and mutter to himself, and thinking of Uya. It felt very fine and heavy In the hand. Several days.niore than there was any counting In those days, five days, it may be, or six, did Ugh-loml and Ku dena stay on the shelf In the gorge of tho river, nnd they lost all fear ot men, FRO SWINGING IT. and their lire burned redly of a night. And they were very merry together, then was food every day, sweet water and no enemies. Eudena's knee was well In a couple of days, for those ancient savages had qutrk-honllng llesh. Indepd, they were very happy. On ono of those days, although It has little to do with this story, Ugh loml dropped a chunk of Hint on tho cliff. He saw It fall and go bounding ncross the river bank Into tho river, and after laughing and thinking It over a bit he tried another. This smashed a bush of hazel In the most Interesting way. They spent all the morning drop ping stones from tho ledge, and In the afternoon they discovered this now and Interesting pastime was also possible from the cllfl brow. The next day they had forgotten this delight. Or, at least, It seemed they had forgotten. Hut Uya camo in dreams to spoil the wv Kar- TWO DAYS AND NIGHTS DID EU DENA SIT ALONE BY THE FIRE. paradise. Three nights ho came light ing Ugh-loml. In the morning after these dreams Ugh-loml would walk up nnd down, threatening him nnd swing ing the nx, and at last came tho night after Ugh-loml brained tho otter, nnd What modest wo. man does not shrink from the examina tions and local treat ment upon which physicians insist when treating weakness and disease of the or gan s distinctly feminine. For this reason thousands of women go on suf fering untold torture rather than apply to a physician for help. It is safe to say that one-half of the women in America suffer thus in silence. It Is'all unnecessary. The reproductive orprans of women are directly acted upon by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures all disease and weak ness of those delicate organs. It fin a wo man for the highest duties of her sex, wife hood and motherhood. If taken during the expectant period in makes baby's coming easy and safe and insures the health of the child. The " Favorite Prescription " is the discovery of a regularly graduated physi cian, an eminent and skillful specialist in diseases of women. Dr. Fierce is, and has been for thirty years, chief consulting phy sician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y, Hist " Favorite Prescription " does away with all necessity for distasteful examinations or local treat ment. It corrects distressing and painful displacements and irregularities, and cures where doctors fail. Dr. Flerce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser not only tells you how to get well when you are 111, but bow to stay well when you are well. It contains i,co8 paces and over 300 Illustrations. Over a million wo. men have a copy. A new edition is just out. The reader may have a paper-covered copy absolutely KRr.i:, by sending n one-cent stamps, to cover the cost of mailing only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, at Buffalo, N. Y. If you prefer a fine French cloth binding, embossed, send 10 cents extra, 31 cents lu all. ri ") smziw u -ii J '-rw.r. -ft-. uv i i '. i i i I V IW I HI 111 m This is tine Package" remember it. Itcontains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly."0 For economy buy 41b. pitckngo. TUT, X. K. FA1UBANK COM 1' ANT, Chicago, BU Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, they had feasted. Uya went too far. Ugh-loml awoke, scrowllng under his heavy brows, nnd he took his nx, and extending his hand tovurd3 Eudena ho bid her wait for him upon the ledge. Then ho clambered down the white de clivity, glanced up once from tho foot of It and flourished his a, nnd without looking back again went striding nlong the river bank until the overhanging cliff at tho bend hid him. Two days and nights did Euden sit alone by tho lire on tho ledge waiting, and In the night the beasts howled over tho cliffs nnd down the valley, and on tho cliff over against her the hunched hyenas prowled black against the sky, But no evil thing came near her save fear. Once, far away, she heard the mating of a lion, following tho horses ns they came northward over tho gras lands with the spring. All that time she waited tho waiting that Is pain. And the third day Ugh-loml came back, up tho river. The plumes of a raven were In his hair. The ax was red stained, and had long, dark hairs upon It, and he carried the necklace that had marked tho favoitte of Uya In his hand. Ho walked In the soft places, giving no heed to his trail. Save a raw cut below his Jaw there was not a wound upon him. "Uya!" cried Ugh-loml, exultant, and Eudena saw It was well. Ho put the necklace on Eudena, and they ate and drank together. And after eating he began to rehearse the. whole story from the beginning, when Uya had cast his eyes on Eudena, and Uya and Ugh loml, lighting In tho lorest, had been chased by the beat, eking out his scan ty words with nbundnnt pantomime, iprlng to his feet and whirling tho Mono nx round when It camo to the lighting. The last light was a mighty one, stamping and shouting, nnd once n blow at the Are that sent a torrent of sparks up Into the night. And Eudena sat r?l In the light of tho lire, gloating on him, her faco flushed and her ores shining, and the necklace Uya lnd made nbout her neck. It was a sDlen dld time, and tho stars that look down on us looked down upon her, our an cestor who has been dead now these fifty thousands years. 'Tho End.) Justus, Fa., April 4, 1S97. Terrible eruptions appeared on my hands.which became running sores. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and used Hood's Pills nnd Hood's Olive Ointment, and now my hands aro perfectly sound. Mrs. Prosper Antolne. Hood's Pills euro all liver Ills. 23c. eeeoQcoseeeeeacoooeetveeoG Always FIRST o a e Gail Borden Eagle Brand m't- CONDENSED niLK S For 35 yr the leadine brind. It I the g S Best na the most economical. J g A PERFECT POOD TOR INFANTS q eesoesdaoaeessGOoeesooDse fcTHE TRIUM OF LOVE I Happy and .Fruitful Marriage. Every MAN who would know th GRAND i ku i us, ine I'lain Facta, the Old Srcrets and tho New Discoveries nl Medical Science an applied to Married Life, who weulcl atone for pait fnl. i ues ana avow tuture pit. I falls, rhould write for our ' wonderful little book. called "Complete Man. hood and How to Attain It.' To any earnest man we will mail one copy Entirely Tree, in plain sealed cover. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, t&mtfS: ON THE UNE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'l are located the flneat fishing and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive boolts on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacomo, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sloeping and Dining Cars attached to all throuht trains. Tourist corn fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may bo had with aecond-class tickets. Kates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc. on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A., 3S3 Broadway, New York. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule in lillect November 15, io5. Trains Ueavo Wilkes-Barra as Follows 7.SO a. m,, week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburft, Philadelphia, Baltl. more, WashlnRton, and fop Pitts burg and tho West. 10.15 a. m week days, for Hazloton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burp; and tho West. 3.15 p, m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltl more, Washington nnd Pittsburg and tho Weat. 3,15 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsvllle. J. R. WOOD, den'l Pais. Agent. J. II, HUTCHINSON, Ucncral Manager. Eric nnd Wyoming Valley, Effoctlvo Jan. 4, 1897. Trains will leave Bcranton for New York. Newburgh and Intermediate points on Brie, alto for Hawley and local points. at 7.06 a. m. and 2.23 d. m.: and arrive from 1 above points at 10.33 a, m. and 9.33 p. m. JhCjatf' -l rmaMm Central itailrond of New Jersey (Lehigh and Susquehanna iJlvlilon.) Anthruclte coal used exclusively, lmur lnic cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TAM.B IN EFFECT JAN. 25, 1897. Trains loavo Scranton for Plttston, Wllkos-Barrc, etc., at 8.20. 9.15, 11.30 a. m 12.45, 2.00, 3.0G. COO, 7.10 p. m. Sundays 9.00, a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 n. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Duf fel pnrlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun. day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Termin al. 6.22 p. m. and New York 0.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allcntown. Dothlo hem. Haston and Philadelphia. 6.20 a. m., 12.40, 3.05, COO (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.1G p. m. For I-ong llranch, Ocean drove, etc., at E.20 a. m. und 12,45 p. m. For Lakcwood, 8.20 a. tn. For Heading, Lebanon and Ilnrrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 6.00 p. ra. Sunday, 2 15 p. m. For rottsvlllo, 8.20 a. m 12.45 p. m. Returning leavo New York, foot of Lib erty street, North niver, at 9.10 (expross) a. m., 1.10. 1.30. 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4 30 a. m. T ah. a T1 II M ,1 ..1 V I n RnniltHn H,..b.Ih.I 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. in. Sunday, G 25 a. m. Through tickets to nil points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to tho ticket acent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. At. J. n. OLHATJSRN. Gen. fiupt. Del., Locka. und Western, Effect Monday, October lb. 1S96. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points Eaiit, 1.40. 2. DO, CIS, 8.00 and 9.0S a. m.i 1.10 and 3.33 p. m. Exproes for Easton, 'Trenton, Philadel phia and tho South, 6.15. 8.00 and 9.65 a, m., 1.10 and 3.33 p. ro Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Kxpress for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning, liath, Dansvllle. Mount Morris and Uuffalo, 12.20, 2.33 a. m.. and l.ES p. m making closo connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Hath accommodation, 9.15 a. m. Ulnghnmton and way stations, 1.05 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 5.15 p. in, UliTghamton and Elmlra express, 6 5a p. in. Express for mica and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a. in. and 1.55 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9.15 a. m., and 1.55 p. m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and D.n vlllo, making elope connection at North umberland for Wllllamsport, llarrlsburg, Baltimore. Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, COO, 9.65 a. m.. and 1.55 and 6.00 p. in. Nantlcoke ami Intermediate stations. 8.08 and U.'JOa. m. Plymouth and intermediate stations, 3.10 and 8.47 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd bleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc , apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket cfllcp, 82? Lackawanna avenue, or drnnt tlrl;M off- D U L. A W A K K AMD HUDSON TIME TABLE. On Monday. Nov. 23, trains will leave Scran ton as follows: P"or Carbondale B la. 337.55, S.55, 10.15, a. m.: 12 ihi noon; j.j, -u, o.oj. 6.23. 6.25. 7.67, 9.10, 10.30, 11 r. r. rn. For Albany. Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton. New England pouu. -v- ". "Frfr" HoneKdale-5.i5. 8.55, 10.15 a. m.: 12.00 noon, 2.20. 5.25 p. m. . .. For Wllkes.Barre-6.45. 7.45. S.45. 9.3S. 10 45 a. m.i 12.0o, 1.20, 2.23, i.ii. .. -w. 7?br9New 3Uk.m'PhlindelPhla. etc., via Lehigh Valley Hall! oad-G.45. 7.45 a. m.; rrS- 1.20. 3.33 (with Black Diamond Ex- "KrVenwyivSlla Railroad potnts-6.45, '?or wiiieS polnWla Lehigh Valley Ilanroad-7.45 a. m.: 12 05. 3.33 (With Black Diamond Express) 9.60, 11.30 p. m. Trains Vlll arrive at Scranton at follows: From Carbondale and tho north 0.40, 40 8 40. 9 31, 10.40 a. in : 12 00 noon; 1.03, 24 323 4.37, 5.45. 7.45, 9.45 and 11.25 p. m. 7 60. 8 50. 10.10, 11.55 a. m: 1.10. 2.14. 3.4S, 6.2! 6.21. 7.53. 9.03. 9.45, 11.52 p. m. J Y? BUnniCK. O P. A. Albany. N. T. H. W. Cross. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa. LEHIGH VALLEY KAILUOAD Sib- TEM. Anthraclto Coal Used Exclusively Insur ing Cleanliness and Comfort. IN EFFECT NOV. 15, IMG. TIIAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. T?rt Tt.U,1Mnila nnrt jAtv Vnrk via D. II. B. It. at 6.15. 7.45 a. m 12.05. 1.20. 3.S3 (Black Diamond Express) und 11.30 p. m. For Plttston and Wllkes-Barro via, D. L. & W. n. It., 6.00, 8.03, 11.20 a. m., 1.55 S.40. 6.00 und 8.47 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton. Pottsvllle. and principal points in tho coal regions via D. & II. It. It., 8.45 a, m 12.05 and 4.41 P. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Heading, Har rtsburg and pilnclpal lntermefllato bta tlons via. D & 11 n. It.. 6.45, 7.45 a. m., 12.05. 1.20, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 4.41 anil 11.30 p. m. , , For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D.. L. & VT. It. R., 6.00, S.0J, 9.55, a. m 12.20 and 3.40 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & II. R. R 7 15 a m.. 12.05. 3.33 (Black Dla monJ KxpreEt), 9.60 and 11.30 p. ill. Pullman parlor nnd ulreplns or Lehigh Valley chnlr cars .on all trains botween Wllkc!Ilarre and New York, Phlladel. phla, Buffalo and Susponnlon Bridge. ItOLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt Phlta., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Asst, Gen Pass. Agt . South Bethlohem, Pn. Scranton Office. 309 Lackawanna avenue. KOIMNYON DIVISION. In Infect October 4th, ISO ft, North Uound. houlli Uound J0320II 202 tu e 8 o Biaiions aS S;S H (Trains Dally, Kx- 311 y, 1 cepi, riuaaay.) M.I- III Arrive I.eavoi 1 11 740 .. 7 81 . r sr. N. V Franklin 8 7lOWeat 4itLd street 7 m weonawiceu 1U .. p w Arrive Learei F 1 15 Ilaucock jtttictloai .. 109 nancocfc use 12 46 IS 40 18 2. lilt 18 03 St&rlliflit rreuton l'ark Como Pojrntello lieltnoiit ries9ant Ut. Unlondue Forest City carboDd&lo Wblto lirlrtjo Mayflcld Jrrioyn Archibald Wlnton Fecltvllle Olvphant Prfceuurff Throon Providence Parle Place an .. 3 311.. X 41 .. s&o .. 8 53 ,, tea ., 3 18' .. (1159 11 49 SCO 11 Si 7 041 fMfltllM Id 13'fllS) 17 07,18 rs r, 11,13 43 7 11 8 4 6 41111 13 6 3VU1S 6 331115 6 Mil II 8 2311 W 0 )11 03 0 18 1103 eis'iioo 7 ao 3 0 SI 7 23' 8rJ' 7 S(T 3 M 7 34 4 04 7 34 4 01 7M 4 10 7 3K. 4 14 17 41,14 IT 7 4il 4 JO eio!io scramon r M U m Leave Arrrre Mr All trains run daily except euodny. I. signifies that tralnj etop on clonal for a tecgers. f ecure rates via Ontario Western helori purchasing tickets and save money. Oar aa( Isignt Kipresstoths West. J.O..tyiynK)a, Oen.Pasa Art. V, rutcrolt, IUv, 11 4& Agt. eorautoa, l'o, : j Aft vSio3i Jg v r tJS THE 124-126 Wyoming Ave Special Bargains in Untrimmed Millinery For Today, May 6th. 500 bunches of Violets, 3 doze 11 in a. bunch. Today only 4c a Kuncn 500 dozen bunches Daisies, regular price has been 25c. Today only 13c 25 cases short back Sailors and Turbans that we closed out from a manufacturer at 25c. on the dollar, we offer choice of any today ouly 16c 250 pieces All-Silk Ribbon from 3 to 6 inches wide, for mer price from 25c. to 40c. Choice of any 19c I. RHEUMATISn Cured Free dr. j7s. behh, Rooms 0 and 7 Williams Building, Opp. Poitofflcc, Scrunton, Pa. Dr. Heum will treat every patient sufrcrlng with rheumatism who iipplles before June i nlwnlutely FREE of churse. All other dlh ciise treated ut a charge barely covering cot of nrctmury remedies which tlll rarely be morothan ."Oc. Consultation In Unjllsh and Qcrman Free. The Tribune Binds Hagazines or Re-binds old Books. I We Carry a Full Stock of Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops, Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth, Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips, AND A , STEEL AND BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES. Bittenbender & UCKAWANM LUMBER C0M MANUFACTURERS OF SIS SB PED. Willi HH 19 MOOD HER Kill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood MIno Rnllg sawed to uniform length constantly on hand. Peeled IliMnlucU Prop Timber promptly Furnished. MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buffalo nnd Susquc; lianna Ktillrond. At Minu, Potter County, Pa., on Coudcrsport, anj Port Allegany Kailroad. Capacity 400,000 feet per day. GUNIiHAL OFFICK-Donrd of Trade liuildlng, Scranton, Pa. Telephone No. 4014. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKEO-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Looomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND SWING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOK0AN ' BonntltoMrJueltarelltble, jionthlf, rejnUtlnp ruoJIclne. Onlf harmluaattj tbeiuieitdrugiheul(lbcotoi. If you waut the but, get '""' Op. PeaB's PenrayroyaB FaBSa Ther are prompt, tile acd certain In malt. Tlie Eniln (Dr. rcal'i) DTr4U4 oolnt. Beat aujrwbtie.l 1.00. AddwwI'EXt.ilaojiaau 0 ClOTtltud, O. ' Sri Fop sala bv JOHN H. PHELPS, 1 Spruco Stroot, Scranton, Pa. HELLO AT A. E. Rogers' Jewelry Store, 2I3 LACKAWANNA AVENUE The Now York Eya Specialist And Teacher In Practical Applied Optld. Examines Eyes Free For Two Weeks, Be ginning April 22, 1897, HOURS-2TOS P.M. Tho Doctor has had 13 years' practical ex pcrlenco lu tho nrt of correcting defective; eyesight. No fancy prices for special ground Ioiiscm. L OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Dust ncss nnd Personal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Ex tended According to Balances anil Responsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, -Surplus, - Undivided Profits, $200, ooa 310,0001 70, ooa W3I. C0NNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice Trcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, CashlCP I ROBINSON'S ' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer!! of the Celtfr&te ' fl8 lit M CAPACITYl 100,000 Barrels per Annum AKERS. FULL LINE OF Co.. Scranton, Pa. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and J HUNS BANK