The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1897, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
E A D R .
jo8 Penn Avenue. A. IJ. WARMAN.
New Designs and Color-
lings ;u
Wall Paper
Now on show at very low
To Insure publication In this paper,
volunteered communications of a con
troversial charnctor MUST BE
writer's true name. To this Just rule.
we cannot hereafter make exception.
A .hlevcle rnck Ih bolrir tilaced In tho
Board of Trade entrance.
Mrs. Annlo Humes has removed her mu
sic studio to G18 Mulberry stree'.
EuKeno Shifter, formerly of Martin &
Delaney's, has opened a lino tailoring es
tablishment at 121 Wyoming avenue.
TJlo Hoard of Associated, Charities of
Seranton will meet this "evening, at S
o'clock In tho poor board room, Municipal
The Fanny Mendelssohn society will
meet for rehearsal Wednesday afternoon
at the 1'rothlnpham. A full attendance
Is urged.
Evangelist L. Shel'.horn arrived In tho
city yesterday. There Is a probability that
he will run a tlospel wagon In this vicinity
during tho summer month..
Tho funeral of Charles E. Starr will bo
held from 'tho residence, 407 Taylor af
mie, at 2 o'clock Wednesday. It will bo
private, and Interment will bo mado In
Forest Hill cemetery.
Mrs. W 11 DiiRsan, agent of the Asso
ciated CharUles, has returned fiom a
brief visit in Philadelphia. While In that
city she Inspected the methods of work In
Us Public Chailtles association.
The ladles of the MaeAll MIsFion auxil
iary will bold a meeting ot the residence
of Mrs H. C. Sanderson, 403 Clay avenue,
this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. All Inter
ested In tho woik are cordially Invited to
Services will be held eveiy evening this
week (except Saturday) In the First Pres
byterian church. The services will begin
promptly at u quarter to S o'clock, and
II1 last not moie than one hour. All are
welcome to attend.
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern compan wiU pay today at tho Pytie,
Taylor und H olden collieries. Tho Dela
ware and Hudson Canal company paid
tho employes o' Its railroad department
north of Seranton yesterday.
Tho city's death ral -continues to bo
above tho noruul. Tul?w4MiJli deaths
resulted from all causes. Thero wcro 110
new cases and C deaths from measles and
2 new cases and I death fiom diphtheria.
Vesterdny 15 new cases of measles wcro
William C'ostello, n dilvir boy employed
In tho Marvlno shaft, had one of his arnt.i
crushed yesterday morning by having
it caught between two cars he was cou
pling. Ho was taken to the noma of his
fathir, Michael Costcllo, ot Cliurle.i street,
North End.
v The board of lax revision and appeal
will devote today, tomorrow and Thurs
day to hearing appeals by the Lackawan
na, lion and Stiel and tho Lackawanna
Iron and Coal companies and the lepre
eentatlves of largo estates and railroad
A warrant was Issued from Alderman
Howe's cilice for the arrest of Contractor
A. W Wldepbush, who Is charged by
Stieet Commissioner Kinsley with ob
structing the sidewalk and excavating
without a peimlt, Wldenbusfc has not
been arrested.
According to the new arrangement Lieu
tenant ot Pol'eo John Davis was on day
duty yesterday ami last night tho central
precinct was in charge of Police Captain
Itlchard Edwards. Lieutenant Davis has
been on the night foico exclusively for
over three yeais.
i Jacob Commer and Mary Ellen Jones, of
Seranton; Thorau H. Champion and Hello
Bokcr, of Jcrmyn; Francis P. Donlln, of
Jersey City and Mary Harvey, of Seran
ton; Joseph L. Jones and Mrs. Ann Davis,
of Seranton, weio grunted marriage li
censes yesterday.
AM who nro Interested In tho Blblo
study with James McConkey will nltMsa
tako notice that the class will hold its next
meeting on Tuesday, April 3, In the par.
Joru ot tho Young Men's Christian asso
ciation. This class will continue to meet
as horetoforo every other Tuesday.
t llnvu Von n HoyT
If so, you are Interested In stockings,
We have tin celebrated Leather Stock
lngs, which, after trial, we recommend
to be the best, coitdn stocking for boys.
Will outwear three ordinary 25-cent
hose. Ask for. thorn at our Hosiery De
partment. 2Cc. is tho prlca.
Menrs A Hagen.
-LY i ney re v r
Mud ran and ('reach Flannel, yi
.Vhlte wmi rercnie I'lonis uuu j
jjegllliooy A
.Succiuor to
moo, iiicnaucr.
305 Lack. Ave
J- VV c
Joseph P. Phillips Re-elected City Engl
nccf; Dle'wlif DfftfafM.
.Mr. Torrcv, tlio Present Republican
Incumbent, mill Mr. .MeDonnld,
Democrat, I'.acli Kccclvcs SI Vote.
.11 r. I'lilllliis He-clcetcd tiv u Vote
of 2 5 to 17, the Republicans Losliit;
One Vole mid Ciilulu;; Six Demo
cratic Votes.
At last night's Joint meeting of coun
cils Joseph 1 Phillips, Republican,
was re-clectefl city engineer by n, vote
of 23 to 17 over his Democratic op
ponent, Hdwln P. Dlowitt. Thero was
n deadlock In the balloting for city
solicitor, James P. Torrey, the present
Republic un Incumbent, and 31. E. Sic-
Re-elected City Engineer Over 1'Mward V,
Donald, each receiving 21 votes. Af
ter three ballots had been tuken the
session adjourned to meet Monday
Although the councils contain a
Democratic mnjoilty of two, Mr. San
derson, the Republican chairman of
the Select branch, was chosen to pre
side over the joint session. Politically,
councils are divided as follows: Se
lect council, 11 Republicans, 10 Dem
ocrats; common council, 9 Republi
cans, 12 Democrats.
When the meeting was called to or
der and during the vote for chairman,
the only nbsentees were Mr. Frable,
Democrat, In select council, and Mc
Grall, Democrat, in the common
blanch, but they arrived before the
balloting for city outers began.
Mr. Sanderson was nominated for
chairman by -Mr. Lansing and Mr. Kel
ler, and Mr. Manley was named for
the Democrats by Mr. Clarke and Mr.
Noone. The former wns chosen by
tho following vote of 21 to 19. Mr. Rob
inson voting wlt'h the Republicans and
tho two candidates exchanging compli
mentary votes;
For Sanderson Selectmen Ross, Finn,
Thomas, Williams, Durr, Chittenden,
Wagner, Robinson, Mauley, Fellows,
Schroeder und Lansing: Commoners
Reese, Thomas, Walker, Oliver and Kel
ler 21.
For Manley Selectmen Kearney. Clnrke,
Roche, Sanderson, McCann, Burns, Coyno
and McAndrcw; CornmonciH Gordon,
Giier, Regan, Gllroy, Flanagan, Sweeney,
Nealis, Zeldlcr, Noone, Sheridan and Nor
When Mr. Sanderson announced the
purpose of tlf meeting and called for
nominations for city engineer, Mr.
Clarke nsked If the resolution provid
ing for the meeting did not give pre
cedence to the election of a city solic
itor. Chairman Sanderson answered
the (luestlnn negatively.
Mr. Phillips whs nominated by Mr.
Oliver and Mr. Finn, and the Demo
cratic candidate wns named by Mr.
Manley and Mr. Flanagan. The latter
took occasion to make the only speech
during tho nominating period.
Mr. William?,. Republican of select
council, voted for the Democratic can
didate! on account of a personal differ
ence with Mr. Phillips, but the loss of
that vote was balanced by the voting
of Mr. Robinson, Mr. Roche, Mr. Mc
Cann and Mr. MeAncirew, of the select
branch, and Mr. Gllroy and Mr. Nealis,
of the common council, all Democrats,
who cast their votes with the Republi
cans. The ballot In detail was as fol
lows; For Mr. Phillips Selectmen Ross, Finn,
Thomas, Roche, Durr. I'hltlcndcn. Wag
ner, Robinson, Sanderson, McCann, Fel
lows, Schroeder, Lansing and McAndrcw;
Commoners Reese, Thomas, Walker, Gll
roy, Molr, Wen"l, Wlrth, Jackfon, Ncalls,
Oliver and Keller 23,
For Blewltt Selectmen Kearney, Will
iams, Clarke. Manli), Burns, Frable and
Coyno; Commoners Gordon, Gtler, Regan,
Flanagan, Sweeney, SCeldlcr. Noone, Sheil
dan, McGrall and Norton 17.
For city solicitor. Mr. Torrey was
nominated by Mr. Chittenden and Mr.
Lansing. The Democratic candidate,
Mr. McDonald, was nominated by Mr.
Noone and Mr. Sweeney. The first
ballot was the same as the two that
followed, Mr. Torrey having the select
council vote of 12 to 9 and Mr. McDon
ald the common council branch by the
same vote. It was a strict party vote,
with one exception, Mr. Robinson Join
ing the Republicans as he did on every
ballot taken during the session. The
members voted as follows;
For Torrey Selectmen Ross, Finn,
, I
Thomus, Williams, Durr, Chittenden,
Wagner, Robinson, Sanderson, Fellows,
Schroeder and Lansing; Commoners
Reese, Thomas, Walker, Molr, Wenzel,
Wlith, Jackson, Oliver and Keller 21.
For McDonald Selectmen Kearney,
Clark, Roche, Manley, McCann, Burns,
Frable, Coyne and McAndrew; Common
ers Gordon, Grler, Regan, Gllroy Flana
gan, Sweeney, Ncalix ZuldWr, Noone,
Sheridan, McGrall and Norton 21.
As soon as the result was announced
a motion to adjourn waa mudu by Mr.
Sweaney, and teconded by Miv Nealis
and several others, but was lost by
a tie vote, the members voting oh they
had for the. candidates. There waa
quite a llttlft'hubbub'trnd-confusloiitl'rf.
the two chamber ut tho-Urn and th'
excitement waa heightened by Mr.
Sweeney's excitable lemark:
"Mr. Chairman, we want this bust
ness stopped this business of member.'
fiunv. the otlier,.jbrarch,i:omlnr over
here ntid luttmMntlng''ourmeiiibera;"
Chairman Sanderson had Ignored Mr.
Sweeney's remark and Instructed the
clerks to proceed with another roll call
when Mr. Flanagan exclaimed:
"We protest against the voting of the
gentleman from the Seventeenth (Mr.
Lnn,shrg), , ,He ha beeiV living at thV
Hotel Jermyn In' tho IQljhtlv ward for
several weeks."
Mr. Sanderson wua disposed to treat
Mr. Flapagan's offer as ho had that of 1
Mr, Sweeney, when Mr. Flanagan again
clamored for recognition.
"Do I understand that the gentleman
nsks for n ruling?" said Mr. Sanderson.
"Ves, Blr, I do."
"Well, tho point l.i not. welt taken.
Proceed with the roll" tills to tho
Tho second vote lor city solicitor was
the satno an the llrot. Another vote
was recorded with the same result
when a second motion was made to
adjourn to next Mondcty night and was
carried by u vote of 23 to 17, tho Re
publicans In select voting "aye" and
their colleiigucH In the lower branch
voting "no," the select Democrats vot
ing "no" and tho Democrats In com
mon council "yes," It waa.qpparonUy
a difference of opinion nil around as, to
the advantage that would bo, gained
or lost. Tho vote was:
Ayes Selectmen Ross, Finn, Thomas,
Williams, Durr, Chittenden, Wagner, Rob
inson, Manley, Sanderson, Fellows, and Lansing; Commoners Gor
don, Grler, Regan, Gllroy, Flanagan,
Sweeney, Ncnlls, Zeldlcr, Noone, Sheri
dan, MeUrall and Norton 23.
Nays Selectmen Kearney, Clarke,
Roche, McColm, Burns, Frable, Coyno
and McAndrcw; Commoners Recce, Thom
ns. Walker, Molr, Wenzel, Wlrth, Jack
son, Oliver and Keller 17.
Joseph J, Jcrmyn Asks for an Injunc
tion to Restrain tltc Collection
of Taxes on It. . .
Joseph J. Jerm n yesterday began
proceedings In equity ogulnst ,G. S.
Fowler, William Dawson and Christ
Flckus, mcinbei-M of the board of city
assessors, arid 'Horn'tln ' T. Fellows,
James J. Mnnley, William J. Thomns,
John E. Regan nud Joseph Oliver,
members of the board of revision und
appeal, with a view to testing tho
legality of the assessment for city
purpoqes recently made at the Instance
of the boatd of appeals.
Mr. Jcrmyn Is the owner of certain
property on Pcnn and Fianklln ave
nues which were assessed at the legu
lar triennial assessment In 1893 for
511,000. This vuluatlon wns raised by
the recent assessment to $14, SCO. It Is
held that tilt- vnluntlon l'xed In 1S35
cannot bo changed until the trl-cnnlal
assessment In 1S9S lu made. It Is spe
cifically set forth that the assessment
Is Illegal for these reason?.
The attempt to authorlzo the board of
lcvMon of taxes and appeals to order a
new assessment Is an unlawful delegation
of legls-latlvn power.
The act of Maj 23, 1S93, under which this
assessments purports to have hcen'made.
Is local und special legislation forbidden
by tho constitution, in that it allows dif
ferent results lu different cities ot 'ho
same class.
Tho board of revision of taxes nnd np
pia's, so far as It attempts to exercise leg
Matlve functions In ordering a new as
sessment for 1S97, Is u municipal commis
sion forblddon by section 20 ot Article 3
of tho constltuton of this commonwealth.
Legislation In regard to triennial as
sessment Is not a subject necullarly per
taining to cities, and the aforesaid Act of
May 23d, 1", so far as It piescribes pro
tslons pei tabling thereto nnd applying
only to thlid class cities, Is not a general
law, and Is In violation of Section 1 of Ar
ticle 9 of tho constitution, which pro
vides that all taxes shall bo levied and
collected under general laws,
Mr. Jermyn therefore asked for an
Injunction restraining the defendants
from levylnir and collecting from him
any taxes on the excess of vuluatlon
over that fixed by the triennial assess
ment ot 1S93. A preliminary Injunction
was granted by Judge Gunster nnd
made returnable next Monday.
It Wns (Jivr-n n Ileniinr Before Jiidpc
Edwnrds Vesterdny.
The trouble between the rival Win
ton town council was aired
Judge Edwards yesterday. P. J. Burke,
Michael Gallagher, M. J. Barrett, Ben
jamin Travis and William Barrett
compose one board, and Joseph Lan
gnn, James Kane, Henry Dando, Thos.
Bell and P. C. Welsh the other. Tho
bother Is over the Third ward seat
claimed both by William Barrett and
P. C. Walsh.
The matter was brought to court In
the shape of Injunction proceedings In
stituted by -tha .Burke-Bairett board to
prevent the Langan-Walsh board from
doing business. Messrs. Powderly and
Burns represent tho plaintiffs nnd
Messrs. Kelly and O'Malley the de
fense. The latter contended strongly
that as the title to ofllce Is Involved,
quo warranto nnd not equity Is the
proper proceeding.
1'nid $5 to Alderman Millar for the
Prhilgo of Saying Tilings
Thomns Kelly Is the name of a col
oted gentleman who w'as arraigned be
fore .Mderiiiaii Millar yesterday morn
ing on a charge of assaulting Thomas
O'Brien, poitorln the St. Charles hotel.
Kelly also used obscene language and
ns the streets were ptetty well Inhabl
tated yestciday morning a great ninny
peorlo lieuid him. Aldenpan Millar
held Kelly under $3f'0 bail op the as
sault and battery ohutgeand fined him
F for his foul ton-uie.
T. B. McCllntock has secured quar
tets at the Y. M. C. A. building on Wy
oming avenlue for one weekdnd.(wHl'
exhibit a full line of plants and cut
llowers for Easter.
i '
Clnrk's En'stcr Annoy
In the Meavs' building.- Beiuitlful dis
play of (lowers.
Something Xawi tsif' 4
Tty tho. Commercial Quick Lunch
parlor for .luuoh today. 30G Spruce
street. Politeness, cleanliness, polite
Twining, optician 123 Penn avenue, In
Harris" drug store. Hours 9 a, m.. 5
p. m. '
Miss Carolyne V. Dorsy, fsacher of
elocution, oratory and delsarU, SIC Ad
ams avenue.
To Cure a Cold in One I)ny,
Take laxative Bromo Quinine' Tablets.'
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. 25c. . ''." .. ,-.ii'K.
Davldow Bros., Jewelers, have moved'
to 227 Lackawanna avenue,
DUGGAN-In Dunmore, Pa April 11. 1837.
Mis. Thomas Duggan, aged SO years. Fu
neral Wednesday morning. A solemn
high mass, beginning ut 9.39 o'clock will
bo sung In St. Mary's church, Inter
ment will lio In St. Mary's cemetery.
BE8T-In "oVphant, Pa April 10, 1SU7,
Mrs. .Maria Best, wldov of tho late Will
am Best, used 31 yeara. Funeral Tues
day morning. A high mass of requiem,
beginning at 10 o'clock, will bo cejo-
. bruted at St. Patrick' church, Olyphant.'
Interment will b'e In St. Patrick's cemetery.
THE R. R. Y. M. C. A.
Fittingly Observed In tlis Rocms
Lackawanna Avenue.
In It He Reviewed tho Work Done by
the Association During tliu Ycnr.
Expenditures nml Kuculrito-Snm
Slotin ni lltinblo to Ho Present
nud Sent wlicttcr oritc&rct--Thoio
Mho Agisted tit tho Celebration.
The railroad depaitmcnt oC the Young
Men's Christian association last even
ing i-ultably oelubrnled the (sixteenth
anniversary of Its formation. with exer
cIsm followed by a social 1)) thp ast'u
cintluu building qu .Lackawnmw. ave
nue. . u, ji,iii in I
It was expected ithatSatn Sloan, pres
ldtnt of the DolavarejLacknwunun and
Western railroad, would bo 'present nt
L'uri- '!
the cel-'bratloi'. as be had given a t'uv
mable nnnvrr to a request to that ef
fect but a letter read last night stated
Hint he wn.s unable to attend. It was
as follows:
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany, 1'iesldents' Ofllce.
New York, April 8. 18'17.
My Dear Sir: I uni compelled to wtlto
my regrets nt not being with you on tho
occasion of the sixteenth niinlveinary of
the doling Men's Christian association of
Seranton on Monday p. m., of next week.
Your association has dono so much good
nnd continued to work so successfully
among our nun In tins direction of good
morals and Christian principles that ou
all have :hy earnest sympathy and lust
wishes for your success. Your n30c!a
tlon does Indeed "bear a vital iclntlon to
the other ntsoclatlons along tho lino" and
truly appreciated by nil.
1 hope for some future opportunity of
being with yoj. Very truly ours.
(Signed) Sam Sloan.
To F. W. Pcarsall, Secretary.
Mr. Sloan expressed his interest In the
S. M. Bard, stale secretary of the as
sociation, and G. A. Wai burton, secre
tary of the New Yoik association, were
present; also J. 11. McKlnley, whose
artldllc tenor slnulns has been heard
betore In this city. The attendance- was
something remarkable and Indicates
that the association'!, effort for a more
commodious building is not amihS.
Every chair in the hall was taken and
the ovciflow reached Inty the hall.
The nfinir was In charge of a com
mittee of management as follows: J.
R. Troch, chairman: William Frlnk,
D. J. Whiteford, A. II. Masters, E. M.
Fiancls. E. K. Crolhamel, C. W. Dunn.
Frank Iicldln, F. W. Pcarsall. W. P.
Curry, Amzl Albeit, M. V. Nooley, It.
F. McKcnna, E. T. Swartz, W. G.
Young, G. M. Hnllstcad. Frank Drynnt,
A. Fraunfeltcr, cx-Offlelo A. W. Dick
son, George G. Many, E. W. Pear
sail, secretary; W. A. Herri , as-dstunt
secretary; II. M. Brewer, assistant sec
retary. Bauer's orchestra opened tho evening
with an overture followed by the annl-
versaiy hymn, a number of soulful
verses wiltten for tho occasion by Mr.
Wai burton and sung to the time of
"Duke Street." Rev. C. E. Robinson,
D. D., pastor ot the Second Presbyte
rian church, led in prayer, In which ho
called for blessing on tho future work
ot the association. Mr. McKlnley then
sang "Hozannn. " He was compelled
to give n second selection, "The Un
seen Kingdom," a pathetic ballad. Mr.
McKlnley -nfterward sang "The Little
Sliver Ring," another pietty ballad.
His singing was dellghtfl. He was
accompanied en the piano by Mrs. Mc
Klnley. Secretary F. W. Pcarsall read his re
pot t, riven below In full, and was ap
plauded by the audience. The oiches
tr.a furnished another number and S.
M. Bard, ot Harrlsburg, made nn ad
dress on the clllclency of the. Individual
effort In the work, meaning that not
alono In fine buildings, etc., but In the
men,ln the association does the chaiees
for "success lie. . Mr. Warburton then
mado a very entertaining address. Ills
opening vein was humorous, but the
humor was nicely used to effect ns
an Illustration for his seilous talk. His
main Idea, which speaks for Itself, was:
"The association lepresents among
railroad men as elsewhere, an all
round man1fooiK"fftJifItJfti)ii!rij Ms ns
much the natural pioduct of the asso
ciation as silk ls,UiB.)'bdact.ofsa silk
mill or coal of ifv(v?l''nilneADi.Jvelop
ment In any onellrectlon It) -abnormal."
The celebi utlon ilosed with the. sing
ing of the Dology. The UtU' ax
lllary of tho association served refresh
ments, Ice cream, cake and drinkables.
Secretary F. W. Pears-all's report was
In part as follows:
It becomes again necessary.joipvlew
thu work dono by the association, to
make comparisons and hold tho record
of a year's work .iul for Judgmeau The
history of thd 3eii ykhow&'tfiutiflUial Is
encouraging. Not, however, along tho
Hues of material tnctease, for that Is out
of tho question iwlong; as tho.asoociatlon
occupies the present building.' In' my last
annual report 1 said "Thu need of our
work la pre-eminently a new hiilld'tig.
Tho work has lauffeied during thl past
year becauno of tho poor accommodations
und unless Im.nedlnto aid Is given, much
that has btcn gained In tho yus,t two
years will bo lost." Tho prophety of u
year ago has become history, nlthough
tir.- falling off has not been ns great as
might have been expected. Tho member
ship fell from SS2 to 3.'4; the nuniber ot
baths furnished fiom 5.1S2 to 4,224; tho
cliculatlon of tho library from 1,531 to
' Many of tho rn'lrond men weio keenly
disappointed at tho failure of tho con
ttlbuttng company to mako an appropria
tion toward tho now building and re
fused lo renow their membership on that
account. In view of tho continued hard
times, howeVer', tho men ore showHii; a
spirit of moderation und the 'feeling in
growing that tho company will act when
It Is able,
Tho attendance at tho building shows a
sUzht Increaso over last year, tho aver
uge attendance being week days, 041; Sun
riuva. 311.
in r
jjav - iy'H!
-rZ-' -t
Tho entertainments and members' ral
lies continued to be n source ot social en
joyment for the members and their fami
lies during the past winter. The class In
nrlthmetlo nnd penmanship made excel
lent progress under the leadership of Mr.
Glover, the total attendance nt tho nes
slons being 30(3 agnlnst 219 Inst ycnr, Tho
failure of our effort to organise a clKsfl In
ncchnnlcal draughting lust fall wan nno
of tho disappointments of the year. Tho
rellgloua work h"H been most encourag
ing. Tho regular meetings haVo been
conducted successfully nnd with good re
sults, but the best work has been dono
by tho Yokefellows' band.
Tho building nnd furnishing fund has
nt present $1,972. IJ In tho First National
bank an an Interest bearing deposit, nnd
$1,05? In outstanding pledges,
Tho UBSoclntlon Is Indebted to tho gen
eral lonnagcf and other ofllclais of tho
Delaware, Lncknwnnna and Western
rnllt oad, to Attorney Aaron Vincent Bow
er, Gcorgo 11, Clark and Mr, Gardner,
of Factoryvlllc, for their valuablo as
sistance In our work, alo to the ladles
of tho auxiliary committee, tho ladlen
who served us pntroncrsea of our recent
concert and the friends whose sii'viort
helped to make the concert a success, be
sides many others whom wo cannot
The year closes with a chango In tho
cmploji's, ABsUtnnt Secretary F. P.
Brownu going to Hallsteml, Pa., ns gen
ereal recrtary, after three nnd a hall
yenrs of faithful service, and llrakcman
Warren A. Berry becoming assistant In
Mr. Browne's stead,
In closing I would say that the past
year luW been tho best year for tho as
sociat'on slnco I came to Seranton as
secretary. Fur all these blessbigs wo le
turn most hearty thanks to God nnd as
cribe to Him ull the praise. To Him also
wo look to supply our needs, who prom
ised to cupply them ''through Ills riches
In glory by Christ Jesus."
The treasurer's report for tho year
ending March 31 was as follows;
Educational Classes ....
Entertainments ,
Printing und stationery
Rcpalra and supplies ...
Religious work
Postage ,
122 50
f.1 ,Vi
lid 00
169 7-'
31 63
120 40
339 11
307 00
r.i 4i
20 M
21 OS
M 40
93 73
41 23
10 01
Book fund
Lackawanna Bell subset Iptlons.... 41 10
Base Ball club 2 40
Building and Furnishing fund 10 93
Extension work 97 W
Motor power 12 W
Gymnasium 10 30
Insurance 13 00
Total,3U 71
L'j.i ia
100 O)
71 14
313 U9
l'eisonal subscription
Sunday collections ...,
Rent lunch wagon ...,
Total J1.271 70
Balance on hand .March 31, 1S0G.,.. 331 OJ
$1.1.23 S3
Expenditures 1.3S2 71
Balance March 31, 1S97 S 13 11
E. K. Crothamel.
Kerosene Oil Stovo Caused Trouble
in Dun in on; Last Night.
Cool heads prevented what might
have been a serious panic In Boyle's
hall, Dunmore, last night. An enter
tainment was being given by tho Rose
Hud Dium corps and the hall contained
about 200 persons', many of whom were
In the rcur of tho hall Is a room
used by the Loyal Legion ns a reading
room nnd in this a kerosene oil stove
Is used for heating purposes. In some
unexplained way that stove shot out
tongues of Ilame last night which com
municated to the surrounding Inllam
mnble material.
Smoke almost Instantly found Its way
Into the hall where the entertainment
was being held, someone shouted lire
nnd then a dash wcs made for the exit
by a number of those In the audience.
Some of the more ccol headed ones
shouted to the excited persons and
commanded them to sit down nnd after
n few minutes order was restored.
In the meantime the stove that had
caused the excitement hud been thrown
through a window and the train of lire
that It left after It was extinguished.
The entertainment wa pi oceeded with
but a great deal of smoke remalnod In
the hall all evening to annoy the audi
ence and remind It of the narrow es
cape It had.
Knstrr Display of !'lowcr.
Our nnnex this Eislei Is lp the Meat's'
building. G. W. Clark & Co.
Thionas of critical lollts lme enlnjcd the
Millinery Show of lavt week. They noticed
two thbiKH lliitsiind Bonnets prettier, more
lullstlc and prices en than oer. There aiu
HutK liom Mi.lio to l-'",.l0, doens of them,
that ale reM'liiitoiis to lint n carets; Htyllsli,
line inatcrliilN, well uiade.
'Jlin liiti'li-Htrlng iHiilniiys out. and thorn's
no body to tease on to buy. We want the
ladles to ciimo and go iim they pli'iikc. Ihu
toro Ih lor lymir comfiut and cniicnleiicc;
but Kt U-k and ulun mhIi as wo'io giving
woii't pi event jour spending money here.
ill liliPw
Lace Curtains, Stretchers, Pillow Shams, Holders, Eas
els and Screens. Everything in Window Shades.
Horses llo Yiih Driving Hccanio
Frightened nnd Run Awny.
William llendcison, a boy 15 yeara
of age, who Is employed ns a driver by
J. T. Hnngl, the Green Ridge grocer,
wne- seriously Injured yesterday after
noon. Ho was driving a team of horses at
tached to a delivery wngon nlong Dick
son avenue and nt Green Ridge street '
attempted to make a Bhort turn. The
horses became frightened and ran
away, throwing the driver out nnd i
dragging htm some distance.
Henderson was tnken to tho Iieka
wanna hospital, where It was found
that he wns suffering from bad frac- ,
tures of the upner nnd lower Jaws be
sides a painful cut on the forehead ,
and numorouo bruises.
We are still doing business at the I
n.n nt1 .InMll ..'tin... ...a l.n.. !..... 6.
rainu u,i Diuiui "tttiv it i; imu UUQU lur
twenty-two years past and most re
spectfully solicit tho putt image of tho
public as heretofore In awnings, tents,
Hags and all kinds of society goods
nnd decorations,
S. J. Fuhrman & Bro,
The Lackawanna Stone Co. Is pro
pared to furntoh rouzh nnd dressed
stone. Paving blocks a specialty. All
work guaranteed; estimates cheerfully
furnished; prompt delivers. Oillce, 421
Lackawanna avc., Fred J, Wldmayer,
Your Slilits
Returned to you with any kind of
finish you desire, domestic, medium or
high gloss, when lnundrled at tho
Crystal, 313 and 34G Adams ave.
Davldow Bros., Jewelers, have moved
to 227 Lackawanna avenue,
BEECHAM'S PILLS will dispel the
ortlie next few
we will sell Ten
days we
and Dozen of the very fin
est Fresh Eggs, at
Per Dozen.
Every egg guaranteed to
be strictly fresh.
320 Lickavanna Ave., Seranton Pa.
Paint Line.
The Old Reliable.
Pure and Whit:.
i All Colors!, uscJ where liljh glos
llnlxh Is UcslrcJ
Cuiveilcnt, Ccanamlcal and
I'tnln und Vurnlsli with ono appli
cation, producing perfect imitation
cf erensle vooJs,
(lucrantecJ PURE.
Including tho painless oxtractlai; of
tictu by un entirely now process.
S'. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
331 Spruce St , Opp. Motel Jermyn.
Cozy Corners
and dainty window drapings
will repay yon weli'if you lis
ten to what we have to tell
you about values, Our Cur
tains and Draperies have beeu
marked to make them move.
You get your money's worth
we g(St the room;"' We need
more space. Let us convince
you that this is solid fact.
IIUnilsLIaU UtlUUi)
- -j iT M'M wtW-u
Cor. WaMilnRtan'AVt.'iiri'J sfpruM'Vi.''' " "
UliC.I 11"l f'l
To Shojv you vrlKU.wc nuewJU-it-;
to ilo in the way. Itrtyipyjcvw,
wu quote tha follo.wjni;:. . (l,( , ,
Hood's HniTiipnrilia,.,,,.,- ......,w,il,-,c llnltlo
Aer'H.,i(.,,p'nrlll.i '.'"'." ". ''T.TC ifflllo
!i"lV,cl,i,vl',.rivt'0,.""i;,vwa'i 'i? "iii'v.
Ilydla Plukliiilu'r Cohivnlmd .. W llolllS'
Pierce H Medical Iilsc)iir.v,i, . , .,';oi H,.m
- .- . . w ... . ... . .v.-. itj.iioii ., ,in' i ,i,i iu
nriicr s raio i uru
Nyriiiior Flits
Kcott V HmulNlon, large.,,.
'Spoil's MmillRlmi, small.,..
Hand's Hnmcillcs ,.
Ilenson'N I'lusters
AllciicU'H Porous I'liiMers
utrcimhlciiliijs I'I.isIith
Ayer'M J'llln
Hoods Pills
I'lirlcr'a Pill. nottlo
.., uso linitla
:is iiottio
l lu t'-iy.K
lie 1'iiVh
t.'H lfox
.,...;i.iii llo-
Cutleiira Simp
Lyon's Tooth Pom tier.
lillnllio IM1N, uur
LpMim Salts
.. llhlill' t'Kto'
I.M' lliittlo
, -,-.c lb.
Compare ottr prices, call ami he
convinced We 'can Iilid'iittelliV
lower than other,. The ,loj.H.nn
these redactions does, not J.ts;C
our low prices on prcicrintioim.
' v
Dnu mium
To meet tliodciiimiilT.irl L'dfW?UfltivWes
at popular pi IroH.Mcollcr tin) follow In j list!
iinniirSaiHiipurllliiM. , , H,-,il)OttIo
,,,,li!(:'1 ,!!''i1V'!V',.C"lJ'"1' ,-"":U'''i'a S
l.llltll l'lllKllilllUMl ikliktinutnU. Ai j.wmJL,,i1j V '
Icrco'H .Mnllpnl,IWBiijfi 5.UX Slt'Sotlffl S R 2 K
1 Icrco'H lV.a'Ue.PiWifriiM&.Jti-TotttS Vt ZZl
Warner' i Mifi Cure . . s-lcbottbj
Scott's EiiiiiIhIihi, siiinll ..Slue liottto
Alleocli'H Pimitis Pin tl-rj. ,J.,v:.,.. vtllciai.ijr.
Lxm'HTootn'Poiuler t? 7V1VJ tf,i- ImIAIo '
Hand's Remedies ..... isobottlo .,
'-MA-Jv'H-tirl j jj ,fii
Prices on
d rue's
aiul prc-
scriptions the slowest. CftU t-
vince you we caii save, you
g money. nijflto tjlie'l.'
store, 209 ..JLackawanmi .,
Avenue- :' -J IBM
" z:i irui' a
HOUR, A3 WE-rHAVfe PpOVr)Y Ac!
314 Washington ave., " itiiiW, Pa
If You Want to Store Furniture,
If You Want u Cub,
If Yon Want Ilimgnge Transferred,
If you Want a Urny,
If You Want Freight Ilnulod,
CALL TCLUI'riONb S3,S 01?03.
Call and see our line
before buying.
"'""" -d i !' t I
C. J. WEICHia,
140 and 141 Wash. Ave., Means lUJg.
Solum, Piano Stands at tha Head
AM) J. W. CUURNSHY Stands at tlie.HeaJ
In tlw Muslo track. Y'ou can nlv.ais'sW-sV
better bursaln nt Ida beautiful wnrerovuns
than at any other phji( ilio cia-, iD"
Cull and cforci!y.ypeforflni5-!ij,,Aj
v rf r.
205 Washington8 Avenitep
J. WlKViikAm, Prop. ,(
i, ' ' !l'
z im
I fl n
b(miiijt-,iSi5'tt a-a
' --"- " . " . . . . Sl
111- - I -IJ-
,-. M