The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 09, 1897, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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    JV v -R--
(Reader will plensc note thnt advertise
mnt, orders for Job work, nnd Items for
publication left nt tho establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main
trect, will rccelvo prompt attention; of
fice open from 8 n, m. to 10 p. m.
A llirt litluy 1'arty on Uclmont Street
Largely Attended.
About olghly fr'cnds assembled on
Wednesday evcnlnK nt the Lackawanna
house to conRnittilateMrs. I.ouln Hrun of Uclmont street, upon lior twenty-ninth
birthday. The acrmanln o
clety was well represented, no that tho
ovenlnp passed pleasantly with singing,
dancing and social festivity. Tlu tables
were loaded with all the essentials of a
tminptunus feast nnd the company ap
prerlatcd the hounlles piovlded. Dur
ing the cvenlne Wank Burrow?, In
behalf of friends, presented Mrs. Tlrun
nor with two handsome locking chairs.
The niu.slu for ilanoliifr. was furnished
by Professor Hennle. Among the ijucsts
were1 Meagre, und Jlesdames J. P.
Hock, J. O. Ilartninn, Arthur Locke, Z.
C. 1,fp, Geoige DtiUoIs, Joe Kir.nts:,
Carl Roslegar, iteorg Yarns, Joe Sheck,
Louis Hohkop. Hev. V. A. Ehlnger. and
Mers. August Uuehart, William Cole,
Allien Johnson, Kd. Krantz, Henry
Rchwedlor, Gecrgo Dow. John Wark,
Prank I!. Whlsplatp, William Fuller,
Louis Slebold, Professor Hennle. Frank
Flood, A. A. Lncl", AVnlter Thomas,
Misses Tessle Ki-n;stes, Annie Wark,
Cl'na Oailsli, Mrs. William Hlnghnni,
Jlis. Joseph liillery and Mrs Conrad.
A .Murderous Attack on John Itur
ii ii roll by lliglniny Kobbers.
On Sunday night as John Hurnaich
was passing the toad nenr the old tnn
neiy he was nttaeked by two men who
evidently weie highway jobbers. In
his effoits to defend himself lie re
ceived a blow which laid him helpless
on the giound. Hefoie he became un
conscious, however, he recognized one
of the men, and called his name
Hurnnich was found by one of his
countrymen about 11.30 o'clock. For
about nn hour and n hnlf he had been
lying In the road. His condition was
consldeied critical on Monday, and
Justice Glynn was desired to tnke his
dying statement. He Is now likely to
recover, and the men will be attested
if they can be found.
ork on nn llrrgc.ii House Stopped.
Tucker & Maxey deslie to hae the
old Van Ueignn homestead, recently
purchased, temodcled for a stoic. The
caipenteis were busily employed on
the building ycsteidaj. when, by or
der of Major O'Neill. Chief of Police
McAndiew served notice upon Tucker
ft Mnxey to stop the work. It appears
that nil entile new first story was to
bo built; but the city's Hie limit oidln
.MKe prohibits the icpaliing of old
buildings to an extent exceeding 10 pei
cent, of their value, tlieieforo the or
der was iued. Some arrangement
will be made so that woik can proceed
in some other way.
Itnv. Mr. Pitch ltetiiius from China.
The missionary supported In China by
the First Presliyteilan "lunch, Hev.
J. A. Fitch, Is now visiting Hev. Chas.
Lee at the Presbyterian manse. He
lias been oidered by his physician to
come to tills countiy niter his long Ill
ness. He expects to lemain In the city
for several weeks, and while hete his
friends will have an opportunity to be
come ucquaintcd with one who has been
sustained by their contributions In the
foreign Held. Mis. Fltcli will Ji.ln her
husbend here for a visit. Last evening
Mr. Fitch attended the meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Misslonaiy society In
Temperance .Meeting.
A meeting in behalf of the temper
ance cause was held at the No. 4 chapel
on Wednesday evening. The address
ins given by Mrs. Partington, of Poit
lnnd, Mc well known ns an advocate
of prohibition. The oeal music was
lendered by Mls.s Sndle Miller nnd Hnr
ly f.'ennls. The membership In tho
Prohibition club was Increased by a
number who gave their names nnd
Joined the club.
C. H. Spencer and daughter, Marjory,
nnd CI. S. Kimball left Wednesdny for
i vlsjt with friends and ielutles In
"Vpsilantl. Mich.
Miss Hattle Pnscoe Is visitlncr with
friends In New Yoik nnd Hiooklyn.
Miss Hllen Huike, of Scianton, Is a
guest at the home of Michael Moran,
on Pike street.
Frank Fnulkner cut his wrist while
unloading som sheets of tin from a
car Wednesday.
Mis. Chailes nines nnd son, Leon, of
Cemetery stitct, are visiting friends in
Mis. Emma Heleher, of Ariel, Pa.,
is visiting her sister, Mis. n. M. Olver,
on Dai te avenue.
Misses Lottie nnd Hessie Kills were
vlsltois in Sernnton Wednesday.
Mis. L. C. Partington, of Poitland,
Me., who has been tho guest of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Fred Frank, of Washington
btreet, left for her heme yesterday
Peter Larkln is homo from college to
nnettd his Ranter vacation.
Miss Mary Ynrrlngton has returned
fiom Port Jcrvis, where she has been
Wsdtlnir ft lends.
M. D. Lathrope. of this city, conduct-
Causes fully halt tho sickness la the world. It
retains tho digested food too lone In tliu bowels
nnd produces biliousness, torpid llwr, I mil-
liestlou, bad taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, In
somnia, etc. Hood's Tills
cure constipation nnd all Its
results, easllynud thoroughly. 25c. All druggists.
I'repared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The nuly I'U to take- with Hood's barsaparllU
1,000 yards Ingrain Carpets marked to 18c, 23c,
25c, 29c, 35c, worth from 25c to 50c.
OIL CI.OTII SAI.Ii-fiOO yards Floor Oil Cloths marked to 15c. 20c.
25c, JIOc, 33c Hqtitu'e Yard, worth from 20c to 50c.
MATTING SAMJ-200 yards assorted MnttliiK, 8Jc to 25c. Jtut one
half their value,
This sale to last one week only. Tapestry Carpets at cut prices.
ed the revival services nt the Second
Presbyterian church Wednesday even
ing. Mrs. C. A. Hants wns a visitor In
Scranton this week.
Mrs. a. W. Reynolds, who had been
quite 111 with the grip, Is now convales
cent. Mrs. Herman, of Uclmont Btreet, ts
111 with diphtheria,
Miss Lydla Plchel, of Sernnton, was
In town Wcdnesdny evening rehearsing
the Knster music with the Presbyter
Ian choir.
Mrs, William Pentecost, of Prompton,
visited friends In town this week.
Miss Ida Heese.who has been visiting
friends In Sernnton, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Purdy left for
Atlantic City yesterday, where they
will make their home. '
Joseph Mlssett, of the Baltimore
Medical college, Is homo for his Eas
ter vacation.
Harry Rettew Is expected home Sat
urday from New York, where he has
been taking a course In scientific
Mrs. Louis Drunncr nnd son, Lelnnd,
were the guests of friends In Forest
City this week.
Evan Tucker had Ills foot badly
bruised while unloading some plank
from a wagon yesterdny.
II. C. Snyder, the Erie general agent
at Newark, N. J., was In town AVednes
day. Itufus. son of Mr. and Mrs. nyan, of
Blrkett street, Is sick with diphtheria.
J. IV Dickson, of Scranton, division
freight agent for the Delaware and
Hudson company, was In town this
Wednesday evening Hev. Father
Griffin delivered a forcible temperance
sermon In St. Hose church.
Miss Frank Maxwell has accented a
position In Sawyer's tnllllneiy store.
Regular Lenten devotions will take
place In St. .Mary's church this even
ing. The Pilmltlve Methodist choir will
meet tomorrow evening for rehearsal.
Mls.s Cassic Moran Is able to be about
after n long and serious Illness.
Mrs. Michael Uuckley, of the North
End, attended the funeral of Mrs. Jo
seph Keenan, at Parsons, on Wednes
day. Mr. Hugh Goodwin has purchased a
lot on the West Side nnd will erect a
home at once.
Mrs. Murphy, mother of Constable
Murphy, Is seilously ill at the lesldence
of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Studders.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simons, of
Wllkes-Barre, spent Tuesday nt the
residence of Mr. and Mrs,. Andrew
Clark. .
Hit Chnile.s Davis, of Jermyn, visit
ed at the residence of her daughter,
Mm. O. W. Lower, during the week.
The Bennett lodge, 907. Independent
Order of Odd Fellow, will Install olll
eers tins evening. Grand Master Davis
of Scranton, will perform the Installa
tion ceremonj.
The news of the death of Mrs. Jnmes
M"Kane, fonnerly of this place, was
a shock to her many friends In this
town to whom she had cndeaied herself
by her many agreeable nnd kindly acts
among them. A larcre number will at
tend the obsequies at Green Hidge this
Miss Knto Barrett, of the North End.
Is a sufferer fiom hip disease.
Invitations have been Issued by the
Independent Social club of Mooslc to
a teceptlon In Dymond's hall on Fri
day evenlrg, April 23.
Mr. Fred Marsh, of New York city.
Is 'ircitlatlng among friends In town
this week.
A large congiegatlon attended the
reception tendered Rev. D. T. Smythe
In the Presbyterian church on Tuesday
eenlng. An excellent programme waa
rendeted and neldresses were made by
Messrs. Chailes Monie, William Dick
and Charles Alkman. Rev. A. L. Lln
deimut'i welcomed the pastor. Re
freshments were served in tho class
rooms dining the evening.
Mrs. John Snyder and Miss Williams,
of Trucksville, spent yesterday nt the
Snyder residence on South Main street.
On Thursday evening burglars tried
to eftect an eptianej Into J. F. Mitchell's
giocety store on the V"est Side. They
succeeded In bieaklng the glass pane
of the door and were about to complete
their work when Mr. Mitchell appcar
id on the scene and confronted the vil
lains, but being unarmed they succeed
ed In making tnelr escape. This da
spicable woik has been going on for
some time mil when a few of them
nie brought to account for their nets
the citizens of the town will rest more
contentedly than at present.
A most pleasant wlal event was tho
blithdny paity that was tendered Mr.
Elmer Davis nt his home In Greenwood,
on the occasion of the nineteenth nnnl
veisaty ef his birth, on Tuesday even
ing. The eenlng wns pleasantly spent
In fames and other nmuFomsnts until a
late heiur. Vocul and Instrumental mu
sic by several members of the gather
ing added greatly to the plcuture of
these present. Delicious lefreshmcnts
weie served. These present were: Miss
es Annie and Jennie Loverlng. Delia
Knapp, Small Fox, Ida Jones, Llzzio
Loverlng, Lilian Crandelmtre. Sadie
Knapp, Saiah Danks, Tlllie M utklns,
Lizzie How son, Susie and Nellie Mc
Ciacken, Miss Janv3. and Messrs. El
mer Davis, Isaac Thomas. Edward
Jones, Walter Mullen, Evan Davis, John
It. Thomas, David T. Davis, John Grif
fiths, of Taylor; Thomas King, Mr.
Joseph, Edgar Davis, Joeph Morgans,
Harry Davis, John nnd Charles Cadw
gan. Howard Davis, Fred Jones, of
Hde Pnik, and George Evans, of
Dm yea.
James Thomas, now mine foreman at
the Storr's mines, but late of the Pyne,
has moved his family to Providence,
whore ho will reside permanently. In
his departuro this town nab lost one
of its most noted musicians.
Mrs. Coblolgh, who has been confined
to her home on Main street for tho past
three weeks, left for Philadelphia Wed
nesday mm nine to undergo treatment
nt one of the leading hospitals In that
Tho Price Library association will
hold n business meeting this evening.
Members are requested to lis present.
Mr. Alfred Harris, of tho First ward,
moved his family to Coleport, Pa on
The many friends of Rev. F. A. King
Carpets, Draperies and Wall Papers,
419 Lacka. Ave.
Thousand of People Have Dyspepsia In It
Worst form and Do Not Know It'
A weak stomach Is the cause of about
nine-tenths of nil disease, yet In most
cases the wrong thing Is treated nnd
the true cause overlooked.
This Is because a weak digestion pro
duces symptoms resembling nearly ov
ery disease becnuso It weakens nnd
disturbs the action of every nerve nnd
organ In the bodyi poor digestion
causes heart trouble, kidney tioubles,
lung weakness nnd especially nervous
break down or nervous prostration,
the nerves ennnot stand the wear and
tear tin leys generously fed by well di
gested, wholesome food.
Keep tho digestion good and no one
need fear the approach of disease.
Mrs. II. M. Lee, of Rochester, N. Y
writes: For the sake of suffering hu
manity I wnnt to say that from a child
1 had n very weak stomach, threw up
my food very often after eating nnd
nfter n few years nervous dyspepsia
resulted and for more tban twenty
years I have suffered Inexpressibly.
I tried many physicians and ndver
tlsed remedies with only temporary re
lief for nervous dyspepsia and not un
til I commenced taking Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets last September, six
months ago, have I been free from
suffering caused by the condition of my
nerves and stomnoh; hi short chronic
nervous dyspepsia.
I have recommended Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets to ninny of my friends
nnd now I want In a public way to
say they are tho safest, plcasnntest
nnd I believe surest cure for ntomnch
and nerve troubles. I write my hon
est opinion and I will gladly answer
any letter of Inquiry at any time and
feel that I am, In my small way, help
ing on a good cause. .
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is not a
patent medicine, but they contain only
the ftult salts, digestive acids nnd pep
tones necessary to help the weak stom
noh to promptly and thoroughly digest
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at B0 cents for full sized pack
age and anyone suffering from nervous
elyspcpsln, sour stomacJi, headaches,
acidity, gases, belching, etc.. will find
them not only a quick relief but a rad
ical cure.
Send to Stuart Co.. Marshall, Mich.,
for little book describing cause and
cure of stomach troubles giving symp
toms and treatment of the various
forms of Indigestion.
In this place sincerely hope that ho
will reconsider his decision and remain
at least another year.
The buurd of trade met on Wednes
day evening In the council chamber on
Main street and re-orgnnlzed for the
yeir by the re-election of nil ofllcers:
President, John Ayers, sr.; secretary,
H. J. Daniels; health officer, J. W.
M. C Judge, our popular townsman,
left on Wednesday for Ohio to attend
the funeral cf a relative.
Messrs. William Hosklns, jr., Bynrd
Gnfllths and RlcharU Jenkins nie tak
ing up a course of study at Commer
cial college in Scranton.
The board of health met Wednesday
evening and re-organlzed by electing
William F. Sullivan, president: Dr. S.
P. Duvis, secretary; health "olllcer. Dr.
I. S. Graves; sanitary olllcer, James
Mrs. Trim, of West Pittston, is vis
iting: her daughter, Mrs. T. B. Craw
ford, on Second street.
The suit of Addle Hopper by her
next friend, Edward Phillips, ngalnst
John Ball, of Scott, for wages fsUI to
be due her, was hcaid betore 'Sejulre
Robinson. II. D. Carey, esq., appeared
for the plaintiff. Judgment was given
In favor ot plaintiff.
A warrant wns Issued on Wednesday
by 'Squire Robinson at the Instance of
Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, for the arrest of
M'.ix Klopfcr, of Archbald, who Is
charged with running the toll gate at
tho foot of Rushbrook road, and re
fusing to pay the toll.
Airs. Frank Davis, of Unlondale, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Uiny, of South Main street.
The following chiefs of Monsays tribe.
Improved Older of Red Men, were rais
ed at a recent meeting: Prophet, John
W. Jones; sachem, Chailes Ncth'erton;
senior sagamore. Peter Allan; Junior
sagamore", Joseph Beckwlth; keeper of
wampum, Hosmr Fowler; chief of
records, W. S. Tomnn, collector of
wampum, John II. Sleglo; llrst warrior,
William Morcom; second warrior,
James Scutt; first snruap, Fred Dane;
eecond sanuap, John Reese; guard of
wigwam, Henry Sanfotd; guard of the
fou st, Chris. Whitney.
Many people In town regrett"d to
hei'r yesterday of the death of James
Bragg, who died on WednesJcy even
ing at West Pittston, Fcr some years
he was employed both ;..t the Jermyn
pharmacy and nt Davis' drugstoie, and
while a resident of this place made
many friends.
netf ilend, Edward Phillips, against
The Brownson Literary society met
Wednesday exenim: nnd the following
programme wns rendered: Vocal solo,
Tesslo McLaskey, recitation, Nellie
Stanton: nelect readliiK. Katie Qulnn;
vocal solo, Sadie Timlin. A debate that
was to have taken place was post
poned until next meeting.
Miss' Mime Timlin, who has been In
New yelk for the past t.vo weeks, re
turned home veste-rday.
Mr. G. O. Plyer, adjuster for th
Lancashire Insurance company, was In
town yesterday.
Mis. J. H. Wheeler and daughter, of
Second Ktreet. are vlsltlns friends In
Clark's Summit.
Tho announcement of tho death ot
James' Doud will bo found under head
of obituary.
The Wyoming County Sunday school
convention will be held In Tunkhan
nock on May 5 and C.
Judge Slttser will have chargo of tho
ceieinnnles at the banquet of tho Pres
by.erlan club this evening.
David E. Gray has Just received nn
elegant wall soda fountain from Buf
nlo. Wallace Haines, who has been nt the
Wilkes-Barro hospital for the past
month on account of appendicitis, Is
Improving, An operation was per
formed a snort time ago.
Aaron Brown has 'been In Scranton
for the paBt ten days. He Is a Juror
on tho Anna Dickinson case. ,
Mrs. William I. Avery, wife of Coun
ty Treasurer Avery, Is being treated
at n hospital In New York state.
Mrs. Tewksbury, of Scianton, has
been spending ii few days with Mrs.
Dr, DenlBon.
Mis& Jennie Hoach has finished her
flist term In dancing lessons here, and
has decided to give another six lessons.
Next week will be vacation for our
public school,
Drcmiiig Tor Kid Shorn,
The following Is a trade recipe for a
drenslng for kid shoes, which may prove
useful in many households; Yellow
ceresln, 25 parts; oil of turpentine, 23
parts; castor oil, 25 parts; Unseed oil,
250 parts, and wood tar, 7 parts. Dis
solve tho ceresln and tar hi the od of
turpentine, mix the heavy oils, pour the
liquids together and stir until homogen
eous. Add tnlrbano oil sufficient to ells.
EUlso the turpentine odor.
Miss Jane Jones, Once a Servant, Gives
It To a New York Church.
It ItcprcNcnts tho Savings of Tlirco
Welsh (Hrls Who Planned tho Pros
cuts Long Ago--She Shrinks From
l'rnlsc--Notes Troiii Wnlcs.
Miss Jnno Jones, who enmo to this
country from Wnles In 1SC0, nnd then
secured work ns n house scrvnnt, has
tn.r.Bferred her property, which Is vnl
tiee' nt $25,000, to the Park Avenue
Methodist church, of which she Is a
Miss Jones Is n woman cf strong re
llpious tendencies. She has hold posl
t'nns such ns housekeeper for the As
loi, Vnndcrbllt, Hoosevelt nnd other
wenlthy families. She saved the money
sh" earned. Her sisters Moreover,
who came from Wnles with her, nnd
Mary.who followed a year later Joined
her In Investing $10,000 In n mortgage
on r piece of property In East Seventy
second street many years ago. They
continued to save the money they earn
ed, and tho wenlth they amassed was
used to purchase the five-story double
apartment house No. 335 Ea3t Eighty
fifth stieet. The title was put In the
name of Mary, with the understntidlnj;
that It should be left to the survivo
of the three, nnd upon her death
' should bo leturned to God, from whim
It came."
Mary nnd Margaret married and aio
deau, Mary having died about three
years ago. Jane then became the sol
custodlnn ot tho property. Her mar
i led sisters left no children.
Miss Jane found Joy In her sacred
trust. She lives In one of the apart
ments of her house. She Is flfty-elcht
yenrs old, but does not look It; Is jolly
nnd kind, and her tenants who have
mot mlsfoituno know nothing of dis
possess wan ants.
The debt of the Park Avenue Metho
dist Episcopal church -Is $30,000, nnd
there was some talk recently of rais
ing money to decrease the amount.
Miss Jonos surprised the Hev. Dr. Al
bert D. Vail, the pastor of the church,
by offering him her entire fortune. Ho
declined to accept It, because he be
lieved that she should not be deprived
In her declining years of the comfoits
that would come from possession of the
money she and her slsteis had worked
hard for. Miss Jones Insisted that tho
church should have the money and said
It belonged to God.
A comnromlse was then effected.
Under It the property was transferred
to the church last Monday, nnd G. B.
Dlsbiow, a real estnte dealer, was ao
polnted to manage the estato for the
church and to pay the full proceeds to
Miss Jones during her life.
Dr. Vail desired to publicly announce
the gift at a prayer meeting. "Sny
nothing about It; just sing the Dox
ology," said tho donor, nnd when It was
sung at the meeting only a few of
those present knevA'of Its special slz
nl flea nee.
"I want no public mention made of
this matter," said Miss Jones to me
jesterdny. "I am a plain, old-fashioned
old maid. My sisters and I always
Intended thnt the property we had
should go bacK to God, who gave It. I
am simply carrying out tho programme
that was made long ago."
Wales has ono membcrot Parliament to
every U.C13 electors.
King Oharles I was In Cardllt In Augiut.
ICIJ. Ho found It healthier than London.
Tho county In England Is
Cornwall, but Carmarthen runs It hard,
so tho Blue Book s.iys.
Life Is worth more living In Radnor
shire than any Welsh county, Tho
county what's the matter with the peo
plecommits less sulcido than any other
county in England or Wules.
Mr. Gwenogfryn Hvans Is pieparlng tor
publication a completo edition with a full
glossaiy and notes of nil tho earlli"st
known munnserlpts of the Mablnuglon
and Arthurian lomunces.
Mr. Bowen Rowlands, Q. C , has been
selected to speak for tho "League of the
Cross," tho grent teetotal organization
of the Roman Catholic church at tho an
nual meeting to bo held at Victoria hall,
London, next week.
It has been resolved to present tho
BJshop of St. Asaph with his poitialt
by Mr. Orchardson, as somo recognition
of his church defence work. Subscrip
tions to tho amount of about $1,000 havo
already been received, and tho lists will
close at Easter.
Llanelljites particularly and Congregn
tlonlsts generally will like to know that
tho Rev. Dr. Llewelyn Bevan Is on his
way home to England from Australia.
Ho Is accompanied by ono of his deacons,
who Is to tako tho doctor back with him,
Mr. Herbert Lewis, M. P., Is engaged
to be married to a daughter of Mr. V.
S. Calne, was In tho lobby of tho houso
of commons yesterday afternoon with his
future son-in-law. Ho hus nltcady ono
son-in-law who nre both Herberts and
both Welsh members amount to a mild
What has como over somo of our con
temporaries lately? A day or two aso a
near neighbor mentlone-d how Principal
Rhya was enjoying himself In Egypt,
nnd now here Is tho "Liverpool Mercury"
Welsh correspondent following suit with
this: "Dr. John Rhys, M, A., principal
of JcBua College, Oxford, Is at present
spending a short holiday In Egypt. Ho
was welcomed at Cairo by a number of
his fellow-countrymen, somo of whom,
such as Messrs. Bryan Brothers, reBldo
nt Cairo, while others are themselves on
a visit to the Egyptian capital, Among
Moat Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of itching, burning, blooding, scaly skin
nnd scalp humors is instantly relieved
by a warm bath with Cutjcura Soap,
a slnglo application of Cuticuba (oint
ment), tho groat skin ouro, and a full dose
of Cuticuua Resolvent, greatest of blood
purifiers and humor anrcs.
Remedies speedily, permanently, nnd
economically euro, when ul! elso falls,
roTTii l)va in cniH. Coir.. Sol Prnpi., Denton.
j-"lloir la Cuit Ettrjr Bkti ma I'loal Humor,-int.
PIMPLY FACEStfri'cSaS-ffi "
tho latter aro Principal Owen Prys, M. A,,
of Trefecca college, and the Rev, David
Jones, of Cardiff, formerly of Mold." Pro
fessor liny, wo believe, Is still nt Jesus
college, nnd ho certainly was In Ox
ford to Join In tho St. David's Day cole
bratlons, and made n speech, which wo
reported 6t some length,
April Is tho tlmlt fixed for bringing tho
"Daniel Owen Memorial" movement to
a head. Barely 300 has yet boon resiched.
An Anglesey clergyman has written a
pamphlet, entitled "Oalr neu Ddau nr yr
Arfcrlad o Boerl mown Ty Addollad,"
Several translations of "Undo Tom's
Cabin" havo appeared In Welsh. One of
tho earliest was that by "Cadfan" (.Mr.
Hugh Williams), Illustrated by Crulk
shank, nnd published by Casell In 1853.
"Cndfnn" wns tho first editor of "V
Cymro," started by him at Bangor In
1813 In tho Interests of the church, nnd
also of "Y Dywysogaeth," started nt
Rhyl In 1870. Ho was a friend of "Tal
halarn," "Gwrgant," and tho old Jolly
Welsh boys ot London. His body lies
In a nameless grave nt Rhyl.
It now transpires thnt 2.12 representa
tive Irishmen attended tho diamond JubU
lee of Earl Cadogan, In Dublin Castle.
Could not the same number bo brought
together at the Newport Eisteddfod? I
venture to think that tho several co'fntles
should contribute tho following numbers:
Anglesey, 10; Carnarvon, 20; Denbigh, 22;
Flint, 11; Melroneth, 10; Montgomery, 17,
Cardigan, 10; Carmarthen, 2t; Pembroke,
18; Glamorgan, 30; Radnor, 14; Brecknock,
18, and Monmouth, 17 total, 232. An En
thusiastic Celt in Western Mall.
It was in 187J that the Ponmrhyn Quar
ries canto Into importance. A tourist,
writing of V7M), mentioned that tho whole
of tho slalo production In that jear was
only 1,000 tons, nnd the total number of
men employed was nbotit sixty. By the
outlay nnd energy of the late IajhI Pen
rhyn the total ptoductlon In 1833 was In
creased to 40,000 tons annually.
A correspondent wonders where tho fa
mous Welsh Library of tho Rov. Moses
Williams, F.R.S., Is now. Moses Williams
took an active part In the collation of
Wootton's edition of tho Laws of Hywel
Dda, Ho was a scholar of great repute, a
native of tho parish of Cellan, In Cardi
ganshire, and at his death, ail his books
and manuscripts went to tho Earl ot
Dr. Joseph Parry hits been Invited to or
ganize a. Welsh National choir tb glvo n
performance at the Crystal 1'alaco next
A few evenings back Mr. Ivor Foster
sang both In English and Welsh nt a
banquet attended by tho Lortl Mayor of
London. Next day London's chief mag
istrate sent a special messenger to tho
Royal Collego of Music to convey his con
gratulations and expression of delight to
tho young Welshman.
Ono of the workmen employed at tho
Dowlals Works was "moved up" Into n
higher department tho other day, and he
resolved to signalise the occasion by giv
ing up his former sinful life and becom
ing a member at one of tho Calvlnlstlc
Methodist chapels. This ho did; and on
Sunday evening he lecelved tho Holy
Communion for the first time In his life
Of course, nil the old members wore
graclousnes personified, nnd tho minister
made haste to speak to the new convert
ns soon as the servlco was over. After
nsklng him how ho liked the sermon,
etc., the reverend gentleman said, "And
now, John, which of tho two masters do
you like best?" "Oh! well, sir," said
John, declslely, "I likes ono so good ns
tho other; only, you see, the work for
tho old one was deueeably harder nor
that I am doing now, 'Cept that I got
nothing to say agen tho old master,
'cause ho did behavo all right to me."
And the preacher was too much taken
aback to explain to John that his ques
tion referred to tho spiritual and not
tho mundano master.
Two of the greatest' heroes of modern
times havo been given the sumo names
John Rowlands. Tho older John Row
lands, one stepping out bf his petticoats,
nltercd his Into II. M. Stanley; the sec
ond John Rowlands tho Cardiff cele
brlty refuses to kick on the undivided
skirt, nnd so remains the same John
Rowlands us when ho was born. But
thero Is a further difference. Tho older
Rowland's mission consisted In convert
ing barbarism Into civilized soele'y. But
tho Cardiff John Rowlands believes in up
setting nil tho Utile idols set up by civil
ization and landing us In a country where
In wild woods the noblo savage runs.
Somo of tho quidnuncs are In doubt
whether to applaud or scoff nt Lotd
Bute's quaint notion of celebrating his
sller wedding by providing every jear u
welding dowry for one poor girl In Car
diff. The Irish "Figaro" scents trouble,
and thinks the Cardiff corporation aro in
a pickle. Says tho "Figaro Whait till
tho news of this gift is properly dlrsem
Inated among brides impeded by want of
money'; wait till brftlegtooms down on
their luck com to know It; wait till the
designing mothers nt their wit's end how
to get Betty and Hetty off their hands
understand that the marquees has de
vised a means for their relief, and then
well, I'd sooner be tho abuwd wretch
I am than the mayor of Cardiff. Thero
may bo one good result arising out of
the responsibility and consequences of ad
ministering tho fund, and that Is It will
probably deter any ohlof magistrate seek
ing n second term of office. In that view
It might, Indeed, bo well If wo had n
Marquess of Bute resident In Dublin. It
Is a good tip to my friends of tho rate
payers' association even fJOO so to be dis
posed would havo such results ns would
hurl even a M'Coy from tho scut or
Over Three Quarters of iv Million
Persons Visited Canton.
The railroad ofliclals at Canton. O.,
announce that from the nomination of
McKlnley In June, till February 15,
" passengeis have been landed nt
that city.
Nearly nil of these people have seen
tho president nnd many of them have
spoken with him.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho originnl and only FRKNCII
Rata und reliable care on the mar.
ket. Price. 11.00; seat by mall
(Jeaulnu Sold only by
Wm. 0. Clark, 336 Penn Av:., Scranton, Pa.
(ienernl Agent for tho Wyoming
District for
Mining, lllafitli!g,HportlUK, Kinokelesu
and tho llepniino Chemical
Com pan) 'h
I-liffli Explosives
hafety Kuse, Caps und Bxplodcrs.
Rooms '2V2, 'J1H nnd 'Jit Commoimealth
Ilulldliig, Hcrauton.
TIIOS. POKD, ... Pittston.
JOHN U. SMITH & SON, . Plymouth,
B. W. MULLIQAN, . wikci.Uarre.
All tho benting of tom-toms and lino talk in. tho papers caunot nutko
Btalo goods truly interesting. Every thing in our store is now
and bright and fresh, of tho best quality nnd at
lower prices than mosb stores ask for in-
forior and old stylo goods.
Absolute Satisfaction is Guaranteed or You Get
Your Money Back.
!!. 1.1, , , .1...1.1 Tl ... ......I llnlu ...... 1a I. .a ,L.
. a.u ,, i,,i. 11TII .(KM, ,11,1 IIIIIWU IIV II1V
best trlmmcrx nnd milliners In isi-niuton,
Ik nt quality of material. Trimmed In tho
iivimn 01 iaNiiiou. l.tirKO Unix, ismall lints,
I.oipiei and Ikmnefs,
S1.0S,$2.1ISI $3.1)8, S1.S.
About half what other stolen nik.
rnnrvBtiaw Hat", Satin Wruw IInt, I.nco
Minw lint, prlct"),
3c, lSc, 02c, 73c, Sc.
All the neuet Htinpe and iiinnv fhape
that other HtorcHian't Ket. All llioneiv colors.
Everything in Millliiwy and Trimmings at Half Other Stores Prices
Wishing and doing aro far. from alike. Tho wiso act promptly,
whilo dreamers wish they had acted, after tho opportunity has passed.
With hundreds of women in Scranton in a week or two. They'll wish
they had got a share in tho
At tho closing out of Kerr, Son & Co.'s stock, after it is all over, and
won't they envy their wiser neighbors who saved thoir dollars when,
they had a chance- Then they'll say, "If I had only known." What,
good will it do them? Tho salo closes shortly. Stooks arc getting
Opposite Main Entrance
to Wyoming House.
COST OP TRIP: from Now
Including All Necessary Ripenses.
JroPHliiR tho Emrlleh C'lmnnel by bORt (day) sen
in Europe. 1 he elegant new tttlncrew American I.lnuH. S. "Ht. l'nul," (11,000 tons,)
r.urmir. 1 up cicximil new nwii"Hcrer
recently 1
' mini uy me i-iuinp, w men canvej n me excursion in ii ubvh to boutb-
(Excellent two-berth
York, Southampton, London, Dover, Ostend, Ilrti9tcls, Paris,
Vert.ailles, Antwerp, Sew York.
To call from Now York by the American Una new twln-ftcraw HtoAtnor "ST. TAUL."
WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1897.
(Vltb an An.itx Trip to the Rhine and Switzerland at $00; a Second Annex Trip thraazh It
aly nt $iio additional, London to btratford-on-Avon unit back (iday), $G;
Scotland (3 da) 9), S16
3ptlonnl Holland Trip, 810 extra; Cijellnc Tour (Ineliidlnc Bhort tripsin England, 3 day
nlong tho Hhlne. nnd ! daj through tho Illurlt Korest, Purls nnd Holsuo
llouloKnc) SIB extra, to cover eot of trminportlnc bicycle.
Wc have lotB of followers, but
our strides nie too long, our pneo
too fait nnd they fall farther and
farther behind,
Ottis Is (ho only flist-class mer
chant tailoring establishment In
Scranton making garments at pop
ular prices.
Our Specialties Are
Suits at $15, $18 and $20
Wo have secured a piece of the
Identical goods from which PRESI
DENT M'KINLEY'S InuuBiiiatlon
suit was made. We are now ready
to make suits from these goods. It
Is a beautiful fabric, the most per
fect production of an American
Merchant Tailor,
2 13 "Wyoming Ave., ftSSiin
Clover, Timothy,
Orchard Grass,
Blue Grass, Red Top,
White Clover,
Central Park
and Lavn G?ass.
Land Plaster,
Bone Phosphate,
Ground Bone and
Lawn Dressing.
T u hill :t
Seeds and
A ureat Hbouliiu of IllbbOn. Millions nt
prlees doubly tempting bet-nune of tho o.xeel.
leiieuof the gooiK
New.Mollu ami llrorndc ltlbbon, No. ftO
and -10, 10C a yard, worth 'inc.
i:tru m Ide, No, no nnd HI), nil Hllk Jlolro
Kimey Stripe nnd Ilroeado itlbbonnt ajc
yard, lluuld bofillo.
I'louer, perfect eoplo of nllnnturnt flower,
and folliiKe; many Ktrlklng und beautiful
I'lno lioHC. toe a bunch.
Koruet-Me-Nots, 10c a bunch,
l'onple and Oermiliim, age a bunch.
I'ollHge, large butiehe, 15c, asc and ,35c n
113 Lackawanna Avciinc.
Q. KERR, Agent.
4-08 Lackawanna Ave.
EUROPE, 1897
York to New York, only $260 1
Ticket to Return Good for One Year,
Ire, via Dover und Cwtond. No night travel
viuiiricuu i,ino pi. n. "m. 1 uui. 1
roomx reservod for inrly depositors.
Philadelphia Manufacturers ot
121 Lackawanna Ave.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits,
Skirts, Coats, Capes Etc,
Our method of dolnir tho Milt nnd wrap
bilHlnokH Nainerunt fiom other holmes. Wo
mnniifiu'turo tho richest coimIm In our own
work room. Wo buy from ImpurterH nnd
iimmniieiiireiHino IIIKIU'M eiiins in koous lor
Npotovdi helcm tho market prices und glvo
our oiiKfonierx better goods for less money
thai) unj other house In Scianton. Till 4
great opening Mile Is tho beginning of till 4
Hprlug'H wonderful low-prleo movement, In
Ladles' Suits Skirls, Waists and
Ilroadcloth Suits, especially effective Eton
Jackets, uith liolcio, four dlfler- CA nr
ent tiluulcs, north SH.fiO JJ.yJ
Stvllsh Trench llioadcloth Suits, tty front
Jackets, sill; lined throughout, fan lucked,
skirts, cambric lined, regular $ CC QQ
Etamlue, Crush, Cloth Ciunns Weave Hults,
In nil the new shades; handsomely hrnlded.
Knhin und Ilruudeuhurg styles, Cn (Q
yi.-, suits . py.o
Molro Antl'iuii Silk Skirts, latest cut,
liaudsomel) flntshtd. (ioodfio cL no
values . . 4'UiO
Iliocaded Satin and Hllk Skirts, elegant new
putter lis, fan Inick, well lined. C, Oft.
(food Ml iilues .pl-.VO
Changiable Tilth tit Hllk Shirt Waists, nlso.
handsome assortment of fancy silk wulstn
in stjles nnd shades too numerous to men-
S1.MS, S2.9S, SIMIS' S4.AS
We wish tneall particular attention to our
line line of lllcyelo Skirts uud Hults at thu
ery Ion est prlies.
fso Charge for Alterations.
s. wit Gito
W. COLLINS, Manager.