The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 08, 1897, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Instant relief for Mcln-torturrd Imblcs nnd
rrtt for tired mothers In a warm lmtli with
CcTicfiiA Soap, ami a slnglo application of
CUTlciTtiA (ointment), tho prosit skin cure.
Tho only speedy and economical treatment
for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and
pimply humors of tho (kin, scalp, mid blood.
liMldlhretirtfltitthnwM 1oTTtDBrAirDCBiM.
ICAl ConrouATHiN, Snle Proprietor, Hoiton.
ff-Hoir WLure Lry Debj lumor"raulMfrf.
Readers will please note that advertise
rnentr, orders for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., nowsdealers, North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.
The .Meeting Held in thr 1'lrst I'ro
bvtcrinn Church.
A .Sunday school Inslltutn for tho ills
tilct No. 5 was held on Tuesday even
ing: In tho Presbyterian chinch. Dr.
rietcher, the presiding olllccr, stated
tho purpose of the Institute and ap
pointed a nominating; committee to
piesent tho names of sl candidates
lcpresentinK' dlffetcnt schools. Tho
lomniltteo was as follows: William
Male, Piesbyterian; W. F. Nye, Bap
tist; Picito Uutler, Methodist, Miss
Maud Harndcn, lpiscopal.
Devotional services were conducted
by Hev. Charles The theme of
the Institute was stated by Dr. Kletch
ei. "The Sunday School Teacher nud
His Preparation." Mr. 1Z. E. Harnden
took as his subject "Teachers' Meet
ings," and cave a very practical talk
upon the necessity of united effoit.
Mlss Amanda Curtis uiged the need of
Itible study by eveiy teacher nud Rave
a -very thouahtfttl addiess, using a
chart of the hook of the Acts of her
own constiuctlon, thus Illustrating ber
subject. Mr. L. V. Hovvet, of Scran
ton, then considered the subject, "What
u Teacher Should Know." He gave a
ciy wiactlial address and spoke in
an Interestinc: wav that pleased his
hcaieis. The nominating committee
presented the following as olllcois for
tho comlnK yeai, wlio were elected by
acclamation: President, P. K. Kllpat
ilck; vke president, J. 11. lloyt; t-ecre-taty,
Carrie (Je.irj; tieasurer, Maud
Uainden; executive committee, W. G.
Jones, W. W. Watkins. The music was
diiected by a quartette, consisting of
Misses Kaynor and Ulmer. Professor
A. 1'. Thomas and Max Lathi ope. Miss
Fannie Doley played the accompani
ment. Uefoie adjournment Hev. Chas. moed a stnndlng vote of thanks
to those whobe names were on the pro
ki amine.
Installation of Oiliccrs of I.nclui
wmen Tribe.
Deputy Grand Sachem F. J. Tolley, of
Honesdale, Isited Iackawaxen tribe.
No. 20S, Improved Older of lied Men,
on Tuchday evening1, in older to raise
the newly-elected chiefs. He was as
sisted by the following past sachems,
acting as gieat chiefs, Chaile.s J. II
Sonntag, great Junior s.igamoic; Wil
liam Wright, great senior sagamore,
and John E. Hone, gteat prophet.
The following chiefs were "raised up"
with impressive ceiemonies: Sachem,
M. H. Tappan; senior sagamore, David
Lewis; Junior nagamore,Thoinas Boyle;
prophet, J. S. Dawson; chief of records,
Henty J. llacr; keeper of wampum,
Theo. II. Elmer; first sannap. John E.
Bono; second sannap, Chailes J. II.
Sonntag; guard of forest, David Smith;
guard of wigwam, William AVright;
first wan lot, Frank Elmer: second
wan lor, W. E. Mathews: thiid war
Jior, II. It. Stone; fouith warrior, G.
A. Eof.s.
John W. Itivcubcrg and Miss .Minnie.
Brunei- United in .lltirruico.
Two of Caibondale's well known
young people. Miss Minnie A Btamer
and John W. Itivenliurg, were married
yesterday afternoon at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Ludwlg
llrancr, cf North Main stiost. Rev.
Chailes I,eo was the ofilciatlng clergy
man. The house had been tastfully
decorated In honor of the event but
only immediate relatives and friends
witnessed the ceiemony. Maurlne
enburg served as llower girl, and Eddie
Gerhaidt as page. The orlde ,vns at
tired in a traveling dress and tho new
ly miirlcd couple left soon after the
ceremony for a Journey to the Eastern
Tlu bride Is well known In social
circles as an accomplished musician
and enjoy desoned popularity among
a largo circle of fi lends. Mr. Riven
burg, of the firm of lUvenburg fe Sly, la
n prominent member of Mitchell Ho3e
A Large Truct of Land to Ilu I,nil
Out for Building Lots.
A number of gentlemen comprising
Messrs. C. E. Spencer, G. M U A. nnd
It. P. Patterson, John J. Simpson, of
this city, and C. W. Gunster and Ros.
well II. Patterson, of Scranton, have
put chased two tiacts of land north of
this city. There is about 125 acres In
the Reynolds and the Stioud and
Chamberlain estates.
The property will be arranged in de
sirable lots, after some $0,000 has been
expended in Improvements. A new
boulevairl sixty feet wide will be laid
out from Canaan sheet, extending
north tq tho Morse estato and connect
1,000 yards Ingrain Carpets marked to 18c, 23c,
25c, 29c, 35c, worth from 25c to 50c.
OIL CLOTH SALH-SOO yards Floor Oil Cloths mnrked to 15c, 20c.
25c, .IOC, H;Jc Square Yard, worth from 20c to 50c.
MATTING SALIJ-200 yards assorted JInttln, 8Jc to 25c. Just one
hall their valus,
This sale to last one week only. Tapestry Carpets at cut prices.
ing with the street car line. It will be
a valuable addition to Carbondale and
George A. Campbell, who for the past
year hns resided In this city, left last
night for Trenton, N. J.
Walter, son of fJoorgo Smith, of like
Mrcet, Is uffcrlng from blood poisoning,
the result of a cut on tho hand which he
received some tlmo ago. His condition N
quite flerlous.
Miss Bridget McAndrcw, of Cottage
street, Is quite 111.
A number of Odd rollons from this
city attended the Installation of oiliccrs
In tho lodgo at ForC3t City Tuesday 3ver
lng, Dr. Jl. Hampton, of Scrnnton, calle'd on
friends In town yesterday.
Amlictv Tatten, assistant mine superin
tendent, of Scranton, was a visitor In town
Tho l-ortnlghtly club met with Miss
Flora Harrison Tuesday evening.
Hev G. H. Merrill, of Bethany, vias
a visitor In town this week.
Miss Maggie- Nlcol, who has been II!
for several day. Is nble to bo out again.
Mlst Allda Colter, who has been visit
ing friends in town for a few days, re
turned to New York Tuesday.
Mrs. Theodore Klein Is spending a short
time with her parents, at Lake Ariel.
Hev. Frank Marshall, of the Episcopal
church, at rarest City, has received a
unanimous call from St. James' church,
Mansfield, Pa. He will enter upon his new
duties Mav 2.
D. W. Humphrey has returned from
Blnghamton, where ho has been visiting
the past few days.
Miss Kramer, of Newark, N. J., Is vis
iting Mrs. Hobert Klnback on Washington
Misses Delia und Teresa Jones, of Soilth
Terrace street, entertained a. number of
their friends at their home Tuesday even
ing. Tboso present were: Mesdanns.
Simuel Small, W, Jenkins, James Boyd,
Joe Krantz, John Hopkins, Dowis Cortell
Mid Mis. Goodman, of Olyphant, the
Misses IVzte Morgan, Lizzie Thomas, Eu
gene Smith. Gwln nnd Mabel Hughes.
J'ho committee In charge have marly
completed unangements for the second
annual ball or Pioneer City lodge. No. r,)..
International Order of Machinists, whicii
will be held in tho W. W. Watt building
Friday evening, April 23. Professor Firth
will furnish the music.
Invitations were issued yesterday to a
subscription daneo to bo given Tucsla
evening, Ap"rll 20, in tho Burke building.
Mis. Byron Tanner, who has been seri
ously 111, Is recovering.
Miss Emma Howell has returned nfter
u week's visit with friends In Blngham
ton. V. M. Shaw has moved Into his new
b nber shop on Franklin street and has
one of the finest equipped parlors in this
Mis. Joseph DuBols entertained rela
tives from Willlamsport on Monday.
The following were Installed as officers
of Friendly Hand lodge of Odd Fellows
on Tuesday evening, Apill 6- Past grand,
B. F. Bernstein, noble grand, Iia Wil
liams vico grand, W. F. Slmrell, secre
tniy, C W. Stovvcll, assistant secretary,
John Hamlin, treasurer, E. F. Church
ell. tiusUe. S. C. Swaitz.
Fred D. Lamb, jr., nnd Fred W. Church
weio In tho Parlor city on Saturdav.
The Ladies' Aid society of tho Baptist
church will have a two days' sale and
market day In tho Hutlroad Young Men's
Christian association hall on Friday and
Saturday. April IS and 17.
Mrs. Burt Maynard Is ill.
JINs Grace Waterman, of Hickory
Grove, is visiting friends in this place.
William Delavergne, of Saganaw, Mich.,
who has been visiting here foi tho past
six months, has returned home.
Tho Sunday school classes of Charles
L.iwrenco and Mrs. John Davis w ill have
a social nt the Baptist parsonage next
Friday evening.
T.he Sisterhood of Mary nnd Martha
of tho Presbyterian church will serve
supper in tho church parlors this even
The Ladles' Aid society of the Fnlversa
Hst chinch will meet at the home of Mrs.
E. D. Bell this (Thuisday) afternoon,
when they will have uso for thimbles. Sup
per will bo served at tho usual hour.
Mr. and Mis. Martin Tewksbury, who
havo resided In this place for a number
of years will Journey today to Jessup
township, Susquehanna county, where
they will resldo in the future.
II. I'. Wilcox, of Clark's Summit, was
In town Tuesday,
Frank Baker, who commenced woik last
week with J. JL Carpenter Co., found
himself on Monday morning qulto 111 with
The Nicholson Baso Ball team havo their
now uniform suits, and It is expected that
they w 111 do some tine playing this season.
John Wrightson is building an addition
to his house
William Hartshorn, of rrovidence, visit
ed Sukle Tribe, of Bed Men Tuesday even.
Tho employers of Storrs mines received
their monthly wages Tuesday,
Mrs. William Maigetson is suffering
from an attack of quinsy,
Mr. nnd Mis. Samuel Prltchard visited
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Coo
per yesterday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lally,
a daughter.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let It stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling Indicates
a diseased condition of the kidneys
When urine stains linen It la positive
evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
quent desire to urinate or pain In tho
back, Is also convincing proof that the
kidneys and bladder are out of order.
Theio is comfort In the knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish In relieving pain In
tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder nnd
every part of the urinary r .-ages. It
corrects Inability to hold urine and
scalding pain In passing it, or bad ef
fect following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to get up
many times during the night to uri
nate. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp Root Is soon realized.
It stands the highest for Its wonder
ful cures of tho most distressing enses,
If you need a medicine you should have
the best. Sold by druggists; price fifty
cents and one dollar For a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by
mall, mention Tribune and send your
full postofllco address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co,, Blnghumton, N. Y. The pioprle
tors of this paper guarantee the gen
uineness of this offer.
Carpets, Draperies and Wall Papers,
4iy uacka. Ave.
Encli Trnde or Occupation Hns Its
.Special Disease.
It Is well known among medical men
that certain diseased ere more lendlly
developed In certain occupations than
In o iti'i that I'u'li occupation has Its
attendant physical weakness. Engi
neer, railroad men and similar occu
pations suffer mostly from Kidney
troubles and men who are often expos
ed to the weuther suffer from rheu
matism, while clerks und professional
men, In fact the army of people whose
business keeps th"m Indoors, are often
times great sufferers from plies and
constipation. In this connection the
following letter Is of Interest to people
whose occupation w III not allow sitlll
clcr.t outdoor exercise.
Mr. A. F. Calhoun, notary public nnd
Jeweler and watchmaker of Clreleville,
W, Vn writes as follows:
I had ben a severe sufferer from
piles for years and list! tiled many rem
edies with but little benefit, when about
three years ago I saw the Pyramid Pile
Cure advertised and twnt for it.
I wps badly afflicted when I got them,
but nfter onlv twe applications, the
piles disappeared and from that day
to this I have never felt a symptom of
the disease.
I feel that I cannot recommend them
too highly to suffereis from piles.
The Pyramid Pile Cure Is tree from
cocoaln, opium or any mineral poison,
absolutely safe, pleasant and painless;
sold by druggists at 50 cents per pack
age. If there is any constipation the
Pyramid Pills should be used with the
pile cure. The pills are 23 cents per
Any diugglst will tell you that the
Pyramid Is the best known and innat
successful an 1 popular pile cure ever
placed on the market and Its reputation
as a safe and radical cure has only re
sulted from the personal recommenda
tion of people who have been cured of
this distressing nllment.
Send to Pyramid Co., Albion, Mich.,
for valuable little book on cause and
euro of piles.
Messrs. E. F. Edmunds, of Mayfleld;
GcorRo James and William and Miss
Martha Edmunds and Mr. and Mrs. liv
ing, of this town, attended a funeral to
day of their aunt who died In Kingston.
Joe, the Z- em -old son of Mr. and Mis.
Alexander Clark, of tho East Side, Is
seriously 111 with pneumonia.
Miss Emily, daughter of Hev. Churlcs
E. nnd Mrs. Fessendi n, is homo to spend
her" Easter vacation.
The school bo ird met in regular session
on Tuesday with tho following membeis
present: Nicholson, Sullivan, Mulherln.
Williams, Henwood and Baker The fol
lowing bills were read and ordered paid:
Henry Soby, $30.34; Lvman Hoffecker,
$4 83, Water tompanj. $Soi). Two stu
dents who had been sent from school by
their teacheis for dlsordeily coudurt,
weie prebent nnd stated their case. Tho
president reprimanded them seveiuly.and
upon the promise of bcttci behavior, al
lowed them to return to theli studies
On motion tho tieasurer was instiuctcd
to pav outstanding bonds Nos (i, 7. S ,
10. The secretary and Mr. Sullivan were
instructed to wait on the secretary of
the boaid of health to try and have a
better discipline in children attending
school, the teachers lxing annoyed nt
so many absentees fiom school, when
thcro is one case of measles in a home,
the rest of the children are compelled to
leave school for thirty days after the
house hns boon quarantined Tho board
claiming that many children attended
Bchool where nt the same tlmo one of
their family had measles, nnd because
some people lived up to the law, thtir
children would bo deprived of an educa
tion for a time. The J inltor was In
structed to rolso the Americnn ling on
April 27 In honor of the dedication of
the General Grant monument which will I
take place In New York city on that I
day. School will be closed on Good Frl- I
dav. I
Miss Jones, of Philadelphia, was in
town yesteiday. She intends locating in
Scranton, devoting her tlmo to the teach
ing of music, and was heie for the pui
pose of organlzins a class in this place
Mrs John H Solomon is now back In
his old stand as proprietor of the St
Georco hotel.
Mrs Chailes Totter Is visiting at Gib
son, Susquehanna county.
The Delaware and Hudson will pay
their employes today.
Miss Mao Davis spent jesterday after
noon In Carbondale.
Charles Potter spent last evening In
Mrs. Chillies Davis, of Second street, is
vlsltinc relatives nt Moosic.
Miss Bllz.ibeth Roche called on friends
In Carbondale last evening.
Tho dramatic event of tho season will
occur on Kaster Monday night at the
Father Mnthew Opera housewhen "Col
leen Pawn" will be presented by the
Catholic Young .Men's Total Abstinence
and Hcncvolent Dramatic company, un
der tho manaKoment of John F. Cum
mlngs. Tho above mentioned drama Is
ono of tho strongest of tho many gieat
plays which havo emlnnted from tho jhii
of the famous play-wiight, tho lato Dion
Ilonelcnult. esq. The cast is as follows:
MHoh na Capp.ileen, James A. O'M.illey,
Hurdrcxs Ciegan, Thomas M Gibbons,
Danny Mann, James C Loftus. Kyrle
Daly, James F. Nealun: Father Tom,
John I, Kilcullen; Mr. Coulsan, John
J. McCormack. Ilesty O'Moore. M. L
O'Doyle, Hyiand Creach, corporal, Mich
ael McNulty, servant, William Hrennan;
Lily O'Connor, Miss Gertie Dearie: Anno
Chute, Miss Katie Nealon; Mrs. Cretran,
Miss Katie Clancy, Sheeloh, Miss IJ,
O'Horo; Kathleen, Miss Lucy Mooney,
Duclo niennerhasset, Miss Molllo Mc
Donnell. During tho notion of the play
James A. O'Malley, accompanied by the
two little artists, Molly McDonnell and
Lucy Mooney, in their up-to-date son;s
and specialties, also William Hiennan
in his famous Jig und reel dancing
Popular prices, 15, 23 nnd 33 cents. After
fiOOrl Shoe Cfiel OCif is .ou,e of tlle reasons of" the great success of
UUUU ffV 'WllCcipCL this business. The prices in this advertise-
tneut again positively prove that we sell good shoes cheaper than any house in Scranton.
It is our aim and our motto of doing business to sell thoroughly reliable shoes only at
prices lower than any house. ' '
537 pair Meu's Enamel $3.50 Shoes at $1.49
376 pair Men's $2.50 Russet Shoes at.. 1.49
475 pair Men's Patent Leather and hand
sewed Russet Shoes, worth $3,00 to
$3-5o, at 1.98
175 pair Men's Fine Calf Shoes, regular
price the world over from $3.00 to
$5.00, at $1.98 and $2.48
575 pair Ladies' $3.00 Shoes, Williams
& Clark make, at $1.69
We defy auy house to meet these low prices. Call aud examine our goods before
buyiug elsewhere, remember, there is no trouble to show goods, aud you will surely save
money by it.
the play a grand social -will be held In tho
rooms of the Club of '93 under tha aus
pices of tho Hibernian Benevolent asso
ciation. Mr. nnd Mrr. Wheeler, two evangelists
from Syracuse, N. Y are holding revlvAt
services at the Prosbyteilan church this
week, Largo audiences are present each
evening and great interest Is taken In the
meetings, Tho services will continue until
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mctlalc and Airs,
Thomas McCall, of Avocu, were visitors
at the resldenco oT Mrs. Lally yesterday.
A large-sized nudlcnco witnessed
"Faust" at the Opera House last night,
TonlRht "Nobody's Child" will bo present
cil. Tho tenth anniversary of tho Olyphant
lodge, Knights of Pythias, was celobrated
on Tuesday night nt Edwards' hall In an
ntisplclous manner. An excellent enter
tainment was given and at tho conclusion
a soclnl was held. A very large crowd
was present.
Professor Kramer has resigned his posi
tion at tho Olvphant Business college.
The Price Library association will meet
tomorrow evening and after all business
Is transacted a short programmo will be
rendered. Every member Is requested to
be present, as plans for the members' re
ception, which will be held on April 16, will
bo discussed.
Tho Knights of tho Golden Eaglo will
hold a mock trial at their hall, on Main
street, this evening. All members arc lu
qucsted to bepicsent.
Mr. GcorRe .1. Powell, a popular resi
dent of this town, is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas J. Williams, of Hazleton.
Miss Jennlo Bobbins, of this place, vis
ited Hyde Park friends on Sunday,
According to tho expectations of Man
ager Corner Davis, of the Taylor Beds,
this town will have one of the strongest
aggregations of ball p'.ayers It has over
had. The Reds last year meet and de
feated some of the strongest team in the
two counties. Tho boys nre nt present
busy remodllng the last yeni's grounds
nnd Judging from the present Indications
the people of this town can look forward
for ri eater ball than In the recent years.
Tho members of tho First Congregation
al church of this place are making ar
rangements to have a grand entertain
ment April 20th. Tho committee In charge
nre sparing no labor to make It one of tho
finest. Programme will le published later.
Mrs. Richard Winters, who has been con
fined to her home, on North Main street,
for the past two weeks, is slowly recover
The spring term has bcRiin here. A
number of new stulents came in and
wo look forwaid to njiother successful
Tho senior class met last Friday and
elected tho following as their class offi
cers. President, R B. Gendall. vice pres
ident, Addle Jotters, sccictarv. Bertha
Santee. nnd treasurer. Frank Miller.
Mr. Shaffer, of Lock Haven, Fa Is a
new student
The outlook for laso ball Is very en
couraging. Mr. James Mallorv will be
tho manager this year and Mr. Harry
Smith will act as captain.
Mr. Robert Blakoslj'e, '.13, now a student
nt Cornell, spent a few days bust week
with his brothers at tho seminary.
Professor Howioiurs class In trlffono
metry has been busy for tho last few
days In surveying.
Mi. Frank Winter Is nt his homo In
Tho Junior class will oi'Riinizo this
The newly elected ofllcers for the Young
Men's Christian association were in
stalled last Sundav. They were as fol
lows President, E. II. Scott, vice presl-
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to nood's l'ills. Small In
sl7e, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
wild: "You never knowjou
have taken a pill till It Is all
ov er." 25C. C. I. Hood & Co.,
li onrletors, Lowell, Mass.
The only pills to tako with Hood's Sarsaparllia.
We have lots of followers, but
"our strides are too long, our pace
too fast and they fall farther and
farther behind.
Ours Is the only flrst-clnss mer
chant tailoring establishment In
Scranton making garments at pop
ular prices.
Our Specialties Are
Suits at $15, $18 and $20
Wc have Hecured a piece of the
Identical poods from which PRESI
DENT M'KINLEY'S Inauguration
suit was made. We are now ready
to make suits from these goods. It
Is a beautiful fabric, the most per
fect production of an American
Merchant Tailor,
213 Wyoming Ave., fiSfilg.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its preut Icavcnlne strength
und healtbfulness. Assures the food ngnlnst
nlum and all forms of adulteration common
to the cheap brands.
dent, C. L. Hand: secretory, A. R. Hor
ton; treasurer, Henry Mncomber.
Dr. Sprnguo will leavo this week to at
tend the Wyoming conference at Oneon
to, N. Y.
Owing to sickness Mr. H. Nelson Der
shlmer, of Dalton, was not ablo to re
eumo his Btudles this spring term.
Tho seventh annual open session of the
Amphlctyon society wns field at Nelson
Memorial hall Friday evening. Tho fol
lowing programme was rendered: Invo
cation, Dr. Sprnguo, organ solo. Homer
B. Wilcox, president's nddress, I W.
Barnes: oration, "Opportunities and Their
Improvement," A. M. Northup: debate,
"Resolved, That war has been n moro
potent factor In tho promotion of civil
ization than hns pence," atllrmatlve, A.
D. Phillips. William Bradshaw; neRatlve,
W. N. Leach, Roy A. Decker; recitation,
Wlllard D Howe, Bachelors Journal,
Frank McIInhll! music, Charles L. Bry
den; decision of debate
Mr. Trunk Miller spent Sunday at his
homo In Tunkhiinnock
Mr. Charles Robertson spent Sunday at
his home In Moosic
Is Eoldunder positiro AViitten Ouariuitce,
by authorized ngenta only, to euro Woak Memory,
Dizzinoes, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Uuick
nes9, Niaht LoBees, Knl Dreams, Lack of Conli
deuoo, Norvoueness, Lnssltudo, all Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excessive U of Tobacco, Opium,
nr Liquor, which leads to Blleory. Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At storo or by mail, $1 a
box; iix for $3; with written guarantee to
euro or refund money. Sample, puclc
ago, containing five days' treatment, with full
Instructions, 23 cents. Ono eamplo only Bold to
iMtu iktuuu. ai ttuiro ur uy ujiiu
E2rncd Label Special
Extra strength.
For Impotency, Loss ot"
Power. Jjnat Mnnhnnrl.
Hterility or Barrenness'
,i a oox: mx lor 3. witLi
written cuuranteej
tn nnrnln flflrTnwi. AtnlrtPAi
Wm, O. Clark, 336 Penn Ave,, Scranton, Pa.
Philadelphia Manufacturers ot
421 Lsictttwaniin Ave.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits,
Skirts, Coats, Capes Etc,
Our method of doing the suit nnd wrap
business is different from other houses. Wo
manufacture tho richest uoods in our own
work rooms. Wo buv from Importers nnd
manufuetiirtis tho highest class of (roods for
spot below the market prices ami pdvo
our customers better uoods foi less monev
than nnj other house in Scranton. This
Kreat opening sale 1h tho IjeRlnuIng of this
springs wonderlul low-price movunient, In
Ladles' Sails, Skirls, Waists and
Ilroadclotli .Suits, especially effective r.ton
.Tuckets, with liolero, lour differ- - nc
entHliadei, worth H.r() . ""'
fctjllsh French Ilroadclotli Suits, fly front
Jackets, silk lined thtoughout, tun backed
skirts, tambrlo lined, icglilur 8l, Cc qq
Ltamlue, Crash, Cloth Cuiiviih Weave Salts,
in all the new shades; handsomely braided.
IJiton and Uiiindenburg styles, Cf no
Sir, suits ... .. tV.yo
Mobo Antique Silk Hklrtfi, latest cut,
handsomely finished, (iood sm OLA ne
values 40.yo
HrocndedSntln nnd Silk Skirts, elegant now
patterns, Jan back, well lined. C.4 nfi
(lood 90 values 44.VO
Cluinsreablo Taffeta Silk Shirt Waists, also
handsome assortment of fancy silk waists
in styles and sbudes too numerous to men
tion. S1.9S, $2.08, S3.9S ijU.DS
We vi lsh to call particular attention to our
fine line of illejele Skirts nnd Suits at the
very lowest prices.
Z. Willi, PROP'
No Charge for Alteration?.
Health is Wealth
n ' " "V3
475 pair Ladies' hand-sewed and turned
Shoes, worth $2.50 and $3.00, at $1.49
76 pair Ladies' Russet aud Black Juliets,
regular $2.00 Shoes, at 99c
Misses' Shoes at. ..49c, 75c, 98c and $1.29
Child's Shoes at 14c, 39c, 49c and 75c
Boys' Shoes at 69c, 98c and $1.25
Men's Mining Shoes at 95c
Boys' Mining Shoes at ,. 88c
msacmMjeSr i immbhiI ini
All tlio beatiuR of tom-loons and lino talk in tho papers cannot mako
stale goods truly intoicsting. Everything in ourbtoro is now
ami bright and fresh, of tho host quality and at
lower prices than most stores ask for in
ferior and old stylo goods.
Absolute Satisfaction is Guaranteed or You
Your Money Back.
Flvo hundred Trimmed Hutu mntln tirtho
bent trlnimerN nnd milliner In Scrnnton,
Ifat quality of material. Trimmed In tbu
helKbt of fashion. Largo lints, Small Huts,
Loiiuciwind bonnets,
S1.0S, $2.08, S3.9S, S4.5IS.
About half what other stores ask.
l'lincy straw Huts, Satin Straw Huts, t.nce
Straw llats, pries,
N :J!lc, 18c, (52c, 73c, OSc.
All tho newest shnpes and many shapes
that ot her stoieseun't get. Alltbonowiolors.
Everything in Milllinery and Trimmings at Half Oilier Stores Prices
What woman with common sense will think
of letting the present opportunity to buy
Just what she wants to make her home beautiful
and comfortable for years to come? But
of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Draperies, Curtains,
Window Shades, etc., will not hold out much
longer, for the stock is going
Opposite Alain Entrance
to Wyoming House.
COST OF TRIP: from Now Yoik to Now York, only $260 !
Including All Necessary expenses. Tickets to Return Hood for One Year,
Crossing the KngllshChonnel by best (cloy) ncrvlce, via Dover and Ostend. No night travel
In i:urope. The elegant new twln-Hciew American Line S. S. "St. 1'nul," (11,000 tons,)
recently built bj the Crumps, which eonve.VN tho Kxeurslonln Vt il.iyB to South
ampton. (Kicollent two-berth rooms reserved for early depositors.
(tOUTi:: New York, Southampton, Loudon, Dover, Ostond, lirusscls, Parls
Versailles, Antwerp, Now York.
To Rail from New York by tho American Line new twin-screw steamer "ST. PAUL."
WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1897.
(Vlth an Annex Trip to the Rhine and Switzerland at $go; a Second Annex Trip through IN
aly at $130 additional, London to Strntford-on-Avon and back (iday), $8;
Scotland (3 da s), $16
Jptlounl Holland Trip, Sin extra; Cjellnir Tour (Including tdiort trips In England, 3dayf
along the Ilhlne. nnd 'J clujn through the lllaek Forest, Paris and Hols de
lloulogno) 5ir oxtru, to cover rout of transporting bicycle. ,
ron ruin-Hun pahticulaiis addrksh
Tour to CALIFOUN'IA nnd tho PA
CIFIC COAST will leave New York and
Philadelphia March 27. tcturning on regu
lar trains within nine months. Hound
trip tickets. Including all tour features
going und transportation only returning,
will bo sold at rato of $J0Si from Now
York, and $203 00 from Philadelphia; one
vvuy tickets. Including all tour features
going, $141 73 from Now Yoik. $140 25 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from
other points.
Tours, each coveting a period of three
days, will leavo
New York nnd Philadelphia
.March 11, April 1 nnd 22. und .May 13, 1S97.
Rates, Including transportation and
two days' accommodation at tho best
Washington Hotels, $14.60 from New Yoik,
and $11.50 from Philadelphia.
will leavo Now York nnd Philadelphia
March 18 and Apill 15, 1OT.
Tor detailed Itineraries and other Infor
mation, apply at ticket agencies, or ad
dress Geo. W. Boyd, Asst. Clen'l Pass.
Agent, Ilroad Btreot Station, Philadelphia.
Oeneiil Agent for tho Wyoming
Mining, UUstlng,Kpoi ting, hiuokclerfu
urn! the Itepaunn Chemical
Company s
High Explosives
haftty 1'use, Cops and llxploders,
Hoonis 'JJ2, sm and 2J I Commonwealth
lliilldlng, Hcruntou.
Tlios. p6ru,
A Rrcnt show ln of Ribbons. Ttlhhons nt
prkes doubly tempting because of tho excel
lenreof tho goods.
Nuw.Molru and Ihocndo Hlbbons, No', ill)
nnd 10, 10c a yard, north 'J,'c.
IJxtru wide, N'os. no and Ho. all Silk Molro
Inney Htrlpo and llrocado ltlbbonat age
yard, should bo fiOe.
KlowerM, perfect ropies of all natural floweri
and folliure; many ttrlklng and beautiful
Kino ltosos, 10c a bunch.
I''orKet-lle-S'otH, ioc a bunch.
I'oppieH and Geraniums, jjc n huuah.
Kollnge, larse bunchcH, ijc, age and 3scn
113 Lackawanna Avenue
out rapidly.
.? Agent.
408 Lackawanna Ave.
EUROPE, 1897
An established hotel under Dew mtnasement
and thoroochl jr abreast of tho times. Vtstton to
New York VTllIumlthe Everett Id tbe very heart
of the BboppiDg dutrlct, convenient to places ot
amusement and rradlljr nrreulble from all parts
It the city. EUROPEAN PLAN.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Placa,
Day and Upwards.
Day aud Upwards.
GEO, MURRAY, Proprietor.
The St. Denis
Drcadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Or nee Church. -European Plan.
Rooms Si.oo a Day and Upwards.
In a modest nnd unobtrusive way there art
few butter conducted hotels In tha metropolis:
than tho St. Denis
Tho groat popularity It his acquired can
readily bo tracod to its unique location, Its
homelike atmosphere, tba peculiar ezcellono
of Its cuisine and service, and Its very modsr
ata prices
CALL UP 3382,
nrtr , (?ii
W. COLLINS, Manager.