The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1897, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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    j.v '
Norrman & Moore
H20 Wyoming Ave.
308 Penn Avenue. A. U. WARMAN.
New Designs and Color
ings in
Wall Paper
Now ou show at very low
,Wo.MINU AV13.
To Insure publication In this paper,
volunteered communications of a con
tioversial character MUST UK
writer's true name. To this Just rule
we cannot hereafter make exception.
A meeting of the manufactuiei commit
tee will be held this morning at 11 o'clock.
A Oopei meelliiB win ho held ut the
Younir Womt'u'o ChilsllJii .mieni.itlon
rooms) Momluj, Apill 5. at a o'clock, lut
llijf but unt houi. IJvoiy woman Is In
vited to attend tlies Inloimal mect'iiua.
Court Satin day eonllimed the appoint
ment of T. 13. ltej noldrt n deputy cou
ntable of the I'lfth vvnul.
The will of John J. Wunl, late of New-
tou township, was probated Situielay In
the olllce of Itcglster Jlnoklns.
The Plckon and Von Htorch lolllorlm
nnd I'rovldencn repair shops of the Dela
ware and Jludhon Canal company wcie
paid on Sututd.ij.
A mad do(f caused not n little cm Ite
ment In I'lne Jiiook yestetday morninu.
It was killed bj Wlllam JennliiKS. of
Capouse aenue. with a hammer beroie
It had an oppoitunlty to bite any one.
The hlKh and training- s( hool committee
of the boatd of coutiol will visit the
hlKh (.ehool this mornhiK tollowlnt! out Its
nniuialcusstom. Anepo-ltlon of the school
work will bo made and It Is lkely speeches
will be made, by the members and Super
intendent Howell.
Manatjer II. C. Shafer, or the Scranton
Clearing House association, reports lujt
week's exchanges as ."ollows: Monday,
T120,&74.17; Tuesday, $9el,101.(H; Wednesday
lJS.C8t.;7; Thursday, JI."3.fii7.71: KrlUav,
JHs,48j.81, Satuiday, J12J.B13.1S: total,
rT7L',312.4S: clearings for the week ended
April 8, 1S9U. weie J919.79S CJ.
The teachers of the public schools have
been given the opportunlt) by Superin
tendent Cleorge Howell to undergo a
voluntaiy course of stuily In thoe branch
es in which they may havu become un
familiar Classes uie being conducted ev
ery week at the high school. Kxamlna
tlons will be held and teachers gi anted
certificates accoidlng to merit attained.
Simpson Died While Under the Care
ol n Kuttuliir lMivsieiuii.
William Simpson died Tluusilny In
his lio'me In Itajmond court uml tin
circumstances surioumlluK hit death
are such that Coroner l.unifstieot was
called In ti Investigate. It nppeais
that Simpson wns mifferliiK fiom ty
phoid pneumonia nnd a lwib doctor,
Curey by name, has for eome time
tveateel the sick man
Two ilas before Slmpson'H death,
however, u regular physic Ian wns rail
ed. In ami made a diagnosis of the, case
and the rertlfU'ale of death was uccorel
ltiBly made out.
This relieved the necessity nf an In-
vestlRallon liy the coionei which wotild
jirouulily have followed had not the
rliyslclan treated the man.
Iiittlellnv Ituu Down by 11 1)., I,. ,V
W. .Mill. Trnln.
Itobeit, the Hlx-yonr-nM on of John
Ryan, was Instantly killed he
tveen D.Utun and Olenliuiii yesteieliiy
aCtenuon by n 11. ilk uln.
The boy was walking on the traik
when hq was 111 11 down.
IF YOIT WISH to purify your blood
you should take 11 medicine which cuies
blqod diseases. No other m44ne has
such n record of cures as Ilood'sSntsap
aillla. HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take, cum
in opeiaie. iuiu muik-eauun uiiiuua.
licss, Use. .
.Sprint; Millinery Oiii'iilui;
of artistic hats and bonnets, M. A.
Filedlander &. Co., LOS Spruce street,
oposlteCouit House.
Hi Steam Ilcntiiit,' unit riumhiiiK,
P, P. & M. T. Ilowley, 231 Wyomlnc ave.
t.uc & -ev4w 11 j
If, .
trtf n.r.flrno 5
? xyv j l
rLCHOCliO jj
Onrllueof i:uster.Ntok' XS A
weur. It In new In color, hDi. v
ty inoterlul and make-up. Ail c-n- J
,' "J. A. WATERS, fl
, Chrl.tUnMh.M.Uer.jK
Miss Susan E Dickinson on (he Stand
During Ibc Qrcaler Part ol Saturday.
Attorney lloilgo is .Inking 11 Very
Scinching Inquiry Into tliu ltclu
tlons 'I' hut lUistctl lletM'ucn Hie
Two Sisters for Seternl 1 earn lie
fore Anna Win Sent to Danville.
Att'imo Thomas II. tturlow of
riillndeliihlti on the Hlntid.
At 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon the
Anna Dickinson case was continued In
the circuit court until 10 o'clock this
morning, when It will be losumed be
foie JudKe Acluwin. Six days have
been nlrenily consumed by the ti litl,
nnd there Is eveiy probability that It
will be at least Wednesday befote the
case Is given to the Jury. When eouit
adjoin ned ut 4 o'clock. Satuiday after
noon Miss Susan 1. Dickinson was un
ilutgoliiK n llgld cross-exumliiation at
the hands of Attorney Hodge, of coun
sel for the plaintiff.
.Miss Susan Dickinson was on the
stand under dliect. examination when
couit adjourned Krlday afternoon, but
when couit met Hatuiclny she wus not
tcculled to the stand until after Thos,
K. Hallow, assistant district attorney
of Philadelphia, and the legal member
of the committee on lunacy of the Stnte
Hoaul of Charities had been heard, Mr. low swoie that he visited the Dan
ville Insane usvluni In response to a
letter which Miss Dickinson wiote to
the state bond. He thought she was
Insane. Mr Zlodge In cioss-examlnlng1
Mi. llailow diew foith some very caus
tic replies. Aftei Mr. Hallow left the
stand Miss Susan -Dickinson was 10
cullcd. She said that an electrician named
Mr. Hall called to tieat Anna's face u
numbei of times in .faniuuy, 1SB1. One
day the plaintiff sent her maid, Maltha,
to Hall's six times foi his bill, and
when Mr. Hall brought the iccelpt
about "1 o'clock In the evening, Anna
said she knew the iccelpt was woith
lcss. Witness looked at It. saw that It
was all light, nnd told Anna so. Anna
was displeased with this nnd told her
to go to her 100m. She did so. and
soon nfterwatds heard "Ho out of my
house. you devil!" and saw Anna push
Mr. Hall out of the house.
Anna asked her on one occasion If
she remembered when they w ent to see
the poet Whittler at his home In New
Dngland. Susan said she did, nnd then
Anna remaiked that 'Whittler was a
wicked old man. At another time An
na asked Multhu to bilng her a lump,
but witness lefused to allow the maid
to comply with the order. Anna Im
agined that there weie peisons In the
attic and she wanted the lamp to go up
thete. Witness lefused to let her have
It, because she was afraid she would
set Hie to the house. When the maid
lefused to bilng Anna the lamp, s-he
chased her out of the house and down
the stieet.
Witness then explained how Anna
choked her on one occasion when she
went to her loom to cet some trays on
which food had been can led to Anna.
She told Mattha ,to go and get some
one and the maid soon leturned with
Young Hggleston. When Anna saw
him she lellncuilshed her gi asp on wit
ness' tin oat. The removal of Anna to
the Insane asylum was descilbed In de
tail and her subsequent lemoval to
Ooshen, N. Y.
Mis. Dllzaboth Haveitnn, of Mont
clalr, N. J., wrote to witness stating a
case which had been cuied by Dr. John
Seward, of oshen, nnd witness ob
tained Anna removal from the asy
lum to Goshen. The money for the re
moval and tieatment nt Goshen was
furnished by Geneinl Chrlstlanson, of
Hiooklyn. N. Y. She found a number
of Anna's valuables In a tiunk In the
ganet and sent them all to the Mlneis'
Savings bank ii I'lttston, with the ex
ception of one nrtlde which was valued
nt $.'00. This she used to lalse money
on with which to pay the lent.
Afterwnids she secured money and
ledeemed the Jewel, which was placed
with the lest. Afterwauls all the Jew
elry was dellveied to Mis. Ackeily, o'
New Yoik, who came to her with 11
note fiom Howe & Hummell, Her sis
ter's tiuuks weie all conveyed to New
York tluouKh the same means. The
letter which Mis. Aclceily brought as
an older for these goods was offered In
The cross-examination of the witness
by Attorney Hodge was veiy seaichlng.
She said that some of the money to
pay the lent while they lived in West
I'lttston was furnished by Geneial Hen
Hutler, who wan one of Aniifi's warm
fi lends nml frequently visited them ut
their home.
"Weie vou ever Jealous of youi sis
ter?" asked Attorney Hodge.
"No: I was very pioud of her, and
did all I could" to help her. I did all I
could for her until she hud to go out
of public life."
"Wlio c aused her to j;o out, you or
"She o".'. she went out of her mind."
"1'ait of The services you lendeied to
youi sister In l'lillndelphla was entertaining-
pel sons In your home, fi lends
ot hei's'.'"
"Yes; many nubile, men professed
both friendship and admiration for
Witness said her sister was Intimate,
ly acquainted with Whltelaw Held.
Mr. Hodiie tiled to get fujpi the wit
ness the admission that jfrT Held pro
pwed manlage to Anna and was Jilted,
but couit tilled that such testimony
was not admissible.
"It was true that theie wns haidly u
man of note In the countiy whom your
sister did not know V"
"That is pietty sweeping. She knew
a sieai many."
"It wus she who slnuic-handed and
nlono dffendeil Geneial Hutler when
the entlr noithern piess uttacked him
because ot his conduct at New Oilcans,
and It was she who cleared him of that
"It has m-ver been cleared In some
people's minds, but It was becuuse of
vvlmt she saiq In his behalf that he be
came ho frleildly to her."
"The fileudthlp suddenly ceased for
some leason?"
"Can you state any delusions your
sister had'"
"J thought It was erne when she said
Charles Dudley Wurner had stolen ar
ticles which 1 wn publishing over his
name In Haipers, fiom letters of heis
written from Colorado years before."
"They weie aiBly embodied lit a
book of her's entitled 'A Hagged Jtegls
terr "
"They could have ben taken from
that?" 1
"She didn't say so: she said they
Nveie stolen from her lettets."
"When you found your sister was In
Rane It was 11 shock to you?"
"Don't put Hint woid 'Insane' In my
mouth. I never used It. 1 said he
wns out of her, mind. The next delu
sion was when she said her lawyers
vvcte In a conspliacy against her. She
was discussing with Mr. Slnton nhout
goInK on the stage, und then she claim
ed he wns In 11 conspiracy with that
committee. I thought It a delusion
when she said every woman in the
country who wns before the public wus
In n conspiracy to keep her dovv n."
She denied thnt her slstpr was mak
ing u study of politics and the carper
of Clmile- Slcwurt l'ainell, duilng 190
and 1W1. Anna, she said, seemed lil
ccned over the treatment I'arnell was
leeching and talked ubout. delivering
a lecture on the, subject. She had some
coriespondence with n lecture malinger
about It.
fine tlmn her sister pointed to the
picture of nu ICaster lllv on the wall
and said to seveial gentlemen who
weie in eent: "That Is the sciul of my
brother, lCdwin, and shows how puie It
was." She thought this was decided
evidence that her slstei's mind was
McDonald Ilobertson and Miss Hran
don Douglas will be seeji at the Ae-ad.-my
of Music tonight In thelt own
adapt nllon ot Alexandet Dumas' 10
mantlc tiugedj, "The Man In the lion" This is u icturn engagement,
they appealing at the Academy last
September, and those who were so for
tunate as to ste thtlr iiioduetlon le
meinber that It was one of the most
uitlstlc plays 011 the load.
There ale Mime capital character hits
In Hoyt's "A Temperance Town" und
all of them wtte well nctecl. Geor,"'
lttchntds and Hugene Cantleld made
the hits of the play In the paits of
"Hingo" and "Mink" Jones, lcspcct
Ively. They had the suppoit of an ex
cellent company, and the pel foi mance
wus nil that could be deslied. Now
"Voik Hvenlng Sun. "A Temperance
Town" will be pioduced at the Pioth
lugham Wednesday night.
H Hi
Hoais of laughter Will 1111 the Acad
emy of Music next Krlday, Apill V,
vhii the uieator of comedy, l'eter V.
Dalley and his meuy company ol con
spiialors will aniear In their lutest
success. "A Good Thing " The .piece
has been declaied b the preis of New
i'oik, Chicago, Philadelphia and Bos
ton to be the best of Mr. John J. Mo
Nally's farces, and to have been par
tlculaily happily named.
Al Hceves and his ,blir s,how teturns
to the Davis' theater' todaj for a thiee
day engagement. It Is a high class
vaudeville, mln.stiel and burlesque with
handsome women, beautiful Cieoles,
gorgenius costumes, elegant elect! leal
efiocts, und a carload ol new and spec
ial scenery. A grand minstrel first pait,
Introducing u genuine Southern negio
cuke walk, a laughable faic4. bj J. II.
IViry, entitled "MrCiaci.en's It"-cep-tloli,"
n Bieat vaudeville olio, headed
by the cluvel Celtic wits, I'eiiy and
Hums, Miss Cissay Grant, the famous
Walker RlsteiH. .Miss Cnrlnne Mitchell,
In a sketch of their own. lliyce nnd
Milton, the great Ameilcan coloicd
tiu.utette. Miss l'aullne Hradsliaw, the
NoriN family; last, but by no means
least, Al. Iteevcs, the banjo l'adeicv
skl. -
Hcnutiftil Souvenirh nt the Thous
andth I'erformnnec l'riday Night.
Scianton's favoilte spectacle, C. H.
Jeff"ison, Klaw & Jilangei's big pro
duction of "I'ahnor Cox'h Hrovnles"
will retuin on Kildny and Saturday
nlglits, with a Satuiduy imttlnee, to the
scene f Its formei tiiumphs. The
Frothlngham. The opniut; perform
nnce heie on Filday iiight will be the
one thousandth Hint the remui liable
spectacle has been played, and It will
be celebrated in a fitting manner by the
piesentatlon to nil the ladles who hold
pui chased tickets on the first iloor of
beautiful and expensive souvi-nlis.
The advance sale for this and the
two other poilormarc c s of "The Hiow
nles" will o!n on Wednesday moining
ut the box olllce, and there piomlse.s
to be the saint unusunl demand that
has nlwajs attended the engagements
of the big spectacle heie. New hcenle
effects, costuming, music and special
tics aie ptomluid, and thete will b.e
many elements of fieshness to make
the letuil. engagenvnt enjojable. This
will be the last time of "The liiownles"
lu Scianton.
.11 curs' and linden's Opniiiug.
Thousands of people accepted the In
vitation to nttend the opening of this
firm Satuida. Their laige stoies are
completely lllled with stllsh goous, for
which eveiy effoi t Is made to piocure.
They have a reputation for keeping
line diess goods, silks, tilmmlni;s,
laces, embiolderlcs, tailor-made suits,
etc. A visit to their stoics will nssuie
you that 110m fif the departments n'-e
neglected, foi complete displays un
made at eveij countei. The extensive
diapery and lloial decmntlons made
the place a bower of beauty, atttact
Inir multitudes who listen to Hunc's
orchestia while, makbi;; their pur
chases. The 111 m nssuied us that their
stock never was so extensive or caie
fully selecti d and thnt by buying In
linger quantities the) cun afford to sell
cheaper than evel The opening will
be continued today t
Spring-Term special Itnlr.
The demand for S. H. C. students
seems to be on the Increase. A number
ol juung ladles lecintly hent to posi
tions with pionilnem business men.
The spring leim betitns Mopday,
April C. A number of new students w 111
Join then. A bpecial iate has been
made for those who wish to enioll for
the remalnliii; three months of the.
lei 111.
Keene Hleanoie MIKIicd, Infant daugh
ter of IMmiuid W, und (lertiudu Hill
Keexe. Kunt-iul sti-vliea ut 741 .MudUon
avenue ut - o clock p. 111. 011 .MyiiiUv,
.Spill 5. sf-
M'NAUDY-ln KciamonAru,, Apill 4, 1W,
.Mis. Muigaiet McNully at the home of
her daughtei, Mis. T. O'Connor, &!
South Beventli siieet, runeral an
nouncement luter.
HIUNirrr-ln Scranton, l'a April 3; Wit
Muiy Gwendoline, the 2.yeni-oM daiiBh
ter of Mr. unci Mm. A. It, HIkiicU, of
1014 Lafayette stieet. I-'uncial .MonUuy
afternoon ut 3 30 o'clock. Interment In
the Wiislibuin Stieet cumotery.
WHIIKAN-In flcranton, Jn April 2, 1SH7,
Winifred WheUin, uued 21, daughter of
Mr, und Mrs. I'atrlck Wliulun, nt .the
family home, corner of I'lttston uvnue
and Orchard stieet. The funeral -will
take, place ut 9 o'clock Monday monitnic
Muss wilt bo sunu at St. l'oWr'n cutlie
drul. Interment In Hydu Vark Catholic
Impossible to Foreshow What the Atom
. ing Wilt Bring Forlh.
Thnt is, It is Doomed if llolh Sides
1'crsist in the Determination They
repressed YestoidnvSonio Sur
nilses mid Survcvs and One or Tw'o
l)ediictlons--Wnv Hie IteorBnuin
lion Wns Viewed Yesterday Iroin
Uotli Sides.
No one. last night, could foiccnst
with rtny degiee of certainty what the
outcome at this morning's woik of
councils will be. If all men weie given
to telllnir the Until, the whole truth,
and nothing but the tiutli. nnd not
prone to sudden changes of sentiment.
It might be possible for a live newspa
per after some real haul canvassing
to make 11 fairly accuiate guess us to,
the possible lesults, but as men ate not
as u mle sitting up nlgbts nuislng un
such complaints ur veiaclty or tenac
ity of pui pose, the fuieshadowlng of an
event 01 seiles of events such us those
scheduled fur today, Is. us said before-,
a tuther lash undei tuklnif.
The events most especially sutroiind
ed with unceitaluty are the tieatment
that will lie- aceoulod the unnuul ap
propilntlon oidlnance and the manner
In which the leoiganteatlon of com
mon council will be effected.
The Democtats, or those who nie rec
ORnlzed .as their spokesmen, say that
the old common council will not meet
again and that the Republican select
binnch must ie-elnd its objectionable
amendments or shoulder the ichponsl
hlllty of killing the nidlnance. They
also say that Mr. Nealls will be chosen
chad man of the lower branch and that
possibly a suipilse will be tun urn; In
the shape of a wlnnlmr candidate for
the chair In the upper biuneh.
The- llepubllcnns say that the Dem
ociuts ure talking and aetluu like so
many child! en lather than city fa
theis buideiied with the lesponslblll
ties of the government of the thlid city
In the commonwealth. Thev also de-claic-
that If common council does not
meet to consider the amendments, the
ordinance will die, as the select coun
cil Is not to be fenced Into denvlng It
self the prerogative of legislating ur
It may deem lit, through any baby
tactics ot the Dcmociatlc lower brunch.
Defection ill the Republican ranks In
tho upper blanch Is characterized as
the veilest lot, anil as to the Indubit
able election of Mr. Nealls, they say
well, they say nothing: but they smell
a veiy mysteilous kind of smell II y
caiefully reading the nbove unblused
burvej of the situation, folding up the
paper and waiting until about 11
o'clock, the tender can leadlly nit Ke
nt the full knowledge ot the ic-sult.
Intel views with vailoim meinbets of
the Demociacy of the lower binnch
discloses their Intention to lellgiously
ailheie to the detei initiation not to go
near the council chamber until the
hour for reorganization, 10 o'clock-.
They will meet at John Klanaghan's
Globe hotel, and not because they dis
trust one another, but simply ns a mat
ter of extia piecautlon, will lock them
selves In a room and -stay there juntll
about ten minutes of the time for le
oiganlzatlon. At the caucus Friday
night every one of the Democrats of the
dying or, as they c lalm, dead council
piomlsed to stick together In this
One of them, however, Mr. Gtlioy, re
fused to bind himself farther. Mr.
Nealls assaulted and Insulted him at
the last reorganlzatlon.and used all the
power of the Nealls faction to defeat
htm for ie. election In Febiuaiy, and
he openly and above boaid lefuses to
suppoit him for ehnliman. Whether or
not Mr. Gller can be depended upon to
peacefully submit to be lldden over
lough shod by his ancient and moital
enemies Is another question that. If an-
sweied to the satisfaction of the Nealls
people, would lelleve them of much
Mr. Grler did not come Into line of
his own accord. He was whipped In
by a contest which Is to be vvlthdiawn
If he will allow himself to be handled
by his enemies. The Demociats them
selves confehs that they an- not overly
sanguine- of the wily Grler, who twice
befoie trave '.hem seveie chastisement
for t lying to coeice him. The fact that
the Nealls people and the Intel ests ut
their command went Into Giles's ward
and tiled to beat him, and falllns lu
this, Instigated a contest to frighten
him Into Hue, would lead n man up a
tree to believe that Grler has, been
slniuly Joll.vlng his enemies along so
as to make- their thiow down nil the
mote gainful.
Grler Is cunning and Grler is vlneile
tlve. and If he doesn't Uo something
that will show his enemies that Iip la
far frnin being the thoioughly bioken
down war hoit-e they picture him, 'it
will be a disappointment to those who
have watched the political cau-ei of
the young gentlemnn S10111 the Thlid
It would not be surptlslng If It would
be Pi evident filler for another year.
11. C Hatton, clerk of the lower
binnch. will be ie-elected, the wlce
acies say, although It will not be with
out opposition. Mi. Flanaghan de
elated at the Demociat - caucus th-t
he tvould not vote foi a Republican
cleik with the- De-mociats In the major
ity, and It Is his pui pose- to nominate
John 1'. Mnhoii or W. F. McLean nml
have u toll call, that his colleagues
may be put nu rec-oul.
Colonel George Samlet sun will be re
elected chairman In the upper biaueh.
Clerk I.avelle hedels over There are
no new membeis to be Inducted and
the Demociats will nut likely even put
u cundlelate against Colunel Sander
son, so nil In all, the icorgnulzattou of
the upper biuuch will be u veiy tame
Tho nine Republlcun numbers of
common council will be on hiinil ut 0
o'clock and may possibly proceed to
hold u meeting Hlx of them, one, more
than the ic-qulnd number, made n de
mand on I'l evident Oilei Filday ulsht
to call a special meeting for o'clock
this inoinliig. Mr. Oiler has not us yet
Issued the call, nnd us It must be Is
sued twenty-four hotus pn-vlous to the
appointed time, It can not now be is
sued. Whether or not the meeting will take
dace depends entliely on the way the
law hus been Interpieted, to them by
the nuthuiltles from whom' legal advice
has been sought since the complication
uroie. It inuy he tliut they will Jake
It that the Democrats who voted to ad
journ sine die before the time nie
scribed by law have legislated them
selves out of olllce, or vhtually re
signed, uml In that ease those who ie
maln, though they do not make a
quoiuni, must iHegurHy tuny on tho
city's business until such time us the
new council If this view is
taken of the matter the appropriation
ordinance will eome over from suleet
council and be paired as amended.
The councils were never before in
such a perplexing dilemma, ami Its
outcome will be awaited with gloat In
terest. In case tho uiuuoinliitlon or
dinance Is licit passed, a new one must
be Introduced by the next council, and
nt tho best cannot be passed In much
less time than four weeks, In the
inenntlma the city will be without
teventie, and no head of department
cun spend u cent for supplies or labor.
In addition to this the annual tax
levy oidlnance, vvhloh should be opera
tive by May 1, will be put back a
month and the levying and collection
of taxes will be dclaed Just that much
Employes of the Scranlon Railway Cum
pany Will Divide Up Ilic Money
in Their Treasury.
About twenti men, employes of the
Sctdiitoti Hallway will some
tliu- In tin near rutin e huve the ph-as-uie
of iccelvlng a' pait of SCuO which
Is to be etiu.illj divided. The Trac
tion company is not giving the- money
hut the ConductoiH and Motouuuns'
indent litis illsbunde'd tnil the funds now,
111 the treasury, amuuiitiug to the sum
mentioned, will be dlvtilbuted mining
the twenty or ho melnbeiH who me In
good Htandlnsj or who lack only thue
months of tin peifeet maik. 1
The reason for the diminution Is be
cause the union "Ceins to outlived Its
usefulness In the ejes of the membeis.
It was organized several ears ago us
an ussembly of the Knights of I.aboi
by ex-Geueinl Muster Workman T. V.
l'owdetly. When the 1 realty between
the Amcilcuu Federation 11 i.nbor and
the KnlL'hts broke out the agitation
leached this city and the Tiactlon com
pany ashcmbly Joined the Federation.
Theie was gloat ut that time.
The height of power was leached when
th" Tiaotlon emplnyea made an elloit
for Inn eased wuccs over a year ago
At that time nejutly cverj emploe,
about ioo in ull, wus a member of the
The kick lor vvaireM fa II ell and Inleiest
In the union beaan to wane. It has
oozed out .so eiuctualty that meetings
have not been held In two months ow
ing to fnlluie to get a (Uioi urn. The
last meeting was held in Junuary.
Ale.v McTaggart. president of the
union, stated last tilcht that the muni-v
has not yet been divided but fixed the
amount at r.early JilOO. He- does not
know- the exact dale of the piorosed
I'rJiiipt I'liMiicnt liy .Mutual Rc-civc.
March j, IM17
P. P. Smith, General Agent Mutual Re
set ve Fund I.lfe Association, .ueura
Building, Soianton, Pa.
peur Sir:
We deslie to expiess our thanks to
the Mutual Reserve" Fund Association
for their piomptness in settling claim
No. 10117. held bi,- the late- Peter J
Cole In your company. We aie pleased
to leiehe checks aifgicgatlng $2,(J0ii In
full settlement, six weeks befoie due
under teims of contract. Please accept
our stnceie thanks for your couiteous
treatment, and ben wishes for the fu
ture success of your company
Yours veiy tiuly,
Rebecca J. Cole,
Heibert K. Gajrer,
RIchaid W. Pethlck.
P. S. If the late Peter J. Cole had
taken an ordinary life policy In an old
system company, and paid the same
amount In pieinlums as he paid the
Mutual Reserve, his heirs would on!;
havo lecelvecl Jl.US!) Instead of $2,000
Gain by being Insured lu the Mutual
Reserve, $911.
('aid of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. W S. Mott wishes to
thus acknoultdfcf their tlunks to their
kind iieluhbois, nnd to the tlrem.-a,
for their u-Vatunce In lemoving their
goods from the (Ire on Tuesday..
We are still dolnc business at the
same old stand where we have been for
twenty-two years past and mos.t te
specttully solicit the pationage of the
public ns heretofore In awnings, tents,
Ilcgs and all kinds of society goods
und decorutlons.
S. J. Fuhiman & Uro.
Sprint; .Millineij Opening
ot aitlstlc huts and bonnets, M A.
Filedlnnder & Co., COS Spiuce street,
oposlte Court House.
Rabat's Milwaukee Hock Hcer, at
Lohmaiin's, Spruce street.
lu MIIMncrv ot ever; soit vw lake the till
latlvc. I.MliiMvc IiiivIuk Klvesus pouei anil
ellieit eleallllit (Villi the lending; uuiiiiihn .
uueis lntiiieN 10 inn timlc the lutuxt pioihii
IliiiiH. the htorc is lull ol IIiiIn and iLui ti.-i h
lu the lati-kt I'.iiIm uml Limiloii Mit, I.uxe,
(Iicskn lunliue hau; nlaiu, mill and xtWls!i
turtiuiiri for Ktiiet uml everviluv went; I'.ti Is
model lloiimts In Imtli lt tiimt jilalii i-tli t.
-tj IMi tor Indies wlio tide the- wlu-cl.
The eltphi Nun cduuitloii uml an Inspliu
tlou, whit lie 1 oa 1 Jlc-to bu en not.
Our readj' Cash has
, . , . ... re-
11115 UCpurtlUtilU. VC lire Olierillg tlllS WeeK Ilie USSC I U-
pestry Brussels at 65 cents
.with or without border, beautiful patterns. Second qual
ity 55c, with or without border.
New line to show you delft blue and white iu all
sizes. Prices never so low before.
INGRAIN ART SQUARES, Cream of the Loom,
all new.
.Mr. Louise I.viuiiu and Son Held to
Answer It nt Conn.
Mis. Louise I.ynmn a-hI hor son.
Htiphen. of Cli ICynon fltreet, wcio ur
r'iiied Suturdity nininliig charged with
11 11I1111 which lit somewhat new and
HlhO somewhat e-old bloeoded. The two
hip clMiKt-d Willi un atlnupt to smoth
er a whole family
-It al pun that Airs. lmali owns the
iHeeliiiig hoube ut 113 ICynon street,
wli'reln the family of lluiry Hcliuci-Hler
live. The luudlndy wished the Schuess
lern to vucute the liotiie on April 1,
but as the tenants hold it least until
April 18 they .etuel to du so, Tills, It
Is said, dii tensed Mrs. Lymuii upd she
threatened veinceancin
Mondny nlnht a member of tha
Hchiittssler family wan awakened by n
Mtiifocntlntr Betisatlon nnd found tln
house lllled with smoke. Tht whole
familv was moused und a re.inii for
Hie bi-Kiin It was that the
t hlnine v line! been blo"ked uml upon
liivestlgKtlon a be lllled with tags was
diawii out.
Mrs. T rninn and lur son weie ar-lestc-d
foi plaili.g the lavs In Hie chim
ney. AldeimiiM Millet after healing
the evldeni-e Ill-Ill the defendants lu
$;'00 bull to uppe'ir et couit.
-. .j,
Is our Ailment Cnttirrht
"I had Catarrh for 1 ear." "I had
Cafinh foi .' years." "1 had Catutth
fen r. vuis. ' '1 hail Catanli lor 20
years." - mi Calatrli foi io yeuis."
ami Dr. Aglir-w's duiirrltal Powder
lined pn-. ihese aie S"iiteiiee.-t fiom
the volume? and volumes of testimony
foi this trrent ciitBitiN'Uie not mytlil-
al latleiitM, but words "Yoni men and
women all ovei tin- continent who have
been lined It relle-ve.i In 10 minutes.
Tailor mndo fall suits and overcoats,
latest btylcs, John Ross, 307 Spruce
street. -
:I0 XX White Knvelopes for 17c. at 3e.
Store, G23 I.ack'u. ave.
We invite the Ladies of
Scranton and vicinity to
out grand
when we will have on
exhibition the finest dis
play of millinery ever
brought to this city, in
cluding many beautiful
patterns from London and
CDiiTfUcroa; foi I
314 Washington a?3., Scranton, Pa
Union Transfer Co
htorcs l-'mnitiir" for$:i to $11 per month.
(JiilerH fiirC'itljx, Moviiitf Vuiu, etc., iimmpt.
I llttl'lllU'll to.
I iclifht Imtili'd to uml Imm ull ih'iuiU.
IVIcphuiic (till, No. u'J.'i 01 JtiU-.', elny or
)n'lu.lm- tho palnlrai extiactin ut
tietli Lj ull c'litile'ly Hutv piocuis
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
in iirrucs St , Opp. Ilctel Jermjn.
made sonic threat bartjaius in
' 1 i 1 i rr
per yard; former price Soc,
llii? Opening j
M of Tliis Week
u uo
406 Lackawanna Ave.
Opp. Wyoming Housa.
'S P.11HMC
( Cor. Waililnston Ave. nn.t Spruce St.
'!') Sluiw you wlmt vc arc wlll
iij; to do In the Avay ol low prices,
we iitt)to the follpwinp,:
Hood sHiirMiipurlllii ....
Acr'sSiirsuimrlllu .. . ,
I'lilticMt'cleiv Compound
II) din riiikhiim'H Compound...
l'leice's Medlcnl lllscovery.
1'leice'H I'livorlte PrcNcillitloii..
Wiiruci'MHufaCtiro ...
Hjruitof I'Ikh
hcott's Muiuixloii, liirne
Ki-ott'H KiiiulHloii, small
Itiimrs lteinmllcs
lleiiHon's 1'luatvrs,
Allenck'N I'oioiim I'luxters.
HticiiKlitcnltiK 1'lnsters
Ajer's I'llls
Hood's l'llls
Carter's I'IIIn.
Ciitlciiia Soup
I, oil's Tooth Powder
(ulnliierillH, 'jgr
H.psoin Suits
.(l,-,c llottlo
....1150 Hottlo
, ..7:io llottl
... OHc llottls
.700 llottls
...70c llottls
...H4o llottls
....:i:io Mottle
. . (IHOllottle
... 8n llottlo
., Be llottlo
.....14c Knch
... ....110 Koch
Ho Knell
15c Mux
1 .130 Dot
....1 I c Cake bottle
..Ie Doreu
nc lb.
Compare our prices, call ami bo
convinced that we can and do sell
lower than others. The loss on
thesj reductions does not alter
our low prices on prescriptions.
201) Lackawanna Ave.
Toiiieetthceleinuiid for Patent Medicines
, nt popular prlccM.ueolIer the ioIIouIiik list:
Houd'sSiiisupiiilllu (l.lebottld
I'alnc'sCeler.v Comisiiiiiel.. . .T:ic bottle
I i.wnu riiii.imm Htdiiipotiiiil uho oottle
70c- bottle)
1 l'leice's ravorlte l'letcrliitlon
I Murner's Sure Cine
Scott's Kmiilslon, siiiull
Allcock'H I'oroim I'lusteis
l.j oil's Tooth Ponder
HuiiiIh llciiieille-i
...70c bottlu
to bottle)
... 10c each
.lflu bottle
...lo bottle
Prices on drugs and pre
scriptions the lowest, Call
and get prices. We will con
vince you we can save you
big money. Remember the
store, 209 Lackawanna
320 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pa.
Paint Line.
The Old Reliable.
lure and White.
1 All CnIori, used where hljh jjlssl
flnMh Is desired.
Convenient, economical and
batln and Varnish with one appli
cation, producing perfect Imitation
of expensive woods.
(luarunteed PUKG.
Call and sec our line
before buying.
j mci and 141 Wash. Ave., Aleurs Hide.
Mm Piano Slante al lh9 Head
rmi u. iiui.mmi.1 .lanua ut (lie iieau
lintuo Musio track, yon can aiHa)s get
hotter bnrKnln t 111 beautiful warerooraj
tun i t' fiiicitvcuv c. - i-- t m
than at uiiyotuoriilncolntlio city.
Call und kc'ii (or rournelf buforo buying,
205 Washington Avenue,
r V".J4aCC. w-T1;- ?r