The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 05, 1897, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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    ) '
5e Scranton CriBune
Itlljrtud Weekly. No Suudny Edition.
Published at Scranton. Pa., by Tliq Tribune
Publishing Company.
M IcildUprcsentatlra.
mANK K ohay co..
Jloom 4 Tribune Bulldlns, New York Cltr.
iKTinio at mi rosTornoi at bcrantos ta,, as
Tlio Trlbano rcrehc ocr u Hpctlnl ulro
lending Into ItHolllto tlia lompleto report or
tUo AmocIiiUiI l'rtsx, tho irrcittiHt iibwh cl
looting orKiiiilriitliin 1" tlio world. Iliu
Tribune uiik the first iiuwapnpcr lu North
enntern riniBjlnnln to conlrnet Tor thin
Cureful mining paa.
The Arbitration Treaty.
The arbitration treaty, In Its limit
lorm as It uuultB tho vote whlih Is
to determine ltd ratification or injec
tion, Is u different Instrument from
thut which tame from the pens of Set
jetary Olney and Ambassador 1'aunte
fote. Oilglnully It was a Idt-open
provision for the arbitration of practi
cally all dllferonni'S tulslng during tho
eneulni; live liars, and subject to tho
decision of a standing ttlbunal in which
the Klmr of Not way and Swtden wan
to have the iletui mining sale. Now, it
provides for Herniate tiibunals for
each arbltiatlon, ri"eres to the sen
ate the light to pasi on the conditions
of each .ubltiatloir fllmlnatci from
arbitration except by special agi foment
all iiutstlonH of foiclgn and domestic
policy and the quetlon whether any
tieaty, once exlstlm?, Lontlnue in foice,
and lcqiihcs tne two governments to
ihooe an umiilrv for each occasion
The punlso has alo been Insulted that,
no claim of a ltlzi-n of Cleat Urltuln a state or tenltoiy of the
ITnltid Slates shall ln a subject of ar
bitration under this tittttj.
"Whether these chanses have been
wlsi or not Is a. matter ljigely foi the
futuie to deUinilin. They have been
insisted upon by senators whovo
llotlsm and iutt llljreiut air not open
to iiiicstlon. and aie thf fruits of a
thoiough dlscu'fllbn coserinir eer
possible phase of the tieatl s useful
ness and significance. V hae felt,
with man nllurx, that the fcermte mav
ha" been unduly suspicious of con
cealed tUcUeiy on England's pait; et
on the other hand, the senat", of all
pi ices, l.s the place wheie the cleat est
conception may be gained of England's
piolmbfo liutuosijs, in a mattei of this
kind, it 1h puti.ient so to sa, in the
senate'H defens, that upon eeiy past
occasion when negotiation foi an pui
pose has pu.ssed between Loudon and
"Washington, the sleight -of-hand woiK
has been end the laser, when
lofcs luis occuired. lias been the United
States, fco that, If the senate lias been
slow to j It Id to puiel sentimental
opinion In the inesnt Instance and has
held tenaciously, and men puhaps be
nd tea&on, to the courage of its sub
plclons. lt-j cnuise, after all, has be"n
giounded In a .)ens of dnty whicn
Ainei leans, when thy come fully to
understand tho chcunistanecu, will per
foice admlle.
We have found In Washlngton.among
tho opponents or the Olney draft of the
aibltiatlon, nut a eenso of antag
onism to aibltiatlon as a piinclple, but
only the conviction that in Its nuginal
foi m this Uvnty i "presented a new and
dangeiuus ti Unite to Unglaud'H super
ior astuteness This conviction pei-vade-x
the senate and Is generil among
tho foreign diplomatists who lew the
"issue with er.rious but impaitial ees
It is the htuall undisputed belief in
these iltcleu that the piinclple of ar
bitration would sustain In the end a
woise defeat in the latiflcatlou of such
a lieatv, undu 'hose tenns tl e United
States might be bound to odious conse, than In Its utter lejectlon.
It is iiolnti il out that the falluie of
this one ument cannot fatily lay
us opt 11 to the charge of Indlffeience
to eibltr.itlon, since we have alieady
made rcsoit to that principle time und
time again, but would latlier be Intel -
Dieted as a notification to foielgn pow
t'ls that an uibltiallon with us, to be
effective, must be fall.
' Such, we lepeat, is the manner in
which this question Is view id at the
capital We have heretofoie txpiessed
other views, and have held contrary
hopes, but a visit to Washington has
dispelled the latter und levealed condl
tlons moio plainly. The fact, In any
light. Is that if the arbitration treaty
i.s passed at all, it will bu ln Us ,)Iesent
lestilcted and dellmltfd form, und the
longer It Is considered the binaller
bt-ems the likelihood that It will not In
the end be i ejected.
Chicago has eight candidates for
mayor and et complains of dull times.
Concerning Dogs.
A repiesentatlve farmei living In
Ablngton township addi esses to us the
following lettei "Is Repiesentatlve
Coiay trying to legislate In the interest
of dogs? If so, why? Can he and any
suppoiteis ho may have, be aware that
dogs have extet minuted tho sheep In
dustiy of this whole jeglon, time wns
when our sheep and those of our neigh
bors roved over all the rugged pastures
of iheso hill farms, but our flocks have
been mangled and slaughteied by dogs
to such a lulnous extent that raising
sheep has been given up, for this cause,
and no other. Sooner or later every
flock waa ravaged. I have seen fifteen
high made Routhdowns dead and dy
ing as the result of one night's amuse
ment of the dogs.
"The township Is supposed to pay a
nominal price for sheep bo destroyed,
anil this fund Is cieated from the dog
tax of each township. Can Mr. Coiay
propose to temove even this jnovlulou?
It la bo Inadequate already that owners
of destroyed sheep have been waiting
here, many of them, ten yenra for their
pay, with no tertnlnty of future set
tlement. Perhaps Mr. Coray's motive
ln abolishing the tax Is to make way
for a more immediate and ample
method of meeting these Just
tlalms. Hut having done this, let him
aboliBh tho dog also, at least In the
proportion of three out of every four.
Then we might resume sheep raising
nndllghten the poverty on the farms.
Incidentally, It may be remarked that
your town streets would be less malo
dorous, and all the children safer who
ulk therein." '
That Bheep-ralsem should be relm
bursed from some source for losses oc
casioned by vicious dogs Is self-cvl-dently
Just; and the prenent nrtangi
ment, although cumbersome, Is clearly
better than none. It Is the great nils
fortune of the canine family that It
has to suffer as a whole for the 111 do
ings of a compaiatlvcly small lnlnoilty.
AVe admlie and defend dogs as a class!
but of course there arc exceptions. 1'03
slbly our cot respondent has been
brought Into contact chlelly with tho
Henri Rochefoit, writing In tho
Forum of the Cuban revolution, re
marks: "Tho entire people of the Uni
ted State have espoused the caute of
those who are struggling vvlth po much
valor and abnegation to break so odious
a yoke. Will tho Federal government
show It self less generous than the
great nation In the name of which It
speaks? Will the Ameilcan eagle allow
the Spanish vulture to settle upon Its
ple?' It looks, Hem I, as if It would
The Library and Good Uoads
Scranton may well be pioud of her
beautiful public library, o thoughtful
ly provided fui bv Mr. Albright, and
it Is no wonder that thousands visit H
every week to secure Infoimnllon upon
the myriad topics which Interest our
citizens, .lust ut present it Is possible
that no mi r valuable service Is being
pet fanned by the librar than in lti.
helpfulness to the movement for high
way impiovement. If jou tUblio Infor
mation ?long the line of good toads,
you have simply to consult drawet 71
in the cabinet and theto you will find
over a .107011 stnndaul woiks under the
heading "Roads, Streets and Pave
ments "
Hen- aie some of the titles:
"Uilck fm Stteet Pavements," bj
M. D. Parke.
"Day of Rmtls," Hoiaie Iiushuell.
"Malnt'-nince of Macadamized
Roads," Thomas Cndiliirtton.
Client Stteels of the World," R. II
Davis and olheis.
"Manual of tin- Pi Indoles of Road
niaklng. ' W M Gillespie.
"Practical Ticatlso on Roads, Stteets
and Pavt taunts " W H. Gllmoii'.
"A Mo i for lietter Roads," being a
compilation of essay s
"Ameilian Highways," N. S. Shaler.
"Text Hook on Roads and Pave
ments," r P. Spalding.
"New Rouds and Road Laws ln tho
United States." Tills latter is by Gen
eral Roy Ston, who Is at present dl
tector of road inquiry for tlie govern
ment, and who with other load experts
will address a meeting in this city the
evening of Aunl 19
'Iheie aie other excellent works to hi
found undot the head ' Engineering,"
and wo would advlte that nil Interested
should consult the.e woiks frequently,
in oidet that the people of this county
nuiv intelligently innvu to fioe tliem
selvei from the muddy thoioughf.ucs
which now entUtall hot business entei
ptlses and lndustiles.
Hvery one v 111 ptoflt from the inaug
uiatlon nf this new truside, for every
kind of buslncs will luciease, thf
health of the community will Imptove.
monev will be easier to obtain, and
Gi eater Scianton become an nssureil
fact because of the hundreds of sub
utbtn residences etei ted along the new,
smooth, pleasantly shaded and well
kept highway i.
An ndveitlsement ptoperly displayed
ln The Tribune and kept new and at
tractive will pay foi itself many times
over, even "though times be dull That
Is tho expei lence of those who have
tested the mntter It can be yoiu's, If
you leally wish for an Inciease in your
Faint Hope for Cuba.
All the information nt hand por
tends what ln spotting pat lance would
be termed a "draw" between Spain and
Cuba Hoth sides appear to be ex
hausted and neither has accomplished
positively pulllclent piogtess to Jea
potd the othtr's position. What ad
vantages can be peicelved nt tills dis
tance seem lather to rest with Sualn,
and if she had the means and the time,
it would no doubt pooh be all up with
the lebelllon Put she has neither the
one nor the otl.ei, and must be con
tent with an cccunation of the moie
easily foi titled towns, pending the ne
gotiation of n ptace of some kind.
Had tho United States, eltlict a year
ago or last Januniy, recognized tho
clllgerepcy of the insurgents, as It
was hoped by nine Ameiltans In every
ten that our gov eminent would do,
the scule wouRi unquestionably have
turred In Cuba's favor. Upon this
J 'iint the evidence does not admit of
cuiuut. hpaln heiselt virtually conced
ed the potentiality of American influ
ence In the premises when, as the
Cleveland admlnlstiation diew near to
Its close, she, for political eftect un the
incoming ndnilnlsttntlon, nbiuutly le
versed her policy of brutnl hatshness
to Americans captured in Cuba as sus
pects, and substituted a policy of the
atilcal amiability and good humui
The hand which only a few months
befote had luthleeslv thrust our citi
zens Into stinking dungeons and kept
them there leeaidlexs of tteaty stipu
lations or the piotests or our consul
genetal, now ostentatiously approached
the outei pi lon doot, turned backward
the key and bade the abused inmates
to step forth into freedom There
probably has not been in modem 'his
ton another Instance of Mie bully so
quickly changed by fear into the lick
spittle: and the vvoist of It remains to
be added In tho fact that to all appear
ances the volatile Ameilcan public has
been satisfied with this concession nnd
Is willing to let Cuba and the futuie
shift for themselves.
Under these chciimstances It Is vety
probably, In our opinion, that the Cu
ban leadeis will eventually make their
peace. They have done the best they
could: but neither they nor any other
set of patilots so clicuinscrlbed tould
hope to make successful battle for free
dom against the combined power of
Spain and the United States Tor as
the case now stands we me virtually
In alliance vvlth Spain; our navy Is at
Spaln'a servicu to prevent the Bhlp.
ment of Cuban supalles; and our na
tural sympathy as a people cannot find
practical vent without bringing us Into
legal conlllct with the powers that be.
It should be added that this Is a na
tural sequence of the refusal of con
gress to Insist upon Its demand for exe
mtlvo leoognltlon of Cuban belliger
ency; but whatever the causd may be
tho tact Is that we are now viitually
Iji Uaguo with Spain for the de facto
put tot of prolonging In Cuba a ov
erulgnty which has always lntioducd
olemenlH of dltcoid and danser Into
our dlplomncy and which, no long as It
shall rnduie, will constitute a repionch
upon tho hlstoiv of American Institutions.
Ropteseutatlvif Coiinoll's bill provid
ing for tho election of poor directors
contimfes, it stems, to worry an ele
ment in this community, although why,
we do not know. Hasn't the couit It
self repeatedly expressed a wish to bo
relieved of tho duty of appointment?
iBn't It reasonable that the people
should elect?
N'ow w hat has Hrother Piatt against
Urothet Roosevelt that he should knock
him out of the assistant naval secre
tatyshlp? Teddy on a lnan-o'-vvar, It
stilkes us, vvuuld be fitness peisonlfled
We don't blame Mr. Wanantaker for
not wishing to go through the dust and
smoke and especially the dust of un
otliei political fight. Let Iirother
Leach himself face the music once.
In one sense its a line compliment
tint Is paid to Scianton In the decision
or outside capitalists to build n big de
pal tment stote heie. They don't open
such places In dead towns,
The subtraction of the Wanntnaker
"inks." ot something else, hai had a
tonic effect upon the Phlla lilphla In
quit er. It now speaks out In meeting
If Senator Quay wants to make a
popular suggestion nt Hartlsbuig, he
should advise the leglslatute to ad
join n.
It may be remaiked once mote, for
the benefit of those whom It may con
cot 11, that The Tilbune mints the news.
It would be a Joke If" Uncle Dan-i
would tiy to bieak into the Associated
Pi ess by means of the antl-tiust law.
WilttPn for The Tiibutte.
What do those time letters signify to
J oil' To tho tidy housewife they nu
doubt conjure up visions of tin ty hoots
und bedlUBfeienl caipets To the anient
whtehujii, a foinilduble obstucle to a
plttsiiieublo tiip Into tho tountiy. The
farmer ug tin, in our all-pet vailing mill,
stes an ltu.ieae of epeiie In conveying
his pioJuee to the cits market", w'llli
the pedestrian Is simply appalled as 1 a
contemplates North Main avenue 01 soma
othei piomlnent and notoilous thorough
fare Mud Is of vailous kinds, according to
the locality In which it Is found, und Its
consistent y Is dependent upon a vatlety
of eiiciimstunces, such as heat, cold,
tain, snow, sewage dspoiton and tho
nctlon or the wind. Mud Is nevei attrie
tlo, and wheievti found Is a thing rruch
tlopplsed, unless It be Just aftei you havo
bten Introduced to a hornet's nut, whin
a littlo soft mud judlclouslv applied, will
work wondeis in tho wuy of nllef
In eplte of its"detcstabU qualltlKi how
. vir, the hi eat majoilty of men who huso
thaige of the hlghwuvs of our land seem
to luise eliteietl Into a solemn compact
that they will use thelt btst t ftorts to con
tinue tho ot King Mud. by tttuinr;
to take ailtquate steps toward the 1 educ
tion of his dominion Why, I uetually
had a man tell me tho other day that
a bid load had Its good points' This lc
mlnded me of tho old lady who always
defended tho ehnrcter of any one s-ho
I'eaid iittaeked, and vshen a vvaer was
made by some onu that she would wn
luiC a good word to cay for his Satanic
Majests, upon being approached, she re
pin 1 "Well, you must admit he is per
s'vering." Woretstet defines mud as "earth or
soil mixed with water, moist, soft earth,
tuch as Is found at the bottom of rivers,
ponds, etc , the allmo and Ignominious
mattei at tho bottom of still water, dtrt "
The first mud road ssas built bv Je
hovah, being made over the bottom or
tho Red Sea. but the same Power that
rolled batk the wafers Into solid walls,
ani a'terward pieserved the clothing of
tho Istaelltes foi forty yeats Intact, also
miraculously enabled them to ptocesd
diy shod ostr the sea bottom, "which,
the sacred recoid Infoims us, "thi Rxyp
tlans essaying to do wire drowned," their
chariots becoming mixed In the same
mud that supported the Israelltts, und
holding them until engulfed by tho ie
turnlng waters
Thus wo find here no excuse for our
latter das "mudsills" to Insist on nur
tempting Jehovah to cans- us drysrod
over our muddy thoroughfares No,
while He Is able to ssoik a miracle In
such un exceptional case, wo do not Un I
any wanant for believing that such Is
the regular rule In tho Heavenly economy
Indeed, we tlnd the prophet dedal lug
that hills and mountains shall ho brought
low v alios s exalted, lough places eiadl
cated, while explicit dliectlons .tie given
that "sttalghtpuths" (roads) shall be lai i
out that no one in ly Buffet any tllscom
foit or lose his way
Then, again, tho very best mateilal Is
used, even gold being the ohlef paving
mateilal or the Heavenly Jeiusulem
True, this Is all in a Npliltual sense, but
still Is a shining example for us to copy
to the extent of our weak ability
Coino to think of It now.lf you take
mud In Its pioper place vvhleh Is genei al
ly at tho bottom of a stieam, it has its
uses, espotlally to the antiquarian aiU j
soirrher ol the set rets of past ngos .
Many telles have boon found in the seih '
ment of ancient liko beds, nnd letently
tho mud of the Hercslnu rlsei sshlch the I
Russians have been deepening by means I
of dredges has brought to public mind
tho dlsastious letreat or Napoleon In UiJ
riom Moscow The rtrst thing queer th"t
ssas noticed ssus thut the mini was veiy
blark with a peculiar sulphuious smtll
A themlst pionottnied It chiefly gutipow
dei In some places It ssus two re. t
thick Pitsentls "kulls ssoio cxposul and
then entile skeletons or men and,
and deepei dossn aims, cannon and esen
tall mllltaty hats fairly pieserved! The
great shosils vsere opeiatlng at tho point
wheio ntarlv 20,000 men sseie over
whelmed, sshllo Napoleon wns crossing
the stream In retreat.
Piom this gruesome toplo we turn o
lighter vein The story Is old, but still
good enough to repeat. At 11 Liverpool I
restaurant an Rngllshman svas complain
ing to an American of tho muddlness of
tho stieels ot New Yoik.
"Wnal," obserseil (he American, "t dare
say there may be somo mud In out stiei ts,
hut It does seem to im that in tho mat
ter of mud you cui glvo us points cvviy
time I ssus walking down your Itold
stteet this afternoon nnd I noticed tint
the mud did soem fairly thiol; Piesently
I saw a top hat come bis burning round
on tho mud. 80 I Just give It a poke with
my stick, vshtn an old gentleman looked
ui kind of surprised nt my attention -
from underneath. I allowed he vs is1
pretty deep In.
"Oh, that's nothing!1 he said; i'm on
top of an omnibus!' "
If you want to know anyth'lng further
about ICIng Mud, and how t,o escape his
domination, Just go to hear General Roy
Stone, director of road Inquiry, United
States government, April 19 In the mean
time, If not already a member, enroll
youiself In tho Lackawanna County Good
Roads league II a, Punning,
Solicitor of Good Roads League
Till: Illtli'ISlI IMIPllti:.
Prom tho Ilaltlmoto Hun
Theio was never before an empire
which equaled It In aiea, wealth, power,
Intelligence, ond regard fort popular
right. It emurncen over quaro
milts, vslth n population of some twowiwj
free Institution exist wherever the stale
of civilization piomlsos good Kosernnn n
Tinile Is free and of enormous volume
at home and abroad. Of the worm s
steam shipping, aggregating 17 7T7,S2i ons,
the cmplro owns 10,.W,1I3 tons Of th
So.Sll.liSO tons of the steam iuhI snllln,?
toniuigc or the world 13,3K,Wj ure iinusi.
run m:xt statV !7mi:ntion.
Pi am the Philadelphia Times.
Tho last state convention consisted of
2S0 .delegates, tho repiescntatlon having
been based upon tho voto for Harrison in
18!f2, nnd 0110 dtlegnte being ullosved from
each lepresontatlvo district for every L'.UJ)
Republican votes or moiety thereof cast
at that election. Tho same ratio ot rp
lesentalou prevails nt present under the
rules of the party and this will bring t'lc
total number of delegates in tne next
tonsentlon up to 313, divided among the
sixty-seven counties of the state as fol
low a.
I)tl- Dele
Adams . .
Allegheny .
Heaver .. .
Jerks . . .
Hlalr .. .
Uedfold ..
Pucks . ...
Uutler . .
Cambiki ...
""ameron ,
Carbon . .
Centei . ..
Chester . .
Clarion . .
deal field .
Clinton ....
gatus I Counties. gate
... '.' I.nncaattr 1-
.. 2S Lussiunee 3
J Lebanon 4
3 Lehigh C
... 7 Luretuc 11
.... . Lycoming 4
.... 2 MeKean i
G Mercer I
SMIffln I
3 MouiOd I
,.. . 4 Montgomery '
lMontour 1
.'Northampton .... t
.... 'J Noithuiuberland.. 4
7 Perry S
1 Phlladelphl 1 V
... . I Pike 1
Ji'otter -
Columbia 2Sehuslklll S
Claw ford tSn.siltr 1
C'umbeiland 3 Somerset 8
D uiphln TSulllsnn 1
Dtlissaic 7 Susquehanna 3
i:ik 1 Tioga .-... 4
Kilo . ... r.i'nlon 1
Payette f. Venango 3
Potest 1 Waneti
Pianklln .Washington C
Pulton .. .. 1 Wayne J
Greene. 1 Westmorland . . .
Huntingdon .. ... 2 Wyoming 1
Indiana 3,Voik j
.lelteison V
Juniata 1 Total 80i
Lackawanna .. . !'
It will bo seen that to secuie a nomina
tion at tho hands of the convention lt!wlll
be necoisary foi a candidate to obtain at
least 1S2 votes
Dnils Horoscope Drawn bs Ajncchus,
Tho Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast 3 (is a. m , for MonUas
Apni 1. isa:.
a &
A child born on this day sslll have nn
nrbutus-llku disposition provided tho Mul
berry street paving eontrosersy Is settled
before he arrives at years of understand
ing. It Is pleasing to note that tho "Sunday
Paith" has not decldtd to hold Commis
sioner Kinsley it sponsible for tho piesent
mad dog epidemic
It Is probable that when Mr. Dunning
said "m-u-d mud" ho meant d-u-s-t
dust, If he tcfeiicd to Scranton loads.
ltect nt events base developed the tact
thut Judge rjutllngton bus the piopei Idea
legtrdlng the status ot cigarette burnets.
Tile piesent Hawaiian outlook Indicated
that it Is about time for cjuttn Lll to ssar.
blc: "Mr Johnslng Cut .Mo Loose" '
"Lyceum" it . ems as though sse had
heard that name betoit
Alaftims' Advice.
Do not exptct ate light billllanco from
a tallow illy Intelhct
IS HKIII-:. API Lit 'VOl."VE FiNisur.n
demons, Ferber,
O'Malley Co.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
Stationery That Isn't Stationary
Nothing stands still at our establish
ment. It very rarely happens that wi
laiso tho price, but as to lowering them
well, Just call around und we think w
can Interst you with our complete Unci
of stationery , engraving, blank books tint
general olllco supplies We aUo canj
a complete lino of typewriter supplies
Reynolds Bros.,
139 Wyoming Avenin,
McClure, Century for APRIL.
beidlemanTthe" bookman,
437 Srruce Street. The Rotunda,
Hoard of Trade llulldinjr,
base Hall OulJei, i8g7, Spaltlinz 11ml Iteac
The FSoNAers That
Are not half as fragrant as the air laden atmosphere of our store at the
present time, caused by the sweet incense of Harrison's Sextuple Per
fumes that are now on exhibition with us. Their reputation for lasting
qualities is world-wide. A representative of the.firm will be here for a
few days to practically demonstrate their sterling qualities. He has an
endless number of testimonials from all of the leading dry goods stores
throughout the Uulted States, testifying to the sterling merits of this
splendid acquisition to every lady's boudoir, and then just think of the
low price for such a meritorious article what cost 69c. per oz. elsewhere,
no better, if as good, can be purchased here during this exhibition at
Ladies,, upon entering the store, grant us permission to spray your hand
kerchief and you will be as lavish in thepraise of Harrison & Co.'s Sex
tuple Perfumes as we are.
Is now showing an attractive line of Foulard's 25, 49, 59 and 98 cents.
Pure silk Grenadines and Chiffon in one and two-toned Floral effects,
from 75 cents to $1.25.
Every one a gem in style and workmanship. Prices to suit any purse.
Built Like a "Barker" Scale.
Bicycle Managers.
..AnEAP ?F TIME 11 Tou can bo aheail
oftlme.and ahead i,f tiujilune tbat
Ladles' and dents and
to ether cheaper but cood grades, Ladles'
ind Qents', Cojs' and Qlrls"
Largest Store and W
storo Room, Flret Sloij Front, Cnrrlapo anil Phelf Ilnrdw arc, -10x70 fret ...
Ctllar Front, finings, Axles. Chiles, TumbiicUle?, Skeins nnd Iloxi-s, -10x00 foet
ccoiul Floor Fiout, Shufis, PoIch, Whipple Tiees and Auv HIom-Io Sloi.tyo, 40x70
I lihd Floor Fiont, Wauon Wheels, all vs anil qualitleH, -10x70 feet .
I'ourtn i-ioor, l-ront, X'Jatlornis anil IJlaiktmlth'ioolf, Anlle, lltllows, Vlios, U
t:i:.vrr.u ruilding.
JJeaut.ful JllccIeShow Rooiuh, S-00 hi stock, 21x50 feet jor.o
Kecoml Floor, u eoinpleto niaelihio fhop for blu.vult't nti4 other renlr-. 2l.30 ftet ..'. " 1050
Third Floor, u complete nleklu plalltifjandunauielliig plant, 21x50 feet ,, 1050
Cellar, Hulw, all Bies, bneh and ink, 21x60 feet ... . . ""lOaO
Cellar, Howes and Mulo Shoo?, all klnil, IW00 kecs alaj-s In stock, 40x82 feet . .
Second Floor Part, Maleable Iioneat Springs, Mathlnu llolti, I.oiijr Si-rtetiB, Ut
Wltll Olfl Tllnr Part Trnn mill Ktnol Voi-il IllflO tmu In cliinlr A.1 fl . ...
Seooud Floor Part, Kuts, Hletw. Wn8liei! Sleilges. 80x0! .. .
Second Floor Part, Hpokei, all kinds, 10x62 febt?
Third Floor, Hows and Rhus, 40xS2 leet
Old Tait, Real, Two Flooie, Rhus, lde thoand regular, 112x40 feet
High Grade Bicycles
Black Diamond,
Nickel-Plating and Enameling a specialty. Nothing but expert workmen at our factory,
and the ver' best material used.
in the Spriri;
& SON,
Board of TraiJ Building, LinJan Street,
126 and 128
arerooms i
Scranton, Pa.
Court House Square,
Franklin Avenue
, S0ft
pscttcis, Iieuileu, Etc, 40x70 ft.
Jolt Kud-, 30x40 feet....
.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.' .'.'.' ..'.'.'.""
' '""
This City,
$60 and 80
"V -S
JiA .