hfi vs THE SCRA2TON TTttBUNE-MOHDAY MOTlNrS-G. APRIL 5, 1897. &- FORECAST OF THE , WEEK IN CONGRESS Dankruplcy Bill Will Take First Place In (lie Senate. DAILY SESSIONS WILL BE SHORT Soiiiq Attention Will Ho Given to Ar-bltrutloii.-Tho l'lnnnco Committee Will Press the Investigation orthc Dlngley TnrlirillllIIniiy Members tiftlio House Will llo Absent. Washington, April 4 The bank ruptcy bill will bo Riven llrat Place In the senate programme tills week, but It will give way to the npptoprlntlon bills after Tuesday If tin? committee on uppiopilntioim luports them then, ns Is expected, und inges consideration. The appropriation bills will excite more or less debate when taken up, but they tile scheduled to pass with comparatively few changes. There has been an effort on the pait of some mernbeis of the house to Impress the senate with tho Importance of pass ing these bills ns sent over from the house without any change whatever. This suggestion n reented. espei hilly by the appropilntlons cotnmlttee.whlch Is detet mined to make some changes. If only for the purpose of demonstrat ing the tenate's Independence of the house. nimous discovhrhd. A few modification", however, nre nbsolutely necessary. It appeals that theie Is an error of $100,000 In the cal culation of totuls In the sundry civil bill und that one appiopilatlon for a public building Is duplicated. The outlook Is that tho week will not be n busy one nnd that the dally r.csslons will bo shoit. Many senators will be absent The finance commit tee .will press iorward Its Investigation of the Dlngley tariff bill, and the vari ous pnitles will continue their effoits to reach an ttndei standing on the or ganisation of the senute committees. Porno attention may be given to the aiblttatlon tieaty In executive session, hut there will tint be any effott to get a vote upon It dining the week. Sena tor HlkltiH will speak Monday on his bill foi disci Imlnatlvo duties on goods cairled 111 Ameilcan vessels woitK lXTiin iiorsn. The houo, In putsuance of the wait ing policy mapped out by the leaders, adjourned yesteidny until Wednesday and on that day will Immediately ad journ again for three days, the consti tutional limit of adjournment without the consent of the senate. Mnny of the members have gone home subject to call In the event they should be needed In case the piesldent should decide to us It congiess for special legislation for the relief of the Mississippi Hood suffeieis, as It Is anticipated he mny, the proceedings on Wednesday may be moie interesting. Any legislation which may be piopnsed In the present situation would be blocked by n single objection and while It Is not likely that theie would be captious opposition to a bill which would appeal so directly to the sympathy of congress an objec tion might be niacin. This would necessitate a special or der from tlie committee on tules for Its consldeiation and till the attendant complications'. DEVOURED BY FLAME. Loss of Nearly Half a Million Dollars is Wrought in the Very Heart of Cincinnati. Cincinnati. April A. At one o'clock this inoiiilug the Central File tower was notified of a blaze in the Oeoige 1'. Otto Company's carpet store on the Miuth side of Fouith street, one door west of Race street. Tile entile fire depaitmonl was called out and a battle royal bega- Otte'H entile stoic, val ued at $::on.ooo, and insured for $ir.0,000 wns destiojed In less than two hours. The entile lnteilor of the Oite build ing was binned out and the lear wall fe lito Raker alley. Tho tiro com inunl -nted to he loof of Henry Rosin bauin's clock manufacturing fstnbllsh nient at the corner of Itace and Fourth streets. It was confined to the top story, now ever, and otherwise Ilosen bauiv's damage- Is wholly by water; fully Insured. The tot'il Iosf to 'he buildings and stock will be $400,000. The buildings belong to th" Eckstein estate, and aie fully Insured. - - - WOMEN CHARdED WITH MURDER. Veiv Sensational Trial to ISegin To ilnv in heeling, W. Vn. Charlestown, W. Vn.. Apill 4. The prellmlnaiy trial of Annie Light and Melissa nnd Vlrglo Nunly. charged with muiderlng Myrtle Kggleston,' n cousin of Mis. Light, begins here to moirow, with ox-Governor Wilson ap pealing for the defense. Vlrgle Nunly, one of the accused, Is only 15 years old. Owing to the atioclty of the cilme, the case will attract much attention. BIO FIRE AT IIAWLEY. J. S. Connor's Hum und Weissmnn'i. ClotliiiiK Store Are Deslrojcd. Speclul to the Scranton Tribune. llawley. Pa., Ajirll 4. A destructive file occuned at White Mills uuout 3 o'clock thin morning. The residence, store and barn of J. S. O'Connors, who is pioprletor of the cut class works of this place, und Welssman's clothliiL' store were destroyed by llames. The Not everyone can go South for IVJarch, but almost every body can spend a dollar or two for Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. If you have got a lingering cough or are run down; are weak and ex hausted by reason of the Grippe, ask your doctor if Scott's Emulsion isn't just what you need in the'emer gency. The combined vir tues of the Cod-liver Oil, the Hypophosphites and Glycer ine as prepared in Scott'sj! Emulsion will give you flesh' and strength rapidly and help you back to health. T lire started on tho upper lluor of Mr. O'Connor's store. The blaze soon se cured headway and raged through the entire bulldlnc As only u few feet Intervened betwcoil the storo and the o'ther buildings, tho Haines nlm'ost ltfi mediately set fire to them, nnd on no count of a lack of water power sulll clont to extinguish the llnnicD, they weie Boon laying In lulns. Tho loss to Mr. O'Connor's property Is estimated t $15,000. HE WILL NOT RUN. Mr. WtiiiiiiiiukerlliiH Decided to Keen Out oftlio Tight. Philadelphia, April 4. It la stated by an Influential and well-posted Repuldl can that Mr. Wainmakef had decided not to beeoino a candidate for state treasurer. Hu Is lemoned to have tenoned this conclusion by tho advice of certain Trlends who aio Impressed with the belief that he would have nothing to gain by entering upon sut h a contest, and that his political future will be better nssuud by tefialnlng fioin no tlve pattlclpatlon In polltlcul waifaio at th? piesunt time. JUDGE HOLT MAY WIN. iriluuior Prill lie Mny Socuro tho Kentucky Seiiators.hip. rinnkfoit, Ky., Apill 4. It In said that Hunter will be voted tor for nena- tor until next Wednesday: then Judge Holt will be enteted, and Is certain to i be elected If an election has not to suited befoie that time. TAYLOR. On Satin day evening William How ell and Miss Muttle Havaid weie unit ed In the bonds of uiatilmoiiy at the home of the bible's mother. Mis. llav uid, on (liove stieet, by the Hev. Dr. II. II. Harris, pastor of the Calvaiy Haptlst church. The bride was nttlicd In a crcnin colored gown, with white silk trimmings, and presented a most dimming nppeaiauce. The bildesmnid was Miss Lizzie (lillllths. who tilso wore the color of the bilde with the exception of a laige bouquet of roses The uioomsmnti wns David IJowen. a biother of the groom. The groom Is tine of Tn.v lot's popular oung men. The bilde is also well nnd favorably known. Mr. and Mis How en stmt off 111 life together with the lieaity con gratulations of hosts of ti lends. Those who attended the ceiemony are as fol lows: Misses Canie Luthold. Ann Jones, Maiy Robblns, Lizzie Howell. .Maty A. Lewi", Etta Davis, of Oly phant; Itosenia Jones, Mattie Oiitllths, Jennie mid Muttle Hauls, and Maiy L. Havaid, of Plttston; David J. Davis, Frank Powell. William Sheldon. Will lam Jones, John, William and Hvnn Thomas, Kvan (3. Hvnns. Lewis Davis, John S. Gilt!lth, lleoige Williams, William Hosklns, Jr. David It. Davis, Thomas Havaid, jr., Aithur Maish, Mr. und Mis. David D. C.rifllth. Mr. and Mis. Ellas Davis, Mr. und Mi.s. Hdvvaid D. DavK Mr. and Mrs. Rleh atd Howells, of Piovldence: Mr. and Mrs. George (lammon, Mr. and Mis. lleoige Tlionins. Mr. and Mrs. Richnid How en, Mrs. Thomas OJilfllths, Mis. Havaid. Daniel Rlehnids. Plttston Mr. I nnd Mis. Thomas Havaid, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Williams, Mr. and Mis. Thomns Havaid. Mis. William Wat kins, Mr. a'ld Mis. Kvan Hiivard, of Plttston: Mis. Louis Thomas, of Hd wardsville: Johnnie Iiinven and Maj,' Kie and I.lzKle Havaid. -Mr and Mis. D.ivid Pi Ice, of the Hillside, visited the lattei's patents. Mr. und Mis. J. K Havls, of Xoith Main street, vesteidav. The Imroush council met In resular session on Friday evening1, with the follivlllK members piesent: Piesldent Iicnry V. Harris, John Olbbons, John Weber, Willard H. Decker, r.vnn I.. Tnvls, James p. Powell. A committee was appointed to wait on ofllclals of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company for the purpos? of obtain ing Infoi mutton ns to what It would co.st to furnish the necessary fuel for the electric plant of this town. A committee was. also appointed to wnlt on A. H. Dunnlnsj, of Scranton, to se cure Infoi niatlon as to how much it would Oit to macadamize Main street from Ralhoad to Taylor streets. The committees weie recmested to report at th next niefctliiff. Professor and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, of Olyphant, spent the Sabbath with the latter's mother, Mis. Robert Llewelyn, on Union stieet The employes of the Taylor silk mill weie paid on Satuiday for the month of Mai eh. Miss Lizzie Wlnteis, the accomplish ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nichnrd Wlnteis. of Ninth Main stieet, was united In marrlase to Joseph Fletcher, n popular younif mun of Wliiton, nt the home of the Inkle's patents. The Rev. Dr. II. H. Hui Us was the otllclathiK clergyman. The wedding was a n.uiet nffalr nnd wus ntteiuled only by the members of the family and a few In vited fi lends. After the ceremony the young couole lecelved the congiatu latlnus of those present. Mr. and Mrs i-ietcner will icslde ut Wluton. Miss Roslna Davis, tlio lady evan gelist of Wales, occupied the pulpit nt the Welsh Congregational chinch both morning and evening ami preached to n laige congtpgatlon at each soivlce. Miss Davis delivered eloquent sermons. Miss Maiy Lewis, of Piovldence, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. Joseph Da vis. of Main street, jesterdav." Mr. and Mis. John E. Hvans attend ed the funeial of the late Thomas Hv ons, of Hyde Pane, jesterdav. Patrick Judge, of Connellton. was a caller In town yesterday. Mis. Daniel Jones, of Hyde Pnik, visited friends In this town yesterday. AVOCA. The Ladles' Auxiliary. St. Aloysliu society, will meet this evening. Atlss Qettn Qulnn has retuined to Hl mlra to lesume her position as teacher In the public schools. Mrs, Geoige Kaufftr, of Plains, spent Satuiday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Rose Nevvlln. John Mitchell, of the West Side, Is seriously ill of pleurisy. No. 3 bc1ooI will re-open today after being closed for several days on ac count of measles prevalent among tho children. Miss Kato Crane, of Punniore, was a visitor In town on Saturday. Mr. Robert Atkinson, of Philadelphia, visited at tht residence, of liln bi other, ThomnB Atklnsyn, of the North nnd, The Diamond Modlcl'ie company closed a two weeks' eugusement In this tovwi on Saturday. On Friday evening an excellent homo, talent entertainment was primtntd and a tfold lined cup was nwaideil tho one most worthy of tlio troph. Miss Lizzie, Hlnes received the prlzo for the rendition of n vocal nolo, ' The MoqsIo Populnrs liavo organized for the season with an excellent team to pegln the reason's games. The foi. lowiui; repotted to Manager Mulr on Saturday; 1 Itclter, Kelly j catche, Dohorty: first base, Morohan; second ''base, Mullon; third base, Lynott; short One of Mrs. Pinkham's Talks Concerning a Mother's Duty to Her Chat with Miss Marie Johnson. Tho bnlnnco wheel of a woman's llfo is menstruation. On tho proper per formance of this function depends her licullh. Irregularity lays tho foundation of mnny dlsens.es, nnd is in Itself symptom of disease. It is avtjt h?k is an established fact. W mm, & ignore these signs 1 If you do, you will be follow ing your daughter to the gravo, for she will die I This is gospel truth siio is developing consumption of the bowels I Lydln K, 1'iukhum's Vegetable Compound is the greatest regulntor known to medicine. Make linstu to use it on the llrst tippearuuce of tho tcll-talo 6vmptoins ; it will restore nil tho female organs to their normal condition. Miss Mario Johnson's letter to Mrs. l'lulchum, which folluws, should inter est all mothers and young ladles. She says : "My health became so poor that school I was tired all tlio time, und in mv side anil back. I would have so badly that everything would nppeur black be fore my eyes, and I could not go on with my studies. 1 was also tioublcdwlth irregularity of menses. I was very weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends became ularmed. My mother, who is n firm believer in your remedies front experi ence, thought pciliaps they might benellt me, and wrote you for advice. I followed tho advice vou nave, nnd used Lvdla 11 Pinklium's Vegetable k. f,.,.,rwMiii1 tin,! LK'mi. P111q ns vnn iltriitiwl. nnd nm now as well as I over was. I have and liavo n good color. I am completely cured of irregularity. Words cannot express my gratitude, anil I cannot thank you enough for your kind udvico nnd medicine." Miss Maiiih F. Johnson, Centralia, Pa. sir;, McDonnell; left Held, Campbell, centie Held, Kaily; llslit Held. Wat son The team lite teaiU to accept an deilialile clialleniies. The Ladies' Aid .sotletj of the Metlio dist Kplscopal eliuicli will meet on Wednesday afteineon. Apt II 7. ut :t p in . ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Uavl" All aio Invited. The rat lament of tlu T.ord'ti supper iviis adinlnlsteix'd liy the pastor at the LaiiKfllffe Piesliyteilan eliuicli yestei day .it 10.0 o'clock. Mis. John fJannnon.of tlv North Knd, Is lyiiiK ciltlcully ill of pnralysls of the brain. Mine Inspei tor II, I'. McDonald visit ed the coal mineu in tills vicinity on Fudaj. S. I.. Kent, of Painted I'ot, N. Y.. was the ::uist of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Ilolllsler last week. The mernbeis of the I.amjclirfe Prcs hyteiian chinch will tender a reception to their pastor, Ilev. D. T. Smythe, on Tuesday evenliiK, Apill C. At the close of the reception ivfieshments will lie reived In tho hasement of the chinch A Mioit and appioiilate sermon will be tendered. Mises Alice Devrs and Knto O'Mal ley, of Plttston, wile E'lests of Miss Knto Mc'jowan on Saturday. NICHOLSON. "Jncl; the RIpiiei"1SiptowUng nround Nicholson. On Monday evening last he enteied the pietnlses of A. L Van Gorder again nnd cut up all the shiub beiy on the lawn. The mlseieant wns seen at his woik by Mrs. William Fioucle. who lives opjioslte, and when she gave the alaim "Jack" made him self scarce before he could be identi fied. A year or so ago Mr. Van Gorder had his llower beds aim shu'bbery de stroyed in a like manner by some un known enemy, inestimably the same "Jack." The Ladles' guild held a warm sugar social last Wednesday evening at the home of G. L. Davis, at which time the many friends of A. L. Titus presented him with a gold-headed cane. Mr. Titus left the next morning for Plng hamtoii to engage in the hardware ttade In that city. Instead of Sidney, ns pieviously stated. Clatence JMcCon itell goes with him. The family will follow the first of the coming week. The Ladles' Auxiliary society of tho Methodist chuich will hold a special business meeting this (Monday) even ing at the home of Mis. H. G. Mack. II. W Kline hns been In New Yoik this week purchasing goods for the spring trade. Mrs. Butts, of Scranton. has been with her mother. Mis. T. P. Thuiber, the past week, Mrs. Thuiber bavins been quite HI for some tlmo past. MARKETS AND STOCKS. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL Li:N & CO.. dock brokers. Mears build ins, rooms, 7W-7UG. Open- IIIkIi- Low- C103 In?, est. est 1m;. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 7J'S -7t 73' 74 Am. Sug. Iter. Co... 110 111 14 UO's JU'i Atth., To. it S. To. 10'3 ;u lut 10 ', At . To. & S. IV Pr.. iiflt 20a 20 M Canada Southem ... 47U 473i 47J4 47i Clios. Ar Ohio lCi II, 4 lU't li ' . Chic. Gas 7S4 7!"a 7S"1, 7S Chic. A. N. W 103 103 103 103 Chle., R. .i q 72 7JU 71 7I c. c. c. & st. I sau 29Ti :i ts Chic., Mil. & St. P.. 73M, 73i 7J' 7.P, Chle., R. I. i: Pac... OS'S, C.'Ts C". W Del. & Hudrton 10Hi lOJ'i lull, i Dist. & C. P 12'i 12Ti i2i ijj4 Cen. Rleetile 3l4 31 31 '11 J, Lake Shore 1G3X m 1C5& 1(l4 Loul. A: Nash 44 4Gi, 43 i" M. K. & Tex. Pr. ... 27 27 27 27 Man. RIevated ISY, SI SPj W Mo. Pac 15i 13 13i lt. Nut. Lead 23 23 2J 2J N. J. Central 70 7'J'4 77 70'4 N. Y. Central ...'... 1W loo?, 'jvk iu"i8 Nor. Pac 12 l.'H 12H 12 Out. & West 13Va Vt 13'i 13 Omaha f.9 50 M'(, tin Pac. Mall 27U 27U 27'i 27', Phil. & Reading .... 20 2i4 20 21 Southern R. R S'i R's, 8'i S'4 Southern R. R. Pr... 26'i 2G'i 2ii 20'i Tenn. C. & Iron SSfc 231;, 231,4 54 I'nlon Paclllo STfc fiT Ki jtj Wabash Ir. lSVi 13', 13', 13i Western Union Wi "S'a W 1'. S. Leather HVi M'i C4 03 Lehigh Valley 231i 2314 23' 23'4 CHICAQO UOARD Or TRADE PRICKS, Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. ing. est. est. nz. Mny 71fc 71 70 7o4 July 70K, "Mi W 00 OATS. May 17 17 17'i 17', July Ibli UVt 18 IS CORN. , May am 21?; 24 2l'i July 2K -'0 a an, LARD. May 4.22 4.22 s.13 4.17 July 1.32 ,4.5B 4.35 4J7 PORK. May 8.47 S.47 8.30 8.3J Kcriiutnii Hoard ofTrndo Exehmige (luotntloiis--AII ()uotntioiu llnsoil oul'nroflOl). STOCKS. Rid. Asked, Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co. .., 20 National Oo.rlnir & DrUl'g Co. ... SO Together with a of tho greatest importanco that rctfit- Young Daughter. larlty bo accomplished ns boon as posslblo uf tor the flow Disturbance of tho menstrual function poisons tho blood. In young- girls suppression develops latent inherited tendencies to scrofula or con sumption, nnd no time must bo lost In restoring regularity. Many ti young girl goes to lier gravo because this illftlculty has boon thought lightly of, nnd mother hns said, "Timo will bring about a curoj sho is young, I don't worry uboutlicr." Mother, when you sco your "daughter languid und Indifferent to tilings that usually interest a young girl, w hen you noto tliut flush on her cheek, that glassy nppcaianco in her eyes; when your daughter tells you that uveu tlio weight of her dress wulst oppresses her, and that sho lias terri ble pains in her stomach shortly lifter eating, don't I hud to Icavo had dreadful pains the headache gained flesh , "' ' ' First 'National Rank CO Klmhtirst lloulevanl Co Scranton Savings Hink 3W Scranton Packing Co Lnekuwanii.i lion Steel Co. ... Thlid National Hank 330 Throop Novelty M'f'g Co St'iuntou Tiuctlun Co 13 Sei.mton Axle U'oiliu Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Iteplncer Co Scranton Redding Co . ... Dime Dep. & DIs. Hank 113 Lnckn. Trust Ac Safe Dep. Co. HO Tradeis Nutloual Hank UO.VDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortKugo doe. 191S 110 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1D1S 110 Scranton & Plttston Tine. Co. ... People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgagp due IH.'O 110 Dk'k"on Manufacturing Co Lucka. Township Sdiool 5 Cltj of Scranton St. Imp. G3,. ... Jit. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works 100 Vi 130 'io 17 i.0 2V) 100 103 1J3 90 100 10J 1CJ S3 100 Pliilndclpliiii Provision .llnrkct. Philadelphia. April 3. The maiket was steady and fnltly active for small lots to meet Jobbing wants. We quote: Reef hams J19.23a20, as to age and brand, poik, famllv, 10 ."Oall; h.ims, S. P. cured. In tleices, S'aua'e.; do smoked, lOilK'. as to aveiuge and bland; sides, ilbbed, In salt, fi(ii34c ; do. do. smoked. fiaC',4c.; shoulders, pickle cund, tlaBll.; do. do. smoked, 0a7e., plcnle Jiains, S. 1. eiiud, C'.alie. , do, do. smoked, 7u7',e, ; lMlllei, Jn pickle, .ici'oidlug to aveiage, loose, j',i Cc; hienkfnst bin on, 7.iSc., as to bian.l and average; laid, pure, city refined. In tleices, Sa5'4u ; do, do., In tubs, 3'43e ; do. butcheis'. loose, 4a4Vjc; city tallow, 111 hogsheads, 2',c; countiy do., 2'ja3c.1 as to quality, ami cakes, 3c. Pliilndclpliiii Cuttle .Market. Philadelphia, April I Receipts Reeves, 3,tM3 head; sheep. W.410 head; hogs, 0,1 10 head. Reef cattle In fulltl supply, pliers firm; Steamer Missoutl, for London, touk 22G heud, Corean, for Glasgow, 400 head nnd the Maine, for London, 223 head, ex tia, C'i.a3'ic.; good, 4Ta3c.; medium, 4u 4c. ; common, taPac. Sheep Active and steady: extia, 3a5c; good. 44alc.; medium, 4a4'ic; common, Da3c. ; clipped sheep, 3a4c. : clipped Iambs, 4V'in5e. ; wool lamb, taO'2c. Hogs Higher nnd nctlvo, Cafl'ic for best western; CaCc for other western; K'te. for state. Tat cows, SHaSje. Thin cows riim, $10al7. Veal calves, active, lui;'4c, 4aO,3C ; milch cows, 23aI3, Diest-ed beoves Active, 5lia Sc. PROPOSALS. TlIKM'IMNro.s HoVIClllirCllMltOI, t Si iiamiiI, 1'v., Anill I, IHII7. I THD CITY OP SCRANTON SCHOOL dlstlkl offers tot sale, to tho highest bidder, for cash. $lAuwo Coupons bonds, denominated "The lb7 Funding Loan," $40,000 to matin e twenty-live yeais fiom Apill 1, JW. tlO.Ofli) to matin o twenty-eight years fiom Apill 1, 1S07. $40.ooo to matuie thirty jears from Apill 1. 1!97. The bonds bear 4li per cent. Interest, payable senil-auuuull), on the first days of Apill and October of inch yeur, upon the piebPlitiltlon of the Coupons uttneheil to suld bondx, ut the ofllee of the tieus urer of said Siiiool District, In the illy of Scianton, Pennsylvania. Thfto bonds uie fi-e fiom all taxes, the school district having assumed the puy ment thereof. i The umount of the last assessed valua tion of piopeity In the dlstlkl, liable to luxutlou, was $J1,UI,1I0, und the financial condition of the dlstilct April 1, 1S97. us follows. Valuation of school pioporty, estimated, Sl.3l6.itUU. Cnsh In hands of tho tieasurer (Includ ing cash and bonds In staking fund), $71 22.MB. Dellmiuint taxes outstanding, collecti ble, $3.',ooo. In addition to above Is the levenue for the cuueui yrai. which, it is eitlmated, will amount to f:ilO,421. The bonded Indebtedness of the dUtrlct Is us follows: $15,uu0 3 per cent. July 1 11)13 $10,000 a per cent, bonds, bonds, bonds, bonds, bonds bonds, bonds, bonds, redeemublo ledeemuble JUly 1, mm. I.Vi.OOO 4" i per cent. I edeemable redeemable 1 edeemable July 1, laos. , iro.iwo 4',5 per cent. July 1 1912. $30,uoo 4iB per cent. July 1. 1'Jls. $23,OM l'a per cent. July 1. 1D13. $J3,Ooo l"i per cent. July 1, 191U. $,ooo 4H per cent. redeemable redeemable ledeomnble J uiy 1, m.-o. The bouid of control, nccoidlng to law. adopted a resolution, ptovidlng for tho levy of a special tux to form a sinking fund for the payment of the principal and Intel est of Its bonds, which will amount each year to at least 8 per centum of Its Indebtedness, thus Insuring the prompt payment of the Interest and of the ie. lU-mptlon of the bonds at matuilty. The bonds now offeied for sale aie. theiefoi perfectly Bevuied, and no safer Kecuiltles cun ho put upon the muikvt, Tho bonds uie dated Apill 1, 1W7. fiom which dale thuy shall bear Inteiest. The school district has piomptly met the payment of pilnclpal and inteiest of former Issues bonds, und the some nilc will govern tho payment of those now be ing Issued. Sealed proposals will be received at tho ofllee of tho seelvtaiy of thu board. Muni cipal building, Senmtdn. Pa., until. 7.C0 o'clock Monday evening, April 12, " 1S'J7, for the puichuve of the suld $120,000 bonds. Rids should stute pi Ice ofTored,. In addi tion to accrued Interest, from April 1, 1897, up to date of delivery' of , bonds, Tho board reserves tho rluht to reject .any or all bids. Ily order of tho Scranton board of con trol, JiUaUNG D. FELLOWS. Secretary. 338iKia 6 A -Wh ' J 'AK. Connolly LINENS LINENS Wc offer a large purchase of High Class Linens bought by us al a very low price, for the purpose of a special sale, which we now inaugu'ratc. The prices are the lowest in the history of the Linen Trade and the goods arc strictly new1 and first-class. TABLE DAHASKS At 25c. O'HiC. Ilio. Dntiiimk, Ml Inilies wide, woilli MQSn Illp.U'linl Piunititk, yoc. vjimlitN wide, ri-if n!;r Sl.'JS (iimlllj. At 45c. Ilro. Dtiiiiuok, T'J I miles wide. tli A C - t. 7l. usual USc. grade. MAKr llliuiliiil liaimiHk, worth 5bc. our &l.r,o Msr tfn ""O" ery line, IIiiiiuhIc, Af C, At 75c. llleuclied T'J llivliet w ldc.coui d ' 'i.o Mime ui 91. uo. Ml iiRiiei; t 'I lie Patterns and Designs In tlioe Diuiiiodisnru the mtv liitt-Kt iirodtu tlons from the be"t forelgu luums. And In luuu) iuhui lme the Napkins to tmiUli. CONNOLLY & I TRY A ! TRIBUNE "WANT RDV. i- t THK RESULT WILL ItE SATISFACTORY. t- -f -f-f--M-f-f-fH-4-f-f-f-f-H--H"f-H-fs)- l'OU RENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. ,..- . rt, .. 1,'OH llhM' -VSI.NOI.K 11-KOil.M Hill 'SK I 4 11 tla.v nvinile; modern convenience, and lit) Hteiun. Vppl) tol'. J. i'USl', V.m.t Commonueajtli llulldlm,'. IOKItr.NT I.AKlli: I'ltONTol'liCK till 1 Comiinmui'iilUi Hullilliii;. Apid) net door. 170H ItllNT-KIVKirilSniKYIlllI.DlNO, i No. 1:1s Wyomliitf avenue, nel to lilino llmik; vlll lie entliel) leuiodeled, fmnlslied Willi elevator and niiule xuttiitjli) for iiimrl inent stole. Iniiulre of J. N. KICK, Menrs llillldlng. F iltONT i)l'ii('i:s KOU KIIXT, HIS Siiruce street, lnqulro LLWIS, ltKII.I.V RAVI lis. A IOR KKNT-THLTIIKKK FLOORS (IVIIK J1 No. 4I0Siui(0Ktret, now occupied by the liowlng AKMxIiitlon; posheKHlon April I. Imiulru or I'KKU. WAONKIt, 311 Lnckn wanna avenue. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. i ? i ' r n i s nlmTKKON iTmojlTw rriTTsK I1 of buth; cuutial locution. Il'Jl .MudUon FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. I70K .sAi.r.-nii: LAituiisr ami m:sr I1 eipilpied baker) and Iceiieimi piulor In l.ueine count). .1. II. hOKI), WelUenkorn Uulldlng, WllUes-liuire, l'n. BiiYii.i: rtiit su.i: crrap. apply l'J'JMl'jovldeme Komi. IU)RHALKVS 1 CANNOT tllVi: IT M ) 1 uttentlonlhel'tirbauiluleSfeuni Luillliliy Is for Mile on ens) terms. J. 11 RKAKN, mgi. "IOK HAI.i:- SILVLK-Ii.ATRU CONN i1 double bell euphouluiii, nicely engi lived, with tronibmio bell, gold llntd; iieurl) new nnd lost PO; will sell nt it bargain. Address this vuek to R. W. UAYI.OK, Liiltuysvllle, l'u. WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. WANTKl!-.-! (Ol'lKS TKI1ICNK KACH lollowlii" dutts: Angus 110 and mud Oct. ill, 1HIIII. l'lemluuiwlll bu paid forsumu at Tribune olllee. II ELP WAXTED-M ALES. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. 5rANTi:i)-A 1 'IKsT I LAMS SALRSM AN 1 to sell tho most complete Hue ot Lubri cating oils (lie.ises und .spielultles on the mm Uct. Milurj or llbeial loiiiinlsslou. KliL'ITAlILK KRI'IMNO I If, Cleveland, O. w ANTi:ii AOKNTs-UTr, PHK .MOMil and eMieiises nuld uitlve men If 1 iglit: goods hold b) Bum pie mil); suiniiU's, also lioise and ciuriuge ruinlshcd litKI''. Ad dress JOItllKIt, Uori:il)S, llostou, Mius. SALi:s.Mi:S -SCIIOUI.SI'PI'I.IIN; (III N ti) work; $1011 sului) monthl), with llbeiul uddltiouul iouiinislous. it. O. KVAXH.l CO., Chlcutfo. ISrANT 1 : 1)-AN! I )1 f. WIIOCANTUINK V of siime simple thin to patent.' Pro tect ) our Ideas; the) inn) bring you wiallh. Wi lie JOHN WKUlilIKlll K.N ,V CO., liept. C. 'j;t, I'utent Attorneys, Wiishlnnton, li. ('., rortbeli 1KIiii pilu nlln and llstot 1,000 Inventions warned. AlTA.NTi:ii--AS AOCNIMN KVLin Site tlon toiunvnss; tM.niito ...lfi 11 du) iiunli; sells ut slxhl; alsou man to sell staple (foods to ileuleis; best side line s7li u luoiilh; Nuluiy or liugu loiuinlsslou inude, experience uiiuiccsui). Clifton Noup und .Mnuufuetui iigCoiiipau)i('lnidnuutl, o. "y.NTKR wi:ll-kmw. MAN IN II every town to sollelt slock subscilii tlons; uinonoiioly; blgiuoniy foriiKents; no cupltutrequiicd. llllWAKti C. 1-isU X CO , llorden llluck, Cliluigo, III. HELP WAN TED-FEMALES. Ad v.i. Under This Head One Cent a Word 7v A.vn:ii: Tin utoi Cm Y. com pk- tent wultiess, with lefereines. Apply ut HO Jefferson uvun ie. LA1ULS-1 MAKl; HID Vtl! DOINd jileusunl homo noik.tuid will gludl) send roll pallidums mull sunning 'J mil siuuii. MlhS M. A. SililliHINfN Luwiellie, Mich. Yv;anti:i)-l1)Y vofnts i. hckan- t ton to st II and llit induce Isiiy del 's mUu king; epiileuceiliunvusscr luefeiusl; work permanent und vci) pmlltuble. Wilte for piiitlculars ut once und get bunetlt of hollduy trude. T. 11. HNYUKK A CO., ( Inclnnutl, O. WANTED I.MMKDI TEI.Y- TWO ENEK .1 t gctlc suliswoineu to lepiesont us. (iuiirauteed mi a day without Intel ferlng Willi other duties. 1 U'ult lil'ul occuputlou. Wilte lor piiitlculurs, eiuioslng stiiuiii, S1ANOO CHEMICAL COS1PAN1, No. 7'J John ktrect, New oik. CHIROPODIST AND .MANICURE. CtOHVS, llCS IONS AND LSIiltOWINO ' nulls cuii;d vilthout thu least pulu or dinivlug blood. Coiisultutlnii und mlvho given lice. E. M. Rin'.EL, ( hlioiiodUt. il.ililLuckiiwnunn avenue. Ludlis uttniided ut their lesldence If desired. Churgevi moder inc. LOST. Advs. Under This (lead One Cent a WorJ. T OST-A liOI.D WATCH ON SOI' Til Xj Slain aveuuo near Dr. Iteuch's about 1'J.fll) yesterday) Oeiitleiiiun who picked It 1111 would oblige by returning It to owuci, SIKH. RICE PHOSSElt, 'JO Lnudls stnel, Hiilevue. Value mu keepsake, Chuln hus two rings uud u imouogrum inedulllou uttached. LINENS NAPKINS M"R1 OH ''ul llleiu'bod h"'uu Naiiklinlntlie"L tint lni anil -'t nlri.it: koihI yi- uu.i wtiulit una every tlireud lltivu; worth fruin $l.v!A - lilt Ivuiiied Diiliiuxk. --2 iiiclie wide; 1 to pi. ou. munlier. At $1.85 .Med. and luritu Hltd.fnll hli-ueh'tl illeiuiiud D.itilutk, extra WeiBht and jniiHin; worm i'.'.'JO. l-'roui S'i.uri a dozen uptoSLUn. We hIiowii largo line of lino .Nnpkltm at prli i'i t Liu t ciiunot be Hiimclied. A few hunt word on TOW'KI.' lltlok Toui'U nt 1'iHjO.; llllclc Towi-lHiU Hie.; Jluck Towels at uoc; Duinuik '1'oneU ut -UBc,i 1)' tnimk InwvlH ut ,"iOu We bvllevu these tobutbu best lulues In Towel uveotrered in Hcrnnton. worm ;xuu, . (ierimiu lllendieil I in tiiHHktUxt r wide wuriumii) 81, mi, WALLACE, ACENTS WANTED. Advs. Under ThM Head One Cent 11 Word. WANTICll (ii;ni:ual auknt, i.ahv VY or Ki-utleiiiiuii III every city and town In the t'nltid Slntex, bent helllni; urtlileou earth, "Klenene." Tnlldng iiniieeessiir.v, hlg nuy uiuiruntetd. l-ooiH ntunlu. Write imlek. eiuloso Ntunin 'or lerms. or-jr.i-entM fur mini-, pie outfit. klkni:nkcui:.ucai.c(j, ava riiltou stieet, Iliooklju N. . H HON'T WANT IIUVH OK I.OA!'r.KS I 11 inn men or nullity; 9:11111 to swni 11 month to hustlers; Mute nnd general in,'i'iit; Mtlnrv and loinniliiilnii. IIACINK liHK R.SUI.VKCU,, Katliie, Win. A TANTKD-HOI.IClTOHS; NO DKI.IVHK- ' ing. uocoiieciiuK; poiiimu iierinunrni; pay wiekly; vtnto tige Ui,l.. llllUlllL.ll-f iloeiieHier, . y, 7"ANTKI)--OKNKHAL AOHNIS IN 11V- V ery count); uliojudy auviiMerH;some- tiling new; sure sellei; upplv iiulek. .1. C. llll.ljmtr, 1 11 AdiiinKuveiiuc1, Scranton, l'u. AGKN'IH-WllAT ARK VOL' OOINU 'IO iloiitiout Safe Citizenship price l. lin ing by thousands. Address NICHOLS, Ntipervllle, 111. AUKNTW-'IO HKI.l. OUK PltAlTK'Ali gold, silver, nki.el and. copper electro puisiers; uriceM noiu Ml upwuiii: suuu) espouses nuld; On tilt flee. Audi ess, and with siuiup, .Mil iuu.. ftiru en., uiiienito. (h:nt. -to .siTT.i. cioXiiTTto DKAI,- iV ers; S'J.'i wet'kl) and epeiises; expert- ence unneicssiirv. ONSOLl .ll.Vl iTKD J1FU CO., I.S Vim Hut en St., Chicago. CITY SCAVENGER. 1RAS. CUOI'KH, CITY HCAVHNtlKK. ' y All orders promptly intended to, duy or night. All the latest upiilliinies. ChurgeS I reiisouulile. TIP Scrnnton stieet. Rouse, 11:111 Ninth Washington avenue. Alt. UK I OCS CI.KA.NX I'KIVY VAULTS ' . nnd "t'H.i pools; no odor. Improved 1 pumps used. A. UKICOS, Pinpirctor. Leave orders 110(1 X. .Mulu live, or Rlckts' Ldrug sloie, inriier wduins und .Mulbeiry. 1 1'lClUIUIll? 1,1, 111. UUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, i?l KHT.c7.A8S I tTlOCKIlY"''' lllis7x liss' l1 stock und lUtuies. lining over Ml, (mil pel mouth, liest locution Hi 11 town of 1 2,000 lK)i!itiiiti!. i.uikc I'riHlia; noiiiii i-i-ii,m'. , ..,pa ... ,,,.,r Ciisliieiiulivddown, ti'.'.riiio; niUKt sellciulck, I J'i: V. JAtv.y going in othei buslmss. For mil puitlculuis 1 aJ-iiaw: V,00."1,? "N Impure of II. X. PATHICK, :i:il North I of Trade Uulldlng. population. Large proms; small expense in Wusblugtou uvemie, Scruutnii, l'u. 0,1,1 ON' EVRiTy 8101) MARK LAST O-s t month thiough our system of hj mil uitoKpeiulutloii. send for full eplunutory ouinphlet. OCON.NOK A CO., IO Willi. St., SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTKl) 11Y A (IKK.MAN Ci gill, of good cburacter, vnil recom vnil recom full Oil Illicit mended, us muse to chlldicu stieet. CUTl'ATIOX ' WANTED AS IIOI'Si:- VJ keep :i!l'2 lllu I. O keeper, can do nil kinds of woik. Cull kely street, Uuiimoiu l'u. VOl NOMAKKIEDMAN Willi 17YKAKS X experience In groiery business, cun linn dlu fit fi incuts, Huh, oysters und giceu goods, deslim pohltlon. A 1 leference, uddress J. T. JOHNSON. 110 iliook sticct,Siruutou. CITCATION WAN'IKD id IO O waslilng: washing und Ironing OPT taken home, ulso. Call or uddrcss L. II., ilil 1 sum- ner uveiniCi city. SlTLATION WANTKU HY A YOCNO mun us tuuuistcr or work iiiouud u burn. Add less ll'Jl Stone iive'iiue. SITUATION WANTEU-HY A Yol'XO nun In hotel or restuuruut; cun give good ic'fercures. AddiessH'JU Muplo stieet. WANTEH-SI PACTION OP AN KIM), 11 bv mi epcrlciued diy goods cleik: cun fui'iilsli good rereieucci. Addiess li., '1 1 lbuue olllee. S'nrTvnoN wantko-iiy -a idi mi vioiunii to do washing, lioulug or house cleaning In theiluy. Evperlemid and will ing, mil get good iccomiueudutloiis. Addics Mils. SI. l).,i 1 Ibune Olllee. 4J111 ATION WANTEOHY -MIDDLE AllER O Miuiaii ns eook or geueiHl houewoik. Addicss U ., 501 Fullous stuet. CMTl'ATION WANTKU - HY WANTKl) A F1KHT Call or nil- ij 1 lass linrher; Sntunlnv work. iIivm Hl'UlNU. sii.oikUI ltuibd' suinily.liiT Wyoming nvciiuu, up;uls. E .pkkiknchT) OAKUNRK SEEKS ksi plo.vuient; knows linu to utteud to ull kinds of I lowers, shrubber), etc Addiess, l'. R. il'.'S Luckawnnuu uvcuue. SItI'XTIO.N WANTED HY AN7 EMiTTtT 1 need grecer) ilerk, Is tenipemte und hus good hublts. Will do nn) thing but uiiivuss. Cull furiilsli rcfeieuie. K. J. II. Cuiu Tribune. Al'KV FOR ENOAOK.MENT IN NOKTR- J tiisiorn Peiinsylvanlu- Flist-iluss nlc- Hue flume Joiner und mut.iiuikei; tliurouijh 1) posted with details of business. Addiess, I INK AKT.cuie Mciiiegor, 'Jit I'eiry stieet, New York. W11 CATION wvnti:d-hy a oino Imli'i. 1111, 1,1 ,ir iriiVHriiMss. o hid) us 11 Hpeuks both l.iullah uud Oeiiuuu: ulto ud vuueed In lulisle. Address, A. W., imu Tilbuno Olllee. ,. SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOI NO iJ 111101,111 uii) ctipuulty. (lood education utlon testl. In Kngllsb and (liiiuun; lllist-cluss luoululs. P. O. llox illin, .Moscow, Pit. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians ami Surgeons, DItTc L. PREY HAS REMOVED JHS ofllccs to the Jewell Building, 3o3 Spruce street. DR. MARTHA S. EVEKITT, SOS WASH Ington ave Office hours until 10 u. in.. 2 10 4, 7 to S p. in. SIARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D.. HOME. opathlst, No. 22S Adams uvenuc. OIL X TltAPOI.D, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming aveuuo and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice houis, Thurbdny und Suturdays, 9 u. m. to 8 p. m, DR. W. H. ALLEN, M2n6rTH WASH Ington avenue. mi. "anna law, soTwyomino ave! Ofllco hours, 9 11 a. m 1-3 p. m.. 7-8 p. in. mi. L. SI. OATE3. ROOSI3 207 AND 208 Hoard of Trude. building, Olllee hours, S to U a. m , 2 to 3 and 7 to S p. 111. Kesl deuce 309 Sludlsoii avenue. DR. C. L. FKEAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion, Rooini 08 and 207 Mers Uulldlns. Wall ace MCI l 5 '""'I Ulcftched ipi.'tO Naiiklim, large dttiuei; Hire; rrul value 91.70, MC? lf I.arKOdliinerglrp, .PZ.UVJ iiillTjIeiielitd und uottli nery cent of if'J.OO u doen. 209 oWpp.sct0,HoAuvsee:uc Olllce telephone 1EC3. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Hours: 10 to 12, DR. H. W LAMHRKAUN. A BPKCIAL 1st on chioula dlsuuse of tho heart, lungs, liver, kidney und genito urinary or gans, will occupy tho olllcn ot Dr. R003, 232 Adams avenue. Ofllee hours, 1 to 3 p.m. DK. JOlfN C.1'RICb7 330 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 4 und 7 to S p. m. W. G. ROOK. VETKRLVARY SUH- I geon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street, Scranton. I Telephono 2G72. Architects I'KIICIVAL jT MORRIS,ARCHlTKCT Hoard of Trade Uulldlng. EDWARD H. DAVIS,' AlCTi,iiIvri,. Rooms 24, 25 and 20, Commonwealth buUdlng, Scrahton. ; E. L. WALTRH, ARCHITECT. OFF1CB rear of COC Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT 433 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Saranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN." ARCHITECT, I'rlce building, 120 Washington avenue. Scranton, T. I. LACEY SON. AKCHlTKcTfiT. Traders' National Bank. LtiwveiN. FRANK E. ROYLe7ATOiNEY AND counscllor-at.lavv. Rurr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTOHHKY, Roorns 212-13-14 Commonwealth Dldg. JEFFRin-S &" RUDDY. ATTORNEYS- at-law, Commonwealth Building, WARREN & KNAI'R. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors-at-law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND and Counsellors at law. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. National Rank Uulldlng. TRADERS ALFRED HAND, WILIASI J HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common- wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Lnw, Room S, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. ORD, ATTORNEY- 01& ana bio, noara SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT- Law Ofllee, Wyoming avenue. Scranton. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COSIEG-YS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOQLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Menrs buildings, corner Washington nvenus and Snruce street. B. F. KILLASI. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming avenue, Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY. at-Law, 45 Commonwealth bids., Scran ton. . VATSON. DIEHL, HALL & KESISIER ER Attorneys and Counseltors-at-Law; Traders' National Bank Building; roomi 6, 7. 8. 9, and 10- third floor. Detectives. . 1 BARRING & M'SWEENEY. COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency Dentists. DR. F. street. L. Sl'QRAW. 303 SPRUCQ DR. H. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON. 113 S. .MAIN AVE. 5r. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming ave. It. M. STRATTON. OFFICE COAL EN change. WELCOSIE C. SNOVEn7421 LACKA. ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to S. Dressmaker. SIRS. M. E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. Scliool.s. SCHOOL OF THE "LACKAWANNA Scranton, Pa,, prepares boys and glrU for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOSIAS SI. CANN, WALTER H. RUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten tip per term. SeeJs, O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSIEN AND Nurteiymen, store 14S Washington ave. nue; green ho'jse, 1330 North Slain ave. nue; storo telephone, 7S2, Wire Screens. JOS. KCETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA wunnu avenue, Scrnnton, Pa., manufac turer of Wlro Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. ". .EIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR V., V. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Miscellaneous. RACER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J, Rauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming uvemie, over Hulbert'J music store MEOAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' fcupplles, envelopes, puper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington u venue, Scrunton, Pn. FRANK P." HROWN & CO., WHOLE- sale dealers In Woodwure, Cordage and 'Oil Cloth.720 West Luckawanna aye. THOSIAS Al'RREY. EXPERT AC countaut und auditor. Rooms 19 and SO, Williams Uulldlng, opposite postoriloe. Agent forjhe Jtex Fire Extinguisher. Printing' 'rilETRHIUNE PUBLISHINQ CO, North Washington Avenue Linotype Composition of all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpukied in this region. -L.