THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL a. 1S97. I'iroKKsson j. :.:. mlxyon. Trnfenr" runvnn civ that 90 t)Of cent of the people are miserable on account Of omn dlscHvi. of the stomach, lit; claims his Dyspfpsla remedy will positive!) cure ull forms of Indication and stomnch trouble, such as rising ot food, distress after eating, shortness of breath, palplla tlon anil ull affections of the heart caused by lnuluestlnn, wind on the stomaen, uuu taste, olTenslve breath, loss ot uppetlte, falntness or weakness of the stomach, headache from Indigestion. soretie.-s of the stomach, coated tongue, heartburn, shoot-, liiK pains of the stomach, constipation, I dizziness, falnttiesx und luck of energy, cold feet, poor circulation und nervous-: ness. It tones up the system, Htteugtheiis the nerves, enriches the blood, and forms j a new coating In wom-out stomachs or those that have been Unpalted oy pnysic or Injurious medicines. Professor Munyon lias u separate cure for each disease. At ull druggists, mostly Zj cents u vul. I'ersonul letters to Prof. Munyon, 15 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free medical advice for any disease. West Side Department ANDERSON ARRESTED. He Is Charged with Brutally Assaulting August CarlsonReecord of Other Police Cases. Constable John Davis late last night arrested Sven Anderson, of the West Side, on u warrant sworn nut before Alderman Owen D. John by August Charlson. Sven had brutally assaulted Cailson and so badly Injured him that lie Is In a precarious state. Anderson will have a hearing before the alder man this morning. The two pugilists of Thursday even ing's fray near Bellevue called yester day at the station house to recover their coats, etc. Incidentally they passed before Alderman Iilalr and de posited $3 each for their little encoun ter. It seems that one nf them had Just finished a man In a previous en gagement nnd the second man he "went up against" was a friend who had re monstrated with him for lighting. Good Samaritans nre to be found In all conditions of life, as was proved by William Nicholas yesterday afternoon before Alderman Blair. Now Nicholas had too frequent recourse to spirits of a Hnuld class and early yesterday morning he found himself In the station house. Hi- was tried and lined before the aldernmn, but' did not have the nec essary money. Some fellow boarders who were In like confinement, agreed to get him out when some for which they were waiting to gain release with should come. Hut William quietly searched his clothing and discovered a $20 bill which he firmly felt had been lost or spent lonev.sdnce. 'Well, he paid the lines of nil' hands and his own to tile amount of $13. In fact cleaned oft' the docket records for all unfortunate ones. nnua stork changes hands. A. W. Mtisgnive, formerly of the firm of Jenkins & Musgrave, has pur chased the drug store formerly owned by 13. a Morgan. Mr. Musgrave Is cue of the best and most favorably known druggists In the city, und in vites his friends and' old patrons to call on him at his new stand, where a most complete Hue of drugs, paints, oils, toilet urtlcles, etc.. can be found. Special attention given to prescrip tions, compounded only by a graduate or registered pharmacist. VANDALS AT "WORK. It seems that the park of trees sltti- We want to talk about your spring overcoat. If you would follow fashion closely, cling to us. Few stores even pretend to carry the assortment we show. For reputation's sake we must sell them at the very lowest prices. Not the lowest for any overcoat. But easily the lowest for such a one. We clinch the argument when we show you this coat. Made of the popular Covert cloth. And well made. Somehow these have the right "hang" to them. They don't wrinkle across the back. Nor around the shoulders. Nor is there any wrinkle in your forehead when you hear the price, $8.0.0. It would be a shame not to mention the Hue of spring suits we are showing. But since we haven't space to speak of all today, we ask you to step in when you're down and see what Scrautou'.-j foremost clothiers have to show in garbfor spring. SAMTER BROS. ated In Lackawanna .township rind known as the Hound NViou, will soon be destroyed by : neglect", nnd lire. Yi'stenlny some mischievous persons, cither carelessly or purpoHely Bet lire to the dry leave, lind by' dusk the whole trnct was nllrc und many trees will be badly Injured or entirely de stroyed. This tract of wqpdH, thoiiKh smalt In area, .would inukd.n clelliihtful resort for the western ptn lion of the city. NOTES AND PEKSONAI.S. Tin- KPivlecH of tomorrow at the Slmpsnn Methodist Lplscopnl church are tho final ones lit tins comerence year. Next week will bo conference week In the Wyoming Conference dls trli t. The evenlnc service at the Simpson church will commence hereafter at 7,30 o'clock Instead of 7 o'clock as formerly. 1 W. Peursall, secretory of the Rullioad Young Men's, Christian asso ciation, will .speak at the Sherman Avenue mission Sunday evening nt 7.30. The Murlcal Culture elas-j of the Ply. mduth CnngreKailunul church will have churge of the singing. The remulns of Mrs. Hester fjeljle. funnel ly u resident of the West Side, who died on Thursday ut the Hillside Home, will be brought to the home of her nephew, John Doran, of '2m Ld wuids court, fiom which place funerul services will be held tomoirow. - Mrs. Isaac Williams, of North Sum ner uvenue, Is nt Maplewood, called there by the sickness of her father. James Jenltltv. of I.nfuyette street, is a patient at the Moses Taylor bos pltul for treatment for n dlseused leg. Aaron James, of Avenue H, will move his marble cutting establishment from Bellevue to his new works on Washburn street.opposlte the air shaft, lie hns enlarged und Improved upon the old wotks to meet the requirements of his Increasing business. Dr. Pnine was called to nttend Ar thur I.. Martin on Thursday evening, he having been taken middenly 111 at his work. Yesterday his life was de spaired of. but late last evening he was seemingly much Improved. There will be a meeting of the West Sid" Choral , society in , the vestry of the Tabernacle Congregational church tomoirow evening at S o'clock. A full attendance Is requested by the leader. John Davis, of Washburn street. Is rapidly lecoverlng from an operation performed upon him at the West Side hosultul last week. The hand and heart social and enter tainment will be held In the Jackson Street Baptist church next Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Fi- dellan society. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered tomorrow evening In the Jackson Street Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. Thomas de Gruchy. Mrs. William Pfelffer. of North Gar field avenue, Is entertaining Miss Pau line Jacoby, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Whitney, of Hampton street, have returned home after a,ttrnlliig the funeral of MV. Whitney's father, at Hnpbottom. Miss Lizzie Watklns, of Curbondale, a guest of Mrs. J.imes Ord. of North Kllmore avenue, has returned home. Miss Blown, of Seventeenth street, has gone to Philadelphia for a week's visit anions friends. The Young People's Musical Culture society of the Plymouth churcn met at the home of T W. Phillips, of South Main avenue, last evening, and re hearsed the several selections which will he sung at the funeral services of Thomas Evans tomorrow afternoon. Miss Lulu Knapp. of North Bromley avenue, has returned to Stroudsburg State Normnl school, where she will resume her studies. John Dennebaum has sold his prop erty on Lafayette street, and wfi. move to Lee Park, Wllkes-Bnrre, where ne has purchased pioperty. The Rev. David Jones, of South Sum ner avenue, ' was In Nnntlcoke on Thursday. He ofliclated at the fu neial services of .RlcJiai'd Powell, of that place. The Ladles' Aid' .society of the First Welsh Congregational ' church. South Main avenue, will serve, a leal Welsh Kidwelly cockle supper on Monday evening between .1 p. in. and 10 p. in. The Bellevue Flute band serenaded Ellas Piighe at hW home on Corbet t avenue on Thursday evening. The boys had a good time and refresh ments were served at a seasonable hour. On Tuesday evening next a Welsh VN 'S ,- vt j ,. &. cockle supper with angel food will be seived at the Welsh Culililtlf Meth odist church In Itellevue. Following the supper an entertainment will be given. The affair Is In charge of the Ladles' Aid society of the church, and a small admission will be churned. The funeral services of Cat tie, the .daughter of Mr and Mrs. David 11, Jones, of S03 North Fllmore avenue, were held yesterdny afternoon from the residence. Interment was made In the Washburn Street cemetery. Wo laundry ntl(T collars with soft button holes, Crystal Laundry. A prayer service will be held this evening ut the residence of the lute Thomas Evans, of 131 South Sumner avenue. Friends of the bereaved family are Invited to be present. The service will commence nt 7,30 o'clock. The latest nnd best styles. Roberts, 120 North Maine. The West Side Literary and Debating society will hold n meeting on Mon daj evening In the Welsh Philosophical looms. The put pose of the nuetiug Is to consider tho advisability of holding the annuiil banquet. It seems to be the desire of the majority of members to hold one. Though In a Btate of In nocuous desuetude for some time, the society will endeuvor to make this event a better one than any previous affair held by It. Dr. E. y. Hairlsou, Dentist, Mears Hall. 113 S. Muln avenue. Miss Murguret Glbbs, of 217 South Main avenue, will reopen her kinder garten Tuesday, April C. Miss Olbbs has been quite successful in kinder guiten work, and her school Is nttend ed by the Juvenile itpresentatlves of some of the best West Side families. Cholse cut flowers and flower de signs ut Palmer Si McDonalds, G14 Spruce. West Side llushicss Directory. N'OTAUY prnuc. r,. MOIiriAN & SON. N'OTAllIHS u Public. Ileal Kstate. KoielEli KxchaiiBe. anil Ocean Ticket Agents. Kents col lected. Prompt monthly settlements. Office 1101 Jackson street, over .Mus giave's diug store. IIARR1KT J. DAVIS, FI.OmST.-Cut flowers ami funeral designs a specialty; 104 South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. MORGAN'S PHARMACY, 101 N. MAIN avenue. Physicians' prescriptions care fully prepared from warranted pure drugs and chemicals. A fine assortment of trusses, fine stationery, blank books, varnish stains, mixed paints or fancy work, artists' materials, window glass, wall paper and plctuie moulding. Clerk at store all hours nf night. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Toots, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. Kins', 701 to 'vi West Lack awanna avenue. OBITUARY. Judge Stephen T. Wilson, one of the best-known citizens of Tioga county, dU-d ut his home, In Wellsboio, on Wednesday of this week ut the age of 73 ears. Judge Wilson, who was born In Columbia town ship, tills county, Sept. -f, 1SH1, went to Wellsboio when a young man and read law hi the office of Stephen l'ierce, who was also a native of Uradford county, lie early became piomineiit in politics, and served two terms us u member of cou giess, where lie soon became un Inttiien tlul member. Following his service In congress he was appointed additional luw Judge of the Tioga dl.stilct; and some what Uter he was for u tew years asso ciate Justice of the Supreme court of the tenltory of New .Mexico. Latteily he Ins been a. practloner, associated In busi ness with Norman It. Ryan. Judge Wil son was never man led. Judge Wilson was of a genial nature and had many warm fi lends. lllram IJeebe, formerly of Montrose, i died nt Owego on Tuesday, aged 80 years. The deceased was born near Montrose, Pa., March 11, 181", and at a compara tively eaily age began his apprenticeship In the Montrose Volunteer olllce. He came to Owego In 1811 and purchased the Owego Oazette. In 1813 he disposed of the paper to other parties and removed fo Westlleld, Mass., where, In the ensuing two years, he was elected a member or the Massachusetts legislature. Shortly after this he returned to Owego and ic purcliased the Oazette property, and was connected with that paper until' USU, when I.eioy W. Kingman, who had beeh a part ner since 1871, purchased the entire plant, Mr. IJeebe retlilng. ile was elected president of the village In 183'J and again In 1871, and was postmaster ot Owego from 1S33 lo 1802. Ile wiis also iit one time chief engineer of the Owego 'Are de partment. Ijeceused Is survived by one daughter, Miss Nellie. A. R. DePew, an old soldier and re. spected citizen of Madison, died at his home, near Moscow, Friday morning, lie had been about as usual all day Thurs day, but not coming In at the usual time his family became alarmed and made a search, finding him sitting near home with his head upon his cane. They got him to the house and sent for a physician, but he was dying when found und passed away about 2 o'clock. Tho 7-year-old son of Lewis Davis, of Tiger Valley,- Olyphant, died yesterday afternoon of llphthctla. The funeial will take place this afternoon at 1 o'clock, in terment wl be made In Taylor. Drowsiness Is dispelled by P.KECH AM'S PILLS. POLICE COURT NEWS. Anthony Schleblck. years old, a tailor, asked for work yesterday at the talloiini; establishment.'! of Coleman .t Moshei and SIg Orandt. and in each case he stole a piece of suiting. Tailor llrandt Imme diately discovered his loss, followed Schle blck and directed Patiolmnu Kalrns to arrest him. The cloth was found beneath his coat, Mayor Halley heard the case and committed Schleblck to Jail in default of $500 ball In each case. Late Thursday night Anthony Norton laid himself down to sleep oft the effects of an over-eurgo of liquor. He chose lor a bed the cold earth In dungerotis proxim ity to the tracks at the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western "Y," wlieie a police man found him. He lefused to be awak ened und was taken in the patrol wa gon to the central police station, lie was sent to Jail for ten days. William Scott, colored, became abusive fo Constublc Tlerney Thursday night while the latter was trying to rouse a drunwken man In Center street. The con stable placed Scott under arrest, but he resisted and the aid of a bystander had to be employed to take Scott to the police station." He was Intoxicated and for that offemiu nnd teslstlng was sentenced to ten days in Jail. The llcst Hock Ileer Is that made by the Lackawanna Brewing company. Auk for Jl. A Cod-Sent IllestiiK. Mr. B. P. Wood, of Eastern, Pa., was a great sufferer fiom Organic Heart Dl! 'incase. He never expected Jo he well Bain, hut Dr. Agnow's Cure for 'the aei Heart was his good angel, and he lives todaytto tell It to others, hear him: "I was for fifteen years a great sufferer from heart disease, had smothering spells, palpitation, pain In left side, and swelled ankHs.'. Twenty' physi cians tleuted me, hut I got no relief. I used 'Dr. Agnew'a Cure for the Heart. One dose relieved me Inside of thirty minutes. Seven bottles cured me." To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take laxative Dromo Qulnlnft Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fkils to cure. 25 cents. n' -U 1 1 fil 0111 1 ooooooooo Men's, Boys' and ChiUren's Men's $20.00 Suits for $10.00 Men's $10.00 Suits for $5.00, Etc. Young Men's Suits at $5.00 Children's Suits reduced from $S.oo, $6.00 and $4.00, to $4.00, $3.00 and $2.00 Hats and Furnishings . & Off Hie crowds of buyers are coining here. Will you lie one of them to secure a bargain? "THE OLD STAND,'' '220 Luck- a v. a 11 11 11 Avenue. ooooooooo COLLINS & HACKETT Suburban News. In General l'KOVIUKNCK. Rev. W. O. Watklns will preach tomor iow morning and evening In the North Main Avenue Huptist church. Commun ion and the hand ot fellowship to new members will be given In the morning, service. Miss Mabel Wheeler and Hertha Wat klns, who have been spending their nprlng vacation with the latter's parents, llv. und Mrs. W. O. Watklns, returned yes terduy to resume their studies ut ltuelt nell university. A rather Interesting case was brougnt bcfoie Alderman Roberts last evening, John Timlin was the defendant nnd Richard Howell prosecutor. The evidence submitted to the alderman's attention by Howell was that some two weeks ago Howell lwus In dire need of money, and being' the possessor of a watch and chain, valued at $U, prepared himself to Timlin's to secuie a loan. Ile succeeded In securing 5K cents on the wutch and chain and left them as a bonus for the 50 cents. After two weeks he had suill clently replenished his purse to be able to redeem his watch and chain, but Ills lequest was met with refusal. After re peated attempts to gain hi valuables. and each time meeting with lefusal, lie finally took the law us a last recourse. A wall ant was Issued for his arrest, and ut the hearing last evening, alter a good amount of legal sparring, they came to a satisfactory conclusion upon the de fendant paying the costs of prosecution and returning; the watch and chain. Tho Welsh Haptlsts will conduct ser vices tomorrow at Wlnton's hall, their place of worship, between Oak und Mar ket streets. Rev. W. P. Uavls will prea.-h at both sessions, preaching Welsh In the morning and Kugllsh In the evening, lllble school at p. m., and children's meet ing at 2.30 l. m. James Cousins, who was painfully burned some time ugo 'u the Marvlne shaft. Is able to be about. Michael Leonard, of West Market street. Is suffering from a soveio attack of pneumonia. Howaid Carr, who has been visiting friends In this section, returned to his home, nt Prompton. A delightful suipilse party was ten dered Philip Thomas, the popular singer, at his home, on Spilng street by the young people of the Welsh Congregational church, the occasion being the twenty fourth anniversary of his birthday. Songs and recitations were the chief diversion of the evening und some excellent selec tions were indrd. Chit umong them wcie rendered by Messrs. Johns and Thomas and are worthy of special mention. The home of Mr. and Mrs. David Rich ards, on Wayne avenue, was thronged last evening with young people who werD present to do honor to their son, William, In tin. way of a suipilse party. The place was a scene of much merriment. After refreshments weiu served those piesent departed for their respective homes. The Court M;ieet Methodist Wiurch conducted another successful euteituln nii'iit lust evening In the auditorium of the church. Local talent of lare excel lence paitlclpated. The uudlence, which wus a laige one. was very appreciative, and the church leullzed a goodly sum from the proceeds of the entertainment. Tho following officers of Lincoln lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will be Installed by the grand olllcers next Monday evening at their hall: Noble grand, Alfied Pierce; vice grand, Thomas Foulkes; assistant recording secretary. John fi. Owens. After the Installation of olllcers an entertainment ot an Interest ing character will be rendered. Richard Lewis, of Wayne avenue, Is conllned to his home by a serious Illness. John Kvans. of Riick avenue, has le turned from Philadelphia. A young son of Professor David Lewis, of Putnam stieet. fell while playing yes terday and as u result is surfeilng with a fractuied elbow. "Uy Foice of Impulse," a drama In five acts, will be piodueed In Company II armoiy on Kaster Monday night by the Keystone Llteiary and Dramtlc club. ll'You I'sc Ileer Ask for the Lackawanna Brawlntf com pany's Duck Hcer. (JKKF.N ItlDGI-:. Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Treverton, of Ban deisoii avenue, attended the Odd Fellows' uamiuct at I'eckvllle last evening. Mrs. George Hates, of Uyberry, it tip guest of Mrs. Charles Scambler, of Wy oming avenue. Hev. J. O. Hckman will occupy the pul pit of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning? MIhh Klile Harney, or Deacon street, U dangerously 111 with rheumatism. Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph F. llangl, of Dick son avenue, aic visiting la New Yoik city. Mrs. II. U. Hornm is unite HI at the home of her patents, on Deacon street. Mrs. 1 1 win Wlnt has returned from a visit with f i lends In New York city. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fuller very pleasantly entertained n few of their fl lends at their horns on Dickson avenue. During the evening a short programme was rendered which consisted of a piano solo by Miss Maud Fuller! recitation by Miss Claio Rlocum, and a vocal solo by Miss Evangeline Dorsey. At a reasona ble hour light refreshments wero served. If Von lJtn Hoor Ask for the Lackawanna Brewing com .pany's Bock Beer. south sum-:. The demand for a new public school building Is Increasing wltn each succes sive day. During this term the schools have b?en constantly eiowded even lo overflowing. To alleviate the matter an unnex was opened on Fig stieet and filled with pupils from No. II, where the greatest number of pupils attend, When thosu two rooms were added relief pre. vailed for a short period only, for soon after both the annex and the main 'build Ings were filled past their normal limit. Discontentment frequently arose because of the location and sanitary condition of both buildings, such that It caused a new time schedule. Tho burden previously lightened Is now greater than cjver be cause or the customary Influx of pupils Into the primary grades, the first of April Suits at One-Half Price, being the appointed time for their ad mission to the school room. The neces sity of obtulnlng new und more spacious buildings Is be.'onilng so obvious that the patents' muiiners ule constantly ln cieasing. At a meeting of the St. Aloyslus' Total Abslneiice and Helievolclit society held In Phuimucy hull Thursday night the fol lowing olllcers were elected: President, Thomas A. Donahoe; vlce-piesldent. Thomas Mahou; recording secretary. ' Thomas Hlglln: financial secretary. Thomas Not ton; corresponding secretary, Patrick Poland; Measurer, James ltelley; sergeant-at-aims, William Dalley, stcw-ard-at-large. Andrew Merrick; dlstilct stewards. i:.lward Moran, Patiick llurke, Patrick McCunn, Mljhael Cuv.inuugh, Kd ward llovle, Mai tin Wulsh and Thomas Smith; mai-Miull, Charles llasklns; li brarian. John Mahou; trustees, John Ward, William Cook, John Muldoon; llnance auditing committee, James Coyne, Thomas Wade, Patiick Walsh; delegatrs to the quarterly convention at Mlnooku, Thomas P. Poland, James Ilurrelt. John Kennedy. F. P. llrady and James Dalley; delegates to dtoocsuh convention at Nun tlcoko, John A. Ward, Thomas A. Dona hoe and Flunk J. Guvon. The funeral of the late Michael Thorn ton, of South Washington avenue, whose death occurred Thursday moinlng, will take place this moinlng at U.30. High mass of requiem will lie sung In St. Per. er's cathedral. Interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Oscar Jones, under whose management the South Scrantou llase Hall team will compete the approaching season, has af fected a temporary organization, with the following available candidates: Will lam Vaughan, John Hastings. Owen Mel vln, Thomas Uyrou, Con Fallon, John Fallon, Thomas Caiey, Patiick MeUlu ness, Frank Wlllaid, James Lolly and O. Stengllno. Choice cut flo.vers and flower designs at Palmer & McDonald's, Ml Spruce. llenjamln Grltllth, of Nesquehonlng. spent yesterday with friends on lleech street. The regular Lenten devotions were held In the South Side Catholic churches last evening. We laundry stiff collars with soft button holes. Crystal Laundry. nuN.uoui:. Jerry, the 3-yeur-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Michel, of Mill street, mlr rueulously escaped death last nlsht. He, with a number of older companions, climbed upon the rear end of a number of ash dumpltiR cais, which Htood In the Krlo und Wyoming Valley railroad yard. The train of cars was In charsn of No. S3 engine. After dumping the ashes th" engine, began to back out fiom off I he dump and In some way young Mlekel fell olf In the center of the track, the cais passing over his left hand with which he had clutched the lull. The cars were stopped and young Mlckcl taken from his perrllous position. Ile was taken to his home, where Dm. Winters and Snyder amputated three of the lingers. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Klchaid Foster, of Hlggs street, a daughter. William J. Demplow, of Uuffulo, N. Y., spent yesterday with It lends In town. Tomorrow being the fifth Sunday In Lent thele Will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion In St. Mark's chuiv.i. One at 8 a. 111. and also at lO.IW u. m. The Industilal school, which Is held un der the auspices of the Women's Guild of St. Mink's church, will meet In the pailsh house this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All are welcome. DiniiiKiie HiisiuesH Directory. J. B. HOBDAY. 113 BHOOK HTKI'.RT. Excelsior meat market. Piesh meat and smoked meats; fresh butter and eggs dally; egetables and canned goods. JAMES BBATTIK, OROVK STKKET. Choke provisions and confectionery. ill NOOK A. John Fashold, of Hlack Hills, S. D., U visiting his mother, In llicunwood. .Miss Hay Moigaus, of Mlnei's Hill, is conllned to hei home with an attack or the gilp. Lenten services weie conducted at iit. Joseph's church last evening. The make-up of the Mlnooka team tor the coming seat-on is yet unknown, an a number of the players uie crippled from Illness 01 Injuries. I'atiick Fhumery, the well-known backstop, who did seivl.' -able work for the team last season, ,ill not be In the game owing to an In'uty. The positions of the club will In all pro li ability be as follows: Mclliigh, c; O'Neill, p.! I.uddon, lb.: Crane, ".'b. : I ..iffy, 3b.. Shea, ss.; Dlskln. If.: I'hilbln. cf.: DiM dy. rf. Woik on the grounds will be comnmieed In n few weeks. M!len Jennings left yesterday morning for Rochester. N. Y. Mr. Jennings In tends to icslde. theie permanently. Judging from the mutterlugs of horn of the dlssutlstled chronic kickers, the supeivlsnr.s are not fullllllng the prom ises made prior to Feb. 1U last. As usual the aspirants ate numerous, but Messrs. Took and Qiiliui adher to the maxim, "Chanty commences at home." A Cuod Spring Diiuli Is the Buck I'eer made by the Larkn warnn Browing Co. AhU for II. ' a HUYS A 97 BICYCLE Pully guaranteed, choice ol five tires and three colors. This If an offer good fur April only. THE "ORIENT" With the pitch line chain Is the greatest made, and Its hill climbing ubllltl cs make It a prlrru favorite, lilghty gear l the standard for Orients. Examine Our Line of Fiililng Tackle a. id OoodJ. Sporting A. W. JURISCH, AQT., 324 Spruce St. 308 --Lackawanna Spring Hosiery. Home jieople wonder how c can sell mirli itood stocklnjjN for such little prices. Others wonder why we do so. We'll Bay thN, however, thls.blg Hosiery business lint grown tu Its present piopoitton by dulnif J nt one thing-, nauiely HcllliiKKood ktovklugiut low prices. i SPECIALS F-OR (( loe. I'hll lildren's Fiikt Hindi, sires ft to HV,. 1 lie. I'hlldien's I'nst lllurk. sizes il to UVi. JAc. I'hlldicii'sHeithiltKN fast black, double sole und kuie, nil The Ikst Children's stockings In tha vity for l'JL.jC. Ladles' Seamless Hose, Mrlclly fut black, all Mnes 'J Oo. Ludlcs lturte. fa-t bluck, seiimlas'.u bargain 'Jfle. Ladles' Hose. Iut black, double thread, extra Ilue.uiilv uoc. Mimes nose, lu-i iiinei; special gooa uiue w,...'J3e uur illle. Ladles' Fancy Hose bus nn equal. Seelnij Is believing. Choice Hue of Ladles' Fancy llote, this week only v!6e MEM'S HOSIERY. Men's Seamless Half Hose, u barvuln. only 'J.-.c. Men Seamless Socks, Fmt liliielt iilidTiius, ussorted, only.. Kxlra ijimllt) '.Tic. the pair, none better made. Millinery Opening THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCR ANTON AND WILKE8-BAnnE. PA.. Manufacturers of A R h nnnsronf wae s nratara -giffnnfle km ore iByaMifluyfiuiv &,DJj-.uus HUlSUNGAftD PUMPING MACHINERY. Qetterul Office: SCRANTON, PA. ATTEHTION! Call and get one of iuy Official Base Ball Sched ules for 1897. We will give . them they awa' last. as long as 222 WYOMIIG ME11I: I ROBINSON'S SONS' Lager Beer Manufacturer-! of tho Celebrated r CAPACITYl 100,000 Barrels per AG.num ON THE LINE OF THfc pacific n aro located the finest fishing and hunting Grounds In the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis-. Bt. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Gars attached to all throught trains, Tourist curs fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may bo had with second-class t'ekets. nates always less than via other lines. For further tnfoimatlon, time tables, etc.. on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 3B3 Broadway , New York. AIT. PLEASANT COAL, AT RETAIL.. Cost of tho best quality for domestls u and ot all sizes. Including buckwheat and lUrdscye, delivered In any part of the city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth bulldlnc. room No. J: telephone No. 2C4. or at the mint, tele phone No. 272. will b promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM.T. SMITH. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday evening, April 3. llelurn eugnvemcutofMH. Donald Robertson and Miss BRANDON DOUGLAS In Dumas' Romantic Tragedy THMAN.IN.THE-IRON-MASK Mmjnltlclent Production, (iort'cnus Co-tunics, Powerful Company, PRICI'.S -Parlor Chairs and Orchestra, 75; Orche.ter Circle, 50c; llulcony, 3 rows, 33c; balance, 35c) Uallery, 15C Mil ISIS: m n rll Avenue.--308 THE WEEK, fle n pair vonr choice your choke .Hie n puir lUV u Pir .'J."c u pair . He u uulr l'JVa pair Uic u pair u pair u pair .. fie n putr . l'J-aC u puir Next lAf-.Al WIICCIN, CCU V- The Most Delightful urethu3oby tlioluiml.sonie large steam ships of tliu sailing every week (lav from New York to OLli POINT COA1FORT, VIR GINIA BEACH ANDRICHfYiOND, VA. Round trip tickets, covering a health-giving tiea voyage of 703 miles, with meals mill stateroom accommo dations uiiroute, for $13, $13.50 and $M.0U. S13ND FOH PARTICULARS. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO., Pier :b, North Kiver, New York. W.I.. OUIU.AUDt'U, Vlce-Pre. & Traffic JMr Sterling Silver Top Cut Glass Salve lloxes. at 75 CENTS EACH. mimMuwm JGW3lers and Silversmiths; 130 Wyoming Ave. OU FONT'S HIKING, eUSTING AND SPORTING Manufactured Rt tho 'Wapwallopen Milln, Laizcrn county, Pa., and at Wll mlncton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN.sJf. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstiiat. 118 WYOA11NO AVENUE. Scronton, Pa. Third National Dank Building. AQm.'CIES: 1'HOS. FORD, Plttston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wtlkes-Ilarre. Pa. Agents for tho ltepauno Chemical Com. (acv's Hlsh Explosives, AMUSEMENTS DAVIS' THEATER Houday, Tuesday, Wednesdjy, April 5, 6, 7. TUU'MI'il IM' ItK-riNUAUK.MIi.VJ'. Al. Reeves BIG Btif MP ANY. Three Complete Allows In One. YAUDEYILLE, MINSTREL, BURLESQUE 'I'lieiireuteot organization of iih kind ever seen In America. 10 WHITES20-BLRCKS 20. New Songs. New Dances. New Jokes, Admission 10, 2t) or 3ft Cents. Two performances dally, Docs open at 1.39 and 7. Curtain rise at 2.3. and yuB.usui SPRING TRIPS km mp'm iaWWaSMNkSki. . '-" . w .4.--,