The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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j it
And rest for mothers In a narm Mtli
of CtmcURA (nlntinont), tlio gicat skin euro.
ConooRA Rkmbiiies .inord liutant teller,
and iioiuttonsiioedy euro of torturing, ills
n'tirinff,lmmil!ntliiK.HcUInB1l)unilnB,Ulecd. ins. crusted, si-aly Un null eccilp tuunura,
villi loss ot lialr, when all rlso fullB.
golilthroiifhoiitthowmlil. l'oTTEnllliciniuCiml.
C0- H,o"J f'iTu're'SRortnrcd tl.tnw." free.
rncadprs will plea'p notr that ndvprtlse
mpnts, orders for job woik. and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers, Noith Main
Mreot. will recrlvo piompt attnntlon; of
tico open from S a. m. to 10 p. m.J
Lively Time nt Spccinl Session of tlic
Coniiiion Council.
A Special meeting of Uio oninmon
council was called ton Monday evening
to pass the appropriation ordinance
on the final rending.
Tlio street committee reported favor
ably upon the petition for grading and
curbing Thorn street from Canaan
fctieet to Summit avenue. Then va
lead the report respecting the Belmont
street pavement.
Messrs, Dilts, Gllhool B.iltor and
!.ites as committee rcommended a fur
ther delivery of bonds to Pails Paving
umpaiiy to the amount of 52,000 the
balances to be retained to make good
any delects which the city engineer or
rtieet committee may find In the pave
ment. After n motion had been made
and seconded to accept the report, Mr.
Mi Donough entered a. protect against
paying over the $2,000 and retaining
only $300 on the ground that the work
was not satisfactory to the city engi
n er. Mr. Wo iron, president of the
l'ark Paving company, being present,
was asked to make a statement. H"
..dmitted that there wore some minor
defects in the pavement owing to the
unfavorable condltionw when the work
us done. lie felt that as the city had
a $5,000 bond, that should Ik sufficient,
,ii the company needed payment to
meet their obligations He was willing
to send a man to do the work, and If
il e cost was mora than the $:;00 left to
1 iy for It, the company would incur the
vpense. After some further couMder-
liou n, vote wat taken r n the motion
t.) acoept the report. Tho vi te stood
.is follows: Messrs. Miles, Baker, Kuse,
olwell, Lindsay, Late and Brandow,
ie; Mesbis. Uevine. Dockerty, Glen
nun, MolKinuugh and Smith, nay.
The motion was thus carried to retain
u0, aifd pay the JM-vIner company the
.i mount of $2,000. The cuunoil adjuurn
d to meet on Friday nlgh't.
A Smiiriso Jtirlhilny Pnrty.
A number of friends rememlipred
J'din Estabrook on his birthday. They
'-urprised him by assembling at his
imme, bringing a beautiful rocking
hair, and with it their hearty con
riatulntkins. The words of presenta
tion were spoken by Mrs. John Uibbs
m behalf of the company. A fine en-1'i-talnment
was given, and alter the
i i past, music wns the order of the even
ing. Among tho guests were Messis.
mil JUesdames William Shelly, Wlll
i nn Mahoney, .Tohn Qlbbs, AVnlter
iibbs, -JCdwln Ken worthy, Mesdames
inderson, Irvin, Annlp Qtiiek, ir'annle
jMeMullen, Caroline Succumb and
.Nicolas Biaudow.
(Mlicors of Olivo 3,cnf I.oiU'o Rlcctcd.
A meeting of Olive Leaf lodge, iTo.
"., Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
w as held on Monday evening. Oflleors
lor the qnsulng year were elected as
follows: Noble grand, E. H. Stone;
wee-giand, Isaac Singer; secretary,
Jacob Oppenhelmer; assistant secre
tary. A. O. Fldiam; treasurer, Edward
3 fall; trustee, D.A. Bocca. District Dep
uty Grand Master AVIlliam B. Stevens,
of Peekville, will install the new olll
ers on April 12, when a number of
visitors will be present.
MiiYU'nll Property Sold.
.T. P. Maxwell has sold hla property
on Salem avenue, now In possession of
Beets & Flannlgan, to Frank P. Brown.
The ground Is 23 by CO feet, and is cov
ered by a three-story frame building.
The amount given for the property was
$s,G0O, whloh Is considered as very rea
sonable. rnrewoll Banquet.
Landlord Williams, who retires from
the charge of Hotel American, enter
tained a number of invited guests at
the hotel last evening. A farewell ban
quet and an elaborate menu was en
Joyed by tho guests, who regret his
?Inndolin Club,
The fo'lowing young men have formed
a mandolin and guitar club in this city:
V. V. Eaton, Charles Rogers, L. B. Ir
vin. Fred Van Gorder, M. Tappan, Leon
Scott, R Brokenshlre. The club e?:
pect to go to Hyde" Park Fiiday even
Miss Helen Packer, who has been visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. Bines, on Oak avonue,
will return to her home today.
Oeorgo Paul ami Frank Wolcott will
Join tho army of wheelmen this season,
MIbb Kate Bealey, who has been the
giiBHt of frltmds In Moosle, has leturnod
Flunk r.0Mler, of Mitchell avenue, who
has been sufl'eilng with nn absciss on
his face for the past week, leturnod to
his woik yesterday.
Piofessur Taylors dancing class will
KTfl H F ?( C3 It'N 1
1,000 yards Ingrain Carpets marked to 18c, 23c,
25c, 29c, 35c, worth from 25c to 50c.
OIL CLOTH SALi:-?)00 yards l'loor Oil Cloths market! to lSu, 20,:,
2Rc, HOc, ilUc SuminiVarJ, worth from 20c to Stic.
MVT'J'INrt SAI.i:-2H) yards nss. rt.-d Mattin, 8jc to -2t. Just ouu
, half their value,
TIUs sale to last otic wee!: only. Tapestry Carpets at cut prices.
twiilnm Its mprtltita i uumrli Apiil tin
Apnl i a promenade u.iik ' n ill Im i Kin
wbkh vi ill eellpiK all otii.-r urfnlis t n i
given b tlm pUfr.
Mrs. William Wulllk tinrt niece. Mlm
Helen llei'se. of Jersey t'ltj-, iire the
Kii.'HtH of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Jt O. Carnle, on
Terrace strent.
It, P. Pitttefson wa In Bcrtiitlati Mon
day consulting an ooultst in regnid to
his eyes, which has troubled him for
some time.
AIIsb Teiesu Jonrs, of Terrneo stieet,
gave a thimble tea to a number of her
lrlends Monday afternoon.
W. AV. Watt, who lias had offlcg loom
in the inuslu wtoro of Kultcetsuii Ai
Thomas, on Chinch stieet, removed yes
tctday to lily's barber Hhop, nctoss tho
stu et.
Hev. J. J. Coroner, of Forest CItv, wns
a visitor at St. Iloito lectojy Monday,
Mis. August Nelson li entertaining lier
slHter, M1ss Tentile Kerstnge, ot lloues
dale. Mis. 1111c n Petllgrew Is seilously 111 at
her home on Seventh iivunuc, and hei
t'eemuiy is despnlieil of.
Mrs. (.'. J,. Doty, of Bunion, W the guest
of her piiients on (larlli'ld ftvonue.
l.oulH (Ii'Hinbs, esc)., ot Seiantou, was a
visitor in town this week.
Mis. Henry Box, or 1'ioinpton, Is visit
ing at the home oT hei son, T. ,1. Skinner,
on Tel I tee street.
l.nst evening tho Junior ChtlMInn Bn
di'iuor sooiety of tho I'lesbyterlnn
eliiiieli held an entertainment and social,
An lulei eating progtamme wns observed
liy tin' boys and gills or the society, and
William Law, of Avoea, gave a giopha
phoiuj enti-italument, which was enjoyed
by all. Afur tho eiiteitalninent ice cream
nnd cake were served.
Measles prevails tu( n grent extent
among the children in all parts of tho
town. On South Main street, especially,
there are very muny eases and neatly
every house Is placarded by tho boaid of
health. So fai theie have been no fatal
cases. A child of Del mud Columyer.
which was bin lid jesterday, sulTcieil
from the disease, but its, deuth was dl
lectly duo to cioup. There Is only one
easu of dlphtheiia lieie now, and that is
of a mild typo. The bonid of health has
acted promptly In oveiy euso to which
Its attention has been called, and have
done much to keep tho community as
healthy as It Is.
The Tribune presents today a portrait
of Anthony J. Duffy, the now Justice of
the peaeo elicted last month. Mr. Duffy
is well known to our people and is well
worthy of the gteat trust they linvo
placed in him. Bo will undoubtedly ful
fill the duties or his oilleo with etedlt to
himself and with iipial and e.uot jus
tice to all men.
John M. Buike nnd James F. Phllhin
have been solving as jurors this week.
James W. Johnson lias hi ought suit
against the boicnigh for damages in tho
amount of Si.UOJ. Jlr. Johnson fell into
a ditch while on his way to Winton a few
months ago and hurt his foot so severely
that he wus confined to his home for a
few weekB. It will bo ri in em be red that
Mr. Johnson notified the borough coun
sel a few months ago that he Intended
to hold the borough liable for his injury,
and the council at that time made an in
vestigation. It wus not favorable to Mr.
Johnson, and the suit folluws.
Horn To Dr. and Airs. John .1. Kelly,
a diuigliHT.
Mlhs Man' Nealon, of Cnrhondalo, 13
visiting f I lends lu-re.
The remains of James, the only ron of
Mr. und Mrs. William II. O'Connor, of
Dunmoie, were i lit cried bete on Monday
afternoon. The child was 3 years old and
was the pet of tlio household iu which
lie moved. The u ietud parents, who
were former lcsldcnts of this borough,
have the sympathy of their friends 111 this
sorrowful time.
The remilni of Miss Suiah Tjottus were
laid to rest In St Patrick's cemetery yus
tenluy morning. Tho funeral took plaeo
nt 'J.30 o'clock and was very largely at
tended. A ipquiem mass was celebrated
at St. Patrick's chinch. Hev. J. M. Smoul
tei oflleiattd and pleached the funeial
sermon. The pall-benreis wele: John
Bogun, BuhIi Ruddy, James AVheeler,
Thomas Loftus, Anthony Brown, of
Seranton; John Dean, of Miner's Mills.
Among the out-of-town people In attend
ance wel'e: Mis. .i!wse, .Mrs. William
Kelly, Mis. David Itellly, Mrs. Uoban,
Miss Maiy llobun, Miss Julio. Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Buddy, Mr. and Mrs.
James Buddy, Mrs. Martin Buddy, of
Siranton; John Dean, M'ss Dean, of
Miner's Mills; Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. 1'.
M outran, Mrs. Michael Scott, of Dunmore;
Mrs. I.oftuB, Miss Itoso Loftus, of Car
bondale; Miss Annie Qulnnun. ot Arth
buld; Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Flor
ence McDonald, of Binghamton.
One of the laigest houses of the frron
witnessed "A Bieczy Time" at the Fathe.
JIathew Opera House Monday. A IlMt
elus performance was given.
The remains of Verne Brtigler, who died
on Monday last, weie taktn to Montrosu
yesteiday, wheie Interment was made.
The funeral was in charge of Undertaker
D. -G.,. Jones, of this place.
J, A. Kearney and John Kearney, of
Arehbald, wore visitors In town Sunday.
A child of Edward McClay. of Blake!',
la IU with the measles.
'Mrs. D. I Berry and Miss Marlon Ber.
ry are visiting relatives at Carbondalc.
Tho ExcelMor Hoee company will bold
a meeting at their rooms this evening.
Patilck Battle, of Pittston. was a vis
itor In town yesterday.
Miss Annie Shields, of Lackawanna,
street, Is quite 111 with diphtheria.
Miss alary O'Connor Is In New York
this week purchasing Qier spring milli
nery. Pnitnois in SieKnnss nnd in lfenllli.
The most convincing evidence of the"
efllcacy of such a wonderlul remedy us
Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder Is tha
word of the man ww has been relieved
ftom the bondage of this Insidious dh
cuue. l!ev. John Bochror and wife, of
Buffalo, were both aflllcted with dis
tressing Cntatrh. One application gave
lellef Inside of ten mlluites, and they
were In a shott tlmo cuied to stay.
Carpets, D?aw!2s an I Will Papers,
41 Lacka. Ave.
v-4- t'-L
Whero 'Men Aro nt n llndvniitnge, nnd
"Only a Wmunu Can Uiidoi-ntund a Wo.
waifs lilt."
Woman's beauty, lovo and 'devotion,
rule the world. Grand, women ; strong
mentally, morally nnd pliysicftily,
whoso anibi ?-s- tlouniidtiim;'
netlo inihi' -'VN4L cnuu, "'P"3
men to deeds Jy (" w of grandeur
and heroism. m& g. J Such women
aio nll-powur j-s fill. Weakly,
l.n,.A liUln ,v.,l,!tl....
. ...t v i.iwiv; ,iiuuik,VJi
their own troubles oc
cupy their thoughts, ana'
their one object is to fet well.
They huvo no confidences in thetn
bt?les, and only too often lose faith it
their physicians. (
All irregularities, whites,'' bearinc
down pains, nervousness, headache,
backache, " blues," distaste for bocioty,
Bounds in cars, palpitution, emacia
tion, heavy eyes, " all rone"' feeling,
dread of iinpendii!;r evil, .sleeplessness,
etc., should tit onco bo removed and
vigorous health assured.
Lytli.1 E. I'inldinm's Vogotable Com
pound has for twenty years saved
women front all this. Hear this wo
man sper.U :
"1 wish (o publish what Lydia B".
1'inkhaiu's Vegctablu Coiupoinid and
Sanative Wash ha e done for me. I had
falling of tho womb and lcucorrhcuu,
and they have cured me of both. 1 am
a well woman. T .suiTored dreadfully
with such dragging pains in the lower
part of the back and extending around
the body, irritation of tho bladder,
pain when walking nnd painful mon
Btruation ; I weakened terribly. 1 had
been treated by three doctors without
ranch help, and it only took iivo
bottles of your Compound and three
packages of Sanative Wash to euro mo.
I can recommend them to all -women
buffering ith complaints like llieso. ''
Mits. Vanwii'a, 3SJ7 X. Iiroad St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
i:. M. Kelluin. of l.ake Ariel, Is vlHltlnjr
at tlm home of his sister. Mis. Ilerbeit
Policy, on Thiul stieet.
A child of Air. and Mrs. f'toailes H. IJa
vls Is snlferlnsr with measles, as also is
a child ol Jlr. aud Mis, Andiew Whlt
lork, Dr. S. T. Davis and Clarence Blal.elee
iplayed' compuss whist with the Si'iuntoii
Whist club, ot Seranton, lust evening.
Herbert K. Policy has rented a house of
Ml. Kimble, on Bacon stieet.
Mrs. Koote, of Arehbald, and Mrs. Pat
rick I.ynott, ijf Seranton, weie callers
In tow n j esterdny.
After a lingering lilnes of 8 weeks.
Myrtle, the oungrest child of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob .1. Hlller, died early yester
day morning. 8he was taken sick with
measles, which developed Into inflamma
tion of the funics. Funeral will take place
Thursday urternoon.. Services at 2
o'clock ut the Ilaptlst clTUndj. Interment
In Jermyn cemetery. " -,
Bert GenTlall spent Monday of "Bald
Mr. and Mis.. Herbert Bmllh were
Seranton vlsltois yesteiduy.
Bii'lmid Benin, of Bendham, has rent
ed n house on Cemetery street und
moved his household (foods yesteiduy.
A team attached to the butcher wutton
of Walter Piyor inn awuy ycterduy
mornlnir in Cm hondale. The driver, 8um
uul I'ryor, hud roiih Into Thomas Klun-
nery's store when the horses became
frightened and run down Hampton
stieet. Before koIiii? far one of the bn-ust
stiaps bioke, and the pole falllim'to the
ground, lias hiokcn A portion of l!
causht In the earth In sui h a mnnmr
as to stop the team, but Air. Prjor wus
compelled to boi'iow a wugou to drlvo
The Moyer Oun and Hod club will hold
a special meeting on Satin day evenliiK
to compete airansements for the sell -Hon
of a sllvei cup to be shot tor lv
members of the club. Iu It aie some kooiI
shots as well as poor ones, and In i oinpc t
1ns for the i up It Is Intended that alt
shall have an ecpial chance, us the j -t
mniksmen will be, handicapped. T,ie nup
Is to be won three times befuie becoming
the property of the winner.
Undoubtedly theiiounduiy line qucstlon
will now shortly be settled, as court ha
appointed, on morion of Attorney I, H.
Bums, A. B. Dunning, Jr , E. J. Nortliup
end C. A. BattenbeiK a commbsion to
establish a dllslon line between Jeiimu
und MuyiUld boioughs.
John .M. 1'all, of Seott, on Monday wis
sued by Miss Addle At. Hopfor, thioiujli
her next friend Kdward Phillip- for -cml
months' wepps which ' ilnims'is
due her. The cae was heard ln'o'e
'Suuire Helmes Altoinev II W AIulliol
land appealed for Ball. H. D. Cany ap
peared for Mia Hopfor. On account f
Airs. Ball boimr sick the case was post
poned until this evening.
Alary, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Will
lam P. Sullivan, is ill at her home, on the
Bast Bide, with diphtheria.
James Fidlnm, of Green nidge, a for
mer resident of this place, siient Sunday
the fjuest of Michael Kobeitu, on Sicoid
street. Af r. Fidlnm oec upled the pulpit of
the Primitive .MethodWt church, at both
Tomorrow evening a delegation from
the Carbondalo lodge, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, will come to this town to
meet their brethren, and will asBist in
the conferlng of several degrees.
The St. James' church are making rnnnv
preparations for their Raster muMc. To
their choir they have added the follow
ing: Thomas Donthwuite, trombone;
John Hogarths and Fred Orswell, coiium;
Alias Bdtth Davis and Kheneaci lleunle,
violins; Joseph Tennis, clarionet.
A Bl'Rliil ouorctta, entitled "Inlla," will
ho given under tho itiiHk-es of ilio Juvn
njle olinlr of tlit rulvai-y Xiaptlst oliuroli
on Thursday u,nd Friday t'Vinlne, April
15 and IU. uii'liT : Im (Jlnirtioii ur I'rofi'ii
itor John It. KruiifiR. with n smnd cliorux
of ilfty vole-en. This riric!U proinlxi'B
to oelliige unytlilm? -vnr held in this town.
Tim cast of haiactcrg 1h im follnWM:
I.alla. MIhs IMiih W. Walklnn: mountain
children, Rerti-uile WutklnH. Katln Wlu
teis, licitliu Jlos.'. I.lnsle Pavla Uavls.
l.uey Wlntor. fah nufen, A11h Olwi n
Howulla; beRRar ehllilivn. I.IkxIii Owint,
i.llliau lli-rfu-, Mull.' Martin, Maiiilc
llavurd. Dbn'i full to w1iopm tin buuu
UfuJ niuich, whli li In umli-r-ihe paiv ol
Joiin Ji Thnmas. I'IkiiIhI. Minn Nflliii
Taylor, nwaiilxt, Mihft Ann'.i' lloiu'. Doors
nvm at 7 o' luclt. IMioimaiu'p com
inin'CH at oVlok AdmlsHlon, adultH.
I'. ( nls t li Mi. n in nnt"
f ! I .11
ut I
- I
1 It.
1 1'
Hi J l ( l I
f r
i i
which Hie deceased wns a member, at
tended In o bndv. The rtinernl seiiees
were conducted bv Bev. J. At, Lloyd. In.
iirminl wus mnde ut the Finest Home
i enn ti ry.
Mrs. James Alule, of Hyde Prttlf, 'visit
ed this place yesterday.
The members of the Taylor Turn Ve
r in club, under the direction or Bdwuiil
l.uittliold, nre mnklng mpld progress In
their work for the coming exhibition to
lie held on Friday evening, April 2, with
tho assistance of the Scmntnn Turn Ve
icln. Sixteen young ludlep of this town
nnd Seranton will take prominent parts.
Tho employes of the Arehbald collleiy
will be paid tomorrow for th? month ot
Bast Monday evening Ihnblem division,
No. C7, Sons of Temperance, held their
regular election of officers, and tho fol
lowing olncern weie elected: Win thy
patilaich, Huyaid Urllllths; worthy asso
ciate, Sniali Samuels; recording secre
tin y, Alaitha Lewis, financial secretin y,
llvnii 15 Wntklns; tieiisuier. lsnnc Du
vls, cliHpluln. li'iuuk Deckel; eouductor,
Thomas Wclbuiu; iisslstunt conductor,
lfav JlnigHtis; liisd! sentinel, IteMord
Caldwell; outside sentinel, Alorgnn J.
Jones; past wnitbv puliluicli, DuVlil It.
Davis. S. V. P. W.. John Welbuin; 11. S
Jessie Morgans.
.Miss Alutiliu Thoinns, of HyilO I'.ul.',
vlsltnl fi lends in tills plate on atiuiluy.
Onlden Chain lodge, No. 'ill, Independ
ent order or Odd Fellows, hae pill chased
u safe
Johnson's breaker pi opal id 71". cms of
coal last Thin sduv, which is the laigest
output foi one du ut the colliery.
We huvo a bouid of health In this town
und the condition ot the ditches in fiont
of "nine pinpcrtlcs Is n. disgrace to uuy
civilized community. Tho stench Is feai
rill. We should llki- to know ir theie is
no remedy for this?
A lot of mo lugs will take place on
Apill 1.
Burgess Weiss was a visitor in Scran
Ion Aionday.
William Smith, of Main stieet, is still
Frank Trudhowhkle, hi other to William
Tiudnowskie, or the Chicago. Milwaukee
and St. Paul hotel, has opened a bather
shop In the ding store leciently vacated
by Patilck Ltiugan.
Chailes Ste'n, of Alain stieet, has dis
posed or his piopelty to Thoinns ltvris.
und he will make his future homu In
The sidewalks In this town are without
an cKccpttnn of anv town in the country,
the most disgraceful to be found.
The attention of the nuthoiltles of this
boiougli Is called to the ntioct leading
fiom the slinft on main street to Lincoln
stuet. Theie is un old sand pit about
twenty feet deep, with no protection. It
may be on pihute propel ty or borough
W. J. Oliver Is very sick at his homu on
Lincoln stieet.
Airs. ("Irnce C.eoige has icturned from a
a phasunt visit with friends at Wllkes
Bane. AIis. Maitln Bold, who has been serious
ly HI, is convalescing.
Tax Collector William G. I.etson has
tiled his bond, with Lester Stone und Dr.
N. C. Alackey as sureties.
Alls. N. C. Alaikty and son, Boger, aie
visiting relatives at Troy, Bradfoid
William D. Siiencer has sold the Paik
Covey piopelty to Alis. lAlathllda Austin,
of Ifcnton.
Bev. and Airs. A. Bergen Browe have
Issued Invitations to their numerous
triends to attend the murrtuge of their
daughter. May, to Geoige B. Stone, at
the Baptist ehuich, April 7, at S p. m.
A ciulet but very uietty wedding was
held last Wednesday night ut the home
of Air. and Alls. Ahln Deckel, when their
daughter, Carrie, was Joined In the holy
bonds of matrimon to Fled Snyder, ol
Jermyn. Bev. F. H I'uison, ol the
Alethodlst Episcopal church, performed
the ceremonv After a sumptuous wed
ding supper tho happy couple took the
evening train for a wedding tour through
tho States. Only the Immediate relatives
of the family v, eie present.
Shaving, hair cutling and shampooing
at Alaitin Bold's barber shoo.
The following fiom the Townnda Be
vlew Is about a gentleman wclt-kitowm
heie: "Negotiations were cumpleted yes
terday wheieby 10. F. Klzet, manugei of
the Towanda water company, becomes
the owrer of tieuige A. Dayton's lino
lesideiue propcily on York avenue Ine
piieu named is JU.uiW. All. Kier expe t,
to mak some lecmlrs and will occupy
the house about .May 1. The hoiibc w is
built about twelve years ago by the lale
James H. llawts and is purtliului'ly wi'U
coiislriu led The oilglnal cost of ho'is..
and giounds wa fJlotW. All Klzei ut
jili"-enl lives at Musontown and ep"i I
to It ie thai hoiiM fill lilhlu-'l foi list dui
linj u pniilim of the MiinuiLi."
Is matlo a nccc?
Git' Uv tho im-
)iirc condition of tlio blood after win
ter's hearty foods, ami breathing viti-
atod dr iu homo, oilleo, schoolroom
I or Bliop. "Wlicn weak, tliin or impure,
i the blood cannot nourish tho hotly ns
I it should. Tlio tlcintmd for cloansinr
and invigorating is grandly met by
1 Hood's Sar.sapsu'illti, which gives tlio
1 blood jiiflttluMjunlityand vitality need
ed to maintain health, paopcrly" digect
food, build up and steady the nerves
and overcome Unit tired feeling. It is
the ideal Spung Medicine. Cut only
Tho Ono True
Blood I'lirliler.
Prepared by C. I. Hood fc Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills e'SMi
iit-t fiiaily, pruniptly and
!0 cents.
We have lots of followers, but
our Htildes are too lunar, our pact
too fast and they fall farther and
faither behind.
Ours Is tliw only llrst-elasB mer
chant tttllorhiK establishment In
Hei unton 'malting garments at pop
ular prices.
Our Specialties Are
Suits at $ I S, S 18 and $20
Vc have secured a piece of the
Identical Bonds fiom which F1U3SI
JMCNT M KINLKV'S Inatiguiatlon
suit wus inadu. We are nuw lcady
to inaKf suits fiom tlu-hu goods. It
Is a beaut'ful tabrlc. the most per
' feet pioduetlun uf an Aineilcan
Acrcliant Tailor,
213 Wyoming Ave., ftftuSs
IH ikdfi
ssztsp- jy
4k 1 3 LaclsiasrarLrLa
The Leading, Largest,
A most cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Seranton and vicinity
where the expectation of your patronage rests on havlnsr the goods best wortl
your buying at the fairest of fair prices.
ur ynflimiM lai tiepai tmenii
AI5 the leading and most popular styles and shapes are shown for this sea
son. Fancy Braid Hats, Chips, Hilans, Leghorns, Panamas, Two-Tone Com
binations, &c &c. An unlimited assortment for Ladies, Misses and Children.
Prices about half what the other stores ask.
na" na ni" n n
413 Lacka wa n na Avenue41 3
SPECIAL NOTlCE"We have issued no cards for our Opening. Our an
nouncement is made only through the papers.
PhilaMiliia ManufzclurBis ol
I2i Lnckiuvnniiii Ave.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits,
Skirls, Coats, Gapes, Etc,
Oui iiii-tlind of dnlni; tlii still and rap
liu.iiii'NN Is dllli'ii'iit fioin othei lioiiM'rt. i'
iiiiuuiliuUiio llu I't'hiAt kooiIs In oui own
wink mums, 'l bus Ihiiii 1 in pot !.: k and
nititiiilm liitviM tlio lilirlnwt c-hiMM ol kixkK I'm
spot itish below tin' mailed pi Ici'M and Imj
inn itiMiimi'iH luttii jiuiiili for uih itiniun
lit. in am oilier Itou-e in Seiantou. Till.
Kienl npiMilii!; sale In Hie IktIiiiiIiu "I thin
Mining m wtinileilul ln.irii't inoxeniuni, in
Lnrtlcs' Sttil.s, SklrtK, Wiifsis and
Ilio.iilelnth HultN, eipeelnllv e'leetho Ron
.1 u kets, with Itoloro, four dlltei- (C Ot?
ent slindesi, worth tSK.rtu ipfrVv
M.WIuli I'ren-h Hioiidelnth hnlts, tl front
jie kets, bill; lined throiiKlmiil, Inn Ihi i.ed
hkltts, ea'iulirle lined, rcKiilurvil), CE QR
Klainlne, CniKli, I'loth Cuiimih eue Mutts,
In ml Hie new Nliadt'-'; hiinilsoinel. bruitleil
1 id An and llniiiileiilini itvlii, (CfX nQ
Sl-isiilf. . pV.VO
.Moire Antlquu Hllk HicntN, latest cut.
litiiiilsuuu'l.v llnlHhtd. liiiiiilHJII (5A fQ
miIiivh tpu.yo
lIineadedlMitlii and MtU Miirlx, elek'unl new
lutteriiH, fan liek, well lined. K .1 flO
(jood 81) Miltits .. ,. SW.VO
( haniretilile Tallota silk shlit Walntu, ul'-o
ImuiHioue iixKoi tliienl of iane Hllli 'uuirts
in 1 Ink mul sliudes too iHiintu.iiN to men
tion. 81.08, S2.9S, S8.0S' S4.9S
'o wWh to mil imrtli'iilHi' atttntlnn loonr
fine line of lllexele Kklrtt) and StiltN al tlu
er low t-.t prit i's
No Cliorss for Alt J rations.
Hiijs a '07 lllcjcle, fully t;uarsntU,
choice of the tire, and tlirSf colors, 'Dili
lc un offer uuuj fur AUrch only.
The "rtelent"
With the rltch lino cliain M the greatest
inidr, and Its hill cllmblntral)lltl:M iiKc
It a primo (aurli, Hitfltty Vfcar Is tlio
fttundard (ur Orient!,.
Examine Our
l.ln: of I'lshinx Tnclils and 'parting
Or2q. Sprue St.
"" "" ...,,. ., t
kstr 7'y & P XjsisJl
brightest, Best,
Harch 30th and 31st
Constant eoiinminieation with our foreign olllte, Hue de Petite Ecurlea
17, PuiK kuepH us in touch with the latest French Millinery Fashions. W
are confident that no othei slock in this city can continue in beauty, stvlo and
variety with tho exhibition wo are making The woik or our own corps of
expel t tiinniieis is Hide by side with models iVoin the following celebiated
Fteiich Miilinets. heitz-Boyer, Linn l-aulkuur, Hailame Josse, Virot
and others.
This is tin Otealest RI BI'.ON STORE in this city. We earn' a greater
(dock and larger assortment than all the other htotes'in this city combined, at
iilmoit hull other stoics' ptiees.
Flnweis and Flowers nnd Fioweis. So many Flowers that we don't know
liov to lie" in them. Rich Velvet Ro-,es, all shades. Exquisite Pnnsles, h'or-get-Me-Nols,
Jjillles-ol'-the-Valley, Poppies, Geianitims, Jitittercupd, daisies
and Wild Blossoms and a vetilable gulden of FOLIAGF. The prices are low
enough to aMonNh von.
gM Wsmi 1 A S g 1 352 m
vouciu save nxnv by njyi?n
Lmlics' and Children's Vcnr.
Seal iint.1 L'lush Sacqucs,
Carpels siiiil Pcathci'IicU
L FOSNER, 21 Laekawanni Avi
Tfop Sir p m
Ami although i:'s liar.1 v.'Drl; to itiop up i:h the rush of business, the
putclinsir of the stock ofS (!. Kirr, Sou Co., ius'tts on (jetting the uoods
tlisposetl of fonlnvi'.h. To facilitate this, we v,-ill make a special drive iu
Curtains and Draperies
the first half of this wesk. You know that this firm nevsr carrieJ tiash,
thcrci'jrc, althotigli prices an low, qualities arc as Iiitjli as eer.
Nottingham Lace Curtains,
At 'M!vj, were (I ).
At 7Se. wcroirl 25.
At itil.'iS, were &1.73.
At $'2.0f, woro
At !.5.), wero .O.uJ.
Tapestry Curtains,
S2.2S to $t),00 a pair. A good deal
less than it cost to nmliu them.
jc n oumiiu taa
408 Uctaina Ava.,
COST OF TRIP: fioin Kow
Inclndl'iz AH Necewary r.vienses.
i'rne iliiir tlii' I'litfUwli Cliuiini'' In li t mIhm
1..1.1....... '11 Iu ...... . . i . . ....
,, mi ..i1. in i .-,, 1 1 .in .., , iiivi (,'11 tt iiiuur., -,, i, j inn, I I inn, litlltf,,
rn-iiitly Imlll t j tl.ut i inig t, wli cli iiiiim i thf Km-iiifIoii In i t a m m -mii.iii.
uuipton, (h-imilleiil luo-liuith iiiuiim iviurNvil fui nulj ill. i.omu.i-
UQtITE; Kew VoxU, SuiithniiMttoti,
ii-iaii.r, imiuii, iu 1 lirii.
To will frum Nuw mk l t tit nun trim LIiumu'W tln-Ni'iuv kIwuhl-i ",!'. ll i
WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1897.
With m Annex Trip to th- Rhine and Switzerland nt Sunt u S-coniI Annex Trip tliroiiL'h IN
aly at uo, London tn btrat(orJ.nii.Aun una Iiuca ti ilaj, $S;
b:dUnJ (3 Jajsi, i;6
(Jjitlmml Hnllnml Trlii, 810 1'Stru; l'.rllniTmir IiicIikIIiiu hIioi t til"i In I'nitluiHl, UiUjil
uluiiKltie Uliliif. iiiiUt(liin lliiiumli llin murk rmvcl, 1'iirU ami lluls. ,
H(iuIukih') $15 i'tiu, in i'iir tout ur tiuiminirtinK hli ji'lo
I ill' III I III It l'HIH I I.UI- UHUti s
.! A. Jfi. A.
Straw raife, k
35 W3
Irish Point Lace Curtains,
Pretty nearly half jiriconud r.tiiginpr
from $1.75 to SI 0.50 a pair. All
otlior makes and Sash Curtains tiro in
cluded in this special Kilo,
Guanine, Tapsstry and Yelour
Table Covers
JJegln ut 5!)c and follow tht half-
price idea clear through tlu stork,
Opp. Gnlransa Wyoming Hass.
York to Now York, only $260 !
Tlc'tet', to Rsttini (louj fur'onc car.
xerxliHt, ln iot'i uml imi ml. So iil;hi trnreil
I. 1 , I.... w- ... I 1
l.otitloti, l)im;r, Ostuiul. Urii-sfls, I'nruJ