The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1897, Image 5

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120 Wyoming Ave.
308 I'cnn Avenue. A. t. WAUMAN.
New Designs and Color
iugs in
Wall Paper
Now on show at very
Contrnetor Frank Shifter Is
date for street commissioner.
The hoard of health will meet In regu
lar session tomorrow afternoon.
The Insurance committee of the hoard
of control will meet tomorrow night.
Fifteen new cases of measles, two of
diphtheria and one of croup were repott
ed yesterday to the board of health.
His. Anna. O'Neill, deceased, leTt 5100
to St. Joseph's Foundling Home, which
has been duly paid by her daughter, Mis.
T J. Kelley.
Mcgargeo ISros., the Washington ave
nue paper dealers are distributing hand
some blotters which were pt lilted In The
Tribune's job department.
chief Hlckey, of the lire department,
who has been ill with the grip, was con
valescing yesterday but ho will lie unable
to attend to his department work for sev
eral days.
Henri?.' X. Schmidt, who was eommlt
1 1-1 two days ago for obtaining goods un
der faNo pretences from Henry Sadow,
of Haymond court, was released from tho
county jail on ball yesterday.
.John liochc and Martin Kennlsky were
discharged from the county Jail yester
day, where they had served six month?
apiece, the former for robbery and the
latter for larceny and receiving.
Harriet l'rieo yesterday made applica
tion for divorce from her husband, Wlll
ljm l'rlce, to whom she was marrl'-d LM, 1MW, and whom she was com
pelled to leave four months later on ac
count of alleged cruel treatment.
Damages In the sum of ?ri,000 are de
manded of the borough of Archbald by
Jiuiies . Johnson, a colored man, who.
on Hie night of Jan. 21, lSUT, fell into an
unpiotccted trench on Klver street and
(pialned his ankle, ills attorneys tire
Horace K. Hand and K. W. Thayer.
There Is to be a special meeting of the
Si ranton Kndeavor union Thursday even
ing. Apill 1.1, at the Voting ..Men's Chi Li
lian association rooms. Special business
of importance will come before the meet
ing and the president, Hov. (leorge K.
(lulld, urgently requests full attendance
of Kndeavorers.
A dirty looking aggregation of ten
tramps with a varied assortment or alias
es and alleged occupations were arraigned
befote Mayor Halley yesterday morning.
They were discharged with the admoni
tion to get outside the city limits within
one hour. The mayor threatened them
with Impiisonment In Jail If they were
Marriage licensee were yesterday grant
ed James 1!, liolton, of Wllkes-ltane, and
Ada M. Vernooy, of Seranton; Hev. 1-d-ward
Jenkins, of Wllkes-liarre, and Anna
W. Iteese, of .lermyn; Kugene J.eventluil
and Mary L. Holllns, of Scriintonj Joseph
Fletcher, of Wlnton, and Lizzie Winters,
of Taylor; David S. Willlunis and (lei
trude M. Young, of Scrunton; Otto dans
and iMrs. Anna Cans, of Seranton.
James Uryden, aged 12 years, was
charged yesterday afternoon before Al
derman Howe with malicious mischief
preferred by William itemclly, agent lot
houses located on Harrison avenue. Hem
elly averred tlia a crowd of boys had en
tered the house which is unoccupied and
maliciously disllgined the woodwork an, I
tluew some tools Into the furnace. Tho
evidence was not sutiiclent to hold Jiry
den and ho was discharged.
liaih brunch of councils will meet to
morrow night and tho two meetings
should dispone of neaily all tho old busi
ness which must be acted upon befoie
Hominy's re-orgaulzallons. At 7 o'cloi k
tho estimates committee of tho select
branch will meet to consider the 1S!i7 ap
propriation ordinance. Several oniend
nu'iits are In prospect but they are not
of a crlteul nature and may not be con
sidered In committee. The ordinance is
unite, certain to pass two readings and
then only one more session will bo re
quired to llnally dispose of the measure.
Although tho recent new tax assess
ment Increased tho Thirteenth ward val
uations about $200,000, there were compar
atively Tew appeals made before the
board of tax revision at the olty hall yea
t, rday. Thirteenth warders must be sut
Islled with tho assessment or Indifferent
to tho Increase for they made less com
plaint than has been the case in wards
where tho present assessment shows a
valuation oven less than formerly. Today
will bo Fourteenth wurd uppeal day. Ap
peals will bo heard tomorrow from the
Fifteenth ward and on Friday from tho
Nineteenth ward.
Maggie Mongomcry, an old police of
fender, resplendent In a now dress, hat,
g Long; in Wear
A Long In Length,
A Miglj In Quality,
0 Perfect In Pit,
Successor to Christian, the Hatter,
At 305 i.uckuwunnu Ae.
shoe? nml othfr garments, Is again In the
tolls after what ha been, Tor her, quite
a lotiK period of good behavior. Hereto
fore the woman's uttlrc hud heen eotisple
uouh for Its scantiness and dlrtlncf
r.ither thun for IIh completeness utut gen
erjl oxeetlenee of condition. She loomed
up ut the corner of WyomltiK tt ml l.ueU
uwunmi avenues yesterday afternoon
with n wobbling head and a salt that Ve
tuilicd a sidewalk of unusual width to
uecommoilnto het. That she was conscious
of her Btato and familiar with the rem
edy wan shown In her requesting Patrol
man Walsh to airest her. The olllcer te
ppmulcd with alacrity. She will be Riven
a heating this morning.
.Hut luist Night In th(! Ollieu ol'Wiido
jl. Finn.
The IlpptibllcaiiB ot select council
cuiKiissed lust night In the ulllco of Se
lectman Wutle M. Finn In the Will
lams building. Absolute set'toey was
maintained ns to the details of the pro
ceedings, but the object wus to can
vass the prevailing sentiment of the
inetnlieis lieluie going Into Joint caucus
with their Hepubllcnn brethren of the
lower branch before Monday's reor
ganization. The cunclldacles of City
Solicitor Torrey tiiul City I'lill
lips were discussed and the nppropiia
tlon iiidlnance, which Is now In com
mittee, cnine up for some considera
tion. Some slight amendments to the
ordinance were suggested and tnny be
presented at tomorrow night's councll
mntilc session.
The Democrats of common council
were to have cauctissed last night but
the meeting was postponed on account
of the Injury tti Councilman Noone,
who Is In the Mo.-;cs Taylor hospital.
Mr. Noone'.s Inability to attend was
not directly ascribed ns the cause of
the postponement but that was the rea
son, however, and the fact Is an evi
dence of the power wielded by the mem
ber liorii the Eighteenth hi the Demo
cratic camp.
Yesterday did not witness a positive
agreement on a time lor holding the
caucus but It will take place Friday
or Satuidoy night.
All manner of speculation ban been
rife concerning the probable candidate
for the presidency but there has been
no need for any Uncertainty, Patl lei:
J. Nealls, of the Fourteenth ward, will
be the man and Hie only candidate,
unless the present effbrln to swing the
malcontents Into line, and to parcel out
committee promises go wide of the
mark. Mr. Nealls was president In
IM'I. Ho Is the choice of the Demo
cratic majority, or, rather, of the ma
jority of the Democrats now, but Mr.
Ciricr, the present chairman, mid Mr.
Xoone want to know a thing or two
before they endcrsc the cx-prosldcnt.
No one, not even the. common coun
cilnien and candidates themselves are
certain of the teal status of the canvass
for clerk.
About 7,000 Persons Attended the.
Ilconoinv I'm iiitiiri! Co's Opening.
The promennde concert opening of
the Keonnmy Furniture company yes
teidny afternoon from " until i" o'clock
at their Immense Wyoming avenue
store, was attended by about 0,000 per
sons. From I! o'clock until the time of
closing they passed in through the
main entrance at the rate of thirty
tin ee per minute.
The stoic was handsomely decorated
with palms and potted plants, which,
together with the beautiful display of
furniture, clothing, household utensils,
etc.. presented a very pleasing appear
ance. Bauer's orchestra was located
on the second lloor at' the head of the
large winding stair case, and the music
could be heard throughout the entire
building. As each visitor left the
building he or she was pre
sented with n beautiful panel picture
and a numbered coupon, the latter giv
ing the bearer a chance on one of llfty
useful prizes Of furniture, household
utensils, etc. The winners will be an
nounced later.
A few words as regards the depart
ments of this magnificent store, In
which everything necessary to furnish
a house, Including a line men and boys'
clothing department, can be found, will
not be amiss here. The (list lloor,
main room, is entirely devoted to the
display of line furniture. Jn the rear a
new addition has recently been made
to this already large building, In which
is found the clothing department. A
line display of spring goods is help
visible. The downstairs department
the proprietors call "Koelterdom, "where
the most complete display of locking
chairs In the city Is on exhibition. In
the rear ot this department, In the new
addition, is the kitchen utensil depart
ment, with a complete line of ranges,
tinware, etc.
The second lloor Is a bower of beau
ty; here we And a handsome display of
draperies, parlor furniture and carpets.
While the throng was passing through
this department nothing but expres
sions of admiration could be heard.
The enterprising proprietors of the
Kconomy Furniture store have cause to
feel proud of yesterday's opening. That
many of the visitors will call again
when shopping cannot be doubted.
New Schedule (ioos Into lIH'ect 011
April 1 Next.
Tho Seranton nnd "Water com-'
pany and the Hyde Park Ous and Wat
er company announce that on and after
April 1 the price of gas will be $1.25
per thousand cubic feet.
This price will also be subject to the
following discounts: Five per cent,
upon all bills where the consumption
for the month amounts to less than
$25; ten per cent, upon ull hills where
the consumption amounts to $23 and
upwards, provided the bill Is paid on or
before the 20th of the month on which
the bill is presented.
Spiiug jlillinmv Opening.
ot artistic hats nnd bonnets Thursday,
Friday, April 1st .,l 2nd. M. A,
Ftiedlander fc Co., f,0S Spruce street,
opposite Court House,
Opening Day ut .Mcl.iuie-i.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at
her new location, 200 Adams ave., op
posite Court House Square.
Or. Keller WilUlemove.
On April 1 13r. Keller will remove to
433 Wyoming avenue.
Tuberose Itulhs,
23 cents dozen. Tilllnghast's Seed
Store, Arcade, Seranton.
ltttinuvnl oi'Olllcc.
Dr. S. P, I.ongstreet will on April 1
remove his oillce and residence from
200 to 400 Wyoming avenue,
Opening dnya ut Haxe's Millinery, HO
N. Main five,, Thursday and Friday,
April 1 nnd 2.
l'abst'H Milwaukee Bock Heer, ut
Lolimann'B, Spruce street.
She Relates It With a Dramatic litfeel
That Was Highly Interesting.
Cave in Detail tho Kvonts Preceding
Hor liicitrccriilioo in tho Danville
Insane Aiiini--.Miinncr in Which
mi Kntrnnco Wus Pureed Into Ilor
Koom--llcr Itomovul to Danville.
Some Spirited Statements on Cross
The great Interest the case of Miss
Anna Dickinson ugnlnsl those who
caused hei lncarcerillon In Danville In
sane asylum has aroused was shown by
the large attendance at the morning
and afternoon sessions, of the court
yesterday. In the moinltig the Super
ior court room was ciowded and In the
afternoon when the trial was trans
feiretl to the laiger. main court room
eery seat was taken. At both ses
sions u large number of those present
weie women and as may be supposed
Miss Anna Dickinson was to them the
one great attraction in the court room.
She was the magnet that attracted
their eyes.
The entire morning was tnken up
with Iter examination In chief and from
2 until I o'clock In the afternoon she
was subjected to a rigid eross-exniulna-
tion by Attorney A. A. Vosburg. Miss
Dickinson, as on the former trinl, pray
ed herself n remarkable witness and
at times it required all of Mr. Vosburg's
coolness and self-possession to success
fully cone with the keen .direwd wo
man from whom he was endeavoring to
wring admissions of a more or
less damaging nature. Miss lJIck-ins-on
was at times impassion
ed and dramatic but she nev
er for an Instant lost her tem
per or her ability to use the Fngllsh
lnngunge with a conciseness and exact
ness that won the admiration of all
who hear her. Carelessness In the
choice uf words to express the exact
meaning intended is evidently with her
an abomination. She gave numerous
evidences of this yesterday by asking
the attorneys to say Just what they
meant when some hastily formed sen
tence with loose-fitting words were
hurled at her.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
plaintiff rested, Miss Dickinson being
the only witness called. Attorney C.
W. Dawson opened for the defense and
said they proposed to prove that Miss
Dickinson was not misused when taken
to the Danville Insane asylum but on
the contrary was tieated with every
kindness and consideration, They
Conducted the ('ross-IlMimln.itlon of Mies
would also show, he said, that Miss
Plcklnnon was lnnaue when Hhe wus
taken to the asylum and that her in
carceration was necessary.
After the opening of the morning ses
sion Mr. Vosbnig began by adding the
further objection to the cvldence.Kought
to be elicited the day before, that as
there was no evidence yet of any In
jury, It was Improper to olfer evidence
of the results of an Injury. Conn
ruled that that matter rested entirely
at the court's discretion. Mr. Hodge
tried to have Miss Dickinson state In
full her earnings from 1S73 to 1SSC but
court xuHtulned -Mr. Vosburg's objection
that the petlod was too remote to be
The matter of Miss Dickinson's em
ployment by the Itepubllcun campaign
committee In IShS wus then tnken up.
In answer to Mr. Hodge's question sh
paid the contract with the committee
was an oral one. It was made with
Mr. Clarkson, vice-chairman of tho
connuinlttee, Mr. Dibble und others.
The contract was for thirty speeches
at the rate of $12". a night with nil
expenses for herself and attendant,
which amounted altogether to Jl.TSO.
In case of Harrison's election .she wiih
to receive a bonus of $l,2i"Ci. It was
further ugreed that she was to be per
mitted to speak In the- Metropolitan
Opera house, New York, and she was
assured of protection agnlur.t unjust
treatment at the hands of tho Now
York Tribune,
, In uccoiduuce with this contract she
spoke ten nlghls In Inttlann, throe
nights In Mlchlgnn, and three nights In
New York. For this she ' wns paid
something less than $1,000. She after
wards claimed the $1,250 bonus, but
the cominlttee would not allow It. She
Instituted suit to recover, and this suit
v. tin pending In 1S!)I, the lime of the
affair which occasioned the present
She afterwatds had Interviews with
editors of various leading newspapers
and was engaged by tho New York
World to do regular work lit her own
price. Dr. Hopewell, of the New York
Herald, also hid for her services. Mr.
Chase, mnnager of the Hooth and Har
rett conipany, had several conversa
tions with her regarding the purchase
of "Aurslla," which she had wtltten for
John MeCtlllough. The proposition
was to go to California nnd Australia
and produce the piece and to play In
It herself. She also had offers to write
syndicate articles for Mr. Uok, for the
Ladles' Hume Journal, for Outing, the
Cosmopolitan magazine and various
iithei publications. These offers were
held In abeyance during 1SSS and 1.SS9
and IS'iO.
In answer to the question as to
whether she had received offers from
political parties other than the Hepubll
cnn. she answered: "If the Women's
Christian Teinperance union and Its
adjunct Is it species of senil-polltlcal
putty, yen."
On Feb. 25, 18'JI, the day of her arrest
by the defendants, there were negotia
tions pending between her and Colonel
Cockcrlll, of the New Yoilc World, for
newspaper writing: with -Mr. Slelghton
for lectures under the auspices of the
Chicago Lyceum bureau, and the other
newspaper and stage engagements
enumerated before.
At this juncture Miss Dickinson, In
answer to questions by Mr. Hodge,
branched off Into a description of the
occurrences of Feb. 2.", 1SH1. At that
time the occupants of the Dickinson
home In West I'lttston were herself,
Susan 15. Dickinson and a house maid
named Martha Orliilths. She was In
her own room on the corner of the sec
ond lloor. A great mass of papers, let
teis, newspaper clippings and the like,
some of winch had been accumulating
for twenty-live years, were scattered
about the room, and she was engaged
In nssortlng them, selecting such as
she intended to carry witli her, and
packing the rest away in boxes.
After describing In minute detail the
size and arrangements of the room,
Miss Dickinson went on to say that on
the morning in question she arose early,
took a hath, and for ease and comfort
in the work she was engaged in, she
donned only her underclothing, a suit
able wrapper and slippers. She worked
In the room on the papers all through
the moinlng and until 1 o'clock.
In the neighborhood of 1 o'clock there
was a slight tap on the door. She
askei1, "Who Is there?" A voice said,
"It A 1, Dr. John Hellman; can I see
you?" "No," she answered, "I can not
see you; I am engaged." Thete was
then some murmuring of voices, indi
cating for the first time to Miss Dick
inson that there were more than one
poison outside. Without any warning,
a body of men put their aims or shoul
ders to the door and burst it In. She
started to her feet in an instant and
cried: "Infamous: who Is responsible
for this outrage?" George Thompson
Continued on Page 0.)
All our best brands & per cent,
less thun regular juices.
Fancy sweet fruit, 2je. and 3,,e.
per dozen; Valencia orange, -I tor
2.",c. i fancy Florida strawberries,
25c. to 2.V, box.
lii-st fruit house hi the olty.
K. (1. I'OI'RSK.V,
4Z) l.aolui wanna Avenue.
Ktcuiti Heating mid I'liiiubiui;,
V. P. & M. T. Ilowley, 231 Wyoming ave.
250 XX White Envelopes for 17c. at 2e.
Store, &23 I.ack'a. ave.
Tailor made fall suits and overcoats,
latest styles, John Itoss, 207 Spruce
In Millinery of every hort we tiil.e the int
tutlve, KMeiiKlvu buying Klveri us pouer and
direct dealing with the leading nuimil'ae
tillers Insures to our trade the latest pioilue
tioiis, the htoio Is lull of lla(K and lioiinets
In the latest Paris and Loudon xtyles; luinc,
dressy carriage bats; plain, neat and stylish
turbiiiiH fur street unit everyday wear; 1'uyln
model llounets In hnthilrcxKniid plain etl'ecls,
ityllsb Uerbys lor ladles who ride fliu wheel,
The display is an education ami an luspliu
Hon, whether you cure to bay or not.
P m
Peculiar Story That Hccnm: Current on
the West Side.
.Man .'u mod Diniiiu Thought Ho Saw
tho Spirit of Joseph (Hies Kunelly,
Hut Was .Mistaken--!. liter on n
Light Was Seen in the IStiildiut; and
That Cunilrmiiil the Spuok Story
All a Delusion.
Joseph Cites Kunelly died Saturday
night. Match 20, at n hotel on l.u.rn
stteet, of wiilch he was the pint pro
prietor and since last Friday night
when the, mystery 'irose a wild minor
has winged abf'iit lunching the Imaginative-
chouls of the resident'! of that
pattlcular legion and playing
Knnelly's Ltliost. or something; which
very much resembles F.nnelly when he
was In the body l.ns-lieen seen by one
James Durklu, of l.useiue street Mr.
Din kin was In the house dining last
Friday night wlleti he saw the shade of
F.nnelly come toward him and a cold
clammy hand touched his brow.
Dm kin's story wus apparently home
out by' the" fact that several people
buve seen "lights moving abutlt in the
upper story of the house where l'lnnelly
lived and died. Humor said that
Thomas Cm roll, who owns the build
ing, had also seen the ghost.
The return of the canny creature to
earth was well explained. Knnollv, It
,vas k'uiwn, had made several large
bets on the Corbett-Fltzslinmons' mill
and v, ben his body hud been lowered
Into the grave a search for the money
was made but It could not be found.
Uobbery a as hinted at and It 13 said
that the loss of the money so preyed
upon Knnelly's mind that his spirit
could nut rest In that bourne I'rDin
whence no traveler has returned up to
this time and ?o he came back to haunt
aim to startle poor Jim Durklu. I
Such has been the condition of af
fairs since 'Friday night and Thomas
Carroll, the landowner, was said to
have offered $100 to t.ny person or per
sons who would remain over ni::ht in
the niferted npartmctiU. This offer
was taken up bj Thomas Williams, of
Washburn sreet, William Thomas,
butcher, of Hampton street; William
Prosser, of North' Main avenue, and
one. Air. Knight. The gentlemen named
had arranged to stay in the house
night. All were convinced that there
was a shost but they wanted to hold
11 tete-a-tete with him just to show the
rigidity of their nerves.
It was all an Illusion.
A Tribune reporter, with a deep
rooted determination In his soul to pass
the night with the ghost watchers, and,
If possible, have an Interview with the
ghost, went back to the hotel building
last night.
It is a big three-story structure at
the corner of Luzerne and Sixteenth
stioets. On the west part Is a confec
tionery store, and on the corner proper
Is the saloon, heavily barred on the
outside of the windows, and withal,
just the place for a ghost.
Upon enterlnt;'. three men were seen
before the bar with three divisions of
spirits before them, and waiting to
serve out more of the kind was Thomas
Carroll himself.
Carroll knew nothing about the ghost
or the $!00 -wager which lie was sup
posed to have made.
Accoidlug to Carroll, -Kunelly died
from a peculiar disease, and whisky
was the only thlnif, said the doctor,
that would delay Inevitable death.
A few hours before Kunelly died,
James Durklu came Into the hotel
Naturally, being a friend of Kunelly,
Durklu wanled to see him once more,
so he started up the stairs with that
humane intent. There was no ono with
Kunelly at the time, and on the stand
by the dying man's bedside was a
quart of whisky, Durklu saw It and
argued to himself Hint Kunelly
couldn't use It anyhow, he was going
to leave the world, and It was no use
to let the whisky go to waste.
So he drank it.
Then lie thought he saw the ghost
of Kunelly. Anyhow, he tumbled down
the steps and rushed out, spreading
the ghost story.
The explanations of the light moving
about Is that after Kunelly was buried
Mr. Carroll showed some prospective
tenants through the rooms. He had a
mining lamp lb bis hand while he was
doing it. The rest of the rumor was
budded upon this foundation. As Car
roll said last night: "Kunelly Is dead;
let him rest In peace."
I 10 aril 111 me Tbnt Will Ut; lEcndeied
Under Direction of Hindu I'.vnus.
The following programme will be ren
dered at 11 concert to be given tonight
in the 1'enn Avenue liaplist chinch:
1. Organ solo, "Star Spangled liun
ner" litui;
Professor Ijvund.
2. CI lee, "The .Summer" Uweiu
Ulee club.
3. Male chorus, Hidi-eted.
I. Solo, "The Ituft" Pensutl
ltliiiuid Thomas.
3. (Ilee, "The Caravan" Pensutl
0. Solo, 'Spring Song" ;,.,Oounod
Mrs. 11. T. Jnyne,
7. Male chorus, "Annlo l.aurlo" ...littcl:
S. Duct, "KxeelFlor,"
Messrs. Thomas lieynan and Mo3eg 11.
9. Male eliortii, ".Martyrs of the
Arena" De Itlllc
10. (.ilee. "(Jowl N'lKht" , Peniiitl
Dlicctor, Professor llaydn Kynns.
Accompanist, Mr. Lew Jontj.
r.lcetrieity in dentistry.
Dr. (I. K. Hill &. Son. dentists, of
this city, have added to their already
elubiuptt '"outfit of dental appliances a
Cataphoric outfit for tho treatment of
teeth electrically und without pain.
This Is the first Instrument of Its kind
to be brought Into the city, and Is one
of the most modern of dental Inven-
thins of the days. Its use renders prac
tically painless all operations In lllllng
und treating teeth. This establishment
Is also equipped with electric engine,
pluggers and appliances for placing
porcelain front caps on teeth with gold
crowns by u new method.
Spring .Millinery Opening
of artistic hats and bonnets Thursdny,
Friday, April 1st and 2nd. M. A.
Fliedlander it Co., COS Spruce street,
upposlto Court House.
Itcniovnl of Oillce.
sSkShsf -
.Vol ice.
Yv"c are still doing business at the
same old stand whero wo have been for
twenty-two years past nnd most re
spectfully solicit the patronage ot tho
public as heretofore in awnings, tents,
Hags and all kinds of society goods
and decorations.
S. J. Fuhvman ,fc Uro.
I.iiwn OniN,s.
Hvtrgrccn, $1.00 bushel. Tilllnghast's
Seed Store, Arcudo, Seranton.
We invite the Ladies of
Scrantosi and vicinity to
out grand
All of This
when we will have on
exhibition the finest dis
play of millinery ever
brought to this city, in
cluding many beautiful
patterns from London and
lly thu use of my new local anaesthetic. No
Hlcup-prnducliigimcnt. It islsiiopl.v mpplied
to the gums mid the tooth extracted without
a particle of pain.
All other dental operations performed posi
tively without puln.
i'liee me the mine teeth other dentists
chari;u from 15 to !?'J5 u set for.
(Sold anil Porcelain I'wWiif.: Gold, Silver
and Cement I'llUncs at one-hull the UMiul
oot. lOxiiiiilnatlon lice. Upon evening-, Tto
m. Sundays t) to 11 a. 111.
316 Spruce Street,
Next Duor to Hotel Jermyn,
coNTincro3; foi
314 Washington ave., Seranton, Pa
luciuilhii: tlio p.iiules? oxtrautiu'.; of
tcutti by uu entirely nuiv iuocm.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
321 fpruce St , Opp. llutel Jermyn.
pi 11r nnfw
1 MM in A
ti ii K n
ULlllUlL OiiUU
tittis rvfnsPTcn
iilluiiL mmm
Our ready Cash lias made some great bargains in
this department. We are offering this week the best Ta
pestry Brussels at 65 cents per yard; former price Soe.,
with or without border, beautiful patterns. Second qual
ity 55c, with or without border.
New line to show j'ou delft blue and white in all
sizes. Prices never so low before.
INGRAIN ART SQUARES, Cream of the Loom,
all new.
iswieii i viu, ntsa
Cor. Vn!ilnj!t3n Ac. nntl Spruce St.
To Show you what wo tiro will
ns to do in the way of low prices,
wo quote the following:
,,IJS?.,,.NuHl,rHllmr!!la "no """to
!1',,t,'VU!riv('","1m,lntl 7itc Itottlo
1 yd In .l'liiklmnrs Compound ilHo Itottlo
Pierce's Medical DlKcoserv.....
7ou Itottle
lorc'OH laMiilte Prescription...
W lit-uer'N Safe ( 'in e
Hymn or Kiits
Ht'Otl'i Kiintlsloii, lnriie
SiotVs KinuNlon, small
Hand's licmciiiun
Jlrnsoii'H l'liisteiN
Alh'oek'N Porous Planters
HtivmrhluiiliiK Plasters
AVer's 11 1 ih
Hood's Pills ;
Outer's PIIIh
t'nllcuni simp
I.v.tri',4 'l'....t I. It ,....
...7(lo llottlu
..-Hlo llottlu
...;i:ic llottlu
....tISe llottlu
....use, liottlo
...IBe llottlu
Mo Kneh
Do Ruoh
Ho KiicU
lCe llox
15o llox
I lie box
...150 llottlu
(Ulnlne Pill, u gr 10 Dozen
hp'Oiu snltN.' 5e lb.
Compare our prices, call and be
convinced that we can and do sell
lower than others. The loss on
these reductions doi.'t not alter
our low prices tin prescriptions.
fill I III!
'201) Lackawanna Ave.
To meet the demand for Patent Medicines
at popular pi lees, we oiler the following list:
il.'iu bottlo
7!le bottle
USe bottle
7(10 bottle
70c bottlo
Hie bottlo
ilHo bottlo
15c bottle
ISC bottle
ruiiie m i fiery loiopoiinil
lO'illn l'liikliitiii'Mfompoiiud...
Pieive'n .Medical l)lscoerv
Pierces l'uvoilU) I'icsciiptloii.
W'nnicr'sSiite Ctlre
Scott, s KlIiuNloii, siiiiill
AlU'nck's Poiouh Plasters
I .Jon's Tooth Powder
lliiud'i Itemedlcs
Prices on drugs and pre
scriptions the lowest. Call
and get prices. We will con
vince 3'ou we can save you
big money. Remember the
store, 209 Lackawanna
Call and see our line
before buying.
C. J. WHICH!! .
140 and 141 Wash. Ave., Alears Hlilg.
Soliirm Piano Stands at the Head
ANU J. W. (IUURNSIsY StunUs nt the Mead
In tlio Music track. You can always gjt a
bottur biu-caln at his beautiful wareroonw
tli in at any otlior place in the city.
Call and sen for youri.elf before buylm;,
205 Washington Avenue,
iiiPtiK none