TIITC SCIiANTON TniIUnSTE--TUESDAY MORNINCf. MAllOII .10. 1SU7. West Side Department TWO MEN BURNED. Explosion of tius la (lie Uellcvtie Shaft, A Naked Lamp Was tbe Cause of II. An explosion of sn in tlio 13lg vein of the Uellcvue shuft jesti'icliiy moiii lng sltoitly uufeite noon painfully liw Juied two men. The men ueie cnnKed with thiee othetH In dilvlng a conn--tor lieiidlnir. which will be used for a lllinviiy. One of the mliietK, I.uvvN J'atry. of Unck Htieet, left his vvcitlt In the heading und went to an opening which would be met when the new opening vvtm made. It Hueiim'lhut n Hinall liocket of gas liad oolle((teil thete und this was Ignit ed by Mv. l'anj's lamp lesultlng In (in eploMlon. Mr. l'nuy was neiti"l binned about his head, tAt'e, neck und hands, nH was aKo Thomas Junes, of Hlooin stieet, who ill Ives the nude for the men who weie making the (lilting. Jones was not ho budl binned as l.u- vi .It, ., l.i lilt, Iwilntr (i .1 let ., tier, n u II V flOln'the explosion and almost In the y Meet alt cliilent. lt.ifl, mrtii will uiuitl n nllln t n t ot 111 11 to wink as their wounds aie mole pain ful than heilous. The othel men weie fuitunate in being at wolk In the air (Ulteiit and this pieventud the Hume blowing down upon them. FAREWELL RECEPTION. Tendered to IM'v.W. S. Jones ol tlio l'irst NcMi Hnptist Cliuicli. The meinbeis of the eongiegatlon of the Klist Welsh liaptlst cliuttli, On Smith Main avenue, gutheied at the ihuith last e filing, and by their pies iMire in such huge nuinbeis gave ilt ting testimonial of the legal d and es teem in which the hold their pastor, tile Jtev. W. S. Jones. This gatheilng was for the put pose or lendeiing tlie pastor a. iaiewell, It being his inten tion to leave soon for Wales, where lie lias accepted a. call. The deacons of the chin eh, with Jlben 15. Davis as ehaliman, ananged a piogiamtne suitable lot the occasion. 1'pon the altar )Iatfotin weie giouped the .seveial visiting and local mluls teis of the Welsh minlstiy. Kueh minister as he was called upon, gave pome ilttlng leimuks aiuopos of the Itev Jones' w oi th to the chinch and his depaiture. The following pi ogi amme was car ried ouf The ehaliman. Henjamln Hughes,, gave a eiv pleasing and touching opening nddiess, and then called upon the Uev Mr 3sun, of Ilkes-liane; tli William Oonuell Antliiiiclte Olee club lendeied a beau tiful selection; nddi esses bv Hev. M U Joue.s, 1'aisons; li I Kvans; solo, Moiria Thomas, which was timely and given In his usual stjle, Piofessor J. H Hughes then spoke in nngllsh; s,olo, Miss IAiW May Huvw&s, llemy P. Davles, on behalf of the tongiegatlon, piesented the Hew Mr Jones with a costly gold watch, to which Mi Jones lesponded In a happy munnei , selec tion by Glee club. Kben P. Davles then piesented the pastor with a beau tiful mounted gioup of the deacons' photogiaphs, centeied by the photo of the pastor himself Tills he did In a veiv line poetical addiess: addie.S'-es bv the Kevs II II. Hauls, Taj. lor, and Hugh Davles; solo, Lieu Heibeit; ad di esses b Itevs, Ilod, Talot; D. J. M'llllums', Blakely; John T. Mollis, Hellevue; solo, Mouls Thomas; ad di esses by Hevs W. 0. Watklns, D. Jones, W. D. Thomas, Plttston, and D I nvans, of Shenandoah, solo, Ldew Heibeit; addiesses by Hev s. D. P Jones, W. r Davles, John Evans, OIj' phant. The pastor then gave a shoit faie well addiess, and the Glee club sang an appiopilate closing selection The deacons who weie In chaige weie lienjamln Hughes, 1?, lieddoe, Thomas I") Davles, Klien P Davles, Homy P Davles, K an P Dav Is, ,T T. Williams. John J Moigan, David Moigan, Geoige r Ke Holds, John lie van, Hclwairt H Thomas, John L Jenkins, Samuel It. Jones, Thomas How ells. 111 J 1 We'll help you solve it. Today's solution is for the boys, and the boy's clothing should be bought with care. Kucourage neatness in the youngster. The habit will cling. Our boys' suits ai'e'inade ou the correct principle. Double Breasted Suits Made of good wearing cloth, gray and red mixed, for bo3'S from 8 to 16 j'ears of age. Worth $2.50 Price for this week, $1.48. Sailor Suits All wool sailor blouse suits, made of assabett flannel. Guaranteed as to color and quality. Trimmed with white or red braid, Long Pants Suits For the big boys, aged from 14 to 19 years. A boy begins to feel that he's a man when you put him in long pants. He'll feel like a well dressed man if you put him in one of these. Com plete suits, coat, vest aud long pants, $3.98. How's This? First-class double-breasted suits of stylish dark grey cloth. Wear and style iu the happiest of combinations, Suits like these are often sold for three or four dollars, What do you think of our price fojr this week ? $1.73. AMTER BROS. afti:u Titn docis. Apioiios of the feeling" of siiuiivv and suspense W hleh has been "east upon the West Side people by the death of little. Uennlo llevnn, whose death was due to hydlophoblu, It might be well to Btutp that thrrc It ft strong desire upon the patt of imblle-splrlted citizens to hold a maps meeting. The object of the. mass meeting would be to fonn u peti tion which would be piesented to the mayor nsklug that oveiy police olllccr bo Instiueled tp kill eseiy dog found at laigu upon the fiubllc stieots without unirlos, In uddltlon, a subscilptlon might be iiilscd whcieby any uuffcicr could bo sent to Now Yolk to the las feur Institute and given pioper tieat ment and thus pt event a lepetltlon of the sad death of little Hen tins. The homes of those 1ms b who cmc known to he bitten weie visited jmstiiimy ami It was lepoited that no dangoiotis signs weie noticeable. miss hopp r.NTninvviNnn. Tn iespone to Imitations sent out bv MM Mlueiva, daughter of Ml. and Mis. .lame M. Hopp. ol P.07 South Main aeiiue seveial oung people gutheii'd at hei home last evening and spent a mo-t enjoyable evening with their chiiiinlng hostess rsiiiiu'u, liilpinmptu lespunses, etc, helped to pass the time and at a seiiiiinnlili' limn leficshinents weie mm V eel TIiom- who Weie present weie- Mts II Selbeit, Ml. and Mis Hopp, the Misses Dolothy I'oWell, Kianees Mcl.aln. Mai gal et Muiphy. Hliiliiii Ke lintel, Milieu a and IMhei 1,'i.intK Ilium. Maude 74 Moses, Jessie Wlienilt, r.ewlsllle, Mtovvii, V C Monell M Hen Kunklemau, Tied Sihulei, V. T. limiall. and J riaike , James J. Shea, Hauls Selbert, and Joseih V DIDN'T PAY HIS P.HNT. Mason ,t Mott, leal estate luokers, had tumble In collecting lent fiom a tenant, Joseph ,11k, who icsidis In one of theli houses at 101 South Main ave nue. The landloids Issued a wan ant beiote Aldeiman Mbs-fes, -or the Pir teenth waul, alld Constable Hut sc hell of that w.nd, inoteided to Bell the goous of Jillk foi the lent due yestuul.i af teinoon at li o'clock An luteiestlng scene ensued In Which a lawei, two Installment men, the constable and a boulder weie mixed up. The boulder saved his possessions, but the c (instable sold the lest ol the goods and now the iawer and Installment men aie look ing "for some soit of levenge in letuin foi thell los. THU PLl'MOUTII ANNIVnnSAHY. The closing exorcises of the celebia tlun of the fifteenth nnnlveisaiv ot the Plvmouth Congtegational chinch weie held Inst evening, when n chinch toll call was given and about 2l: lesponded to the call In the collide of the even ing the following piogiamme was cu lled out. Singing. cougii'gatlon; piaci; slim t addiess by the pastoi, solo. Miss Lilv Joseph; loll call by the seeietaiy, Miss Hvans; selection by male paity, Hichaul Phillips, leadei ; lecltatlon, Miss Geitle llughes; an them b tholi, Daniel Matthias, lead ei, selection by male paity; benediction bv pastor. Hetieshtnents weie then set v eel by the Young Ladles' societi of the chinch. NOTHS AND PLMiSONALS. Haliy Hall, son of John Hall, ot ny non stieet, has lettuned home aftei an extentled sojoutn in Noith Caiolina. He lepotts a good time, gieat people and most beautiful climate. The tiees aie half In leaf, lloweis aie blooming and evei thing Is opening Into gloilous suinmei. William H Davles, of Eellevue, spent yestetday In Duiy;a, Rendham and Iclnitj Mis.s Small Davis, of Hynon stieet, spent Sunday In Dalton among fi lends. Miss Maine Veigeson Is ciulte 111 at the home of her cousin, Mis. Wilson Hall, on Ninth Rebecca avenue. Albeit Dllas, of Honesdale, spent Sunday with his patents Mr and Mis William N Chase weie visiting fi lends In Pen Aigyl Sundav The Hellevue Republican club will hold a meeting at their tegulat hall this evening and business of ltnuoi tance will lie consldeieel Tlie funeial setviees of the late New ell Veigeson who died Sunday uftei noon at the ttsldence of his dnughtei, Jits. Wilson Hull, of Noith Hebeccu avot'iie, will ocelli this evening at " 30 at tie home The l cumins will be shipped to Hiookljiii HUHciuehuntia utility, via the Delawitie, Lackawan na and Western lallioad on Wednes day munilng, wheie Intel melit will be Hindu. Dr. 13. y. Iluiilsnn, Dentist, Menis Hall. 11.1 S. Main a venue. Miss Lbzle Moyle, of Duninote, w'ns n gi est of Miss Minnie Champion, of Jrckson stieet, on Sunilnv A child of Hben C. Lewis, of Avenue C Is veiy lit with the measles. Wo laundiy stlrt collars with soft button holes. C'istal Laundiy. The latest and best styles. Hobeiis, 1EK Noith Maine. The dllectois of the West Side bank met lust evening and elected the fol lowing dhectois. Thomas D Davles, W. Gayloul Thomns nnd Hlchaid Nlch olls, to setve for thiee yeais, and John II. Williams, to seive two yeais to 1111 the uneplied teim of the late Hon. D. M. Jones. Cholse cut (lowei .s and flower de signs nt Palmer & McDonalds, Mi Spiuce. Mr. and Mis. Hrniy M. llass, of Noith liiomlev nvenue, have leeched an addition to their household In the pel ton of a .voting son Services will be held eveiy night this week at the Wushbuiii Stieet Piesbyte ilun' (lunch. Hev. J. P. Moffat, the pastot , will lie assisted dining the week bv Hev Wlllluin Gibbons, of Dunmuie, Rev. Clmiles Lee, ol Coibalulole, and Hev. S. C Logan, D.D , ot thecelitial city. MILL1NDHV OPHNINC. You aie invited to attend mil open ing Weilnesdav and Thin "day. Joseph, Davles - Jenkins, 127 Spiuce stieet. Wettttlde Itushiess Uliector). HAnniKT J. DAVLB, PLORIST.-Out (lowers nnO fmieial designs a specialty; 101 South Main avenue, two duurs from Jiick'on street ' MOltOAN'S PUAHMACY, 101 N. MAIN nvniuie Physicians," piecilptlons caio fullj piepared Hum wan anted pure Uruus und thtmlcals A tine asoi tmeiit . . .. . ... . , ,. , i . ' ol trusses, imp uiiuionei) inuim u, i . n..,i.,i. .hi,,. .iu,i ,,,intu nr f.inev woik. at lists' 'iimteitJls window glats. . wull papei and pletuie moulding. Clerk at stole all horns nr night SncOND HAND FtmNITUUE-Cash for anything jon have to sell Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see thu stock of J C King, "01 to 70J West Lack awuiuia avenue. OBITUARY. Mts Hanmh Maila, wife of Rvnn II, Reese, or l'l lliolltli. loimeil.v ol Piovl drucc died Sunda moildng ut s o'cloi U at Iiei home, iu Plymouth Mrs Hic-e was a daughter of the late William H. William'", or Oak stieet, and lived in Piovlilence until live euts ago. when tinv went to Pl mouth to live, Mr. Ree'-o having been appointed mine foie nuin In that place undei the Dehivvaie and Hudson coinpanv. Ml Reese was a member ot common counsel dining 1SSS nnd 1S5S fiom the l'bst wind .Mis. Reese was 117 vealb old und is smvived b a hushuiid and eight thlldien. The tuner tl will take plate fiom the home ot hei sls let. Alls 1) M Tliomus No. IIS Soutli Hellene 1 avenue, llvile Ptult, ut .1 o'clotL tonioitow. Di. R S Jones will olllciate. Pattlek Hojlan, nn estlmnble cltben otJ Catbond.ile and one ot the oldest lesi dents, was called away jestuieluy motn Ing He dltd at the liome of his daugh tei, Alts James O'Routke, after an Ill ness of sevetul weeks Mi. Upvlan was bom In li eland sixtj -seven eais ago, but foi more than roitv )cts has iclded In Ciithondale, tespected by all as a good tltlen lie leaves eight chlldten Mis. Alaik Hieiinan, and Alts. James O'itouike, of this city, and font mauled duughteis in the west; also two ons In Colotado Requiem mass will be celeb! ateel In St Ro-e's ehlitch on Wednesday morning ut 9 30 o'clock Intei meat will he made in St Rose's cemetetv ' The death or Alls Rmmas'llln Plnney oocuitecl last Ftlday, Alaich .'u, at Comt luinl. N Y. The tuneiul vvas held ji" tetdav at R o'clock, und luteunent was made at f'ouitland Alls Piiinej wis neail 41 eats old, nnd a slstet or .Mis. J C! Ca.iwell, of lictoi v llle, who is the onlv neat telatlve that suivlves hei. Her mulch n name was nmmallla Ntven, and she spent her glilhood ilas In Hlakelj tlie pai t now called VVInton Slie was a tesldpiit or 1'aetotyvllle foi n num bet of jeats. und also or the ctt or Seipnton A'eine Htllglei died at the home ot his uncle, .1. 11 Htugler, of oi pliant, veitei da moiiilng of cpillis, urtei a shoit III-ne-s ol about a vvetk He was 'M jctis of aite The oung nnn came to Olj phunt u tew months ago tiom Monti oue and vvus emploved ns a cleiU In Ills un cle's stole, on Ldtkuvv jiiiiu stieet. 'Pile tuneiul will take plate this moiuliig, and Intel tneiit will be made In .lei gey Hill temeteij, Alontio-o, Susquehanna county illlam Robeits, of so; South Alain ave nue died vei suddenly ut his lesldence ubout 9 .",) o'tlock Ills death was due to j otniilli atlnu of disease and lie lias been ailing lot some time. thoiiKh deatii was not expected His bedside was stit lounded bj the linmedlute membeis ol hl tamlU He is the futhei ol John Hob cits, the West Side talloi. No aliunde ineiitii have been tnude for the tuneiul hPl vices ' Isiu, l Wall died at ids home, near Past Hill, last Satiudtiy moiiilng, aged Tl jeais. Alt W'sill was a mc'inlJer or Hil Jacket lddge, No r,JI, linlepeiuli lit (lldei of ( nli I'ellows. or Piictni vv llle, and was Ionic! Iv tlie above otdet jesteiday at in o'eloi'l,, the lupeial beliiK held at the hmiM Intel meut was made in Hunn.v Hide eemeteij ut Tutikhantiock, Pa iMIss Helen, daughter of Air. nnd Mrs. John 1. Tiavls, ul uiS Nqith Siiinnci avenue, died Sunday atteinooii ut the tes Idein e The flllieiul sei vices will oeout on Wednesdu) ul ten noon at tlie home, and Intei me nt will bo made at Washburn Stieet cemttciv. James O'Connor, onlv son ot Air an I Airs W'llllum H. O'Connor, died Satut da ut his p u puts' home, Duninote. The di teased was a blight little lellow und his lops Is deepl) felt Ijj his puient. Tlio funeial took plate jesteiday utteinoon. Ruiial was nnde In the Catholic cemcteij at Aiehbald. Allss RlPabeth, daughter ot Mi. and Ahs William W. Williams, of ISO Noun Alain avenue, died vesteuluj. The iu netui seniles will be held this aftetnoon for the lesldence' at II o'clock Inteiment ' will be made In W'ushbuin Stieet ceme- teij ' I The temalns of Alls. Scllnda A Jkivls, , or Old I'oige. weie Intel led in the .Vluiey cetneteiy on Monduj urteinoqn She tiled aftet u llje days' Illness ot put unionla, She was CI jeaih or uge PLAQUE SUSPECTS FIQIIT HARD. A .Moliumnicdiiu Kills Ills Wife! to I'revejit .'ov eminent Inspection. London, Alaich 29. Tlio Dally Malt pi luts u tUbpatcli fiom Rombay, which sajs that the fanatical Alohamtnedans theie display the bltteiest opposition to the measuies tuken by the government for suppiesslug the bubonic plague. Yestetday a. Mohammedah, while leav ing tlio city with his wife, i of used to ullow her to submit to the piescilbed inspection, Tim ofllelals Insisted, whereupon, tho Mohammedan suddenly dievv his dag ger and stabbed hei to thfa licait. Then lie stabbed the olllclnl physician and at tempted to kill himself. Suburban News ' In General puoviii:nci:. Two men repioeiitlng the "Latter Diy Saints" have been ell dilating through out this section for the pnst few daj s, miikiin; strenuous effotts to seoiite u phico to hold their meetings. After be ing llutly refused by all, they succeeded Ijj nilsiepiesetitatlon of their mission, in Imhiclng Mis. Thomas Ciillcutt, of lit Thtoop stieet, tlio uo of her lPsldtnce. Mrs. Ciillcutt lias now learned thu otije t of their mission and wishes to state to lier ft lends tliiough this medium that un der no elicumstutiecs will she allow th.se men tlio pi lv liege of holding services at lici hume. Upon complaint of Joseph Miller, Pctei I'okelil", William Hoht und Uinnk Kin poskl weie niiested Sunday In Putted mini Klnlev ltoss Whin given n heoiltig .vtsteulay moiiilng befou, Alderman l-'lil-lei the pioseetitoi accused them ol torn nilttlng tin iissuiilt upon hi in during a dtunkin brnvvlr mid in the melee that fol lowed he vvus lleel (tiite lolighlv. They wem lined $1 each and weie the leelpl etils or a sev'i'le tepi linuiul bv the uldei maii foi ludiilgbiK In such dlsKiaeerul pastime. Thev weie dlseliaigeet upon payment or the! lines. Alii e TlicmiiLi, ot .Maigutet avetille, w ho has bun visiting leltitlvcs at Jeiinvn, re tmiipil vestenlav. Job Jenkins, ot W'avne nvenue, has re roveied li mil leeeiit Illness, AINs Nellie DcOtJW, ol Peckvllle, is visiting lelatlves In this section. Mis 'P. P. Hesun has letuineel ltiim New Yolk eltj. .Vliss AIuiv Hums, the Mitilcet stieet mllliuei, has letuiiied fiom a buvlneJS ttlp to New Yoik e Itj. All. and Mis. Seth (lillllths aie nulte 111 at theli home, on Spiing stieet. The Mioses O'llaia have teliiined from Ne nik. wheie thev huve lipon se lecting tilt It spilns stock or nilllhiel. IMwaul Neulv, vvlio has bei n a lesl dnit of Cnllfoinlu lor a iniiubei cif veins, Is open ling a vacation w'lth icWilves In this section or the eltv Mlsu Knte Vtuxwell Is seilnilslv ill tit , I,,,.,,,, m, vin.v vni "ol "ouie, on .vunj siieei The condition of Mis Hannah Clegl! ot 'lluoop, is iiiueh linnioveil Pile funeial of (leoigc VV . Wlldet will take plate tomoiiciw aftetnoon at -o'clock 1 1 om the fiiinlh lesliteiiee, Wlutoii Place. (Jillllu pot (liauel Aiinv ol the Republic, will hiveiliaige ol the finical. (;ki:i:n kidui:. Allss Mumc Cllfloul, or West Plttston, Is tlio guest: ot Di. R. (.newer and tuin llv. The Women s Chilstlnn Tempttunee union will hold a mothei's meeting this artel noon at J SO at the home of Alls. J A.I. lludsnll, W. Oiecn Ridge street. A lull attendance Is eleMied. Aits, AI. D Puinhum, or Hreaker street, has letui ncd from a business ttlp to New Yotk eltj. Allss Kimble, ot llnvvlev, ,1b the guest ot the Allsses Rattle and Lillian Dunn, ot Wvotnlng avenue. Alts s. P. Van (Joider is enteitalulng Alls. 11. Simmons, of Pojnttlle. south sidi:. The funeial or the late Airs. Andrew Alcirltn.in, whose death occulted at hei home, on .Maple stieet, Sunduj morning, will take place this atttinoon at -' o'clock Deeeui-ed was a member of the Pieuen Veielu oT tlie Hlckoiy Stieet Pitsbv teilau eliuich, which will attend the ru neiul todaj Set vices will be conducted bv Rev W. A. Notdt. Huiial will lie male In Plttston Avenue cemeteij' The Scrantoit Snengeiiunde met tor le hearsal in Nattet's hall lat evening. Camp 430, Pattlotlc Oidoi Sons of Anur icu, held a special business meeting last evening. The letnalns ot Alls John Re-illej, or Genet stteet, wero Inteiied In the Hyde Pink Catholic cemetetj jesteiday. A high mass of lequlem was sung in bt John's chut eli, Choice cut floweis and tlower designs at Palmer ,i McDonald's, oil Spruce. Cltv Tteasuter O. O Holund let t jes. teuluy moi nlng ou a business ttlp to New Yoik cltlj. The tegular "eml-wceklv Lenten ser vices will be conducted In St. John's church, .on Pig stieet, tills evening We laundiy stiff collais with s,ort button holes. Cijstal Laundry. UUNMOKK. The enteitalnment of the Ladles' Aid socletv ot the Ptcsbjteiluu chuioli will be held tonight lu the chut eh pailoiis. This piomists to be the giandest arrali of its kind ever pioeluttd iu Dunmore, nnd the Tact tint the enteitalnment will con sist of home talent mikes it ull the moie Interesting. One) or the feutuies will be the uppcuiance ot Hie Huilemun biothen. two ut tlie juungen music laps in the slate The uelmlsslon will be 23 ceiils. A sevtie shock uctoinpanled with long, dee und continuous i iimbllngs, gleatlj alaiined a laige nunibei ut le-ldtnts iu the vlilnltv ol Pte-iott I'aik t ul jes lerdav moiiilng. Iu some iducej the i bhoi k was so hevpin as to shake tin I folindailon ol sevetul dwelling houses lVailiig that the etith was about to euve In people hunledlj eomnieuted to Kathei their belongings picpii,itoi to a h I'-tj exit it nece-Miiv, und loi a long time gieat eNtltement pievtiilnl 'I he noWe toutliiued foi iipwuul ul nil hum mull It llntillv stopped and the people it tin lie I to their 'liiinhcis riom which thev hid been so iillelj uw ikened No e un-p can be si en to ui count foi ihls iiheiiomenu, Wlllluin Jeiruv und familj hue ie moved fiom t'laj cneniie to thelt new home, on Jifreitou avfliiup 1'iuiik Sinvthe, of Hpeiu er stieet, Is the KiiPHt ur tr'ends III W Illtes-H.tue Mlts Cliuee Hall, of I'lini stieet, Is conlined to hi i home with a seveie nt tue k ol measles. Chutles Aluitav, or Hi Inker s-tteet, Is Slllleilng riutn u badly laeetated knee, the tesult or tt fall. ' The Women's Chllstlin. Tempeian-'e union will meet In the .Methodist Hpls copal elitiuh, I'tldaj tifteitioon A oi dlul invitation 1 tttudld to ull tin la dles of Dunmoif to attend this meeting and to he hi ruiwaul this noble lau-e Uiiiunoie Itiisino-s Dil eelni v . J. R. HOIiDAV, 11B HROOK STRIRrf Lcelslor iniat iniiiket Ptesh meat uud "tuoked meats, lush buttet and eggs dills , vetetublis ami canned goods JAiMRS HIJATTin, OROVH STRl.RT, Choice provisions and coiiretiionety WEEK OF PRAVER. Tho Objects loi Which it is to Re Held. A week of piajei for the nbseivnnce of the Loid's elav will begin In this city ou A pi 11 I For nineteen yeais a week of prayer has been obei veil tor the pioseivutlon of the Sabbath Tho ob ject of tho week of piajer Is set foith as follows: Plist That Clod will bestow such in lluentes of the Holy Spliit as shu.l quicken tho consciences of all Cntlstitns that they maj give moio earnest heed to His command to hallow tho bnbhath iu their homes and In public bj lof'ainlng Itom such acts as will tend to wjike.i tcgnrd fot tho Lord's Daj. Second -That Ho will lead Chii-tlans to obey tho Itiipottant putt or the Pounh Commandment "Thou, nor thy mon set vant nor thy maid seivant nor tho sttong ir," and to vnderstund that It Is a gi eater sin to lequlionnother to dd a wrong than to do t ouiselves; and that no ono obejs find fully In this command, until he Iuh done ull In Ids power to secure lor thoae In his employ und oppoHunlty for the en joyment of Sabbath lent and woishla, Thlul-That He will lead to vlctoij all UMATISI Alunyon's Rlieiiiiiutlsm Cute Is guaran teed to ptlie acute ol muscular rheuma tism In f i oin one to live diijs. Sharp, shooting pulns lu any pint of the bodj stopped by a few tlots. A piotnpt, com plete nnd peimunent cure for lament us, Boriness, stllY back uud all pains In hips and loln. Chronic iheutniitlsm, selntlea, lumbago or imlu iu the bock ate speedily cut td, It seldom falls to give teller fiom one or two dosi s, and almost Invailably lines befote Olio bottle has been Used, Pi lec, "5c. Imptoved llomocoiinthlc Home Uemcily CoinpHiiy put ut) a seputato tine foi each dUeaso. At all dtilgglsts, mostlj 'i cents. C.ulde to lliulth flee. i'ri "otinl letters to Pi of Altltivon, l.0 Aith stteet, i'lillndeliihla. Pit., answeted with ireo medical udvlte foi anj disease who ate stilving to enrol co the livvs against the open aloon on the Habbith, uud such aniusenieiits us dlstutb th petcc and quiet of tlio tlav. TEN TRAMPS ARRESTED. Theli (liiiirti'is ut lliu linwcr. Mill lii vudcd. Lleutolnint Davis and Puttoltnati UiHllimn, Mm tM, Puny und Neub made n mid on the Humps tiuilteis at the lower steel tt I 111 hist night und unest ed ten ot the hobos. The.v weie tnken to the station house tot the night und this uliunllig. will be Blv'tin a beating LETTERS PROM TMlfPEOPLE. S?"''- this heading short letters of In t"Usi, ' be published when arcompa nltil, lot publication, bj the Vvlltei 3 name. 'I he THIiune will not Up held te bpulisibli fui uplliluns bete epiessed 1 I'll'li loi the -ii'('li Rttlgij liibiurv. Hlltoi or The Ttllii'tie. Hit. Tin bc.iutllul ohlbitlon now be ing held lu tilt lioaid or Hade loom should bo v'lewed bv tviij adult uud child nt Sel anion. Aside riom the inanv len 'Ij plttuies and i aie cuilos which aie dn pluved (and which will I lehlv lepiv these who spend the moclc-t pilce ot a Imlsslon) tlitie Is tlie good woik which this liln.it Is aceompllshlug and which will appeal to all kindly heaits when It Is known that tills -amu little libiaiy Is doing a good woik In the outljlng dlsttlets ot Cteeu Ridge umotig bovs who aie obliged to light the buacl and buttei hit He nt lire and to begin that battle Vei v eailv To wipe out the debt that hnmpeis this llbiaij has been the earnest eiroit ot the boaul ot niunageis foi manj weary months, but little cllotts bilng onlv little sums nnd so the niiinugets have stilven to bllng the needs ot this Institution be toie the notlte of the eltj genetuilj, nnd leel they have leillv nn exhihltlou which will please and Instinct. Alanv Scianton liins huve been most genetous lu giving of thell choicest lieastues ol ui t to eit ilcli the eilspluj and we ask that eveij rtiinih in tlie city may feel a peisona' obligation to nut 111 this most deceiving mlssionni v wotk Pull well we know thev would, could-ihej ste the joung men and bojs who nlghtlj sllj) cpiletlj Into the leading loom to pout over the books and magazines fot an bout or two befoie seeking their lest foi the rtiouow s work, bho lid this llbiaij- not be acces sible to them, wheie mav not theli even ings be spent' Pet haps In haunts whee the tl Hilling mij not be such as will guutantee In the rutin e, citizens of whom Scianton maj be proud, and so we eatn estlj ask that each daj- shall bring u stieom of klnillv visitors that will hold up the hands of thoe who aie stilvlig to bilng up tlie joung of our cltv In pure walks and to aid them In beailng the bur den or life by putting within theli reaen good, puic llteiatutc Airs Preston Robinson. Chronic: Rheumatism Cured. Dt. II. 13. Hettinget, Indianapolis, Ind , says- 'Fot peveiul months nftei sptalnlng my ankle I was seveiely af lllcted with Hheuniatlsm. I llnallj tiled Detchon's '.Mjstlc Cute' for Rheu matism, and In 4 days could walk without anj cane, two bottles cuteil nn sound and well I take great pleasttte in lecuininending the 'Alvstic Cute' to all who ate ullllcted with Rheuma tism" Sold bj Call Lmeii?, dtugglst. 41S Lackawanna avenue, Scianton. iMnnoi (ins Conl ('uses. Hurilsbtilff, J'a , Vliireh ') Judge Ale Phi i "on todaj" hunded down oiplulons lu soveiul cases ngulnst the Munoi fhis. Coil toniijutij-, uppeuls 1 1 om toipuiate ta on loans All ate lu (ioi ol the dtlend ant. To Cure u Cold in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It (alls to cure. 25c. I'utiuuiu ( nuiil liivcstiKtitiou. Pails xi.u, li J9 -The Panama Canal committee ol the stiutte has eleetel M Di'inole puslileiit and will In 'ln tin In vestlgution on VlQinlav tin , uiumitti e ut the tlminliei ul dtputli" ol vvhlih VI Ooncuii Is piesldetit, ulsu sits on Vlon ilnj For Infauts and Childieu. Tio f5- VsZgf tlclU is en vtaifjr, RAILROAD COMPANY. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS AiATCtiLr.ss in r.vr.uv rnATUUK. CAIjIFUHNIA. Tour to CALIFORNIA and tho PA CIFIC COAUT will leuve New York and Philadelphia Aim ill J7, lutuinlng on icgu lai liulns within nine months Round ttlp tickets, including all tout features going und tianspoi tution onlj i etui nlng, will be sold at rate of J 20S 0J ftom New Voik, und UOill fiom Phlladelphlaf one wuy tickets, Im ludliig ull tutu feutuies going, H1 71 fiom New York, JHOJa from Philadelphia. Piopoitlunute lates 'turn othel points WASHINGTON. Tours, each coveting a period of three dajs, will leave New Yoik and Philadelphia Alarch 11, Apill 1 and 2.', und Aluj 13, 1S97 Rates, including ttunspoitatloii und two days' accommodation ut the best Washington Hotels, $11 50 fiom New Yoik, ami $u w (i om rniladelplilu OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS Rr.riiRNiMi uiuixr on via KIGHMOXII and WASHINUTO.V, will leave New York and Philadelphia Alutch IS and April ID, 1SU7, For detailed Itineraries and other Infor mation, upply ut ticket agencies, or ad diess Geo. VV. Rojd, Asst, Quit'l Puss. Aueiit. Uroad Stieet Station, Philadelphia. i i ! QEF ra r$ f3 w i (SRk fi si a &k w a 308 --Lackawanna Black Goods Budget. Olid1 111 n Vlllllu we nil' foit.llimlo eiiinii'h to irol. bobl m Iota (iftliosu Htunt aid tll'CHsstlills iioltiiil ni-irkut vultle. Tit's Im duo IIIO lllll IJOUOIIL 111 IIIU iucu pincii. 1(1 pieces or llluck Iienrlttlii and sieiK(., ;m n,liis wide, Htllcllv all wool, never lelnlle d ul hnigiilli ptlteslot less lliiin !loc. per vaiil, i- Ji 'Ihlswctk . ....... cLQQ (1 pie ces or Ilia; I. Double Win p Imperial Huge, full 15 Ine lies wide, o"" Htilitl) nil wool, ugitiml luiiKiiliiutailt'. This week OyC M pleecsoflllael; llemletlits, 1(1 Inches wide, nil wool, tlio giandest ylft- bituulnev or otitic diltVfie. pel juid. 'Ihls stile 4.yC f, pieces ol llhtik lliiieiided Wool (looils, liulteiiw.siiletij all wotil, wotthritllj O pities or llhiek lliociided .Noveltj I.ooiIj, Bile, pti juld.eholtepittteilis'. Ilils i tiis 11 pleitsor llluek llioilnledSllks, luiw lino ol tlloltc pattcilis. etlu ET f heuvv (iiiilll,u Imrg ilu at use ptijatd. 'JhlSMile OUC I pleiesur llluck IlliiOiuled sialeeli, eeitnil to anj nimllt) oversold Tor "y t- tl till perjuid.cMiu helivj, 'I Ids Sale . . f OC THEDSCKSOSMIV1ANUFACTURINGCO tiCHANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, H . J!" .ilJl V y fi?ftasi'iiKBTnt5safl --if'fnsnBinoi tnuv HOISTING A;;D PULPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRA?lTONf,PA. DnuLufiiuiilllu Call and get one of niy Official Base Ball Sched ules for 1897. We will give them they away last. as long as 222 WYGnina flVEMUZ !;. ROBINSON Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Acnum ON THE LINE OF Tilt IIFi n aro located the finest fluhlnp and hunting Erounds In tho world. Descriptive books on application Tickota to all points In Maine, Cnnuda and Maritime Provinces, Mlunesipoll?, St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Pranelsco. First-Glass Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully lltted with beddlne, ttirtnlns and specially adapted to wants ol families may bo had with second-class t'ekets. Katoa always less than via other lines. For further information, tlmo tables, etc., on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 333 Broadway, New York. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesda i;enliiK Alarcli 30. 'IU! (.11 II H VlirisjL, H And lici l uiiiiiiinv ut 1'Iiivpih Miin- UbC'liie'titeit ItI'i'U'.I VV MuLL, ill lltl I litest "tlci e's, NELL GWYSMNE. V. ilblurie'iil Ituiii.iiue Ia Paul Kcntct Siipetbl) siuitLil, Miijjiiiilceiitlv ( ust iiiiiecl. PRICKS Iullsr asci ltacun, 35c und ioc; Orchestra Circle, 75c; Urcheitru unit Par lor Chairs, $1 ou ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Jrx- IliURDAY UVHMVa. APRIL 1 (hip Ion IuukIi nnd 11 tiirii otiv. THE MYSTERIOUS MR, BUGLE V 1 111111 In tliiee aith bv .Miiiltlelno l.uictte lt lev , tiullim of "t'hilstopliiii It, und "An Aliietii'ilii I Itli'ii. 1'ithenttil U Miss ANNIE RUSSELL uud 11 bUiliui; tonipaiiv cit'uttlM, lucludlut; Mr. .lOSElMI IIULIiANU Munuifenicnt Mr. Alfred llradle. PltlCCS-P orlor Chnlri. $i.oo Orchestra 75c Orchestra Circle scic; Hulcunj, lo l(uu,i 50c; llalunce Jsci (Jjller J 5c. Iff Rppf ! ' )) Avenue.--308 of ccrtnlii nt u 1 bural disuoiint fmni tbidr of thosu clioncoa-tiud you got I.-, Im lies wide, In choice 7,-e. This side ull wotil, Inatlu to lettill ut 50c cnle Ov3C uie PA., Mamifcbmsrs of , itntoii Hriciinrn h OIQIIUIIfll lOIRBiSOPUySIOi The Most Delightful are H1030 by tho haiidsoniu large steam ships of tho sailing every week tlnv from New York to OLD POIN T COAU-OR.T, VIR GINIA BEACH ANDRICMAIOND, VA. Koiuitl tiip tlekols, covering n hunlth-givhig sea voyage of 700 miles, with meuls nnd stateroom ueeouimo (latioiHonroute, for $13, $13.50 and $H.00. SCNO FOR PARTICULARS. OLD DOMINION STEA3ISHIP CO., Pier 2G, North River, New York. W.L. OUILLAUDLU, Vlee-ITes. &TralllcMcjr FANCY RIPE ITT Bermuda and Southern Produce, FHESH EVEKY DAY. If. HJlg, PI 1. ill DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Vanufactured at tho Wapwallopen HllUb Luzernti county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELJN, Jp. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 113 WYOMINa AVENUG, Scranton, Pfc Third National Dank Bulldlncr. AGDIJC1ES THOS FORD Plttston, Pa. JOHN B SMITH S. SON, PljTnotlth, P. E W. MULLIGAN, Wiikos-Barre, Pa. Agents for tho Hepauuo Chemical Com IJanv'6 Hlsh Dplosivvs. AMUSEMENTS THE FROTHINGHflM. WiiRncr.V. UoN. Manncors. John 1.. Kerr. Acting Alunager. One Perfuriiiance ()nl , FRIDAY i:KMNU, APRIL 3. Klnvv A I iluuLi s Piisentiitlun of tlio New Vuik ( u-iimt unite. (iicm Suceesi, The Lady Slavey. nn 'I linSweet HUvile OillH finff J ill i,ir iiLei.i'iiHiuii; .tiixiiiL 1 Im "-iiiiiplcKius ('OitljiMes tin lleiinlitul 1 uiniile, ( iiuitts Oiljlnul New Vinl, I oiiiiiiinv Of, People. Pi lii J-n, iiii, Trji, SI HO and yl 50. Stiljul niut opens We.dueadu, Muuh Ul, ut U o I'ltll U DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tinsday and Wednesday, Harcb 29, 0, 31 ltetui u iMi.tugPliient nf thu big leulljjtlc pioduitlon KIDNAPPED lutiiidiu Iuk the t luiiui ter eiiiiivdleuiie KliNlZIE MIGC3IIMS As "Our (lerinan prlcnd," A CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY Abouiulliis; In sttipendoHs nnd Scenlo beliuittliillN Admission 10, 20 or .10 Ceutj. Tue5da and WciWicsJa) Onl, TEN-CENTMATINEES. Two nerformanceg dally. Doo.-s open at i 1.30 and 7. Curtain rises at 1 39 and i.U. SPRING TRIPS Mill 1 1 11 Esl Bi li iB 1 hi aiMWJJMlflM