The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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New Wall Decorations
for coming Season
arc now arriving frequently.
We invite the attention of
perilous desiring choice covering
for their walls to sec
our excellent assortment
of Decorative Xovel ties,
4iich will he cheerfully shown
to all callers without
incurring any obligation to order.
All grades of stock,
exclusive patterns,
artistic, up-to-date colorings
ut popular prices.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
3 & Q0$o$s
III The Finest
1 We Ever Had in the Mill.
Wholesale St.
Randolph Crlppen Is in New York city.
1'mll Sclilnipft', of lluncsdule, was in
Fcrtintor. yesterday.
11. 11. IltiKt'ii, of Mears & Hngen, if in
New York buying a sprint; stock of goods.
.Mi Thomas I'. Daniels, wife of llio
deputy clerk of tho courts, Is seriously
.Miss KUzabeth Brown, of .Moscow, lias
roturiipil home after visiting lrlunds in
Plttston and Wilkes-Hnrre.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ilobhs anil family
huve returned home after a visit with bis
tl"ter, .Mrs. I. liiown, of Moscow, i'a.
M. V. lirandamoie, of Mulberry street,
who has been eoutlneil to his bed by u st-vt-ie
attack of imuiniicnla and grip, is re
covering slowly.
Invitations havobeon Issued by Mr. and
Mrs. John Hone, of .Mulberry street, lor
the irmrrluge of their daughter, Ada May
Vernooy, to James 1'. Barton, or Wllkes
Burre, next Wednesday at l'-'.SO o'clock In
Klin Park chuieh. They will be at homo
after May 1 at HIT South Main street,
Announcement Is made that W. M. 1-a-throp,
of the Cnrbon.dalo Leader, has uc
ce)ted an Important editorial position on
the 1'aterson Press, the loading Kepubll
can Journal of New Jersey and the olll
eul organ of Vice-President Hobart and
flovernor Giiggs. The selection of Mr.
l.athrop for such a position Is a splendid
compliment to his worth as a journalist,
but It does not surprise his friends. They
have been predicting his advancement.
Admitted to the County .Inil Ilecnuse
His .Mother Discarded Him.
Owen Moran, the well known West
Ride man who makes a specialty of
rearing constables, was again admitted
to the county jail yesterday, this time
liecanse his mother surrendered '.Muran's
hall lor Ills last crime.
Months ago Muran negotiated with
n South Side furnltiue dealer to do his
drumming: on commission. Morr.n took
Stun worth of wash ringers, etc., ami
never returned them or the money. He
was arrested; Mrs. Moraii went his
bail; now she relegates him to jail.
lieinoval of Oliiuc.
Dr. S. P. Longstreet will on April 1
remove his olllce and lesldence from
200 to 10S Wyoming avenue.
You Ave Invited to Attend
Our opening of spring clothing tomor
row, all day and evening. I.auer &
Marks, 321 and 323 Lackawanna ave
nue. O--
Have trouble finding
shoes for your girls ?
Let us offer you a sug
gestion. We put on
sale today ioo pairs of
Misses' Shoes worth
$1.75, at a price to
quickly move them.
410 Spruce St,
fJlsliop John M. Wnldcn, of Clnciiimiti,
0., Is Presiding.
.11 clin the Attcinnon and Considered
the .llutters Tluit Were Itcfcrruri to
Tlieni--l,entoeiiH!iil Services Con
drctud In llic Altcriuion 1V the
llishop--!, list Night (lie Conference
Sermon wns Delivered by Itev. "V.
II. Vollborg, of nulliilo.
In the German .Methodist church on
Adams avenue yesterday morning the
thirty-second annual eastern confer
ence of the German Methodist Kpisoo
pal church began, Hlshop John M. Wnl
dcn, D. D of Cincinnati, O,, presiding.
There was a large attendance of minis
ters of the denomination, the list print
ed In yesterday's Tribune being sub
stantially correct. After the opening
of tlie conference Hlshop Wulden ad
dressed the ministers urging them to
linpiess upon their congregations the
necessity of taking n deeper Interest In
the ritualist service. The practice of
families attending service together and
partaking of the Lord's supper was
highly commended. At the conclusion
of the bishop's remarks the Lord's sup
per was observed and the roll of the
convent Ion was then prepared.
Hev. Paul Ouuettnender, of New
York city, who has for twenty-live
years been general seeielary of the
conference declined a re-election and
Itev. W. Glesregan, of Hrooklyn, X. Y.,
was chosen to succeed hlnl. A hearly
vote of thanks was tendered to the re
tiring secretary. Hev. II. II. Heck, of
Philadelphia, and Itev. Jacob Suter, of
New Haven, Conn., Were chosen as
sistants to the general secretary and
I lev. W. A. Stark, of Hoston, and Hev.
John 11. I.utz, of Poughkeepsle, x. Y
were chosen statistic secretaries.
Committee!) were uppolnted by the
bishop 011 missions, church extension,
Sunday school, truet, Freedtnnn's Aid,
cause of education, foreign mission,
Sabbath observance, temperance.
These committees will present their le
Hoits mi Saturday or Monday. At the
suggestion of Hev. D. Hllbeck, of this
city, it was decided to hold a closed
session at which candidates for ndinis
sloii as well as those on probation will
be examined.
All of the rnstors present made re
ports of the affairs of their congrega
tion for tlie yeur and these were sup
plemented by a report from Hev. J. C.
Denulnger, of Hrooklyn, N. Y., presid
ing elder. Ills report was of a very fa
vorable character. Presiding Elder
Hev. ,T. J. Messmer, of Newark, N. ,T.,
will present his report tills morning.
During the morning session the fol
lowing clergymen were introduced to
the members of tlie conference: Itev.
.1. (1. Kekmau. presiding elder of the
Wyoming district: Hev. (.1. C. Lyman,
Hev. William Kdgar. Hev. J. L. Hace,
Hev. W. M. Peck, Rev. J. Pnderwood,
of Hie Wyoming conference; Itev.
Jacob Hchoettle, of the Chestnut Street
German Presbyterian church, of West
Scranton: Itev. !:. J. Schmidt, of the
Evangelical church. South .Scranton;
Itev. 10. .1. AVorden, Jtev. Martimts,
Hev. W. C. Gteutzenboig, Hev. Philip
Steinniun. Itev. Mlekel.
At the communion services Hlshop
"Wnlden was assisted by Presiding Eld
ers Messmer and Dennlnger ami Hev.
Philip Ilnendiges, of this city: Itev.
Paul Quaettlacnder and Hev. George
AbPle, of Hrooklyn, N. Y.
There was no general session of the
conference 111 the afternoon but all of
the committees appointed in the morn
ing held meetings. A Pentecostal ser
vice was condiu ted by Hlshop "Walden
from 4 until 5 o'clock and at 7..J0 the
conference sermon was delivered by
Hev. II. Vallberg, of Buffalo, N. Y. To
Itev. Philip Ilnendiges, of this city, was
assigned the duty of delivering the con
ference sermon and Kev. Mr. Vollberg
was named as his substitute. Inas
much as the conference Is being held in
Mr. HaendlEes' church he waived the
privilege of delivering the conference
sermon in favor of his substitute. It
was delivered last night.
At this morning's session of tlie 0011
feience a vote on constitutional imes
tlons will be taken. The most import
ant to the general public probably is
the one which deals with the right of
women to represent churches at the
general conference. This question came
up at the last general conference and
was relerred to the several lesser con
ferences for consideration and action.
No constitutional change can be made
until three-fourths of the conferences
favor It and it must also receive a two
thirds vote In the general conference.
Another question referred from the
general conference for consideration is
whether or not there shall be as many
of the laity as of ministers nt the gen
eral conference. According to tlie rules
as they exist now only two lay dele
gates are allowed from each confennee
and one minister for every forty-live
in the conference.
Presiding Elder J. J. Mssiuer, of
New York, has served six years as pre
siding eldr of Ntw York district, and
cannot be re-ekcted. His successor
will be chosen nt this conference.
Henry .llondand Sliucl; by a Piece ol'
Coal in the Iloldcu .Mine.
Henry Morelund, a miner, was In
jured yesterday nfternoon In the Hold
eu mine, Feltzville. Mureland was llr
Ing a blast In the Dunmore vein which
Is but L'L' inches in thickness. He hail
lighted the fuse and was hurrying away
but stopped nt the cross-cut to warn
men he thought were In danger. .
The blast went olf prematurely and a
piece of coal struck Morelund on the
hip making a deep gash and causing a
compound lracture of the bone. He
was taken to the .Moses Tajlor hospital.
His home is on Pine strett, Taylor.
Produced Before a I'liir-Sied
dienco Last Night.
"In Mizzoura," a play In which Nat
Goodwin appeared tor some time with
m'ueh success, was given last night at
the Academy of Music before a fair
sized audience. It Is a story of rural
life In Missouri and is from tlie pen of
Augustus Thomas, The playwritu has
sketched a number of characters In a
life-like way and surrounded bein with
tlie scenes, Incident to the homely, rug
ged lives they lead. In this bucolic
community comes a genteel train rob
nor whose presence furnishes thedrum
ntle features of tho drama.
The company Hint produced It last
nhjlit could have been Improved up.
on, but on Hie whole gave n very
Kiitlf-l'iietniW production nf tlie Urnniu.
Chillies Kfcles Hall, uti .Ilin ltadbuin
tile hIhtII'i: !'. V. Hamilton ns .loe
Vernon, the hlaek.sinltli and .1. C. Xu
Ront as Dave, .loo Vernon's apprentice,
sustained tlielr roles most ncoeptiibly.
.Ionics I'oid audi!1. .1. Conway, Are
Sought Alter.
Wan-nuts were Issued yesterday from
Hie olllce of Alderman Puller for the nr
lest of James Foul and P. J. Conway,
ol Old Forge, at the instance of James
Uougher, of the same place. Perjury
Ik the charge.
Mr. Dougher asserts that the defend
ants swore to untruths before Justice
of the Peace Heese, of Old Forge. The
case grew out of an arrest for selling
liquor to minors. Foul, It Is alleged,
swore he was In the employ of Dougher,
and Conway Is also charged with tes
tifying to things false. The men will
be urrested.
Hill Portion of the City Is (0 Ik Given
letter Protection Against the
Pire Fiend.
Two lire companies were formally or
ganized in the central city last even
ing and the avowed mission of each Is
to establish Itself on the "hill" so that
better service can be given In case of
lire. One company was organized In
the rooms of the Central Republican
club and there were present at the
meeting last night A. L. Steele, Mux
Mlnlcli, Fred Luther, George Mann,
Peter Nolan, Charles lluuh, Martin
Compton, Thomas J. Lnughran, Alex
Coslett, James Laugliran, Thomas
White, David Cawley, Hubert Haag,
Henry Hlefenberg, Frank Hlefcnlierg,
Robert Hlefenberg, Hurry Young, Will
H. Kaufman, Edward Costlett, William
Phillips, Edward Williams, Edward
Rurcharit, Charles Kingsbury, Sidney
Hallstend and H. R. Welsenlluh.
Suniuel Stevens was elected tempo
rary chairman and Henry Hlef.'iiberg
secretary. Robert Hang, Chailes
Kingsbury and Sidney Hallstead were
appointed as solicitors for the new
company. It was decided to luild the
next meetinir next Thursday evening
In the sumo place. Frank Spencer, the
coal operator, has promised the gift of
a team of horses as soon as the com
pany Is fully organized. Mr. Spencer
In making the promise glided It with
tlie remark "and you won't be nsbamed
of them either." This generosity was
much talked of last night at the meet
ing. Another company was organized In
the olllce of Mayor Halley. There were
present over a dozen young men. Jacob
D. Klefer was elected temporary presi
dent and George A. Mlllett secretary.
Jl was suggested by H. J. Beamish
that a stock company be formed and
that the company control over ."0 per
cent, of the stock. The following were
appointed a committee to offer stock to
the residents of the "hill" and collect
money for the maintenance of the com
pany: F. L. Ward, It. J. Reamlsh, F.
AY. Edwards. H. M. Coursen, George A.
Mlllett, William Hitchcock, F. W.
Fleltz, Guy E. Stevens, George W.
Parrotl, W. E. Decker, Douglass Haw
ley anil .1. D. Kelfer. A committee on
by-laws was appointed as follows: F.
II. Yohe. H. J. Heaniish and F. W. Ed
wards. The next meeting will be held
at the mayui's olllce next Thursday
I.nct.nwnnnu County Medical Society
Adopts Resolutions.
At the last meeting of the Lacka
wanna County .Medical society resolu
tions on the death of the late Dr. W. W.
Ives were unanimously passed. The
lesulutluns are:
Inasmuch as the hand of death lias
been laid upon our Urothor Dr. V. v.
Ives, who for many years has heen a
laithful member of the Lackawanna
County Medleal society, we, as members
of this society, desire to express our ap
preciation of his upright, noble life.
In his relation to the many families that
looked to him for counsel and advice in
the hour of sickness and sintering, lie wus
a model physician, always courteous,
painstaking and sympathetic. So fur as
bis relations to bis brother physicians
were' concerned, none could have heen
more exempt from criticism. Ills wnoto
piofessional life was governed by that
broad code of medical ethics that Is tho
initial of every broad and noble mind.
We most since! ely desire to express our
appreciation of his character, our deep
sense of loss nt his death, and our deep
est sympathies for his sorrowing family,
(Signed) Dr. D. A. Capwell,
Dr. W. (i. Fulton,
Dr. L. S. Haines,
The Scranton Savings bank yesterday
caused an execution to Issue against Joliii
Lierv.ann and his executor, Joseph II.
Klein, for S1,33.S0. Llerwann Is at Hill
side Home.
On motion of Attorney Horace K. Hand
court yesterday directed judgment bv de
fault for the plaintiff In the ease of the
Star Advertising company against tho
Western New York Preserving ami .Man
ufacturing company.
Dr. II. D. Gardner yesterday took out a
taxidermist's license In Piothonotary
Pryor's olllce, which gives him the privi
lege of killing birds out of season. This
Is the thbd such license taken out In this
county. Drs. Kverhart and Alexander be
ing the possessors of the other two.
A Suitable Wedding.
Invitations should bo printed or en
graved in tlie most direful and artis
tic nuinnor. Nothing: Is criticised so
sharply by one's friends ns an invita
tion which is not neat nnd eleKitnr.
Depend on us to do tho best hind of
work at the most reasonable prices.
The Scranton Tribune job prlntlnir de
partment. Toinoriou',
Day nnd ovenliiK, opening of sprinft
styles In clothlni and furnishings,
l.auer A; Marks.
To Ihe Ladies.
Grand millinery opening nt Jenkins
it .Morris' today and tomorrow. 408
Spruce street.
TO 331
I House und Sign Painter
Wall Tintlni and Paper llunuliiifi I'WI
mates Cheerfully Kiirnished. Valentine's
liciuly .Mixed I'aliilH, one of the btist In mar
ket. Varnishes'. Knuinels. IlriiHhes. etc.. tor
1 mile. 331 AUunm Avenue. Scruuton,
W IIS 111
Imuraiicc Company Frilling Uominicu's
S7S0 Claim.
The Suit Crowing Out of the Opening
mid Giailinu ol' Itoblnsoii Street ill
IHHT Once .11 ore tlel'oro the Couits.
In Itotli the Foregoing ('uses the
Failure to Thoroughly Understand a
Contract Is the Cause ol Litigation.
Before Judue Archbald In common
ideas court, Paul Domlnico yesterday
began his third effort to secure from
the Iron City Mutual Fire Insurance
company, of Pittsburg, $7n0 Insurance
money on n house of his which burned
down In 1SU3.
The house wns situated near the Con
tinental and was purchased by Doml
nico from Mrs. Mary Tyrell in lS'Jl for
$7r,0. He furnished It and had the
place Insured for $700 with tlie defend
ant company, which was represented by
Michael Rellly, of Slate hill. A year
after the policy was Issued the house
was destroyed by lire and Domlnico
mnde demand for his Insurance.
Whether It wax that the company's
adjusters surmised that Domlnico had
moved out his furniture and burned
down his house, which with the lot cost
$7!i0, In order to collect the $7'VJ Insur
ance thai was on It Is not known, but
at all events the company refused pay
ment, lulling refuge behind a clause in
the policy which says the Insurance
shall be null If there Is a stove-pipe
projecting through the floors, sides or
loof of il house.
There was a stove-nipe projecting
through tlie 1:0 r of ihe Domlnico hous?,
tlie plalnlllf urimltF, "but It is contended
that the company's agent saw It there
when he was innkln out the policy
and further thai the lire wus not caused
by this stove-pipe.
The case was tried twice before,
bitrators cave Mr. Domlnico a
diet 'for the full amount. On the
peal u jury rendered Judgment for $70.
for the plaintiff. Tlie company secured
a new trial on some technical Ilnw In
the tiinl process and now It Is up for Its
third trial. C. II. Super appears for the
plaintiff and M. G. Martin for the de
Tlie case of Mary Johnson and others
against Dr. C. J. Wilbur and others wns
given to the Jury at 11 o'clock yesterday
morning. Shortly after dinner n ver
dict of SH.111 for the plaintiff was re
turned. A jury was called In the ancient and
revered case of Johif Conniy against
the city of So-nnton and It will be
called for trial this morning. Conmy
cluinis $',"00 damages, alleging that
the city injured him to that extent by
violation of a contract.
Conmy was awarded the contract for
grading Robinson street, when that
tlioroughfaie was opened In 1SS7. He
was to rfcolve L'O cents a yard for cut
ting and lining and as the contract
read "for tearing down or removing all
houses and wooden obstructions on
said street, tlie contractor shall have
the use of the material so torn down
and moved."
Therewereslx houses wholly or partly
on the line of the street. Conniy sup
posed he wus to get them as part of
his compensation and purchased a lot
uijuiiiug uu me street on which to
move such of tlie buildings as were
worth preserving. In order, however,
lo lessen the damages that the city
would have to pay, the city authorities
gave the owners of the condemned
land permission to move their houses.
This they took advantage of and as a
consequence Mr. Conmy was deprived
of their use and benefit.
The most valuable house of the lot,
possibly the only one of any extenslvn
value, was a large frame tenement
owned by W. II. llazlett. One corner
of this building only Jutted over the
street line and even had the contractor
been allowed to have his Interpretation
of the contract he would have been
entitled merely to so much of the
building as projected on the street. Mr.
llazlett moved the building aroun- so
that the projecting corner cleared the
street and made a tenantable building
out of It, from which he derives a nice
The city evidently felt that Mr. Con
my wns not faiily treated us it offered
to settle with him for $1,000. He
scorned the offer and went Into court.
The case will no doubt be watched with
much interest. O'Brien & Kelly rep
resent Mr. Conmy and City Solicitor
Torrey will look after the city's side
of It.
A Hir,"Tr,! W Y&k TiTl" "P fY Tt T
baJl jLdit, L.h'
Fine assortment of Cheney P.ros.' Silks and
C.renudlnes, entirely new designs; great variety
of shades.
, Slllts 111 Mack
Cheeks, Stripes,
and "White, Grey
und now Scroll ,
All fresh from tho loom and
Short lengths, light-figured China
regular price, S9c, to close, at
Figured Plaids and Stripes; regular
Tue., reduced to
llest Taffetas, Black Figured, Dark
Checks, Stripes nnd Figured, regular
and $1 5. Silks, to close, at
Saturday night one of Ilnyl's most
Mictessful comedlPS "A Hlaek Sheep"
will be produced at the Academy of
Music with Otis Harlan In tlie role of
"Hot Stuff." Mr. Harlan has done
many a clever thing In his life, but
this Is the best of them nil. Even Mr.
lloyt Is said to have out-done himself
In the formation of the plot, the con
ception of the lines and the display of
humor, and tho numerous details that
go to make up one of lloyt's best farc
es. Mr. lloyt has also Included a num
ber of handsome glrlB In the enst, ns
in his Invariable custom. Mr. lloyt has
ncently engaged Miss Jeanette St.
Henry, n strikingly handsuine woman
with a superb voice, to play tho part
df "The Queen of Burlesque."
The roming of Mllle. Illicit and 'her
excellent company to the Academy of
Music Tuesday evening, March SO, will
be of unusual Interest at this time,
from the fact that she will give tg
play-goers a new play which has
proven of undoubted success In the
eastern cities where presented. They
say lo see Illicit In her new play "Nell
Owynne" Is a genuine Heat. Her com
edy Is said to be far beyond expecta
tion, identified ns she hns ever been
with the more serious and dlgnllled
roles. Strong situations and climaxes
and witty dialogue carry the story of
the orange girl's triumphs through four
acts: and the last with Its pathos gives
Rhea an omiortunlly for her genius as
an emotional actress. The pluy Is ex
ceptionally well staged and magnifi
cently costumed.
County Treasurer Schndt and .1. .1.
.lermvn Return from a Tour.
County Treasurer C. H. Schadt and
,1. J. .lermyn are home from their west
ern tour. They started six weeks ago
and went direct to California, where
they spent most of their tluje. They
separated In Sacramento, Mr. Jermyn
going to lower California to look after
some business Interests and Mr. Schadt
taking a run through the northwest
to absorb some free sllverlsni for use
In 1f0o. They met again at Denver and
made the homeward journey together.
Mr. Schadt happened to be In Carson
City the day of tlie light and thinking
possibly that he might run across some
Scrantoiilun in tlie crowd at the race
track went out and stood near the en
trance scanning the people who went
in. Not seeing any one he knew he be
came very lonesome and just for the
sake of getting somebody to talk to he
bought a $10 ticket, went In and hunt
ing up Hob Fltzslmmons'made himself
acquainted by means of a letter of in
troduction from Colonel Fltzslmmons.
They had a pleasant chat and so
pleased wtis Mr. Schadt with Hobert
that he hung around the annex until
the mill was over in order to have an
other tete-a-tete with his new-found
Mr. Schadt did not take much Inter
est In the fight, but he Is Ilrmly con
vinced that the papers were wrong in
saying that Fltzslmmons in the sixth
round was down on une knee for seven
seconds. It was not quite, six to be
exact live und two-llfths.
Discovered Yesterday .Homing on tho
Properly ol'C. !'. .lad win.
On the properly of C. P. Jiulwin at
717 Adams avenue a great, deep hole
was discovered yesterday morning. It
Is on the rear of the lot close to Lee
court and Is about six feet square and
forty feel deep.
At first it was supposed to be a mine
cave, but as there Is no disturbance
of the surface elsewhere In the vicin
ity and as the hole is much deeper
than could possibly be after an ordi
nary mine cave It Is supposed that the
covering of a cistern long ago aban
doned gave way, leaving this gaping
hole which 1ms caused no little excite
ment in the vicinity.
Itriitttlly Abused His "Suiter Hall'
Karly Yesterday .Horning.
The cries of a woman In distress at
tracted Patrolman John D, Thomas to
a house in Raymond court near Centra
street nt 1 o'clock yesterday morning,
where he found a colored man named
William Jones brutally healing bi.j
wife whose person gave evidence of
very severe usage.
Jones. was taken to the station house
w here he spent the night and yester
day morning in police court he secured
his release by paying a $S tine.
The 1, utest und .Host Improved
Styles of spring clothing and furnish
ings can be seen at cur opening tomor
row. Lnuer Sr Murks. v
BRKCHAM'S PILLS cure Sick Headache.
Highland Chocks, very stylish, for sopar
ato waists and skirts
French Flannels,
sortment of colors.
and "White,
and Shell
Silk: q
1 I
price ,t-
and Ight
$1.00 on
for street wear; great variety
range from COe. to $1."0. We
earned leputntion of keeping
goods to bo found In the city.
our M. & II. Kid Gloves at 51.00 are tho most flexi
ble, durable gloves on the market and they lit.
415, 417 L
If Yon "Vntit 11 Good Appetite and
Perfect Digestion.
After each meal dissolve one or two
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In the
mouth, and, mingling with the food,
they constitute a perfect digestive, ab
solutely safe for .the most sensitive
They dlffest llio food before It hns
time to ferment, tints preventing the
formation of gas and keeping tho
blood pure and free from the poisonous
products of feriiioiite,d, hiili-dlgesled
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the
complexion clear by keeping the blood
They increase llcsh by digesting
llesh-forinlng foods.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the
only remedy designed especially for
the cure of stomach troubles nnd noth
ing else.
One disease, one remedy, the suc
cessful physician of today Is the spe
cialist, the successful medicine Is the
medicine prepared especially for one
A whole package taken at one time
would not hurt you, but would simply
be a wnste of good material.
Over six thousand men and women
In the state of Michigan alone luive
been cured of Indigestion and dyspepsia
by the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. Sold by nil druggists at 50 cents per
Send for Free Hook on stomach dis
eases to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Moscow, Pa., March 4. 1 897. My fath
er had an ubscess on his arm and wus
advised by a friend to take Hood's Sar
sapatilla. He did so and It cured h'lm,
and we heartily recommend It.
Miss L. D. Suyer.
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills,
to take, easy to operate.
Don't seem to stop the buyers
here. Tlie store with the electric
lifjhts going seems just as lively
and busy. Today's offerings will
coax you.
Pocket Our leather goods de-
Books partment is just what
we expected busy. No
store in the city can meet our
prices. New things today. Here's
one special: Monkey slrin books,
leather lined, silver mounted, 48c.
I'M 1st r-'loor Center.
Watch Long silk' guards,
Guards mounted with sterling
silver at aoout tne price
Only a few dozen.
of plated
Now's the time,
Jewelry Department.
In arranging some
stock we found a lot
of really fine linen anil
bond paper; 25 sheets paper, 25
envelopes, today 15c.
lioes .soiled, that's why.
Center aisle.
Get up clock's that
forget their business we
don't sell. We keen
and sell the two best kinds made.
A good one. 75c. The best made,
one dollar.
Clock Our clock man knows
Sale '10w 'niy IUK' mar'S t
sell. We are selling a
lot of S-day clocks for 2.48.
Clock Departnieut.
Picture Getting ready for
Event our U1'rt' annual pic
ture sale. Moulding
remnants have been cut into frames
for weeks back. Now the pictures
are being put in.
The prices will be phenomenal,
and as this is fixing up time we
shall expect you all to take advan
tage. Announcement later.
The Rexford Co.,
303 Lackawanna Avenue.
to 95c.
suitable for walats( line as-
:, EI6.
of colors; prices
have tho well-
the moat stylish
MS-fes LI t! & N&52F&! faro a l3 a
nee, Seranton, Pa,
ta i r nvTn
Are a necessity a part o
the furniture. ' A room may
be furnished expensively and
a homely set will mar the en
tire effect. We have more
than a hundred styles and
decorations. We can sell you
a handsome set for very little
i:il Wyoming Avenue.
Walk in anil look around.
The Eye SpeciaHst
Who l'.xiunlncv the i:yc l'roc nt ttlll) l.nckii
viiniiu Axenue, over Lehigh Vnlkn Tick
et UIIK-e, Will, Allir April I'bsl,
Move to 215 Lackawanna fivanua,
AndOi'ciipi u Large Space In
Where he will bine the 11 nest Optical Olllce
In the city. Ills I'ltll'KM for Spectacles, Ky
i lasses, Aiilliclnl lOyes, Magnifying Uhissel
and Opera (llnssfM ulll he us always, VK11Y
LOW. Steel Krunies fro in t!"e. to SI. 00.
Aluminum, Tr,c. to SI. 7.".. Tilled, '.!)(.
SlUer, S'J.llO. (lolil Kennies, stl.r.u. Aqua
Crystal Lenses, flue. 1'ehhlo (IIuxsch, Si 1. no
lo 6'J.Ul). WeicphU'O old lenses and solder
frames on short notice.
School or Music, 520 Spruce St
Mrs. Katharine Thiele,
Voice Training, Solo Singiti.;.
Ernest Thiele,
Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both
teachers at celebrated Scharwenka
Conservatory, New York. Also other
competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thieb
is the successor to the lati
Pveiy facilit for doing
GOOD work.
NO CHARGE if We Don't
Suit You.
nil n IT
Ij; d lid
fill i FECI,
f lira RFnniHr rn
abliHNSUI? MiMo till
Til. & II. Corsets, French Jlodel, best for "nn
tho money Dub
J. i:. Corsets, perfect llttlng, durable; q
never sold at less than $1.00 00
Fleslbone Corsets, best corset sold; made to lit
any form; peculiarly adapted to stout people; gia
grace and style. Prices from $1."0 to $3.00.
Chlldrens' Cotton Hose, sIzcb from 0 to7;
double knees, hoels and toes, worth 25c I u
Hoys' Extra Heavy, double knees and --j-fp
soles; fast black ZOO
Men's Hose, extra heavy, black or tan l()o,
Men's Black Hose, splleed heels and toes;
fast color; worth 0c isSu
Men's 1'lno Black Hose, double heels aim 4 q.
toes, worth 25c 1 '
Ladles' Block Ho3i Ilennsdorf Dye;
spliced heels and toes; worth 20c IOO
Ladles' Black Hose, Hermsdorf Dye; dou- ty
bio soles; worth 23o 1(0
Ladles' Finn Hose, regular prleo COe.;
.threu uj-lvs for pl