The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1897, Image 1

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So A
STIWfl Til (Tff
Sn a
Vs. TRTJT1 Tll iTTf
rind light gaiments for&otvveen
seasons weni, aie now commanding
much attention Tlieie Is a leason
foi this, however, and It Is not far
to si ok Indeed jou can hit,- at a
glance In the
2 Tl
Newness f Styles
which we aio show Ins. Yet there's
a. heap of common souse shown In
this season's fashions, anil stiong
temptation to economise, which In
all ptobubllltv was nevei Inteiuleil
b. the deslgneis, but It's heie, anil
thoughtful women will leadllj iee
isjnl7e It.
For Example
Fl riont Heefei suits nie the pi v
swtllcst thing ot the season The
aio made up In all the poptilat
tes and include the vei latest
cedot and tone combination etfects
Nov us waists and sklits i mnu
sepauite in these suits, can fill wo
men will undoubtedh bu them In
bliil, nav v 01 neutial shades, so
that the Keefei walbt or J icket
ma be u x )lth anothei sldi t ol
anv coloi. ' the i Lonomlcal Idea
does not end fere juull lind It
nun moie piomlnent in the mn
pilslngly low i)rices we'ie abklng
Of Cerarse
We hae main other stles besides
lb float Ueofel suits Novelty
1 tin elieets will also be ponulai,
while the moie comenllon il t pes
of fashion aie heie In abundance
Separate SMrts
Aio mnie In demand thin evei, and
theli popuhulty has done much to
btimulate the luanuiaituieis In pin
ducing not only t no cities, but
In turning out a luss of woik that
it is ubsolutely impossible to sur
pass As in Milts, the mutt-i litis
Usui embinie two tone Uiocade
tatitis, Molte silks, silk and wool
mKtuies. Baiinockbuin tweeds,
Seiges, Cheviots, Coveit Cloths and
all the other fuvoilte te.Mlles foi
spilng wear.
Silk Waists
and fancy lawn waists are. also In
for the season. It's a little eaily to
make a geneial jdiowlng jet, but
we'll be glad to tutn them out foi
Inspection to all who ate Intel est
01 Novelties
In the above departments Is oppn to
all comers, and ftom the extent or
the dlsplaj-, we would s.aj that It
ought to in oe as intei eating to
Suuntonlans as the
Bfe Iressei-
will be to New Yorkers this weik,
for them's nothing wanting to
bring oui exhibition fullj up to
i IP
Air. Gallliigcr Characterizes the System
as a "(Monumental Humbug."
Delects ol tho liiiw 1'ointeil Out
b nrioiis .11embeis--.11r. Lodge of
lussachii!!Utts Its (Mil) ('liiuiipioii.
Tlie House Kntcrs Upon the hccoiiel
Oil) ol Tnrill Deliate.
"Washington, Match 21 The senate
indulged todaj in an almost oue-sliUd
deiuinc latlou of the cl II si nice law
and Its adtnliilstiutlnii The matter
tame up in the shape of a resolution
ofleied li .Mi Allin, of Nebiasku, dl
lectlng the committee on civil sen Ice
o Inciulie Into the dismissal of some
half doin emploves (mkioscoplsts) of
the buieiui ol animal lndustij In Oma
ha Ills assfitlcins were that the dis
missals weie for political lemons Mt
iiulllngn, of New llamiishlie, did not
favor the pioposed Investigation, be
cause It would bilng out so nianj Ivun
dted othn like gilevanies, and Mr.
Hum, of .Massachusetts, obieeted to It
on the smie giounds, snjlng that sueh
a Ileieulean tusk should not be thtown
on an committee at this special ses
sion The ilvll seivlce law, as ndmin
isteted, was chntacteiUed lij .Ml Oal
llngei ns "a monumental humbug "
He favoied blotting out the law and le
mming to a condition of things that
would "give to eveiy man and woman
an equal light to hold otllce with ev
en other man and woman" This
diclaiatlon of piinelples wns applaud
ed bv the galleiles, and the gilleiles
weie appiopi lately lectin ed bv the
v ice-piesldcnt on that In each of piu
Piietj Vailnus Instances c- nbsuidltles In
civil spiv Ice examination was fut
nlshed l) senatois .Mi Oallingei men
tioning the loeiuileineiits of wollld-he
composltois in the government pi lut
ing ollke that thev should hop twelve
times on one foot; Ml Wilson, of
Washington s ild that civil seivlce ex
aminations had been cudeied In his
state foi a cook in the penitential y:
and foi n sawvei on an Indian lcsei
vatlon, and even Mi Haw ley, of Con
necticut, who had been a membei of
the house lomnilttee which icporteel
the lar. oiiglnallv, admitting that the
commission had fallen Into a state of
'conspicuous Incompetc ncj" and giv
ing as an lllu-tiatlon the fait that
when an aimv englneti olllcel In
chaige ol a public woik on Long Island
.Sound had selected a competent In
spector In the pel son of a steamboat
captain w ho knew evuj lock and mil
bu In the nelghboihood, the commis
sion sent him to a ' schoolmastei tioni
Hhoile Island " The onlv sen.itoi who
deft niletl the law and Its ndininistin
tlon was Mi Lodge, ot Massachusetts
The upshot o' It all was tint Mi
Allen's lesolutlon was ngieed to with
out a division, but amended to ns to
lnstiuct the committee on civil seivlce
and letienehment to iiuiulte and lepoil
whethei the civil set v lie law should
be continued, ninended 01 lepealed
These thiee bills weie pissed bj the
Oh ei ting the secietai v of wai to sup
plv 1 uO(l tints to shejtei and lelieve
the biilleieis liom the Hood In the .Mis
sissippi livei. To established the of
ticlal sttivey of fi actional townships
In Niluaska To amend the ait le
peallng the tlmbei cumne laws
The lattei bill was explained l)j Mi
Pettlgieu to be the sime as was passed
bv both houses last session hut which
the piesldent had been "too busj fish
ing ' to sign
The Toi ley bankiuptv hill (modl
lled) was lepoiled and was, on motion
of Mi Hoai, made "the unfinished
business ' not to be calli d up Imme
diately howevei.
A constitutional amendment to make
A pill '0 Inuugiilatlon da was Intio
dun d bv Mi Hoai
Mi Tuiine Indiana, made an nigti
inent In fa voi of a constitutlo'ial
umiiHlmeiit to make United States
senatois elective hi populat vote, in
stead of bj state leIslatuies
At Ml p in the senate adjourned
until toinonow.
Tiin TAiurr bnHATi:.
Tho second elaj's debate on the tni
lft bill was something of nn liiiui ov e
ment ovei that ot te (list dav, al-thouu-h
Mr IJoihtij's statement eailj
In the elay was, and Is collect, that up
to this time the debate, computed to
those which have pieceded it within
tlm piesLiit decade, Is tame and uiiln
teiestlnsr The event of the dnv was
the soeech of Ml. Dolllvei, Towa He
held the nttention of the whole house,
Republicans and Demounts alike, foi
ovei an houi, and kept his heaiits
laughing neailj fiom stait to finish bv
his humoious descilptlons of the ef
fects of flee tiade or tailft for levenue
laws. Ills eloiiuent peiiods In ndvo
cnc and defensive of the ptotcctlve
taiiff jiolicy moused his political asso
ciates to a high state of enthusiasm
Othei speeches In favoi of the bill
weie made bj Messis ("iibson, of Te n
nestci', Lacej, Iowa; New lands (Sll
vei, Colo), the latter of whom spoke
foi in the standpoint of an opponent of
the Republican paitj's financial pollcj
but an advocate of piotectlon. A full
measuie of piospciltj, he clnlmed,
would nevei be icstoied to the coun
tiy until tho old time pailty of silver
with gold was le-establlshed
The speeches In opposition to the hill
was made by Mr Doiheiv, Mlssouil,
who attacked the agilcultutal schedule
paitlculaily, Ml. McLauiln (Dem , H
C ), who advocated a taiilf on cotton
and lice and announced his opposition
to the pollcj of free iaw mateilal; Mi
Swanson, of Viiginla, who agued with
Mi New lands Hint the lehabllltatlon
of silver as a basic moijej was an es
sential piemiulslte to Yiu leturn of
piospeiltj; and Ml. C'oci 7n, Mlssouil,
who contended that the leason whj
faetoiles censed opeiatlons was he
cause the people had no money with
which to buy theli pioducts.
The senate joint lesolutlon, bhpio
Pllatlng $15 000 to enable the secietaiy
of wm to innchaso tents foi the house
less victims of the Mississippi ilver
Hood was agreed to
At D o'clock n lecess wns taken until
8 o'clock, the evening session to be oc
cupied In debate on the taiiff bill,
The Local Banks Refused Assistance
Asked and the Farmers and Mcr-
cliants' Went to the Wall.)
Pails. Tex-, Match 23 The Tanners'
and Mei chants' bank, one of the oldest
and thought to be the stiongest finan
cial Institution In Ninth 'I exas, with u
piid up capital of tJOO.UOO, and a aui
plus of $00,000, made an assignment to
Judge U H Scott this morning. This
nctlou wus pieclpituted bj the Tall
in e of the lotton III in of Mai tin. Wise
iv. rithllgh jesteidav. An appeal to
the othei loc il banks foi assistance
was) made, but icftistd When the
doois opened this morning the urn
was lenewcd and lontlnued until the
liuili was foiced to close This set
people wild and a uish was made foi
the Clt national, which was also a
huge eiedltoi of Muitln, Wise & nti'
hugh A gieat ciowd gatheied In Iiont
of the building, nnd It became nices
saij fin the police to deal the side
walks. At 11 o'clock Colond CJeorge V Hicks,
vice piesldent of the Flist National
bank, walked In and laid $100 000 on the
Citj national's countei, and told the
people to come foi w aid and get their
iminej. This was followed by the an
nouncement that the bank wo'ilel le
maln open until C o'clock to paj depos-'
ltois This allajed the feats of some,
but many continued to wlthdiaw theli
money. Appiehinslons me felt for
banks in nelghboilng towns who nre
involved In the falluie of Maitln, Wise
.X. rithugh.
Jurj Returns a Verdict of Not Guilty in
First CaseThe Criminal Libel
Suit on Trial.
nuirisbur Pa. Maieh 21 The
Jui j In the case of the Soldiers' Oi school commission against Rev.
Di Swallow, editor of the Pennsjlva
nia Methodist ohaiged with cilmlnal
libel, l etui ned a eidlct this moinlug
of not gulltj, but diiected the defend
ant to piv the costs.
Two hums weie consumed In getting
a Jui x foi the second case In which Di
Swallow Is accused of cilmlnal libel In
having chaiged the boaid of public
giounds and buildings and Captain .1
C Delanej, the superintendent, with
having gulltv knowledge of the al
leged fae t that not all the monej on
state contracts went to the bldduis
Goveinoi Hastings was called as a
witness this afternoon and testified
that he was piesldent ot the boaid of
public buildings and giounds, and that
he had appointed Captain J C De
lunev supeilntendent of giounds and
Auditoi Cineial Mylln also testified
tha; le "ah a. membei of the boaid
Much of the testimony this afternoon
was to prove malice In the publication
ot the alleged libel
Rev Di Swallow, the defendant,
was In the witness stand almost
hums this afternoon lie Is now de
tending the ehaiges that two foil: and
even eight pilces weie paid lot at tides
l)iu chased for lepalis at the capital,
executive mansion aim linice chinch,
and that ceitain state olllclals had
gulltj knowledge of these excessive
pi ices I)i Swallow l elated amid
much Intei i tiptlou nnd objection tho
stoiies unou which he based his publi
cation He was told that a gianollthic
pavement was laid in Capitol paik foi
$1,S00 that could have been consti act
ed foi much less iiuelei a pioper svs
tern of bidding, that gieat
g.mce chai.icteilzed the lumlshlng ol
the looms of the lieutenant zovemoi,
that Dutch inetal was used instead ot
gold -nf as speeilled, that $70,000 was
paid foi it-modeling the hall of the
house, when a coiitinctoi agieed to do
it foi $.'0 000, and that a bill was ap
proved leu to 000 feet ot lumbu mnie
than was used In lemodellng C.iaie
chinch toi the legislating and manj
othei things ot like eluuactei
Ui Swallow was on the stand when
comt adjoin ned until toinonow morn
Delegates I'repaii'd to lluom .lolui
Plttsbuig, Mai eh L'J The delegates
elected ftom the eight h glslativt dis
tilcts of Alleghenj count j at Satui
daj's pilinailes nut todaj in conven
tion and elected dtli gates to the stale
convention The legulai Republicans
canleel six of the eight dlstilcts and
elected thlitv-one delegates The
Quajltes secuied the two dlstilcts in
Allegheny without opposition nnd
electid seven delegates, rive of the
legislative conventions endmsed John
Wanumakei foi state tit asm er nnel
the delegates fiom the Seventh dls
ti let v 111 vote foi him If his name is
piesented nt the state convention
In the lesolutlons adopted bj the
Sixth Legislative dlstilet convention,
the Cninegie Steel tompanj was con
demned fot tijlng to contiol the pil
inailes In that dlsttlct in behalf of the
Quay people b intimidating its ein
ploj es
Results ol mi lAplosion ol Ciis m
.lliiies Near Sheiiimiloiih.
Pottsvllle, Pa, Mnich 23 An ox-plo-slon
ol gas occuned at William Penn
shaft near Shenandoah this moinlug
It was caused bj a fall in an old work
ing which foued a laige volume of gas
Into the gangway wheie woikmen were
using naked lamps The gas Ignited
causing an explosion which shook the
entire workings and stinlned the mas
sive tlmbei s.
The following weie fatallj- lnjuted.
Joseph Satgeunt, Philip Haggeity,
William Lavenliuig
liiigiui Cuiiislii's Sue'ceissor.
Washington, Maich 2J T. O. 1'
Swujze, of New Jersej, bus been appoint
ed chief eleik of the treasury depai tmeiit,
vice Logan Carllslt, resigned All
Swuvpe was formeilj chief cletk of the
treasuij depai tment.
'a nil uui liter Confirmed.
Washington, March JJ Tho senate Imp
conllimed the following noiiilnatloir Wil
lis Vandevantei, of Wjoiulng, to be) us
slstaut attorney general.
The Joint Committee on Investigation Is
Nrnnglu Ovei the school Itill--ari-oiis
.Measures Introduced ester-diiv--Thu
Cheese) Hill ami Other
Acts ol Importance Are Passed.
.Matters ol interest tit the Mute
Hmilsbuig, Pa , Jiaich 21 Lieuten
ant Uovemoi Ljon called the senate to
older this morning at 10 o'lloik.
Among the bills icpoited fiom the com
mittee on judicial j special was the
antl-ticiitlng bill and that lepeallng
the countj sollclteu net of Dauphin
The case of Rev T)i. Swallow, on mo
tion of Mi. Giadj, was postponed un
til the 111 st morning session after the
tilal of his cases, when, Ml Giadj said
he would appeal and answei anj ciues
tlons which into he asked.
The follow lug bills weie lead In
liy Ml. Heller Appi opt lating $I0,0UU lo
the state commissioners of tislicilcs for
the two flsial jears beginning June 1,
f'i7, tor the ptottctlou and piopjgatlon
ot fish.
Rj -Vtr Chlsholm To provide fot the se
lection of aslte and the i lection of a state
hosjiltal for the homoeopathic tiiununt
of the Insine, to be called the Homoeopa
thic State Hospital for the Insane of
1'entisjlvanla f I
li Mr Cioil'e? To make the pioceod
lngs of the depai tment of I'tnnsjlvantn
Grand Aimv of the Republle, a pait ol
the public iccoids ot the state.
The bill making Philadelphia the
stnte capital was tecommltted to the
Judlclmj special committee.
These bill passed llnallj : flaking
constables e-olllcio Hie v aniens tor
the extinction of finest flies and tor re
potting to the coutts of qumtet ses
sions any iolitIons of the laws pio
tectlng loiests, to ptohlblt the public
exhibition uf hjpnotism, establishing a
dental council and state boaid ot den
tal examine is, to enlaige the com
petencj of the wife to testifj ngilnst
her husband, making valid the diploma
of phjslckins, bv unj leputable col
lege In anothei state oi foieign coun
tij, to authoiie the sale of biook
ttout aitilldallj leaied en giown in
ponds in pools bj the owneis at anj
time liming the jeai, dliectlng countj
commlssloneis to paj unpaid costs to
constabli s
At 11 30 the senate adjourned until 12
o'clock to leeelve the lepoit of the
tieasmj Investigating committee.
When the senate tecum ened, Sena
toi William P Snjdei. of the tieasuij
Investigating committee, lepoited the
finding of tho investigatois
The lepoit gives a hlstoiy of the In
vestigation as coveted ftom time to
time in the United Associated 1'iesses
dispatches The lepoit llnds that the
state Is ninplj pioteeted to the full
amount of the state tieusmei's bond,
and that undei the piesent law he and
his bondsmen ate lesponslble to the
commonwealth toi anj' loss that may
occui bj leason of the falluie- of air,
banking Institution whole state funds
aie deposited He has unlimited povv
ei in the muttei of selecting depoaltcu
ies In which to place state funds An
examination of the bonds held bj the
tieasuier shows them to be piopeilj
executed and that the pilnclp-ils and
suieties aie sulllelent to fullj pio
tect him The lepoit stjs
'The committee deems it but just
to saj that In Its Investigation of the
state tieasuij no tact lids been de
veloped that Is not ci editable to the
state and compliment.!! J to the tieas
ui 1 1 "
In ldatlnn to the resolution intio
duced lij Mi Kaulfmnn as to contil
butlons being made tow aids campaign
funds bj banks, the lepoit stated :nat
allldavlts aie attached to the lepoit de
nying that anj letteis making any
suiii demands had been wilt'.en
"Whetliei oi not state banking insti
tutions had made voluntuij contilbu
tions to the state oi nationnl commit
tee Is a question which the committee
was not nuthmliied to Inetulie into"
The leport also sets loith that neithei
the cominemwialth oi the slatt tieas
Utei aie uuthoil7(il to receive Intel -est
on deposits, and that, at nuding to
theli testlmonv, no lntuest had been
ald to the committee oi anj of them
on ne count of state monejs de;iosltcd
In anj banking Institution This tes
timony lefutes the ehaiges that strte
monej had been loaned for political en
campaign pin poses, and that money
had been paid out of the tieasuij to
lie' sons who dlefnot render sen lee to
the state, and that pet sons weie re
quited to ucelpt foi a Imgei sum than
thej weie entitled to leeelve
The leport In touching the auditoi
geneial's depai tment gives the leve
nues of the commonwealth and the
souice ftom which thej nre deilved.
It contains the complaint of the audi
toi geneial that with the limited foiee
under him he cannot possiblj peifonn
th dallv loutlne business of his of
fice and at the same time keep dose
watch on delinquent coipoiatlons It
toes Into consldeiable detail as to the
monej s received as taxes fiom coi
poiatlons, and points out as tlatteilng
tho laige amount tinned Into the
tioasuiy thiough the effoits of the
auditoi geneiul and the uttoinej gen
eral. The lepoit lecommends that the leg
Islatuie enact n law leqiililng hanks
leeching deposits of state funds to pay
intei est on the same at the late of
2 per cent, pet annum, that since, un
der any svstem of conducting the state
tieasuij, It will be absolutely neees
suij to have active banks conveniently
located foi the ptuposo of tiansactlng
the dailj loutlne of business of the de
partment, it is lecoinmended that pio
vislon Le made foi at least six depos
itories which shall be tequlied to paj
Interest, thlee to be located in the
countj of Philadelphia, une In the
county ot Dauphin and two in the
county of Allegheny. The lepoit lec
ommends that the leglshituie piovlde
for the employment of an additional
el8ric,to be known as delinquent cleik,
Continued on Page 2.J
Nineteen Deaths Reported from the
Georgia HurricaneLoss to Crops
and Property Will He Larjjc.
Atlanta (la, Maich JT The cjclone
that stiuck south Oeoigln has left a
Hail of death and dlsastei which
glows wnise ns time passes The val
ley of the Chattahoochee Is almost
swept clean At noon today the total
deaths lepoited aie 10. and at least J00
nre mine oi less Inn t.
The loss to ci ops and piopeity will
be laige, but no estimate can be made
Of twentj-flvo school ehlldien bulled
In the lulus of the Aillngton aeademj,
nine nie dead and mine will die. Pio
fessoi Abel Wnlkei, the pilndpal, is
djing. Piolessoi Covington will le
covei. That pait of Ploilda west if Talla
hassee, southwest Clem gin and south
western Alabama, through which the
stoiin inged v Ith such ftitj Is hugely
without telegiaphlc seivlce, and the
extent of damage wiollght cannot be
leal ned.
A Despicable Scheme to Betray Traction
Employes Exposed at Philadelphia.
Narrow Escape of Lutz.
Philadelphia, March 21 What Is al
leged to be a tieaeheious attempt on
the pait of two labia ngltatois to be
tiaj me n whom they weie cndeavoi
Ing to oiunnle Into nn organisation
was exposed at the ofllce of the Union
Tiactlon companj todaj-. When the
big tiollej stiike occuned heie In De
cembei, 1S93, of all the leadeis of the
Amalgamated Association of Stieet
Rallwaj Hinplojes none was so out
spoken foi a ladlcal course as Hit am
Lut.5 When the Decembei stiike was
settled LuU, It Is alleged, continued
to keep the minds of tho men In
flamed and a couple of months latei,
upon his own authoiitj, oi deled nn
othei aboitive stiike Associated with
him In his leadership was William II
Copeland, anothei labot leaden So
i.ilild vere Lilt s views that he was
finally expelled liom the association.
Since then Lutz and Copeland hnve
been attempting to leenganie the e m
ploves of the Tiactlon companj with
the view in the end, It is alleged, of
foi dug anothei stiike Some of the
compmv's einplojcs aie said to have
joined this new oiganlatlon and Lut.
unci Copeland saw In the movement
an oppoitunltj to line their pockets
Thej- ni'ide a pioposltlon to Assist
ant Geneial .M'lnngei Shaullei, of the
Tiactlon lompanj, to sell out the men
and betiaj theli seciets fen inonev
Mi Shaullei affected to ngiee to the
pioposltlon nnd learned the names of
some t wont j of the Tiactlon companj s
emplojes who weie the leadets among
the men in the movement Foi his
tipaeheiv Lutz asked for $1." a week
should be paid him and Copeland set
his juice at $.'") a week foi a veai oi
$1 000 in cash Ml Shauller made an
ens igement this afternoon witli Lut
and Copeland to meet him at his ot
llce and talk the matter ovei Thej
met and the subject wns discussed, and
then a most unpleasant suipilse was
spuing upon I.ut.2 anil Copeland
When bj theii conve rait Inn theli
tie.uheij had been laid baie, the elooi
of the ofllce buist open and ten angiv
men uished Into the loom The t'al
tois hud been caught in the ii own
Mi Shaullei had fianklv gone to the
men whose nanus had been given bj
Lut unit told them ot the nffaii, and
then had concealed them in the loom
adjoining his ollke, that thej might
eonflim his statements bv the evi
dence of theli own ems With oaths
the angij men tell upon Lut and de
spite Mi Shuullei's apptuls, diagged
him fiom the loom towuuls the sticeH
roitunateb toi Lut, some such out
liuist hid been antle Ipated, and a
toice of detectives, who weie on hand,
tescued the tilghtctml men, nnd LuU
and Copeland slunk nwav amid the
angij Jeeis uf theli would-be dupes
nte Till. en in the Semite and Hous(
. esteiiliiv .
riankfeut, If j , Mmdi 21 The sen
ate and house balloted sepnatelj' at
noon todaj foi United States senatoi
The vote In the senate was V fl.
Huntei (Republican), 1J, J C S. Illack
lilllll (Sllvei), It, Geoige M Davie
(Guld Demount), G, St. John liojle
(Republican), , necessmj to a choice,
The house voted: Hunter, f.J; Hlack
liuin, ol, Davie, 1, S 11. Rucknei (Gold
Demociat), 1, James II. McCieaiy
(Deinocint), 1, Hoj le. .1; R T 'Ijler
(Democrat), 1, W. J. Stone (Demo
ciat), 1 A joint ballot will be taken
The Question .Settled.
Sjn Ti uulsro, March SI Jnmcs J. Cor
bett and Robtit Pltsiiamons will nevei
meet In the pile ilng foi anotlui fhiim
plonshli) bittle This question was prac
tiiallj ileclded this moinlug, when the
two pugilists met in the hai loom of the
liuljvvln hotel and talked ovei theli plans
quletlj Theie weie no thitatenln,? ges
tuies unci no loud talk
Wtutlier Imllcttluns ludaj;
Rain; CulJtr.
1 Senato Denounces tho Civil Servleo
Woik of the Stato Liwmnkei-s.
at Proiiaratlons Go on L'nceaslnglj
in Griece.
2 Financial and Commercial.
J (Local) .Museum Ptumotus Allege a
Mlsunile islanding.
Comt Ptoeeedlnus.
1 RJltorlnl
Washington Gossip,
5 (Local) Death of Rev, John Hvans.
Asphalt Question Ih in a Muss,
Ii (Stot)-".My Love Is Ullnd,"
7 West Side News and Gossip,
Subuibmi Happenings,
8 I'p and Down the Yallej, v
AMiltnej's News Uudget.
Said to Rely on Russia and General
Reluctance to War.
One Hundred Christians Killed li the
.MuNsiilmmis-.Gri'ece's Spirit Is
Mill lligh--IIer Tiuops on the
I'loutlur Are 1'ull of Warlike Kn
tliiisiusm. Constantinople, Maich 23 Authentic
details of the outbreak on Sunduj last
at Tokat, in the Slvas district of Asia
Mitten, when the Tuiks utt.uked the
Aimcnlnns while the luttei weie In
cliuich, show that one hunched Cluls
tl ins weie massacied, The Aimenlati
(lUJitet and linnnr weie given ovei to
pillage foi eight houis
The Icptesentatloiis of the nmbassa
elcns of the foieign lienveis legal ding
the condition of Anatolia have made
but little Imprsslon upon the sultan,
who, leljlng upon the suppott of Rus
sia, Is convinced that he has nothing
to feni fiom the so-e ailed conceit ot
the poweis, which Is continually
haiped upon, although It Is believed
that little en no conceit be j and the
deslie in some eiuaiteis to postpone an
outbienk of wot leally exists
The dlplomnts heie aie said to lie
once moie tinning theli attention to
the conduct of the sultan, and It Is
seml-olllclallj intimnted that they are
again of the opinion so fieiiuentlj at
tilbuted to them, that tho sWein of
filendly lepiesentatlons on the subject
of Aimenia which hns hltheito been
followed, must be changed foi stonier
methods of dealing with the evils com
plained of. Rut the sultan has heard
this stoij manj times dining the ,iast
few j eats, mid he consoles himself
with the bellel that he will smvlve
this new fit of ilghteous Indignation as
he tided ovei otheis of a much mole
seilous natute
The ambassndois hive feumnllj noti
fied the Tuiklsh goveinnient ot the in
tention of the poweis to land Hoops
on the Island of Ctete foi the puipose
of lellevlng the detachim nts of foieign
m.u lues now on dutj aslioie. The
poite has ial-ed no objection up to
the piesent, believing that the foieign
fleets will then c.uij out the tin eat of
the poweis to blockade the pilndpal
potts and coasts ol Gieece On this
question, howevei, theie Is no un in
linitj ol opinion, the Impiession pie
v ailing being that Gieat Riltuin and
Italj at least will stiongly oppose such
a tep, believing tint il would cause
Gieece to ptomptlj declaie vvji upon
Tuikej, a culmination of the ciisls
which some ot the powers aie uppatei.t
lj still hopeful of aveitlng.
In the meantime the wai piepan
tions ol Gieece aie continuing night
and da J, and theie aie no Indications
of a backdown In that quaitet. Tioops
me being contlnunllj huiiled to the
Hontlers, the woik of electing foitlll
catlons Is inogiessing i.ipldlj nnd all
should be in it ullness toi an aelvanee
emlj In Ami II, when the weathei will
be much moie piopltlous than now for
mllltaiy pm poses Some people inti
mate that wai will lueak out about
Apt II C, next, the annlveisaij ot the
lalsing ol the Standaid ol the Cioss
against the Ciescent in 1SJ1, at the
comnieneement of the Gieek w.u ol in
dependence The Tuiklsh squndion Is still in tile
Daidunellcs, and the opinion is ex
Piessed that it will lemnln theie In
dellnltelj The Tuiklsh headquaitua
me at Hlassous, mid the Guek heiid
quaiteis aie at laissa Pleld guns and
othei battel lib have been placed in
position lij both sides at the enti. lines
oi exits, as the case innv be, of the
mountain passes leading to mid fiom
Thessalj Into Macedonia and Hplius
The base of supplies ol the Tuiks is at
Salonlcj and that ol the Giceks Is at
Athens although the tioops nnd sup
plies foi the aimles in the Held aie
libeled at Volo, Lamia and othn
poi ts
The Tuiks me estimated to have ,!0 -000
men. and liiegulms undei
aims in Macedonia and Hpiius, and
thej nie ci edited with having 1C0 to
200 Held pletes with them
The Cheeks ale believed to have
about 10 000 men undii aims on the
ftontleis, and to be hastening foi wind
eveij gun piocuiable, In oidei to cuuii
teiact as mm h us possible theli Intel I
oiltv In the numbei of pieces of ar
tllleij Incavnlij nlso, the Tuiks me
said to be much stiongoi thnn the
Giceks but, bv the beginning of Apill
It Is believed the (heeks will hi In a
much bellei date ot leadlm "s tor wm
than nt iiiesent Monej does not un
pta" to be lacking loi the ei.ul'imont
of the G teeks, and laige sunnlles of
aims and ammunition ha' e been
lorthcomliiL' tiinn soniewheie,
Her Cnpfuiii Takes the Omnibus Oath
Washington, Mmch 21 The treas
mj depaitmeut today diiected that
deal mice papeis be ginnted the al
leged tlllbustei, Reimudn, now nt Tei
nandlna, Fla The lletmudas euptuln
took the omnibus oath lequiied bj the
depii tment befeue the pel mission was
given He was obllted to make nlll
davlt that the vessel would not trnns
fei anj pntt of Iipi caigo tu nny other
vessel Lefoio i caching her destination,
nor take on boaid moie men than wus tu mn her
Copies of the nflldavlt weie examined
bj Secietniy Guge, befuto eleamnco
wus oi dei ed. The steamer will deal
foi some poit in the West Indies, not
Spanish, with a caigo of munitions of
i;nrtliiuul.e ut Mnlonp.
Malone, N Y, Maieh 23 At about 0
o'clock this evening theie was u he.iv
curtluiuake shosk heie, stinting with a
sudden boom like nn explosion, and isver
bciatlug v. 1th a gi hiding motion for some
seconds It seemed to travel fiom soutli
cast to noithwest. People weie alarmed
foi a moment, but no damuxc was dom
liictrli! Winks mi 1'iie.
Reidlng, Pa, Match 21 A Ilia whldi
stnited In the Acme Hlejcle woiks, was
still burning tleicelj at 1 tj this moiuliig
'Iho woiks covet a seiuaie ol biuund ami
the loss will be about IIOO.OW.
We jlpei Teiay a Mapi
cemil New Stock of Ex
clusive Novelties Di
rect from Paris,
Two Tone Grena
dines (tlie latest),
Snake 5kin Novelties,
Pure Frencli Mohairs,
Lace Mohairs Two
Tone Checks, Eping
lines, Endora's, Et
einiennes, Coyerls,
Black Goods
As Usual, Js Unsurpassed
510 AND 512
Always Binsy
SelliM loaest Sloes,
Specials for March
Ladies' yici Kid Welts,
$2.00, JVlen'f
Welts, $2,00,
Footwear Jor
e yery
member of Hie
Wholesale and retail,
Lewis, Reilly e& Da-yies
XI 1 and 1 111 VA v malm' Avenue.
U'ltphoiie, -J tX.
Singular fnso Against thu Pliilnilcl
p Ii i ii unci Iteiidiug Itond.
Philadelphia Muich ", nenjamln P.
I X lit ti duv began suit against the Phil
adelphia and Headlnj Teinilnal Hall
load cumtian to itcovei $10,000 for
piopeitj ulleed to have been taken
wionglullv fiom him bv the compnuy
becailHe It wufl used foi purposes cither
than dei-iguated Hilt ow ned a hotel
on rilbelt tleet above Uleventh Stieet
111 this city which wns cni the line ot
the clevuted road and station con
stituted bv the tei initial company. The
plaintiff claims that inasmuch as the
company built a market house on the
site It pmstltuted Its lights, such an
etiteipilse being In nu way connected
with the lailroad, "or In any way or
manner necessaiy for Its u&e. of en
joyment of the lands and premises of
the plaintiff In the exeielse of their
light of eminent domuln under thu
chattel p-i anted and slven to it, but
wholly without authuilty at law."
Numerous other c lulmanU nre In
toiesttd in the outcome of the suit. It
is bald to be the Hist uc Hon of til
kind ever instituted In Pennsylvania.
Stuniiihhip Anivuls,
New York, Maie'h J3 Ai rived: Steamer
Columbia, fiom Union bulled. Spree,
for lliemen, (Ireussiu, foi UlaggOY.'. Ai
ilved out Itillj, at Uenoa; Worra, ut
Uenoa (both on Munh II),, Tuist ills
uiuiel', at Uenoa Sailed for New York
Penns;. hnnla, ftom Hamburg; Thlng
vallii, fiom e'lnlstluna (Munh H); Cleor
ti.i, fiom Stettin (Maich M)
Thu Hurulil's etitliui roiut'nst.
Xew York, Maich "1 -In tho Middle
states toda, piutb iloildj and consldeia
bl coldei weathei will prevail, preceded
b lain on the eoists with lii'sh and brisk
eafcterl winds, hhlfllng to westerly and
noithv.estcily, followed geneiiillj by
ilinlng b the afternoon Un 'Ihuiiu
ila eliui rol Ii i wiattm mil fi.h ,ust
cil tu nurtheil-, winds will pievail.
&Vm Wfil &J!'iiJ