The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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West Side
HciiiiIl-iu Mass yns C'ulcbrntcil in St.
l'utrli'li'tt Church.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Annlo
Dover was held at St. 1'atrlclt'n Catho
lic church jnstculny liiornlns. Th'o
Jlcv. J. I). AVhclati celebintetl a IiIrIi
mass of requiem lit the chlltch and llic
body was buu.o to thu Hyde 1'atk Cath
olic comelety vvli-to It wan laid In final
lest. Tlie lunctul college was an ex
ceptionally I.iiro one, owing to the
wide elide of friends and lelatlves en
Joyed by this most estimable lady. The
piocesslon s totted fiom the home of the
lion. T. V. Powderly, on Noith Main
The palllieaiets were: John B. Madl
Ban, T. V. Powderly, P. .7. Povvdetly,
bennton; P J. Povuleily, Caibondale;
John and Thomas Connois. Aniontr
the out ot town people who attended
thu funei al Weie! Putilfk A. Povvdeilv,
Ml. und Mis. P. J Powdeily, Mr and
Mrs. James Fori ell. Mr. and Mifc Ilusli
Powderly, Mi". Thomas O'Ootmell, T
Y Walker, Mis. T. J Huffman, Mis
ndvvuul J Mollnle, Mis Putiick f'oo
gun. Mis rtloideii, Miss Delnney, MWs
Hannah, Kobeit Pi lee, Daniel
Oavls, of Caibjndale; Miss Ilunnah
i,ano.vuy, Mrs ltobert Spalding and
James Deer, of Wllkes-Baire.
The Clitlstl.m linden vol Ites of the
Sumner Avenue Ptesbyteilan cluiich'
laid u dime mm'IuI und enti tuinment
In the chill th hist evenlnis which far
outdid any pievluu- efioit along that
tine. The pi ogi amine hleh w as pleas
lngly it-c-elved by the lain" uudienee
was as foil jws," Chlldien's choiu, lee
ltatlons b (.'limits Ctdwgan, MH-. Ciei
tk Hughi a. Mis,;. Uoihtce ("onset, Miss
Anna M Davis, Miss Allle Jones, Miss
Hlodu Jenkins,, Mlbs Helen Davis and
Thomas D. Thompson; bolos by Mls
Muiy J. Uiiltilhs und Hithuid Watklns,
duet bv the MNes Kloda and Muiy
Jenkins, and snleetloi's by the
Tajloi (laitttte, tonslstlng of Mlst An
nie Pelseekei, Miss Hay Motgans, Chas.
Dibble and Klclmid Watklns, MKs Jes
sie Moigan acting as accompanist. The
welcoming addiess was made by the
chairman, William U. Jumelsou, In a
pleasant sUle. rollowing the pro
lamine cake and coltee weie seived to
those piesent.
A faiwell was tentleied Lieutenant
V Ti autumn, of the West Ride Volun
teers, nt the post looms on North Main
aenue last evening in honor of his
dnpaituie to a special field of work In
Xew Yoik cltv. The lieutenant will be
assistant on the stall of Captain Handl
cott, of the Thlity-flfth stieet post II
will no Joubt 1111 his new poitlon as
acceptably as. he hus his pie-ent one
and he goes with the bst of wishes
liom his filends heie.
Captain Johns and w Iff-, of Post No. 2.
will, nftei Monday hae chaige of Posts
Nus. 1 and ", being the centi il city and
"St Side pels. They will neieaftm
ieside on Adams avenue The young
foii, Hlnton, of Captain John's, will as
sist In the added Held of labor.
Mis Dald 11 Cox and daughter,
Mabel, of Hlnghnmtoii uie the guests
of Mr and Mis. Levi Home, of Noith
Uiomlev uvenue.
Will Johns mid Will -Moish nnlved
home fiom Wales at midnight on
Thui-sday night after a six weeks'
business trip.
Mm C.eoige T. Jones, of North Lin
coln avenue, hus lecoveied fiom a se
veie aUack of Illness.
Jenkin Heese, of Noith Hyde Paik
avenue, is lemodelliiE his house and
adding to Its geneial appearance in
side and out.
Chailes, the young son (if Rev. S. F.
Mathews, of Noith Hyde Park avenue,
Is lecoveilng fiom his lecent seveie
Miss Mamie Stephens, of Caibondale,
Is the of Mi and Mis J Hovv
aid Poust, of 12S North Hyde Paik
The funeral of the Infant child of
Mr. and Mis. Evan Edmund, of Lu
zerne stieet, will be held this afiei
noon at 3 30 o'clock at the home. In
Says $25.00 for a Spring Suit
How carefully he takes your meas-.
ure. But somehow the suit doesn't
fit. Nor wear. Nor look well.
You don't know why. We do.
There's a knack in cutting and
making clothing.
sess it, and those few are employed
by the best clothing manufacturers
at salaries your little merchant
tailor could not afford to pay. That's
why our ready-made clothing has
more style, and close cloth buying
makes it possible to sell a first
class spring suit for
In Plains and Checks, in all
the popular wood brown shades
teunent will be made at Washburn
Street rcmetery.
The chlldien of Samuel Htluhes, of
North Hromley avenue, have recovered
fiom an attack of the measles.
Mrs. John McCrucken nit ramlly have
tetuined home to Nicholson.
Miss My i tie Fralinfelter, ot South
Hyde Park avenue, has leturned home
fiom an extendi d visit at Mt. Pocono.
Mis Charlotte Taylor, of Noith Sum
ner avenue, Is In Elizabeth, N. J., visit
ing filends.
John Evans, of Eighteenth street,
has muved to Plttston, having secuied
employment there tccently.
D C Phillips, of Academy stieet,
Is confined to the house with nn at
tack of iheumatlsm.
The Intest and best styles. Hobcrts,
120 Noith Maine.
Mis. John llobcrts, of North Sum
ner nvenuo, Is suffering fiom quinsy.
Will CnduEun Is at work again lif
ter a week's Illness.
Tim rminrnl of Mis. Elizabeth Ev
ans, of U Hack stieet, will occur at
the home this afternoon nt -'30. In
terment will bo made In Washbuin
Stieet cemeteiy.
All meinbeis of Electllc City com
mando y, No. 177, of the Ancient and
Illustilous Older Knights of Malta, aie
leuuested to meet at Masonic hall,
Noith Main avenue, at G 30 p in. Sun
day, to iittend divine seivlee nloni?
with Anthinclte commandery, No. till,
at Hamilton Stieet Methodist Episco
pal chinch
We laundiy btlrf eollais with soft
button holes Ciystal Laundiy. '
The home ot Mr. and Mis William
Thomas, of South Hebeeca uvenue, has
been bilghtened by a little daushtei
The funeial sei v Ices of the late Mis
Suiah Ann Howells, of 12s Guiileld
avenue, will ocelli at the lesldeuce
tomoiixm afternoon at 3 o'clock. In
tel ment will be made at Washbuin
Stieet (emeteiy.
The Misses Ida. Haul", May Jones
and Maigaiet Cony, of this side, huve
l etui ned fiom a tlnee weeks' visit In
Nf Yoik cltv.
Mis Thomas W Davies, of boutli
Main avenue, hus lecoveied fium a
shot t indisposition.
Dr. E. Y. Hanison, Dentist, Meais
Hall. U'l S Main avenue.
Thosi Intel ebted In the organization
of n choir under the leudeiahlp of
Thomas fl. Evans, will meet hltn In
the Hobeit Mo' lis lodge looms tumot
iovv evening at S o'clock.
The Hellevue Choial socletv will meet
for leheaial this evening at 7 '10 In
the Hellevue Calvlnlstlc Methodist
Cholse cut lloweis and flower de
signs at Palmer & McDonalds, G44
West Side Ilusiness Director).
flowers and funeral designs a specialty:
101 South Main avenue; two doors from
Jackeon street.
avenue Physicians' prescriptions care
fully prepared from wan anted pure
drugs and chemicals. A line assortment
of trusses, line stationery blank books,
vainlsh stains, mixed paints oi fancy
work, artists' matiilals, window glass,
wall paper and plctuie moulding. Clerk
at store all hours )f night.
any thing you have to sell, rurnlture.
Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the
stock of J. C. King, 701 to 703 West Lack
awanna avenue.
"Tim Murphy, ' ot whom we have heaid
so much and seen uo little, a comedUn
of luie tii.nui.teiit.tlc humoi, whose na ne
is as well known in 'KrUto us In New
Yoik, whose oilglnai chataeteilzatlon of
Muveiiek Hiander in "A Texas Steel," is
still nesh in oui minds, will piesuit a
double bill at the Academy of Musi",
Afonduy, March 22. Munufcir Long con
siders this oigunUatlon one of the most
lii,ioitant of this season's bookings, us
the ei.teitainment is of tile most novel
oi del and compilses two entlitly dlffei
ent sta7ips of diamtle art. A dainty, pa
theclt corned; entitled "Old InnocencV'
i icalUtlc, plctuiesque duam of swt
limoetnce and woildly deceit, to be fol
lowed by the season's sensitlonal novelty,
"Sli "Htniy Hypnotised," u eliaiattei hit,
new, oilginal and novel, us Mi. Muiphy
assumes tight distinctly dlffeient chuiac
teis of well-known stais and peisonuges,
Including Heniy living, John T Ray
mond, Joseph Jeffeison, Sol Smith Rus
sell. Lawrence Banett, Stew ait Hobon,
Edwin liooth, and by special lequest,
William J Bryan, and oui noble Piesl-dent-ekct,
Majoi William McKlnley Ml
Muiphy appears heie lor the uenellt ot
the Crystal Hose company.
One of the best of the popular-priced
organizations will hold foith all net
week at the riothlnsham la the appear
Few men
ance of the favorite souurette, Minnie
Lester, and n good cotnuuny, together
with her own solo oteheMrq The en
gagement will open with a mntlneo Mon
duy preentlllK "The Little Counterfeit
er." Monday evening Bhe will be aetm in
one ot her most faipotiH successes, "Tin
Silver Ledge." Theie will be u illmo
matinee eveiy day, and the evening prices
will be 10, 20 and 30 cents, with a change
of bill at each peifoimunce. Seats for the
enthe engagemnt can now be secured at
the box ofllcc. "
Won tlio Chief Political I'lleat the
OI) pliruit Eisleddlod.
Helow wo give the plctuie of James
W. Hccse, w Inner of the chief poetical
in Ize nt the Olyphant clsteddofd on St.
Pattlck'tt day. For twenty-five ycais
Mr. Reese ha llGincd piomlncntly In l
Welsh llteiatuto. For melitorlous
woik he has been the recipient of
many piizes for prose and poetty In
some of the most impoitnnt contests
jA.Mi:s s m:i:sn.
in connection with the eisteddfod He
was one of tln secretailns of the gieat
eisteddfod held on the est Side In
1SS0, and fur munv vcais was olilclul
1 onespondeiit of Y Diych in Xoith
easte'n pHimsy lvunlu. He Is one of
the tev hi'ieubouts who Is a master
bulkbr of the alliteiatlve Welsh
"etmly n "
In his last vletoiy he vanquished
many of the foremost elsteddfodlcal
contestants, his composition being de
claied far supeiloi to any ntliei In the
contest, and o" hUch u ineiltoilous
chaiacter that called forth wo-ds of
unstinted pialse fiom the learned ad
judicator, the Hev T. C. Hdwaids, D.
D , of Kingston.
An Arrest follow . Druggist Vctter's
Smooth Device.
If J. M. rickeit hadn't located his
cut late patent medicine stole at 413
Penn uvenue, alongside the regular
ill ug establishment ot P J. Vetter, at
No 415, the louner wouldn't have been
assaulted and the latter wouldn't have
been ai rested on a chaige of liavins
done the assaulting.
The patent medicine store In all its
ndvettlsements calls paitlcular atten
tion to the unlucky number, "113."
Diugglst Vettei displayed a sign pi lut
ed in small letteis and laige flguies,
"This Isn't No 413," but puichnseis
didn't notice the meaning and euteied
the diug stole to purchase goods, al
though they had intended pationlztng
"No 413," adjoining.
When the patent medicine man Hck
ert lemonstiated with the
1 , f I
U.Uktlt I
yestetduy afternoon there was n phy st
eal ml.-up It all ended in the lutter
being nualgned before Aldennan Mil
lar on a chaige of assault and battel y
und held In $300 bull to appear at couit.
Hiitchui .Murray Wants 8,"il)U from the
Traction Compun).
Butcher Thomas Muuay, of the
South Side, lepiesented by Attorneys
M. J. Donahoe and I H. Hums, yes
terday hi ought suit against the Scian
ton Ti action company for $500 dam
ages, which, he aveis, he, his horse,
wagon, harness and meats sustained
by leason of the negligence of the com
pany The allegation of the plaintiff Is
that on January IB, 1S9C, n Tiactlon
company tiolley car, running at a high
late of speed and without llnglng a
bell or giving any other warning or
alaim, dashed along Plttston avenue
and acioss Pulm stieet, at which point
Mr. Muuay wus ciosslng the Hack
with his butcher wagon. Theie was a
collision and Mi. Muuay, his hoise,
wagon, harness and meats weie scat
teied piomlscuously ovei the stieet in
tersection. GRAND ARA1Y NOTES.
Lieutenant Ezia S Gilflln nost, No.
139, Giand Amiy of the Republic, In
conjunction with the Sons of Vetei-
ans and Woman's Relief cotris, will
celebiate the annlveisaiy of the Giand
Atmy of the Renubllc on Apill B at
theii headtiuaiteis.
Gilllln !ost will attend dl"lne ser
vices at the Slmuson Methodist n:,ls
copal ehuich on the Sunday evening
befoie Memoi lal. day. Rev. J 13
Swett will :ueaeh a special seimon
Rev N. F Stuhl, who by leuson of
his 111 health hus it-signed the pas
toiate of the (Jreen Ridge Piesbitei
lan ehuich and has icnioved to Piluee
ton, N J , hus been piesented by Giif
II u post with a beautiful American Hag
tw be luted on the pole which was tak
en fiom the gi on ndi surioundlug his
lute letldente heie and was te-eiecled
ut Mr Stahl'M home In i'llnceton The
pule stood for many jcais on the
glounds of the Memoilal Hull ussotla
tlon. He wus chaplain ot the post lot
man yeais,
The uunlveisaiy tally of Svv arts'
post, at Moscow, last Wedneidaj even
ing, was attended b a laige paitv of
Sciantoii vets.
A .Illicit' il I, He Saver
19 Dr. Agnew's ('uie foi the Heait. Af
ter yeais of puln and agony with tlls
tiesslng disease, it give lellef
In thlity mliiutei. Thomas Petty, of
Ayliner, Que, wtltes. "1 hud sulleied
lor live veais with u seveie foun of
heait disease. 1 was unable to attend
to business. Hi. Agnew'b Cine fm
the Heait guve me Instant lellef, fotu
bottles enthelv cuied me"
'I l Pure a Cold in One Dii).
Take laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggUts lefund the money If It
falls to cure. 25c.
For Infants and Children,
Tin ft:-
Suburban News
In General
Neal O'Donnell was locked up last
evening by Special Olllcer Geoige
Smith. He was In Alderman Hubert's
olllce nnd wanted to mil things his
way. The aldetman warned him sev
eial times", but he paid no heed to them.
He was finally compelled to have him
locked up for contempt of couit.
Thu Welsh Haptlst people, the name
of the lecently otgunlzod chinch, will
occupy their new place on Wayne ave
nue, between Oak and Market sticcts,
tomoiiow, when the services for Sun
day and the following week will be us
follows: At 9 u. m player and piuise
seivice; pleaching at 10 a. 111., Sunday
school at '2 p. m , pienchlng nt 0 p. in.
The Hev. W. F. Davis will occupy thu
litilplt nt lioth sessions. The chlldien
will leben-se the mlsslonnty conceit
piogrumme after school. There will
lie player meeting Monday evening.
Tuesday, IMti p. in., meeting of Junior
Haptlst Young People's union, 7.30 p.
m., meeting of Senior Haptlst Young
People's union society. Thuisday
evening, class meeting. Pilday, le
hearsul for chlldien
Hev. W. G. Watklns will preach to
inonow tuuinlnz and evening In the
Noith Main Avenue Haptlst chinch
Mottling theme, "The Gospel of Hn
coutagement." levelling topic, "Lu
cilei, the Song of Moinlng, 01 u Study
of Satan, His Peisonallty and Cliaiac
tei "
Hev William 'O. Hvans. of Wilkes
Hane, will occupy the pulpit of the
Welsh Haptlst ehuich tomoiiow moin
lng and evening
The Rev. Newman Matthews will
speak on the following subjects at the
Puiltau Congiesrntlonal ehuich tomoi
iow. 10:10 u. 111, 'The Player God
Answeis," 7 p. 111., "Measuiins Men
God's Way and Man's."
Austin Spaiks, of Pleasant Mount,
visited filends In this section yestei
duy. Mi nnd Mis. Alfied Gilllln, of West
Malket stteet, ale lejolelng over thu
aiilval ol u baby daughter.
Mis. R W Thomas, of Diamond
avenue, is lecoveilns: fiom a seiious
(liovnnnn Puena vvaii aiested by
C'onstalih' Seth Smith at the Instance
of Pasquulle Allay. She Is chaiged
with Inireny and lecelving stolen
goods She was locked up lot safe
keeping until moinlnir, when she w ill
be given a heating befyie Aldei;nan
gui:i:n kidgk.
The mebers of the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school aie leuuested
to meet tomoiiow afternoon at .
efclocM one-half hoiflr eailler than
usual, for the putpose of piuctlelng
Hastei caiols
P. J. Olovei, of Dleetilc avenue, who
has been seilously ill, is slightly lm
pioving. ,,
The lesldence of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11.
Jackson on Monsey avenue was last
evening the scene of a veiy pleasant
gathering, it being a surpiise paity
tendeied to theii daughter, Llllle. With
games, music and other amusement
u most delightful time was hud and be
foie leaving lefieshments of me most
Inviting natuie weie seived. Those
who composed the paity weie the
Misses May Palmer, Coia Shottei, Han
nah Faust, Fiunces Klwell, Hthel Shoe
maker, Daisy Peiiy, Nellie Benson,
Beitha Tiipp, Maud Pulniei, Canle
and Lillian Foster, My 1 tie Jackson,
Mabel Juyne, Huth Williams, Hessle
Wescott, Agnes Shennan, Beitha So
pei, Carrie Puvne, Grace Stackhousc,
Carrie Heynolds and Grover Seais, Ai
thur Floiy, Melvin Snydei, Cleon
Schultz, Charles Hill, Claience Oakley,
.. ,-.,. .1- r,..t.. . Tj... tl.u, ..!
1MHO jjuiiiii, ituirei 1 Jwasi-i, "'"i
r.f.1.1. niifnu T'lnnw find Tannic Tlitllptl.
Miss Josephine Stalk has leturned
fiom a month's' visit with filends at
Mis. T. B Jackson lias leturned from
a visit at Norwich, N. Y accompanied
by her cousin, Miss Carrie Wells, who
Is now her guest.
Miss Maiy Dunforth, a returned mis
sionary fiom Japan, will occupv the
pulpit of the Asbury Methodist Epis
copal ehuich tomnnow evening under
the nu-:lce.s of the Woman's Foielgn
MKslonaiy society. In her addiess she
will tell about the eaitlmuake which
occuned two yeais ago In Japan
Mis. Danforth will be at the Method
ist pai-onage, SOU Delaware street, af
ter 3 o'clock this afternoon, to leceive
calls fiom anr one Intel ested In her
w 01 k.
The admliers of Fltzslmmons were
Jubilant yesterday and even those who
chose Coibett as a favotlte were com
pelled to conveit their depiesslon into
shouts of luughtei upon witnessing the
payment of a novel bet near the city
line. Owen Melvin and William Pow
ell, both cleiks In the Mlnooka stoie,
wageied a wheelbaiovv llde on the le
cent tight, jesteiday at noon being
the time detei mined upon foi settle
ment. As u. lesult Melvin, the loser,
was compelled to convey Powell
thiough the stieets of tilt South Side
and Mlnooka. The banow was dec
oiated with Ameilcan Hags, and .fol
lowed bv a lame cheeilng ciowd of
enthusiasts The stieets weie. not In
the most favorable condition, and the
wheel sank In places neatly up to tlie
hub In mud. Alter completing his taslt
the loser made one stiong lesolutlon,
w hleh v HI likely end his betting.
Lenten devotions weie held In St.
John's and St. Maty's Geiman
Catholic chinches last evening.
Albeit Keains is visiting filends on
Hltkoiy stieet.
We laundiy stiff eollais with soft button
hole Ci j stal Laundry.
MIes Jessie Williams, of South Wash
ington avenue, left yesteiday to visit
lelatlves In Houesdale.
Thomas Uougheity, of Rliney ave
nue. Is confined to his home by a severe
Choice cut (loivers and (lower designs
at Pulmei A: McDonald's, &H Spruce.
A gieat Piohlbltlou tally will lie held
In liov le's hall this evening Vietoi 11.
I'lukuej will give uu addiess, the sub
ject ijf which will be "lJiohlbltlou and
Modeiutlou. l'lohlbltlou Is u Divine
Cuinmand und Modulation a Law of
Sin." The uftuil will be held under
the auspices of the I.ovul '.Ymumunce
l.eglon, the membets of whli h coidlal
l.v Invite the public to attend
Mi. and Mis. James Uulney, of But
ler ptieet, gave a puity last night to
the following of theii friends. Messis
and Metdames l' T Swaitz, I3au Pow
ell, F, 15 Stevens.G. Swaitz, Jake Uast
eillue, Maik Simpson, James Hullcek,
1. a, Film, Chailes Hngle, Oeai Vost.
Peter Slesle, V. K Manliij. William
Slrgle, II Secoi, U Hainuid, P. I)
Seeoi. V. Welseullue, Thomas George
Hailitil. Oeeitre HIiuoiih, Philip Uuvls,
Albeit Jenkins, fbuiles lliadi, !
Bingham, W. Steruei, U Bingham,
nijci" lliaiinlu?. A B Bnkei, H. W.
Weit. W. Blgguit, Chailes Pottei,
Tiiumas lleislielmer, H. Mooie, I.
Yeuger, W. Jones, Oram Con ell, Fiank
Bingham, Hev, and Mis C, 11. Hayes.
Mis. J H. Kenne", Messis. Thomas
Kngle, Alexander MaeKay, Daj tun Hi
lls, Stanley Pleice and the Misses Hdith
Sclioouovei, Oenevleve HleneoKtM, Huby
Yutt, 121sli Powell, Mailgou Kenney
and Grace Powell Tho unity was given
in honor of Mm, James (luluuy, who
ypstenlay attaint il Iter foity-llrst yenr
The Hltnlr w'us a soolul success and
was gieatly enjoyed by all piesent.
Hel'ieshini'iits weie seived tint Injr the
evening. '
MtE3 Jesle Hoblnson, of Claik's
Oreen, hus returned home after spetid-
225 ana 227 Washington Ave-
Hnilnent specialist for all diseases sent
flee to your homes. Advice and consul
tation fiee. These physleans havo now
been pinetlsing in Seiuiiton over four
months, although most ot the cases to
which they vvero called hud bten given
up by the family physician, they have
not had to wilte a single death certlll
tute. Tliurlow Al KliciiniiiUsm Cure.
Will cuio the following symptoms!
Hiulsedpaln between the shoulders; stiff
ness ot the back, pain In the loins; trem
bling and tingling In the limbs; the nlTeut
od paits hot, led and swollen; pain In
elbows, knees and hips; pains woiso be
foie a Htorm; dull, henvy pilns in the
region ot the Itldnevs? the affected parts
stilt und cold, high colored mine; Joints
sore ulid swollen; hack feels us If bioken;
numbnemi and heaviness In arms and
hands; feet swollen, burning and pi Irk
ing, contractions of the ufleeted pails',
dumps of thu dlffeient inusclts; Joints
stilt, with tendency to become crooked.
TliurloAV A21 Klilncj Cure.
A boon without nn equal to the atlllcted,
Symptoms Puffy uppeuianeo of the face,
paitloulaily under the eyes, swelling of
tlie feet and legs, a feeling of diowsbuss
und mentul dtpiesslon, excessive tils-,
chaige of pule, heav'y mine, bowels con-,
stlputed, stools haul und dry; the skit
Is pule, diy and vvuy In appearance,
daik ilngs uiound the eyes, a chilly,
cietpy feeling down the buck; the pci
splrutlon hus a bad odor, objects und
spots Ilouting befoie the eyes, tlie hall
has a tendency to turn gray.
Ing the past few weeks with filends
on East Drlnkel stieet.
The Industi lal schoul of the Women's
guild ot St "Mink's chinch will be held
this ufteinoon ut '2 o'clock In the parish
huune TliN ichool Is not tunlltD-U
alone to children of the puilsh, but Is
fiee to eveiy one who wishes to avail
themselves ot tills oppoitunity.
Miss Cetta Jackson, of East Dilnk
er stieet, Is the guest of ti lends In
Clark's Gieeu.
Kiank Laliev, of Mom 00 avenue, Is
the guest 01 ft lends In Plttston
Mis, Elis-a Hobblns, of Williams
stitet, tKcompunled by her son, Ed
wuid, has gone to Oxfoid, N. .1., to at
tend the -fune'inl of a lelutlve. Mis
Bobbins intends to remain seveial
months In Oxfoid.
Edwaid Hollman. of Petersburg, Is
dangeiously )ll with pneumonia.
Mrs. 1i. E. Gear, of Hlakely stieet, Is
able to be out again after her it-cent
attack of pneumonia.
The Infant duughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Haycock, of Wlliam street, is
seilously 111 with lu giippe.
Mi. and Mis Samuel Snyder, of Wil
liam stteet, aie the guests of friends In
New Yoik
Miss Edith Walker, of the Noith
End, is the nuest of Miss Nellie Hay
cock, of William street.
The funejnl of Catheilne, wife of Pat
llek Ruddy, of Fuinklln stieet, was
held yesteiday ufteinoon. Intel ment
was made in St Maiy's cemeteiy. The
pull beaiers were. Michael Doud, Pat-
Hck Klelly, Thomas Cuiney, John Hell
ley, Peter Wulsh and Peter Hellley
Muuay Ai Co 's mine has lesumed
opeiutlons again after seveiul weeks
of Idleness due to a misuiidei standing
over the tianspoitatlon of coal fiom
the bieakei.
A. B. Dunning, Jr., was In town ester
day grading the roads for the upeivi
sois. The emplojes of the Greenwood collier
ies will be paid this ufteincon.
If weather peimits tills afternoon
Thomas ritzslmmoiiB Walklns will enjoy
a ttlp to Mooslc. James Jones will jiush
the whtflbuiiow.
The supei visors uie being commenlled
for putting the sidewalks In shajie.
IIni llcen Donated to tho Uluinorinl
l.ibrnr) Donated by Y. T. Smith.
A portrait in oil of Joseph J Al
bright, whose generosity piovlded the
Albrlsht Memorial llbtaij, has been
given to the llbraiy bv William T
Smith and placed in position in the
leading room.
The portialt occupies a space over
the mantel at the west end of the loom,
It was painted by Chaitian and is 4S
by 5(i Inches. The likeness shows Mi
Albright seated In an easy position and
lb very lifelike.
Mrs. John C. Lindsay tiled at Manllus,
X. Y, jesteida, attei an illness or about
slv weeks Mrs L!ndsu, who was loi
merly Nettie Kent, left Caibondale about
live ear ago with her husband, going to
Manllus, vvhuie ho hus since been em
plojed, She was a jouug woman ot
unusual biightntss of disposition, and
her cheei manner won toi hei moie
filends than tall to the lpt or the avei
age pel son hlle she llv ed In Cai uondale
she gave hei talents ticelv to munj lell
glous and chaiitablo objtets and her de
puitlilu lett u void hard to till Besides
hei huiband, her mother, living In Broolj
ljn, and two biotheis, ticoige and Ld
waid, mouin her demise. Uuilal will
take place at Manllus.
Mls Eulallo D , daughter of the late
Geoige w, Klikendnll, died nt the Tumily
residence, "2 North Washington stieyt,
Wilkes-Uune, at 10 o'clock Thutsduj
moinlng, of heait fallute, after a pro
longed Illness. She was bom in Wllkrs
Buire Aug. "i, 1So2, und liad icslded theie
all her life. Sha is siuvlved bv her mo
tliei, one brother, George T, n piaetltlng
attorne of th Lucerne bar, and one uls
ter, Mis. John T Phillip-., of Dallas The
funeial will tukt- place this uftt-rnoon at
2 JO. St I vires wl! be conducted at the
houue bj Hev Dr. Peaite, und Inteunent
pilvate lu Hollenbu k cemeteiy.
Anthony Loughnn who was killed nt
Grassy Island shaft esteida, was a
widower and wus CO eais old He was
a veteiun of the late w -i und has lesldd
111 tlie vkliilts of Peckv'lle foi a nuinbei
of veais. Si'Vtn chllditii survive him, us
follows 7Ils Pidlilc Heft i on, Mis Jumes
Allen, Katie, Lllen, Annie, John and Noi i
Loughne) Thu ioungest i lilld Is ubout
1U yean of uge Tlie funeiul will be 1 eld
from th" home of his da'ighter, Mis
James Allen, ut the Grassj Patch, to
moiiow Sunda) ufteinoon tt " o'lloili
Inteunent will bi made in tin Aiehbald
Catholic cenuteij.
Daniel Wallace, a vetprun of the 'ate
war, and foi many jeais a reddent of
Pl mouth, died Tliuisda ufteinoon at
.'30 pf u i omplleutlon of dlseiies Vlr
Wallace wus fiO ealH old, and is unvtved
bv a wife and two chlldien. DanlW Wui
lace, ji , nnd Mis. Wllllum Heugun Thiie
uie nlt-o the following stepchlldien Mis.
Wllllum Cleuiy, Bait W rianugn.i and
Mrs. Janiet McNully The funeral will
take place, at Plymouth on Sunday if tol
lman at 2 o'tlotl; from the homo of Dan
'el Wallace, jr.
Hdwnrd Qulnn died at his home, l'n
Throop, vestordav afternoon about 2
o'clock, after an illnes3 of several mot tha
duration, The funeral will take place
this moinlng at 9 o'clock. The remains
will be conveyed on the 9 21 Delaware uud
Hudson train to Fi'eeluud, where Int -r-nient
will bo made.
Timothy Fltzpatrlck, well known In this
city, died jestetduy' moinlng at his home,
In Hlinhtirst. Ills age was 70 years. The
funeral will bent 9 o'clock Monday mo n
Ing fiom St. Maty's chinch. Dunmcno
Interment will be made lu Dunmuro Cath
olic cemetery.
The -FAsYHmr
308--Lackawanna Ave.--308.
Our Dress Goods news today is about the arrival ol
our New Spring Styles. The lot includes all tlie latest and
most exclusive Paris styles.
45-iiich all wool Suitings, choice styles, made to re
tail at 50c. per yard. This sale
1 lot of Novelty Suitings, in new choice weaves, all
the latest colors, 6c. value, This sale
We have an extensive line of exclusive Dress Patterns,
110, two alike, prices ranging from 75c. to $1.50 per yard,
Ask to see our Pigured Surah Silks, choice color
ings, an elegant cloth, 50c. value. This sale..
Changeable Taffeta Silks, in all combiuations,uiade
to retail at $1.00 per yard. This sale
25 pieces of Fancy Silks, in all combinations, made
to retail at $1.00 per yard. This sale
ooiofives, Stationary Engines, Hoilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
experienced Killers, Know Thut
the SPALDING Is the
That's the reason more Spakl
ints will la ridden here this .sea
son than anv other make.
Manufacturoro of tho Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Asrjium
A nsncr.v. Itcis, .Vlanngari.
Julin I.. Kerr, Acting Manager.
rrldaj and Saturda) , March ly and 30.
Matinee aiurdu.
Our 1 ovoiite Coiuedlan,
In His New l'luv uud Dig success,
John Bradley's Money.
It Is tlie Ucst of All Don't Miss It
Lots of fun. Ne-w dailies 1 ate-u songs.
Nuvn Hpeiiultit" Hitter tliau "Hit itisliig
l.eneiatiiiu. .Nothing but meiilineiit, melo
tlv, laiihhteii happiness. Pikes, -j-.i, :inc,
Tilk, Tfte- and SI UP. l'llits, Miitluee 15r,
'5t, U.'it andfilli ohlijhei Sale of beats
ojiens Vediietlii, MiutU 17, at 11 a. 111.
Wagner f Kels,, AlanuKeT.,
John I., kerr, Acting Manuger.
Hie I title Mtir.v Mukei,
10. Cent jMatlnees Lvery Day.
Monduj Matinee
Moiidav Mgbt
'A Little-Cnunterfe ter"
I he bilver Ledge"
Nluht I'rlces, 10c , 2uc and 30c,
Ludlo tickets can bo hud at the bo c olllce.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Maicli 18, 19 aud 20
The Dlbtinaulslied Uuileuque Aitlste,
anu mat
In uSelett 1'rpsrainmoof llurlcsque,
L'ouied) und Yuuduvllic.
Atlmission 10, 20 or 30 Cents,
Two performances dally. Doc-3 open at
1 SO and 7. Curtain rises at 2.30 and S.13.
r"irB I
Ifjou cannot enjov tlie luxury ofa Plorldn
tilji, jouulll II ml u temperate climatoam
eiUull. uttiuctlve lesuits ut
Old Point Comfort,
Uipginia Beach and
Richmond, la.
All oftliese jilaieiollci Ideal hotel accom
modations atul gieut uattlial attiactlous.
'Ihej aie leached bj a dull) seivlceoftho
1 1ckets, incliiile tine nnd one-quarter day's
stu at Old Point Cuinfort or Virginia beach,
with accommutluns at leading hotels, $17.00.
Tor full liifoiiuutlnii, apply to
I'ier 20, North River, Xew York.
W.L.. llUII.LAUDr.U, Vlcc-Prcs. 5. Traffic Mjjr
H Expense U No Object Why Not
Have the Best ?
Tor a Limited Pnr&e Select
iMannfacttired by
Price to All, S75. Fully
For Rubber Stamps Patronlza the
CHASE & FARRAR, Prop's,,
515 I.iiulen St., Scranton, Pa.
Bamiutla and Southern Produce,
1 11. na pi 1. 111
I riday und Suturduy, March 19
And a llitllhinl, l.aiiKh-.MuMu C'ompuuy
l'lestntlni; the ltuttllin; I'uice Comed,
"The Gilhoolys Abroad."
LveivthliiK .New. 1 unii Comedians.
l'utlv Uiils New Spwlultlts. New
( itfliiini'S. &u u-luil Numbeis.
Bargain Matinee 5 cen,i,'e "x"1' 0l
KvenliiB I'liees- I list lioor, 75-oOe. jlal
eou., ilO-'JSe. tulk'i, Joe-.
'l he Man liu Made "V Texas Steer' To-
iiiou, lu Inn VUlhtle Achlevementh ut
Lauli I'ei foi liiiuu e. 'Iho l.aiifhluti
huttiHs lu Tluee Ai'tn,
And thu liruinutle Sunnutlou,
i'HICi:d"'J6c-., 60e-., 7ie., $1.00.
, . .t,-l.r A