The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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    --J 1 - fV'ftt
fcV". -fK, f
pkvm i r
Absolutely Pure.
Olobrnttfd Tor Its great levelling stienutli
ami hiulthriilm."". AHilliet tlio food imulii'U
ullHfi utidull fditiis or iiiHllluiutlou (.ouiinou
to tin1 clieup foiuiuR
ItlM At. 11AKINU fOWDtllt CO., NKWiOIIK.
stltute this afternoon at tlie Powdcrly
scliooli Thi' first exurclp will -begin
nt 2' o'clock. County .Supeilnteiident
Talor, of Scrntiton, mid l'luff-wir II.
J. Hockenlierry, of Cuilioudule, ure ex
pected to take pint )n tlm exetclses
and uddteo the teaclieis upon the aub
Ject of education.
Header? will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and Items lor
publication left at the establishment or
Shannon & Co., newsdealers, North Main
strtet, will receive prompt attention: of
llco open from 8 a, in. to 10 p. m.
Simons nnd Mr-. iMurcy
tuin Their Priond.
Mr?. T. J. Simons and JIM. C. E.
JIaicy lecelved a number of Mull
friends at the home of Sits. Simons on
South Teiiuee stieet on Thuisduy af
teinoon and eenlnir.
The guests enjoyed a very pleasant
social occasion. An elaboiate supper
was Heived, Mrs. Simons was mii
prlbed veiy ngteealily by leceMiiK
ft om her friends a plush uphoKteied
lorker. Mm. Jluicy uHo was luinein
beied by the gift of a handsome salad
Among the guests were Mesdatnes T.
II. Ileibart, Holdgate, Junius Smith,
John Uooth, J. K. Bone, Sarah Bui ton,
Joseph Lindsay, C. 13. Matey, William
Kvuns, Kdwln Moon, Miss Kdlth Moon,
Mis. Chailes Lewsley, of Oly
phant, Mis. John Soloihon, of Jermyn,
and Mis. Willlum liULklngham, of Plymouth.
J. 13. Decker, of Mlddletown, N. V
Is vlsltlnt' his Bister, Mis. W. L. Yar
llngtnn. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch, of South
Church stteet, ui$ entertaining Miss
Kllu O'Hitra, of Scranton.
Miss May Kllpatilek has returned
from the Mlllersvllle State Noimal
school and will spend the lCnster vaca
tion w 1th her parentH.
Levi Tobcy. of South Church street,
Is unite 111. Symptoms of appendicitis
have developed and an opeiatlon may
be necessary.
Hlchaid Gibhs, of Wyoming stieet,
Is 111 with dlphtheila.
Mr. and Mis. James McMillan, who
have been visiting ft lends In Roches
ter, have returned home. Mr. McMil
lan Is much benefited by the trip.
Mrs. D. W. Humphrey entertulned a
number of her ft lends Thuisday after
noon and evening at her home on Sa
lem avenue.
James Ilutherford Is 111 with the pie
valllng malady, the gilp.
Mis. Stlllman lladcock was the guest
of her sister, Mis. E. K. Morss, this
Miss Alice Hoian, of Ooidan avenue,
Is entei talnlng Miss Muiy Moon, of
Mis; Hlchaid Dleffenbach, of Claik's
Summit, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Ell Dickinson, of South Chinch stieet.
Miss Lizzie Unite Is home fiotn Mll
leisllle State Normal school for the
Easter vacation,
G. Fiank Couch made a business tilp
to Forest City Thuisday.
James Toolan's son was Injuied In
the mine yesterday moinlng. Ills light
leg was badly biulsed and laueiated.
Dr. J. S. Nlles was called In and at
tended to his Injuiles.
Dr. II. C. Wheeler made a piofesslon
al visit to Foiest City yesteulay.
John Newton, assistant of the public
llbiaiy, Is quite 111 at his home on Ca
naan stieet. Miss Lizzie Kenton Is
suppblng his place.
Thomas Loftus Is home from Mlllers
vllle for the Easter vacation.
Mr. and Mis. Fiank llubbaid left
yesteulay for Washington, D. C, wheie
they will join Mr. and Mis. J. J. Simp
sun and Mis. Simpson. Fiom Wash
ington they will make an extended tilp
through the south.
. , JKK.HYN.
William l'luniilgnn. son of Andrew
Klnnntirati, of the East Side, who Is
in partncishlp with Toney Letts, In the
restautunt business on Salem nvenue,
Caihondule, fonnerly conducted by
Maxwell, has been suffeilng from l.i
Hoinnlii for soille time and It has been
nectsary to send )ilm to a hospital In
Philadelphia for tleatmelit.
The upott Unit has been circulated
to the effect that AUied Uutttl wol th
wn iif.irfitlntlnir for the iiuicli'iise of
.llcfioivnii niul Knno Committed,
ithout liail, to County Jail.
The case of Mellow an and Thomns
Kane, chmged with Intent to commit
buiglaiy, In the house ot Nicholas De
lne, was brought before Aldeiman
Jones on Thui'-dny afteinuon. Mi. De
vine is mulcting- fiom the biutal at
tack ot these men, and was too 111 to
appear as a w iti,e-,s. Hut the testimony
ot Mrs. Devine was sufllcient, and the
men weie committed without ball and
taken to the county jail.
It appears that Mis. Devine heaid
some one about !i o'clock pi ow ling
atomic! the house. She ntose and asked
"what was wanted''" Immediately there
was a eiash and the door fell in. As
the men lushed In, Mis. Devine lec
ognlzed McUowan at once and called
his name and also lecognlzed the other
as Kane. They seized her husband
using a levoUer In a thieatenlng liniii
nei, and then Inflicted heavy blows up
on Mr. Devine. Her outciles bi ought
help and the men Ian away, but weie
anested eaily In the morning.
Grattan A. Singer and Daisy
Headlcy jllaiiicd in Scranton.
Giatton A. Singer and Miss Daisy R.
Headley quietly left this city yesteulay
morning for Scianton and weie united
In matilage by the Itev. J. 13. Sweet,
pastor of the Methodist chuich In Hyde
Park. Mi. Sweet Is an old filend and
schoolmate of the groom. The hiide Is
n young lady veiy popular in this city,
having been a life-long resident in this
vicinity. Mr. Singer, whose mother,
Mis. J. E. Singer, resides on Noith
Ten ace stieet, occupies a lesponslble
position with the Hendrlck Manufac
turing company and is also secietaiy
of the Spell Heater company. Many
fi lends will extend congiatulatlons
when they return. After a visit with
the groom's mother the young people
will occupy furnished rooms In the new
building now being elected on Salem
The funeial sei vices of Mrs. Harry
Russell weie held In the Htlck chinch
Eiiduy atteinoon. Rev. F. A. King,
of Taj lor conducted the funeial sei
vlces, assisted bj Rev. E. L Santee and
Rev. T. M. Kuiey. Mis. Russell had
been In poor health for a long time and
had gone to Ualtlmoie, her old home,
hoping to legaln her health. It was
thought she was ImproUng when a dis
patch was lecelved on Tuesdaj of her
sudden death. She Is sunived by a
husband and eight chlldien; lle sons
and thiee daughteis.the joung'est being
about 10 jears. She was a member of
the Methodist chuich and highly es
teemed by all who knew her. She was
a member of two lodges which attend
ed In a body. The floial offeilngs weie
liumeious and beautiful.
Mr. Iia Poiter has Impioved his
hou'-e by a new porch.
An enteitalnment will be held In the
Lawience Congiegatlonal chinch Mon
day evening, Maich L'2. Admission 10
Mis. E. L. Santee, Mrs. John Dills
and Mis. A. J. Baker attended a mls
slonaiy meeting In West Pittston on
James Timlin's residence on Main street
is not title, ns one of the principals
have emphatically denied the rumor.
John Whltbeck and Thomas Heilfj',
Jr., of Fouith stieet, have leased the
Lyman Mccarty faun nt Heait liKe,
and Intend to work It the coming year.
"Ned" Stubbs had a nnirow escape
fiom suffooatlcn on Wednesday. While
ban lug down fiozen culm at C. L. Bells
wnshcrj", a laise amount of It became
loosened, and before he could get out yt
the way It nearly coered him. After
some little dlfllculty he was relieved of
his bin den. He escaped with an injuied
Mr, Philip Baker, who has been suf
feilng with Kilp, Is Improving.
Mis. John Solomon, on Thursday af
teinuon, attended a paity given In hon
or of Mis. T. J. Simons and Mis. C. E.
Mnrcy, at Cat bondale.
The Delawaie and Hudson collleiy
did not wink lesteulay, as was ex
pected, but began today.
A child of Mr. and Mis. Frank Couch
and n child of Mr. and Mrs. Fied Ban
field are sufteilng with measles.
The epidemic of dlphtheila, which
was so piealent during the past win
ter, his now almost completely subsid
ed, which Is a cleat comfoit to the
many parents In town. This disease
had Just began to lessen when the doc
tois weie again busy In lepoifjig cases
of measles to the board of health. Al
though a disease not catered to, still It
is not di ended like dlphtheila.
On Wednesday moinlng Mr. Winfleld
Scutt aiose, went downstairs and laked
the kitchen file, after which he went
upstairs again. In a few moments at
teiwaul he smelled smoke, and opening
the door, saw a latge volume' coming
fiom the kitchen. He at once ran for
help nnd In a shoit time, he with some
neighbois, had extinguished the (lie.
Mr. Scutt cannot tell how it originated
as he was eiy caieful, as customaiv,
in attending to the stove. The fite
started 'at the side of the stove and
licin theie to the 3lde of the loom hut
did not leacli the second apaitment.
The Insuiance was piomptlj paid by the
Helmes Insurance agency. Mr. Scutt
seems to be having a great deal of
liouble, first with May field boiough
auchoiltles, who aie ilalinlng that his
piopeity 1b In that borough, and Jer
mju who clnlnn that he Is In their
Council met In special session last
night lelatlve to the dispute In the
Scutt piopeitv which is claimed both
by Jet nun and Muvlleld and to hear
the lepott of the committee w.hlch hud
been appointed to wait on tlie May
field council and try to dellne the di
viding line, amicably. The commit
tee lepoited that they had waited on
the council In the adjoining boiough on
Thuisday evening and submitted a
pioposltlou to the effect that each bor
ough appoint two men fiom the coun
cil, and these to agiee upon a surveyor
to suiey the giound In question and
to accept the same. Al the members
of the Mayfleld council with the excep
tion of .Chaliman Edmunds weie
agieeable to this. The leport was ac
cepted and discussed thoroughly.
Then council adjourned.
In the absence of the regular pastor,
Rev. Francis Gendall will conduct ser
vices In the Congiegatlonal church at
G o'clock on Sunday evening.
A dime enteitalnment will be held
in the Primitive Methodist church this
evening. A veij- Inteiestlng pio
gi amine has been piepaied.
ntus ns will correspond with his onher
number of yeais. An excellent slipper
will be aeivcd by the members.
Miss Eliza Cuiuri. of l'eckllle, was
a visitor hi town this week.
Mlsa Jennie Kane, of Pittston, Is the
guest of her slater. Mis. J. J. Hnnlon.
MIbs Canle M, Haiti "J", of Sctanton,
was a vlsltorln town yesterday work
ing In the Inleicst of the Woman's
Join mil, published by it number of en
tei pilfllnn young ladles of Scianton.
Mts. M. Gradj', of Dutiinoto, and Mis.
Bol'ind, of Iowa, aie guests of Mis.
John Gllhooky.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Koalls are en
tertaining n daughter.
Mr. John Gallngher, of the Noith End,
Is convalescing after r. long and seti-
ous Illness. .
"Broken Fetters" an excellent tem
perance drama, will be piesented on
Apt 11 27, under the auspices of the
Father Mnthew society.
Mis, Mai tin Reap, formerly of this
place, but duilng the past nineteen
yenis a resident of Garden City, Kan
sas, Is visiting friends In town,
Mrs. John Davis, of the West Side, Is
setlouslj 111 of Blip.
Mis. S. Weils, of Blnghamton, re
turned home yesterday utter a few
davs visit with fi lends In town.
A bicycle club has been organized by
the young people of Mooslc. Milton
Lean Is president nnd John Arnlleld
secietaij. Al'l wishing to Join cm do so
as the chatter Is still open. Tliej' ex
pect to adopt unlfoims.
A case that was productive of much
excitement was tiled befoio Justice of
the Peace Arnold last night. Titer par
ties to the suit aie lesldents of Grassy
Island patch, In the upper part of Oly
)hant boiough. Mis. William Middle
ton was coinphilnant and he chaiged
that Mrs. Peter Fltzslmmons and her
duughters, Miss Eliza and Mis. Titos.
Calthoul niul Mrs. John Donnegan had
abused her with wotds and blows. The
ofllce of the Justice was crowded with
those Interested In the suit and the ev
idence wns exciting If not always del
Icute. Justice Arnold held Mis. Fltz
slmmons and Miss Eliza Fltzslmnioiis
In $200 ball and dlschniged the other
two defendants.
Clnience and Geoige Budd, after an
nbsence of eighteen yeats In the state
of Michigan, aie bete visiting their
uncle, Willlum Budd, on Main street.
The family of C. A. Reynolds have
moved fiom the West End to the prop
erty of the late Welling Taylor on
Main street.
The epiployes of the different col
lieries In this legion and the Consum
eis' Powder company will be paid to
day. Set vices as usual tomortow In the
Methodist Episcopal chuich. Pleach
ing by the pastor, Rev. S. C. Slmpklns,
at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in, Theme for
morning, ''A Pledge of a Pel feet Fu
tuie." Evening, "Who Ate Gteatest."
Sunday school at 2.30. Epwoith league
at C p. m. A coidlal welcome extended
to all.
The Epworth league Will give a mis
sionary tea on Wednesday evening,
March 24, and cOrdlnlly Invites the pub
lic to nttend. Airnngemetits have been
made for a good social time for all
who avail themselves of this privilege.
All Master Masons and their wives
ate leiiuested to meet at the Ledyard
hall next Tuesdaj evening ut 7.30
o'clock shaip.
SrnnnT Com TnniTMttsT for torturing, 1II)b.
mlnK, Itchlnir, I'll tiling, nml Bculy kln nml scalp
dUcnses Willi loss otliulr. Wnrm lialhs with Uu.
Tiouiu SoaI', rciiUo applications of Oimcort.
(ointment), mill full dosc8,of Cirrioun Unsold
TBNT,grculeet otblood partners and liutuor cures
U i old thraiiffhout Iho world- Pot Tie
Dfttrn A CniH, Corp , tM Vrnm . Ho ton.
ajr " now to Care Ilehtnz Hkln Dlieaici," free.
RED ROUGH HlDS"rccnlll:.4
Philadelphia Manufacturers ot
121 Lacknwnniiu Ave.
March toil
ine months tor renewing
and healing in the
physical world.
The months) for new life, new energy, new blood in
men and women.
The months when our need of help from medicine is
greater than at any other time of year.
The months when Hood's Sarsaparilla will do us the
most good because we are all now especially
susceptible to benefit from this medicine.
The months when Hood's Sarsaparilla is taken by
the millions because they have found that it is
the medicine which does them good.
The months when you should take Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, because it will purify, vitalize and enrich
your blood, and put you in good condition to
resist the debilitating effects of changeable,
warmer weather. Try it now.
Special Attention Given to HnsU
ncss nnd Personal Account.
Liberal Accomninclutlons I'.x
tcmlcd According to llalances and
tt Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Capital, - - $200,000
Surplus, - - 310,000
Undivided Profits, 70,000
WM. CONNELL, President.
1IENHY BELIN, Jr., ,Vicc Pies.
And Silk Waists for Spring.
Many new and exquisite styles,
modeled after designs conceived
by our own artists, while others
are lrench Styles adapted to
Charm ing Chic Suits of'Faconne
In heliotrope, green, Cadet and
turquoise, ranging in price from
$5.08 to $10.08.
Many different stylus, modest in
price and beautiful in the designs.
Your choice from S2.98 up.
We show all the new idens nt
the very lowest prices ever quoted
tills time of the year. Our lino
consists of Moire, Antique. Duch
ess Satin, Fine Imported Mohair,
Fancy Two-Tone .lacquards Also
Plaids, Checks. Figures, Dashes
line Knotted Effects.
I ratll PROP'R
rniewoll to Slis Miuul Tnylor.
About forty f i lends ot MIbs Maud
Taylor Eutheied at the home of Mr,
and Mis. Hit Dickenson on South
Chuich street on Thuisday evening.
They came to extend best wishes to
their filend, who expects soon to make
an extended visit In Ualtlmoie, her for
mer home. The evening- was gieatly
enjoyed with dancing, games and so
cial conversation. During the even
ing Missis. Hunt and Kox lendeied
some choice selections on the mandolin.
Mlsa Taylor's friends 1 egret her de
imiture, as she Is well known as an
accomplished member of their social
Trnfllc Delayed on the (Irnvitv.
Thursday moinlng the drum shaft at
No. !i plane was broken and the clal
tratllc stopped. A'laige force of men
woiked at the repairing of the bieak
age, and tlie Giavlty railioad woiked
yesterday a tluee-quarter day. The
passengeis weie cairied over the light
track to the foot of No. 3 plane by the
cars drawn by the little locomotive, the
Major Sykes.
Serious Accident.
While John Jennings, of South Wyo
ming street, was engaged wot king
upon a scaffold, In some way he lost his
footing and fell to the ground. He did
not feel the effect of the fall at first,
but at the end of the day was so over
come that lie was obliged to have as
sistance and the lesult of the accident
may prove seilous.
Toucher's Institute.
The teachers of Fell, Gleenfield and
Cat bondale townships will hold an In-
M. S. Roberts, a well-to-do farmer
In I.enox, has leased his fat in and Is
moving to Bloomsbuig for the pin pose
of educating his chlldien. Hlootnsbuig
will gain a worthy and entei prising
citizen in Mr. Hobetts.
Mr. and Mts. Geotgp Hettinger, of
Weathetly, Pa., ate the guests of Ml".
Ilenliigei's patent:., Mr. and Mis. O.
II. Williams.
The lemalns of Mis. Dr. H. C. Hi own,
who died Wednesday afternoon, wete
taken Filday to her former home near
Philadelphia for Inteiment.
J. M. Carpenter & Co. have cleared
their loom of furniture, putting .t on
the second lloor and E. P. Johnson Is
engaged putting In shelving for the
new stock of genet al ineicliaiidle.
Tonight at the opera house theie
will be an enteitalnment In commem
oiatlon of the blith of the veteran
"Father of Prohibition," Neal Dow, af
ter which the concluding exeiclses will
be another one of those old-time spell
ing schools.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand, twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling Indicates
a diseased condition of the kidneys.
When urine stains linen It is positive
evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
quent desire to urinate or pain In the
back. Is also convincing pi oof that the
kidneys and bladder are out of older.
There Is comfort In the knowledge
so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kiuney lentedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain
In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passages.
It cotrects inability to hold in ine and
scalding pain In passing it, or bad
effect following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and ovetcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to get up
many times during the night to uri
nate. The mild and the extraordlnuiy
effect of Swamp Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for Its wonder
ful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have
the best. Sold by druggists pi Ice fifty
cents and one dollar. For a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent fiee
by mall, mention Trloune and send
your full postoflice address to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y, The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of this offer.
Avcca conclave, Heptaophs, will
meet on Monday evening.
Juvenile older. Sons ot St. Geoige,
will meet this evening.
The St. Aloyfcius society will meet this
Tlie bli Unlay anniversary under the
auspices ot the home mission of thV
Piimltlve Methodlbt chinch will take
place on Monday evening. Dainty Invi
tations Including a small silken puise
have been dlsttlliuted and each attend
ant Is supposed to as many pen-
Satlsfiod With Hood's.
" For severnl years I have taken two or
three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every
spring tor eradicating the humors in the
blood and for building up the system
generally. "My experionco with Hood's
Sarsaparilla has been very satisfactory."
Geo. Frank, caro ot D. M. Ferry & Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Croat Blood Purifier.
"Hood's .Sarsaparilla is our family
physician and I believe it needs no rec
ommendation. Wherever it has oncobcen
used there can be no substitute for it, aB
a blood purifler." Miss C. A. ELLIOTT,
Grinnell, Iowa.
Large Assortment.
Handsome Styles.
Builds Up the Svstom.
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for
weakness with which I was a sufferer in
the spring, and I have found it the best
medicine to create an appotlto and build
up the strength that I have ever taken,
and. Irecommend it highly." J. F.
Ward, Labelle, Ohio.
Keeps the Stomach In Order.
"I keep Hood's SarBaparilla in -tho
house all the time and regard it as the
best spring medicine I can find. It has
proved beneficial in keeping my stomach
in order, and since I began taking it I
can eat anything I wish." H. Btone,
Sherborn, Mass.
Ladies' and Children's Wear.
Seal and Plush Sacqucs,
Carpets and Feather Beds
L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ave.
Merchant Tailor,
213 Wyoming Ave.,
Arcade Building.
KshkII ffi. MEtitK idStfli v jtfEZfc.
la soli by till druggists. Price SI ; six for $5.
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Muss. The Best
Prepared only by
Spring Medicine.
i 11 Ull 1 llliUL
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending ilarch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
RIIRN rRfl W r
The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels.
Largest Run on Record.
We have purchased 5,000 pairs of Men's, Ladies' and Chil
dren's Fine Shoes at half of their actual value, and we give the
people the benefit of our great spot cash purchasing power.
Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from tho
Pacific Coast to St. John's, New Foundland, and in Fngland, Ireland
and Scotlund very largely, and is recognized as the best flour in th
We Will Sell for 10 Days Q n Vj-1
Only, Straw Matting 02r" rU
40 Yards in a Roll.
500 pairs Men's Fine Patent Leather Shoes, Snow's make, were made for Blooming
dale Bros., New York cit', regular $5 and $6 shoes, we will sell them for $2.98
Ever' pair hand-sewed and the best of finish. This is the greatest bargain ever offered.
250 pairs Men's $3 and $4 Patent Leather Shoes, cut to $1.98
575 pairs Men's Calf Shoes, calf lined and fine hand-sewed Russet Shoes, were $3
and $4, a pair, cut to $1.98
675 pairs Ladies' Hand-sewed Shoes, also a lot of haud-turued shoes, worth $3 and
$4, cut to $1.49
750 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, B and C widths, were $3, cut to, $1.29
Carpets, Draperies ani Wall
419 Lacka. Ave.
tJSSrBear iu mind the above is but a faint idea of the many bargains and every shoe
guaranteed, and will sell them as advertised. Come early aud secure great bargains.
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill, Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Pa.
Hill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood ill ine Kalis
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hemloclt
Prop Timber promptly r'urnUhed.
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buftulo und Susuue.
hanna Kailroud. At JIlwi, Potter County. Pa., on Couursport. and
Port Allegany Capncity-400,000 feet per day.
GliNKUAL ()FITCi:-Uoardof Trade Uuilding, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
t-or sale by
Spruce Stroot,
rn fcufo.
When In doubt what to use lor
Nenous Debility, Loss ot Poer,
I ni potency. Atrophy .Varicocele and
other w eatnesses, Jrora any cause,
use Seiine Pills. Dralna checked
and (ull vigor quickly restored.
1 1 beg locltJ .oca trouble .Mult r.Ullr,
Mailed for Jl.00;0 boxes $5 00. With
$5.00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
PEAL MEOICINE CO., Cleveland, O.
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Aenue and