'JIIE SCRANTON TRl BtTNE-TIIDHSDAY MORNING, MATJOIT IS, 1807. I v NORTON'S N'cw Wall Decorations for coming Season arc now arriving frciiuctitly. Wc invite the attention of persons desiring choice coveting for their walls to see our excellent assortment of Decorative Novelties, which will he cheerfully shown to all callers without inclining any obligation to order. All grades of stock, exclusive patterns, artistic, up-to-date colorings at popular prices. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave, e i r n t r ti d . lall 1 LU L 3$SS?$3S$ S3 Se5&3 III The Finest BUCKWHEAT FLOUR We Ever Had in the Mill. We 0 - S0 S Wholesale It. $? Sj3 &!$ tSS The Weston DR. W, B. HENWOOD, DENTIST i.6 LACKAWANNA AVE. JL'EltSONAli. V M Campbell, of Caibondule, spent 'e-tculav In this city. Hu. XV. r. navies, oC 1'iovldeuce, was .n Plymouth yestenlav. Mujoi XV. S .M lll.u inspected Comiian 12 (ft Honisdnle, last night. Miss M. i: Ilealey and Miss Cutheilne Mnll.iney, uf Wyoming avenue, uie Ju New i oik i Ity. Miss Mai It- Dempsey and Miss Murguiot CostHIo, of l'lttston, called on Sit.intou fll lids yesteiday. Mis. M. Iegge nnd daughter, liene, an IsltltiKT at the homo of .Mis.. l.egge's piieiits, at Wuveily. Hev W. I. O'Donnell, of Holy Hosniy chilli h, Xoith 13nd, dcllvoied an addicss in St. Thorn is' ohiuUi, Aiihbald, last night on "li eland and St. Patrick." Hev. Chutles J. Bi.ulbury, of Wuylai'.d, N V, will tttuin to liia home tod iy aftei spending seveial months with his son, Attorney Chailes J:, Jiiadbmy, in this city. Mesdainis Dougherty and Thomas, tho Wyoming uttnud inilllneis, accompanied )) tln-li trimmeis, hao it tinned lioni 3Se loik city and aie piepuilng lor theli spilng opining, which will he held in tin mai future. Attorney M. r. Conry was jesteulny almltted to piaetlce in the i.KKuwanna oonits on motion ot lion. .M j:. McDon ald, with whom he h is studiid foi the lust .sl months. Mi. Coiuy holds. a UniviisI t5 of MkhlK.ui A IS. and 1A,. 11, and alto cutlllcates of admission to the Su peiloi and ilisttkt couitb of Mkhlgin. Const quently he was only lequlied to pass an examination In 1 nnsylvunlo. piocecduie and the court nilis befoie the local examining boaid. Dining the fall campaign Mr. Coniy ably distinguished hlm-fll on the hustings, being one ot the ptiiulpal oiatois for the local Dcmociais. K. OF G. E. SMOKER. Attended hy the Mcmbcis of Several i-itiii'' Cnstles. Hearing Hiook eastle.No. ICS, Knights of the Golden Hagle, gave a smoker awl social last night in the lodge looms on Luckavvanna avenue. The event was enjoyed by members of Von Moltke, Augusta, Hlectile Citj, and Hyde Tail; castles. , Addiesses wete made by Cieoige Gray nnd Gem up V. Okell and theie weie songs by Messn. 1'ouell, HseynohK Davis and others. Theie weie sevetal other entertalneis. The committee who planned the smoker were John Giay, ehalunan, Philip Sehulei, Jacob Dieher and Obediah Arnold. FEW LEFT Have you taken advantage of our special offer in Ladies' Shoes ? Not as extravagant an offer as you often see in print, but what's the use of saying more than the truth ? If we didn't need the room we wouldn't cut them as iuuc;j as we do. $3.00 Shoes for $2.27. i 410 Spruce St, EISTEDDFOD OF OLYPHANT IVORITES Very Successful Save In the Matter of Choral Competitions. FATHER A1ATIIEW HALL CROWDED .Morris Thomas, ol the West Side, Captured (lie ltuss Solo I'liii at t lit; .Horn ins Session, mid I'duln Uoueu Was Awarded the I'ric lor tho Tenor K0I0--CI1I0I' I'rlo ol 800 n ot Auarded to Aujoiic. The eisteddfod at Olyhant yesteiday affoided enjoyment to sevetal bundled people, but It Ik a lamentable faet that this contest, and especially the singing competitions wete. In point of met It, far below the usual eisteddfod Htnnd atd It was not the fault of the mem bets of Hiulyn lodge, No 4'J, Unlet of Tiup I voi lies, who conducted the af fair. The competing patties themselves ate to blame. (Jut of live choial ntim beis but one pile was aw aided. That was In the juvenile choli contest, the best of the day. The double iiuitette hud no entij at all and the chief ehoius pilate, $fi(), was withheld by the adjudicator foi luck of met It. Two otheis fated likewise as the lepott fol lowing will show The elsteddlod was held In Futhei Matbew hall. Then weie tin He si sslons, at 10 o'clock a in , " o clock and 7.10 o'clock P m Hev. RHV II II TIAlUUq, TAYI.OK, J'lomliunt in Klsteddtod Clules and Con- diu tin V.esluda . H II Hails, of Tajlor, was conductor of the da He peifoimed the ollke with the biune genial sjililt and happj speich that has won ft lends toi him in othei eisteddfods. Kev. William Matthews, of Olypli.int, was c halt man of the moinliig session, XV. H Davis, of (Jl j pliant, in the affei noon, and lMwaid H. Hobathan, of this clt, in the evening Judge Aichbild. who was to have bteii'ehaliman ot the afti 1 noon, was not present. NAMHS OF ADJUDICATORS. The adjudlcntois of the da weie- On musk, 1'iolessoi W. D. Hvans, of Cai bondale; lecltations and llteiatuie, Itev Peter Hobttts, of OlHihnut The gentlemen gave pel feet .satisfaction. I'lotessor iivans was called upon to ad judicate seveial veiy delicate contests, but he was ci edited with unwinding slnceilt. Miss Nellie Taloi, of Tav loi, made a veiy tcunpi tent accompan ist. The committee In chaige of the eisteddfod lot the lodge Is D i: I.ew ls, ptesldent, William V. Davles, vice piesldent, John r. Piobett, Hdwaid Williams, Hugh Lewis, lecoidlng sec xetaiy; David Patiy, tieasuiei, J. li Williams, corresponding secietaiy. Theie was a laige delegation of West Side people at the eisteddfod and the most of the pilze money went theie Piesldent Lewis A. Howell, John II Phillips, 13, 13 Hobathan, 1311 Hauls, 13 D. Jones, of the lodge, attended the evening session. The big eisteddfod on Maj 11 was given a good adveitise ment. The honoiay guests on the plat foim dm Ins? the tlnee sessions weie Hev. D. J. Williams, Hev. J. A. 13111s, Hev. Geoige Hall, William II. Davis, lluiuy Williams, Hev. J. 13vans and Hev rather Theofan Obushkev Ich, of the Gieek c lunch at Olyphant. The els teddlod In detail Is icpoited hcie. MOHNING SI3SSION. The moinlug: sebslon began at 10 o'clock. Theie was a good attendance and a holiday splilt was in the air. Hev. J. J Williams, pastor of the Oly phant Methodist Hplscopal chuich, opened the session with an addiess. He spoke of the eisteddfod and was- glad that the piospect for a successful meet ing was good. Mi. Williams was teni poiaiy ehalunan of the meeting Theie weie no balds piesent to lespond to a call for addiesses. J. D I3vans, of Olv phant, a tenor, sang "Chlldien's Home," by Cow en. lie was heaitlly applauded. The eisteddfod then settled down to business. The flist competition was on the bass solo, 'The Mlght Deep" (Jude), fin a pilze of $4 Theie weie font entiles, John Tubbs, ot Taylor, John Heese James, Mollis Thomas, of Hellevue, Thomas W. Watklns, of Oly phant. Mollis Thomas, who Is well known tlitoughout the city, was ad judged the winner bv Adjudlcatoi 13v ans. llr. Thomas was highly compli mented. The solo competition for chlldien tin der 1U yeais of age diew font teen little ones to the s.tage The ilrst pil.se, $1 ,r,0, given by F. M Williams, and the see- W H DAVIS, ODYI'IIANT, Chali nihil of the Afteiiioou heanlon In Pkcu of Judge Archbald. ond pi Up, 7C cents, given by John Pioh nei. "1 l.ove to Talk with Jesus" was the competitive leee. Henilettu Hai l Ik. the pietty daughter of Hev II. H. Hauls, ot Tayloi, 'ivas avvaided Hist piUe, and Anna .Intips, of Peckvllle, the second pilze, Annu Hobeits and I3lmer Pany. of Olyphanti weie each given a sum of money by suine fi lends In the audience as a lpwaid for the tine elf cut the.v made, INFL.I'I3NC13 OF SINGING. "Dy I.anwnd Dodganu," Inlluence of Singing, ut the subject of a pieiluted speech content Vol n pllfe of $J. Their weie tluee contestants, David C Thnni ns, of Hm1c Paik, Mr. Paity, of Oly phant, and Thomas W. Watklns, of fegftiafe fill XV. D I3VANS, CAUHONDAI.n, Adjudlcatoi on the Seveial Musical Com pi 1 1 1 Ions. Olvphant. Mi. AVatklns won. On the nlto solo, "Love's Sonow," pile $4, Jennie Goodman, of Olyphant was given the pile. Tin- lecltatlon by chlldien of Long fellow's "The Daj Is Done," had sK entiles. Heniletta Hauls, of Taloi, won the pil.e. $2. Little 13IIU- Hiown Ing. of Hellevue, was also given a piUe. This contest vas veiy Inteiestlng M .1 O'Hallol.lii oileied the pi lye. Theie weie no entiles on the double quin tette, "(), Ikavelilv Lamb of God," and with this announcement the session i losed. W II Davis was i hall man of the aftei noon session In the place of Judge It W Aichbalil, who was not piesent, though he was expected, Mr. Davis Is an e-ptesldent ot the Olvphant boi ough council. Again theie weie no buds piesent to speak and the huge audience listened to all Insti umenlal duet, violin and piano, by James and Maltha. Uienuuu, ot OIj pliant The lecltatlon, "lmtnoitnlltj," foi adults, had two entiles, Miss Anna James and Miss Maggie 13vans. The foi met won the pi lc of $4 The tenor solo compe tition was won bj 3duln How en, of Helkvue In the contest were Gwlllm Ldwaids, Joshua Johns, Piov Ideiue; William Jones, Tavloi. David Thomas, Shainokln; "'llllum John Davis, Dave Stephens, Mollis Thomas and I3dwln Uowen Mr. Bow en's was a signific ant victoiy. He has won neaily uveiy tenor solo contest he has ever enteied SI3VI3N QIII-3STIONS. Answeis to sevn iu-stions arranged b ltev. Pet'T Holieits cm "Moial Law," veie made by D C. Thomas, of i'tov Ideiice, and Thomas XV. Watklns. Mi. Thomas won. The piUe was $1, donated by D. C. Phillips. The duet, "How Sleep the Hiave," lor tenor and bass, bad two couples enteied. They weie Philip Thointd and loshua Johns, ot Piov Ideiue, and David Jenkins and W. J Davis, of Hvde Paik. The Hist named won the piUe of $(!, given b C. 13 I'tjoi, The best poem on "Pov iilj,' foi a piUe ot $4, was submitted by some peisou w ho. o iioni de plume Is "Tostoilal" He is James W. Heese, of the West Sltl. D. 13 Lewis gave the pi le. The juvenile choial competition, "Theie's a Light In the Valley," prize $'J3, was the best of the afternoon. Tlnee MORHIS THOMAS, SCUANTON, Wlnnei ol the Hass Solo Contest at the Moiulng Session. eholis enteied, the Toiest City and Vandllng lTnlted choir, the AVelsh Methodist eliuich (Olyphant) rholi, and the Welsh Haptlst chuich (Olyphant) choli. Tho Welsh Haptlst oignnUatlon won the Hi st pi le, and a handsome loekei, don Ued by William Sweeney, of Olyphant, was piespnUil to Moses Jones, leader ot the Vcndllng-Foiest City choli. Humphrey Williams, a lit tle lad, leader of the v Ictoi lous choir, is a son of Hev J. J. Williams Miss Annie Jones led the Methodist chlldien. This closed the alteinoon session. In the evening the laigest nowd of any assembled Ldwanl 13. Hobatliuu, of the West Hide, was ch'iliman of th evening session In his Introdiutoiy speech Mr Hobathan won gieat favor with the audleece. He lelened to the eisteddfod as a irrand school for the elevation of Welsh chaiactei, and en coinaged the splilt that rrstiiM it Mr. Robathan's speech was -n'oit, but he won general applsuse At the elstedd lod held lecentJy at Avoea .Mi. Hoba than also distinguished nlmself. And vet aunln llieie weie no "addiesses by the hauls" J D Kvuiis sang a sweet tenui solo. IN TII13 I3VI3N1NG. The (list iiiiiipotltlon of the evening was on "I Know That Mj Redeemer LIveth," sopiano solo, jnUe $1, donated b W II Divls. Theie weie two slng eis, Mi's Maitha Thoinas.ol Hyde Paik, and Mls "laggie M Davis, uf Piovl deuce Miss Davis was given llio pi le. The contest of sight reading of Welsh piose tin a pi Ize ot $1 drnated by Wut klu Davis, was tilul b Philip It Thomas, it Piuvldeni -, Tliomua W. Watklns, oljphant, W J Davis, Joshua Johns, II jd" Paik, Samuel W. Ldwuids, Oljnhant, Daniel Thomas (C'wmbwila), of Shamokln, David C. Thuiiids. Adjudicator Hobeits gavethe pil.e to Samuel Fdwanls A leouest was made that the audi ence (dug ' Hen Wind fj Nhadiut " This the did with the usual gianJly melodl nun lesult Mis Geoige W Powell, of Hellevue. sang the solo pint Mis Powell also spoke seveial lines of hei own composition at the afternoon ses sion. Tiuei son D Owen was called upon foi a lecltatlon He lesponded with 'Casey nt the Hat," and after waid i eel ted an Italian patody. The slj.'ht leading ot oilgliml inusle by male quuitettes was tried by tluee sets. No. 1, Thomas W Watklns, Dan iel Thomas, John Aston mid John J, Pauy; No. J, John Hiooks, Lewis Will Iuiiih, Hector Jones, Daniel Lewis; No, I li em- b-, a? g VAyJ fflfa) 4 mi. jjk 3, John John, Philip It, Thomas, David Jenkliif, W J Davis The Hinging was not wot thy of the i ilr.e. so said the nil Judlcatui. IMPHOMPTI' 9IM3I3CM1, On the Impiomiittl speech, the most niiuslng thing of any eisteddfod, then. weie a half dimm names enteied. The subject was "A tmosuheio." The riiIi- Jeei was too light for handling and the ptlze of $1, donated by S J, Malthev.s, was withheld. Munis Thunlas favoied with a i Ich bas solo Foi the ciuattette competition on "Flee as a Ulid," theie was no com petition. One quintette enteied but Adjudlcatoi 13vans thought that the singing was unwoithy of the prise money, $S, donated by John rt Jone-t The next numbei, which was the big gest of the eisteddfod fated the same as the qunitctte piece It was a choial competition on "The Tempest," by Pai ty, foi a prize of $00 One eholi, th" Olyphant, under the leadership of Thos. Aston, sang the piece. Theie was no other enliy Adjudlcntot Hvaus In giv ing his dec Islnn spoke lu teuns not veij llntteilng to the slngeis He said that theie was no meilt, the seemed to sing taielessl as if they felt sine ol the money because theie was no othei c om petltoi lie decided not to awaid the piUe. This met v. Ith the uppiowil of the audience AMUSEMENTS. At the Academv of Music this evening "Monblls" will be piesentid bv Hobeit Mautell and his eompain Mi. .Mnntell Is todav the u pit seiitatle actoi of the lomaiitlc school 111 this rouutij lie has ot late eoullued hlmsilf to heiole loks of past deculis, and fuvois the l'lenih authois , espeilillj DI3iiuer, Dumas, ohnet and Suiduii Ills lnuliief k&"i ; mm ''".IJvV? AANTELL in HosbARS lady, Miss Chailotte Hehlens, Is a c level acttets, and the company, now undei the nuinagi meilt ot VI Hunk, vlll siuo 1 bo a stlect yul tompetcnt one -Ml. Mautell will uipi.u Tor the be lie lit ot the (3u en Itldge Whei linen, one of the most populut oigimlitlons In the cltj. The sale of seats opened with a lush estelda foi tin appL.vi.mct: ot the fam ous comedian, lillh Uanj, ut the 1'iotli Inghuni tomoiiow and Satuidnj evmlngs and at a matinee Situiduj, In the gieat est success or his life, ".John liiaillej's Moiny" William Huij has given the stage "Muldoon's Picnic," "Iiish Ails- toci.ic," "MiKennu's l'lli tatlon, i'hu Rising (leneiatlon," and he Is soon to uii pe.u in oiu midst vIlh whit hi iissims us Is the best thing lie, has uvei piodULed, "John Hlvidlej's Monej.'' Next Frlda and Saturday the Goiman Jliothcis will appeal at the Aeadem (if luslc In "The Gllhooleys Abioad." The atti actions of the plaj ale costumes, danilng and singing combined with eoni ed, biiiksiiue und hits at the popul.it fads of the day. In the compaii) ale J lonui Poweis, Rlchaid II Gelgei, l'oicst P Russell, Misses Dollie MLstajei, Doi oth Deckel, Agnes HaIlss, Lmnia SIc gel, Maile Winson and Mitle Dunmoie. If droll Tim Muiphy keeps his woid, and the vvondeiful criticisms which his double bill, "Old Innocence" and "Sli Jleinj Iljpnotlzed," have received this season can be lelled upon, the nations of the Academy of Music Moud.ij c oil ing next ma expect a diam.uk fea-a, something new, original and ver cllifn ent fiom anj thing we have seen this sea son. "Tim .Miuph" has alwa.vs been a favoilte In Sciunton. His last uppeutalico heie In "A Texas Steer" veiltied this state mint A play In which he originated the title lole, and ucted moie than ,000 times, Tot the last tluee d.'os of this week Ida Slddons, with a lurge company ot biu libqtius, will hold the boaids ut !7avis theutei. Some of the best ot the people who appealed In the "In (Jriatei New Voik" conipmy are now with tlds oigin 1atloti The clever musical team are among thee - COMPASS WHIST NIGHT. Theie will be u compass whist to night at the Sci.tntou Whist club looms In the Meals building The event will be onen to both ludlis and gentlemen and theie will piobably be a laige numbei ot nlaieis liom the OtN and Scidiiton Whist dubs TPH fS AT 00000000 Fine nssoitment of Cheney Hioa.' Silks nnd Gienudlnes, eutliely new iU'dIkiis; gieat vuilety of slwdes. S11U.S In Illuek nnil White, fliey anil White, Checks, Stiljies, anil new Hoi Oil anil .Shell designs. All fiesh I10111 the loom und vei scuico Shoit leiiBths, liKht-Ilt;uted China .Silk; q leKU'.ur pi ice, 39e., to close, at 1 VC Fliruied Plaids and Stripes; leKtilar 111 lee ,? 75c., leduced to Tr(G 13est Taftetus, Illack riituied, Uaik and Light Checks, Stilpes nnd FlKUied, ickuIui $100 q. and $1 '.'5 Silks, to close, ut 60C WAS NOT THE FIRST ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE AIIcj lllllon Finally Mel Death on Hie D. and II. Tracks, FIRST THOUGHT OF DROWNING Hut Some .Hen Prevailed Upon Ilcrto Leave the Rhcr Hunk on Sunditv. she I)cstioed Ilencll tins Pollou lng Diu-.Lelt ti Long mid Pathetic I.eltoi lor Her ilusbaiuU-Coronei'M .litij Uill .Meet Again Snturduy Al Icrnoon foi I'lirthcr tnvehtigutlon. It was lent ned yesteiday that the (list attempt ot Mis Alice Hilton to end her life was not on Monday, when she thiew hoi self In flout of a Dela wnte and Hudson passengei tinln She would have ill owned heiself In the LiiLkn wanna ilvei on Sundav but foi P'e lulei ventlon ot seveial men who had thwaited her 'in the attempt The facts leal ned yesteiday by a Tilbuni" iipoiter weie lu pjit con Ilimed in the lette-t which the tiufoitu nate woman left fm hei husband. This letter was befoie the colonel's Jiuy who met last night In Coionei Long stieet's olllce, but udjiitii ned to meet Satuidav alteinoon at D o'clock Mis Hilton was seen Sunday sitting on the tlvei bank a shoit distance above the Mai vine bieakei. Hei loiiir stay und actions excited the suspicion of pusseisbv, and as the liver la ciulte deep near wheie she was sitting, It was thought that she contemplated suicide by di owning GOING TO DROWN HI3HS13LF. " She was appioaehed by seveial men and questioned as to what she was about to do She ic'ilieil that she In tended to diown hei sell They suc ceeded In Inducing her to give up the Idea and she accompanied them to the mine olllce of the Mat vine neat by. She was somewhat hvsteilcal and hud evi dently been uying When aked If she could be assisted In any way she plouiDtlv li fused all oleis Finally she was ptev ailed upon to go to the home of Thomas Mooie, on Paiker stieet, wheie she wus given suppi i To Mis Mooie she stated that her patents lived In Sullivan county and she had been dlvoieed, that she at piesent lived neai the Pilmltive Methodist chinch on I3ust Matkei stieet She did not give the numbei ot the Oakley hoine S21 Last Maiket street, wheie she and hei husband bonid"d As Mis. Hilton seemed to be In a highly neivous state. Mis Mooie did not question her fuither about her double She declined the hospitality of Mis Mooie foi that night, and at S SO o'clock staited In the dliectlon of L'ust Maiket stieet LI3FT A PATIIHTIC LI3TTI3H. The lettei left by the woman for Hil ton when he left the Oakley's home on Monday, the day of her death, was a paithetlc epistle j.nd occupied tlnee pages of oidinniy sUed note papei Its contents showed that she had been aLcused by Hilton of some wiong, and as her piotestatlons ol Innocence would be of no avail, death was her only hoe She wiote she was sony Hilton had not kissed her that moinlng, as he would nevei see her alive again. She Ind made a mistake, she wiote, in letutnlntr home Sunday nifht and In a pnssage which lead "but they would not let me do it," Indicated that she had told Hilton of the episode on the liver bank Theie was a touching allusion to hei little child who was with hei patents In Sullivan county. The letter closed with a kiss and a good-bye, and was signed "Alice " The adjoin nment was made by the jiuy In ordti to enable Coionei Lonir stieet to fuither Investigate the case A penult to lemove the body from the city was gi anted and it was taken yesteiday to Noidt Mont, oi Ninth Mountain, Sullivan county, wheie hei patents aie llv lug. To Cure a Cold in One liny. Take laxative Riomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fads to cure. 25 cents. Liver Complaints cuied by HL3ECH AM'S PILLS. For Infants and Children. 2to fie- tisilt tleca'.ue cf feS Is ea cier TTI tV i& fit h. i'vi,?i b iKlld xik IU1, B-adl DRESS goods. 000000000 Highland Checks, ver stylish, fot .separ ate vvaibts and sklitH 25c. to 95c. Fiench rinnncls, suitable for waists; line as set Uncut of euloib fur stieet weal, meat vailety of colois, picei urse Horn 50e to $1 GO We have the vvell tained leputatlon of keeping the most stylish goods to be found in the city. REMEMBER out M. & 11 Kid Cloves at $1 00 aie the most flexi ble, diualle gloves on the maiket alid they lit 415, 417 Lackawanna ONE OF THE BEST FEATURES Ofthe Pyramid Pile Cure Is the fact that It cities every form of piles without one panicle of pain. This clesli.ible point Is not obtained by the use ot InJutloiiH opiates which sim ply deaden and patalyy.e tho neives of the paits and make matteis wotse lu the long i tin. Hut It Is done solely bv Us lcmaikable healing and soothing ef fects, And while it thus .elves Immediate tellef, at the same time the disease Is not tneiely checked, but a ladlcal due ls lapldly accomplished. And the point we want to make clear Is Hint all this Is done w Ithout a pai tide of pain ( This fact Is one ienon for the gtcat populuilty ot the Pyiamld Pile Cute and constitutes one veiy gieat dlffei ence between It and almost any other kind of tieatmeut for piles. 13cij kind ot stnglcal opeiatlcm foi piles Is exeiucliitlngly painful besides endangeilng the life of file patient and In most cases Is not to be compaied with Hie Pyiamld Cuie, nelthei In mak ing successful cuios without pain nor In cheapness and safety. The Pyramid pile Cuie has been be foie the public too long and its m-its lecognled by too many people to al low it to be classed with the tu my salves, supposltoiks, pills, etc , and von inn no ilsk In living It, as Is often the case with new and untiled piepaiatlons If you aie evei doubled with any foi in of piles en icctal dlseiue, do not foiget the Pyramid Pile Cuie Piepaied bv the Pyiamld Ding Co, of Albion, Mich , and sold by diugglsts at M cents pet package Notice. We are still doing business at the same old stand wheie we have been foi twenty-two yeats past and most ic spoctfully solicit the pationage of the public as heretofoio In awnings, tents, Hags and all kinds of society goods and denotations S. J. Full! man & Pro. 'I o bee if we tan beat hist week's big sales.. Pi ices are cut to help. Don't you come on the avenue without a peep m. The uowtls aie with lib. Join in. China t Bargains are hei e sure. Sale 'look several extra sales people to wait on the buyers yesteiday. Just as good picking today. A lot or Heal China Cups mid Sanctis, small sle, 5c. China lliead and Ilutter l'lutts, I Iowtisniidlj'old, 5c. China (Intuitu! Sutueis, (Jold lilmiuiduud Uetoiutcd, 5c. Glass Closing out a ceitain ware 'ot tMat h0me don't like. We thought it beautiful. Guess we will have to lose a little. Real Cut Huso (ilusses, tic. LongCeleiv lllshis, lie. Small Nupkins, lie. China Uept. 1 list i'looi. Baby Just to see how many Rings utt'e nnyers W-' can fit we sell baby rings today for io cents. 'ihey Aie Solid Gold. Jewell Dipt. Carving 3-piece sets, good Sets steel, and nice thin blade. Woith today's price to use once. 50c. the set. Rogers' Seconds, but a littie Knives sciatt-n that's nearly out of sight; don't hurt. The wear is theie, only a few sets, hnough for today, we guess, 31 foi six. Picture Don't put off Framing ""ingmg in yom pic tures. Spnng is the time to brighten up lonesome spots. You will be surprised to know how little it costs fur nice framing heie. 500 kinds of moulding. Some le duced to 4c. a toot toi making and all. High pi iced kinds, too, but at light prices. The Rexford Co., 303 Lackawanna Avenue. AT .e. IT - " tnu money - ETC. Avenue, Scranton, WE M TRYING MaIl IL-jy K sL-&kus nrnif irr ; NOTICE. You will do well to look our line before making pur chases. We carry the Largjst and Best Selected STOCK IF 1TMI in the city, and at prices lower than you can buy good goods elsewhere. Kver3'thing in GLASSWARE, DISHES, BRUSHES, TRAYS, ETC. n MILL MILLAR & PECK; l.'tnvjomlng Aicuuc. Wiillc In anil look itroiuiil. SILVERSTONE, The Eye Specialist W ho I Miuiliits the I.ms 1 im ut not) 1 ucKu- vwinnu Vviniie, mei l.eliluh Vullev '1 kk- etOlllie, Will, Attn Apill Hist, Move to 215 Lackawanna Avenue, And Ui cupy a l.uige vpuie In M heie he will huvo the finest Optical Olllco Infheiltv. Ills l'KICLS foi spectacle), 13 (llussis, Aitlllilul i:es, VliiKiillylns? Classes und Opeiu (Ilusses will be us alwuvs, 13ltY LOW. steel I mines fiom '.T,c. to Si. (III. Aluminum, Trie, to sj.T'i. mini, $' on. Nihil, S'J.OO. (iold Piuiiii"), s,:s.r.(. Aqua Civstul Lensiw, fide, l'eliblo (llussis, si. 01 to Sjj.oo Woiepltue old lenses und holdel flumes on slant notice. THIELE School of Music, 5:0 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Both teachers at celebrated Scharwenka Conservatory, New York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiel; is the successor to the lats HERR KOPFF. THE J ROOMS I AND 2, COnl'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING MADE AT MOOSIC ANT RUSH DALK WORKfl, LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Uatterios, I.loctrlc Kinlidois, for ux plouliig lilusts, S.itc-ty luso, und Repauno Chemical Co. 's 111(111 UXI'LOSIVKS. Why let your homo and business bo deatroy. ed tlirouKii atron,' drink or moiphluu vrhea t oil cnu bu enrxd In four weeks at the Eceloy Institute 723 Madison avenue Scroaton, P. flic Cura Will Bear Inycitlcstlon. SPECBAL. Pnicnlu li n)in)i Mmlal l.rtot I'm. . - --" ' .-"... .......... v.. .. riin juv '. 'm J. JJ. v oiaeiM, peueec uiiiug, iiiuauie, Ory never bold at less than $100 0 U Flexlbouo Col sets, best eoiset sold; made to fit any 101 111; pecullaily adapted to stout people, give giaco and style. 1'ilces 110m $l.r.O to U00. Chlldiem Cotton lloie, HUes fjoin IJ to7, sr double Knees, heels mill toesvvaith "jC 1(1) Hoys' 13.tia Jleavy, double knees and rji soles; faut black ZjC Man's Hose, eMia heavy, black or tan ()j Men's Jllnck Hose, .spliced heels and toes; w faJtculoi; woithOc UI) Men's Flue Ulack Hose, double heels ana rn toes, woith -."e lli Ladles' Hlaek Hose, Hetmsdoif Dye; epllced heels and toes.; v o th "Oc 1 JU Ladles' Hlaek Ho-e, Hennsdoif Dye; doit- ble soles, vvoitll -Jo i (li Ladles' Fine Hose, tegular pilce 50c; , tlnee palls foi , ipl Pa.