THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING-, MATtCII lo, 1897. lorrm FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. IACKAWANNA, THE E A D E R IN CORRECT IAUNDERING 308 Penn Avenue. A. U. WAR.MAN. Per yard for all Wool In grain. Guaranteed good quality, of latest designs and colors. u IS7WY0.MIN( AVK. CITY NOTES. Theiu Is to be un exhibition of Parisian costumes tomorrow at (loldsmlth's ba zaar. AlJirmnn Howe on Satniday utilteil In lnairl.iKo Miss Ada lllehly, of Shunk, SuJIIvuti county, and Andrew V. liakor, of tills elty. Alex Dunn, jr.. will receive the returns of the Corln'tt-Kltzslmmons light and will bulletin the same In the windows of his etuiv on Wyoming avenue. At a meeting of the Scranton Ho wins ttssoiiiitlou Saturday night six new mem bers were elected. After, the business iue"tlng a soeial session wns held. The property of Select Councilman .1. A. leasing, on Quincy avenue, between 3.ln.lcn and Mulberry street, bus been purchased by lleese O. Brooks for $U',000. Heglster of Wills Hopkins on Satur day admitted to probate the will of Will iam Stelnecke, late of this city, and grant ed letters testamentary to William Orleser.- The grand jury meets today and will have n large number of cases to dispose of. There ate now 10) prisoners In the county jail, the largest number In the li'story of that Institution. Albert Olasco, a 1'olander, was burled beneath a fall of roof at the Cayuga mine Saturday afternoon. He escaped wiih a few scalp wounds. He Ir receiv ing tieatment at the Mosps Taylor hos pital. In the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association today thero will be n union meeting for the women of Un churches of the city. It will begin at 11 o'i lock and Mrs. Kllzabeth Price will bo leader. A special meeting of the Young Men's Jtei-ubllcan club will be held on Friday evening, March , at S o'clock, at the or flee of .1. 1j. Haldeman, room 301, Meant building. Business of Importance to all members will be transacted. V quartette consisting of the following l.a- b-en organized In the C.reen Kldgo het-lmen: First tenor, Lawrence ltowl-r--.ii; second tenor, Churles Knight; llrsl l-.i-x, l-Vi-d Frank: second bass, C. M. Fl.irey. They will sing at the Ureen Uldge library Tuesday evening. A farewell reception to Assistant fieerc t 11 y F. P. Browne, of the Young Men's Olnlstlaii association, and a wel come to Hrakeninn Warren A. lierry, tliu iwv assistant, will be held tomorrow evening. ..Members only will be piesent. Thele will be music and refreshments. A. 13. Dunning, Jr., has been employed by tho supervisors of liUckawanna town ship to make plans and un estimate uf the 1 ost of macadamizing a mile of the main load of Mluooka from the city line smith. It Is expeeted that work on tho Impmve-nir-nt will begin as soon us the condition of the weather permits. It Is denied by Mayor Bailey that ho proposed making Patrolman John Molr a mounted ollleer vice Stephen Dyer who now fills that position. The report Is just as positively denied by Patrolman .Molr, nbu stated to a Tribune reporter yes-t.-i-ilny that the change had not been sur-M--st,d and that he had no desire to vary bis piesent line of work. An entertainment will be given In Music hall Wednesday evening by the National Aid association of tho Delaware, Lacku wunna and AVestern company. The fol lowing will have numbers on the pro gramme: Dr. W. F. Conners, Miss Xell.e Cut ran, Kdwln Uowen, Miss l.orott.i Fa hey, the Peard children, Miss I.ydla Sailor, J. J. Solomon, Ulchard Thomas, Miss Mat tin' Hughes und the Columbian ipiaiteUe. v , The regular monthly meeting of the Scranton board of trade will be held this e enlng at S o'clock. The following com mutes will report; Legislation nnd taxes, on 'hold-up" of telephone, ordinance; good loads, on organization of the Lackawanna County flood Hoads league; membership, on plan for securing new members; finance, approval of current bills. Appli cations for membership will be voted on, and several new applications lecelyed. COUNTRY CLUB PARTY. Photographs Weie the Menus of PI en mi it l Hiitorltiiuiiicul. There was a lurge party nnd a most happy entertainment Sntunlny night at the lodge of the Ciitinlry club. It was teimed a "photograph party." Each pei son brought photographs of celebri ties and prizes were uwnrded T. C. A'on Storeh and P.eynolds Hertford, the per sons who made the most correct guesses ns to the Indentity of the likenesses. A number of solos were sung by Mrs. O. duH. DlmmieU. The entertainment 00060060066666060 0 ,. . . . 0 I rne crowning liiory iY Of a man's attire is his hat. Y Tli ere is no hat superior to the X SEAL BRAND. They tire high in quality, latest in style and (S popular in price. ooooo J. A. WATERS, Successor to Christian, the Hatter, A At 305 l.uckUA'annu Ave. Y 0,00000000000000 pWM mmmmm im aa " KSD L'oininlttvu wt'ies Sir. ami Mrs, It. V. Kingsbury. Mr. ami Mrs. It. 1. Slmp son, Miss Aicliljutd, Miss Susan Jil-inj-u mul Miss Ueilii. Thorn- present wfif! Mr. unit Mrs ttctiry Hi-lln, jr., Mr. mul Mrs. (!. duH. IJIininlik. Mr. mul Mrs. William Hi'ii nlmv, Mr. mid Mrs. Torrey, Mr. nnd Miff. T. C. Von Ktoti-h, Mr. and .Mrs. It. I'. Simpson, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Cou ncil, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. KliiKsliury, Mr. and Mis. X. G. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, O. U. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. V. U. PucU, Mr. and Mrs. ('. It. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. .rlindi'i'i Mr. and Mrs. AV. II. Taylor, the Misses Merrill, Warren, Tor rey, Uelln, Suhlueer, Stucll. Atebbald, Welles, Anderson, Ileynolds, Caldwell, oC Troy; N. CI. Clnrk. 1,oiiIsvII1l Ky.; Xeuball, of HurTulo; Miss Hunt; Messrs. Uelln, Davidson. Kingsbury, A. O. Hunt, A. K. Hunt, jr., .loan Hrooks, Bedford, Merrill, Fuller, J. II. Dlmnilek. T. S. Atherton, Htlllwcll, Huntington, W. A. Fuller, J. It. Ath erton. ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE. (unural Ordur IxMiotl by Cinnd .Mttr slinl D. P. Itnttlo. AVodtiendav. St. Patrick's day, will ho observed in tills c-lty with a parade under the uusples of the Ancient Order of 1 llbei nuns, Hoard of Kiln, which will bring siveral thousand strangers to the city. The jp-nornl onler Issued by Ui nnd Marshal I). P. Dattle, of the South Side, Is as follows: The giand marshal's headiinarlets will bo at the Columbia, hotel, Lackawanna avenue. Aids will leport to the grand marshal at 10 o'clock sharp. The parade will move at 11 o'clock a. in, The llrst division will form on Penn avenue, the light testing on Spruce street. The second division will form on Spruce street, the light testing 011 Penn avenue. The parade will move In the following order; Uuiid marshal, D. P. Ilattle. Chief of i-tufT, Captain .lames A. O' Ultra. Aids, Frank J. Cirady, P. 12. Campbell, F. M. cullen, Patrick llurke, Patrlik Fitzslmmons, 1'. W. Gallagher, AVUIiani Peel and M. .1. Walsh, esi. The aides will be followed by clergymen In carriages and county otllcers In car riages. First Division Commander, .lames Pld geon; nldes, M. H. -Mudlgan, Mr. Lynedy. The llrst division will he composed of all societies from towns north of Scranton, nnd Luzerne county societies on the rignt of line. Second Division Commander, M. T. Henley; aides, M. F. Sheridan, John Iflvnn. The second division will consist of 'nil societies In Scranton, in Dunmorc,, and thoe from towns south of Scranton In Lackawanna county. The column will move In fours over the follo.wlng route: To Lackawanna avenui, to Klghtb street, countermaich at Klghth street, to Washington avenue, to Ash street, countermaich at Ash street, to Olive street, to Wyoming avenue. Dis miss at corner of Lackawanna and Wy oming avenue. D. P. H.Utle, Grand Marshal. James A. O'Hava, Chief of Start'. CONTEST FROM THE EIGHTEENTH. Alderman Iloro (iuestion- John P. lCcllv'- Iti'lit to Siiuoond Him. A contest was begun Saturday by Martin Hore against John P. Kelly for the olllce of alderman of the Eighteenth ward. At theFebrunry election Hore, Kelly and John C. Jones were candi dates and the A'ote was as follows: Hore, IL'O: Kelly. 131; Jones, !. Mr. Kelly was given the certlllcate of elec tion. Mr. Hore, who Is tho present alder man of the ward, declares in his con test petition that 40 non-cltlzens, 35 non-taxpayers, V2 non-residents, -3 un registered voters, C minors and fi bribe takers voted for Kelly, that twenty who wished to vote for Hole were not admit ted to vote, nnd that ten voters cast for Hore were counted for Kelly. NEWS OF THE DIG FIGHT. Will l!c Keceive.d Over Special Wires in the I'lothiugliaiu. The management of the Frothlnghain has innde uriunceiueuts by which the news of the bin mill at Carson, be tween Fitzslmmons and Cm-belt at Car sou will be received over special wires In the theater on Wednesday afternoon. F.very blow struck In the ring will be ulniost immediately unnounced In the theater. Seats In all parts of the house will be no cents. PRICE OF GAS IS REDUCED. New Schedule tines Into lOlfoct on ' April! N'uAt. The Scranton ("las and AVater com pany and the Hyde Park. (las and Wat er company announce that on and after April 1 the price id' gas will be $1..1 pel thousand ruble feet. Thin pi Ice will also be subject to the following discounts: Five pur cent, upon nil bills where tho consumption for the month amounts to less than $25; ten per cent, upon nil bills where the consumption uiuountH to $23 and. upwards, provided the bill Is paid on or befoie the 20th of tho month on which the bill is pioBcnted. Ask for E. Robinson's Sons' Ueer. On tap today. lloek Hexing Contest. Two ten-round glove contests will be given under auspices of the U.xoelsior Athletic club' on Tuesday evening, Marth 10, at '.1 o'clock sharp, In Music hall. The contestants will be as follows 110 POUND CLASS. ' Toby Gardner, Scirnnton, nnd Stove Flanigan, of Philadelphia. , 123 POUND CLASS. Dan Jerome, Syracuso and'Enill Heck, boxing instructor of Caledonian Ath letic club of Philadelphia. Admls&lon. 50c, 73c. and $1,00. Ask for 13. Koblnson's Sons' Pock Beer. On tap today. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 JKltSUY KdClS 6 S FHF.SH HVP.P.V DAY. 6 Hl'Y TUB I1KST. 6 0 15c. PRIt DO'C. A 0 IS. O. CUl'HSH.V. $ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , t ' The Si-ranton ltiisint!ss College Is the leading business training Insti tution of the East. If you have not seen the College Journal write lluck, Wliitnioru & Co., for it today. Tells all about the school und what judges say of It. ABk Peer. for E. Itoblns-on's Sons' Hocl: On tap today. 50 XX White Envelopes for 17c. at 3c. Store. 523 I.ack'a. ave. Ask for K. Koblnson's Sons' Ueer. On tap today. Hock Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. P. & M. T. liowley, 231 Wyoming ave. Ask for E. Hoblnson'H Sons' lloek Ueer, On tap today, REV. DR. J. K. DIXON ATTACKS THE JUDGES Ahulo Open and Ssverc Charges B;fore His Congregation. SAYS. COURT FAVORED THE SALOON In tliu I'ium! of a Mighty Protest mul AgniiiM OvcrwIit'lniiiiK Hviileiicu. Judges' Kiutisu, Dr. Divon Snjs, M'us Ptii'rllc und u Dnrk-I.iintuin Policy nnd Was Nuilo in i:tuiiuti tion of ti Continual, 1 11 y is Horn LU; and Hunting Ollonsu. A tcnlllc scorlnc wits given the Lackawanna county court Judges by ltev. Dr. Joseph K. Dixon yesterday In nn nddrcss than preceded his tegular morning sermon at the Penn Avenue Haptist chtlt-cli. Tin. burden if his charge was Ihat tlu Judges had on Saturduy discriminated UFA-. DP. JOSF.PU K. DIXOX. He Addressed to Ills Congregation all Open Charge Against the County Judges. in fnVor of the saloon and against the cli'iucb in rtnewlng the license for Welchel's wliolesah llauor cstablisb lnont In the Inlltdlng adjoining the church structure. Hemonstrances and exceptions against Welchel's place and Anifsbry'H saloon in the same building had been filed by the church ollleers. Only Ainsbry's application was refused. Dr. Ulxun said: SADDFXED AND CHAGIUNED. 1 come hcloro you this morning, my people, saddened and chagrined, Hy ununlmous voice of our advisory com mittee, consisting of the trustees of the church, the deacons of the church and live men of high worth elected from tliu church, a formal protest was entered be fore the license coin, against the con tinuance of the two saloons adjoining the walls of the sanctuary. This was fol lowed by exceptions duly Hied and sub stantiated by evidence before the-courl. On last Sabbath morning by unanimous rising vote you endorsed the action .of the advisory committee hy the adoption of the following resolutions. Dr. Dixon then read the resolutions which have twice appeared In The Tribune. They strongly endorsed tho ollleers' ac tion. We carried the case into court witn ample evidence for the revocation of these two licenses, only to gain the vic tory In one. The judges on the , bench are billllunt jurists, but they have a conscience license-hardened. Like Loid Nelson, when he wished to disobey the orders of u superior oilier and would In variably put the glass to the blind eye, and then proceed with his own dear wish. Public sentiment Is rolling a mighty bil low or contempt against this outrage upon decency, good morals, law- and or der and the church of Cod. Tho tidings traveled fast yesterday, thnt the license of this place next door to us had bee.n continued; a place, where It was proven by uncontested evidence, that virtue Is dethroned, where vice holds high carnival, a place where the fumes of un Intolerable whisky stench steals its way up through the open windows while we aie seated here for the worship of Al mighty Cod and the condemnation ot the best citizenship of tills city was lieico' und without reserve, a condemnation that will be felt when the suffrages of the people are asked for, even though that be long years hence. The granting of this license Is a crime against society; It Is a ci line against good morals. It Is a eilinc against the upbuilding of law and order, It Is n crime against the churuli of Ji sus Christ. 'HOW IS IT TO BE DONE. llow Is this church lo wugo war against the vice and corruption so ruiuimut In this city, how are we to stem the mighty llde of Immorality, when the Judges 111 the face of a mighty protest of one of the greatest lellglous bodies In the city. Insist against that protest, and 'against ample and overwhelming evidence, that we shall have a hell-hole right under our Very windows. Insist that we slull pull over ninety-live thousand chlldieii every year hy this living exuuiplo of liulecenov tdianie and death. Immorality and corrup tion? Shame on sliuine! 11 thousand times sluinie On lids wicked and criminal mls icurriago of justice, These Judges know that the largest part of the ciime with which they have to deal on the bench comes from the drink curse, and when 11 great congregj tlon of nearly a thousand p.-oplc, tvp-leM-ntlng many thousands more, ask thut the Infernal cuise In- removed, they lauyh us In the face und then add Insult 10 In jury by the puerile ui'inunent and 'ue sugar coated sophistry, even this, .111 ut terance of the bench to the man 10 whom had been grunted the license, "You irni'e u narrow ettcupe. If there had been nn thlng moie dellnlte against the pl.e--I lie license would not have been granted. ' In heaven's name what testluiuny iiwii dellrllte do we need, than the manifold evidence thnt whisky burrels are piled nearly a score in number on the very walks am1 fence in front of the chinch, that our worship lifts been disturbed bv libuld songs, that a house, the ehuraeffrr of which shall be nameless here, a stand ing menace to the virtue of the young womanhood attending our Sunday school and church service a puuo Hint bus been tolerated for the last two years both to the knowledge of the muyor and Ins police; that this place has been curried on for two years to the Knowledge and under the direction of the men who ate now the executors of the estute, the man lately deceased having for that period having ulven lliein virtual control; that the license law has been violated In nu merous particulars, this was proven bv uncontroverted ev'dence that our play ers must go up to heaven when tin hot weather comes with the scent of whisky hell's worst curse to this fulr earth. What more dellnlto evidence than ibis Is required. O ye guardians of law, purity nntl Justice! NOT TO 1JI3 HOODWINKED. They tell us as though the commun ity and the church with Its mighty con stituency could be hoodwinked by such nn old womanish urgumeiit. a renson lo lllmsy Unit the clothes fell off before they could get It out of the room even this "If It were a new- place, or If It had not been Mr the tuct that for years It had been conducted without otfenae, they would huvo opposed it." A new place! Heaven protect us when the court begins to drivel after this fashion. "A new pluce." Why have courts at all? Sin Is old why punish crime of any sort It is old. It dates back there In tho early morning of the race, Why have prisons and courts where tho rellned sensibilities of tho judges must sll In Judgment, while men are being tor tured with the tlieary und harassing processes of a trial crime Is old. why not let It alone "an old place." Noah's shame is old, the ttuiuelt-j-s vices of Pom .tiell are old the miasma of southern swamps are old. The stench of Stygian strides Is old. "tf It were a new place!" Suppose that were a virtue then It comes to light just now that the offense Is new' and ever accumulating, then I plead that the place should bo treated us though It were "a new place." I pray (lot! these men have no boys who may be over thrown by this "old" monster. O, heaven, pity us that for another year this awful stench In the nostrils of over ninety-live thousand children und thousands Upon thousands of men and women, must go on whom we bring hero to learn how to be good men and good women, good boys and good girls. A mull of highest commercial, highest so cial, highest Intellectual, highest Chris tian standing In this community said to me; "If wo had a place like that next to our church doors one of our leading members, in spite of himself, would go oil' on an extended drunk, when once these whisky fumes permeated the uliurch." Hl'IlL HACK WITH CONTEMPT. I hurl back with contempt, the phrase "If It had not been for the fact that for years It had been conducted Vlthout offense" It bus been a. continual offense, tin Insufferable ami burning offense. It Is at lids moment a blistering offense, ltecalise ptotest has never before been made the piutler has been accounted as lacking in offensive qualities. It was further stated by the bench "that they Weie opposed to granting li censes next to churches or opposite to churches." Why, I ask, was nut this the time to put that opposition Into fullest operutlon. Is It possible that the com munity can be beguiled by such a dark lantern policy as that? Would the court on tomorrow grant a license to a man occupying a building, were there such a building, on the lot In the rear of Elm Park chinch? Would they grant one next door to St. Luke's? Would they grant one even In the vacant building the second door away from the First Pres byterlun church? Would they grant 0110 even across the street trom St. Peter's cathedral? Nay. veilly. Never! Why should they grant one next door to the Penn Avenue church? Sa'd an ardent ltoinnn Catholic to me the other day: "These places could not stav next our churches" all hull to our Komnn Catholic friends! Theic wtis ample admission that we hud a case, a stiong case, even according to the. technicalities of the law for the court said In granting the license, "You hud a very narrow escape." Why. In the name of purity and Justice nnd good or der, should he have any escape If the case wus technically so close in the eyes of cold, unpartlsan law, us to make a "narrow escape" there was beside over whelming and uncontroverted evidence, as cleat-cut und convincing against the place to which license was granted us there was against the place to where li cense was refused. In the name of jus tlco If one was to go they both should go If one was to stay they should both stay. "A nanow escape." "Why wus not the balance turned In favor of the church?" an Institution that Is as old In the city us the family ask ing the license, and quite us Important an institution that Is helping on tho cause of humanty quite as much as the liquor tialllc It would seem save In the inlnds of the licence court. If our courts and the purity of our laws and the Integrity of manhood and the glory of our citizen ship, if the upbuilding of home Is to de rive greater stimulus from the saloon than the church of Ood, then the judges did a wise thing yesterday In granting a license in a building ndjolnng our walls und notorious for its moral putresence. REV. G. L. MAICE'S FAREWELL. Preached His I. list Sermon tit (Jrecn ltidge Kvnugnlieiil .Church. Hev. O. Make preached his farewell sermon yesterday morning as pastor ot Green Uldge United Evangelical church. -. 1 .!?'.$- iM8;eN nno RF.V. GKURGR L. MAICI5. Yesterday Was His Last Day us Pattor of Giei-n Ridge L'nlted Fvungellcul Church. Next Sundny he begins his duties as pastor of tile Kvanijellfiil church at Muiicy Vullev, Lycoming county, to which he wtis appointed by last week's conference at Cuiilsle. Mr. Malce's sermon wns n chatge to his people to aid their new pastor, Rev. (.. D. Moore, who comes here next Hun day from Lycoming county. The text was from Phillppians iv, H and . "Fin ally, brethren, whatsoever things nre true, whatsoever things are hnue-tt, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things niv lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; If then- be any virtue, and if there be any nralse, think on these things. Those things which ve have both learned and received, and heatd. and seen In me. do; and the God of peace be w lib you." BEST SETS OF TEETH, $8, Including the painless ostractiui; of teeth hy an entirely now process. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 321 Sprues St , Opp. llotelJerinyn. vl mi jf u L SieBECKBR k WATKINS, PRIMARIES HELD IN TWO DISTRICTS Republican Voters Cho3e Men to Elect Slate Delegates. RESULT IN SECOND DISTRICT Foreshadows Hie I'.lei-tion of Attor ney T. T. PiHiinun and John Sclieuer as State I)olegntes--Cor- ect List ol' Delegates llus Not Yet tiecu Compiled in the Tbiid District-- Itecnier nnd Dnvies Sny They Will ito Chosen. Saturday's Hepubllcnn primary elec tions In the Second nnd Third legisla tive districts weie neither more or less active than In any year when there tire two sets of delegate candidates In the Held, but when there is no big shite light on hand. In the Second dlsttlct the majority of delegates chosen will be for Attorney T. F. Penman and John Sohouer and against Attorney John J. II. Hamilton nnd Henry Uoettehor for slate dele gates. There were elected 15 Penman delegates, 13 Hamilton, 5 doubtful and I! independent. The convention will be called for 2 p. 111. tomorrow at the arbitration routn in tin. court house. A list of the dele gates Is us follows: Seventh ward Third district, William W. nunlook. Eighth ward-First district, W. S. Mil lar, W, A. Itiiubj Second district, John P. Jones, P. II. DeWlble. D. W. Jones. Ninth ward-First dlstilct, C. E. Chit tenden, E. M. Vcrnoy, Curtis Powell; Second district, C. P. Judwln, M. I). Hine, H. M'. Cour.-eii; Third district, W. J. Tracy, Frederick Council, C. H. Fuller. Eleventh ward First district, Dr. Kolb, F. .Miller, Chris Fickus; Second district, Albeit Heler, Oscar llelrelgel; Third dis trict, J. Chrlstophel, Churles Stone. Twelfth ivurd Fred Llnder, JohnJMetz heltcr. Thirteenth ward First district, Sol Miller, J. Walker; Second district, Pres ton ltablnson, C. S. Seumuus, Thomas Flltcroft; Third district, O. S. Llltz, 10. S. Whitney, John S. Hay. Sixteenth ward First district, J. C. Sea mans, William Ilrutznian; Second district, W. A. St. John, Fred Schoen, Harry A. Caskey. Seventeenth ward First district, F. S. liarker, T. 11. Urooks, W. S. Dlehl, Crorge A. Hlghlleld; Second district, Samuel Kuapp, Hohert Penman, Frank Christian. Elmer Kaiiffman, Wllllum Emeilch. Nineteenth ward First district. Peier Haas, Charles Dlppre; Second district, William Smith; Third district, William Walters, Henry Schaff; Third district, Fred Wcbcir, Will Doehler; Fourth dis trict, Charles Milllch, August Frantz. Twentieth ward Flrt district, David A. Davis, Kred Jones; Second district, Matthias Ourd, Joseph Shorten; Third district, James Shorten; Fourth district, John Tltlehurg. In tho Third legislative district the candidates for state delegates are O. W. Heemer and Oiilllth Dnvies and James E. Watklns and Edward North up. It was impossible yesterday to compile an accurate list of the delegates to Tuesday's convention chosen Satur day us the district comprises a large portion of the agricultural part of the county. Heemer and Davies claim that they have enough of delegates elected In their Interests to Insure their election at the convention which Vvlll be held tomorrow- afternoon In the court house. Each district is entitled to two dele gates In the state convention. Notice. We are stlil doing business nt the same old stand Where we have been for twenty-two years past and most re spectfully solicit the patronage of the public as heretofore In awnings, tents, lings and all kinds of society goods and decorations. S. J. Fuhrman & liro. Ask for 1-1. Robinson's Sons' lluck Peer. On ta'i today. JUST A LITTLE BIT EARLY, lint We Milct Introduce ou to inn- SHIRT WAIST GEPT. We want ou to hear In mind that we keep shirt V ai-t-. fn ilii'iiis $1,011, $1. 7ft and s--j.un Quulltj, For une Pnj Unl.v. Tomorrow, Tuesday, $1.00 EACH. W. R, BLACK, 132 Wyoming Ave. SAWYER'S MILLINERY STORE WARREN-EHRET COMPANY, contractor; foi EHRET'S SLAG ROOFING CHRETS SLAG ROOFING WILL RE SIST A FIRE BUILT UPON IT AND MAINTAINED FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR. AS WE HAVE PROVED BY AC TUAL TEST, it is fire-proof. Scranton, Pa 314 Washington avaM The best rooms of the farmhouses are still carpeted with juniper twigs. Our carpets, while as soft as the best wool can make them, imitate Nature in a beautifully realistic manner. They make the room a garden spot. 406 Lackawanna Ave. Opp. Wyoming Hous3. SHUT UOWN INDEFINITELY. Wiiiic at the South Steel .Mill Censed Siituiduy. Tho South mill of the Lackawanna lion and Steel company has closed down. The otllelnls of the cumimii are unable to say when operations will be resumed us that nil depends on orders and the condition of the steel trade. There has not been any stoppage ut the North works but. that Is likely to occur nt any time. It had been rumored that tho South works had been closed for repairs. TIiIh was denied to a Tribune reporter yes tirday by General Mnnagef Wehrutn who Mild: 'We have stopped work be cause we have nn new orders and have finished those on band when the mill opened In January alter Its long period 01 idleness. You know us well ns I when work will be rrrtlincd. "The North works have not been closed. 1 cannot tell how long they Mill be at work nor bow long they would be Idle If olused In the Immediate fu ture. The condition or Hie steel trade Is very unsettled and nrlmdy can forecast the future; ootiulnly 1 am not In a position to do so." Ask Peer. for E. Koblnson's Sons' On tap today. Hock Tailor made fall suits and overcoats, latest styles, John ISoss, 307 Spruce street. Ask for E. lloblnsun's Sons' Deer. On tap today. Hock Fabst's Milwaukee Hock Ueer, Lohmann's, Spruce street. Ask for E. Robinson's Sons' Peer. Un tap today. Hock T JBSjSSESa dii;d. M'GAFFIGAN-In Scranton, March 13, 1MI7, Mrs. Ellen McGnlllgan, at the home of her granddaughter, Mis. John J. Var ley, 1701) Wyoming avenue, Green RUIge, t'uneriil Monday morning after u re quiem mass In St. Paul's church. Inter ment In the Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. FOX In Scranton, .March 13. 1807, Thomas Fox, aged 11 months. Funeral Monday afternoon at -' o'clock from the lesl dence, r.'Jt Lee court. M'DONOl'Gll At 24111 Cedar avenue, Scranton, March 14, 1S97, .Margaret Mc Donough, aged in yeuis. Funeral notice later. TBICTLY Fll Every Egg Guaranteed, sr ozen AT DUNN'S spaifjs HITS NONJ BBTTKK. Left of the Banister Must Be Sold TI" IE FIRST i4C0 ;- liii iwl3.uuU.UU We commence making alterations and improvements ! in the building, and we must get rid of the stock be- te,,. -tit,, ;.-.-.A n: iivnw thc CArDicirp fhot run. until- i.iiiiiii ir u iivy we must make to induce do not hesitate to make it. of the cost on the balance THIS MEANS j isf led AND .YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. The Balance of the stock is New Fresh Goods, light in weight and very desirable for Spring and Summer wear. Russet Shoei and Oxfords if you want them. . nt CORNER LACKAWANNA I. . BERRY. JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Avanu Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sterling Silver And Cut Glass. Great Reductions in These Goods. Watches and Clocks paired on short notice. All Re- JJST SECURED OUR NEW LINE. For decorating. Opened a large assortment of the newest Novelties. HAVILAND We have the largest as sortment of White' in the city. .'lima METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL C. J. WEICHEL, 140 and 143 Wash. Ae. , Mcari Bldg. SoIiim Piano Stands al ilia Head ssamy AND J. W. (1URRNSBY Stand at the Head In tho Music track. You can always get a better bu renin nt his beautiful waroroom9 than at any other placo iu tho city. Call and suu fur yourself beforo buying, 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. s J. W. GUERNSEY, Prop. MT. PLEASANT COAL ATRETAIL, Coal of tho best quality ror domestic us nnd of all elze3, Includlns Buckwheat and Ulrdseye, delivered Iu any part of tho city, ot the lowest price. Ordero received at tho Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. 3; telephono No. 2624 or at tho mlns, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended lo. Dealers supplied ut the mine. WSVi.T. SSVI5TH. Shoe Stock, Which This Month. OF APRIL t i iil, jnviii ivl, iiiui. the public to buy, and we If we realize ONE-HALF of our stock we will be sat- AND WYOMING AVES. 1 b n mm if II E B I I III nt ! 11 1 11 1 1 j su 1 t Wfllli IMA I 1 I r