THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, JMARCII IS, 1S!)7. . H Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 920 Wyoming Ave. IACKAWANNA, THE E A D E R IN CORRECT AUNDERING 308 Penn Aenue. A. U. WAKMAN. CARPET 47c Per yard for all Wool In grain. Guaranteed good quality, of latest designs and colors. I 127WYOMINCI AVU. CITY NOTES. The board of trade will meet Monday night. The lewers appointed to assess tlie damages on the l'tlce street opening will meet toduj. Frank Shultas was sent to the count Jail jesteidav cliaiged with- assault and batter preferred befoie Justice of the Peace Gillilt,hs, of Ta lor. The condition of oung Louis Storm at the Lackawanna hospital Is unchanged. It has not et been decided whether an amputation will be pel formed. The Pleasuie-SeeKeis' Soclil club will hold their Hi st leieptlon at rinle's hall Weduesdn evening, Match 17 A pili'e cake will be uvvurded to the best walker. Slante Shultas and Wadlsloz Cow i ski, of Archbald, weie tecelved at the eomi tj Jail Sestet day. The weie the gilts of Justice McCoimack and the charge Is larceny. Photographs of the condltloiiOf Mulber r stleit, with Its choicest mud, ate shown in a Washington aenuc stole win dow. "Do we want a pa"ve?'' is the quel on the card. The funeral of Mis. lllza Ann Shinei will take place this atteinoon at J oO o'clock fiom her late home, JCC Piauk lln aenue. Interment will be made In Dunmore cemeteiy. The building committee of the boatd of contiol met last night and eonsldeted the bids lot the new Xos. G, j and -S school buildings, but adjourned without leaeliliHr any conclusion. . v, All the placrs of the Sliders liase ltall team of llsSJt, aie requested to meet at the city building comer at 7 JO o'lloiK on Monday evening. Match 15, to elect ottl cers toi '67. W. Thomas, 12. Tropp. Aleander C'huichward, clectilc dclgn ei for the Excelsior Klectilcal company of lliookln, X. Y, gave an interesting discourse on electrlclt at the meeting or the Scianton Engineers' club Thursda night. The Great Eastern Suit and Pants com pau will have its spilng opening hatui da, March 13, 1S97, ut 4H Lackawanna avenue A conceit will be given aftui noon and evening by the Laswence or cheitra The dhow ot a stove pipe In the kitchen of a house occupied b J J. Gallaghei, at G14 Deacon street, lell out at 1 o'clocK estetda afternoon, and when the 100m filled up with smoke some one sent In an alarm for Hie fiom box 71. Theie was no blaze whatever. John, 4-eat-old child of Mr and Mis John Ciowle, ot Meridian stleet, died esteiday nioinlng at the Lickawanna hospital The little fellow was admitted to the hospital last Wednesdaj. An op eration was pel formed, but to no avail The funeial will be announced latei. John Hodgei-!, 33 ears old, born In Eng land, was sentenced bv Mayor liullev, in jesterdaj's polite couit, to thlity da.vs In Jail foi being diuuk and abusing r,ls paietits. Hodgeis lived with his aged father and mothei, on rifth btreet, In the Bellevue dlstilct, and was anested late Thursday night b Patiolman Walsh llo has no occupation, IhiMiipusi'd. Is what every purchaser says of our perfect fitting M. ic H. Cutset at EOc, supeilor to all is the veidlct In legard to our $1 00 Kid Gloves. They aie soft, flexible and they lit. Eveiy pair wut ranted. Mears & Hagen, AN UNFORTUNATE WORKMAN. Hlind in Left Ke, Ho Jlns the Might Hndly Hurried. A hot scale hit August Christ, of Belle vue, In the light ee Thuisday while he was at woik as a blacksmith at the Delaware, Luckawanna and Western shops, and he will piobubly lose his sight. Some years ago Chi 1st lost the use of his left ee while at woik. Thursday lie was standing over the anvil and a hot paitlele fiom the Iron glazed his eye, burning the but face. Dr. W. F. Connors, occullst, Is attend ing the Injuied man. He cannot say that Mr. Chilst'H eje-slght will be sav ed. At piesent the unfortunate man Is totally blind. IQO'S BURN'S PROVED FATAL. Hied Last Kveniug nt His Homo on Sanderson Avenue. A death as n lesult of the gas ex plosion at the Dickson mine last Mon day occuned last evening when Put- ooooooooooooooooo I The Crowning Glory Of a man's attire Is his hat. Therein no hat .superior to the SEAL BRAND. They are high lu quality, latest lu st)le and popular lu price. OOOOO I J. A. WATERS, X Successor to ChrUtlan, the Hatter. V At 305 Lackawanna Ave, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 11 rick Igo, one of the five men Injured, succumbed to the terrible burin lie to celvetl. Igo dlfil tit his home, 1515 Gard ner avenue, and Is survived by a wife and four children. The explosion, which was lepoited In full In Tuesday's Tilbune, occunod In the Chuk vein, whole the men wele building a "brlilue." Oils had found Its way thtoURh a boie-holo f 10m the China vein beneath to the Clnilc. Its ini'sunco was not known of and the men took no precaution whatever. Will iam H. How en, Tiank rat roll, William Atkinson und Jllclmcl Jtalloy aie on the load to lecoveiy. Trii was the most scilously Injuied. Ills face, neck, nims, Imck and bieust weie a masH of chaired flesh. The fu neral will bo at It o'clock Monday mot 11- lug. RESIGNATION IS IN EFFECT. .Mrs. I,uc) Booth Mill Co to Huston to Accept a 1'osltlon. The leslgnatlon of Mis Lucy Rooth as Instructor of drawing In the Sciun ton public school went Into effect yes teulu After u few weeks lest Mis Hooth will go to Huston and accept u position In the publishing Uupiutmeiit of lJiang & Co., the uit publlsheis. KINSLEY MAY NOT RESIGN One of His Personal Friends So States. Mayor Bailey Says There Is an Understanding. Concerning the piescnt status of the Kinsley muttei, Ma or Ualley ji'stoi da declined to leveal what his ionise would be 01 to comment upon TuesdU night's action of common count II. The common council Instead of concuiilng In select council's Chittenden lesolu tlon requesting the ma or to temove Ktieet Compilssloncr Kinsley fiom olllte had appointed a, committee to wait up on the muot and get from him his opinion on the leslllt of the tecent Inves tigation. Maor Ualley temaiked that on Ihuisduy he had been notified by Mr. Kinsley of the resignation of Pel Igo, the usslstant eoinmtuhloner, on Satut Uay. His honoi conflimed the state ment made bv Piesldont Oiler of com mon council Thuisdny night that theie was an undel standing that Mi. Klnslev vould leslgn Aplll 1 The mayoi would not, however, state -what his uttltude vould be tow aid the -peclul committee, Mc-ms. Flanagun, Keller and Zeidler, appointed to wait on him by common council. Theie Is a movement on foot In coun cils to make the term of ofllce of the street commissioner begin on the flist Tuesda In Apt 11. Republicans and Demociats have advocated this plan and it Is bald to have no dliect beating on political grounds or on the Kinsley question The cltv engineer teim be gins and ends on that day and It Is deemed that the business of the city will be facilitated by having the tenute ot each office cover the tame peilod. The lnfoimatlon that came fiom Pies Ident Gilel and endoised by Mayoi Bal lej to the effect that Mr. Kinsley, ac coidlng to an undei standing, would le slgn April 1, Is not at all positive of fulfillment. Xo later than esteulay a gentleman well veised In city aftalis and a lciscnal f 1 lend of ill. Kinle made the statement that Mr Kinsley would not leslgn, at lpast not until some otliclal body declaicd him guilty ot misconduct In oll'ce. MAY BE A SERIOUS RESULT. .Senrch for Church Hooks Loads to Maltreatment of 11 oiiinu. John Lewnndowskl, of the Scianton Hats, who was chaiged befoie Aldei man Millar Thuisday night with lai ceny, assault and battel y and tin eats piefeited by John Kozmaick, ot Wil low stieet, Is liable to face a more seri ous condition than was at Hist thought The people live on Maple stieet. It Is allesed that Kazmatck had posses sion of some books peitalnlng to chuich accounts, which Lewandowskl wanted While Kazmarck was not at home Lewandowskl enteied the house and piocuied the books, claiming that he had a seaich wauant. It is charged that he maltieated Mis. Kazmatck, who was the only one home. Her condition at the time was serl lous and was aggtavated by Lewan dow ski's tieatment. Lewandowskl is now In the county jail In default of $U00 ball. DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADED. lllinm Wicks Shot by His I'ricnd, John Ilndden. William Wicks, of Bloom street, Dun more, was shut Thuisday night In the light leg and the doer of the deed is his friend, John Hadden. It was a case of dldn't-know-It-had-cattrldges in-lt. Wicks purchased a levolvei Thuisday und he touk it home. He wns 11 oud of the weapon and he called Had den In to see It. Hadden took It in his hand and began snapping the trigger. Theie was a shut and Wicks felt his leg. The ball entered Just bfdow the knee. Di. Clat vey was called and he extiacted the bullet and dressed the wound. There Is but little danger. ' Ask for D. Robinson's Sons' Rock Beer. On tap today. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J RUSHY RCJUS FHH9H KVH11V DAY. HUV THU RUST, A, lie. PUR DOS'.. 0 (J H. O. COURSKN. Q OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tJ 1 cut llurguius at the auction or private sale of Hard ing's China stole, now going on. Don't miss this great opportunity of a life time. Your Shirts Returned to ou with any kind of finish ou desire, domestic, medium or high gloss, when laundrled at the Crystal, 343 and 345 Adams ave. Ask for E. RoblnS'On's Beer. On tap today. Sons' Bock Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In Harris' drug Bt,ore. Hours 9 a. in., G p. m. Ask for T2. Robinson's Beer. On tap todny. Sons' Bock Hard boiled eggs for lunch today at St.Claud Hotel. Miss Carolyne V. Dorsdy, feacher of elocution, oratory and delsarte, 010 Ad ams avenue. Ask for T2. Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On" tap today. To Cure a Culd in One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. 25c- THE WYOMING HOUSE WILL BE REPLACED Remodelling Idea Mas Been Qhen Up by the F.ecnlors. Bid OFFICE AND STORE BUILDINQ Present lllocl. to Ho Wiped Out V.n tlicl) and n Ilniidsomu Slructuro Kruutcd--lluitdlu Itlock litis Ui'tin Sohl--()tlicr Ileal IXtutu mid In duslriiil Booms Itultciito '1 hut thu Now Urn ol 1'rospor lly lias Hcnclicit Scriiuton. Tire Wyoming house Is not to ho re modelled us was Intended b the eecu tois Instead ot being nlteied and huv Ing the 111 st llooi made Into stoietuoms, It Is to be toin down comuletel and leplnc-ed by 11 huge and beautiful build ing loi stole anil olllce pui poses. Tusdu lart this decision was nulved at. n ugent for a oompau of New oik capitalists came hcie on that day uud lonsuiiimated a deal foi the contiol of tht building and nt onto the Hand le executois put aside the ulterutlon plans und set about llguilug on the new stiiiLtme. Thu moiif for Its election will be bon owed b.v moitgaGlng the piupei t. The plan to lemodel the Hnndley block on the coinei of Womlng ave nue and Spiuce stieet has also been abandoned. The eecutois intended to place sl stores theie and have ulieady lecelvcd bids foi the woik of remodel ling thu stuutuie. Local Investois, however, who have had an option on the place decided recently to buy It, and the papeis for the tiansfei are now being diawn up Who the puichnrets nre or what the pi Ice paid Is could not bo nsceitnlned, but It will be public In the coutse of a few dns. At the pi Ice paid for the Tindeis' bank site $3S a squat e foot, this plot, which Is 130clG0, would be wot th 1024,000. FOPv HOSPITAL PUHPOSES. Dr. Chatles D. Thomson has clood an option on the lesldence of Mrs. Se rena Von Stoich, comer of n yomlnir avenue and Mulbeity stieet. The con sldeiatlon Is $30,000. A little over a de cade ago 13. Moses sold the piopeity to Mis Von Stotch for $1L'',000. The building will be lemodelled to accom odate Di. Thomson's hospital. V.. Monls, thiough Jadwln's agency, secuted the old postotllce building, cornet of Penn avenue and Spiuce stieet, of William Sllkman for $35,000. It Is said to be the best paying build ing in the city for the Investment It lepresents. Not out of place here would be the announcement that the liimor concern ing the Gteen Ridge Glass woiks Is a little 11101 e than a tumor. The English siidicate which, it was stated was to buy it, had an epert on the ground duilng the fore pait of the piesent week examining the plant with a view to usceitninlng its value. He Is also to examine othei plants tlnoughout the tountiy and It will be some time befoie he can lepoit. Consequently nothing definite will be known for a month at least as to whether the syndicate will take the plant or not. IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT. .11 ill o Inspector Stum's Annual Ilcpor lor tho Yunr 18011. Mine Inspector Stein of the Sixth' or Shenandoah dlstilct, has completed the statistical pat t of his tepoit.fiom which the following Intel estlng items la lef eienco to pioduetlon and shipment and accidents and deaths have been fui nlshed: Dining the year the total production of coal in the Sixth dlstiict was 0,401, Sul tons, and the shipments 3,914,550 tons, distributed as follows In tons: Philadelphia and Reading Coal and lion company pioduetlon 3,434,395, ship ments 3,270,70.', Lehigh Valley Coal compan pioduetlon 6Utf,03S, shipments 612,51.1; Mill Cieek Coal company pio duetlon 322,301, shipments 304,091; Silver biook Coal company pioduetlon 255,044, shipments 245.4&4, Coxe Brothers pto duetinn 3)4,C95, shipments 258,029; Lentz, Lilly & Co. pioduetlon 245,442, shipment" J-'9,C0&; Lehigh and Wilkes-Bane Coal company pioduetlon 4S0,SC0, shipments 402,159; Individual firms, pioduetlon 11.0,300, shipments 3S1.279. The total number of emploes In tho dlstilct was 20,920; the number of latal accidents, 07; non-fatal, yj, the numbet of widows left, 31; numbei of 01 pilaris lelt, 74. The seventy-six fatal accidents weie dlsti United accoidlng to nationality as follow f; Ameiicans 2, Ungllsh 4, Iilsh 14, Scotch 1, Welsh C, Geiinans 5, Poles 23, Huiigaiians 10, Italians 2. Accoidlng to nationality the non-fatal ntclduits weie as folloun: Ameiicans 4, English 4, Itlsh 1G, Welsh 7, C-eimans 2, Poles 40, Hungaiians 20. I PIERRE A BAD MAN. Stole Another .Man's Wife nml Cor ned Concealed Weapons. Two euis ago, Mis Pasquelle Alloy eloped with Cusper Plene. The fot mer's husband made a fiuitless seaich for the couple. Lust night Alloy leai ned of Piene's letuin to the Noith Und section of the city and caused to be is sued a wuuant for his an est on the chaige ol having alienated the uffec tlons of his (Alloy's) wife. Constable Seth Smith found Pletre on Jones stieet. Tlie constable's at tempt to place Pierre under an est caused the latter to leach quickly to his hip pocket. A countiyinan pin ioned his aims and when ho was sub dued and searched a loaded levolver and a razor weie found lu his pocket. When Pletre was brought before the alderman he was lined $5 for cm tying concealed weapons and was committed to the police station to await u heating on the chat ire contained In the wat iant. He said he lived at Hazleton. He was en loute to New Yoik city, fiom where he Intended salllns for Italy, MADE A BIO CONTRACT. Iluupt Lumber Co., to Take tho Pro duct of Southern Mills. One of the blBgept lumber contracts ever closed lu this section of the state was recently made by the Haupt Lum ber company of this city. The firm has arranged to take the entlte output of the PoitHmouth Lumber company, of Portsmouth, Va whose tract Is In Noith Caiollna. The Portsmouth company mills have a capacity of 1,2GO,000 feet of lumber per month. Yellow pine Is their pio duct, Tho tract consists of 10,000 acies and with constant cutting would la&t until thu year 1S03. . According to the terms of the con tiact tho Haupt company la to pur chase the entile product of the mills for one year, with the privilege of re newing the contract. S. Y, Haupt, president, and M, a, Huupt, secretary and treasurer, comprise thf Haunt compan. The contrnct was made Feb 25 and went Into effect the flrt day of this month. SAFETY OF RAILROAD MEN. Provided lor In 11 Hill Introduced by Hcpicscnlatlvc Hilcv. Hopiesenlutlvo Ellswoith L. ltlley bus Intiodttced a bill in the legislature nt Haiilsbuig which Is of paitlculai ltitei est to lallioitd men. Ml. Riley was funnel ly u tnllroad emploe, and his bill hns been Indorsed by the Hi othei hoods of Locomotive Englncoi.s, of Fliemen, ot Trainmen and Older of Railway Conductois. It piovldcs that all new lalhoad sul'ches and old ones when they mo renewed shall bo modern safety switches; that warning signals shull be maintained on all overhead bildges or other sliiictuies endangeilng the men tiding on top of the cms; that guaid posts shall be placed In the line of bildge tius'-es; that all new f night cats shall huvo automatic coupleis; that cam used for passenqut ti utile shall be supplied with all bl.tkes, u tool outfit and ill inking watet; ulsu piovldlng foi additional men on cer taln classes of fi eight lulus und loco motives. AMSBRY CASE REOPENED. New Evidence Has Been Discovered Which Will Be Laid Before the Judges Today. The license lemonstrance case of the oflleeis of the Penn Avenue Raptlst chinch ugalnst Flunk Amsbty will be reopened at 0 o'clock this moinlng. This has been gianted by the Indues on account of new evidence of an ex ticmo chaincter. Amsbty in his recent testimony claimed that Jennie Robblns conduct ed an lminoial place over the Welchel wholesale liquor establishment adjoin ing Amsbi's saloon, He testified that he warned Welchel of the chaincter of the tenants. It was not until Wed nesday that the Robblns woman learned, thiough the newspapets, of Amsbi's testimony. Miss Robblns, accompanied by her bi other and a woman named Andei son, sought Rev. Di. Dixon, the pastor of the chuich, In the ante-room fol lowing Wednesday night's piaer meeting. They then uioceeded to tell things which, If tine, would Injuie Amsbi's chances foi obtaining a li cense. They expressed their willing ness to icpeat their words on the wit ness stand. The natuie of the new testimony was such that when it was told to the Judges the latter at once decided to leopen the case. Ask for L Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On tap today. C. V. Konccay. Scranton's favoilte l.alr dtcssor and artist will tetlre fiom business In this city Aptll 1st. Until that date nil woik will be done at giently 1 educed pilcss Dvei mtlde In the store will b sold at such low iilces as will lnsuie a pecial clearance of the entile stock by Apiil 1st. This vlll lie a oppoitu nity to lay in a supplv ot toilet aitleles, switches, etc; also the only opportu nity to h'ave wigs, switches and fiont pieces at ptlces that cannot be equalled again. As an artist in this line Mr. Koncny hns no peer in this section of the count! y, few to excel him an w heie lie closes his business hie for a loca tion in a laiger elt. All 01 dots will be executed piomptly and for cash only. Ask for n. Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On tap today. Teachers uud Students Should TnUe lioisl'ord's Acid Phosphate. It supplies Just the material that 19 most wasted by btaln woik and nerv ous exeitlon the phosphates. Ask for D. Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On tap today. Notice. We are still doing business at the ame old stand wheie we have been for twenty-two jears past and most te spectfully solicit the patronage of the public as heietofoie In awnings, tents. Hags and all kinds of society goods and decorations S. J. Fuhrman & Bro. Ask for D. Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On tap today. DIED. CROWLUY In Scranton, Pa., March 12, IbOT, Joseph Leo, soir of Mr and .Mrs. John Crowle, of 1J0 Meridian street, aged 4 eais and 11 months, will be held on Suirda alternoorr at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in 11 de Park Catholic cemetery. UVANS In Scianton, Pa., Maich 11, 1S.97, Ullzubeth Llod Dvans, vft of 111! rtrr Uvans Prrrreral from her late itsdlcni', 7.W Adams avenue, at 1 p in Sundnv Intetrnent at Piospcct cemeter, Peck vllle. BEST SETS OF TEETH, $8, Including tho painless extracting ot teeth by nu entirol) now process. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 311 Spruce St , Opp. Hotel Jerm n. t wvfam M NUKWAY mmL2m:&m&m t4rrA ftlfflk Wftjjsllll, &3Bt !ts? iIVtJSi1 MuFvtms rKaVi WATKINS AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF MINE WORKERS Thrown From n Bucket While Being Raised, Out of Johnson's Shalt. THEIR ESCAPE WAS MIRACULOUS UJicn thu Hail of thu Racket Hrokc niul Thov Wuro Throw 11 Out Thomas Nui dliiiui (Srubhcil n Clinln uud .lolm Thoinns Succeeded In Clutching an Iron l'lpc-- t hoiiius Wus Almost Iivli listed AVIicn Rescued from His I'ciilous Position. John Thomas, a pump runner, and Thomas Needliam, u chmgeinan, em ploycM by Benjamin Phillips. In deep ening Johnson's, 'shaft at Pilcebutg, had ti most thrilling expeilence yestei duy moinlng. Coining up on the bucket the ball caught on some piotiubauce und one side of It bioke from the bm ket. Hang ing only b one lde of the ball the bucket twisted, twilled and bumped ugulnst the sides, teaiing away the steam and watet pipes mid signal wiles and tlnowlng the men out. Mliaoulous as it may seein'hotlr men nrunaged to clutch sdmethlng und pi evented them selves fiom lulling Needliam, us he felt himself going, sti etched out his hands by chance mote than un thing else, caught liuld ol the chain which is suspended fiom the lope to the ball, of the bucket Johnoon landed plumb against an up right pipe and clutched It fot deal lite. NUHDHAM: CLIM12HD UP. Needliam by climbing up the lope reached the point wheie the hunting commenced and was enabled to clnmber to the Clinic vein landing Johnson, howevei. could only cling to the pipe and uhout for help. It was too gient a height to climb and It was Impossible to slide to tlie bottom as the pipe did not leacli within twenty feet of it. His onl hope was to hang theie until ics cued. This was not as easy a matter as might seem. Tlie bucket befoie coming to a stop toie loose eveiy thing that It encounteied and as a consequence it ,vas highly dangetous to the man hang ing on tlie pipe below, to attempt to mo e the bucket or to let anybody clown past It, as a piece of timber might be dislodged and crash dow n on Thomas' head At nil events it was tlilit-Ilve minutes befoie he was tes cued and accot cling to his own state ment If succor had been delaed live minutes longer he would have been killed for his limbs were becoming numb and he could not hav e held on much longer. The distance fiom wheie he was hanging to the bottom of the shaft Is eighty feet, and had his fatiength failed him he would sutel have been dashed to death. THOMAS INTCRVIHWHD. Thomas lives on Notth Washington avenue opposite tlie county jail. When visited theie yesteidny by a Tilbune reportei he said it was, the most tin 11 llng expciitnce he had ever gone thiough and hoped he would never have to go thiough It again. Hanging theie In the dmkness, his lamp having been extinguished by the fall from the buck et, w 1th no Idea of how or w'hen he was going to be lelleved, he felt, he said, that every minute aftet the first live or ten minutes was as long as an hour. And to aggravate his toimont the tescueis by mistake loweied the lope down the wiong shaft and had to lalse It after it was just opposite him and leave it asrain down the shaft he was suspended In. They had made a noose In It and by slipping his foot thiough this and clinging with one hand to the lope and the othei to the pipe to stead himself he was hoisted tafel to the top His legs from being wounded about the plpo weie black and blue and skinned In seveial places. SATURDAY AT BLACK'S, 132 Wyoming Ave: lluslness does not mou b accident, hut thcreisno keeping buck nut tiiirmpliol virltie. We w 111 pluce on mlelor ritlDAY AND sj.vf- 1 an vv, 200 LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS All new goods and tip-to ikitestjlcs. S'J.fiO Qurilitv Will llo SI. To. Si 00 yunlltv Will lie G'J.Vj. &0 OO Qunlltv Will llo S'l 1)5. ,1U qrmlitj , All faille, SO OO (We do rrot enirv cheap goocKi faille will commence Pilday morning nud elos-o Suturclu night nt these prices. W. R. BLACK, 132 Wyoming Ave. SAWYER'S MILLINERY STORE WARREN-EHRET COMPANY, CONTRACTOR) FOI EHRET'S SLAG ROOFING EHRETS SLAG ROOFING WILL RE SIST A FIRE BUILT UPON IT AND MAINTAINED FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR, AS WE HAVE PROVED BY AC TUAL TEST. IT IS FIRE-PROOF. 314 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa The best rooms of the farmhouses are still carpeted with juniper twigs. Our carpets, while as soft as the best wool can make them, imitate Nature in a beautifully realistic manner. They make the room a garden spot. 406 Lackawanna Ave. Opp. Wyoming House. I II 110 nni ti Avtninin i 1 LABORER'S QUEER MISTAKE. CniHcd thu Dcstniction of Two Lurgu I'litto (Jlnss U'lmlovvs. A peculiar mistake led to Urn destiuc Hon of two largo pi Up ghs windows which weie being placid In position yet teidi nt 321 Lucknwnnnn avenue. Each plate ot glass vvno 10::8 feet and only one of thrm hail been fastened with any degree ot rctuilty when a laborer with a number of- bricks lu his anus wnlkcil Into the lets ceruicly fastened pane He did not-know It bed been put lu position. The glass fell ng.iint a step ladder which foiced the other glass ft 0111 Us fastening and the whole fell w Ith n resounding crash, PRICE OF GAS IS REDUCED. New Scheduler (Toes Into llllcet Apill 1 Nnvt. on Tho Scianton a 111 and Water com pany and the Hyde Pnik Gas and Wat er compan announce that on and after Apill 1 the price of gun will be J1.2". pel thousand cubic feet. Thl? mice will nlso bo subject to the following discounts: 1'lvo per cent, upon nil bills wheie the consumption fur the month amounts to less than $25; ten per cent, upon nil bills wheio the consumption amounts to S2" and upwuids, piovldid the bill Is paid on or befoie tho 20th of the month on which thu bill Is pieycnted. Ask fot IJ. Robinson's Sons' Bock Beer. On tap today. Rabat's Milwaukee Rock Lohmunn's, Spruce stieet. Beer, at Ask for 11 Roblnson'9 Sons' Bork Beer. On tap today. lPMO SomcthhiK New. VI-,I'il $s- Other Cameras vnrylnjr In prices from $5 to $75. 103 Wyoming avenue. STRICTLY FRESH Every Egg Guaranteed, r n AT (BI DUNN'S HATS lONB BETTER Left of the Banister Must Be Sold Pet Cameras, A J&. ypQ rSlli WWWi, spnius THE FIRST OF APRIL We commence making alterations and improvements in the building, and we must get rid of the stock be fore that time. WE KNOW THE SACRIFICE that we must make to induce the public to buy, and we do not hesitate to make it. If we realize ONE-HALF of the cost on the balance of our stock we will be sat isfied. THIS MEANS AND YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT, The Balance of the stock is New Fresh Goods, light in weight and very desirable for Spring and Summer wear. Russet Shoes and Oxfords if you want them. u Hi F3 5V r nn Q tk btco p3 CORNER LACKAWANNA iill inwfM ion 423 Lackawanna Avam Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,' Sterling Silver And Cut Glass. Great Reductions m All These Goods. Watches and Clocks paired on short notice. Re- Light Subjects for tho inimlderiitinu of tlio-o vWtlr light purse Oiu stocUofl iiiipHulloidHevurv one an npportimlt to Htlct u model n, up-to-dite, liciiiitlfnl nitlile nt a inodciiitu price, lliese lamps mo plnln or elnlioiate, Just as von vvlhh, hut allot mtlstlt dclgrr and yood lllirmliiatliii; power. Uin Khdvis inn loulnl Willi iioeier nrrd KluKswuiiMifeveiv Nle, Hliiipeiind stvli. Tho iiualltv, however, Is urrifoiml jood aud pi Ins icmiirUabh leusoiiable METROPOLITAN CHINA HALL, C J. wmctin., 140 and 1 p Wash. Ave, Mcars bhlff. Sohmar Piano Stands at ins Head AND J. V. OUHRNSKY Stunds at the Head In tho Muslo tr.ick. You cin nlwns got a better harfialn nt I1I3 beautiful vrareiooras than at any otbor plico in tiro city. Call and seo for joutholf before buylnc. 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. J. W. GUERNSEY, Prop. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of tho best quality for domestic us und of nil sizes. Including liuckwheat and Blrdseyo, delivered In any part of too cltjr et the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, roam No. IJ telephone No. SG21 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended lo.Dealers oupplled at the mine. WM.T. S&VUTH'. Shoe Stock, Which This Month. AND WYOMING AVES. WW; 3 Si m n pfc v S i