The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 12, 1897, Image 6

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BeratiPe nf my foiirtoen years in
Egypt. 1 wnsted no brenth In HWenrliiR
viciously nt the llles as 1 brushed tlii-m
from my fare; nor did I look with such
horror as I would once have felt, but
lerhais with a little envy, at a native
boy of live or six, lying- perfectly uoUed
In the sun and making no movement of
discomfort as the swarming pests
buzzed about his bare skin or even
dragged their dampened feet over his
staring eyeballs, lint for my more
sensitive nerves, T was as happy as he,
for the Inundation was over for the
year.there had been no breaks or bung
ling In my district upon the canals of
His Highness, the Khedive, my report
was ready to file with the chief engi
neer, and r was thinking of a Christ
mas at home, the first In four years,
not as one thinks In Europe, the blond
cnurslng quicker as fancy's call, but
idly and dreamily.
A queer bit of stone vjth heathen
carvings traced upon It I held In my
hand, as I sat In the shade of my tent
Hap, had led my Idle thoughts across
nil those miles of sea and land to green
"1 wonder If Arthur will care for this
scarab," 1 was thinking; "he must be
as big as I am by this time. Four years
ago he was mightily Interested In all
that 1 could tell him of ancient Egypt.
And that was little enough, poor fel
low! How disgusted lie was when I
confessed that, after ten years In Egypt
and many months In Cairo, 1 had
never gone a mile out of my way to
see the Pyramids!"
For my concern has always been
with the land of today' and not of yes
terday. Of Arabic I know enough to
direct my men and even to write a
tolerable letter. Hut of the tombs and
temples and the strange characters
chiseled on them to record the lying
boasts of crowned slave-drivers of the
past, I knew and yet know nothing.
Still, even my eyes were shrewd
enough to see that It was no ordinary
pebble my donkey's hoof had unearthed
from a cluybank that morning. It was
an oval bit of black Tanls granite,
lounded to an exquisite smoothness. It
was, as nearly as I can remember,
about two inches in length, an Inch and
a half wide, and an Inch or less In
thickness. Across each of the Ilat
tened sides were draw n Hues, and be
tween the lines were cut rows of hiero
glyphic characters. Their meaning I
could not guess, but 1 saw that there
were represented a dog, or some other
beast, a metal mirror, such us my men
often dug up in the ruins of great cit
ies now clothed with wheat stalks; a
lilt of board with seven pegs In It, an
eye with its eyeball rudely tiaced, and
other designs less suggestive of any
forms in nature
It was while I sat examining the
stone, which I purposed adding to the
little store of such trllles I hud saved
for my son, that I saw All, son of Ha
waii, my dragoman, eyeing me with a
strange gaze I had never seen in his
eyes before, and which made me un
easy in a way that I could not ulte ex
plain. Twelve years All Hasan hud
been with me, and that he loved me
like a brother I knew then as well as
I know now. For It is a strange thing,
this life In the east, where men live side
' -f.
by side for years and never speak of
that which both know. I would have
trusted All Hasan with my life had
done so, Indeed, many a time. I would
have trusted him with the little money
I was saving year by year that I might
one day live again in the old home.
I would have trusted him with my
And yet my trust was to be sorely
tried, for even as I noted that look in
All's eyes, I saw him spring sud
denly toward me and poise a huge
ebony club above my head, saw It de
scending swiftly, yet seemingly an eter
nity of time in its fall; and then I saw
no more; but even as I fell, I was con
scious of gripping the strange stone
firmly In my right hand, which seemed
all at once throbbing with such pain
that I was glad enough to glide into
I have always rather prided myself
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(Copyright, 1S97, by .T. U Tlonton.)
on my lack of Imagination; but All
Hasan's club seemed to have let ns
much nonsense Into my head as the
.Sense It knocked out: for here wns 1 In
my sleep, which lasted for 1 know not
how long, thinking and babbling about
Hameses, and Halhor, and Amibls and
other old Egyptian kings and gods,
about whom, In my right mind, I had
never cared tuppence For when the
scientific men had said to me that the
old kings were nt least good engineers
and skilled In stone working, 1 had al
ways replied that It was not good en
gineering to waste material and labor,
and that I cared naught for them, be
ing but a plain eifglneer.
I must ask pardon for talking shop
ngnln and get back to my tale, and at
that part of It where, after many prof
itless Imaginings, I one day awoke, as
if from a sleep, and saw bending over
me. a face which I knew and yet did not
is this Mr. MacDougallV" I asked,
making use of the name of a young
Scotch engineer who had been expected
In camp about the time I found the
dark scarab. But my voice sounded
strangely weak, and my tongue had a
way of falling about In my mouth that
was new to me.
"It's a shocking old dad not to know
his own son," said a fresh, young
voice; "but never you mind. You've
been jolly well knocked out, you know,
but you're ns right as need be now. So
be off with you to sleep again."
And I obeyed and dreamed that Ar
thur wore upon Ills brow the globe and
serpent und held In his hand the whip
and scepter of Amnion Ra, who must
be obeyed.
My big hands have a firm grip, and,
once they had taken hold on life again,
my recovery was rapid. A pleasant duy
It was for me when I was judged
strong enough to talk It all over with
my son. A fine, well-grown lad he wus,
and quick and merry.
"Awfully obliging of you, dad," said
he, as he sat by the bedside, holding my
gaunt hand In his. "I've wished to
come to Egypt for a long time, and your
sore head gave me such a Jolly excuse.
Sorry you can't smoke, too, but you'll
be up to It In no time. And you haven't
read the papers much while the croco
diles were chasing you, so I'll construe
a few lines out of the Egyptian Times,
of date a month or so ago. "The pai tlc
ulars of a sad affair have just reached
us from the province of Reni-Suef. The
eminent englneer.lieswick Hey,"- that's
you, guv'noi 'eminent engineer' isn't
so bad, eh? 'was on Thursday last
struck down In his tent by u native
servanC named All asan, whose motive
is supposed to have been rubbery, and
vt ho succeeded in making his escape.
Some native employes of the engi
neering department found Heswlck Hey
suffering from two bad sculp wounds.
Ills right hand was also bruised
and lacerated, probably In an effort to
wrench away his keys, though no con
nected account of the affair Is possible,
as the Hey, owing to the heat and the
impossibility of securing proper care s
tar from any town, lies in a fever from
which he is -not expected to recover.
Casuldl Hey is In attendance as physi
cian, by His Highness the Khedive's
special Instruction. Heswlck Hey only
hoii, a recent Oxonian graduate, has
been notified.' There, pater! That's
the whole affair in a nutshell, so far as t
know anything about It. If that rascal
of an All were here, he might tell you
more." ,
"All Hansan Is no rascal, but as true
a man as ever diew breath," said 1 as
stoutly us I might.
"Muttold, perhaps," said Arthur, In
his jesting way; "epileplold; an ego
inuulac clubomuntas. No matter what
you do, If yer 'ait be true, and All's 'art
was true to dad. Right you are, guv'nor,
no doubt."
"Crazy he may have been, but a ras
cal, never," said 1, when at length I
gathered Arthur's meaning. For the
fashions of speech change ns do tip
fashions of dress, and I. having for so
many years spoken little save Arable,
and leurned my English only from
printed pages, found myself almost un
able to understand the words of an edu
cated gentleman of today. Also, It net
tled me not a little to see that Arthur
wus by way of thinking me more daft
than All.
"Hut what was that about the keys?"
said I, to change the subject. And
when he had again lead the passage
from the newspaper "Hut I held no
keys," I cried, "and I had little money
with me, and to that lttlo All knew he
wus as welcome us you are, 1 had
' ,
naught In my hand but a line black
stone scarab 1 had picked up for you."
"Here's a rum go," muttered Arthur,
whence I peicelved that he wus puz
zled. Then he raised his voice, unit I
was pleased to see that he could al
ready give the words of command In
the Arabian tongue: "To. turgeman,
la 'alu bench!"
"Ana gal, Ta Still," said the new
dragoman who had taken All's place,
as he entered the room. And present
ly, when he know what was required,
he unearthed from beneath some litter
of the c'unip the mystic stone which
had lain forgotten since the day 1 was
struck down.
"Aye, lad," said I, ns I saw It, "It
was that 1 held when All Hasan felled
me, and It was to that I clung while
ho beat and battered my right hand
until he was driven away. And It la
that which. If f know him, lie Is still
In wait near here to secure. If you
value It as little as I, best set It Up on
a mud wall where he can come and
get It, and beat peace with his folly."
"Not 1," cried Arthur, with a proud
movement of the head that all at
once minded me of his mother "Is It
for Englishmen to give up beaten so
"You are right, my boy," I said, not
111 pleased. "I spoke too hastily and am
easier corrected by you than by any
other man living. Keep It, and guard
well your own skull. And tell me Its
meaning If you can.' '
"Why, that should be easy," said
Arthur, In his old careless way. "It's
a heatt scarab, dud. You kn6w when
those old duffers of Egyptians pre
pared a body for mummifying, they
used sometimes to take out the heart
and put In Its place a smooth stone
like this, about the same size. These
hieroglyphics, now. must be the name
and qualities of the gay and festive
old bounder who wore It. Hm! My
Egyptian Is a little rusty, but that
feather sign Is 'a' and the chessboard
with the diuuken sailor's line of march
under It Is 'men' some name beginning
with 'Amen;' and the queer unlmal Is
the sign of the god Set. Oh, I can dig
it all out with the help of a pony."
And there, my word for it, was that
slip of a boy I hud dundled on my
knees rending off the syllables from a
stone thousands of years old, as If It
were yesterday's paper. 1 almost re
gretted that 1 was not myself more of
a scholar as 1 lay propped up on my
pillows watching him.
Then all nt once I saw his face take
on a queer look that I did not like, hav
ing seen It worn by many a bright
young fellow offered up like a sacrifice
to the east. And with a muttered ex
cuse which I (did not catch, he left the
Nor could I anywhere see the heart
scarab after he had gone.
(To He Concluded.)
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ev
ponas, Issued out of tin court uf common
pleas of Lackawanna county, to mu di
rected, I will expose to public sale by ven
due or outcry, to the highest and best
bidders, for cash, at the court house, In
tho city of SiTaiiton, Lackawanna coun
DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1W7, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon of said day, ull the right
title und inleiest of the defendants 111
and to the following described lots, pieces
or parcels ot luiul, viz.:
No. 1 All tho right, title and interest of
the defendant, the Seiuuton Lace Cur
tain Manufacturing company. In and to
all the following described lots, pieces
and parcels of land, lz. :
All those certain lots, pieces or par
cels of land hituatu In the city of .Scian
tou, county of Lackawanna, anil state
of Pennsylvania, described as follows, to
wit: Being situate in the Thirteenth
ward of the city of Scranton, aforesaid;
beginning at the northerly corner of tllell
street and Mylert street (formerly Fourth
street), running thence along said Mylert
stieet 440 feet, thence at light angles
to said Mylert street 141V!: feet, more or
less, to tile right or way of the Delaware,
Dackawanna and Western Railroad com
pany, thence along said tight of way,
anil parallel to said Mylert street 410 feet
to said Glen street, thence along said
Glen street 141',-j feet, moie or less, to
tho place of beginning. With a ten-foot
Pilvllcge upon ech of said cttutb. Be
ing the front ; ills of lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4,
C, C, 7, and tvenly feet of lot No. S, in
square or bloi K 'i 11, u.ior tb nK,t of
Sanderson'i addition In 'i-o city of rfcrun
toli; duly recorded, called and known
ns Green Ridge. Sunderoon's addition bo.
lng the original plot upon which said full
lots were laid out of tho width ot sixty
Excepting nnd reserving tho coal be
neath tho surface of said land.
Also, all and singular, their factory,
mills, houses, buildings, offices, machin
ery, tools, scales, steum and wi'ter pipes
and connections, tanks, engines, furni
ture, casements nnd franchises.
Also, Including all kinds of machinery
necessuiy or convenient for the manufac
ture of lace goods, with all apparatus tor
lighting and heating whether such ma
chinery or funiltuie Is rustened to thu
floor or not; with all things convenient
or necessary to run said furtory una
niumifiu'tuic goods, .,
llelng tho buildings, etc., etc., on the
land above described. , , ,
The buildings on said property being
of Hie size and dimensions as follows:
Ucllig building of brick ifnd stone In
tho form of a hollow square M'4 feet
long ulotig Mytcrt avenue, and 521,4 feet
wide, and tho same along tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad, and
being two and one-half stories high.
With boiler room, engine room and
blenching room forming a portion of tho
rear of said buildings, ll'J'.i feet wide,
und one and two stories high.
Seized and tnken In execution nt the
suit of Crelchton Hurseh vs. The
Scrnnton I.nco Manufacturing company.
Debt, $75,000.00. Judgment. No. 440, March
term, 1897, II fa., to March term 1897.
C. II. WELLES, Att'y.
No. 2 All tho tight, title and Interest of
tho defendant, M. 13. Wnlker, In and to
nil that lot or piece of land In tho bor
ough of Waverly. Lackawanna county,
Pennsylvania, described as follows:
Resinning at a corner of lnnd ate of
George McAlplne. In line of a public rond
lending to Dnlton: thence In an easterly
direction along said road SI feet to the
line of n public alley In the rear of the
hotel property, thence southerly along
said alley 153 feet more or less to the
northeast coiner of a lot or land now or
late of Sarah A. White: thence westerly
along the lino of said Whito lot SI feet
mnr, nr lo in tlin southeast corner of
lot of Oeorgc McAlplne; thence northerly
along the line of said McAlplne lot 153
feet more or less to the plnco of begin
ning. Containing one-fourth or an acre
of land more or less. Improved with a
large two-story frame dwelling house,
bnrn, outbidding and fruit trees thereon,
Seized and tnken In execution at tho
suit of George Slsson vs. M. E. Walker.
Debt, $345.90. Judgment No. C0.1. April
Term, H93, II. fa. to March Term, 1SD7.
DEAN, Atty.
No. 8 All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant, Oliver Cole, In and to
nil that lot or piece of land In the vil
lage of Freytown,, Covington township,
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows:
Reglnnlng at a corner on the east shlo
nf a public road leading from Moscow to
Frevtown In line of lnnd of Levi Frey:
thence east at right angles to said road
along said Frey's land twenty rods;
thence at right angles to the last eotirsu
and parallel with said road eight rods
to a corner; thence west at right angles
to the last courso and parallel with said
Frey's land twenty rods to the east sldo
of said road; thence north along the line
of said rond eight rods to the place of be
ginning. Containing one acre of land;
strict measure.
Improved with a two-story frame dwell
ing house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and tukeii In execution at the suit
of A. N. Suyer assigned to A. D. Dean
vs. Oliver Cole. Debt. 5300. Judgment
No. 117, Sept. Term, ISM, II. fa. to March
Term, 1S97. DEAN, Atty.
No. 4. All the light, title and Interest
of Antl.ony s'kvisj In nnd, to all that
ctiiiiu lj' of land situate in th- Rorough
of Archbald, In the county of Lackawan
na, and state of Pennsylvania, described
ns follows: llelnir lot number threo In
square or block number three on street
called nnd nnmnd "Plunk Road" in J oner.
Simpson & Co.'s addition to the Horough
of Archbald, said lot being forty-five feet
In front, sixty feet In rear and one hun
dred and fifty feet deep. Being tho samo
lot of land conveyed by Thomas E. Jones,
et. al to Anthony Shoveeky by deed
dated January 21!, lt5, and recorded In
tho recorder's office of Lackawanna coun
ty, in Deed Book No. , page . Coal
and minerals reserved. Improved with a
two-story frame dwelling house and out
buildings. Seized and takan In oxecutlon
at tho suit of German Building and Loan
AGsocatlon No. 7, of Scrnnton, Pa., vs.
Anthony Shoveslty. Debt, $1,000. Judg
ment No. 4G3. March Term, 1597, fl. fa, to
March Term, 1S97.
No. 5. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant, John Billln, in and to
all the following described lot of Jand
together with the buildings and Improve
ments thereon, viz.: All the surface or
right of soil of a lot or piece of land In
WInton Borough, Lackawanna county,
Btato of Pennsylvania, on what Is known
as tho "Elizabeth Bought" tract, de
scribed as follows: Beginning on tho
northerly side of the straight road lead
ing from the Decker Iron Bridge to the
Dolph and Wlnton collieries (known as
Hill street) at a point 390 feet from the
center of the so-culled Grassy Island rail
road; In a westerly direction lrom tho
said railroad; thence along said wagon
road in a westerly direction E0 feet, thu
same In rear and 150 feet deep, said lot
being rectangular and containing 7,500
square feet of land, mproved with a largo
two-storv frame building used as a dwell
ing house and hotel, and outbuildings
Second, All that piece, parcel or lot of
land situate, lying and being In the Bor
ough of Wlnton, county of Lackawanna
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Commencing
nt a corner of Meylert street and a pub
lic alley, thence southerly along said
Meylert street 50 feet to a corner; thence
easterly 50 feet to aforesaid alley; thence
nlong said alley In a westerly direction
0 feet to place of beginning, said lot
being 50 feet In front und rear, and 50
feet In depth and bounded on tho west
erly side by said Meylert street south
erly and westerly by lands of Bernard
Eagan and northerly by public alley. Be
ing the same premises conveyed to said
John Blllen by George Nlltz, by deed duly
recorded In Lackawanna county In Deed
Book No. MC, at page 143, etc., all Im
proved with a one story frame dwelling
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of E. Robinson's Sons vs. John Bll
len. Debt, $730.41. Judgment No. KiS.
Nov. Tenn, 1S97, Vlnd Ex. March Term,
Xo. C All tho right, title and Interest
of the defendant, William V. Sandway, In
und to all the following described pieces
or parcels of land situate In the township
of HunFoni, county of Lackawanna, and
state of Penupylvunlu, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit:
The first theieof bounded on the south
by the Plttston Poor lluiife property j on
the west by the Susquehanna river; on
the n6i th by land of Uanlel Kagun, and
on tho east bv tho Pennsylvania and Mow
York canal and railroad. Containing
about nine (It) acres of land, more or less.
The second thereof being bounded nn
the north by the road leading from the
main road to the feny; on the east by said
Main road; on tho south by lands of
Conynglnun and Uutler, and on the west
bv the N'oith Hranch canal. Containing
about three and one-half (-',(.) ucies of ,
land. i
The third thereof beginning nt a pot I
on the east side of the main road lead
ing to (fanlner's feny In line of John If.
Ciowell's land; thence south forty-live
(tj) degrees west along Kred Saudway's
line two hundred and forty-seven (:M7)
feet to a post; thence by said Sandway's
line northwurd fifty and eight-tenths
(u0 S-10) feet to u corner; thence north
ninety-four unci one-fourth (9IV4) degrees
WPst two hundred und seventeen C.'l") feet
to a corner on the said main road; thence
Strot?rrtWK ri,:?S:
nings. containing nny-inree anu eignt
tenths (53 S-10) perches of land, be the
same more or less, ,
All improved with two single framo I
dwelling houses and three barns and oth
er outbuildings.
Seized und taken In execution nt tho
suit of William L. Watson and William
II. MacMlllun, executors or .1. L. Me
Mlllan, deceased, vs. William F. Sandway.
Debt, S3.U00. Judgment No. 8, March
Term 1S0T. II. fa. to .March Term, lb7,
No. 7. All the right, title and Interest
of the defendant, Mary O. Miller, In and
to all that lot or niece of land situate
In Ll. Tift, .;tl- ir.l of tho city of
Scrnnton, Lad uwanna county, Pennsyl
vania, being kiitnui a'i lot number ninety.
Fl-c (ifi) ' i Allied Hand's addition to Bald
city, and described nccording to a survey
made by P. M. Walsh, civil engineer, dat
ed ;th June, 1SS3, us follows:
Beginning ut a corner on the south sldo
of Hampton street, such corner bearing
south 01 degrees eust, and distant 4G'J feet
from the south corner of Main avenue and
South Hampton street; thenco south 39
degrees west 133 feet to a corner on un
alley; thenco along tho said alley south CI
degrees east 27'i feet to u corner; thence
north 39 degrees east 133 feet to a coiner
on South Hampton street, and thenco
along the same north CI degrees west -T,i
feot to the plaeo of beginning, containing
3,CJ7ti square feet of land, more or less.
Coal and minerals under thu said lot ux
cepted and reserved,
improved with u. two-story and base
ment finiae dwelling house, outbuildings
and flUlt trees theieon.
Seized und taken In execution nt the
suit of Ruth Shook vs. Mary O. Miller.
Debt, JA9S.13. Judgment No, 7ir7, January
Term 1S97, lev. fa. to March Term, 1S97.
DEAN, Atty.
No, S. All tho light, title nnd Interest
of tho defendant, George Phillips, In and
to all that ceraln lot, piece or parcel of
land situate In Wlnton Borough, county
of Lackawanna and stato ot Pennsylva
nia, on what Is known ns tho David
Browp tract, described as follows: Being
lot number fourteen (II) In square or
block number threo (3) nnd situate upon
street called and named Hand street, as
shown on map, recorded In Lackawanna
county In Deed Book No. 59, pago 570,
said lot being fifty feet In width In front
nnd one hundred and llfty (150) foot In
depth and rectangular, with an nlley In
rear fifteen (15) feet wide for public use.
All Improved with a two-atory frame
double dwelling or tenement house, with
other outbuildings hereon. Seized and
tnken in execution at tno sun oi Har
mony Building and Loan Association No.
2 vs. George Phillips. Debt, $1,400. Judg
ment No. 03(i, Mnrch Term, 1S97, II. fa. to
March Term, 1S97.
P. W. STOKES, Atty.
Xo. 9. All the light, title nnd Interest
of the defondnnt, Peter Dltmoie. In and
to all that certain tract, piece or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the coun
ty of Lackawanna and state of Pennsyl
vania, and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a stako and stone In In
of land of John Cobb, thejico by the line
of said Cobb's land north 131 perches to
u ctake and stone corner; thence soutn
erly 44 degrees west OS porches to a stako
and sfonc corner; thence north 4(1 degree
,rttt oiq rorMin,4 tn n small oak for a cor
ner; thence south 41V6 degrees we3t ol
perches to a stake and stone corner on
the orglnal line of the whole tract, also
of John Hires' lnnd: thence south 40 de
grees, east 273 perches along the line of
said Hires' land to a corner In Turnpike
Iload; thence cast 40 perches to the place
of beginning, containing ion acres oi
land, be the same more or less, being part
or a larger tract or land granted and
conveyed bv the commissioners ot Lu
zerne rountv to Elizabeth Fish on the 10th
day of May, A. D. 1S2S. recorded In Lu
zerne county in Deed Book 23. page 153,
and by mesne conveyance to John Peter
Hoffsmoner and by him conveyed to
Peter Dltmoie by deed dated July II,
1S94, and recorded In Lackawanna coun
ty In Deed Book 118, page 418, etc., and
being the same tract of land conveyed to
Gabriel and Charles Grossman by con
tract dated March 1!S. 1S93, said contract
being recorded In Lackawanna county in
Deed Book 123, page 322, etc., all Im
proved with u two-story frame dwelling
house and outhouses.
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Scranton Brewing company vs.
Peter Dltinore. Dubt. $107. Judgment
No. C30, January Term. 1S97, ven. ex. to
March Term, 1697. REEDY, Atty.
No. IP. All tho right, title and Interest
of the defendant, A. A. Peckens, In and
to thHt ce.'Uin lit end parcel of land,
sltuato In tl.ii Borough of Dunmorc, In
tho county of Lackawanna, and state of
Pennsylvania, belnir lot number two In
block "Q," of a plot of lots situate partly
In tho city of Scranton and partly In
tho Borough of Dunmore, and designated
as North Park, tho full map or plot ot
which Is Intended to bo duly recorded in
tho proper office; said lot is rectangular
in shape, and is forty (10) feet in front on
Monroe avenue, ame across tno roar,
and one hundred and sixty-three (1C3)
In depth to an alley sixteen (10) feet wide
for public use; also has an alley sixteen
(16) feet wide on the southerly side for
public use. Said lot is conveyed express
ly subject to tho following restrictions
nnd conditions, any one of which to vio
late may bo restrained In equity: First,
No Intoxicating liquors shall bo sold
thereon. Second, No building to be erect
ed within twenty (20) feet from the front
lino of said lot on Monroe avenue. Third,
No barn, shed or outbuilding shall bo
erected within fifty feot of the street line.
Fourth, All buildings and fences to bo
kept neatly painted. Coal reserved.
All Improved with a large two-story
frame dwelling house, with an "L" part,
and a one-story addition and porches; also
a one-story building, a barn and other
outbuildings, und a grape arbor, grupo
vines, fruit trees, etc. Being the same
premises conveyed by E. B. Sturgeu, et.
al., to the said A. A. Peckens, by deed
dated Oct. 5, 1SSS, und duly decorded In
the tecorder's oflleo in Deed Book No. 50,
pago 50S, etc. Seized and taken In exe
cution at the suit of J. M. Smith, execu
trix of J. T. Smith, deceased. Debt,
$273.57. Judgment No. 7S4, May Term,
1MW, 11. fa. to March Term, lb97.
No. 11. All tho rlu'ht, title and Interest
of the defendant, James Flemmlng, In
and to all those two lots or pieces of land
situate In Old Forge township, Lacka
wanna county, Pennsylvania, tho first
thereof bounded and described as follows:
Being lot No. 1 in block No. 29, on the
plot of lats of tho New York, Susquehan
na and Western Coal Company, record
ed In Lackawanna county Deed Book No.
78, page, 231; said lot being about 73 93-100
feet in width In front on the easterly sldo
of Dunn avenue, about 30 S-10 feet wide
In tho rear on tho westerly side of an al
ley, about 150 feet deep on tho southerly
side of Samson street, and 150 feet along
the line of lot number 2, In said block.
Coal and minerals excepted and re
served. Tho second thereof described as fol
lows: Being lot number 1. In block number 29,
on the plot of lots of the New York. Sus
quehanna and Western Coal Company, re
corded In Lackawanna county In Deed
Book No. 7S, page 231, said lot being 60
feet wide In front on Dunn avenue and
extending at right angles thereto a depth
of 150 feet along a public alley.
Improved with a two-story frame dwell
ing house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Mulherin & Judge vs. James Flem
ing. Debt, $1,200. Judgment No. 070. No
vember Term, 1S9G, fl. fa. to March Term,
1S9". DEAN, Atty.
Sheriff's olllce. Seiunton, Pa., Feb. 2Jth,
531 Linden., Opp. Court Muus,
U nrkHnwIHa .... .
Solo Asents for Iticliordson Boynton'j
Furnaces and llange-4
Schedule In lifted Nowmber 15, i3j5.
Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows
7.30 a. m., week days, fop Sunbury,
Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho V.'esl.
10.15 a. m., week days, fop Hazleton,
Pottsvllle, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisbur:, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltl
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
3.15 p, m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
nnd Pittsburg and tho West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsvllle.
J. K. WOOD, (Jen'l Pass. Azent.
J. It. HUTCHINSON, tlenerul Manager.
Made and Sold in Six Months, ending Harch 1, 1896,
Total Product of
The A Mi!! Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,
Largest Run on Record.
Wnshburn, Crosby's Superlative in sold
:ific Coast to St, John's, Now Voundlaiul, ant
Pacific Coast to St, .lollll's. New Foillldlaiul. mill 111 Kiu'lnnil. Trlnnrl
und Scotland very largely, and is
in nr
i M
We Carry a Full Stock of
Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Poles, Axles,
Springs, Steel and Cast Skeins, Buggy Tops,
Duck, Drill,. Rubber and Carriage Cloth,
Carriage Forgings, Bolts, Clips,
Bitten bender & Co., Scranton, Pa.
Sometimes needs a reliable, monthly, reculatlne medicine. Only harmloM CIMJ
tho purest drugs should bo used. If you nam tho best, get
Op- PsaSps
Thcr aro prompt, safe and certain In result. The nenulno (Dr. Peal's) nerer dlsap-
i.. t? n w, .. . ..ra CI r.n irlilraat Pi, , T. M enipirn Tn (Mfvplaiitl. ft
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Anthracite Coal Used Exclusively Insur
ing Cleanliness and Comfort.
IN EFFECT NOV. 13, 1S90.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& II. It.1 R. at 6.43. 7.13 a. m., 12.03, 1.3), 3.JJ
(Ulack Diamond Express) and 11.30 p. in.
For Plttston and Wllkes-Carre via. D.
L. & W. R. R COO, S.0S, 11.20 a. m., l.&
3.40, COO and S.47 p. m. L ,,.
For White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvllle,
nnd principal points In the coal regions
via D. & ll. R. R., 0.13 n. m., 12.C and 4.41
P. m.
For Rethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
rlsburg and prlnrlpal Intermediate sta
tions via D. & H. II. It., 0.43. 7.43 a. m.,
12.03, 1.20, 3..13 (Ulack Diamond Express),
4.41 and u.30 p. m. , ,
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D . L. & W. 11. K COO, 8.0S,
9.53, a. m,, 12.20 and 3.40 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, Chicago and all "points west via D.
& II. R. R., 7.13 a. m., 12.03, 3.33 (Ulack Dia
mond Express), 9.50 and 11.30 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley chair cars on all trains between
Wllkcs-Uarre and New York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.,
Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa.
Scranton Office. 309 Lackawanna avenue.
Del., l.acka. anil Western,
Effect Monday, October 19, 1S00.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East,
1 10, 2.5'J. 5.15, S.00 and 0.53 a. m.; 1.10 and
3.33 11. m.
Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia and the South, 5.13, S.00 and 3.53 a. m.,
1.10 and 3.33 p. m
Washington and way stations, 3.43 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, CIO p. m.
Exnress for lllnuhumton. OsweL-n. Fl.
mlra, Coming, Bath, Uansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a, m., and 1.53
P. m., making close connections at Buffalo
10 all points in tho West, Northwest und
Bath accommodation, 0.13 a. m.
Rlnghamton and way stations, 1.03 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 5.15 p. m.
Binghamton und Elmlra express. 3.53
P. 111.
Express for t'tlca nnd Richfield Springs,
2.3.1 a. in. and 1.53 p. m.
Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9.13 a. in., and 1.35
p. m.
For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes.
B.ure, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
vllle, making close connection at North
umberland tor Wllllamsport, Harrisburg,
Baltimore, Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, COO, 0.53 a. in., and 1.53 and COO p. m.
Nuntlcoke and Intermediate stations, S.03
and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermediate
stations. 3.40 nnd S.47 p. in.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, city
ticket ofllce. 32? Lackawanna avenue, or
depot tUket office.
Central Kailroad of New Jersey.
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsur
lng cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leavo Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkcs-Barre, etc., at S.20. 9.15, 11.30 a. ;n.
12.45. 2.00. 3.03, 5.00. 7.10 p. 111. Sundays 9.00,
a. 111.. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. 111.
For Atlantic City, S.20 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth.
S.20 (express) a. in., 12.43 (express with Buf.
fet parlor car), 3.03 (express) p. m. Sun.
duy, 2.15 p. in. Train 'leaving 12.43 p. m.
arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Termln
u!, 5.22 p m. and New York COO p. in.
For Maiah Chunk, Allentown, Bethle
hem. Easton nnd Philadelphia, S.20 a. m..
12.43, 3.03, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Orove, etc.. at
S.20 a. in. and 12.45 p. m. '
For Lakewood, 8.M a
For Headlnc. Lebanon and TtnirUhnir-
vla Allentown, S.20 a. m 12.43, 5.00 p. m.
Sunday, 2 15 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m,
Returning leavo New York, foot of Lib-
Cs. ''mu'1 iffiiTMfinffimMl
pvfirvwhnri frnm ffi
recognized us the best Hour in tho
nILKES-BARFlE, PA., Manufacturers uf
Mionarif Engines, Boilers,
PA., Manufacturers uf
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Fharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express)
a. m 1.10, 1.30, 4.13 (express with Buffet
purlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m.
1-eavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal;
0.00 a. m 2.00 and 4.30 p. in. Sunday, 6 25
a. in.
Tliroush tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be had on application In ad
vance to the ticket agent nt the station.
Gen. Pass. ABt.
J. II. OT.HAT.TSRN. Oen. Slipt.
On Monday, Nov. 23,
trains will leavo Scran
ton as follows:
l$W7.55, 8.53. 10.13. a. m.;
jimju noon; 1.-1, -.-u, i.ot
5.23. C.25, 7.57, 0.10, 10.30,
11.55 p. m.
finrr.toira. Montreal. Bos-
ton. New England points, cic.-a.ia a. ki.j
L JIIUHIIJ, - .".' . - ,- .
-"'Wr Honesdale-.45, S.53, 10.15 a. m.; 12.00
Tor 2wilkef-Barre-C43. 7.45. 8.45. 9.33.
10 43 a. m.; 12.03, 1.20, 2.23, 3.33, 4.4i COO.
7-ri?'or9' N'ei-,3Yo,rkmPhlladelphla. etc.. via
''Forp'ennsyivanla Railroad polnts-6.45.
SFor' western point's, via Lehigh Valley
nanroad-7.43 , a. m.: 12.05. 3.33 (With Black
Diamond Express) 9.50. 11.30 p. m.
Trnins w, ',' ? "-"-, "YC" :,i .('
7 50 R 50. 10.10, a. III.; i.iu,, o.ij,
r,'' C2l. 7.53, 9.03. 9.45. 11.52 p. m.
JW BI'RDICK. G P A. Albany. N Y.
II W. Cross. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pn.
i'iuiu - ,'" -; . , . ,,i, ,o
Krie anil Wyoming A alley.
Effective Jan. 4, 1S97.
Trains will leavo Scranton for New
York, Newburgh and Intermediate points
on Erie also for Hawley and local poini.
at 7.03 a.' m. and 2.2S p. m.; and arrive from
above points at 10.33 a. m. and 9.33 p. m.
ll r.lfccl Oclolicr llli, ISfXi.
From CarDonuaie unu inunui ,.. u.w,
7 40 S 10. 9.31, 10.40 n. m.: 12.00 noon; 1.05.
3 3 "3 4.37. 5.45, 7.45, 9.45 and 11.25 p. m.
""W. ..17. 'witlrns.HRrre nnd the SOUth 5.40.
North lloiuul. Mintli Hound,
aolfab il iaoa yl
m if Stations o-P .1
IP -J y- ,M rfl
2'S w (Trains Daily. Ex-,g 2 ,
.3 w. I cept Sunday i j g a
v mi- nAirlu- l.eac ,a u:
7 SIN. Y. Frankllu st 7 li ..
7 10, West 4'.'iul htreet .... "M ..
7oo Weehawken ...'BIO....
..p m Arrive Leave a mi- m
.,, l LVHuucoek Junction"" Si"fli . ,
1 o'l Hancock a ll . ,.
IS s Starlight SS3, ..,
,.., lSJfi Preston Park ... 231 ....
12 40 coino ... S4t . .
1823 I'oyntello 250 ....
1214 llelmont .... 2 691....
1203 rieabant Mt. 8il ...
J118U I'nlondule 809 ..
1149 Forest city 3 19 ..
.... 6M1US4 Carbondalo 7 01 8 3l ....
.... H iiMnm White liridgo 17 07 fa as, .
.... Hi 13(1181 Jlayneld 17 13 IS 43
.... 0 411112.1 Jennyn 714,3 45
.... i 31,11 IS Archibald 7 80 3 51 . .
.,.. 6S2 Wlnton 7ri) 3 54'
.... OVHlllli l'tckvlllo 7 27 359
.... 6 831107 OlvrhBIlt 7 82 t Oil
.... 6 80 11 Oil rrlcebllrff 7S4 4 0TI
.... 0 IS 110), Throop 7 80 410 .,
.... 13 1! Oil, Providence 7 39 in1 ...
.... 8 18(1057 I'arlc place 17 41x4 17'
... 6 10il0 33 ticraiiKm 7 41 4 2J!
t m'a u Leave Arrive a nr m.
All trains run dally except sundar.
f. signifies that trulus stop ou stgn&l (or pa--centers,
i-ecuro rates via Ontario & Western befoin
Rurchaslng tickets and bavo money Day ani
IghtUipiesstothe West.
J. C. Anderson, (leu. Pass Agt.
T, Flltcrott. UK. Pass, Agt. Scranton, Pa.