THE SCRA.NTON TRnmK'B-TIIUJRSDAY MORNING-, MARCH 11, 1SJ7. 1 1 llj mid WeeVly. No Sunday lMltlon. rubllshcd ntScranton, Pp.. by Ilia Tribune Publishing Cumpany. 1 cw Voik ncirescntntle riiASfts oitAV co, I'.ootn 45, Trltmno lliillillng, New York City. iiTinsD at tub rosTomos at icranto'j pa. A3 ttCOND CI.A03 MAIL MATTER. SCUANTON, MAHCII 11, 1S97. To liiBiiro publication In tliH paper, voluntcoied commliulcitlonj of a con troversial character MUST UI3 HIONHD VOn PUBLICATION by tins wrltur's truo name. To this just rule we cannot hereafter make exception. A Welcome Policy. Two voiy welcome steps have, It Is said, been decided upon by Hie new nd mliilstnUltin with jefeiencu to Cuba. Ono Ik the jliitlonliiir of a wuisltlp nt Havana; the othei Is the wlthdiuwul of the vessels now dolus? pollee duty for Spain uloiiB the Floilda uoust. It should be umlei stood that this eon teniplatud uetlon Invcdves no satietlon nf the wanton lolatlon 1) our citizens of tlru neiltiullty law. All pel sons caught In such loltitluns will be piose eute'l to the fullest etent of the law. WJ ml' bound as a nation by solemn tieaty to pioieed against llllbusteis and to pieU'tit, when possible, coti yplraeles on this oll nsalnst u power with whom our lelatlous aie at leabt nominally filendly. In this connection It may ho doubted if the piesldeilt will at piesent feel called upon to eeiele clemency In the cno of Captnln John D Halt, the own er of the llllliuster M!sel. the I.auiada, Who has lecently been belitenced In the United States dlstilet com t to two yens' impilsuiiment anil $r00 line. Cap tain Hint wa justly comlclucl aftel a fair and Impaitlal tilal. As Judge ltutlur said to him when Imposing sen tence: 'The ollense Is a eiy giae one. It Involves national lionoi nnd national po.iro. You onteied upon it with our eves wide open, with a full know ledge of Its gialty. You did It for the unwoithy put pose of pecunlaiy guln. You took the llsk for tlie pi Ice and you must now uenr the coti'-e-quences 1 do not bellee jou belong to the crlnilnul elapses, and I am sort I have gut to punish jou. At the time jou committed the offmse the law was well known, and it Is the duty of the couit to soveiely punish ou." The ptesldent cannot well Intel feie with the pecutIon of this sentence; ut least, he cannot suspend it, later on, If the pils oper shows good behavior, he might pel haps be justified In shortening it But it is no pnil of this gooinment's duty to employ detectives to feiiet out evidence against lllibusteilfig expedi tions befoto they set ull 01 to become, nS It wrie, a p.uti.san of Spain in its w at fat c on Cuban llbeity. It is in duty hound to punhii Solutions of law, by whomsoever committi'd, but that Is all The extent to which its lesouices have in the past "been used In Spain's behalf has, it is believed, unci stepped the line of irtlr neutiality and coiiMttuted a Just cause ot complaint both foi Cuba unil for the people of this count!) , against whose anient sympathies It went tli lectly counter. Xo such complaint will he henid dttilng the future if the policy now agieed upon by the piesldent .shall be put Into eecutlon. lie will, ns un official, be neutiul as between Spain and Cuba until foiced to act othoiwl'-e In older to pi elect Aineilcan Intel ests. When so fotced, we believe he will act piomptly and In a manner not open to mistake. As lias been lepeatedly pointed out, the stationing of a wnishlp in Havana hai bor will not be an act ot belllgeiency but meiely a eustonmiy piecauilon. It will be Spain's fault If It .shall lead to the necessity foi other win ships to keep It company. The one sine thing Is that Aineilcan citizens me to be piotected. One who eaies to discover the full dlfleience between a man of the people and a cleinugoguu can do so by euii ti anting William McKlnley with his late competitor. Too Much Crowding AViltes Hany Hall- "I'ltsldont Mc Kinky has completely cuptuitd Wash ington by his simple, democratic wu.s. For the flibt time in yeais tlieie Is a piesldent heie who is not afiald to go out on the stleels like other people, en joy a quiet walk altei the labois of the day and letum the filendly saluta tions of the passeisbv with pleisant dignity. Then the white house guaul of police has been discontinued, and theio are evidences all aiound that the piesldent doesn't Intend to coop himself up In aolltuiy state, ns did his piedecessor, giving audience to but few, and then chilling those select few Into unfilendlinegs. No man evei lost so much in the estimation of public men of his own pnity and of the people gen eially as did Piesldent Cleveland by li ridiculous exclusivoness duiing his lust teim. It led hugely to the biench be tween him and most of his paity lead ois, and gained him no tiieiulH. It Is a good sign for the success of the new adminl-tuitlon that Piesldeilt McKln ley hns taken an entliely dllfeient" Tlicie- aie many good signs In connec tion with the McKlnley admlnlstiatlon and oncof the best Is that thcie seems to boa geneial disposition on every side to co-opeiate for Us success. Yv"e doubt if evil tlio Uryan Demoeiats In Wash ington would lift a hand to obsttuct the carr.vlng out of the piesldent's pol icy. Thcie will be, poilmps, a peifuuc tory show of opposition in the house, especially over the new tai Iff-Just enough to maintain paity lines. Hut it will be stilt tlj "piofesslonal"; a pait f the htiiKu "buslnesh" o politics. In their own lieaits the mlnoilty membei.i kuuw thut McKlnloy's election was for the best, that the election of Hiynn would, even fioni Urjan's own stand point, have been in consequences n ills, uppoliftmont and a mlstako; and that the plain common sense ot the people hab again asseited Itself for the wel laio and possibly also for the salvation of Ameilcan Institutions. The ono thing now to be feaied is that I'lOHldent McKlnley will cany his amia bility to the point of Injiuy to his health. The vnm crush and jam of people to seo him must involve ti tio niundous stiain upon his enduiancc. Perhaps this rush will abate In a few days, it Is a natuial I paction fiom the foui t"in yeuis of flpvelanillsm. Hut It inii't be held In check On thl' point Colonel Hnll leaBsurlngly (-ays that "with all his disposition to be tip piiuiclnble fi'id filendly, It does not follow that the president Intends to dp vote his time wholly to healing the ip (lllcsts of ofllce-bteUeis, While he ipc that tlii'io nio places to be filled, and that theio Is nothing unwoi thy In the ambition to 1111 them, theio me mure ptesslng subjec Is that demand his Immediate attention. That he pur poses to attend to these matteis Hist was plainly Indlcatod by him bcfoie he enteied the white house. He Is lepeat Ing these dccluiatlons now." They aie timely. It It Is Hue that Governor Hustings, Senator Cameion and 1'iovost limit son have each declined an nmbnssudoi shlp, the selection of Chnilemugne Tower, of riillndelphluwlll be general ly acceptable to l'ennsv Ivanlnns. He Is not a man concerning whom u stent deal Is known by the majoilty of citi zens, but his standing In Philadelphia Is liiepioachable, and his iiuallllca tlons aie pionounced 111 si class Ail nncour.iKltiK Sign. The bill lntioduced at Albany the oth ei day to place the newRpapets of New Yolk statu undei a lensoishlp Is tiiiltt InteiPstlng. It pi u Ides that within tvvuht das aftel the passage of the act the governor shall appoint In all counties of the state, having a popula tion ot 10,000, one or moie suitable pel -sons to att as consols of all newspapeis published In said counties. It shall be the duty ot each censut, so appointed, to eamlnc and lead all ankles Intend ed t be published In the paper with which he is connected, and to piescilh" and eliminate all libelous matteis and all matteis deemed hi him Inimical to the Intel estv ot the stale oi any otllelnls theieof. The compensation of each een mii is to be fixed liv the comptt oiler ot the rftute, and the expense "hall be hoi n (imll.v by the state and the papei to which the censoi Is assigiud. Such censoi s shall hold ulhie dining the pleamue of the goveinoi. who has povvi to lemove and tiansfer and ap point at will Any ptison punting, or causing to be pi luted, anv uitlcle oi l)oi lion of an nitlcl" not passed upon and nppioved by the censoi, shall be guilty of n felony, and the pennltj foi conviction theieof shall b" Impilson nient in stale pi.lson loi a teim not to exceed live yenis or les than one jeai, oi by a lin" fioni $1,000, to 5,000 oi both. Taken in connection with the nils w oi th bill to make It a misdemeanor lor an) li'-wspipei to pi Int a poiti alt with out ha' lug Hist obt, lined the subject's wiltten consent, tnls meisuie would appear to indicate a gi owing feeling o' dlssatislaclion with the so-called ' new" journalism. It ot course is not leaslble to lestialn the vlclousness of this stjle of Journalism by law, except wheie thcie is palpable libel or obscenity, and the one hope ot letoim lies In the good sense ot the leading public Itsell, but It is a significant indication that the legislatois feel called upon to tiahl their collective talents on this abuse. Mai be as a icsiilt of all this agitation u time v, ill .vet come in this couutiy when it will bo piofltable to publish a newspaper rflven up to sane and whole some l epulis of news, and to edltoilal and ilteiai) contents wiltten In a key ot decencj, faiiness and gentility. The Spanish coon Is nppaiently com ing down, but a w'aishlp at Huvana would pi event a leconsldeiatlou. Senor de Lome Explains. Senor Hupuv de Lome does not lellsh the lepublkatlon in the Sun of poi tlons of the book of tiavels. once wilt ten by him, in which ho said seveiu! seveie and, as the Hilton would suv, "nawtt" things about Ainei leans. He haptens to explain to a Wushlnstou Post lepoiter tliat the book was wilt ten tvveiit-one eais ago, when he was just twentj-one yeais ot age. He adds, taking the matter much uioiu seiiously than theie is vvanant for: ' In mv book theie aie many allusions to other countiles beside Amellca, which I have no doubt aie veiv dis tastetul, but one must take In eonsid eiatlon that I wus but a boy, and on my Hist tilp thiough the woild At the time ot my visit the couutiy was lite with Illinois of the wlil'liv ling, the California mlnou', and the Indian vvais Tills lull. Jmpies'-ed me veiy unfavoi ably, and not having the judgment which comes Horn wider expeilence, I fin mod my opinion of the Ameilcan people fiom those desiiltoiy glimpse's I obtained fiom the passing ciowd. I am glad to say that with moio Intimate acquaintance vvllh the Ameilcan peo ple, I have changed these views. As fai as my know ledge goes, my nifensu Is by no means a unique one. Dickens, for Instance, wan much moie scvpip, and I i ould name a bundled othoi wilteis who have unmeni,'ully llujed your mani'eis and customs." It Is altogethei a matter of mlnoi liupni tnncii whether the Snniilsh min ister has oi has not changed the opin ions expiobsed in his juvenile Into letteis. The piobnliilltj Is that the ie public would live on whether he hon oied It with his distinguished appiovul or not Yet we nutuially feel a little soiry for do Lome, because the Sun's shaft has evidently baibed him deeply ami ho is not on such a solid diplo matic footing that lie can afford to have much additional unpopularity heaped upon him. The Incident vv ill be of ultimate value, however. In dlscoui aglng the habit of snap-shot book wilting by foielgneis who consider that a ten-day run in Pullman cam fiom New Yolk to Sun Pianclsco entitles them to bet up us ciltlcs on Yankee hubltH and moinls. Once wo used to squlini nt such efluslons, Now the pinch Is on the other loot. "O that mine enemy would vvtlto a book!" General Sangullly, who has just been paidoued by Spain nftei two yeais' false impiihoninont. Intends to letuin, to take command of the Cuban cavaliy 13 this couise ho takes his life In his hand, but It is a pi oof that he expects the Cubans to w In. From a disinterested standpoint It looks as If Oreece had put the Poweis in a hole by offeilng to place the Oieek tioops In Cioto undei their command, piovided the question of autonomy foi Ciete be left to a vote of the people of that Iflnnd thrmselvro This Is so fair and ndi nit a wu of phiii'lug it thf. we ilon't see how the oveiture tin be tcf lined, l'.llt one in MM' tan toll what lhnopinu diplomacy will do nest The chances nie that stoiles ii.lnttd nt this time as to nllpged state "slates" for one jonr hinee have the wish ns the father to the thought. The Henubll. can paity will have a good deal to say about the choice of Its candidates foi state ollke in the near ftltute. The graceful manner In which Hie piesldent In his Inaliguinl defended congiess Is winning wldespiead np pioval. He will not hav'e congress "on his hands," but at his feet. One by one the campaign lies are be ing exploded by the progiess of events The lntest to collapse Is the yain which ct edited Tom Ueeil with cheilshlng hatied of .Major .McKlnley. Mr. Bnynid will doubtless observe that his enuntiyment appear to be do ing falilv well without a stioiig man" to govern them Silly Talk Against the Elra Session Piotn the Chicago Tlmes-Ileiald. The stupluitv of the opposition to an eti i session of longiess ut this time la ixaspui.itlng and Inexcusable, roitu nately the opposition has not assuint d such foimltlable piopoi tlons that It can be it gin ded as a spiIous luetiace to the paity that bus promised u change In the economic poliev of the goviinment. The opposition will not excite the sci lolls con coin of the new atlmlnlsttntlon, foi tie teison th it It pmcceds fiom ouicps th it have nevel been filemllj to the gieat Ameilcan doc ti hie of pioteetlon, u piltlei plo that Is teitulu lo be tecognlzcd In tho tai lit bill thut will be upoited ut the ex tlu session which )ia bten culled lor the 1'th of this month. The most Inset uuble ph ie of this opposlilon Is that which tulti s no it r-t oil lit or the mgeiit need of leveiiiies lor the lellef ol the public ticas ui .s long us tin ip Is a pomfoi table "sin plus" detlvcd I loin bonowed inoii"V this class of obstl uetlonlsts ule scieiu'lj IntlllYeieiit to the fact that theie Is r.n actual disciopaiK.v of aim mime pmpoi tlons between lectlpts and expeiulltuics Thev aie siiigtilnily oblivious to the fact that the government Is not on u paving basis that It Is tunning behind ut the late of V 010 000 per month Tluee veins ol comfoi table secuilty In the abllitv of the government to bonow funds to nippt cut lent expenses seein to have lendeled them Incuinble of lealllng the existence of actual ilellclts that ate a icproj"h to u t'oveinment that has such manifold ie soutcps foi lalslng levenues without Im posing dhect taxes upon the pcopl The most Indefensible fonn or this lind of ohstlnacv Is disclosed In Hurpers Weekly, which not onlv violently opposes an extra session but declines that "If Mr MoKlnle and his ndvlseis uie wise theie will be no taiiff lpglslatlon " The public will doubtless bp disposed to con done this gi lev oils offense against econ omic sense and public polity out of dclei enee foi, the nobte woik done by the Weekly for the cause of sound money din lug the lecent campaign, but the op poslilon to an extia session Is based upon such fallacious ptetexts that they should not escape espostne Hut pet's Weoklv upon thiee contentions, nil of which uic untenable In logic and ale pecullath ag giavatlng in tin. Ir stolid and unvleldlng dellatu'e of public sentiment and theli un blushing dlsiemnd of established facts The Weeklj's opposition Is nppaiently based upon the following piopositlons Plist, that an extta session will unsettle business mid iptuid the levlval of pios peiitv; second, that no Ineienspil levenues aie needed, tliinl, that tho pnaetment of a piotectlve taiiff law would be an off i out to the gold Demounts, who, it claims, "elected McKlnlcj " The most suppi filial obsetver of polit ical events ami Individual conditions for the hist tlnoi veins will find It no dif ficult t isk to demolish these contentions Thev in o ba-ed upon assumptions that aie so p.ilp ibly uioneous as to make tlieli defuisp, b a high-class join mil lit this time Inexplicable- uud astonishing lu the til t place the business of the couutiy, while showing an encouiaglng tpndpiicv tnvvtiid lectipeiatlon In antici pation of ftlelidlv h'glsliitlon, is in an uii ettled condition It Is ill it slate ot sus pense Capital s anxiously waiting loi the adoption of an itonomle pollc that Is lileudlj to Auntie in pioductlvu Intel -ests befotc It will seek Investment. Theie must be some ussuiunie as to maikets hefoie inunului tuieis will Invist !ieavll In law nuiteiluls oi pile up ati I'onsld etable quantities ol finished pioduct This condition ot suspense wllj not be telleved until tin cau-es which have piostruttd IlldllstlV ate leuioved. The question Is, nhull tlie suspension of piodmtlvt) actlv ll be piolaugt d until the legulut session ol congiess lu Deeembci, ol shull the eh tngu in nui ei ntiomle iulli., foi whUh the pioplt, voted In sui b tit nieinlou iiia Joiltles, bo speedily loiintilutt d and t u actdl so thut the leeovuv tiont p it aly Is mnj n't In tit once uud be well undei way befoie another w Intel Is upon us' Common business piudenee us well as ciillti'iiy politic ul sense dictates that the lellet be piovldoiV'it once. The onlv way to lestoro busliiess fonflUenie Is to pass a leveniie meisuie that will piovii'o against tieasuiv delleits mil alfotd ica sonul le snuiitj to oui domestic lulus tiles against tiilnous Huiopean and Asiatic competition Hut Haipei'3 Weekly not only lunoies the need of moie levenue but takes the position that tho Wilson law Ins in tiensed Hip lPM'imes, It sajs "The pti vnle ( who uie couieined In the bill do not cine what inuv be the etlect of lai'gei lutes of iltltv on the public lev enues, but the public tutu who mubl pieseut il and vote foi it know that In u eased duties otlen leduie levenues, uud thut under tlie McKitilej livv, foi eam ple, which laWed tlie uvetaae latent iliuj. ti out 41 pet ct ill to 3) pel cent customs ti Millies tell in tout ins Horn JJJJ,21,HTi! to $1JS,SS1,SC9 while mukr the Wilson bill levnues fiom customs duties huvo In I'leustd " The tteasnij llguies at' agulnst the Weoklj . The MeKlulej livv was enacted for the expiess psuposn ot "leiluiing the sun plus," nnd lesulted In an average t eduction of li'i pet cent. In iinpoit duties. "Last month wus the thli tleth month since the Wilson luw went into effect. Accjidlug to tieasuiy staffs, tics tlie actual delleits undei tho law ug giegute a little ovei griO.UHOuO The Mi Klnlpy law of S90 duiing the first thlity months of Its opeiatlon pioduced a sui plus of $i,u03,Dl' The tllKtoms it'CelptB for the first thlity months of the .Mc Klnley luw weie tIS'.SiAl.WJ, for the Hist tliltt months of the Wll-on law the ic celpts wpip $:lL,,"'?l,,i77, showing a lulling off of tfil.'J-fe.-n The shot luge In Intel nal levenues loi the same peilod umounl' d In loliuil nmnbeis of 7i,(W,iiii ) The Wiekly rtilthei fas "Mi. c Klnlev wis clectid by Detuomatli votis It v.ns dpnionsttalpil lu the lust Issue of the Weekly thut the t lianges in Dunou ti tle -counties alone gave to the Ht-publh an candidate 1!.' eleitoial votes These Dcm ociuts voled for Att. McKlup on the dis tinct umleistandlng that he uud his pail) wete to cousldei the money question as puiamount. An e.xttu session of congiess and the enactment of a law iti pi easing tin Iff taxes are an Invitation to the election of a Hijan house of lepte-i-entutlves in 1S9S. The only thing that inn possibly pi event such un unliappj consummation will bo the oiganUullon of the sound money Demociats In the south, lu tho hope of electing u sullhlent num. ber of iepreeutiitives thuie and In tlio east to give them the bulanco of power. If Mr McKlnley nnd his udvlsers ore wlcp, tlieip will be no itia session an 1 liu t.illir ipyMntkl " At a inutler of f.ltt evei Kubl Ufiiiorint who lotil for Mr MeKInlev wan Inpelleil b the lonvl -tlon tlui the ntcpsi t for the muliitenam e of thi rational iieillt vts paiamo.ini to Ills own litpjinlbis on the taillT iiucstlon Kvery sensible gold Democtnt vsho votnl .01 Mr. McKlnley slgnllltd b that ntt Ills wllllngneRS to accept the position of Ids paity on the question oT piolrttlon to fc r ut e Ilia maintenance of u sound yslein of finance, Any gold Democrat who voted for Mr. McKlnley under the belief Hint be would be dlslovnl to the guut doctjlne with width Ills name Is Insepar ably United slim.ed stuii a luck of com mon political acumen that his wishes uio entitled to nnull conldPiatlon in a gov erntneiil i leiiry like the one which now exists. rortunuloly the. picoldent has had the wisdom nnd the statesmanship to feui h'ssl meet tlie gn it elgt'nri of the hour b calling eoiiRiiss to meet In spe cial session Jtisf a Word or Tutfo of Casual Mention lteniy, K Hints, whose portrait Is given, was lecenlb PleCted piesldent of the Taylor boiough i ouneil. Mr. Hauls li piomlni nt In Tu.vior polities and his stungth when a candidate foi ollke has not Jut been oveiuutelied Ml. Hauls .ffl W.i rf wtt v WW -- - .9 I. cC,V Is Inside foi emu n ut the Holden mine of the Delawaie, I.ackuwunna and Weet etn cumpuii Ho Is a young uiuii and has it stiong following 111110111, the jouir,' citizens ot Taloi He Is u biothet of Attoiite) Jolin .VI Hauls,. you ce u couple of policemen pass ing Jjmr lioliso toda with tlieli heads ut an angle or foi tj -live degiees upwaid mid 11 pticeptlble moving of the lips, don" be filghtened. The ure not Insune, tielthei do they cuise thoush they feel like It they aie simply counting the poles. Ycsteidav began the uunuitl count b vthlch tho city will be eiiikhed to the extent of f.0 cents per pole There Hie ti.ent-llv e squuie miles in this "Hleit'k City," nnd u half bundled policemen will have 10 tiamp the whole tuiitoij. Lieutenant Davis will have chaige of the eoilnl In the teutial cltv, and the other lieutenants will look uttr the seveial sub-sections, us follows Willliims, West Side; Zaltg', South Side, Spelhnan, Noith lhul. This Is the loute allotted to the cen tial city blue coats l'enn uvenuo to Ijincli stieet, I T. Jones und l'teiiej , Wyoming to I.aieh, Moll nnd Kalins, Wusblngton to l.uieh, Day and Me.Mul len, Adams to the city line, Hodhnin and Matthews; Jeflersoli to the city Hue, Jones and Neuls; Madls.011 to the city line, Puiiv und John Thomas, .Momoe to city line, Tom Hvans Quiney, Smith, Nay Aug paik, Slote, Tenth v.aul, T Jones uud (Joel litis, Cuiboti fiom l'enn to Dlumond, Hawks; Helleviiu Hats, Dug gun und Vulh Moat of tho pollcemuu began yestetday. Theie uie poles on the stieets owned by seven dlfTeielit compa nies and each niliit bo legislated sepui atcly Tlie ccmpanles ute The Illum inating Heat unci Power compuny, tho Sublllbin Hlectlle Light, Hciunton Hkc tile Light, Tiuctlon, Telephone, Western Union uud PusUU -O-The elllclency, eaie and exni tltuda of Mujoi W. S .Millar, of this city, as In Fjeclln,r 0III1 er of the Thlul brigade, Pcliusy Iviiula National tiuuid, Is com niented upon by new-papus of tlie muliy towns and cities he visits His at heudquai ters was Indicated when sev eral mouths ago his iislgnatlJii wus dt cllued, ulthougli he tttged tlie tletnunds cf business and othci hood ioaeons as the cause for Ills retliemellt it Is said the slightest detail, w bethel something fuulU on othet w se does not escape bis notice Notwithstanding the fact that the Thll- tet 111)1 leglment of MuJol Mlllat's ipsident cltv 1 inks flist In the brigade, lie is one of the few lltspeetois who have not ben 1 1 ltieizecl b othu eoliiinands He Is now lu the midst of the annual spiiug in spections which entail the looking o.ei ot uboilt X0U0 men und tbuli latlni; -O- Jes'p Dm kett. Die fumotlsl outllelelet of tlie Cleveland, O, National l.euinie team was the guest ol Dt W K Dohin, ol Washington uvelilie, ypstetduv. liefoie Huiketl gained letiown with the Spld'is he was a plti liei foi the Suantou club and while twilling nglnst Wllkis.liut it In that cltv btoke bis aim The 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v was attended bv Dr Holan und duiing the following w Intel and sptlng the bill llayti vva 111 the employ of the douoi He usually pays a visit to Di Dohtn cub ye.11 At pirsenl Duikttt Is ei luine fiom his home, in VVorcestei, Mass, ti Cleveland, O, to Join his club -O- Hiigpno A Neldeit, thp blpvcle lldei who gave exhibitions of fancy and libl: llillng dining tho last thiee days at In vis' theater is the only peison who evei siicsvpiltd in ildlng up the bteps of the eupltul ut Washington on a blcy ele . MA urn I.VDS. 'Twos you. oh, nieity wind of Match, That, passing, chanced to s,py A little maid with iyes dowu-iast, P-dute. deniute and nhv. "J'wus you that swept uuoss tlio way And hhl bleed aloud with glee, Ae snuggling lu your wanton clutch, You blew hit ntt night to me. Foi one hwcet second at my heait File staid and tlutteied llieie, A filnhtenrd bird thut beat Its wings Against the fowler's snaie. And then, while sudden blushes dyed Her cheek with losy shame, She tin tied to vanish fiom my sight, Ah stiangely us she cume, Tne v.insamo lussle! wheie she went The rates ulone can Say, Who make the Joys of yesteiday 'I he boi'.ows of today. Hai nume, hei homo 1 never guessed; The only thing I know Is that 1 wuit und hope lor her Wlucivei Mirth winds blow, Vogue. it v Z?ZT h.vl -ii. T,- IT1 -VIM te&OPAN. TROOPER PETER HALKET, A Stlnlug Itomuueeof thet'iluiuof South Afilcu, by llieliiunuliigHtory Teller, OI.1VH M'UHi:iM:H. A Hook ofToduy. BEIDLEMAN, THE BOOKMAN, 1U7 Hiirueo fet., Opp. The Cotuiuouwe'ultli. -.. A-t, x4s T m& i -'mm. $& rlnJi CI G?i ff ET j5R P Iff slid .... j It is surprising with all the storm and bluster of other houses about underselling the world, the prices put forlh by them as wonderfully low, half price, etc., are not com parable 111 value or desirability with our regular lines, a stale of things the general public speedily recognize, as is evidenced by the largely increased trade we've been doiucr. 'WE HAVE MANY SURPRISES OF AN AGREEABLE KIND in store for those who will pay us a visit this week and direct attention lo a few of them: Ladies' Separate Skirts, new shape, in Black Brocaded Satin, large, handsome pat terns, a genuine $S.oo Skirt at $4. 98. ' LudieS' SeParate Skivts iu Figured Black Biilliautiues, new shape, full width, at Ladies' Two Toned Changeable Figured Mohair Skirts, full width, new shane well made, perfect fitting, at $2.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Cheviot Suits, tight fitting back, Empire strapped front, silk lined jacket, worth $io.oo, at $5.98.. ' Ladies' Tailor-made Cheviot and Broadcloth Suits, with reefer jackets, full width skirts, both jacket and skirt lined throughout, worth $15.00, at $9.98. Fi;ench Surah Serge, 48 inches wide, the 75c. grade, at 49c. All Wool Silk Fmish Henriettas, 46 inches wide, the 75c. grade, at 50c. English Mohair Sicilians, 45 inches wide, the $1.00 quality, at 75c. vSpecial Sale for one week of Nice Black Ostrich Feather Boas, not woolly, fine 1 yard long, worth $6.00, at $4.73. 1J4 yards long, worth $8.00, at $5.98. iy2 yards long, worth $80.00, at $7.98. goods. MANLFAtlURLD BY E for goods at a resonable price that will Gil SATISFAGTI We have just received a new line of at Alotlerittc I'riccr.. THE demons, Ferber 1 1 O'Malley Co. 422 Lackawanna Avz. i ffiiii At Our Now ami lJe:i;an; btorcromn, 130 WYOMING AVENU1 Cual i:cliani:;, Opp, Hotel Jerrjn. "Old Hrm in i siirrounJ IiiKv." Uku an old 'Stone In new Bettings," hhiiu-s more brilliant trim ecr, and ".slunus for all." Diamonds, Flno Jowh?, Watchos, SllYOi'flaya, Silver Hovel ties, Rich Cut Glasi, Cloci3, Fine Leather Goods, Opera Glasses. Wlicn yon see our Net I'rlcus yon will ask for No Discount. All Arc Welcome. YOU CRN SAVE MONEY BYBJIN3 NEW AND -H Ladles' and Children's Wear. Seal and IMnsh Sacqnes, Carpets and I'eather Heds Fro in L POSNER, 21 Lackawanna Ava, 0 Not Purcnase r A U.UI, Vou See ly, i 111 Ifl l! fe t imi There Always a lemani JAPANESE JIRD HERS Gi..3. SPECIAL SALE fiM A. E. ROGERS' Jewelry Store, JI3 LftCK&WM'U MHli DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, WATCHES, Look at our $10 Gold Watches, Warranted 15 Years. 213 Lackawanna Avenm. fiNtl NO. 1i!5. THK "SUtNUQHT." (ll04UbillltintuioIlon lljht notndllASTI.V 1.I0I1T, .til olijvcti cif pun mitui.tll. Tho nmnteii last tieu us ion,' as ny uil.oi It glvrs tliie-u timoj ns niitfh lllit unci iuuuiim only liilf tbu ims tisoil by oiiliiuii b b bun - Foote & Shear Co. 119 Washington Ave. iimssmm The Bradford I V lliull Lliule Hut i B Fully (luuraiitecil. Tlirec Col ors. Sold Only by V (( I 53 ' pi OF WP Cant Think, no matter how hard I try, of a better place to buy my otllco and business sta tionery, blank lioolcs, type-wi Iter's supplies, etc., than nt Reynolds Bros. They have a large stock In eery line to choose fioni. nnd you never can beat them un price on the down Bcale; and we also cany in stock a complete line of diaught? pen's suppllec. Reynolds Bros.? Stationers and Engraws, HOTIX jr.RAtYN UUILDINO. If i:pjnsj Is No Object Why Not Huvo the Best? HEBE THEY ARE: HUMBERS $115 UNIONS $100 For a Limited I'tire Select iU.uiiifacrnred by n Price to All, S75. 1'ully (iiinranteed. Fcr Rubbsr Stamps Patronlza tba IBASC & FARRAR, Prop's., 515 Linden St., Scranton, Pa. W0LP & WENZEL, 5.1i Linden,, Opp. Court Hous:, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUBIBERS Sola Accnts for lilcbardson Boynton'j Furnaces anil Itruit'oi Book Binding Neat, Durable tiouk lllnjlng is what you recehelf you leuve your order with the bCRANlON TUIUUM2 HINDl-RV, Trlb une Uulldinz, North Waahlnglon Ave. Goods w. - 9 Scranton, Pa. - ' m Czivy Bicycle-