The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Here fthe Place
That Cam Be Distributed.
5ome tiling About the Patronage at the Bes
" towal' of President McKJnley.
yrom tho Washington Star.
When Frcsldcnt MclCtnlev assumes
chnrse of the executive depaitments of
tho Koveinmont a ml begins to tnke ac
count of stock In the foim of fat fed
einl olllces in ordei to distribute them
unions loal follo-neis, he will soon
discover that In older to make them go
Rrountl tho miracle of thejoaves anil
ilshes will have to be duplicated or
many ambitious politicians will be ob
liged to take the will foi the deed.
President MeKInley will find that of
the 178,717 position in the civil brunch
of the sen eminent, 87,107 are In the
classllled perv ice, and 91,010 ale In the
tinclnbslfled sen Ice. Of those In the
unclassified seilce S,8nl aie pel sons
employed mcrcl as laboreis or w oik
men, G,Ci70 aie excluded fiom classi
fication for leasons deemed best foi the
peivice, l.Slu aie appointed b the pies
ident and conilrnicd by the senate, and
72,371 aie conhldeied as classifiable, but
aie not yet classllled
Hut of ')1,G10 places In the unclassi
fied seiice, the onl ones that can be
filled directly by JIi McKlnle and the
members of his cabinet, GG,72i ine post
masters of the -foutth diss.' Beside
fouith class postmnsdeis and peisons
employed meiely as Iuborfis oi woih
mtn theie will be at the disposition of
the new mlinlnl Hratlon lG.U.TI places.
Many of these places aie such as would
be coveted by the nvoiuge politician,
who is ambitious foi political reward
but the stoat mass r)f them ate not
special disliable to one who wants a
salatj that will piuvlde mote than a
mete living.
Of these places -I.S15 aie appointed
by the niesldcnt and conjlimcd b the
senate, and those aie the best olllces
within the gilt of Jli Mclttnle. Hut
appointments iiie lnacle ioi a term or
foui jcais and cn few of them will
be auilable foi appointments lluich -1.
Indeed, It now looks as If the thousands
of people who seek Washington with
an ambition teseive thelt countij in
lome Dlensant position With a lat sal
atj attacheeU thereto villi Mud Mi. Jlc
Klnley In a position that,, will cniibe
them to hae a fellow feeling with the
pool doggie when It sought Mothet
Hubbuid and het cupboard
Piesident MeKInley will probably le
fieah the inemotj of his callers li
showing tht in how the see-saw Ing of
KepUhllcnn and ' Delnoctatlc admlnls
tiatlons has feWlfe'eUln A' constant en
laigement of the classllled hoivlce each
adminlstiatlon irote( ting thousands of
good men politically In sjmpatliy with
the ptlistom bj pullingjthe civil sei-
ice covcilet ovOr them aftei the
bad been tucked away in nice berths,
lie will be able to console them bv
showing them that thousands of good
Kepublicans, as well as less woith
Democrils, fiom thtfli ipolnt of v lew ,
have been taken In permanent! out of
the s"tmm bv thee rnethods, and per
haps Teisu,ide them that chll seiIce
leloim has Its bencllts after all.
President MeKInley might iemind
the ambitious ones that the clIl set
vlce act was appioed Januaiy 1C,
1SSS, piovidiusSfrnS the classlllcation foi
puipoMes of open competithe examina
tion of ceitaiii-ulace in the depait
mental sen ice, and In custom houses
and postolllces hav Ing as mum as flit
emplojes, and giving the piesident au
thoiitj to extend fiom time to time
tills classification until all positions in
the civil service should be made subject
to the civil st rvjee lles, except those
peisons nppointeil b the piesident and
conflimeil by the agnate and peisons
employed meiel as laboieis and woik
-' n qiadi:,
Vnder Piesident Aithui theio was a
glow th (if 1,04") classllled places, which,
added to the numbet oiiglnall classl
lled, made the total oei 15,000 at the
close of ills administiarlpn. Piesident
Cle eland added moie than 7,000 bj c
ecuthe otder dining his Hist adminls
tiatlon, and the Increase by natural
glow th duilnir the same time was
about 1,500 places In 1S91 Piesident
Ilarilson included in the classllled
postal seivlce all fiee delivery postof
llees. H this etensIon theie weie
added to tiU'.k.laHtliuantl'n ice 557 post
olllces, with a total of 7,000 employes.
Theie was a natuial giowth of neatly
7,000 places dutlng Mi. Hartison's ad
minlstiatlon. So it was that at the be
ginning of the piesent adminlstiatlon
theie wete appioxlmately 42,000 places
Included within the classified sen lee,
and so enejjiutloo-Hv , has Piesident
Cleveland piomoted civil seivlce lefoim
that lie nearly doubled the number of
government employes given that pio-i
tection und has made the gtand total
of men and wcyne,n In the classllled sei
iee today 87.U7. .
And this )s the, waj he did If lie
extended the classllled eivlce Maj 11,
1SlM, to assistant tcacheis in the Indian
feeivice, and May 25. meat Inspectois in
the buieau of animal indtihti wcie so
Included. On Xovcmbei J, 1891, mes
sengers and watchmen in the depait
ments at Wu-hington weie included,
as well as emplojes In custom houses
liavlng as many' as twenty emplojes,
and at the same time the entlie cus
toms classification was exended so as
to hi ing within It all emplojes, eeept
mete laboiets, without legaid to com
pensation, and a lar-jo numbei in the
postal seivlce vas added to the com
petitive list. Novembet 17 steamboat
cleiks and tiansfei cieiks in the lail
wiy mall seivlce were biought under
the rules, and December 12 the' classl
llcation was extended over the inteinal
levenue. The'tuperintendents of post
oillco stations at which cairiois aie
employed weie put in the classified
class Januaiy .1, 1S9.", and Maicli -i of
the same jear the classification was
extended to tho census dlv ison of the
lntei ibrdepaitment and the 24th of the
following May all places In the depait
ment Qf agriculture not pievlously
classified weie so Included. Emplojes
of the government printing ofllce weie
taken under the wing of tho classified
seivico Juno 13, and July 1G the eletical
foice in the vailous pension agencies
weie likewise favored. Indian agencies
and school employes weie included
March 20, 189C, and by the sweeping oi
dets or May G, 1S9C, the classification
iv as extended to piactlcnlly the entlie
executive civil seivlce. This older may
be said to include every place to which
the actjof 1883 applied, excepting fouith
class aiostinasteis and minor position
specifically excluded
About all President MeKInle'y could
do would be to fill the fouith class post
olllces' with fellow Hepubllcans und
follow the example of his tluee prede
cesors by then diawing the civil sei
vlce coverlet ovei them, There Is no
use oiylng over spilled milk. What
the pieslilents have done cannot be un
done. Their acts weie under authority'
of the law- of 1SS3 and will have to
stand unless the law is icpealed, which
i 1 I
It will not he unless theie Is a wonder
ful chanse of public sentiment,
Hut there aie some places left, and,
as a rule, they aie tho best ones tho
piesldents have ever had within theli
Here are the good places In Washing
ton that can be lllled by Mr MeKInley
without the tiouble of any examina
tion: Interstate commerce commission
ers (live), each $".&00
Solicitor genual 7,000
Commlsslunei of Inteinal levenue. 0,000
Tieasuier 0 000
Controllei of ticasuiy 5,500
Assistant eontiollei 5,000
Conti oiler of curiency 5,000
Commlsslonei of labor 6 000
Supeilntondent of coast survey ... 5 000
Commissioner of putents 5,005
Commlsslonei of pensions 5.00S
Hliectoi of geological suivev .... &.000
Assistant attorney generals (five)
each S.000
Pilvate secietaiy 5,000
Dlicctoi bureau Ameilcun lepub-
llis 5,000
Commlsslonei of flsheiies 5,000
Commissioner of land ofllce 5,000
Commlsslonei s Dlstilet of Col
umbia (two). 5,000
Heglstei of wills .1,600
Kecotded of deeds
Assistant secietaij ot state
Public pi inter
Assistant sccietniles tieasuiy ...
Dlieetor of mint
Assistant secietnrj of war
Assistant sccietaij ol navj-
Plist assistant seciptniv interim.
Solicltoi inteinal levenue 4,000
Commissioner of mllioads 4,500
Assistant secietaiy agilculluie ... 4,500
Chief of weathei buieau 4,500
Audltots tteusuu depuitment
(six), each 4,000
Heglstei of tieasutj 1,000
Supeivlslng suigeon geneial 4,000
Commlsslonei geneiul of emlgia-
tlon 4,000
Piist assistant postmastei geneial 1,000
bee ond assistant postmastti gen
eial 4,000
Assistant attorney geneial foi
pobtellice 4,000
Assistant secietaiy-of Interior .... 4,000
Superintendent Soldleis' home .... 4 000
Pension agent 4,000
Commlsslonei Indian aftalis 4,000
DIrectoi buieau animal industiy . 4,000
Superintendent llbiary building .. 4,200
Second assistant secietary ot
state 3,500
Tlilid assistant secietaiy of state. .1,500
Assistant tieasuiei 3.C0O
Deuutj coniinlsslonei Internal lev
enue 3,200
Commlsslonei of navigation ',000
Supeivlslng inspector geneial
steam vessels 3,500
Assistant commlsslonei of patents 3,000
solidtoi dcpaitment of state . .. 3,500
Chief examiners patent ofllce
(thiee) 3,000
ritst deputv commissioner pen
sions 3,000
Second deputy commissioner pen
sions 3,000
Commlsslonei Indian schools .... 3.C00
Commissioner of education 3,000
Civ 11 sen ice commissioners (tluee) 3,500
Chief camtnet, civil seivlce 3 000
Deputj auditors tieasmj- (six) ... 2,500
Deputj- contioller cunencj 2,800
Assistant treasuiei 2,230
Clerk couit pilvate lands claims .. 2,000
Assltant commlsslonei land ofllce. 2,000
For those who like to travel and to
assume diplomatic positions theie Is a
nice list fiom which to choose. Ol
coulee, no examination is lequiied of
the diplomats, though United States
consuls have to submit to such an oi
deal, but not bj the civil sen ice com
mission. Hollow ing is a complete list
of United States ambassadois and min
isters ttbioud, with the states fiom
which thej aie appointed, date of otlg
inal commission and salarj'. These ap
pointments ate for fout jears:
Aigentino Republic William T. Bu
chanan, Iowa, Junuaij 2C, 1894; J10 000.
Austila - Hungaij Baitlett Tiipp,
South Dakota, Apill 0, 1S91J $12,000
Belgium lames S. Hw'lng, Illinois,
Apill 8, ISO1?; $10,000.
Bolivia Thomas Moonlight, Kansas,
Febiuatv 2, 1894, $" 000
BiaU Thomas L. Thompson, Cali
fornia, Apt II 24, 189 J. $12,000.
Chile Edwatd 11. Stioebel, New
Yoik, Decembei 13, 1S94; $10,000
China Chillies Detbj-, Indiana, Maj'
29, 1SS3, $12,000
Colombia I.uthei r McKinlev, New
Hampshiie, Apiil 24, 1S91, $10 000
Costa Klca Louis Bakei, .Minnesota,
Apill 4, 1S93, $10,000.
Denmaik John E. HIsley, New Yoik,
Match 27, 1S93, $7,100
Dominican Republic Hemy M.
Smjtlie, Viiglnla, September 15, 1S9J;
Ecuador James D. Tillman, Tennes
see. Junuaij 24, 1890; $ri,000.
Pi ance James B Eustis, Louisiana,
Apill 8, 1893, $17,500
Germany Edwin 1". Uhl, Michigan,
Febiuaij 10, 1S9G, $17,500.
Gieat Biltaln Thomas F. Bajard,
Delaware, Match iO, 1S9J; $17,500.
Gieeee Eben Alexander, Noith Caio
Ilna, Apill 7, 1891, $0,500
Guatemala Macgiane Coxe, New
Yoik, Jul j 27, 1S9G, $10,000.
Haiti Hem j M. Smjthe, VUglnia,
September 15, 1S9J, $5,000.
Hawaii $7,600
Honduias Macgiane Coxe, New
Yoik, July 27, 1890, $10 000.
Itulj Wajnt MaeVelgh, Pennsjlva
nia Decembei 20, 1891, $12,000.
Japan Edwin Dun, Ohio, Aotil 4,
1891, $12,000
Koiea John M. B. Sill, Michigan,
Januaiy 12. 189).
Llbei la William II. Ileal d. Pennsjl
vanla, Febiuaiy 21, 1893, $4,000.
Mexico Matt W. Hansom, NoithCat
olinu, August 24, 1895, $17,500
Netherlands William E. Qulnby,
Michigan, Apill i, 1S9J, $10,000.
Pagim GianVIlle Stuatt, Mon
tana, Match 1, 1891, $7,500
Peisla Alexander McDonald, Vir
ginia, May 5, 1S93, $3,000.
Pel u James A McKeiuIe, Kentucky,
Apill 4 1893, $10,000
Portugal Geoige W. Caruth, Arkan
sas, Apill 23, 1893, $7,500
Houmanla Eben Alexander, North
Caiolina, Apiil 7, 1S9J; $G,500.
Russia CUtton R. Breckinridge, Ai-
Kansas. July 20. 1891. $17. DUO.
Salvadoi Lewis Baker, Minnesota,
Apiil 4, 1893; $10,000.
Sen la Eben Alexander, Noith Caio
lina, Api ll i, isyj; tu,5U0.
Slam John Bauett, Oregon, Febtu
ary II, 1891 $3,000.
Spain Hannls Taylot, Alabama,
Apill f, 1893, $12,000.
Sweden and Norway Thomas B
Ferguson, Mai j land, Februaij 14, 1894,
Switzet land John L Peak, Missouri,
November 18. 1S95. $7,600
Turkey Alex W. Teirell, Texas,
Apiil 15, 1893; $10,000.
Uiuguay Gianvlllc Stuait; $7 500.
Venezuela Allen Thomas, riorlda,
June 13, 1895, $7,500.
Egypt riedeilc C Penfleld, Connecti
cut, Maj 13, 1893. $5,000.
Where a mlnlstei Is shown as ac
credited to two countiles in the above
the salaiy Is for entire service.
By an order of September 20, 1S93,
President Cleveland made it necessaiy
that all peisons appointed to the con
sular service should be subjected to an
examination if the consulate or cem
meiclal agency to which they were ap
i i
pointed carried a salarj not more than
$2,500 noi less than $1,000. This exam
ination Is held by a boaid nf three pei
sons designated by the secretary of
state. There ate In the United States
consular seivlce tlili ty-seven consul
ates general, 48" consulates, twelve
commercial agencies, thliteen consul
ates wheio Incumbents aie permitted
to engage in other business and fifty
seven consulates nnd twentj-thtee
commciclal ngencles In which Insum
bents aie paid by fees alone. Those le
celvlng olllclal fees are allowed to le
taln the snme up to $2,500 per annum,
tho surplus being turned Into the treas
uij. Consuls who receive fixed sala
lles letuln only notailal fees. Some of
the choice places In the consular soi
v Ice follow. The name of Incumbent,
state from which appointed, date of ap
pointment, amount of salaty, Including
notarial fees foi year ended June 30,
189G, ate given;
Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic
Edwatd L. Bakei, Illinois, Januaiy S,
1874, $2,730 60.
Plague, Bohemia Cail Bailey Huist,
Dlstilet of Columbia, Maich 22, 1893,
Vienna, Austria Max Judd, Missouri,
Mutch 27, 1S9C, $t,52G.
Antweip, Belgium Harvey Johnson,
Geotgia, May 61891. $!0SG
Rio de Jenelto William I. Tow nes,
Viiglnla, Apill 7, 1893, $3,000
Vu!paialse Jas. M. Dobbs, Geoigia,
Apill 7. 1S93, $.1,042
China A mo, Dclawaie Kempei, Vlt
clnla Februan 11. 1891. $4,015 Canton:
Chailes Sevmoui, Wisconsin, August
1, 1S92. $3 CG2. Chin Klung: Alexander
C Jones Minnesota, Novembet 17, 189G;
$3 028 Chungking: Geoige F. Smlth
ers, Delnwaie, July 1, 18, $3,000 Fun
chau J. Couitney Hlxsun, Alabama,
September 25, 1893; $5,045. Hankow
Jacob T. Child, Mlssouil, June 8, 1893;
$3,141 Shanghai Thomas R Jeinl
gun, Noith Carolina, Febziuaij 14, 1S94;
$G 399
Colombia, Colon: Josluh L Pearcy,
Tennessee, October 10, 1893; $i,0G0 Pan
ama. Victor Vlfeiuuln, Nebraska, Apiil
20 1893' $4 121.
" Guav'aeiuil, Ecuador: Geoige C, Dll
laid, Mississippi, Mai eh 30, 18J1; $1072.
Fiance and dominions Beudeaux:
John M. Wiley, New Yoik, Apill 21,
1893; $(498. Huvie: Charles W. Chan
cellor Mai j land, Maich 30, 1893, $3,937.
Palis. Samuel 11. Moiss, Indiana,
Maich TO, 1893, $12,0G2.
Geiman Maimen: Henry F. Moriltt,
Illinois, Apill 13, 1S93; $3,315 Betllir
Chailes de Kav, New Yoik, July 30,
1894, $7,450 Fidnkfoif Flank H. Ma
son, Ohio, June 20, 1889; $1,G54 Nuiem
beig: William J. Black, Delawaie,
Apill 15, 18S3, $3 335 Stuttgart: Alfied
C. Johnson, Pennsjlvunla, $3 G03
Gieat Biltain and dominions Bel
fast, h eland: James B Taney, West
Viiglnla, May 5 1S93; $3,752. Blimlng
ham, England Geoige F. Parkei, New
Yoik, Mai eh 30, 1S93, $3,122 Biadfoid:
Claude Meekei, Ohio, April 4, 1S93; $3,
304. Calcutta, India: $3 532 Cape
Town, Afilca: Fiank W. Robetts,
Maine, Match 27. 1S9G; $3,000. Demei
aia, Guiana" Andiew J. Patteison,
Tennessee, Januaiy 10, 1S9t; $3,241.
Glasgow, Scotland: Allen B Morse,
Michigan, .Maich !0, 1S91. $3,S11. Hall
fax, N. S Daiius II. Ingrnham,
Maine, June 22, 1S93; $3)549 Hong
Kong, Chinn William E Hunt, Mis
sissippi, September 2S, 1S93, $G 940.
Kingston, Jamaica, yuincv u.
foiel, Mississippi, Apiil 7, 1893, $3,141
Liverpool, England: James E. Neal,
Ohio, Apill 7, 1S93; $3,7GG
London, Patiick A Collins, Masa
chusetts. Maich 20, 1S93, $9,511; Man
chester. William r. Giinnell, New Yoik,
June 2G, 1889, $3,32G, Melbourne, Aus
tralia. Daniel W. Matalta. North Da
kota, June 9, 189 i, $4,770; Monti eal,
Wendell A Anderson, Wisconsin, May
2G, 1S93, $4,G"0, Ottowa, Out, John B.
Riley, New York, Mav 2fi, 1893, $3 030,
Singapoie, S. S , E Spencer Piatt, Ala
bama, June 22. 1S91, $3,034, Athens,
Gieeee, Eben Alexander Noith Caio
lina, Apill 7, 189!; $0,500; Port au Pilnce,
Haiti, Heniv M. Smith, Virginia, Sep
tember 15, 1893, $3 039; Honolulu, Ha
waii, Ellis Mills, Viiglnla, August S,
1894, $4,204; Rome, Hal, Wallace S
Jones, Florida, May 5, 1S93, $3,983; Kan
agawa, Japan, Nicholas W. Mclvor,
Iowa. Octobei 10, 1893, $3,2G0: Nagasaka,
William II Abeiciomble, New Jeisej,
Maj 17, 1890, $3,027, Osaka and Hiogo,
James T Connelly, New Jersej', Maj
14 1S93, $3,8C0; Seoul, Koiea, John M. B
Sill, Michigan, Januaiy 12, 1S94, $7,500;
Momenta, Llbetla, William H. Heard,
Pennsjlvanla, Februaiy 23, 1893, $4,000,
Mexico, Thomas T. Cilttenden, Mls
souil, Apill fi, 1893. $4,G49; Veia Ciu,
Mexico, Chailes Schaefer, Kansas, Maj
5, 1893, $3,151, Teheian, Peisla, Alexan
dei McDonald, Viiglnla, May 5, 1S93,
$5,000. Callao, Peiu, Leon Jastiemskl,
Louisiana, Novembet 2. 1S93, $3,5GS: Bu
chaiest, Roumanla, Eben Alexandei,
Noith Caiolina. $G,500. St Peteisburg,
John Kaiel, Illinois, November 12, 1894,
$3,125 Apia, Samoa, William Cluu chill,
New Yoik, June 4, 1S9G, $3 014; Bang
kok, Slam, John Bauett, Oregon, Feb
iuarj 14, 1S94, $3,091; Havuna, Cuba,
riuhugh Lee, Viiglnla, Apill 23, 189G,
SS.44S, Matanas, Alex C. Biice, Iowa,
June S, 1894, $3,303, Basle, Sw lUeiland,
Geoige Gllfoul, Maine. Januaiy 11, 1S94,
$!,2G9, St. Gall, living B Rishman,
Iowa, May 11, 1S93, $3,33G, Cairo, Egjpt,
Fiedeiick (?. Penfleld, Connecticut, Maj
13. 1893. Jj.uu, ejonstantinopie, i.uinei
Shoit, Indiana, Sejitembei 2S, 1893, $3,-
030: Montevideo, Uiuguay, Edgai
Scluamm, Texas, October 31, 1S9J, $3,
A number of other good places scat'
teted in all patts of the country foh
low .
Suneilntendents of mint at Caison
City, $1,000, Denver, $2,500; New Oi
lcans, $3,500, Philadelphia $4,300, ban
Fianclsco, $4,500
Assajeis at Boise City. $2,000, Chat
lotte, N. C. 41,500, Henela, Mont, $2,
230, New Yoik $4,600 and $',000, St
Louis, $2 000, Caison Citj, $2 500 New
Oi leans, $2,500, Philadelphia, $3,000, San
Fianclsco, $3,000
Melters at Caison Cltv, $2,500, Den
ver $2,250, New Oileans, $2,500, Phila
delphia, $3,000 San Fianclsco, $3,000,
New Yoik, $1,000.
Refiners at Caison CUV, $2,500, New
Oilcans, $2,500, Philadelphia, $3,000; San
Fiauclseo, $1,000, New York, $3,00p.
Engiuvei at Philadelphia, $3,000.
Assistant tieasutets at Baltlmoie, $4,
500, Boston, $5,000; Chicago, $4,500; Cin
cinnati, $1,500, New Oileans, $4,000: New
Yotk, $8,000, Philadelphia, $1,500, St.
Louis, $4,500, San Fianclsco, $4,300.
Supervising Inspectois ot steam
boats, at San Fianclsco, New Yoik, Noi
folk, St. Louis, St Puul, Memphis, Cin
cinnati. Detioit, Buffalo, and New Oi
leans, $3,000
Commissioner of Immlgiation, $4,000,
commissioner at Ellis island, $0,000,
commlsslonei s at Baltlmoie, Philadel
phia, San Fiancico, Boston, Quebec
and Vancouver $2,200.
Collectois of customs at New Yoik,
$12,000; Mobile, salaij and fees (about
$1,100); Sitka, Alaska, salaiy and fees,
($1,800), Neigalts, A T $2,000; Euieka,
Cal , salan and fees, ($2,700), Los An
geles, salaiy and fees, (3,000), San
Diego, ($3 000), San Fianclsco, $7,000,
Denver, ($2,C00); Brldgepoit, Conn, $3,
000. Hattioid, ($3,300), New Haven,
($3,000), New London, fees only ($250),
Stonlngton, Wilmington, Del, ($1,700),
Washington, ($2,S00), Apalodhieola,
Fla., ($1,400), Cedat Keys, ($1 300), Fer-
nandlna, $500, Jacksonville, ($2,000);
Kej West, $5 000, Fensacolu, $3,000: St.
Augustine, ($1,300). Tampa, ($5,000),
Atlanta, ($1,200); Biunswlck. ($2,500)
St. Maiy's, Ga , ($530), Savannah, ($4,
200), Caho, 111, ($376), Chicago, $7,000,
Galena, $350, Peotia. ($833); Rock
Island, $350 and fees, Evansville, Ind ,
($1,100) Indianapolis, $5,000, Michigan
Cltj. $350. Builington, la, $350. Coun
cil Bluffs. $250, Des Mollies, ($175), Du
bueiue, ($700) Sioux Cltj. ($375), Louis
ville. $5 000. Paducah, $350 Biashear
', 1m , ($1,400); New Orleans. $7,000, Ban
gor, Me., $j,uuu nam, ui,3uu); neirast,
$850; Castlne, ($525), Eastpoit, $3,000,
Ellewoith, ($075); Houlton, ($1,000);
Kennebunk, about $85 in fees; Muchlas,
($1,700); Poitland, Me, $0,010; Saco,
($275); Waldoboio, ($2,200); Wiscasset,
($S0O); York, $250; Annapolis, ($100);
Baltlmote, $7,000; Crlsfleld, $900; Barn
stable, Mass., $1,300 In fees; Boston,
$S,000; EdEaitown, (500); Fall River,
($S50); Clout ester, ($3,000); Maibleheudi
$300 in fees: Nantucket, ($2o9)J New
Bedford, $1,300 in fees: New bui port,
($200)); Plj mouth,' ($100); Salem, $050
in fees; Springfield, ($2 600); Detroit,
Mich,, ($3,760); Grand Haven, $2,500;
Grund Rapids, ($2,000): Marquette, $2,
600); Pott Huron, ($3,G00): Duluth. $4,
600); St. Paul, $2,500; Natche-', Miss.,
$500, Shleldsboto, ($3 000): Vlcksburg,
($550); Kansas City, Mo, $5 000; St. Jo
seph, O3600); St. Louis. $5,000! Fort
Benlon, Mont,, ($4,000); Lincoln, Neb,
$900 in fees; Omaha, ($4,000); Ports
mouth, N. II., ($1,000); Bildgeton. N.
J., ($700); Nevvaik, ($4,500)1 Perth Am
beiy, $2,500; Somets Point, ($550); Ti en
ton, $150 and fees; Tucket ton, $250 and
fees; Albany, N. Y., ($5,000); Buffalo,
($4,f00): Cape Vincent, ($2,500); Dun
kirk, ($1,000); Greenport, ($1,000): New
Yotk, $12,000; Ogdensburg, $2,600; Os
wego, ($3,000); Pntchogue, $275 In fees;
Plattsbtug, $2,500; Port Jefferson, $100
In fees; Rochaster, ($3,400), Sag Har
bor, ($425). Suspension Hildge, ($3,000)
Beaufort, N. C ($1,200); Edenton, ($1,
200; New bein, ($1,500), Wilmington,
($2,400); Pembina. N. Dt $3,000, Cincin
nati, Ohio, $5,000, Columbus, ($2,750),
Sandusky, ($2,100); Toledo, ($2,500); As
toila, Ore, $3 000; CoosBaj, ($1,000);
Portland, $5,000; , Yaqulua, ($1,000);
Elie, Pa, ($1,500); Philadelphia, $S,000;
Pittsburg, $5,000; Bilstol, R I $55 In
fees; Newpoit, $250 In fees, Piovi
dence, $4,000 In tees; Beaufoit, S. C,
($1,800): unaileston, ($2,250); cnatta
nooga, Tenn , ($875); Memphis, ($2,300);
Nashville, ($2,000). Biownsvllle, Tex,
($2,500), Cot pus Christ!, ($2,500); Eagle
Pass, ($3,000); El Paso, $1,000, Galves
ton, ($2,500), Uurllngton, Vt , $2,500;
Alexalidtla, Va , $200 In fees; Cape
Chailes, ($800); Newport News, $3 000,
Noifolk, $3,000, Peter sbuig, $10 in fees;
Richmond, $1,000 in tees, Tuppahan
nock, ($475); Poit Townsend, Wash.,
$3,500; Wheeling, ($000); Lactone, Wis.,
$350 in fees, Milwaukee, ($4,500).
In the above list all amounts In par
enthesis aie appioxlmate and consist
ot fixed salailes and fees which vary;
all amounts unqualified aie stiulglit
Appialsers at Philadelphia, $3 000:
New Yoik, $G0OO; St Louis, $3,000, Bos
ton, $3,000; Baltlmoie (2), $3,000, New
Oilcans, $3 000, Chicugo, $3,000; San
l'runclsco, $3 625
Assistant appiulsers at San Fianclsco
(2), $2,500; Philadelphia (2), $2,500, New
Yoik (2), $3,500, (10), $3,000; Boston (2),
Naval ofilceis at Philadelphia, $5,000;
New Yoik, $8,000, Boston, $5,000. Bal
tlmoiev $5,000; New Oileans, $2,500,
San Fianclsco, $5,000.
Examlneis of chugs at San Fianclsco,
$2 000, Boston, $2,500
Sutvejors at Philadelphia, $3,000;
New York, $S 000; Boston, $3 000; Baltl
moie, $4,500, New Oileans, $3,500, San
Fianclsco, $5,000.
Assistant collector at Jersey City, $2,
000. Geneial appialsers (9), $7,000
Collectois of internal levenue at Bli
mlngham, Ala, $2,750, Little Reck, $2,
025, foan Fianclsco, $4,500 Saciamento,
$3,500, Denver, 13,500. Huttfoid, $4,500,
Jacksonville, Fla, $3,500, Atlanta, $1,
500; Chicago, $4,500; Peoila, $4,500;
Sptlnglleld, $4,500; Calio, 111, $4,500;
Lawiencebuig, Ind, $1,500. Tene
Haute, $4,500; Dubuque, la , $2,750, Bui
lington, $3,125, Leavenwoith, Kan,
$3,000; Owensboro', Ky , $4,500; Louis
vllle. $4 500, Covington, $4,500; Lexing
ton, $4,500; Richmond, $4,500; New Oi
leans, $4,373; Baltlmoie, $4,500, Boston,
$4 600. Detroit, $4 500; Kansas Cltj, $3,
500, St Louis, $4,500; Helena, Mont ,
$3 375; Omaha, $4,500: Poitstnouth, N.
H, $4 000, Camden, N. J. $2,875. New -
aik, N. J , $4,500, Santa re, $2,500, New
Yoik (2), $4,500, Biooklyn, $4,500; Al
bany, $4,500, Svracuse, $4,250, Roches
ter $4 500, Raleigh, $1,500, Ashevllle, N.
C , $4,500: Cincinnati, $4,500; Toledo, $3,
750, Spilngfleld, $4,500, Cleveland, $1,
600: Poitland, Oie, $3,125; Philadelphia,
$4,500; Lancaster Pa, $4,500; Scianton,
$3,S75; Pittsburg, $4,500, Columbia, S
C, $2,S75; Knoxville, Tenn, $2,750,
Nashville, $4 000, Austin, $3,375: Dal
las, $2,S73; Richmond, $4,600, Ljnch
buig, Va , $4,375, Paikersbuig, W.
Va , $3,S73, Milwaukee, $4,500, Madison,
Pension agents at Augusta, Me ; Bos
ton, Bulfalo, Chicago, Columbus, O ;
Concoid, N. II., Des Moines, Indianap
olis, Knoxville, Louisville, Milwaukee,
New Yoik, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, San
Fianclsco, Toneka, Washington, $4,000;
chief clerks at Augusta, $1,800, Bos
ton, $2,400, Bulfalo, $2,000; Chicago, $2,
500; Columbus, $2,300, Concord, $1,800:
Detioit, $1,800, Indianapolis, $2,600;
Knoxville, 1:2,000: Louisville, $1,800, Mil
waukee, $2,000. New Yoik, $2,500, Phil
adelphia, $2,500; Plttsbuig, $2,000: San
Fianclsco, $1,S00; Topeka, $2,500, Wash
ington, $2,000.
Suiveyois geneial of Arizona, Cali
fornia, Coloiado, Idaho, New Mexico,
Noith Dakota, Oiegon, South Dakota,
Utah, Washington, Wjomlng, $2,000;
rioiiela, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada,
$1,800. Montana, $3,000
Reglstetsand lecelveis of land olllces
at Montgomeij. Ala , Pteseott, A. i. ,
Los Aniieles, San Fianclsco, Denver
Pueblo, Col., Gainesville, Fla; Black
foot, Idaho: Colby, Kakeeney, Kan.;
New Orleans, CrooKston, Minn ; Du
luth; St. Cloud, Spilngfleld, Mo, Hel
ena ,Mont , MIsoula, Alliance, Sldnej.
Neb; Santa Fe, Devil's Lake, N. D.;
Peny, Oiegon Cltv, Aberdeen, S. D.;
Mitchell, Wateitown. Salt Lake Citj,
Seattle, Vancouver Cliejenne, salailes
and fees amounting to $3 000 foi each
legister and each ircelver, at other
places, salailes of 1500 and fees; total
numbei of places, 123
Indlnn agents (5S) at salaries of $1,200
to $1,800, except aimj olllces assigned
to act as agents, who diaw theli iegu-
lai pa: suoeilntendent India schools,
$3 000, Indian inspectois (5), $2,500; spe
cial agents (5), $2,000, secietaiy Indian
commission, $2,000 superintendent li
tigation (Ciows), $2,700, superintendent
litigation (Navajoes), $2,500, agents to
allot lands (12), $8 per daj , membeis
of Indian commission (known as Dawes
commission, (5), 13,000, I'te commis
sioners (3), $G per elaj , membirs of
other commissions (10), $10 per dav :
special agent to Dlggei Indians, $S per
daj , superintendent Indian waiehouse,
New Yoik, $2,000
Under this head nil officers whose
compensation Is not Indicated receive
$200 and fees. All whos compensation
Is Indicated bj a single amount lecelve
a small salaij and fees, which In lugs
the compensation to the amount
Dlstilet attorneys Birmingham, Ala ,
$0,000 Montromeij, $C,000; Mobile. $4,
000, Little Rock, Atk. 14,300, Feirt
Smith, San Fianclsco, 1500 and fees;
Los Angeles, Demvei, $4,000. Hnitford
Wilmington, Del , Pensacola, Fla ,
Jacksonville, Fla ; Atlanta, $0,000 Mos
cow, la.. $G,100 Chicago, Spilngfleld,
III , Indianapolis. Dubuque, la : Des
Moines, Louisville, New Oileans,
Shreveport, La, Poitland, Me, $1500,
Baltlmoie, Boston, Detioit, Giand Rap
ids, Mich , St. Paul, Oxfoid, Mls r
Vlcksbuig, Miss St. Louis, Kansas
Cltj, Helena, Mont , Omaha, $0,000;
Reno, Nev.; Manchester N. II , $900,
Tienton, Oswego, N Y : Biookljn, New
Yoik, $0 000. Raleigh, Winston. N C,
Faigo, N. D, $3,200. Cleveland, $0,000;
Cincinnati, Portland. Oie, $0,000; Phil
adelphia, Plttsbuig, Piovlelence, Gieen-
llle, S C , $G,000, Elk Point. S. D ,
Knoxville, Tenn Nashville, Memphis,
$fi,000; Dallas, Galveston, Sun Antonio,
Texas, Montpellei, Vt Peter shut g,
Va : Danv llle, Va , Seattle, Wash
Chatleston, W V Milwaukee. Madi
son, Wis, Cliejenne, Wj o , $5,500, Sit
ka Alasku, $2,500, Tucson, A T , $5,900,
Muscogee, I T , $4,000; South McAles
tei, I. T. $1,000, Aidmote, I T, $4,000
Santa Fe. $250 und fees; Gutlule, O. T,
$250 and fees, Salt Lake City, Washing
ton. Maishals Blimlugham, Ala, $0,000;
Montgonieiy. $0,000, Mobile, $G,000. Lit
tle Rock. $5,700, Fort Smith, San Fian
clsco, $500 and fees: Los Angeles, Den
ver, $5,000, Hartfoui. Wilmington, Del,;
Pensacola, Fla.; Jacksonville, Fla.; At
lanta, $6,000; Boise City, $3,900; Chicago,
Spilngdeldi III.; Indianapolis, Dubuque,
In,: Des Moines, Louisville, New Oi
lcans, Hhievepoit, La.; Poitland, Me..
$6,325; Baltlmoie, fees; Boston, fees:
Detroit, Gland Rnplds, fees; St. Paul,
Oxfoiel, Mies.; Vle-ksbuig, Miss.: St.
Louis, KansaB City, fees; Helena,
Mont.; Omaha, $0,000: Reno Nov.;
Manchester, N. II, , $1,G00: Trenton,
Nunda, N. Y.; Btooklvn, fees; New
Yolk, $G,000: Raleigh, $400 and fees;
Stutesvlllo, N. C, Faigo, N. D, $0,100,
Cleveland, $5 050; Cincinnati, Poitland,
Oie, $G,000, Philadelphia, fees; Pltts
burgr Piovldenco, $2,350; Gieenllle, S.
C $G,000; Elk Point, S. D.; Knoxville,
Tenn,; Nashville, Memphis, Dallas,
Galveston, San Antonio, Texas, Ben
nington, Vt., Peteisbuig, Va., Beny
vllle Va., fees: Tacoma, Wheeling-. Mil
waukee, Madison, Wis,, Cliejenne,
Wvo, $4 000; Sitka, Alaska, $2,500, Tuc
son, A T , $1,000, Muscogee, 1. T , $1,000,
South McAlestei, I. T $1,000; Aulmoie,
I. V., $1,000, Santa Fe, $G,000, Gutlule,
O. T.; Salt Lake Cltj, Washington
Gov oi not s ef Alaska, $3 000, Arizona,
$2,600; New Mexico, $2,G00, Oklahoma,
$2, GOO, secietailes of Alaska, $2,500, Ail-
zona, New Mexico and Oklahoma, $1,
S00, commissioner! foi Alaska (6), ?!,
000 and fees.
Them are 158 postmasters of tho first
class, 701 seconel class and 2,770 of the
tliirel class, the salailes being lit st
class, ovei $3,000 pet jcar seconel clas,
between $2 000 and $5,000; third class,
between $1,0C0 and $2,000. The 0G.725
postmastei s of the fouith class have a
compensation less than $1,000.
Of the ptesidentlal postolllces, about
250 will be at the disposal of Mr Me
KInley during his first month In ofllce
There aie foilj cases of piesldentlal
postmasters' commissions ahead ex
pired, not acted on by the postoiilce de
portment, and thlity-elght mine will
expire during Match
Theie are 129 nominations of presi
dential postmasters upon which the
senate has o fai taken no action, anil
probablj 100 of these will be leturned
to the postoiilce depaittnent without
senatorial action, and thus left to Mc
Klnlej men The lemalnlng ones
about fifty aie olllces wheie the re
moval of the piesent postmaster doubt
less will be immediately demunded anel
acceded to The pilncipal piesldentlal
olllces where the postmasters' teima
will explte next month aie MeadWlle,
Pa , on the 23d; Stamfoid, Conn , 30th,
Augusta, Ga, 29th, Lansing, Mich, 23d;
Cadiz, Ohio, 27th, and Pendleton, Oieg,
29th. There will be foity-nlne more ex
pliatlons in Apiil.
Valuable Heal
By virtue of sundry writs of Tlerl Fa
cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni H
ponus, lsued out of the court of common
pleas of Lackawanna county, to me Jl
lecteKl, I will expose to public sale bj ven
due or outci, to the highest and best
bidders, for cash, at the coutt house, In
the city of Scranton, Lackawanna coun
DAY Or MARCH, A. D. 1S97, at 10 o'clock
tn the foienoon of said da, all the right
title and Interest ot the defendants In
and to the following described lots, pieces
oi paicels of laud, viz :
No 1 All tho right, title and Interest of
tho defendant, the Scranton Lace Cur
tain Manufactuilng companj, In and to
all the following desciibed lots, pieces
and parcels of land, viz..
All those certain lots, pieces or par
cels of land situate In the city of Scran
ton, county of Lackawanna, and state
of Pennslvanla, desciibed as follows, to
wit ueing situate in me inuieenin
waid of the cltj of Sctanton, afoiesaid,
beginning at tho northerlj corner of Glen
street and Mjlert sheet (formerly Fourth
sheet), running thence along said Mjleit
street 410 feet, thenco ut right angles
to said Mylert sheet 141'i feet, mora oi
less, to the right of way of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Rallioad com
pany, thence along said light of waj,
and paiallel to said Mvlert street 410 feet
to said Glen street, thence along said
Glen street 141'i feet, more oi less, to
the place of beginning With a ten-foot
privilege upon each of said stieuts Be
ing the front paits of lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, and twentv feet of lot No. 8, in
square or block No 11, upon the plot of
Sandeison's addition in the cltj of Scian
ton: dulj recorded, called and known
as Green Ridge Sandeison's addition be
ing the oilginal plot upon which said full
lots weie laid out of the width of sixty
Excentlnsr and reserving the coal be
neath tho suiface of said land
Also, all and singular, their factoiy,
mills houses, buildings, offices, machin
ery, tools, scales, steam and watci pipes
anel connections, tanks, engines, furni
ture, easements and franchises
Also, Including all kinds of machlnerj"
necessary oi convenient foi the manufac
tuio of laoo goods, with all appniatu-, for
lighting and heating whethei such ma
chlnerj oi fuinituie Is fastened to tho
hooi oi not; with all things convonlent
oi necessaij to run said factoiy and
manufactuie goods
Being tho buildings, etc , etc,, on the
land above desciibed.
The buildings on said property being
of tho size and dimendons as follows
Being building of btlck and stone In
tho foim of a hollow square 2ii7'j feet
long along Mjlett avenue, and 52'i feet
wide, anel the same along the Delawaie.
Lackawanna and Western railroad, and
being two and one-half stories high.
With bollei loom, engine loom and
bleaching room founlng a poitlon of the
lear of said buildings. 119'j feet wide,
and one and two stoiles high
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of Cielghton S. Buisch vs The
Scranton Laco Manufacturing companv
Debt, $73 000 00 Judgment, No 440 Mai eh
teim, 1S97, 11 fa, to Mai eh term 1S97
C H. WELLES, Att'j
No 2 All tho right, title and lnteiest of
the defendant, M E Walker, In and to
all that lot oi piece of land tn tho bor
ough of Wnveilj, Lackawanna count,
Pennsjlvanlu described as follows
Beginning at a comet of land late ot
George McAlplne, in line of a public load
leading to Dilton, thenco in au easterly
dliectlon along said road S4 feet to the
lino of a public allej in the lear of the
hotel pioperty, thence southerlj along
said alley 153 feet moie oi less to tho
noitheast cornel of n lot of land now oi
late of Sarah A White thenco westeily
along the line of said White lot SI feet
moie oi less to tho southeast comer of
lot of George McAlplne, thenco northerly
along tho line of said McAlplne lot 153
feet moio ot less to tho place of b 'gin
ning Containing oue-fouith of an ueio
of land more or less Improved with a
largo two-stoiv frame dwelling house,
barn, outbuldlugs and fiuit hees theieon
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit of George Slssou vs M E Walker
Debt, $318 90 Judgment No C03 April
Term 1S93, tl fa. to March Term, 1S97
DEAN, Atty.
No 3 All the right, title and interest
of tho defendant, Ollvei Cole, In and to
all that lot or pleco of laud In the vil
lage of rretown Covington township,
Lackawanna county, I'ennshanla, de
scribed as follows
Beginning at a corner on the east side
of a publlo road leading from Moscow to
Freytown In line of laud of Levi Prey,
thence cast at right angles to said road
along said Piey's land twenty rods,
thenco at light angles to tho last course
and parallel with said road eight rods
to a corner; thence west at right angles
to tho last course and paiallel with said
Prej's land twenty tods to the oast side
of said road, thenco north along tho line
ot said loud eight tods to the place of be
ginning. Containing ono acie of land,
stilct measure.
Improved with a two.story frame dwell
ing house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized und taken In execution at tho suit
of A. N, Sajer assigned to A, 1). Dean
vs. Oliver Cole. Uelit, $7jo JudKiuint
No. 117, Hopt Term, liM, 11, fii. to March
Term, 1S37. DEAN, Attj.
No. 4 Alt the right, title nnd Interest
of Anthonj Slievesky in and to all thnt
certain lot of Inilel sltuato In the Borough
of Aichbilel, In tho county of Lackawan
na, and Htntp.oE I'eriiisjlvnnla, dccilboil
as follows: Being lot number tinea In
sepinro or block number tluee on street
culled and linmcd "l'lnnk ltond" In Jones,
Simpson & Co 's addition to tho Borough
of Archbnlel, said lot being forty-llvo feet
In front, sixty foot In real and ono hun
dred and llfty feet deep Being the name
lot of land conveyed by Thomas 11. Jones,
eti nl to Anthony Slievesky by deed
dntcd Jnnunrj 22, 1W,, und lecorded In
the recoreloi's olllco of Lackawanna coun
ty, In Deed Book No , pngo , Coal
and minerals reserved, Improved with u
two-stoiy fianio dwelling house and out
buildings Sel7cd nnd taken la execution
at tho suit of German Building and Loan
Assocntion No. 7, of Scranton, Pa,, s.
Anthonj Slievesky Debt, $1,000 Judg
ment No 403 March Term, 1897, fi fa. to
Match Term, 1897.
No 5 All the right title and Interest
ot the defendant, John IJIIUn, In and to
all tho following described lot of .land
togethei with the buildings and Impiove
ments thereon, viz.. All the surface or
light of soil of n lot oi plcco of land In
Wlnton Borough, Lickawnnna count,
state of Penlisjlv nil i, on what Is known
as the "Elizabeth Bought" tiact, de
scilbed as fallows: Beginning on the
northerlj slele of tho straight road lead
ing from the Decker Iron Bridge to tho
Dolph anil Winton collleiles (known as
Hill sheet) at u point 390 feet fiom tho
centoi of tho so-called Grissj Island nil
road, In a wosterlj direction fiom the
sild rallroid, thence along said wagon
load In a wosterlj direction CO feet, tho
sumo in i ear nrid 150 feet deep, said lot
being i octangular and containing 7,500
square feet ot land, mproved with a largo
two-stor finmp building used as a dwell
ing houe und hotel, and outbuildings
Second, All that piece, parcel or lot of
laml situate, lvlnir .end lipinc In thn Uai-
ough of Wlnton, count of Lackawanna
and state of Pennsjlvanla, bounded and
described as follows, to wit Commencing
ot a coinei of Mejleit street and a pub
lic allej, thenco southerly along said
Me lei t street 50 feet to a eomei , thence
custetly 50 feet to ufoiesald alley, thenco
along said UllC In j westeily dliectlon
50 feot to place of beginning, said lot
being 50 feet In flout and lear, and 60
feet In depth and bounded on the west
eilj Miio by said Melert sheet, south
el 1 and westerly bj lands of Buriaid
L igun and not therlj by public allej Be
ing the sumo pieinNes convejed to said
John Blllen by George Nlltz, b deed dulv
lecoi-ded In Lackawanna count In Detl
uouu io nu, at page Hj etc , all im
proved with a ono stoiv flame dwelling
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of E Robinson's Sons vs John Bll
len Debt, $73011 Judgment No 1GS
Nov. Term, 1S97. Vlnd E. March Tenn,
No. G All the light, title and lnteiest
of the defendant, William P. Sandway, in
and to all tho following desciibed pieces
oi parcels of land situate In tho township
of Ransom, count of Lickawanna, nnd
state of Pennsjlvanla, bounded and de
scribed as follows to wit.
The first theieof bounded on the south
by the Plttston 1'oor House piopeity, on
the west b tho Susqueh uinu liver, on
tho noith by land of Daniel Ragan, and
on tho east by tho Pennsj lvanla and New
ork canal and railroad Containing
about nine (9) acres of land, moie oi less
Tho second thereof being bounded on
the noith bj the loud leading fiom tho
main loael to the ferr , on the east by said
Main load; on tho south by lands of
Conyngliam and Butler, and on the west
bv the North Branch canal Containing
about throe and one-halt (T-) acies of
The thlid theieof beginning at a post
on the east side of the main load lead
ing to Gaidners ferr in line of John B.
Ciowcll's land; thence south foit-livo
(45) degrees west along Fred Saiidwaj's"
line two hundred and fort -seven (217)
feet to a post, thence b Eald Sandway s
line northward llfty and eight-tenths
(50 8-10) feet to a corner, thence noith
nlnetj-four and one-fourth (94'i) degrees
west two hundred and seventeen (217) feet
to a cornel on the said main load, thenco
bj said road north 40V degrees west sev-entj-Ilvo
(73) feet to the placo of begin
nings. Containing llfty-thiee and eight
tenths (53 8-10) porches of land, be -the
same more or less.
All .improved with two single frame
dwelling houses and three barns and oth
er outbuildings
Seizeel and taken in execution at the
suit of William L Watson and William
H MacMlllen executors of J. L Mc
Mlllen vs William I Sandwaj, deceased
Debt, $3 000 Judgment No 8, March
Term 1897, 11, fa. to Maich TermL 1S97.
No 7 All the right, title and interest
of tho defendant, Mai O Mlllei, In and
to all that lot oi piece of land situate
In tho Fifteenth waid of tho city of
Scranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl
vania, being known as lqt number ninety
six () In Alfied Hand's addition to said
clt, and desciibed according to a suive
made by P. M Walsh, civil engineer, dat
ed Cth June, 1SS3, us follow 3
Beginning at a cornel on the outh side
of Hampton street, such cornel beat Ing
south 51 degrees east, and distant leJ feet
from the south cornei of Main avenue and
South Hampton sheet, thence south 39
degices west 133 feet to a corner on an
alle ; thence along tho said alley south 51
degiees east 21M feet to a coiner, thenco
north 39 degrees oast 133 feet to a cornei
on South Hampton street, and thenco
along the same noith 51 degrees west .7'j
feet to the place of beginning, containing
S.Gj"1;- square feet of land, more oi le. s.
Coal and minerals under the said lot ex
cepted and lceivod
Improved with a two-story and base
ment fiame dwelling house, outbuildings
and fruit hees theieon
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of Ruth Shook vs Marv O Miller.
Debt, $S9? 13 Judgment No. 727, Januaiy
Teim l!i97, lev. fa to March Teim, 1S97
DEAN, Attj
No 8 All tho right, title nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Geoige Phillips in and
to ail that ceraln lot, piece or paieel of
land situate In Winton Borough, count
of Lackawanna and state of Pennsjlva
nla, on what Is known as tho Dav'd
Brown hact, described as follow Being
lot numbei fouiteen (14) in squaie or
block numbei three (3) and situate upon
street called and named Hand stieet, as
shown on map, recoided In Lackawanna
countv in Deed Book No 59, page 37l,
said lot being lift feet in width in fiont
and one bundled and fiftj (130) leet li
depth and lectnngulai with an nlley In
lear fifteen (13) feet wide for public use
All improved with a two-storj frame
double dwelling ot tenement house, with
other outbuildings hereon Seized and
taken In execution at tho suit of Har
mon Building nnd Loan Association No,
2 vs Geoige Phillips Dobt, $1 400 Judg
ment No G3G, Maich Term, 1897, tl fa to
Match Teim, 1S97
No 9 Ml tho light, title and lnteiest
ot tho defendant, Peter Dltmoie in anl
to all that certain tract, piece or paieel of
land situate, lvlng and being in the coun
ty of Lackawanna and stat of Pennsjl
vanla, and desciibed as follows, to wli
Beginning at a stake and stone In lln
of land of John Cobb thence by the lin
of said Cobb's land north 131 pel, lies n
n rtnkn nnd stone corner, thence soutn
erlv 41 degiees wet OS perches to a stako
and stone coinei thenco north 4G degre3
wet 219 poiche3 to n mall oak for a cor
nel thenco south 41'i degrees west j1
perches to a stal o and stono e urn u
tho orglnal line of tho whole tia t also
of John Hiies' land, thence south 40 nt
giees, east 273 poiches along the lino of
said Hires' land to u coiner In Turnpike
Road, thence east 40 perches to tho plate
of beginning, containing 10J acies of
kind, bo the samo moio oi less being part
of a larger tract of land granted mid
convejed bj the commlslonois of Lu
zerne count to Elizabeth PM) on thu 10th
day of May, A D 1S2 recoided In Lu
zerne county In Deed Book 23 pago 153
and bj rnesuo convejanco to John Peter
Hoffsmonei and by him convejed to
Peter Dltmoie bv eleed dated July II,
1S91, and lecorded in Lackawanna coun
tj in Deed Book 118, pigo 41S, etc and
being tho ame tract of land convejed to
Uabilcl and Chailes Grossman b con
tract elated Match 2S, 1593, said contract
being lecoided lu Lackawanna count j in
Deed Book 123, pago 322, etc , all im
piovod with a two-stoiy frame dwelling
house and outhouses.
Seized and taken in execution at tha
suit of Scianton Blew lug company vs,
Peter Dllmore. Debt, $1G7. Judgment
No. (SO, Jiuiti irj' Term, 1197, von. ox. to
March Term, 1897. REEDY, Attj,
No., 10 -All tho right, lltlo arid Interest
of tho defendant, A. A. Pockelis, In and
to that certain lot and parcel of land,
situate? In tho Borough of Dunmoro, in
tho county of Lackawanna, and stntu of
Pennsylvania, being lot number two in
block "Q," of a plot of lots sltuato partly
in tho city of Hctaiiton and partly in
tho Borough of Duuinoie, and designated
as North Park, tho full map oi plot ot
which Is Intended to bo duly recorded In
tho propel otllco; said lot is lectungular
In shape, and Is forty (10) feet in front on
Mom oo avenue, eamo across tho laar,
and ono hundred and slxty-tlueo (103)
in depth to an ulley sixteen (1C) loot wldu
for public uso, also has an alloy sixteen
(1G) feet wldo on tho southerly Bldo for
publlo use. Said lot Is conveyed express
ly subject to tho following lostrlctlon'j
and conditions, any ono of which to vio
late may bo restrained In equity: First,
No lntoxlcutiug liquors shall bo sold
theieon. Seconel, No building to bo erect
ed within twenty (20) foot from tho front
line ot said lot on Monroo avenue. Thlid,
No bun, shed oi outbuilding shall bo
elected within lift j feet of tho stieot lino.
Fouith, All buildings and fences to bo
kept neatlj painted, Coal reserved
All llumovcel with n. lnri?n tten-qlnrv
framo dwelling houe, with an "L" pait,
and a one-story addition and poiches; also
a one-stmy building, a batn nnd other
outbuildings, und a giapo arboi, grupo
vines, fiult trees, etc Being tho samo
premises convejed by E 11 Sturgea, et.
al , to tho said A. A. Peckens, by deed
dated Oct. 5 1SSS, and. duly decorded in
tho iccordoi's olllco In Deed Book No 50,
pago 60S, etc. Selcel and taken In exe
cution at the suit of J. M Smith, exeoil-
ii ix ot j- r amitii, eieceaseu. ueut.
173 57
Judgment No 784, May Teim,
fa lo March Term, 1897.
1S90, 11
No 11 All tho right, title and lntorest
of the defendant, James Plcmmlng, in
and to nil those two lots or pieces of land
sltuato In Old Porge township, Lacku
wanna count, Pennsylvania, tho first
theieof bounded nnd desciibed as follow o.
Being lot No 1 In block No 29, on the
plot of lats or tho New oilc, Susepjehan
no, and Westein Coal Companj, lecord
ed in Lacktwnnna count Deed Book No
7S, page 2"l, said lot being about 71 93-100
feet in width In front on tho cnsteily side
of Dunn avenue, about 3) S-10 feet wide
in the teai on the westerly side of in al
loy, about 1TG feet deep on tho southeilv
sldo or Samson stieet, and 150 feet along
tho line of lot number 2, in said block.
("oil and mlnetals exccptetl and re
served , 'J ho ccond theieof desciibed as fol
lows Being lot number I In block number 29,
on tho plot of lots of the Now Yoik, Sus
quehann i and Westein Coal Companv, re
corded In Lackawanna county in Deed
Book No 78, page 23!, said lot being 50
feet wide In front on Dunn avenue and
extending at right angles thereto a depth
of 150 feet along a publlo alley.
Impioved with a two-stoiy fiame dwell
ing house and outbuildings theieon
Seized and taken in execution at tho
suit of Mulheiln & Tudge vs JameR riem
ing Debt, $1,200 Judgment No G70 No
yembci Tenn, 1S0G, 11 fa to.March Toim,
1S9' DEAN, Atty.
Sheiiff's olllco, Scranton, Pa, Feb 23th.
If vou cannot enjoj tin Iiimiiv efu I lenlela
tiip, j on will find u niiipuute. cllm ifc mid
cciuallj attiuctlvc icsoits tit
Old Poini Comfort,
Uipginia Beach and
Richmond, Ua.
Ml oftlice pi iicsotlci Ideal hotel at com
inoeliitleiiisiiml gieat natuial attriu linn-.
Ihej me leaeheel b a dad seivlce of the
Tickets, Include one and unj.eiuarterda's
stuvut Old Point Comfort or Virginia UsjcIi,
with iiccoi.imation., at leading hotels, $17.00.
1 01 full lntounutioii, upplv to
Pier 20, Not th Rnei, New York.
V I. UUILl.AUI)i.U, Ice-Prcs. 5. Traffic Algr
Manufactured at tho Wapw allopen MUlc1,
Luzerne county, Pa and at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Asent for tho Wonlnff District.
118 WYOAUNCl AVCMJI, Scranton, Pa
Third National Hank Buildlnsr.
THOS TORD Plttston, P-u
JOHN U SMITH .v. SON Pljinouth, Pa.
E W MUL1 1GAN, Wtlkes-Uarrc. Pa,
Aijents for tho Itepauno Chemical Com
(jam's High Ladoaivei..
U7Z ti&SU
A-r'-'," '""
- sSZ .- i. j r.hM
S j jf -PJl
lil -! - -v
What Sarah Ucrnhard ays
""v-- R 5
r-V--i.-'- 0"frt
u vu xrimrj
'Ifjrs' " ' w 1
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