The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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West Side
The Representalltcs of This Realm ot
Song Yill Show AlcKinlcy How
We Can Sing.
At 7. 15 o'clock today thlity lusty
"Welsh-Amen leans, members of the Win.
Connell Antlitncltc Oleu club, and a
number of distinguished ovuiseeis,
leave In a speclnl ear on the Delawiin"
and lludbon lalhoad for "Washington,
scwmoN pa
thi: HADGK.
D. C where they will discourse music
to the natives of that city and v hoever
else mas caie to hear .sweet melody.
The club will bu accompanied by
most of thelt otllcers. The party entliu
v.ill number over foity pel sons.. Ai
rivlng at Washington thi piogiammo
as outlined In The Tilbune will be cai
rled out. IJvoiy member of the clul)
will wear a handsome badge duilng
the iblt.
It Is of &llk with gold lettering. A
portrait of William Connell appeals on
the badge. The club met last evening
and transacted, the final business.
Ills Hirth Celebrated bv the WUsli in
Appiopiiuti Stjle.
St. Dald, the pation saint of Wales,
Is not toi gotten in this gieatest Welsh
settlement of Ameiica, Ilde Paik, and
last night In commeinoiatlon of his
blith a banquet and entei talnment was
held In the Tabei nacle Congiegational
chinch on South Hjdo l'utk u unite.
The nil air was most substantial and
will long lemaln as a pleasing memoiy
to the hundieds of people who weie
Rev D. P. Jones, pastor of the
chuich, is chlellj lesponslble for the
success of the celebration Mr. Jones
is very popular with his people and
has taken a gieat Interest in these an
nual memorj maiks of the Immoital
David. He was assisted by the lollow
ing committee: William Deacon, chalr-
n j jr. -
wyvv?T'VTyvTvvvi'AnvvvvyTyyyvvrrrvvvyvyyyyyyvvvyvyvrvi" r
Your boy.
boys are friends
sellers. Why?
them presents. Wagons
ter. But that's not the
clothing that suit the boys m looks, and the moth
ers in wear. Such as these:
Knee or ie t-te
. totS, "? to 7
PantS years o l d.
with ribbons
and buckles at the knees.
More pants' prettiness
than yoxi've seen in many
a day. And the price,
Only 48c.
J kM
4 M
mm W
For the
1IT ll "
is hard
wear 0u
Pants uowu as ie
iirs. nopivins'
patent, with double seats
and knees. The boys
will soon be playing mar
bles. Then you'll see
the beauty of the double
knees. Time to buj'
them is now. Then you'll
be prepared. A little
1 Si
1 "
3 silSlIlaillIiailIlllflllIlllllIlllllIIIt!llSBllIlllBIIIBEEIieBBSICllIIIllteQaiCeil!IIIEI3&-K
man; John W. Evans, 13. M. Jones,
Howell O. Reese, Howell J. Griffiths,
Lmld Hopkins, Mrs. Samuel Hogers,
Mrs. Grllllth fteoe, Mts. Richard i:.
Thomas, Mrs. Duvld Hvans, Mts. D, J.
Davis; committee on entertainment,
Rev. D. 1'. Jones and Rlclmid K.
The banquet, or, more properly, aup
per, was begun at 0 o'clock In the
church basement. Five tables weie ar
ranged nbout the floor and the commo
dious kitchen rooms of the chinch weie
In fullest blast of business The only
decointlon'"Ht. David's day" In led
lettetltiK on the tear wall. The vwilt
l esses weie Table No. 1, Mis. D. P.
Jones, Mis, Thomas J. Thomas, Mis,
James Oilillths, IMIth Williams and
Maggie Thonitt: tabic No. 2, Mis
David Pltchfoid, Hainh T Moigan,
'I.I7.I0 Davis, S.itah Thomas, I.ettle
Motgan, Annie Pltchfoid and Small
Pltchfoid; table No. 3, Mis. Rachel
Powell, Mis. Moiils Jones, Mis. Kdins
Thomas, Maggie Jenkins, Rachel Reesc,
Annie Daibv; table No. 4, Mis Jonah
Redmund, Mrs, Lettlu Williams, Mag
gie Dvans, Saiall Kvans, Lizzie HI6I1
aids, table No fi, Mis, William Dvuns,
Mrs. Heckwlth, Mis. 'Oliver Moigan,
Sal ah Ann Kans, Alaggle Reese, Maiy
Jane Reese and Mis Frank Heck.
The supper was of the "substantial
and plenty of It" style and It ended
with a generous dessuit of plum pud
ding, well compounded and excellent.
The supper, however, not any better
than the mental fuut upstalis
The entei talnment began at S o'clock
Rev. D. P Jones was ihaliinan. The
speaker of the ueninu was Attoiupy
W. Gajloid Thomas Mi Thomas' ud
diess wus of gieat Inteiest to the
Welsh-Amei leans In the audience. He
explained phases of Welsh histuiy
which rue not geneiully known and In
his moie eloquent moments paid his
tilbute to the Welsh nation.
The entei tulnment Included solos by
Rlclmid Thomas, the tin mite- basso,
Joshua John, who possesses n good
voice; Miss Funny Jones Hvans, a
pleasing slngei , Mrs. Gweli D. Lewis,
Miss Maggie Davis and Philip Thomas
the two last named claiming the Noith
End as their home. Theie were lepeat
ed encoies. Philip Thomas sang "The
Soldier" and as a iesponse he leclted.
Miss Davis sang "Hid Me Discourse "
Mis. D. P.. Thomus was pianist.
After the entei tulnment supper was
icsuined down stalls, the spacious
apartment failing to accommodate the
oil srovn hxploded.
The handsome new double Btiuctuif
owned by Patilck Minphy, situated
neai the cnnei of Jackson stieet on
Chestnut street and occupied by Coun
cilman Nealls, of the Fouiteenth waul,
came near binning down lat Satuulay
night. The Harnett were caused by the
explosion of an oil stoe In Mi. Nealls'
apaitments The gas geneiated by the
stoe tilled the 100m and Ignited The
explosion that follow cd blew out the
tiansom over the dooi nnd set Hie
to the woodwoik aiound the doois and
windows. Mr. Nealls who was In the
lower pait of the hou'e hastened up
stalis and bv quick and detel mined
woik succcceded In conti oiling the
tlames hetoie they sjalned .much head
way. As It was however the damage to
the house will be eonsldeiuble. Luck
ily no one was injured and the lire was
put out befoie it became nece.ssuty to
call out the lit u depaitment,
St. Leo's Rattallon held an entei taln
ment and social last evening In Meais'
hall. Piesident T. J Glboy was chaii
lnan of th" evening. The progi amine
lendeied included: Piano selection by
Mis. Mallott, vocal nolo, by Miss Hat
tie Eans; duet, by the Watson slsteis;
lecltation, J T. Toohey; vocal solo,
Thomas Ford; solo, Jlichopl Dunnl
gan; songs and dancing by Peter
Smith; ocal solo, Sauih Duggan,
lecltation, "The American Flag," by Mr.
Deinpsey; lecltation, Miss .Mattle
Hughes; duet, Muiphy Itiotheis;
siiecialties, O'Malley and Henley, and
duet, by Misses Muiphy and Duggan.
The giand match wus dliected by Mich
ael llennlgan. Theie was a veiy laige
Theie veto five men and four women
In the house and the place was Kelley's
patch. That accounts foi a visit last
night by Lieutenant of Police Williams
OiMceib Maikei, Evans and Guriell The
whole batch weie taken 'Vi the station
house to await a healing this moinlng
All the
t""" - ""j
of Scranton's famous clothing:
we like the boys. Give
in summer, sleds in win
best of it. We carry boys'
With fane j'
bosoms, like
papa wears:
& wn
stay eleau lon
ger and look better than
the white frouts. Laun
dried, ready to wear.
Price tide at its lowest
ebb today on these,
MM f
Ml K
m r
lot. For
who were
disappointed in getting
one wheu we advertised
them before. All wool
sweaters, the sight of
which will make the
boy's heart beat faster.
Make him happy. Buy
him one today,
Ullleient college colors,
made und tmtlu neck.
before Alderman John .011 a charge of
Inhabiting u dlsordeily house. Wil
liam Scott furnished the Information.
There weie three colored men In the
lot, and Mrs. Matthews.
Daniel Thomas, one of the best nf our
locul choir leadcis, will oigalilste a
mixed choir to compete at the Robeit
Motrin eisteddfod. He announces this
to his ft lends.
D. D. Robathan will bo chnlininn of
the i'entng session at the Olyphant
eisteddfod on Mutch 7.
The choir which will compete on
"The Tempest" at the Olyphant eis
teddfod will meet this evening at the
Flist Welsh Congregatlonul chinch at
X SO o'clock.
Pasquule Doise, n shoemaker on
Jackson street, had the thlid linger of
his light hand amputated yestetday
at the West Side hospital.
F uncial set vices oer the remains of
the late Lavlna Mitchell were held last
evening at her home, comer or Mullein
and Acndemy stteets. Rev. J. I'. Mof
fat olllcluted The body will be taken
this 11101 nlng to Poitland, Pa., wheie
Intel inent will be made.
The funeial of the late Lewis Davis
will take place nt 2 o'clock this aftei
noon fioin the lesldence of his patents.
Mi. and Mia Thomas Davis, of S'J.'J
Fouiteenth stieet liuilal will be made
In Wushbuin stieet cemeteij.
Miss Katie Gibbons, ol Lafayette
stieet, Is visiting at Avoca,
Miss Edith James, of South Lincoln
avenue, has 1 etui lied fiom a visit to
he! filend, Miss Belle Miller, ot litts
ton. Dr. E Y. Harrison, Dentist, Mears
Hall. 113 S Main avenue.
Miss Emma Coons, of Caibondnlo, Is
visiting bet aunt. Mis. John MeKeeei,
ol Jackson stieet.
Mi and Mis 9. S. Webstei, of Nlne
Vfh, aie the guests of Mr and Mis
Lewis Moise, of Jacksop stieet
We laundij stiff collais with soft
button holes Cistnl Laundiy. "
The funeial nf the child of Mr. and
Mis. Jmob Heniy, oPJar-khon stieet,
will take place this afternoon fiom the
paiental lesldence. Intel ment will be
made In Washhuin stieoet cemetoiy
The Elite Dancing ( lass will meet to
mnnow night In Meais' hall.
The latest and best styles. Roberts,
12fi North Maine.
Moigan Lewis, of Price stieet, who
for n long time has been janltoi of the
West Side Cential Republican club, has
taken a slmllai position in the P.urr
Mis John H. Kelley, of Eynon "tieet,
is spending a few days with hei' daugh
ter. Miss Heitha, a student" at the
Normal school, Rloomsburg.
Choice cut floweis and dower de
signs at Palmer & McDonalds, 544
At est Side Husiiioss Diicctory.
flow pis and funeral designs a specialty;
304 South Main avenue, two doors from
Jackson stieet.
avenue Physicians' piescilptlons care
fulls prepaicd fiom wai ranted pure
diuus and chemicals A line assortment
of trusses, line statloneiy blank books,
varnish stains, mixed paints or fancy
work, attists' mateilals, window glass,
wall paper and plctme moulding. Clerk
at store all houis ot night.
anything jou have to sell. Furniture,
Stoves, Tool", etc. Call and sea the
stock of J. C. King, 701 to 700 West Lack
awanna avenue.
Tonight will usher in the favnilte
comedian, Thomas Q. Seabiooke, In his
new tield of woik in the comedy dinina
"The Speculator' at the Fiothlngliam
for an engagement of one peifoimunce
only and tiom the advance- sale indica
tions It is to be tegietted that the
engagement cannot be extended for a
longer peilod. "The Speculator" -Is es
sentially a coined) diama and has been
cotnpaied favoiably to ' The Heniietta"
by the vailous exchanges. In It Mi.
Stabiooke has gieater oppoi utilities lor
Hie dlHplav ot his ait than has ever
been attended him In the llghtei veins
of comic opeia and comedy which he
has hentotoio essayed, and while many
will icgnid his new ventuie as' a dis
tinct depaituie, it Is only liecessaiy
to icfer to his eaillei expel ience in his
piesentations of winks of the allbie
ot "The Cadi,' "The Stepping Stone,"
etc, to leallie that Mr Seabiooke has
taken up the thiead he lelinquished
when ho entei ed the spheie of comic
opei a.
A young, handsome, unaffectlve chap,
with a gift for lhvinlng and setting his
lilcs to pietty tunes Is Audiew Mack,
the sweet voiced Ameilcan, who comes
to the Fiothlnshain Thuisday evening,
when he will be seen 101 the last time
heie in bis 1 haiacteilzatlon of "Myles
Aioon," the lilsh peasant lad, in the
1 banning play of that name. He la ac
cepted by man; leading diamatlc vvilt
ers us one of the best dellnehtois of
Celtic ehutucter Unit has appealed in
many jeais, nnd they pi edict a prom
inent place for him in the theatilcal
w 01 Id.
John llovlo O'ltcill) Council Icecehes
.llanv Addilions to Its l.ibmrj.
John Hole O'Reilly council, 181,
Young Men's Institute, held a book le
(eptlon last night, which was the occa
sion of enilehln." Its lilnaiv with sev
eial bundled vuluable volumes,
In connection with the leeeptlon an
entei tulnment was held at which theie
was u vocal solo by Pi ter Su.vdei , ban
jo solo bj Pttei McLouglilln; violin
solo, by Fiank O'Hnia and pluno solo
by Edwuid o'Mnlly. Hon. T. '. I'ow -duly
was announced to dellvrr an ail
diets on "John lloyle O llellly" but ut
his own leciuest it was postponed until
a lutuie day, he huvlng a sole tin oat.
Contractor Shields, of Hackettstovvn,
N. .1 , Is making ireuiatlotis to coin
menee operations on the extension of
tho Wllkes-Haile anil Eastern.
The Independent Social cluu will con
duct a lue-I.euten dance this evening
at Tavlor,
Jlln Mary Rest spent yesterday with
fil'iula In Wllkes-llaiie
The Ln"kavanna township nudltnis
met nt Cuslck's stme jesteiday attei
nui n AlthoUKh a lively time was an
ticipated, (inlet lelpned. The dispute
a.s to whether James Mangan 01 Pat
rick Duggan was entitled to teeelve the
cath for audita! vvns iiesuntci befoie
Squlio O'Haia, dispenser of Justice In
this place, who was on hand to admin
ister oaths. Supeuvisois Qulniuand
Toole submitted 'their bonds to the uud
itois' boaid for approval Mai tin Mc-'
Dc.tioiiBli and P. l Connolly were re
coiJeJ as sureties foi both, Mi Mc
DonoiiKh and Contl actor Mullln quall
llert as bondsmen for Tieasuie'r-elect
Lydon H, F, Casey was sworn in at
town cleik. Tho Mansan und Duggan
matter is apjiaiently not settled et,
us both claim tho heat. Tho ease will
In all 1 lobablllty he alied In couit.
John T, Hi own, formerly of The Trib
une, Is drumming up u clioulntlon for
the Sunday News In Cuibondnle,
The funeral of tho Into Hildifet Coyno
I will take place this afternoon.
Mtlnyon's Rheumatism Cure t guarnii
teed to cuio acute 01 mtiscitlar riieuma
t sin In fioin one to IKe days, Sharp,
fhuotlng pains In nuy part ot the body
stopped by u few doics. A pidnipt, com
plete and permanent cure for lameness,
soulless, ,trf imtk and till paint In hips
and loln. Cluonlc lhutnnntlsin, xcUtlct,
lumbuKo or puln In the hack nie speedily
cured, It seldom falls to ghe leltrt from
one ar,tvu dosus, and almost Invuiliibly
cures liefoio one bottle has been ued
Pi Ice, 23c.
Impioved Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company put up a sopaiatc cure for each
disease. At all diugglsts, mostly 2') cents.
Guide to Health fue
Personal letters to Piof. Munyon, 1601
Anil stieet, Philadelphia, Pa., answeied
with flee medical udvice foi uny dlscabo
Suburban News
Dn General
RiorganUeil Lust NlglilP. J. Ward
Elected President and H. B.
Ollligan Secretary.
The borough council met In tegular
session lust night und held a busy und
llvel meeting The hall was densely
packed long befoie the appolnte-d time
by a huge ciowd who weie anxlou.s to
know the lesult of the le-oiganlzatlou
ol the council.
The meeting was culled to order by
Chiilinian Medua). The minutes of the
last meeting weie lead und appioved
of. The buigess piesented his annu
al icpoit which was lecelved and plac
ed on file Chief of the File Depait
ment Vlctoi Huischell piesented his te
poit showing the losses by file dm lug
his teim as chler, the list ot lire appai
atus owned by the boiough, the loca
tion of Hie nlaim boxes, the situation
of the keys for the said boxes, and
spoke appinvingl.v of the woik done by
the vailous companies His commu
nication was lecelved and placed on
tile. Huigess Duggan piesented his
list of the nuests made and of this
amount of mone lecelved by line".
It was placed on file. Chief of police
lepoited tin ee ni tests duilng the month
of Maich. 11 is time bheet for the
month amounted to $!)0 "The stieet
commissioners time sheet toi the
month of Febuiaty amounted to $9S 1)2.
The boiough attoiney'3 fees foi th
past year amounted to $400. Hills to
the amount of $147 51 wete oideied paid
The old council then adjourned sine
The le-organlzation was then pio
oeeded with. P. J Waul was elected
teinpoiaiy chaliman and H. B, Ollli
gan tempoiaiy secietaty. The cieden
tmls of the new members weie re
ceived and found coireot. Mi. Med
way moved the adoption of the ceitlll
cutes of election be made and that
the new members, M. J. Walsh and
Chatle.s Wenuel, be woin in. They
then took their places as members of
the Dunmoie council. The credentials
ot the new chief of the Hi e depaitment
w as lecelved and uppioved.
The ballot for piesident of the coun
cil resulted us follows: W. Medway,
1 vote; P. J. Ward, fi votes. P J
Waul having lecelved the majority of
votes was declaied elected to seive as
pieiident for the ensuing tlscal year.
On the bullot for permanent secie-
tar, II. 13. Clllllgan, the present incum
bent, was re-elected,
Mr. Waul usknov.iedged the honor
conferied upon him and In a neat .little
speech thanked the new council' and
sinceiely hoped that the members
would not have cause to legtet their
action In electing him.
Huigess Vlctoi Buiscell dellveied an
excellent addiess In which he heai
llly thanked the people of Dunmoie for
hnving elected him to such an Immnt
nnt position. He gieutlj fa voted the
sewerage ciuestlon und would do his
utmost to fUJther the cause. He fav
ored the abolition of the pteent police
s.vstem and .suggested that Dunmoie
have an nil-day police olllcer and thiee
night odlceis. He suggested that an
annual appi 01 1 lotion be made tow aids
the macadamizing of 0111 loads and
that pioperty owners be compelled to
clean snow fiom olf their sidewalks In
the vv Intel time He dw elt upon seveial
othci Impoitunt topics, which weie fui
the boiough's vvellaie His communi
cation was placed on hie
Patilck Scanlon was le-elected by the
council to s-eivv foi the coming live
joars upon the board if health.
The bonds of the new 1 -elected treas-
uier anil stieet commissioner weie le
celved and teteiied to the committee
on bonds in conjunction with the bor
ough attorney.
Hon. T J. Duggan was elected by ac
clamation to the position of boiough
Fur high constable John McSweonej
lecelved 4 votes und Edward Slieeten
- votes.
The piesent police foice was le
tained. Mr McAllister piesented a lesolutlon
eMendlng the time of the Duuinoie
Electi lc Light, Heat and Powei com
pany until Apill 1. The lesolutlon wus
placed on file. A lesolutlon wus made
by M, Walsh, that the Subuiban Klec
tilc Eight company cease to furnish
the boiough with lights after the next
thlity days. The leiolutlon was placed
on (lie
The icgular time for the meeting of
the new council will be the first Tues
day in eacli and eveiy month.
Miss Annie Keines, of Selln's Grove,
and Hairy X. Knelblei, weie mutiled
yesteiduj In the Adams avenue Pi en
byte! lull chuich by Rev. John Dunn
They will go to houskeecping In theli
linudsojnelv furnished home 011 New
Yoik stieet.
Oailndliwii lodge, No S, American
Tine- Ivotites, and their Wel-di tllend,
paid llttlng tilbute to the linmoiial
"Saint David," at tho Welsh Congiega
tlenal ehuieli, West Maiket stuet, by
giving an entei talnment and banquet
i he chuich was lund-iumely decorated
with led, white and blue tieameis.
Oient ei edit should be given to the
committee who had chaise of the af
fair. The following compiised the committee-
Heniy Illtehlngs, piesident,
James Daniels, William H Owena, John
Heniy, David J. Jones, Daniel Pi Ice,
John J Evans and .lameis LtvvN Jones.
At 7 110 o'clock the entei talnment was
called -to older by John J. Hvuns, who
belected Ileuty P. Dttvlri, of the Wfst
Side, on behalf of the hoeloty, to be
chaliman of the evening A poem vvtas
lead by John J. Evaiu The song by
William J Lewis was 1 endued In ex
cellent stylo as was also the song of
Mlah Davis, a joung mUi. E. E Rob
athan, of the W'est Side, was called up
on next to give a slunt He
urged his huaiers to peipetuate tho
Welth language, nnd to teach thelt
ohlldinn tho tongue if their fatheis.
Mr. Robathan was fiequently Inter
luptcd with outbuists of applause. Hu
ended by giving the Welsh people the
ci edit due them for their manifested In
teiest in the welfaie of the land of their
aJoptlon. Tint tenor solo by awillvm
MotlUs was executed In excallent &tle.
Henry P. Davis lead an estay upon
"Saint David" There was a sopiano
hDlo by Miss Hat tie Shaiplt-s vd Titus
Davis recited Them was a duet by
Munsrs. Lewis and Hltchlngs.
At tha conclusion of the entei tnln
meiU thu guests assembled In the lec
ture loom of the churcii where a boun
tiful lepuat vvua seived, aftvr giaco
hud "been said bv the chaplain of the
lodge, HeV. David OrlHlth. Those wlu
dined were' Ex-She! Iff W. J. Lewis
ur.d Wife, Rev. Dr. It S. Jones and wife,
HeV, W. F. Davis and wife. Mr und
Mrs. Ulohald Thomas, Mr. und Mis.
William Chappell, Mr. and Mis. Htin
Chnppell, Mr. and Mis. M. V. Morris,
Mr. and Mrs). Thomas Sliiims, Mr. and
Mis. Thomiirt June's, Mr, and Mis. Job
Jenkins, Mr, and Mis, Henry Illtehlngs,
Mr. and Mid. William Thomas, Mr.
and Mis. John Lowis, Mr. nnd Mis.
Evan Uubilel, Mr. and Mis. Daniel
Jones, E. E. Hobathiin, D. 11. Clulst
inns, Walter Cliilstmits, Hiuiy Dun
veis, T N. Evan's, Thomas litter, John
Clikr, si, Jehu Oiler, jr., Duvid J.
Jones, Sidney Cliappell, J II. Hope
well, Daniel Jenkins and Lewis Davis
The supper wus seived by the Ladles'
Aid soolety of the church and to them
belongs much praise for their success
ful eftoits In serving such a delightful
The funeral of Miss Jennie AVebfter
will take place from the home of Frank
Webster, 21412 Wayne avenue, Wednes
day atteinoon, At 11 o'clock funeral ser
vices will be conducted at the Metho
dist Episcopal chuich, of which the de
ceased wu a faithful member far a
number of yeais, Inteiment will be
ninde In Washburn sti eet cemetery.
Miss Maiy Grady Is quite ill at her
home on William stieet.
Miss Llzr.le Collins, who has been
visiting lelutlves on Ulooin street, has
1 etui lied to hei home In Jeiiuyu,
Mts. John A. Jones, of Gleen street,
Is suffeilng fioin un attack ol the
At Gei mania hall last evening the
Scrantou Athletic club gave Its mlis
eiubracte ball In a most creditable man
ner The hall Wds ai tlwtlcally deco
lated, and with the vatl-coloied cos
tumes fcimcda veiy prettv scene The
hull was ciowded t the ilcois and the
majority hud donned inask-t The pilu
clple event of the evening was the pj r
amlds and sallois dance b.v the fulljvv
Ing "Hiownlca:" Peter Neuls, Fied
Hose, Heniy Jlyeis, Chatles F Sohus,
ChiKtlan Hose, Henry Koslck, Fied
C Neuls, William P Heu&tei, Adolph
Heusiier, Hrnry HeldMibueh, Adolph
Eummeii, Chailes Millei, Louis Diet
ing, Josei h Fullei, U. A. Shicffer, Ja
rob Sclnlne and Diiector Carl Stalber
The committees to whom much ciedit
Is due weie as follows: Master of ceie
moiiles, Heniy W, Heighauser, coni
mlttee rf airtingements, Emll Honn,
chainmnn; Christian ltoue, Henry J
Spiuks, William Hadenbuch, Fied C.
Neuls, Chailes J Mlst5, und Cluulen
F Sohns. At 9 o'clock the giand nuucli
began and afterwaids a piogramme of
thlity dances was can led out. Music
was furnished by the Gel mania oiches
tia, George Hosar and Miss Canie Stah
leber were united in maulage yesteulav
in tho Hickory Stieet Presbyteilan
chuich. Rev. W. A. Noult, pastoi of
the church, ofllciated.
Mrs. Thomas Ejngnn met with a
painful accident yestetday at het home
on the coiner of Piospect avenue an 1
Pear street. She slipped and fell, sus
taining a ftaetuie of her left leg. Dr
O'Malley Is unending her
We laundry stiff colluis with soft button
holes. Ciystal Laundiy
The Patilotlc Ordr Sons of Amoilca
met In Fieuhan's hall list evening.
The Lauiel Hill club will hold an en
tei tainmeiiit this evening.
Choice cut lloweis and flower designs
at Pulmer & McDonald's, 544 Spiuce.
On Sunday moinlng Mrs. Walter Bak
er, of Caiboiulale, was called away veiy
suddenly after an Uhuhs of two davs.
She died at the home if hei patents,
Mr. and Mis. M. P Hauling, ot remo
tely stieet Mis. lialtel appeared In her
usual health on ThuibCluy, and was out
among her lrlends. On Friday she was
bcl7ed with sudden Illness and muldly
tailed until the end came. The attack
pioved to bo pneumonia, und all eiToits
pioved of no avail, for bho passed away
eaily on Sunday moinlng, mourned by a
luige clicle of filends. Mis. Raker was
In her twentieth ear She Is mourned
by her purents, luibband und sister. A
llttlo son two eais old lemaliib. The
tuneial services will be held at the home
of Mi. Holding this moinlng at h 30 Rev
G A. Place, of the Methodist elnneh, and
Rev W. A Reedier, of the Second Pies
byterlnn chinch, will olllelate. The le
muliib will be tuken to Oivat Rind loi
Dennis F. Hoban, aged f.2 eais, loi
the past thlity yeais a lesldent of Plains,
died ut his home theie Sunday evening ut
8 o'clock, aftei seveial dajs' Illness, ut
pneumonia, lie was hoi 11 in Iieland In
1SH and came to tills country when H
ytais old, und enlisted when 1G In the
South Atluutlc squadion, in (onunand ot
Commodoie Dupont and Admlial Dahl
gieen, untie 1 whom he loiight oil the
Wabush He paitlcipated In the battlts
of .Mobile Hay, Clalveston und Poit Roal
and was at Vickbiug. He was wounded
at Gulve.ston while engaged and wus
sent to Philadelphia, whole bu was hou
oiably dlbdiaiged in H04. He then cunie
to Plains, whole ho has blnco lesided
He Is sut vlved by a wife and llvo chll
dicn: John, of Coloiado, Chailes, piln
elpal of the Avoca high school, Mume,
Kate and Dennis.
At his homo hi Mlnni'n Mills on Satur
day ocelli ud the duath of Dr. Loieiizo
E Weiss, aged i' eais, of nnemlu, vith
which he hud sultered lot ajur 01 11101 e
The deceased wus the sou of Lewis Weiss
of Hobble, a well known fauiKi. He le
celved a common school idiieiition, lifter
which he took a coulee In the Jolfeison
Medical college at Phlladt Iphla, and
giaduuted about five yeais ago, lie inae
tlccd at Hobble for two ye.nn and then
went to Miner's Mills, wheio he has been
foi about tlueo jeais. He also conduct
ed a successful phaimacy He was mui
lled a few veins since and a wile und
oung child sui vive. Ho was a member
of the Slate Medical association The
iuneinl will bo this afternoon and Intei
uii'iit will bo In Hollenbtick cemeteiy,
Mis. John Mlllane, wife of John MII
lune, hi-, of Hallstead, died ut hei homo
on Satuulay. postmaster Mlllane, her
son. ot Hallstead, died lust August In a
Philadelphia, 'hospital. In 1ST, u daughtei,
Mis. Lucy Sullivan, dli d. Mis Mlllane is
sin vlved bv her husband nnd a son and
duuiihtii, Thomas Mlllane and Mis
Flunk (I1.1tt.1n, of Hallstead. The funei
ul was held vestordiiy und Intel inent wus
mado In St. Luwience cuneteiy.
The death nf John Enilv occiiued last
ovening at G o'clock at the home of his
sister. Mis. R J. Oalliiy, 011 Hlincj nv
mie, The 1 I'm ml services will be held
Wednesdu ufternoon ut 3 p. in.
John Eiuly, of Can's Patch, Mlnooka,
died jesteulav nflet u shoit Illness, The
deceabid was an evmphuy young man
about "ri yeais old, He was a member of
St. Joseph's society, Punciul notico
Oeorgo W. Lamm, of Dieher, PIUo
county, was killed Thuisdnv bv a falling
Umbei while he wus asslstliiK In turning
down an old bain. Ho was SI years old
and leaves a wife und two chlldion.
Tho S-months-old child of John M. Lad
erer, of the South Side, died Sunday und
will bu burled today ut Dalton
To euro 11 Cold in Ono Uny.
TaUo laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists rotund tha money If It
foils to cut e. 25 cents.
Steol I Pennyroyal Treatment
Is tho uriidmd nnd only 1'llKNCH
safuund rolluhlo euro 011 tho mar.
kot. 1'riee. iUXh Bout by uuul
Ucuulne Bold only by
Wm, 0. Clark, 3J6 Ienn Av.i Seruntun, Pa.
It Is a well-known fact that the use of
occupies tho Svstem that attacks of DIS
Tho OFFICIAL Statistics of Clermanv
piuu. that pBinoua using HO.MOEOPA-
HlC REMEDIES llvo on nn average of
HtUTeieiH fiom Rheumatism,
Klu, Cutiiirh, Asthnui, Dysuepaln, Kidney
Disease, Haidnoss of Hearing Acute Ca
Plllaiy Hioneiiltis, Disease! of the Eve,
Urliittiy, Piles, Lumbago, I'e
'uale DIse.iHci, Coilglm, Colds, Orlppo and
Pill nly sis uio constantly expresblng their
lie-aitfeltgiatltude for the mluicilloits cuio
of these disease.
Mih. aieuson, 218 Linden St., says: My
u.iu (4 months old) was veiy sick: could
scuicely bieathe. The doctor called it
Cnpllliuy Hioiiehltls and prunbiineed It
seiious. Took Thuilow AO und A15, und
in a ew days wuS thoioughly cuiud.
Mr. W. L. King, 31.! Mulberry street,
Scrantou, sa. "I was surfeilntf with my
nycs, and vvas uudur tho care of a resi
dent physician six months; hu dually sent
1110 to an EYE SPECIALIST, I still giuw
woise. 1 then went under tieatment at
und was cuied In tun days"
If jou send a POSTAL CARD to
a PHYSICIAN will be sent to attend you
until euied, his services will cost jou
The Medicines uie mostly 25 cents.
EXAMINATION FREE at thu offlce.
An estHbllshwl hotel urder now msnacement
and thorouuhly nlireost of tho times. VlBltom to
Kew York wilt find the Eviirett in tho very heart
ot the shopping district, convenient to places u
amusement and readily accessible trom all paru
it tho city. HUIiOI'KAN PLAN.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Plac3,
Day unci Upwards.
Dtjy und Upward.
GEO. MURRAY, Proprietor.
The St. Denis
Urcadwny and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. (Iracc Church. European Plan.
Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upward!.
In a. raodost nnd unobtrusive way there ar
few butter conducted hotels In the metropolis
than tho St. Denis
Tho groat popularity it has acquired can
readily bo traced to its unique location, Its
horaelikn atmosphere, the peculiar uxcollonoa
of it.i cuislno and service, and Its very moder
ate prices
Made a
1st Day. n,; ,
Well Man
1 KH Ytn.
w ot Me
1 r:t ukeat 30th liar.
jpaaaiiiKraiEa: ofr.333vei333"s"
produces tho above results ln":iO ilnvs. It aeti
powerfully and quickly. Curco when all others fall
loii' emeu will regain their lost inanUoua.auUold
nitu will recover their joututul vigor by uslnii
KS1VIVO. It quickly and eurcly redone Norvom
rieia, Lot,t Vitality, Impoteucy, Nlutitly Kiuleslon.
Lost 1'ow cr, Tallinn Mcrnorj , Waitlnu, and
all elfeets of self abuse 01 eSLew, and IndUiretlon,
rukh unfits one tor study, business or marriage It
not onlj cures by sinning at the seat of d.seose, but
lsagieat nervu tonic and blood builder, bring
Idk batk tho pink Blow to iialo checks and ro
ttoring the ilro of youth. It wards ofr Insanity
ami Consumption. Insist on having
other. It can be cairkd In vest pocket. By mull,
CSl.ouperpackaze.or six tor S5.00, with u posl.
tivo written Kuuruntco to cure or rotund
tho money. Circular free. Address
lor sule by .MA'ITIIHWS uuoi., urui
t;Ut Bsruntou, Pa.
CX- One Week, Mirrh 1
Commencing Mondaj. xiauiuii 1.
Matlneei Uull, Commenclnj Tuesday
Tho I'opalar SIiikIiik Comodian,
And tho Ilillllant Hiuolc Actoi, JOSUHtl
OKBI.M-, Suppoited by Their Ls
icllont C'oiuiuny
""".fliS".! The Bovery of Hew York
wd-'AiVt'8! Through Russian Snows
un:tl The Westerner
PRICES, 10c, 20c, 30c
MA'IINIX PRICUS, 10c, M ttllltlUk.
Ladles' tlo.uts for Monday ovouhiff can bo
lnid nt tho hot olllep.
Monday, Tuesday, Ytduesday,
MarctMj H, 3
a Hli-h Orado Oruniilzatluu. ronletu with
liuroiiean ovoltio. XitfiiltlcHiit Cotume.
Hi illl mt fcceule rnd K oeti leal I.ITocts. Aud
astoillutfollo or vauucviiientarir
b SUtem (larrlson, Wnteon und Uupree,
llordun and Lick, John J und Mill Ulack,
Mabel llaelton, Haj Clark Vun Oiten,
I.atcof Hho'a "Wi. '
And a Grand Dallet of fifteen Piotty Girla
Tim Now lhules(iue,
Ailmission 10, 20 or 30 Ceute.
Two performane-efl dally. Ioora
open ut I 30 and 7. Curtuln rises at
2 30 and s 15
The Tribune
Binds flagazines or
Re-binds old Books.
jl Y"7j7
br$M&. .
&& !fM
124-126 Wyoming. Ave.
Spring Silks,
Tho newest and most elaborate
designs, textures and qualities
comprising tho best products of
American and foreign manufac
ttuois at prices that will appeal
to tho general public as well as
tho fastidious purchaser.
Spring Dress Goods,
High class as well as staple dress
goods of every description, in
cluding a completo line of Grena
dines, Drap E'Etos, Coverts, Chev
iots, Tweeds and Fauoy Black
Dress Goods in all tho latest
Laces, Dress Trimmings add
In these departments we aro now
ready to offer everything that a
lady may require for adornment .
In tho most elaborate variety and
at prices that are astonishingly
low for new goods. Tho best pro
ducts of Franco, Germany and
Switzerland aro to bo found here
in almost tho same variety as you
would find them in houses ten
times our capacity.
Ladies' Suits,
It has been proilioted that tho
coming season will ba an excep
tionally lively one for Ladles'
Tailor-made Suits, and we aro de
termined that our house shall bo
looked upon as the one best able
to mako tho domaud in this Hue.
A large portion ot our Spring
stock in this department has al
ready been placed ou sale, goods
that have no equal for beautiful
texture and finish. Hero aro three
lots which must bo seen:
Indies' tine talloi-mude suits, jackets lined
thioughout with satin, fly front, braid
ti limning New model sklit.
dles' tulloi-mude suits, Jueket and Eatuu
style, Jacket 11 fiont and lined through
out with silk Niw model ukllts
In COVKKT CLOTH ladles' tallor-mado
suits, Jackets II) front and half llnsd
with fancy silk. New model skirts.
Lodge and Corporation Seals,
Rubber Stamp Inks, All Colors,
Daters, Pads, Pocket Cutlery,
Scissors, Revolvers,
Razors, Strops, Padlocks,
Bicycles and Supplies,
Umbrella Repairing
Athletic and Gymnasium Goods,
Wajtner & Kels. Manure',
John I.. Kerr, Actlnz Manager.
One Mitht Only, Tuesday, March a,
Tho Event of Events, the Urllllant Comedian,
Thomas Q. Se.abrooke,
Supported hy u. Specially BulocUd C'ouipany
iu liblireateet SiKcosa. the Mpurk-
lint' Wholesjino Comedy,
Hy Ucorgo Hroidhurst, Management
of Duncan 11, Harrison
Halo oT heata opoim fcutuiday, Feb. Ti,
Witjjner&liuU. Manugars.
John I.. Kerr, Actlnu Manager,
'J ho Muglng (.'oiiiedlun,
In thu (Jleut lilnh 1'luy
IMitMtlmi 1). V. 'Jiu4l t'o.
J.ntliuNm PuidiKtluii, Augmented Coin,
puuy. Uiuud Ctiuuu, .Muck1 Own Hneet
miiiu'h. Bulouf rieuW Ocelli '1 ui'bduy, ilureh
'.', ut 11 11. in,
are located the finest tuning nnd hunting
fro 11 lids tn the world. Descriptive bo oil a
on replication. Tickets to all points in
Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and
United States Northwest. Vanvouver,
Benttlo, Tacoma, Portland, Ore,, San
Fitst-Glass Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with budding, curtains
and specially adapted to wants 0? families
may be had with secondclass t'ekets.
Rates always less than via othor Unea,
For further Information, time tables, etc
on application to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A..
333 Broadway, New York,