THE SCRAjSTTON THIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 27. 1S97. 1 M ss: . IPJWlJ1 SomctliltiR IScvv. Pet Cameras vlnw $5. Other Cameras varying In prices from $3 to $75. iiij WyoinhiK avenue. West Side Department WILL GO TO WASHINGTON. Our Vocalists Will lie Heard at McKin- Ie's Inauguration They Leave Tbis City Tuesday .Morning. The William Cunnell Antlnacltc Glee club, bettt'i Known us the l-eiinsjlwi-rila," thlity sttuiis, with a liiiinbei ui their ftloiidn will b to WusliliiBton to attond thu McKInlej limUBiuutlon eele buitlon Tlili was, de'clded upon huv irul days uuo Now evotythliiB l In renditions A special cat lias been 01 deicd and aitiuiireineiits aie beinK made for hotel ucroiiiiuodntlcins ut WashltiKton. Thu tuiln will leave the Delavvnie und Hudbon station at U-lu Tuesday monilns and Wednesday nlirht the glee patty will give a con ceit at Geotijetovvii unlveislty. What the paity will do on the dav of inaUBiuatlun, Thuibduy, lias not elefl nltely been decided upon, but the inan aBenunt Is at woik lay-Ins out a plan While at Washington the dub will be the guest of Congies-smaii William Con nell OwliiK to the dlsbundment of the llrst William Council Glee dub the Anthra cites hao added the name to their Did one, maUliiB It the William Connell Antliiaeite Glee club of Scianton, Pa Thu ofllceis ute Colonel 13 11 Hippie, -piusldent Joseph P Phillips, vlce jnesldent; DIstllet Attoniej John It. Jones oratoi, William Fowler, eeie taiy, Counts Detectlp T i: I.eybhon, llnanclal sectotniv , Joseph D Lloyd, treasuiei, William nvnns, coniluctoi Sir i:ans was lcadei of the old An thiaclte Glee club, which eight yeais ago attended the inuuguul of Uenja inin Hanlson The hit that the club jnade Is best told In the one solid col umn notice In the Washington Post of the conceit ghon by the club in Sena tor Camel oil's honor The lepoit of the conceit appealed the day aftel the Inauguration piopei, a time when news was ostium dlnnilly plentiful This time the Connellltes will tiy to maintain theli tecoid At hast a dozen Blees hae been thoioughly 1 client seil and the 01 sanitation contains some ex cellent solo slngeis, A leheatsal was held last evening and aftel w aid the dub .seienudedle S V Mathews, pastor of thu Kcialiton Stieet lluptlst chinch, at his home on Noith Hyde PaiK a(iuie. Mr Mrthous exploded ills ple.isuie amithan'ted the club for theli visit ' THAT WILL-O'-THE-WISP. Police SUM Cliusing the linn with (he .fumes (Sill's Locks, Anothoi man was anested jestetdav moinlng on the hall i hopping case and was hauled befoie Mib James and her daushtei foi Iilentltiiatliin The- lemlt vwts the banu as In the othei anpst. Theie was nothing about the pilsontr that Mis James, 01 hei d uigliter. lec ognlzed He was leleasod with the lapldity that a hot nail leaves a man's hand The antst was kept fioni the pi ess, ns usual, oi to bo nunc collect an effoit was made to keep It fioni the pi ess That ilfnit of com so failed In thu case of Tin Tilbune Chief Holding Is wealing a won led look In conseiiuenie of this tenlblu mjsteij. PARTY LAST NIGHT A suipilbo paity was last evening tendued Mi. and Mis G. W. Powell, I J lliWi M .SSG&-P ;iagps You New Pair JUL. Sls"$o JB. XL of Pants of Snyder avenue, Uellev'ue, In honoi of Mis' ijdltli Lewis, of Ashley, Light lefleslimuilts wuio setved at midnight. The guests spent n vety pleasant even jng. Those picseut weie Not inn Wil liams, Mattle Williams, Hllzu Jones, Lizzie Lewis, Llzs-le JeuUlus, Hniuh Abiahani, Kate Lllas, Jennie Thomos, Lizzie L'llas, Chat lotto Davis, Jtaggle Hauls, Jennie Davis, Annie Huniplnles, Mis. Davis. Mai la Humphries, Maiv Ann Thomas, John Jteese James, Will J Dais, Dald Johnson, David Davis, Daniel Dnv N, David Jenkins, Gwlllm Lewis, W. J. Thomas,, William Hums, T. IjLUIs, nnd llopkln DaIs. ON MONDAY NIGHT. St. Loo's Hattallon will hold n social and enlei .alnmcnt Monday evening In Meais'hall. The piogiamme Is: Open ing lemai Us, bj T.J Ollio, oveituie Mis. Mallott, vocal solo, Miss Hattlu lliui, duet, Walking sistets, leelta tioli, Mr J P. Toohfj , oeal solo, Thos Foul, oul solo. Miss Matgaiet Mui phy ; ocal "olo, Mr. Michael Dunnlgnn, recitation, Mls Uessle Hloate; special ties, P. J. Wnlsli and P Smith; vocal bolo, Miss Sat nil Duggan, lecitutlon, Mi. Dempsev, ocal solo, Miss Wat kins, lec Itatlon, Miss M.ittle Hughes; duet, Muiphv Uinthtrs, quaitet, Mc Nultv, H mis, Jones, Atkins, duet, Missus Mutphv and Duggan, special ties, O'Mulley und Henley. iii:AGin: is a-uooming The meeting of the West Side Hepub llcan league last night was one of thu best In many months Piesideiit W. A. Phillips was In the chuii and Attorney Chailes 13 Ohei acted as societal. pio tern. Nine ne. membeis weie ad mitted and me nanus taken foi con sult intioil. The new membeis aie. Piyce Thomas, Ittuiy Deckel, Itobeit Walkei, 1'iank Mansilcld, Hninson D. Owen, W. S ricpman, Ilany Ciilltr,'. Dald J. Jones and P J. Moian The league anil club will pla anothei gain" of cinch next AVedncsday night COAL STRUCK HIS 1ZYU Lewis Uobeits, Inside foi email at the Cential mlne.hacl a nuuow escape fioni losing the Ubeluluess of his light eje Thin -day. He was itiindltiE in one of thu chambeis of the mine watching a mlnei dislodge the side coal with a pick A small piece of the coal lieu I loin the pick's point and stiuck Mr. Kobei tt. in llu ee He has been undei tieatment bv Di C L Tiey. The eye will be mat kid but bight has been piesei ed, NHWS NOTLS AND PHHSONALS. A pleasant evening was 'spent and enjoyed Tliiudaj evening by those vho assembled and btnpilsed Miss Sal ah Row en at hei home on Dodge avenue. Those pic-ent weie. Hdlth Davit, Ca-jie and Jane Moigan, Ma mle Luwis, Bessie Lewis, Mattle How en, Saiah liouen, Hlla Ui owning, Heatilee Moigan, Maggie How en, Htlle Lewis, LIU Piy, Maud Joins, Maggie Is, Hannah Thomas, Ruth Fianeis, Ileslai Thomas, Ida Williams, Hlla Daggei, Minnie Davis, Llsrzle How en, Llzie Daggei, Saiah Ann Davis, Maggie Moi gan, Gwen Davis, Maggle Thomas.Jolm Rlchaids, AVIUIe Gillllthb, Hoy Hogeis, Alleit Hauls, John Williams, Flank Collins-, Ralph Collins, Hddle Davis, Mailin HaiU, Aidiie Moses, Fiank Claike, David Thomas, Tommy Jenklm, Willie Jones, and Willie Hvans. II C. Hlninan, of Tenth stieet, is 111. Mis. Randolph Jones Is visiting in Atlantic Citv. Mis Waltei Quick, of Jac kson stieet, Is visiting ho patents in Susquehanna IIeni Taj lor, ot Hampton stieet, is visiting at liiooklju Pa. Dr. 13 Y. Ilairlson, Dentist, Mear3 Hall. 113 S Main avenue. Miss Clata Sautideis, of Hampton stieet, has oiganlzed a glee paity In Piovldence The Industilal schuol of the Jackson Stieet Paptist chinch will hold a bes slon this alteinoon 13 A. Claike has a foice of men at woik eiilaiglng tile fiont of his htoie pt opt tt on South Main avenue The piepatntlou Is being made toi the Union Tea i ompaiiy which will occupy the stoics Piteisiv, Yoik, sUUioneis.hav e moved lvo doois below Choice cut flowers and flower de signs at Palmer & McDonalds, 544 Spiuce. Dew I Williams visited Caibondale ft lends last i veiling Miss Anglo Finneitv, of Honesdale, Is the guest of Mis M. V Wynibs. Pom, twins, a boy and gltl, to Mr. These Do? Hair Hue cassi mere trousers such as sell for $3.00 to $3.50. An effort to increase business these dull times' is the reason we are selling them today for 000000 Samter UK Will und Mis Joseph Jo.vce, of Ills Lntig stalf ftieet Isaac 'Iai;ue, of West Nleholson, ie tuined hoine ycsteida ulter a visit to his hi othei, P V TurUo. the South Main avenue mulct takei Sloeuin lodge, No !)7G, Independent Otdet of Odd Fellows, will hold a smok n after this evening's) meeting. The nmendtnunts to the by-laws w 111 come up for conflldcialloii John Davis, who undctwent a painful 'ipunUon ut the West Side hospital Thtiisdtiy, listed easily jchtuiduv and his (ondltion Is bevond thu diuiget mat k. Wo laundiy stiff colhus with soft button holes. Costal Laundry. A young bull dog pup was found on Wednesday and can be found at 12S Not th Main avenue The Welsh Philosophical societv will meet this opening. An inteiestlng pio gi amine has been ptepaitd. The Gltl Industiial school of St. David's chinch will meet this oftei uoou. The latest and best styles. Roberts, 120 Noith Maine. est Side liiisiiicss litcctor . HAItni33T .1 DAVIS, TLORIST. Cut tloweis and funeial designs a speclalt , 101 South Main avenue, two doois fiom Jaeksuu street MORGAN'S PHARMACY, 101 N MAIN avenue Physicians' piescilutlons caic fully piepuied fioni vvuiiantid pine drugs and chemicals A tine assortment or tiusses, tine statloneo blank books, varnish stains, niKed paints or faur vvoilt, ai tints' nuiteilnls window glass, wall jmpei nml plctuie moulding. Clerk at stare all liouis if night S13COND HAND rilRNITURI3-Cash for anything you have to sell ruinlture, Stoves, Tools, etc Call and see the s.tock of J. C. King, 7il to 709 West Lack awanna avenue. REMONSTRANCE IS FILED, Vesl side People Object ton License lluing Ciniiti'il to Deckcliiic'.. Two yeais ago William Deckelnick was gi anted a license foi a hotel at South Main avenue and Luzeine stieet in the Fifth wind, and one j ear ago the cotut i of used to lenew It be cause, ns was alleged, he had not con ducted the place so us to cunipl with the (ondltlons of the law. This vear Deckelnick has again applied for a li cense, and the membeis of the congie gation of St John's Geiman Catholic chinch have Hied a numeiouslv signed lemotistiance asking that the license be lefused fot the following reasons It Is unnecessaiv, it is onlv seve"tv feet fiom St John's chinch and would be n nuisance to the congiegatlon who gathet to w 01 ship In the chinch: it Is neai a school with 12." pupils of both pxes to whom the eamulo of the sa loon would be pernicious, the building is within 100 feet ftom the convent and gniden wheie the lsteis eeiclse and the saloon would annoy them and af fect thelt happiness OBITUARY. John A Kiause, will known ltom his man: Mais' connection with Huekus' hll Haid pailois, died suddenly cstndi or. a Jeisp) Cential tialn neai Gkn Onoko He lift lute last Mondaj In company with his hi othei, Henij Kiauae, with the Intention of spending the winter In Ash in Hie, X C, but the physicians under whoso treatment he was pined advised his hi othei to tike him home, and with all dispute h, is hi could not ri covet, und posslhlv would not live nian da s He w anted to come home that he might die among his folks, and s-o the letuin joiu nev was undei taken at once 'the stialn, howevei, was too gnat foi his. eliteebltd si stem, and whin within a few bonis of his homo he bie.ithed his last lleilh oc -uiiitd at It til p m, Just as the tiulii passed (Hi n Onnko, In Ciiibon countv It came suiblenlj while ho wus sitting lu the peat with his lu othei The company of ficials, employes and passciigus did ev iithing to ease the beieavcd hiotlui's bin dc u, and he was made to feel that It wu not among stiiiir.;uis that the s id utile tlon came upon him When the tialn iiiiivid In this eilv at S o'elock the iu muhis i je placed on a stretcliei and con vey eel to the late home of the deceased, No 741 .Monioe avenue, wheie they weie piopaied loi buikil The deceustd via& J3 yeais of agi und mail led, and Is sui vlved b his wife. He worked at Huek us' bllllmd pulois foi ne.ul si veil eai anil wus veiy well liked b the pations of the place, because of his iiulct, unassum ing and gentlonianly detneatioi. John S Davis, nn old and highly le ssened li'sldent ot Moosle, il I eel ut the home of his daughtci, Mis Manuel, of Mlllei's Giove, Wednesday morning. He was playing In the kitchen with his two Riundi hllilien, appuiently us well us he mis been foi some time, eonsldeilng his usual ill-hialth tol s-ome time past, when his daiightii, Mis Manuel, noticed him bit eleet on his chilli, when his head Mil biek and he gasped foi bieath twice, but death came at onie Ills suddin vet not unexpected death deiplv saddened the laige iiumbii ot his fi lends and uieiuuliu aines, many of whom he hud leslded among toi the past twmty -seven yeais lie c ime to this lountiy In li'J He is a nulhe of Hiynmuwi, Wales Since his abode In Moo&le he has won foi himself the icspcct and esteem of a huge ilicle of fi tends He leives a lutgu family, all ot whom aie mown up He was a mem bei of the Welsh Independent chinch, of Coniiellton, which will miss his piompt attendance at the set vices Deceusid wub upwuicl of 70 yeais of af,e The funeiul was held yesteiday afteinoon Abialum J Jones, aged IJ yeais, died yistndiy tuoinliig at t. o'clock In his home. No A Company stuet, Hilsbln His deuth was the it suit of an attack ol the Blip and hi at l disease He Is wiuvived by u wife and a son and a ilauglitet. Tlu i funeial will be held Sunelay utteinoon ot .' ,o oclocK Horn tne late usiiienee ttev .Mi Pi lee, of the Puik Place Mithodlst i bin eh, will pei foi m the ceiemonv and Intel nient will be made In the Wushbuin Sunt eemeteiy. The Haleton Sentinel announces the death of Mis Wellington Kashnei, half slstei ot Senatoi Kline, who died nt her home, In Illoomsbuig, on Wednesday morning, aftei a pi on acted Illness, due to .lhsi ess In thee limits ciQldlu nut of a complication allying from the Ube of gas in having teeth Heated some time sines HJwaid O'Connell, who was taken to the Lackawanna hospital Monday sulfei Ing f lorn appendicitis, died In that Insti tution last evening. When takt n to the hospital he wus In an almost hopeless con dltion and as a last resoit the physicians peifoimed an opeiatlon on him, which was of no avail. The deceased leslded at CO?"- Swetland stieet, and Is survived by u v ife. Leo, the 2-yeai-old son of Mt. and Mrs John S. Km Ice, died at the home of his patents, 127 South Seventh stieet, Filduy morning fiom dlphtlula The funeial will tako place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment In Hyde Poik Catholic eemeteiy Lottie, the youngest elaughter of Mi. and Mrs William liiiuki, of 130 Blioh stieet, died Thuisday evening, Tins funei al will take place at .1 o'clock this uftei noon Intel ment will be iiiado in the I'lttston Avenuo cemetery. Miss Annie Pi Ice, age 27, died Thutsday at hei home, on Keysei avenue The fu neial will bo tomouow afternoon at 2 o'clock, To Cuin n Cold in One Dai. Tako laxative J3romo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It fuels to cure. 25 cents. Suburban News In General PKOVIDKNCi:. Mrs. Susie Hughes, of North Slain ave nue, eiitei tallied n large number of her fi lends ut, net home on Thuisday evening In an enjoyable manner. It being her twi nly-lirth blithday. Those pieent weie. Mi. and Mis. J. J. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Rllira Young, Mi and Mis. lteeso anil Misses Chat lotto Jones, 15cslo Coughlln, Sat ah Decs Tjdvl Reese, Anna Reese, Anna Hughes, Messis. Joseph Rej nobis, Joseph Hoes, James Homes, M Powell, J W. Reese, J. Stone and L. T. Hughes The Ladles Home Missionary soeletj of the Piovldence Piesbj terlun church Is making elaboiate in rangeinents foi an cn tei tiilmneiit tn be lu Id In the neai futuie. A laige number of the members and frli nds of the Hnwoith league of the Piovlileuce Methodist Kplscopul church attetidul the clt union meeting held at tin I31m chin eh last night MI'S Helen Dew in. of I'lttston, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ostuhout for the pibt wiek has letuined home Heiuj Hawkej, of Chinch avenue, who has been colilllud to bib home foi thu past week, is able to be around again GK1XN KIDGi:. Last ivnilng the Haptlst Young Peo ple's union of the liuptlst chinch held a "poveity"' social at the home of the pus toi, Rev J Fold, which was laigely attended A shoit piogiamme was mii deied, lcfieshments weie solved and a delightful time was enjoyed. Miss Stella Wtdenian has accepted a position as bookkeeper In Hoinbakei tc Co'sgioceiy stoic, on Dickson avenue. A nninbei of Hpwoith Ltagueis Horn Oieen Ridge attended the social In I31m Paik chiiieh last night. Mis Adam Ycigei, of Moscow, Is the guest of hei slstei, Mis S 13 Hiudlck. Mis. W. 1! Hunnell, of Penn avenue, Is entertaining Mis p Y.n lies, of Clifford. Miss Claire HlNs, of Sandeison avenue, Is visiting lelatives at Wuveily. south sim:. T. R Callery and son, who have been the guest of Ml and Mrs. R. J Calleiy at thelt home, on liliney avenue, foi the past few days, leturiieel to thcr home, In Nantlcoke, yesteiday afternoon Gabilel Wlnton, of South Washington avenue, left yesteiday foi Chicago The Welcome Social club held an etitei tnlnment and ball in Calleiy 's hall last night. Miss May Tlghe, of I'lttston, Is visiting South Side fi lends Miss Annie1 McTlghe is confined to her home.on Chony stieet, by Illness The Scianton Athletics will hold their annual masqueiaile ball In Schlmptf s hall Monday night Choice cut lloweis and (lower designs at Palme l & McDonald's, 514 Spiuee. Robeit Birton Is In Philadelphia. James "Murphv, of Jermyn, Is vlsltinj friends on living uvenue Chailes R Rose visited his bister, In Faetoiy vllle, yesteiday afternoon. We laundiv stltt eoll.ns with soft button holes. Ciy stal Laundry DUNiMOlti: The social glvin Thuisday night by the Ladles' Aid society of the Presby teilan chinch was both llnaneially and socially a decided success The social was held at the home of the pastoi, Rev W, F Gibbons, of 131m street, who had kindly given the use of the manse, foi that puipose The house thioughout was dec oi sited with a pioftiscuess of cai na tions and the spacious looms piosontod a scene of lesploiidcnt be.iutv. Much fun and mc 1 1 line lit was caused thioughout the evening by the guisslng contest A numbci of plctuies of piouilncut people weie hung on the walls of the suveial looms, and handsome pilzes weie uwaid ed to the contestants who guessed the most names on the plctuies In uddltlon to this an excellent piogiamme was icn deieel In which tho best ot local tale lit pattle Ipited Light Tefre shments were seiied dining the evening by members of the society Miss Ida lii owning, of Hiook stieet has letiiuuil fiom a visit with filends In W'lkes-liaiie. .iadlev Woodhull Is conduce! to his home, on Adams avenue!, with a .seven utluek of ll gilppe. John Reed, of Ilutlei stieet, has re tuincd fiom a business trip tluough the state of ci'ilo Miss I.UIe Riadv. of Dilnkei stieet, has letuined fioni Wllkes-liarre, where, fot thu past few days, she has been the guest ot lelatives, William Longmlie, who has been thu guest of John Tudge, of Apple stteet, foi the pust few days, has iituined to his home, In Oly pliant. Miss Annie Gllligan, of Drlnkei stteet, and Miss Finny Mellale, of I3lm stieet, spent yesteiday vv ltti friends In Caibon dale 13rnest Finch, of Cherry stieet, has ru tin ned fiom u visit with friends In Wayne county Mis Willi tin Webbei, of Dilnkei stteet. Is c onvulcsclng uftet hei teeeut beveru Illness William Musgiave, of Mill street, In tends to liave lu a fuvv clays foi Coloiado, wheie ho will make his futuie home -Miss Agatha Ci Me, of Uutlei stieot, has letuined ftom a visit with filends lu Caibondale. Mr anil Mib. Ilcniy Rutgeman, of Oly plnut, spent yesteiday with Dunmoio fi lends Miss Huttle Ketcham, of Dalton, has leturncd homo aftei a shoit visit with Mi. and Mrs. G J I. Ulaek, of Rlgg's stteet, John Mulhcain, of Clay avenue, has io. sinned voik aftei his leeent Illness The sei vices toi tomouow In the Dun more Piesby teilan c hill eh will be us fol lows Sen Ices, 10 30 a. in. and 7 30 p in ; subjects, moinlng, "The Neee-sltj of Con fessing Chi 1st," evening, "The Gospel of Good Chcei " All are v.eleome. Rev. F Gibbons, pastoi. Schools will be opened Monday moinlng to chlldien who have aiilved at the age of li yeais dining the past w Intel Pin cuts aie uigeel to send their chlldien euily In the week 111 ordei to entet new classes, w hie h w 111 be foimed The teachet's local Institute will be held In No. 1 building this moinlng at 9 o'clock The Women's Clulstlun Tempeiance union held theli legulai weekly meeting in the Methodist T3)lscopal chilli h yes teiday afteinoon This society has giowu woudri fully since Its oiganlzatlon ami now numbers oci thirty membeis Mis John Hlshop, of Hemlock Hollow, Is seriously ill nt the homo of hei daugh tei, Mis. David Hess, of Clay avenue. Mis. Janus Ueattle will open the store on Ulakely stteet foimerly occupied by Fiank Ilotei, Monday moinlng, with a ciolce line of piovlslons and confection eiv No. 1 Glgy and N'o 5 mines will resume woik Monday moinlng Patllek Flannelly, of Totter street, has lccoveied fiom his leeent illness allNOOKA. Jtlss Mary Fanning, of Plymouth, who has been visiting filends heie the past few days, i etui ned home yesteiday. The St. Joseph's society will hold their tegular meeting Sunday afternoon at their hall, cm Muln stieet 13 11. Campbell nnd James Jeffeis nto muklng airangements foi u tilp to Wash ington to witness the Inauguiatlon. The Welcome Social dub conducted an tnteitnlnmeut at Callery 's Aicade lai.t evening PRIZES rOR THE KNIGHTS. Arrnngid for ut u .lleutiuu' of thu (iuiiural Comniittui!. At the meeting of the ueneral com uiittee to aiiunge for the Knights cvX Pj thins convention which will be held In this city next August, the following pilzes for the unlfoiin tanks that will paitlclpate In the paiadi weie IKejd: Flist pi be, $300 for best dillled divi sion, second pi be, Jir.ti fot cilltleniy In di 111, thlid pi Ire, t for elllcloncy In ill 111, font Hi pilze, $100 for division hav ing the hug est number of men lu line; fifth ptlzc, $50 for division milking best equipped appeainnce, sKth ptle, $100 for division ttav cling the longest dis tance by most dlicct toutc, hevciith pile, i' for division making second best niiptuiniicu on piuadc, eighth pil.e, $25 for division having best com missioned olllceis; ninth pilze, $25 for Sir Knights Jewel to the captain of lltst division, $150 for best dtllled und best equipped division outside the Htate ot Pennsylvania, paitlclputlng In the pni ade; $60 lu gold by Ginnd Chancdloi II. X. Dtinnell to the lodge having the best appiauince in line. No Lit 111 pilyes unless tluee divisions shall conipete Judges to bo two olll eeis of the Thli ticnth and Ninth lel inenls, National Guai ds of Pcntisv lva iila. The committee, D D Hvnus, C W. DuWlght und Mai tin Jojce, litis se emed Lam el Hill paik foi uncainpnient ptii poses JUA1P HAD FATAL RESULTS, Cntised Patrick Hi ion's Denlh in (he ill uses i'nvlor Hospital. Fipm thu effects of lujuiles bilstnlned by jumping fiom a tiestle nt thu West Ridge brealtet, Piovideniu. Pntilck Uy lon died Thuisday afternoon at the .Moses Tayloi hospital. His death Is believed to have been due- to shock lather than to the injutlos He was G'J ycatti ot age und had not been in goud health foi home time Hyion leslded at 112S Mead avenue and Is sin vivid by a wife. His fu neral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock und Intel ment vv ill be made In Hvdu Park Catholic comoteiy The Diamond Accidental fund w ill attend the funeral. EISTEDDFOD lolic He-Id at THE FR0THINGHRM, SCRANTON, PA.. TUESDAY, MAY 1!, 1S1I7, Under the Auspices of the No 1 Chorus, "Tevrnascedd Y Ddae at," lu Welsh oi Hngllsh, 75 to ltw voices, (J. A Lloyd), lb st pilze, $J0O, second pilze, $75: to each unsueee ssful leaelei, J10 No J Male choius, "The Iilgtlms' Cha ins, " 35 to -15 voices, (Di. Joseph Pam), $100 No 3 Chinch choli, 'The Loid's Piav l." 25 to J5 voices, (D Profile! oe), $-ji) (Note Foi chinch cholis only und e ich choli that enteis in this contest must enter ns the lepresentutlve of a ihuich) No I Child! en's choIO"As You Co" $13 (Wolds hy Giant C Tulle r, music by 1 II. Meiedlth. I.eidei and membeis of choli not to be ovei 1ii yeais of age Ten adult tcnois and baios allowed I3aih c holi to slug time htanas, choius to be sung by the chlldien only 13ae h leader to lectlve il 00) Pilze donated by Claike litos No 5 Quai tette, niKed voices, "Tdl Me Thou 1'ietty Ree " (D Piotheioe), $1J Donated by C 13 Piyor No 0 Sopiuno solo, "Out of the Deep," key of D-llat, (T J Davles, Hist pi he, V, second pilze, $3 Donated by Mouls Thomas No 7 oCntialto solo, "Incense of the Moining," (O. L Caitel), lilst inUe, $i.. second prize, $3 Donated by lloyle i. Mueklow, No 8 Tenor solo, "Dieum Thee of a Day," (W T Millet), tlibt pilc, $ij; sec ond ptUe S3 Don ited bv the Samtus No 9 Railtone solo, "The Raft," key of 13 Mlnoi (linsutl). Hist pil?e, $, see - ond pile, J3 Donated by Wade M Finn No 10 Piano solo. 'Pastoral No 1 In 11 Mlnoi," contestants not to be ovei 17 ye his of age, (Tauslz Von Scailottl), Hist pilze Jil. second pilze, $3 Donated by Colonel Rlople No 11 Duet, "Loie," (Amoi ), opiano and baiitone. (linsutl), $s Donated by Collins X Huckutt N'o 12 Duet, "Harp of the Winds," tenor and contiulto, (Fran? Abt), tS Do nated by Flank If demons No 1J Recltution, females, 'The Palnt e'l of Seville " f I oin Shoeiuukc i's best be lt ctions, No. ' (Susan Wilson), $5 Donat ed by II U T. loi No li Kescltatloii, males, "Liberty and Union ' fiom Shoemuku'b best belie -tlons, No " obslei), $5 Donated by Jamts iM Po ... No 15 Dtigllsh M3cm, "Robeit Mori Is," $1U Donate el by Joseph D. Lloy d No 10 13nglyu, "Coleunl Gogleddol," $3 Donated by D Phillip Williams No 17 Male gnat tette, sight leading, $5 Donattd bv John J Davbs . ,, Stik ',$D , h il tin hut th matm No IS Solo "lluglllcii Gwenlth Ciwyn " $" (I3.ieh slngei to sing two sthn? is Fiom llilnlev Rlchaids' Song of Wales For males not undei 50 ye us of nge no acionipunlst, ami each singer to silent his own pitch ) Donuted by W R L?W!S No l'l Inipioniptii speech in Hngllsh $" (Sublect to be c online d to ome Inci dent In I'lilted States Hlstoiy. to he s lec ted hy donoi ) Donated by 13 13 Roba thuu. No, 20 Woids foi a Welsh National Hy inn for Wales, (not to eecod sK stan zas), $10 Donated bv John II Williams No 21 Oration, "Thomas Jeffei son," $", (Not to exceed ten minutes In length Conlliied to pupils of the high sdiools of Lackawanna and Lutrne eountlis ) No 22 13suv ' Intel national Aiblti.i tlon," (in Flight!), not to exceed 2,01 ) wotds), $25 Donated bv the Scianton Times No 21 Poem, "Gwylvm Gwent," e in Hngllsh, not to ecepd -IS Hues), $-'5 Do nuted bv the Scianton Tiuth No 21 Shoit stoiv. $25 (III I3!glsh, be tween 5,01)1) woiels Must be cnlhlnal an' juefeiablv lo ul In coloi must be tj pe nt ll ton Right to ccpy light to lest with The Tilbune Right to pilut the tlno best stoiles lesetved) Donatid by the Scianton Tilbune CONDI I ION?. No pi lye awarded without sulllele-it mt lit Numbeis 1. 2. 3 I, 5, C. 7 S, 9, 11 and 12 must be sung with piano accompaniment The Committee reseives the light to hold pitllinlnaiy competitions foi Num beis ij, 7, 8, 0. 10, 11. 12, 13 H, IS and 21 The sueitbbful compositions foi Nu-n-beis 15, 10. 20 22, 21 and 21 to be the pio pei ty of the Committee The compositions Numbers 15 20 and 21 must be In the hands of the Adjudicator, on or before the 1st day of May, 1S97 The comporltlons Numbeis 22 and 21 must be In the hands of the Adjudlctuois on or befoie the. 15th day of Apt II, li97 Tho compositions Nuinbeis 15, 10, 2J, 22 23 und 21 to be signed with a uou de pltinid and sent to the Adjudlcatoi, the n il mime of the Authoi with nom de plume In sealed envelope to be sent to the Sec retary ' Names of all contestants to be In tho hands of Societal) by May 1st, 1697. Adjudlcatoi on Numbeis u and 23, T Q Osboiuo, Moosle, Pa Adjudlcatoi on Numbeis 10 and 20, Rev De Pugh Oiltllths No 21, liioome stieet, lilnghumton N Y Adjudlcatoi s on Numbei 22. Alfred Twining und John Com lei Morris, cute of The Times, Scianton, Pa Adjudlcatoi on No 21, Llvv S. Rlehurd, caie The Tilbune, Scianton, Pa Aeljudleators on othei competitions an nounced later. PouIph of above iiiufIc can be obtained at Powell's Music Stole, Hoiaiiton. Pa WILLIAM It L13W1S, Chairman 13 13. RORATHAN, 13. D JON13S. HOW13LL HARRIS. JOHN H PHILLIPS. D. PHILIP WILLIAMS, R0013R I3VANS. JOHN J DAVIDS, Tteasurer, DAVID J. DAVIS, Seeietaiy. Address all communications to tho Sec retin y, DAVID J, DAVIS. .Municipal Building, Scruutoo, Pa, 11STI JUS W W li TOTE It Is a well-known fact that the use ot HOMOI30UATHIC MI'DlCINllS so pie oecuplcs thu Hyutem that attacks of DIS 13ASI3 ate PIlJ BN'THD 'I he OFFICIAL StatlHlks of Gimaliy piovi" tlmt nelsons itf-liig HOMOllOI'A TH1C R13.M13D1I3S live on nn iivcuiRe ot 1'JVUNTV Y13A11S LONOI3R than thoso Who use OLD SCHOOL MI3DIC1NI3S Suffeiers fiom Rhistimatlsm, Nouial gla, Catairh, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney D sense, Haidness of Hearing, Acute Ca PllUry tlronrliltts, IHsoiibCs of the 13ye, uilnnry Disease, Piles, Lumbago, Fe male Diseases, Coughs, Cotels, Grlptm and J'aiulyslH uiu constantly ixpiesBlug theli lipiii tlelt gr itltude tor the mliaculous cino of these eisiiise Mis UleiiKon, 218 Linden St., savs Mv babj (I months old) was vlsry sick, could scarcely bieathe The doctot called It Cupllluiv Llioiuhltls nml pi unvalued It sei ions Took Thill low A9 and Alu. and In a ew cluys was thoioughly cured THI3 HY13 Air. W. L. King, 312 Mulberiy street, Sei union, rays "I vv is huITiiIim vvlth my eves, and was under the care of n ie-I-deiil phvsiclan six months, hi tin illy oiit mu to an I3V 13 SP13CIALIST I still grew wolse I then went undet tie anient ut the THFRLOW M13DICVL INST1TLT13, und was cured In ten days" FR1313 PHYSICIANS If voti send n POSTAL CARD to 3UJ SPRCCI3 ST, SCRANTON',' a PHYSICIAN Well be sent to attend you until cmed, his seivlees will cot you nothing Tbi Medicines ate mostlv 21 cent"-. HXAMINATION PR1313 at the olllcc. ni:v YOKK iioti:i,s. & .OT .)? AV ? iKiiM$ ' Xsu 'ts.rf Y V V.M.M.DVTCS. B. L.!t. DATLS. "tSrRis SSf? -rs & An estnbllthed hotel under nov mnnaement nnd tlioroudUU abieasst of tho times. V Isllors to Now Yuri, will flnel tlio i:crc-tt In tlio very limit of the shopping clltUrict. coiwnilcnt to pinccs of amusemc-nt anil reidliv nccesclblo Iiom all parts if tho city. ElitOI'ilAN li.AN. ESTIHSTEB Cor. S'xteontli St. and Irving Placa, NEW YORK. Rales $3.50 Per M it Upitis . (American or 1 uropcan Plan.) GEO. MURRAY, Proprietor. The St. Denis llroadway and Ilevcnth St., New Vork, Opp. (trace Church. Uuropcin I'lan. Uooms Si.oo u Duy and Upvi ardi. In a moclost nnd unobtrusive way thi j am few buttei condiietad hotels In tho metropolis than tho Ht Dunis Tlio KTcat popu arity It his scquirnd c-in leadily bo tiacad to its unique locution, lta houullL' HtmosDlioio tlu pcioullir nze-olloiics uf its culnluu and sarvlio, auJ ltd voiy modor nto pilccs WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON, The Tribune Binds flagazines or Re-binds old Books. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Saturday .Mullnte, CrU 07 taturday 13vinliiBl rBU, Ll Toaltlvelv Inst tlmohnie, Deniimn Thompson s play, THE OLD HOMESTEAD Coinp-iiiyheided by ARCHII3 IJOVI) Tlioniigln il tuuihlt uml epnii tette. Novel eleo.rlcal ulfcits liemitiful Bceuery Complete I'rnJuctlon in Lvtry I'nrtlcnlar. MATIMli: llulcony , reervjd, 2jci entire first floor, reseM ed, juci cbililrcn, unv where, under io, reserved "-eita, 2,r,j i:HNIMi (lullcri, 25c; Ualcjnv, 2 rows, cur, liulnnce, 3SC! Orclirstra Circle, 75c, Pjrlor Chairs unci Orchestra, Si uu. A CADBMY OP MUSIC, One Week, Mnvrh Cunimenclni; Alunday. iiixwwii .V.atlnccs Dally, Coniiusncliii Tuesday Iho I'opulai Sliidlne Coniodian, JERE McAULIFFE, And to nrllllint Heroic "c, '01. JOSKPH OKnUNli, supported by Tno 1 1 i eellelit tuinpain REPERTOIRE: Mon llve'ir, rnnn nAiiinru nf Hnin VnnV lues. .Mat 1 luu "oiiuij m huh iuia 1 u;-. I vb'b , VV ed M'lt 1 WeJ r.vr'c , thins. Mac 1 Tiirougli Russian Snows lli8 Westerner PRICES, 10c , 20c, 30c. .matim:i: t'uicns, 10c , 'vo iiiuih:k. I miles tie lets feit 5'o id iv ooulii' euu be; had ut tliu 1 u ullUu. Are ; ou i s nart apep er o uto Uwi iiieuy ill 1 rieW U'tl Osetllhli tt, inuLtitlit laiwest 1 l-t e t wotttri 1 remit te wurclllL.. hi'DNMIll ll e,iu 11 nise) at Isj'et twenty , wu Ik'Uhv. anil It yuu cin yeu will cot ti j res. put ait) wuj .unci ft y our Hut H the urmst ytiu will iot loirj In cash Here circe t'ie jtilc-e to lullow I'm nlj wejrej 1 ti tile ri.haliiiikFua,,e Do li t t ecu) k'Ueru tit a iura mteru thues tlmei ft Hi hiuu In lit.. !U i, iim I VWireln ie),llid lilu ian beeue-eit 1 ,1) 01 li) Utu eeuy iiiejil u.j,l'.nilv,oiilj. , l,o e untctl roi 0" , tin, pruiiuiuiH, prc t d biu'Uee an) li 4ll Iiul'u wortl i t1 0 Uji lie, ponaiijlo, 1 a, ll , T , be p, setf, t' 1, kip, t. 11, tub, sole, c t'cu tl e teu weirdi 'l 0 lmblul or of luti Ae I'aieA 1 VIoman wilt 1 l.o a ), 011 April 111, t'lueuriKf illO divide el lilt j .1 1 iln tur tile) I ut 0 t l's's ot vi ml uaat .e ftJtutliair- feon II akill tile) le.utelt 11, 1; IU ior llu eeconcl ,a -es -j j 1. r.rt Clin llt)K . r.lrn, ll fiTl 111," 4 1 U ;es'i SS eai li fcr tLa wti.l tl di.r .u ) .if tl... ll. .t 1 ire lit UtJ cit uri.rcki e)UIU you to 1 now our t jci, u iel It I) fcr tliU reason w. nil., urvmliit ih n mnka lm I xtrd ilinrcc lnr tlie I rl , Hive ot outcirlij I till j Mord-bullJIijn- eon toot Lm It U linn urv t mind ine-SmiiU lHi'i or ttiui, I rwbl U b lei si nljoti our lianiUeiui) lllu.trateel i3 pa o iiino-lni tor tlx I tout lis, au;l tliovt-ri day wornelMisoia ion lttjueu vtu villi wall you free. nlmuMful llcturi;, entitled " '1 be, 1 orei-t Hauituuri,'lTx.llnclii .aiLariulijif piesent This uler is lliu erualiut yon ban, eur bad le.ulutoyou Sinel yoiirlMatiiiiii' If mi wjiiuuo oflleeinrlies lour naiiiet will 1 lUiblUluiel In our M Ijduu. AililrKhs 'Juk Ami-uiiun Wuili:., llJaud 111 itsrjl t. Jeew iorLLIty, N. i. A 3B$ v- .rfi -r t?5' A. ft. erTTiiaV.wj 'o v WF "a vV -. " T ,7iSX.V.isi HOTEL. 57i U ra R N I 1 il w phi p 124-12G Wyoming Ava Spring Silks, The nevvcbt ami most dualities (lebifjns. tuxturus tintl (ompiising tho best products of Aniuiiciui nml foreign inanufac turoisnt piico3 thai will appeal to tliogeneial imblic as well a3 tlio fastidious put chaser. Spring Dress Goods, High class as well as staplo dress goods of every desctiption, in cluding a complete line of Grena dines, Drap li'IStsj, Coverts, Chev iots, Tweeds and Fancy IMnck Dtess Goods in all tho latest weaves. Laces, Dress Trininiiiigs and Embroideries. In these dopiulincnis we are now ready to oil or eveiything Hint a lady may n quire ioradoruinont in the most elaborate variety and at prices that aie astonishingly low for new goods. The best pro ducts ol France, Get many and Switzerland are to be found hero in almost the same vatiety as you would iind them in houses ten times our capacity. Ladies' Suits, It has been predicted that tho coining season will bs an excep tionally lively one for Ladies' Tailoi-nindo Suits, nnd wo are de termined that our house shall bo looked upon as the one best ablo to make tho doniand in this line. A huge poition of our Spring stock in this department has al icady been placed on sale, goods that have no equal for beautiful lextuic and iiuish. Hero ate three lots which must be seen: In MPMMY AND SCOTCH MIXTURES billies' tine talloi-inaile suits, Jackets lined thioiiKhoul with satin, th fiont, biald tilinmlnK New model skirt". In 13NULISH CIII3VKJT S13ROI3. la dles' tailor-made suits. Jacket and 13atou style, jacket tly fiont and lined thiough out vvlth silk New model Hklits In COV13RT CLOTH ladlen' tallor-niudo suits Jackets My fiont and half lined with fancy sill. New model skills. LEBECK &CORIN iNotiee. Tho follow Iiie Is a Hat of display cards Kept In itock at this olllco and for sale at ten cents each: Rooms foi tent. Fot sale. This property for sale. Furnished looms. House fot rent. House to let, etc. AMUSEMENTS THE FROTHINGflflM. VwiRner.v.Keis. VlamiKor John I., kerr, Acting Alunuirer. Meek Commenclnu Alunday, Feb 22. AmoricVtf Hruitout Hepei totro Company, -jnu The Spooners c And an excelloutbuppoitint; company. Ten tent matinee every day nt 2 30 except Saturday. SAIUKDAV AlA UNUK-tleneral admission, 111;; r'eriil sout, 20l, now on sale livery evening at 8,15, prices, 10, 2J and 30 cents Chan-re ollllll at Kach Performance. THE FKOTHINGHHM. VVaiiner & IJeis, Alanaireri. John L. kerr, Actinir Alanugjr. TIIECOlWELIi'rNIVEltSlTY GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN ASSOCIATION CONCERT, MONDAY EVKNINO, MARCH 1. j All .New I'tatures Orlnlnul Solos. Choru 01 1 orty Vulces. Salo of sentD 01 ens Iilduy mornliit, Febru ary -'il ut tl o'cl jcIi THE FROTHINGflflM. M'ugner & Reis, Alunaite-s, John I,, kerr, Acting Alcinayer. One iViuht Only , 1 lies day , March 2, Tho Kvout of Events, tho llrilllant Comedian, Thomas Q. Seabrooke, bupportod hy u hpee inlly .Selected Company, hi UN nientns; Sikcosi tho .Spark- HtiK Mliul-sjtuu Comedy, TheSpeculator Uy CJeoigo llroidhuist Mannnemont of Dunc-in 11, Ilnrrison Bnloof seats opens baturday, Tob. ','7, DAVSS' THEATER MonJay, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 1, 2, 3 FRED RIDER'S NEW nT owls burlesouers A Illi-liUiado Orennis itlon, repleto vilth Kuropenu Novelties 51 urn it cent Costumes. Ilrllliant becnic inid K octrlcal Uiloctii And a bterling olio of Vttudavlllo Sturs 0 hlter (iHrrisnii, V uUon and Uupree, liurdonand Lick, John J and l.lllis Itluck, Alubel llazelion, Alny Clurk Van Oiten, THE GREAT SOHLKE, I.iitoof Iticou 'UW." Aud a (liand Uallet of tlftoou 1'rotty OlrU. Thu Sow Hui le tjipu', THE (JIIiT-KllOK CLU15. Admission 10, 20 or SO Ccnt-i. Two jioifonnances dally. Poors open nt 1:30 und 7. Curtain Uses at U:30 and 8:15.