The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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Pimple, Motcliot, Mackliciil, rcil, roui;1ip
oily, mothysklii, itching, sc-ilyscilp, dry,
tlilii,nnd tailing lmlr, anil hiliyhlciuWics
prevented by Cuttcuiia. Soap, tlio most
effective, skin purifying nntl bctutifylnc
soip In tbo world, as woll as purest anil
bwcctcst for toilet, bath, und nursery.
Eotp ia sold throughout the world. FnTTrn Dnco
ANtiCnxu Cnnt ,botcl'ropt , lloaton, U 8 A
Ctyllow to Prevent FuceilumoM," mailed free.
Headers will please note that advertise
ments, ordert for Job woik, nnd Items for
publication left tit tho establishment or
Shannon & Co, newsdealers, North Main
Ftrcet, will lecolve prompt attention, of
fice open fiom S a. m. to 10 p. m 1
W jomiiisCoiiferunci'.IIonu'.diilo Dis
trict, M ill -llout in This Citv.
The onu huniliod and eleventh session
of the Mlnlsteilnl association of Ilones
dale district, Warning confcience. will
bf held In the Methodlt cliuuli on
Monday and Tuesda, Mnich 1 and 2.
Itv. Vi'. j Thome Is president of the
association, and Hew O. A l'lace, vlce
piesldent, Hew C5. H Stone,
and tiensuitr. The older of exeicles
foi Holiday evening Is as follows: De
votional Hei vice, A C. Olivet, associa
tion addles, "W. JI. Shaw, Pleasant
Mount; alternate, C. H. Haves, Dun
in oie.
On Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock
theie will be a pi aver sen Ice conduct
id by David lvans, followed by a
business session. Theie will then fol
low a ielew of "The Mind of the Mas
ter by I.,. AV. Katclinoi. Discussion
by T.j i:. Snnford, A. C. Olhor, A. C.
"Pauline Theology." Dr. Y. C Smith.
Discussion by J. V. Newell, J. C. Bovco,
G. S Council.
' Hnmlnlsrenecs of My "Woik In the
South," William Itaw lings. Discussion
In J. O. Haymond, V. I.,. Thorpe, A.
O. Williams.
"The Standard of Admission Adopted
bv Our Conleiince." A. D. Du Id.
Discussion by O A. mace, II. P. llath
awa, :. D Cavenaugh.
The eoicises on Tuesday afternoon
and evening will be of special Intel est.
Notice of the sen Ices will be given.
Insinuation ol ll. I'icd I'.liinucr.
Intei esting sendees connected with,
the installation of How Fiod Ehlngin,
as imstor of tlie new St Paul's Luth
eian chuich, weie held on Thuisday
evening. The installation ceiemony in
Oerman, was pieaihed bj, Hev. O AV.
Fischei, of 1'lttbton. He was followed
by Hew G. U. Tiabeit, D. D , of AVilkes
13aue, whose discourse was In English.
Passed a Succosslul Kvmiiiiiiitioii.
A cltculai containing the names of
those who passed the eliminations
successfully in May and Deceinbei, has
been issued. The following pel sons .no
found qualified foi canleis: J. .1 Fox,
peicentnge f0 fS; T M Bovlan, 77 2S;
I' G. AA'llllams, 77.70. Those who quail
fled for cleik aie- AVillaid G. Evans,
7&.7S; P. r. Fox, 72 t,J.
Thuisdav evening the Jollv Ton So
cial club gave a social in Uuike's hall
Among those fiom out of town who
weio piesent weie Misses Maine
Bvrne3, of AVumait, Annie Mullen, of
Scianton: Minnie Mitchell, of Gieat
Hend, Fiances Caipentir and Julia
Heigan, of AVilkes-Iiane.
Mis. S. s. AVilliams will move fiom
her home on Noith Chinch stieet to
the new house elected bj her on Bel
mont stieet. Mr. and Mis. William
McMiillen will occupy the Chutch
stieet house.
Mis Isaac Phillips is ill with the grip
at her home on Lincoln avenue.
Mrs. Zopher Lee, of W.vomlng stieet,
Is entei tnining Mis Hobeit Ileiney and
son Trank, of Snanton.
Miss Maty Watt leturned Thuisday
evening fiom Hoboken, N. J wliete
she was bildesniald at the Steadnian
Itichaidson vedding.
Daniel Moigan Is confined to the
house with an attack of lheumatism.
Charles Peterson, of Canaan .stieet,
was a vlsltoi In AVIlkes-Bane this
w eek.
Miss Jessie Pettlgrew', of Olyphant,
Is visiting fi lends in town.
Mis. Seigel Robinson is visiting Mts.
Benjamin Pany, in Olyphant.
Fiedeilck Moses and Isaac Singer at
tended a progtesslve whist puity In
Scianton Thuisday evening given by
Miss Esther Moses in honor of her
guest. Miss Black, of Hochestei, N. Y.
G. D. Blown, of South Main street,
Is seriously 111 with grip.
Miss Elizabeth Eailey, of Seventh
avenue, is enteitalnlng Miss May
O'Malley, of Plttston.
Mr. and Mis. II. D. Klots. of New
Yoik city, aie spending a few days In
this city.
Miss Leila Bolton Is confined to the
house with an attaik of gilp.
Frank Coon will go to Hot Spilngs,
Aik today for the benefit ol his health.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth have ie
tuined fiom their weddlni toui
Mrs. P. H. Muriln Is seilously ill at
her home on River stieet.
Miss Maiy O'Mnlley, of Plttston, Is
ilsitlng ielatlves In this city.
James MeCawley, of River stieet, has
gone to AVashington for a v Islt.
Hev. Dr. Y. C. Smith is suffeiing fiom
an attack of gilp at the home of his
daughter. Mis. H. D. Stuatt.
Miss MnmeMuiphy, of AVIlkes-Bane,
spent AVednesday with her mothei lieie.
Episcopal services will be held In
We will sell 25 rolls best
Jkk.2stf. -- .rfw. A-. a-w A,
1,000 rolls odd lots wortli 15c. to 25c. for 5c. per roll.
Sale to commence Monday morning for 10 days only, and
sale to be strictly cash.
St. Oeoige's mission, ndwnidN hall, to
inoirnw afternoon ut 4 o'clock. Sun
day school at :i o'clock. Hew V. J.
llaughtou will conduct the Ret vices.
Miss Annie Heed, ofPhlladelphlu, Is
the uuest of Misses Ktrilly and Jennie
Davis, of Lackawanna Htieet.
Miss Jeanetto Jllexol, of 'Wllkos
Itone, who has been visiting Mr. and
Mis. D. W, Hanis, has letuinod home.
A. It. Atherton has letuinod fiom a
four weeks' sojnuin In I'loildn.
Miss Getttudo Athctton will leave
heio on Monday, accompanied by her
fnther, for Washington to attend the
Mrs M. J. L,avln spent yesteiday at
The Cnthollc Young Mien's Total Ab
stinence and Henevolent Diamatlc com
pany will pioduce "Coleen Hawn" fas
ter Monday night.
Miss Jennie Kennedy will spend the
Sabbath with ft lends at Qieen Hldge.
I". P. Henjamln and A. AV. Thompson
attended a party given by Miss Flshei.
daughter ol Wr. Fisher, of Scianton,
Fiiday evinlng.
Mls Dale, of Caibondale, spent
Wednesdaj with her filend, MJss Gtace ber.
Mis Lewis, of Potter county, is
spending u few days with her sister,
Mis S. W. Arnold.
Stephen Kemball. of Cnibondale, was
cliculatlng among ft lends in town es
tuday. Mrs Hnny Simpson spent yesteiday
with i elnl Ives at Scianton.
A legular meeting of the Blakely
board of health will be held at the
council moms this evening.
A young flicimn has ai lived at the
home of Mr. and Mis. William Stedge.
Mis. Fiancls Gendall, of Jenny n,
called on Mi. and Mts John AVatne,
on HicKoiy stieet, yesteiday.
Miles P Wadoman went to Aiehbald
last evpnlnc and installed the olllceis
of the Junloi Older of United Ameii
can Mechanics of thai town.
The Wilson File lompany received
a check of $50 fiom tli' 'Jleice Coal
lompu-iv of Wlnton a tow diys ago
for senlces lendeied nt the fit e at
llielr bieakfi about a ltnnt i ign
TiiP unices in the Methodist l'plseo
pil chinch on Sunrtav inninliig w i'l
loii '.. of love feast at D,W, pifw hill-;
ly the piesldlng oldei, Ttev. A f.
rhoipent 10 30, follow i'l li the suia
meiit of the Loid's supper This is tl e
las: cpi.ulcily meeting of ilils veil
Ihe i re tor, Hev. S. C Slmnkin. will
pi each a special seimon to the joung
people In the evening. Theme, "Vaiv
ing Causes of Loss" A coullul invita
tion is extended to all.
Seven pel sons joined the Methodist
Episcopal chinch on ptobation last
Thuisdav evening, making twenty-foui
in all who hive joined this eal on con
fession ol faith. Thlity-one have been
teceived bv letter fiom other ihuielns
making a total of fiftv-flve. Five have
withdinvvn f loin the chinch by lettPi,
vvhlili leaves a gain of llflv meinbei"
dm lug the yeai
Hev. AY. Ii Thoipo w.s a visitor at
the Methodist Episcopal parsonage j es
k iday
Mis Albeit Coles and two sons, of
Hichmondnle, are visiting Mis. Coleb'
aunt, Mis. Henry Chapman.
Miss Maltha Hoboits, of Nantlcoke,
is visiting at the home of he: aunt,
Mis. John AVaine.
JIis L. R. Gi online is quite sick at
hei home on Main stieet.
Another shooting match took place
esteidnv afternoon on the East Side
gioumls between Funk Cain and Ga
bilel Hall. Of the .seven blids Cain
succeeded in shooting four, while Hall
killed tlnee.
Mits Olivia Stone, of Oljphnnt, is
visiting Miss Maiy Jleehan, on Second
ills' Elstcn, of Caibondale, is visiting
ft lends In town.
ilibs iloigan, of Royal, is spending a
lew clays with iliss Williams, tlie Xoitli
Main stieet milliner.
Mr and ills. Cuitis F. Holmes and
familv will spend Slindnj with relatives
in H.ttston.
ill Isaac jones has been confined to
bis home since Sunday belnt, a victim
of la gilppe
Mis John Deqick, of Plttston, is vis
iting hei sister, ills,. Isaac Jones, on
Main stieet.
Attorney If. D. Caiey mpoits a
greater demiind for bouses than theio
aie houses lo lent. He has some dlltl
cultj in lindlng houses foi applicants
Mi A. Ebsihait, of Honesdale, called
on friends In town jesteulay.
ill. Andievv Meohnrj of the East
Side, w ho lias had a long siege of t -phoid
fevei. Is slowly recovering.
ilessi h Chniles L. Hell, Eugene Av
eiy, Thomas ilaitln, AVauen Claik and
E. Hosemaigy will leave in a few
da js lor Alaska, wheie they will seek
theli lortunes.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urlno and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a .sediment or settling Indicates
a diseased condition of the kidnev s
AA'hon mine stains linen It is positive
evidence of kidney trouble Too fie
quent deshe to mlnate or pain In the
back, Is also convincing pi oof that the
kldnejs and bladder aie out of older.
There Is comfort In tho knowledge
so often epiesed, that Dr Kilmei's
Swamp Root, the great klunej lemedy
fulfills eveiy wish In lellevlng pain
In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and oveiy part of the uilnaiy passages.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing It, or bud
olfect following use of liquor wine or
beer, and ovei comes that unpleasant
nece&sltv of being compelled to get up
many times during the night to uti
nate. The mild and the extrnoidlnaiy
effect of Swamp Hoot Is soon leallcd.
It stands tho highest for Ufa wonder
ful cuies of the most dlstiesslng cases
If you need a medicine you Miould have
the best Sold by diugglsts price fifty
cents und one dollai. Foi a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent fiee
by mall, mention Tribune and send
our full postofllco addiess to Dr. Kil
mer &. Co., Hlnghamton, N. Y, The
pioprletois of this pappi guaiantee the
genuineness of this olfer.
all wool Carpets at 49c.
.fervyw .&.. jfZZr .JL. Vv
419 Lacka. Avenue
lSfe ...3ti3
riioru&soR. .7. :,i. jiunyo:..
"Kidney disease Is probably the most
fatal of all human ailments," suvs Pi of
Munvoti "There Is no disease that re
quires more careful attention The fol
lowing aie the principal sjniptoms Pain
In tlie biek loins ot gioins, iliowslness,
daik circles mound the eyes, swelling of
the feet and limbs, pulTj, II ibb face,
lieularlie, binned ejeslght, swelling un
det the eji'H. bail tasti In tin- mouth,
iliv skin, ntivoii'iiess, slioplessness, lan
guid, worn-out feeling loss of llish and
sticngth, si mt j mine, durk-ioloriil,
mllUv oi bloodj urine depolts of led
sand, giavil oi inui'itH In the mine, fie-;
qtient disile to pis' watel and too great
a How I will guaiantee that inj Kklne
Cine will cuio 113 pel tint of all foims of
kidney disease When the disease Is far
advanced and there aie othei complica
tions, the patient hud bottei scud a foui
ouni'e vial of theli mini', with full symi
toms Wp vlll then make a cm if ul an il
Jls of the watu, and Tdvlsc tlie lust
ioiiri to piiisin to i'U, absoluti Is
flee of cliaigp" Piol Munvou puts up
a sipnrate cure lot eacli dlseaio At all
druggists mosth .", cc nls n vial
Pei'onil letters to Pi of Muni on, l"ni
Arch stieet Philadplphla, Pa iinswpitil
with fiee medical advice for anj disease.
It is with plcasute that we favor our
lenilcis today with the poitialts of our
two counillmen elected at the last elec
tion. Piofessor A. H Fausett is the
newly elicted meinbei and .Mi. AV. N
Mnnchestei was in-elected and Is piesl
dent of tlie piisont council.
The committee on conceit for tlie ben
efit of Langstaff Hose company aie
still hmd at woik and meptlng with
veiy good suicess The piogrammps
aie about completed and will be pub
lished the foie pii t of next week, and
will be piomlscuotislv dlstilbuted. Foi-
PRornssoR a. h. tasshtt,
New 1 -Elected Member of Council.
lowing aie the names of the newly
elected ofheeib and membeis as the loll
book now lecoid them: Piesldent,
James H Smith; vice piesldent, A. L
Hevnolds, secietarj; A A. Ii'ovvn,
tieasuiei, J S. Read, foi email, hailcs
Ilaag, plpeman, E. AV. Capwell, trus
teefa, G. AV. Stanton, F. H. Chase, E.
AV. Capwell. The othei membeis aie
as follows: F A Reynolds, D. L How
ell, R D Chase, Hany Gaidner, H J.
Goodwin, Stanley Rej nolds, H. IJ Rey
nolds, F. il. Osttrhout, Chailes Kllne
feltei, G H Reynolds, Chailes Hurt,
John Rev nolds, James Flv nil, S X
Slum 11, II S. Rev nolds, E. L AVat
klns, Oscai Stone, AVllllain Ite nolds, C
M. Waltei, Zlba Hinds, Tied AViighl,
i , Fred Hi ynolds, A. M. Spiague,
Hupeit Raid, and Iin R illller. Don't
foi get theli conceit will occm on ne.t
Fiiday evening, ilaich .', so do not
make any othei date foi that evening,
but come and help tlie bovs along In
theli good cause.
The C ol A held theli first annual
banquet last night at the Slsk house
which was quite an elaboiate nfiaii,
and was much enjovecl 1 those pies
ent. The ineinbeis of the club and their
lady fi lends weie The Misses Claia
Gaidnei, Kate Riundage, Ruth AMde
man, Caule AVatklns, Uessie Wilson,
av. n mancht:sti:ii,
He-elected Councilman for Tlueo A'eais,
ami President uf Piesent Council.
Maud Wnldlo, llcithn Capwell and Al
ma Wilson. Tho members of the C ot
A. "roclal club" aie: A. M. EjpiaBU.
IIovv.uil l!eynulclB, Stanley Plmiell, Hul
luck ttcynulds. John WaliPi. Alllo ltev
nolils, 11 vv.uU liul!j und livln Middle
man flames, munlo und loauts vwie
the lending; featuies of tho uvoniiit?'s
entei taiimu'iit Supper uas seived
uliout 11 o'plm k.vvhlch hhowed thocmu
ful supei vision ol the host, Mi How
ell. 'I lie? menu and torsta weie as fol
lows Touslmastei, John F AValter;
"Uui Pluli," i:iln J. Middleman; "Fu
tuie ot Out Town," Stnnlej N. Slm
lell; ' Cluli Iloom AmuseinenlH," How
aid II. llalloy, ' IJnnellts of Ktciet So
cieties," Aichlo M Spiauup; "Factoiy
ville Cllils, ' llowaul C. IJeynolds:
"lliooKbn Oil Wells," Mllo AV. Rey
nolds; "Uui Uancjuet," Ilallock S, Itey
noldb. Tho menu wns: IUcpiI potatoes,
pleased cliickon, plcl.les, oIIvps, hind
wlches, tubl.s, jell j, ehcallopcd oystois,
lco cieam, cocoanut caka, whipped
cieam cake, fiuil, coffee, cocoa, lemon
ice, chepse, lady fliiKer, candy and
The AVoman's Christian Tempoiance
union held un old fafehioned Epolllns
bthijol AVednebday ovenlnt; In UeynolclH'
hall, whlcli wus veiy well attended and
much enjojpd. So much bo, that it will
he lepeatcd In the neat futuie.
Out little vIllaRo will be pietty well
lepiebented In AVushington next week
at the inuuKUintion of 1'iebideiit Me
Kinley. Among our business men Hint went
to the Hkctilo City lust Tnursday
moinlng we noticed the following; Os-
ru tr
A ti&Pi-
car Stone, Solomon Reynolds, Hany
Gaidncr, Doctor Hi legs, Unity and
Pied Castle.
If you want to gJt all the homo news,
nnd get it fit it, Hilsctlbc for the lend
ing morning paper, Tlie Tiibune, and
It will be lift at jour door so that ou
citi enjoy It nt your bienkfnst table.
There will be a loguhii monthly
meeting of Langtnlf Hose company at
their looniH next Monday night and
oveiy mcmbci 13 expected to bo piesent
or pa a fine.
A short tlmo ngo the Eddy Cornet
band tendeied Miss Altemun, ino:nle
tor of the Wnjne County hotel, n seie
nnde, but weie disappointed upon
lenrnlng that she was out of town at
the time When nhe returned, her gen
et ous disposition Impelled lcclpioca
tlon, nnd the "bojs" weie Invited to
dine with hei on the evening of Wash
ington's blithday. Special Invitations
were nlso extended to Eilo nnd AVvo
mlng A'alley lnlliond passengei con
ductor, John Blink, Hlehnid Teeter
and D, Bingham In tesponse to the
summons the "bo.vs" nijoeaiid with
their lnstiumenta and in full unlfonn
After disseising some good music as
a signal of their appiecintlon of the
hostess' kindness, all icimlred to the
dining loom nnd lelleved, In pnit, a
table gioanlng undei tho weight of an
endless vailety of luscious viands. The
company llien lcsoited to tlie pleasant
leading rooms in the hotel and indulged
in pleasant convei-'ntion and n smokii.
Later In the evening the musicians pie
sented themselves in a body to Miss
Allemus and thiougb tholi speaker ex
tended their giatltude for hei kind
A muslcale and giai)haphono enter
tainment will be given in the Bnntlst
chuich next AVedncsday evening undei
tho auspices of the Young People's So
ciety of Cluistlnn Endeavor One of
Edison's latest talking machines, with
out ear tubes, w 111 be used A good se
lection of leeltntlons, vocal and Instiu
mental music will be lendeied tluough
a lnige hoin The peonle of Ilawley
should not mls the oppoitunlty to see
this vv outlet ful instrument and heai It
tall., sing and emit music bv our
gientest masteis. Admission only 10
and IB cents.
A paity fiom Hnwley, eompilslng
Hev. H. D Minds. Edwnid Cole, Hob
eit Wheeler, Gaidncr AVheelor, D. Bing
ham, Charles Ammerman and Edward
Aminetman, attended the semi-annual
convention of the AVnjno Bantlst
chin cli and Bible school, held at Hones
dale, AVednesday afternoon and even
ing D. Bingham lead an essay on the
"Preachers Place and Power in the
Bible School" nt the afternoon session
Hev H. D. Minds preached an eloquent
seimon In tho evening, and the Haw
ley Baptist Mnle quaitette acquitted
thPinpJves creditablj In singing two
fine selections
Hoin To Joseph Atkinson, jr , and
wife, on AA'ednesday evening, a son
Rev A, AV Coooer dellveied a com
mendable addiess at a mlsslonarv
Rl II i& Cfl PH
B iFs""! P Tri!
mm sarsapanua anympnani in a severe m
A Distressing Sore Completely Gored
The testimonials in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla are
worth reading because they tell things Avorth telling. Just
spare a few moments to read this statement below:
No man is nioro favorably known
in and about Eppiny, N. 11., tlian !Mr.
Joseph Stokos, tlio liiub.iiid ot the1
lady refeiTwlto. His vvoid is as ood
as 11 U. S. bond, and every statement
from him or his lninily may be most
implicitly telicd upon. Head this:
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: For fully twenty years
my mother ha3 been seriously troubled
by n Boro on ber nose. For some time wo
thought it of a cancerous nature, and it
was removed threo times. A physician in
Boston said tho soro wns not a cancer, but
"A Catarrhal Soro."
It discharged and was, of course, very an
noy iiigns well as painful. Sometimes it
was as large as a half dollar, and it was
necessary to keep it bandaged and pro
tected most of tho time. About two years
ago tho soro seemed to Lo spreading over
her face, and wns larger than when the
Boston physician removed it. Thero is
no question but that its origin was in
Tho Scrofulous Humor
with v hich my mother has nlwoyo been
troubled. Two years ago sho decided to
give Hood'b Saraaparilla a faithful trial,
also using, ns nn outward application,
llood'b Olive Ointment. It was soon no
ticed, to the joy ol tho family, that tho
Sold by all (Irupfjists. Price
C. 1. Hood is Co., Lowell,
?i w
We have made another great big cut in our shoe stock. We prefer Lo count dollars rather
than Shoes. Look at the(big cut in prices:
575 pair Ladies' hand-sewed Shoes, worth $2.50, cut to $1.49.
650 pair Ladies' line hand-sewed Shoes, button and lace, worth $3, cut to $1.98.
- A lot of Gray Bros.' $4.00 Shoes, cut to $2.98 and $2.29.
500 pair Ladies' Shoes, sizes 3 to 8, at 49c.
375 Par Men's Patent Leather and Winter Russets, also calf lined Shoes, worth
$4.00 to $5.00, cut to $2.48.
675 pair Men's Calf Shoes, calf lined and winter russet shoes, were $3,Clltto$L98.
Men's $2.00 Shoes cut to $1.39. 1,000 pair Baby's Shoes at 14c.
The Above Prices Are Good for One Day Only. No Hail Orders on These Goods.
meeting held In the Methodist Eulsco
pal chinch at Honesdale on AVednes
day evening,
On Fob, 2 Aithur Bnvee, of How
lands, died of tviihold fever. The
death of his wife oceuired one da
Inter fiom tho same disease. Ills
mother wus sttlcken with the mnladv
and died on Feb. 1!) She Is sunlved
by hei husband and nine child! en
tlueo of whom aie 111 with the fevoi.
The condition of the nffniis. at the
Sumner Avenue Piesbyterlan chinch,
of Hyde Piulv, nnd the Piesbyterlnti
chinch of this town me even woiso
tlinn tlier were seveial months ago,
when both churches lost theli pastors
and It was decided to unite the two
chinches under the one pastoi. Theie
aie tlnee candidates for the pastoiate.
Thursday evening, Feb IS, Hev J. P
Moftat, model ator of the dlstllct, held
u meeting at the Sumner Avenue
ihllich which had been called to select
a pastor. Two candidates weie bal
loted foi, Hev. Di. Hunter, of Mini
touisvllie, Pa. lecelvlns on the Hist
ballot twelve votes, and Hev L F.
Fostei, a student at Auburn Theologi
cal school, lecelvlng eighteen votes.
On motion It wns ugieed to bold nn-
othcr ballot. The icsults were the
same. Hev. Moffat thought it be' t to
dlsiegaid the entile action, nnd decid
ed to hold another meeting. Tlie fol
lowing nlRht the membeis of the Tay
loi r lunch weio to ballot for a minis
ter. Mr. Moffat came clown and found
just eight people lendy to cast their
votes. Annngements have been made
to hold another meeting tomoiiow
moinlng to decide on tho ciiictlon
Miss Beitha Thomas, of Main stieet,
visited Hyde Paik friends on Thuisday
Mrs. Thomas A. Thomn, of North
Tayloi, Is seilously HI at her home.
Mi. and Mis. Edwatd Roberts, of
Kingston, me visiting the lattei's
mother, Mis. John Powell, on Taylor
Mrs. Anthonv Lydon, of Main stieet,
who went to Philadelphia some time
ago to undei go an opeiatlon, Is lapldly
lecoveilng and Is expected home In a
few weeks.
Services at the Calvary Bnptlst
church tomoiiow will be held at the
usual houis. Rev. Dr. II II. Hairis
will ollklate at both sendees. Moin
lng sei mon at 10 30 Subject, "The
Love of Chi 1st" Sunday school at 2
o'clock. Evening sermon at C p m
Subject. 'Gloiifving God." All are
Thomas Evans, of the Key-tone
Aoademv, Is-v isltlnir his fathei, A Ill
lam Evans, on AVnshlngton stuet.
The lnistoi. Rev Ivor Thomas, will
Pleach at the AVpIsIi Congiegatlonnl
chin ill tomoiiow nt the usual houis
Moinlng seimon nt 10 30 a m. Sund ly
school at 2 p m Evening seimon at 0
p. in. All are coidiallv Invited.
The Rev. Thomas Watklns, of the
riist Congiegntlon chinch, reltsvillo,
will admlnlstei the Loid s supper nt
his seimon tomoiiow morning.
B ik K3
soro was diminishing in size and was be
coming less troublesome. This encour
aged lior to continuo tho use of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Sho look 11 bottles, and now
Her Faco Is Well.
Tho Boro has entirely disappeared, leaving
not a scar, but only a slight mark, which
wo think may in time totally disappear.
It is such n comfort to her and such a joy
to tho rest of tho family that wo feel in
debted more than wo can express, to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, that sho has been
cured after twenty years of suffering.''
Miss E. A. Stokes, 13pping, N. II.
From lYlr. Stokes.
" I am glad to say thnt tho euro of my
wife is exactly as fctatccl in my daughtor'8
letter above. Joseph Stokes.
Col. Bonnott,
Who wiites tlio following, isn lending
contractor and builder, 1ms been on
tlio Governor's staff, and held other of
ficial positions ot confidence multilist:
"I know tho parties isferred to in the
letters nbovc, and endorso them i,s thor
oughly reliable. I havo known about
this cane for some time, and am glad this
testimonial has been sent to C. I. Hood
6s Co." J. W. Bennett, Lowell, Mas3.
pari! la
51 sis for $5. Prepared only by
iisiss. Tho Best Spring Meclicinc.
n V. SH
HV, 307 Lackawanna Avenu
M M i
Mf U fetis' &sy UW ij lai? 'W
fcr vvs Ym m vm
Absolutely Pure.
Celaliiatod foi itsgiont leivcnlnu strenuth
ntiil lienltliriilnusi Assut tlio food nciliMt
alum nnd nil forms of adultoratioii common
to th i clienp biaiitU
llOVAI, UVK1MI t'OWM u c o , J1 w voitic
sojii: stuikim: statistics.
Tlio annuil report or J. Unmet t, of the
Laboi depaitment of tlie British Ho ird
ot Tinde, on sti Ikes and lockouts, "shows
thnt theie were S7fi disputes, lesultlng in
stoppage of woik during lb93, anil tlieso
Involved L'CI.TJS workpeople, ns ngninst
1 OGt disputes and ,1JI,JI5 woilcpeople 111
IS'll Ah leg-uds nsulls, SDI, oi 31 U p"r
cent of the disputes ended In fnvoi of
the woikpeoplc, ns against 3" pir cent
In 1SD1, but In these successful disputes
21 pet cent, of the persons atfected dur
ing the vear were Involved, against 1!.' 1
in the pn ceding vcai. The aggregate
nuinbei of das lost In 1SU" was 5,5L
OTiJ, compnied with 0,1J2(3 In 1S9I and 31,
20"i,0u2 In IS'U The av'eingo duintion pir
hi ad of disputes in ISO", vas 21 (! dus, as
against 295 In the ptc ceding iai. Tho
value of the aggregate number of woik
Ing dnjs lost, vvorked out as wages,
would amount to 1, 120,0a1, compaieil
with 2,000,1)00 In lyjl. The pel cent ige ot
pel sons eonceined In the dlEputes of
lSfll, which were settled by conciliation
oi negotiation, wns 74 S as against M 7
In liOI.
Trom tho Wllkes-Ilarro Heeoid.
The famous A'an A'alkenburg bribery
cno lins now been postponed until ne.t
month This Is the second postpone
ment, nnd both times at the lecpiest or
the def-ml mt. It I00V.S as if Mi. Van
A'alkcnbuig wis not lu such a veij des
perate huiii to vlndlnte hlmselt.
arc located the flriost Ashing and hunting
grounds in tho world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points in
llalne, Canada and Maritime Provinces,
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and
United States Northwest, Araiwouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San
Fifst-CIass Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throught trains. Tourist
cars fully fitted with bedding, curtalna
and specially adaptod to wants of families
may bo had with second-class tickets.
Rates always ljsa than via other lines.
For futthor information, time tables, etc..
I on application to
tw v ASYilU1L,E V. k, "&t
3S3 Broadway, New York.
I If8233
imlmlM rlLiHL K !
Unprecedented Bargains
I In Nottingham Curtains, Irish Point, Brussels, Cross
I Stripe, Snow Flake Musseleue and Swiss (both plain and
I ruffled.)
Attention is particularly requested to our line of
I Chenille and Tapestry Curtains and Table CoA'ers, Avhich
I are offered at prices never before quoted in Scrantou.
Opp. jAlniij Entrance to Wyoming IIoiisb.
Special Attention Given to Business and Per
sona! Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Extended According
to Balances and Responsibility.
3 Interest Allowed en Interest Deposits.
tJ isa i
07 Lackawanna, Avenue
Sticli biirgains as avo olTcr this week
nic worthy of v our attention. It nieain
line grade goods at about one-third
the cost of inatiiifactiite.
The follow in;; may uivc you a little
idea of some of the bargains:
Onosnmlllotof Misses' and
Childiun'H UontH, iibsoituil
An elegnnt Bouclo Coat,
half s Ik lined, shield front,
stylish collar. Season's price,
?U,00. now I
S .98
AFiiieCuiireralnn Cloth
Coal, hi test cut. lined
tluoufrliuut with Jthndiuno
silk. Reason's price $10.00, O ( HO
now .' b4.UO
An elegant Ficneh Cater
pillar Coat, lined throughout
with Bilk fiohl in tho sea- OK OQ
bon lor Slo.OO, now oJ'O
A beautiful assortni6nt of
Keisey Coats, some silk lined
thiotijrhout tmd some half
lined. Season's piiee, fcS.OO CO 00
and 10.00, now oZ.UO
Z. WEINGART, Prop'r.
We want all the people
to know what hundreds of
our customers know, that
we have punctured pneu-
matic prices, that our
goods are seasonable, that
our prices reasonable, and
that nobody is asked to
take an unsatisfactory
garment from our store.
Arcade Building,
213 Wyoming Avenue.