The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 23, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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West Side
It Was Held at the Home ot Wllllnm
Frlnk on Wnslibnrn Street
Last Evening.
Wllllnm Trlnk, who was born 72
tars ngo qn WnflhltiKton's nntnl tiny
In the town of Auburn, Suhquchnnna
county, Inst evening gave a dinner to
the session and ollleers ot the Wnsli
bnrn Stieet I'lcsbytcrlnii chinch at his
home, 1119 "Washburn street.
Ill Filnlt at the Inst annual meeting
of the chuich leslgned the olllee of
tiensuier which hu hnd held fot fotty
consecutive jtdiH. The alfaii of last
W11.UAJI 1'ltINK.
ecnlng vai In the dual liatiiie of a
blithday cclcbintlon and n leinem
Lunntu of Ml. Pi Ink's vvithduivval fiom
the time htmoied olllcc. During the
evening j, congiatulilorv letlei fiom
ltev A I. Claike, fonneilv justoi ot
the chut ill, but now of Kingston, U. I.,
was lead
Present at the dlnnei weie. Ilcv. and
Mis. J I3 Molfntt, pastoi of the "Wash
burn Stipet Piesbj tetlstn ihuiih, Mis
i: M MoKal, Mi. and Mis I: H l'nt
Kci, Mi and "Mis Geoige Coopei, Mi.
and Mis It. J. Williams, Mi and Mis.
1 A Stevens, Mi. and Mis 1Z. A.
t'ldilvP, Mr and Mis Joseph A. Meats,
Mr and Mis AV If Fteeinan, Ml. and
Mis C. It Pltchci, Piofessor and Mis.
U W. Pltllllps, Jlr and Mis n H
Slnntleft, Miss Ada ClaiK, Mis Joseph
"Williams, Gaiiett S-'inlth, J. D Wil
liams, W ' I.etohvvoith, and P.ev B.
li Tall child, of BtooKlyn, Pa.
Nvnicrons Celebration-, in This Part
of tho Citv.
It eettalnU was n shame that Wash
ington couldn't have niianged foi fait
weather on his blithdaj at least, but
last night was a mean one and pobi
tlvelj Insulted tlio innn aflalis on
this side, which were conducted fot the
put pose of honoring the fit st ptesldent
and to leplenlsh the tieasuiies of the
concerns. Yet evetj thing taied well
At the Jackson Stieet Baptist chuich
piobably the most unusual enteitaih
anent was offeted the Canadian Jubi
lee singeis and the linpeilal quaitette.
The troupe consists of a doen coloted
people, who aie educated and capable
of giving a leflned entcntnlnment. It
has been seveial jeais since the Jubi
lee slngets have visited these parts
The audience last night comfoitnblj
filled tlie audltoilum The conceit will
be lepeated tonight, when all chlldten
attending the public schools will be ad
mitted Into tho lectuif loom for 10
cents This Is by special atiangement
with W. Caiter, the manager of the
At the Scranton Street Baptist chuich
a patiiotlc festival was held, a laige
crowd attending The featuie of the
entertainment was the dillls of a band
of gills under the leadership of Miss
Anna Moigan, the talented daughter
of Mr and Mis B C). Moigan Theii
exhibition, In tho fancy Bai Bell dull,
especially, was vcij line The test of
the piogiamme, ns pi luted In jestei
da's Tilbune, was lendeied. John
Tern, of Giiflln post, No. 139, Gland
Things for the careful Clothing buyer to buy
today. We take it you're interested in anything
that'll save you money if the goods are all right and
the house responsible. Twenty-five years of square
dealing with the buying public of Scranton should
convince you that we make no rash statements in
our advertisements.
Satisfied? Then buy these today on our advice:
.Star yu uow
X- r j. what the Star
WaiSIS Waist is, nuff
said. If you
don't well, it's the perfec
tion of waist making. Why?
Extra care in the matching
of the stripes, in the cut, the
fit, the looks, the everything,
sold for a dollar all the world
over. Today's temptation price
PantS Trousers, if you
think it sounds
better. Dublin Twist Trous
ers, Of course that's just a
trade name, but it stands for
the best of long wear legwear.
More wear in a pair than you
can get in any other goods
for any money, which means
that the higher priced might
look a bit handsomer, but
would not wear as long: To
day's temptation price
Aimy of tho nepubllc, gnve n delight
ful temlnlscenco of his wnr cnteer, tnlc
lnk his honieis through nn Interesting
setlcs of movements of his regiment.
Camp 33, Patiiotlc Order of True
AineilcaiiB, assisted by Bauer's orches
tra, gave a dramatic entertainment
mid social hop In Mears' hall. "Our
Country" was the name of the diamn.
The play carries Its auditors through
a seilcs of events famous In Ameilcnn
hlstoiy The play was well lnteiptet
cd, so well, In fact, that It would be
superiluous to mention any particular
person, J. F Pfelffer was piompter
of the social. Mrs. Mary Boston-Williams
and Mrs Uiindoluh Jones weie
tho sollsts, and Miss Mai Ion Hutchin
son pianist.
At the Plymouth Congregational
chuich the Ladles' Aid held a Martha
Washington entertainment and social
i:ddle and SztUth Davis, Kdlth Jnmos,
Misses Lulu Sylvester and Irene Kahn
weie tlio enteitalnors. Miss Anna It
Williams, pianist, favoied with n se
lection. The feature of this celebration
was tho lmpei sonntlon by Indies of
the chuich of tho wives of eight presi
dents, ns follows: Mrs. Adnms, Mis
A B. Bvnon; Mis. Washington, Mis.
Mnila Allen; Mrs Jackson, Mis. T W.
Phillips, Mis Hayes, Mis. Illchaid
Owens; Mrs. Cleveland, Mr-. P. II
AVnrion; Mis. Gnifleld, Mrs John Hv
nns; Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs Joseph Hughes
A Hash light photogiaph of tho celebri
ties was taken after the enteitalnmont,
James Powell, photographer.
Unlet prise lodge, Lovnl Knighs of
Amerlcn, hild a smokei after the tegu
lar business session In Bed Men's hall
Woithv Master William Bacon was
chairman ovet the social session. Din
ing the evening, vvle clgnis were be
ing smoked, gnphanhone selections
were given under the dliectlon of W.
II Puller, of Uynon street.
Globe lodge. Independent Order f
Odd Fellows, llstmed to nn nddiess on
Washington delivered by Attorney L
M. Bunnell, A big attendnnce enjoyed
the clocuont effort.
A pnity was given to William Davis,
of Pettcbone stieet. Among those
present wete the following members of
the Bellevue Flute band: Robert
Stenner, director; B. II. Hughes, con
ductoi; Iteee James, nd Reese, Daniel
Ptv, G. Thomas, John Jones, D. Gilf
flths, F. Pry, Robert Owens, G. Stev
ens, II. Pry, A Jones, D. Edwaids, W.
Jones, O. Beachnm, R J. Jones, W.
Joseph, C. and D. Richards.
So in tier Avpiiuo mill Tujlor Chinches
HnvoN'ot ut Hum Siicccsslnl.
The condition ot affalis at the Sum
ner Avenue Presb tetlan chuich and
the Tnjlor Pitsbteiian chinch is
woisp even than It was seveial months
ago, when both ihuiches lost theii pn'
tois. When It was discovered that the
chuiches could not stand nlone, it was
decided to unite them under one pas
tor. His duties will be to pi each al
ternately at each church To this md
thice candidates weie heatd and last
Thutsday night Rev J P Moffat, mod
eiatoi of the dlstilct, pieslded ovet a
meeting of the Sumnei Avenue churih
membets, which had been called to se
lect a pastoi.
Two candidates weie balloted for,
Rev Dr. Hunter, of Montouisv Me, Pa ,
leeching- on the llrst ballot 12 votes,
and Rev L 1' Fostet, a student at
Aubuin Theological school, icceivlng 18
votes. On motion it was agteed to
hold nnothei ballot. The result was
the hame Modetatoi Mofiat thought it
best, to dlsiegaid tho entlie action, and
anothei meeting will be held at the
call of Mi. Moffat The next night,
Tiiday night, the Ta lor chinch was to
ballot for a minister. Mr. Moffat went
down and found just eight people leady
to cast their v ote on the -v ital question
Model ator Mofiat auanged foi anoth
ei meeting, to be held next Sunday
stops Grip and
Stubborn Golds,
fcfoat "hang on."
Those The oues we
sjt talked of yester-
OtherS day. There's a
few pairs left.
Suppose you'd call them quite
a lot if you saw them alto
gether. Not mail', though,
the way the3''re selling.
Scranton people appreciate a
"good thing," if it's genuine.
Enough tor today and tomor
row we hope. Best come
today, though more sure of
getting your size:
$1.73 and $1.98.
Bovs' le cear dor
jp, . brand, invented
FantS by Mrs, Hopkins.
Double seated.
Double kneed, too. 'Twould
save the boy, a lot of scoldiug
if you bought him this kind.
And the price will please you
as well as the pants.
45c. Today.
60 EKp ESSp 9 9
Drnyninn R. F. Post lies nbed nt hW
home oil Jackson street with both sides
ot his Jnw bono dislocated, the bone
Itself fiactuiod and a hoirlbly gashed
mid biulscd fnee, The Injutlis arc th'e
lcstilt ot nu nccldent Inst Fildny even
ing which came near being one of the
most appalling fatalities lmnglneable.
The bi caking of two stout sticks sivert
Mr. Post's life; his head would have
been loin from hls'shoulders. It tame
about In this waj: I'llday evening
Diajman Post was dtlvlng a wagon
load of baled lipy Into his bain on Mei
rllleld Htieet. The wagon was a. new
one and foi getting this Ml. Post
thought he could drive snfely Inside
the bain doois, ns he was used to with
the Did wagons. Tho hay was piled
there were seven bales high Into the
wagon and close upon tho wagon seat.
The dilver stalled the horses up the
slight Incline at the barn door and
aftei the nidiunls weie within the bain
he bavv In a glance that the top ot the
door would not admit of his body. Ho
dievv the horses In, but It was too lato
and the dilvir thiew his head back
It lested against the comer of the flist
bale of hay and the houses, anxious foi
their suppei, pulled on. Tho edge of
the bam door caught the driver's left
cheek and piessed It against the hay.
The homes stumbled In theii efloits to
bleak the human wedge and the two
tear suppoils of the wagon snapped,
letting the hay chop out behind. Mr
Post was unconscious and was carried
to his home. Dr. B. O. Beddoe who ex
amined the Injuiles found the damage
mentioned. Diaymun Post will tecover.
Mrs Fied Stiuonlng gave a paty
Filday afternoon at, her home on Chest,
nut stieet, the ocension being the thlid
blithdaj of her .son, Ilatiy. About the
table, which was very elaborately dec
orated, weie sented the little tots,
whose faces weie -very blight. Mis.
Stiuonlng, who Is a veiy chnrmlng hos
tess, was assisted at the table by Mis
Han j Smith and Mis Cluules Zang,
jt. Unch of the little ones veiy genei
ously letnembeied Master Hariy with
some token nnd they, In letttrn, were
nlso lemembeied with a prettv souve
nir Those niesent weie Misses Lor
ptta White, Myrtle Collyer, Hva Wels
enllue, Floience Stetter, Minnie Bel,
hold, Lena Zang, Mnigueiltp White
Lucy Long, Jennie Rethold, Anna
Welsenllue and Masteis Chaille Weed,
Hairy Betzhold, Archie Ace, Freddie
Zang, Will Collyer, Geoigie Ace and
Unity Stiuonlng.
Two f uncials weie held on this side
esterday. The remains of the late Mrs.
Peter Reiser, of r.47 North Hyde Paik
avenue, weie Intoned In the Wnshbuin
street cemeteiv Sei vices weie con
ducted at the Gel man Piesbyteiian
chuich on Chestnut street. An Infant
child of Mr and Mis. S. P. Kolstei, of
111 Noith Biomley avenue, wns burled
In the Waslibuin stieet cemetety.
We laundty stiff collars with soft
button holes. Crystal Laundry.
Miss Lillian Davles, of Uj non street,
Is the guest of fi lends at Wilkes-Raire
Rev. J. B. Sweet was In Kingston last
The latest and best styles. Roberts,
12G North Maine.
Choice cut floweis and flower de
signs, at Palmer & McDonalds, Ell
The West Side Republican club and
the League will play anothet "cinch"
game tomonovv evening In the League's
Dr. E. Y. Harrison, Dentist, Mears
Hall. 113 S. Main avenue.
AVpst Side Business Directory.
How era and funeral designs a specialty;
104 South Main avenue, two doors from
Jackson streot.
avenue. Physlcluns' preset Iptlons caie
fully prepared fiom wart anted pure
dtugs and chemicals A line assortment
of trusses, lino stationery blank books,
varnish stains, mixed paints or fancy
work, artists' materials, window glass,
wall papei and plctute moulding. Clerk
at stoie all houis nf night.
uiiyiiiuiK ju nuvu 10 sen l'Urnitura.
StOVCS. Tools. fltn Prill ntiil can thoN
btock of J. C King, 701 to 700 West Lack
awanna avenue.
Served Uy Young Ladies Sonet) of
First Pi(!sb terian Church.
The eighteenth annual Washington
dlntiPf and supper ot the Fltst Pusby
teiian ihuich was held j esterday In
the lectuie room ot the chuich on
Washington avenue. The Young La
dles' society of the chuich had charge
of the alfalr and those who weie dele
gated by the society to act as an execu
tive committee weie: Mis. H. Buik,
Miss, May Coursen und Miss Caio Dick
son. They weie assisted by Mis. A. H.
Courben, Mis. Heniy Down, Mis. James
Men ill, Mrs Busliuell, Mis. James Mc
Leod, Miss Hannah Deacon, Mis. H. X.
Logan, Mis. John Rlehaids, Miss Em
ma Matthews, Miss Nettle Coleman,
Miss Grace Kingsbury, Mrs. Fianl:
Bdiker, Mis. Melvln Coibett, Miss
Spoeil, Mis. Fred Piatt, Mis. Charles
Weston, Mis. La Rue, Miss Jessie Cour
sen, Mlfcs Lucy Wells, Miss Anna Rus
sell, Mls Lllllo Whltlock, Miss Alice
Baiker, and the Ms3es nmmallne and
Claia Richmond; the Misses Scianton
and Vlckeiy.
There weio eight tables spread In the
lectuie loom and the dccoiations con
slhtici of potted plants nnd beveral tings
which weio gtncefully draped about
the loom, giving the decoiations a pat
iiotlc aspect. Dinner was, served fiom
1 until '1 o'cloik at noon and supper
fiom C until S o'clock.
.Served Lust Night in College Hull b)
Ladies of Cathcdiiil Palish.
A supper was solved to over 1200
pei sons In College hall on Wyoming
avt nue last night by the Ladles' Aux
illaiv of tho St. Vincent Uv Paul's
society ot the Catltedial parish. The
laige hall wnu decorated with potted
plants, bunting and Hags and a well
executed portinlt of Geoige Washing
ton looked down on the diners fiom
the proscenium urih of the stnge. The
supper was nnanged for by the St.
Mnecnt do Paul society and the pio
ceefls will be used in assisting tho
worthy poor of the city.
From G until 9 o'tloik, tho hours c'ur
Ing which tl.t supper was seivgd, tho
laige hall was thronged with people.
A delegation from the Young Men's
Institute acled as usheis, .Supper will
be seived asain tonight between the
same houis and nrtungenionls will bo
made to entertain equally us Urge a
numbei of peisons.
Nay Aug Paik Colliery, Egg, Stove
and Chestnut, ?2.G0, delivered. Tele
phone 5712.
. -
'1 o Cnro n Cold in Olio Day.
Take laxative Bromo Qulnino Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money If It
fuils to cure. 25 cents
Suburban News
So Genera!
south smu.
Company A, a military branch of tho
Patriotic Order Sons ot Amerlcn, cele
brated Its third nnnhctsary In n very en
Joyablo nmtuiir In Gel mania hall Inst
evening. The hall was crowded to tho
doors. Tho wulls and celling were beau
tifully decorated with red, white and blue
Hags and bunting. At 8 SO tho following
delightful ptogiammo was commanced.
Piano solo Professor Salt
Opening address . .. Captain James Molr
Hatltono solo, "Tho Vagabond,"
J. W. Jones
Piescntntlon speech Joshhi Thomas
Speech ot ncccptunco Jacob Miller
Duet, tenor and bass,
Messis. Jones and Uvann
Dilll Muster Robert Mantz
Recitation .....Miss Schuman
Comic tecltatlon Ptofc'sor Knil Weber
Selection . .Hnjdn linnjo and Glee club
Aftct piece, "Tho Haunted House,"
Jones, Killtiman and Jones
The chlif event of the evening whs tho
pteseiitntlons of photographs of tho Patri
otic guaids and Patriotic Ordet Sons of
Ameiicti Di urn corps, of Camp 430, Patrio
tic Otdet Sons of Amotion. Aftir the
entertainment a social wns given until
nn earlj hour this morning. Music was
furnished 1 Piofessor Suft.
At Nnttcr's hall, on Alder stieet, Inst
night the Sernnton Saengerrundo gtivu
their sixteenth annual masquerade ball.
Thu bull room was uttlstlcally decorated
with national ioIois, in honoi of tho da,
among which weie dlsplujed the many
emblems nnd mottoes of thu soclutj. The
decorations weie designed and executed
b Al llnbeistioh The costumes weto se.
leetd fiom a very extensive scope, lung
ing evil whole fiom the ludicrous nail
lldletdous to the costly and beautltul. At
8 15 the programme began v.lth a grand
match, oftet which thero were twenty
(lvp dunces. The following mimbeis com
piled tho committee: Mnstcis of cere
monies, John .Vials and Piofessor G.
Schmidt, lloor committee, Hcrthold
Schodt and Rtelurd Zulegci ; lommlttce
of ut rangements, Philip Grafl, Fred
Kluhoff, John IT Scbwenker, John Sim
ons, Lotenz Habtrstioh, Wllllnm lluusch
mnn, Peter Zang, Alfred Gutholnz, John
Sehloedcl and George Feline Music was
furnished by Liwrence's orchestra.
Tho Welcome Social club at their meet
ing Sundny afternoon completed nnntige
ments foi their enteitalnmont and social
whlo will be Held ill Calico's hall Fri
day c 'ng, Feb. 2fl.
Thomas -mnell, who spent Sunday at
his home, on 'mey avenue, re tut tied j cs
tttday af In not, to his studies In East
Stioudsburg State Noimal school.
Hotmail Kelfei, of Carbonado, spent
Sunday with his patents at their home,
on Riook stieet
Wo laundry stiff collars with soft button
holes. Ciystal Lnundrj "
Hon. A T. Council, nfter a short visit
at his home, on Bieck street, jesteida
morning left for Philadelphia to attend
the banquet given In honor of Senatoi
elect Pentose
The St. "Vint j 's Glee nnd Dramatic club
will celibiate their sixth anniversary in
St Maij's hall tomonovv evening.
Tha St. Alo sins' Total Abstinence nnd
Benevolent societj will run a ball In
Music hall tomonow night.
C T. Roland, of I'lttstou avenue, and
Mi. McGlnncbs, ot Irving avenue, made a
shott visit yestetdny with their daugh
ters Mamie and Nellie In East Strouds
burg State Notmal school
Choice cut lloweis and (lower designs
at Palmit S. McDonald's, 541 Spruce.
In tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Sadler last evening the blithday of Wash
ington was celebtatid b a Geoige and
Maltha Washington tea pattj. A unique
progtammo that began b tho pajlng of
a pound package of tea for admission,
was lendited dining the evening. In the
loom that was st led "tho Geoige and
Maltha teccptlon pit lot," tho guests
weie received bj Miss Frances Wlnton,
who acted as Mis. Washington, while
Clink Guild impetsonatid "tho Fathei of
his cotintij." They weie abslstcd in ic
celvlng b tho Misses Helen Hutlbutt,
Matgatet Rentier Grace Sllkmin, Floi
ence Sllkmnn, nnd Claudia Williams. Re
freshments served, a la Mount Vol non,
weie presided over bj Mrs. C II. Schai.n,
Mrs. Sldne Henvvood and Mis. Thomas
Shotten A Colonial cabinet of pictures
wits in chat go of Mis. II. S. Alsvvoith,
Mrj. H. i:. Gilllln, Mis. C. II. Von Stoich,
Mis. C. J Gillespie and Mrs. N P Oster
hout. ,Tho Misses Geitrude, Bessie nnd
Maud Williams suipervlsed what was
called "Laf-a(quest)ette, and Frappe, a
la Mount Vet non, was served by Julian
and Miss Minnie Morss. The candy was
In chaige of Mis William Andcisou, and
the committee on entettalnment consisted
of Mis. B. S Jackson, Mrs. H. R. Hutl
butt, Mis. J. R Peck and Mrs. T. S. Moi
The Friends of George Washington held
an entet talsment In Company 11 aimory
last evening and after the lendltlon of a
veiy pleasing programme, dinclng was
enjojed to a late houi. Music was lui
nlbhed by tho Cltteen's band. .1. A. Jones
gave an addtess on "The American Flag,"
which was followed by a solo by Mrs. D
D. Grieves and selections b the Apodo
Banjo, Mandoline nnd Gultm ilub. Among
the other members on tho proginmmo
weie a bass solo by Phil Thomas, a reci
tation by Ma Slmms, a comic song by J.
C. Thomas, an nciobatlc ehIbltlon, mu
sic bj the Abbott brothets, a solo b Mls.3
Rosa Claik, a vocal duet by Misses Smith
and Bdvvards, a comic sketch by the Apol
lo club. The litter pait of the piogtammo
consisted of a tecltatlon by Lulu Slmms,
a vocal duet by Messis. Butlei and Thom
as, a piano solo by Georgo Ciossln, a solo
b Beattlce Andtevvs, a selection b the
Bllto quartette and a solo and tubleau
bj Miss Nelllo Thomas.
Mr. und Mis. Byron Wlnton, of West
Market stieet, who have been visiting In
New Yotk, have leturned homo.
Rev. Ntwman Matthews was In New
Yoik Sunduj.
Mis. Blown nnd daughter, Hattle, of
rails, Pa., have t etui tied home nftei hav
ing been the guests of Mis Lehrn, of
Debiwato stieet
Mis. W. II. Wright, of Monscy avenue,
Is tho guest of ielatles In Davenpoit,
N. Y.
Miss Hannah Cnrr, of Green Ridge, Is
visiting nlntlves In Nicholson.
Mis John Robinson, of William street,
entei tnlned her niece, Miss Bell Winkle,
of Plttston, Sundnj.
Garlleld lodge, Loyal Knights of Ameri
ca, holds a banquet In Its looms this ev
ening. Major and Mrs. J, B. Fish, of Noith
Main nvonue, ate entet talnlng Miss Mol
lis,, of Plttston.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Dtm
moio Methodist Rplsiopal churih will
glvo a soelul on Wednesdaj evening, nt
the homo of Mis I'etci Selgle, at No. C,
cottier ot Rim and Butlei stints. A bhou
piogiamme will bo rendeted coiiblstlnj ot
music, leiitatlous and reading. An en
Joyuble tlmu is expected. All will bo
Tho ono bundled and slt-llfth annl
vcrsutj ot the blith of Geotgu Washing
ton was celebrated In Dunmoio with
gteat Joy and festivity. The national col
ors lloated fiom many a Hag stuff and
tho whole town seemed to bo lull of gale
t. In tho evening several obseivanci-s
of thu duy weio held. Tho St Agnes'
Guild of St. Mark's chuich held a Martha
Washington social, the membets of tho
society bilng attired In old Colonial cos
tumes The affair was lurgely atti tided
desplto thu Inclement weathei
The Lojal Legion Drum corps held their
llrst annual eutcitaltiment und social in
Uojle's hall. An excellent ptorirummo
was rendered and a pleasant evening vvus
spent by ull, Tho Request ttlbo of Red
Men hold a lib clacking burlesque and
social In Odd Fellows' hull. The pro
ginmmo was well tendered, tho antics
of several of tho participants causing
much merriment.
Miss Hollo Penwatden, of Honesdnlo,
who has been tho guest of Miss Hattle
Jenkins, of Hutler streot, for the pnst few
duvs, has icttirncd homo,
Tho fuiurnl of John Kennedy will be
hold this afternoon, Interment will be
made In tho Ildo Paik Catholic ceme
tery. Mis, Bennett, of Wllkes-Ilnrre, Is thu
guest of Mrs. O. Swnrtr, of Blnkely streot.
Both, to Mr. nnd Mis. Victor Uuisehel.
of Blnkely stieet, n son.
Mi, and Mrs. Jntnes Morrison, of Wnl
ntit street, aro visiting relntlvcs In To
wnmln. Michael Buiko, of Sport Hill, hns re
turned fiom a visit with filends in Wllkes
Bnrto MIsb Tessle Cleiry, of Chestnut street,
Is thu guest of friends In Cnibondnlo.
Mis. Wllllnm Prayer, ot Phllllpsbtiig,
N. J., Is tho guest of Mr. mid Mis. Frank
Stevens, of Green Rldgo street.
Tho heavy lain mused considerable
dntnngo last night In several Instnncs
tho sewuis beenmo blocked nnd the vvnlu
(lowed down upon tho Identities and en
tered cellars ot vuitous houses.
GU1J.N kidgi:.
The Young Men's ilub of the Church of
the Good Shepheid, Green Ridge, success
fully conductid n supper In tho church
guild rooms hist evening
The Intelligence reached Bkiomsburg
Saturduy that Associate Judge Mordccnl
Mlllurd, who was stilcken with a second
sttoke of pataljsls Frlduj morning, died
Saturday morning, not having regained
consclouHiifhs since shottly nf tt i tho
stioke. The decenscd was boin In Center
township, Columbia couittj, In a house
standing on the site of his present home,
Apill 7, 1S31 He was man led Dec 1, 1S5-',
to Suiah J Ilotfinun. To them weie born
nine children, ot whom four nrr living,
Wllllnm H, Annie R , Muiy I, nt home,
and Btnest S. of Nnnllcoke In lSfi7 Mr
Allllatd received the nomination ot the
Demociatlc p u tj foi sheilfl, was elected
and temoved fiom bis farm to Blooms
btitg whole ho icslded during his term of
olllcc At the oxpltatlon ot his tonn ho
was appointed stewnrd of the Rlooms
burg State Not mat school and served one
year. Later ho was appointed dooi -keeper
of the state senate fot the session ot
1S71-72 In 1ST" he moved bnck to his farm
and had since conducted It In Novcm
bei, 1890, he wns elected associite judge
of Columbia countj, tot a term of five
cnrs, and In November, 1S03, wns re
elected for a second tem
Dr. B. K. Mott, a former resident of
this cltj, died jestcidny moinlng at his
homo, In Chestet Ho was a son ot Rev.
W. K Mott, one of the Hist Baptist cler
gymen In this part ot the state and a
brother of Smith 11 Mott, of this city
Dr Mott was horn 111 Hjdo Park Mftj-sK
yeais ngo When a joutig man he went
to studj medicine at Jeffpison Medical
college, Philadelphia Upon his gradu itlon
he began an active and luciatlve piactke
In Chestet, neat Philadelphia, vvheie hu
lemalned till his do'ith jesteulay. lie
was unmairied His remains will he
brought to this citv for burial. The ftt
nctal will take place from the home of
his brother. Smith B Mott, 142 South
Mnln avenue, Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Services will be held at the Mott
teddmee, and Intel ment In Foi est Hill
ecmeteij .
James Nelson, a well-known nnd highly
lespected citlen of Cottnge stieet, Car
bondnle, died estotday moinlng at 5
o'clock aftei an Illness of ono week Mr.
Nelson was a native of Ireland and was
58 ears of nge He came to this countrv
tvvent) -eight jenis ngo Ho was a devout
membei of the Catholic chinch and an
active member of the Catholic Knights of
America. He is suivlved b his wife, sK
sons and four daughtets, n imul : Annie,
Wlnnefred, Alice and Lizzie Tho sons
aie Thomas, James, John, Michael, Bu
geno and Petoi. He is also suivlved bj
ono sister, Mrs. Maij Mollltt, of St Paul,
Minn. The funoral will be held on Wed
nesday nfteinoon nt 1 o'clock. Interment
In St. Rose's cemeteiy.
Mrs. Harlet Dolon, wife of John C. Do
lon, one of tho most prominent residents
of Mauch Chunk, died Satutdaj morning
at the Dolon home, after an Illness ot
about a month, due to neuialgla of the
heait with a complication of other dis
eases Mis. Dolon wns a daughter of the
late Edward A Douglas, the supeilntend
ont and englneei of tho Lehigh Coal and
Navigation company's works fiom IS 13
until his death In 1S59. She was boin on
June 12, ISIS, at Windsor Locks, Conn ,
and was mauled to Mi. Dolon on Oct. 7,
1SC3. Tho wife of Judge Allen Ctalg Is
her sister. Mis. Dolon was a vei eem
platy woman In eveiy l expect. The fu
neral was held estetda
On Saturday night Mis. Mleh-vol White,
of South Terrace stieet, Caibondale, was
called awaj. Her death was sudden and
unexpected. She was not thought to ho
seilouslj 111, but sulfeied fiom a mild at
tack of the gilp. Mis. White was born
In Honesdalo thlrt-two years ago, but
hns teslded for man) ears in Carbon
dale A husband and the little ihildren
mourn her loss. She Is survived bv her
father, Joseph Holtzmastei, two sisters
and three biotheis. The funeral was at
tended yestetduj afternoon fiom St.
Rose s church.
Tiank Stelkey, who has been con
llned In tho Moses Taj lor hospital for
tho past threo months with liver com
plaint, died In that Institution jesteiuuy
afternoon at 1 o'clock. Ills wife and a
sister were with him, at the timo of his
demise. Tho deceased was about 23 eats
of age and foi met 1 teslded on South
Washington avenue His temnlns were
taken to his foi met home luter In the
Miss Tannlo N, Tenguo died Sundaj ev
ening at tho homo of her mother, No IIS
North Gailleld avenue. She was 23 eais
of age and her life has been devoted to
Chtlstlan principles She was an earnest
member of tho Scranton Stieet Baptist
church. The will bo held Wed
nesday morning nt 10 o'clock. Intel ment
will be made In Washburn Stieet ceme
teiy. John Kennedy died yesterday morning
nt tho homu of his soii-ln-luw, Thomas
J. Jordan, of Dunmoio, who is connnti 1
with Alduiman Mllhn's Eighth wind
cottit. Mi. Kennedj wns HI onlj a few
hours and death Is thought to have been
caused by upoplesy. Deceased was 41
ears of age, and wns onu of Dunmoie's
most highly tespeoted citizens
John Tleiney, nged CO eats, died Sun
da at his home, ulj Flist streit. The
f uncial will take place Tuc-daj moinlng
at 9 o'clock fiom tho lesldence A te
qulem mass will bo celebinted at St, I'et
ci 's cethi drul, and lnteiment will bu
mudo In Hdo Park Catholic lemetery.
Mrs. Joanna Chollet died at tho homo
of hit daughtei, Mis. Charles Bobbins,
of 712 Madison avenue, Stindn) afternoon
On Widnesday moinlng at 10 SO tho tu
norol sei vices will bu hild nt the Robblns
iisldonce. Intel ment will be pilvate.
Herman Slmms, aged 5 years, son of
Mi. and Mrs. Ilatiy Slmms, of Piiceburg,
died at his home nt 10 o'clock Sund ly
moinlng. Tho f unci ill will bo held Wed
nibda nfteinoon nt 2 30 o'clock. lntei
ment will bo in Pricebutg cemetet.
Mis. Mnry Ilnnnah died Sunday at tho
home of her daughtoi, Mis Jumes Mt
Coimack, of Clink's Summit nftei a shoit
Illness. The funeial will tuko pluco Wed
nesday moinlng at U o'clock.
Mabel, the 10-eai-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Thomas Horner, of Wilson
Creek, near Forest City died Fihlaj from
dlphtehila The funeiul took place Sun
duj and was pi hate
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
i '
is tho original mid only FIIUNOII,
uafo and rollnblu euro on tliu mar.
c-lcit. Price. $1.00; sent by moil
Uinuiiio solu onl by
VV'm. a. Clark, 326 I'enn A Scranton, Pa.
It Is n well-known fact that the uso of
occupies tho Sjstem that attacks of DIS
Tho OFFICIAL Statl-dlcs of Germany
piove that peisons Using IIOMOBOPA
TlIIC RB.VtBDIF.S Iho on nn average of
rvvjj.NTl YBARS LONGER thnn thoso
Surfcrers from Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Cntnrrlt, Asthnn, Djnpopniii, Kidney
Disease, Ilaidness or Ilenilng, Acute C'n
Pllluty llioncliltlx, Diseases of thu Eye,
UHnorj Disease, Piles, Lumbago, Fe
male Diseases, Coughs, Colds, Grippe nnd
Pnialysls mo constantly explesslng their
hcaitlelt gtntltudo for tho miraculous cure
of these illsoase.
Mr3. Glcttson, 21S Linden St., sajs- Mv
btnj (I months old) wis veiy sick, could
scutceb breathe. Tho doctor called It
Caplllnij Hionililtls nnd piotiounced It
seilous. Took Thurlow A!) and A15. and
in a uvv days wits thoioiighlj cured
Mr. W L. King, 312 Mulberry street,
Sernnton, nys. "I wns suffering with my
ojes, nnd wns under the euro of a tesi
detit phjhlilau sl mouths, ho llmillv hint
mo to an EYI1 SPBCIALIST. 1 still grew
wotse 1 then went under treatment nt
and was cut id In ten das "
If you send a POSTAL CARD to
a PIUSICIAN will bo sent to attend you
until cured. Ids setvlces will cost jou
The Medicines nte mostlj 23 cents.
EXAMINATION FREB at the olllcc.
Sill i CII1ELI
At Our New mul
Klcgant StorcruutUi
Coal exchange, Opp, Uote Jermjn.
"Old firm in new sulTouiul
inns," lil.u tin ulil 'Stottu in new
settings," shines more brilliant
t nu over, and ".shines for all."
Diamonds, Fine Jewlory,
Watclios, Silverware,
Silver novelties,
Rich Cut Glass, Clocks,
Fine Leather Goods,
Opera Glasses.
When you see our Net Prices
you will ask for No Discount. All
Are Welcome.
531 Linden., Opp. Court Hous:,
Solo Accnts for Richardson Boynton's
Turnaces and Raugos.
rx Monday Afternoon, pCR OT
Monduy Uv cuing, ' i-'1-' "'
Guaranteed one of the most t-njoj utile p:r-
formunces ever given In Scranton.
Acconipllshod comedlin, nnd a competent
compunv, in Edward Owluya Towno's 3-aet
legitimate comedy,
This company appeared In Read
ing Fib 3 to the gieat delight ot a
verj hileit, dletlmlnatlng uudl
encu of hJl piifcous It Is a legiti
mate eoiiud) (not a taree comedy.
No singing No dancing ) Clean
In Its Urns and situations. A thor-
oughl tujojablu entuttaliinient.
A John D. Mlshlei.
No Advance In Prices Qnllery 15e: balcony
Sj-Soo; uichi.-stinaliLlu 5ic: pii or ihitis mil
orcliostinTjc Matinee first'orvi'd
scats r0c, balcony, ieorvml si-ats "iic; chil
dren, icscrved sujts nnynliori) -je.
-ri- Two Lvsnlngsol Troa
Tho Talented Actor,
! Traaedj.
Elihu R. Spencer
A Large, Clever Company.
Each play dtagod olaboiatol rb to lostumo
and scouerj.
WedniBday, Peb a, Merchant of Venice.
Thursday I'eb 23, Othello
Toi tho flrbt tlmo in biranton, a strictly flist
class prodni tlnn of tiles i plavs nt tile I'EO
ll.C's PUICI S-'Jallery, 15c; ilalconv, 25c,
.vsci Orchestra ClrcU, 50c; Parlor C lairs und
o'rclRHtra, 75c,
-rv riUUAY, PC,
Strange lui True.
By roinpo out judjea eousldorod tho
In NumboM, in Origlnalltv, In Brilliancy,
This Compvnv will havo nn nudloiica tostlng
tho fcoHthm cpuclty of tha Academy, and
therefore poinoiis cuu blaino tliumsoU 09 only.
If tliey dohiy buying sea ti until tho ivoiihnt of
the pel foi malice, ivlion tl'cy nmv lltid seats
nil sold Oilier), 15c; ltulcon), a.c, 3;ci
Orchestra Circle, 50c; Parlor Chairs and
Orchestra, 75c,
iHLiHlIu MilM
'vG3 ii3 ITl w3 EH I I
124-126 Wyoming Ava
Our stores arc these days assuming
a new dicss. Htlglit colorings arc to
lie seen on every hand, in our Silk
Department, in our Dress Goods dc
naituicnt, in our Department for
Laces and Cmbioiderles in fact, cv
ctwuete. Delicate shades and text
uics indicate the arrival of a season
that has had no precedent for beauti
ful ci cations and artistic designs.
Dress Goods and Silks.
10 nieces new sjnlng dress goods In dia
mond and square checks, in the very
latest weave, leal vuluo C3c. ACn
Our Price . . ... 'rVC
We have leeched In the last few days
omo veiy handsome spilng dress goods
that wo hivo on sale at 10c, C9c , 09c.
nnd USc. They oru tho most sightly
good3 we have evet seen fot the price.
One lot plain and bioeaded ha.ciAn n
silks, 7.11 grndo Our price ...y2U
vv 111 show on some exceptional values In
black biocnded silks at u'Jc, (,'Jc. und 9Sc.
Just received 73 dress patterns of exclu
sive stjles In Fouhud silks: our price
S9c and OSc.
Embroideries, Luces, Etc.
Thousands ot jnrds of svvlss. nalnsoolc
and cambilc edgings and Insulting, both
In plain and lilsh point effects at
Leader's prices,
Shirt Waist Department.
Our llrst shipment of the famous Stan
ley waists compilsed no less than 100
dozen. All of this lot have the Flor
ette waist adjuster and skirt hanger.
Newest designs, all eluidcs, dctachaUu
collats, sl?es 32 to 14, worth $1 00, havo
been placed on bale at the uniform price
of 19c.
Gloila Waists, plain black detachable
coll us, tut tied ovei cults, cheup fi1 OK
at $200, will be retailed at . vpli10
Persian lawn waists, navy nnd white,
black anil white, detachable collar,
tiiined-over cuffs, could uaslly On
be old nt ?1 23, will go at ... O'1'
Persian Percale waists, mudu substantial
ly us above, In nav and whlto and
blick nnd white, sizes 32 to 41, worth
tl 00 Each have been placed AOr
on sale at ... t"
Fancj silk waists, beautiful creations,
newest "hades, detachable velvet col
lars, tinned-over velvet cults, frl) QQ
cheap at $100, juur choice at . vpiUO
Ladies' Underwear Special.
Ono lot ladles' ribbed vests In white and
ecru, low neck, no sleeves; 1 TJ
worth 2"c. Our prlco ,2u
Ono lot ladles' lino thread vests, low
neck, no sleeves In white nnd 1 Of"
ecru, cheap at 3Jc. Oui price.. s
Ladies' Separate Skirts.
One lot figured brllllantlne skirts, llnec1
throughout, velveteen bound. Qfi
Our price
Ono lot ladles' figured brllllantlne skirts,
lino quality, all new patterns, M 7Q
worth $2 DO. Our prlco vJMi9
What Sarah Bernhard a-ys
Tuesday. Tcb. 23,
Afternoon and Lvunlng.
In tho Coniody-Drania,
In Dixie's Land
Elegant Costumes,
Catchy Specialties,
and thn marv el of tho century,
Admission 10, 20 or 30 Cents.
For this week only Ladies and
Children Afternoons 10 cunts.
fOOnS I AND 2, COffl'LTH Bl'D'G,
Elcctrio Batterios, Hloctilo KxnloJora. tor as
plodluc; Llusta, b.ifety 1 uso, and
Repauno Chemical Co. '3 uxplomves.
The Tribune
Binds Hagazines or
Re-binds old Books.
1 &) I